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Green Hospital Design: Benefits & Sustainable Practices

Green Hospital
Hospitals utilize more resources and produce more waste materials than most other
commercial buildings of a similar size. Healthcare facilities in the country consume
more than 315 gallons of water per bed every day and an average US
hospital consumes 103.600 Btu of natural gas per square foot annually.
In a typical healthcare centre, lighting, water heating, and space heating account for
more than 65% of the energy consumption. Therefore, it remains essential for the
construction of healthcare facilities to involve incorporation of green designs and
concepts into the process to reduce the impact on the environment, cut down
operational costs, and increase energy efficiency.
A green hospital is one which enhances patient well being,aids in curative process
while utilizing natural resources in an efficient environment friendly manner.
A green hospital is defined as a hospital that has taken the initiative to:
Choose environment friendly site
Utilizes sustainable and efficient designs
Use green building materials and products
Thinks green during the construction process
A green hospital is constructed around a facility that recycles, reuse materials and
reduce waste and produce cleaner air
Reduce Co2 generation.
Benefits of Green hospital
Tangible benefits:
Energy saving-40-50%
Water saving-20-30%
Intangible benefits:
Better indoor ambience
Day lighting& views
How green hospital cures much efficiently:
Research shows patient recovery much faster
Connectivity to environment
Better daylight and views
Better indoor air quality
No sick building syndrome
Increased fresh air ventilation and reduced Co2
Aspects in Green Hospital
Lighting in hospital
Maximize day light
Reduce artificial lighting
Design aspects for lighting
Glazing facades
Translucent skylight with soothing colors
Operable opening to green courtyards
Ledge seating at windows
Indoor Air quality
Indoor air quality is the critical aspect of green hospital to enhance the air quality:
Use indoor species of plants which produces oxygen and reduces indoor
pollutants from air.
Improve fresh air by providing courtyard spaces with adaptive plant species free
from allergic effects.
Garden and landscape
An aesthetic delight that promote wellness of patients in hospital
Studies show that recuperation from stress is faster and complete when patients are
exposed to natural settings than any other form of built environment
Reduced sound production
Indoor chemical contaminant reduction
Pharmaceutical minimization
Regulated medical waste reduction
Environment friendly cleaning
Green hospital in practice