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Lagundi Extract as Dog Tick Repellent: A Research Study

Lagundi (Vitex Negundo Linn) Extract as Dog Tick Repellent
Ticks are relatively little blood-feeding insects. They are around the size of a pencil eraser
in most instances, but they may be as little as a pinhead in some cases. Ticks can also be
independent insects with eight legs. Arachnids are creatures with traits comparable to those of
spiders. There are numerous colors of ticks, including black, brown, and reddish-brown kinds. As
a result of feasting on an increasing amount of blood, ticks continue to expand in size. Ticks may
reach the size of a marble at their largest, though this is not always the case (Holland et al., 2022)
Bites from ticks, commonly known as tick bites, either leave no effects or cause infections
on the host. It infects both humans and animals, leaving bacteria, viruses, protozoans that may,
later on, cause diseases such as Lyme Disease, Tularemia, Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted
fever, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Powassan virus, tick paralysis, spotted fever, relapsing fever, and
heartland virus (Cleveland Clinic Medical Professional, 2022).
In the Philippines, the most prevalent type of tick is Rhipicephalus sanguineus or generally
termed “garapata.” These ticks are found on dogs. However, they do not only bite dogs but humans
(Carlos, 2018). As ticks live commonly on dogs, they are prevalent in the Philippines, considering
there are approximately 10.8 million dogs in the Philippines, of which many are strays, in 2020
alone (Marquez et al., 2021).
Hence, providing products that would help prevent tick bites would be helpful. This
research paper has found Lagundi Extract as a good alternative for creating a tick repellent spray.
Past studies have been done as to the effectiveness of Lagundi Extract as a repellant for mosquitoes
(Singh et al., 2014) researched the effectiveness of Lagundi Extract against synthetic pyrethroid
resistant Rhipicephalus microplus. The results turned out positive. Thus, this study aims to produce
tick repellant spray utilizing Vitex Negundo Extract.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of lagundi (vitex negundo linn) extract as
dog tick repellent.
Specifically, this study seeks answers to the following questions:
1. What is the best proportion of lagundi as dog tick repellent?
2. What is the effect of lagundi to dog tick after applying?
3. Is vitex negundo tick repellent spray more effective than tick repellents sold
H A: There is a significant difference between vitex negundo extract as dog tick spray and
commercially available tick repellent sprays.
H O: There is no significant difference between vitex negundo extract as dog tick spray
and commercially available tick repellent sprays.
Significance of the Study
This study revealed the effectiveness of lagundi (vitex negundo linn) extract as dog tick
repellent. Furthermore, this study can be beneficial and bring importance to the following:
Dogs. Since they serve as hosts for ticks, this will likely benefit the study. Removing ticks
from their bodies will improve their health.
Dog Owners. Participants in this research project will no longer need to be concerned about
getting tick bites because they will be able to spray the tick repellent directly on their skin.
Community. This product will likely benefit this research involving a large population of
dogs because it will prevent ticks from adhering to their skin.
Veterinaries. Daily dog and cat caretakers will also benefit from this research, as they are
responsible for their care daily. It will protect them from tick bites and diseases transmitted by tick
Health Sector. This study of high tick-borne disease statistics is conducted annually in the
Philippines. By providing this product, the health sector will be able to allocate a budget to other
prevalent health issues.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The general purpose of this study focuses on the production of a tick repellent spray derived
from vitex negundo (lagundi). It determined whether Vitex Negundo contained tick-repelling
properties, allowing the development of an effective tick repellent spray. In addition, the study
compared whether Vitex Negundo extract is more effective than commercially available tick
repellent sprays. The research design of this study is experimental, as it employs experiments in
the production of the tick repellent spray containing Vitex Negundo. Additionally, the controlled
group consists of those on whom the finished product will be tested for its efficacy through
experimentation or application. In addition, another group of products, commercially available tick
repellents, will be evaluated. Consequently, the outcomes of using both products will be compared
to conclude. This study will be conducted at (name of school) and aims to finish in the School
Year 2022-2023.