I f TRIBHLTVAI.{ UNIVERS ITY fNS TiTUTb, CIF EN GINEER"nVG Exarmimatiom Ccratr<iE Divisiom 2$74 Ashwin ;;;;;;"ffi ,':1kH:;ffk:ffiI*'triJ*il;;;;ffi ;:-{ / / Attempt All questions. Thefigures in the margin indicate FulLIVIarks. Assume suitable data if necessary. 1. Distinguish between Raster and Vector graphics methods. When do we prefer them? 2. Digitize the line with end points A(20,10) and B(30,18) using Bresenham algorithm. 3. Clip the line P1P2 with Pl(-5,3) and P2(15,9) with clip window having diagonal coordinate (0,0) and (10,10) using Liang-Barskey line clipping method, 4. i5l l1 0j t8l Explain the steps required to rotate an object in 3D about a line which is not parallel to any one coordinate axis. tl0j 5. How Geometric tables are used to represent a 3D object? Explain with example. Give rol conditions to generate error free table. Z U, Explain properties control points "| (l,l), LOJ if Bezier curve. Find the coordinate at u = 0.2 with respect to the (4,6) (8,-3) and {12,2) using Bezier function. t8l Differentiate irnage space and object space method for visible surface determination. Explain scanline method to determine visiblE surface of object. [a+4] 8. (1{),i0,1) (1,1 0, I ) {I ,5,0) (1,1,-1) 10,1,1) : Find out intensity of iight reflccted from the midpoint p on scan iine y 3 in the *bove given figur* using Gcwaud shading rnodel. Consi<ier a single po'int light source located at positive infinity on Z-axis amd. assuine vector to the eye as (1,1,1). Given d = 0, K * l, Iu - l, Ir * 10, Ks:2, Ka: Kel:0.8 for use in a simple illumination rnodel. 9. What is OpenGL? Explain Callback Funetion. ff 5i< 5F u21 14+21 -l 24 Exarn. TRIBHUVAN UNI\ERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING LeVel Examination Control Division 2074 Chaitra BE i Programme BEX, BCT m/r Year / Part Full Ularks 80 Marks Time )L Pass i nfs. Swbject: - Co ,/ "/ '/' ,/ 1. 2. a 4. 5" Canrlidates are required Attern;st Ail questions. t* give their ansrvers in their olvn words as far as practicabie. figttres in the margin indicrtte Full Murks. ,4-csume suitable data iJ'necessart*. The What dq: you understancl by raster display technology'l Suppose a RGB raster s5'stem is to be designed using an 8 irrch by 10 inch screen ra'ith a resolution of 100 pixeis per inch in eacir direction. How long wouki it take to load this raster system in frame buffer u,'ith 24 bits per pixei, if 10s bits can be transferred per seconcl? Horv decision parameters ean be used to drarv circle? Calculate the points to drau'a circle [4+6] having radious 5 and oenter as 1'10, 5). Explain Sutherland-Cohen clippirrg algorittun wittr an example. t8j Find the coordinate at U : 0.25, U : 0.5, and U : 0.75 with respect tqr the controi pcints (2. 10), (6,2A), 02, 5) and (16, i5) using Bezier function. And plot Bezier orirve with your catrculated coordinates. [6+2] Describe 3*D viewing pipelining. Derive the transfbr:nation matrix for prespective projectlon. 6. 7. [6+6] How the geometric anri attribute inforrnation of a 3-D objects are stored for the representation? Explain rvitlr examples. obrjeet I5.l What are the consideration factors to choose the Visible Surface l)etection Algorithm? V/hat are the two classes of visible surface detection teehniques, expiain? What is limitation of Z-Buffbr rnettrod? Ilow does A-Buffer rnethod overcome it, Explain? L Develop a phong illumination model. Show how-this model is used for rendering -ohading. function with example in openGl. deriving of expression for phong 9. t6l Explain callback *t* [12] hy [6+8] l-5] Ii*;:----- TRIBHUVAN TINIVERSITY Examination Control Division Ii-iip.og.urr*" 2073 Shrawan 1l Subjec i vgTl_p11! New Back (o,066 & Later Batch) i BEx, ect .I[ l! pompul._e1 p_rapLricg i p;* Mr;k -T;.--- ,Ii-" : : l,i'. 1 i (nx!-w/ '/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ,/ Attempt All questions. ,/ TheJigures in the margin indicate Full Marks. y' Assume suitable data if necessary. systems. 2. Derive and write midpoint algorithm for drawing a circle. 1. Differentiate between vector and raster scan t4] [5+5] 3. What are the different steps of two dimensional world to screen viewing transformation? Describe with matrix representation at each steps. t5] 4. Obtain the end points of the line that connects P1(0,120) and P2(130,5) after cohensutheland clipping. The clip window has the following parameters. t5l Xo*in = 0, yo.in 5. Describe parallel 6. 7. :0, xcD_* :150 and yro_o :100 three dimensional viewing pipelining. Derive the transformation matrix for projection. [4+6] Explain about parametric cubic curve? What is a Bezier Curve? Explain its properties with examples. [2+6] Explain boundary representation technique to represent three dimensional objects with suitable example. t8l 8. Compare object space method with image space method. Explain, How Back-face detection method is used to detect visible surface. Also explain z-Buffer method. 12+4+4) 9. Define and explain the term ambient appropriate mathematical light, diffuse reflection and specular reflection with expressions. rendering. 11. Explain about Open GL and call back functions. 10. Explain the method of Phong shading for polygon {. {< {< t7) 17) t6l 34 TRIBHUVAN TINIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERTNG Examination Control Division 2073 Chaitra Year/Part :lll/l Subject: - Computer Graphics (8X603) Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practieable. Attempt All questions. The.{igures in [he ntargin inc{it:ute Full Marks. A s sume s uitabl e c/atu i{ n ec e.,e,t./1'},. 1. 2. 3. 4. Calculate the size of frame buffer required to store a 640x480 B and W video of length 5 minutes without compression. t4] Discuss the Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) line elrawing algorithrn in detail" Also give its advantages and disadvantages. [S+4J A triangle A (15, 20), B (20, 30) and C (30, 20) lies inside a winclow (10, 10), (40, 50). Find the final image of this triangle after transforming into the viewport (0, 0), {20, 2q. Show all transformation steps. t8] Briefly explain various projections? Find the new coordinates of a unit cube 90o rotated about an axis def,rned by its endpoints A (2,i,0) and B (3,3,1). [3+7] 5" Explain vertex, edge and surface table using a suitable example. What are the guidelines to generate error free table? l5+5] 6. Explain about parametric Cubic curve? What is Bezier curve? Explain 7, Disouss back face removal algorithm? Describe its limitation. 8. Compare Gouraud shading and phong's shading in detail. 9. Why Open GL required? Explain call back function. *** its properties. l,_2+3+47 , [B+2] [g] t8l TRIBHUVAN TINIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Exarnination Control Division I}K]X. tsCT Z0T2Karti,6. Swbiec| ; Campuler Graphic-s (EX!!l) Candidates iu"e requireil to give their answers in theil own wr;rds as far as practicable. Attempt AEquestions. The "figures in the rnargin indicate {yltr!4$rk " As xmte suil.able data if' neces sary. 1. Derive the Bresenham's decision paranlste to draw a iine moving frorn ietl tc right ancl having negative slope. State the condition to identif,r you are ir ttre seeond regicrn of the ellipse using rnid point algorithm. [8+2] 2. Write dorryn the eonrlition for point clipping. Find the clipperi region in winilow of (i00,100) (10,10) diagonal vertex ancl f,rr line Pr (5,120) and P: (80,7) using I-iang-tsarsky line clipping rnethad" 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. [2+8] Find the transfq:rrmation matrix the transfcr:r:as that rectangle ABCD r,vhose ceirter is at (4,2) is reduced to half of its size, the center wili remaiu sarrte.'Ihe co-ordinate of ABCL) are A(0,0), B(0,4), C(8"4) and D(8,0). Find Coordinate of ne'*", squaro. Also derive the transfomration matrix ier convert this rectangle to square, List out the properties of Bezier clrrl'e. What is order cf cortiuuity? ltlj Explain the significa.nce i:f spatial r-:rientation of a sr;rfuce and pol;vgon tatrles. Explain with exarnple. i8j Ccmpare Z-buffer and A-Euffbr algorithm. Also write algoritlun to find r.isible surfaces using s*rn-line method. [10] Expiain the general illurnination rnodel" Fior,v tiris rnadel is usecl tbr renderirrg by using shading. Write short notes on: ai Raster scan displa_v gouroud 8. Explain. [10] b) [7+7] [5+5] OpenGL **i€ TRIBHUVAN TINIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2072 Chaitra $ub-ie_ct1 Regular Exam. Level BE Programme BEX, BCT Year /Part fit pompgler G*raphics lI Full Marks Pass Marks Time ',: 80 32 3 hrs. ( (EX6 03) Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt All questions. Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks Assume suitable data if necessary. technologies? 1. What are the differences between random and raster display 2. How do you apply symmetry concept while drawing circle? Calculate the point in the circumferences of the circle having radius 8 unit and center at (-5, 10) using midpoint circle 14] algorithm. [2+g] What are the conditions for a point ctipping? Find the clipped region of the line with endpoins (5, 130) and (50, 5) in a rectangular window *itr, tto, l0) and (100, 100) diagonal vertices using cohen-sutherland line clipping algorithm. 4. I10l What is 3D Shearing? Write its matrix representation. A unit length cube with diagonal passing through (0,0,0) and (1,1,1) is sheared with respectto yi place with the shear constants :2 in both direct'ions. Obtain the coordinates oiall the corners of the cube after shearing. [2+8] Explain about parametric cubic curves. What do you mean by Bezier Curve? Explain the properties of Bezier curves. l2+2+41 6. Expla,in how the geometric and attribute information of a three dimensional objects are stored for the object representation? What are the conditions for error free generation of polygon table? 5. 14+41 7. Outline the Z buffer algorithm. List the advantages and disadvantages of the z-buffer algorithm. 8. 9. 16+2+21 Explain about different types of lighting sources and how these light sources affect the illumination model? Explain about the intensity interpolation surfaci rendering technique by highlighting its pro and cons. Also give example alout phong illuminations}odel. [3+5+6] why GLUT is implemented in openGl-? what are the applications of openGl? 12+41 *** - /* .r:"r*r ; -:ae'@W,.ER-SITy,,-".p !-- : . INSTITUTE OF ENGTNEERTNG Exarnination Control Division _:. :. . 207I Shawan - Cgrypgtg!9ryphf. s (EX6Q 3) Thefigures in the margi* indicate Full IVIarks. Assume suitable data if necessary. t. C-onsider a raster scan system having 12 ineh by 10 inch screen with a resolution of 100 pixels per inch in each-direction. lItn" display controller of this system r.n it", tt screen at the rate of 50 frames per second, how many pixels coutd be accessed per second" +. 2. What is scan conversion? Derive the Bresenham's decision pararneter to draw a line with negative slope and lml>l 3. a ^ [2+g] Glen a clipping window A (10, t0), B {4d/4&t, C{40,40) and D(10,40). Using cohen-sutherland line clipping algorithm find region code of each end poinrs of linei PlP2, P3P4 and P5P6 where co-ordinates are Pl (5,15), p2(25,30), p3(15,i5), p4(35,j0), P5(5,8)andP6(40,15).Alsolrndclippediinesusingaboveparameters 4. 5. 6. 8. Perform rotation of a line (10- 10, 10), (20,20, by90 degree. Explain about vector display. l5) about Y-axis in clock wise direction Derive the equation lor cubic Bezier curve. Also write down its [6+4] properties. t8] '' Explain how the 3D object is represented using poll,gon table representation technique? Explain any one technique to calculate the spatial orientation of the individual surface component of 3D objer:t. [4+4] Describe scan line method to f,rnd visible lines with exampte,.. tl0] condition(s) flat shading gives accurate rending? Mention the disadvantage of JJnder.what intensity integpolation technique zurd explain Phong shading with necessary mathematical calcuiation. Explain the diffuse refl.ectionI +6+4] 9. Why GLUT is [3+ implemented in OpenGL? Explain OpenGL syntax ro drarv parallelogram having verticals (0.0,0.0), (1.0,0.0), (1.5, 1.2) and (0.5,1.2). +** a lZ+41 :11:- , I 34 TRIBHUVANUNIVERSITY i-Ed;: INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 207l Chaitra ils;;;; YearlPart ititlt Full Marks 80 32 ILry-"-- Subject: - Computer Graphics (EX603) Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt 4Equestions. Thefigures in the margin indicote FulWIarks. Assume suitable data l. if necessary. Differentiate Random and Raster display technology t4l 2. Compare between DDA and Bresenham's line drawing algorithm. Derive and write mid[10] to the reflection along the X-axis followed by counter clock wise rotation by cr (alpha) Degree. Find the angle cr. u0l ellipse. 3. The reflection along the line y: x is equivalent point algorithm to draw 4. Write rotation matrix in clockwise direction with respect to x-axis, y-axis and z-axis. Rotate the object (0, 0, 0), {2,3,0), (5, 0, 4) about the rotation axis y:4. [3+71 5. Write down properties of Bezier curve. Find equation of Bezier curve whose control points are P0(2,6), Pl(6,8) andP2(9,12). Also find co-ordinate of point at u: 0.8. tl0] 6. Explain boundary representation technique to represent the 3D object with suitable example. How can you find the spatial orientation of a surface? [S+2] Explain z-buffer algorithm along with necessary steps needed to calculate the depth. What is its drawback? tl0l 7. 8. Define the terms: i10j i) Ambient light Lambert cosine law iii) Diffuse reflection iv) Specular reflection ii) Also find eciuation for intensity of point by using Phong illumination model. 9. What is openGl-? Explain callback function. *** l4+2 / - t J\....: i. i -:ji i,1Ei, :. :: Examiuation Controt'Divisio ?O?O A choil . -.::: ' ' il' n L .Sibjbit:'- Comput., G|"phrcs @x603/ 'I .. .. "j' / '/ ',/ words as far as practicable. their answers in their ' : own \ : "e " 'L-''"'1-'r'v '-'= ": :r-. :" : "::et|iiipi\[q:iirii{;fl'i Candidates are reouired to sive ' Thefigures in the margin indicale FutL Marks Assume suitoble data if necessary. iniage to one that is 640 pixels wide with the satne ratio, what would be the height of the resized image? i4l What is the advantage of,Bresenham's aigorithm over DDA algorithm for line drawing? Use Bresenham's algorithm to scan convert a straight line connecting the end points (20, 10) and (30, 18) l3+7) l- I[we want to resize at 1024x768 aspect 2. '{' ::a . 3. Derive the 2D transformation matrix for rotating an object by angle 0 about a pivot point (xr, y,) 4. Obtaiq perspective projection co-ordinates for the pyramid with vertices of base (15, 15:_10}-Qql?qr-rcU (25, 15, I0), (20,'10, 10) and apex (20, 1.5,20); given that Zprp = 20 and 5, Zvp:0. What is the difference between an interpolation spline and an approximate spline curve? Explain how to satisfy Co and Cr continuiry conditions when joining two Bezier curve sections together. 6. Describe with iilustrate how polygon tables may be used to organize geornetric data for polt gon surlaces boundary representation. . I{ow can you calculate depth of pixels and }row it can be used to detect visible surface in 1 :: -,' . tight. Explain the Ph6ng Shading model for pollgon-rendering. i 0. Explain open GL with suitable examples. 1 1. Write short notes on. 8. 9. Derive the total diffuse reflection cquation. including ambient a) 2D translation b) Appiication of 3D transformation c) Dlfference of image space and object space techniqucs t8] t8l t6l t6] l3x2l - 1. , 2. 3. d 1. Howldueh tirne is spent scanning across each raw of pixels during screen refresh on a rastersystem with resolution 1024x768 and a refresh rate of 60 frames per second? t4] Mention the disaclvantages of DDA method. Write the complete Bresenham's line drawiry,,algorithm and using midpoint'circle d.rawing algorithm calcu-late the co-ordinate on the:Erst quadrant of a circle having radius 6 and centr. lZO,t O; [2+4+1j State the conditions of point clipping. Perfcrm clipping operation for.the following'using Liang Barskey line clipping aigotithm: L2+6) Clipping window: Q(min, Ymin) = (2,5) and (Xmin, Ymin) Line:(xl, yl): : (35,50) (-2,2) and (x2,y2): (45,40) 4. Define window and view port. Describe three dimension u'indows to view port transformation with matrix representation for each step. Derive oblique projee[ion matrix with necessary assumptions. [+4+5] 5. DefineHermite lnterpolation in defining a curve. Use it to find the blending function ola parametric cubic curve in 2D gTphtpt 6. Describe polygon. V"rtei?a Edge table of polygon. Hor.v these terms are important in computg-r.,graphics. t1 t8l Describe z-buffer rnethod for visibie surface tietection reeomrnended method that addresses it. 8. 9. Caiculate the L2+61 in aetail. S,* iir limitation and totalintensity using phone secular reflection model by considering [7+3] al1 type of light sources. t8l Compare:md Contract betr.r'een Gouraud and Phong Shading Model. t8l 10. Write short notes on: a) b) {3x2) Call back frrnction Open GL - .-_1, :!_.. --.. , ' Subject: -'Cornp.uter, Graphi:cs (EX 603) : ' . :-i: _ - '' r:''- .':a, 1: .'' [1+3] [8+21 [6]' [4+61 t8l .{ [8] [10]" [4+5] -1" )i. "vditex. 10. WriG shorr notcs on: [z+4) -i. 14xzl f. l J) o '1. i r, Division j ' i. t:. S.ibj ect: : Computer Graphi cs (EX6 0 3) l. nptive decision Barameters for midpoint circle atgorithm assuming the start positio'n as,(r, 0) and points are to be generated along the curve path in counter clock wise order. W[ut is slmmetry 2. Explain the scaling 3. 4. [8+2] two dimensional viewing pipeline. Derive the 2D transformation matrix for with respect to an arbitrary fixed How can you Explain. What properfy? point. [4+6] perform three dimensional rotations of an object about some arbitrary axis? t8l is Geometric table? Construct a Geometric table for considering an object having formed from 6 vertices and 8 edges. '' srrrfaces l:r : 3 [2+6J 5. How can ;'oii .,-ir:,del a curved surface using polygons only,? E,xplain the use of polygon tables for boundary representations. [3+5] 6. What is the difference between object space method and image space method for visible surface determination? Explain the Z-buffer method for visible surface determination. [3+7] 7. 8. 9. Exptain the Phong illumination model for specular reflection. iv) Explain the Gouraud Shading intensity-interpolation scheme for polygon-rendering. Lll Why open GL required? Explain with examples. t6l 10. Write short n6tes on: r'1 9.1 ._ [2x3] a) Applicationvof computer graphics b) Two-point perspective projection ' ri.: **t TRIBHTIVAN I.INIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Examination Control Division 2068 Chaitra Exam. Level Programme Year I Part BE BEX, BCT m/I Regulal' Full Marks Pass Marks Time 80 i/, 3 hrs. Subject: - Computer Graphics (E,X603) ,/ / '/ { 1. 2. A 5. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt 4!! questions. The Jigures in the margin indicate Fail Mstrks. Assume suitable data dnecessary). What is the size of flame buffer required to storc a SVGA with 24 bit true color video of 10 min without compression? algorithrn. tind the composite transformation matrix for reflection about a line y : mx+c. Digitize the endpoint (10, 18), (i5, 8) using Bresenham's Find the new coot'dinates of a unit cube 90"-rotated about an axis defined by its endpoints A(2,1.0) and B(3,3,1). t4] t8] 18] l8l Why 3D graphics is more complex than 2D graphics'? Explain ',vitir the help of viewing pipeline. t8l 6. Explain about parametric cubic curve? $'hat is a Bezier Curve? Explain its properties. [3+3+2] 7. Explain how the geometric and attribute information of a three dimensional objects are stored for the object representatic'n? What are the conditions for error free generation of polygon table? [5+3] 8. Differentiate between image space and object space methods of visible surface detection. Describe A-Buffer method of visible surface detection. [4*6] 9. Explain the Gourad shading for polygon-rendering and cornpare it with phong shading. [8+2] 10. Write short notes on: (any two) laxzl a) Specular Reflection b) Midpoint circle decision parameter c) Application of OpenGL in Computer Graphics {.**