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Seashell Chalk: An Alternative Material Research

Nowadays people are getting use in collecting seashells for fun. Some people also collects seashells and
use it to make things for decorations, accessories and jewelries. But aside from those things, seashells
can also be made into other things.
We are aware that education is the most powerful key to succeed. And we’ll need some facilities
and materials to help us make it easier and clearer. Chalk is a very essential tool in education. It’s main
use is of course, to write the lessons on the black board. In our modern world today we already have
some modernized equipments that are helpful in education, just like whiteboard makers. But we should
remember that not all school uses those kind of equipment. A typical Filipino school environment
employs the traditional teaching method of using chalk and a wooden chalkboard. Along with that,
there are also students and teachers who have allergies in dust especially in using chalk.
So , we the researcher made some trial and errors from different materials to be made into a antiallergic and more durable chalk. Until we found out that seashells can be a best alternative. Invertebrate
animals’ exoskeletons are commonly referred to as seashells. The majority of seashells are found on
beaches, although freshwater animal shells is also possible to be found in a range of settings. Seashells
are known to contain Calcium Carbonate, which also is present in commercial chalks. The researchers
thought of making chalk out of seashells because compared to the commercialized chalk, making a
homemade chalk is a lot cheaper. Making biological chalk out of seashells is not time consuming and it’s
easy to follow the simple steps in making them. Another advantage is that this biological chalk might be
effective as a anti-allergic chalk.