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Ecology, Ethology & Genetics Lecture Notes - Week 13

Week 13
Started with the book – Historical Review (left off pg.281)
Ended the chapter 8
Chapter 9 same era but focuses more on like evolution of ecology and ethology
Parent trait
Sport – mutation have a large effect on phenotype
o Problematic because it is not gradual change
Linear regression
Correlation implies heritability
Offspring Trait
Talked about variance and within population variation vs between . . .
Variation is key to understanding modern . . . .
The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, Fisher Book
Haldane’s 1932 book, The Causes of Evolution,
Ecology  looking at relationships
Similar to Darwin, is looking at competition
Growth conditions best for
o P. caudatum homotypic
o P. aurelia  heterotypic
o They are best adapted to their preferred medium/environment
o Suboptimal growth conditions
Showed the effects of competition for survivorship
Competitive exclusion
Tinbergen and Ethology
Lorenz and they look at the animals much broader than I psychology they were little robots
Lorenz imprinting
He came up with the for question (in book)
He brought in the experimentation into ethology
Observation v Description
o Stuff
o Ultimate Cause
o Proximate Cause
o Talked about instinct and signaling
Survival Value
Week 13
Fitness today
What is the value of having certain stimuli?
 The supernormal stimuli
o Set response versus what is learned
o Looking at the utility of the behavior and not JUST the behavior
o He was such a big I guess advocate for survival value but that others not so much because
well it is hard
o Pg.421-22 just that it is hard, field study is hard
o Development, a mechanistic part
o The Proximate Cause
o What we think of today as Developmental Biology
o How particular structures are ?? and
o The Ultimate Cause
Hello Shania, this is current Vanessa. I apologize for my trash notes, hopefully it is helpful. Highly doubt
but nonetheless, you go this!! The [. . . ] means I didn’t type fast enough/caught what she said
Again sorry, they would have been better if I filled in the blanks but I have been behind on that