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Microbiology Handwashing Scavenger Hunt

Module 1 Microbiology Internet Scavenger
Read the Hand washing article from the CDC Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal and answer
the following questions. This document is posted in the Read and Study section of this module.
When was this article published? (Hint: Check the bottom of the pages) __________________
In the DEFINITIONS Section
What are the two major groups of organisms?
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
What is hand hygiene?
What is hand disinfection?
In the section Hand Hygiene Agents
What agent has excellent activity and the most rapid bactericidal action of all antiseptics?
Which alcohol is the most effective? _________________________________
Which alcohol is the least effective/? _________________________________
After extensive reduction following hand disinfection with an alcohol preparation, how long
does it take for the resident skin flora to become completely restored? ________________
What were the factors associated with increased bacterial contaminations levels on the hands?
In the section Factors Influencing Noncompliance with Hand Hygiene
What factors were found to be causes of non-compliance with hand washing guidelines?
In the section Perceived Barriers to Hand Hygiene
What were some of the factors found?
In the section Risk Factors for Noncompliance
What was the KEY barrier to motivation to comply with hand washing guidelines?
Looking at Table 1 in this study, what hospital setting
Had the highest compliance? _________________________________
Had the lowest compliance? __________________________________
What overall recommendations are suggested to obtain higher hand washing compliance