Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015) 98e107 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries journal homepage: Uncertainties in QRA: Analysis of losses of containment from piping and implications on risk prevention and mitigation Maria Francesca Milazzo a, *, Chiara Vianello b, Giuseppe Maschio b a b di Messina, Viale F.S. D'Alcontres 31, 98166, Messina, Italy Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Chimica e Ingegneria Industriale, Universita di Padova, via F. Marzolo, 35131, Padova, Italy Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Universita a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 12 November 2014 Received in revised form 28 April 2015 Accepted 17 May 2015 Available online 19 May 2015 Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is commonly used in the chemical industry to support decisionmaking. Common practices are based on standard methods, such as fault tree, event tree, etc.; in this frame, risk is a function of frequency of events (probability) and associated consequences (negative outcomes), but relevant uncertainties often are not properly taken into account in the derived results. This paper presents the application of an extended risk analysis of loss of containments for a case-study with the following aims: firstly, the uncertainties related to the results of the analysis, which derive from assumption in the application of the standard models, are qualitatively assessed; secondly the application allows evaluating the impact of the uncertainties on the trustworthiness of the results and, finally, commenting about their use in the risk prevention and mitigation. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Quantitative Risk Assessment Chemical release Loss of containment Uncertainty Risk management 1. Introduction Several risk studies can be found in the literature showing that chemical industry has made use of Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) since the mid-70s (Khan and Abbasi, 1998). Its use is targeted to both the prevention and the management of major hazards, but it is also a tool for the analysis of alternative design projects aimed at the risk reduction or at the identification of advantages and disadvantages resulting from the application of safety standards (Hayes, 2011; Abrahamsen et al., 2013). The most relevant European risk studies are those related to the industrialized sites of Canvey Island (UK), Rijnmond (The Netherlands) and Ravenna (Italy), reported respectively by the Health and Safety Executive (1978), the Rijnmond Public Authority (1982) and Egidi et al. (1995). Some risk assessment examples, associated with the transportation of dangerous goods, are also given by the literature (see Fabiano et al., 2002; Bubbico et al., 2006; Milazzo et al., 2010; Van Raemdonck et al., 2013). The methods and data used in QRA must be steadily improved, because the accuracy of calculated risk is currently only within one or two orders of magnitude (De Rademaeker et al., 2014); the main causes are the variability in scenarios, when one * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (M.F. Milazzo). 0950-4230/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. goes into details, and the assumed equipment failure rates, let alone human factors influence. Only a few studies discuss about the sensitivity of results by simply analysing relative changes in individual parameters of the risk model, an example is given by Milazzo et al. (2010a). Discussions on the implication of the simplifications, which are made in the modelling process, are usually not provided at the desired level of detail. Due to this lack, it is unclear at what extend the risk modelling corresponds to the reality and where implementations are needed. The lack in the uncertainty estimation leads to a decision-making based on a false sense of accuracy and trustworthiness of the results, causing the implementation of ineffective risk mitigation measures. After Kaplan (1997), which considered risk as a complete set of triplets Si (scenario), Li (likelihood) and Xi (consequences), the literature proposed several new definitions of risk. In particular, some authors relate risk to the uncertainty (Aven et al., 2011). Therefore inspired by these new risk perspectives, new frameworks for risk analysis have been proposed (Aven and Renn, 2009); these can be adopted also for risk assessment in the chemical industries, as recently shown by Milazzo and Aven (2012). According to these new perspectives/frameworks, uncertainty constitutes a main component of risk, thus its proper treatment is of high relevance. In this frame some concepts need to be clarified: an uncertainty analysis attempts to describe the set of possible outcomes and their associated occurrence probabilities, whereas a sensitivity analysis M.F. Milazzo et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015) 98e107 determines the change in model output values that results from modest changes in model input values (Cacuci, 2003). A broad range of tools, based on Monte Carlo methods, are available to explore, display and quantify the sensitivity and uncertainty in predictions of key output variables and system performances. Given the complexity of QRA, using Monte Carlo methods for uncertainty analyses may be a very large and unattractive undertaking. It is therefore better to begin with relatively simple procedures such as the approach proposed by Milazzo and Aven (2012) based on the use of uncertainty factors. The uncertainties that arise in risk assessments may be of three types: uncertainties in parameter values, in modelling and the degree of completeness (NRC, 1983; NRC, 2009; Parry, 1996). Uncertainties in parameter values are inherent because the available data are usually incomplete. Modelling uncertainties derive from inadequacies in the various models used to evaluate accident probabilities and consequences and from the deficiencies of the models in representing reality. Completeness is related to the inability of the analyst to evaluate exhaustively all contributions to risk. In this paper it will be shown that depending on the specific part of the risk assessment being performed, the type of uncertainty that dominates at each stage of the analysis can be different. Parameter, modelling and completeness uncertainties contribute to the uncertainty in the final plant risk at each stage in a risk assessment. The focus of this paper is on a case-study from the chemical industry. The application of the standard risk assessment is shown by analysing the releases of hazardous substances from piping. It will be underlined that when risk analysis is conducted, by using state-of-the-art methods, there are mediumehigh uncertainties, which can be evidenced only using a systematic uncertainty assessment. To emphasise the importance of the uncertainty assessment, the extended QRA approach proposed by Milazzo and Aven (2012) has been applied, allowing the quantification of associated uncertainties by means of a qualitative framework. The paper is organized as follows: next section describes the standard risk analysis process and the approach for the estimation of associated uncertainties; then the case-study is described and the results of the application of both the standard and the extended approaches are given; the final section discusses the main findings. 2. Methodology for the risk assessment of losses of containment For the purposes of this work, which are to discuss about the uncertainty of the risk results and demonstrate how a broad analysis can help in decision-making, the study has been restricted only to the quantification of the risk associated with losses of containment from piping. A loss of containment is an event related to accidental phenomena such as uncontrolled wearing, anomalous corrosion, pipe defects, etc. (also called random rupture). It is not associated with process anomalies, but is often due to deficiencies in the corporate structure. In the chemical industry, losses of containment mainly occur from piping and associated fittings (Lees, 1996). In this paper, the risk assessment approach of the Risk Based Inspection document (API 581, 2008) has been applied. Its fundamental steps are briefly described within the following section, whereas Section 2.2 shows how to extend the approach according to the suggestions of Milazzo and Aven (2012). 2.1. Risk assessment of losses of containment Frequency and consequence estimations of incidents and associated accidental scenarios are fundamental steps in QRA. The general QRA procedure firstly comprises the identification of the 99 top events (risk identification), which is the most critical step of the overall analysis. Several techniques for the risk identification are available for events associated with process deviations, these are grouped in historical-statistical methods and analytical methods. Events related to loss of containment (LOC) are identified by means of the following steps (API 581, 2008): identification of the representative classes of fluids and related properties; characterisation of each pipework (geometrical features and operating conditions); identification of the items which are characterised by the same operative conditions; definition of representative cases of leakage for each group of items. The frequency of the random ruptures is calculated by means of approaches based on the use of statistical leak frequency data for losses of containment. Then, event trees allow quantifying the probability of individual incidental scenario. A method for the frequency estimation is included in the Risk Based Inspection document (API 581, 2008). It allows calculating the frequencies of breakage of pipes or other equipment, using frequency values from the literature and correcting them through a damage factor, which takes in account the complexity of the system, and a factor for the quantification of the managerial efficiency. The API 581 methodology provides a generic value for the frequency of release from the equipment and for different breakage sizes. The determination of the damage factor depends on the damage mechanism affecting the equipment. These mechanisms are grouped into the following categories (API 571, 2011): thinning damage, this includes general corrosion, localised corrosion, pitting and other mechanism that cause losses of material from internal and external surface. stress corrosion cracking occurs if the equipment is exposed to environments favourable to certain mechanism (caustic cracking, amine cracking etc.). high temperature hydrogen attack, this phenomenon favours brittle fracture and external damage. The causes of this failure are various but typically involve some forms of mechanical and/ or physical property deterioration of the material due to exposure to the process environment. mechanical fatigue has various types and causes of mechanical deterioration. Once the frequency of each random event has been quantified, the likelihoods of the following incidental scenarios (fires, explosions and toxic dispersions) must be estimated by means of the event tree technique. The consequence of the release of hazardous substances is estimated in different steps: determination of representative classes of fluids and their properties (this step is also included in the identification of LOCs); selection of a set of hole sizes, to find the range of consequences; estimation of the potential amount of the released fluid and its release rate; definition of the release characteristics (to choose the model for the scenario) and the final phase of the substance (liquid or gas); determination of the effect of the post-leak response (evaluation of the effectiveness of various mitigation systems in limiting consequences); 100 M.F. Milazzo et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015) 98e107 determination of the area potentially affected by the consequence, so-called impact area A. The risk analysis is completed by combining the results of the frequency calculation with those of the consequence estimation. These can be combined in several ways, but it is common the use of a risk matrix, where the frequency category is plotted vs. the consequence category (Fig. 1). Therefore, according to the position of the event in the matrix, the risk is classified in four categories: low, medium, medium-high and high. To simplify the application of the whole approach, the implementation of the API procedure for risk assessment, within the Inspection Manager, has recently been made. The Inspection Manager is a software, which has recently been developed by ANTEA company in cooperation with the University of Padova (Italy), it includes all functionalities for an easier data management concerning plant's inspection (Vianello et al., 2013; Milazzo et al., 2013) and is a valid support in managing data for the risk analysis. Impact areas from flammable and explosive substances are calculated using event trees (to determine the probabilities of various outcomes) and proper consequence models for the scenario (to quantify the magnitude of the thermal radiation and overpressure on the surrounding, see Van den Bosch and Weterings (2005)). Toxic impact areas are calculated only using dispersion models to determine the magnitude of toxic concentrations; the same models are also used to estimate the magnitude of flammable concentration and determine the consequence of vapour cloud fires. An example of the quantification of impact areas is given by Vianello et al. (2014). In addition, cloud dispersion analysis methods are used to quantify the extent and duration of personnel exposure and allow correcting the release characteristics based on detection, isolation and mitigation systems. These adjustments are based on engineering judgements, thus according to the API 571 (2011) document, the extent of the impact area depends only on the release rate. Some consequence categories are defined according the extension of the above mentioned impact areas (A), these are shown in Table 1. The threshold values for the consequence assessment, included within API 571 document, are shown in Table 2 (domino effects due to projection of fragments have not been considered, as related methodologies are not completely consolidated, see Lisi et al. (2015)); these have been compared with those adopted by some European countries. By comparing threshold values with the Italian, French and Dutch ones, those reported by API 571 appear more conservative only in quantifying damage on people. 2.2. Extended approach for the risk assessment of losses of containment The application of the standard risk assessment gives results which are subject to uncertainty due to several models’ simplifications and generalisations. Therefore an uncertainty analysis is needed. It can be carried out based on a categorisation of the simplifications and assumptions and, then, their assessment. A framework for the uncertainty assessment has been introduced by Flage and Aven (2009). It combines the results of the sensitivity analysis (i.e. the quantification of how much change in one variable changes the overall results) with the uncertainty (i.e. how well understood is the phenomenon and how much data is available); then some importance scores are derived as given in Table 3. The application of this framework within risk analyses for chemical industry has been suggested by Milazzo and Aven (2012). Table 1 Consequence category (CA). 3. Case-study Category Range (m2) A B C D E A 9.29 9.29 < A 92.9 92.9 < A 279 279 < A 929 A>929 To achieve the aim of this work, the API procedure has been applied to a case-study, then the risk assessment has been extended as suggested by Milazzo and Aven (2012). The case-study is a petrochemical industry (confidential). The potential random events have been collected from the establishment's Safety Report. Table 2 Threshold values for consequence assessment. Scenario US (API 571, 2011) Italy (Decreto Ministeriale 9/5/2001, no. 151) Damage to Damage to Damage to Damage to personnel equipment personnel equipment France (Salvi and Gaston, 2004) Damage to equipment Damage to personnel Damage to equipment Damage to personnel Pool fire/Jet fire ~37.5 (kW/m2) ~12.5 12.5 12.5 (50% fatalities) 7 (5% fatalities) 5 (irreversible effects) 3 (reversible effects) Flash fire (ppm) 0.25 LFL LFL e LFL (50% fatalities) e 0.5 LFL (5% deaths) 0.34 0.3 (50% fatalities) 0.14 (5% fatalities) 0.07 (irreversible effects) 0.03 (reversible effects) LFL (50% fatalities) 0.5 LFL (5% deaths) 5% deaths: 0.14 Irreversible effects: 0.05 LC50 (50% fatalities) e IDLH (irreversible effects) 50% deaths: LC1% 600 Irreversible effects: IDLH Vapour cloud explosion (bar) 0.34 Toxic dispersion e (ppm) 0.34 LC50 0.7 e The Netherland (CPR16, 1989) 16 (for generic 5 (1% fatalities, structures) exposure > 1 min) 3 (irreversible effects, exposure > 1 min) 15 (for wood and synthetic materials) 100 (for steel) 4 (glass breakage) Flash fire diameter 10 (50% fatalities, exposure ~ 4 min) 7.5 (III degree of burn) 5 (II degree of burn) 3 (I degree of burn) LFL 0.8 (total destruction) >0,21 (ear-drum 0.35 (heavy damage) rupture) 0.17 (moderate damage) 0.035 (minor damage) e LC50 LFL ¼ Lower Flammability Limit. LC50 ¼ Toxic concentration that is lethal, for 50% of people exposed, by inhalation over 30 min. LC1% ¼ Concentration of the toxic substance that is lethal for 1% of people exposed. IDLH ¼ Concentration of the toxic substance to which the individual, following exposure of 30 min, does not undergo an irreversible damage to health by inhalation. M.F. Milazzo et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015) 98e107 101 10-3 F R E Q U E N C I E S 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 A B C D E Medium high High CONSEQUENCES RISK Low Medium Fig. 1. Risk matrix. For the scope of the work it has been sufficient to restrict the study to one operating unit of the establishment, namely the storage area. To discuss about the importance of the uncertainty estimation in supporting decision-making, only the critical random events have been considered. A random event is defined critical if its scenarios are located outside from the area at low risk of the risk matrix (Fig. 1). 3.1. Frequency assessment To estimate the initial frequencies of leakage and rupture, many databases (HSE, 2012; NKS, 2002; Heirman, 2009; API 581, 2008) have been analysed. Results of this investigation showed a great variability of data. In this work the European average value has been used and, then, it has been modified by taking into account the complexity of the system. Table 4 gives the values of the initial frequency of leakage (from the literature), which have been modified using both the damage and the managerial efficiency factors; then the final frequencies have been obtained. The initial frequency data (given in Table 4) represents the unitary values of frequency; when the frequencies are modified, by including the effects of the complexity of the system (length or additional elements of the system) and managerial aspects, these values increase of 2 or 3 orders of magnitude. Two dimensions of breakage have been assumed, 5% (Rn 5) and 20% (Rn 20) of the pipe diameter (Ø). The frequencies of the scenarios, which follow the releases, are given in Table 5; these have been estimated by means of the event tree technique Event trees for the events 1, 2 and 3 have been depicted in Figs. 2e7, whereas representation of event 4 has not been given as it only relates to the dispersion of the released gas. Then, attention has been paid to the most credible scenarios by setting a threshold of 1$107 events/yr, this allowed excluding several flash fire scenarios from the further assessment (Table 5). It must be underlined that, since dispersions are scenarios that reflect the influence of weather conditions, the frequency estimation has been made with respect to the prevailing weather conditions related to this geographical area, which are the following: Table 3 Uncertainty and sensitivity scores (Flage and Aven, 2009). Aspect Score Interpretation Uncertainty Low (L) One or more of the following conditions are met: - The assumptions made are seen as very reasonable. - Much reliable data is available. - There is broad agreement/consensus among experts. - The phenomena involved are well understood; the models used are known to give predictions with the required accuracy. Conditions between those characterising low and high uncertainty. One or more of the following conditions are met: - The assumptions made represent strong simplifications. - Data is not available or is unreliable. - There is lack of agreement/consensus among experts. - The phenomena involved are not well understood; models are non-existent or known/believed to give poor predictions. Unrealistically large changes in base case values needed to bring about altered conclusions. Relatively large changes in base case values needed to bring about altered conclusions. Relatively small changes in base case values needed to bring about altered conclusions. Average of the uncertainty and sensitivity scores. Medium (M) High (H) Sensitivity Importance Low (L) Medium (M) High (H) L, M or H 102 M.F. Milazzo et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015) 98e107 Table 4 Frequencies of leakage. ID Event Leakage dimension Initial frequency of leakage (event/yr) Frequency of leakage, fleak (event/yr) 1 Release of benzene due a the leakage of the discharge pipe from a tank Release of benzene due a the leakage of the pipe to/from the pier Release of dichloroethane due to a leakage of the pipe connecting the tank to with the production unit Release of toluene diisocyanate due to a leakage of the discharge pipe from a tank Rn Rn Rn Rn Rn Rn 5 20 5 20 5 20 4.80∙106 2.30∙107 4.80∙106 2.30∙107 4.80∙106 2.30∙107 1.94∙103 1.85∙104 3.56∙104 7.12∙105 7.21∙104 1.20∙104 Rn 5 Rn 20 4.80∙106 2.30∙107 2.32∙103 1.68∙104 2 3 4 Table 5 Results: frequencies and consequences of the incidental scenarios. ID event 1 Leakage dimension Rn 5 Rn 20 2 Rn 5 Rn 20 3 Rn 5 Rn 20 4 Rn 5 Rn 20 Scenario Toxic dispersion (D5) Toxic dispersion (F2) Pool Fire Flash Fire (D5 þ F2) Toxic dispersion (D5 þ Pool Fire Flash Fire (D5 þ F2) Toxic dispersion (D5) Toxic dispersion (F2) Pool Fire Flash Fire (D5 þ F2) Toxic dispersion (D5 þ Pool Fire Flash Fire (D5 þ F2) Toxic dispersion (D5) Toxic dispersion (F2) Pool Fire Flash Fire (D5 þ F2) Toxic dispersion (D5) Toxic dispersion (F2) Pool Fire Flash Fire (D5 þ F2) Toxic dispersion (D5 þ Toxic dispersion (D5 þ Frequency of the scenario, f (event/yr) 4 F2) F2) F2) F2) D5: wind speed of 5 m/s and neutral atmospheric stability class (class D); F2: wind speed of 2 m/s and stable atmospheric stability class (class F). Concerning the forth event of Table 4, the frequency is quantified for the dispersion, which is the only credible scenario because some interception systems for the diisocyanate (TDI) release are provided within the establishment. These afford a remote activation of valves which can be automatic and hand-operated. 1.21∙10 5.18∙105 1.94∙105 1.93∙106 1.79∙104 5.54∙106 <107 2.21∙104 9.51∙105 3.56∙105 3.52∙106 6.88∙106 2.13∙106 <107 4.89∙104 2.10∙104 2.16∙105 7.00∙107 8.14∙105 3.49∙105 3.60∙106 1.16∙107 2.32∙103 1.68∙104 Consequence category B C A A A A e B C A A A A e B C A B C A e B A Obviously, the frequency for the scenario is equal to the expected frequency of release, without further implementation of the event tree but taking into account the different probabilities for the weather conditions (F2/D5). 3.2. Consequence assessment The consequence assessment has been carried out by means of the software PHAST developed by the Det Norske Veritas Ltd (DNV). The use of this simulation software allowed overcoming some Fig. 2. Event tree for the release of benzene (event 1, Rn 5). M.F. Milazzo et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015) 98e107 Fig. 3. Event tree for the release of benzene (event 1, Rn 20). Fig. 4. Event tree for the release of benzene (event 2, Rn 5). Fig. 5. Event tree for the release of benzene (event 2, Rn 20). Fig. 6. Event tree for the release of dichloroethane (event 3, Rn 5). 103 104 M.F. Milazzo et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015) 98e107 Fig. 7. Event tree for the release of dichloroethane (event 3, Rn 20). In Fig. 8, each scenario is identified with the following notation: limitations of the API procedure, whose correlations can be used only for the toxic substances handled in a typical refinery (i.e. fluoride acid, sulphuric acid, chlorine and ammonia). In the simulation process, the ambient temperature has been assumed 13.3 C (annual average over 25 years) and the atmospheric humidity equal to 80% (annual average value over the last available year). The time to intercept the leakage depends on the adopted protective devices and is estimated to be: aRnbXYZ where: a is the ID event (1, 2, 3 or 4), Rnb is the dimension of breakage (Rn 5 or Rn 20), XY is the type of scenario (TD ¼ toxic dispersion, PF ¼ pool fire or FF ¼ flash fire) and Z indicates the weather condition (D ¼ D5 and F ¼ F2, if Z is indicated the sum of both D5 and F2 is considered). A number of preventive and mitigation measures has been suggested for the risk prevention and mitigation. These are classified as listed below: 1e3 min, in case of presence of detection system of hazardous releases and continuous attended operations with alarm and emergency buttons for the closure of valves installed at several points; 10e15 min, in case of presence of detection system of hazardous releases and continuous attended operations with handoperated valves for the closure; 20e30 min, in all the other cases. Constructive criteria - design according to the most restrictive specific standards and regulations; - use of high quality materials, with reference to the characteristics of the substances and the operating conditions; - proper sizing of the equipment; - coating with specific products designed in order to withstand the chemical and atmospheric agents; - minimisation of flanges and adoption of special valves (twinseal) at high reliability to ensure the seal of line; - positioning of pipes that minimises the possibility of accidental impact; Results of the consequence assessment are given in Table 5. 3.3. Risk assessment The risk has been obtained by combining frequencies and consequences given in Table 5. Results are shown in Fig. 8. The risk matrix allows identifying the scenarios located outside from the area at low risk. F R E Q U E N C I E S 10-3 1Rn5TDD 4Rn5TD 10-4 1Rn20TD 4Rn20TD 2Rn5TDD 3Rn5TDD 1Rn5TDF 2Rn5TDF 3Rn5TDF 3Rn20TDD 3Rn20TDF 10-5 10-6 10-7 1Rn5PF 2Rn5PF 2Rn20TD 3Rn5PF 1Rn5FF 1Rn20PF 2Rn20PF 3Rn20PF 2Rn5FF A B C D E Medium high High CONSEQUENCES RISK Low Medium Fig. 8. Risk matrix of results. M.F. Milazzo et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015) 98e107 - installation of expansion valves on the pipes containing liquids; - installation of remote controlled devices for a quick sectioning of the inlet/outlet pipes of liquid tanks; - installation of a hydrant network; - installation of cooling water spray, with hand-operating system, to protect local reservoirs flammable products; - closed-loop for the loading/unloading trucks, wagons and ships plant or use of gas abatement systems. Operative criteria - systematic and periodic checks on tanks, pump, piping, marshalling yards, etc.; - maintenance and inspection planning; - scheduled check of all safety systems and lock; - routine control on the stored products to ensure the presence of additives and the compliance with the prescribed standards. 3.4. Uncertainty assessment The results of the uncertainty assessment are given in Table 6. Uncertainty factors have been grouped for each steps of the standard risk assessment procedure. Some comments are given in the following. In the risk identification, two main assumptions are usually made: - Assumption (1) e Some representative classes of fluids are common used to describe all fluid characteristics. Substances, having the same hazard typology, except toxic materials, are usually grouped to reduce the number of cases of release and scenarios. Since the hazard associated with flammable substances is the same. By choosing the proper hazard class, the assumption gives a low uncertainty and sensitivity. - Assumption (2) e It must be pointed that infinite cases of leakage could occur, depending on the dimension, geometry, etc.; these are grouped to reduce the number of cases of release. The literature shows that breakages are attributable to three 105 main classes (small, medium and catastrophic), which are the most recurrent rupture sizes. The use of the literature data gives a useful support in choosing rational failure characteristics; however lack of data is often common. This involves a low degree of uncertainty and high degree sensitivity, because the hole dimension significantly influences the release rate and the consequent scenarios identified by the event trees. The frequency assessment is based on four assumptions (assumptions 3e6). - Assumption (3) e The greatest difficulty in assigning frequencies of breakage is the lack of appropriate failure data. In the absence of data specific to particular pipeworks and substances, generic failure rates given by the literature should be used as a starting point. Uncertainties in this field are due to the adoption or to the adaptation of data derived for chlorine pipeworks although some reports also included LPG, petrochemical, steam/water, nuclear and other data (HSE, 2012). This information has been updated and augmented in several contexts, where the weakness of generic failure rates and the need of improving their quality have been recognized by a few European Authorities, some of them promoted research interest in this area, in particular for pressure equipment (see Bragatto et al., 2012). This assumption leads to high degrees of uncertainty and sensitivity. - Assumption (4) e The damage factors are available in the document API 581 and derive from a statistic processing of historical data that takes into account a number of geometries and types of system complexity. Therefore, this assumption is associated with a low degree of uncertainty and a medium degree of sensitivity. - Assumption (5) e The managerial efficiency quantification factors are determined as indicated in API 581. These coefficients reduce the initial frequency by the percentage of causes of failure due to lacks in safety management system. Unfortunately these coefficients do not take into account the plant-specificity, such as the efficiency of the inspection techniques, company requirements, testing time of pipeworks, etc. (see Milazzo et al., Table 6 Results: uncertainty assessment. Risk assessment phase Assumption in modelling (uncertainty factor) Reason Degree of uncertainty Degree of sensitivity Degree of importance Risk identification (1) Representative fluids are able to describe all fluid characteristics. (2) Representative cases of leakage describe all potential LOCs. (3) Frequencies of breakage are based on literature data. (4) Initial frequencies of breakage are modified by damage factors. (5) Initial frequencies of breakage are modified by managerial efficiency quantification factors. (6) Probabilities of the scenarios identified by means event trees are based on literature data.a (7) The simulation model properly describes the scenario. (8) Representative fluids are able to describe all fluid characteristics. (9) Adjustments of the release characteristics are based on engineering judgements. (10) Emission rates are constant. (11) Leakage dimensions are constant. (12) Wind direction does not vary. (13) Probabilities of the scenarios identified by means event trees are based on literature data.a To reduce the number of cases of release and scenarios. To reduce the number of cases of release and choose rational failure characteristics. To provide an initial value of frequency of breakage also for site where data is scarce. To take into account the complexity of the system. To take into account the efficiency of the safety management system. To provide a probabilities' value when specific data is scarce. To simplify the scenario modelling L L L L H M H H H L M L-M M M M H H H L M L-M L L L L M L-M M M L H L M L H M-L M L H Frequency assessment Consequence assessment a To reduce the number of scenarios' simulation. To define the amount of the released substance after the leakage's interception. To simplify the scenario modelling To simplify the scenario modelling To simplify the scenario modelling To provide a probabilities' value when specific data is scarce. This assumption is common to both the frequency and consequence assessment steps. 106 M.F. Milazzo et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015) 98e107 2010a). Therefore, this assumption is associated with medium degrees of uncertainty and sensitivity. - Assumption (6) e The probability of each scenario is based on values from the literature, because often data could be poor (see also assumption 3), greatly variable or not site-specific. This assumption leads to high degrees of uncertainty and sensitivity. Concerning the consequence assessment step, seven assumptions have been identified (assumption 7e13). - Assumption (7) e Some scenarios are complex to model because it is not easy to outline their boundaries; as an example, when a cloud of flammable is ignited, a fire or an explosion could occurs depending on the characteristics of the substance and its concentration in the cloud, but actually both phenomena take place. Nevertheless several phenomena have been validated by experimentation, thus this assumption is associated with a low degree of uncertainty and a medium degree of sensitivity. - Assumption (8) e As mentioned above (see assumption 1), some representative classes of fluids are common chosen. In this step of the risk assessment, substances are usually grouped to reduce the number of scenarios' simulation. Since the hazard associated with flammable substances is due to the thermal radiation and the overpressure, the substance does not influence the risk assessment. This assumption gives a low uncertainty and sensitivity, if the substance is included in the proper hazard class except toxic substances. - Assumption (9) e Adjustments of the release characteristics are based on engineering judgements, which utilise experience in evaluating mitigation measures. These take into account the time to intercept the leakage (depending on the adopted protective devices indicated in Section 3.2). Due to the redundancies of the protective devices, the degree of uncertainty is low but the degree of sensitivity is medium. - Assumption (10) e Emission rates are assumed to be constant to simplify the scenario modelling. The degree of uncertainty is medium but the degree of sensitivity is low. - Assumption (11) e Leakage dimensions are assumed to be constant to simplify the scenario modelling. The degree of uncertainty and sensitivity are both medium. - Assumption (12) e Wind direction is assumed to be constant to simplify the scenario modelling. The assumption is credible by comparing the duration of the phenomenon with the variability time of the weather conditions. The degrees of uncertainty and of sensitivity are both low. - Assumption (13) e See assumption 6. Results of Table 6 allow the categorisation of the assumptions, in such a way that is possible to identify those that mostly affect the risk results. By means of this analysis the selection of the measures of risk prevention and mitigation (Section 3.3) can be properly led in order to minimise the effects of the assumptions. 4. Conclusions The extended risk analysis allowed underlining all uncertainties in the use state-of-the-art methods, which can be evidenced only if a systematic uncertainty assessment analysis is used. It must be pointed that the matrix of Fig. 2 allows commenting about the risk acceptability, based on frequencies and consequences associated with each scenario. Once events have been categorised from the risk point of view, results should not be used for decision-making purposes without critical reflection and evaluation of findings and effects of the uncertainty in the model. This also depends on the scope of the decision-maker, i.e. if he/she is interested in prevention, mitigation, etc. In decision-making, it is important to search more in-depth the model parts with high “importance”, those where the lack of knowledge could greatly affect the findings and thus choices. Thus uncertainty assessment, as given in Table 6, allows categorising assumptions and underlining criticalities with the aim to suggest further investigation or different risk approach to be adopted. By discussing the results of the present work, it has been concluded that the assumptions 3 (frequencies of breakage are based on the literature data) and 6 (probabilities of the scenarios identified by means event trees are based on the literature data) have high scores of importance despite using relevant international database. This judgment is associated with the evidence that data often could be poor, greatly variable or not site-specific. 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