Uploaded by Rachel Buyan


Disinfecting Towel Dryer
Previously, we had to walk outside to hang our towel on a clothesline and expose
it to the sun to make them dry fast, and we also had to wash our towels regularly
to remove bacteria and keep them from stinking. The Disinfecting towel dryer, will
not only dry your towel with heat, but it will also disinfect any bacteria that may
be lurking on the towel thanks to its UV technology. The miniature turbine works as
the main power to release hot air with an adjustable temperature towards the
towel and dry it pretty fast. This will ensure that your wet towel is dry, clean, and
free of odors and bacteria.
Date Staplers
Staplers are often used to staple sheets of paper together, and it is commonly
used in the government, business, industries, residences, and schools. But now with
the help of date staplers, we can staple and date the papers at the same time.
If you are an unorganized person, the Date Stapler is Good for you. The Date
Stapler is a combination label maker and a stapler. The date is printed
immediately below the staple, you can also set a date on it so you'll never forget
what was done when, and this will make office organizing easier for you.
Self-Stirring Mug
Mixing a cup of coffee takes some effort and time. In addition, you need a spoon
or something to stir the liquid, and if you do not do it well, the mixture will be
uneven. Luckily, you can avoid this by using a self-stirring mug. A self-stirring mug
is an auto-mixing mug. Just switch it on and pour the contents inside and it stirs
automatically and while it is self-stirring you can concentrate on other things. It
also allows you to multitask, whether traveling, at your workstation, or doing
something else, you do not need to carry a spoon with you to stir your coffee, and
it is also very convenient and easy to use. And wait there’s more this is not limited
to coffee and tea; you can mix other liquids such as juices, soup, chocolate,
cocoa, milk, protein shakes, etc.