Uploaded by Lady Eunice Barcelon

House-Tree-Person Test Administration Instructions

House-Tree-Person: Administration Instructions (Group Facilitations)
Say: Good day everyone, I am _____________________ and I will be your facilitator for the
House-Tree-Person test. This test will be averaging from 15 to 20 minutes per drawing. So, we
are expecting to finish the test within an hour. This facilitation will be divided into two phases, the
first phase will be the group facilitation wherein we will ask you to draw the objects we will say
and the second phase will be the post inquiry facilitation wherein you will be ask a few questions
individually. We will be sending the link once again after this group facilitation for the post-inquiry
Say: Before we formally begin, I am asking everybody’s permission if I could record our test
facilitation to help the quality of supervision.
(Start the video recording)
Say: You must be seated in a comfortable chair across from a flat and clear working surface. You
are also given three minutes to set up your cameras for this facilitation directly facing your working
drawings. Make sure that the facilitator can see you drawings with the set-up
(Give a moment to fix their cameras)
Say: As per instruction, please hand 5 pieces of plain white paper and 2 pencils with you and
press 1 in the comment section if we can now begin in our test administration. If you have any
questions, feel free to ask.
Say: its up to you po
(1) House: With your paper I want you to draw a House as good as you can.
Say: If you are done just press done in the comment section (Allow 15 mins for each drawing)
(If done, you may now proceed to ask them to draw the tree)
(2) Tree: With your paper I want you to draw a Tree as good as you can.
Say: If you are done just press done in the comment section. (Allow 15 mins for each drawing)
(If done, you may now proceed to ask them to draw the person)
(3) Person: With your paper I want you to draw a Person as good as you can.
Say: If you are done just press done in the comment section (Allow 15 mins for each drawing)
(If you notice someone who draws only a head, or a stick person, ask them to improve
their drawing. If they draw an opposite person of their sex ask them to draw the opposite
one as well as you can)
Say: If you draw an opposite sex or a stick person, please draw another person with the same
sex like yours and for the stick person, I am humbly asking you po to kindly improve your drawing
If everyone is finished say: If you are finished, photograph your drawings, and gather them in
pdf format. Please wait for a google form link to appear in our group chat, where you may submit
your drawings. Rename your file with your surname in capslock dash HTP Test. Then, when
completed, snap a screenshot. Lastly, anticipate that your names will be mentioned in our group
chat to re-enter the meeting individually for the post-inquiry session. Are there any questions? If
none, you can now exit the meeting room. Thank you and have a great day!
House-Tree-Person: Administration Instructions (Post-Inquiry
Say: Hello again Ms/Mr____________ I am going to ask you some questions. Please try to
answer as best as you can. But first, I am asking your permission if I can record this meeting.
Say: Would you please show me your drawing?
1. Draw-A-House
Use these questions as a guide:
How many stories does the house have? Does the house have any upstairs?
What is that house made of?
Is that your own house? Whose house is it?
Whose house were you thinking about while you were drawing?
Would you like to own that house yourself ? why?
Whom would you like to live in that house with you? Why?
What does the house make you think of or remind you of?
What is the weather like in this picture? (Time of the day and year, sky, temperature)
What kind of weather do you like?
Who does that house remind you of? Why?
What does that house need most? Why?
2. Draw-A-Tree
Use these questions as a guide:
What kind of tree is that?
Where is that tree actually located?
Is that tree alive?
What caused it to die? If not alive (optional)
Will it ever be alive again? (optional)
Is any part of the tree dead? What part? What do you think is the cause of it to die? How
long has it been dead?
What does the tree remind you?
What else?
Is it a healthy tree? What is there about that gives you that impression?
Whom does the tree remind you of?
What does the tree need the most? Why ?
Has anyone ever hurt that tree? How?
3. Draw-A-Person
Use these questions as a guide:
Is that a man or woman? (boy or girl)
How old is he/she?
Who is he/she?
Is he/she a relation, a friend, or what?
Who were you thinking about while you were drawing?
What is he/she doing? Where is he/she doing it?
What is he/she thinking about?
How does he/she feel about?
Do you think you would like that person?
Whom does that person remind you of? Why ?
What does that person need most? Why?
What kind of clothing does that person have on?
Say: That ends our test administration. Thank you for your participation. You can now
leave the meeting.