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Buried Onions Project Assignment

Buried Onions Projects
***You will create two projects, one from the CREATIVE choices and one from the WRITING
choices. You will PRESENT ONE TO THE CLASS. These should be visually stimulating, be final
products, and be done creatively. You have ample time to create a nice final product. You grade will
be based on accuracy of the novel, visual appeal, and creativity.***
Movie Poster- Create a movie poster that could be on display at any movie theater. Be sure to
determine what actors would play the roles, where the setting would be, and the main slogans for the
movie. You should also include at least one paragraph explaining why you chose what you did.
Book Cover- Create a new book cover for the novel. You should use color and have at least one
paragraph explaining why you did what you did.
Survival Guide- Create a survival guide for the characters in Buried Onions. What would have helped
them? How could they ultimately survive? What are the rules to live by? Be as creative as you wish.
This should be in a poster or a book.
Soundtrack- Create a soundtrack for Buried Onions. This should include at least 5 songs that would
play on the movie based on the book. Every song will also include a minimum 5 sentences
explanation of why that song was chosen. You will also have to create a CD cover and back for the
Comic Strip/Cartoon- Create a comic strip based on the novel. This should cover at least one chapter,
maybe more and should be colored and visually appealing. There should be no more than 10 frames.
Aerial View- Create an aerial view of Fresno and the important areas to Eddie. Be sure to cite specific
places where major events occurred. These places should have a paragraph commentary on to explain
their significance.
Myspace- Create a myspace account for one of the characters. Be sure to include all aspects that
would be seen when looking at someone’s myspace page.
Journals- Choose one character and write a week’s worth (7) journals based on what is going on in the
book. This should include what they see, feel, think, touch, taste, etc. Each journal should be at least
3/4ths of a page and should include direction reflection of the book’s content.
Alternate Ending- Create an alternate ending to Buried Onions. This should be in the same format of
the novel, i.e. dialogue, closure, etc. Minimum 2 pages. Write at least one paragraph on why you
wrote this ending.
In the News- - Write a news story or perform a news broadcast about any aspect of Buried Onions.
You should pretend you have conducted four or five interviews with anyone involved. You should
prepare statements made by “interviewees.” Organize based on the “five Ws and H”- Who? What?
Where? When? Why? and How? Minimum 1 page.
Symbols- Choose one of the symbols in the novel. Analyze, in a minimum of 5 paragraphs, why this
symbol is used and how affective the symbol is as part of the story.
Book Review- Create a 2 page review concerning Buried Onions. This should analyze plot, characters,
theme, and other important aspects of the novel. The conclusion should include if you would
recommend this book to others. You may look online for ideas, but should not be copying and pasting
other people’s exact words.
***If you have other ideas they need to be approved BEFORE you start them ***