See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: SPC and Process Capability Analysis – Case Study Conference Paper · June 2009 CITATION READS 1 5,149 2 authors: Tatjana Sibalija Majstorovic Vidosav Metropolitan University University of Belgrade 81 PUBLICATIONS 240 CITATIONS 86 PUBLICATIONS 306 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Tatjana Sibalija on 31 December 2013. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. International Journal ’’Total Quality Management & Excellence’’, Vol. 37, No. 1-2, 2009. SPC AND PROCESS CAPABILITY ANALYSIS– CASE STUDY UDC: Tatjana V. ŠIBALIJA, Vidosav D. MAJSTOROVIĆ, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade Abstract: This paper presents one postulates of one of the most important quality engineering techniques Statistical Process Control (SPC), embracing quality engineering tools: control charts and process capability measurement. Their application is explained on a case study, which presents one part of Six Sigma pilot project conducted in the observed manufacturing system. Key Words: Statistical process control (SPC), control charts, process capability, Six Sigma. 1. INTRODUCTION SPC implies application of statistical methods for identification and control of special causes of variation in the process. SPC presents a set of control charts based on statistical principles, which monitor the process behaviour (via observed significant factors) and indicate process behaviour changes in order to eliminate the potential problem on time, before it occurs. SPC program has two specific functions: (i) as a monitor, to verify that process is under control, or to indicate that a process is not in control, based on interpretation of control-chart abnormalities or other indicators; (ii) as a quality improvement technique, for the purpose of improving process capability [1]. Within SPC, control charts and capability studies are the main tools used to describe processes graphically. These two quality engineering tools are explained in this paper, as well as their application on a real case study. 2. SPC - BACKGROUND Implementation of SPC for the observed process/system is carried out according to the following steps [2]: 1. Selection of quality characteristics / process parameters (factors) relevant to the observed product and/or process. Each control chart follows the behaviour of the observed quality characteristic with respect to process parameters. Each point at the chart presents characteristics of one sample, and it is compared to prior points (measuring value and distribution) in order to estimate the process trend. Table 1. shows the instructions for selection of the type of control chart according to the nature of the quality characteristic (attribute or numerical data) and sample size. Data collection for attribute control charts is faster and easier than for numerical charts, but numerical control charts are more eligible due to better quality of information about the observed process. . 2. Quality of measuring system. In order to provide reliable measurements of quality characteristics, it is necessary to perform measuring system analysis and approve measuring system for measurement of the observed characteristics, prior to implementation of SPC. 3. Initial data collection for control chart formation. Prior to formation of control chart, sampling plan must be determined at such way to adequately represent the observed characteristic of product and/or process and initial measuring data must be collected. Training of operators who will measure characteristics and collect measuring data must be properly performed. 4. Definition and documenting of OCAP (Out of Control Plan Action). OCAP is the plan of actions that must be carried out when the observed characteristic is out of control. Each control chart has its own OCAP. The purpose of OCAP is to instruct the operator who collects the measuring data how to react on each particular problem that indicates out of control condition. 5. Calculation of control limits is performed with respect to the type of control chart. Calculation of control Limits for X , R and X , σ charts is explained in the section 2.1. 6. Estimation of control. After control chart setup, it is possible to estimate weather the process is statistically stable. The following situations indicate that process is not statistically stable: • One or more points out of control limits; • WER (Western Electric Rules) are special rules indicating that process is not stable or data are not correct (fig 1.), applicable only for numerical data ( σ presents standard deviation of the process with respect to the observed characteristic): International Journal ’’Total Quality Management & Excellence’’, Vol. 37, No. 1-2, 2009. characteristic. If the same process is performed on several machines, it is possible to detect the machines (charts) with lower capability with respect to the observed characteristic and to react on time. It is important to clarify two key terms in SPC: (i) Variability: Each process contains certain level of variability. Usual sources of variation cause the variation within the process but do not affect its stability, so the response is predictable. Such process is called statistically controlled (stable). Special sources of variation affect the variation distribution, and in such case, process response is not predictable until the special causes of variation are detected and eliminated. (ii) Sampling: SPC uses samples of data in order to measure behaviour of the process for the given moment of time. The goal is to obtain maximum quality information with minimum quantity of data. Appropriate sample size and frequency of sampling is of the special importance for proper implementation of SPC. For the effective application of SPC, following points should be thoroughly considered: optimal sample size; control of process characteristics rather than control of product characteristics; control of numerical characteristics rather than attribute characteristics; accurate measurements; regular process control and stopping on time (before it produces defective products). - 7 consecutive points above or below average value of characteristic ( X ), - 7 consecutive points in ascending or descending sequence (trend), - 2 from 3 points in zones [–3σ ; –2σ] and [+ 2σ ;o +3σ] (zone A), - 4 from 5 points in zones [–2σ ; –σ] and [+ σ ; +2σ] (zone B), - 15 points in zone [–σ ; + σ] (zone C), - 8 points in zones [ –2σ ; –σ] and [+ σ ; +2σ] (zone B) or bellow, - 14 consecutive points alternating up-down. • One or more individual values within the observed sample out of specification limits. 7. Identification of the cause of instability by data analysis. After detection of data that show process instability, the cause of instability could be found and eliminated by following the responding OCAP. For the considered point showing instability or out of control condition, the cause and appropriate action should be entered, from the list of causes and actions in the OCAP. 8. Calculation of process capability indices (Cp and Cpk), in order to perform benchmarking and to compare with prior process behaviour (aiming to continuously improve the process). 9. Process control and focus on chart (characteristics) with low Cpk value. Control charts with low Cpk value indicate possible instability or out of control condition of process, with respect to the observed Table 1: Selection of the type of control charts [3]. Data type Definition Sample size constant Number of defects in unitAttribute data product variable (continual and Number of defective products constant sample size > 50 discrete values) constant sample size > 50 Data sample size =1 Numerical data sample size <10 (continual values) sample size ≥10 Type of control chart "c" chart (number of defects) "u" chart (defects per unit-product) "np" chart "p" chart (defective units portion) X , Rm chart with moving range X , R chart X , σ chart avergae characteristic value in the sample +3σ zone A +2σ +σ zone B X zone C -σ -2σ zone B -3σ zone A sample number Figure 1. Allocation of zones at the control chart for numerical data, for the application of WER [3]. 2 International Journal ’’Total Quality Management & Excellence’’, Vol. 37, No. 1-2, 2009. 2.1.1. Control charts Control charts are quality engineering tool, used separately or within SPC to measure and control process variation and detection of special causes of variation. Control charts are composed of sampling results taken over time that are plotted as points on charts. Different kinds of control charts accommodate variable (continuous distributions) or attribute (continual and discrete distributions) sampling. Variable control charts are composed of two graphs. The top graph monitors process statistical location (the average sample measuring value). It measures whether the process is adjusted properly, comparing the calculated process average to the nominal or target value. The bottom graph monitors process variation (range or standard deviation of the sample). Attribute control charts are composed of only one graph that monitors lot-to-lot variations in terms of percent or number of nonconforming (defective products or defects). Depending of the sample size, X , R and X , σ are the most commonly used control charts in industrial practice. The first step in chart formation is to determine the sample size and frequency of sampling. Usual practice is to consider smaller sample size and regular sampling, since the purpose is to detect process changes over time and not to disturb the regular process realization. The second step implies collecting of initial sampling data (approximately 20 samples). Based on initial data, the average value and the range or standard deviation of characteristic should be calculated. If sample size is n ≤10 than X , R control chart is formed and control limits are calculated according to following [4]: • for the average ( X ) chart: - upper control limit: UCL = X + A2 R - lower control limit: LCL = X - A2 R • for the range ( R ) chart: - upper control limit: URL = D4 R - lower control limit: LRL = D3 R where A2, D4 and D3 are coefficients which value depends of the sample size, and R is average value of ranges of all observed samples. For sample size n >10 X , σ chart is considered and control limits are calculated as follows [4]: • for the average ( X ) chart: - upper control limit: UCL = X + A1 σ - lower control limit: LCL = X - A1 σ for the standard deviation ( σ )chart: - upper control limit: URL = B4 σ - lower control limit: LRL = B3 σ . where A1, B4 and B3 are coefficients which value depends of the sample size, and σ is average value of standard deviations of all observed samples. • 2.1.2. Process Capability Capability studies are used to predict the overall ability of a continuous distribution (variable type) process to make products within the required specifications. Capability indices used to express process capability and performance are [5]: • Cp = Process Capability (simple and straightforward indicator of process capability); • Cpk = Process Capability Index (adjustment of Cp for the effect of non-centred distribution); • Pp = Process Performance (a simple and straightforward indicator of process performance); • Ppk = Process Performance Index (adjustment of Pp for the effect of noncentred distribution). Mathematical formulations of the above indices are: Cp = Tolerance 6σ Cpk = minimum { USL − X ; X − LSL } 3σ 3σ where σ is standard deviation of process with respect to the observed characteristic: σ = R / d2 d2 is coefficient which depends on sample size, 6σ is natural process tolerance, Tolerance is specification tolerance of the process (Tolerance = USL – LSL, where USL is upper and LSL is lower specification limit, with respect to the observed characteristic (fig. 2.)). Process with Cp = 1.0 or greater provides response (products) that meet customer specification, if process is centred in the middle of the specification range. But, if average value of the observed characteristic is changed than distribution could be shifted so the process could be shifted with respect to specifications. Cp does not consider the location of the process, in contrast to Cpk. Cpk presents the specification width (USL – LSL) with respect to how well the process spread is located about the target and the specification limits. A Cpk=1.0 or greater implies that a process which is in control is predictable International Journal ’’Total Quality Management & Excellence’’, Vol. 37, No. 1-2, 2009. found that vital defects are mainly related to product characteristic - pot enamel thickness. Ishikawa diagrams were used to analyse vital defect and their main causes. They revealed that the majority of the defects are related mainly to sub-processes A5.2. – Base enamelling and A.5.4. – Cover enamelling ([6]-[9]). Measuring system analysis was performed in the Measure phase: the observed measuring system used to measure the most important product quality characteristic - pot enamel thickness was found as adequate for the observed measurements [10]. The analysis of process A5 - Automatic enamelling was performed using SPC. Based on two-weeks sample data for production performed on Automat 2, X , R control charts were created for base enamel thickness (fig. 3.) and for total (base plus cover) enamel thickness (fig. 4.). Sample size was 5 measurements at one part (pot) and sampling frequency was 2 hours ([6][9]). Specification limits for base enamel thickness are: LSL÷USL = 80÷120 µm ([8]-[9]), and for total enamel thickness: LSL÷USL = 180÷300 µm ([7]). Control limits for both charts were set according to the "6σ" requirements: LCL/UCL = Average -/+ 3 σ ([4]). From fig. 3 and fig. 4, following conclusions could be drawn ([8]-[10]): - data for base enamel thickness characteristic are normally distributed (P<0.005), - X , R chart for base enamel thickness is in control (there are no points out of control limits), - process capability indices (Cp=Cpk=1.41, Pp=1.5, Ppk=1.22) do not satisfy "6σ" requirements: Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk > 2 ([4]); - from capability histogram it is visible that process was off-centre, with respect to base enamel thickness; - data for total enamel thickness are normally distributed (P<0.005), - X , R chart for total enamel thickness is out of control; data at the chart are gathering into two groups, with no visible criteria for their distinguishing; this indicates dispersion problem; - process capability indices (Cp=5.58, Cpk=4.43, Pp=3.24, Ppk=2.57) are very good and meet "6σ" requirements. This indicated that process needs optimisation with respect to base enamel thickness ([8]-[9]) and with respect to cover enamel thickness ([7]). Since it was not possible to measure cover enamel thickness directly, chart presented at fig. 4 shows data for total thickness, which includes base and cover thickness. over time, and it is capable to meet customer specifications with respect to the observed characteristic. For processes that are expected to meet "6σ" requirements, minimal required value is Cpk=2 and Cp=2 [4]. LSL USL 6σ Tolerance Figure 2. Statistical presentation of process capability. In contrast to Cp and Cpk that are used for short term, performance indices Pp and Ppk are used for long term analysis. Cp and Cpk compute the index with respect to the samples of data (average values of the samples), while Pp and Ppk take into account whole process (all individual data within all samples). Standard deviation for Ppk is calcuated as: ∑ (X − X σ = i )2 i N −1 where X is average value of characteristic, X i is individual measuring value, N is total number of measurements (i=1, .., N). For both Ppk and Cpk the 'k' stands for 'centralizing facteur'- it assumes the index takes into consideration the fact that data is maybe not centred (hence, index shall be smaller). It is more realistic to use Pp & Ppk than Cp & Cpk as the process variation cannot be tempered with by inappropriate subgrouping (samples). However, Cp and Cpk can be very useful in order to know if, under the best conditions, the process is capable of fitting into the specifications or not. The values for Cpk and Ppk will converge to almost the same value when the process is in statistical control, because the real standard deviation and the sample standard deviation will be identical [5]. 3. CASE STUDY The pilot-project Six Sigma, for the observed manufacturing system, was conducted according to DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyse-ImproveControl) methodology. In the Define phase, manufacturing system was mapped using IDEFO method. In order to rank and analyse defect in the manufacturing process A5 – Automatic enamelling, Pareto analysis was performed. It 4 International Journal ’’Total Quality Management & Excellence’’, Vol. 37, No. 1-2, 2009. Sample Mean Xbar Chart Capability Histogram 110 UCL=110,09 105 _ _ X=103,73 100 LCL=97,36 1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 93 96 R Chart 102 108 111 114 20 _ R=11,03 10 0 LCL=0 1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 90 100 Last 25 Subgroups 110 120 Capability Plot 112 Values 105 Normal Prob Plot AD: 15,241, P: < 0,005 UCL=23,33 Sample Range 99 Within Within StDev 4,74309 Cp 1,41 Cpk 1,14 CCpk 1,41 104 Overall StDev 4,44462 Pp 1,5 Ppk 1,22 Cpm * Overall 96 Specs 170 175 180 Sample 185 190 Figure 3. X , R control chart for base enamel thickness [9]. Sample Mean Xbar Chart 232 111111121111111112 2212 5 2 2 22 22 552 2 2 2 2 22 2 224 86 22 2 58 1 1111111 111 1 11 1 1 11111111111111111111 11 1111 1 1 1 1 216 1 20 39 58 Capability Histogram 11 1 11 1 88 115222222122 115552221 21222222 122221222222 8 5 2 6 5 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 6 22 2 62 2 2 86 77 96 22 2 1 1 1 1 11111111 1 8 115 8 8 134 153 UCL=232.36 _ _ X=227.56 LSL Specifications LSL 180 USL 300 LCL=222.75 172 192 208 224 240 256 272 288 R Chart Normal Prob Plot AD: 11.136, P: < 0.005 20 Sample Range USL UCL=17.62 _ R=8.33 10 2 2222222222 3 0 1 20 39 2 2222 58 LCL=0 77 96 115 134 153 172 200 Last 100 Subgroups 240 Capability Plot 240 Values 220 Within StDev 3.58161 Cp 5.58 Cpk 4.43 225 210 Within Overall Overall StDev 6.1671 Pp 3.24 Ppk 2.57 Cpm * Specs 100 120 140 Sample 160 180 Figure 4. X , R control chart for total (base and cover) enamel thickness [7]. International Journal ’’Total Quality Management & Excellence’’, Vol. 37, No. 1-2, 2009. Thus, data at chart presented at fig. 4 contain variation of base and of cover enamel thickness. Due to his fact, it is necessary first to optimise the process A5 with respect to base enamel thickness (optimisation of sub-process A5.2.) in order to solve location problem (since previous and current process is off-centre). Then, optimisation of the process with respect to cover enamel thickness (optimisation of sub-process A5.4.) should be performed [2], [11]. The purpose of such optimisation is to find optimal process parameters setting (for both subprocesses A5.2. and A5.4) that meet specifications for the target base and total enamel thickness and to reduce variability of process with respect to both characteristics. 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS SPC and process capability analysis present powerful means for the analysis of current and previous process behaviour and they provide information that serve as a basis for the process improvement. Correct implementation of SPC assures possibility to detect special causes of process variation on time, in order to eliminate them before generating defective products. Process capability analysis entails comparing the performance of a process against its specifications, thus enabling analysis of previous and current process performance, as well as benchmarking. This is of special importance when comparing previous or current process performance with the process performance after improvement. SPC and process capability analysis are inevitable steps in implementation of Six Sigma methodology for the existing process and/or system according to DMAIC cycle. Within the scope of plot-project for the observed process (A5 - Automatic enamelling) improvement according to DMAIC methodology, SPC and process capability analysis were used in Analyse phase. Their application revealed the location problem in sub-process A5.2 and dispersion problem in sub-process A5.4. In the Improve phase of DMAIC approach DoE was used to identify the optimal settings of critical-to-quality factors (process and enamel parameters), for automatic enamelling process [11]. By implementing the optimum parameters into practices, it is expected that the process performance will be improved, therefore improving process robustness and capability. In order to ensure sustainability, achieved results will be followed through Control phase of DMAIC approach. The improved data on View publication stats significant factors, as identified from the experimental design, will be monitored and the whole process will be documented to ensure that improvements are maintained beyond the completion of the pilot- project. The achieved process improvements will be monitored and verified in everyday practice by using control charts and process capability analysis with respect to base and total enamel thickness characteristics. REFERENCES [1] Šibalija, T., Attaining Process Robustness through Design of Experiment and Statistical Process Control, Proceedings of the 11th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering – LCE 2004, pp.161–168, Belgrade, 2004. [2] Majstorović, V., Šibalija, T., Implementation of SPC, Report on researches conducted in Six Sigma pilot-project No.01.01.B. 2007/1, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, 2007 (on Serbian language). 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