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Web Page Analysis Guide

Task description
After reading the information card on the right about a particular topic, and, if needed,
the information on 'More about the topic' bookmark, analyse the web page and answer
the question:
Does the web page give you information on the topic you’ve just read about? If
yes, is the topic from information card the primary topic of this page?
Primary topic
Choose ‘Primary topic’ if the web page is dedicated to this particular primary topic, and
helps you to learn more about it.
IMPORTANT EXCEPTION! Login pages from the official website of the topic should
always be marked as ‘Primary topic’
Topic mentioned
Choose ‘Topic mentioned’ if the web page somewhat mentions the topic, but the
primary topic is different.
IMPORTANT! Even when a webpage is located on the official website, it does not
necessarily mean it should be marked as ‘Primary topic’. For instance, a piece of news
about International Ballet Day from a newspaper official website, while the topic is
newspaper itself, will be likely rated as ‘Topic mentioned’ because you will most likely
see the newspaper name in menu board, but the primary topic will be Ballet day.
Not mentioned
Choose ‘Not mentioned’ if the web page does not give any information about the topic.
It is definitely another topic that is mentioned here.
PLEASE BE ATTENTIVE: Sometimes there are two completely different topics sharing
the same name, such as a rock band and a kids' book, an anime and a manga about
same heroes, two people named same. These should be marked as ‘Not mentioned’. A
web page devoted to a book while information card is devoted to a film should be
labeled ‘Not mentioned’ too.
Not enough information
If the topic with same or similar wording is mentioned on the page,
but the page is almost empty and it is impossible to tell, if it is the
right topic, because there's no context, choose 'Not Enough
Page Not Found
If the source page does not open in the new tab, content is deleted or a 404/403/etc.
error pops up, choose 'Page Not Found'.
In some cases the page about the topic might be in one language and the topic
descripton and name in another. Sometimes both parts might be in an unfamiliar
language. Though it is not a very frequent case, it might sometimes happen. You MUST
NOT lower the value you assign for that - just translate the webpage/description to the
language you understand and check if the page is devoted to this topics. Chrome
browser supports translation: Right Click > Translate to English.
In order to see the webpages, you need to use Chrome browser, and install UHRS
Chrome Extension
Some tips
1. Always start from reading the information card: The name and the description of
the topic. This is what you will be searching on the web page, not the other way
2. Make sure you understand, what the topic exactly is, by attentively reading the
descroption. E.g. Topic name 'Harry Potter' Ok, but what's in the description? Film
series? Book series? Videogames? Lego set? That is what you'll be searching on
the web page to define, if it is the primary topic, mentioned topic or not
mentioned topic.
3. If the topic is a book author, actor/director, team couch and the web page
primary topic is a book, film, team respectively, be VERY attentive. Mostly these
will be marked not higher than 'Topic mentioned'
4. There do exist different people with exactly same names. If you have a scientise
of the 18th cenrty in the information card, the web page about an actor in 2012
with that name is definitely about someone different - nd such pages should be
marked 'Not mentioned'
5. For TV series, if the topic is thewhole series, and the web page is about a season
or episode, but the series name is mentioned (it usually is), These are marked
'Topic mentioned'
Primary topic
Topic name
Topic description
Web page
Amazon.com, Inc.
(/ˈæməzɒn/ AMə-zon) is an
company based in
which focuses on
The web page is
cloud computing,
one of official
digital streaming,
websites of
and artificial
Amazon.com, and
intelligence. It is
https://amazon.c it's fully about
one of the Big Five
om/gp/help/custo what services
companies in the
mer/display.html? Amazon.com
U.S. information
nodeid=468548 grants, so
Amazon.com is
industry, along
definitely the
with Google,
pimary topic of
Apple, Microsoft,
this page
and Facebook.
The company has
been referred to
as "one of the
most influential
economic and
cultural forces in
the world", as
well as the
world's most
valuable brand.
Euless (/ˈjuːlɪs/
YOO-liss) is a city
in Tarrant County,
The city of Eules is
Texas, United
not just
States, and a
mentioned on te
suburb of Dallas
web page, but is
and Fort Worth. https://apartment also the primary
Euless is part of s.com/townhome topic since all the
the Mid-Cities
apartments for
region between
rent are in this
Dallas and Fort
very city and
Worth. The city's
grouped under its
population was
51,277 as of the
2010 census.
Topic mentioned
Topic name
Bleacher Report
Topic description
Web page
Bleacher Report
Even though the
abbreviated as
web page is from
B/R) is a website
that focuses on
sport and sports
topic) official
culture. Its
headquarters are https://bleacherre primary entity is a
in San Francisco, port.com/dallas- football team. The
with offices in
newspaper is
New York City and
meantioned in
London. Bleacher
top menu and at
Report was
the bottom of the
acquired by
page, but not
more than that.
System in August
2012 for $175
million. In March
2018, Bleacher
Report and Turner
Sports launched
B/R Live, a
subscription video
streaming service
featuring live
broadcasts of
several major
sports events.
Jake and the
Jake and the
Fatman is an
American crime
drama television
series starring
William Conrad as
prosecutor J. L.
(Jason Lochinvar)
"Fatman" McCabe
and Joe Penny as
investigator Jake
Styles. The series
ran on CBS for five
seasons from
September 26,
1987, to May 6,
1992. Diagnosis:
Murder was a
spin-off of this
The topic in the
information card
is the whole TV
series, whilethe
web page is about
one particular
episode. The TV
series is
mentioned on the
web page, but the
primary topic is
the episode, not
the series. So, we
label it 'Topic
Internet Explorer https://answers. The information
microsoft.com/en card tells us about
Internet explorer
Internet Explorer Microsoft Internet Explorer and
us/ie/forum/ie10- as the series of
Windows Internet windows_7/why- graphic
cant-i-sendbrowswes, while
emails-usingabbreviated IE or internet-explorerMSIE) is a series 10/e9c114e0of graphical web 28c5-4c22-ae6ebrowsers
developed by
Microsoft and
included in the
Windows line of
systems, starting
in 1995. It was
first released as
part of the add-on
package Plus! for
Windows 95 that
year. Later
versions were
available as free
downloads, or inservice packs, and
included in the
(OEM) service
releases of
Windows 95 and
later versions of
Windows. New
development for
the browser was
discontinued in
2016 in favor of
new browser
Microsoft Edge.
Since Internet
the web page is
about Internet
Explorer 10. The
name of our topic
(which is the
series) is
mentioned on
thepage, but
theprimary topic
is Internet
explorer 10 - one
of the series
Explorer is a
component and is
included in longterm lifecycle
versions of
Windows such as
Windows Server
2019, it will
continue to
receive security
updates until at
least 2029.
announced in
August 2020 that
as of August 2021,
Microsoft 365
products will no
longer support
Internet Explorer,
while Microsoft
Teams ended
support for IE
earlier in
November 2020.
Claire Forlani
Claire Antonia
The actress, which
Forlani (born 1
is our topic from
July 1972) is an
English actress.
card,is mentioned
om/captainShe became
on the web page,
corellis-mandolinknown in the midbecause she
double1990s for her
starred in the film
leading role in the feature/dp/b000x that is on sale on
film Mallrats, and t1p34
thatpage. Since
in the Jean-Michel
her name is
Basquiat 1996
biopic, Basquiat.
In 1994, she
played Katrina in
Police Academy 7:
Mission to
Moscow. In 1998,
she achieved wide
recognition for
starring in the
fantasy romance
film Meet Joe
Black (1998).
Other notable
films include Boys
and Girls (2000),
Antitrust (2001),
The Medallion
(2003) and In the
Name of the King
(2007). Forlani
also has appeared
in numerous TV
films and series,
including her
starring role on
the historicalfantasy-drama
series Camelot,
and her recurring
roles on the CBS
action series CSI:
Angeles, and
Hawaii Five-0. She
has recently
played the role of
Newman in the
2019 film Five
Feet Apart.
this hit with 'Topic
Not mentioned
Topic name
1992–93 Los
Angeles Lakers
Topic description
Web page
The 1992–93 NBA
season was the
Lakers' 45th
season in the
Association, and
33rd in the city of
Los Angeles. After
playing in the
Olympics, All-Star
guard Magic
attempted a
comeback, but cut dia.org/wiki/1991
it short when
other NBA players os_Angeles_Laker
expressed fear of s_season
playing against
him. Under new
head coach Randy
Pfund, the Lakers
played around
.500 for the first
half of the season
holding a 26–23 at
the All-Star break.
At midseason,
Sam Perkins was
traded to the
SuperSonics for
attentive. You
topic is the 1992–
93 Los Angeles
Lakers season,
and the primary
topic of the web
page is
199101992 Lakers
season - a
different one. So
these should be
marked as 'Not
Benoit Benjamin
and top draft pick
Doug Christie.
However, the
Lakers struggled
playing below
.500 for the
remainder of the
season, losing 11
of 12 games
between March
17 and April 9,
finishing fifth in
the Pacific
Division with a
39–43 record,
their worst since
1974–75, but still
qualified the
playoffs as the #8
seed in the
Sedale Threatt led
the team with
15.1 points, 6.9
assists and 1.7
steals per game,
while James
Worthy provided
the team with
14.9 points per
game, and top
draft pick
Anthony Peeler
contributed with
10.4 points per
Please be
Geographic is a
Geographic is a
big brand, and the
topic in
launched in
information card
Greece in 2001 by
is a subscription
the Fox Networks https://www.ama
Group. The
channel features llaunched in
Greece in 2001
with factual
with this name.
content involving
The web page is
nature, science,
about national
culture, and
geographic history. Shows
can be watched in
house,which is a
English with
Greek subtitles.
different topic.
The Presidential
Palace (Greek:
attentive! The
information card
Proedrikó Mégaro https://www.tripa is about a
dvisor.com/Attrac presidential
Cumhurbaşkanlığı tion_Reviewpalace in Nicocia,
Sarayı) is the
g293950Cyprus, while the
official residence d553995-Reviews- web page is about
and principal
Presidential_Palac a presidential
workplace of the epalace in
President of the Vientiane_Vientia Vientiane, Laos.
Republic of
ne_Prefecture.ht These are
Cyprus. It is
located close to
different palaces
the centre of
and therefore
Nicosia, the
capital city of
Cyprus, and is
surrounded by a
thick pine
Peanuts by Schulz
is an ItalianFrench-American
television series
based on the
comic strip of the
same name. The
The topic in the
series first aired in
information card
France on
is an animated
November 9,
series called
2014, and later
peanuts. The
aired in the
primary topic of
United States on
the web page is a
Cartoon Network
comic strip with
and Boomerang https://arcamax.c the same name.
on May 9, 2016 as om/thefunnies/pe Even though
interstitial shorts. anuts
these things are
The series briefly
related, The entity
aired on Cartoon
of animated series
Network in May
is neither primary
2016, despite this,
topic, nor
it remained
mentioned on the
present on the
web page, so we
Cartoon Network
label it 'Not
streaming app
and Cartoon
Network ondemand despite
the show not
currently airing on
US television. As
of 2021, it is
currently available
on Amazon Prime
Talk About
Talk About is a
British game show
based on the
Canadian version
of the same
name. It aired on b.com/title/tt043
ITV from 30
October 1990 to
23 July 1993 and
hosted by Andrew
The years of the
show in the
information card
and on the web
are different
shows, so the
correct labelis
'Not mentioned'