See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: COMPARATIVE EVALUATION FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF PAVING MATERIALS BY USING MARSHALL AND... Thesis · July 2006 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1649.9684 CITATIONS READS 0 6 1 author: Noor Moutaz Al-Mustansiriya University 10 PUBLICATIONS 2 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Noor Moutaz on 16 September 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Al-Mustansiriya University College of Engineering Highway & Transportation Engineering Department COMPARATIVE EVALUATION FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF PAVING MATERIALS BY USING MARSHALL AND SUPERPAVE COMPACTION METHODS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AL-MUSTANSIRIYA UNIVERSITY IN A PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING BY NOUR MOUTAZ ISMAIL ALAZAWY (B.Sc), 2003 SUPERVISED BY DR. NAMIR GHANI AHMED MOHARRAM, 1426 FEBRUARY, 2006 اﻟﺮﱠﺣ ِﻴﻢ ﱠﲪ ِﻦ ِ ﺑِﺴِﻢ ِﷲ اﻟﺮ ْ ْ َﰊ ﺎتِ ّر َﻠِﻤ ِ ْﺒَﺤﺮِﻣَﺪاداًِ ﻟّﻜ َ َﺎن اﻟ ُْ ” ﻗُﻞ ْﻟﱠﻮﻛ َ َﰊوﻟَْﻮ ﺎتِ ّر َ َﻠِﻤ ُ ْﺒَﺤﺮ ﻗـََﺒْﻞ أَن ﺗَﻨﻔََﺪﻛ َ َﻨَﻔَﺪ اﻟ ُْ ﻟِ ِﺟْﺌـﻨَﺎ ﲟِِﺜْﻠِِﻪَﻣَﺪداً “ ﺻﺪق ﷲ اﻟﻌﻈﻴﻢ ) اﻵﻳﺔ ،109ﺳﻮرة اﻟﻜﻬﻒ( أ اﻟﺬي ﻋﻠﻤﻨﻲ وﺳﺎﻧﺪﻧﻲ ...........واﻟﺪي... أ ﻳﻨﺒﻮع اﻟﺤﻨﺎن واﻟﻌﻄﻒ ...............واﻟﺪﺗﻲ اﻟﻜﺮ ﻳﻤﻪ... اﻟﺘﻲ راﻓﻘﺖ درﺑﻲ اﻟﻄﻮﻳﻞ ......إﺟﻼﻻ وﻋﺮﻓـﺎﻧﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﺠﻤﻴﻞ أ ﻣﻦ ﻏﻤﺮوﻧﻲ ﺑﺎﺣﺘﺮاﻣﻬﻢ وﺣﺒﻬﻢ ...........أﺧﻮاﺗﻲ ... إﻛﺮاﻣﺎ واﻋﺘﺰازا ﺑﻬﻢ......... Supervisor Certificate I certify that the preparation of this thesis entitled " Comparative Evaluation for the Performance of Paving Materials by Using Marshall and Superpave Compaction Methods " was prepared by the student (Nour Moutaz Ismail Alazawy) under my supervision at the Highway and Transportation Engineering Department, College of Engineering, ALMustansiriya University, in a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of science in Highway and Transportation Engineering . Signature: Name : Dr. Namir Ghani Ahmed Date : / / 2006 In view of the available recommendations, I forward this thesis for debate by Examining Committee. Signature: Name: Dr.Hamid Abdul Mahdi Faris Chairman of Highway and Transportation Engineering Department College of Engineering ; AL-Mustansiriya University Date: / / 2006 Certificate of the Examining Committee We certify, as an examining committee , that we have read the thesis titled " Comparative Evaluation for the Performance of Paving Materials by Using Marshall and Superpave Compaction Methods " examined the student (Nour Moutaz Ismail Alazawy) in its content and found that it meets the standard of a thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Highway and Transportation Engineering . Signature: Signature: Name: Dr.Gandhi .G.Sofia Name: Asst.Prof.Dr.Maher.B.Al-Fammani (Member) (Member) Date: / / 2006 Date: / / 2006 Signature: Signature: Name: Dr.Namir G. Ahmed Name: Prof. Hamed M.H. Alani (Supervisor) (Chairman) Date: / / 2006 Date: / / 2006 Approved by the Dean the College of Engineering Signature: Name: Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Athari Dean of the College of Engineering AL-Mustansiriya University Date: / / 2006 In the name of God , the most merciful , and before anything , thank to God who enabled me to achieve this study . I would like to express my deep gratitude and great appreciation to Dr. Namir G. Ahmed, thesis advisor, whose advice, kindness, guideness and help through the time of this study were indispensable. Special thanks to Mr. Haeder for his grant assistance. Many thanks to Mr.Zaid and Mr.Ahmed, from Civil Engineering Department of Baghdad University, for their assistance. I would also like to thank my colleagues who contributed in one way or another in this work. Final thanks and greeting to my lovely family for their continuous guidance at all stages of this work. I The SHRP conducted a $ 50 million research effort to develop a Superpave mix design as a new concept for the design of bituminous mixes. Although Superpave mixes have been widely used by the developed countries for the last few years , the developing countries are still working with the conventional mixes i.e. Marshall Mixes. The main objective of the present study is the comparison between the conventional Marshall design method and Superpave system design method, if applied in mix design of the wearing course layers in flexible pavements. A detailed experimental work is carried out to achieve the objectives of the study by preparing (532) asphalt concrete Marshall and Superpave specimens through using aggregate from AL-Taji Quarry and (40-50) grade of asphalt cement from Dourah refinery and one type of cement as a mineral filler. These specimens were tested by, Marshall, indirect tensile, creep and moisture damage tests to evaluate the volumetric properties, tensile strength, creep strain and moisture susceptibility for these mixes. The effect of mix type on the structural performance of the wearing course was also examined by using MICHPAVE –Finite Element and PCPT Programs. The effect of additives and film thickness of asphalt on the performance of these mixes was also investigated. From the analysis results, it is concluded that; the Superpave mixes are more economical as compared with traditional Marshall mixes. In addition, adding carbon fiber and lime to the mixes increases the tensile strength and reduces the creep strain. It is also noticed that, Superpave Gyratory compactor is capable of achieving air void contents much lower than that when using Marshall hammer. Furthermore, the Superpave mixes reflects better resistance against permanent deformation and fatigue cracking , while , approximately the same resistance to thermal cracking is shown by both mixes . Finally, the present study recognizes the importance of using Superpave system instead of Marshall method in the asphalt concrete mix design in Iraq. II Title Page No. Acknowledgement I Abstract II Table of Contents III VIII List of Tables XI List of Figures VII Symbols and Abbreviations Chapter One : Introduction 1-1 Background 1 1-2 Problem Statement 2 1-3 Objectives of the Study 3 1-4 Scope of Thesis 3 1-5 Work Limitations 4 Chapter Two: Literature Review 2-1 Introduction 5 2-2 Marshall Mix Design 7 2-2-1 Material Selection 7 2-2-2 Aggregate Gradation 11 2-2-3 Specimen Fabrication 12 2-2-4 Volumetric Analysis 12 2-2-5 Stability and Flow Measurements 13 2-2-6 Optimum Asphalt Content 14 2-3 Superpave Mix Design 14 2-3-1 Gyratory Compactor 15 2-3-2 Material Selection 19 2-3-3 Design Aggregate Structure 24 2-3-4 Design Asphalt Content 30 III 2-3-5 Moisture Sensitivity of Design Mixture 2-4 Comparison of Marshall and Superpave 31 33 2-5 Effect of HMA Design Method on the Properties and Performance of Pavement Structure 39 2-5-1 Elastic Layer Theory 42 2-5-1-1 Boussinesq's Half Space ( One Layer System ) 43 2-5-1-2 Burmister Theory ( Two Layer System ) 46 2-5-1-3 Multilayers System 47 2-5-2 Finite Element Method 2-5-2-1 Available Finite Element Computer Programs 48 49 Chapter Three: Materials and Methods of Testing 3-1 Materials 50 3-1-1 Asphalt Cement 50 3-1-2 Aggregate 51 3-1-3 Mineral Filler 51 3-1-4 Additives 54 3-2 Marshall Mix Design 55 3-2-1 Types of Mixes 55 3-2-2 Aggregate preparation and Gradation 55 3-2-3 Specimen Fabrication 55 3-3 Superpave Mix Design 56 3-3-1 Types of Mixes 56 3-3-2 The Design Aggregate Structure 56 3-3-3 Specimen Fabrication 57 3-3-4 Specimen Testing 58 3-4 Tests Methods 61 3-4-1 Resistance to Plastic Flow of Asphalt Mixture (Marshall Test Method) IV 61 3-4-2 Indirect Tensile Test 62 3-4-3 Creep Test 63 3-4-4 Standard Test for the Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures (Lottman Test) 3-5 Test Program of Asphalt Paving Mixture 64 65 Chapter Four: Results and Discussion 4-1 Introduction 68 4-2 Optimum Asphalt Content 68 4-2-1 Marshall Mixes 68 4-2-2 Superpave Mixes 69 4-3 Volumetric Properties 74 4-3-1 Marshall Mixes 74 4-3-2 Superpave Mixes 74 4-4 Indirect Tensile Test 77 4-4-1 Marshall Mixes 77 4-4-2 Superpave Mixes 80 4-5 Creep Test 83 4-5-1 Marshall Mixes 83 4-5-2 Superpave Mixes 89 4-6 Moisture Damage Test 96 4-6-1 Marshall Mixes 96 4-6-2 Superpave Mixes 97 4-7 Marshall Test 100 4-7-1 Marshall Mixes 100 4-7-2 Superpave Mixes 101 4-8 Asphalt Film Thickness 103 4-8-1 Marshall Mixes 103 4-8-2 Superpave Mixes 105 V Chapter Five: Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance 5-1 Introduction 108 5-2 Description of Mechanistic-Empirical Analysis Approach 109 5-3 FEM Approach to Mix Design 111 5-4 Factors Affecting Pavement Performance 115 5-5 Application of PCPT Program 116 5-6 Application of MICHPAVE Program 122 5-7 Comparison between the Mechanical Properties of Each Mix 128 Chapter Six: Conclusions and Recommendations 5-1 Conclusions 133 5-2 Recommendations 134 5-3 Recommendations for Future Researches 135 References 136 Appendices Appendix (A): Data Analysis for Marshall Mixes Design Appendix (B): Data Analysis for Superpave Mixes Design Appendix (C): Marshall Test Results and Superpave Mixes Analysis Appendix (D): Creep Test Results for Mixes Design Appendix (E): Indirect Tensile Strength Results for Mixes Design Appendix (F): Moisture Damage Results for Mixes Design Appendix (G): Data Results for MICHPAVE Program VI Figure No. Title Page No. (2-1) Superpave Gyratory Compactor 15 (2-2) Mold Configuration 16 (2-3) Densification plot 17 (2-4) Superpave Mix Design 19 (2-5) 0.45 power gradation 24 (2-6) Superpave Aggregate Gradation 26 (2-7) Notations for Boussinesq's equations (Ullidtz, 1987) 44 (2-8) Two layers system (Burmister) 46 (2-9) Multilayer System 47 (3-1) Gradation of Wearing Course for two sections of the Expressway No.1 in Iraq 53 (3-2) Local Superpave Gyratory Compactor 59 (3-3) Various steps of Superpave specimen fabrication 60 (3-4) Flow Chart of Testing and Evaluation Program 67 (4-1) Superpave Specimens 69 (4-2) Relationship between Asphalt content and Air void of Superpave Specimen (for R1 Gradation) (4-3) Relationship between Asphalt content and VMA of Superpave Specimen (for R1 Gradation) (4-4) 71 Relationship between Asphalt content and VMA of Superpave Specimen (for R9 Gradation) (4-7) 71 Relationship between Asphalt content and Air void of Superpave Specimen (for R9 Gradation) (4-6) 70 Relationship between Asphalt content and VFA of Superpave Specimen (for R1 Gradation) (4-5) 70 72 Relationship between Asphalt content and VFA of Superpave Specimen (for R9 Gradation) XI 72 Figure No. Title Page No. (4-8) Effect of Mix design method on the Optimum asphalt content 73 (4-9) Effect of Mix design method on Volumetric properties 76 (4-10) Effect of Gradation on Volumetric properties 76 (4-11) Effect of Gradation on the Indirect tensile strength 78 (4-12) Effect of Additives on the Indirect tensile strength at 20C° test Temperature for (R1)TRZ gradation (4-13) Effect of Additives on the Indirect tensile strength at 40C° test Temperature for (R1)TRZ gradation (4-14) 79 Effect of Asphalt content on the Indirect tensile strength (R1 gradation at 20 C° test temperature) (4-16) 79 Effect of Additives on the Indirect tensile strength at 60C° test Temperature for (R1)TRZ gradation (4-15) 78 80 Effect of Additives on the Indirect tensile strength (Superpave with optimum of Superpave at 20C° test temperature) 81 (4-17) Effect of Testing Temperature on the Indirect tensile strength 83 (4-18) Strain –Time relationship for Marshall mixes (without additives) 84 (4-19) Strain – Time relationship for Marshall mixes (with 0.5% carbon fiber) (4-20) 85 Strain – Time relationship for Marshall mixes (with 1% carbon fiber) 85 (4-21) Strain – Time relationship for Marshall mixes (with 2% lime) 86 (4-22) Strain – Time relationship for Marshall mixes (with 4% lime) 86 (4-23) Strain-time relationship for R1 gradation of Marshall mixes with different additives (4-24) 87 Strain-time relationship for R9 gradation of Marshall mixes with different additives 87 (4-25) Effect of gradation on permanent deformation for Marshall Mixes 88 (4-26) Effect of additives on permanent deformation for Marshall Mixes (for R1 Gradation) XII 88 Figure No. (4-27) Title Page No. Effect of additives on permanent deformation for Marshall Mixes (for R9 Gradation) 89 (4-28) Strain – Time relationship for Superpave mixes (without additives) 90 (4-29) Strain- Time relationship for Superpave mixes (with 0.5% carbon fiber) (4-30) 90 Strain – Time relationship for Superpave mixes (with 1% carbon fiber) 91 (4-31) Strain – Time relationship for Superpave mixes (with 2% lime) 91 (4-32) Strain – Time relationship for Superpave mixes (with 4% lime) 92 (4-33) Effect of gradation on permanent deformation for Superpave mixes 92 (4-34) Strain-time relationship for R1 gradation of Superpave mixes with different additives (4-35) 94 Strain-time relationship for R9 gradation of Superpave mixes with different additives (4-36) 94 Effect of additives on permanent deformation for Superpave mixes (for R1 Gradation) (4-37) Effect of additives on permanent deformation for Superpave mixes (for R9 Gradation) (4-38) 95 95 Effect of Asphalt content on Moisture damage for Marshall and Superpave mixes 96 (4-39) Effect of Mix design method on TSR Ratio 99 (4-40) Effect of Gradation on TSR Ratio 104 (4-41) Effect of Type of gradation on Stability values of Mixes 102 (4-42) Effect of Type of gradation on Flow values of Mixes 102 (4-43) Asphalt Film Thickness 105 (4-44) Effect of Mix Design Method on Asphalt Film Thickness 107 (5-1) Mechanistic and Empirical design and analysis 110 (5-2) Assumed pavement structure (Input Data) 114 (5-3) Low Temperature Crack in HMA 117 XIII Figure No. Title Page No. (5-4) Input Data PCPT Program for Marshall Mixes (R1 Gradation) (5-5) Output Results PCPT Program for Marshall Mixes (R1 Gradation) (5-6) 118 Input Data PCPT Program to for Superpave Mixes (R1 Gradation) (5-7) 119 Output Results PCPT Program for Superpave Mixes (R1 Gradation) (5-8) 119 Input Data PCPT Program for Marshall Mixes (R9 Gradation) (5-9) 120 Output Results PCPT Program for Marshall Mixes (R9 Gradation) (5-10) 120 Input Data PCPT Program for Superpave mixes (R9 Gradation) (5-11) 118 121 Output Results PCPT Program for Superpave Mixes (R9 Gradation) 121 (5-12) Resilient Modulus Model for Granular Soils 123 (5-13) Resilient Modulus Model for Cohesive Soils 124 (5-14) Typical Finite Element Mesh 125 (5-15) describe the current job for identification purposes 127 (5-16) Input the loading and design thresholds 127 (5-17) Specify pavement cross-section and material type 127 (5-18) Input to output sections, which displacements, stresses and strains were computed 127 (5-19) Input of boundary conditions 128 (5-20) Illustration of propagation cracks 129 (5-21) Illustration of stress and strain within pavement layers 130 XIV Table No. Title Page No. (2.1) Superpave Design Gyratory Compactive Effort (2.2) Superpave Coarse Aggregate Angularity Requirements 21 (2.3) Superpave Fine Aggregate Angularity Requirements 22 (2.4) Superpave Clay Content Requirements 22 (2.5) Superpave Flat, Elongated Particle Requirements 23 (2-6) The control points and restricted zone for a 12.5 mm Superpave mixture 18 25 (2.7) Superpave Mixtures 28 (2-8) Boussinesq's for a point load (after Ullidiz, 1998) 44 (3-1) Physical Properties of Asphalt Cement 50 (3-2) Physical Properties of Al-Taji Quarry Aggregate 51 (3-3) Physical Properties of Filler (Cement) 52 (3-4) Job Mix Formula's for Wearing Course of the Selected Sections 52 (3-5) Properties of Carbon Fiber 54 (3-6) Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of Hydrated Lime 54 (4-1) Volumetric Properties for Marshall Specimens 74 (4-2) Volumetric Properties for Superpave Specimens 75 (4-3) Stability and Flow values for each Mix design 101 (4-4) Asphalt Film Thickness for both Mixes 107 (5-1) Input Data to MICHPAVE Program for Wearing Course 113 (5-2) Input Data of layers of pavement for MICHPAVE Program 113 (5-3) Output Results of the PCPT Program 117 (C-1) Data Analysis for Marshall Specimens and Superpave Specimens C1 (C-2) Marshall Test for Mix Design C2 VIII Table No. Title Page No. (C-3) Asphalt Film Thickness for Marshall Mixes C3 (C-4) Asphalt Film Thickness for Superpave Mixes C4 (C-5) Data analysis for Superpave specimens at initial asphalt content for R1gradation (C-6) C5 Data analysis for Superpave specimens at initial asphalt content for R9gradation (C-7) C6 Data Analysis for Superpave Specimens at ±0.5% and +1% for {(4.532) estimated asphalt content}(R1 (TRZ) gradation) (C-8) Data Analysis for Superpave Specimens at ±0.5% and +1% for {(4.59) estimated asphalt content}(R9 (ARZ) gradation) (D-1) D1 Creep Test For Marshall Specimens With Optimum Of Marshall for (R1) TRZ Gradation (D-3) D2 Creep Test For Marshall Specimens With Optimum Of Superpave for R9 Gradation (ARZ) (D-4) D3 Creep Test of Marshall Specimens with Optimum of Superpave for (R1) TRZ Gradation (D-5) D4 Creep test for Superpave Specimens with optimum of Superpave for (R1) TRZ Gradation (D-6) D5 Creep test for Superpave Specimens with optimum of Superpave for (R9) ARZ Gradation (D-7) D6 Creep test for Superpave Specimens with Optimum of Marshall for (R1) TRZ Gradation (D-8) C7 Creep test for Marshall Specimens with Optimum of Marshall for (R9) ARZ Gradation (D-2) C7 D7 Creep Test For Superpave Specimens with Optimum Of Marshall For R9 (ARZ) Gradation D8 IX Table No. (E-1) Title Page No. Indirect Tensile Strength (Kpa) for Marshall Specimens with Optimum of Marshall (E-2) E1 Indirect Tensile Strength (Kpa) for Marshall Specimens with Optimum of Superpave (E-3) E2 Indirect Tensile Strength (Kpa) for Superpave Specimens with Optimum of Superpave (E-4) E3 Indirect Tensile Strength (Kpa) for Superpave Specimens with Optimum of Marshall E4 (E-5) Temperature Susceptibility for Marshall Specimens E5 (E-6) Temperature Susceptibility for Superpave Specimens E6 (F-1) Lottman test for Marshall Specimens with Optimum of Marshall (F-2) F1 Lottman test for Marshall Specimens with Optimum of Superpave (F-3) F2 Lottman test for Superpave Specimens with Optimum of Superpave (F-4) F3 Lottman Test for Superpave Specimens with Optimum of Marshall F4 X ARZ = Above Restricted Zone. TRZ = Through Restricted Zone. AASHTO =American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials . AC = Asphalt Content . ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials . AV = Air Voids . D(40-50) = Dourah grade (40-50) penetration. D/B = Dust Proportion ( Dust / Binder content ratio ). FHWA = Federal Highway Administration. HMA = Hot Mix Asphalt . ITS = Indirect Tensile Strength . JMF = Job Mix Formula. Max. Theo. Sp. Gr. = Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity. MICHPAVE = Michigan–Pavement Software PG = Performance Grade. PCPT = Prediction of Critical Pavement Temperature . SCRB = State Commission of Roads and Bridges. SHRP = Strategic Highway Research Program . SGC = Superpave Gyratory Compactor. TRB = Transportation Research Board. TSR = Tensile Strength Ratio . TS = Tensile Susceptibility. VTM = Voids in Total Mix. VFA = Voids Filled with Asphalt . VMA = Voids in Mineral Aggregate. VII Chapter One Introduction Most of the hot mix asphalt (HMA) produced during the 50 years between the 1940 and mid 1990 were designed using the Marshall methods, and the increase in traffic volumes and heavier loads became initiative for the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) in 1988. After five years of efforts, a new mix design, Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements (Superpave), was developed. Superpave takes into consideration the factors responsible for the typical distress on asphalt pavements, rutting, fatigue, and thermal cracking. With the introduction of Superpave Mix Design, the Marshall method of Mix design has become obsolete in highway pavement, (Vasavi, 2002). The Superpave technology was developed in the United States with proven success. Superpave mixes have been widely used by developed countries over the last few years. Superpave technology is replacing the Marshall method, which was used for asphalt concrete mixture design for almost half a century. The Marshall method was based mostly on experience and statistical analysis. The flexible pavement sections designed using the Marshall method have had mixed success due to poor understanding of mechanism of failure. The partial success has been mainly due to very thick and uneconomical sections. The roads in Iraq are in a highly distressed condition with pavement life much shorter than the expected. A new design methodology, that is more thorough and comprehensive, is required. Superpave technology can be rigorously tested under varying traffic and environmental conditions. 1 Chapter One Introduction This technology has a tremendous potential to be implemented in Iraq, which will pay for itself with higher performance and longer lasting roads. Hence, there is need to have a comprehensive study comparing the design of bituminous mixes using both Superpave and the Marshall method of Mix Design. Roads in Iraq are performing poorly with pavement life much shorter than the expected. The high traffic intensity in terms of commercial vehicles, the serious overloading of trucks and significant variation in daily and seasonal temperature of the pavement have been responsible for early development of distress like rutting, fatigue and thermal cracking on bituminous surfacing. One of the advantages of the Marshall Mix Design method is that the performance of the mixes can be expected for local materials and environmental impact. Superpave technology as a new design methodology can be rigorously used under varying traffic and environmental conditions. Although Superpave is recognized as a significant system in the evaluation of asphalt concrete mixes, Iraqi agencies continue to use Marshall Method as a unique mix design method in road projects. Accordingly, an investigation is needed to compare analyze and investigate the performance and the properties of Superpave and Marshall Mix Design methods. There is international concern and interest in implementing Superpave in roads and airport projects to investigate its impact on economic and performance of these projects. 2 Chapter One Introduction The main objective of the study is the comparison between traditional Marshall design method and the Superpave system design method in the wearing course mixes in flexible pavements. This process will be carried out by evaluating the volumetric, mechanical properties and moisture susceptibility. Furthermore, the resistance to the main distresses in flexible pavements (permanent deformation, fatigue and thermal cracking) will be examined for these two types of mixes by using MICHPAVE and PCPT software respectively. This thesis is organized in six chapters and appendices. After the first chapter (introduction), in chapter two, a summary of literature review and background into Marshall and Superpave methods are outlined with information from related studies. In chapter three, the research methodology and procedures for preparing and testing specimens are presented. Chapter four deals with the results of the experimental work and the analysis of the results. Chapter five studies the effect of mix design method on pavement performance by using non-linear finite element (MICHPAVE Software) and PCPT software to evaluate the resistance to thermal cracking. Chapter six presents the conclusions and recommendations. Finally, seven appendices are provided with this study, which are: Appendix A presents a detailed information about data analysis for Marshall Mixes design. Appendix B presents a detailed information about data analysis for Superpave mixes design. Appendix C gives the Marshall test results and Superpave mixes analysis. Appendix D contains the Creep test results for mixes design. 3 Chapter One Introduction Appendix E presents the indirect tensile strength results for mixes design. Appendix F presents the moisture damage results for mixes design. Appendix G presents the results of MICHPAVE program application. In this study, Superpave and Marshall Mixes will be designed for heavy traffic level. Marshall and Superpave mixes were designed by considering locally available materials and environmental impact. The experimental design used in this study provides a comparison between these two types of mixes. The work was limited to two types of gradation and one source of aggregate and asphalt cement. One nominal maximum size aggregate (12.5 mm) was used in these mixes. The work is limited to one traffic level and just laboratory testing, and field evaluation could not be performed. 4 Chapter Two Literature Review In 600 B.C., the first asphalt road was paved in Babylon. During the last two decades ,the amount of vehicle miles traveled per year and the amount of equivalent single axle loads, ESAL, have increased by 75 and 60 percent respectively .As a result, hot mix asphalt HMA , pavements have struggled to perform the intended design life ,presenting rutting, fatigue and thermal cracking problems. This has created a need to develop an enhanced hot mix asphalt concrete design procedure (Amirkhanian, 2001). For approximately the past 50 years , engineers have designed asphalt mixtures using the Marshall or Hveem mix design methods , and over this period , different highway agencies have modified these design procedures to better fit their particular needs. Both methods have proven to be satisfactorily effective in aiding the design of highways and interstates, but some problems exist. The primary problem is that both the Marshall and Hveem design methods are empirical – they do not produce samples that share the properties or performance of the finished product. This makes it difficult to accurately predict how a particular mix will perform in the field. (Khaled and Jason, 1998). In U.S, SHRP was initiated in 1987 as a five – year, $50 million program designed primarily to improve the performance and safety of roads in the United States. The Superpave (Superior performing Asphalt Pavement) mix design method, is a product of SHRP, and is being used for implementation into all American states. Since its development, this mix design procedure has replaced the traditional Marshall and Hveem methods in many applications. ٥ Chapter Two Literature Review Superpave is more comprehensive and accurate system that it takes into account all phases of mix design and performance including specification of asphalt binders and mineral aggregates. Concurrent with the development of the Superpave mix design method, Performance Grade asphalt binder specifications were introduced. The Performance Grade specifications are more comprehensive than the previous asphalt cement specifications. In addition, the asphalt is tested for performance with respect to these distress types rutting, fatigue and thermal Cracking. Additionally, the Superpave specifications for aggregate are more stringent than aggregate requirement in the Marshall method, particularly for mix designs where the twenty-year cumulative equivalent single axle loads, ESAL, exceed 300,000 applications. These requirements ensure sufficient interparticle friction to provide a stable asphalt concrete mix .In most Superpave applications a “coarse” aggregate blended gradation is selected to increase the rutting resistance in the mix. However, fine aggregate blend gradations are generally, preferred for low volume roads to provide better durability. The States currently use Superpave for National Highways System projects. Based on the success of these projects, the States are considering implementing Superpave in all projects. Superpave covers five mix types based on the nominal maximum aggregate size: 9.5, 12.5,19,25 and 37. The Superpave mix design method differs from Marshall and Hveem mix design methods in using performance – based and performance – related criteria to design the proper asphalt mix . This allows a direct relationship to be drawn between the lab and field performance of the asphalt mix (John P.Z., David D., 2004). This review focuses on the Marshall and Superpave methods since they are Currently used. ٦ Chapter Two Literature Review Bruce Marshall, formerly the Bituminous Engineer with the Mississippi State Highway Department, developed the original concept of the Marshall Method of designing asphalt pavements. The present form of Marshall Mix design method originated from an investigation started by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers in 1943. The purpose of Marshall method is to determine the optimum asphalt content for a particular blend of aggregates and traffic level .The optimum asphalt content is determined by the ability of a mix to satisfy stability ,flow ,and volumetric properties,( Vasavi K. , 2002). A) Asphalt cement Before a good asphalt mix can be designed by using Marshall method, designers must select the proper asphalt cement grade and determine its properties. They decide on a proper asphalt cement grade by examining the type of asphalt mix being designed and the geographical location of its use. After the asphalt cement is selected, designers may determine its viscosity and whether the asphalt meets specifications of flash point, penetration, ductility, and solubility. Once they conclude that asphalt cement is acceptable, they find its specific gravity and create a temperature – viscosity plot to determine its appropriate mixing and compaction temperatures. B) Aggregate For the requirement of successful mix, the appropriate aggregate also must be selected. When designers accept a particular aggregate, they test its gradation, specific gravity, and absorption. Then, they determine the aggregate gradation to be used in a mix. ٧ Chapter Two Literature Review C) Filler Asphalt mixtures have an optimum cohesion where maximum compaction will occur. This cohesion can be affected by the amount of filler used in a mix. Santucci and Schmidt, 1962, showed that if the binder volume (asphalt +filler) is held constant, there is an optimum filler percentage where maximum compaction can occur. A study by Heukelom, 1965 also showed that the amount of filler used in a mix could influence how well a mix is compacted. For a given filler type, the ease of compaction increases with the percentage of filler in the overall binder content. One type of mineral filler (cement) has been used in this study. D) Additives Two types of additives (carbon fiber and lime) have been used in this study. Little published information concerning carbon fiber modified asphalt is available. Most studies that included fibers in asphalt mixtures have a limited number of trials. In this study, the effects of carbon fiber modification are investigated. It is important to understand other researches, which have utilized carbon fiber. It is thought that the addition of carbon fiber to asphalt enhances material strength and fatigue characteristics while adding ductility. Because of their inherent compatibility with asphalt cement and excellent mechanical properties, carbon fibers might offer an excellent potential for asphalt modification. With the new developments in production, a carbon modified asphalt binder has become cost competitive with polymer-modified binder. Based on results from other fibermodified composites, it was thought that the incorporation of carbon fibers into an AC mixture would enhance its tensile strength properties, resulting in a decrease in cracking due to cold temperatures and repeated loading at intermediate temperatures, while stiffening the mixture at high temperatures, increasing its resistance to permanent deformation. Modification of the asphalt binder is one approach taken to improve pavement performance (M.Aren C. , 2000). ٨ Chapter Two Literature Review The use of carbon fibers as a reinforcement in hot mix asphalt (HMA) has not been the subject of much research. The majority of the present research has been conducted on the addition of carbon fibers to concrete mixes. In 1996, Serfass and Samanos investigated fiber-modified asphalts using Chrysotile, rock wool, glass wool, and cellulose fibers. These modified asphalts were subjected to a wide variety of tests on mastics (bitumen and fibers), mortars (bitumen, fibers, and sand), and asphalt concrete. Common characteristic of all tested asphalts includes resistance to thermal cracking, ageing, shearing, and aggregate dislodgment. They concluded in their studies that the addition of fibers to asphalt concrete improved the fixation of the asphalt binder in the mix. This relates to less bleeding and improved skid resistance over unmodified mixtures of the same design. Fiber modification also allowed for an increase in film thickness, resulting in less aging and improved binder characteristics. The addition of fibers also resulted in the reduction of temperature susceptibility of asphalt mixtures. Adding fibers enables developing mixtures rich in bitumen [asphalt binder], and therefore displaying high resistance to moisture, aging, fatigue, and cracking, (Serfass and Samanos 1996). A two-phase study by (Aren C., 2000), investigated the behavior of carbon fiber modified asphalt mixtures. The first phase focus on determining the feasibility of achieving improvements in mechanical behavior with the addition of carbon fibers. The second phase focus on investigating the factors that contribute to the new behavior. Carbon fibers were found to create improvements in high temperature and low temperature behavior. HMA samples containing 0.5%to 0.8% weight carbon fiber in the asphalt cement binder showed a respective improvement in resistance to repeated load deformation ranging of 38%to 82%.Fiber length taken after a pug mill field trial by the research sponsor revealed a reduction in average final carbon fiber length from 2.54 cm to between 0.2mm and 0.65mm. Potential problems identified by this study were final fiber length, even distribution of fibers, and initial asphalt quality (Cleven, 2000). ٩ Chapter Two Literature Review Aren’s study formed the foundation for this current study due to the need to improve carbon fiber length in the final asphalt cement by protecting it during mixing. An estimate was made of a final length of 6mm for improved mechanical properties, enough to arrest microcracks and reduce creep. The second additive (Lime), hydrated lime has long been recognized as a highly beneficial component of hot mix asphalt, based initially on its ability to reduce stripping. More research and experience have demonstrated that lime’s benefits are much broader, and include: Increased mix stiffness and reduced rutting. Reduced oxidation and age-hardening effects. Improved low-temperature cracking resistance (Dr Dallas Little, Jon Epps., 2001). Extensive research at the Western Research Institute (WRI) showed that age hardening of asphalt can be reduced by the addition of hydrated lime (Petersen et al.,(1987). As little as one-half of one percent hydrated lime by dry weight is needed to achieve a reduction in age hardening. This reduction in hardening has been confirmed in a field study conducted by the Utah DOT (Jones, 1997). Johannson, 1998 performed an extensive review of the literature of lime in bitumen and conducted additional research on the reaction of hydrated lime with bitumen. Some of Johannson’s most significant findings are: 1. Adding 20 percent hydrated lime by mass produces a significant increase in creep stiffness but does not increase physical hardening. Furthermore, the lime-modified bitumen demonstrates a greater potential for dissipating energy through deformation (at low temperature) than the unmodified bitumen. This is a positive effect at low temperatures because it reduces fracture potential. 2. Although the filler effect increases low temperature stiffness, fracture toughness is substantially increased. Fracture toughness is the energy expended in fracturing a ١٠ Chapter Two Literature Review material. Lesueur et al., (1998), also demonstrated that at low temperatures, lime does not negatively affect relaxation but substantially increase fracture toughness. 3. Hydrated lime reduces the effects of age hardening more so at high temperatures than at low temperatures. Tarrer , 1996 investigated the bitumen-aggregate bond and concluded that, in the field, the water at the surface of the aggregate has a high PH and therefore most liquid antistrip agents remain at the surface because they are water soluble at high PH levels. To overcome being washed away, the liquid antistripping agents must be given time to cure (in excess of three hours).In contrast, hydrated lime cures rapidly (within 15 to 30 minutes) and forms water insoluble compounds. Hydrated lime creates a very strong bond between the bitumen and the aggregate, preventing stripping at all PH levels. Tarrer also found that hydrated lime reacted with Silica and alumina aggregates in a pozzolanic manner that added considerable strength to the mixture. It has been proved through laboratory and field-testing that hydrated lime in HMA substantially reduces moisture sensitivity. Lime enhances the bitumen-aggregate bond and improves the resistance of the bitumen itself to water-induced damage. Recent surveys document the success and acceptance of lime in HMA (Dallas N.L. and Jon A.E., 2001). Aggregate gradation HMA is graded by the percentages of different – size aggregate particles it contains. Aggregate gradation is a way of describing the proportions of the various sizes of crushed stone, sand, and filler, by passing the aggregate through a set of sieves and measuring the weight retained on each sieve. Aggregate gradation is often plotted as a grading curve. ١١ Chapter Two Literature Review For determining the design asphalt content for a particular blend of aggregates by the Marshall method, a series of test specimens are required to include a range of asphalt contents of at least 2.0%, at intervals not to exceed 0.5%.Three specimens are required for each asphalt content used in the design. The standard method for compacting the test specimens is to immediately compact them after mixing process is completed. A compaction effort of 75 blows per side is applied for heavy traffic levels and 50 blows per side for light traffic level. At least one specimen is required at the estimated asphalt content to determine the maximum specific gravity (AASHTO T209). These specimens are prepared at the estimated asphalt content ratio for the mix. The volumetric analysis focuses on five characteristics of the HMA and the influence those characteristics are likely to have on HMA behavior. The Asphalt Institute added these volumetric criteria to the method in 1973, the five characteristics are: 1) Mix Density; 2) Air Voids; 3) Voids in the Mineral Aggregate (VMA); 4) Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA); and 5) Asphalt Content. Before mix properties are discussed in detail, the engineer should understand the paving mix properties and how the HMA will perform as a finished pavement. Mix density The density of the compacted mix is its unit weight (the weight of a specific volume of HMA). Density is important because proper density in the finished product is essential for lasting pavement performance. ١٢ Chapter Two Literature Review Air voids Air voids are small air spaces or pockets of air that occur between the coated aggregate particles in the final compacted HMA. A certain percentage of air voids is necessary in all dense-graded mixes to prevent the pavement from flushing, shoving, and rutting. Voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) VMA are the void spaces that exist between the aggregate particles in the compacted paving HMA, including the space filled with the binder. Voids filled with asphalt (VFA) VFA are the void spaces that exist between the aggregate particles in the compacted paving HMA that are filled with binder. VFA are expressed as a percentage of the VMA that contains binder. Including the VFA requirement in a mix, design helps prevent the design of HMA with marginally acceptable VMA. The main effect of the VFA is to limit maximum levels of VMA and subsequently maximum levels of binder content. Asphalt content The proportion of binder in the HMA is critical. It must be accurately determined in the laboratory, and then precisely controlled at the plant. The binder content for a particular HMA is established by the mix design. The optimum binder content of the HMA is highly dependent on aggregate characteristics such as gradation and absorptiveness. Aggregate gradation is directly related to optimum binder content. Marshall Stability is defined as the maximum load carried by a compacted specimen tested at 140° F (60° C) at a loading rate of 2 inches/minute. The flow is measured at the same time as the Marshall stability. The flow is equal to the vertical deformation of the sample (measured from start of loading to the point at which stability begins to decrease) in hundredths of an inch. ١٣ Chapter Two Literature Review The stability and flow measurements procedure (AASHTO T245) indicates that the stability reading for a test specimen is only accurate if the test specimen measures 63.5mm in height. For test specimens that vary slightly from 63.5 mm, the stability reading should be multiplied with a correlation ratio. In this method the stability, flow, unit weight, air voids, VMA and VFA are plotted versus the asphalt content. The optimum asphalt content of the mix is determined from the data obtained from the plots. Consider that optimum asphalt content should achieve the specification requirement from the volumetric properties point of view. Superpave is an acronym for Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements. It is the product of the Strategic Highway Research Program. Superpave includes a new mixture design and analysis system based on performance characteristics of the pavement. It is a multi-faceted system with a tiered approach to designing asphalt mixtures based on desired performance. Superpave includes some old rules of thumb and some new and mechanistic based features. The Superpave mix design system is quickly becoming the standard system used in the United States (US). The US was looking for a new system to overcome pavement problems such as rutting and low temperature cracking that had become common with the use of design systems such as Marshall and Hveem .The Superpave system offers solutions to these problems through a rational approach. The Superpave system builds from the simple to the complex. The extent to which the designer utilizes the system is based on the traffic and climate for the pavement to be built. The system includes an asphalt binder specification that uses new binder physical property tests; a series of aggregate tests and specifications; a hot mix asphalt (HMA)design and analysis system; and computer software to integrate the ١٤ Chapter Two Literature Review system components. For low volume roads in moderate climates, a simple system using materials selection and volumetric mix design is used. As the traffic level for the road to be designed increases, the design requirements increase to improve reliability. At the higher traffic levels, extensive performance testing is recommended to a assure the highest reliability. A unique feature of the Superpave system is that its tests are performed at temperatures and aging conditions that more realistically represent those encountered by in-service pavements, (John A. D’Angelo, U.S. FHA). The Superpave gyratory compactor (SGC), as shown in Figure (2-1) is used in Superpave system to produce compacted specimens for volumetric analysis and determination of mechanical properties. The equipment is capable of providing data to indicate the trend of density variation throughout the compaction procedure. Large aggregate can be accommodated, and compactability can be evaluated so that potential tender mix behavior and similar compaction problems can be identified. Finally, the equipment is portable and can be used in plant mix facilities as part of quality control operations. Figure (2-1) Superpave Gyratory Compactor ١٥ Chapter Two Literature Review The SGC consists of the following components: Frame , rotating base , and motor Loading ram and pressure control Height measuring and recording system Mold and base plate A loading system applies a load to the loading ram, which imparts A 600 KPa compaction pressure to the specimen. A pressure gauge measures the ram loading to maintain constant pressure during compaction. The SGC mold is cylindrical wall (inside diameter of 150 mm) with a base plate at the bottom to provide confinement during compaction. While the mold is positioned at a compaction angle of 1.25 ْ ◌, Figure (2-2) shows the mold configuration during the compaction process. Figure (2-2) Mold Configuration Specimen height measurement is an important function of the SGC. By knowing the mass of the material placed in the mold and the specimen height, an estimate of specimen density can be made at any time throughout the compaction process. Specimen density is computed by dividing the mass by the volume of the specimen. Height is measured by recording the position of the ram throughout the test. By this method, a compaction characteristic is developed as the specimen is compacted. ١٦ Chapter Two Literature Review Figure (2-3) shows a densification plot of an asphalt mixture with increasing number of gyrations .Three gyration levels, specified by the Superpave volumetric mixture design procedure are of interest: Design number of gyration ( N DESIGN ) Initial number of gyration ( N initial ) Maximum number of gyrations ( N maximum) Figure (2-3) Densification plot In Superpave, asphalt mixtures are designed at a specified level of compactive effort, identified by N design. As a function of the traffic level, N design is used to vary the compactive effort of the design mixture. Traffic is represented by the design equivalent single axle loads (ESALs). Currently, N design ranges from 68 to 172. However, recent research suggests that the range and the number of gyration may need to be modified depending on traffic. The test specimens are compacted to the maximum level using N maximum gyrations. At N maximum, the density is not allowed to exceed 98 percent of maximum theoretical density. Specifying this maximum density requirement at N maximum prevents the design of mixture that is susceptible to excessive compaction under the design traffic. Such a mix is prone to ١٧ Chapter Two Literature Review excessive rutting. N maximum is calculated using N design in the following relationship: Log N max = 1.10 Log (N des) The compatibility of the mixture is estimated at N initial. The density is not to exceed 89 percent of Gmm at N initial. Specifying this maximum density requirement at N initial prevents the design of a mixture that has a weak aggregate structure and low internal friction, which are sometimes indicators of a tender mix. N initial is calculated using N design through the following relationship: Log N initial = 0.45 Log (N design) Currently, the values of N maximum range from 104 to 288 and the values of N initial range from 7 to 10, (Mansour S. et al, 1999). Table 2-1 Superpave Design Gyratory Compactive Effort Design Average Design High Air Temperature ESALs ( 43-44ºC) ( millions) Nini Ndes Nmax <0.3 7 82 127 0.3-1 8 93 146 1-3 8 105 167 3-10 9 119 192 10-30 9 135 220 30-100 10 153 253 >100 10 172 288 ١٨ Chapter Two Literature Review The Superpave mix design procedure involves careful material selection and volumetric proportioning as a first approach in producing a mix that will perform successfully. The four basic steps of Superpave asphalt mix design are materials selection, selection of the design aggregate structure, selection of the design asphalt binder content and evaluation of the mixture for moisture sensitivity. Figure (2-4) Superpave Mix Design 1. Selection of Binder The design process starts with material selection. The key aspect to the performance of any asphalt mixture is the selection of the optimum materials that will be used in the mixture. One of the key components of Superpave is materials selection. The binders are selected using the performance based binder specification and the ١٩ Chapter Two Literature Review aggregates are selected using performance related aggregate criteria. The asphalt binder will affect various performance aspects of the asphalt mixture such as permanent deformation, fatigue cracking and low temperature cracking. The Superpave binder specification is intended to select the binder to optimize its effect on the performance of the pavement. The binder is selected based on the climate of the pavement where it will be used, the expected traffic and the location in the pavement structure. The binders are evaluated at the expected highest pavement temperature and the lowest pavement temperatures. The average 7-day high temperature is used to determine the critical maximum pavement temperature at a depth of 20 mm in the pavement. Using pavement temperatures to select the binder allows for the selection of a binder that will meet both high and low temperature needs for the pavement being placed,( John A .D'Angelo). 2. Selection of Aggregates The next step in the Superpave design process is the selection of the aggregate to be used in the mix. Aggregates are the major components of hot mix asphalt. The quality of the aggregates is critical to the performance of the asphalt mixes. Aggregates make up 80 to 85% of the mixture by volume. Aggregate characteristics are a major factor in the performance of an asphalt mixture. In the Superpave mixture design system, many aggregate criteria are included to assure the performance of the asphalt mix. These criteria included consensus aggregate properties and source aggregate properties. Consensus properties include coarse aggregate angularity, uncompacted voids in fine aggregate or fine aggregate angularity (FAA), flat and elongated particles and clay content. Source properties include toughness, soundness, deleterious materials, and gradation parameters. The recommended limits set by SHRP on these aggregate criteria were established by consensus of a group of experts based on years of previous research and experience by the Modified Delphi group (Cominsky, 1994). ٢٠ Chapter Two Literature Review Coarse aggregate angularity is defined as the percent by weight of aggregates larger than 4.75 millimeters with one or more fractured faces. Table (2-2) presents the Superpave coarse aggregate angularity requirements. Table (2-2) Superpave Coarse Aggregate Angularity Requirements Superpave Coarse Aggregate Angularity Requirements Percent minimum Traffic , million ESALs Depth from surface < 100 mm > 100 mm <0.3 55/- -/- 0.3 to < 3 75/- 50/- 3 to < 10 85/80 60/- 10 to < 30 95/90 80/75 ≥ 30 100/100 100/100 Note: "85/80" means that 85% of the coarse aggregate has one fractured face and 80% has two fractured faces. Fine aggregate angularity is defined as the percent of air voids present in loosely compacted aggregates smaller than 2.36 millimeter. Table (2-3) presents the Superpave Fine aggregate angularity requirements. ٢١ Chapter Two Literature Review Table (2-3) Superpave Fine Aggregate Angularity Requirements Superpave Fine Aggregate Angularity Requirements Percent minimum Traffic , million ESALs Depth from surface < 100 mm > 100 mm <0.3 - - 0.3 to < 3 40 40 3 to < 10 45 40 10 to < 30 45 40 ≥ 30 45 45 Note: Criteria are presented as percent air voids in loosely compacted fine aggregate. Clay content is the percentage of clay material contained in the aggregate fraction that is finer than a 4.75 mm sieve. Table (2-4) shows the Superpave clay content requirements. Table (2-4) Superpave Clay Content Requirements Superpave Clay Content Requirements Traffic , million ESALs Sand equivalent , minimum <0.3 40 0.3 to < 3 40 3 to < 10 45 10 to < 30 45 ≥ 30 50 ٢٢ Chapter Two Literature Review Flat and elongated aggregate can also affect performance. This characteristic is the percentage by weight of coarse aggregates that have a specified maximum to minimum dimension ratio. Table (2-5) shows the Superpave flat elongated particle requirements. Table (2-5) Superpave Flat, Elongated Particle Requirements Superpave Flat Elongated Particle Requirements Traffic , million ESALs Percent , maximum <0.3 - 0.3 to < 3 10 3 to < 10 10 10 to < 30 10 ≥ 30 10 Note: Criteria are presented as maximum percent by weight of flat and elongated particles. ٢٣ Chapter Two Literature Review To specify gradation, Superpave uses a modification of an approach already used by some U.S agencies. It uses the 0.45 power gradation chart to define a permissible gradation as presented in Figure (2-5). Figure (2-5) 0.45 power gradation Nijboer L. W. 1948, presents the basis concept of the 0.45 power gradation chart. Nijboer employs a double logarithmic gradation chart in order to study the influence of aggregate gradation on mineral voids (VMA). He uses both round gravel and an angular coarse aggregate to show that for a gradation having a slope of 0.45, the aggregates exhibit minimum voids in VMA. An important feature of the 0.45 power chart is the maximum density gradation. This gradation is plotted as a straight line from the maximum aggregate size through the origin. Superpave uses a standard set of ASTM sieves and the following definitions with respect to aggregate size: • Maximum Size: One sieve size larger than the nominal maximum size. • Nominal Maximum Size: One sieve size larger than the first sieve to retain more than 10 percent. ٢٤ Chapter Two Literature Review The maximum density gradation represents a gradation in which the aggregate particles fit together in their densest possible arrangement. Clearly, this gradation is to be avoided because there would be very little aggregate space within which to develop sufficiently thick asphalt films for a durable mixture. Figure (2-5) shows a 0.45 power gradation chart with a maximum density gradation for a 19 mm maximum aggregate size and 12.5 mm nominal maximum size. To specify aggregate gradation, two additional features are added to the 0.45 power chart: control points and a restricted zone. Control points function as master ranges through which gradations must pass. They are placed on the nominal maximum size, an intermediate size (2.36 mm), and the dust size (0.075 mm). Table (2-6) illustrates the control points and restricted zone for a 12.5 mm Superpave mixture. Table (2-6): The control points and restricted zone for a 12.5 mm Superpave mixture. 12.5 Nominal Size Control Points Sieve , mm Minimum 19 12.5 Maximum Restricted Zone Boundary Minimum Maximum 100 90 9.5 100 90 4.75 2.36 28 58 39.1 39.1 1.18 25.6 31.6 0.6 19.1 23.1 0.3 15.5 15.5 0.15 0.075 2 10 ٢٥ Chapter Two Literature Review The restricted zone resides along the maximum density gradation between the intermediate size (either 4.75 or 2.36 mm) and the 0.3mm size. It forms a band through which gradations should not pass. The Superpave aggregate gradation is illustrated in Figure (2-6). Figure (2-6) Superpave Aggregate Gradation The concept of a restricted zone around the maximum density line near the 0.6-mm sieve size can probably be indirectly traced back to (Goode and Lufsey, 1962). Based on the work by Nijboer, Goode and Lufsey present a 0.45 power grading chart for plotting aggregate gradations. This grading chart uses the sieve size (in microns) raised to the 0.45 power as the horizontal axis and the percent passing (by mass) in arithmetical scale as the vertical axis. They also presented their method for identifying the maximum density line. Their interpretation consists of drawing a straight line from the origin of the chart to the percentage point plotted for the largest sieve with material retained. They use the term “effective aggregate size.” To use the newly developed gradation chart, they evaluated 24 gradations to observe the effect of sand content on the stability of mixtures. The effect of sand content was ٢٦ Chapter Two Literature Review evaluated by producing gradations with different “hump” characteristics. These included gradations from three parts of the country that had exhibited the tenderness problem. Two of the gradations showed humps beginning below their maximum density line, extending above the maximum density line at the 1.18-mm sieve, and falling back below the maximum density line at the 0.15-mm sieve. The other gradation started below the maximum density line, crossed over at the 0.25-mm sieve, and showed the hump between the 1.18-mm and 0.15-mm sieves. They use three different types of mixture in their study: low in total sand, medium in total sand, and high in total sand. A gravel coarse aggregate was used that has its first material retained on the 12.5mm sieve. The Superpave defines maximum density line with Superpave restricted zone superimposed on the figure. Goode and Lufsey found that, in general, gradations that show appreciable humps above the maximum density line at about the 0.6-mm sieve produce higher VMA and lower Marshall stabilities than do gradations plotted with lesser humps. They used rounded gravel, sand, and commercial limestone filler as the aggregates for this study; hence, they recommend that gradations avoid humps near the 0.6-mm sieve and do not pass above the maximum density line. This recommendation can be viewed as the beginning of the concept of restricted zone. They used uncrushed coarse and fine aggregate. Their conclusions may not be valid for aggregate gradations using crushed materials. Gradations that pass through the restricted zone have often been called “humped gradations” because of the characteristic hump in the grading curve that passes through the restricted zone. In most cases, a humped gradation indicates a mixture that possesses too much fine sand in relation to total sand. This gradation practically always results in tender mix behavior, which is manifested by a mixture that is difficult to compact during construction and offers reduced resistance to permanent deformation during its performance life. ٢٧ Chapter Two Literature Review Gradations that violate the restricted zone may possess weak aggregate skeletons that depend too much on asphalt binder stiffness to achieve mixture shear strength. These mixtures are also very sensitive to asphalt content and can easily become plastic. The term used to describe the cumulative frequency distribution of aggregate particle sizes is the design aggregate structure. A design aggregate structure that lies between the control points and avoids the restricted zone meets the requirements of Superpave with respect to gradation. Superpave defines five mixture types by their nominal maximum aggregate size as presented in Table (2-7). Table (2-7) Superpave Mixtures Superpave Mixtures Superpave mixture Nominal maximum Maximum designation size , mm size , mm 37.5 mm 37.5 50 25 mm 25 37.5 19 mm 19 25 12.5 mm 12.5 19 9.5 mm 9.5 12.5 According to the Superpave recommendations, the gradation line should pass between the control points and avoid crossing the restricted zone. Studies have been conducted to evaluate different aggregate gradations and to compare between conventional method of mix design and Superpave method. Rommel N. Y.2004, studied the influence of avoiding the Superpave restricted zone on the asphalt concrete performance. He studied the gradations for asphalt concrete wearing, leveling and base courses. Selected gradation, through restricted zone, boundaries of restricted zone, below and above boundaries are going to be ٢٨ Chapter Two Literature Review investigated. Based on the results of this study: it has been concluded that the gradation passing below restricted zone produces lower temperature susceptibility for paving mixture. The selected gradation above restricted zone shows less susceptibility of mixture to moisture damage .Gradation passing through the restricted zone shows more resistance to plastic flow for asphalt paving materials. Kandhal et al, 1998 studied two asphalt concrete mixtures with nominal maximum sizes of 12.5 mm and 19 mm. The aggregate gradations were used with these two mixes above, through, and below the restricted zone. The VMA for mixtures with various aggregate gradations are calculated based on the asphalt film thickness. The results show that the aggregate gradation changes the minimum desirable VMA. Gradations below the restricted zone had the lowest VMA in both mixes with 12.5 mm and 19 mm aggregate nominal maximum sizes. The study recommends that a minimum average asphalt film thickness should be used to ensure mix durability instead of a minimum VMA. Collins et al .1997 studied the effect of aggregate degradation on the design gradation and final volumetric properties of the asphalt mix compacted by the Superpave gyratory compactor (SGC) and Astec vibratory compactor. Aggregate with high and low Angeles of abrasion resistance on gradation change and volumetric properties. The change in the 0.075 mm materials caused by aggregate degradation during compaction was significant to prevent the specimens from meeting the dust proportion requirements. It was concluded that when high abrasion loss aggregate is used, the gradation should be designed to stay sufficiently below the restricted zone to compensate for the effect of degradation during compaction. Stephen A. et al, 1999, studied the effects of gradation on the performance of asphalt mixtures. Based on the results of this study and considering the materials tested, the following conclusions are warranted. 1. The fine gradation is stronger than the coarse gradation as measured by indirect tensile strength and permanent deformation. ٢٩ Chapter Two Literature Review 2. The fine gradation is more durable than the coarse gradation as measured by fatigue life. 3. The fine gradation is more resistant to moisture-induced damage as measured by the wet rutting test and air permeability. 4. The fine mixture is less sensitive to a coarsening in gradation as might be experienced by segregation, at the same level of segregation, than the coarse mixture. Prithvis S. and L Allen., 2002 studied the coarser versus fine graded Superpave mixtures and their resistance to rutting. Based upon the results of this study, mix design should not be limited to Superpave mixes on the coarse or fine side of the restricted zone. Mixes having either gradation type can perform well. Therefore, it is recommended that gradation specification utilizes both coarse and fine graded mixes. In summary, the literature shows that some researches have been conducted to evaluate the effect of aggregate gradation on the properties of Superpave mixtures. It can be also seen that research is still needed in order to obtain better understanding of the Superpave mixture to be conducted in the next few decades in that area until the Superpave practice becomes more established and accepted by various highway agencies. The design asphalt content is defined by Superpave as the asphalt content that produces 4% air voids at Nd and meets all other criteria. A good estimate of design asphalt content is established from the design aggregate blend. Two specimens are prepared at an estimate asphalt content, the specimens are compacted to Nd gyrations and volumetric analysis is performed. Then, asphalt content corresponding to 4% air void is determined with other volumetric properties. The design mixtures must meet the requirement of VTM, VMA, and VFA. Two specimens are prepared with four levels of asphalt content PEST %, Pest ±0.5%, and Pest +1% the samples are compacted to Nd gyrations, a volumetric analysis is performed and the results are plotted. ٣٠ Chapter Two Literature Review Moisture damage has been a significant problem that results in premature pavement failure. Environmental factors such as temperature and moisture can have a profound effect on the durability of hot mix asphalt pavements. When critical environmental conditions are coupled with poor materials and traffic, premature failure may result because of stripping of the asphalt binder from the aggregate particles. A significant amount of research effort has been directed at this problem in the past and more will be anticipated in the future. Numerous test methods, both qualitative and quantitative, have been developed and used in the past to assess the moisture susceptibility of HMA mixes, (Randy C.W. et al., 2004) The adhesion between the asphalt and aggregate is an important, yet complex and not well understood, property that helps to ensure good pavement performance. The loss of bond, or stripping, caused by the presence of moisture between the asphalt, aggregate is a problem in some areas, and can be severe in some cases. Many factors such as aggregate characteristics, asphalt characteristics, environment, traffic, construction practices and drainage can contribute to stripping. The moisture susceptibility test (AASHTO – T283) is used to evaluate HMA for stripping.” This test is not a performance based test but serves two purposes. First, it identifies whether a combination of asphalt binder and aggregate is moisture susceptible. Second, it measures the effectiveness of anti-stripping additives. Chad W. H., 2004, conducted a study to evaluate the use of gyratory compacted asphalt specimen for tensile strength ratio (TSR), and to compare the test result obtained from the smaller diameter Marshall specimens with the larger diameter gyratory specimens for the TSR. Two performance grades of liquid asphalt binder (PG 64-22 and PG 76-22) were used in the mixes preparation .Based on the study results; the gyratory specimens have higher average wet and dry strengths. The higher average wet and dry strengths cause the TSR values to increase, but they remain below the minimum 85%except for one mixture with limestone as the aggregate. The percent visual stripping was fairly consistent from the Marshall to the ٣١ Chapter Two Literature Review gyratory specimens. The mixtures that had an antis tripping agent had very low visual stripping percentages. The mixtures that did not have an anti-stripping agent had high visual stripping percentages except for one mixture. This mixture was composed of limestone and did not show much visual stripping because of its aggregate classification. The specified minimum wet strength is 65 psi for all indirect tensile strength tests. The gyratory mixes without lime had higher wet indirect tensile strengths than 65 psi. The average wet tensile strength for the gyratory mixtures without lime was 93 psi. The average wet tensile strength for the same gyratory mixtures with lime was 129 psi. Some wet tensile strengths for the gyratory mixtures without lime were as high as 109.2 psi while others were as low as 78.2 psi. Some wet tensile strengths for the gyratory mixtures with lime were as high as 229.8 psi while others were as low as 104.7 psi. ٣٢ Chapter Two Literature Review Since then, several mixture design methods have been developed to improve the quality of asphalt concrete mixtures. These include methods such as Hveem, Marshall, and Superpave (Roberts, 1996). The Marshall method was developed during 1930's and has undergone several refinements over the years. The Superpave method was developed by the SHRP in the late 1980 .In Iraq and most of the Middle East countries , the Marshall mix design procedure is used in the majority of the pavement design requirement. However, most of the modern countries use the Superpave method for high traffic volume roads. Asphalt concrete specifications include the control on the materials (asphalt, and aggregate), and the control on the mixture. The Marshall method uses the penetration grade for asphalt while the Superpave uses the PG specification for mix design method. The specification and selection rules are independent of the mix design method. One of the primary differences between the Marshall and Superpave method is the aggregate specification .The aggregate specification and mix design specification do vary between the two design methods . Aggregate specifications vary in both gradation requirements and aggregate evaluation tests (John P.Z and Jason N.2003). The Marshall specifications don't differentiate between source properties, however Superpave requires consensus properties that are not considered in Marshall Method. Superpave requires avoiding the restricted zone and it should does not exceed the control points that are not considered in Marshall Mix design. The mix design criteria for both the Marshall and Superpave methods include VMA, VFA, VTM, and D/B. The Marshall requirements for VTM show a range of 3-5% and the Superpave requirements are exactly 4%. The Marshall method has requirement for stability and flow that are not considered in Superpave. The Superpave method has requirement for the initial and maximum compaction densities that are not considered in the Marshall method. The Marshall and Superpave mix design methods have different ٣٣ Chapter Two Literature Review criteria depending on the level of traffic anticipated on project .The Superpave mix design method accommodates more traffic than the Marshall method . In addition, Superpave requires evaluation of the mix for the moisture susceptibility, which is not a requirement for the Marshall method. The literature review identifies studies that compare between the Marshall and Superpave methods. It is important to note that Superpave compaction requirements have been recently modified and reduced to the current four levels (Brown and Buchanan, 2001). A study was conducted at the University of Wyoming by Dr. Khaled ksaibati. and Jason Stephen ,1998, in which the researchers evaluated the performance of asphalt mixes prepared using the Marshall mix design method and the Superpave level one mix design method . The Georgia loaded wheel tester and the thermal stress restrained specimen tester were used to test the rut-resistance and low-temperature cracking of asphalt mixes. This study use of aggregate gradation for Superpave is close to the gradation used for the Marshall Mix design, but the 0.45 power gradation plot of aggregate used for Marshall Mix design cross into the restricted zone established by Superpave. It was found that the optimum asphalt contents determined by the Marshall and Superpave mix design are similar. This shows that in some cases Marshall and Superpave produce nearly identical mix designs when the same materials are used and the aggregate gradation are similar in both designs. The Superpave was tested in the GLWT ruts slightly more than Marshall Samples, though both mix designs produce samples that do not come close to failure at rut depth of more than 7.62 mm after 8000 cycles. The Superpave samples tested in the TSRST fractured at slightly higher pressure and lower temperature than the Marshall samples. N.Paul k. and Sachiyo k., 2000, conducted a study to make comparative evaluation of design and performance of Marshall and Superpave mixes. In this study a detailed laboratory investigation into the use of two mix design procedures was performed for comparison .It also considered the effectiveness of the restricted zone for aggregate ٣٤ Chapter Two Literature Review gradation introduced by the Superpave mix design , three aggregate gradations which run through , above , and below the restricted zone which satisfy the gradation criteria and the Superpave criteria of control point , were selected to study the effect of restricted zone . Based on the finding of this study, the following specific conclusion can be drawn: 1) Although the Superpave system recommends having gradations below the restricted zone for heavy traffic loads, the gradations passing through and above the restricted zone in this study meet all of the Superpave requirements. This indicates that these gradations with crushed and angular aggregates can be expected to perform adequately in the field. 2) The estimated asphalt binder content for the Superpave mix design is lower than that of the Marshall Mix method. This indicates that the Superpave mix design yields a more economical mixture. 3) The average asphalt film thickness of the Marshall Mix at its optimum asphalt content is determined to be higher than that of the Superpave mix design. This illustrates that the Marshall mixtures might be more durable. However, the Superpave mixtures meet the recommended values for film thickness and were determined to be adequate to ensure the durability of the mixture. 4) The repeated shear at constant height test suggests that the Superpave mix design method provides stronger mixtures than the Marshall method. The Superpave mixtures were found to be more resistant to permanent deformation. 5) The results from the frequency sweep at constant height test indicate that the mixtures prepared by the Superpave system provide stiffer and stronger mixtures than those prepared by the Marshall method. 6) The indirect tension test also illustrates that the Superpave mixtures are much stronger than the Marshall mixtures in terms of their tensile strength values. 7) The fatigue analyses of asphalt mixtures indicate that the Superpave mixtures have higher mix resistance to fatigue distress. ٣٥ Chapter Two Literature Review 8) The rutting analyses of asphalt mixtures suggest that both mix design methods provide good performance mixtures. They also indicate that the Superpave mixtures are more resistant to rutting than the Marshall mixtures. D’Angelo, et al. 1995 studied five asphalt mixes designed in the Superpave and the Marshall Compaction procedures. Two of the mixes were designed first using the SGC at Ndes levels of 86 and 100 gyrations and later evaluated with the Marshall hammer using 112 blows and 50 blows. The 112 blow Marshall Compaction was used with 6 in. Marshall molds. Three other mixes were designed first using the Marshall hammer with 112, 75 and 50 blows and then evaluated with the SGC at Ndes levels of 126,109, and 100 gyrations, respectively. Conclusions from this study are demonstrated below: Samples compacted with the SGC had slightly less variability in air voids than did the Marshall samples. Based on air voids alone, the SGC and the Marshal hammer could both be expected to perform well in quality control applications. VMA distinguishes the two-compaction devices. The results show that for every mixture tested, the SGC samples had lower VMA than Marshall Samples. The general trend of lower VMA with SGC indicates that the compaction effort obtained with the SGC is greater than with the Marshall hammer. The overall conclusion of the study is that the SGC is better able to track plant production variability than the Marshall hammer. Another research project was conducted in 1998 by the Kansas Department of Transportation, KDOT, to compare the Superpave and Marshall Mix designs for low volume roads and paved shoulders (Habib, et al; 1998). In this research, five blends were compacted by using the Superpave gyratory and the Marshall hammer. Mixes studied were 19 mm nominal maximum size with an AC-10 binder. This binder also meets the PG 58-22 requirements. Bulk densities and maximum theoretical specific gravity were measured for each blend and design volumetric parameters were calculated and analyzed to 4 percent design air content. Superpave samples were ٣٦ Chapter Two Literature Review designed for less than 0.3 million ESALs with Nini = 7, Ndes=68 and Nmax=104 gyrations. Note that the number of gyrations used in the above-mentioned research is not the same as number of gyrations in the current Superpave specification. Marshall Samples were compacted to 50 blows per face. Results obtained from this research can be listed as follows: Superpave mix design for low volume roads and shoulders results in lower optimum asphalt content compared with the Marshall method. Hence, Superpave mixtures would be economical in these applications. The VMA and VFA values are also lower than those for the Marshall mixes River sands appear to have the potential to be used as fine aggregates in the Superpave mixes for low volume pavements and shoulders. However, the use of coarse river sand should be minimized because it increases the optimum asphalt content and could result in a weaker aggregate structure. Superpave requirements for VFA for low volume traffic, less than 0.3 millions ESALs appear to be too high. Lowering Ndes would result in increased asphalt requirement for a Superpave mixture with a given gradation. The Virginia Transportation Research Council compared several asphalt design methods and found differences in the optimum asphalt contents obtained by Marshall and Superpave methods (Maupin, 1998). In this research, six 19 mm NMAS mixes were tested using the 50-blow Marshall design, the 75-blow Marshall design, two brands of 55 SHRP gyratory compactors, Pine and Troxler, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' gyratory testing machine, GTM. For purposes of this research, only results from Superpave and Marshall Designs are described. The Superpave criteria for this study are based on a traffic level of 3 to 10 million ESALs and an average high temperature less than 39C°. The corresponding compaction levels are Nini = 8, Ndes = 96 and N max =152. This compaction level is slightly less than the current Ndes requirement of 100 revolutions for 3 to 30 million ESALs. Air void contents for Marshall were 4.0 and 4.5 percent and for Superpave ٣٧ Chapter Two Literature Review only 4 percent. The optimum asphalt content of 96 gyrations Superpave mixes was less consistent than with 75 blows of Marshall mixes. This implies that at 96 gyrations the SGC is compacted mixes of more than 75 blows of Marshall method. Research was conducted at West Virginia University compared mix designs prepared using the Marshall and Superpave methods for 19 mm base mixtures using a PG 7022 binder (Kanneganti, 2002). Mix designs were prepared with limestone aggregates for three traffic levels. Mix performance was evaluated with the APA. Statistical evaluation of the data indicates that there is no statistically significant difference between the optimum asphalt and performance of the mixes at a 95 percent confidence level. Mix designs prepared under the Superpave criteria were evaluated under the Marshall method and found to pass all criteria. Similarly, mixes prepared under the Marshall criteria passed all Superpave criteria when compacted with the SGC. JohnP. Z., Jason N. 2003, evaluated the differences between the mix designs from these two design methods for asphalt concrete wearing courses. These are the WVDOH wearing I mix for the Marshall method and the 9.5 mm design for the Superpave method, mixes were developed for light, medium, and heavy traffic. From the study results, the differences in asphalt contents between the two-mix design methods range from 0.2 to 0.8 percent. While, for the 100 percent lime stone mixes, the asphalt content was higher for the Superpave mixes. For the mixes with 13 percent natural sand, the Marshall mixes require more asphalt. On the other hand, the Marshall Mix with 13 percent sand showed greater rutting potential than the 100 percent lime stone mix. The Superpave mixes for low traffic roads designed with high sand contents displayed very high rutting potential. The results of this research indicated that the performance of Marshall and Superpave mixes is comparable with respect to rutting performance. This demonstrates that correctly applying the metholodgy and criteria to a mix design method may be more important than when mix design method is used. ٣٨ Chapter Two Literature Review The material properties and changes caused by loading and the environment are required to predict the characteristics and performance of the pavement. The primary characteristics (mechanistic properties) used to evaluate the performance of pavement materials under various loading and environmental conditions are the resilient modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (µ) of materials. The mechanistic properties of the pavement materials and subgrade are used to calculate the stresses, strains and displacements within the pavement under vehicular loading (Chris O. and David H., 2004) One of most important properties of HMA is the elastic modulus. The elastic modulus has many benefits over other index properties such as AASHTO layer coefficients, R-value, and CBR since it has a direct effect on the analytical models used to predict the state of stress. Despite this key advantage, there are some significant problems associated with its use. First, bituminous pavement materials are not elastic. Accordingly, a surrogate for elastic modulus (resilient modulus) is used to characterize a given layer material is bending resistance under the state of stress that it will experience in-situ. Another problem concerns the difficulty in accurately measuring resilient modulus in the laboratory. Although improvements on the laboratory-based resilient modulus test method are anticipated, a second method involving the use of nondestructive testing and backcalculation analysis also holds promise. In this latter approach, measurements of surface deflection are obtained nondestructively in the field and then evaluated mechanistically (using a computerized process known as backcalculation) to determine each layer’s in situ resilient modulus. This process is especially useful for rehabilitation design, but it also has some applications to new pavement design if the nondestructive test measurements are obtained along the planned road alignment. Another important consideration that the engineer should recognize is the effect of thickness of HMA on ٣٩ Chapter Two Literature Review pavement performance, the fact that the majority of all rutting in the HMA layer will generally occur within the top 3-to 5-in. Thus, if a poor quality HMA mixture is being used, increasing the thickness of this poor quality layer will not decrease the rutting in the HMA layer. In fact, in all likelihood, the rutting will be increased. Thus, increasing the thickness of a HMA layer, of poor quality, will provide absolutely no benefit of having the total pavement rut depth decreased. If the engineer is convinced that the HMA mix design is adequate, increases in the HMA layer thickness may be evaluated to ascertain to what degree, the potential HMA layer rut can be decreased. In general, this decrease may not be significant. However, increasing the HMA thickness will definitely provide benefits by decreasing the layer rut depth in the unbound base, sub base and particularly, the subgrade layer. Generally, if any of the layers within the base /subbase are of poor quality; increasing the thickness of the poor layer will only tend to increase the rutting and not decrease it. Finally, the presence material, as the modulus is decreased, the resilient strain significantly increases and consequently, the rutting greatly increased. This magnifies the need to have highly drainable base /subbase systems present in any design. In general, the use of added HMA layers accomplishes two significant factors. First, the increased modulus of the thicker layer will result in a significant increase in the layer “relative stiffness”. This will cause a reduction in the stress and strain states in the subgrade, which will reduce the rut depth magnitude. Finally, the effective way in which the rutting in the subgrade can be reduced is by increasing the thickness of the unbound subbase layer. This effectively, reduces the stress (strain) states in the subgrade layers that leads to reduced rut depth magnitude in the subgrade. Propagation of the cracks throughout the entire layer thickness will allow water to seep into the lower unbound layers, weakening the pavement structure and reducing the overall performance. This will result in a significant loss in smoothness causing a ٤٠ Chapter Two Literature Review decrease in pavement rideability. This phenomenon of crack initiation and then propagation through the entire layer occurs not only in the surface layer but also in all the stabilized layers underneath. Cracking in the underlying layer, such as the cement stabilized, reduces the overall structural capacity and may induce reflective cracking in the upper layers. Perhaps the most important fundamental conclusion that can be drawn, is that for good performance, the proper thickness of HMA layers must be either as thin as practical or as thick as possible. The fact clearly indicates that the greatest potential for fatigue fracture is associated with HMA layers that are typically in the 3-to 5-in thickness range. It should be intuitive to the reader, that as the HMA thickness increases beyond 4 inches, the tensile strains generated at the bottom of the HMA layer are reduced. Thus, it is logical that as the HMA thickness is increased beyond a 4-inch layer, the fatigue life is directly increased due to a smaller tensile strain value occurring in the pavement system. Nonetheless, the real important fact that must be recognized is that the magnitude of the tensile strain does not necessarily increase proportionately to cause a decrease in HMA thickness. In fact, as the HMA thickness is reduced below the "maximum cracking level of 3-to 5-in", the tensile strains actually start to decrease and, in fact, may actually become compressive in nature. Thus, at very thin HMA layers, there is little or no tensile stresses or strains at the bottom of the HMA layer. This clearly explains why, fatigue behavior may improve with the decreasing levels of HMA thickness. It is important to recognize that the variable of HMA layer thickness and HMA mix stiffness are directly integrated together to achieve optimal mix fatigue resistance. If thin HMA layers are used, it is highly desirable to have a low stiffness (low E*) material. The presence of thin, very stiff HMA layer is highly susceptible to alligator cracking. On contrast, as thicker HMA layers are used, the pavement engineer should try to utilize the highest stiffness (high E*) HMA possible. This will tend to decrease the critical tensile strains at the bottom of the HMA layer and enhance the structure’s resistance to alligator cracking. ٤١ Chapter Two Literature Review While Boussinesq's equations represent an elastic solution to a one-layer system, Burmister (1943, 1945) developed solutions first for a two-layer and later for a threelayer system, which have advanced mechanistic pavement analysis considerably. The next significant breakthrough came in 1962 when Schiffman presented his solution to the analysis of stresses and displacements in a multilayered elastic system. In combination with the development of electronic computers, multilayered elastic pavement analysis soon became popular. Based on Schiffman's work several computer programs have been developed, of which the earliest programs for the determination of stresses, strains, and displacements at any position in a layered pavement structure are CHEVRON (Michelow, 1963), and BISTRO (Peutz, et al., 1967), of which the latter succeeded by BISAR (De Jong, et al., 1973).Both programs have been used worldwide by pavement researchers and engineers for linear-elastic analysis of multi-layered pavement structures. The use of layered elastic theory instead of empirical methods allows realistic modeling of the pavement system and surface loading as well as seasonal variations. In the formulation of elastic theory for an isotropic material in two-dimensional loading (plane stress) three assumptions are made: Equilibrium Compatibility between normal and shear strains Stress and strain are related according to Hooke's law. The first assumption is a static condition, which relates normal and shear stresses in the two coordinate directions. The static condition implies that loads are static and material weightless. The second assumption is a geometric condition, which assures continuity between normal and shear strains, while the third assumption is a physical condition. The formulation results in a fourth-order differential equation can be solved with regard to boundary conditions like stiff or infinite bottom layer where the ٤٢ Chapter Two Literature Review deflection is defined as zero. Furthermore, loading conditions are included. In addition, the geometric condition is difficult to fulfill for granular materials, and that the physical condition is not valid for many pavement materials. The latter problem is often considered by the use of nonlinear constitutive material modeling. The simplest way of describing a pavement system is that of a half space. Boussinesq (1885) presents a procedure for the determination of stresses, strains, and deflections in a homogeneous, isotropic, linear elastic half-space. The half-space covers an infinitely large area; an infinite depth and loads are applied at its top plane. Originally, Boussinesq's equations were developed for a static point load, but by integration, equations for a static distributed load can be derived. Figure (2-7) presents a notation for Boussinesq's equations for a point load P in polar coordinates, where z is the depth and r is horizontal distance to the point where response is desired. As Boussinesq's equations for stresses (σ and τ),strains (ε and δ) and displacements (d) for a point load are used extensively throughout the report, the equations are provided in Table (2.8),where R 2 =z 2 +r 2 . For the three-dimensional case, a set of coordinate directions is defined where no shear forces exist. These are called the directions of the principal stresses σ 1, σ2, and σ3. Boussinesq's equations represent the first simple approach to mechanistic pavement analysis with the limitation of not taking into account practical aspects like layered pavement structures, nonlinearity, and non-homogeneity and anisotropy of materials. ٤٣ Chapter Two Literature Review Figure (2-7) Notations for Boussinesq's equations (Ullidtz, 1987) Table (2-8) Boussinesq's for a point load (after Ullidiz, 1998). 1 2. 2 3 . cos . sin 1 cos r P 2. .R 2 t (1 2. ).P 1 . cos 2 2. .R 1 cos z r t 3 .P 2 . . R 2 . cos 3 (1 ).P 1 2. 3 . 3 . cos ( 3 2 . ). cos 2. .R 2 .E 1 cos ( 1 ). P 1 2 . cos 2 . . R 2 . E 1 cos ٤٤ Chapter Two Literature Review z (1 ). P 3 . cos 2 2 . . R . E rz 3.P . cos 2 . sin 2 2 . .R rz (1 ). P . cos 2 . sin 2 .R dr (1 ). P 2 . . R . E dZ 3 2 . . cos (1 2 . ) sin cos . sin 1 cos (1 ). P . 2 .( 1 ) cos 2 . . R . E Where: σz = Vertical Stress σr = Radial Stress σt = Tangential Stress Trz = Shear Stress εz = Vertical Strain εr = Radial Strain εt = Tangential Strain γrz = Shear Strain ٤٥ 2 Chapter Two Literature Review Typical flexible pavements are composed of layers so that the moduli of elasticity decrease with depth. The effect is to reduce stress and deflections in the subgrade from those obtained for the ideal homogeneous. In the solution of the two-layer problem, certain essential assumptions are made regarding boundary and continuity conditions. The materials in the layers are assumed homogenous, isotropic, and elastic. The surface layer is assumed infinite in extent in both the horizontal and vertical directions. On the other hand, the underlying layer is infinite in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Stress and deflection values as obtained by Burmister are dependent upon the strength ratio of the layers, E1/E2, where E1 and E2 are the moduli of the reinforcing and subgrade layers respectively. Burmister (Two layer system) is presented in Figure (2-8) (Yoder, and Witczak ,1975). Figure (2-8) Two layers system (Burmister). ٤٦ Chapter Two Literature Review Fox and Acum, produced the first extcutive tabular summary of normal and radial stress in three layer systems at the intersection of the plate axis with the layer interface. Figure (2-9) shows the pavement multilayer system. Figure (2-9) Multilayer System. ٤٧ Chapter Two Literature Review The finite element method is a highly sophisticated tool, which can be used for the analysis of stress, strain and displacement in a pavement structure. It is broken down into a mesh consisting of a number of finite elements connected by nodal points. When one uses different constitutive material models, the Finite Element program calculates displacements in the nodes until the user-specified convergence criterion (corresponding to a desired level of accuracy) is reached. Based on the nodal displacements, the method in turn determines strain and stress. The advantage of the finite element method is that it allows modeling of pavement response for both static and dynamic (i.e., time dependent) loading for different geometrical structures, which may include consideration of cracking. Furthermore, finite element modeling allows the use of several different constitutive material models, which can describe nonlinear elastic, visco-elastic, or plastic behavior. The finite element method is a numerical method, which does not provide an exact solution, and the material models are based on continuum mechanics, thus validation against real data is needed. Many facilities in finite element programs come at a price: most programs are complicated in use and processing time is high. The complicated nature of finite element programs makes them suited only for forward analysis of pavement structures (i.e., determination of response), while back calculation of Young's modulus, based on surface deflection is not possible with most programs. Numerous commercial all-purpose finite element programs exist and have been used by pavement researchers for the analysis of pavement response. Programs especially dedicated to pavement analysis also exist through: 2002 design guide, ILLI-PAVE, and MICHPAVE. ٤٨ Chapter Two Literature Review The program was developed at the University of Illinois by Raad and Figueroa , is a finite element computer program for flexible pavement analysis originally developed by Wilson and later modified by Duncan and others and by Raad and Figueroa served as the main research tool. The recent modification introduced by Raad and Figueroa provides a more rational assessment of the state of stress of pavement materials approaching failure and consequently their moduli values according to the Mohr-Coulomb theory of failure (Abdul Haqh, 2000). It is developed at the Michigan State of University by (Harich and Ran et al), and used for nonlinear analysis. The Michpave program is very similar to ILLI-Pave and uses the same methods to characterize granular materials and fine-grained soils and the same Mohr-Coulomb Failure criterion to adjust the state of stress (Abdul Haqh, 2000). CIRCLY software is for the mechanistic analysis and design of road pavements. CIRCLY uses state-of-the-art material properties and performance models and is continuously developed and extended. The first mainframe version of CIRCLY was released in 1977. The system calculates the cumulative damage induced by a traffic spectrum consisting of any combination of user-specified vehicle types and load configurations. As well as using the usual 'equivalent' single wheel and axle load approximations, optionally the contribution of each vehicle/load configuration can be explicitly analyzed. ٤٩ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing The Materials used in this study are locally available and selected from the currently used materials in road construction in Iraq. One type of asphalt cement (40-50) penetration graded was used in this study, which represents PG (64-22) as classified by the Superpave system. It is obtained from Dourah refinery. The physical properties of this type of asphalt cement are shown in Table (3-1). Table (3-1): Physical Properties of Asphalt Cement. Test Unit ASTM Results D ( 40-50 ) Penetration 25°C,100 gm , 5 sec. 1/10 mm D5 42 Absolute Viscosity at 60°C (*) Poise D2171 ٢٠٧٠ Kinematics' Viscosity at ٦٠°C (*) C St. D2170 370 Ductility (25°C, 5 cm/min.) Cm. D 113 >100 Softening Point ( Ring & Ball ) C° D 36 51.0 Specific Gravity at 25°C (*) ……. D 70 1.04 Flash Point C° D 92 332 (*) The test was conducted in Dourah refinery ٥٠ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing One type of crushed aggregate was used in this study, which was brought from Amanat Baghdad. The source of this type of aggregate is from Al-Taji quarry. The physical properties of the aggregate are shown in Table (3-2), and the aggregate gradation was taken from gradation of expressway No.1. One nominal maximum size was selected (12.5) with two aggregate gradations (R1 and R9). The gradation R9 is passing through the Superpave limitation control points and restricted zone, while, the gradation R1 is located out of the Superpave restricted zone requirement. These two gradations were selected to compare the effect of restricted zone on the mix performance. Mix design was prepared for heavy traffic level using the Superpave methodology and the traditional Marshall methodology. The Marshall mix design was evaluated under the Superpave criteria and vice versa. These gradations are shown in Figure (3-1) and presented in Table (3-4). Table (3-2): Physical Properties of Al-Taji Quarry Aggregate. Property Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate R1 R9 R1 R9 Bulk specific gravity ASTM C 128 2.518 2.5189 2.615 2.6225 Apparent specific gravity ASTM C127 and C128 2.553 2.554 2.662 2.689 Percent water absorption ASTM C 127 and C 128 0.556 0.56 0.68 0.94 One type of mineral filler (Ordinary Portland Cement) has been used in this study, which is obtained from Badoush factory. The physical properties are shown in Table (3-3). ٥١ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing Table (3-3): Physical Properties of Filler (Cement). Property Results Specific Gravity 3.12 % Passing sieve No.200 ASTM C117 95 Table (3-4): Job Mix Formula's for Wearing Course of the Selected Sections (*). Sieve Percent Passing opening Gradation Shape ( mm ) TRZ ( R1 ) ARZ ( R9 ) 19 100 100 12.5 92 89.5 10 83.1 77.8 4.74 66.9 55.3 2 41.5 40.2 1 28.2 32 0.63 21.4 25 0.25 14.4 15.1 0.125 11.6 12.2 0.075 9.8 9.8 Specification Requirements: Stability , Kg 1000 1000 Flow , mm 2-6mm 2-5mm Air Voids % 3-5% 2-5% Asphalt 4.7±0.3 4.63±0.3 Compaction >98 >98 (*) Data from the SCRB documents ٥٢ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing 100.00 Control Point of Iraq Specification Control Point of Superpave System Percent Passing 80.00 Above ARZ (R9) Through TRZ (R1) 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 Sieve Size,mm,Log Scale Figure (3-1) Gradation of Wearing Course for two sections of the Expressway No.1 in Iraq. ٥٣ 100.00 Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing Two types of additives (carbon fiber and lime) have been used in this study. The physical properties of additives are shown in Tables (3-5), and (3-6). Two proportions of carbon fiber (1% and 0.5%) by weight of asphalt cement and two proportions of lime (2% and 4%) by weight of aggregate were used in this study. Table (3-5) Properties of Carbon Fiber (*). Properties Results Form 2.54 cm cut Density 1.8 gm/cm 3 Tensile modulus 29 psi (*) Results from Al-Furat Beirut Table (3-6) Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of Hydrated Lime (*). Chemical composition Hydrated lime Sulfuric anhydride (SO3) 0.82 Ca(OH)2 93.88 Total 94.70 Physical properties Apparent specific gravity (*) This test from lime factory in Karbala. ٥٤ 2.343 Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing Two types of mixes were prepared with two-type gradation. Three specimens for each mix were prepared, and the average of results was reported. In order to compare the two-mix design directly, the following two types of mixes were prepared with two optimum asphalt contents of mix design: Marshall mixes with optimum asphalt content determined by Marshall Method. Marshall mixes with optimum asphalt content determined by Superpave system. The aggregate were obtained from Al-Taji Quarry. The aggregates were processed by washing, oven drying and sieving. Dried aggregate were separated with a set of sieves, consisting of the following sieve openings; 19, 12.5, 10, 4.74, 2, 1.18, 0.6, 0.25, 0.15, 0.075 mm, and the material retained on each sieve and pan was placed in storage pans. Then three samples of each aggregate gradation were prepared. The steps followed in determining the Marshall mix design is explained as follows. Aggregate were heated to a temperature of 155C° before mixed with asphalt cement. Asphalt cement was heated to the temperature producing a kinematics viscosity of (170 ± 20) centistokes (up to 163 C° as an upper limit). Then, the desired amount was added to the heated aggregate and mixed thoroughly until all aggregate particles were coated with asphalt, then the mix was compacted in accordance with the method stated in ASTM 1559. The prepared mix was placed in preheated mold of (4) in , (101.6mm) in diameter by (3) in (76.2mm) in height , and compacted with 75 blows/end with a ٥٥ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing hammer of 10 Ib ( 4.536 kg) sliding weight , and a free fall of ( 18 ) in, (457.2mm) on the top and bottom of each specimen . The specimens were then left to cool at room temperature for 24 hours. Two types of mixes were prepared by using two types of gradation. The first type of mixes was prepared with ARZ aggregate gradation and the other mix with TRZ aggregate gradation. Two specimens of each mix were prepared and the average results were reported. For the comparison requirements, the following two types of mixes were prepared with the optimum asphalt content: Superpave mixes with optimum asphalt content determined by Superpave system. Superpave mixes with optimum asphalt content determined by Marshall Method. Two specimens for each trial blend at their corresponding initial asphalt content were compacted to 135 gyrations, which represent the value of Nd for heavy traffic level. The bulk specific gravity and volumetric properties of the compacted specimen were determined and the average values were presented and then the estimated binder content was determined. For the purpose of comparison process, the design aggregate structure used for Superpave system was the same as that used for the Marshall system. To determine the design asphalt content, the first procedure is to measure Gmm. Once the design aggregate structure is identified, the design asphalt content must be determined. Starting with the design aggregate structure and the estimate asphalt content, specimens are prepared at four levels of asphalt content: ٥٦ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing P b est -0.5% P b est P b est +0.5% P best +1% Two compaction specimens were prepared for each asphalt content .This produces the data for the volumetric analysis, which is identical to the analysis performed to evaluate the design aggregate structure. The asphalt content that produces four percent air voids and meets all the other Superpave criteria represents the design asphalt content. The specimens used for the purpose of design asphalt content determination were compacted to the design level of revolutions. The volumetric properties of the specimens determined by Superpave Procedure are presented in the next chapter. The optimum asphalt content is determined by selecting the asphalt content that produces four percent air voids and meets all other mix design criteria. To ensure the mix will not over densify under traffic, two specimens were prepared with the design aggregate structure, optimum asphalt content and compacted to the maximum level of revolutions. The void content of these specimens was determined and compared with the Superpave criteria. This procedure outlines the preparation of HMA test specimens using the Superpave gyratory compactor (SGC). It includes guidelines for mixing and compacting test specimens. A batching sheet is prepared that contains the batch weights of each aggregate component and the asphalt content. The proper weights of each aggregate component are weighted into pans and the asphalt is heated to the desired ٥٧ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing mixing temperature. Meanwhile, all mixing tools used such as spatulas, mixing bowl, and other tools are heated also. The hot mixing bowl is placed on a scale and zero the scale. Then, the mixing bowl is charged with the heated aggregates and dry mix thoroughly. A crater is formed in the blended aggregate and the required asphalt is weighted into the mixture to achieve the desired batch weight. The mixing bowl is removed from the scale and the asphalt and aggregate are mixed using a mechanical mixer. The mixing continued until the aggregate is thoroughly coated with asphalt. The mix is placed in a flat shallow pan at an even thickness of 21-22 Kg/m 2 and the pan is placed in the forced draft oven at 135C°. Short term age the specimen is 4 hours. Prepare the compactor while mixing specimen in the short-term aging. This includes verifying the compaction pressure, the compaction angle and speed of gyration are set to their proper values, and the desired number of gyrations is set to, Nmax. Approximately 45-60 minutes before compaction of the first specimen, place the compaction molds and base / top plates in an oven set at the compaction temperature. After the short term aged mix reaches compaction temperature, place it in the mold, level the mix and place a paper disk on top of the leveled mix. The top of the uncompacted specimen should be slightly rounded. The mold is placed in the compactor and centered under the ram. The ram is then lowered until it contacts the mixture and the resisting pressure is 600 kPa (± 18 kPa). The angle of gyration (1.25 ° ± 0.02 °) is then applied and the compaction process begins. When Nmax has been reached, the compactor automatically stops. After the angle and pressure are released, the mold containing the compacted specimen is then removed. After a suitable cooling period, the specimen is extruded from the mold. Figure (3-3) illustrates the various steps in specimen preparation and compaction, Figure (3-2) shows Iraqi Superpave ٥٨ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing Gyratory Compactor which is manufactured by Abbas F. Jasim , M.SC student/ Highway and Transportation Engineering. The bulk specific gravity of test specimens measured using AASHTO T166. Maximum theoretical specific gravity measured using AASHTO T 209. Figure (3-2) Local Superpave Gyratory Compactor. ٥٩ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing Figure (3-3) Various steps of Superpave specimen fabrication. ٦٠ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing 3-4-1 Resistance to Plastic Flow of Asphalt Mixture (Marshall Test Method) This method covers the measurement of the resistance to plastic flow of cylindrical specimen of bituminous paving mixtures loaded on the lateral surface by means of the Marshall apparatus according to ASTM (D 1559). After the required specimen is prepared, the Marshall stability and flow tests are performed on each specimen. The cylindrical specimen is placed in water bath at 60C° for 30 to 40 minutes, and then compressed on the lateral surface at constant rate of 2in/min (50.8mm/min) until the maximum load (failure) is reached. The maximum load resistance and corresponding flow are recorded. Three specimens for each combination are prepared and the average results are reported. The Marshall stiffness is then calculated from the formula shown below: Marshall Stiffness = Marshall stability/ Marshall flow ……… (3-1) The bulk specific gravity and density ASTM (D2726), theoretical (maximum) specific gravity of void less mixture are determined in accordance with ASTM (D 2041). The percent of air voids is then calculated from the formula shown below: %Air Voids = {1-bulk SP.Gr. / Max.Theo.Sp.Gr.} *100…….( 3-2) ٦١ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing 3-4-2 Indirect Tensile Strength . The indirect tensile strength is determined according to the method described by (ASTM D4123, 1989). The specimens are prepared in accordance with (ASTM D 1559, 1989), left to cool at room temperature for 24hours and then placed in water bath at different test temperatures (20, 40, 60 C°) for 30 minutes. Then they are tested by Versa-Tester using a 1/2 in ( 12.5mm) wide curved, stainless steel loading strip on both the top and bottom , running parallel to the axis of the cylindrical specimen which are loaded diametrically at a constant rate of 2 in/min (50.8mm/min) until reaching the ultimate loading resistance. Three specimens were prepared for each tested mixtures, and the average results are reported. The indirect tensile strength (I.T.S) is calculated, as follows: I.T.S = 2P/пDT……………..(3-3) where: I.T.S =tensile strength, psi (Kpa) P = ultimate load to fail the specimen, Ibs(Newtons) D = diameter of the specimen, mm T = thickness of specimen, mm The temperature susceptibility is calculated as follows: TS= {(ITS)t1-(ITS)t2} / (t2-t1) …………..( 3-4) (ITS)t1 = indirect tensile strength at t1 C°, t1 =20 (ITS)t2 = indirect tensile strength at t2 C° , t2 =60 ٦٢ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing 3-4-3 Creep Test The diametric – indirect tensile creep test has been used to determine the stiffness of asphalt mixtures by measuring strain – time values. The diametric – indirect creep tests are performed on Marshall specimens at corresponding optimum asphalt content (o.a.c) for various mix types under constant stress of 0.1 MPa . The specimens are immersed in a water bath for 30 min .at the desired temperature of (25 C°). The specimen is loaded to static stress of 0.1 MPa for 1 hour , and the deformation is recorded at certain time increments ( 0.1 , 0.25 , 0.5 , 1 ,2 ,4 ,8 ,15 ,30 ,45 , and 60 min ) . The load is then released, and the recovered strain for 1 hour is recorded, at the same periods. The vertical strain is calculated by using the following formula: Єmix = ∆H/Do (mm/mm)………… (3-4) where: ∆H = the total measured vertical deformation at a certain loading time (mm), and Do = the original diameter of specimen (mm) The stiffness modulus of the mixture is calculated by: Smix = δ/Єmix (N/mm2) ………….. (3-5) where: Smix = stiffness modulus (N/mm2), δ = applied stress (N/mm2), and Єmix = vertical strain in the mix specimen. Three specimens are prepared for each mix combination. ٦٣ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing 3-4-4 Standard Test for the Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures ( LOTTMAN TEST) This test method covers procedures for preparing and testing asphalt concrete specimens to measure the effect of water on the tensile strength of the paving mixture. This test can be used to evaluate the effect of moisture with or without antistripping additives including lime, Portland cement or carbon fiber. The tested specimens are prepared by using the optimum asphalt content. Each set of specimen is divided into two subsets. One subset is tested in dry condition to determine the indirect tensile strength, and the other subset is subjected to vacuum saturation followed by a freeze and warm water soaking cycle. Then, the subset is tested for indirect tensile strength, making at least six specimens for each test, compacted to 7±1% air voids when using Marshall apparatus. For gyratory mixes, at least four specimens at least were prepared and compacted to 7±0.5% air voids where two specimens were tested dry and two tested after partial saturation and conditioning. The dry tensile strength is calculate as follows: ITS(dry) = 2P/пDT where: ITS (dry) = tensile strength, psi (Kpa) P = maximum load, Ibs (Newtons) D = specimen diameter, inches (mm) T = specimen height immediately before tensile test, inches (mm). The wet tensile strength is calculate as follows: ITS (wet) = 2P/пhd where: ITS (wet) = tensile strength, psi (Kpa) P = maximum load, Ibs (newtons) d = new specimen diameter after conditioning, inches (mm) ٦٤ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing h = specimen height, after conditioning and immediately before tensile test, inches (mm). The tensile strength ratio is calculate as follows: TSR = (ITS (WET)/ITS (DRY))*100 where: TSR = tensile strength ratio, % ITS (wet) = wet strength or average tensile strength of the moisture – conditioned subset, psi (Kpa), and ITS (dry) = dry strength or average tensile strength of the dry subset, psi (Kpa). The recommended minimum tensile strength ratio is 80 and 70 percent, for Superpave and Marshall respectively. The following variables have been selected in preparing the asphalt concrete mixtures for different tests: 1) One nominal maximum size (1/2 in. (12.5 mm)) has been selected each with two gradation curve (Above Restricted Zone (ARZ) and Through Restricted Zone (TRZ)). 2) One type of crushed aggregate from one source (Al-Taji Quarry). 3) One grade of asphalt cement (40-50) penetration graded from Dourah refinery. 4) Two types of additives (carbon fiber and lime) are used with (1%,0.5%) for carbon fiber , and (4% , 2%) for lime , by weight of asphalt paving mixtures. ٦٥ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing 5) Two different asphalt cement contents (optimum of Marshall and optimum of Superpave ) are used as a percentage by weight of total mixture , including : 1/2 in. (12.5mm) nominal maximum size. ARZ gradation ( 4.63 opt. of Marshall , 4.54 opt. of Superpave ) TRZ gradation ( 4.7 opt. of Marshall , 4.42 opt. of Superpave ) 6) One type of filler (cement) is used. 7) One compaction effort ( 75 ) blows/end using Marshall test method and one compactive effort ( Ninit = 9 , Ndes=135 , Nmax = 220 ) using Superpave test method for the preparation of specimens for creep test , Indirect tensile test and Lottman test . 8) Three testing temperatures (20, 40, 60C°) were used in the indirect tensile strength test. 9) MICHPAVE and PCPT Programs are used theoretically for comparison of performance between the pavements those prepared by Marshall and Superpave mixes. Figure (3-4) shows the flow chart of this work. ٦٦ Chapter Three Materials and Methods of Testing Asphalt Aggregate Gradation ARZ Marshall Volumetric Properties Optimum asphalt Stability , Stiffness Marshall with opt. Marshall Superpave with opt. Marshall Indirect tensile test (280 specimens) TRZ Superpave Volumetric Properties Optimum Asphalt Superpave with opt. Superpave Marshall with opt. Superpave Lottman test (100 specimens) Creep test (120 specimens) Data analysis Evaluating the performance of asphalt concrete mixtures Analysis with Finite Element Software (MICH-PAVE) Evaluation of (Permanent deformation and Fatigue cracking) Analysis by using PCPT Program(Evaluation of Thermal cracking) Figure (3-4) Flow Chart of Testing and Evaluation Program ٦٧ Chapter Four Results and Discussion As stated in chapter one , the main objective of this research is to compare between the performance of Superpave Mix design and Marshall Mix design . In the present chapter, mix design prepared for heavy traffic levels using the Superpave and Marshall Methodologies. The results of Marshall mix design are evaluated under the Superpave criteria and vice versa. The effectiveness and role of restricted zone on the aggregate gradation were considered in the Superpave mix design. Two types of gradation through and above restricted zone were selected to study the effect of restricted zone on the mixes performance. A comparison in mix characteristics and design criteria has been made between Superpave and Marshall mix design. The optimum asphalt content of the HMA is highly dependent on the aggregate characteristics such as gradation and absorption. The relationship between the aggregate surface area and the optimum asphalt content is most pronounced where as very fine aggregate fractions which pass sieve the No.200 is involved. Fine material in HMA can act as an asphalt extender resulting in lower air voids and possible flushing. If the asphalt content is reduced to stop the flushing, HMA may become dry and brittle due to the increase in the viscosity of asphalt and the change in its rheological properties. 68 Chapter Four Results and Discussion In Marshall mix design , the optimum asphalt content was to be 4.7% for (R1) TRZ gradation and 4.63% for (R9) ARZ gradation as per the job mix formula for expressway No.1 (SCRB documents). In the Superpave mix design, Figure (4-1), shows Superpave specimen as fabricated by the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC). Figures (4-2) to (4-7) show that the optimum asphalt content is found to be 4.42% for (R1) TRZ gradation and 4.54% for (R9) ARZ gradation. Figure (4-1) Superpave Specimens. 69 Chapter Four Results and Discussion R1 Gradation (TRZ) 6.0 %Air void 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 %Asphalt content Figure (4-2) Relationship between Asphalt content and Air void of Superpave Specimen, (for R1 Gradation). VMA R1 Gradation (TRZ) 15.2 15.0 14.8 14.6 14.4 14.2 14.0 13.8 13.6 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 %Asphalt content Figure (4-3) Relationship between Asphalt content and VMA of Superpave Specimen, (for R1 Gradation). 70 Chapter Four Results and Discussion R1 Gradation (TRZ) 85 VFA 80 75 70 65 60 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 %Asphalt content Figure (4-4) Relationship between Asphalt content and VFA of Superpave Specimen,(for R1 Gradation). %Air void R9 Gradation (ARZ) 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 % Asphalt content Figure (4-5) Relationship between Asphalt content and Air void of Superpave Specimen,(for R9 Gradation). 71 Chapter Four Results and Discussion VMA R9 Gradation (ARZ) 15.1 15.0 14.9 14.8 14.7 14.6 14.5 14.4 14.3 14.2 14.1 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 % Asphalt content Figure (4-6) Relationship between Asphalt Content and VMA of Superpave Specimen,(for R9 Gradation). R9 Gradation (ARZ) 90.0 85.0 VFA 80.0 75.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 %Asphalt content Figure (4-7) Relationship between Asphalt Content and VFA of Superpave Specimen,(for R9 Gradation). 72 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Figure (4-8) shows that the Superpave mixes have lower optimum asphalt content than those of Marshall mixes. The lower optimum asphalt content of the Superpave mixes indicates that SGC at 135 gyrations for Ndes applies more compaction energy than the Marshall hammer of 75 blows. From the presented results and as shown in Figure (4-8), it can be seen that the, ARZ and TRZ gradations have similar optimum asphalt contents, and TRZ gradation has the lowest optimum asphalt contents. This can be expected since the TRZ gradation is close to the maximum density line and less asphalt is needed to fill up the voids. The optimum asphalt content from each of the mix design method was determined to be slightly different from each other. Based on the design asphalt contents , the Superpave mix design yields a more economical mixture since it prescribes a lower asphalt content . Marshall mixes Superpave mixes 4.75 % Optimum asphalt content 4.7 4.65 4.6 4.55 4.5 4.45 4.4 4.35 4.3 4.25 TRZ (R1) ARZ (R9) Type of gradation Figure (4-8) Effect of Mix Design Method on the Optimum Asphalt Content. 73 Chapter Four Results and Discussion The HMA specimens were prepared in the laboratory; they were analyzed to determine the probable performance of the mixes. The analysis focuses on volumetric properties of the HMA and the influence of these characteristics on the HMA behavior. It can be seen from Table ( 4-1 ) , that these volumetric properties are checked against the requirements . All the requirements are satisfied . Table ( 4-1 ) , Volumetric Properties for Marshall Specimens . Volumetric Properties for Marshall Specimens R1 Gradation ( TRZ ) R9 Gradation ( ARZ ) A.C 4.7 A.C 4.63 VMA 14.5 VMA 14.85 VTM 3.9 VTM 4.49 VFA 73.1 VFA 69.76 Density 2.353 Density 2.335 It can be seen from Table (4-2), that the volumetric properties of the Superpave specimens and the gradation meet the criteria of Superpave mix design. Consider that the Superpave system prohibits the gradation to be passing through the restricted zone and recommends the gradation to be below the restricted zone for heavy traffic loads. Figure (4-9 ) shows that VTM,VMA and VFA values are lower if compared with Marshall mix design values . 74 Chapter Four Results and Discussion The shearing action during the operation of SGC is efficiently orienting the aggregate into a dense configuration. This may explain the lower value volumetric properties. The effect of the selected gradation relative to restricted zone on the volumetric properties at the corresponding selected optimum asphalt content is studied. The above mentioned results indicate that the gradation passing through the Superpave restricted zone produces higher bulk density , lower VMA and VTM as compared with the gradation passing above restricted zone as shown in Figure (4-10) . Table (4-2), Volumetric Properties for Superpave Specimens. Volumetric Properties For Superpave Specimens R1 Gradation ( TRZ ) R9 Gradation ( ARZ ) A.C 4.42 A.C 4.54 VMA 14 VMA 14.32 VTM 4 VTM 4 VFA 71.42 VFA 72 Density 2.362 Density 2.349 75 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Volumetric properties for Marshall Mixes 80 Volumetric propertie for Superpave Mixes 70 % Percent 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 VMA VTM VFA Volumetric properties Figure (4-9) Effect of Mix Design Method on Volumetric Properties. VMA VFA 80 70 % Percent 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 TRZ (R1) ARZ (R9) Type of gradation Figure (4-10) Effect of Gradation on Volumetric properties . 76 Chapter Four Results and Discussion The indirect tensile test was conducted according to ASTM D 4123 to determine the tensile strength of specimen. The indirect tensile test is the most widely used test for determining the tensile properties of the highway asphalt materials. Thus , the tensile strength is one of the critical parameters to be always taken into consideration for the performance evaluation . The evaluation of the fatigue life of a pavement is based on the flexural stiffness measurements. Tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt concrete layer in a pavement is an important parameter in the measurement of fatigue life of a mixture. The bottom of asphalt concrete layer has the greatest tensile stress and strain. Cracks are initiated at the bottom of this layer and later propagate due to the repeated stresses in tension of asphalt concrete pavements caused by bending beneath the wheel loads . Ultimately, the cracks which appear on the surface in the wheel paths are characterized as fatigue cracking ( N.Paul K. ,2005 ) . As mentioned in chapter three, three different testing temperatures have been conducted to evaluate the resistance of mixture to variations in temperature, (20C °, 40C °, 60C°) with the selected optimum asphalt content for each mix design. From Figure (4-11), the results indicate that Marshall mixes with optimum of Marshall have a tensile strength higher than that of Marshall mixes with optimum of Superpave. This is true, in tensile stress state; the mixture strength depends on the cohesion element (asphalt) in resisting stresses, and the increase in the asphalt content up to a certain limit causes an increase in the surface area of aggregate coated with binder. As a result, this will increase the strength of mixture. Figures (4-12) to (4-14), show the effect of additives on indirect tensile strength for Marshall mixes. 77 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Marshall Mixes 1400 Superpave Mixes Tensile strength (Kpa) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 TRZ ARZ Type of gradation Figure (4-11) Effect of Gradation on the Indirect Tensile Strength. Marshall with opt.of Marshall Marshall with opt.of Superpave Tensile strength (Kpa) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 R1 w ithout R1 w ith 2% R1 w ith 4% additives lim e lim e R1 w ith 0.5% fibe r R1 w ith 1% fiber Figure (4-12) Effect of Additives on the Indirect Tensile Strength at 20C° Test Temperature for TRZ (R1) Gradation. 78 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Marshall with opt.of Marshall Marshall with opt.of Superpave 600 Tensile strength (Kpa) 500 400 300 200 100 0 R1 w ithout additive s R1 w ith 2% lim e R1 w ith 4% lim e R1 w ith 0.5% fibe r R1 w ith 1% fibe r Figure (4-13) Effect of Additives on the Indirect Tensile Strength at 40C° Test Temperature for TRZ (R1) Gradation. Marshall with opt.of Marshall Marshall with opt.of superpave 160 Tensile strength (Kpa) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 R1 without additives R1 with 2% lime R1 with 4% lime R1 with 0.5% fiber R1 with 1% fiber Figure (4-14) Effect of Additives on the Indirect Tensile Strength at 60 C° Test Temperature for TRZ (R1) Gradation . 79 Chapter Four Results and Discussion The tensile strength is primarily a function of the binder properties. The amount of asphalt binder in a mixture and its stiffness influence the tensile strength. Tensile strength also depends on the absorption capacity of the aggregates used. At given asphalt content, the film thickness of asphalt on the surface of aggregate and particle-to-particle influences the adhesion or tensile strength of a mixture. Various studies have reported and proved that the tensile strength increases with decreasing air voids. The tensile strength of a mixture is strongly influenced by the consistency of the asphalt cement, which influences rutting. Thus , tensile strength plays an important role as a design and evaluation tool for Superpave mixes . From Figure (4-15), it can be seen, that the Superpave mixes with optimum of Marshall have tensile strength higher than that of Superpave mixes with optimum of Superpave. Marshall mixes Superpave mixes Tensile strength (Kpa) 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 with opt.of Marshall with opt.of Superpave Figure (4-15) Effect of Asphalt Content on the Indirect Tensile Strength ( R1 Gradation at 20 C° Test Temperature ). 80 Chapter Four Results and Discussion The test indicates that the Superpave mixtures have higher strength than the Marshall mixtures due to differences in compaction technique. The SGC rotates at a constant rate during the compaction , and this characteristic provides a better orientation of aggregate particles and the aggregate interlock and this process simulates the field compaction closely . On the other hand , Marshall compaction hammer provides only the vertical movement . To evaluating the effect of restricted zone on strength of mixes , it can be seen , that TRZ gradation has higher tensile strength as compared to ARZ gradation. This behavior is true , since the TRZ mixture has low air voids with more interactive surface area which can carry more tensile stress . Figure (4-16) shows the effect of additives on the indirect tensile strength (ITS) values corresponding to the selected gradation. Gradation (TRZ) R1 Gradation (ARZ) R9 1600 1400 Tensile strength (Kpa) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 without additives with 2% lime with 4% lime with 0.5% fiber with 1% fiber Figure (4-16) Effect of Additives on the Indirect Tensile Strength (Superpave with Optimum of Superpave at 20C° Test Temperature). 81 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Figure (4-16) also indicates that, (ITS) value increases with an increase in the amount of lime additives from (2% to 4%) in a mixture. So, hydrated lime reduces asphalt cracking that can result from causes other than aging, such as fatigue and low temperatures, although, in general, stiffer asphalt mixes result in more cracks. Accordingly, the addition of lime improves fatigue characteristics and reduces cracking. Cracking often occurs due to the formation of micro cracks. These micro cracks are intercepted and deflected by tiny particles of hydrated lime. Lime reduces cracking more than inactive fillers because of the reaction between the lime and the polar molecules in the asphalt cement, which increases the effective volume of the lime particles by surrounding them with large organic chains. Consequently , the lime particles are better able to intercept and deflect micro cracks , preventing them from growing together into large cracks that can cause pavement failure . From the above mentioned Figures, it is obvious that an increase in the (ITS) value can appear due to the increase in carbon fiber in the HMA mix. Modification of the asphalt binder is one of many approaches which can be considered to improve the pavement performance. The addition of fibers to asphalt enhances material strength and fatigue characteristics. Fatigue characteristics of the mixture were expected to improve with the addition of discrete carbon fibers, and because of the high tensile strength of carbon fibers and of their inherent compatibility with asphalt cement and excellent mechanical properties, carbon fibers might offer an excellent potential for asphalt modification. Figure (4-17) shows the effect of testing temperature on the indirect tensile strength (ITS) values corresponding to the selected mixes. It indicates that, for each mix type, as the testing temperature increases from (20C° to 40C° and 60C°) the tensile strength of mixture decreases 82 Chapter Four Results and Discussion and this is expected, since, the increase in temperature; decrease the cohesion of asphalt binder. Marshall mixes Superpave mixes 1400 Tensile strength (Kpa) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 20 40 60 Te m perature Figure (4-17) Effect of Testing Temperature on the Indirect Tensile Strength. The creep test is performed on Marshall specimen at corresponding optimum asphalt content (O.A.C) for various mix types under constant stress of 0.1 Mpa , 25C° test temperature for one hour loading followed by one hour unloading . The creep test results are reported in Appendix (D), and presented in the form of strain – time curves for various mixes as shown in Figures (4-18) to (4-27). 83 Chapter Four Results and Discussion These Figures show that Marshall mixes with optimum of Marshall have higher values of strain than those of Marshall mixes with optimum of Superpave as a result of high flow and low stiffness. This is because an increase in the asphalt content leads to high flow. R1 and R9 Without Additives R1 marshall with opt. of marshall R1 marshall with opt. of superpave R9 marshall with opt. of marshall R9 marshall with opt. of superpave Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 0 40 80 Time (min) Figure (4-18) Strain –Time relationship for Marshall Mixes (Without Additives). 84 120 Chapter Four Results and Discussion R1 marshall with opt. of marshall R1 marshall with opt. of superpave R9 marshall with opt. of superpave R9 marshall with opt. of marshall R1 and R9 with 0.5% carbon fiber Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-19) Strain – Time relationship for Marshall Mixes(With 0.5%Carbon Fiber). R1 and R9 with 1% carbon fiber R1 marshall with opt. of marshall R1 marshall with opt. of superpave R9 marshall with opt. of marshall R9 marshall with opt. of superpave Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-20), Strain – Time relationship for Marshall Mixes (With 1% Carbon Fiber). 85 Chapter Four Results and Discussion R1 marshall with opt. of marshall R1 marshall with opt. of superpave R9 marshall with opt. of marshall R9 marshall with opt. of superpave R1 and R9 with 2% lime 3.6 3.4 Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-21), Strain – Time relationship for Marshall Mixes(With 2% Lime). R1 R1 R9 R9 R1 and R9 with 4% lime marsh al l marsh al l marsh al l marsh al l wi th wi th wi th wi th opt. opt. opt. opt. of of of of marsh al l su perpave marsh al l su perpave 2.0 Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-22), Strain – Time relationship for Marshall Mixes (With 4% Lime). 86 Chapter Four Results and Discussion R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 Marshall with Optimum of Marshall 4.5 W ith ou t addi ti ve s wi th 0.5% carbon fi be r wi th 1% carbon fibe r wi th 2% l i me wi th 4% l i me Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-23) Strain-Time relationship for R1 Gradation of Marshall Mixes with different Additives. R9 Marshall with Optimum of Marshall 2.8 R9 Without additives R9 with 0.5% Carbon Fiber R9 with 1% Carbon Fiber R9 with 2% Lime R9 with 4% Lime 2.6 Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-24) Strain-Time relationship for R9 Gradation of Marshall Mixes with different Additives. 87 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Marshall with opt.Marshall Marshall with opt. Superpave Permanent deformation * 10^-3 (mm/mm) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 TRZ ARZ Type of gradation Figure (4-25) Effect of Gradation on Permanent Deformation for Marshall Mixes. Permanent deformation*10^-3 (mm/mm) Marshall mixes with optimum of marshall Marshall mix with optimum of superpave 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 R1 without add R1 with 0.5% fiber R1 with 1% fiber R1 with 2% lime R1 with 4% lime Figure (4-26) Effect of Additives on Permanent Deformation for Marshall Mixes ( for R1 Gradation). 88 Permanent deformation *10^-3 (mm/mm) Chapter Four Results and Discussion Marshall mixes with optimum of marshall 2.5 Marshall mixes with optimum of superpave 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 R9 w ithout additive s R9 w ith o.5% fiber R9 w ith 1% fibe r R9 w ith 2% lim e R9 w ith 4% lim e Figure (4-27) Effect of Additives on Permanent Deformation for Marshall Mixes ( for R9 Gradation) . Figures (4-28) to (4-33 ) show , that Superpave mixture with optimum of Marshall has higher values of strain than Superpave mixture with optimum of Superpave, indicating that , the lower asphalt content for both mix design shows smaller strain values than the higher asphalt content mixes . It is observed that Superpave with optimum of Superpave is the strongest mix and Marshall with optimum of Marshall is the weakest mix among the tested mixes . To evaluate the effect of restricted zone on creep test, it is shown, that the TRZ gradation has higher values of strain than the ARZ gradation. As a result, TRZ mixes show lower stiffness. This is because the ARZ has lower values of flow, higher stability, and as a result higher stiffness. 89 Chapter Four Results and Discussion R1 superpave with opt. of marshall R1 superpave with opt. of superpave R9 superpave with opt. of marshall R9 superpave with opt. of superpave R1 and R9 Without additives 4.0 Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-28) Strain – Time relationship for Superpave Mixes (Without Additives). R1 R1 R9 R9 R1 and R9 with 0.5% Carbon Fiber su perpave su perpave su perpave su perpave wi th wi th wi th wi th opt. opt. opt. opt. of of of of marsh al l su pe rpave marsh al l su pe rpave 4.0 Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-29) Strain- Time relationship for Superpave Mixes (with 0.5% Carbon Fiber). 90 Chapter Four Results and Discussion R1 superpave with opt. of marshall R1 superpave with opt. of superpave R9 superpave with opt. of marshall R9 Superpave with opt. of superpave R1 and R9 with 1% Carbon Fiber 3.0 2.8 Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-30) Strain – Time relationship for Superpave Mixes (with 1% Carbon Fiber). R1 and R9 with 2% Lime R1 R1 R9 R9 su perpave su perpave su perpave su perpave wi th wi th wi th wi th opt. of opt. of opt. of opt. of marsh all su pe rpave marsh all su pe rpave 3.4 3.2 Strain *10^-3 (mm /mm ) 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 0 40 80 120 Ti me (min ) Figure (4-31) Strain – Time relationship for Superpave Mixes (with 2% Lime). 91 Chapter Four Results and Discussion R1 superpave with opt. of marshall R1 superpave with opt. of superpave R9 superpave with opt. of marshall R9 superpave with opt. of superpave R1 and R9 with 4% Lime 2.0 1.9 Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-32) Strain – Time relationship for Superpave Mixes (with 4% Lime). Superpave with opt. Superpave Superpave with opt.Marshall Permanent deformation*10^-3 (mm/mm) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 TRZ ARZ Type of gradation Figure (4-33) Effect of Gradation on Permanent Deformation for Superpave Mixes. 92 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Figures (4-34) to (4-37) show the effect of adding (hydrated lime) to the mixture on resisting creep, as a result of rutting. Rutting is permanent deformation of the asphalt, and is caused when the elasticity of the material is exceeded. It indicate that increasing the amount of lime (2% to 4%) leads to decrease in permanent deformation. Hydrated lime significantly improves the performance of asphalt in this respect . Lime is chemically active rather than inert . It reacts with the bitumen, removing undesirable components at the same time its tiny particles disperse throughout the mix, making it more resistant to rutting and fatigue cracking. The stiffening that results from the addition of lime can increase the PG rating of an asphalt cement , depending upon the amount used . Figures (4-34) to (4-37) show , the effect of adding carbon fiber on resisting creep, it indicates that increasing carbon fiber leads to lower strain and as a result to more resisting to permanent deformation. Carbon fiber modified asphalt mixtures were expected to show an increased stiffness and resistance to permanent deformation. 93 Chapter Four Results and Discussion R1 without additives R1 with 0.5% Carbon Fiber R1 with 1% Carbon Fiber R1 with 2% Lime R1 with 4% Lime R1 Superpave with opt. of Superpave 4.0 Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-34) Strain-Time relationship for R1 Gradation of Superpave Mixes with different Additives. R9 Without additives R9 with 0.5% Carbon Fiber R9 with 1% Carbon Fiber R9 with 2% Lime R9 with 4% Lime R9 Superpave with optimum of Superpave 2.8 2.6 Strain *10^-3 (mm/mm) 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0 40 80 120 Time (min) Figure (4-35) Strain-Time relationship for R9 Gradation of Superpave Mixes with different Additives. 94 Results and Discussion Permanent deformation*10^-3 (mm/mm) Chapter Four Superpave with opt. of Superpave Superpave with opt. of Marshall 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 TRZ without additives TRZ with 0.5% fiber TRZ with 1% fiber TRZ with 2% lime TRZ with 4% lime Figure (4-36) Effect of Additives on Permanent Deformation for Superpave Mixes (for R1 Gradation). Superpave with opt. of Superpave Superpave with opt. of Marshall Permanent deformation *10^-3 (mm /mm ) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 ARZ w ithout additive s ARZ w ith 0.5% fibe r ARZ w ith 1% fibe r ARZ w ith 2% lim e ARZ w ith 4% lim e Figure (4-37) Effect of Additives on Permanent Deformation for Superpave Mixes (for R9 Gradation) . 95 Chapter Four Results and Discussion The moisture susceptibility test is used to evaluate HMA against stripping. This test is not a performance based test but serves two purposes . First , it identifies whether a combination of asphalt binder and aggregate is moisture susceptible . Second , it measures the effectiveness of anti-stripping additives . The indirect tensile strength (ITS) test provides properties that are useful in characterizing moisture susceptibility of hot mix asphalt (HMA). TSR tensile strength ratio is one of the important properties to reflect the strength of asphalt materials against stripping. The TSR value shows the susceptibility of HMA to stripping or reduction in strength under a wet conditioning process, in addition the TSR also can be used to evaluate the cracking potential of an asphalt mixture. Figure (4-38), shows that Marshall with optimum of Marshall mixes have higher tensile strength than Marshall with optimum of Superpave. Marshall mixes Superpave mixes Tensile strength in wet condition (Kpa) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 w ith opt. of Mars hall w ith opt. of Supe rpave Figure (4-38) Effect of Asphalt content on Moisture Damage for Marshall and Superpave Mixes. 96 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Evaluation of mixture moisture sensitivity is currently the final step in the Superpave volumetric mix design process. The moisture affects asphalt mixes in three ways: loss of cohesion, loss of adhesion and aggregate degradation. The loss of cohesion and adhesion is important to prevent stripping. A reduction in cohesion results in a reduction in strength and stiffness . A loss of adhesion is the physical separation of the asphalt cement and aggregate , primary caused by the action of moisture . The presence of water (or moisture) often results in premature failure of asphalt pavements in the form of isolated distress caused by debonding of the asphalt film from the aggregate surface or early rutting and / or fatigue due to reduced mix strength. Damage due to moisture is controlled by limiting the values of the tensile strength ratios ( TSR ) or the percent loss in tensile strength or loss in the pavement strength due to moisture damage which indicates that the individual tensile strength of the mixtures after conditioning will govern the rutting and fatigue of the mixtures ( N.Paul K. , 2005) . Figures (4-39) to (4-40), show the evaluation of the use of the gyratory compactor versus the Marshall hammer for mixture tensile strength ratio (TSR) values. It has been determined that the Superpave mixture gives higher TSR values than Marshall mixtures, the higher TSR values are most likely caused by the different aggregate orientation of the specimen in the SGC and the difficulty of specimen saturation, therefore, Superpave mixes are less affected by water compared to Marshall mixes. The investigation into the effect of restricted zone, shows that TRZ gradation is less susceptible to moisture damage than the ARZ gradation. This behavior can be attributed to the fact , that TRZ mixture with low air voids , will be less sensitive to 97 Chapter Four Results and Discussion moisture damage . After investigating the effect of additives to mixture, it can be seen that mixes with lime have higher TSR values than the mixes without lime. This can be attributed to the fact that when lime is added to hot mix, it reacts with aggregates and strengthening the bond between the asphalt and the aggregate. At the same time, it treats with the aggregate and with the asphalt itself. Lime reacts with highly polar molecules that can otherwise react in the mix to form watersoluble soaps that promote stripping .When those molecules react with lime , they form insoluble salts that no longer attract water . In addition, the dispersion of the tiny hydrated lime particles throughout the mixes makes them stiffer and tougher, reducing the likelihood of bond between the asphalt cement and the aggregate which will be broken mechanically, even if water is not present. In addition, it can be seen, that the additive of a carbon fiber to HMA mix will also increase the strength of the mixture. 98 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Marshall mixes Superpave mixes 100 90 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 w ithout additives w ith 1% fibe r w ith 0.5% fibe r w ith 2% lim e w ith 4% lim e Figure (4-39) Effect of Mix Design Method on TSR Ratio. TRZ (R1) ARZ (R9) 80 79 78 % TSR value % TSR VALUE 80 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 without additives with 1% fiber with 0.5% fiber with 2% lime with 4% lime Figure (4-40) Effect of Gradation on TSR Ratio. 99 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Marshall specimen will be taken to measure stability and flow. Stability of a HMA pavement is its ability to resist shoving and rutting under loads (traffic). A stable pavement maintains its shape and smoothness under repeated loading; and unstable pavement develops ruts (channels), ripples (wash boarding or corrugation), raveling and other signs of shifting of the HMA. Because stability for a pavement depends on the traffic expected to use the pavement, stability should be high enough to handle traffic adequately, but not higher than traffic conditions required. The stability of a mix depends on internal friction and cohesion. Internal friction among the aggregate particles (inter-particle friction)is related to aggregate characteristics such as shape and surface texture. Cohesion results from the bonding ability of the binder. A proper degree of both internal friction and cohesion in HMA prevents the aggregate particles from being moved past each other by the forces exerted by traffic. In general, the more angular the shape of the aggregate particles and the more rough their surface texture, the higher the stability of the HMA will be. The binding force of a HMA is called cohesion. Cohesion increases with the increase in loading (traffic) rate. Cohesion also increases as the viscosity of the binder increases, or as the pavement temperature decreases. Additionally, cohesion will increase with the increase in binder content, up to a certain point. Past that point, increasing binder content creates too thick a film on the aggregate particles, resulting in loss of inter-particle friction. From Table (4-3), it shows that Marshall specimens meet the criteria of specification mentioned in chapter three. 100 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Stability and flow value is not the design criteria in Superpave mix design . However, to make a comparison with Marshall mix design, specimens were prepared at optimum of Superpave mix on gyratory compactor and tested for stability and flow values. Comparative results are shown in Table (4-3). Table (4-3) Stability and Flow values for each Mix . Marshall Mixes Type of Gradation Stability (KN) Flow (mm) R1 11.5 11.8 12 4.4 4.9 5 R9 13 12.5 13.5 2.3 2.2 2.5 Superpave Mixes R1 13.8 14.1 14.4 4.2 4.5 4.1 R9 15.7 15.1 16.3 2.2 2.1 2 It can be seen from Figures (4-41) to (4-42) that the stability values of the Superpave mixes are higher than that of Marshall mixes , while the flow values of Superpave mixes are slightly less than that of Marshall mixes . After studying the effect of restricted zone, it can be seen that ARZ gradation has higher Marshall stability and lower flow value than the TRZ gradation. This can be related to the fact that the ARZ gradation has more internal friction; therefore, it has the highest stiffness. 101 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Marshall mixes Superpave mixes 18 16 Stability KN 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 R1 Type of gradation R9 Figure (4-41) Effect of Type of Gradation on Stability values of Mixes. Marshall mixes 6 Superpave mixes Flow Values mm 5 4 3 2 1 0 R1 R9 Type of gradation Figure (4-42) Effect of Type of Gradation on Flow values of Mixes. 102 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Recent studies have shown that asphalt mix durability is directly related to asphalt film thickness (Kandhal, and Chakraborty, 1996). Asphalt film thickness is directly related to durability and moisture susceptibility of HMA (Chadbourn, et al;1999).It is generally agreed that high permeability, high air voids and thin asphalt coatings on the aggregate particles are the primary causes of excessive aging (Kandhal, et al;1998). The asphalt film thickness is an indicator of the amount of binder coating the aggregate particles. It is measured in microns and calculated by dividing the effective volume of asphalt binder by the total estimated surface area of the aggregate. Surface area is affected mainly by aggregate gradation. This parameter is slightly affected by the percentage passing the larger sieves sizes significantly affected by the percent passing small sizes. For this reason, surface area and asphalt film thickness could be an issue for low traffic volume HMA applications with a large percent of fines . As a consequence, it is possible to increase or decrease surface area by increasing or decreasing the amount of fines in the mixture, and especially by altering the amount of dust, material finer than 75 mm, present in the HMA , (Reyes,2003). The total surface area of an aggregate blend is then determined as the sum of surface area factors times the percentage passing each size: SA =∑ Sfi * Pi Where SA =Surface area m2 /kg Sfi =Surface factor for sieve i Pi =Percent passing sieve in decimal form 103 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Thicker asphalt binder films produce mixes which are flexible and durable, while thin films produce mixes which tend to crack and ravel excessively. An insufficient coating on aggregate particles is one of the causes leading to premature aging of the asphalt binder. Lacking of film thickness also leads to inadequate cohesion between particles known as “dry” mixes. Also, aggregates coated by a thin asphalt film are easily penetrated by water causing striping and brittle (Chadbourn, et al;1999). Since the minimum asphalt content will be different for mixes with different gradations, a more rational approach for VMA should be based on the minimum average film thickness rather than a minimum VMA. An average film thickness of 8 microns at 4 percent air voids was used and recommended by (Kandhal, et al;1998). A rational approach based on a minimum asphalt film thickness has been proposed and validated . The film thickness approach represent a more direct , equitable , and appropriate method of ensuring asphalt mix durability and encompasses various mix gradation . The amount of material passing the 75-mm sieve has a significant effect on HMA properties ( Anderson , 1987) . Increasing the amount of material passing the 75mm sieve will result in an increase in the surface area of the aggregate blend. Consequently, the average film thickness is thinner producing a lower VMA. Some additional effects of dust on HMA properties are presented by (Chadbourn, et al; 1999) as follows: Stiffening the asphalt binder , Extending the asphalt binder content Altering the moisture resistance of the mix Affecting the aging characteristics of the mix , and Affecting the workability and compaction characteristics of the mix . 104 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Estimated asphalt film thickness for asphalt concrete mixtures and the results are shown in Table (4-4). The rationale behind the current Superpave VMA requirement is to incorporate a minimum asphalt content into the mix to ensure its durability (Kandhal, et al;1998). Because the Superpave mix design often suggests a lower optimum asphalt content than that of the Marshall mix design, the durability of the Superpave mix is questionable and needs to be evaluated. Thicker asphalt binder films produce mixes that are flexible and durable, whereas thin films produce brittle mixes which result in a reduction of pavement service life. The asphalt film thickness of the mixtures is calculated to ensure the adequacy of the estimated binder contents. The average asphalt film thickness as shown in Figure (4-43), generally recommends ranges from six to eight microns (Campen, et al;1959). Kandhal also suggested an optimum film thickness value of 8 microns (Kandhal, et al;1998). Figure (4-43) Asphalt Film Thickness 105 Chapter Four Results and Discussion The film thickness of the Superpave at the optimum asphalt content is determined to be as shown in Table (4-4). Gradation, VTM and dust content affect film thickness, with dust content having the greatest impact on asphalt film thickness. In this study, the film thickness is mainly affected by the compaction methods and the asphalt contents since the Superpave and Marshall mix designs use the same aggregate gradation. The Marshall mixes yield a higher asphalt film thickness than the Superpave mixes. Therefore, they are more durable to oxidation and polymerization than the Superpave mixtures. Figure (4-44) shows values of asphalt film thickness for both Superpave and Marshall mixtures. In general, Marshall mixtures show values higher than that of Superpave mixture. This is expected since Marshall mixtures have higher optimum asphalt contents, in addition, there is more amount of fines passing No.200, then increasing surface area as a result of decreasing asphalt film thickness for Superpave mixes. 106 Chapter Four Results and Discussion Table (4-4) Asphalt Film Thickness for both Mixes. Asphalt Film Thickness (µ) Marshall Mixes Superpave Mixes TRZ (R1) ARZ (R9) TRZ (R1) ARZ (R9) 6.22119E-06 5.9491E-06 5.8334E-06 5.82796E-06 Marshall Mixes Superpave Mixes 0.0000063 Asphalt Film Thickness 0.0000062 0.0000061 0.000006 0.0000059 0.0000058 0.0000057 0.0000056 TRZ (R1) ARZ (R9) Type of Gradation Figure (4-44) Effect of Mix Design Method on Asphalt Film Thickness. 107 Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance One of the primary goals in pavement engineering is the prediction of pavement performance. Such predictions, until recently, have been exclusively based on empirical procedures based on road tests carried out some 50 years ago. Such procedures are only applicable to similar loading (i.e., tire pressures and tire types), pavement layer materials, and environmental conditions that were present at the road test sites. On the other hand, mechanistic procedures enable pavement engineers to undertake design and analysis at a site that has different conditions (loading, materials and environmental) than the road test site. Such procedures require pavement response (e.g. stress, strain, deflection) induced by traffic loads to predict pavement performance (Raj V.S ,et,al,2003). Recent pavement design procedures, including the SHRP Superpave procedure use the pavement response as a critical input. Keeping in mind that flexible pavement design deals primarily with structural aspects (i.e., the selection of appropriate materials, characterization of strength or loadcarrying properties, layer thickness determination), it can be said that the state of the art in flexible Pavement design is manifested in mechanistic, or mechanisticempirical (M-E), based design. (Stephen B.S,). The mechanistic-empirical approach would more realistically characterize in-service pavements and improve the reliability of designs. Much of the expected improvement is a result of characterizing paving materials through the application of engineering mechanics rather than empirical. ١٠٨ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance M-E design methods are based on the mechanics of materials that relate an input, such as wheel load, to an output of pavement response, such as stress or strain. In the ME Design Guide procedure, the pavement is regarded as a multi-layered elastic system. The materials in each of these layers are characterized by modulus of elasticity (E) and Poisson’s ratio (ν). This method requires the determination of critical stress, strain, or deflection in the pavement by some mechanistic method and the prediction of resulting damages by some empirical failure criteria. Prior to the thickness design, remaining life of the existing pavement must be evaluated. In the ME design process, the multi-layer structure is analyzed mechanistically to estimate the critical strains developed within the structure. These strain values are used to estimate the structural capacity in terms of repeated traffic loading by using the empirically derived transfer functions. The results are compared with the results obtained from a field test section to validate the mechanistic component. A mechanistic- procedure, has the following advantages: It provides more reliable and realistic analysis. It has an ability to predict the type of distress. It can be used for both existing pavement rehabilitation and new pavement construction. It accommodates changing load types, environmental, and aging conditions. It uses material properties which relate better to actual pavement response. It can better characterize materials. ١٠٩ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Figure ( 5-1 ) Mechanistic and Empirical design and analysis Mechanistic techniques for asphalt pavement analysis have been around since the 1960s, although wider development and implementation started in the 1980s and 1990s. Mechanistic design is much the same as other engineering approaches used for bridges, buildings, and dams. Essentially, the principles of physics are used to determine a pavement's reaction to loading. As the critical points in the pavement structure are known, one can design against certain types of failure or distress by choosing the right materials and layer thicknesses. In the case of the perpetual pavement, it would consist of providing enough stiffness in the upper pavement layers to preclude rutting and enough total pavement thickness and flexibility in the lowest layer to avoid fatigue cracking from the bottom of the pavement structure. Since the HMA pavement is tailored to resist specific distresses in each layer, the materials selection, mix design, and performance testing need to be specialized for each material layer. ١١٠ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance The mixtures stiffness need to be optimized to resist rutting or fatigue cracking, depending upon which layer is being considered. Durability is a primary concern for all layers. One of the benefits of the M-E methodologies (ideally) is that they rely primarily on a fundamental engineering property of the individual pavement and soil layers to determine the state of stress and predict pavement performance. That property is the elastic modulus, and its benefit over other index properties such as Poisson’ ratio, and other material properties that have a direct effect on the analytical models used to predict the state of stress. The dynamic stiffness of asphalt concrete mixtures is one of the key factors to control pavement performance. Powell and Leech show that the dynamic stiffness of the mixture increases with 30 % if the void content of the material is reduced by 3 %. Linear elastic analysis of the construction as a whole shows that by reducing void content, the thickness of the construction can be reduced by 8%. Moreover a higher compaction level will increase the fatigue resistance of the material. The third advantage of adequate compaction is the increase in the resistance to the permanent deformation. An increase of 3% in compaction leads to a reduction of the permanent deformation of about 50% after 1000 passes, measured with a pneumatic tired wheel tracking machine (Henny H., &André M.,2000). Hot Mix Asphalt concrete (HMA) is a complex composite made up of aggregates, binder and air voids. In hot mix asphalt, binder, and aggregate are blended together in precise proportions. The relative proportions of these materials determine the physical properties of the HMA and ultimately how the HMA will perform as a finished pavement. Theoretically, in this study, we have to studied the effect of two mixes design method on the performance of pavement structure to determine which mixes performs better. ١١١ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance In constructing an asphalt layer the compaction is probably one of the most crucial stages. The level of compaction largely governs the structural performance of the entire pavement construction (Henny H., &André M.,2000). To increase the knowledge about the compaction of asphalt concrete mixtures several approaches can be taken. In this section simulation of the process with a 2D FEM calculation, based on elastic-viscoelastic material behavior is described. Improving compaction results in a significant improvement in load spreading, resistance to fatigue cracking and resistance for deformation of asphalt concrete mixtures. These improvements undoubtedly result in extended pavement life. In the present research, two different methods of HMA specimen preparation (Marshall method and Superpave system), are used to predict the performance of pavement structure. A comprehensive software named the Michpave has been developed at Michigan State University (MSU). This software analyzes a pavement using nonlinear finite element program. MICHPAVE has been enhanced to use a distant lateral boundary and many more finite elements, and the nonlinear model for granular material is implemented. This instills confidence in the proposed M-E method, since adopting the M-E method will yield pavement cross- sections with uniformly consistent performance. Furthermore, MICHPAVE Software is selected to be used for the comparison between the structural performance of Superpave and traditional Marshall mixes. The pavement volumetric and mechanical properties were used as an input data for MICH-PAVE Software. These data can be seen in Table (5-1). Input data for other layers are assumed and are presented in Table (5-2). ١١٢ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Table (5-1) Data input to MICHPAVE Program for Wearing Course Input Data for Marshall Mixes Type of gradation Asphalt Content % Stiffness (Psi) Density Pcf Air void % R1 4.7 300000 146.86 4 R9 4.63 500000 145.74 4 Input Data for Superpave Mixes Type of gradation R1 Asphalt Content % 4.42 Stiffness (Psi) 350000 Density Pcf 147.42 Air void % 4 R9 4.54 550000 146.62 4 Table (5-2) Assumed Input Data of layers of pavement for MICHPAVE Program. Base Course Type of Gradation Marshall Mixes Superpave Mixes Stiffness Density Stiffness Density (Psi) Pcf (Psi) Pcf R1 295000 140 295000 140 R9 495000 140 495000 140 Sub base Course R1 15000 120 15000 120 R9 15000 120 15000 120 Subgrade Course R1 5000 120 5000 120 R9 5000 120 5000 120 ١١٣ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance The following cross-section which represents the pavement structure is proposed to be used during the application of MICH-PAVE Software. Wearing course 5cm Base course 15 cm Subbase course 30 cm Subgrade course 90 cm Figure (5-2) assumed pavement structure used in software. Output data from this program will eventually be used to make detailed prediction of pavement performance. In other words, the output will allow to estimate the performance life of HMA to achieve a certain level of rutting and fatigue cracking. ١١٤ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance There are some factors which affect the performance of pavement structure. These factors can be listed as follows: Mix Design Information Hot Mix Asphalt pavement mixtures are expected to perform over extended periods under a variety of traffic and environmental conditions. HMA properties are very important in resisting permanent deformation and cracking under traffic loads. Pavement Layers The thickness of the asphalt concrete surface course plays a crucial role in bearing load repetitions, because a given percentage of increase in the expected loads can be accommodated by a much smaller percent increase in pavement thickness. Material Properties of Pavement Components According to the multi-layered elastic theory, the material properties of each layer such as resilient modulus and Poisson’s ratio will contribute to the magnitudes of stress and strain in and between each layer and thus can directly reflect the fatigue characteristics and permanent deformation behavior of pavements. Traffic Loading and Volume Traffic including loading and volume is one of the most important criteria in pavement design. The consideration of traffic should include both the loading and the number of load repetitions. The current AASHTO design method is based on the total number of passes of the standard equivalent single axle load (18-kip ESAL) during the design period. The important fact is that most pavement distresses are load-associated even for the non-load-associated distresses; the load repetitions certainly exacerbate the deterioration,(Shiou-San K., Hesham S.M, et al ,2003 ) . Temperature and Precipitation Mix temperature is considered as the most important factor in achieving proper pavement compaction. The mix temperature at the time of compaction is affected by conditions at the hot-mix plant, the paving process, thermal properties of the hot-mix, ١١٥ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance thickness and density of the pavement layer and environmental conditions (air temperature, base temperature, wind velocity and solar radiation).If the temperature is too low, the mix will be understressed; if it is too high, the mix will be overstressed. This underscores the importance of determining and maintaining an optimal temperature at which maximum densification can take place (Bruce A.C. et al ,1998). Temperature change may affect the existing insitu resilient modulus of HMA. When the pavement surface cools, the asphalt binder will slowly transform from a ductile into a brittle material. Inherent in the pavement structure are a large number of flaws that are unable to transmit loads and will therefore act as stress concentrators. At crack tips in the binder and , at the binder – aggregate interface or within broken aggregate , thermal induced stresses will concentrate which may allow cracks to initiate and / or propagate , ( Namir .G.A.,2002 ). A computer program developed by Dr. Namir G.A.(2002), for the Prediction of Critical Pavement Temperature (PCPT) was used for the determination of critical pavement temperature in asphalt concrete mixture. In this program, the temperature at which the accumulated thermal stress exceeds the tensile strength is defined as critical pavement temperature. This definition is applied as the main concept in performing the program that predicts the critical pavement temperature. The required data for the experimental approach obtained from the test results are presented in chapter four. The input and output of the PCPT program performed for this purpose can be seen in Figures (5-4) to (5-11), the output of the PCPT program is shown in Table (5-3). ١١٦ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Table (5-3) Output Results of the PCPT Program. Critical Pavement Temperature Type of Gradation Marshall Mixes Superpave Mixes TRZ (R1) -31.75 -31.25 ARZ (R9) -31.95 -31.55 Figure (5-3) shows the low temperature crack in HMA. Figure (5-3) Low Temperature Crack in HMA. ١١٧ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Figure (5-4) Input Data PCPT Program for Marshall Mixes (for R1 Gradation). Figure (5-5) Output Results of PCPT Program for Marshall Mixes(for R1 Gradation). ١١٨ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Figure (5-6) Input Data PCPT Program for Superpave Mixes (for R1 Gradation). Figure (5-7) Output Results PCPT Program for Superpave Mixes (for R1 Gradation). ١١٩ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Figure (5-8) Input Data PCPT Program for Marshall Mixes (for R9 Gradation). Figure (5-9) Output Results of PCPT Program for Marshall Mixes (for R9 Gradation). ١٢٠ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Figure (5-10) Input Data PCPT Program for Superpave Mixes (for R9 Gradation). Figure (5-11) Output Results PCPT Program for Superpave Mixes (for R9 Gradation). ١٢١ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance MICHPAVE is a user-friendly, non-linear finite element program for the analysis of flexible pavements. The program computes displacements, stresses and strains within the pavement due to a single circular wheel load. Useful design information such as fatigue life and rut depth are also estimated through empirical equations. Most of MICHPAVE is written in FORTRAN 77. This section gives a summary of the modeling and analysis so that the user becomes aware of the capabilities and limitations of the MICHPAVE program. Modeling of the Pavement Each layer in a pavement cross section is assumed to extend infinitely in the horizontal directions, and the last layer is assumed to be infinitely deep. All the pavement layers are assumed to be fully bonded so that no slip occurs due to the applied load. Displacements, stresses and strains due to a single circular wheel load are computed. Due to the assumptions used, the problem is reduced to an axisymmetric one. Granular and Cohesive Material Models The so-called K-model is used to characterize the resilient moduli of granular materials. This model is of the form in which = 1 + 2 + 3 = bulk stress and MR = resilient modulus, and K1 and K2 are material properties. For this model, log MR varies linearly with log as shown in Figure (5-12). The resilient modulus for cohesive soils is specified in terms of the deviatoric stress through the bilinear model: MR={ k2+k3(k1-(δ1-δ3)) , when (δ1-δ3)≤k1 MR={K2+K4{( δ1- δ3)-K1} , when (δ1- δ3)>k1 This model is illustrated in Figure (5-13). ١٢٢ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Gravity and Lateral Stresses The MICHPAVE program includes the effect of gravity and lateral stresses arising from the weight of the materials. At any location within the pavements, the vertical gravity stress (g) is computed as the accumulation of the layer thicknesses multiplied by the appropriate unit weights. Figure (5-12) Resilient Modulus Model for Granular Soils. The lateral stress is taken as σh= Ko σ g, where Ko = coefficient of earth pressure at rest. For granular soils Ko =1 sin and for cohesive soils Ko = 1 0.95 sin , where = angle of internal friction. To approximately account for “locked-in” stresses caused by compaction, the user can input a value for Ko higher than the coefficient of earth pressure at rest. Finite Element Analysis The pavement response model uses output from the material property and environmental effects model to predict stresses and strains using a two – dimensional, axisymmetric finite element approach. The performance testing and performance prediction models represent an important new tool for engineers in designing and managing pavements. ١٢٣ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance In this software, rectangular four-noded axisymmetric finite elements with linear interpolation functions are used in all upper layers and through the depth specified by the user for the last layer (the roadbed). A lateral boundary is placed at a radial distance of 10a from the center of the loaded area, where a = radius of the loaded area. A default mesh is initially generated, but this may be modified by the user. The default mesh has the following characteristics: Figure (5-13) Resilient Modulus Model for Cohesive Soils In the radial direction, the total width of 10 radii is divided into four regions. Within any region, all elements have the same horizontal dimension. The first region, between 0 and 1 radius, is equally divided into four elements; the second region, between 1 radius and 3 radius, is equally divided into four elements; the third region, between 3 radii and 6 radii, is equally divided into three elements; and the fourth region, between 6 radii and 10 radii, is equally divided into two elements. Within any layer, all elements have the same vertical dimension. The number of elements in each layer in the vertical direction is dependent on the layer thickness, but at least four elements are used at the top (AC) layer, and at least two elements ١٢٤ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance are used at all other layers. A typical default finite element mesh is shown in Figure (5-14). Figure (5-14) Typical Finite Element Mesh Displacements, stresses and strains are computed only within the region modeled by finite elements. In order to increase accuracy, and to reduce the memory and computation time required by the program, the infinite extent of the last layer is modeled by using a flexible bottom boundary (Harichandran and Yeh 1989). The half-space below the bottom boundary is assumed to be homogeneous and linear elastic. The modulus of the half-space is taken as the average moduli of the finite elements immediately above the bottom boundary. The non-linear analysis consists of several iterations. A linear analysis is performed in each iteration, after which the resilient modulus of each finite element is revised if necessary. If the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is violated in any granular or cohesive soil element, the principal stresses are modified to reflect the failure ١٢٥ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance condition, and the resilient moduli are determined from the modified stresses (Raad and Figueroa 1980). The iteration is repeated until the resilient moduli of all the elements stabilize. At the end of the analysis, MICHPAVE outputs an equivalent resilient modulus for each pavement layer. These equivalent moduli may be useful if further analyses are to be performed using other programs that assume linear elastic materials. The equivalent moduli for each layer is computed as the average of the moduli of the finite elements in that layer that lies within an assumed 2:1 load distribution zone (Harichandran et. al. 1990). Results from the non-linear mechanistic analysis, together with other parameters, are used as input to the performance models derived on the basis of field data (Baladi 1989), to predict the fatigue life and rut depth. These performance models are currently restricted to three-layer pavements with asphalt concrete (AC) surface, base and roadbed soil, and four-layer pavements with AC surface, base, subbase and roadbed soil. Fatigue life and rut depth estimated for other types of sections may be meaningless. The models relate the fatigue life and rut depth to the number of equivalent 18-kip single-axle loads, surface deflection, moduli and thicknesses of the layers, percent air voids in the asphalt, tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer, average compressive strain in the asphalt layer, kinematics viscosity of the asphalt binder and average annual air temperature (Ronald S.H. , Gilbert Y.B., 2000 ). The data setting of the MICHPAVE program performed for this purpose can be seen in Figures (5-15) to (5-19). ١٢٦ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Figure (5-15), describe the current job for identification purposes. Figure (5-16), Input the loading and design thresholds Figure (5-17), Specify pavement cross-section and material type Figure (5-18), Input to output sections, which displacements, stresses and strains were computed ١٢٧ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Figure (5-19), Input of boundary conditions Using the mechanical properties of the HMA and the performance prediction models, mix design engineers will be able to estimate the combined effect of asphalt binders, aggregates, and mixture proportions. The analysis will take into account the structure, condition, and properties of the existing pavement (if applicable) and the amount of traffic to which the proposed mixture will be subjected over its performance life. The output of the analysis will be millimeters of rutting, life time of fatigue cracking, and strains in other layers. By using this approach, the HMA mix design system will become the ultimate design procedure by linking material properties with pavement structural properties to predict actual pavement performance. When the pavement analysis is completed, the benefit (or detriment) of new materials, different mix designs, asphalt modifiers, and other products can be quantified in terms of cost versus predicted performance. This capability would reduce the dependency on field test sections for relative comparisons. ١٢٨ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance This integrated mixture and structural analysis system will allow the designer to evaluate and compare the costs associated with using various materials and applications. When high quality materials are used, distresses are typically due to traffic loading, resulting in rutting and fatigue cracking. Environmental conditions such as temperature and water can have highly significant affect the performance of asphalt concrete pavement as well. When a wheel load is applied to a pavement, two stresses are transmitted to the HMA: vertical compressive stress within the asphalt layer, and horizontal tensile stress at the bottom of the asphalt layer. The HMA must be internally strong and resilient to resist the compressive stresses and prevent permanent deformation within the mixture. In the same manner, the material must also have enough tensile strength to withstand the tensile stresses at the base of the asphalt layer, and also be resilient to withstand many load applications without fatigue cracking. Figures (5-20) and (5-21) illustrate the initiation of cracks and stress, strain within the pavement layers. Figure (5-20) Illustration of Propagation Cracks. ١٢٩ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Figure (5-21) Illustration of Stress and Strain within Pavement Layers. The asphalt mixture must also resist the stresses imparted by rapidly decreasing temperatures and extremely cold temperatures. While the individual properties of HMA components are important, asphalt mixture behavior is best explained by considering asphalt cement and mineral aggregate acting together. One way to understand asphalt mixture behavior is to consider the primary asphalt pavement distress types that engineers try to avoid such as: permanent deformation, fatigue cracking and low temperature cracking. These are the distresses analyzed in HMA. The performance of the mixtures in fatigue and rutting is not affected by tensile strength alone. A large set of mixture properties influences the performance of the mixtures. Fatigue life of a mixture is influenced by the percent voids filled with asphalt (VFA), asphalt content, nominal maximum size of the aggregate, air void etc, and on the tensile strength and the stiffness of the mixtures. Similarly , the rutting characteristic of a mixture are influenced by shear strength , air void , percent in the mineral aggregate , asphalt content , percent aggregate fines than No.200 . (N.Paul K. ,2005-14). By observing the output results of the MICHPAVE software in Appendix (G), it can be seen that Superpave is better than traditional mixes (Marshall Mixes) for service ١٣٠ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance life of pavement structure. So, Superpave offers several advantages over the traditional design process. These benefits include longer pavement life with less rutting and have the approximately the same resistance to fatigue cracking. These important results will support the recommendation of using Superpave mixes instead of traditional Marshall mixes especially from maintenance, rehabilitation and the economic point of view. In addition, and depending on the previous mentioned results, applying Superpave system in the evaluation process of the HMA is strongly recognized to produce better quality of mixes and enhance the pavement performance. The summary of output results of application of MICHPAVE Program is as follows: Design Summary of Marshall Mixes for R1 Gradation: Maximum tensile (radial) strain in the asphalt layer = 3.083E-05 Average compressive (vertical) strain in the asphalt layer = 8.205E-05 Maximum compressive (vertical) strain at top of subgrade = 3.848E-04 Fatigue life of asphalt pavement = 3.178E+07 ESAL applications. Total expected rut depth of the pavement = 2.13187E-01 inches Expected rut depth in the asphalt course = 5.83811E-02 inches Expected rut depth in the base and/or subbase course = 7.13512E-02 inches Expected rut depth in the roadbed soil = 8.34548E-02 inches Design Summary of Marshall Mixes for R9 Gradation: Maximum tensile (radial) strain in the asphalt layer = 2.919E-05 Average compressive (vertical) strain in the asphalt layer = 3.060E-05 Maximum compressive (vertical) strain at top of subgrade = 2.979E-04 Fatigue life of asphalt pavement = 2.322E+07 ESAL applications. Total expected rut depth of the pavement = 1.19491E-01 inches Expected rut depth in the asphalt course = 4.97920E-02 inches Expected rut depth in the base and/or subbase course = 5.42350E-02 inches Expected rut depth in the roadbed soil = 1.54643E-02 inches ١٣١ Chapter Five Effect of Mix Design Method on the Pavement Structural Performance Design Summary of Superpave Mixes for R1 Gradation: Maximum tensile (radial) strain in the asphalt layer = 2.061E-05 Average compressive (vertical) strain in the asphalt layer = 6.186E-05 Maximum compressive (vertical) strain at top of subgrade = 3.740E-04 Fatigue life of asphalt pavement = 3.695E+07 ESAL applications. Total expected rut depth of the pavement = 2.14740E-01 inches Expected rut depth in the asphalt course = 5.79695E-02 inches Expected rut depth in the base and/or subbase course = 7.19469E-02 inches Expected rut depth in the roadbed soil = 8.48236E-02 inches Design Summary of Superpave Mixes for R9 Gradation: Maximum tensile (radial) strain in the asphalt layer = 2.443E-05 Average compressive (vertical) strain in the asphalt layer = 2.399E-05 Maximum compressive (vertical) strain at top of subgrade = 2.921E-04 Fatigue life of asphalt pavement = 2.172E+07 ESAL applications. Total expected rut depth of the pavement = 1.17461E-01 inches Expected rut depth in the asphalt course = 4.80722E-02 inches Expected rut depth in the base and/or subbase course = 5.40575E-02 inches Expected rut depth in the roadbed soil = 1.53314E-02 inches ١٣٢ Chapter Six Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the study findings, the following conclusions are appropriate: 1. Superpave achieves lower air void content than Marshall mixes; this prevents additional compaction under traffic, which could result in the wheel path. 2. Superpave mixes yield lower asphalt content than Marshall Mixes. As a result, Superpave mixes are better from the economical point of views than Marshall Mixes. 3. Superpave mixes show better moisture susceptibility than Marshall Mixes. 4. The mixes prepared under the Superpave method pass the Marshall criteria, and the mixes prepared under the Marshall method pass the Superpave criteria, this indicates that using Superpave method to design and construct pavement should not face unusual difficulties with Superpave mixes. 5. The TRZ gradation blends meet all the Superpave mix design requirements and may be expected to perform adequately. 6. It is concluded that the asphalt mix durability is directly related to asphalt film thickness. Therefore, the minimum VMA should be based on the minimum desirable asphalt film thickness rather than minimum asphalt content because the latter will be different for mixes with different gradation. 7. It is concluded that using (carbon fiber and lime) as additives, results; in increase in tensile strength, more resistance to water action and reduce in the 133 Chapter Six Conclusions and Recommendations permanent deformation for both types of mixes. Accordingly, this will enhance the performance of asphalt concrete mixtures. 8. Mixes with TRZ gradation have higher values of tensile strength and creep as compared with mixes of ARZ gradation. 9. Regarding the MICHPAVE–Finite Element Software results, the Superpave mixes offer several advantages over the traditional Marshall design process. The advantages include longer pavement life with less permanent deformation, and less fatigue cracking. These results reflect a significant reduction in maintenance and rehabilitation cost. 10. The results of PCPT Software show that both mixes have the approximately same resistance to thermal cracking. The main recommendations based on this work are summarized as follows: 1. Superpave mixes can be used instead of traditional Marshall mixes, since Superpave mix design yields a more economical cost, it prescribes lower asphalt content and longer life of pavements. 2. It is recommended to select (Filler / Asphalt) ratio carefully to be in an adequate range within the specification to achieve easy and good performance. 3. Using additives (Lime and Carbon fiber) to achieve performance of asphalt paving mixtures, since they improve fatigue resistance, decrease permanent deformation and have better moisture susceptibility of HMA. 134 Chapter Six Conclusions and Recommendations The following can be listed as the recommendations for the future researches; 1. Similar studies should be conducted on a larger variety of aggregate gradation and binder types to establish more robust confidence in Superpave mix design criteria. 2. Further evaluation of the Superpave gyratory compactor, SGC, mixes designed for different values of million ESALs could be performed to evaluate the suitability of the current Superpave compactive effort requirements for this design traffic mixes. 3. The gradation limits used in this study have produced acceptable mixes. However, more extensive research is needed to verify the gradation control point limits recommended from this research. 4. Field verification of different applications should be conducted to monitor the performance of these Superpave mixtures. 5. A greater variety of mixes containing natural sand should be used to compare Marshall and Superpave 12.5 mm NMAS mixes in order to clearly establish the role of natural sand in mixture performance. 6. Since aggregate properties vary from source to source, the effect of aggregate properties and sources on the performance of Superpave mixes is recommended to be studied. 135 References 1. Abdul Haqh. A.AL.H., (January / 2000), " A suggested model for stress & deflection analysis of multi-layer elastic flexible pavement systems using finite element method " , thesis , M.Sc. University of Technology. 2. Amirkhanian S.N., (June,2001), "Development of a Gyratory Design for Conventional SCDOT Hot Mixed Asphalt Mixtures" , FHWA-SC-0105.South Carolina Department of Transportation. Columbia S.C. 3. Anderson, D. ,(1987), "Guidelines for the Use of Dust in Hot-Mix-Asphalt Concrete Mixtures" ,Proceedings of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 56,pp.492-516. 4. Asphalt Institute, (1996), " Superpave mix design " , Superpave series No.2 ( SP -2 ) . 5. ASTM, (1989), Annual Book of American Society for Testing and Materials , Standard Section 4 , Vol. 04.03. 6. 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Yoder, and Witczak , (1975), edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ١٤٢ Principles of pavement design , 2nd APPENDICES: APPENDIX A: Data Analysis for Marshall Mixes Design APPENDIX B: Data Analysis for Superpave Mixes Design APPENDIX C: Marshall Test Results and Superpave Mixes Analysis APPENDIX D: Creep Test Results for Mixes Design APPENDIX E: Indirect Tensile Strength Results for Mixes Design APPENDIX F: Moisture Damage Results for Mixes Design APPENDIX G: Output MICHPAVE Program Results of Application of The measurements and calculations needed for a void analysis are: The bulk specific gravity for the total aggregate is calculated using: Gsb P 1 P 2 ...... PN P1 P2 PN ...... G1 G 2 GN where Gsb = bulk specific gravity for the total aggregate P1, P2, PN = individual percentages by mass of aggregate G1, G2, GN = individual bulk specific gravities of aggregate The effective specific gravity of the aggregate, Gse, includes all void spaces in the aggregate particles except those that absorb asphalt. Gse is determined using : Gse Pmm Pb Pmm Pb Gmm Gb where Gse = effective specific gravity of aggregate Gmm = maximum specific gravity (ASTM D 2041 / AASHTO T 209) Of paving mixture (no air void). Pmm = percent by mass of total loose mixture = 100 Pb = asphalt content at which ASTM D 2041 / AASHTO T 209 test was performed , percent by total mass of mixture . Gb = specific gravity of asphalt A1 After calculating the effective specific gravity of the aggregate from each measured maximum specific gravity and averaging the G se results, the maximum specific gravity for any other asphalt content can be obtained using the equation shown below. Gmm Pmm Ps Pb Gse Gb where Gmm = maximum specific gravity of paving mixture ( no air voids) Pmm = percent by mass of total loose mixture = 100 Ps = aggregate content, percent by total mass of mixture Pb = asphalt content, percent by total mass of mixture Gse = effective specific gravity of aggregate Gb = specific gravity of asphalt Absorption is expressed as percentage by mass of aggregate rather than as a percentage by total mass of mixture. Asphalt absorption, Pba is determined using: Pba 100 * Gse Gsb * Gb GsbGse where Pba = absorbed asphalt , percent by mass of aggregate Gse = effective specific gravity of aggregate Gsb = bulk specific gravity of aggregate Gb = specific gravity of asphalt A2 The effective asphalt content, Pbe of a paving mixture is the total asphalt content minus the quantity of asphalt lost by absorption into the aggregate particles. The formula is: Pbe Pb Pba * Ps 100 where Pbe = effective asphalt content, percent by total mass of mixture Pb = asphalt content, percent by total mass of mixture Pba = absorbed asphalt, percent by mass of aggregate Ps = aggregate content, percent by total mass of mixture The VMA is calculated on the basis of the bulk specific gravity of the aggregate and is expressed as a percentage of the bulk volume of the compacted paving mixture. Therefore, the VMA can be calculated as: VMA 100 Gmb * Ps Gsb where VMA = voids in mineral aggregate (percent of bulk volume) Gsb = bulk specific gravity of total aggregate Gmb = bulk specific gravity of compacted mixture (ASTM D 1188 or D 2726 / AASHTO T 166) Ps = aggregate content, percent by total mass of mixture A3 The volume percentage of air voids in a compacted mixture can be determined using: Va 100 * Gmm Gmb Gmm where Va = air voids in compacted mixture, percent of total volume Gmm = maximum specific gravity of paving mixture Gmb = bulk specific gravity of compacted mixture The percentage of the voids in the mineral aggregate that are filled with asphalt , VFA , not including the absorbed asphalt , is determined using : Vfa 100 * VMA Va VMA where VFA = voids filled with asphalt, percent of VMA VMA = voids in mineral aggregate, percent of bulk volume Va = air voids in compacted mixture, percent of total volume A4 Superpave gyratory compaction is analyzed by computing the estimated bulk specific gravity, corrected bulk specific gravity, and corrected percentage of maximum theoretical specific gravity each desired gyration. During compaction, the height is measured and recorded after each gyration. Gmb of the compacted specimen and Gmm the loose mixture are measured. An estimate of Gmb at any value of gyration is made by dividing the mass of the mixture by the volume of the compaction mold: Gmb ( est ) Wm / Vmx w where Gmb(est) = estimated bulk specific gravity of specimen during compaction Wm = mass of specimen, grams γw = density of water = 1 g/cm3 Vmx = volume of compaction mold (cm3) calculated using the equation Vmx = 17.6715 hx where hx = height of specimen in mold during compaction (mm). The estimated Gmb is corrected by a ratio of the measured to estimated bulk specific gravity: C Gmb ( measured ) Gmb ( estimated ) where C = correction factor Gmb (measured) = measured bulk specific gravity after Ndes Gmb (estimated) = estimated bulk specific gravity at Ndes B1 The estimated Gmb at any other gyration level is then determined using: Gmb (corrected) = C * Gmb (estimated) where Gmb corrected = corrected bulk specific gravity of the specimen at Ndes C = correction factor Gmb (estimated) = estimated bulk specific gravity at Ndes Then calculate the percent Gmm at Ndes as the ratio of Gmb (corrected) to Gmm (measured). The percentage of air voids at Ndes is determined from the equation: Va = 100 - %Gmm@Ndes where Va = air voids @ Ndes, percent of total volume %Gmm @Ndes = maximum theoretical specific gravity @ Ndes, percent The percent voids in the mineral aggregate is calculated using: %VMA 100 ( %Gmm@ Ndes* Gmm* Ps ) Gsb where VMA = voids in mineral aggregate, percent of bulk volume %Gmm@Ndes = maximum theoretical specific gravity @ Ndes percent Gmm = maximum theoretical specific gravity Gsb = bulk specific gravity of total aggregate Ps = aggregate content, cm3/ cm3, by total mass of mixture. If the percentage of air voids is equal to four percent, then this data is compared to the volumetric criteria and an analysis of this specimen is completed. However , if the air void content at Ndes varies from four percent ( and this will typically be the case ) , an estimated design asphalt content to achieve 4 percent air voids at Ndes is determined , and the B2 estimated design properties at this estimated design asphalt content are calculated . The estimated asphalt content at Ndes = four percent air voids is calculated using this equation: Pb, estimated = Pbi – (0.4 * (4-VA)) Where Pb, estimated = estimated asphalt content, percent by mass of mixture Pbi = initial (trial) asphalt content, percent by mass of mixture Va = percent air voids at Ndes (trial) The volumetric (VMA and VFA) at Ndes and mixture density at Nini and Nmax are then estimated at this asphalt binder content using the equations that follow. For VMA: %VMA estimated = %VMA initial + C *(4-VA) where %VMA initial = %VMA from trial asphalt binder content C = constant = 0.1 if Va is less than 4 percent = 0.2 if Va is greater than 4 percent For VFA : % VFA ( est ) 100 * (% VMAest 4 ) % VMA For %Gmm at Nini: %Gmm estimated @ Nini = %Gmm trial @ Nini – ( 4-Va ) The maximum allowable mixture density at Nini is 89 percent For % Gmm at Nmax : %Gmm estimated @ Nmax = % Gmm trial @ Nmax – (4-Va) The maximum allowable mixture density at Nmax is 98 percent B3 The effective asphalt content is calculated using: Pbe (Ps * Gb) * (Gse Gsb) Pbest Gse* Gsb Where Pbe = effective asphalt content, percent by total mass of mixture Ps = aggregate content, percent by total mass of mixture Gb = specific gravity of asphalt Gse = effective specific gravity of aggregate Gsb = bulk specific gravity of aggregate Pb = asphalt content, percent by total mass of mixture Dust proportion is calculated using: DP P 0 . 075 Pbe where P0.075 = aggregate content passing the 0.075 mm sieve , percent by mass of aggregate Pbe = effective asphalt content , percent by total mass of mixture An acceptable dust proportion ranges from 0.6 to 1.2 for all mixtures . B4 Table (C-1) Data Analysis for Marshall Specimens and Superpave Specimens. Physical properties of gradation R1 Physical properties of gradation R9 Ga)bulk 2.623 Ga)bulk 2.6153 Ga)apparent 2.683 Ga)apparent 2.689 G filler 3.12 G filler 3.12 Gse 2.624 Gse 2.616 Gmm 2.449 Gmm 2.445 Gc)bulk 2.518 Gc)bulk 2.5189 Gf)bulk 2.615 Gf)bulk 2.622 Gc)apparent 2.553 Gc)apparent 2.554 Gf)apparent 2.662 Gf)apparent 2.689 MARSHALL SPECIMENS (TRZ) MARSHALL SPECIMENS (ARZ) A.C% 4.70 A.C% 4.63 VMA% 14.5 VMA% 14.85 VTM% 3.9 VTM% 4.49 VFA% 73.1 VFA% 69.76 density 2.353 density 2.335 SUPERPAVE SPECIMENS (TRZ) SUPERPAVE SPECIMENS (ARZ) A.C% 4.42 A.C% 4.54 VMA% 14 VMA% 14.32 VFA% 71.42 VFA% 72 density 2.362 density 2.349 C1 Gradation R1 R9 Gradation R1 R9 Table (C-2), Marshall Test for Mix Design. Marshall Test for Marshall Specimens Stability KN Flow mm 11.5 11.8 12 4.4 4.9 13 12.5 13.5 2.3 2.2 Marshall Test for Superpave Specimens Stability KN Flow mm 13.8 14.16 14.4 4.2 4.5 15.7 15.1 16.3 2.2 2.1 C2 5 2.5 4.1 2 SIEVE Table (C-3), Asphalt Film Thickness for Marshall Mixes. R1 R9 Surface Area Surface PASSING PASSING Factor area R1 19 100 100 12.5 92 89.5 10 83.1 77.8 4.74 66.9 2 Surface area R9 0.41 0.41 0.41 55.3 0.41 0.27429 0.22673 41.5 40.2 0.82 0.3403 0.32964 1.18 28.2 32 1.64 0.46248 0.5248 0.6 21.4 25 2.87 0.61418 0.7175 0.25 14.4 15.1 6.14 0.88416 0.92714 0.15 11.6 12.2 12.29 1.42564 1.49938 0.075 9.8 9.8 32.77 3.21146 3.21146 7.62251 7.84665 MARSHALL SPECIMENS Gradation R1 Gradation R9 A.C 4.7 A.C 4.63 VMA 14.5 VMA 14.85 VFA 73.1 VFA 69.76 VTM 3.9 VTM 4.49 Vol. AC 10.36 Vol. AC 10.6 Weight of AC 110.24 Weight of aggregate 2235.29191 Weight of AC/aggregate 0.04931794 Asphalt film 6.22119E-06 Thickness µ Weight of AC 107.744 weight of aggregate 2219.340233 Weight of AC/ aggregate 0.048547761 Asphalt film 5.9491E-06 Thickness µ C3 Table (C-4) Asphalt Film Thickness for Superpave Mixes. SIEVE R1 PASSING R9 Surface PASSING Area Factor Surface area R1 Surface area R9 19 100 100 0.41 0.41 0.41 12.5 92 89.5 10 83.1 77.8 4.74 66.9 55.3 0.41 0.27429 0.22673 2 41.5 40.2 0.82 0.3403 0.32964 1.18 28.2 32 1.64 0.46248 0.5248 0.6 21.4 25 2.87 0.61418 0.7175 0.25 14.4 15.1 6.14 0.88416 0.92714 0.15 11.6 12.2 12.29 1.42564 1.49938 0.075 9.8 9.8 32.77 3.21146 3.21146 7.62251 7.84665 SUPERPAVE SPECIMENS Gradation R1 Gradation R9 A.C 4.42 A.C 4.54 VMA 14 VMA 14.32 VFA 71.42 VFA 72 VTM 4 VTM 4 Vol. AC Weight of AC Weight of aggregate Weight of AC/aggregate Asphalt Film Thickness 10 Vol. AC 10.32 104 Weight of AC 107.328 Weight of aggregate 2256.724863 Weight of AC /aggregate 0.047559187 Asphalt Film 5.82796E-06 Thickness µ 2248.94118 0.04624398 5.8334E-06 µ C4 Table (C-5), Data analysis for Superpave specimens at initial asphalt content for gradation R1. Gradation R1 Data Analysis of Superpave Specimens Gse Gsb ASPHALT INITAIL Gmax DENSITY WEIGHT HEIGHT@ N=9 HEIGHT@ N=135 HEIGHT@ N=220 VMX @Ndes VMX@ Nini GMB Ees.@ Nini GMB Ees.@ Ndes C FACTOR GMB CORR.@ Ndes GMB CORR.@ Nini %GMM @ Ndes %GMM@ Nini VOID AIR %VMA PB Ees. %VMA Ees. %VFA Ees. %GMM Ees.@ Nini PBE Effective density@ Nmax air void @ Nmax Gmm@ Nmax C5 2.624 2.623 4.7 2.449 2.3613 4478 129.2 116 114.8 2049.9 2283.2 1.9613 2.1845 1.0809 2.3613 2.1201 0.9642 0.8657 3.5803 14.208 4.5321 14.25 71.929 86.149 4.5177 2.386 2.5725 97.428 Table (C-6), Data analysis for Superpave specimens at initial asphalt content for gradation R9. Gradation R9 Data Analysis of Superpave Specimens Gse Gsb ASPHALT INITAIL Gmax DENSITY WEIGHT HEIGHT@N=9 HEIGHT@N=135 HEIGHT@N=220 VMX @Ndes VMX @Nini GMB EST @Nini GMB EST @Ndes C FACTOR GMB CORR.@ Ndes GMB CORR.@ Nini %GMM @Ndes %GMM@ Nini VOID AIR %VMA PB EST %VMA EST %VFA EST %GMM EST @Nini Pbe Effective density@ Nmax air void Nmax Gmm Nmax C6 2.6165 2.6153 4.63 2.445 2.3496 4582 129.2 115.6 114.8 2042.8 2283.2 2.0069 2.243 1.0476 2.3496 2.1023 0.961 0.8598 3.9 14.317 4.59 14.327 72.082 85.884 4.5726 2.375 2.863 97.137 Table (C-7), Data Analysis for Superpave Specimens at ±0.5% and +1% for {(4.532) estimated asphalt content} %VMA 14.54945 13.81365 14.43009 15.04248 %VFA 62.19788 74.66275 79.21011 83.3804 ASPHALT CONTENT 4.032 4.532 5.032 5.532 SUPERPAVE DATA ANALYSIS FOR R1 GMM air void @Ndes GMM density 5.5 94.5 2.471467 2.335537 3.5 96.5 2.45387 2.367985 3 97 2.436522 2.363426 2.5 97.5 2.419417 2.358932 Gmm dust effective Gmm @Nmax proportion asphalt @Nini 0.9646364 2.439328 4.017499 0.857702 0.9750871 2.169306 4.517575 0.867752 0.9827074 1.953105 5.01765 0.879063 0.9844161 1.776094 5.517725 0.879412 Table (C-8), Data Analysis for Superpave Specimen at ±0.5% and +1% for {(4.59) estimated asphalt content} %VMA 14.92381 14.18248 14.61565 15.04923 ASPHALT %VFA CONTENT 61.13592 4.09 73.20638 4.59 78.78986 5.09 84.05234 5.59 air void 5.8 3.8 3.1 2.4 SUPERPAVE DATA ANALYSIS FOR R9 Gmm GMM absorbed Ndes @Nmax GMM density asphalt 94.2 0.961574 2.462718 2.319881 0.0182378 96.2 0.9720557 2.44528 2.352359 0.0182378 96.9 0.9816943 2.428086 2.352815 0.0182378 97.6 0.9854258 2.411132 2.353265 0.0182378 C7 effective asphalt 4.072508 4.572599 5.07269 5.572782 dust proportion 2.406379 2.143201 1.931914 1.758547 Gmm @Nini 0.860944 0.871813 0.878843 0.880314 وزارة اﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ واﻟﺒﺤﺚ اﻟﻌﻠﻤﻲ اﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻨﺼﺮﯾﺔ ﻛﻠﯿﺔ اﻟﮭﻨﺪﺳﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ ھﻨﺪﺳﺔ اﻟﻄﺮق واﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﻣﻘﺎرﻧﮫ ﺗﻘﯿﻤﯿﮫ ﻟﻤﺴﺘﻮى أداء ﻣﻮاد اﻟﺘﺒﻠﯿﻂ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺨﺪام طﺮق اﻟﺮص ﻣﺎرﺷﺎل و اﻟﺘﺒﻠﯿﻂ اﻟﻔﺎﺋﻖ رﺳﺎﻟﺔ ﻣﻘﺪﻣﮫ إﻟﻰ ﻗﺴﻢ ھﻨﺪﺳﺔ اﻟﻄﺮق واﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﻛﻠﯿﺔ اﻟﮭﻨﺪﺳﺔ /اﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻨﺼﺮﯾﺔ ﻛﺠﺰء ﻣﻦ أﻛﻤﺎل ﻣﺘﻄﻠﺒﺎت درﺟﮫ اﻟﻤﺎﺟﺴﺘﯿﺮ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠﻮم ھﻨﺪﺳﺔ اﻟﻄﺮق واﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﻣﻦ ﻗﺒﻞ ﻧﻮر ﻣﻌﺘﺰ إﺳﻤﺎﻋﯿﻞ اﻟﻌﺰاوي ﺑﻜﺎﻟﻮرﯾﻮس ھﻨﺪﺳﺔ اﻟﺒﻨﺎء واﻹﻧﺸﺎءات 2003 ﺑﺈﺷﺮاف اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮر ﻧﻤﯿﺮ ﻏﻨﻲ اﺣﻤﺪ ﻣﺤﺮم1426/ ﺷﺒﺎط 2006 /