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Types of Speech Delivery: Impromptu, Extemp, Manuscript, Memorized

Oral Communication
in Context
Types of Speech According to Delivery
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to:
1. distinguish the different types of speech according to delivery;
2. differentiate the four types of speeches according to delivery;
3. proficiently deliver a speech in front of the class.
4. appreciate the purpose of the types of speech delivery in
different situation.
Four Types of Speech According to Delivery
Speeches can be categorized into four broad areas
depending on the amount of preparation that is undertaken and
depending upon the nature of the occasion. The four types of
speeches are manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and
So our aim is to acquaint you with these four different modes
of delivery such as to be able to provide suggestions for when you
are asked to make impromptu remarks, and then to focus most your
time on the preparation, practice, and presentation of
extemporaneous speeches.
Extemporaneous Speech
Extemporaneous Speech
Sandwiched between the memorized and impromptu delivery styles
is the extemporaneous speech style.
For this style, the speech is not completely written out. It is usually
delivered with keynotes for reference.
Most public speaking courses and books describe extemporaneous
speeches as carefully prepared and rehearsed, but delivered using
notes of key words and phrases to support the speaker.
Phrasing is pre- rehearsed, words are pre-chosen, and the
organization is fluid and well constructed. There should be no
fumbling for words, no rambling, and length of time should be
carefully monitored.
The style does offer the speaker flexibility to include references to
the immediate surroundings, previous speeches, news of the day,
and so on.
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Extemporaneous Speech
Speaking Situations such as:
When you are a candidate for a post in a student government and
you deliver your campaign speech before the voting period.
This is one example of extemporaneous speech.
When you are assigned to report a topic in class.
Helps you look confident
Engages the audience
May not have adequate
time to plan
Not properly organize
and rehearse
Extemporaneous Speech
Here are some tips for effective extemporaneous speech:
• Create an outline
• Organize your points logically
• Use facts and real-life experiences as your examples
• Manage your time well
• Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse
Impromptu Speech
Impromptu Speech
Theoretically, an “impromptu” speech is “made up on the spot.” It is
an unrehearsed speech and is usually spoken conversationally
Often ceremonial toasts, grace before meals, an acknowledgement,
an introduction, offering thanks and so on, fall into this category.
Impromptu speaking requires the speaker delivers without little to
no preparation.
These speeches are generally short and are often given with little or
no notice. Notes are rare and the speaker generally looks directly at
the audience. speaking without advanced preparation.
Impromptu Speech
Speaking Situations such as:
One example of this is when presenting the legal proceedings and
verdict in court.
You are ask in an event to give a message to the celebrant.
Another example of impromptu speech is during our first day at work
or in class, or during an interview, we are being ask of questions that
we did not prepared for wherein we need to give response quickly.
Spontaneous or natural
More focused and brief
Tendency to be disorganized
Lacks connection with the
Nerve-racking for
inexperienced speakers and
Imromptu Speech
Here are some tips for effective impromptu speech:
• Once you are requested to say something, pause for a moment to
plan in your head what to say.
•State your main point briefly and deliver it at a pace your audience
can follow.
• End by saying thank you.
Manuscript Speech
Manuscript Speech
Manuscript speaking requires the speaker reads every word from a
pre-written speech.
It is a planned and rehearsed speech and this speech is being
delivered by reading aloud a written message.
This delivery style is appropriate when the speaking occasion
demands accuracy of information and/or eloquence.
News anchors speak from manuscript to deliver the evening news
(the manuscript scrolls on a screen beneath the television camera)
and politicians often do as well.
Manuscript Speech
Speaking Situations such as:
For instance, you are performing a manuscript speech if you are
reading the rules and criteria in a contest.
The reporters in news casting with a teleprompter or an autocue
device to deliver the news via television.
Exact repetition of the
written words
Guided speech
Boring and uninteresting
Lacks audience rapport or
Manuscript Speech
Here are some tips for effective manuscript speech:
Rehearse the speech over and over again until you sound natural.
Observe accomplished news anchors and note how conversational
they sound when they deliver the news.
Memorized Speech
Memorized Speech
Memorized Speech is speaking with advanced preparation. It is
a planned and rehearsed speech. Memorize speech is reciting a
written message word-for-word from memory.
Memorized speaking requires delivery from memory still has its
place in contemporary society, but the occasions for this type
of speaking is usually reserved for introducing important
persons, special events such as weddings and funerals, or
other ceremonial events. As a student, you may have already
experienced impromptu speaking.
Memorized Speech
Speaking Situations such as:
When you perform in a stage play
When you deliver a declamation, oratorical, or literary piece
When an actor or actress in a scene performs a script from memory
Exact repetition of the
written words from
Free to move around the
Speakers might end up
speaking in a monotone
pattern or fast pace.
Might have difficulty
remembering his/her
memorized speech.
Memorized Speech
Here are some tips for effective memorized speech:
Rehearse the speech over and over again until you sound natural.
Observe accomplished news anchors and note how conversational
they sound when they deliver the news.
Group Activity
Role Playing
Role Playing
a) The students will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will
portray a role play about different situations that uses the different
types of speech delivery methods. (e.g. presidential debate, news
reporting, graduation, celebration speeches etc.)
1 – Impromptu speech
2 – Extemporaneous speech
3 – Manuscript Speech
4 – Memorized Speech
The students will be ask by the teacher to come in front and draw a
piece of paper from a box. The strips contains quotation about different
definitions of success, they will perform a 3 minute impromptu speech
about the quotation that they got in front of the class.
Construct a written speech about the principles of effective speech
delivery. The student will have to memorize their speech and shoot a
video of themselves while performing it. The speech must only 3-5
minutes long.
PEAC Speak and Listen in Context an Oral Communication
Textbook for Senior High School by Ana Marie O. Fernandez,
pages 101-104
Glydel P. Erlano
BSEd English 3A1