NCACI constitution TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 1.0 THE PREAMBLE 7 ARTICLE 2 2.0 DOCTRINAL BELIEFS 2.1 VALUES 8 9 ARTICLE 3 3.0 ADMINISTRATION 3.1 CHAIRMAN 3.1.1 QUALIFICATION 3.1.2 FUNCTIONS 3.1.3 ELECTIONS 3.1.4 VOTING 3.1.5 TENURE OF OFFICE 3.1.6 ABSENCE, INCAPACITATION OR DEATH 3.1.7 DISCIPLINARY ACTION 3.1.8 APPEAL 3.2 GENERAL SECRETARY 3.2.1 QUALIFICATION 3.2.2 FUNCTIONS 3.2.3 ELECTIONS 3.2.4 VOTING 3.2.5 TENURE OF OFFICE 3.2.6 ABSENCE, INCAPACITATION OR DEATH 3.2.7 DISCIPLINARY ACTION 3.2.8 APPEAL 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 1 NCACI constitution 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 THE INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS DIRECTOR QUALIFICATION FUNCTIONS ELECTIONS VOTING 17 17 17 18 19 3.3.5 TENURE OF OFFICE 19 ARTICLE 4 4.0 INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS BOARD 4.1 MEMBERSHIP 4.2 FUNCTIONS 4.3 TENURE OF OFFICE 19 19 19 20 ARTICLE 5 5.0 COLLEGE OF APOSTLES 5.1 FUNCTIONS 5.2 MINISTERIAL COMMITTEE 5.2.1 APPOINTMENT OF MINISTERIAL COMMITTEE 5.2.2 FUNCTIONS 20 20 21 21 21 ARTICLE 6 6.0 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 6.1 MEMBERSHIP 6.1.1 FUNCTIONS 6.1.2 NOMINATION 6.1.3 MEETINGS 6.1.4 TENURE OF OFFICE 21 21 22 23 23 23 2 NCACI constitution ARTICLE 7 7.0 GENERAL COUNCIL 7.1 MEMBERSHIP 7.1.1 FUNCTIONS 7.1.2 MEETINGS 7.1.3 QUORUM 7.1.4 VOTING 24 24 24 24 24 25 ARTICLE 8 8.0 MINISTERS 8.1 QUALIFICATIONS 8.1.1 CATEGORIES OF MINISTERS 8.1.2 ASSOCIATE PASTORS 8.1.3 FUNCTIONS 8.2 PASTORS 8.2.1 FUNCTIONS 8.2.2 OVERSEERS 8.2.3 FUNCTIONS 8.3 TEACHERS 8.3.1 FUNCTIONS 8.4 EVANGELIST 8.4.1 FUNCTIONS 8.5 PROPHETS 8.5.1 FUNCTIONS 8.6 APOSTLES 8.6.1 FUNCTIONS 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 3 NCACI constitution ARTICLE 9 9.0 RETIREMENT OF MINISTERS 9.1 COMPULSORY RETIREMENT 9.2 PREMATURE RETIREMENT 28 28 28 ARTICLE 10 10.0 PENSION SCHEME 10.1 BENEFITS OF PENSION SCHEME 10.2 VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT OR RESIGNATION 29 29 29 ARTICLE 11 11.0 DISCIPLINARY ACTION 29 11.1 CONDUCTS THAT WILL LEAD TO DISMISSAL OF A MINISTER 29 11.2 SUMMARY DISMISSAL 30 11.2.1 APPEAL 30 ARTICLE 12 12.0 ASSEMBLIES 12.1 COMPOSITION OF ASSEMBLIES 30 30 ARTICLE 13 13.0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 13.1 QUALIFICATION 13.2 TENURE OF OFFICE 13.3 FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES OF DIRECTORS 13.4 DISCHARGE OF DIRECTORS 13.5 QUORUM 31 31 32 32 32 32 4 NCACI constitution ARTICLE 14 14.0 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 14.1 FINANCE BOARD 14.1.1 MEBERSHIP 14.1.2 FUNCTIONS OF FINANCE BOARD 14.1.3TENURE OF OFFICE 14.2 FINANCE 14.3 SOURCES OF FINANCE 14.4 CENTRAL FUND 14.5 OTHER FUNDS 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 ARTICLE 15 15.0 OFFICIAL SEAL 34 ARTICLE 16 16.0 AUXILIARIES 16.1 WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP 16.1.1 MEMBERSHIP 16.1.2 FUNCTIONS 16.1.3 WOMEN’S EXECUTIVES 16.1.4 ELECTION 16.1.5 TENURE OF OFFICE 16.2 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP 16.2.1 MEMBERSHIP 16.2.3 FUNCTIONS 16.2.4 YOUTH EXECUTIVES 16.2.5 ELECTION 16.2.6 TENURE OF OFFICE 16.3 YOUTH PASTOR 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 5 NCACI constitution 16.3.1 FUNCTIONS 16.3.2 TENURE OF OFFICE 16.4 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP BOARD 16.4.1 APPOINTMENT 16.4.2 FUNCTIONS 16.5 MEN’S FELLOWSHIP 16.5.1 FUNCTIONS 16.5.2 ELECTION 16.5.3 TENURE OF OFFICE 16.6 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY 16.6.1 MEMBERSHIP 16.7 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY BOARD 16.7.1 FUNCTIONS 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 ARTICLE 17 17.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 17.1 CHURCH MEMBERSHIP 17.2 ADULT MEMBERS 17.3 CHURCH ASSETS AND PROPERTIES 41 41 41 41 ARTICLE 18 18.0 CHURCH DISCIPLINE 18.1 DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS 18.2 SANCTIONS 18.3 RIGHTS OF APPEAL 18.3.1 REVIEW 41 42 42 42 42 6 NCACI constitution ARTICLE 19 19.0 MARRIAGES 43 ARTICLE 20 20.0 INHERITANCE 43 ARTICLE 21 21.0 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION 21.1 MODE OF AMENDMENT 43 43 ARTICLE 22 22. 0 EXTRA MINISTERIAL GROUPS IN THE CHURCH 44 ARTICLE 23 23.0 EXISTING OFFICES, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS 23.1 PROMULGATION OF THE CONSTITUTION 7 45 45 NCACI constitution Article 1 1.0 THE PREAMBLE In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we the Ministers’ Council and the Congregation of The New Covenant Apostolic Church International (NCACI) under the protection of the Almighty God solemnly declared the following as the sixth edition of the constitution of the Church: Whereas the Church was established under the name Pentecostal Christian Church, later the New Covenant Church and now The New Covenant Apostolic Church International, in 1954 by Rev. Chris Diaba; Whereas the constitution, laws and regulations of the Church were passed by the Executive Council in Accra in 1979 and whereas the said constitution, laws and regulations of the church were subject to amendments and alterations by the Executive Council were revised and reprinted in 1985 and 2002. And whereas upon further revision and amendment proposed by the Executive Council in 2009 and 2012 in Accra, it is desirable to issue a revised and amended constitution of the Church. And whereas the primary aims and objectives of The New Covenant Apostolic Church International are to practice and propagate what our Lord Jesus Christ has commissioned us in Matt 10:7 - 8; Mark 16:15 -18; Luke 24:44 - 47 8 NCACI constitution WE IN A SPIRIT of oneness and peace with all other churches and organizations with similar doctrines; And in solemn declaration and affirmation of our commitment to carry out the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ. Do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution. Article 2 2.0 DOCTRINAL BELIEFS We believe all that have been revealed in the Holy Scriptures that the Bible is the Supreme Authority in all matters. (II Tim. 3:16) We believe and teach that God Is one. (Gen.1:1. Deut 6:4 Isaiah 43:10 John 1:1, I Tim. 3:16) We believe that Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three manifestations of the one God. (I John 5:7-8) We believe that all persons are sinners by nature and therefore need to be born of water and the Spirit. (Ps. 51:5, John 3:3-6, Rom 3:23) We believe in baptizing in water by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ. (Acts 2:38, 10:48, 19:5, 1 Pet. 3:21) We believe in a three-fold Salvation of the Spirit, soul and body. (1 Thess. 5:23); man is a tripartite being We believe that all who are saved must have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking with other tongues as the Holy Spirit gives them utterances. (Acts 2:4, 10:44-46, 19:6). 9 NCACI constitution We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. (John 14:3, Acts 1:1011, I Thess. 4:16-17) We believe that God has a place of punishment for the wicked (Rev.2011-15); we believe in life everlasting. (John 3:16, 1Tim. 1:17, Titus 1:20) We believe in Divine Healing as provided in the atonement, the word of God, prayer and laying on of hands. However, members of the Church are free to seek medical help from qualified practitioners if necessary. (Mark 16:18, James 5:13-16, Isaiah 53:4 -5, 1 Pet 2:24, Matthew 9:12, 11 Kings 20:7, Luke 10:34) We believe in all the nine spiritual gifts and that they should be operating in the church, and we believe that one person can have all the nine gifts in his ministry (I Cor. 12:8-10.) We believe in the Holy Communion also known as the Lord's Supper and that it should be partaken by all members who are in true fellowship with the Lord. (1 Cor. 11:23-33) We believe in Women’s Ministry, that women can be Apostles, Preachers, Teachers, Evangelists, Deaconesses, and Helpers, (Acts 2:89, 10:24, Gal. 3:26-28, Rom. 16-1-6) As a non profit making organization, we believe in supporting the Ministry with tithes, freewill offerings and donations. (Gen. 14:20, 28:22, Amos 4:4, Mat. 23:23, Luke 18:12, 1 Cor. 16:2). We believe what the Scriptures say concerning Marriage and Divorce (Mat. 5:31-32, Mat. 19:4-12, Mark 10:2 - 12, 1 Cor. 7:10-15,) We believe in the power of prayer and fasting. (Mat 9:15, Mark 9:29) 10 NCACI constitution We believe in ascended gift ministry - Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers (Eph. 4:11 -12) 2.1 VALUES: The word of God Corporate worships, Conventions Unity Spreading of the gospel Article 3 3.0 ADMINISTRATION 3.1 CHAIRMAN a) There shall be a Chairman of the Church who shall exercise oversight responsibility over the affairs of the church. 3.1.1 QUALIFICATION a) The NCACI Chairman must be a committed and a professing Christian according to the Biblical Standard. b) He must be a man of integrity, loyal and dedicated, choosing the church first before personal interests. c) He must be a person of good spiritual standing who is above reproach and trust worthy. 11 NCACI constitution d) He must be a Minister in the church for not less than 10 continuous years and must be of the rank of an Apostle or prophet. Where a person elected Chairman is not an Apostle, he shall automatically be ordained an Apostle before his induction. e) He should not be less than 45 years in age and not more than 61 years at the time of election. f) He must have at least a University Degree from any recognized University and in addition a Diploma in theology from The New Covenant Institute of Bible and Advanced Leadership Training (NIBALT) g) For the avoidance of doubt, a person shall not be eligible to stand for the position of Chairman, where his first term will take him beyond age sixty-five or the retiring age of ministers at any point in time. 3.1.2 FUNCTIONS a) He shall chair the Executive Council and the General Council meetings b) He shall chair every meeting, convention or rally he attends c) He shall direct action on issues and correspondence pertaining to Missionaries and external branches. d) He shall assign to the General Secretary and the International Missions Director such duties as he shall deem necessary in accordance with the constitution. 12 NCACI constitution e) He shall during the short absence of the General Secretary or the International Missions Director not exceeding six (6) months be responsible for appointing an Acting General Secretary or an Acting International Missions Director from among the Executive Council members or Apostles and Prophets f) Subject to the provisions of this constitution, he may take decisions and actions with any area head where disciplinary or other action is urgently required in an area and afterwards report to the Executive Council g) He shall organize retreats, seminars and prayer sessions for all ministers of the church. h) He shall give a formal address on the state of the church at every General Council meeting i) Any other action deemed necessary for the furthering of the church’s growth provided he obtains endorsement from the Ministers’ Council. 3.1.3 ELECTIONS a) The College of Apostles shall, after prayerful consideration, present a list of eligible candidates, to an Electoral College for open discussion and secret ballot 13 NCACI constitution b) Members of the Executive Council, Apostles, Prophets and Area Heads shall constitute an Electoral College. C) Election at the Electoral College shall be done by a secret ballot to be supervised by a three (3) member Electoral Commission to be selected from the ministers and the congregation by the Apostles. The candidate so presented shall be declared a winner by simple majority of Electoral College votes. d) The candidate so elected at the Electoral College shall be presented to the General Council for approval. Approval shall be by simple majority votes of the members present. e) Where there is a tie, the incumbent Chairman shall cast a deciding vote. f) All directive prophecies and revelations concerning a candidate for consideration for the position of Chairman shall be communicated verbally or in writing through the General Secretary to the College of Apostles. 3.1.4 VOTING Voting shall be by secret ballot. 3.1.5 TENURE OF OFFICE a) The person elected as Chairman shall hold office for a term of four (4) years beginning from the date on which he is inducted into office as Chairman. 14 NCACI constitution b) The Chairman shall hold office for two (2) terms. He may be qualified to be re-elected for another term after serving his first term. He shall not hold office for more than two (2) terms c) Where upon the completion of two terms as Chairman, a person has not attained the age of sixty-five or any age which for all practical purposes shall be the retiring age for ministers of the church at any point in time, such a person may be reassigned by the Executive Council and ratified by General Council to serve the church in any other capacity. 3.1.6 ABSENCE, INCAPACITATION OR DEATH a) During the absence or incapacitation of the Chairman, the Executive Council shall appoint an Acting Chairman for a period not exceeding one (1) year b) In case of death, the General Council shall appoint a Chairman within three (3) months from the date of death. 3.1.7 DISCIPLINARY ACTION a) Should the Chairman uses his office to enrich himself, defraud or commit acts that bring, or are likely to bring the church into disrepute, it shall be the duty of the Executive Council to interdict him and appoint an independent body within The Church to go into the matter according to the Constitution and the principles of The Church (Refer to articles 10.1, 10.2, 17.1, 17:2) 15 NCACI constitution b) During the period of interdiction, an Acting Chairman shall be appointed by the Apostles. C) The body so appointed shall report its findings to the Apostles within three (3) months. If the Chairman is found guilty and the seriousness of the offence so requires, the Apostles shall give him a written notice of his removal from office forthwith. 3.1.8 APPEAL a) The Chairman shall have a right to appeal to the General Council within one (1) month of the date of service of the removal notice. b) The decision of the General Council shall be final after giving due consideration to the appeal. 3.2 GENERAL SECRETARY There shall be a General Secretary of the Church. 3.2.1 QUALIFICATION He must be a mature, a spirit filled and an effective Pastor with a good standard of education to the level of University Degree from a recognized tertiary Institution. 16 NCACI constitution 3.2.2 FUNCTIONS a) He shall be responsible to the Chairman for the Head office administration of the Church and shall be in charge of all administrative matters. b) He shall be responsible for taking record of all proceedings and minutes at all General and Executive Council meetings. c) He shall deal with all official correspondence of the church in consultation with the Chairman. d) He shall perform such other duties as are assigned to him by the Chairman and the Executive Council. e) He shall be an ex-officio member of all the Boards and Committees of the church under the constitution. f) He shall report to the General Council on the performance of the headquarters administration. g) He shall prepare the agenda for all meetings in consultation with the Chairman h) He shall keep the official seal of the church i) He must be a man of integrity and be loyal to the church in all matters j) He must be a good communicator a strong team player and should have good inter personal skills. 17 NCACI constitution 3.2.3 ELECTIONS a) The College of Apostles shall, after prayerful consideration, present a list of eligible candidates, to an Electoral College for open discussion and secret ballot b) Members of the Executive Council, Apostles, Prophets and Area Heads shall constitute an Electoral College. C) Election at the Electoral College shall be done by a secret ballot to be supervised by a three (3) member Electoral Commission to be selected from the ministers and the congregation by the Apostles. The nominee shall be declared a winner by simple majority. d) The candidate so elected at the Electoral College shall be presented to the General Council for approval by simple majority votes of the members present and voted. e) Where there is a tie, the Chairman shall cast a deciding vote. 3.2.4 VOTING Voting shall be by secret ballot. 18 NCACI constitution 3.2.5 TENURE OF OFFICE a) The person elected as General Secretary shall hold office for a term of five (5) years beginning from the date on which he is inducted into office as General Secretary. b) The General Secretary shall hold office for two (2) terms. He may be qualified to be re-elected for another term after serving his first term. He shall not hold office for more than two (2) terms 3.2.6 ABSENCE, INCAPACITATION OR DEATH 3.2.7 a) During the absence or incapacitation of the General Secretary, the Executive Council shall appoint an Acting General Secretary for a period not exceeding one (1) year b) In case of death, the General Council shall appoint a General Secretary within three (3) months from the date of death. DISCIPLINARY ACTION a) Should the General Secretary uses his office to enrich himself, defraud or seriously misconduct himself, it shall be the duty of the Executive Council to interdict him and appoint an independent body within The Church to go into the matter according to this 19 NCACI constitution Constitution and the principles of The Church(ref articles 10.1, 10.2, 17.1, 17.2) b) c) 3.2.7 During the period of interdiction, an Acting General Secretary shall be appointed by the Apostles. The body so appointed shall report to the Apostles within three (3) months if he is found guilty and the seriousness of the offence so requires, the Apostles shall give him a written notice of his removal from office forthwith. APPEAL a) The General Secretary shall have a right to appeal to the General Council within one (1) month of the date of service of the removal notice. b) The decision of the General Council shall be final after giving due consideration to the appeal. 3.3 THE INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS DIRECTOR There shall be an International Missions Director as a Headquarters Officer of the church 3.3.2 QUALIFICATION a) He shall be an Apostle or Prophet of the church. 20 NCACI constitution b) Must have a good standard of education to the level of University Degree from a recognized tertiary Institution. c) Must have a working knowledge of French and any other international language shall be an added advantage. 3.3.2 FUNCTIONS a) He shall liaise with the General Secretary to prepare the agenda for the meetings of the board in consultation with the Board Chairman b) He shall be responsible to the Chairman through the Mission’s Board for the administration of all International Missions c) He shall be responsible to the Chairman for all correspondence pertaining to International Missions and any missionary work. d) By virtue of his office, he shall be an ex-officio member of each National Council. e) He and the Chairman or his representative(s) shall represent the Church in all matters relating to Governments or authorities where missionary activities are involved. f) He shall organize seminars and retreats for training ministers and officers in the International Missions field. e) He shall advise missionaries and where appropriate organize with them crusades, rallies and conventions for effective evangelism 21 NCACI constitution f) He shall implement the decision of the Board and perform such other functions and duties as may be directed by the Chairman and the Executive Council. 3.3.3 ELECTIONS a) The College of Apostles shall, after prayerful consideration, present a list of eligible candidates, to an Electoral College for open discussion and secret ballot b) Members of the Executive Council, Apostles, Prophets and Area Heads shall constitute the Electoral College. C) Election at the Electoral College shall be done by a secret ballot to be supervised by a three (3) member Electoral Commission to be selected from the ministers and the congregation by the Apostles. The nominee shall be declared a winner by simple majority. d) The candidate so elected at the Electoral College shall be presented to the General Council for approval by simple majority votes of the members present and voted. e) Where there is a tie, the incumbent Chairman shall cast a deciding vote. 3.3.4 VOTING Voting shall be by secret ballot. 22 NCACI constitution 3.3.6 TENURE OF OFFICE a) The person elected as Missions’ Director shall hold office for a term of four (4) years beginning from the date on which he is inducted into office as International Missions Director. b) The International Missions Director shall hold office for two (2) terms. He may be qualified to be re-elected for another term after serving his first term. He shall not hold office for more than two (2) terms Article 4 4.0 INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS BOARD a) There shall be an established International Missions Board which shall be responsible for the spread of the Gospel worldwide and in Africa in particular. All National Heads shall report to this Board through the International Missions Director. 4.1 MEMBERSHIP The membership shall comprise the Chairman, the General Secretary and the International Missions Director who shall be automatic members of the Board by virtue of their offices, other members shall be One (1) Apostle and one (1) Minister. 4.2 FUNCTIONS The Board, which shall be responsible to the General Council through the Executive Council, shall have the following functions: 23 NCACI constitution b) To develop and maintain relations with overseas church missions, boards and donor organizations. c) To organize missions work outside and seek opportunities to establish churches wherever possible. d) To plan and co-ordinate missions programmes e) To establish principles and standards of ethics that shall govern all parties concerned with missions programmes. f) To encourage and enable Assemblies of The NCACI to support missions activities and work g) To promote the programmers of the Board to raise funds and interact therein h) To receive and transmit appeals in matters relating to missions programmes to the Executive Council for determination. i) To ensure that all churches outside Ghana owns allegiance to the mother Church of The NCACI. 4.3 TENURE OF OFFICE With the exception of the Chairman, the General Secretary and the International Missions Director who shall serve on the Board during their term of office. The other two members of the Board shall serve for four (4) years and may be due for another one more term. 24 NCACI constitution Article 5 5.0 COLLEGE OF APOSTLES There shall be a College of Apostles which shall comprise active, retired, and serving Apostles of the church. 5.1 FUNCTIONS They shall formulate policies and take decisions on matters of spiritual importance to the church. 5.2 MINISTERIAL COMMITTEE There shall be a Ministerial Committee which shall take oversight responsibility of vetting nominees for ordination as pastors. 5.2.1 APPOINTMENT OF MINISTERIAL COMMITTEE The committee shall be appointed by the Chairman in consultation with the College of Apostles and approved by the Ministers’ Council. 5.2.2 FUNCTIONS a) They shall vet the nominees to be considered for ordination as pastors b) The vetting shall focus on their academic, domestic, social and mental qualifications. c) They shall present a report on their eligibility to the College of Apostles for ratification. d) They shall ensure that their report is delivered timely to the college of Apostles. 25 NCACI constitution Article 6 6.0 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL There shall be an Executive Council which shall be responsible for the day to day administration of the Church. 6.1 MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be made up of nine (9) members comprising: a) The Chairman. b) The General Secretary. c) The International Missions Director. d) Other members appointed by Chairman in consultation with the College of Apostles and approved by the General Council. e) The Executive Council may co-opt persons with the requisite expertise to assist them in their meetings, as and when the need arises. They shall not have the right to vote. 6.1.1 FUNCTIONS a) The Executive Council shall be responsible to the General Council. 26 NCACI constitution b) It shall implement policies and decisions of the College of Apostles that have been approved by the General Council c) In cases of emergency, the Executive Council may act on matters promptly in consultation with the College of Apostles for and on behalf of the General Council and report to the same for ratification of its said decisions. d) The Executive Council shall receive reports and memoranda from Boards, Committees, Ministries and Fellowships and report to the General Council. e) During the incapacitation of the Chairman or the General Secretary or the International Missions Director, the Executive Council in consultation with the College of Apostles shall appoint an Acting Chairman or an Acting General Secretary or an Acting International Missions Director, as the case may be for a period not exceeding one (1) year. f) In case of death of the Chairman or the General Secretary or International Missions Director, the Executive Council shall convene a meeting of the General Council in consultation with the College of Apostles within three (3) months to elect a Chairman or a General Secretary or an International Missions Director as the case may be. The same process shall be followed in case any member of the Executive Council dies. 27 NCACI constitution g) The Executive Council shall be responsible for callings, upgrading, appointments, revocations, dismissals, impeachment, transfers and retirement of ministers and national office holders of the Church. These functions shall be discharged in consultation with the College of Apostles and Area Heads where applicable. h) The Executive Council may recommend policy matters for consideration by the College of Apostles and the General Council. i) The Executive Council may take any administrative measures in any matters not otherwise provided for in this Constitution, provided that such measures are not contrary to the fundamental provisions of the constitution. 6.1.2 NOMINATION In respect of the representation on the Executive Council, the Chairman shall nominate members in consultation with the College of Apostles six (6) candidates from the Ministers’ Council for the approval of the General Council. 6.1.3 MEETINGS The Executive Council shall meet as and when necessary. The Chairman or in his absence the Acting Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Council. Five (5) members shall form a quorum for all meetings. 28 NCACI constitution 6.1.4 TENURE OF OFFICE The term of office of the Executive Council members shall be four (4) years. Members of the Executive Council may be renominated for one more term. Article 7 7.0 GENERAL COUNCIL There shall be a body of ministers known as the General Council in this part referred to as the Council. 7.1 MEMBERSHIP The membership of the Council shall be made up of: All Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Associate Pastors, Retired Apostles, Pastors and current Overseers. The Overseers shall not have a casting vote. 7.1.1 FUNCTIONS a) The Council shall at all meetings deliberate on such matters as may concern the general welfare of the Assemblies b) The Council shall be the highest policy implementing body. 29 NCACI constitution c) It shall have the duty to impeach any member of the Council on grounds of stated misconduct should the Executive Council fail to do so. d) It shall receive and approve reports submitted by the various organs of the church. 7.1.2 MEETINGS The Council shall meet two times in a year at places the Executive shall decide in consultation with the College of Apostles. 7.1.3 QUORUM Simple majority of Council members present at the meeting shall form a quorum. 7.1.4 VOTING Voting at the Council meetings shall be by secret ballot, acclamation or show of hands. Article 8 8.0 MINISTERS According to New Testament teachings, these are ministers through whom the ascended Lord governs the Church which is His body (1 Cor. 12:28, Eph. 4:11-13). Proven men of God are called to these offices by divine revelation, directive prophecy or recommendation by the Executive Council for ratification by the General Council. 30 NCACI constitution New Entrants shall be recommended to the Executive Council by the Ministerial Committee. 8.1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) QUALIFICATIONS The person must be born again and be baptized in the Holy Spirit. ii. He must qualify in terms of 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-8 He must possess at least Senior High School Certificate (WASSCE) or its equivalent. He must obtain a Diploma Certificate from The New Covenant Institute of Bible and Advanced Leadership Training (NIBALT). He must be of sound body and mind proven by medical examination. He must be a mature person not below twenty-one (21) years and not above forty-five (45) years of age. He must be obedient to the General Council and the Executive Council. He must be recommended by an Apostle or an Area Head in consultation with the Local, District and Area Presbyteries respectively. Elders/Deaconess of proven pastoral ability who are above the age of forty-five (45) and below fifty-five (55) years may be called into the Ministry on the recommendation of the Executive Council provided that in all such cases they have been approved by the General Council. All nominations and entry into the ministry of the Church shall be approved by the General Council. 31 NCACI constitution 8.1.1 CATEGORIES OF MINISTERS 8.1.2 ASSOCIATE PASTORS New entrants shall be put on probation for at least two (2) years effective from the date of admission into the Ministry after which period they may, on the recommendation of the respective Area Heads to the Executive Council, be confirmed as pastors or released from the Ministry. 8.1.3 FUNCTIONS They shall perform the same functions as pastors except dedication of church building, ordination of officers and blessing of marriages. 8.2 PASTORS Associate Pastors who prove themselves capable of pastoral work shall be confirmed as pastors or released from the Ministry. 8.2.1 FUNCTIONS a) To feed and care for the flock of God. b) To administer the Lord’s Supper. c) To visit the sick, pray and counsel them. e) To bless Marriages when approved and gazetted by the Government. f) To baptize new converts. g) To dedicate infants. h) To bury the dead. i) To do all other things incidental to their calling except dedication of church buildings and ordination of officers. 32 NCACI constitution 8.2.2 OVERSEERS They are non-ordained Ministers who are on the fields having oversight responsibility over some Assemblies. 8.2.3 FUNCTIONS a) They shall perform all functions of a minister except blessings of marriages, dedication of Temple and ordination of presbyters and other ordinations. b) They shall attend Pastors’ meeting but shall have no voting rights. 8.3 TEACHERS Ministers whose ministry stands in the Teaching Ministry may be called to the Office of a Teacher. 8.3.1 FUNCTIONS a) They shall perform pastoral functions. b) They shall teach the Word of God and faithfully point the body of Christ to sound and life-giving Christian doctrine. 8.4 EVANGELIST Ministers whose ministry stands out in evangelism may be called to the office of Evangelist. 8.4.1 FUNCTIONS a) They shall perform pastoral functions 33 NCACI constitution b) They shall organize crusades and preach the gospel especially to the unsaved. c) Break new grounds for the opening of new assemblies. 8.5 PROPHETS These are ministers who exercise the prophetic ministry and are called into the office of a Prophet. 8.5.1 FUNCTIONS a) The office of a prophet is complementary to that of an apostle in directing and ordaining ministers and other officers of the church. (1 Cor. 12:28, Eph. 4:1-13) b) This office is distinguished from the exercise of the gift of prophecy which edifies, exhorts and comforts the saints (1 Cor. 14:3,4) c) Dedicate church buildings. (temples, manses) 8.6 APOSTLES They are ordained ministers who exercise Apostolic Ministry and are called into office of Apostles. 8.6.1 FUNCTIONS a) To establish churches, build and care for them; meet the spiritual needs of the various officers and members in the church. b) To ordain ministers and officers of the church. c) Keep discipline in the church. d) Impart spiritual gifts to others (Rom 1:11; 2 Tim. 1:6. Luke 6:13). e) Dedicate church buildings. (temples and manses) 34 NCACI constitution Article 9 9.0 9.1 a) RETIREMENT OF MINISTERS COMPULSORY RETIREMENT Ministers shall retire at the age of sixty-five (65) years. This shall be the retiring age for all Ministers of the church all times. b) Minister’s retiring benefits shall be computed on the salary pertaining at the age of sixty five (65) years. 9.2 PREMATURE RETIREMENT A Minister may be prematurely retired from the Ministry: On medical grounds In circumstances which will not permit him to continue in the full-time ministry of the Church. a) b) Article 10 10.0 PENSION SCHEME a) The Church shall establish a Pension Scheme for all retiring ministers. b) This scheme shall be based on SSNIT, 2nd Tier and Provident Fund established by the church 10.1 BENEFITS OF PENSION SCHEME A Minister who retires at the age of sixty-five (65) years or is prematurely retired shall be entitled to all benefits under the Pensions scheme or pro rata. 35 NCACI constitution 10.2 VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT OR RESIGNATION The Church shall not encourage voluntary retirement of Ministers called into full-time Ministry before their retiring age. Nonetheless, a Minister may resign or retire before the retiring age of sixty-five (65) years and shall be paid such reduced pension or benefits as are applicable under the Pension Scheme. Article 11 11.0 DISCIPLINARY ACTION The Church shall take disciplinary action including dismissals against erring ministers. 11.1 CONDUCTS THAT WILL LEAD TO DISMISSAL OF A MINISTER A Minister may be dismissed on any of the following grounds: a) Unfaithfulness to the Church in matters relating to finance, policy directive etc. b) Disobedience to his calling, c) Refusal to fellowship with fellow Ministers after attempts have been made to settle the misunderstanding. d) Preaching erroneous doctrine, e) Living a questionable life contrary to Biblical moral standards , (f) Insubordination, 36 NCACI constitution g) Getting involved in any conduct either directly or indirectly, which in the opinion of the General Council may bring the Church into disrepute. 11.2 SUMMARY DISMISSAL The Chairman in consultation with the College of Apostles and the Executive Council may summarily dismiss a Minister who commits any of the following offences: a) Theft b) Fraud c) Dishonesty d) Immorality The Executive Council in consultation with the College of Apostles, shall cause an investigation into the stated misconduct of a minister. The report shall serve as basis for a disciplinary action against a minister. 11.2.1 APPEAL All dismissed ministers or any aggrieved party may appeal to the General Council through the General Secretary within thirty (30) days of the notice of dismissal letter. The decision of the General Council shall be final. Article 12 11.0 ASSEMBLIES In order to maintain a policy of expansion and growth geared towards the propagation and promulgation of the Gospel, the Church shall set up assemblies in Ghana and elsewhere. 37 NCACI constitution 12.1 COMPOSITION OF ASSEMBLIES a) An Assembly shall comprise of 25 members and above. b) Any group of members less than 25 in number shall be called Covenant cell. c) An assembly shall comprise of a presbytery and the congregation. d) The Presbytery which serves as the controlling authority of the local assembly shall comprise: e) A pastor or his representative as its head, the Presiding Elder and Elders. f) Deacons and Deaconesses and g) Local Secretary who shall serve as an ex-officio member for all local church committees. h) All officers of the presbytery in every assembly shall be ordained in the local, district and Area level upon the recommendation of the Executives in consultation of the College of Apostles. Article 13 13.0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS a) There shall be a Board of Directors which shall be registered in accordance with the laws of Ghana. b) The General Council shall upon the recommendation of the Executive Council in consultation with College of Apostles shall appoint five (5) persons to be the Directors for and on behalf of the church to hold or acquire, convey, assign, surrender or demise all movable or immovable properties acquired by the church. 38 NCACI constitution c) They shall have power to sue and be sued in the corporate name. The Directors shall include the General Secretary and the Chairman. 13.1 QUALIFICATION a) A person to be qualified as a director must be spiritually matured and be a full member of the church. b) He must be a person of integrity c) He must be a trustworthy person. d) A relevant professional qualification is essential but not a sine qua non for the position of a Director. e) The General Council in the appointment of the Directors shall ensure that more than one of the membership have professional backgrounds that will enhance their duties as Directors. 13.2 TENURE OF OFFICE A Director shall hold office for a term of five (5) years and may be renewed for a further term subject to satisfactory performance. 13.3 FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES OF DIRECTORS a) All properties of the church of whatever tenure, description or nature shall vest in the directors. c) The directors shall see to the proper documentation of the church’s properties. 39 NCACI constitution c) The directors shall advise the church on the acquisition, holding, conveyance, or assignment of all properties and capita assets and shall execute all instruments affecting such properties and assets. d) The directors shall also perform all other duties prescribed under the company’s code 1963 (Act 179) and its consequent amendment thereof and any other duty delegated to it by the General Council. 1963 (Act 179) 13.4 DISCHARGE OF DIRECTORS a) Any directors who ceases to be a member of the church, or becomes insolvent or bankrupt or remains outside Ghana for more than twelve (12) consecutive months without the knowledge of the Executive Council or the General Council; or is declared unfit to act as a Director; dies, or resigns shall thereupon, immediately cease to be a Director. b) If any Director desires to be discharged from office, he shall give at least three (3) months’ notice in writing to the General Council. 13.5 QUORUM The quorum for a meeting of the directors shall not be less than three (3) of the registered members. 40 NCACI constitution Article 14 14.0 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 14.1 FINANCE BOARD There shall be a five – member Finance Board which shall be appointed by the Executive Council for ratification by the General Council. Included in the Financial Board shall be the Director of Finance who shall be in charge of the day-to day activities of the Board. 14.1.1 MEBERSHIP a) Director of Finance b) Banker c) Businessman d) Pastor e) Apostle f) They can co-opt people with special expertise as members to assist them in their deliberations. No co-opted member shall have a voting right. 14.1.2 FUNCTIONS OF FINANCE BOARD a) To administer the Central Fund of The Church b) To prepare and submit an annual Budget for approval at the General Council c) To encourage tithing and the spirit of Christian giving. d) To ensure that an effective audit system is maintained at the Head office and other branch offices of the Church, e.g. Area and District offices. f) To ensure timely internal audit of the General Accounts of the Church including those of the Headquarters, the Area and District offices. 41 NCACI constitution g) h) i) j) To undertake monthly appraisal of Budget performance of the area heads and Head office. To review quarterly budget performance. To submit to the Executive Council the Balance sheets, Final Accounts for each year, Audit Reports and action taken thereon. To invest surplus funds of the Church with the prior approval of the Executive Council. 14.1.3 TENURE OF OFFICE The Finance Board shall hold office for a term of four (4) years and may be renewed for a further term subject to satisfactory performance of their duties. 14.2 FINANCE The Finance Board shall devise appropriate measures to raise funds to meet the various financial commitments of the church. 14.3 SOURCES OF FINANCE The church shall be financed from tithes and offerings, free-will offerings, missionary offerings by members and any other monies received from other sources based on the scriptures. 14.4 CENTRAL FUND There shall be a Central Fund at the Church’s Headquarters into which monies received from the assemblies and areas, and any other sources shall be paid. Both capital and recurrent expenditure of the church shall be paid out of the central Fund. The Central Fund shall be operated for and on behalf of the a) b) 42 NCACI constitution Executive Council by the Council. 14.5 Finance Board appointed by the Executive OTHER FUNDS There shall be other funds from the Women, Men, Youth and Children’s Fellowships and Pension funds and such other funds as may be approved by Executive Council which shall be used for the purpose of the Lord’s work. Article 15 15.0 OFFICIAL SEAL a) The official seal of the church shall be an engravement of an open Bible resting on two Heads. b) The common seal shall be affixed on all deeds, agreements and similar documents by the General Secretary in the presence of at least one (1) Director c) The common seal, when not in use, shall be kept in safe custody by the General Secretary or a person appointed by the Executive Council during the General Secretary’s absence. 43 NCACI constitution Article 16 16.0 AUXILIARIES There shall be auxiliary groups or fellowships within the church. These groups shall comprise, Women, Youth, Men, Children and others as may be approved by the Executive Council. 16.1 WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP There shall be a Women’s Fellowship which shall consist of all the women in the Local Assemblies. 16.1.1 MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be opened to all women from age twenty (20) years upwards. 16.1.2 FUNCTIONS a) To study the word of God (the Bible) b) To pray for the growth of the church. c) To organize seminars, workshops and lectures and symposia on all aspects of life including the following: i. Marriage enrichment, wives’ responsibilities at home, child welfare, rearing and education and other activities peculiar to women. ii. Business management techniques iii. The teaching of basic principles of law relating to the family e.g. Succession, marriage etc. d) To promote the welfare of widows, orphans, the needy, etc e) To carry out evangelism i.e. preaching, witnessing, and winning souls for the Lord. 44 NCACI constitution f) g) h) To train women to be responsible married women in the church and the society. To develop the talents of women and the total womanhood to enhance the social, physical, spiritual and intellectual status of the women. The fellowship shall operate at the National, Area, District and Local Levels. 16.1.3 WOMEN’S EXECUTIVES The Women’s Fellowship shall be administered by an Executive Committee made up of seven (7) members namely: 1 The President 2 The Vice President 3 The Secretary, 4 The Vice Secretary, 5 Organizer, 6 Financial Secretary 7 Treasurer 16.1.4 ELECTION a) The Executive Committee members shall be elected from among the women b) Election shall be by simple majority vote c) Ten (10) delegates shall be drawn from each District of the church to elect the Executive committee members 45 NCACI constitution 16.1.5 TENURE OF OFFICE The women fellowship executive committee members shall hold office for a term of four (4) years and may be re-elected for a further term only. 16.2 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP There shall be established a Covenant Youth Fellowship as the Youth Wing of the Church. 16.2.1 MEMBERSHIP They shall comprise all the youth of the church from thirteen years and above. 16.2.3 FUNCTIONS a) To bring the youth together to teach, train, and to develop them to grow spiritually b) To carry out Evangelism, i.e., preaching, witnessing and winning souls c) To encourage the youth to participate in the full programs and activities of the church and to further expose them to the various ministries within the church. d) To afford the youth the full opportunity to plan and organize programs and activities for evangelism in schools, colleges and the tertiary institutions and to encourage them to develop the gifts and qualities of leadership. e) To plan and organize programs and activities that meet the peculiar needs and aspirations of the youth. 46 NCACI constitution 16.2.4 YOUTH EXECUTIVES The Youth fellowship shall be administered by a Youth Executive Committee comprising seven (7) members made up of 1. President, 2. Vice President, 3. Secretary, 4. Vice Secretary, 5. Organizer, 6. Financial Secretary 7. Treasurer. Pastors are allowed to be members of the Youth Fellowship but shall not comprise of more than three (3) members in the youth Executive committee. 16.2.5 ELECTION a) The Executive Committee members shall be elected from among the youth members. b) Election shall be by simple majority vote. c) Ten (10) delegates shall be drawn from each District of the church to elect the executive committee members 16.2.6 TENURE OF OFFICE The Youth Fellowship Executive members shall hold office for a term of four (4) years which may be renewed for another term. 16.3 YOUTH PASTOR There shall be a Youth Pastor who shall be appointed by the Chairman in consultation with the College of Apostles and the Executive Council to be ratified by the General Council. 47 NCACI constitution 16.3.1 FUNCTIONS a) He will be responsible to the Youth Fellowship Board for the Youth Fellowship b) He will report the state of the youth to the Ministers at their council meeting twice a year. 16.3.2 TENURE OF OFFICE He shall hold office for a term of four (4) years and may be renewed for a further term subject to satisfactory performance 16.4 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP BOARD There shall be a Youth Fellowship Board. The Board shall comprise the following: a) b) c) d) e) Youth Pastor An Apostle A Deaconess An Elder Ministers’ wife 16.4.1 APPOINTMENT The appointment of the Youth Board shall be done by the Chairman in consultation with the College of Apostles. 16.4.2 FUNCTIONS a) To formulate policies and programs for approval by the college of Apostles and the General Council b) To take direct oversight responsibility of the Youth 48 NCACI constitution 16.5 MEN’S FELLOWSHIP There shall be an established Men’s Fellowship as the men’s wing of The Church. The Men’s Fellowship shall be administered by an Executive Committee comprising of seven (7) members made up of: a) President b) Vice President c) Secretary d) Vice Secretary e) Organizer f) Financial Secretary g) Treasurer h) An Apostle as a patron to whom they should report 16.5.1 FUNCTIONS a) To study the word of God (the Bible) b) To pray and intercede in prayers for the church c) To organize seminars, workshops and lectures and symposia on all aspects of life including the following: i. Marriage enrichment, husband’s responsibilities at home, child care and education ii. Business management techniques. iii. Leadership and responsibility in the home, church and the state iv. Current affairs at both national and international levels. v. The teaching of basic principles of domestic Law e.g. the making of wills and Agreements for the purchasing of real and personal properties and vi. Act as a vehicle for the spiritual growth of all male members of the church. 49 NCACI constitution 16.5.2 ELECTION a) The Executive Committee members shall be elected from among the men b) Election shall be by simple majority vote c) Ten (10) delegates shall be drawn from each District of the church to elect the Executive Committee members 16.5.3 TENURE OF OFFICE The women fellowship executive committee members shall hold office for a term of four (4) years and may be re-elected for a further term only. 16.6 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY There shall be a children’s ministry made up of the children and their teachers in the Local Assembly. The Children’s Ministry shall be administered by the Children Ministry Board. 16.6.1 MEMBERSHIP Children who are below thirteen (13) years of age. 16.7 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY BOARD The Children Ministry shall have a five (5) member Board. The Board shall comprise: a) Children’s Director b) One Female Pastor c) A Deaconess d) An Elder e) A patron 16.7.1 FUNCTIONS a) To organize children at Sunday morning services to pray, fellowship and to study God’s word. 50 NCACI constitution b) To hold periodic competitions and such other activities as shall ensure the children’s spiritual growth and sustain their interest in the ministry c) To teach children good morals as expounded in the Bible including respect for authority, teachers, elderly persons and one’s own parents. Article 17 17.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 17.1 CHURCH MEMBERSHIP There shall be both adult and children members of the church. 17.4 ADULT MEMBERS Any member who is thirteen (13) years or more and who has accepted the Lord as his Lord and personal Savior and is baptized into the church becomes an adult member. Continues full membership shall, however, depend on living a blameless life in accordance with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and obedience to the rules and conduct of the church. 17.3 CHURCH ASSETS AND PROPERTIES All assets including buildings, instruments and pews, chairs acquired by the church are vested in the New Covenant Apostolic Church International and not in individual members. Ministers and individual church members who wish to resign or leave the church shall surrender 51 NCACI constitution all church assets including land, deeds and documents in their possession to the local Presbytery or the General Secretary of the church before leaving. Article 18 18.0 CHURCH DISCIPLINE We believe that church discipline is to the glory of God, and is good for the purity of the church, and the spiritual benefit of members. It serves as a warning to the congregation and also averts reproach upon the name of Christ and for the transgressor; especially, that he may repent and be saved. 18.1 DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS An officer or member of the church who commits any of the following offences shall be disciplined in accordance with the principles of the church: a) Habitually visiting questionable places b) Falling into open sin c) Embracing or spreading false doctrine d) Divorcing wife or husband without reasonable grounds e) Man marrying more than one wife f) A woman getting married to an already married man g) Disobeying and showing disrespect to church authority at any level h) Practicing immorality. 52 NCACI constitution 18.2 SANCTIONS Depending upon the gravity of the offence committed, an offending officer or member a) May be publicly rebuked b) May be suspended from taking active part in all church programs and activities c) May be banned from ministering or witnessing on the platform of the church d) May be removed from office when he holds a position in the church e) An Officer, Elder, Deacon or Deaconess may be removed by the appointing authority. f) In extreme cases, an offending member/officer may be excommunicated from the church by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the College of Apostles. 18.3 RIGHTS OF APPEAL There shall be a right of appeal in all cases of sanctions. The appeal shall first be made to the District Presbytery, then to the Area Presbytery and finally to the church Executive Council where applicable. 18.3.1 REVIEW Decisions of any council; or committee/Board may be reviewed upon a petition of the affected person. This opportunity will be in addition to the right of appeal. 53 NCACI constitution Article 19 19.0 MARRIAGES The church upholds the sanctity of marriage in accordance with the word of God. Therefore: a) The church believes in chastity before marriage b) The church encourages the registration and solemnization of customary marriages c) The church does not encourage divorce, neither does it condone polygamy (Matt. 5:31-32; 19:3-11, Rom 7:1-3, 1 Cor. 7:10-15). d) Homosexuality, lesbianism and other perverse sexual practices are not allowed in the church as these are not biblically acceptable practices. e) All marriages shall be blessed, and solemnized in the church’s registered buildings. Article 20 20.0 INHERITANCE The church upholds patrilineal inheritance. Article 21 21.0 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION No provision of this Constitution shall be amended or deemed to have been amended or altered whether directly or indirectly by an act or conduct of the church unless that act or conduct shall have been approved at a General Council Meeting by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present and by voting. 54 NCACI constitution 21.1 a) MODE OF AMENDMENT Any member of the church who seeks to effect any amendment of any provision of this constitution shall have the same considered at the Area level if approved by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Presbytery members present and by voting. A notice of the proposed amendment shall be sent to the General Council meeting through the General Secretary. b) If the proposed amendment originates from any of the national Bodies created by this Constitution then the proposed amendment shall be communicated through the General Secretary to the General Council. c) The General Secretary shall cause the said proposal to be circulated to General Council members at least one (1) month before the General Council meeting d) The proposal shall be put on the agenda and debated and accepted if it draws two-thirds (2/3) of the votes from General Council members present through voting. e) Voting shall be by secret ballot or show of hands. Article 22 22. 0 EXTRA MINISTERIAL GROUPS IN THE CHURCH There shall be extra ministerial groups in the Church, to help individual church members develop and exercise their gifts and talents. 55 NCACI constitution These groups shall include: a) The Bible study group b) Prayer group c) Evangelism groups d) The Ushering groups e) Praise and worship groups f) The Choir or the Church Choir and any groups that may deem necessary to be formed. All these groups in their operations will be subject to the control and directive of their respective local Presbyters. Article 23 23.0 EXISTING OFFICES, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS All members of existing Committees and Boards immediately before the coming into force of this constitution shall continue in office until their terms expire. Any person who immediately before the coming into force of this constitution held or was acting in an office or was serving on a committee or Board in existence immediately before the coming into force of this constitution shall continue in office until his term expires or the committee on which he serves completes its work when it is an adhoc one. 56 NCACI constitution 23.1 PROMULGATION OF THE CONSTITUTION This sixth edition of the constitution was promulgated at the Head Office by the General Council at a meeting held on the 4th May 2019 at the Grace Temple, Accra. IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorized thereto signed this constitution. ……………………………………………………………………………………… APOSTLE MARTIN AGBEMABIESSE CHAIRMAN 57