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LAB529 2022 MAY 4 QUS 1 marks 10

EE529 LAB 7, Question 1, 4 May 2022 (10 Marks)
Arduino has been introduced to you in previous Lab. Now using the Arduino
and FPGA board you have to read the analog voltage from the voltage
divider circuit, which you can make using 5K/1K potentiometer and 5
V/3.3 V supply voltage. Output will very as you move the potentiometer
nob. You can display/store output in both the board and compare the
results. In Arduino board it is straightforward to display the reading using
serial monitor, but storing is tricky. In FPGA board both will be tricky. So
come with the preparation to perform the experiment.
....GOOD LUCK....
School of Computing and Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, India
Course Instructor: Dr. Rahul Shrestha
TAs: Dalchand Ahirwar, Rahul Sharma