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Anne Frank: Movie vs. Play - Analysis Worksheet

Anne Frank: Movie Vs. Play
Guiding Question
Content Standard
What are the most ​significant​ differences CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.7
Analyze the extent to which a filmed or
between the movie and play, and why do
live production of a story or drama stays
faithful to or ​departs from the​ text or
you think the director made those
script​, ​evaluating the choices made by the
director​ or actors.
Directions: ​Choose ONE MAJOR difference between the movie and the play and write a
paragraph that explains how they were different and why you think the director made
those changes (i.e. how did it make the movie more interesting or suspenseful)?
Don’t forget to:
❏ Introduce the play and who wrote it
❏ Introduce the movie
❏ Provide evidence from the play (a quotation or stage directions)
❏ Explain WHY you think the director made those changes to make the movie more
Need help getting started? Use these starters:
1. Introduce topic:​ The story of Anne Frank is_______________.
2. Introduce movie and play​: The movie________ and the play _____
are both interesting, but have many differences.
3. Introduce main difference: F
​ or example, the scene_______. In the
play______. While in the movie__________.
4. Explain why it’s significant: I​ think this change is significant
because______. The director _______.