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Chemistry AS Level: Mass Spectrometry Exam Questions

Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
CHEMISTRY (11 Elective)
AS Level Structured Questions
40 minutes
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IB17 03_9701_42/6RP
© UCLES 2021
[Turn over
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
1. Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique that can be used to deduce the molecular
formula of an unknown compound or isotopes. A diagram of a mass spectrometer is shown in
figure 2.1.
Explain the process in mass spectrometer using the term “VIADD.”
Show the reaction or process in each step.
....................................................................................................................................... [5]
2. Define the term isotopes
....................................................................................................................................... [1]
3. Define the term relative atomic mass of Neon
....................................................................................................................................... [1]
4. The mass of one atom of Ne is 3.32 x 10
The mass of one atom of C-12 is 1.992 x 10
Avogadro Constant is 6.02 x 10 atom/mol.
Use your definition in question 3, prove that the relative atomic mass of Neon is 20.0. Show
your workings
................................................................................................................................................ [1]
5. A pure sample of element X is analysed using mass spectrometry. The mass spectrum
obtained is shown. Show how you would determine the identity of the element X.
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
6. Nitrogen has three stable isotopes, N, N and N. All three isotopes are present in a
sample of nitrogen gas, N2, which was analysed using a mass spectrometer.
Explain and prove that there are five peaks associated with the N2 ion.
........................................................................................................................................ [2]
7. A compound Y has a molecular ion (M+) at m/e value of 120, and relative abundance 23% and
M+1 peak at m/e 121 with a relative abundance 2%. How many carbon atoms are in a
molecule of Y? Show your working.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
8. An unknown compound Z was isolated and testes using mass spectrometer.
Compound Z contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Show how you would approach the problem and how to obtain information from the spectrum
of compound Z. Write any information you can obtain from the spectrum.
The [M+1] peak has been removed from the spectrum.
....................................................................................................................................... [4]