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Sonnets to Orpheus Worksheet: Text Analysis & Literary Elements

Grade 10 ____
Name :_______________
Date ____________
Sonnets To Orpheus
A Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke
(pages 379-377)
Worksheet 1
Standards: RL.10.1/ RL.10.2/ RL.10.5/ RL.10.4
Learning Outcomes:
I CAN make logical inferences and draw clear conclusions.
I CAN support my analysis with relevant textual evidence.
I CAN identify the sonnet text structure
I CAN analyze the tone and mood of a sonnet.
I CAN analyze the problem, turning point, and solution in a sonnet.
Sonnets To Orpheus
A Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke
Want the change. Be inspired by the flame
where everything shines as it disappears.
The artist, when sketching, loves nothing so much
as the curve of the body as it turns away.
What locks itself in sameness has congealed.
Is it safer to be gray and numb?
What turns hard becomes rigid
and is easily shattered.
Pour yourself like a fountain.
Flow into the knowledge that what you are seeking
finishes often at the start, and, with ending, begins.
DIS Vision: DIS, in partnership with parents and community, strives to prepare every student to be digitally literate, a lifelong learner, and a productive citizen.
DIS Mission: DIS is committed to provide education following international standards yet adhering to local values and traditions.
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Every happiness is the child of a separation
it did not think it could survive. And Daphne, becoming a laurel,
dares you to become the wind.
Group A
Activity1 /Reading for Central Ideas
Directions: Read the poem and then write annotations about the central idea of each stranza.
Group BActivity /Text Analysis
Directions: Answer the following questions in full sentences.
1, What issue does the speaker raise in the first stanza?
2. How does the speaker feel about the problem exposed in the first stanza?
3. What examples does the speaker mention at the beginning of the sonnet ? Why soes he mention these examples?
4. How is the tone of the speaker in the first stanza of this sonnet?
DIS Vision: DIS, in partnership with parents and community, strives to prepare every student to be digitally literate, a lifelong learner, and a productive citizen.
DIS Mission: DIS is committed to provide education following international standards yet adhering to local values and traditions.
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