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Dutch Bros Employee Training Manual

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others are you as about yourself.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
To forget about the mistakes of the past and move on to the greater achievements of
the future.
To make all your friends feel there is something in them.
To wear a cheerful countenance and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come through.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize
To think only the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to
permit the presence of trouble.
The customer is the most important person in our business.
The customer is not dependent on us – we are dependent on the customer.
The customer is not an interruption of our work, but the purpose of it.
The customer does us an honor when calling on us. We are not doing the customer a
favor by serving them.
The customer is part of our business, not an outsider. The customer is our guest.
The customer is not a cold statistic, but flesh and blood; a human with feelings and
emotions like our own.
The customer is not someone to argue with or match wits with.
The customer is one who brings us wants. Our job is to fill them.
The customer is deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can
The customer has the right to expect an employee to present a neat, clean appearance.
If you ask a customer how he or she is doing, you’d better want to know. Your
customers want to know that someone cares.
You must treat others the way they want to be treated, not the way you want to be
Every aspect of the company must align with our core values of speed, quality and service to
provide the customer with a truly unique Dutch Bros experience. Each one of the core values
are equally important; we can never sacrifice one for the other.
 Move with a Sense of Urgency – A controlled quickness, which shows customers that
you care about them and their time.
 Be Aware of Your Surroundings – Be Present, actively educating and preparing yourself
for what is next. Always look for ways to be more efficient and effective. Rotate stock
and clean as you go, set up your environment for success.
 DB Flow – Know your role, and master each situation. Know when it’s appropriate and
beneficial to slide over and help out your coworker. Work with them, not around them.
Communication is the foundation on which everything is built, so communicate
 Names and Drinks – Get to know your customers, their names, what they drink and
what they drive. Blow their minds by having their drinks ready for them when they get
to the window.
 Be Prepared – Come to work mentally and physically ready. Get good sleep, eat, pump
the tunes, and caffeinate! Leave your problems at the door, don’t stress and be happy!
 Anticipation – Think about your next move. Look down the line to see who’s on deck.
Get the entire order with the details, and repeat them. Tell the customer the total while
you’re making the drink. This allows them time to be prepared.
 Consistency – Know your recipes! Build the drink in the proper order: flavor shots, milk.
Handcraft each drink with care. If it doesn’t look right, make it again. Remember, the
magic is in the details. Keep it clean and fresh; wipe & purge your steam wand often.
Sanitize your milk tins, shot tins and spoons regularly. Never serve a cup covered with
milk, flavor or coffee grinds. Never double cup on top of a messy drink – always pour the
drink into a fresh cup. Refrigerate all milks, teas, Rebel mix, lemonade, juices and
smoothies after each use.
 Ask and Educate – Asking and educating will ensure that you get all the details to a
custom drink and that customers get exactly what they want. Take the time and care to
educate your customer on DB drink lingo to help simplify the ordering process and
eliminate mistakes.
 Product Knowledge – We take great care in sourcing high-quality products and have
carefully formulated a few of our own. We use our own custom blend of chocolate milk
and Dutch Bros Blue Rebel Energy Drink, our exclusive energy drink. All of our coffee is
roasted in Grants Pass, Oregon. Being knowledgeable about the ingredients and any
possible allergens will help you avoid serving a product that may result in a negative
experience. If a customer inquires about ingredients or allergens and you don’t have the
answer, please direct them to feedback@dutchbros.com
 Gratitude – “Thank You!” It can never be said enough. Thank fans for coming by, for the
great conversations and especially if they leave a tip.
 Say “Yes” – We are a “yes” company. It is our goal to avoid having to say “no” or “I don’t
know.” Try to find solutions to every problem and the answer to every question.
 Be committed – Great service is a mindset and a daily commitment. Leave your
problems at the door; you can’t be a ray of sunshine if you’re stressed and unhappy.
 Accountability – Always take responsibility for anything that goes wrong. We guarantee
every drink; it says so right on the bottom of the cup, and we mean it!
 Stay Positive – Keep all conversations on a positive level. Negativity is like a fire: without
fuel, it can’t keep burning and spread. Never argue with the customer. You may win the
argument, but they probably won’t come back.
 Be Genuine – Whether it’s your smile, the conversation, or your actions, always be
yourself and be real. It is important to be genuine in and out of the shop. Think before
you post something on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other form of social media.
You don’t want to have a customer see you acting inappropriately. It discredits your instand positive happy attitude.
The window is your stage. It is the heart of our business and where we get our opportunity to
make a first impression, so make it one worth remembering. Here are a few things that will
help build relationships with your customers:
 Introduce yourself.
 Ask the customer their name and remember it.
 Remember what you chatted about with the customer last time you talked and reignite
that conversation.
 Remember the customer’s regular drink.
 Create genuine conversation, some examples of genuine conversation starts are:
o What they are doing this weekend, or what they did over the weekend
o Where they work
o If their pet is in the car, what’s its name
o If there are kids in the car, what are their names, how old are they and what
school do they go to
o If there is a local event, like a fair or parade, ask if they went to it or are they
going to it
 Pick up on cues during your interactions with others to determine if you should adopt a
more formal or informal communication style. Not sure? Play it safe and maintain a
neutral, yet friendly and helpful tone.
 If the conversation turns to religion or politics, just listen. When you have the
opportunity delicately redirect the conversation into something more appropriate and
genuinely thank the customer for their willingness to share openly. Your leader can set
you up with training and talking points for specific issues. You can find resources on how
to handle difficult conversations within DBU.
Play music that motivates you, but remember it’s for the customer. A good host knows
what their guests dig.
Music volume is as important as the playlist. If you constantly have to yell, or ask
“what?” it may be too loud. Balance is key.
Be genuine in your greetings, and know the appropriate time to use “Bro” and “Dude.”
Remember to be a chameleon at the window. We handcraft experiences, as well as
Always ask the customer, “What would you like?” Never, “What do you want?”
Customers deserve our full attention at the window. It is important to make sure that
you always make eye contact, smile and greet them. Know when it is an appropriate
time to leave the machine and give your customer your undivided attention.
Make sure to engage with everyone in the car; don’t just give all of the attention to the
driver. Hook kids up with suckers, whip sticks and give their dog a biscuit.
Share your knowledge with all of your coworkers. One way that helps your whole crew
to learn more “names and drinks” is to refer to customers by name, drink and what kind
of car the drive.
Practice positive body language. Never turn your back on a customer, have a cheerful
countenance and keep your hands out of your pockets. We are here to serve the
customer and the way we posture ourselves will convey that message
Dutch Reminder:
Only ask someone a question if you care to know the answer. If you ask someone what
they are doing over the weekend, be sure to remember, and ask them about it on
Customers want their time at the window; it is a large part of why they are willing to
wait in long lines. Make sure to give every customer your full attention, but also be
aware of the other cars in line behind them. We are all great at starting a conversation,
but it takes practice to delicately end a conversation.
“I can’t wait to hear the rest of your story tomorrow!” Not only does this politely let
them know you are busy and getting backed up, but that you really do care to hear the
rest of their story.
When working the Line Busting position, you now become the first impression for the
customer. All of the standards for customer service that are outlined in “The Window” section
must also be met when using the POS. The goal of Line Busting is to give the customer an added
experience, increase the speed of their visit by having their drink ready when they get to the
window and increase the quality by accurately listing out all of the details of the drink. When
working the Line Busting position, follow these guidelines:
 Position yourself starting at the third car back and continue to work down the line.
 Greet every customer and follow the guidelines outlined in “The Window”.
 Ask the customer, “What can we get started for you?”
Input the order into Xenial as the customer orders, clarify any questions and repeat the
order back.
Maintain eye contact with the customer, eye contact is a key element of customer
If the line pulls forward while you are with the customer Line Busting be sure to walk
forward with the customer.
If you are Line Busting and you are preventing the customer from pulling up to the
window invite the customer to pull up to the window and the window will get their
order dialed in and reposition yourself at the third car in line.
In addition to creating relationships at the window (whether its our window or theirs), you are
responsible for charging the customer. Follow these simple steps to ensure that the customer’s
visit is concluded properly:
 Share the total for all of their drinks.
 If they have a full stamp card, free drink card or any form of discount, apply that
discount to the most expensive drink.
 If they pay with a card or gift card, offer the customer a receipt.
 If the customer has multiple drinks, ask if they would like a drink carrier.
 When you hand out the customer’s drinks, state which drink is which as you hand them
out. If the drinks are in a drink carrier be sure to note which drink is which on the lid,
with a marker that does not have an odor.
 Say “Thank you!”
If the customer has a complaint, remember the Wise Man’s Old School Building Blocks, “The
customer is not someone to argue or match wits with.” When a complaint arises here is the DB
way to handle it:
 Sincerely apologize.
 Hook them up with a drink on the house.
 Share that the feedback on their experience is valuable and beneficial in helping us to
continue to improve as a company and we’d love it if they would share it through
 Apologize again and thank them for coming back.
We want to take care of our raving fans and create new ones. One way you’re empowered to
do this is by “hooking them up.” This is a great opportunity to let our customers try new drinks,
change their state of mind or recover from a sub-par experience.
 Opportunities to appropriately hook customers up with a free drink are:
o When it’s their birthday.
o When they’re having a rough day.
o If they bought a drink, and it was not to DB standards.
Take advantage of this opportunity to “hook up” and give back to the people who give so much
to us! Please do not abuse this by giving away free product to friends and family. This is a way
to impact someone’s day, make a friend, reward a loyal customer or just say “Thank you.”
Our Credit and Debit card processor is Paypal. Paypal is integrated into our Point of Sale system,
Xenial. For all Credit and Debit card purchases, the customer will be required to sign for their
Our Gift Card operating system is Paytronix. The purchase and redemption of Gift Cards is
integrated into Xenial.
 Private Reserve 3-Bean Blend
 White Coffee
 Decaf Coffee
 Cold Brew
 Nitro-Infused Cold Brew
 Dutch Bros Blue Rebel Energy Drink
 Chai
 Tea
 Dutch Soda
 Smoothie
 Dutch Cocoa
 Dutch Frost
 Steamer
 Decaf Ceylon Tea
 Decaf Coffee
 DutcH20
 Apple Juice
 Apple Cider
 Lemonade
 Green Tea
 Paris Tea
 Decaf Ceylon Tea
 Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea
 Earl Grey Tea
 Whipped Cream
 Soft Top
 Sprinkles
 Chocolate Milk
 Kick Me Mix (Half-and-Half)
 2% Milk
 Nonfat Milk
 Heavy Whipping Cream
 Soy Milk
 Coconut Milk
 Almont Milk
 Oat Milk
 Strawberry
 Mango
 Peach
 Green Apple
 Wild Berry
 Chocolate Chip Muffin Top
 Lemon Poppyseed Muffin Top
 Orange Cranberry Muffin Top
 Granola Bar