Which author has a better point

Richard Gorbounov
Which author has a better point?
Peter Norvig is the author that most people would agree with, mainly
because they support his statement about how Google does not make society
stupid. There are a lot of reasons that Peter Norvig is correct, especially the
fact that if someone gets onto Google and searches anything it will give quick
access to a wide range of answers, which allows users to make balanced, and
more intelligent decisions. A quote to support this statement is “The Internet
contains the world’s best writing, images, and ideas; Google lets us find the relevant
pieces instantly.” (Norvig,96). Since Google gives people so many answers and ways
to learn, it further supports how instead of making users stupid it actually does
the complete opposite. “Just as a car allows people to move faster and a
telescope lets humans see farther, access to the Internet’s information lets people
think better and faster. By considering a wide range of information, we can
arrive at more creative and informed solutions.” (Norvig,96). In this quote it tells
people that Google can be utilized as a tool for personal comprehensive
development, hence, getting smarter. These were just a few of the many reasons
that Peter Norvig has the most valid argument against Google making us stupid.