DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RAGHU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous) Done by : K.SRAVANKUMAR 193J5A0502 CSE B Driverless Cars Driverless Cars AUTOMOTIVE CARS Self Driving Cars It is a vechile that is capable of sensing it’s environment without human input Selfdriving cars are also known as Automative cars or Robot cars History The experiments on these cars are started in year 1920’s The trails on these cars begin in the year 1950 The first truly Automated car is developed in year 1977 by Japan’s Sukabe Mechanical Engineering Laboratory. The vechile is tracked with sencors and cameras and analog computer for signal processing. Nature of digital technology The characteristics of this car is that it can have greater emphasis on software. We can change this car according to owner’s wish through reprogramming or editing software. Basic Physical Ecosystem of an Autonomous Vehicle Key Physical Components of Autonomous Vehicles Potential advantages Traffic collisions due to human erros may decrease. These may reduce labour costs. Safer driving is expected to reduce cost of vechile insurance. Disadvantages Human factors challenges Along side the many technical challenges taht Automative car face. The human first should have a trust on automation Weather may also affect car sencors. Because of this car function get damaged and have chance of accidents. Public survey In 2011 2,006 US,UK consumers,49% said that they are comfortable. In 2012, 17,400 consumers 37% intially felt comfortable then it gradually decreased to 20% due to cost of car. In 2015 nearly 46% consumers felt that is comfortable and safer to drive. Survey.... CONCLUSION Signing of..... Thank you... K.SRAVANKUMAR Cse –B 193J5A0502