California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations Office of Graduate Studies 12-2020 Sum of Cubes of the First n Integers Obiamaka L. Agu Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Algebra Commons, Algebraic Geometry Commons, Analysis Commons, Dynamic Systems Commons, Number Theory Commons, Numerical Analysis and Computation Commons, Ordinary Differential Equations and Applied Dynamics Commons, Other Applied Mathematics Commons, and the Other Mathematics Commons Recommended Citation Agu, Obiamaka L., "Sum of Cubes of the First n Integers" (2020). Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations. 1132. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Office of Graduate Studies at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact Sum Of Powers Of The First N Integers A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of California State University, San Bernardino In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Mathematics by Obiamaka Agu December 2020 Sum Of Powers Of The First N Integers A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of California State University, San Bernardino by Obiamaka Agu December 2020 Approved by: Hajrudin Fejzić, Ph.D., Committee Chair Zahid Hasan, Ph.D., Committee Member Jeffrey Meyer, Ph.D., Committee Member Madelaine Jetter, Chair, Department of Mathematics Corey Dunn, Graduate Coordinator, Department of Mathematics iii Abstract In Calculus we learned that that Pn k=1 k3 = ( n(n+1) )2 . 2 Pn k=1 k = n(n+1) , 2 that Pn k=1 k 2 = n(n+1)(2n+1) , 6 and These formulas are useful when solving for the area below a quadratic or cubic function over an interval [a, b]. This tedious process, solving for areas under a quadratic or a cubic, served as motivation for the introduction of Riemman integrals. For the over zealous math student, these steps were replaced by a simpler method of evaluating antiderivatives at the endpoints a and b. From my recollection, a former instructor informed us do the value of memorizing these formulas. At the very least, we needed to know that the sum of the first n integers is a polynomial of degree 2 with the leading term 1 2 2n , the sum of the squares of the first n integers is a polynomial of degree 3 with the leading term 31 n3 ; lastly, the sum of the cubes of the first n integers is a polynomial of degree 4 with the leading term 41 n4 . This resulted in the recognition of a pattern; hence, the generalization; the sum of the r-th powers of the first n integers is a polynomial of degree r +1 with the leading term 1 r+1 . r+1 n Thus, we arrive at the theorem Theorem 0.0.1. Let r ≥ 0 be an integer. Then there is a unique polynomial, pr (x) of degree r + 1 with the leading coefficient n X 1 r+1 such that for every integer n, k r = pr (n). k=1 To some math scholars, these polynomials are called Faulhaber polynomials, named after Faulhaber, a German mathematician, who was one of the first mathematicians to recognize that the sum of r-th powers is indeed a polynomial. His discoveries resulted in “simple” forms of formulating these polynomials when r is odd. I will prove Theorem 0.0.1, and many other properties of Faulhaber polynomials. For example, I will prove that for all r the coefficient of xr is 12 . Thus pr (x) = 1 1 xr+1 + xr + · · · . r+1 2 The remaining coefficients of this polynomial, do not have a simple form. This is especially the case for the coefficient of x. It turns out that the coefficients of x in pr (x), are the so called Bernoulli numbers. I will establish this as well as many related properties about Bernoulli numbers. iv I will end my thesis with an interesting observation discussed in [Fej05]. The formula for the sum of cubes is especially interesting giving us the identity 13 + 23 + 33 + · · · + (n − 2)3 + (n − 1)3 + n3 = (1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + (n − 2) + (n − 1) + n)2 . If in both left hand and right-hand sides of this identity we replace the term (n − 1) by 2 one would think that the resulting equality 13 + 23 + 33 + · · · + (n − 2)3 + (2)3 + n3 = (1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + (n − 2) + (2) + n)2 is false. It was shown in [Fej05] it is actually true. Moreover the pair ((n − 2), 2) is the only such switch that works for all n. v Acknowledgements I would, first, like to thank my family for being my biggest cheerleaders and pushing me to pursue an advanced degree. They inspired me to seek out all resources available to advance, not only my career, but myself. Seriously, my father is counting the months, days, hours, and minutes, till graduation. My aunt and uncles in both Iowa, London, and Nigeria are all making plans for my graduation and I have yet to complete the program. My mother, also in Nigeria, constantly inquires, not only about my health, but about school, if I’m getting help enough to complete my courses, and much more. They are intense. I’m very happy and thankful to have been blessed with such loving, caring, and supportive individuals. The next individuals that I would like to thank are my friends. These individuals are a tough act to follow. They set the bar so high. In moments when I feel inadequate, defeated, and/or ready to give up, they’re present with a fresh palm to slap my senses back to reality. They have and continue to provide both physical and emotional support throughout my graduate experience. They are strict, loving, supportive, and uncompromising when it comes to academic and personal growth. I will always be grateful for their continued support. I would also like to extend a special thank you to my overly enthusiastic husband Buddy. This man is something out of a fairy tale because I would be sweating bullets, with nervousness, for a final and/or presentation and he’ll spew some magical words of encouragement and I suddenly feel like I can conquer anything. He was the first to read my work and provide constructive feedback on how I can improve. He’s been there to support and encourage me in times when the workload seemed unbearable. I don’t know how I would’ve got to this stage in my academic career without his help, and for that, I am thankful. Lastly, I would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Hajrudin Fejzić for all his help and support in the development and formation of this paper. The first time that I met him was summer of 2011 in his Combinatorics class. At first I thought this professor was intimidating. What if I don’t like his style of teaching? I should just run-out now. However, he was organized, clear and concise, willing to help at any moment, soft spoken, and very knowledgeable. Upon this realization, he easily became one of the professors, at Cal State, that I admired. It was only logical that I’d seek out his assistance upon vi my return to school. I, quickly, learned that, although he was an excellent instructor, he proved to be an exemplary advisor. He showed an award winning patience when I made idiotic mathematical errors. He understood that, while working on my thesis, I was completing other courses. He was available during office hours, via email, even though he had other courses to teach. I swear, I don’t know how he does it. For all these reasons and more, I will be forever thankful. There are a multitude of other people, who have contributed to my academic and personal growth, that I would like to express gratitude for. From my high school JROTC instruction Sgt. Edward Brackins, to my former West Point classmates, now officers in the U.S. Army, Shalela Dowdy etc., to my ride or die ex-military bestie Quincy Jallah, and to many other influential individuals that motivated my success. I would like to extend a massive THANK YOU! vii Table of Contents Abstract iii Acknowledgements v List of Tables 1 The 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Sums Carl Friedrich Gauss and the sum of the first n integers . . . The sum of squares of the first n integers . . . . . . . . . . . Sums of cubes and fourth powers of the first n integers . . . . Sum of the r-th powers of the first n integers is a polynomial viii . . . . 1 1 4 6 8 2 The Numbers 2.1 Bernoulli numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Faulhaber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 10 18 3 The Discovery 3.1 On sum of cubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 21 4 Conclusion 32 A How to Generate Faulhaber’s Triangle 33 B How To Generate Non Trivial Solutions 43 C How To Generate Trivial Solutions 79 Bibliography 89 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii List of Tables 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Nontrivial Nontrivial Nontrivial Nontrivial Nontrivial Nontrivial Nontrivial Nontrivial Solution Solution Solution Solution Solution Solution Solution Solution Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Chapter 1 The Sums 1.1 Carl Friedrich Gauss and the sum of the first n integers Carl Friedrich Gauss, (1777-1855), born in Brunswick Germany, was a child prodigy considered to be the greatest German mathematician of the 19th century [Wel19]. He was dubbed the “Prince of Mathematics” and his work influenced a great deal of the math areas studied in this day and age which include: number theory, algebra, differential geometry among other fields. At age three, he corrected an error in his father’s payroll calculations. By age 7, his arithmetic abilities had grown so much so that his instructors admitted that there was nothing more that they could teach him [Wel19]. In one of his classes, he was given what was meant to be busy work. The problem: find the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 100. He solved this in a matter of minutes. How? Obviously, individually adding the numbers 1 to 100 is incredibly time consuming. If we start by adding the smaller numbers, it’ll look something like this: 2 1+2+3 = 6 1+2+3+4 = 10 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36 and so on [Wel19]. We don’t know how Gauss calculated the sum of the first 100 numbers; but, he may have recognized that when there are even number of numbers to add as in 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8, we could pair 1 with 8, 2 with 7, 3 with 6, and 4 with 5. Each pair adds up to 9, and there are four pairs so that the sum is 9 · 4 = 36. Similarly, if we want to add the first 100 numbers, we could pair 1 with 100, 2 with 99, 3 with 97, and so on with the last pair being 50 with 51. Each pair sums to 101 and there are 50 pairs. So, the sum of the first 100 numbers is 101 · 50 = 5050. Another way to add the first 100 integers, with the little help of symbolic algebra, is as follows. Let S denote the sum. Then, S= 1 +2 +3 +···+ 98 +99 +100 S= 100 +99 +98 +···+ 3 +2 +1 2S = 101 +101 +101 + · · · + 101 +101 +101 The first row is just the definition of S. The right hand side of the second row is the sum of the first 100 integers written backwards, so it is also S. Finally the third row is obtained by adding the corresponding numbers of the two rows above. The left hand side of the third row is 2S, while the right hand side is 101 · 100. Hence 2S = 101 · 100, and from here S = 101·100 2 = 5050. This approach can be easily modified to derive the formula for the sum of the 3 first n integers. Let S denote the sum. Then, S=1 +2 +3 + ···+ (n − 2) + (n − 1) +n S=n + (n − 1) + (n − 2) + ···+ 3 +2 +1 + (n + 1) + (n + 1) + ···+ + (n + 1) + (n + 1) 2S = (n + 1) (n + 1) Similar to that above, the first row is just the definition of S. The right hand side of the second row is the sum of the first n integers written backwards, so it is also S. Finally the third row is obtained by adding the corresponding numbers of the two rows above. The left hand side of the third row is 2S, while the right hand side is (n + 1) · n. Hence 2S = (n + 1) · n, and from here S = (n+1)·n . 2 This proves the following theorem. Theorem 1.1.1. The sum of the first n integers is (n+1)·n . 2 We could generalize this approach to derive the sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic progression a0 , a0 + d, a0 + 2d, . . . , a0 + (n − 1)d. Let S denote this sum. Then S =a0 + (a0 + d) + (a0 + 2d) + ··· + (a0 + (n − 1)d) S =(a0 + (n − 1)d) + (a0 + (n − 2)d) + (a0 + (n − 3)d) + ··· + a0 2S =(2a0 + (n − 1)d) + (2a0 + (n − 1)d) + (2a0 + (n − 1)d) + ··· + (2a0 + (n − 1)d) Again, the first row is just the definition of S. The right hand side of the second row is the sum of the first n terms written backwards, so it is also S. Finally the third row is obtained by adding the corresponding numbers of the two rows above. The left hand side of the third row is 2S, while the right hand side is (2a0 + (n − 1)d) · n. Hence 2S = (2a0 + (n − 1)d) · n, and from here S = (2a0 +(n−1)d)·n . 2 Thus we arrive to the following result. Theorem 1.1.2. The sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic progression a0 , a0 + d, a0 + 2d, . . . is (2a0 +(n−1)d)·n , 2 The special case of Theorem 1.1.2 with a0 = 1 and d = 2 is an interesting result in its own. Corollary 1.1.3. The sum of the first n odd numbers is n2 . 4 1.2 The sum of squares of the first n integers For the sum of the first n squares, the pattern does not hold. Let S2 = 12 +22 +32 + · · · + =1 +4 n2 + · · · + n2 . +9 In order to obtain the formula for S2 , we may be tempted to repeat the same procedure that was successful in the aforementioned computation of: S1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n. Thus, write the sum twice, reversing the order the second time: S2 =1 +4 +9 + ···+ (n − 2)2 +(n − 1)2 +n2 S2 =n2 + (n − 1)2 + (n − 2)2 + ···+ 9 +4 +1 Adding both sums results in the sum, 2S2 = [1 + n2 ] + [4 + (n − 1)2 ] + [(n − 2)2 + 9] + · · · + [(n − 1)2 + 4] + [n2 + 1] For this method to work in the right-hand side of this equation all the expressions inside the brackets should be identical which obviously is not the case. Thus, we have to consider an alternative approach. First we will redo the formula for the sum, S1 , of the first n integers. We begin by writing (n + 1)2 = n2 + 2n +1 n2 = (n − 1)2 + 2(n − 1) +1 (n − 1)2 = (n − 2)2 + 2(n − 2) +1 .. . .. . .. . 52 = 42 +2·4 +1 42 = 32 +2·3 +1 32 = 22 +2·2 +1 22 = 12 +2·1 +1 5 After adding these n equations and canceling the numbers 22 , 32 , . . . , n2 that show up to the left and to the right of “=” sign, the resulting equation becomes (n + 1)2 = 12 + 2(1 + 2 + · · · + n) + 1 · n or (n + 1)2 = 1 + 2 · S1 + n. Solving for S1 we get (n + 1)2 − n − 1 . 2 S1 = Mimicking this approach for S2 , the sum of the squares of the first n integers, we use the identity (a + 1)3 = a3 + 3a2 + 3a + 1 to write (n + 1)3 = n3 + 3n2 + 3n +1 n3 = (n − 1)3 + 3(n − 1)2 + 3(n − 1) +1 (n − 1)3 = (n − 2)3 + 3(n − 2)2 + 3(n − 2) +1 .. . .. . .. . .. . 43 = 33 + 3 · 32 +3·3 +1 33 = 23 + 3 · 22 +3·2 +1 23 = 13 + 3 · 12 +3·1 +1 After adding these n equations and canceling the numbers 23 , 33 , . . . , n3 that show up to the left and to the right of “=” sign, the resulting equation becomes (n + 1)3 = 13 + 3 Pn k=1 k2 + 3 Pn k=1 k or (n + 1)3 = 1 + 3S2 + 3S1 + n. Using that S1 = n(n+1) 2 and solving for S2 results in S2 = (n+1)3 −1−3 3 n(n+1) −n 2 +1·n 6 which simplifies to the familiar formula S2 = n(n + 1)(2n + 1) . 6 Thus we have prove the following theorem Theorem 1.2.1. The sum, S2 , of squares of the first n integers is S2 = 1.3 n(n+1)(2n+1) . 6 Sums of cubes and fourth powers of the first n integers In this section we will find the formulas for S3 , the sum of cubes of the first n integers, and for S4 , the sum of fourth powers of the first n integers. The method is identical with obvious changes to the method used in the previous section to find the formula for S2 . In order to find the formula for S3 we begin with the identity (a + 1)4 = a4 + 4a3 + 6a2 + 4a + 1 to write the following equations (n + 1)4 = n4 + 4n3 + 6n2 + 4n +1 n4 = (n − 1)4 + 4(n − 1)3 + 6(n − 1)2 + 4(n − 1) +1 (n − 1)4 = (n − 2)4 + 4(n − 2)3 + 6(n − 2)2 + 4(n − 2) +1 .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 44 = 34 + 4 · 33 + 6 · 32 +4·3 +1 34 = 24 + 4 · 23 + 6 · 22 +4·2 +1 24 = 14 + 4 · 13 + 6 · 12 +4·1 +1 After adding these n equations and canceling the numbers 24 , 34 , . . . , n4 that show up to the left and to the right of ”=” sign, the resulting equation becomes (n + 1)4 = 14 + 4 Pn k=1 k3 + 6 Pn k=1 k2 + 4 Pn k=1 k +1·n or (n + 1)4 = 1 + 4S3 + 6S2 + 4S1 + n. Using that S1 = n(n+1) , 2 S2 = n(n+1)(2n+1) 6 and solving for S3 results in 7 S3 = (n+1)4 −1−6 n(n+1) n(n+1)(2n+1) −4 2 −n 6 4 which can be simplified to n2 (n + 1)2 . 4 Thus we have proved the following theorem S3 = Theorem 1.3.1. The sum, S3 , of cubes of the first n integers is S3 = h n·(n+1) 2 i2 . In order to find the formula for S4 we begin with the identity (a + 1)5 = a5 + 5a4 + 10a3 + 10a2 + 5a + 1 to write the following equations (n + 1)5 = n5 + 5n4 + 10n3 + 10n2 + 5n +1 n5 = (n − 1)5 + 5(n − 1)4 + 10(n − 1)3 + 10(n − 1)2 + 5(n − 1) +1 (n − 1)5 = (n − 2)5 + 5(n − 2)4 + 10(n − 2)3 + 10(n − 2)2 + 5(n − 2) +1 .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 45 = 35 + 5 · 34 + 10 · 33 + 10 · 32 +5·3 +1 35 = 25 + 5 · 24 + 10 · 23 + 10 · 22 +5·2 +1 25 = 15 + 5 · 14 + 10 · 13 + 10 · 12 +5·1 +1 After adding these n equations and canceling the numbers 25 , 35 , . . . , n5 that show up to the left and to the right of ”=” sign, the resulting equation becomes P P P P (n + 1)5 = 15 + 5 nk=1 k 4 + 10 nk=1 k 3 + 10 nk=1 k 2 + 5 nk=1 k + 1 · n or (n + 1)5 = 1 + 5S4 + 10S3 + 10S2 + 5S1 + n. h i2 n(n+1)(2n+1) n(n+1) , S = , and S = to solve for S4 results in Using that S1 = n(n+1) 2 3 2 6 2 S4 = h i n(n+1)(2n+1) n(n+1) n(n+1) 2 (n+1)5 −10 −10 −5 2 −n−1 2 6 5 which can be simplified to n(n + 1)(2n + 1)(3n2 + 3n − 1) . 30 Thus we have proved the following theorem S4 = 8 Theorem 1.3.2. The sum, S4 , of the fourth powers of the first n integers is S4 = n(n+1)(2n+1)(3n2 +3n−1) . 30 1.4 Sum of the r-th powers of the first n integers is a polynomial The derivation of formulas for S2 , S3 and S4 followed the same pattern, so it is no surprise that these methods can be used to find a formula for Sr , the sum of r-th powers of the first n integers. Theorem 1.4.1. Let r ≥ 1 be an integer. For 1 ≤ k ≤ r, let Sk denote the sum of k-th powers of the first n integers. Then Sr = (n + 1)r+1 − 1 − Pr k=2 r+1 k Sr+1−k − n r+1 Proof. We begin with the binomial identity (a + 1)r+1 = ar+1 + · · · + r+1 r a + 1 to write the following equations (n + 1)r+1 = nr+1 nr+1 = (n − 1)r+1 (n − 1)r+1 = (n − 2)r+1 .. . r + 1 nr 1 r + 1 + (n − 1)r 1 r + 1 + (n − 2)r 1 + .. . 4r+1 = 3r+1 .. . r + 1 3r 1 r + 1 + 2r 1 r + 1 + 1r 1 + 3r+1 = 2r+1 2r+1 = 1r+1 r + 1 nr−1 2 r + 1 + (n − 1)r−1 2 r + 1 + (n − 2)r−1 2 + + ···+ + ···+ .. . r + 1 3r−1 2 r + 1 + 2r−1 2 r + 1 + 1r−1 2 + + ···+ + ···+ + ···+ + ···+ . r+1 1 ar + r + 1 r r + 1 r r + 1 r r+1 2 ar−1 + n +1 (n − 1) +1 (n − 2) +1 .. . .. . r + 1 r r + 1 r r + 1 r 3 +1 2 +1 1 +1 After adding these n equations and canceling the numbers 2r+1 , 3r+1 , . . . , nr+1 that show up to the left and to the right of “=” sign, the resulting equation becomes n n n r+1 X r r + 1 X r−1 r+1 X r+1 (n + 1) =1+ k + k + ··· + k+n 1 2 r k=1 k=1 k=1 or r+1 r+1 (n + 1) = 1 + (r + 1)Sr + Sr−1 + · · · + S1 + n. 2 r Solving the last equation for Sr proves the theorem. r+1 9 Corollary 1.4.2. Sr is a polynomial in n of degree r + 1 with the leading coefficient Proof. The proof is by induction on r. For r = 1, we have seen that S1 = 1 2 2n 1 r+1 . + 12 n so the induction case r = 1 is established. Now assume that r > 1 and that for all 1 ≤ k ≤ r − 1, Sk is a polynomial of degree k + 1. Since by induction hypothesis every term in the right-hand side of the formula for Sr in Theorem 1.4.1 is a polynomial in n, with the term (n + 1)r+1 being of the highest degree, Sr is also a polynomial of the same degree as (n + 1)r+1 and its leading coefficient is 1 r+1 . 10 Chapter 2 The Numbers 2.1 Bernoulli numbers In this chapter we will take a different approach. We will not assume any of the results from Chapter 1. Let r ≥ 0 be an integer and let P (r) denote the set off all polynomials p(x) with p(0) = 0 that satisfy the identity p(x + 1) − p(x) = (x + 1)r . (2.1) We will show that P (r) has exactly one element which we denote by pr (x). Moreover, we P will show that pr (n) = Sr = nk=1 k r for all n ∈ N. Lemma 2.1.1. Let r ≥ 0 be an integer. Suppose that p(x) ∈ P (r). Then there is a constant A such that Z x p(t)dt + Ax ∈ P (r + 1). q(x) = (r + 1) 0 Proof. Let A be a constant and let Z q(x) = (r + 1) x p(t)dt + Ax. 0 Since by assumption p(x) is a polynomial, and since polynomials are closed under integration, q(x) is also a polynomial. Note that q(0) = 0. The derivative of q satisfies q 0 (x) = (r + 1)p(x) + A. (2.2) 11 Hence (q(x + 1) − q(x))0 = q 0 (x + 1) − q 0 (x) = (r + 1)(p(x + 1) − p(x)) by (2.2) = (r + 1)(x + 1)r . by (2.1). By taking anti-derivatives we obtain q(x + 1) − q(x) = (x + 1)r+1 + C for some constant C. If we take A = 1 − (r + 1) R1 0 (2.3) p(t)dt then q(1) = 1. Substituting x = 0 into (2.3) we obtain q(1) − q(0) = 1 + C 1−0=1+C It follows that C = 0. Thus for this choice of A, q(x) ∈ P (r + 1). Theorem 2.1.2. For every non-negative integer r, P (r) has exactly one element, pr (x). P Moreover pr (n) = nk=1 k r for all n ∈ N. Proof. The proof that P (r) 6= ∅ is by induction on r. For r = 0, it is straight forward to check that x ∈ P (0). Now assume that for some r ≥ 0, P (r) 6= ∅. Let p(x) ∈ P (r). Then by lemma 2.1.1, P (r + 1) 6= ∅ and the induction is complete. We also use induction this time on n to show that if p(x) ∈ P (r) then p(n) = Pn k=1 k r for all n ∈ N. For n = 1 we have to show that p(1) = 1. Indeed, from (2.1) p(0 + 1) − p(0) = (0 + 1)r , and since p(0) = 0 we get p(1) = 1. Now assume that for some P P P r n ≥ 1, p(n) = nk=1 k r . From p(n + 1) = p(n) + (n + 1)r = nk=1 k r + (n + 1)r = n+1 k=1 k completing the induction proof. Now if t(x) ∈ P (r) then p(n) − t(n) = 0 for all n ∈ N and since p(x) − t(x) is a polynomial this is possible only if p(x) − t(x) = 0 for all x ∈ R. Hence P (r) has only one element. From lemma 2.1.1 we have that pr+1 (x) = (r+1) Rx 0 p(t)dt+Ax for some constant A. From (2.2) we see that A = p0r+1 (0). These constants, {Ar = p0r (0)}∞ r=0 are known in literature as Bernoulli numbers. We will show that Bernoulli numbers, {Ar }, can be generated independent of polynomials, {pr (x)}, and that coefficients of these polynomials can be expressed in terms of Bernoulli numbers. 12 (k) (k−1) Lemma 2.1.3. For k ≥ 2, the k-th derivative of pr+1 (x) = (r + 1)pr (x). Proof. This is immediate from (2.2). In the statement of next lemma for k > r+1, the subscript of Ar+1−k is negative, and Bernoulli numbers are not defined for negative subscripts. We could restrict the value of k to k ≤ r + 1 to avoid this, or we could simply set At = 0 for negative t, and that is what we are going to do. Lemma 2.1.4. Let k ≥ 1 be an integer. The k-th derivative of pr (x) at 0 satisfies the following formula (k) 1 r+1 pr (0) = Ar+1−k . k! r+1 k (k) In particular pr (0) k! = 0 for k > r + 1. Proof. For k = 1 this formula just means that p0r (0) = 1 r+1 r+1 1 Ar+1−1 = Ar which is true by definition, so it needs only to be verified for all k ≥ 2. The proof is by induction on r. For r = 0, p0 (x) = x, so that all its derivatives but the first are zero. We also have that for k ≥ 2 A0+1−k = 0 by definition and the formula is verified for r = 0. (k) Now assume that for some r ≥ 0 and for all k ≥ 1, pr (0) k! = 1 r+1 r+1 k Ar+1−k . Let k ≥ 2. By lemma 2.1.3 (k) (k−1) pr+1 (0) r + 1 pr (0) = and by induction hypothesis we get k! k (k − 1)! r+1 1 r+1 = A k r + 1 k − 1 r+1−(k−1) 1 r+2 1 r+1 = Ar+2−k = Ar+2−k k k−1 r+2 k (k) and the induction is complete. That pr (0) k! = 0 for k > r + 1, follows from the formula and the definition of At for t negative. In the proof of Theorem 2.1.5 below we will use the fact that p0 (x) = x, and p1 (x) = 21 x2 + 21 x so that A0 = 1 and A1 = 21 . Theorem 2.1.5. The polynomials pr (x) can be expressed in terms of Bernoulli numbers 1 Pr+1 r+1 k as pr (x) = r+1 k=1 k Ar+1−k x . In addition the two leading terms of pr (x) are 1 r+1 r+1 x and 21 xr . 13 Proof. Since pr (0) = 0, by Taylor formula pr (x) = degree Xof pr k=1 (k) By lemma 2.1.4, pr (0) k! (k) pr (0) k x . k! (r+1) = 0 for k > r + 1, and of pr is r + 1. Also by Lemma 2.1.4, (k) pr (0) k! = (0) pr (r+1)! 1 r+1 r+1 k = 1 r+1 A0 = 1 r+1 so that degree Ar+1−k , proving the first part of Theorem. (r) For the second part of the Theorem it just remains to show that pr (0) r! = 12 . To that end by Lemma 2.1.4 with k = r we get (r) pr (0) 1 r+1 1 = r+1 r! r Ar+1−r = A1 = 2 . Theorem 2.1.5 and the fact that pr (1) = 1 for all r, allows us to express Bernoulli numbers recursively independent of pr (x). Corollary 2.1.6. Bernoulli numbers can be defined recursively as A0 = 1 and Ar = 1 Pr−1 r+1 1 − r+1 n=0 n An for r ≥ 1. Proof. From pr (1) = 1 and Theorem 2.1.5 we have r+1 1 X r+1 1 = pr (1) = Ar+1−k r+1 k k=1 r+1 using substitution n = r + 1 − k, and that r+1 = r+1−n = k as r 1 X r+1 1= An or r+1 n n=0 r−1 1 X r+1 = An + Ar . r+1 n n=0 Solving for Ar finishes the proof. r+1 n , we can rewrite this 14 Here is the list of the first twenty one Bernoulli numbers obtained using Mathematica code: Input: A[0]=1 Table[A[r] = 1 - 1/(r + 1)*Sum[Binomial[r + 1, n]*A[n], {n, 0, r - 1}], {r, 0, 20}] Output: 1, 1/2, 1/6, 0, -(1/30), 0, 1/42, 0, -(1/30), 0, 5/66, 0, -(691/ 2730), 0, 7/6, 0, -(3617/510), 0, 43867/798, 0, -(174611/330) 15 Here is the list of pr (x) for r = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 20. p0 (x) = x p1 (x) = p2 (x) = p3 (x) = p4 (x) = p5 (x) = p6 (x) = p7 (x) = p8 (x) = p9 (x) = p10 (x) = p11 (x) = p12 (x) = p13 (x) = p14 (x) = p15 (x) = p16 (x) = p17 (x) = p18 (x) = p19 (x) = p20 (x) = 1 2 x 2 1 3 x 3 1 4 x 4 1 5 x 5 1 6 x 6 1 7 x 7 1 8 x 8 1 9 x 9 1 10 x 10 1 11 x 11 1 12 x 12 1 13 x 13 1 14 x 14 1 15 x 15 1 16 x 16 1 17 x 17 1 18 x 18 1 19 x 19 1 20 x 20 1 21 x 21 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + − + + + − + 1 x 2 1 2 x 2 1 3 x 2 1 4 x 2 1 5 x 2 1 6 x 2 1 7 x 2 1 8 x 2 1 9 x 2 1 10 x 2 1 11 x 2 2 12 x 13 1 12 x 84 1 14 x 30 277 10 x 672 1 11 x 357 1 17 x 12 7 17 x 114 19 19 x 40 1 19 x 9 + + + + + + + + + + − + + − − + − − + 1 x 6 1 2 x 4 1 3 x 3 5 4 x 12 1 5 x 2 7 6 x 12 2 7 x 3 3 8 x 4 5 9 x 6 11 10 x 12 29 11 x 78 13 10 x 30 11 11 x 150 429 8 x 16 319 9 x 255 1 12 x 252 8 11 x 95 1 18 x 120 5 11 x 154 − − − − − − 1 x 30 1 2 x 12 1 3 x 6 7 4 x 24 7 5 x 15 7 6 x 10 − x7 − − + + + + + − + + 11 8 x 8 11 9 x 6 143 8 x 28 143 9 x 18 455 6 x 12 260 7 x 3 17 10 x 270 5770 9 x 627 39 10 x 88 678562 9 x + 6460x7 28665 1 x 42 1 2 + x 12 2 + x3 9 1 + x4 2 + + x5 + + − − − − + − − − 11 6 x 6 22 7 x 7 143 6 x 20 143 7 x 10 691 4 x 24 1382 5 x 15 1105 8 x 6 23494 7 x 35 13437877 8 x 54600 68723 5 x 10 − − − − − + + + + − 1 x 30 3 2 x 20 1 3 x 2 11 4 x 8 33 5 x 10 65 4 x 12 91 5 x 6 35 2 x 4 140 3 x 3 11747 6 x 45 + + + − − − + + 714x5 − + 2261x6 − + 219335 3 x 63 − 5 x 66 5 2 x 12 5 3 x 3 691 2 x 420 691 3 x 90 3617 x 510 595 4 x 3 3617 3 x 10 68723 4 x 40 174611 x 330 − 691 x 2730 + 7 x 6 3617 2 x 60 43867 + x 798 43867 2 + x 84 − 16 Notice that for r > 1 and r odd, all Ar ’s in the list are zero. That this is always true is a part of Theorem 2.1.7 below. Theorem 2.1.7. For r odd, we have pr (x) − pr (−x) = xr . It follows that Ar = 0 for r > 1 and odd. Proof. First we will show that for r odd, pr (x) − pr (−x) = xr for all x ∈ R. Since pr (x) − pr (−x) is a polynomial it is enough to verify this for x = n for all n ∈ N. We begin by substituting x = n − 1, x = n − 2, · · · , x = −n into (2.1) to obtain the following identities: pr (n) = pr (n − 1) + nr pr (n − 1) = pr (n − 2) + (n − 1)r pr (n − 2) = pr (n − 3) + (n − 2)r .. . pr (2) = pr (1) + 2r pr (1) = pr (0) + 1r pr (0) = pr (−1) + 0r pr (−1) = pr (−2) − 1r pr (−2) = pr (−3) − 2r .. . pr (−(n − 2))) = pr (−(n − 1)) − (n − 2)r pr (−(n − 1)) = pr (−n) − (n − 1)r . In the bottom half of these identities we used that r is odd so that (−k)r = −k r . By adding these identities, and taking into account that all the terms except pr (n), nr and pr (−n) cancel, we obtain pr (n) = pr (−n) + nr or pr (n) − pr (−n) = nr . Next we will show that Ar = 0 for r > 1 and odd. To that end we first differentiate pr (x) − pr (−x) = xr , to get p0r (x) + p0r (−x) = rxr−1 . Substitution x = 0 into the last equation yield Ar = p0r (0) = 0 for r > 1 and the proof is complete. Corollary 2.1.8. If r > 1 is odd, then pr−1 (x) = p0r (x) r . 17 Proof. Let r > 1 and r odd. Let p(x) = p0r (x) r . In order to show that pr−1 (x) = p(x) we need to show that p(x) ∈ P (r − 1). That p(x) is a polynomial is obvious. By Theorem 2.1.7, Ar = 0 so that p(0) = 0. It remains to show that p(x + 1) − p(x) = (x + 1)r−1 , but this follows immediately by differentiating pr (x + 1) − pr (x) = (x + 1)r and dividing the resulting equation through by r. Corollary 2.1.9. If r 6= 0 even, then pr (x) + pr (−x) = xr . Proof. By Theorem 2.1.7 pr+1 (x) − pr+1 (−x) = xr+1 . equation we get p0r+1 (x) + p0 (−x) p0 (x) + r+1 = tain r+1 r+1 r+1 pr (x) + pr (−x) = xr . p0r+1 (−x) xr . But = (r + 1)xr . Now differentiating the last Dividing through by r + 1 we ob- by corollary 2.1.7 pr (x) = p0r+1 (x) r+1 proving that We already know that pr (x) is a polynomial of degree r + 1 and that the coefficients of xr+1 and xr are 1 r+1 and 1 2 respectively. The next corollary shows that “every other” coefficient is zero. − 21 xr is of the form P 1 while for r even, pr (x) − r+1 xr+1 − 12 xr is of the form j=0 aj xr−2−2j . Corollary 2.1.10. For r odd, pr (x) − 1 r+1 r+1 x P j=0 aj x r−1−2j , Proof. For r odd we have to prove that p(k) (0) = 0 for k 6= r and k odd. This follows by differentiating k-times the identity pr (x) − pr (−x) = xr from Theorem 2.1.7 to obtain (k) pr (0) + pr (k)(0) = 0. For r even we have to prove that p(k) (0) = 0 for k 6= r and k even. This follows by differentiating k-times the identity pr (x) + pr (−x) = xr from corollary 2.1.7 to obtain (k) (k) pr (0) + pr (0) = 0. 18 2.2 Faulhaber Bernoulli’s formula is sometimes called Faulhaber’s formula. Johann Faulhaber of Ulm was a notable German mathematician whose research was particularly significant in providing alternative methods of computing the sums of powers. In his findings he recognized the patterns in the sums which led to the formulation of polynomial identities that express the sum powers of the first n integers. The resulting polynomials have been extensively studied by a multitude of math scholars. However, Faulhaber’s main contribution to the study of these polynomials was that he was the first one to realize that for r odd, the coefficients of pr (x) can be expressed in terms of x(x + 1). We will end this chapter by proving this. In what follows we are not assuming any results that we proved so far. First we need the following lemma regarding odd polynomials. A polynomial, p(x) is odd if p(−x) = p(x). Since odd polynomials are closed under addition and scalar multiplication, the set of all odd polynomials, O, is a subspace of the set of all polynomials. The natural basis for the vector space of odd polynomials is {x2j−1 }∞ j=1 . It is also true that the set of all odd polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2k − 1 is a subspace of O with the dimension equal to k. r+1 2 of Lemma 2.2.1. Let r be an odd integer. The sequence {xj (x + 1)j − (x − 1)j }j=1 odd polynomials forms the basis for all odd polynomials of degree less than or equal to r. Proof. Let qj (x) = xj (x + 1)j − (x − 1)j . Then qj (−x) = (−x)j (−x + 1)j − (−x − 1)j = (−1)j xj (−1)j (x − 1)j − (−1)j (x + 1)j = xj (x − 1)j − (x + 1)j = −qj (x) proving that qj (x) are odd polynomials. The degree of qj (x) is 2j − 1, so that the set r+1 2 is linearly independent, and since W has W = {qj }j=1 r+1 2 elements it is the basis for the space of all odd polynomials of degree less than or equal to r. If r is an odd integer then xr is an odd polynomial so by Lemma 2.2.1, xr is a r+1 2 linear combination of {xj (x + 1)j − (x − 1)j }j=1 . P k k k Theorem 2.2.2. Let r = 2m − 1. If xr = m k=1 ak x (x + 1) − (x − 1) , then pr (x) = Pm k k k=1 ak x (x + 1) . 19 Proof. Let p(x) = Pm k=1 ak x k (x + 1)k . Then p(−x) = Pm k k k k=1 ak (−1) x (−1) (x − 1)k so that p(x) − p(−x) = Pm k k k = xr . In particular k=1 ak x (x + 1) − (x − 1) p(x + 1) − p(−(x + 1)) = (x + 1)r . P k k But p(−(x + 1)) = m k=1 ak (−(x + 1)) ((−(x + 1) + 1) Pm k k k k r = k=1 ak (−1) (x + 1) (−1) (x) = p(x). Hence p(x + 1) − p(x) = (x + 1) . Since p(0) = 0, p(x) ∈ P (r), completing the proof. Thus for r odd, Faulhaber polynomial can indeed be expressed as a polynomial in x(x + 1). For r even by Corollary 2.1.8 we have the following result. Corollary 2.2.3. Let r be even. If pr+1 (x) = 1)xj (x + P r+2 2 k k k=1 ak x (x+1) , then pr (x) = 2x+1 r+1 P r2 j=0 aj+1 (j+ 1)j . r+2 p0 (x) d P 2 0 2 k Proof. By corollary 2.1.8, pr (x) = r+1 k=1 ak (x + x) , so by r+1 . But pr+1 (x) = dx P r+2 2 ak k(x2 + x)k−1 . Let j = k − 1, then p0r+1 (x) = Chain rule, p0r+1 (x) = (2x + 1) k=1 r P2 (2x + 1) j=0 aj+1 (j + 1)(x2 + x)j . Dividing through by r + 1 completes the proof. 20 Here is the list of pr (x) expressed in the terms of x(x + 1) for the first 10 odd values of r. The list is generated using C++ codes illustrated in Appendix A. 1 x(x + 1) 2 1 p3 (x) = (x(x + 1))2 4 1 p5 (x) = (x(x + 1))3 6 1 p7 (x) = (x(x + 1))4 8 1 (x(x + 1))5 p9 (x) = 10 1 p11 (x) = (x(x + 1))6 12 5 + x(x + 1))2 12 1 p13 (x) = (x(x + 1))7 14 691 (x(x + 1))3 + 210 1 p15 (x) = (x(x + 1))8 16 359 (x(x + 1))4 + 24 1 (x(x + 1))9 p17 (x) = 18 1519 (x(x + 1))5 + 30 1 p19 (x) = (x(x + 1))10 20 2829 + (x(x + 1))6 20 43867 + (x(x + 1))2 84 p1 (x) = 1 (x(x + 1))2 12 1 − (x(x + 1))3 6 1 − (x(x + 1))4 4 1 − (x(x + 1))5 3 − − + − − − − − − 5 (x(x + 1))6 12 691 (x(x + 1))2 420 1 (x(x + 1))7 2 35 (x(x + 1))3 2 7 (x(x + 1))8 12 1237 (x(x + 1))4 12 2 (x(x + 1))9 3 6583 (x(x + 1))5 15 1 (x(x + 1))2 12 3 + (x(x + 1))3 10 17 + (x(x + 1))4 24 − 41 (x(x + 1))5 30 − 59 (x(x + 1))4 21 − 22 (x(x + 1))5 3 + + 7 + (x(x + 1))6 3 35 + (x(x + 1))2 4 11 + (x(x + 1))7 3 3617 + (x(x + 1))3 30 217 + (x(x + 1))8 40 750167 + (x(x + 1))4 840 3 (x(x + 1))2 20 5 − (x(x + 1))3 6 293 (x(x + 1))6 18 3617 − (x(x + 1))2 60 1129 − (x(x + 1))7 35 43867 − (x(x + 1))3 42 − 21 Chapter 3 The Discovery 3.1 On sum of cubes We have found formulas, Sr , for the sums of r-th powers of the first n integers for the first twenty values of r. An interesting and well-known observation is that S3 = S12 that is 13 + 23 + · · · + n3 = (1 + 2 + · · · + n)2 . (3.1) What may come as a surprise is that if for n ≥ 2, in (3.1), we replace (n − 1) by 2 on the both sides of the equations the resulting equation 13 + 23 + · · · + (n − 2)3 + 23 + n3 = (1 + 2 + · · · + (n − 2) + 2 + n)2 (3.2) is still true. This remarkable identity has been studied in [Fej05]. In this paper the authors consider a more general question of finding all triples (k, x, n) with 1 ≤ k, x < n for which if k in (3.1) is replaced by x 6= k the resulting identity k−1 X 3 3 j +x + j=1 n X k−1 n X X j =( j+x+ j)2 3 j=k+1 j=1 (3.3) j=k+1 still holds. The main result in [Fej05] is the following theorem. Theorem 3.1.1. Let k, x, and n be positive integers such that 1 ≤ k, x ≤ n, n 6= k. Then the triple (k, x, n) satisfies (3.3) if and only if (a) x = k or (k, x, n) = ((n − 1), 2, n) or (b) (k, x, n) = (2(p − 1) + 3(p−1)p , 2p s + s, x + k − p) where integers p and s satisfy p ≥ 2 22 and s is a positive divisor of 3p(p − 1). Moreover, different values of the pair (p, s) yield different solutions. We can actually use Theorem 3.1.1 to not only find a triple (k, x, n) satisfying equation (3.3) but also to determine if a given triple is in fact, a solution. For example: if p = 20, then we calculate 3(p − 1)p = 1140, and for s = 10 we obtain the triple (152, 50, 182) while if we pick another positive divisor of 1140, say s = 19, we obtain the triple (98, 59, 137). Hence, 151 X 3 j + 50 + j=1 and 182 X 3 97 X 151 182 X X j = 273, 935, 601 = ( j + 50 + j)2 3 j=153 3 3 j + 59 + j=1 137 X j=1 j=153 97 137 X X j = 88, 623, 396 = ( j + 59 + j)2 . 3 j=99 j=1 j=99 On the other hand, (97, 37, 130) is not a solution because this triple would yield p = x + k − n = 98 + 37 − 130 = 5 and thus, s = x − 2p = 37 − 10 = 27 would have to be a divisor of 3(p − 1)p = 60. When we check the validity of these values we get, P 3 + 373 + 130 j=99 j = 71, 614, 686 P130 P 2 6 71, 470, 116 = ( 97 = j=99 j) . j=1 j + 37 + P97 j=1 j 3 Theorem 3.1.1 part b) naturally raises questions about what else can be said about the “non-trivial” triples (k, x, n). Obviously from Theorem 3.1.1 part b) the formulas for k and x give us the lower bounds for k and x. Namely k ≥ 2(p − 1) + 1 ≥ 2(2 − 1) + 1 = 3 and x = 2p + s ≥ 2p + 1 ≥ 5. What if k ≥ 3 is given, can we find x and n so that (k, x, n) is a “non-trivial” solution to (3.3). Or if x ≥ 5 is given, can we find k and n so that (k, x, n) is a “non-trivial” solution to (3.3). The answer to both questions is yes. First if k ≥ 3 is given, and odd we can take p = k = 2(p − 1) that k = 2(p + 3(p−1)p . If k s − 1) + 3(p−1)p . s k+1 2 and s = 3(p − 1)p so that k 2 and s = 3 (p−1)p so 2 x−1 2 and s = 1 so that ≥ 3 is given and even we can take p = In the case x ≥ 5 is given and odd we can take p = x = 2p + s. If x ≥ 5 is given and even we can take p = x 2 − 1 and s = 2 so that x = 2p + s. 23 An obvious question is what if n is given. Can we find k and x so that (k, x, n) is a “non-trivial” solution to (3.3). In this case the answer is yes if and only if n2 + n + 1 is not a prime number or 3 times a prime number.[fej05] We end this chapter by listing all “non-trivial” solution to (3.3) for all 2 ≤ p ≤ 153. The following table was generated with the help of C++ code detailed in Appendix B. 24 Table 3.1: Nontrivial Solution Chart p=2 p=3 p=4 p=5 p=6 p=7 k 4 5 3 8 6 13 7 10 6 5 12 6 10 8 7 12 14 18 13 12 11 10 9 10 20 15 12 11 21 19 14 13 x 7 6 10 5 15 8 12 9 15 24 14 15 17 26 44 20 20 16 22 25 30 40 70 22 21 30 57 102 28 32 77 140 n 9 9 11 11 18 18 16 16 18 26 9 18 23 30 47 29 29 29 30 32 36 45 74 35 35 39 63 107 42 44 84 146 p=8 p=9 p=10 p=11 p=12 p=13 k 26 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 24 20 18 17 28 23 20 19 35 31 30 26 25 23 22 21 40 33 31 26 24 23 42 37 x 30 37 40 44 58 72 100 184 45 72 126 234 47 74 155 290 44 52 55 77 88 132 187 352 46 60 68 123 222 420 52 62 n 48 51 53 56 68 81 108 191 60 83 135 242 65 87 165 299 68 72 74 92 102 144 198 362 74 81 87 137 234 431 81 86 p=13 p=14 p=15 p=16 p=17 k 33 28 26 25 47 40 39 33 32 29 28 27 46 42 38 37 35 33 30 29 50 48 46 40 39 38 35 34 32 31 56 49 x 78 143 260 494 54 67 70 106 119 210 301 574 65 75 93 100 120 156 345 660 68 72 77 104 112 122 176 212 392 752 68 82 n 98 158 273 506 87 93 95 125 137 225 315 587 96 102 116 122 140 174 360 674 102 104 107 128 135 144 195 230 408 767 107 114 25 Table 3.2: Nontrivial Solution Chart p=17 p=18 p=19 p=20 p=21 k 48 44 40 38 36 35 34 33 61 51 36 35 63 55 38 68 58 57 53 50 48 44 43 42 41 40 76 75 68 60 58 54 50 49 47 45 44 42 x 85 102 136 170 238 306 442 850 70 90 495 954 76 92 551 78 97 100 116 135 154 230 268 325 420 610 77 78 87 105 112 132 168 182 222 294 357 672 n 116 129 159 191 257 324 459 866 113 123 513 971 120 128 570 126 135 137 149 165 182 254 291 347 441 630 132 132 134 144 149 165 197 210 248 318 380 693 p=22 p=23 p=24 p=25 p=26 k 64 60 56 53 51 49 44 77 67 66 55 50 47 46 82 69 64 55 54 50 48 88 84 73 68 66 58 57 56 53 52 50 89 80 76 75 65 63 x 107 121 143 170 198 242 737 92 112 115 184 299 552 805 94 120 140 232 255 462 876 95 100 122 140 150 230 250 275 410 500 950 102 117 127 130 182 202 n 149 159 177 201 227 269 759 146 156 158 216 326 576 828 152 165 180 263 285 488 900 158 159 170 183 191 263 282 306 438 527 975 165 171 177 179 221 239 p=26 p=27 p=28 p=29 p=30 p=31 p=32 k 60 56 55 53 78 65 82 68 61 58 98 85 84 77 70 68 63 62 60 59 103 87 76 68 67 63 105 91 78 70 69 65 110 94 93 86 78 74 x 247 377 442 702 135 216 137 218 380 623 116 142 145 174 232 261 406 464 667 870 118 150 205 321 350 582 124 152 217 341 372 620 126 157 160 188 250 312 n 281 407 471 729 186 254 191 258 413 653 185 198 200 222 273 300 440 497 698 900 191 207 251 359 387 615 198 212 264 380 410 654 204 219 221 242 296 354 26 Table 3.3: Nontrivial Solution Chart p=32 p=33 p=34 p=35 p=36 k 70 68 66 108 100 96 86 82 80 75 73 72 68 100 88 84 83 77 75 119 110 103 102 98 89 85 83 82 78 75 74 73 124 105 98 97 90 84 80 77 75 x 436 560 808 138 154 165 210 242 264 354 418 462 858 167 221 255 266 374 442 140 155 172 175 189 240 280 308 325 427 580 665 828 142 180 207 212 261 342 450 612 828 n 474 596 842 213 221 228 263 291 311 396 458 501 893 233 275 305 315 417 483 224 230 240 242 252 294 330 356 372 470 620 704 867 230 249 269 273 315 390 494 653 867 p=37 p=38 p=39 p=40 p=41 p=42 k 126 109 99 131 112 111 93 80 114 102 95 94 89 85 143 130 123 118 114 104 98 96 91 88 87 86 140 121 120 110 104 100 95 92 90 88 86 145 123 100 96 x 148 182 222 150 187 190 298 779 195 249 312 325 420 572 152 170 184 197 210 260 314 340 440 548 600 665 164 202 205 246 287 328 410 492 574 697 902 166 210 371 453 n 237 254 284 243 261 263 353 821 270 312 368 380 470 618 255 260 267 275 284 324 372 396 491 596 647 711 263 282 284 315 350 387 464 543 623 744 947 269 291 429 507 p=42 p=43 p=44 p=45 p=46 p=47 p=48 p=49 k 91 89 147 127 102 98 93 91 152 130 129 119 108 98 97 143 142 132 115 110 108 99 98 144 136 117 113 100 161 139 138 115 166 141 130 112 110 103 102 168 159 x 658 822 172 212 387 473 688 860 174 217 220 260 346 561 604 198 200 225 310 360 387 630 684 207 227 322 362 713 188 232 235 376 190 240 284 472 519 848 942 196 210 n 707 869 276 296 446 528 738 908 282 303 305 335 410 615 657 296 297 312 380 425 450 684 737 305 317 393 429 767 302 324 326 444 308 333 366 536 581 903 996 315 320 27 Table 3.4: Nontrivial Solution Chart p=49 p=50 p=51 p=52 p=53 k 152 145 132 124 114 112 110 105 173 168 148 147 140 133 128 123 119 113 112 108 185 150 145 134 125 118 117 110 170 154 138 136 128 120 119 115 182 157 156 143 130 x 224 242 294 350 490 539 602 882 198 205 247 250 275 310 345 394 450 590 625 835 192 255 272 327 408 527 552 867 221 257 325 338 410 546 572 716 212 262 265 318 424 n 327 338 377 425 555 602 663 938 321 323 345 347 365 393 423 467 519 653 687 893 326 354 366 410 482 594 618 926 339 359 411 422 486 614 639 779 341 366 368 408 501 p=54 p=55 p=56 p=57 p=58 k 187 159 189 163 130 119 198 194 187 180 176 170 166 165 154 152 150 145 143 140 138 134 132 131 130 125 124 122 188 184 175 168 150 148 140 131 130 126 172 152 143 x 214 270 220 272 515 920 217 222 232 244 252 266 277 280 322 332 343 376 392 420 442 497 532 552 574 728 772 882 240 247 266 285 366 380 456 618 646 798 287 377 458 n 347 375 354 380 590 984 359 360 363 368 372 380 387 389 420 428 437 465 479 504 524 575 608 627 648 797 840 948 371 374 384 396 459 471 539 692 719 867 401 471 543 p=59 p=60 p=61 p=62 p=63 p=64 p=65 k 203 175 174 145 208 177 163 154 138 136 210 181 165 156 140 138 215 184 183 153 186 178 155 151 234 190 182 180 158 154 153 142 232 224 208 206 193 192 188 180 176 x 236 292 295 472 238 300 356 415 651 710 244 302 366 427 671 732 246 307 310 490 315 343 504 560 240 317 344 352 506 560 576 884 250 260 286 290 322 325 338 370 390 n 380 408 410 558 386 417 459 509 729 786 393 422 470 522 750 809 399 429 431 581 438 458 596 648 410 443 462 468 600 650 665 962 417 419 429 431 450 452 461 485 501 28 Table 3.5: Nontrivial Solution Chart p=65 p=66 p=67 p=68 p=69 p=70 k 160 158 154 152 148 144 240 229 220 195 185 175 156 152 148 231 199 154 150 236 202 201 185 168 228 204 182 172 170 159 253 228 208 201 184 183 173 161 x 520 546 610 650 754 910 249 262 275 330 366 418 627 717 847 268 332 737 871 270 337 340 404 538 291 345 444 529 552 750 266 301 347 370 455 462 554 770 n 615 639 699 737 837 989 423 425 429 459 485 527 717 803 929 432 464 824 954 438 471 473 521 638 450 480 557 632 653 840 449 459 485 501 569 575 657 861 p=71 p=72 p=73 p=74 p=75 p=76 p=77 k 245 211 210 182 175 170 161 250 213 196 169 252 217 198 171 257 220 219 183 238 222 198 193 185 173 250 245 240 226 200 195 188 186 175 285 284 266 236 x 284 352 355 497 568 639 852 286 360 428 712 292 362 438 730 294 367 370 586 335 375 483 520 600 816 323 332 342 377 494 532 602 627 836 286 287 308 363 n 458 492 494 608 672 738 942 464 501 552 809 471 506 563 828 477 513 515 695 498 522 606 638 710 914 497 501 506 527 618 651 714 737 935 494 494 497 522 p=77 p=78 p=79 p=80 p=81 p=82 p=83 p=84 k 229 228 218 209 196 194 190 185 180 280 271 253 245 231 217 180 273 235 182 278 238 237 218 206 198 188 240 200 244 203 287 247 246 205 292 249 229 202 x 382 385 420 462 553 532 616 686 781 299 310 338 354 390 442 849 316 392 869 318 397 400 476 555 634 792 405 648 407 650 332 412 415 664 334 420 500 749 n 534 536 561 594 672 689 729 794 884 501 503 513 521 543 581 951 510 548 972 516 555 557 614 681 752 900 564 767 569 771 536 576 578 786 542 585 645 867 29 Table 3.6: Nontrivial Solution Chart p=85 p=86 p=87 p=88 p=89 p=90 k 308 294 287 258 253 238 236 231 213 204 203 202 299 272 256 255 221 213 204 258 230 215 290 273 262 246 232 218 210 308 265 264 242 220 313 267 232 x 323 340 350 408 422 476 485 510 646 765 782 800 342 387 427 430 602 682 817 435 561 696 374 408 437 495 572 698 814 356 442 445 534 712 358 450 625 n 546 549 552 581 590 629 636 656 774 884 900 917 555 573 597 599 737 809 935 606 704 824 576 593 611 653 716 828 936 575 618 620 687 843 581 627 767 p=91 p=92 p=93 p=94 p=95 p=96 k 315 310 271 250 245 234 338 320 274 273 266 260 251 234 228 224 221 308 276 246 230 280 248 233 329 302 283 282 245 235 350 342 334 285 280 270 266 x 364 371 452 533 560 637 345 366 457 460 483 506 548 667 730 782 828 393 465 600 744 467 611 746 380 425 472 475 660 760 363 372 382 480 496 534 552 n 588 590 632 692 714 780 591 594 639 641 657 674 707 809 866 914 957 608 648 753 881 653 765 885 614 632 660 662 810 900 617 618 620 669 680 708 722 p=96 p=97 p=98 p=99 p=100 p=101 p=102 p=103 p=104 p=105 k 262 235 336 289 264 341 292 291 243 350 294 273 250 245 333 308 306 298 253 252 248 350 301 300 275 260 250 355 303 357 307 362 310 309 284 258 388 x 572 800 388 482 582 390 487 490 778 387 495 576 737 792 420 470 475 497 740 750 794 404 502 505 606 707 808 406 510 412 512 414 517 520 620 826 392 n 738 939 627 674 749 633 681 683 923 638 690 750 888 938 653 678 681 695 893 902 942 653 702 704 780 866 957 659 711 666 716 672 723 725 800 980 675 30 Table 3.7: Nontrivial Solution Chart p=105 p=106 p=107 p=108 p=109 p=110 p=111 p=112 k 348 338 334 325 312 299 298 280 278 273 271 264 260 336 316 300 280 273 263 371 319 318 376 321 295 378 325 297 383 328 327 284 405 330 319 310 294 370 366 348 334 x 444 462 470 490 525 570 574 665 678 714 730 795 840 477 527 583 689 742 842 428 532 535 430 540 644 436 542 654 438 547 550 765 420 555 592 629 717 476 483 520 557 n 687 695 699 710 732 764 767 840 851 882 896 954 995 707 737 777 863 909 999 692 744 746 698 753 831 705 758 842 711 765 767 939 714 774 800 828 900 734 737 756 779 p=113 p=114 p=115 p=116 p=117 p=118 p=119 p=120 p=121 k 392 337 336 308 397 339 418 399 343 323 318 404 375 368 346 345 322 317 299 348 340 352 413 355 354 338 418 408 391 378 374 364 357 328 323 438 420 361 350 339 330 x 452 562 565 678 454 570 437 460 572 644 667 462 508 522 577 580 667 692 812 585 611 587 476 592 595 651 478 492 520 546 555 580 600 716 744 462 484 602 638 682 726 n 731 786 788 873 737 795 740 744 800 852 870 750 767 774 807 809 873 893 995 816 834 821 770 828 830 870 776 780 791 804 809 824 837 924 947 779 783 842 867 900 935 p=122 p=123 p=124 p=125 p=126 p=127 p=128 p=129 p=130 p=131 p=132 p=133 p=134 k 363 366 326 410 370 434 403 398 373 372 348 341 439 425 385 375 441 379 446 382 381 350 428 400 384 473 388 375 455 391 390 460 393 473 462 435 418 397 390 467 400 x 610 615 795 527 617 500 550 560 622 625 715 750 502 522 602 630 508 632 510 637 640 764 546 602 645 494 647 690 524 652 655 526 660 518 532 574 608 662 684 534 667 n 851 858 998 813 863 809 828 833 870 872 938 966 815 821 861 879 822 884 828 891 893 986 845 873 900 837 905 935 848 912 914 854 921 858 861 876 893 926 941 867 933 31 Table 3.8: Nontrivial Solution Chart p=135 p=136 p=137 p=138 p=139 p=140 p=141 p=142 p=143 p=144 p=145 p=146 p=148 p=149 p=150 p=151 p=152 p=153 k 402 440 432 406 476 409 408 481 411 483 415 488 418 417 515 468 460 420 424 497 427 426 502 494 462 520 504 509 464 546 490 518 523 525 530 520 x 675 596 612 677 548 682 685 550 690 556 692 558 697 700 534 597 611 705 707 572 712 715 574 585 639 560 580 582 657 555 629 596 598 604 606 629 n 942 900 908 947 887 954 956 893 963 900 968 906 975 977 908 924 930 984 989 926 996 998 932 935 957 935 939 945 975 953 971 965 971 978 984 996 32 Chapter 4 Conclusion I was able to locate a minimum of one solution for all p values up to 153 with the restriction that p≥2 depicted in Theorem 3.1.1. It’s also important to note that x6=k, for non-trivial solutions, 1≤k, and x≤n. All triples above satisfy identity 3.3. We can also observe that, from the resulting values, the sum of the k and x values will always be larger than the corresponding n value. There will always be a solution when x≥5 and k≥3. Also, based on the above charts, we can observe that, for some p values, there exist multiple triple solutions. It is important to note that there are solutions in which k = 2p. Moreover, the p-value is never listed as either a k, x, or n value and all the solutions for k, x, and n are always larger than the p-value. Lastly, for the n value, there were no recognizable patterns that would aid in predicting future solutions aside from the noticeable fact that the values are increasing as the p-value increases even though there are some repetitions in values of n. However, previous researchers discovered that we can obtain multiple non-trivial solutions by putting some bounds on n. For instance, an online journal published by The Mathematical Association of America on the sum of cubes provided the n2 + n + 1 6= q and n2 + n + 1 6= 3q for some arbitrary q then we have a non-trivial solution. These equations were instrumental in generating the solution charts above. However, there were other solutions, obtained, that did not always align with the above parameters for q and 3q; thus, we cannot concretely stand on a definite pattern for n. 33 Appendix A How to Generate Faulhaber’s Triangle 34 How To Generate Faulhaber’s Triangle The C++ code provided generates Faulhaber’s Triangle values up to row 34 when you see the phrase for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++) in the actual code. The entire code was created by a website, Rosetta Code. The link is provided in the bibliography page. An alternative code is also provided in the Java language. Any experienced coder can copy and paste the code into the program and the triangle will generate. Feel free to extend the triangle beyond row 34. 35 Language C++ Translation of: C(Hashtag) Uses C++ 17 #include <exception> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <numeric> #include <sstream> #include <vector> class Frac { public: Frac(long n, long d) { if (d == 0) { throw new std::runtime_error("d must not be zero"); } long nn = n; long dd = d; if (nn == 0) { dd = 1; } else if (dd < 0) { nn = -nn; dd = -dd; } long g = abs(std::gcd(nn, dd)); if (g > 1) { nn /= g; dd /= g; } 36 num = nn; denom = dd; } Frac operator-() const { return Frac(-num, denom); } Frac operator+(const Frac& rhs) const { return Frac(num*rhs.denom + denom * rhs.num, rhs.denom*denom); } Frac operator-(const Frac& rhs) const { return Frac(num*rhs.denom - denom * rhs.num, rhs.denom*denom); } Frac operator*(const Frac& rhs) const { return Frac(num*rhs.num, denom*rhs.denom); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Frac&); static Frac ZERO() { return Frac(0, 1); } private: long num; long denom; }; 37 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Frac &f) { if (f.num == 0 || f.denom == 1) { return os << f.num; } std::stringstream ss; ss << f.num << "/" << f.denom; return os << ss.str(); } Frac bernoulli(int n) { if (n < 0) { throw new std::runtime_error("n may not be negative or zero"); } std::vector<Frac> a; for (int m = 0; m <= n; m++) { a.push_back(Frac(1, m + 1)); for (int j = m; j >= 1; j--) { a[j - 1] = (a[j - 1] - a[j]) * Frac(j, 1); } } // returns ’first’ Bernoulli number if (n != 1) return a[0]; return -a[0]; } int binomial(int n, int k) { if (n < 0 || k < 0 || n < k) { throw new std::runtime_error("parameters are invalid"); } 38 if (n == 0 || k == 0) return 1; int num = 1; for (int i = k + 1; i <= n; i++) { num *= i; } int denom = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= n - k; i++) { denom *= i; } return num / denom; } std::vector<Frac> faulhaberTraingle(int p) { std::vector<Frac> coeffs; for (int i = 0; i < p + 1; i++) { coeffs.push_back(Frac::ZERO()); } Frac q{ 1, p + 1 }; int sign = -1; for (int j = 0; j <= p; j++) { sign *= -1; coeffs[p - j] = q * Frac(sign, 1) * Frac(binomial(p + 1, j), 1) * bernoulli(j); } return coeffs; } 39 int main() { using namespace std; for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++) { vector<Frac> coeffs = faulhaberTraingle(i); for (auto it = coeffs.begin(); it != coeffs.end(); it++) { cout << right << setw(5) << *it << " } cout << endl; } return 0; } "; 40 Output 1 1 2 1 6 1 2 1 2 1 4 0 − 1 30 1 3 1 2 1 3 0 1 12 5 12 1 − 6 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 5 1 6 1 2 0 − 1 42 0 0 1 12 0 − 0 2 9 0 − 0 1 2 0 − 0 1 0 −1 0 0 11 6 0 − 0 22 7 0 − 0 143 28 0 − 1 30 3 20 0 0 7 24 1 2 7 12 0 7 15 1 7 1 2 2 3 0 7 10 1 8 1 2 3 4 0 − 5 66 0 − 0 5 12 0 − 0 5 3 0 − 0 65 12 0 − 0 91 6 0 − 0 455 12 0 − 0 260 3 0 − 691 2730 0 − 1 14 7 6 1 30 0 1 15 35 4 0 0 − 0 0 3617 510 0 0 691 420 − 1 2 691 90 0 − 1 16 140 3 1 17 0 11 8 691 24 − 33 10 1382 15 143 20 0 143 10 1 9 1 2 5 6 11 8 429 16 1 10 1 2 11 12 1 11 1 2 0 − 0 13 30 0 143 18 0 11 150 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 1 357 0 0 0 − 11 6 319 255 0 277 672 29 78 1 12 2 13 1 84 1 13 0 0 41 Output Continued − 0 17 270 43867 798 5770 − 627 7 114 0 − 13437877 54600 − 174611 330 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 714 0 − 8 95 0 0 0 − 0 39 88 0 1 120 0 0 854513 138 755953 − 10 0 43867 84 0 0 − 1 19 0 0 0 0 6460 0 1 252 3617 − 10 0 595 3 0 0 − 0 3617 60 1222277 220 1421 132 − 0 0 0 19 40 219335 63 678562 28665 − 0 0 0 0 1222277 30 3647 138 − 2 483 854513 12 469 144 0 0 0 0 0 68723 40 11747 45 0 1105 6 1 12 0 23494 35 0 0 1 18 0 0 0 2261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 21 0 1 20 0 0 0 219335 12 71173 − 15015 0 0 0 − 5 154 1 9 0 481061 20 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 1 22 482537 6 691 − 62790 1 690 28112371 − 120 691 − 21840 0 0 − − 68723 10 0 1 48 1 660 0 0 0 1 138 11098351 36 0 − 0 − 0 0 0 0 1 24 0 1 46 0 1 23 2166583 720 0 0 42 Output Continued 236364091 2730 2781473 2125 1 250 1 − 25 − 1709026 3 21 10 0 0 0 1163966978 1425 0 − 0 0 1 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21362825 6 0 − 0 97659 2210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 26 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 166630035 2 0 0 0 1 25 − 0 − 0 28112371 25 691 68250 − 0 119976245 1596 8553103 6 6272981 − 21546 5 − 594 0 1181820455 1092 0 0 0 1 260 1181820455 − 126 112127 − 13770 1 810 − 1 156 55543345 3 − 0 0 0 0 0 − 1 1134 28112371 6 0 0 2086776061 2970 0 0 1 27 76977927 4 0 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 1 28 0 179615163 0 − 0 0 − 551945371 1540 23749461029 870 15365768 − 435 691 39585 − 0 0 0 0 − 17590667 22344 131601 3857 5 319 1 174 3545461365 56 0 − 0 1 1176 3617 7140 0 0 0 709092273 2 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 1 29 61342070218 2001 0 0 1 1218 0 43 Output Continued − 0 5208839727 4 0 − 0 523833 275 0 0 0 691 81900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − − 0 988671541 828 0 1 1260 8615841276005 14322 533216112 713 − 23749461029 60 0 7601 84630 8615841276005 924 − 0 0 82963795941 1120 0 0 0 739383942691048263 408707654270131982 0 673874023441 45045 3617 − 8415 0 0 23749461029 6 1396888 − 5115 0 0 123904385 4416 5 2112 68926730208040 693 0 0 0 0 5 2046 736233291899 − 24 0 0 0 543781 414 14 − 33 1 180 15626519181 2 0 − 0 1 930 161474031537 4 0 0 0 0 1 960 2944933167596 − 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 990 0 0 − 5952926035095041063 817415308540263964 0 17231682552010 21 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1122 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 1 204 0 1 34 − 1152921504606846976 1403877295228465437 1 60 0 0 0 6854558639 4 0 16197132421778 15 1 1428 44 Appendix B How To Generate Non Trivial Solutions 45 How To Generate NonTrivial Solutions These codes were generated using the aforementioned parameters given for p≥2, 1≤k, x≤n, x6=k. These rules are those implemented for the resulting identity 3.3. This section provides the C++ codes needed to be able to generate non-trivial solutions. A C++ knowledgeable person is well aware of files that end in .h and those that end in .cpp. All the codes for each individual file is displayed with their titles. Be mindful that all .h and .cpp files must be open in order for the solutions to generate in main.cpp. I took the liberty of detailing the codes for each independent file on separate pages to avoid any confusion. Once you’ve copied and pasted the codes into C++ and made minor modifications when you see this phrase (move up a line) or (move up to the previous line). To avoid cutting off the codes at the end of each line I moved it to the next line. Make sure to move it back up before running the program. Once the modifications have been made, run the program. You should a long list of solutions as previously displayed above. You can extend the solutions further than what I provided by modifying the value listed but be mindful that there will be a considerable wait before an output is received. 46 Individual.cpp Code For File: //Individual.cpp #include "Individual.h" Individual::Individual() : SumOfCubes() {} inline void Individual::produceCombinations(int arr[], int data[], const int &start, const int &end, const int &index, const int &combinations){} (move up a line) //Function to set k value //Good! inline void Individual::kSetter(int arr[]){ cout << "Please enter a value for k: "; cin >> this->k; cout << endl; xSetter(arr); } //Function to set x value //Good! inline void Individual::xSetter(int arr[]){ cout << "Please enter a value for x: "; cin >> this->x; cout << endl; nSetter(arr); } //Function to set n value //Good! 47 inline void Individual::nSetter(int arr[]){ cout << "Please enter a value for n: "; cin >> this->n; cout << endl; while(calc_NBoundaries() == false){ cout << "n does not work! Please enter a new n: "; cin >> this->n; cout << endl; } if(Boundaries() == true){ checkEquality(); } else{ kSetter(arr); } } //Function to test if n is possible inline bool Individual::calc_NBoundaries(){ int count(0); int q = (GetN_value()*GetN_value() + GetN_value() + 1); if(q == 0){ cout << "q cannot be equal to 0:\n"; return false; } if(q == 3){ cout << "q cannot be equal to 3:\n"; return false; } if(q % 3 == 0){ cout << "q cannot be divisible by 3:\n"; return false; 48 } // for(unsigned int i = 2; i < q; ++i){ // if(q % i == 0){ // count++; // } // } // if(count > 1){ // cout << "q is not prime:\n"; // return false; // } else{ return true; } } //Function to test if numbers are correct bool Individual::Boundaries(){ long double p = (GetX_value() + GetK_value() - GetN_value()); if(GetK_value() != GetN_value()){ //Removed stipulation that x <= n for testing purposes if(GetX_value() != GetN_value()){ //&& GetX_value() <= GetN_value()){ long double xPlus_K = GetX_value() + GetK_value(); if(xPlus_K > GetN_value()){ if(GetK_value() >= 3){ if(GetX_value() >= 5){ long double nMinusOne = GetN_value() - 1; if(GetK_value() != nMinusOne){ if( p >= 2){ cout << "These values work!\n"; return true; } 49 else{ cout << " p, which is the sum of (k,x,n) is not greater than or equal to 2.\n"; (move up a line) return false; } } else{ cout << "k value is equal to n value minus 1.\n"; return false; } } else{ cout << "x value is not greater than or equal to 5.\n"; return false; } } else{ cout << "k value is not greater than or equal to 3.\n"; return false; } } else{ cout << "x + K is less than n value.\n"; return false; } } else{ if(GetX_value() == GetN_value()){ cout << "x value is equal to n value.\n"; return false; } 50 else{ cout << "x value is not less than or equal to n value.\n"; return false; } } } else{ cout << "k value is equal to n value.\n"; return false; } return false; } inline bool Individual::checkEquality(){ long double LHS = (Summation_KLS() + X_valueLS() + Summation_NLS()); if(LHS == Right_HSquare()){ cout << "The combination of this (k,x,n) - ("; cout << GetK_value() <<", " << GetX_value() << ", " << GetN_value() << ") works!\n"; (move up a line) return true; } else{ cout << "The combination of this (k,x,n) - ("; cout << GetK_value() <<", " << GetX_value() <<", " << GetN_value() << ") does not work!\n"; (move up a line) return false; } } //Function to calculate the sum of k left side 51 //Good! inline unsigned long long int Individual::Summation_KLS(){ sumK_LS = 0; for(unsigned int j = 1; j < GetK_value(); ++j){ sumK_LS += j*j*j; } cout << "The summation of " << GetK_value() << " on the left-hand side is: " << sumK_LS << endl; (move up a line) return sumK_LS; } //Function to calculate x to thrid power //Good! inline unsigned long long int Individual::X_valueLS(){ long double x_cubed(GetX_value()*GetX_value()*GetX_value()); cout << GetX_value() << " raised to the third power on the left-hand side is: " << x_cubed << endl; (move up a line) return x_cubed; } //Function to calculate the sum of n left-hand side //Good! inline unsigned long long int Individual::Summation_NLS(){ sumN_LS = 0; unsigned int begin(GetK_value() + 1); unsigned int condition(GetN_value() + 1); for(unsigned int j = begin; j < condition; ++j){ sumN_LS += j*j*j; } cout << "The summation of " << GetN_value() << " on the left-hand side is: " << sumN_LS << endl; (move up a line) return sumN_LS; 52 } //Function to calculate the sum of K right-hand side //Good! inline unsigned long long int Individual::Summation_KRS(){ sumK_RS = 0; for(unsigned int j = 1; j < GetK_value(); ++j){ sumK_RS += j; } cout << "The summation of " << GetK_value() << " on the right-hand side is: " << sumK_RS << endl; (move up a line) cout << "The value of x on the right hand side is: " << GetX_value() << endl; return sumK_RS; } //Function to calculate the sum of N right-hand Side //Good! inline unsigned long long int Individual::Summation_NRS(){ sumN_RS = 0; unsigned int begin(GetK_value() + 1); unsigned int condition(GetN_value() + 1); for(unsigned int j = begin; j < condition; ++j){ sumN_RS += j; } cout << "The summation of " << GetN_value() << " on the right-hand side is: " << sumN_RS << endl; (move up a line) return sumN_RS; } //Function to square right-hand side //Good! inline unsigned long long int Individual::Right_HSquare(){ 53 long double RHS(Summation_KRS() + GetX_value() + Summation_NRS()); RHS *= RHS; cout << "The right-hand side summation squared is: " << RHS << endl; return RHS; } 54 Individual.h Code For File: //individual.h /*Used to find the soltuions for user determined (k, x, n) */ #include "SumOfCubes.h" #ifndef _INDIVIDUAL_H_ #define _INDIVIDUAL_H_ class Individual : public SumOfCubes{ protected: public: Individual(); void kSetter(int arr[])override; void xSetter(int arr[])override; void nSetter(int arr[])override; bool calc_NBoundaries()override; bool Boundaries()override; bool checkEquality()override; unsigned long long int Summation_NLS()override; unsigned long long int Summation_KLS()override; unsigned long long int Summation_KRS()override; unsigned long long int Summation_NRS()override; unsigned long long int X_valueLS()override; unsigned long long int Right_HSquare()override; void produceCombinations(int arr[], int data[], const int &, 55 const int &, const int &, const int &)override; (move up a line) }; #endif 56 NonTrivial.h Code For File: //Non-Trivial.h /*Used to find non-trivial solutions for user determined range for (k, x, n) */ #include "SumOfCubes.h" #ifndef _NONTRIVIAL_H_ #define _NONTRIVIAL_H_ class NonTrivial : public SumOfCubes{ private: int indexes; public: NonTrivial(); void produceCombinations(int arr[], int data[], const int &, const int &, const int &, const int &)override; (move up a line) void kSetter(int arr[])override; void xSetter(int arr[])override; void nSetter(int arr[])override; int Amount(); int Amount2(); string Saved(int); int GetBeginRange(); int GetEndRange(); bool checkEquality()override; unsigned long long int Summation_NLS()override; 57 unsigned long long int Summation_KLS()override; unsigned long long int Summation_KRS()override; unsigned long long int Summation_NRS()override; unsigned long long int X_valueLS()override; unsigned long long int Right_HSquare()override; bool Boundaries()override; bool calc_NBoundaries()override; }; #endif 58 Nontrivial.cpp Code For File: //NonTrivial.cpp #include "NonTrivial.h" NonTrivial::NonTrivial () :SumOfCubes(), indexes(0) {} inline void NonTrivial::produceCombinations(int arr[], int data[], const int &start, const int &end, const int &index, const int &combinations){ (move up a line) //array to hold copy of range if(index == combinations){ if(data[0] != data[1] && data[0] != data[2] && data[1] != data[2]){ kSetter(data); } } // replace index with all possible // elements. The condition "end-i+1 >= r-index" // makes sure that including one element // at index will make a combination with // remaining elements at remaining positions for(unsigned int i = start; i <= end && (end - i + 1 >= combinations - index); ++i){ (move up a line) data[index] = arr[i]; produceCombinations(arr, data, i+1, end, index+1, combinations); } } //Function to set k value 59 //Good! inline void NonTrivial::kSetter(int arr[]) { this->k = arr[0]; xSetter(arr); } inline void NonTrivial::xSetter(int arr[]){ this->x = arr[1]; nSetter(arr); } inline void NonTrivial::nSetter(int arr[]){ this->n = arr[2]; if(calc_NBoundaries() == true){ if(Boundaries() == true){ if(checkEquality() == true){ } } } } //Function to test if numbers are correct inline bool NonTrivial::Boundaries(){ long double p(GetX_value() + GetK_value() - GetN_value()); if(GetK_value() != GetN_value()){ //Removed stipulation that x <= n for testing purposes if(GetX_value() != GetN_value()){ //&& GetX_value() <= GetN_value()){ long double xPlus_K(GetX_value() + GetK_value()); if(xPlus_K > GetN_value()){ if(GetK_value() >= 3){ if(GetX_value() >= 5){ 60 long double nMinusOne(GetN_value() - 1); if(GetK_value() != nMinusOne){ if( p >= 2){ return true; } } } } } } } return false; } inline bool NonTrivial::calc_NBoundaries(){ int count(0); int q(GetN_value()*GetN_value() + GetN_value() + 1); if(q == 0){ return false; } if(q == 3){ return false; } if(q % 3 == 0){ return false; } else{ return true; } // if(q % 7 == 0){ // return true; 61 // }4 // else{ // return false; // } } inline bool NonTrivial::checkEquality(){ long double LHS(Summation_KLS() + X_valueLS() + Summation_NLS()); if(LHS == Right_HSquare()){ ListOfSolutions(GetK_value(), GetX_value(), GetN_value()); return true; } return false; } //Function to calculate the sum of k left side //Good! inline unsigned long long int NonTrivial::Summation_KLS(){ sumK_LS = 0; for(unsigned int j = 1; j < GetK_value(); ++j){ sumK_LS += j*j*j; } return sumK_LS; } //Function to calculate x to thrid power //Good! inline unsigned long long int NonTrivial::X_valueLS(){ long double x_cubed (GetX_value()*GetX_value()*GetX_value()); return x_cubed; 62 } //Function to calculate the sum of n left-hand side //Good! inline unsigned long long int NonTrivial::Summation_NLS(){ sumN_LS = 0; unsigned int begin (GetK_value() + 1); unsigned int condition (GetN_value() + 1); for(unsigned int j = begin; j < condition; ++j){ sumN_LS += j*j*j; } return sumN_LS; } //Function to calculate the sum of K right-hand side //Good! inline unsigned long long int NonTrivial::Summation_KRS(){ sumK_RS = 0; for(unsigned int j = 1; j < GetK_value(); ++j){ sumK_RS += j; } return sumK_RS; } //Function to calculate the sum of N right-hand Side //Good! inline unsigned long long int NonTrivial::Summation_NRS(){ sumN_RS = 0; unsigned int begin(GetK_value() + 1); unsigned int condition(GetN_value() + 1); for(unsigned int j = begin; j < condition; ++j){ sumN_RS += j; 63 } return sumN_RS; } //Returns the size of the vector int NonTrivial::Amount(){ indexes = Answerlist.size(); return indexes; } int NonTrivial::Amount2(){ indexes = correctList.size(); return indexes; } //Returns the results at each index string NonTrivial::Saved(int index){ return; } int NonTrivial::GetBeginRange(){ return this->beginRange; } int NonTrivial::GetEndRange(){ return this->endRange; } //Function to square right-hand side //Good! unsigned long long int NonTrivial::Right_HSquare(){ long double RHS(Summation_KRS() + GetX_value() + Summation_NRS()); RHS *= RHS; 64 return RHS; } 65 SumOfCubes.h Code For File: //SumOfCubes.h //An upgraded version of this program will use pointers //This will improve memory management // #include "Buddy.h" #include <iostream> #include <array> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include "SubSet.h" using namespace std; #ifndef _SUMOFCUBES_H_ #define _SUMOFCUBES_H_ class SumOfCubes : public SubSet{ protected: unsigned short int k; unsigned short int x; unsigned short int n; unsigned long long int sumK_LS; unsigned long long int sumN_LS; unsigned long long int sumK_RS; unsigned long long int sumN_RS; int beginRange; 66 int endRange; int combinations; int SIZE_OF_ARRAY; vector<string> Answerlist; int pCount; int *range; int *rangeDuplicate; short int position; vector <SubSet> correctList; vector<int> PeeCount; public: SumOfCubes(); void DefineRange(); virtual void produceCombinations(int arr[], int data[], const int &, const int &, const int &, const int &)=0; (move up a line) virtual void kSetter(int arr[]) = 0; unsigned short int GetK_value(); virtual void xSetter(int arr[]) = 0; unsigned short int GetX_value(); virtual void nSetter(int arr[]) = 0; unsigned short int GetN_value(); virtual bool Boundaries() = 0; virtual bool calc_NBoundaries() = 0; virtual bool checkEquality() = 0; virtual unsigned long long int Summation_NLS() = 0; virtual unsigned long long int Summation_KLS() = 0; virtual unsigned long long int Summation_KRS() = 0; virtual unsigned long long int Summation_NRS() = 0; virtual unsigned long long int X_valueLS()=0; virtual unsigned long long int Right_HSquare() = 0; void ListOfSolutions(const int &, const int &, const int &); void Print(); 67 void GetHighestPCount(unsigned int &); int GetPCount(unsigned int &i); void EmptyVector(); void deletePointerArray(); bool FindPattern(unsigned int &); }; #endif 68 SumOfCubes.cpp Code For File: //SumOfCubes.cpp #include "SumOfCubes.h" SumOfCubes::SumOfCubes() : SubSet(0, 0, 0), k(0), x(0), n(0), sumK_LS(0), sumN_LS(0), sumK_RS(0), sumN_RS(0), beginRange(0), endRange(0), combinations(3), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(0), Answerlist(0), pCount(2), range(nullptr), rangeDuplicate(nullptr), position(0) {} //Function to define range of numbers //Good! void SumOfCubes::DefineRange(){ cout << "Please enter the Low-end of the range: "; cin >> this->beginRange; cout << endl; cout << "Please enter the high-end of the range: "; cin >> this->endRange; cout << endl; long double size = ((this->endRange - this->beginRange) + 1); SIZE_OF_ARRAY = size; range = new int[SIZE_OF_ARRAY]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_ARRAY; ++i){ range[i] = this->beginRange; this->beginRange++; } cout << endl; rangeDuplicate = new int[combinations]; size = SIZE_OF_ARRAY - 1; 69 produceCombinations(range, rangeDuplicate, 0, size, 0, combinations); } //Function to return k value //Good! unsigned short int SumOfCubes::GetK_value(){ return this->k; } //Function to return x value //Good! unsigned short int SumOfCubes::GetX_value(){ return this->x; } //Function to get n value //Good! unsigned short int SumOfCubes::GetN_value(){ return this->n; } //Function to store correct answers in vector void SumOfCubes::ListOfSolutions(const int &k_value, const int &x_value, const int &n_value){ (move up to the previous line) SubSet correct(k_value, x_value, n_value); correctList.push_back(correct); } 70 void SumOfCubes::Print(){ int iPCount; int jPCount; int location; int HighestPCount; int tabSpaces(1); ostringstream str1; string finalString; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < correctList.size(); ++i){ GetHighestPCount(i);; } HighestPCount = pCount; pCount = 2; while(pCount < HighestPCount){ cout << "When p = " << pCount << endl; str1 << "When p = " << pCount << endl; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < correctList.size(); ++i){ if(GetPCount(i) == pCount){ cout << "(" << << ", " << << ", " << << ")" << "\t"; (move up a line) str1 << "(" << << ", " << << "," << << ")" << "\t"; (move up a line) if(tabSpaces % 5 == 4){ cout << endl; str1 << endl; ++tabSpaces; } 71 ++tabSpaces; } } ++pCount; tabSpaces = 1; cout << endl; str1 << endl; } finalString = str1.str(); Answerlist.push_back(finalString); } inline void SumOfCubes::GetHighestPCount(unsigned int &i){ int count = - NC; if(count > pCount){ pCount = count; } } inline int SumOfCubes::GetPCount(unsigned int &i){ int count = - NC; return count; } void SumOfCubes::EmptyVector(){ pCount = 0; correctList.clear(); Answerlist.clear(); 72 } void SumOfCubes::deletePointerArray(){ delete [] range; range = nullptr; delete [] rangeDuplicate; rangeDuplicate = nullptr; } inline bool SumOfCubes::FindPattern(unsigned int &s){ int checkN =; int theorem = (checkN*checkN+checkN + 1); if(theorem % 7 == 0){ return true; } else{ return false; } } 73 Subset.h Code For File: //SubSet.h #include <vector> #ifndef _SUBSET_H_ #define _SUBSET_H_ class SubSet{ public: unsigned short int KC; unsigned short int XC; unsigned short int NC; SubSet(const int &, const int &, const int &); }; #endif} 74 Subset.cpp Code For File: //SubSet.cpp #include "SubSet.h" SubSet::SubSet(const int &KCorrect, const int &XCorrect, const int &NCorrect) : KC(KCorrect), XC(XCorrect), NC(NCorrect) {} 75 Main.cpp Code For File: //main.cpp #include "SumOfCubes.h" #include "Individual.h" #include "Trivial.h" #include "NonTrivial.h" #include <fstream> #include <cassert> inline void WelcomeScreen(){ cout << endl; cout << "Welcome to Sum of Cubes!\n"; cout << "The purpose of this program is to\n"; cout << "find combinations (k, x, n) that make\n"; cout << "equations on the right and left equal\n"; cout << endl; cout << "What would you like to do?\n"; cout << endl; } inline void Menu(){ cout <<"---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; cout << "1. Enter (k, x, n) individually\n"; cout << "2. Find non-trivial solutions for (k, x, n) within a given range\n"; cout << "3. Find Trivial solutions for (k, x, n) within a given range\n"; cout << "4. Quit\n"; cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } int main(){ 76 int option(0); char choice; int fileAppendage2(0); int fileAppendage3(0); int iterator(0); int iterator2(0); int Emptyarr[3]; string NonTrivialSolutions; string TrivialSolutions; string example; ostringstream fileName2; ostringstream fileName3; Individual Individual; NonTrivial NonTrivial; Trivial Trivial; ofstream outFS; WelcomeScreen(); Menu(); cin >> option; cout << endl; while(option != 4){ if(option == 1){ Individual.kSetter(Emptyarr); Menu(); cin >> option; } else if(option == 2){ 77 NonTrivial.DefineRange(); NonTrivial.deletePointerArray(); NonTrivial.Print(); cout << endl; cout << "Would you like to save this data? (Y/N) "; cin >> choice; if(choice == ’Y’ || choice == ’y’){ fileName2 << "Non-Trivial Solutions" << fileAppendage2 << ".txt"; NonTrivialSolutions = fileName2.str();; if(!outFS.is_open()){ cout << "could not open file!\n"; } else{ iterator2 = NonTrivial.Amount2(); iterator = NonTrivial.Amount(); outFS << "The total number of solutions from " << NonTrivial. GetBeginRange() - NonTrivial.GetEndRange(); (move up a line) outFS << " to " << NonTrivial.GetEndRange() << " are: " << iterator2; (move up to previous line) outFS << endl; outFS << NonTrivial.Saved(0) << endl; } } ++fileAppendage2; fileName2.str(string()); outFS.close(); NonTrivial.EmptyVector(); Menu(); cin >> option; } else{ 78 Trivial.DefineRange(); Trivial.deletePointerArray(); Trivial.Print(); cout << "Would you like to save this data? (Y/N) "; cin >> choice; if(choice == ’Y’ || choice == ’y’){ fileName3 << "Trivial Solutions" << fileAppendage3 << ".txt"; TrivialSolutions = fileName3.str();; if(!outFS.is_open()){ cout << "could not open file!\n"; } else{ iterator = Trivial.Amount(); outFS << "The total number of solutions from " << Trivial.GetBeginRange(); (move up to previous line) outFS << " to " << Trivial.GetEndRange() << "are: " << iterator; outFS << endl; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iterator; ++i){ outFS << Trivial.Saved(i) << endl; } } } ++fileAppendage3; fileName3.str(string()); outFS.close(); Trivial.EmptyVector(); Menu(); cin >> option; } } 79 return 0; } 80 Appendix C How To Generate Trivial Solutions 81 How To Generate Trivial Solutions This wasn’t a focus in the research because it’s relatively easier to generate than nontrivial solutions. However, for the overzealous mathematicians who would like to see what trivial solutions look like. I provided the C++ code below. Feel free to make comparisons between Non-trivial and Trivial solutions. 82 Trivial.cpp Code For File: //Trivial.cpp #include "Trivial.h" //constructor Trivial::Trivial() : SumOfCubes(), indexes(0) {} inline void Trivial::produceCombinations(int arr[], int data[], const int &start, const int &end, const int &index, const int &combinations){ (move up a line) if(index == combinations){ if(data[0] == data[1] || data[0] == data[2] || data[1] == data[2]){ cout << endl; kSetter(data); } } // replace index with all possible // elements. The condition "end-i+1 >= r-index" // makes sure that including one element // at index will make a combination with // remaining elements at remaining positions for(unsigned int i = start; i <= end && (end - i + 1 >= combinations - index); ++i){ (move up a line) data[index] = arr[i]; produceCombinations(arr, data, i+1, end, index+1, combinations); } 83 } //Function to set k value //Good! inline void Trivial::kSetter(int arr[]){ this->k = arr[0]; xSetter(arr); } inline void Trivial::xSetter(int arr[]){ this->x = arr[1]; nSetter(arr); } inline void Trivial::nSetter(int arr[]){ this->n = arr[2]; if(calc_NBoundaries() == true){ if(Boundaries() == true){ if(checkEquality() == true){ } } } } //Function to test if numbers are correct inline bool Trivial::Boundaries(){ long double p = (GetX_value() + GetK_value() - GetN_value()); long double xPlus_K = GetX_value() + GetK_value(); if(xPlus_K > GetN_value()){ if(GetK_value() >= 3){ if(GetX_value() >= 5){ 84 long double nMinusOne = GetN_value() - 1; if(GetK_value() != nMinusOne){ if( p >= 2){ return true; } } } } } return false; } inline bool Trivial::calc_NBoundaries(){ int count = 0; int q = (GetN_value()*GetN_value() + GetN_value() + 1); if(q == 0){ return false; } if(q == 3){ return false; } if(q % 3 == 0){ return false; } else{ return true; } } inline bool Trivial::checkEquality(){ long double LHS = (Summation_KLS() + X_valueLS() + Summation_NLS()); 85 if(LHS == Right_HSquare()){ ListOfSolutions(GetK_value(), GetX_value(), GetN_value()); return true; } return false; } //Function to calculate the sum of k left side //Good! inline unsigned long long int Trivial::Summation_KLS(){ sumK_LS = 0; for(unsigned int j = 1; j < GetK_value(); ++j){ sumK_LS += j*j*j; } return sumK_LS; } //Function to calculate x to thrid power //Good! inline unsigned long long int Trivial::X_valueLS(){ long double x_cubed = (GetX_value()*GetX_value()*GetX_value()); return x_cubed; } //Function to calculate the sum of n left-hand side //Good! inline unsigned long long int Trivial::Summation_NLS(){ sumN_LS = 0; unsigned int begin = GetK_value() + 1; unsigned int condition = GetN_value() + 1; for(unsigned int j = begin; j < condition; ++j){ 86 sumN_LS += j*j*j; } return sumN_LS; } //Function to calculate the sum of K right-hand side //Good! inline unsigned long long int Trivial::Summation_KRS(){ sumK_RS = 0; for(unsigned int j = 1; j < GetK_value(); ++j){ sumK_RS += j; } return sumK_RS; } //Function to calculate the sum of N right-hand Side //Good! inline unsigned long long int Trivial::Summation_NRS(){ sumN_RS = 0; unsigned int begin = GetK_value() + 1; unsigned int condition = GetN_value() + 1; for(unsigned int j = begin; j < condition; ++j){ sumN_RS += j; } return sumN_RS; } //Function to square right-hand side //Good! inline unsigned long long int Trivial::Right_HSquare(){ long double RHS = (Summation_KRS() + GetX_value() + Summation_NRS()); RHS *= RHS; 87 return RHS; } //Returns the size of the vector int Trivial::Amount(){ indexes = Answerlist.size(); return indexes; } string Trivial::Saved(int index){ return; } int Trivial::GetBeginRange(){ return this->beginRange; } int Trivial::GetEndRange(){ return this->endRange; } 88 Trivial.h Code For File: //SumOfCubes2.h #include "SumOfCubes.h" #ifndef _TRIVIAL_H_ #define _TRIVIAL_H_ class Trivial : public SumOfCubes{ private: int indexes; public: Trivial(); void produceCombinations(int arr[], int data[], const int &, const int &, const int &, const int &)override; (move up a line) int Amount(); string Saved(int); void kSetter(int arr[])override; void xSetter(int arr[])override; void nSetter(int arr[])override; int GetBeginRange(); int GetEndRange(); bool checkEquality()override; unsigned long long int Summation_NLS()override; unsigned long long int Summation_KLS()override; unsigned long long int Summation_KRS()override; unsigned long long int Summation_NRS()override; unsigned long long int X_valueLS()override; unsigned long long int Right_HSquare()override; bool Boundaries()override; bool calc_NBoundaries()override; 89 }; #endif 90 Bibliography [Apo08] T.A. 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