sh is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m ACTIVITY # 1: CASE STUDY 1: THE SUPPLY CHAIN DIVISION OF SUPERIOR MODULE ELECTRONICS, INC Activity #1: Case Study 1: The Supply Chain Division Of Superior Module Electronics, Inc. MAN-701-AP1 Diego Alvarez Suyin Escalante Nicolo Dallomo Th St. Thomas University 1 ACTIVITY # 1: CASE STUDY 1: THE SUPPLY CHAIN DIVISION OF SUPERIOR MODULE ELECTRONICS, INC Use the Star model to identify each point of the start in the case. Give examples of each point (Diego Alvarez) Strategy Strategy is the first set of policies to be tackled in the Star Model. Strategy defines the direction of the organization. It is important to tackle strategy first because any organizational form we sh is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m end up with will involve compromise, so by setting the strategy first it enables us to make the right compromises. Example: “Carl recently called in a consulting team to understand the reason behind the department problems.” He provided the consulting team with the current organizational chart for the division and recommended that they hold personal conversations with each leader. Excerpts from the interviews with the members of the leadership team are included to explain their perspective about the problems that the supply chain division is experiencing. This example confirms that the CEO of the organization after realizing that his organization had problems in different departments, he decided to put a strategy in place that was to hire a consulting group to analyze and conclude which is the exact problem of his organization. In the same way, the CEO has already determined the problem that exists in the organization, but with Th the consulting team he would confirm the exact problem and have an external feedback that would help to make a better decision to improve the departments in the organization and have better results in the organization. People These policies relate to how people are recruited, rotated and trained etc. to ensure the organization has the talent to follow the strategic direction in an efficient manner. 2 ACTIVITY # 1: CASE STUDY 1: THE SUPPLY CHAIN DIVISION OF SUPERIOR MODULE ELECTRONICS, INC Example: “I have a bunch of weak managers reporting to me. They bring all of their problems to me rather than sorting them out among themselves. The problem is that they’re not working together effectively; there are problems in the attitudes of people. When I go around meeting members of the team, they just don’t seem to have any bigger aspirations or commitment. They don’t seem sh is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m amped up or energized.” This example confirms that the organization is structured in departments and that each work team has a leader who is a manager. The problem is that the managers are not committed to the organization, the managers are aware that the problem exists they do not make the decision to solve the problem. There are people who belong to work teams. But they are not the right people to play the role of the position in which they are. Process Process policies determine the flow of information and decisions in the organization. We can tradeoff between processes which are vertical (budgeting and planning) and lateral (collaboration based). Example: Th “The Manufacturing plan is published every day at p.m. when Louis’s team is leaving for the day. Jacob’s team works until 8 p.m., and then my team comes in and works until 6 a.m. A “planning day” is measured at 6 a.m.” This example confirms that there is a process in the manufacturing department. Workers must follow a process or plan so that product development can be accomplished. The case does not mention exactly the processes in the departments. The case focuses on the problems that the organization has but does not specify the processes that departments have. 3 ACTIVITY # 1: CASE STUDY 1: THE SUPPLY CHAIN DIVISION OF SUPERIOR MODULE ELECTRONICS, INC Rewards Reward related polices aim to ensure that the goals of the employee are aligned with sh is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m organization. This provides motivation to employees to move the organization towards the strategic goal. Example: “As an incentive to negotiate better rates with our suppliers, my team is compensated with a bonus based on supplier performance, specifically their cost. It is a simple formula: for every percentage decrease in cost, my team gets an equivalent salary bonus. A ten percent reduction in supplier cost is a 10 percent annual bonus.” This example confirms that one of the departments of the organization exists a type of reward for production. It cannot be determined if it is the ideal reward for the department, but at least the manager motivate the workers by giving them a reward. Structure Th Structural policies determine the location of decision making power. Structural policies can be divided into four areas: Example: The organization is divided into six departments. In other words, the organization has an organized structure. The departments are: Supplier Contracts, Manufacturing (Night and Day Shift), Warehousing and Shipping, Advanced Manufacturing and Planning Project Management office. 4 ACTIVITY # 1: CASE STUDY 1: THE SUPPLY CHAIN DIVISION OF SUPERIOR MODULE ELECTRONICS, INC This example confirms that there is an organized structure. But managers are not adequate to lead the departments. There is a lack of communication between departments and there is a lack of interest and identification with the organization. Work your way around the STAR and evaluate the design according to each section of the Star. How would you evaluate how each point of the star is consistent or inconsistent with the other elements of the Star? (Suyin Escalante) sh is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m Superior Module Electronics had always set out to differentiate itself from competition by providing customers with the utmost highest quality products and equipment. The company was founded over 50yrs and took pride in the company’s investment into research and development. Thus, allowing them to be one highest performing company in its industry. Their strategy was divided into fractions, one being the business strategy and the second is the organization strategy which includes the guiding principles and values of the company. The core of its company was laid around its mission and vision which are included in the organization strategy. This acts as a pillar around which the rest of the design is formulated. The overall structure of the company represents how people are organized. Superior Module Electronics (SME) clearly defines the roles of its team leaders along with their responsibilities. Along with defined roles, SME has created a guideline of how relationships are determined. Example would be that it is not appropriate for the head of planning to address the senior vice president directly without consulting with their manager first. The processes and lateral capabilities in SME are inconsistent with the rest of its elements. Many departments within SME Th are not working together and overall show a lack of lateral activities. This issue doesn’t allow the flow of information and decision making to spread cohesively. Furthermore, there is inconsistency in the company’s reward system. Rewards are implemented in order to the align the company’s goal and promote individual performance. The last section of the STAR design which involves people practices. In this organization, it is required to have highly skilled managers involved in leadership teams in order to run effectively. SME has managed to acquire individuals who understand the complex nature of the business, therefore, people practices can be said to be consistent with the other elements of the organizational design. 5 ACTIVITY # 1: CASE STUDY 1: THE SUPPLY CHAIN DIVISION OF SUPERIOR MODULE ELECTRONICS, INC Propose any improvements or changes to any of the points of the star that you find to be inconsistent. What Star model points would you change, and why? (Nicolo Dallomo) The first improvement would be to make a new recruitment plan for new managers that can better lead the departments. The organization could not have motivated employees that could produce in the best way in the organization. The fidelity and engagement with the organization is sh is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m very important. The lack of communication in the organization is a serious problem that must be attacked in a factory. If the departments are not constantly in communication, production problems are generated immediately. Senior management should impose that meetings be held at least once a week of cross function between departments. This type of meetings would help to improve the production of the departments. Within the organizations the communication must be intruded in each and every one of the activities of each collaborator, as well as, it is something that concerns all departments and areas of the organization. Without communication within the organization, many of the processes would be affected and problems would arise that could affect the organization. On the other hand, regardless of whether the communication is efficient there are many barriers that can be reached that affect the content of the messages that are issued. Communication within organizations is a key element for development and success. Most activities and processes are first planned and then executed, receiving the information correctly Th favors the organization in the sense that the orders are captured clearly and the activities are carried out with a high degree of efficiency. This helps the organization generate greater productivity and helps strengthen the relationships between its employees and can motivate themselves. 6 ACTIVITY # 1: CASE STUDY 1: THE SUPPLY CHAIN DIVISION OF SUPERIOR MODULE ELECTRONICS, INC Reference: Donald L. Anderson Donald (2019). Organization Design: Creating Strategic & Agile Organizations. Case Study 1: The Supply Chain Division of Superior Module Electronics, Inc. Gailbraith, J, Downey, D., & Kates, A. (2002). Designing dynamic organizations: A hands-on guide for leaders at all levels. New York. Th sh is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m Kates, A., & Galbraith, J. R. (2007). Designing your organization: Using the STAR model to solve 5 critical design challenges (1st ed.). 7 Powered by TCPDF (