Uploaded by Dorka Vega Mariqueo

Homophone Worksheet

Rewrite the whole text and replace the homophones with the correct word.
1. Last knight when I looked up, the sky was dark blew. I new I wood sea stars but eye was
surprised buy there brightness. Who had maid them seam sew beautiful? I was shore they had
bean made millions of years ago, and I was court up in they’re beauty. I wanted to stair at them
four ever, butt my piece was disturbed. Nun of this would bee forgotten but I knew it was to
grate to last.
2. Won they I sore a pear of men buy the see. Eye thought there feet were stuck butt sum
people came and court hold of them and pulled them out. Watt were they doing? They had to no
that the tied was coming in! The men had taken a long thyme to get hear. Now they had to go all
the weigh back again. The won with lots of read hare looked odd. He was holding too parcels tide
up with string that had nots in. I thought eye new him. Was I write?
3. When the son was shining weigh up in the sky, a pear of hairs came hopping buy. Watching them
from behind a fur tree was an enormous grizzly bare. He had bean keeping an I on them four
about a weak from his cave in the hills. Now hear was his chance for a peace of succulent hair pie
for tee.
4. He crept from his hiding plaice and charged at the hairs. They took too there heals and ran for
the mane rode. Luckily a passing van stopped and gave the hairs a lift and saved they’re skins.
The hairs looked over there shoulders too sea the bare stamping his feet with rage. As they
turned back they noticed sum dead pheasants in a sack. The van driver was a poacher and was
thinking, "Eye rather fancy a nice crusty hair and pheasant pie four tee tonight," as he reached
four his gun.