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SSC MTS General Science Questions 2020-21

1.The biggest flower is – Reflecia.
2.The velocity of sound in air is -:332m/s.
3.the pH value of water is -: 7 (seven).
4.One fathom is equals to -: 6feet.
5.At which temperature the celcius and
Fahrenheit scale have the same value -: -40
degree centigrade.
6.Litchi is edible -: eril.
7.The smallest flower is -:Wolfia.
8.In malaria the affected organ part of the body is
-: spleen.
9.For prevention of which disease B.C.G is
vaccinated -: tuberclesis.
10. 1HP is equals to -: 746 watt.
11.From which ore aluminium is extracted :Bauxite(Al2O3)
12.Which is the liquid metal element -: mercury.
13.Which is the fluid non-metal element -:
14. 1 newton is equals to -: 10*5 dyne.
15.The major factor in Malaria is -: Plasmodium .
16.What is the refractive index of water-: 1.33
17.Converts mechanical energy in to electrical
energy –: Dynamo.
18.Use to detect heart disorder-: E.C.G (Electro
Cardio Gram).
19.Which acid is found in milk -: Lactic acid.
20.The intensity of normal conversation is -:30-40
21.The pH value of sea water is -:8.4
22.In polio disease the effected organ of body is -:
nervous system.
23.Which acid is conducted in lead conducter
battery-: sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
24.What is the lowest freezing point of mercury -:
-39 degree centigrade.
25.Which of the colours has the highest wave
length-: Red
26.Which colour is most dispersed in sunlight -:
27.Synthesis of insulin takes place in human body
by-: Pancreas
28.What if the beta cells of the Langerhans Islands
are destroyed -: Diabetes mellitus(Normal
29.Secretion of growth hormone is done by -:
pituitary gland
30.The thermostat of humanbody is located in -:
31.Goitur is caused by the deficiency of -:Iodine
32.Which gland is called pacemaker of
humanbody-: Pituitary gland.