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Electrical Safety: Tools, Cords, and GFCI Protection

Visually Inspect…
• Portable cord and plug connected equipment
and flexible cord sets (extension cords) shall be
visually inspected before use on any shift for
external defects:
– Loose parts
– Deformed or missing pins
– Damage to outer jacket or insulation
– Evidence of possible internal damage
Inspect Your Tools before you
Portable Electric Tools & Cords
• Portable equipment must be handled in a manner
which will not cause damage.
• Flexible electric cords connected to equipment
may not be used for raising or lowering the
• Flexible cords may not be fastened with staples or
otherwise hung in such a fashion as could damage
the outer jacket or insulation.
Always plug into a GFCI- Wall Outlet or
• A GFCI is device intended for the
protection of persons that functions
to de-energize a circuit.
How does the GFCI work
• GFCIs constantly monitor electricity
flowing in a circuit.
• If the electricity flowing into the circuit
differs by even a slight amount from that
returning, the GFCI will quickly shut off
the current flowing through that circuit.
• GFCIs work quickly, so they can help
protect persons from severe electric
shocks and electrocution.
• GFCI do not require a ground.
Always Test Your GFCI Before
If your using GFCI’s at home install the
GFCI on the first outlet of that circuit.
Recommended areas for GFCI’s to be
installed or used.….
 Bathrooms over your sink or tub
 Kitchens (sink area)
 Basements unfinished.
 Garages
 Cord and Plug Deicing and Snow
Melting Equipment.
 On any portable electric equipment
 Pools and hot tubs
 Fountains
 Boat houses
 Wet Bar
Protect Yourself!
It’s your life