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Violence in Media: Should It Be Censored?

descriptive essay
letter of complaint
formal email
opinion essay
ARTICLE: Should any type of violence be banned from media?
TITLE: Can violence be censored from media? – Is it mission
Have you ever found yourself watching a programme or
browsing the internet and came across violent content? How
did it affect you? Do you think that such violence should be
Whether you like it or not, we all have seen a violent video or
a violent post at least once in our life. Personally, I find such
content appalling and I am totally against this portrayal of
violence in the media. To begin with, such content can be very
disturbing to the viewer and can have serious implications.
Secondly, it is not always age appropriate and thus it may be
available to children under age. Finally, it can also lead to
instances in which it causes real life problems especially if it is
promoting aggressive behaviour.
In today`s technologically advanced world, violence can be
present in various forms of media. There are a number of
ways, for instance, in which it can find itself in games. This is
because, many games contain graphics which depict blood
and fights. Furthermore, another media platform that can
promote violence is the television. Indeed, acts of violence
often feature in movies, series, TV programmes and also on
the news. Last but not least, violence is also shown on the
World`s biggest online platform. Social media users can
experience violent feeds through posts on Instagram, Tik-Tok
and Facebook.
Of course, all this can have serious repercussions. Children can
recreate the acts they see in games in real life. This may cause
them problems to decipher between fantasy and reality.
Nevertheless, one mustn`t simply ban all violence as
sometimes there can be a positive side to it. Researchers
found out that many children benefit from self-defence
techniques which they learn through videos and games.
Perhaps, rather than omitting all violence, one should be
cautious and violent content should be age-restricted.
All in all, I believe that such content should be removed from
the media as when you weigh the pros and cons, you`ll find
that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Moreover,
certain acts lead to bullying and abuse. Yet, as far as I`m
concerned, it would be very difficult to ban violence