Uploaded by Carl DeFaria

Excel Cheat Sheet: Commands, Functions, Formatting

Fun Commands
Alt I r = insert row
Alt I c = insert column
F4 = repeat last action
Alt h o a = auto set cell height
Alt h o I auto set cell width
Ctrl space = select col
Shift space = select row
Ctrl f3 = name cell
F5 , alt + s = FIND BASED OFF selection
F5 = go to named cell
Ctrl pgup / pgdwn = move thru sheets
Alt h o u = find hidden sheet
Alt w vg = hide grid lines
Ctrl + r = copy left cell into right cell
Ctrl + f3, alt +n = name this cell (make sure 2 set for entire wkbk)
ALT T O = automatic equations -> Change quick access toolbar
Alt h fp = takes format of active cell & lets you paint with it
Alt h n = quick select through ctrl 1 options (huge)
Freeze panes and zooming
Alt w f r = freeze top row
Alt w f c = freeze first column
Alt w s = split panes (like this a lot) hit again to release
ALT M U then below:
S = Sum
A = Average
C = Count
M = Max
I = Min
Dates and Times
=date(year,month,day) ; Creates date in excel
=edate(start date, # months): moves forward from start date by # months
=eomontwozh(start date, # months) outputs the last day of a month after # months have passed from
start date
-datevalue(text) converts text to real date (must use double quotations around it to indicate text input
It will parse the text for you ex" =datevalue("13 September 2024") -> 09-13-2024
=year(date) returns year
=month(date) returns month
=day(Date) returns day of date
=yearfrac(start date, end date) returns fraction of the year between two dates
Text manipulation
=substitute replace text within text based pn search
=trim() remove extra spaces
=proper() makes first letter in each word uppercase
=clean() remove all non-printable characters from text
=upper() make all uppercase
=lower() make all lowercase
=find() search for text within text, case sensitive
=len() give # characters in text
Logical Functions
=If() checks if a condition is met
=ifs() checks separate conditions
=or() returns TRUE if any input is true, and false if ALL inputs are false
=and() returns true if all inputs are true
=choose() choose value from list, based on index number
Logical Operators:
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= equal to
<> not equal to
Arithmetic Functions
=sumproduct() multiplies corresponding arrays or ranges and adds up everything
=averagea() averages arithmetic of arguments but excludes text and "false" values
=median() returns number in the middle of a range of numbers
=mode() returns the most frequent number in a set of numbers
=max() returns the largest value in a set of numbers ignoring text and logicals
=min() returns the smallest value in a set of numbers, ignoring text and logicals
=quartile(), returns min, 25th, 50th, 75th or MAX of data set
Select an array, then 0-5 gives you the choice of the above
=abs() returns absolute value of a number
Most Common Use Cases of Custom Number
Formats in Financial Models:
Purpose / What It Does
We use this one for fiscal years to make them more
We use this one for Yes/No options in the Assumptions
of models.
0.0 x;[Red] (0.0 x)
5.6 x
Used for "valuation multiples" such as the P / E multiple to
0.0 x;[Red] (0.0 x)
(1.3 x)
add an "x" at the end and force a decimal place.
How we format all dates to eliminate ambiguity!
(Note: Colors don't display when using the TEXT function!)
The _( and _) characters add extra spaces on both sides of
the positive percentage - so that it lines up with negative
percentages, which have actual "( )" around them.
Formatting financial models
Hard-coded constants or text based on historical data.
Input Box
Output of formula or calculation (even if it's very simple).
Direct link to other spreadsheet in the file.
Format of cells
 Accounting format or Percentage format
Dollar or Currency Signs
 Just put this in the top and bottom row, or make a cell saying assume all currencies are $
Signs : often a (+) or (-) will be used when its meaningful to do so. For example, if everything in a row is
going to be positive or negative
Italics: we italicize percentages used for informational purposes
Decimals: doesn't matter, so long as its consistent. Use 2 decimals.