Catering Industry Stakeholders ACTOR What they can do on the software created Employee/Cus tomer ● ● ● ● Canteen Manager ● ● ● Delivery Boy Payroll system Management ● ● ● ● ● I would like to eat food from a variety of cuisines. The food should be nutritious and freshly cooked. I like when the food is hot and is served at the right time. I don’t like to be kept waiting. I am so swamped with work it is difficult for me to go to the canteen and eat. I want options which I can eat at my workstation while working. I can take out a combined list of all the orders, which are sorted out with sub totals of same dishes people have ordered. For eg Fish and chips 10, Rice with kidney beans -10 etc. The system should also give a floor wise list of orders to plan deliveries. Data and reports on most ordered items, least ordered items with quantities for planning the inventory. I should have a list with floor wise open orders. After food is delivered, I will checkbox the items on my list. After delivering all the orders I will close the orders on the website. A list of employees with total Price of food items ordered for the specified period. ● Employee wise list of items ordered and price (date wise) which gets appended with salary statement for employees to check deduction ● Most ordered and least ordered items with various drilldowns such as floor wise, department wise which can be used for forecasting. ● List of employees enrolled/ left and no of orders placed. Problem Definition and Solution 1500 employee 12 floors 2 canteens Preferred Lunchtime= 12pm–1pm(1Hour) Time Breakdown – - 30min–35min– wasted in que/grab table - 10min–15min– time spent eating - 10min– reaching and coming back Total number of employees – 1500 Total seating capacity=300 No of Turns required = 1500/300 = 5 Employee Complaint - Employees don’t always get the food they want. Canteen problem – The canteen wastes a significant quantity of food by throwing away what is not purchased. Employee Request – To create an online system allowing the canteen user to order meals online, to be delivered to their work location at a specified time and date. Advantages and Objectives Advantages of the Canteen Ordering System: A system would save considerable time to those employees who use the service. It would increase the chance of them getting the food items they prefer. This would improve both their quality of work life and their productivity. The food wastage will be reduced. This will reduce the cost. Objectives: To design and develop a web application for rapid food ordering to be used by the canteen customers. To implement and test the web application for food ordering in a canteen. To make it convenient for people who have limited time by giving them option to order food online rapidly. Reduced paper work. Existing System ● How is the existing system? Does it have any of the mentioned features already? Proposed System What is the proposed solution or system? Mention in points how the system itself will be for the user. ● ● ● User friendly interface … … Scope using use case diagram (UML) Create a use case diagram including all the actors and processes for an end to end process of the system. Scope using context diagram Depict the scope using Context diagram. In Scope ● Mention the name of features and what they are used for. Out of Scope ● What are the facilities or features—for both customer and the canteen—the are out of scope or cannot be implemented now. Activity Diagram for the System: Create an activity diagram for the system. ER Diagram for the System: Create an ER Diagram for the system you have designed. Preconditions and Triggers: Example What user/manager should be able to do in a step? What are the triggers? What is the basic flow? What are the data elements? In case of errors, what happens? Business Requirements: Business objective – 1: Reduce canteen food wastage by a minimum of 30% within 6 months following first release. Scale: Value of food thrown away each month by examining the canteen inventory . Previous - 25% wasted Must plan for: Less than 15% Business objective – 2: Reduce canteen operating costs by 15% within 12 months, following initial release. Business objective - 3: Increase average effective work time by 30 minutes per employee per day, within 3 months. Business objective - 4: By making the ordering process automated and by delivering the food to the user's workstation, the canteen will be able to operate with lesser manpower. Functional Requirements 1. The employee shall open the web page of the Canteen Ordering System. He/she shall be presented with an up-to-date menu for the day. It will have a list of all the dishes available in the canteen for the day along with its prices. 2. The lunch order can be placed by employees latest by 11 am. After 11 am the system shall not allow the users to place orders for lunch items so that the chefs have sufficient time to cook the ordered dishes. There should be a Menu Manager (a canteen employee) who shall create the menu and update the menu. 3. The users can select the lunch dishes they would like to eat and create an order. They should be able to edit the items they want to order anytime before checking out. 4. Once the order is confirmed and the user has checked out, they should NOT be able to cancel or edit the order. 5. The canteen manager also known as order processor should be able to view the orders placed by the employees. He shall take an inventory of all the dishes ordered by different users and get them cooked by the chef. 6. This canteen manager should be able to request a delivery to the employees’ workstation. 7. There shall be a meal deliverer (delivery boy) who shall deliver the lunch to the employee's desk. After delivering the lunch, this delivery boy shall close the online customer order. 8. If a customer does not like any food item or is not happy with the delivery system by the canteen, they should be able to submit feedback. 9. There is no payment gateway for the same so the payment for dishes ordered shall be deducted from employee’s salary. Hence, the employees need to enroll for salary payment deduction. The payroll system will handle payroll deductions. 10. At the end of the month the payroll system shall calculate the total number of dishes ordered by each employee. The payroll system shall deduct money from the employee’s salary. 11. Management would like the following reports: Which dishes are the most popular? How many employees are using the system? Satisfaction of the employees on using the system. This should be tracked on the basis of feedback submitted by the employees. Sales for each day Total monthly earnings Order forecasting i.e. a prediction of which items will be ordered and when they will be ordered. Nonfunctional Requirements Performance Requirements PR-1: The system shall accommodate 400 users during the peak usage time window of 8:00amto10:00am local time, with an estimated average session duration of 8 minutes. PR-2: All Web pages generated by the system shall be fully downloadable in no more than 10 seconds over a 40KBps modem connection. PR-3: Responses to queries shall take no longer than 7 seconds to load onto the screen after the user submits the query. PR-4: The system shall display confirmation messages to users within 4 seconds after the user submits information to the system. Security Requirements SR-1: All network transactions that involve financial information or personally identifiable information shall be encrypted. SR-2: Users shall be required to log in to the Cafeteria Ordering System for all operations except viewing a menu. SR-3: Patrons shall log in according to the restricted computer system access policy. SR-4: The system shall permit only cafeteria staff members who are on the list of authorized Menu Managers to create or edit menus. SR-5: Only users who have been authorized for home access to the corporate Intranet may use the COS from non-company locations. SR-6: The system shall permit Patrons to view only their own previously placed orders, not orders placed by other Patrons. Software Quality Attributes Availability-1: The Cafeteria Ordering System shall be available to users on the corporate Intranet and to dial-in users 99.9% of the time between 5:00am and midnight local time and 95%of the time between midnight and 5:00am local time. Robustness-1: If the connection between the user and the system is broken prior to an order being either confirmed or canceled, the Cafeteria Ordering System shall enable the user to recover an incomplete order. Platform independence-1: The system must run on different platforms and support different database management systems. Extensibility-1: The system must be easy to extend to provide new capabilities. 5.5 i18n The system should be attuned with different regions or countries where the application needs to be run. System Requirement: Scalability and performance: This canteen ordering system is required to support a volume of 1500 employees ordering. the web pages should be light and render fast. Usability: The screens should be self-explanatory and very user friendly. Management would not want employees not ordering from the system as they cannot understand the screens and data fields on screen. Environments: We are going to be creating and maintaining the program in Java. We chose Java because it will not change much over time, and if we make it well, there will be very little maintenance to be done on the code