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Mechanical Engineering Assignment: Advanced Principles

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Student name:
Assessor name:
Rawisha Serasinghe
Issue date:
Formative Assessment Date:
18th December 2021
Submission date:
16th January 2022
31st January 2022
Pearson Higher Nationals in Mechanical Engineering
Unit 36: Advanced Mechanical Principles
Assignment number and title:
Assignment 1 of 2: The Behaviour of Structural Materials under load, power transmission system elements
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Higher Nationals
Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)
Higher National Diploma in Engineering
Student Name/ID Number
Unit Number and Title
U36 Advanced Mechanical Principles
Academic Year
Unit Assessor
Rawisha Serasinghe
Assignment Title
The Behaviour of Structural Materials under load, Power transmission
system elements.
Issue Date
18th December 2021
Submission Date
31st January 2022
IV Name
Majeed Raheem
17th December 2021
Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an MS Word document, where you provide the responses to
the problems provided. The format should be in a formal report that contains images,
illustrations, descriptive text, and a bibliography of sources used. Citations should be included
within the body of your main text.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1. Determine the behavioural characteristics of materials subjected to complex loading.
LO3. Analyze the specifications of power transmission system elements.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Task 1
1. Compare and contrast the different elastic constraints of isotropic materials.
2. A rectangular bar 40 mm wide and 30 mm thick is 0.5 m long. It is acted upon by axial
tensile force of 120 kN. Find Change in dimensions of the bar. (E = 200 Gpa and μ=0.25.)
3. A rigid wheel of 1.25 m Dia. is to be fitted with a steel tyre of 1.24912 m dia. Find the
minimum temp up to which the tyre is to be heated so that it can be fitted over the wheel.
Take Co-efficient of thermal expansion as 12 x 10-6/c and E=2 X 105 N/mm2.
4. A copper bar of 20 mm diameter is tightly fitted inside a steel tube of external diameter of
30 mm. the length of composite section is 100 mm. it is subjected to axial force 60 kN.
Find stress in steel and copper. (Es = 200 kN/mm2 Ec = 160 kN/mm2)
Task 2
A concrete column, length L = 900 mm and diameter d = 490 mm, is reinforced with 6 steel rods
(rebar), each having a cross-sectional area of 200 mm2. The Young's Moduli are ES = 200 GPa
and EC = 27 GPa. The allowable stresses for steel and concrete respectively are 125 MPa and
29.2 MPa.
(1) Find the maximum allowable load, F
(2) Find the stress in the concrete with this load
(3) Find the stress in the steel with this load
(4) Find the deformation in length with this load
Task 3
Compare full stress-strain curve for steel, brass, copper and aluminium alloy.
What type of behaviour is observed from these stress-strain curves?
Which material has the greatest UTS?
Which material should be chosen when high strength is required?
Why are the other three materials still used?
Task 1
(1) Flat belt can be used as a clutch. Give an example of that with a diagram and explain.
(2) Write the advantages and disadvantages of V-belt drive over Flat belt drives
(3) A V-belt drive transmits 20kW from an electric motor running at 1440rpm to the main shaft
of a roving machine. The motor and main shaft pulleys have 300 & 600 rpm respectively.
The coefficient of friction between belt and pulley is 0.25. The centre distance between the
shafts is 1000mm. The top width, thickness, section angle and density of belt and
permissible tension on the belt are 22mm, 14mm and 40deg, 0.97gcm-2 and 600N
respectively. How many belts are needed? Calculate the length of a belt needed.
Task 2
(1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of conical clutches compared with plate friction
(2) What are the differences between uniform wear theory and uniform pressure theory?
(3) A conical Clutch transmits rotation from one rotating shaft to another though frictional forces
on the conical face. The following data is for a conical clutch
• Inside Diameter 25.0 mm
• Outside Diameter 100 mm
• Coefficient of Friction 0.33
• Axial Force 1000N
• Included angle 100 degree
• Rotational speed 1500rev/minute
Calculate the Torque and Power that can be transmitted without slipping using both Uniform
Pressure Theory and Uniform Wear Theory.
Task 3
(1) Compare the differences between different gear profiles
(2) Figure shows an alicyclic gear train with the following details:
A has 40 teeth external (fixed gear); B has 80 teeth internal; C - D is a compound wheel
having 20 and 50 teeth (external) respectively, E-F is a compound wheel having 20 and 40
teeth (external) respectively, and G has 90 teeth (external). The arm runs at 100 r.p.m. in
clockwise direction. Determine the speeds for gears C, E, and B.
(3) Figure shows some details of a compound epicyclic gear drive where I is the driving or input
shaft and O is the driven or output shaft which carries two arms A and B rigidly fixed to it.
The arms carry planet wheels which mesh with annular wheels P and Q and the sun wheels
X and Y. The sun wheel X is a part of Q. Wheels Y and Z are fixed to the shaft I. Z engages
with a planet wheel carried on Q and this planet wheel engages the fixed annular wheel R.
The numbers of teeth on the wheels are:
P = 114, Q = 120, R = 120, X = 36, Y = 24 and Z = 30.
The driving shaft I makes 1500 r.p.m. clockwise looking from our right and the input at I is
7.5 kW.
a. Find the speed and direction of rotation of the driven shaft O and the wheel P.
b. Find the torque tending to rotate the fixed wheel R.
(4) Explain the operation principle of a differential system and how a differential system relates
to epicyclic gear trains.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcome
LO1 Determine the
characteristics of
materials subjected to
complex loading.
P1 Discuss the
between the elastic
M1Assess the effects
of volumetric thermal
expansion and
contraction on isotropic
D1Critique the
characteristics of
materials subjected to
complex loading
M5 Critically analyse
both the uniform wear
and uniform pressure
theories of friction
clutches for their
P7Analyse the force
effectiveness in
requirements to engage theoretical calculations
a friction clutch in a
mechanical system
D3Evaluate the
conditions needed for
an epicyclic gear train
to become a
differential, and show
how a differential
works in this
P2 Illustrate the effects
of two-dimensional and
three dimensional
loading on the
dimensions of a given
P3 Determine the
volumetric strain and
change in volume due
to three-dimensional
LO3 Analyze the
specifications of power
transmission system
P6Discuss the initial
tension requirements
for the operation of a vbelt drive
P8Analyse the holding
torque and power
transmitted through
epicyclic gear trains
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcome
P1 Discuss the relationship
between the elastic
P2 Illustrate the effects of twodimensional and threedimensional loading on the
dimensions of a given material
P3 Determine the volumetric
strain and change in volume
due to three-dimensional
P6 Discuss the initial
tension requirements for the
operation of a v-belt drive
P7 Analyse the force
requirements to engage a
friction clutch in a mechanical
P8 Analyse the holding torque
and power transmitted through
epicyclic gear trains
M1 Assess the effects of
volumetric thermal expansion
and contraction on isotropic
M5 Critically analyse both the
uniform wear and uniform
pressure theories of friction
clutches for their
effectiveness in theoretical
D1 Critique the behavioural
characteristics of materials
subjected to complex loading
D3 Evaluate the conditions
needed for an epicyclic gear
train to become a differential,
and show how a differential
works in this application
Higher Nationals –Formative /Summative Assignment Feedback form
Student Name/ID
Unit Title
Unit 36: Advanced Mechanical Principles
Assignment Number
1 of 2
Rawisha Serasinghe
16th January 2021
Formative Assessment Date
31st January 2021
Submission Date
Date Received 1st submission
Date Received 2nd submission
Re-submission Date
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