Uploaded by Farrukh Saeed

Word Search Puzzle Game Requirement Specification

Classic word Search Puzzle
Requirement Specification
A classic Word Puzzle Game (WPG – name TBD) is required built for mobiles. Preferably supported
for both Android & IOS however Android (supporting all devices & Android versions) is the priority.
Functional Requirements
WPG has two interfaces i.e. admin panel & client (end-user) interface.
Client Interface
Home screen shows Google ads according to users region at the bottom
Top left of home screen has a cog icon that allows user
o To set sound, music and notifications
o Contact admin for any feedback/comments
o Rate the application
Top right of home screen shows gold coins that user owns. When user can see gold coin
promotion by clicking on gold coins icon. Promotion can be set by admin that should also
include watching a free video or playing a trial game.
User can use gold coin to get help/hint to find a word.
o User spends X coins (set by admin) to get a single letter hint.
o User spends XY coins (set by admin) to get first & last letter hint.
o User spends XYZ coins (set by admin) to remove ABC undesired letters (number set
by admin)
o User spends XYZ++ coins (set by admin) to reveal randomly select one full word.
o User can click on free coins icon to get X coins (set by admin) after watching
(completing) a video.
User can buy gold coin via credit card or Google reward balance.
WPG shows Google play games video ad after following events. Video continues until user
clicks on X button. This button will appear after 5 seconds.
o Completing every game
o When mobile is active again after getting idle / locked
WPG shows 7 X 7 (configurable by admin) letters board that contains letters for actual word
& remaining space is filled with random letters.
WPG shows on top how many words are required to clear the level and for each word how
many letters are required. This can be displayed using --- or any other icon.
User can select letter in any direction by in a sequence. Diagonal (up or down), straight (up &
down), left or right.
When user will select a valid word from the level list the letters will be highlighted and
word’s letters will show on top on its place.
User can click back button to quit the game. WPG prompts user to confirm quit or continue
If frequency of playing game in offline mode is greater than -1 then WPG prompts user to
connect to internet.
Admin Panel
Admin can add words categories and word and specify difficulty levels (Level numbers refer
to difficulty).
Admin can set same categories for different difficulty levels
Admin can set frequency when it is allow to play game in offline mode.
Admin can set gold coin for wining a level
Admin can set gold coin for getting hint as described above
Admin can feed some games as daily special. System would choose a game that was not
selected for last time. Last time would be considered one week if games listed are less than
30, a month if games listed are less than 365, a year if games listed are more than 365.
Admin can set various promotions to buy gold coin
Admin can set board area. Default is 7 (7X7)
Non-Functional Requirements
Client Interface
User can sign-in using Facebook or Google account to save their game progress and use on
any other device.
WPG supports multilingual games
Dictionary icon on top of level showing list & meaning of revealed words.
Admin Panel
Admin should be able to see traffic from admin panel
If dictionary cannot be connected to an online source then admin should be able to add