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Technology in Organizations: Cloud & Security

Technology in
Answer to the question no .1 ................................................................................................................... 2
A ) .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
B) ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Answer to the question no. 2.................................................................................................................... 4
Answer to the question no.3 .................................................................................................................... 7
A) ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
B) ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
References .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Answer to the question no .1
A ) Cloud computing's importance in modern organizations is expanding since it offers a variety
of advantages for businesses to store data and use it in processes at all levels.
Because cloud computing has numerous restrictions on organizational levels and storing large
data sets, its application has developed over time. Nonetheless, as technology progressed, cloud
computing requirements and capabilities grew.
The evolution of cloud computing can be observed through the lens of the cloud computing
service model.
1. From the perspective of infrastructure as a service, the first cloud computing service providers
supply clients with these services based on pay-as-you-go access to cloud storage, networking,
servers, and other computer resources. Then, as technology advanced, additional characteristics
and capability were added to storage and processing resources, resulting in exceptional data
handling breakthroughs.
Platform as a service (PaaS):
Then, in service businesses, cloud computing is deployed, which provides access to a cloud-based
environment where employees may design and deliver applications. Some tools are designed to
allow you to test, develop, and host apps all in the same place. It allows businesses to concentrate
on their core competencies while outsourcing the management of security, operating systems,
server software, and backups. Even on cloud computing, it makes collaborative work easier.
B) Cloud computing provides Amazon and other businesses with various advantages after they
adopt it.
1. It is beneficial to improve customer service by assuring the success of any organization and
providing great customer experience and competitive advantage for customers by increasing
their purchasing experience.
2. It also saves money in an organization's procedures because on-premise solutions are often
pricey and require many expenditures to be added up.
Most cloud solutions allow businesses to pay for only the services they require, eliminating the
cost of paying for services that aren't used.
3. It provides greater flexibility and shorter implementation cycles: With cloud solutions,
businesses benefit from a faster implementation period, with products typically being online in
weeks rather than months. Cloud technology facilitates team collaboration by allowing your team
to access, modify, and share documents and data from any location at any time.
4. Cloud computing promotes scalability in the workplace, and cloud solutions can effortlessly
accommodate and respond to such changes.
Cloud computing also improves the scalability of existing businesses and helps them to expand
to meet new demands.
5. Lower IT costs: Using cloud computing lowers the costs of operating and maintaining your IT
systems. Scalability, business continuity, collaboration efficiency, work practice flexibility and
access to automatic updates for the company, and a higher level of flexibility afforded by cloud
computing for the company and customers
Overall, the component benefits the business by increasing the value of the business and the
efficiency of the business processes.
Answer to the question no. 2
Frameworks serve as a beginning point for building information security management processes,
policies, and administrative operations.
Because security requirements sometimes overlap, "crosswalks" can be used to verify
compliance with several regulatory standards. For example, information security policy is defined
in Portion 5 of ISO 27002; it is defined in the "Align, Plan, and Organize" section of COBIT; and it
is defined as "Internal Environment" in the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the
Treadway Commission (COSO) framework. It's referred to as "Assigned Security Responsibility"
in HIPAA and "Maintain an Information Security Policy" in PCI DSS.
An organization can construct crosswalks to demonstrate compliance with several legislation,
including HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI DSS, and Graham-Leach-Bliley, by using a common
framework, such as ISO 27002.
There are three requirements for putting a framework in place.
Confidentiality: One of the five pillars of Information Assurance is confidentiality (IA).
Authentication, availability, integrity, and nonrepudiation are the other four.
Only authorized people should have access to sensitive information or data. In IA, a classification
system enforces confidentiality. For example, depending on the data requirements of a position,
a US government or military employee must get a specific clearance level, such as classified,
secret, or top secret. Top secret material is not accessible to those with secret clearances.
The following are the best practices for maintaining confidentiality:
Authorized users are assigned confidential user identity and passwords through an
authentication process. Biometrics is another method of authentication.
To assure user or viewer authorization, role-based security mechanisms may be used.
Data access levels, for example, could be assigned to certain department employees.
User actions are kept within their roles thanks to access controls. If a user is only allowed
to access data but not write it, specific system restrictions could be integrated.
Integrity: Integrity, in the context of computer systems, refers to methods of ensuring that data
is real, accurate and safeguarded from unauthorized user modification.
One of the five pillars of information assurance is integrity (IA). Authentication, availability,
confidentiality, and nonrepudiation are the other four.
Data integrity is required for information security. Integrity is an essential IA component because
users must be able to trust information. Data that isn't reliable lacks integrity. Data must remain
intact within an information system (IS) and throughout data transmission.
Data alterations can be caused by things like storage erosion, errors, and purposeful data or
system damage. Hackers, for example, might harm systems by entering them with malware such
as Trojan horses, which take over computers, as well as worms and viruses. By purposefully
entering inaccurate data, an employee may do harm to the organization.
Checksums and data comparisons are two methods for ensuring data integrity.
Availability: In the context of a computer system, availability refers to a user's ability to access
information or resources in a specific location and format.
One of the five pillars of Information Assurance is availability (IA). Integrity, authentication,
confidentiality, and nonrepudiation are the other four.
When a system is regularly down, information availability suffers, which has a substantial impact
on users. Furthermore, information security, such as top secret security clearances, is
compromised when data is not secure and easily accessible. Time is another aspect that affects
availability. If a computer system cannot efficiently send information, its availability is
Storage, whether on-site or off-site, is required to assure data availability. When using an offsite
facility, a business continuity strategy should specify the availability of this data in the event that
onsite data is unavailable. Information must always be available to those having clearance.
In different applications, these three requirements may be stressed differently.
Example: System security requirements differ from application to application, even within a
same application. As a result, in order to achieve the proper level of security, businesses must
both understand their applications and think through the applicable options.
Personal identifying numbers (PINs) must be kept confidential in an automated teller system,
both in the host system and during transaction transmission. It is required to safeguard the
accuracy of account records and individual transactions. Privacy protection is vital, but not
critical. The host system's availability is critical to the bank's economic survival, but not to its
fiduciary responsibilities. Individual teller machine availability is less of a concern than the
availability of the host system.
A telephone switching system, on the other hand, does not place high demands on transaction
integrity because losing a call or billing record will not result in long-term consequences. Control
programs and configuration records, on the other hand, must be accurate. The switching function
would be rendered useless without these, and the most crucial feature of all—availability—would
be jeopardized. Individual calls must be kept private via a telephone switching mechanism, which
prevents one caller from hearing another.
What a system is used for determines security requirements more than what it is. If a typesetting
system is used to publish corporate proprietary material, it must ensure secrecy, integrity if it is
used to publish legislation, and availability if it is used to publish a daily newspaper. If it is used
as a development environment for software or engineering designs, a general-purpose timesharing system should ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability to the extent that no
single user may monopolize the service and lost files can be recovered.
Answer to the question no.3
I would like to discuss about amazon web service networking infrastructure.
Some key infrastructure they use are given below.
At AWS, security begins with our core infrastructure. Our infrastructure, which is custom-built
for the cloud and engineered to fulfill the world's most demanding security requirements, is
monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of your data. Before leaving our secure facilities, all data passing across the AWS
global network that connects our datacenters and Regions is automatically encrypted at the
physical layer. You can develop on the world's most secure infrastructure, knowing that you
always have complete control over your data, including the ability to encrypt, migrate, and
manage retention at any moment.
Global Footprint
AWS has the greatest worldwide infrastructure footprint of any provider, and it is rapidly
expanding. When you move your apps and workloads to the cloud, you have the freedom to
choose a technological infrastructure that is closest to your major user base. You can run your
workloads on the cloud, which provides the finest support for the widest range of applications,
including those requiring the fastest throughput and lowest latency. If your data is stored on
another planet, you can use AWS Ground Station, which places satellite antennas near AWS
infrastructure Regions.
The AWS Global Infrastructure allows you the freedom to operate your workloads how and
where you want, while still using the same network, control plane, APIs, and AWS services. You
can run your applications in any of the AWS Regions and AZs if you want to go global. You can
utilize AWS Local Zones or AWS Wavelength to execute your applications with single-digit
millisecond latency to mobile devices and end-users. You can also use AWS Outposts if you want
to execute your applications locally.
B) The calculation can be done in Excel using functions or commands.
1. =SUM(Range) can be used to calculate the total of all countries' quarter totals, as seen in
=sum(j9;j15) which provides 835,000.
2. =MIN(Range) can be used to find the minimum value of a range, such as =MIN(J9:J15), which
provides 38,000.
3. =Max(Range) can be used to find the maximum value of a range; for example, =Max(J9:J15)
returns 215,000.
4. For the mean value of a group of observations, =AVERAGE(Range) =AVERAGE(J9:J15) provides
119,285.71 in this case.
5 =MEDIAN(Range) =MEDIAN(J9:J15) returns a value of 113,000 for the Median of a set of
ii) We utilize to find the number of identities in a set of observations whose value is greater than
or equal to a certain value.
=COUNTSIFS(RANGE,:" or >VALUE") is a function that counts the number of times a variable is
So =COUNTIFS(G9:G15,">27000") is used to identify the number of nations with a projected value
of.2700 in Q2.
So there are 4 countries in Q 2 with a predicted value larger than 27000.
iii) Similarly, =COUNTIFS(I9:I15,"15000") GIVES a result of 1 for the number of nations with a
projected value of 15,000 in Q4.
As a result, the number of countries with a predicted value of less than 15,000 in Q4 has increased
to 1.
Amazon(2011) AWS provided over the world.
available at: aws.amazon.com (may 12,2022)
Goleniewski, L. (2006) Telecommunications Essentials, Addison Wesley Professional.
Mir, N.F. (2006) Computer and Communication Networks, Prentice Hall.
Tanenbaum, A.S. (2002) Computer Networks, Prentice Hall.
Spurgeon, Charles E. (2000) Ethernet: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly Media, Inc.