Q U A N T U M T H EO RY O F M A N Y -PA R T IC LE SY ST EM S A LEXA N D ER L. FEU ER Associate Professorof Physics Stanford U niversity JO H N D IRK W A LECKA Professorof Physics Stanford University M cG raw-llill,Inc. New York St.Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogotl Caracas Lisbon London Madrid M exico City M ilan M ontrecl New Delhi San Juan SingaN re Sydney Tokyo Toronto C O N T EN TS PREFACE PART ON EQ INTRO DU CTIO N 1 CHA PTER 1 SECO ND G UA NTIZATIO N 1 THE SCHRODINGER EQUATION IN FlRST AND SECOND GUANTIM TION 4 B'osons 7 M any-particle Hilbertspace and creation and destruction operators Fermions 15 FlELDS 19 EXAM PLE:DEGENERATEELECTRON GAS CHA PTER 2 STATISTICALM ECHANICS REVIEW OFTHERM ODYNAM ICS AND STATISTICALM ECHANICS IDEAL GAS 36 Bosons 38 Fermions 45 33 34 CONTENTS PART TW O ClGROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FO RM A LISM CHAPTER 3 G REEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERM IONS) 53 6 PICTURES 53 Scbrödingerpicture 53 lnteraction picture 54 Heisenberg picture 68 Adiabatic ''switching on'' 59 Gell-M ann and Low theorem on the ground state in quantum field theoœ 61 7 GREEN'S FUNCTIONS 64 Definition 64 Relation to observables 66 Example:free ferm ions 70 The Lehmann representation 72 Physicalinterpretation ofthe Green'sfunclion 79 8 W îCK-S THEOREM 83 9 DIAGRAM MATIC ANALYSIS OF PERTURBATION THEORY Feynman diagrams in coordinate space 92 Feynman diagrams in momentum space 1G0 Dyson'sequations 1O5 Goldstone'stheorem 111 CHAPTER 4 FERM ISYSTEM S 120 10 HARTREE-FOCK APPROXIMATION 11 IM PERFECT FERM IGAS 128 Scalering from ahard sphere 128 Scattering theorv in momentum space 130 Ladderdiagrams and the Bethe-salpeterequation Galilskii'sintegralequations 139 The properself-energy 142 Physicalquantities 146 Justification ofterms pelained 149 DEGENERATE ELZCTRON GAS 151 Ground-state energy and the dielectric constant 151 Ring diagrams 154 ' Evaluation ofFID 158 Correlation energy 163 Effective interaction 166 CHAPTER 5 LINEAR RESPO NSE AND COLLECTIV E M ODES 13 GENERAL THEORY OF LINEAR RESPONSE TO AN EXTERNAL PERTURBATION 172 14 SCREENING IN AN ELECTRON GAS 175 15 PLASM A OSCILLATIONS IN AN fLECTRON GAS 180 16 ZERO SOUND IN AN IM PERFECT FERM IGAS 183 17 INELASTIC ELECTRON SCATTERING 188 171 CHA PTER 6 BO SE SYSTEM S 198 18 FO RM ULATION OFTHE PROBLEM 19 GREEN'S FUNCTIONS 203 199 xi CONTENTS 20 PERTURBATION THEOBY AND FEYNMAN RULES 207 lnteraction picture 207 Feynmanrulesincoordinatespace 208 Feynmanrulesinm omentum space 209 Dyson's equations 211 Lehmann representation 214 21 W EAKLY INTERACTING BOSE GAS 215 22 DILUTE BOSE GAS W ITH 9EPULSIVECO9ES 218 PART THREEL FINITE-TEM PERATU RE FO RM A LISM 226 CHAPTER 7 FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 227 23 TEM PERATURE GREEN'S FUNCTIONS Definition 228 227 Relattontoobservables 229 Example :noninteracting system 232 PERTURBATION THEORY AND W ICK'S THEOREM FOR FINITE TEM PERATURES 234 Interaction picture 234 Periodicityof@ 236 ProofofW ick'stheorem 237 25 DIAGRAM MATIC ANALYSIS 241 Feynman rulesin coordinatespace 242 Feynman rules in momentum space 244 Evaluatjonoffrequencysums 248 26 DYSON'S ECUATIONS 250 CHAPTER 8 PHYSICALSYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 265 27 HARTREE-FOCKAPPROXIM ATION 255 28 IM PERFECT BOSE GAS NEAR Tc 259 29 SPECIFIC HEAT OFAN IM PERFECT FERM IGAS AT LOW TEM PERATURE 261 Low-temperalureexpansion of@ 262 Hartree-Fock approximation 262 Evaluation ofthe entropy 265 30 ELECTRON GAS 267 Approximate properself-energy 268 Summation ofring diagrams 271 Approximatethermodynamicpotential 273 ClassicalIim it 275 Zero-temperature limit 281 CHAPTER 9 REAL-TIM E G REEN'S FUNCTIO NS AND LINEAR RESPONSE 31 GENERALIZED LEHM ANN 8EPRESENTATION 292 Definitionofö 292 Retarded and advanced functions 294 Temperature Green's functions and analytic continuation 297 32 LINEAR RESPONSE AT FINITETEM PERATURE 298 Generallheory 298 Density correlationfunction 300 33 SCREENING IN AN ELECTRON GAS 303 34 PLASM A OSCILLATIONS IN AN ELECTRON GAS 3Q7 291 xii CONTENTS PART FO UR L CA NO NICAL TRA NSFO RM ATD NS 311 CHAPTER 14 CANONICALTRANSFORM ATIONS 313 35 INTERACTING BOSE GAS 314 36 COOPER PAIRS 320 37 INTERACTING FERMIGAS 326 PA RT FIV EQ A PPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 339 CHAPTER 11 N UCLEAR M AU ER 341 38 NUCLEAR FORCES:A REVIEW 341 39 NUCLEAB M ATTER 348 Nucjearradiiand chargedistributions 348 The semiempiricalmassfonnu#a 349 40 INDEPENDENT-PARTICLE (FERMI-GAS)MODEL 352 41 INDEPENDENT-PAIRAPPROXIMATION (BRUECKNER'STHEORY) 357 Self-consistentBethe-Goldstone equation 358 Solution fora nonsingularsquare-wellpotential 360 So lutionfœ apurehard-coreqotential 363 Properties ofnuclearmatterwrth a ''realistic''potential 366 42 RELATION T0 GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND BETHE-SALPETEB EQUATION 377 43 THEENERGY GAP IN NUCLEAR M AU ER 383 CH APTER 12 PHO NONS AND ELECTRO NS 389 44 THENONINTERACTING PHONON SYSTEM 390 Lagrangian andhamiltonian 391 Debyetbeoryoftbespecificheat 393 45 THE ELECTRON-PHONON INTERACTION 396 46 THECOUPLED-FIELD THEORY 399 Feynman rulesfor'r= 0 399 The equivalentelectroo-electroninte?actîon 401. Vertex parts :nd Dyson's equations 402 47 MIGDAL'S THEOREM 406 CHAPTER 13 SUPERCOND UCTIVITY 48 FUNDAM ENTAL PROPERTIES OFSUPERCONDUCTORS 414 Basic experimentalfacts 414 The/modynamic relations 417 49 LONDON-PIPPARD PHENOMENOLOGICALTHEORY 420 Derivation ofLondon equations 42Q Solutionforhalfspaceand slab 421 Conservationandquantization offluxold 423 Pippard'sgeneralizedequation 425 50 GINZBURG-LANDAU PHENOM ENOLOGICALTHEORY 430 Expansion ofthe frae energy 430 Solution in sim ple cases 432 Flux quantization 435 Sudaceenergy 436 413 CONTENTS 51 MICROSCOPIC (BCS)THEORY Generalformulation 439 Solution foruniform medium 439 444 Delerminali on ofthe gap functionZ(F) 447 Thermodyoam ic functions 449 52 LINEAR RESPONSETO A W EAK MAGNETIC FIELD Derivationofthegeneralkernel 455 M eissnereffect 459 454 Penetrationdepth i n Pippard (nonlocal)Iimit 461 Nonlocalintegralrelation 463 53 M ICROSCOPIC DERIVATION OF GINZBURG-LANDAU EQUATIONS 466 CHAPTER 14 SUPERFLUID H ELIU M 54 FUNDAM ENTAL PROPERTIES OF He 11 481 Basic experimentalfacts 481 Landau's quasiparticle model 484 55 W EAKLY INTERACTING BOSE GAS 488 Generalformulation 489 Uniform condensate 492 Nonuniform condensate 495 479 CHAPTER 15 APPLICATIO NS TO FINITE SYSTEM S :THE ATOM IC NU CLEU S 56 GENERALCANONICAL TRANSFORM ATION TO PARTICLES AND HOLES 504 57 TH E SINGLE-PARTICLE SHELL M ODEL 508 Approximate Hartree-Fock wave functions and Ievelorderings in a centralpotentiaf 508 Spin-orbitsplitîing 511 Single-padicle matrix elements 512 58 M ANY PARTICLES IN A SHELL 515 503 Two val ence particles;generalinteraction and8(x)force Severalparticles:normalcoupling 519 The pairing-force problem 523 The boson approximation 526 The Bogoliubov transformation 527 59 EXCITED STATES :LlNEARIZATION OF TH E EQUATIONS OF MOTION 538 Tamm-Dancoffapproximaîion (TDA) 538 Random-phaseapproximation (RPA) 54O Reduction ofthe basis 543 Soluti onforthe ElBl-dimensionalsupermul tipletwi th a8(x)force An application to nuclei:O16 555 60 EXCITED STATES :G REEN'S FUNCTION M ETHO DS The polarization propagator 558 Random -phase approximation 564 Tamm -Dancoff approximation 565 Construction of1R(r ,))inthe RPA 547 558 566 61 REALISTIC NUCLEAR FORCES 567 Tw o nucleons outside closed shells: the independent-pair approximation 567 Bethe-Goldstone equation 568 Harmonic-oscillatorapproximation 570 Pauliprinciple correction 574 Extensionsandcalculationsofotherquantities 574 xiv CO NTENTS A PPENDIXES A B 579 DEFINITEINTEGRALS 579 REVIEW OFTFIETHEOHY OFANGULAR MOMENTUM 58 Basiccommutation relations 581 1 Coupl i ng of t wo angk l l ar moment a : Cl ebs ch -Gor C dancoefficients 582 ing ofthree angularmomenta:îhe6lrroupl / c oe f fi cients 585 ble tensoroperatorsandtbe Wigner-Eckar T educi ttheorem 586 ensoroperatorsincoupledschemes 587 INDEX 589 N U M ER ICA L VA LU ES O F SO M E PH YS ICA L Q U A NTIT IES h- hlz, z = l.055 x 10-27erg sec c - 2.998 x 1010cm sec-l ks - l.381x 10-16erg(OK)-t me m# - 9.110 x 10-28g = 1.673 x 10-24g mplme = 1836 t, Avogadro'snum ber = 4.803 x 10-10esu = 6.022 x 1023m ole-t ellhc= a p.a= ehlzmec y,s= ehllmpc lRy= eljlan= :4melzhl = (137.0)-1 = 9.274x 10-21erggauss-l = 5.051 x 10-2*erg gauss-l = 13.61eV tu = hnlmeel = 5.292 x 10-9cm Ae=hlm.c Ap= hlmpc = 3.862 x 10-1'cm = 2.103 x 10-14cm mpc2 = 938.3M eV ( a = hclle = 2.068 x 10-7gausscm2 hc 1ev = 197.3 x 10-:3M eV cm = 1.602 x 10-12erg Source: This table is compiled from B.N.Taylor,W .H.Parker.and D.N.LangenG rg.Ret'.M od.Phys..41:375(1969). part one Introd uctio n 1 Second Q uantization The physicalworld consists ofinteracting m any-particle system s. A n accurate description ofsuch system s requires the inclusion of the interparticle potentials in the m any-particle Schrödinger equation. and this problem form s the basic subjectofthe presentbook. ln principle,theN-body wavefunction in conhguration space contains all possible inform ation,but a direct solution of the Schrödingerequation isim practical. ltis therefore necessary'to resortto other techniques, and we shall rely on second quantization, quantum -tield theory, and the use ofG reen'sfunctions. ln a relativistic theory,the conceptofsecond quantization is essentialto describe the creation and destruction of particles.i Even in a nonrelativistic theory.however,second quantization greatly sim plifies the discussion of m any identical interacting particles.z This approach m erely !P.A.M ,Dirac,Proc.Rtly'.Soc.çl-ondon),114A :243 (1927). 2P.Jordan and 0.Klein.Z.Physik.45:751 (I927);P,Jordan and E.P.W'igner,Z.Phvsik, 47:63l(1928);V.Fock,Z.Physik,75:622(1932).Although diflkrentin detail,the approach presented herefollowsthespiritofthislastpaper. 3 lN-rqoouczloN rerorm ulates the original Schrödinger equation. N evertheless, ithas several distinct advantages:the second-quantized operators incorporate the statistics (BoseorFermi)ateachstep,whichcontrastswiththemorecumbersomeapproach of using sym m etrized or antisymm etrized produets of-single-particle wave functions. The m ethods ofquantum seld theory also allow usto concentrate on thefew m atrix elem entsofinterest,thusavoidingtheneed fordealingdirectly wîth the m any-partiele wave function and the coordinates of a1lthe rem aining particles. Finally,the G reen'sfunetionscontain the m ostim portantphysical informationsuch astl4eground-stateenergyandotherthermodynamicfbnctions, the energy and lifetim e of excited states,and the linear response to external pcrturbations. U no rtunately.theexactG reen'sfunctionsarenoeasierto determ inethan the origillalwave function-and we therefore m ake use ofperturbation theory, which isherepresented intheconciseand systematiclanguageofFeynm an rules and diagram s.: These rules allow us to evaluate physical quantities to any orderin perturbationtheory. W eshallalsoshow,asfirstobserved by Feynm an. that the disconnected diagram s cancel exactly. This cancellation Ieads to linked-cluster expansions and m akes explicit the volume dependence of aI! physical quantities. It is possible to form ulate a set of integral equations (oyson-s equations) NNhose iteratîons yicld the Feynman-Dyson perturbation theory to any arbitrary order in the perturbation param eter and which are indepcndeatofthe originalperturbation series.z since the proa rties ofm anyparticle system s freqttently involve expressions that are nonanalytic in the couplïng constant, the possibility of nonperturbative approxïm ations is very im portant. In addition.itisfkequently possibleto m akephysicalapproxim ationsthat reduce the second-quantized harniltonian to a quadratic tbrm . The resulting problem is then exactly solvable either by m aking a canonicaltransform ation or by exam ining thelinearequationsofm otion. IITHE SCHRöDINGER EQUATION IN FIRST A ND sEco No O UA NTIZATIO N w-e shallstartourdiscussion by m erely reform ulating the Schrödingerequation in the language of second quantization. ln alm ost all eases of interest,the ham iltonian takesthe form N N H = .N . k-k)+ J O N- Vlxk,rI) .' . Tl #=1 k=u1=1 where r isthe kinetic energy and Vristhe potentialenergy ot-interaction between the particles. The quantity xk denotes the coordinates of the é-th particle, 1 R.P . Feynman,Phys.Ret'..76:749(1949);76:769(1949). ' F. J.Dyson-#/? y' î.Ret'..75:486(1949), . *7521736(1949). SECO ND QUANTIZATfON 5 including the spatial coordinate xk and any discrete variables such as the z com ponent of spin for a system of-ferm ions or the z com ponent of isotopic spin for a system ofnucleons. The potential-energy term represents the interaction between every pair of particles, counîed tlp?t-tx. which accounts for the factorof1.and thedoublesum runsovt lrtheindiccsk and/separately.excluding the valtte k equalto J. svith thishamiltonian-thetim e-dependentSchrödinger equation is given bq togetherw ith anappropriatesetofboundaryconditionsforthewavefunctionT . W e start by expanding the m any-particle wave function t1'in a com plete set of tim e-independent single-particle wave functions that incorporate the boundary conditions. For exam ple,ifwe have a large hom ogeneous system itisnaturaltoexpandinasetofplanewavesinaIargeboxwith periodicboundary eonditions:alternatively,ifwehaveasystem ofinteracting electronsin an atom , a com plete set of single-particle coulom b wave functions is com m only used, . finally,ifw' ehave particlesm oving in acrystallattice.aconvenientchoiceisthe com pletesetofBloch wavefunctionsintheappropriateperiodicpotential. W e shaliusethegeneralnotation forthe single-particlewavefunctîon m 1.sk(xk) . where Ek represents a com plete set of single-particle quantum num bers. For exam ple,Ekdenotesp fora system ofspinlessbosonsin a box,orE,J,and -$f forasetofspinlessparticlesin acentralt' ield.orp.s'zforahom ogeneoussystem offerm ions.and so on. It isconvenient to im agine thatthisinl inite set of single-particle quantum numbers is ordered (1.2.3.. .. -r-s.t, .. ..u:)and that Eg runs over this set efeigenvalues. W 'e can now expand the m any-body w ave function asfollows: As --' 'X, v.;1= yy:,...s.- ,jrN,tyy -(jj x1'. . Thisexpression iscom pletely generaland issim ply theexpansion ofthem any- particle w' ave function in a complete set of states. Since the 4s(. v)are time independent,a1lofthe time dependence of the wave function appears in the coemcientst7(f'1 .. .Es..r). Letusnow insertEq.(1.3)into theSchrödingerequationand thenm ultiply b3, 'the expression 4:,(xh)A ''''/isvtxxll,which istheproductoftheadjoint wave functionscorresponding to aJxpl sett?/-qualltunlr/lfn/ycr. îEj...Es J. IntegrateoveralIthe appropriatecoordinates(thismay include asum overspln coordinatesifthe particles have spin). On the left-hand side.thisprocedure . INTRODUCTION projectsoutthecoeëcientC correspondingtothegivensetofquantum numbers fl ' ..fx,andwethereforearriveattheequation N ih&d C(Ej...fs.t)= .-, ) () (Jdxk/s.txJlF(xk)/p,txJ p, . . . Ek-qpz.+,...Es,t) x C(E1 '.'f:-IW'fk. yl f1-lWz ''Et+l (1.4) Sincethe kinetic energy isa single-particle operatorinvolving the coordinates oftheparticlesoneata tim e,itcan changeonly one ofthesingle-particlewave functions. The orthonorm ality of the single-particle wave functions ensures thatallbutthekth particlem usthave theoriginalgiven quantum num bers,but thewavefbnction ofthe1th particlecanstillrun overtheinsnitesetofquantum num bers. To be very explicit,wehavedenoted thisvariableindex by l #'in the aboveequation. A sim ilarresultholdsforthepotentialenergy. Thesituation isa little m orecom plicated,however,because the potentialenergyinvolvesthe coordinatesoftwo particles.Atm ost,itcan changethewavefunctionsoftwo particles,the kth and /th particles for exam ple,while aIlthe other quantum numbers mustbe the same as those wehaveprojected out. The quantum num bersofthekth particlestillrun overan infnitesetofvalues,denoted by H?' , andthequantum numbersofthe/th particlestillrunoveraninfnitesetofvalues, denoted by Hz ''. Each given setofquantum num bersEj '' 'Es leads to a diflkrentequation,yielding an inhnite setofcoupled diflkrentialequationsfor thetim e-dependentcoeë cientsofthem any-particlewavefunction. W enow incorporatethestatisticsoftheparticles. Them any-particlewave function isassum ed to havethefollowing property (1.5) where,asdiscussed above,thecoordinatex:includesthespin foran assem bly of fermions. Equation(1.5)showsthatthewavefunctionmustbeeithersymmetric orantisym m etricundertheinterchange ofthecoordinatesofany two particles. A necessaryandsuëcientconditionforEq.(1.5)isthattheexpansioncoeëcients them selvesbe eithersym m etric or antisymm etric underthe interchange ofthe corresponding quantum num bers (y(...g;j...l;y...,f)..:u(y(...1?; ...jgj...,j) (j.6j Thesuëciency ofEq.(1.6)iseasily seenbysrstcarrying outtheparticleinterchangeon thew ave function and then carrying outtheappropriateinterchange sccoNo OUANTIZATION ofdummysummation variables. Thenecessityisshownby projectingagiven coem cientoutofthewavefunction with theorthonorm alityofthesingle-particle wavefunctionsand thenusingproperty(1.5)ofthetotalwavefunction. Thus wecan putallthe symmetry ofthe wavefunction into the setofcoeëcientsC. Boso Ns Particles thatrequire the plus sign arecalled bosons,and we tem porarily concentrate on such systems. The symmetry ofthecoeë cientsunderinterchange of quantum num bers allows us to regroup the quantum num bers appearing in anycoemcient. Outofthegivensetofquantum numbersE l ' ..fx,suppose thatthestate1occursrljtim es,thestate2occursnztim es,andsoon,forexam ple, c(121324 -.-,tj= C(=1l l '-- 2 22 .w= = . v' = a! Nz A1lofthoseterm sin theexpansion ofthewavefunction withnlpartfclesin the state1,n2particlesinthestate. 2,andsoon,havethesamecoey cientinthewave function. ltisconvenientto give thiscoemcienta new nam e C(nlnz ...n.,/)> C(111 -.. 222 --fl (1.7) ng Consider the normalization of the many-particle wave function. The normalization condition can berepresented symbolically as J1'Fl2(#' r)= 1 (1.8) which means:takethewave function,multiply itby itsadjoint,and integrate overa11the appropriate coordinates. The resulting normalization guarantees thatthetotalprobabilityofsnding thesystem som ewherein consguration space isunity. Theorthonormality ofthesingle-particlewavefunctionsimmediately yieldsa correspondingcondition on ourexpansion coeëcientsC Z Ej ' ''Es (C(fl f. v,t)12= l (1.9) W enow m akeuseofthe equality ofal1coeë cientscontaining the sam enum ber ofparticlesin thesamestatesto rewritethiscondition in termsofthecoemcientC J( 1= 1 (l.l0) (nE,ka......EJ.) Here thesum issplitinto two pieces:first,sum overa1lvaluesofthe quantum num bers ELFz ' ' ' fx consistent with the given set of occupation num bers (n,nzna ...n.),and then sum overallsetsofoccupation numbers. It is clear that this procedure is merely a way of regrouping a1l the term sin the sum . The problem of sum m ing over allsetsofquantum num bers consistent with a given setofoccupation num bersisequivalentto the problem ofputting 8 INTRODUCTION N objectsintoboxeswithr/jobjectsinthesrstbox,nzobjectsinthesecondbox, and so on,which can be done in N !/z71!nz!. ''n.!ways. W e thusobtain them odised norm alization statem ent X 2-.ni= N i=l (1.12) Bydelinition,however,0!isequalto l,andEq.(1.l1)iswelldehnedaswritten. O ur resultscan be expressed more elegantly if we desne stillanother coeë cient - fx,?)' )s,(xl)-. . psslx, s') x * ,1az . , . n.(x1xz . wherewehavedetined ' /Js,(xl)'''/sx(x, v) E ...E (nl, 1a...;.) Equation (1.15)isanimportantresult,anditsimplysaysthatatotallysymmetric wave function can be expanded in term s of a complete orthonorm al basis of com pletely sym m etrized wave functions t llu, a.( xI .''vN). Furthermore, sEcoNo aUANTIZATION 9 thecoeëcientsin thisexpansion arejustthesetof/'s. Note the following Propertiesofthe* 's ljj(...xj...xy...jc :: u a(j)(...xy ...xj...j j-dxj.--#xsm.,,n,,...a.-(xl.-.xs)%*n,np . . .,,.(xl.-.xs) , = 3n:-n, . . - 3, ,.,.. (1.18) The srst result follows im m ediately from interchanging particle coordinates, and then,correspondingly,dummy variablesin the desning equation (1.16); the second resultfollow sfrom the orthonormality of the single-particle wave functions. As an explicitexam ple,we shallwrite outthe wave function for three spinless bosons,two of which occupy the ground state (denoted by the subscript1)and oneofwhich occupiesthe firstexcited state(denoted bythe subscript2): *21:...( )(. Yi. Y2. X3) (/1(1)/1(2)/2(3)+/1(1)/X2)/i(3)+/2(1)/1(2)/1(3)2 =Y x/q W ereturnto theanalysisofEq.(1.4),whereitisimportantto remember thatE j . . ' fzv isagi vensetofquantum numbersin thisexpression. Consider irst the kinetic-energy term ,which can be rewritten in an obviousshorthand N N Z Z Icfkfrlr#')C(fl'''Ek-jI#'Q ..I'''EN,t)=k=1 ZZ ((fktrrrP') :=1 < < (1.19) H ere,the right side m akes explicitthe observation thatthe quantum num ber Ek occurs one lesstim e and the quantum num ber Hzroccurs one m ore tim e. N ow every tim eEktakesthesam evaluein the sum m ation overk,1etussay E (thisoccursnztimes),itmakesthesamecontributionto thesum. Therefore, and thisisthe crucialpointin the wholetreatm ent,instead ofperform ing a sum overk from 1to N ,wecan equally wellsum overE and write Z nz E Thatis,asum overparticlesisequivalentto asum overstates,and Eq.(1.19) becom es N Z Z f.Ek1T!< )Ctfl '''Ek-t1. #f,+l '''Es,?) #=l G = ) ()((Fjr(rf')ns E + x C(nInz-.-ns- 1 ---nw.+ 1 .'-n.,t) INTROOUCTION The sum on E is now insnite.running overa1lofthe single-particle quantum num bers,butm ostof the A7s are zero since those statesare notoccupied in the original given set of quantum num bers E l . ' . E ,s.. Finally, it is convenient to sim plify the notation,which yields VN N', . .l;i: xEk. IF'1 4/z ')C(Ej...E<-,I ZI Z' F:-,...E. s.,t)= jié-N 'ni/i' Erpj' . k. J- h((:%(,7j?7a . . .??i- 1 . ..11,-h1 .../7aa,t) (l.(!1) Exactly the sam e m anipulationsapply to the potentialenergy term : V 1r N' N'N'''EkE li;z'i IjJ, '4, 6, /'-' . ) kcptI=1 W' H' E 1- l U/'E l+l %' = Jl N' N N'.xEk E I'p'! .jf.'j, jz?. - . .-. R= l=1 $$' 1i'' ' 'l:Ek- 1 - - - 11wr-u.1 l. lEI - 1 - - - ,7p-'+ 1 ' ..n.,t) (l.22) As in the preceding discussion.the statesEkand flare each occupied one less tim e,and the states Wzrand 11, ''are eac' h occupied one m ore tim e in thissum . Again.every timeEktakesthe sam evalue,say f (thisoccursnEtimes),and L takesthesamevalue,sayE'(thisoceursns,times).itmakesthesameeontribution to the sum . There is only one slight further com plication here.owing to the restriction k # l in the double sum . Thus it is necessary to use the fbllowing counting forthe num berofterm sappearing in thissum 1.??s??s,ifE % E' !ws(?7s- l)ifE = f' because the restriction k , #nldoes not afl kct the counting ifE ynF ',while the eigenvalueE iscounted onelesstim ein thesecondsum ifE = F '. Thepotential energy now becom esa doubly intinite sum ,butm ostofthe factors?7sand ny' arezero. Thtls.justasbefore.wecanwriteEq.(1.22)as N 1- V ., u' .5 =-1, L. 'Ekfjrp'(4, f. ,rf. ,'' y , - krh.l-1 #fkp'' . . . Ek-lrJ. ' ék-.l . . . E I- l jf,z'E I.+l . . . . tlX,t) (1.23) SECOND QUANTIZATION lfthecoeëcientsf defined in Eq.(1.13)aresubstituted into Eqs.(1.21) and (1.23),wearriveatthefollowinginsnitesetofcoupled diFerentialequations . . .a.,t) . . nj- . ! . . . ng.j.j . ' ' ' X (ni 2)!'''(nk>Fl)!'''(nlM-l)!'''1 . N! (1.24) where(çetc.''standsfortherem aining 13 possibleenum erationsoftheequalities and inequalitiesbetween the indicesi.j,k,and /. M ultiplication by the factor (N l/nj!nz!...n.!)1on both sidesoftheequation finally yieldsthecoupled setofequations ih & .é(, 7, nx,?) n.,t) xJtaj '''ni--2 '''nk+ 1 -''nt+ 1 '.'n.,?)+ ete. (1.25) There is such an equation for each setofvalues ofthe occupation num bers nlnz . . .n.;in thisform ,the equations are very com plicated. A sshow n in the following discussion,however,itispossibleto recastthese equationsin an extrem elycom pactand eiegantform . INTRO DUCTION M A NY-PARTICLE HILBERT SPACE AN D CREATION A ND D ESTRUGTION OPERATO RS W e shalltem porarily forgetthe jlzoviousanalysisand instead seek a com pletely dipkrent quantum -m echanical basis that describes the num ber of particles occupyingeach statein a com pletesetofsingle-particlestates. Forthisreason weintroducethetim e-independentabstractstate vectors .. .yjx) wherethenotationm eansthattherearenjparticlesintheeigenstate1,nzparticles in the eigenstate 2,etc. W e wantthisbasisto be com plete and orthonormal, which requiresthatthese statessatisfy the conditions .ttX '! nz . .nj orthogonality (1.26) com pleteness N ote thatthe com pletenesssum ig overallpossible occupation num bers,with no restriction. To m ake this basis m ore concrete,introduce tilne-independent operatorsbk,b% sfy thecom m utation rules k thatsati (/u,?(')=bkk. bosons p b, k'kJ- pl k5:k 1,2- 0 (1.27) Thesearejustthecommutationrulesforthecreaticnand destructionoperators of the harmonic oscillator. AIIof theproperties of these operatots,follow directly from thecom m utation rules,forexam plel bk %bk( pk)= akfakh nk= 0,1,2,...,:s 'kjnk)-=(ak)1)Ak- 1) bk ttn.)= (n.+ l)1(nk+ 1) (1.28) The num ber operator>l genvaluesthatincludesa11the k bk has a spectrum of ei positive integers and zero. bk is a destruction operator that decreases the occupation numberby1and multipliesthestatebyn1;b% kisacreationoperator thatincreasestheeigenvaluebyoneand multipliesthestateby(nk+ 1)+. The proofofthese relationsappearsin any standard book on quantum m echanics; since itiscrucialthatallofthese resultsfollow directly from the com m utation rules,wehereincludeaproofofEqs.(1.28). 1Compare L.1.Schi/,ttouantum M echanics,''3d ed-,pp.182-183.M cGraw-HillBook Company,New York,1968. ' SECON D QUANTIZATION Theoperatorb'b isaherm itian operatorand thereforehasrealeigenvalues,' callthisoperatorthenum beroperator. Theeigenvaluesofthe num beroperator are greater than orequalto zero.as seen from the relation /?,= Nk -(.n.b%.?A) /1= ' x11,'J)Tb ' m b ,7 2 ..- () Now considerthecommutation relation,which followsfrom Eq.(1.27). (/7ï'b.>), . -. -. b W ith Eq.(1.30).itiseasy to seethatthe operatorb acting on an eigenstate NNith eigenvalue ?; produces :1 ncNs eigenstate of the num beroperatorbutu.ith eigenvalue reduced by one unit. This result is proNbed ur ith the follou'ing relations b%b(b'?? )= blb' bd?)'??'-,-g/lfb ? 7)11 = ( n- l)(b. 1 ,3( ') Repeated applications of b to any eigenstate m ust eventually give zero. since otherwise Eq.(1.31)could produce a state with a negative eigens'alue ofthe number operator.in contradiction to Eq.(l.29). Hence zero is one possible eigenvalue of the number operator. In exactly thc same way. the adjoint com m utation rule (l'#b.d?1')= b% showsthatb%isthecreation operatorand increasesthet.l. . ..alue ofthe num bc'r operatorby one unit. The hrstofEqs.(l.28)isthusproved. Furthermore.a combination ofEqs.(l.29)and (1.3l)l'ields the second of Eqs.(1.28).apart from an overallphase which can be chosen to be unity with no lossofgenerality. FinallythelastofEqs.(1.28)isproved in exactlysimilarfashion.l The preceding discussion has been restricted to a single m ode. however.readily verised thatthe num beroperatorsfordifTerentm odescom m ute. which m eansthattheeigenstatesofthetotalsystem can besim ultaneouseigen- statesofthe set(??k ' t>t. )-(ê&). ln particular,ourdesired occupation-number basis states are sim ply the direct product ofeigenstates ofthe number operator foreach m ode 1?7l?7: ' .- z7as''=-1??j Considernow the qtlestion.can we rewrite the Schrödingereqtlation in term softhesem ore abstractstatevectors? Form thefollow ing state 1 ' 1 1. *(t)' N= ' V 11In2 ' ' ' Ra; f(r?lnz '.'nx,t)!nInz'' 14 INTBODUCTION wherethef'saretakentobethesetofexpansioncoeëcientsofEq.(1.15)and satisfy the coupled partialdiserentialequations(1.25). Thisstate vector in the abstractHilbertspacesatissesthediflkrentialequation ih ê ê jj(Y'(J))= a)nz X ihj-jf(a!nz .-'ax.t)ialnz '''a.) ' ' ' n. (1.35) Since thebasisstatevectorsareassumed to be timeindependent, theentiretim e dependen'ceoftheequation iscontained inthecoeëcientsJL Asanexample, lookatthesecondkinetic-energyterm inEqs.(1.25). (1.36) The dum m y indices in this sum m ation m ay be relabeled with the substitution ni- 1Y n; nl+ 1> nJ ' , N n t' t= h N-??/ nke ny ' (k.+ iorj) (1.37) Furtherm ore,itispossibleto sum theprim ed occupation num bersoverexactly the sam e values as the originalunprimed occupation num bers, because the coeëcient(nî)1(?n + 1)+vanishesfornJ '= 0and forz?;= -1. ThusEq.(1.36) m ay berewrittenas ? ihj/1F(/))- .-.+ n 'n ')() n ' i) g(iIF1/)/('# l .l ' '. @ $ z7 / . ,---,tj .nl . ((n3'=s) x(n;+ l( )1(nJ( )11...n' j+ l ...nj- 1 . (1.38) N ow observethatthestatevectorwiththevalueofa' fraised by oneand thevalue ' nj.lowered byone,togetherwiththemultiplicativestatisticalweightfactor,can be sim ply rewritten in term softhe creation and destruction operatorsacting onthestatevectorwitha;andnJ ' (n;+ 1)1(nJ)1In(.-.n;+ 1 -..ng '- 1 -. (1.39) The only dependence on the occupation numberleftin this expression is con- tained in thecoeëcientsf and in thestatevector;hencethesummationcanbe carried outand givesouroriginalabstractstatevectorlkle(/))desned by Eq. (1.34). Thusthisterm intheenergyreducesto thefollowingexpression P . ihjj1 :lP4/))- --.+ )( , Lilrl/)bi #:/1*1/)) .+ --f# J . . (1.40) SECOND Q IJANTIZATION 1g Theothertermsin the hamiltonian can be treated in exactly the same fashion; asa consequence,thisabstract state vector 1 N'41)) satishesthe Schrödinger equation f/ij-j1,1,(r))- 4 I,. I'(f)) (1.41) where the circumcex denotes an operator in the abstractoccupation-number Hilbertspace(exceptwherethisisobvious,asin thecreation and destruction operators)and thehamiltonianX isgivenbytheexpression X=Z b% i(i1Fl/)bi+' itZ b% i4'' J(#lFl k')bkbk CJ -lkl . (1.42) It is im portant to distinguish between the optrators and c num bers in ' Eq.(1.42). ThusW isan operatorin thisabstractoccupation-numberspace becauseitdependson the creation and destruction operators. In contrast,the matrix elementsofthe kinetic energy and the potentialenergy taken between the single-particle eigenstatesofthe Schrödinger equation in srstquantization aremerely complexnumbersmultiplyingtheoperators. Equations(1.41)and (1.42)togetherrestatetheSchrödingerequationinsecondquantization,and al1 ofthestatisticsand operatorpropertiesarecontained in thecreationand destruc- tion operators !/ and b. The physicalproblem is clearly unchanged by the new formulation. Inparticularthecoeëcients/specifytheconnectionbetween Erstand second quantization. Forevery solution to theoriginaltime-dependentmany-particleSchrödinger equationthereexistsasetofexpansioncoescientsf Giventhissetofexpansion coes cientsh itispossibletoconstructasolutiontotheproblem fasecondquantizatl bn,asshownabove. Conversely t f theproblem f. çsolvedI' nsecondquandzation, wecandetermineasetofexpansioncoes cientsh whichthenyield asolution to theoriginaltime-dependentmannparticleSchrödingerequation. FERM Io Ns Ifthenegativesign inEq.(1.6)isused,theparticlesarecaliedfermions. The sam e general analysis applies,but the details are a little m ore com plicated because ofthe minus signs involved in the antisymmetry ofthe coeëcient C. C(...Fj...E. j...,t)= -C(...Eg...Ji e t...jf) (1..43) The C%s are antisymmetric in the interchange ofany two quantum numbers. which impliesthatthequantum numberEkmustbe diflkrentfrom the quantum numberEJ or the coeëcientvanishes. Thisresultshowsthat the occupation numbernkmustbeeitherzeroorone,whichisthestatementofthePauliexclusion principle. Any coeëcientsthathavethe same statesoccupied areequalwitlkin aminussign,and itispossibleto desneacoeëcientC C(a,nz.''n.,t)* C('''Ej< EJ< Ek '' (1.44) 16 INTRODUCTION wherewesrstarrangeallthequantum numbersinthecoeëcientCinanincreasing sequence. Exactlyasbefore,themany-particlewavefunctionT canbeexpanded as l T'(xj...xs,t4= nl ' ')( 2 flnk .--n.,t)*n,.....(xj ---xxj 'nqo=(1 (1.45) wherethebasiswavefunctions* aregiven by a normalized determinant ' t r 4,.,n(xl) . nj! *.: . . ... (xl.--xsj= kzzjotxxlj r a. !+1 ( j ( $ ' x! j j (1.46) 1/z. x('(xI) -'-/ss(, (x. v)! The single-particle quantum num bersofthe occupied statesare now assum ed to be ordered Eç l< fz 0...< fj. These functions form a complete setof orthonorm alantisym m etrictim e-independentm any-particlewavefunctionsand areusuallyreferred to astheSlaterdeterminants.t ltisonce m oreconvenientto introduce the abstractoccupation-number spaceand desne î Xl'(f))= Sl5z Z fçnjn2'''n.'t)1n1nz -''n.) ' * '?I* (1.47) Here thecoeëcientsfobey equationswllich diflkrfrom (1.25)only byphase factors(seeEq.(1.57))andtherestrictionsthatnt= 0,I. Thisrestrictionswhich reqects the particle statistics,must be incorporated into the operators in the abstract occupation-num ber space. As a convenien' t procedure, we shall follow them ethod ofJordan and W ignerzand work withanticom mutation rules llrslf sl= 3rs fermions (1.48) lJ.,J,)=(t0,J1)=0 wheretheanticom m utatorisde:ned bythefollowingrelation (#,. B)- !-. 1,. B)+% , . 4. B+ . 9,4 (1.49) Itiseasilyseen thatthisdiFerentsetofcomm utation rulesproducesthecorrect statistics: l*a.l=JJ 12=0* 'therefore d f010)=0, which occupyingthesam estate. 'J.C.Slater,Phys. Rev.,34:1293(1929). 2P.Jordan and E.P. W igner.loc.cit. prevents two particles from SECOND QUANTIZATION 17 2 a%a= 1- aa% (where we take the operatorsreferring to the same mode); therefore (fzfas2- 1- laa%+ aa%alf= 1- 2/2 + a(l- J2)a%= 1- aa%= a%a or a1d l- a%* - 0 (1.50) ThislastrelationimpliesthatthenumberoperatorforthexthmodeH,=u1J, has the eigenvalueszero and one.asrequired. Furtherm ore,itis straight- forward to prove that the commtltator lâr.r lsl vanishes,even though the individual creation and destruction operators anticommute. This result permitsthesimultaneousdiagonalizationoftheset(Hr),inagreementwiththe desnition oftheoccupation-numberstate vectors. 3.Theanticom m utation rulesthem selves.alongwith an overallchoiceofphase, therefore yield the following relationsfortheraising and lowering operators c' fpO)- I1)) af'j h .I , = 0 The anticom m utation rules slightly com plicate the direct-product state 1nlnz...r?.),because it becomes essentialto keep track ofsigns. With thedeflnition ' 1n,nz .' 'n.x = (t7! t)n!tut la...(u' t j 2lr r)n.jg. . (j.j;) , wecan com pute directly the esectofthe destruction operatorason thisstate; ifns= 1,we 5nd as': nb?71 , . . &. x))= (-j). VLak jjn1...Las/s Y)...(a. Y)n1 oj()j (j.j3j wherethephasefactorSsisdetined by Ss= n!+ nz. k..' '+ n,-! (1.54) N ote thatifns= 0,the operatorascan be m oved a1lthe way to the vacuum , yielding zero. Ifthereisone particle in the statens,itisconvenientsrstto use 1= l - a% the anticom m utation relation asas ,a, and then to take the as of the second term to the vacuum where it gives zero. Thus we finally arrive at the threerelations ifns= 1 otherwise ifns= 0 (l.55) otherwise a# .. & asj @.. .ns ' 18 INTRODUCTION The third relation istbe m ost useful,forit shows thatthe number operator introducesno extra phases. Thereason forwriting thesrsttwo equationswith thefactor(n,)+and (a,+ 1)1instead ofthemorefamiliarnotationusingnsand 1- nsisthattheynow assumeexactlythesameform asbeforesoryanish,except fortheextraphasefactor(-1)*. As an example ofthe role played by thisfactor in the case offermions, considerthekinetic-energyterm inEq.(1.4) i ! s p z ' l k ' ihjjC(E1.''fs,tj= k=l jg1) ;EkJFI1 zP') G xC(El--.Ek-lWz fkml-'-Ex. ,t)+ --- (1.56) whereEj '. .Es isagiven setofquantum num bers. Thesequantum num bers can bereordered simultaneously on 80thsidesofthisequation into theproper sequence. O ne problem rem ains,however,because the quantum num ber I ' F appearson theright,whereEkappearson theleft. IfI' P ism oved to itsproper place in the ordered form ,an extra phase factor (-1)npr+l+ap'+z+'.'+nEk-l F < Ek (- 1)az:k+I+afk+a+ '''' bnw-l j? f' r> Ek isneeded,representing the num berofinterchangesto putF 'in itsproperplace. Justasbefore,wenow go overtothe/coeëcientsandagain changevariables. For exam ple,consider partofthe kinetic-energy term P . 1h. jj7 %'(t))= ...+ nj'aa'. N . I , . S, (irFIj) N '''nco' i< j . /'(.. .t' t' j .. .t);...,(j(n' jy jj1(nJj1jay.jJay,j x(-1)'I-+I+ai'+z+'''+nJ'-l(...ni 'uI -' 1 ..-' t n*J '. -* 1 ...% )+ ... (l.58) . x . , N ote that the phase factor appearing in this expression is equivalent to (-l)SJ-S'-nï'.furthermore,thisterm contributesonlyifn;isequalto0and n)is equalto 1,sothatthisphasefactorisjust(-1)&-:f. Equations(1.55)now allow us to rewrite the relevantfactoras bni-()3,)'I(??;+ l)1'(n, ')1(-1ls. l-siJ...ni '+ 1 .--nJ '- 1 '.-) - J! lajjn1...n. ') (l.59) which demonstratesthatthe creation and destruction operatorsdefned wff/l . the anlicomm tl:ation rules indeed have the required properties. ln this way tiieSchrödingerequation again assumesthefollowing form in second quantization 0 . - ,zgt 1 ,. 1,(?)p- z?'1 .1.(?)> H' *= j)ar tyxr( ty$ ju vx z .f7s+ j x u' uj c . s s! $ uy auaf rt s' x.y (p' 1t ,., , rs . rst;l , sEcoNo ûUANTIZATION 19 N ote particularly the ordering of the snal two destruction om rators in the ham iltonian,which isoppositethatofthelasttwo single-particlewavefunctions inthematrixelementsofthepotential(thereaderisurgedtoverifythisindetail forhimself). Inthecaseofbosons,ofcourse,thisorderingisirrelevantGcause the Enaltwo destruction operatorscom m ute with each other,butforferm ions the order asects the overall sign. Exactly as before, Eq.(1.60)is wholly equivalent to the Schrödinger equation in Erst quantization,but the phases arising from theantisym m etfy oftheexpansion coeE cientshavebeen incorporated'into theham iltonian and thedirect-productstatevectors. Z/FIELDS Itisoftenconvenienttoform thelinearcom binationsofthecreationanddestruc- tionoperators(denotedc'andcforgenerality) #(x)- Z /2xlck k C(x)-Xk /2x)fcl .(2.j) ' where the coeE cientsarethesingle-particle wavefunctionsand the sum isover the com plete setofsingle-particle quantum num bers. ln particular,the index kforspin-èfermionsmaydenotethesetofquantum numbers(k,Jz)orLE.L,LM ; and thecorresponding wave functionshave two components x)I jz (ao /2x)= /k /k( (x)2 O Sklxi tz= , Thesequantities' #,and ' (darecalled/el#operators. Theyareoperatorsinthis . abstractoccupation-num berH ilbertspacebecause they depend on thecreation and destruction operators. The Eeld operatorssatisfy sim ple com m utation or anticom m utationrelationsdepending on thestatistics (fk(x),' /' ;(x'))v-I k/k(x)./.(x');-3.j:tx-x') (2.3J) (fk(x),#j(x,))v- E#. t(x),## 1.(x'))v- () (z.a,) wheretheupper(lower)signreferstobosons(fermions). Herethesrstequality in Eq.(2.3J)followsfrom thecommutation oranticommutation relationsfor the creation and destruction operators.and the second followsfrom the com pletenessofthesingle-particlewavefunctions. Theham iltonian operatorcan berewrittenin term softheseseld operators asfollows: 4 =J#3x##(x)r(x)#(x)+ . l.JJd'xdqx'##(x)##(x')F(x,x')Wx')Wxl . (2.4) Thisexpression isreadily verised sincethe integration overspatialcoordinates producesthesingle-particle m atrix elem entsofthe kinetic energy and potential 2: INTRODUCTION energy,leaving a sum ofthese m atrix elem entsm ultiplied by the appropriate creation and destruction operators. An additional matrix element in spin spaceisimpliediftheparticleshavespin-è. Notecarefullytheorderingofthe lasttwo held operatorsin thepotentialenergy,which agreeswith ourprevious remarksandensuresthat# ishermitian. lnthisform,thehamiltoniansuggests thenam esecondquantization,fortheaboveexpression looksliketheexpectation va 1lueofthehamiltoniantakenbetweenwavefunctions. Thequantities# and # arenotwavefunctions,however,butfleldoperators;thusinsecondquantization the heldsaretheoperatorsand the potentialand kinetic energy arejust complex coeëcients. Theextensiontoanyotheroperatorisnow clearfrom theforegoinganalysis. Forexample,considerageneralone-body operator N J= f1 2J(xj) x.zl (2.5) written in ârst-quantized form. Thecorresponding second-quantized operator isgiven by 7=72 trIJlJ)4 cs 'J = Jd% J 2#,(x)#J(x)#,(x)cv %cs FJ = Jd3x#A(x)J(x)#(x) (2.6) where the last form is especially useful. In particular,the number-density operator N n(x)==l1 4 3(x--xt) -1 (2.7) becomes H(x)- ) (/.(x)#/a(x)c# rca- 4'(x)4(x) r' (2.8) whilethetotal-num beroperatorassum esthesim pleform X =J#3x:(x)=72cr 1c,= I Av = J:3x4#(x)lx) .jg,.9j because of the orthonorm ality of the single-particle wave functions. The numberoperatorcommuteswiththehamiltonianofEq.(2.4),ascanbeverifed by usingeitherthecom m utation rulesforthecreation and destruction operators or those of the seld operators. This result is physically obvious since the ordinarySchrödingerham iltonian doesnotchangethetotalnum berofparticles. W e infer thatX is a constant of the motion and can be diagonalized simultaneously with the ham iltonian. Thus the problem in the abstract H ilbert sEcosD aUANTIZATION 21 spaceseparatesinto asequenceofproblemsin the subspacescorresponding to a fixed totalnumberofparticles. Nevertheless,theabstractHilbertspacecontains stateswithanynumberofparticles. K EXAM PLE : DEG ENERATE ELECTRON GAS To illustratetheutility ofsecond quantization,weconsidera simple modelthat provi' desa srstapproximation to a metalora plasma. Thissystem isan interacting electrongasplacedin auniformlydistributed positivebackground chosen to ensurethatthetotalsystem isneutral. ln arealm etalorplasm a,ofcourse, thepositivechargeislocalizedin theioniccores,whosedynam icalm otion m ust also beincluded in the calculation. These positiveionsare m uch heavierthan theelectrons,however,and itisperm issible to neglecttheionicm otion entirely. In contrast,the assumption ofa uniform background ismore drastic;forthis reason,thepresentm odelcan provideonly aqualitativeaccountofrealm etals. W e are interested in the properties ofthe bulk medium, Ittherefore is eonvenientto endose the system in a large cubicalbox with sidesoflength L ; thelim itL -* :c;willbetaken attheend ofthecalculation. Inauniform inhnite m edium ,a1lphysicalproperties m ust be invariant under spatial translation; thisobservation suggeststhe useofperiodicboundary conditionson thesingleparticlew avefunctions,which then becom eplane-wavestates /kA(x)= F-lezfk'xTà (3.1) Here P-(>Z3)isthevolumeofthebox,and ' qàarethetwo spinfunctionsfor spin-up and spin-down along achosenzaxis, 1 Tt= 0 0 T(= 1 Theperiodicboundary conditionsdeterminetheallowed wavenumbersas ki= lvni ni= 0,+1,+2, L Thetotalhamiltonian can be writtenasthesum ofthreeterm s H = H et+ H v+ H el-v where H N e2= z 1 N e-Hj ry-yjj PJ2 2 + -e - i= 1 - 2 i*:J rrf- ryI i istheham iltonian fortheelectrons, N(X)D(X')E'-BIX-X't Ix x,l Hb=1' C2JJd'X#3X' - (3.4) 22 INTRODUCTION istheenergyofthepositivebackgroundwhoseparticledensityisnlxj,and H N D(X)'-VlX-''' et-b=-E' 2fI J #3 x - , (3.6) a.l i X- rjI is the interaction energy between the electrons and the positive background. W e have inserted an exponentialconvergence factor to dehne the integrals, and Jzwilleventually be allowed to vanish. Because ofthelong-rangenature ofthecoulomb interaction,thtthreetermsin Eq.(3.3)individually divergein the e4therm odynamic lim it'' N ->.cc, F -->cc, but n = N/P'constant. The entire system is neutral,however. and tht sum of these terms must remain m eaningfulin this lim it. The presence of the convergence factor Jz ensures thatthe expressions are mathematically welldesned atevery step and allows ustom akethiscancellationexplicit. Sinceweareinterested in thebulkproper- tiesoftheneutralmedium,forexample E(N (which dependsonly on n),our limiting procedure willbe firstL -+.co and then p.--+0. Equivalently.we can assum ep,-i<tL ateach stcp inourcalculation;thisallowsusto shifttheorigin of integration atwill,apartfrom surface corrections,which are negligible in thislim it. InEq.(3.3)theonlydynamicalvariablesarethosereferringtotheelectrons, because the positivebackground isinert. ThusH bis a purec num berand is readilyevaluated fora unifbrm distribution n(x)= NIP': Hb-. p2(v X)2JJd'xd'x'C I x -Y' Xx X'! ' p2(X p v)2jy'. xjdqzeZ'z - . M 24, r' = J,2'.' p''H M H erethe translationalinvariancehasbeen used to shiftthc origin ofintegration in the second line. Thequantity N -1.Jf,diverges in the limitJ. t-+.0,because the long range of the coulomb potentialallows every element of charge to interactwith every otherone. In principle,H et- b isaonc-particle operatorsinceitactson each electron. Forthe presentsystem ,however, we m ay again usethetranslationalinvariance to write N N t'-9lX-T6t H el-1 )= -e2 - d3x - d.1/' N lx--rf! 1 e-PZ = -e2f -P d?z -l z N 24. = - e2 + 0 # (3.8) SECOND QUANTIZATION 23 showing thatH et- b isinfacta cnum ber. Thetotalham iltonian thusreducesto S = -Je2NlP'-14, ap.-2+ Sel and a11ofthe interesting physicaleflkctsare contained in H et. W e shallnow rewrite Eq.(3.9) in second quantization. The kinetic-energy term requires the m atrix elem ent hlk2 jA z j -d3xel(kz-kI).x m P' : 2' =l A21.2. = ' -' lm-'2JAjAajklka (3.10) wherethe usualdesnition oftheK roneckerdelta J-d5xgf(ka-. kl).x= prjk1ka hasbeen used. Thekinetic-energy operatorbecom es j'= h2k2tz1 a k/ 2m k/ kA which can be interpreted as the kinetic energy ofeach m ode m ultiplied by the corresponding num ber operator. For the potential energy it is necessary to evaluate thefollowing m orecom plicated m atrix elem ent (3.l3) W ith the substitution x = xz and y = xl- xc,this txpression reduces to e2 . )kl21k2AzrlZl k3A3k4A4)= Fj J3xe-ffklmka-kJ-k4l*x & = e2 4. ,: . T 3AIza8za,14îklykz,ka+k.(kj- ky)2+ y.2 13-14) wheretheK roneckerdeltasinthespinindicesarisefrom theorthogonality ofthe spin wavefunctions. O nceagain,wehaveshifted theorigin ofintegration, and 24 INTRO DUCTION thefinalKroneckerdeltarepresentstheconservationofmomentum ina uniform system . Thetotalhamiltoniancan now bewritten as # 1e2N14=. = -' i #' --j+ p :2 h2k2 e2 t/kztuj+. jp 2X Y = J) J( J) 3, 41Ay3:2A4êkImka,kyyk. k:AlkzAa kzA:sk4A4 X '- --- 471. # ' t (kly-k3) -i-+--pzJk!AIJkzâzJk4AAak,: 13 , (3.15) The electricalneutrality ofour system m akes itpossible to elim inate p, from theham iltonian,aswe shallnow show. The conservation ofm om entum really limitsthesummation over(kf)to threeindependentvariablesinstead of four. Thechangeofvariables kj= k + q k)= k kz= p - q k4= p guaranteesthatk:+ kc= ks+ kl,and furthermoreidentihesâtkl- k3)= âqas the m omentum transferred in the two-particle interaction. W ith thest new variables,thelastterm ofEq.(3.15)becomes el 2P' 4, r t # q2+.jz'iJk4.q,A)Jp-q,AzJpAa t'kp à1 (3.16) kpq A:Az wheretwoofthespinsum m atiollshavebeenevaluatedwiththeK roneckerdeltas. ItisconvenienttoseparateEq.(3.16)intotwoterms,referringtoq# 0andq= 0, respectively, e2 , 4. r. t t c Jk+q.A:Jp-q,AzJpAz tzkA 2P'kx AlAaq2 + p. : /2 + -2F 4, r & & ---jJkzjJpzzJpA,JkAl kp âl/z > wheretheprimeon thefirstsummation means:omittheterm q= 0. Thesecond sum m ation m ay berewritten with theanticom m utation relation as el 4, v el 4, v Jk fA,akAl(ap #A:Jpz, - 3kp3A:zz)= jys-. j(X2- Sj p. kAl pzz Jt 2#'--i whereEq.(2.9)hasbeen used to identify 4. Sinceweshallalwaysdealwith statesofhxed N,the operatorX may be replaced by itseigenvalue Ar,ihereby yieldinga T-numbercontribution tothehamiltonian ,2N l4v ,2N 4o YT-O 8 -Y PO M (3.18) sEcoND GUANTIZATIO N ltisclearthatthefirstterm ofEq.(3.l8)cancelsthefirstterm ofEq.(3.15). Thesecondterm ofEq.(3.18)representsanenergy -J4=c2(Ug2)-1perparticle and vanishesin the properphysicallim itdiscussed previously:firstL --+.: yzand then Jz. -+.0 (alwayskeepingp.-l<< :A). Thustheexplicitp.-2divergencecancels identically in the therm odynam ic lim it,w hich resects the electricalneutrality ofthe totalsystem ;furtherm ore,itis now perm issible to setpt= 0 in the srst term ofEq.(3.17),sincetheresultingexpressioniswelldehned. W etherefore obtain thesnalham iltonian fora bulk electron gasin a uniform positivebackground '' h2k2 & 02 , 4n # t H = -2m - JkAJkA-hl I -uq,AlJp-q,AatlpyhaflkAI '' qjJkk/ kpq 21/2 where it is understood that the limit N --+.cc, N(P'= n= constant is im plicitly assumed. Itis now convenientto introduce dim ensionlessvariables. W e define a length roin termsofthevolumeperparticle: P'H Gr a r)N rt lisessentially the interparticle spacing. The coulom b interaction providesa second length,given bytheBohrradius tzfl= h2 2 andthe(dimensionless)ratiobetweenthesetwoquantities r& H -Q an evidently characterizesthe density ofthe system . W ithrf lasthe unitoflength, wedesnethefollowingquantities F = rà-3P' Q = rvk j= rop I = roq andthusobtainthefollowingdimensionlessform ofEq.(3.19) e2 1f2 r, , 4. t -q un.tuj- q,A,cp-q ,A . J' . ?= c j alkAtuz+ afp auyzitzkz, tu r, kA kya a,az (3.24) This is an im portant result,foritshows thatthe potentialenergy becom es a smallperturbation asrs->.0,corresponding to the high-density limit(ra-. >.0). Thus the leading term in the interaction energy of a high-density electron gas can beobtained with frst-orderperturbation theory,even though the potential isneitherweak norshortrange. O nem ightexpectthattheground-stateenergy hasa power-seriesexpansion in the sm allparam eterrs,but,in fact,thesecond- 26 INTRODUCTIO N orderterm divergeslogarithmically(seeProbs.1.4and 1.5). lnstead,theseries takestheform N e2 E = anrsz(a+ brs+ cr, 2lnrs+ #r, 2+ ...) wherea,:,c,d .. .are num ericalconstants. W e shallnow evaluatea and b. whilec m aybeinferred from thecalculation in Prob.1.5. Thepropercalculation ofc and highercoeë cientsisvery dië cult, however,and requiresthem ore elaboratetechniquesdeveloped in Chaps.3 to 5. In the high-density lim it,the preceding discussion enablesus to separate theoriginaldimensionalform ofthehamiltonian (Eq.(3.19))into two parts: X0= h2 zk2(/kzakz (3.254) k2 - e2 , H L= 2 P' kx AjAz 4, p. . ' -ilj . j q k+q,AlJp-q,AaJpAaJkAl (3.25:) where Xnisthe unperturbed hamiltonian, representing a noninteracting Ferm i system ,and X 1isthe(small)perturbation. Correspondingly,theground-state energy E m ay be written asE f0)+ E(1)+ .. . where E t01is the ground-state energy ofa free Fermigas.while Eçl$isthesrst-orderenergy shift. Since the Pauliexclusionprincipleallowsonlytwo ferm ionsin each m om entum eigenstate, onewith spin-up and onewith spin-down,thenormalizedground-state IF)is obtained by slling the m om entum states up to a m axim um value,the Ferm i m om entum pF= hkF. In the lim it that the volum e of the system becom es infnite,wecanreplacesum soverstatesbyintegralswith the following fam iliar relation Z/ k lX(k)-nxn ZyaaZ AX( ! $ 2L 71 u/L. + . rJjjdnxdnydnxI A)/Aj(M) = p'(2, rr)-3jAjjdnkyA(k) (3.26) Here,Eq.(3.2)hasbeen used to convertthesum overmomentaintoa sum over theintegerscharacterizingthewavenumbers. ForverylargeZ,thefunctionf varies slowly when the integerschange by unity so thatnx,nyand nz m ay be considered continuousvariables. Finally,Eq.(3.2)again allowsusto replace thevariables(? 1âJby(kiJ,leavinganintegraloverwavenumbers. Them axim um w avenum berkrisdeterm ined bycom putingtheexpectation valueofthenumberoperatorinthegroundstate IF) N = X'FIX 1F)- )((FIHkAlF)= Z %kF- k4 kâ = kâ 7(2,r)-3J2(fd5kptks- k)= (3*2)-îFkl.= N (3.27) SECOND GUANTIZATION 27 whtre#(x)denotesthestepfunction 8@ )= 1 x > 0 (3.28) 0 x< 0 This im portant relation between the Ferm iwavenum ber ke and the particle densityn- h' /P-willbeused repeatedly in subsequentwork;analternativeform k 3=2N i '9zr 1 p= s = (j-rc -1. ' 4C1. 92rn -1 showsthatkv -tiscomparable with the interparticle spacing. The expectation valueofXtmaybeevaiuatedinthesamefashion e'ïg' h2 =kF( /%( F)=jyé / c2(F( éuzt F) k/ h2 -jsy kz#(/ c,-k) k; h2 =jyUAé742z4-3jd5kk2#(/ cs-kj = 3X2k/ el N:$ 9* ' à' cl 2..2,) J lm N = 2a: Fi . N rj sà % = 25: s In afreeFerm igas,theground-stateenergy perparticleEf0)N is. j.oftheFermi e N may beexpressed as2.21r,-2rytrydbnergy ef= hlkljlm ;alternativelyEt0)/. erg),where 1 ry = elllaz; k:13.6 ev isthe ground-state binding energy ofa hydrogen atom . W eshallnow computethefirst-orderenergy shift s (l)= ;sjs-l! Isx z; . eî - 2pz , - - kx â:Az 4n t/kvq,AIup,q.gaan>aakz:ys) qi(sl The m atrix elem entis readily analyzed asfollows;the states lAcand kAîmust z be occupied in the ground state IF ' z,, s ince the destruction fperatorsacting to the rightwould otherwise givezero. Sim ilarly the statesk +.q A,andp - q,Aa , FA mtlStalso be occupied in jj g, sincetheoperatorsa%actiag to the Ieftwould otherwisegivezero. Finally, thesamestate appearson each sideofthe matrix elem ent,which requiresthetwo creation operatorsto tillup the holesm ade by the two destruction operators. The operators must therefore be paired o& , and thereare onlytwo possibilities' . k + q,A1= kAj k + q,Al= pAc p - q,Aa - pA2 p - q,A2= kAI 28 INTRODUCTION The srstpairing ishereforbidden because the term q= 0 isexcluded from the sum ,and thematrix elementbecomes 8k+q,p3A, Az1FlJ1+q.A,J' lzlJk-bq,AlflkA!1F1 ôk+qa3AlzzfF1? %+q,A,? lkz,lF) = - 8k+q ôA,zz%k F- lk+ ql)%kF- O (3.33) .p A combinationofEqs.(3.31)and(3.33)yields - - e2 x.xv -,4, p, S(1)= - rsy g y $#s- j k+q1)olky.-#) A! kq e2 4=7 =--j.(2=)62J#3kd3qq-2ptks- lk+q( )#tks-k) (3.34) where the factor2 arisesfrom thespin sum,and the restriction q # 0 may now be om itted sinceitalectstheintegrand atonlya single point. Itisconvenient tochangevariablesfrom k toP = k + iq,whichreducesEq.(3.34)tothesymm etricalform Etl'=-4=e2F(2=)-6fd%q-2j#3. ppt/cs- (P+jqj)Sks- jp-jqjl Theregion ofintegration overP isshownin Fig.3.1. Both particleslie inside the Fermisea,so that IP + èqland IP - !qlmustb0th be smallerthan kF. P+àq P-à4 P V k r P+l' ql<k' Region 1 lP-!ql<ày Fig. a.1 Integration region in momentum spaceforFt''. The evaluation ofthisvolume isa simple problem in geometry,with theresult f#3#ptks - IP+h 1)ùtks- IP -iqj)=4 =k)(1-l' -y. x+l. x3)P(1-x) x > q (33j) lkr . Therem aining calculation iselem entary,and wefm d Eçtt=-4=e2F42, v)-6jgr kl2ksj0 'dx4741-lx+èx3) = - ,2 N 9. n.1 3 2u,-rs -i- i7 = - e2 0.916 2a,N rs (3.36) SECOND LUANTIZATION 29 Thus the ground-state energy per particle in the high-density lim it is given approxim ately as E el 2.21 0.916 X r,..02az rz r, N otethattheenergy perparticleishnite,which showsthatthetotalenergy isan extensivequantity. Thefirstterm in Eq.(3.37)issimplythekineticenergyof the Ferm igas ofelectrons;itbecom esthedom inantterm asr,. ->.0,thatis,in the lim it ofvery high densities. The second term is known as the exchange energy and isnegative. ltarisesbecausetheevaluation ofthe m atrix elem entin Eq.(3.31)involvestwo termsEEq.(3.32)1,directand exchange,owing to the antisym m etry ofthe wave functions. A swe have seen,the directterm arises from the q = 0 part ofthe interaction and servesto cancelH b+ H ei- v. This E/-V O. 10t,ê/2a() Exactresultasr,-...0 2 - 0 l0e1I2ao - I 4 6 : rs= 4.83 1c 5 - - + . GW ignersolid ' EIN = - 0.095egIjav Fig. 3-2 Approximate ground-state energy' (first tw' o termsinEq.(3.37))ofanel ectron gasin auniform positive background. cancellation leads to the restriction q # 0 and reiects the electricalneutrality of thesystem. Al1thatremainsisthe(negative)exchangeenergy. Theremaining termsinthisseries(indicatedbydots)arecalledthecorrelationenergy;lweshall returntothisproblem inSecs.12and 30,wheretheleadingterm in thecorrelation energy willbe evaluated explicitly. For the presentshowever,it is interesting to consider the first tw o term s ofEq.(3.37)asafunction ofrs(Fig.3.2). Theattractivesign oftheexchange energy ensures that the curve has a m inim um occurring for negative values of theenergy;thesystem isthereforebound. Asrs-+.0(thehigh-densitylimit), Eq.(3.37)represents the exactsolution to the problem. For larger valtlesof r,,our solution isonly approxim ate,butwe can now use the fam iliar RayleighRitz variationalprinciple,w hich assertsthattheexactground state ofa quantum m echanicalsystem always has a lowerenergy than thatevaluated by taking the expectation value ofthe totalham iltonian in any norm alized state. The conditions ofthisprinciple are clearly satissed,since we have m erely com puted the expectation value ofthe hamiltonian X in the state 1F='. ltfollowsthatthe !E,P.W igner.Phys.Rer.,46:1002(1934). 3c INTRODUCTION exactsolution to our m odelproblem m ustalso representa bound system with energy lying below thecurvein Fig.3.2. Theminimum ofEq.(3.37)occurs atthevalues (rxlmin= 4.83 E y e2 =-0.0952az m ln (3.38) Although thereisno reason to expectthatoursolutioniscorrectin thisregion, itisinteresting to observe thatthese values E rs= 4.83 W = -1.29ev atminimum (3.39) com pare favorably with the experim ental values for m etallic sodium under laboratory conditionsl Na(experiment) (3.40) where the binding energy is the heatofvaporization ofthe m etal. Thus this very simple m odelis able to explain the largestpartofthe binding energy of m etals. In realm etals,one m ustfurther localize the positive background of chargeon thecrystallatticesites,assrstdiscussed by W ignerand Seitz.2,3 ltisalsointerestingtouseEq.(3.37)toevaluatethethermodynamicpropertiesoftheelectron gas. Thepressureisgiven by p= - 'E ., v.zu. = - (JP'x 6IEdrs= Nelrs 2(2.21)- 0.9.16 drsdV 2J03P' rl r, t (3.41) The pressurevanishesatthepointrs= 4.83,w herethesystcm isin equilibrium . Furtherm ore,thebulk m odulus B- - e. p . xèz 2 5(2.21) 2(0.916) ''tap.l . v-zao9p(rs- r-1 (3. 42) vanishesatthehighervalue r,= 6.03,where the system ceasesto be m etastable in thisapproxim ation. Inthelow-densitylimit(r,-+.cc))W igner4hasshown thatonecan obtain a lower energy ofthe system by allowing the electrons to Sicrystallize''in a tfW igner solid.'' This situation occurs because the zero-point kinetic energy associated with localizing the electrons eventually becom es negligible in com parison to the electrostatic energy ofa classicallattice. W ignerhas shown that 1See,forexample,C.Kittel.àsouantum Theory ofSolids,''p.115,John W iley and Sons.Inc., New Y ork,1963. 2E.P.W ignerandF.Seitz.Phys.Rev.,43:804(1933);46:509(1934). 3A modern accountofthe relevantcorrectionsmay befound in C.Kittel,op.cl'r.,pp.93-94. 115. 4E.P.W igner.Trans.Farad.Soc.,34:678(1938);W .J.Carr,Jr.,Phys.At'&.,122:1437(1961). SECOND QUANTIM TION 31 theenergy perparticlein thissolid isgiven asym ptotically by E e2 1.79 2.66 + j. + ... rs = 9 u. .. zao rs :x wignersolid,. (3.43) and itisclearthatthisexpression givesalowervalue oftheenergy than thatof Eq.(3.37). Thelow-densitylimit(Eq.(3.43))issketched asthedotted linein Fig.3.2. ThevariationalprincipleguaranteesthatthisW ignersolid represents a betterwavefunction asr,-. >.x),becauseithasalowerenergy. PRO BLEM S 1.1. Provethatthenumberoperator# = J#*(x)#(x)J3x commuteswith the hamiltoniansofEqs.(1.42)and(1.60). 1.2. Given a homogeneoussystem ofspin-. iparticlesinteracting through a potential F (J)show thatthe expectation valueofthehamiltonian in the noninteracting ground state is kr h2k2 k : s(o+s(l)-2yk a. +!k yàkj ' A'ftkzk,z,jzl àAu,y,j - whereA isthezcomponentofthespin. (kàk'à'jp'Ik'z'kl;4 (b) Assume F is centraland spin independent. If F(Ixl- xal )< 0 for al1 Ixl- xcIandJlF(x)1#3x< cc,provethatthesystem willcollapse(Hint:stal from (f(0)+ Eçtt)lN asafunction ofdensity). 1.3. Given a homogeneoussystem of spin-zero particles interacting through a potentialF (J)show thattheexpectation value ofthehamiltonian in the noninteracting groundstateisECLSIN = (# - 1)F(0)/2F = èaF(0),where P'(q)= Jd3xF(x)e-tq*x and F(0)meansF(q=0) (b) RepeatProb.1.2â. (c)t Show that the second-order contribution to the ground-stateenergy is E(2)= N - N - 1 d% lF(q)12 n #% jF(q)j2 2F (2z43h2qa(m = -i (2=)ahaqzlm 1Usestandardv ond-orderx rturbationtheory:IfH = Ho+ Htandtheunm rtur-. deigen- vKtorsI/)satisfy/51. /)= FgI/),then Etz)=7) l(0 EI z fA-1 E /J )11=t0IKFaPH.HLI0) J# e wherel 0)istheground-stateeigenvKtorofHowithenern Sq,andP = 1- 1 0)(01isapro- tion o> ratorontheexcited Mates. :2 INTRODUCTION 1.4.1 Show thatthesecond-ordercontributiontotheground-stateenergyofan electrongasisgivenbyEt21= (Nelj2av)(kL+ 61),where fl= - 3 d?q r z,g r d,pp(1- k):(1-r) g. p,5 q4 jjk-yqj>j- :j plqjwj . q2+.q.(k+.p) 3 dsq .- , - 9(l- k)p(l-p4 e'- 16,5 qz , k+q1>,d-kjlp+qI>l#-#(q+k+pli-lq -i+q-tk+p)j 1.5. Theexchangeterm d inProb.1.4ishnite,wllilethedirectterm e:diverges. (* Considerthefunctionflq)dehned as /( p(1- k)d(1-p4 ç)=Jl kiql>L d3kJl p+ql>ld3#q2.j -qptk+p) Show thatflq); k)(4=/3)2:-2asq->.: x)and flq); kJi' (2=)2(1- ln2)q asq-+.0. Hence conclude that eq= -(3/8=5)Jdhflqlq-k diverges logarithmically for smallq. (:)Thepolarizabilityoftheinterveningmedium modifestheefl kctiveinteraction between two electronsatlongwavelength,whereitbehavesas l' X#leff; Q$4=82:2+ L4rs(=jk((4(9=)%j-t forq-. >.0. EseeEq.(12.65).) Inthelimitrs. -+.0,usethisresulttodemonstrate that e:= 2=-2(1- ln2)lnrs+ const= 0.0622lnrs+ const (c) Howdoese:ofpartbaflkcttheequationofstate? Findthedensityatwhich thecom pressibility becom esnegative. 1.6. Consider a polarized electron gas in which N x denotes the num ber of electronswithspin-up(-downl.l (a)Find theground-stateenergy to Erstorderin theinteraction potentialasa functionofN = N++ N-andthepolarization (= (N+- N-jIN. (:)Provethattheferromagneticstate((= 1)representsalowerenergythanthe unmagnetized state ((= 0)ifr,> (2=/5)49*/4)1(21+ 1)= 5.45. Explain why thisisso. (c)Show thatè%EJN)(D(2j(.( )becomesnegativeforr,>(3=2/2/ =6.03. (#)Discussthephysicalsignihcanceofthetwocriticaldensities. Whathappens for5.45< r,< 6.03? 1.7. RepeatProb.1.6forapotentialFtlx-yI)= g3t3'(x- y). Show thatthe system ispartially magnetized for20/9<gNIVT< (5/3)21= 2.64,where T is the mean kinetic energy per particlein the unmagnetized state,and N(V isthe corresponding particledensity. W hathappensoutsideoftheselimits? tSeefootnoteonp.31. lF.Bloch,Z.Physik,57:545(1929). 2 StatisticalM echanics Before fbrm ulating the quantum -m echanical description of many-particle assem bliessitisusefultoreview sometherm odynam icrelations. Theelem entary discussionsusually considerassem bliescontaining a hxed num berofparticles, but such a description is too restricted for the present purposes. W e m ust thereforegeneralize the treatmentto include thepossibility ofvariable num ber ofparticlesN . Thisapproach ism ostsim ply expressed in thegrand canonical ensemble,which isgenerally more tractable than the canonicalensemble (h' sxed). In addition,there are physicalsystems where the variable number of particles is an essentialfeaturt,rather than a m athem aticalconvenience;for exam ple.them acroscopiccondensateinsuperiuidhelium andinsuperconductors acts as a particle bath that can exchange particles w ith the rem ainder ofthe system . Indeed,thesesystem sare bestdescribed with m odelham iltoniansthat do noteven conserve N,and them oregeneraldescriptionm ustbeused. :u INTRODUCTION K REVIEW O F THERM ODYNAM ICS A ND STATISTICAL M ECHANICS Although it is possible to treat system s containing severaldiserent kinds of particles,the added generality isnotneeded formostphysicalapplications,and we shallconsider only single-componentsystem s. The fundamentaltherm odynam ic identity dE = TdS - P dv + p.dN specihes the change in the internalenergy E arising from sm all independent changesintheentropyS,thevolum eP',and thenum berofparticlesN . Equation (4.1)showsthattheinternalenergyisa thermodynamicfunctionofthesethree variables,E = EIS,F,. N'),and thatthe temperatureF,thepressureP,and the chem icalpotentialp,arerelated to thepartialderivativesofE : OE T = DS vs Jf -# = . x -=- sx dP OE g = ON sz ' In the particularcase ofa quantum -m echanicalsystem in itsground state,the entropy vanishes,and thechem icalpotentialreducesto M (y -.)F - whereE istheground-stateenergy. Moregenerally,Eqs.(4.1)and (4.2)may be interpreted asdefningthechemicalpotential. Theinternalenergyisusefulforstudying isentropicprocesses;in practice. however,experim entsare usually perform ed atsxed F.and itisconvenientto make a Legendre transformation to the variables(r,V,N)or(F,#,N). The resultingfunctionsare known astheHelmholtzfreeenergy FIT,P)zV)and the Gibbsfreeenergy G(r,#,. N),definedby F = E - TS G = E - TS+ PV (4.4) Thediserentialofthesetwoequationsmaybecombined with Eq.(4.1)toyield dF= -SdT- PdV+ y.dN dG = -SdT+ VdP + JzdN (4.5) which dem onstratesthat F and G are indeed thermodynamic functions of the sx ciâed variables. In particular, the chemical potentialmay be desned as .- (lx ')TF-( yW 'M a G vJ àTP (4. 6) Furthermore,itisoften importantto considerthe setofindependentvariables (F,F,p),whichisappropriateforvariableN. A furtherLegendretransformation leadstothethermodynamicpotential Q(F,F,Jz)= F- gN = E - TS- mN (4.7) 36 STATISTICAL M ECHANICS with thecorresponding diFerential dkt= -SdT- PdV- A #rz (4.8) Thecoeëcientsareim m ediatelygiven by s- - (% ,,. )-- ,--(a ?-; ?,)-- x--(J ?s)- (4. 9) which willbe particularly usefulin subsequentapplications. Although elF,G,and flrepresentformally equivalentwaysofdescribing thesamesystem ,theirnaturalindependentvariablesdiflkrin oneimportantway. lnparticular,theset(u % P' ,N)consistsentirelyofextensivevariables.proportional to the actualam ountofm atterpresent. The transformation to F and then to G or D may be interpreted as reducing the number of extensive variables in favor ofintensive ones that are independent of the totalamount of matter. Thisdistinction between extensiveand intensivevariablesleadsto an im portant result. Considerascalechangeinwhich allextensivequantitles(includingE, F,G,and f1)aremultiplied byafactorA. Fordesniteness,weshallstudythe internalenergy.which becom es hE = E(hS,hV,hNj Diflkrentiatewith respectto A and setA= l: s-s(kf)FN+p'(j pf r s)Sb.+xta îE, )S' F-rs-,p-+,,N whereEq.(4.2)hasbeenused. Equation(4.10),whichherearisesfrom physical arguments,is a specialcase of Euler's theorem on hom ogeneous functions. Theremainingthermodynamicfunctionsareimmediatelyfound as F= -PV + yh' G = y' N D = -PI. ' (4.ll) which showsthatthechemicalpotentialin aone-componentsystem istheGibbs free energy perparticle /. t= N -1G(r,#,N)and that P = - P'-1D(F,P' ,/z). This lastresultisalso an obviousconsequence ofEq.(4.9),becausefland P'are extensive,whereasF and J, tareintensive. To this point. we have used only m acroscopic thermodynam ics,which m erely correlates bulk properties of the system . The m icroscopic content of thetheory m ustbeadded separately through statistiealm echanics,which relates thetherm odynam icfunctionsto theham iltonian ofthe m any-particleassem bly. In thegrand canonicalensem bleatchem icalpotentialp,and tem perature T - 1 ks# (4.12) x INTRODUCTION where ks is Boltzmann's constant,ks= 1.381x 10-16 erg/degree,the grand partition function Zoisdeâned as Zo- ; J( 2e-CCEJ-I'N' N J = = 2 1Z (Njl d-/6X-B*'lA7) N J Tr(e-b(R-HRtj (4.13) where.jdenotesthesetofa11statesforasxed numberofparticlesN,and thesum implied inthetraceisoverboth.jand N. A fundamentalresultfrom statistical mechanicsthen assertsthat Dtr,F,p, )=-ksFlnzs (4.14) which allows us to compute a1lthe macroscopic equilibrium thermodynamics from thegrand partitionfunction. ThestatisticaloperatorlocorrespondingtoEq.(4.13)isgiven by )s=z(;!e-#(#-pA) W iththeaidofEq.(4.14),)(;mayberewrittencompactlyas )s= e#(t' )-8+#l#) Foranyoperatorô,theensembleaverage(O)isobtainedwiththeprescription (ö)- Trtloö) = Trt elto-f+Mxld) Tr (e= Tr el( jW(pB .N s' pö) ; . (4.17) The utility ofthese expressions willbe illustrated in Sec.5,which reviewsthe thermodynamicbehaviorofidealBose and Fermigases. SEIDEA L GAS. W enow apply theseresultsby reviewing thepropertiesofnoninteracting Bose and Fermigases. Throughoutourdiscussion we usethenotationalsimpliscation #= (kBF)-1 'The argumentsin this section are contained in any good book on statisticalmechanics,for txampl e.L.D.I-andau and E.M .Lifshitz,''StatisticalPhysics.''chap.V,Pergamon Press, London,1958. STATISTICAL M ECHANICS 37 IfEq.(4.13)iswrittenoutindetailwiththecompletesetofstatesintheabstract occupation-num berHilbertspace,wehave ZG= Tr(e--ltJle-BA)) ))jal ...n.j Jg ;nL...n.1e#(MA-#( = #1: ' ' 'Flx) = e- #f)(j (T,F,s) (5.2) sincethesestatesareeigenstatesofthehamiltonian. 4:andthenumberoperator #,both operatorscan bereplaced bytheireigenvalues 'n.1exp j p,)()ni- J2e.n, 1a,-'.a.) Theexponentialisnow acnum berand isequivalenttoaproductofexponentials; hence the sum over expectation values factors into a product of traces,one referringtoeach m ode, za= ( j)(njIe#tBnl-f.a''1n1) ''.12(?utc#tB>*-'*a*'I n.) aj (5.4) 5* which m aybewritten com pactlyas * zG= yjTrje-lfel-/ zlât (5.5) fa.1 For bosons the occupation numbers are unrestricted so that we must sum ntovera1lintegersinEq.(5.5) X * * zo= ( -! pl(c/(>-el))a= 1 -I(1- e#(8-fl))-1 l-1 a=0 l=1 (5.6) Thelogarithm ofEq.(5.6)yieldsthethermodynamicpotential * fhntr,F,p)= -k.T ln 17 (1- eftB-eI')-1 f-l * Datr,F,p, )= ksF jzln(1- eltB-ft') t=l Bose (5.8) Themean numberofparticlesisobtained from t'lnbydiflkrentiatingwith respect tothechemicalpotential,asin Eq.(4.9),keeping Fand F (equivalentlytheej) Nxed: * IN?$= lI f= .ln9 * 1 1(ff-H)- 1 e f=l Bose wheren2isthemeanoccupation numberinthefthstate. (5.9) 3g INTRODUCTCON For fermions,the occupation numbers areeither 0 or 1,and the sum in Eq.(5.5)isrestrictedtothesevalues * l eo Zc= H ; (e#t8-fl)X = FI(1+ e#ïB-fl') 1-1 n-(1 (5.10) 1-l Taking thelogarithm ofboth sides,wehave * f1a(7lF,/z)= -kaF Z ln(1+ eltB-fl)) Fermi (5.11) l-1 while thenumG rofparticlesG comes * * 1 r#)- 11 2n2- I e#(ej-p)+ j ..l Fermi (5.12) -1 Although bosons and fermions diflkr only by the sign in the denominator in Eqs.(5.9)and (5.12),this sign leadsto ratherremarkable diFerencesin the G havioroftheseassemblies. BosoNs W e shallErstconsidera collection ofnoninteracting bosons,where the energy sm ctrum isgivenby p2 :2k2 fP= 2- = 2- W eassumethattheassemblyiscontained inalargevolume F andapplyperiodic boundaryconditionsonthesingle-particlewavefunctions. JustasinEq.(3.26), sumsoversingle-particlelevelscan bereplaced byanintegraloverwavenumbers according to 72-. >.gJd3n=gF(2=)-3Jd3k (5.14) whereg isthedegeneracyofeach single-particlemomentum state. Forexample, g= 1forspinlessparticles. W ith Eq.(5.13),thedensityofstatesin Eq.(5.14) can lyerewritten as 'V 4 (293.1adk-(. p F. ,(2 h> al j12 ee d+ n=4 g= V2jV zzjlede (j.jj) andtâethermodynamicpotentialEq.(5.8)f- anidealBosegasGcomes t'lo = P V . -kBr kBT 4 A' *F2(2 # zi j -9j0 *derljntj-e#(s-e) - A simple partialintegration then yields pp'- 4 #4F a (l ym)1j 2j: *wejjrj). -j (5.16) STATISTICAL M EcHANlcs w Alternatively,acombination ofEqs.(4.9),(4.10),and (5.8)allowsustowrite gF /2v 1 * el E=z/nîfI=ozj,a (j#ee#(.-.)-j (5.18) showingthattheequationofstateofanidealBosegasisgvenby (5.19) PV= JS In a similarway,thenum- rofparticlesG comes N g 2- 1 * e* (5.20) P = 4=a y :peej(..j,j j Although Eqs.(5.17)and (5.20)determinethethermodynamicvariablesofan idealBosegasasfunctionsofF,F,and/z,Eq.(5.20)caninprindplel)einverted . to obtain thechemicalpotentialasafunction ofthenum berofparticles. Sub- stitution into Eq.(5.17)thenyieldsthethermodynamicvariablesasafunction ofr,F,and N. Equation(5.20)ismeaningfulonlyif e- Jz> 0 Otherwisethemeanoccupationnum bera0would% lessthanzeroforsomevalues ofe. ln particular,ecan vanish so thatthechemicalpotentialofan idealBose gasmustsatisfy thecondition p,< 0 (5.21) To understand thisrelation,werecalltheclassicallimitofthechemicalpotential forfixed N 1t kXr * '-* s r .- >.a) (5.22) In thislimitweseethatBoseand Fermigasesgivethesameexpression N -. sr el(! ,-et) (5.23) whichisjustthefamiliarBoltzmanndistribution,and f1:= -Pv= -ksT Jlge'çln-q6b= -Nk.T T --+* (5.24) whichistheequation ofstateofanidealclassicalgas. Thesum m ay% evaluated approxim ately asan integral 7l2ebqt=g(2.)-$FJd'ke-O:2/2-4T '- m kzT 1 = gv 2 a =h tL.D.ïxndauandE.M.Lifshitz,op.cit..= .45. (5.25) 40 INTRODUCTION andEq.(5.23)thenyieldstheclassicalexpression y.cforthechemicalpotential /2e N l=h2 1 k = ln gv vk'sF sF intermsofr,F,N. NotethatEq.(5.22)isindeedsatissedasF->.( x). Furthermore,itisclearthatFerm i,Bose,and Boltzm ann statikticsnow coincide,since tho particles are distributed over m any states. Thus the m ean occupation num ber ofany one stateism uch lessthan one,and quantum restrictionsplay no role. TheclassicalchemicalpotentialofEq.(5.26)issketchedin Fig.5.1. As thetemperature isreduced atsxed density,y' clkBl-passesthrough zero and $ l N 2=*2 7 nr # t k.T $y . Myrrml XNv ..''-.x k:r N N N. x pp'-'h.'h' i XBO9C x x F w.'.h. xx 'h. .h.'h.Nx WMX -k sl- Bc I a# Fig.5.1 The chemical potential of ideal classical,Fermi,and Bose gases for hxed N and F. becom es positive,diverging to +:s atF = 0. Since this behaviorviolatesEq. (5.21),thechemicalpotentialforan idealBose gasmustliebelow theclassical value,staying negative orzero. LetTobe thetem peraturewherethechem ical potentialofan ideal Bose gas vanishes. This criticaltem perature is readily determined with Eq.(5.20) N . g' lm @' * el V = 4=2 hl t)Jeef/v T0- 1 whichmayberewrittenwiththenew variablexEB6//fsFaas N V = jê = g 2m ks.T' .. 4=2 h2 #X x1 x a e -1 (5.28) Theintegralisevaluated in Appendix A N - g zz/lksL ê P 4nz ,2 ((' 1)1>0) andEq.(5.29)maybeinvertedtogive h2 r-'--y-à/ . g- 4x2 !' N ' i 3.31 hl N '# (,,r(. s((#$)(w)--g.-,-(v) (5.30) STATISTICAL M ECHANICS 41 asthe tem peratureatwhich thechemicalpotentialofan idealBosegasreaches zero. Thisvalue hasthesimplephysicalinterpretation thatthethermalenergy ksrcis comparablewith the only other intensive energy fora perfectgas,the zero-pointenergy(h2/m)(N/P')1associatedwithIocalizingaparticleinavolume VIN. W hathappensasweIowerthetemperaturebelow To? ltisclearphysically thatmany bosonswillstartto occupy the lowestavailable single-particle state, namely the ground state. For p.= 0 and r < Fn, however, the integral in Eq.(5.20)islessthan NlP'becausetheseconditionsincreasethe denominator relative to itsvalue at L . Thusthe theory appears to break down because Eq.(5.20)willnotreproducethefulldensityNlF. Thisdimcultycan betraced to the replacementofthe sum by an integralin Eq.(5.14),and wetherefore exam inetheoriginalsum N = )f((eltel-?2)- 1)-1 Asp,-. +.0.allofthetermsexceptthehrstapproach aEnitelimit;thesum ofthese hnitetermsisjustthatgivenbytheintegralevaluatedabove.l Incontrast,the :rstterm hasbeen lostin passing to the integralbecause the E1 in the density of states vanishes at e= 0. W e see, however, that this srst term becomes arbitrarily large asp.-+.0 and can therefore make up the restofthe particles. Thisbehaviorreqectsthe macroscopic occupation ofthe single quantum state e = 0. FortemperaturesF< L .weconcludethatthechemicalpotentialp,must beinsnitesimally smalland negative p.= 0- forF< To (5.31) In thistemperaturerange,the density ofparticleswith energies e> 0 becomes dN g 2m 1 e+JE V S = 402 h2 e#e- j (5.32) with theintegrated value Ne>0. g l2M/fsT11 *yx ' Y* =NiT 1 P' 4=2!. h2 ) a e - 1 X yF: (5.33) Theremaining particlesarethen in thelowestenergystatewith e= 0 N --,- x j- p' p (w ro). (5.34) tStrictly speaking,theoccupationnumG rofthelow-lyingexcited statesisoforderN k.which lv omes negligible only in the thermodynamic limit. A rigorous dixussion of the BoseEinstein condensation maylx foundin R.H.Fowlerand H .Jones,Proc.C' alnàrflgePhil.Soc.. M :573(1938). 42 INTFyooucTloN Inthedegenerateregion(F< Tz)wherethechemicalpotentialisgiven by Eq.(5.31),theenergyoftheBosegasarisesentirelyfrom thoseparticlesnotin thecondensate E = g zvksFï1a :. u xl # 4.2 :2 ) AaFJoGxex-1 Thisintegralisagain treated in AppendixA,and we5nd E - g 2?nksF 1 4=2 P (Aa)k.r(0)P0) (5.35) whichmayberewrittenihtermsofL from Eq.(5.29)as E- 10)lx lxks (( 1)r(l) rtjj'-tl .77oxksrt. jll rvz. , (5.36) Theconstant-volume heatcapacity then becom es 5o cv-j /xxks(s r0)1 p<rc . which variesasF1 and vanishesatF = 0. Equation(5. 35)also can beusedto rewritetheequation ofstate: # 2E 22V1 mhk.T)%g - jy,- j 4.c((. 1. )ln(1) yq - 0.0851v1(ksT4%h-?g T< ra Thepressurevanishesatzero tem peraturebecause a1loftheparticlesarein the zero-momentum stateand thereforeexertnoforceon thewallsofthecontainer. Furthermore,thepressureisindependentofthedensityN/U,depending only onthetem perature r < ra. W e have seen thattheidealBose gashasa criticaltemperature Fowhere thechemicalpotentialchangesitsanalyticform. SinceJz(F,V,N)isrelated to thefreeenergybyEq.(4.6),itisnaturaltoexpectsimilardiscontinuitiesin other therm odynam ic functions,and we now show thattheheatcapacity atconstant volume Ck hasa discontinuousslope atF(). The behaviorforF < Fcis given in Eq.(5.37);thecorrespondingquantity forF> rocan befound asfollows: Defnethe(tktitious)numberofparticlescomputed forp,= 0 and F> F(jby P' 2m i' 'o e+ ( )dee,tuw. . j N' :(r)H 4=z hz . Thisexpression clearly implies #0(F)= #0(F) #c(Fc) x = F1 (y1 F>rc STATISTICAL M ECHANICS 43 Equation(5.20),which determinestheactual/ztr,V,NjforF> r;,can now be rewritten gv lm 1 * u N -. N;(F)= 4*z hg 1 . 1 /ks, r..j- eqfk.r. a aee- eç'-P) j Thedominantcontribution totllisintegralarisesfrom smallvaluesofebecause ptksr is smalland negative for0< F- Fc< Fn. Thus we shallexpu d the integrand to give N-&(F)=4 g,, vz(2 j, i,j1g, gswo ' sas+(,+ 1j sj ) ; k;-4 g. pz '(2 sp, j1swsvoj sj 1 where we have set F = Fo to leading order in F - Fo. A combination with Eq.(5.29)leadsto Jz= = - (0)P(1)2ksro Xn(F)- 1 2 = N (0)F0)2 ,v. F @' 2 ksz' ;(y J-1 FkFa - NotethatJzvanishesquadraticallyasT-+TI sothatJz(F,V.N)hasadiscontinuoussecondderivativeatro(seeFig.5.1). Theremainingcalculationcanbecarried outbydiflkrentiatingtheequation ofstate(5.19) (> '' E ; -)r' --i 3ê(e . PsP .')r' --1x wherethelastequalityfollowsfrom Eqs.(4.9)and(4.1l). Thisresultallowsus to:ndthechangein energyarisingfrom asmallchangein p.atconstantrand P-. IfEIT,F)istheenergyforzerochemicalpotential(Eq.(5.35)),then theactual energyisgiven approxim atelyas E = E(F,P') F < Fn )f' (r,P' )+j, N. T>Fo W enow changevariablesto E P',and N usingtheexpression obtained abovefor p, tr,V,N). ThejumpintheslopeofCp,isthengivenbyl 'Cv â ?r r,- ' - tNk.zo t0)PQ)2 02 r 1 = l?rz(rL)-12)w, )r(!.)2Nk. = -2 y7 tf!. wo = -3.66Nk. = Fp (5.39) 1F.London,issuperfluids,''vol.lI,sec.7,Dover,New York,1964;w,eherefollow theapproach ofL.D.Landau and E.M .Lifsbitz,op.cit.,p.170. 44 INTRODUCTION The fullcurveissketched in Fig.5.2. Such discontinuitiesim ply thatan ideal Bosegasexhibitsaphasetransition ata tem peratureF;. Thistem peraturehas a physicalinterpretation asthe pointwherea hnitefraction ofa11theparticles beginsto occupy thezero-m om entum state. Below F( )the occupation num ber aîofthelowestsingle-particlestateisoforderN,ratherthan oforderl. As emphasized by F.London,lthe assembly is ordered in momentum space and notin coordinate space;thisphenomenon iscalled Bose-Einstein condensation. Cg Nka ?l ? 1 7 Fig.5.2 Constant-volumeheatcapacity C'vofan 75 T idealBosegas. To estim ate the m agnitude ofthe quantitiesinvolved,we recallthatthe densityofliquid H e4at1ow tem peratureis P4= 0.l45gcm -3 InsertingthisquantityintoEq.(5.30),we5ndthevalue L = 3.140K (5.40) asthetransitiontem peratureofanidealBosegaswiththeparam etersappropriate to liquid helium . Below this tem perature,the foregoing discussion indicates that the assem bly consistsoftwo diferentcom ponents,one corresponding to theparticlesthatoccupythezero-m om entum stateandthereforehaveno energy, and theothercorresponding to theparticlesin theexcited states. Indeed,itis anexperimentalfactthatliquidHe4hasatransitionat2.20K (theApoint)between the two phasesH eIand H elI. Below thistem peratureH e4actslikea m ixture ofa superiuid and a norm alfluid,and the superquid hasno heatcapacity or viscosity. Itisalso truethatthefraction ofnorm alcom ponentvanishesasthe tem perature goes to zero. The Bose-Einstein condensation ofthe idealBose gasthereforeprovidesa qualitative description ofactualH e4. ln detail,however,the idtalBose gas is an ovtrsim plised m odel. For exam ple,the actual specischeatvariesasr3atlow tem peratureand becomeslogarithm icallyinsnite attheA pointforliquid He4. Inaddition,itisincorrecttoidentifythesuperiuid com ponent ofH e 11 with the particles in the zero-m om entum state. Indeed, theexcitation spectrum oftheidealBosegasprecludessuperCuidityatany linite velocity. Thesequestionsarediscussed in detailin Chaps.6,10,and 14,where we show thatthe interparticle interactionsplay a crucialrole in understanding thepropertiesofquantum iuidssuch asliquid H e4. 1F.London,op.cit..pp.39,143. sTATlsTlcAu M EcHANlcs *s FERM IO NS w enow discussEqs.(5.11)and (5.12)referring to an assembly offermions, which servesasa m odelform any physicalsystem s. The bàsicequation isthe mean occupatiop num ber J= (e#(ef-/ z)+ 1)-1 (5.41) w ith thenonrelativisticenergy spectrum (Eq.(5.13)),thesameanalysisasfor bosonsgives 2 #F 2m 1 = el Pv= j. F - j4=a hz ()#eej(r-s)j.j N e1 g lm 1 * # - 4= 2 V . cdeebç'-l,'+ 1 (5.42) (5.43) whereg isthe degeneracy factor(g= 2 fora spin-è Fermigas). As noted previously,theonly diflkrencebetween bosonsand fermionsistheminusorplus signinthedenominatorsofEqs.(5.42)and(5.43). Consider the distribntion function a0. Equation (5.41)showsthatthe condition n0 < 1 isguaranteedforallvaluesofp.andF. ItisinterestingtoinvertEq.(5.43)and determ inethechem icalpotentialforsxed N ;thisfunction issketchedin Fig.5.1. ln thehigh-temperatureorclassicallimit,weagain End n0 = ebllà-'b which isjust the familiar Boltzmann distribution. Unlike the situation for bosons,however,thereisnothingtopreventthechem icalpotentialfrom becom ing positiveasthetem peratureisreduced;in particular,wehave when e= p, In the zero-tem peraturelim it,the Ferm idistribution reducesto a step function 1 0 :-#I)/ks'r+ j r--..c j e( e > Jz e < jz = 9(/z- e) (5.44) Thisbehaviorisreadilyunderstood,becausethelowestenergystateofthesystem isobtained by fllingtheenergy levelsupto atF = 0 Henccthechemicalpotentialofan idealFermigasatzero temperatureisa hnite positive number, equal to the Fermi energy. The equilibrium distribution numbersin threerepresentativecasesaresketched in Fig.5.3. *e INTRODUCTION W eshallfrstevaluatethtprom rtiesofan idealFermigasatr= 0. From Eqs.(5.43)and(5.44),thedensityisgivenby N g 2- 1 # #= 0 2V dq:+ G cause the distribution numberisthen a step function. Thisintegraliseasily evaluated as N = ..c 2- 12 # 4.2 j-2 - à# I 1 (5.45) T= 0 1 l F > () Jt > 0 l 1 i ' T -'+ x :1-+ -= e M &sr #' - <F .(F) Fig.B.3 Ahematic distribution functions a(e) for an idealFermigas at vari ous temN aturo. which may% inverttd to *nd theFermienergy o a:xa N 1 R2k; e,- AT = 0)= -# S i 'P = 2m ortheFermiwavenuma r k 6.2N 1 F= gF Similarly,theenergyisobtained from E g 2- 1 # g 2- 12 'P= 4=2 V ;dqel= 4=2 V A combinationwith Eq.(5.45)yields (5.47) k ày. E N = js= :es - Finally,theequationofstate(5.42)G comes PV= JF = qNœF P=à l(-2 6g *j1i h; 2ijx Vj1 (5.46) (5.48) (5.494) (5.49:) STATISTICAL M ECHANICS 47 which show sthata Fermigasexertsasnitepressureatzero tem perature. This resultarisesbecause the Pauliprinciple requiresthatthe m om entum statesbe slled up to the Ferm imomentum,and these higherm omentum statesexerta pressureon thewallsofany container. W enow turn to smallbutsnitetem perature,wherethedimcultpartisthe inversion of-Eq.(5.43)to determinethechemicalpotentialin termsofthe total number ofparticles. Desne the variable x> (e- Jzl/ksr. Equation (5.42) m ay then berewrittenas Pp'-J 24 K. n V . j(2 â? jê(ksr)1j2 ' ov' k.rdxZ-6 e -x 6+ %q 1. T -) .% (5. 50) Itis also convenientto introduce = H Jz//csr;since ptisliniteas F -. >.0,weare interested in thelim it= .-+.:v.. Considertheintegral x (x+ a)1 o (=+ . x)' l x (z. #.x)1 f(œ)-J-.dxex. j -j-J-.dxex--i -+Jodx-exs.1 - . The change of variable x --*-x in the firstintegraland use of the identity (e-x+ 1)-1H 1- (ex+.1)-1yield Il a x (a+ x)1- (a- x)' l xj=jodx(a-x)!'+jf jdx x (a- -v)1 ex. -4 -. j +Jzdxt ax-o-j-. Thelastterm isexponentiallysm allin thelim itoflarge( x,and wecanapproxim ate thenumeratorin thesecond integralas A straightforward calculation (see Appendix A)therefore givesthe asymptotic expansion (5.52) Not' e that this resultgives #P'(r,1'./2),B'hich are the proper thermodq'nam ic variablesforthetherm odynamicpotential. Thecorrectiontermsinthiseqtlation (indicated bydots)areofhigherorderin 7-2and thusnegligibleto thepresent order. The num ber of particles can be determ ined im m ediately from thisexpresx= jP(P #/z F')jwz=4 t % *Vj' z Vzz ljlJ 2gsêo.(z. sw)cj= / . , l 1. +.. 4: INTRODUCTION IfN/P'isrewritten in termsoftheFermienergy fs using Eq.(5.46)wehave *2Ikul'jl -1 Jz=es1+yj' s)+''. (5.55) which m ay besolved forJzasa powerseriesin 7-2 , p.2 k w z #' = t' 1- i BF + .. . -j s (5.56) Theentropycanbedeterminedfrom Eq.(5.53)bydiflkrentiatingat/xe#Vandg s(r,p,p. )-(0(a PwP' )jzs-4 #. n Pa '(2 s? jèJ 2j24 =2:jws++...j (5. j7) SinceS is a therm odynam ic function,itm ay be expressed in any variables' ,in particular,substitutionofEq.(5.56)yields ksr *2 &(r,v.N)= Nks fF -j- (5.58) . to lowestorderin F. W ecan thuscompute the heatcapacity from therelation ' es ,.2 k r cv-rtajss,-j.yk.2s (5.59) which gives j.s 2 N i pr!. Cr,= S= m -/?a 6; VF x - (5.60) .. N ote thatthe heatcapacity fora Ferm igasatlow tem perature islinearin the tem perature. In contrast, at high tem perature. where Boltzm ann statistics apply,theheatcapacityofaperfect(BoseorFermi)gasis C)-. ->.jNku T-->.:t) (5.61) and the heatcapacity ofan idealFerm igasatalltem peraturesisindicated in Fig.5.4. N ote thata Ferm igashas no discontinuities in the therm odynam ic variablesatany tem perature. Fig.6.4 Constant-volume heatcapacity ofan idealFermigas. srATlsTlcAu M EcHANlcs 4: The noninteracting Ferm igas form sa usefulsrstapproximation in the theory ofm etals,inthetheory ofliquid H e3,in studiesofnuclearstructure,and even forunderstanding such diverse phenomena asthe structureofwhite-dwarf and neutron stars. Fora detailed understandingofthebehaviorofthesem anybody assem blies,however,wem ustincludetheinteractionsbetweentheparticles, which formsthecentralproblem ofthisbook. PRO BLEM S 2.1. Provethattheentropy ofan idealquantum gasisgiven by S= -ks)i(ln2lnn?7F:(1+ n3)ln(1:!uay)) wheretheupper(lower)signsrefertobosons(fermions). Findthecorresponding expression forBoltzmann statistics. Provethatthe internalenergy is given by E = jlEfnîforallthreecases. f 2.2. Given the energy spectrum ep= R#c)2+ znàc4)1-->.pc (p --. >.cc)),prove thatan ultrarelativistic idealgassatissestheequation ofstatePV = E/? where E isthetotalenergy. tcomparewithEqs.(5.19)and (5.42).) 2.3. Show thatthereisno Bose-Einsteincondensation atanysnitetemperature fora two-dim ensionalidealBose gas. 2.4. Consideranidealgasinacubicalbox(P'= L3)withtheboundarycondition thatthesingle-particlewavefunction vanish atthewalls. (J) Find the density ofstates. In the thermodynamic Iimit,show thatthe thermodynamicfunctionsforboth bosonsand fermionsreducetothoseobtained in Sec.5. (:) Discuss the onsetofBose condensation and compute the propertiesfor F<L . 2.5. W hen a metalisheated to a suë ciently high tem perature,electrons are emitted from the m etalsurface and can be collected as thermionic current. A ssum ingtheelectronsform anoninteracting Ferm igas,derivetheR ichardson- Dushman equationl for the currenti= (4=emkàTl(h2)e-W' ' kBT where !#'is the work function for the metal (i.e., the energy necessary to rem ove an electron). 2.6. ProvethattheparamagneticspinsusceptibilityofafreeFermigasofspin-! particles at F= 0 is given by y(F= 0)= j. L2m(h2k;)y, jNJV where y,o is the magnetic m oment of one of the particles. Derive the corresponding high- temperatureresulty(F-+.cc))= SXiN/ICBTV. 'S.Dushman,Rev.. M' tl#.Phys..2:381(1930). so INTRODUCTION 2.7. For a srst approxim ation to atom ic nuclei,consider the nucleus as a degeneratenoninteracting Ferm igasofneutronsand protons. (t8 W hatisthedegeneracyfactorforeachlevel? (:)Iftheradiusofa nucleuswith ,4 nucleonsisgiven by R = rcWlwith rc= 1.2 x 10-13cm ,whatareksand er? H ow do theyvarywith W ? (c)W hatisthepressureexertedbythisFermigas? (#)lfeachnucleonisconsideredto bemovinginaconstantpotentialofdepth Prc,how largemustL be? (e)Atwhattemperaturewillthenucleusactlikeacollectionofparticlesdescribed by Boltzm ann statistics? 2.8. A s a m odel of a white-dwarf star,consider an electrically neutralgas composedoffullyionizedHe(aparticles)anddegenerateelectrons. (c)Writetheequation ofIocalhydrostaticequilibrium inthelow-density (nonrelativisticelectrongas)andhigh-density(relativisticelectrongas)limitsassuming an idealFerm isystem . (b)Hence :nd expressions for the density p(r)and the relation M = M (Rj between thetotalmassM and theradiusR ofthestar. (c)Show thereexistsamaximum massM maxcomparablewith thesolarmass M e. Explain thephysicsofwhythisisso. (#)Check the initialmodel using the typicalparameters of a white dwarf p q$107 g/cm 3; k;107pe,M ; k:1033 g; k;M escentraltemperature;k;107OK $ 1 rz. N otethefollowingresultsobtained by num ericalintegration:l )1 ' ik # t(yad .. # J (j--ygimplies'fy, t l j );=j, ys.a t jaaoy T'(0)-0;/(1)-0 a - P 1W d(ycù df().-y3)impliesfy, ( ol6. 89, 7 tl' --2.018 f,(0)-0, '. /.(1)-01 lL.D.Landau and E.M .Lifshitz,op.cit.,seec.106. part 1w o G rou nd -state (Zero-tem perature) Fo rm alism 3 G reen's Functions and Field T heory (Ferm ions) In m ost cases ofinterest,the Nrstfew orders of perturbation theory cannot provide an adequate description of an interacting m any-particle sàstem . For thisreason,itbecom esessentialto develop system atic m ethodsforsolving the Schrödingerequation to a11ordersin perturbation theory. 6LPICTURES Asa preliminary step,weshallintroducethreeimportan:pictures(Schrödinger, interaction,and Heisenberg)thatare usefulin analyzingthe second-quantized form oftheSchrödingerequation(Eqs.(1.41)and(1.60)J. SCHRöDINGER PICTURE Theusualelementary description ofquantum m echanicsassum esthatthe state vectorsaretim edependent.whereastheoperatorsare tim eindependentand are 53 54 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM constructed by the fam iliar rules from the corresponding classicalquantities. TheSchrödingerequation thereforetakestheform ? , ihjjI'I-s(?))- W'$ :Fs(/)) (6.1) where. f. ?'isassumed to haveno explicittimedependence. SinceEq.(6.1)isa hrst-orderdiflkrentialequation,theinitialstate attodeterm inesthe subsequent behavior,and aform alsolution isreadilyobtained by writing 1'1's(r))- e-iWf'-t:'/9l'l's(fp) (6.2) Here the exponential of an operator is defined in term s of its power-series expansion. Furthermore,X ishermitian sothattheexponentialrepresentsa unitary operator. G iven the solution to the Schrödingerequation atthe tim e to,theunitarytransformationinEq.(6.2)generatesthesolution attimet. INTERACTIO N PICTURE A ssum e,asisusuallythecase,thattheham iltonian istim eindependentand can beexpressed asthe sum oftwo term s X = Xt l+ X1 (6.3) whereXtactinyaloneyieldsa solubleproblem. How can wenow includeaIl the eflkcts of S l? Deine the interaction state vector in the follow ing way ( ' t1, 's(?'))M einz'/9t' tl7s(J)) (6.4) whichism erelyaunitarytransform ation carried outatthetim ez. Theequation ofmotion ofthisstatevectoriseasilyfound by carryingoutthe timederivative ih I'' I-;(?))=-. f% e a,ysjv x(/))+ ://?;,/,m jP-jjv sttl) ? . js =ekûztlhL-lh +#(j+#j)e-t/lef/AjNpI(,)) and we thereforeobtain thefollowingsetofequationsin theinteraction picture ê , ih 1.1.,(?))- . ??j(r)1 '. Ir,(,))' (6.5) z;l(?)- eiBztl'i1e-fnee/. Ingeneral,/% doesnotcommutewithX1.so thattheproperorderofthese operators isvery im portant. An arbitrary matrix elemcntin the Schrödinger picture may be written as ('l''s '(?)1:sI'1' -s(r))- ('l'J(/)Iei4:l'.dse-f/el''I'I'z(f)) (6.6) GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) s5 which suggeststhefollowing desnition ofan operatorin theinteraction picture oz(,). eknotthose-fnat/, (6.p Equations (6.4) and (6.7) show thatthe operatorsOï(t)and the state vectors1 kF'z(/))bothdepend ontimein theinteraction picture. Theimportant pointhere isthatthe tim e dependence ofthe operatorsisparticularly sim ple. DiflkrentiateEq.(6.7)withrespecttotime. ihP :,(?)- etn(,!/,(osJ. ?. o- J' èoos):-(J?:f/, . -- (t),(r),z?c1 (6.8) H ere the tim e independence ofthe Schrödinger operatorhasbeen used along with theobservationthatanyfunctionofanoperatorcom m uteswiththeoperator itself. Considerarepresentation in which Xoisdiagonal. J% - jkghœkclck Thetim edependenceofthecreationanddestructionoperatorsintheinteraction picturecan bedeterm ined from thediflkrentialequation ? J. ih& ckz(?)- el?(',ysEcks,p()je-tavt/s. yj.:cgglt) which iseasilysolved to yield Ckf(f)= Cke-'t l?kî alongwithitsadjoint ck ll(/)=4eîa'.f (6.10J) (6.10à) Thus the tim e occurs only in a com plex phase factor,which m eans that the operatorpropertiesofhlt)and c1(r)arejustthesameasintheSchrödinger picture. ln particular,thecommutation relationsofckand claresimply the canonicalonesfrom Chap.1. Furtherm ore,any operatorin the Schrödinger picturemay beexpressedintermsofthecompletesetckand c1.andthecorresponding operatorin the interaction picture is obtained with the substitution ck-+.ckglt),cl--+.ti(?). Thislastresultfollowsfrom theidentity 1= :- fR( )tlhekR( )tlh which m ay beinserted between each operatorintheSchrödingerpicture. w eshallnow trytosolvetheequationsofm otion in theinteractionpicture. D esne a unitary operator 1. ' 1(/,/:)thatdeterminesthe state vector attime tin . term softhe state vectoratthe tim e tv. I'l'z(?)' )- tJ'(?,J( )! 'Fz(?o)) 56 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM Evidently,(' )mustsatisfy therelation 0(/0./0)= l (6.12) Forhnitetimes L' /ltstz)can beconstructed explicitly byusingtheSchrödinger picture: 1 :1C,(/))- e'J?' ef/'I'l's(!))- e'*n'/'e-'9t'-'n'/'1 T ,(f:)) = ef/1:1/hé'-t/?(t-t())/âe-4Rot( )/ht ' tj. pJ(/();j which thereforeidentises pLt.0 t)zczoin. ot/,e-fn(t-t( )), /:e-iJ)tlto)pj tjinjtetjmes) (6.13) SinceX andXodonotcommutewitheachother,theorderoftheoperatorsmust be carefully maintained. Equation (6.13)immediately yieldsseveralgeneral propertiesofP t' )' t(?,/. ())f;(/. ,/0)- L' lltnto)6-1(/,/0)- 1 which impliesthatL' /isunitary: t' )t(?,/o)- r7-1(r,/( )) P(/1,/c)Cltz,tss- P(?1'/3) whichshowsthatP hasthegroupproperty,and 0(/,/0)Cltçtntj= 1 (6.14) (6.15) which im pliesthat P(fa,r)= Il' jt,tzj (6.16) Although Eq.(6.13)istheformalsolution to the problem posed by Eq. (6.1l),itisnotveryusefulforcomputationalpurposes. Insteadweshallconstruct an integralequation for0,which can thenbesolved by iteration. Itisclear from Eqs.(6.5)and (6.11)that0 satissesadiferentialequation ih& I')(r,?a)= P1(/)I' /ltttè (6.17) lntegratethisequation from toto t Clt,tf i 'dt'Xj(/'')t/lt,,G) )l- I' /ltovtoj= -j re Thisresult,combined with the boundary condition (6.12),yieldsan integral equation r7(?,ra)- 1- i j tdt'4j(/')t' )' (/',to4 rc (6.18) GREEN'S FUNGTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERM IONS) 67 lfP wereac-numberfunction,Eq.(6.18)wouldbeaVolterraintegralequation, because the independentvariable tappears asthe upperlimit ofthe integral. Under very broad conditions Volterra equations may be solved by iteration, and the solution isguaranteed to converge,no matter how large the kernel.' Thereisno assurancethatthepresentoperatorequation hasthesameproperties; neverthelessweshallattemptto solveEq.(6.l8)by iteration,alwaysmaintaining theproperorderingofthe operators. Thesolution thustakestheform Considerthethird term in thisexpansion. ltmay be rewritten as t J'ejs,jto 'dt,pi(,, )sj(/,) -' l 'jt 'odt'jo ''#?' -tîkç ; t' )I' èjlt')+!.j, t at s' : /' -. f, 'dt'. 41(/. ' ). ?l(r, ' ) (6. 20) since the lastterm on therightisjustobtained by reversing theorderofthe integrations,asillustrated in Fig.6.1. W enow changedum m yvariablesin this Fig.6.1 lntegration regionsforsecond-order term in Olt.fc). secondterm,interchangingthelabelsf'andf'.andthesecondterm ofEq.(6.20) thereforebecom es Thesetwo term sm aynow berecom bined to give t t' ,, j#/ jyt jdt(y(jdtjjj(t,). #jjj,).jjyt . ,s jy tj#y, , . . x (. /. /l(t'). f' ?I(r')0(t'- t')+ Ièklt'). /. 31(/')0(tn- tz)) lSee,for example.F.Smithits.tilntegralEquations,''p.31,Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1962. ' s: GHOUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM wherethestepfunction(Eq.(3.28))isessentialbecausetheoperatorsX:donot necessarilycommuteatdiflkrenttimes. Equation(6.21)hasthecharacteristic feature thatthe operatorcontaining the latest tim e stands farthestto the left. Wecallthisatime-orderedproductofoperators.denotedbythesymbolr. Thus Eq.(6.21)uanberewrittenas ' t r *t (-#?, (-#Jv jyk(?t)j.,j,(?t)-. !.# , , r p j.j t, jy jp ,jj (6.jgj .'l( ). 't( ) .c l'J, ( ,dtrE.(?) !( ,. . , Thisresultisreadilygeneralized,andtheresultingexpansionforC'becomes X L..J ' -. - (fa/())= n=0 .n '. i l r -h -' 1-1'' ! t( )f/f) ' . (6.23) wherethe??= 0term isjusttheunitoperator.' Theproofot -Eq.(6.23)isas follows. Considerthenthterm inthisseries. Therearen!possibletim eorderings ofthe Iabels tI . ' ' tn. Pick a particularone,say,Jl ' > rc > ?a . ' .> ?,,. A ny othertimeorderinggivesthesamecontribution to P. Thisresultiseasily seen bJ'relabeling the dum m y integration variables ti to agree with the previous ordering.and then using the sym metry ofthe r productunderinterchange of itsarguments: lIjltjl . . . . (6.24) Eqtlation (6.24) follows from the deénition of-the F product.w' hich puts the operatoratthe latesttim e farthestto the left,the operatoratthe nextlatesttime next.and so on,since theprescription holdsequally w' ellforboth sidesofEq. (6.24). Inthisway,Eq.(6.23)reproducestheiteratedseriesofEq.(6.19). HEISENBERG PICTU RE The statevectorin the Heisenberg pictureisdesned as 1kI.-H(t)'EëEeiJ?''91 51-$(/). (6.25) ltstimederivativemaybecombinedB'ith theSchrödingerequation(6.l)toyield . P . ih& TVI-s(/).= 0 (6.26) which show'sthat ! Vl.*s '.istim e independent. Since an arbitrary m atrix element in the Schrödingerpicture can be w ritten as v)jastjyjjQs, !l. j* a. u-y4p kj. lny, s)j,j.m.. l. fg hei/1tjhpsyy-iJ)th( . 1Equation(6.23)issometimeswritten asa formaltime-orderedexponential ( /6/, ?:)-Ft f expg-l ' â-'.(, ' 0dt'. 4,(?' ) j/ l sincethepower-seriesexpansion reproducesEq.(6.23)term byterm. * $ > QK= m b -cX A=.T Y : (6.gyj GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERM IONS) 59 a generaloperatorin the H eisenberg picture isgiven by ozf(/)useipt:osp-f/?fh (j.gg) NotethatOH(t)isacomplicatedobjectsinceX andOsingeneraldonotcommute. w e see that the H eisenberg picture ascribes a11 the tim e/dependence to the operators, whereas the corresponding state vectors are time independent. ln contrast,the operatort)s in the Schrödinger picture is time independent,and thetimederivativeofEq.(6.28)yields P ih) -Ovqt)= eis,/,gos,yyje-iatfh = jywt/jssj r Thisim portantresultdeterm inestheequation ofm otion ofany operatorin the Heisenbergpicture. Inparticular.ift' hscommuteswithX,therightsidevanishes identically.and Ou isa constantofthemotion. Equation (6.28)can be rewritten in termsofinteraction-picture operators (Eq.(6.7)q OJf(/1= Pi/?t/:t'-iJ?ot/hO1(t)( yfz ' ?( ):/âC?-iJ1tt 'h (6'3(j) and theformalsolution forthe operatorC'gEq.(6.13)1yields ôH(?)- I;r((),?)O,(t4t) -/(?,0) ln addition.thevariousdehnitionsshow that 1àI.'H',= I . Y1-S(0)'.= 1 . V1' *f(0)z . '' Os- :s(0)- ö;(0) so thatallthree picturescoincideatthetime t= 0. Thestationary solutionsto the Schrödinger equation have a definite energy,and the corresponding state vectors in the H eisenberg picture satisfy the tim e-independent form of the Schrödingerequation J' ?1 à' 1-s - E 'i-n-' . . These state vectors are therefore the exact eigenstates of the system and are naturally very complicated foran interacting system. Equation (6.32)and the desnitionoftheoperatorC'togetherleadtotherelation I ' l. j*H' xc: ml j. q1(()ju= S;(0'y(;j; Vj.>j(y(;j' y (6.y4j ;t . w hich allowsusto construetthese exacteigenstates from the interaction state vectorsatthetimetowiththeunitaryoperatorCL ADIA BATIC ''SW ITCHING ON'' Thenotionofsw itchingontheinteractionadiabaticallyrepresentsam athem atical devicethatgeneratesexacteigenstatesoftheinteracting system from thoseofthe e0 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPEBATURE) FORMALISM noninteracting system . Sincewepresumablyknow allaboutthenoninteracting system ,forexample,theground state,theexcited states,etc.,thisprocedurelets us follow the developmentofeach eigenstate as the interaction between the particles is switched on. Speciscally, we introduce a new tim e-dependent ham iltonian X = Pn+ e-fI'lP l (6.35) where 6isa smallpositive quantity. Atvery largetimes,both in thepastand inthefuture,thehamiltonianreducestoJ%,whichpresentsasolubleproblem. Atthetime /= 0,X becomesthefullhamiltonian oftheinteracting system. Ifetendstozero attheend ofthecalculation,theperturbation isturned onand ofl-insnitely slowly,or adiabatically,and any meaningfulresult must be independentofthequantity e. Thehamiltonian (6.35)presentsa time-dependentproblem tha. tdepends on theparam eterE. ,and weshallseek asolutionin theinteraction picture. ltis readilyverifedthatEqs.(6.17)and (6.23)remain correcteven when Plistime dependentinthe Schrödingerpicture,and weim m ediatelyobtain ('l'z(/))- L. 'E(f.G)t'l'l(G)) (6.36) where the time-developmentoperatordependsexplicitly on e and is given by ,.o - r ,/. ()), . &,( , i i' ïn 1 t dtk.-. , dt n , , . j ) n ! tQ ,( n=0 j - . x e-f(ltll+.''+Ir,I)Fg/l' jLtj) ...J)j(/j)j Now letthetimetoapproach-co;Eq.(6.35)showsthat# thenapproachesJ%. In thislimit,theSchrödinger-picturestatevectorreducesto l T s(G))= e-'fn'Q/âI*( )) (6.38) where (*0)issometime-independentstationaryeigenstateoftheunperturbed hamiltonian 4: XaI*0)- . Q I*( )) (6.39) and thecorrespondinginteraction-picturestatevectorbecom es 1 T z(G))- efNnt0/'1 kI7's(G))= 1*0) (6.40) Thusl'lPz(/())becomestimeindependentas to-+.-cs, 'alternatively,the same conclusion followsfrom theequation ê ih. y1 k1Cz(?))= e-fl 'lXl(/)1klPz(J))-->.0 (6.41) lfthere wereno perturbation,theseeigenstatesin theinteraction picturewould rem ainconstantin tim e,being thestationary-statesolutionsto the unperturbed GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 61 Schrödinger equation. A s t increases from -cc, however, the interaction is turned on,and Eq.(6.36)determ ineshow the statevectordevelopsin time,a1l the way to the tim e t= 0,when theinteraction isatfullstrength. Forsnitetim es If1< e-',al1ofourpreviousresultsremain valid,in particularEqs.(6.32)and (6.34). W ethusobtainthebasicre -la -tion ltloh= lT-z(0))= tk(0,-oa)t*()l (6.42) whichexgressesanexacteigenstateoftheinteractingsystem intermsofaneigenstate ofH o. W e m ust now ask what happens in the lim it e -->.0. D o we get tinite m eaningfulresults? This question is answered by the G ell-M ann and Low theorem,which isproved in thenextsection. GELL-M ANN AND LOW THEOREM O N THE G RO UND STATE IN QUANTU M FIELD THEO RYI The G ell-M ann and Low theorem is easily stated :If the follow ing quantity existsto allordersin perturbation theory, 1im b-'f(0'-: x))' 1(l)a) EE 1 k1--0'b r.o. :t*:j.r . ,/6(0,-: ----'c)j 1*( )., umolà!-pkc,. ..) -- - . (6.43) then itisan eigenstate ofH-, - .j tl. *()' . s H' , , , = r.*01 %1,0) E j ' kl. 'pq . z a. (*:1 '1os (6.44) Thisprescription generatesthe eigenstate thatdevelopsadiabatically from p4)o., astheinteractionisturnedon. lfkmo)isthegroundstateofthenoninteracting system,thecorrespondingeigenstateofX isusuallytheinteractinggroundstate, but this is by no m eans necessary. For exam ple, the ground-state energy of som e system s does not have a perturbation series in the coupling constant. (ForanotherexampleseeProb.7.5.) M ultiplyEq.(6.44)from theleftby the statefmai;sinceXop(1)c)= Eo1 ,f1)()2),weconclude tQ)( )iH-1( kl*' ) . E - E ()= o, $j s . ! 0) .*0 (6.45) A n essentialpointofthe theorem is thatthe numeràtorand the denom inator ofEq.(6.43)donotseparatell'é'. x'l ' JrasE'-->.0. An equivalentstatementisthat Eq.(6.42)becomesmeaninglessinthelimite--+0, 'indeed,itsphasedivergesIike e-lin thislimit. The denominatorin Eq.(6.43)servesprecisely to cancelthis inhnitephase gsee Eq.(6.51)and subsequentdiscussionl. The theorem thus assertsthatiftheratio in Eq.(6.43)exists,theeigenstateiswelldesnedandhas theeigenvaluegiveninEq.(6.45). W eproceed totheproofgiven byGell-Nlann and Low. lM .Gell-M ann and F.Low' ,Phys.Rtu'.,84:350(1951). 62 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM Considertheexpression (P0-. G )I'l%(e))-(Xt-fo)t%(0,-*)1*0)- (Pn,1. 1(0,-*))1*0) (6.46) W e shallexplicitly evaluatethecom m utatorappearing on therightside. C on- sidertheathterm inEq.(6.37)fortheoperatorC,andpickanarbitrarytime ordering of the n tim e indices. The associated com m utator can be written identicallyas I) f' . ?' . (,,z?' l(?f). f?' l(?,) .-.. J?1(&)1- (z?t-z?' 1(?. y)( I. 4,(/. ,) .--Iltltk) + 4I(?f)(z?' e,. 41(/,))--.41(r.)+ --+ Iltlti). 41() /,) --.1) . 4(,,z?' 1(&)) Furthermore,Eq.(6.8)allowsustowrite h84,(/)- i p? Ez%,z3,(J)1 (6.47) Inconsequence,each ofthecommutatorswith Xtjyieldsa timederivativeofthe interaction ham iltonian, L. lk ïçt-l. . îtltillî' jlto. l...z?'1(&)1 h ? P ê = I 0fj+ 't2+ --'+ 0la Xj(/f)XI(/J) ***. f?j(1:) forallpossibletinleorderings. Equation(6.46)thusbecomes * z j n-l j 0 ( ) (z?t-Eè! 'l%(e))'--n (h âi -.dtk. -.dtn = l ê xen(1l+''.+ln) i= 1 01i rg. 4jLtj) ...II'L(/a)jjtp4 )l (6.4s) In deriving Eq.(6.48),allthe time derivatives have been taken outside ofthe tim e-ordering sym bol. The validity ofthisstep can be seen from the identity ' a $= l P/f oltp- tq)p(/v- tr)''-bltu- tv)e 0 ' wherep,q,r, . .. ,u,risany perm utation ofthe indicesl,2, .. diFerentiation is m osteasily evaluated with the representation 0(t)-j'dt'ô(?' ) The O GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) which immediately yields deltjldt= 8(f)= &(-t). n us the integrand of Eq. (6.48)may% rewrittenas r g (y l . ' la : ,, )#(, l )..z? . l (&) j-(7 d )1a ' ,)rE #. ('l ) J?l ( f a )l Allthetime-derivativetermsinEq.(6.48)makethesamecontribution to theintegral,asshown by changing dummyvariables;wethereforeretainjust one,sayWêfj,andmultiplybyafactora. Integratebypartswithreslxcttott: n isprocedureleadstotwo terms,oneofwhichissimplytheintegrand evaluated attheend points,andtheotherarisesfrom thederivativeoftheadiabaticfactor. W ethereforeobtain (#c- Fc)l'l%(e))- -#!l'l%(e))+ eihgt-1 :F,(M) g (6. 49) where #jisassumed proportionalto acouplingconstantg in orderto whte - j a-1 -# j a -/ aj (n- 1)!#n= ihgbg -#' h-ign Bythismeans,weobtainaseriesthatreproducesthestatevectorl 7 :(M)again. Equation(6.49)isreadilyrewrittenas (z?- ek)I'l%(M)- ihegj-I'l%(M) (6.50) g Multiply thisequationontheleftby ((*:l1l%(e))1-1(*e1;since(a/êg)(*aI= 0. we:nd (*( )lXllV%(e))= ihegvê ln(*c1l%(e))- E - Ez= LE (* :l 1l%(e)) dg (6.51) Ifewereallowed to vanish atthispoint,itwould % tempting to concludethat LE = 0,whichisclearlyabsurd. Infact,theamplitude(*ôl N%(M)mustacquire an in:nitephascproportionalto ie-'so thate1n(tN l q%(4)remains ânite as e->.0.1 Equation(6.50)maybemanipulatedto$ve (z;-s,-fAegj: j)jol i ( ,1 v etf nl ( ) e))-r*1 : ( F ,I 2 ' l%0() e))(fAdgj lI n(*cI .I ',(e))j andacombinationwithEq.(6.51)snallyyields (# - E) 11l%(M) = iyegyê oI'l%( j vM) ( 4:*(,1 '1%(e)) #'4: (h :v)) (6.jz) - p' e are aow in a posîtion to lete go to zero. By assumption,the quantity in bracketson the rightside ofEq.(6.52)issniteto allordersin m rturbation t> .forexample.J.Hubbard,Proc.Roy.Soc.(& -z#na),m :539(195D. 64 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM theory,thatis,in g,and the derivatiNe with respect to g cannotchange this property. Sincetherightside ism ultiplied bl e,itvanishesasftendsto zero, which provesthebasictheorem (# E4lim !:1, *, 0(-e)7 : -0 e..o(*( )t1-( )(.')) - Thisproofappliesequally wellto thequantity t%( 0,+œ) )) t*o IG( 0,+cl s*o )I*o (6.54) where tk(0,+co)- P1(-t.x.0) Herethesystem ''comesback''from ?= +. x,,where theeigenstateis /*0),. If thestatethatdevelopsoutof)*a)isnondegenerate,thenthesetwodesnitions m ustbe thesam e. They could difl krby a phase factor,butthecom m on norm alization condition (*n l à1%) 1(*o1 kl'())'- 1 (6.55) precludes even this possibility. Thus,for a nondegenerate eigenstate lim 0e(-0,+cc))*( )J- = lim C(.0.-' x))l(1)()X ? . e-yo(mof&r(O,+cc,)f*o) e-.o' tmof&r(O,-cc)(*0) (6.56) A snotedbefore,thestateobtained from theadiabaticswitching procedureneed notbe the true ground state,even if *t)' xisthe noninteracting ground state. The Gell-M ann and Low theorem merely asserts that itis an eigenstate; in addition,ifitisa nondegenerate eigenstate,then both waysofconstructing it IEq.(6.56)Jmustyieldthesameresult. 7QGREEN'S FUNCTIONS Thissection introducesthe conceptofa Green'sfunctionl(orpropagator,asit issometimescalled),whichplaysafundamentalroleinourtreatmentofmanyparticleassem blies. DEFINITION The single-particle Green'sfunction isdesned bytheequation iG ( xbxl,x't')= ('Pn1FE#,,a(x/)' l ;Lb(x'/,))1 *1*0) (v oj v ()) lV.M .Galitskiiand A.B.M igdal,Sov.Phys. -JETP,7:96 (1958);A.Klein and R.Prange. Phys.Ret' .,112:994 (1958);P.C.M artin and J.Schwinger,Phys.Aer-,115:1342(1959). GREEN'S FUNcTloNs AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 66 where 1 Y%) istheHeisenbergground stateoftheinteracting system satisfying X1 'F:)= E 1'F()) (7.2) andguqlxt)isaHeisenbergoperatorwiththetimedependence ;tHx(x/)= eiBtlh, # /)a(x)e-ikltlh ' (7.3) Heretheindicesa and# labelthecomponentsof'thefeld operators;xand j cantaketwovaluesforspin-!fermions,whereastherearenoindicesforspin-zero bosons,because such a system is described by a one-component seld. The F producthererepresentsageneralization ofthatin Eq.(6.22): Fl iuulxt)' Jlfjtx'/') #zratx/l' fàjtx'r'))- +f1/x,t,)'iuxlxt) ' ' (7.4) wheretheupper(Iower)sign refersto bosons(fermions). Moregenerally,the r productofseveraloperatorsordersthem from rightto leftin ascending tim e orderandaddsafactor(-1)#,whereP isthenumberofinterchangesoîfermion operators from the originalgiven order. Thisdehnition agreeswith thatin Eq.(6.22),becauseX jalwayscontainsanevennumberoffermionselds. Equation(7.1)maynow bewrittenexplicitlyas ' t'I%l#,,atxrl'A blx'/.)1 :F(,) iG ( xbxt,x'/')= r'l%1'I%) v ; (x,t,)ysz +' C o1f,# tx/)jkl't)) t'FaI'Po) (7.5) The G reen'sfunction isan expectation value offeld operators;assuch, itis simply a function of the coordinate variables xtand x't'. If X is time independent,then G dependsonly on the tim e diflbrence f- t',which follows immediatelyfrom Eqs.(7.2)and(7.3): iG j(x/,x't') eçt-tetlh(' tl'01 4œ(x)e-tWtf-'''/'' (7( )1 , tlr0) ei b x' = f'FoI'Pn) r , . l . ' I 4# ( x ' f-r')/.4x(x)I'l%) +e ir(l-le)?: 0 # )ef/( f'l%l'l%) (7.6) - HerethefactorexpfzjziE(?- t'jlh?ismerelya complex cnumberand may be taken outofthematrixelement;in contrast,theoperatorP between theEeld operatorsm ustremain aswritten. 66 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM RELATION T0 OBSERVABLES ThereareseveralreasonsforstudyingtheGreen'sfunctions. First,theFeynman rulesforsnding the contribution ofath orderperturbation theory are sim pler for G than forothercom binations of5eld operators. Thisresultis discussed in detail in Sec.9. Second,although the ground-state expectation value in Eq.(7.1)impliesthelossofmuch detailed information abouttheground state, the single-particle Green's function stillcontains the observable properties of greatestinterest: l.Theexpectation valueofany single-particle operatorin the ground state of tbesystem 2. Theground-stateenergyofthesystem 3.Theexcitation spectrum ofthesystem Thehrsttwo points are demonstrated below,while the third followsfrom the Lehm ann representation,which isdiscussed laterin thissection. Considerthesingle-particleoperator â=f:3xy(x) where #(x)isthe second-quantized density forthehrst-quantized operator Jbxlxt: #(x)-a)#(#;txlljztxl' (ktxl Theground-stateexpectation valueoftheoperatordensityisgiven by (#(x))-('l%1,/(x)1 :1'n) v jvo) (.1'oIv-, f(x'), y 1a(x)1:Po) - m.x) 2. & .(x) ' Xli up (:F(,1:1%) +.flim lim JJ./j.txlG.jtx/,x'/') - = 1,..1+x'-xa# = Lkil im 1im trV(x)G(x/,x't')) t'-yf+ x'ex HeretheoperatorJjatx)mustactbeforethelimitx'-->.xisperformedbecause J m aycontain spatialderivatives,asin them om entum operator. Furtherm ore, thesymboltsdenotesa timeinhnitesimally laterthan t,which ensuresthatthe :eld operatorsin thethird lineoccurin theproperorder(compare Eq.(7.5)). Finally,the sum overspin indices m ay be recognized asa trace ofthe m atrix productJG ,which is here denoted by tr. For exam ple,the num ber density (?1(x)),the spin density (ê(x)),and the totalkinetic energy (f') are readily found tobe (H(x))= zkitrGlxtnxt+) GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) (ê(X))= iitr(*G(Xl,Xl+)l (/)=zkiJ#3xl m.x Ki '- h2/2 - 2m trGtx/,x'I+) *7 l wgsgj (7.10) The interesting question now arises:Is italso possible to constructthe potentialenergy fP) iI fd'x#3x'('I%If4(x)#/(x')p-(x,x')..,,,#,4,.(x')4.,(x)Ivo) (.t%1 v ,) - ' , pq' (7.11) andtherebydeterminethetotalground-stateenergy? SinceEq.(7.11)involves fourfield operators,wemightexpectto need thetwo-particleGreen'sfunction. The Schrödingerequation itselfcontainsthe potentialenergy,however,which allowsusto5nd(P)intermsofthesingle-particleGreen'sfunction. Consider theHeisenbergseld operator#sz(x?),withthehamiltonian J?- 72f:3x#1(x)r(x)4ztxl . + !.xx )('Jd3x#3x'#)(x)#j ftx')F(x,x')..,,#j,#j.(x')#ae(x) (7.12) )#' The identity of the particles in the assembly requires thatthe interaction be unchanged underparticle interchange F(x,x').a-,pb,= F(x',x)j#,..z(7.13) (Moreformally,such aterm istheonly kind thatgivesanonvanishing contribution inEq.(7.12).) TheHeisenbergequation ofmotion (Eq.(6.29))relates thetimederivativeofftothecommutatorofç,with#. ih P#s.(x/)= elsf/s(jx(x),#je-fntlh , (7.j4) where (#.(x),#)-) #:j':3z(#.(x),4)(z)r(z)4,(z))+!.# z#fdqzy'z' yyJ x(#.(x),f#z)#y #(z')F(z,z')jj,,yy,fy-(z')#j-(z)) (7.15) W enow usethe very im portantidentity (,4,1C')= ABC - BCA = ABC - BAC + BAC- BCA (. x,#)C - B(C,W) = (z4,1)C - . (7.I6) #(C,z4) which allowsusto expressEq.(7.15)in termsofeithercommutatorsoranticomm utators. Fordesniteness,consider the ferm ion case,since this is m ore 68 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISK! complicated. W ith the canonicalanticommutation relations (Eq.(2.3))the com m utatorisreadily evaluated,and we5nd E#.(x),#!- F(x)4atx)- !. I fd'z, g(z)p'(z,x)jj.,.y,4y,(x)4j,(z) l#'y' . +!.b'Iyy'J#3z'#;(z')F(x,z').j,,yy,#y,(z')' t Jj.txl Inthe:rstpotential-energyterm.changethedummyvariables# -+.y,j'-+.y', y'-+.$',x-+z'. The symmetry of the potential (Eq.(7.13)1and the anticommutativityoftheNelds?;thenyield E'X(x),P1= F(x)1;alx)+#')y(?'J#3z'#;(z?)P'(x,z').j,,yy,#y'(z')' t /j,txl (7.18) whiletheseldequation(7.14)becomes ihy - F(x) #satxr) - Z Jd'z'#iytz'?)#'(x,z')aj.,y.'#,,y.tz'/), ;,,;'(x/) (7.19) b'?y' Equations(7.18)and (7.19)arealsocorrectforbosons. M ultiplyEq.(7.19)by' (1.(x't'4ontheleft,andthentaketheground-state expectation value ih P satx'/' )#sa(x?)1'l%) #az, & r(x) t'Fthl## I J , (:F(,1 'l%) #,yy, r' klrolfzsatx'r')#s 'ytz't4F(x,z')a,',,,y'#sy'(z'tj'Jsj'(x?)!'1%) x (:1%1:F0) .. (, y.ao - In thelim itx'-,.x,t'-+.t+,theleftsideisequalto ê ,, ui ufll'imyt+ x' limyx ihs - F(x) Gxxlxt,x t) w,w .. (7.21) - W enow sum over= and integrate overx,which snafly yields(compare Eq. (7.11)j P ,, (P)= utrl. f.f#3x l'li m 1 i m i h j j r( x ) Ga a t x / , x t) (7.22) -+f+ x'-yx A combination ofEqs.(7.10)and (7.22)then expressesthetotalground-state energysoleiy in term softhesingle-particleG reen'sfunction. E- (J-+ P)- (Iî) ? ,, = +!.ïJ#3x limyr+ 1 im ihx + F(x) trG(x/,x /) x' jx %'T. ' ... - P hlV2 j lm trGlxt,x't' = +!.fJ#3x 1im lim ih. -.t+ x' ,x Ac '-. - GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 69 Theseexpressionsassume a simplerform fora homogeneoussystem in a largeboxofvolum eF,wherethesingle-particleGreen'sfunctionmaybewritten as(compareEq.(3.1))1 Ga/xr,x't')=Fk * dul . . gxjzefk*tf-f'e-fœtr-r'G.#(k,(t4 -X (7.24) InthelimitP'. -. >.cc,thesum overwavevectorsreducestoanintegral(Eq.(3.26)) G.b(x?,x'J' )=(2*)-4Jd3kj* -.dt >efk*tx-x'e-l L uç' -t'Gxb(k,t .) j andacombinationofEqs.(7.8),(7.23),and(7.25)gives N-. fd3xt? i(x))-+, ' (zj)4, l . i ntfdqkj--,Jr xlet-ntrctk, f z, ) F co (7. 26) h2k2 E = +!. ïta l4qlim d?kJ..#( x )el ul' lam +hattrG(k, ( s) o,. J - H eretheconNergenctfactor jim :ia?(l'-t). lim eiu''l l'..+f+ 'r)-+0+ desnesthe appropriate contourin the complex utplane;henceforth,the limit T -+.0+willbeim plicitwheneversuch afactorappears. For some purposes.itwould be more convenientto have the diflkrence hœ - hlk2j2m appearing in Eq.(7.27). Thisresultcan be achieved with the following trick,apparently due to Pauliand since rtdiscovered m any times.z Theham iltonianiswritten with a variablecouplingconstantA as z?(A)- J?o+ AJ?l then 4(1)= J? and 4(0)-/% and we attempt to solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation for an arbitraryvalueof/ à: 4(A)î '1%(A))- f(A)î'1%(A)) (7.28) where thestatevectorisassum ed norm alized ('Fc(A)i'1'a(A)' )- 1 'Fora proofthatG dependsoùly on thecoordinatediferencex - x'ina uniform system.see thediscussion precedingEq.(7.53). 2See,forexample,D .Pi nes,l6-l-heM any-BodyProblem , ''p.43,W .A.Benjamin,Inc.,New York,1961;T.D.Schultz,*souantum FieldTheoryand the M any-BodyProblem,''p.18, Gordon andBreach,SciencePublishers.New York,1964. 7: GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM ThescalarproductofEq.(7.28)with(Ta(1)1immediatelyyields f(l)- 4'l%(4l#(A)I'l%(z)) and itsderivativewith respectto theparameterAreducesto a#z -zr(A)--4td*F :)(A)jy?(A)4 n?c(z))+4nr:(A)( y?(A)d'P :)(l);) - AF(Tc(A)lJJ#?j(?)l,po(A)) --1:(z)#-tvo(z)I vc(A))+t'rc(z)lz?lInra(z)) - dz -- (vo(A)I#lI v n(A)) (7.29) where the normalization condition has been used in obtaining the last line. IntegrateEq.(7.29)with respecttoàfrom zerotooneand notethatE(0)= Eo andf(l)= E E-Ez- 1dh Q w ('l%(A)lAJ%l'l%(A)) (7.30) Theshiftintheground-stateenergyishereexpressed solelyinterm softhematrix elementoftheinteractionAXI. Unfortunately,thismatrixelementisrequired foralIvaluesofthecoupling constant0< A< 1. ln the usualsituation,where 4 1representsthe potentialenergy (Eq.(7.12)),a combination ofEqs.(7.22) and(7.30)gives 1dt j d f - Eo= H f 0 -j- #3x t1êim l i m i h z -j- F(x) trGA(x/,x't') yg+ xz-yx .. with thecorresponding expression fora uniform system #' l#A c o hlkl E-Ev=i-à. f(2*)4 ( )y #3kj-c odt . oetû' ghul- 2m trGA(k,a)(7. 32) ExAM etE: FREE FERM IONS A s an exam ple ofthe above form alism ,consider the G reen's function for a noninteracting homogeneous system of ferm ions. It is hrst convenient to m rform a canonicaltransformation to particles and holes. In the deânition oftheield (compareEqs.(2.1)and(3.1)) Wx)= Z /kA(X)CkA kA weredehnetheferm ion operatorckaas1 ckA k > kF particles fk3= b!kA . k< kr holes C'M I 'n eabsenceofaparticlewithmomentum +. k from tbehlledFermisea impli esthatthesystem pos= ses a momentum -k. For a prom r interpretation ofthe spin of the hole state,see Sec.56. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) n which is a canonicaltransformation thatpreservesthe anticommutation rules fJ.,J1-1-f*.:1,1= 3.,. (7.35) and therefore leavesthe physicsunchanged. Here theJ'sand b'sclearly anticommute with each otherbecause they referto diferentmodes. 'Fhe a%and a om a' atorscreate and destroy particlesabove the Fermisea,while the b%and b om ratorscreate and destroy holesinside the Fermisea,asisevidentfrom Eq. (7.34). n efeldsmay now be rewritten in termsofthese new om ratorsas #s(X)= kAZ /kA(X)DkAV kâ<11kF /k2X)Y kA >kF (7.36) #z(Xf)= kà>k Z w /kz(X)Wl*&îWA+ kA<Xkr /kA(X)d-f**îY kA (7.3D wherethehrstequation isin the Schrödingerpictureand thesecond equationis in theinteraction picture. Equations(7.36)and (7.37)diFeronly in thatthe interactionpicturecontainsacomplextime-dem ndentphase. Correspondingly, theham iltonian becom es Xc= ) (hœkclAckA kA = J( hutkJ1AJkz-kâX haikldkz5kz+ k/L âttlk < kr < kr kâ> kr (partlclex) (âplez) (7.38) (fllled'Yrml:e.) In the absence ofparticles orholes,the energy isthatofthe 5lled Ferm isea. Creating a holelowerstheenergy,whereascreating a particle raisestheenergy. lfthetotalnumberoffermionsisExed,however,particlesand holtsnecessarily occurin pairs. Each particle-hole pairthen hasa netpositiveenergy,showing thattheilled Ferm isea representstheground state. By desnition,the noninteracting fermion Green's function is given by fGî,(xr,x'r')- (*oIrE#z.(x/)41/x'r')!I*e) (7.39) where the noninteracting ground state vector is assumed normalized,and the superscriptzero indicates thatthis isa Green's function with no interactions. W enow observethattheparticleand holedestruction om ratorsb0th annihilate theground state àkzI*o)= Jkàl*0)= 0 (7.K ) sincetherearenoparticlesaboveorholesY low theFermiseainthestate 1 *:2). Equation(7.40)showstheusefulnessoftheparticle-holenotation. Theremainingterm foreach timeordering iseasilycomputed,and we:nd iGkblxt.xzt;)= jzj)z' -1jkefk.lx-x')e-ltthlf-1') k x (p(?- t')0(k- kz. )- #(J'- t)94kz-- k)) (7.41) 72 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM where the factor 3a, arises btcause the sum over spin states iscomplete. In the lim itofan infnite volum e,the sum m ation overk becomesan integration iGQ aj(x/,x't')= 3aj(2z8-3j-d3kpik*tx-x')d-iahff-r') x I) û(/- t')ù(k- ks)- 9(/'- ?)bqkF- A)) (7.42) ltisnow usefulto introduceanintegralrepresentationforthestepfunction 8(/- t')= - ( : ci dœ e-it ,, l(t-t') .o)+ I.T 2=, -. (7.43) Equation (7.43)isreadilyveritied asfollows:lft> t',then thecontourmustbe closed in the lower-half u)plane,including the sim ple pole at ( . v= -iT with residue-1. lfl< /',then thecontourm ustbeclosed in theupper-halftzlplane andgiveszero,becausetheintegrand hasnosingularitiesforlm f. s > 0. Equation (7.43)maybecombinedwith Eq.(7.42)togive (k-kp) y ft/cs-Fcj x3,jg( ,bc o,+, j .-o,,-, . , yj(, y. 44) - which im m ediatelyyields G1j(k,œ)= îaj #(k- ks) + 0(kF- k) ( .o- o)k+ i' q f .e- œk- i, rl ltisinstructivetoverifyexplicitlythatEq.(7.44)indeedreproducesEq.(7.42), and also thatEq.(7.45)givesthecorrectvaluefor(i 9? $(Eq.(7.26))andE H Efj (Eq.(7.27)). Equation (7.45)also can be derived directly by evaluating the Fouriertransform ofEq.(7.42),inwhichcasetheiiytermsarerequiredtorender thetim eintegralsconvergent. TH E LEHM AN N REPRESENTATIO N l Certain features of the single-particle G reen's function follow directly from fundam entalquantum -m echanicalprinciples and are therefore independentof the specifk form ofthe interaction. This seetion is devoted to such general properties. Although oursnalexpressions areformally applicable to both bosons and ferm ions,the existence of Bose condensation atT = 0 introduces additionalcomplications(seeChap.6),and weshallconsideronlyfermionsin thenexttwo subsections. TheexactG reen'sfunction isgiven by iGxblxt,x't')= (%%)rlvMsxtx/)vef sjtx't'))1 k1%) (7.46) 1H.Lehmann,Nuovo Cimento, 11:342(1954). OurtreatmentfollowsthatofV.M .Galitskii and A.B.Migdal,Ioc.cit.and A.A.Abrikosov.L.P.Gorkov,and 1.E.Dzyaloshinskii, çtM ethodsofQuantum Field Theory in Statisti calPhysics,''sec.7,Prentice-llall,lnc.,Englewood Clifs.N .J.,1963. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 73 wheretheground stateisassumed normalized f(kP()I kI'%)= l). Ingeneral,the Heisenberg held operators and state vectors in thisexpression are very comPlicated. Nevertheless, it is possible to derive some interesting and general results. lnserta com plete setofHeisenbergstatesbetween theheld operators; these states are eigenstates of the fullhamiltonian, and include allpossible numbersofparticles. TherightsideofEq.(7.46)becomes dGzjtxr,x't')= )(;(p(?- t')ttl' -0f#s.(x?)('. Fn)ttl''at#ijtx'/')(t1%) 0(t'-t)tkl' ccll /1#(x't')I T,)t'l'al#s.(x?)lkI%)J (7.47) - Each Heisenbergoperatormay berewritten in thefbrm 0H(/)= diW'/â0Se-iW'/â which allowsusto m ake explicitthetim e dependenceofthese matrix elements l 'Gaj(xt,x'/')= )((#(/- t')e-içEn-E't'-'''/'(kl. '()11 /a(x)1kra)(51. 7 -nr #jf(x')41F' ()) a - 0(t,- /)ejtz. a-sl(f-t')/,(Aj. c( )jyt #tx')jkl. pn)(kj. aajyu(x)4T*(j)j (7.4j) Asapreliminarystep,weshow thatthestatesJT,,)containN + 1particles ifthe state ! H7'(j) containsN particles. The number operator has the form #-) (fd3x#J(x)4.(x) a anditscommutatorwiththeseldoperatoriseasilyevaluated(fbrb0th bosons andfermions)as (#,' ;/z)!- -#j(z) or,equivalently, 4' ;j(z)- , J#(z)(4 - 1) Applythislastoperatorrelationtothestate 1 T1): X(';' j(z)1'l''(,))- CN - 1)(#j(z)l'1%)1 (7.49) where we havenoted thatl kFc) isan eigenstateofthe numberoperatorwith eigenvalueN. Thustheseld9 actingonthestate1T'0)yieidsaneigenstateof thenumberoperatorwithonelessparticle. Similarly,theoperator#1'increases thenumberofparticlesbyone. Equation(7.48)thuscontainsonenew feature thatdoes not occur in the ordinary Schrödinger equation,for we mustnow considerassem blieswith diserentnum bersofparticles. U ntilthispoint,thediscussion hasbeen com pletely general,assum ingonly thatX istimeindependent. Although itispossibleto continue thisanalysis withoutfurtherrestriction.we shallnow consideronlythesim plercaseoftranslationalinvariance. This implies thatthe momentum operator,which is the generatorofspatialdisplacements,commuteswith 4. Itisnaturalto usethe 74 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPEBATURE) FORMALISM plane-wavebasisofEq.(3.1)forsuchasystem,and themomentum operatoris given by êw )?(J#3x(û(x)(-fâV)fk(x)= I âkclzckA kA (7.50) Thecommutatorofê withtheseld operator9 (forbothbosonsandfermions) iseasilyevaluated as - /âVfz(x)= I#.(x),ê) Which can also berewritten in integralform ; y1(x)= e-it.xlhyX((pvie.xlh (7*5g) Sincef:isaconstantofthe motion,thecomplete setofstatesalso can be taken as eigenstates ofmomentum. W e therefore extractthe x dependence ofthe matrixelementsinEq.(7.48): 'Gab(x/,x'f')= )( i )(#(t- t')e-ftfk-f'f'-J''''efPp.tx-x')/5 x(.1. e( )lfkt0)1T,n)('1-nl##' f(0)1.1-o)- 0(t'- t)eiç%-E'('-t''''e-''%.(x-x''/. x('lP:6' ;1 /0)t'F' n' )('l'n( fa(0)( 'lCc)1 (7.53) where wehaveobserved thatêikl'o')= 0. Equation(7.53)makesexplicitthat G dependsonlyonthevariablesx- x'and t- f/.:k ThtcorrespondingFourier transform is Gxb(k,(,>)= f#3(x- x')j-#lf- t')ta-ik*tx-x')eiwst-t''Gxj(xr>x't') Cl%1#a(0)i 'F., ' )t'L lf1 /0)1V1' e0) Iz') a(dk,pa/, t5 ,-,(s.- y)+ j,y . - +FZ3k.-w/,s-r:F0 . ;)(0h)-l' 1 -a 'I'' a2 1kk( ) .1%)' (7.54) -1 j' l k) zt e) -0 , . ,21 n * + where thezki' rlisagain necessary to ensure the convergence ofthe integralover lnthesrst(second)term,thecontributionvanishesunlessthemomentum ofthe state l9'a)correspondsto a w' avenumberk(-k),which can be used to t - t'. restricttheinterm ediatestates2 G. /k,fa))= P' 4'l%l #a(0)l '?k)(akI'3( 0) I'l%)' ts â-j(sa.s). j.t y - +r:1%1,/ 1' )(0)(a,-ik)(n,s) -kt v 1. (l0)l %'a) -' ix ' - ( . o+ h (E' n- (7.55) tFormanyprobiemsitismoreconvenienttoassumethattheinteractingparticlu moverelative toasxedframeofreference. Forexample,intheproblem ofinteractingelectronsincrystalline solidsand atoms,thecrystalline lattice and heavy atomic nucleusprovide such sxed frames. ln tbiscasetheê oftheinteractingparticlesnolongercommuteswith 4,and theGrœn's function may dex nd explicitly on x and x'. Thismorecomplicated situation isdiscussed in Chap.l5. GREEN'S FQINCTîONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 75 Thusthegeneralprinciplesofquantum mechanicsenable usto exhibitthefrequency dependence ofthe Green'sfunction,G causeutnow appearsonly lh the denominatorofthissum. It is helpful to examine these denominators in a little more detail. In the Erst sum the intermediate state has N + lparticles,and the denominator m ay be written as (. o- h-3LEnIN + 1)- S(1))= t,y- h-LLX LN + 1)- E(N + l)) A-i(F(# + 1)- ElNjj (7.56) - Now E(N + 1)- E(Njisthechangeinground-stateenergyasoneextraparticle is added to the system . Since the volume ofthe system iskeptconstant,this ' changeinenergyisjustthechemicalpotential(compareEq.(4.3)1. Furthermore. the quantity En(N + 1)- E(N + 1)> E&(# + 1)isthe excitation energy ofthe N + 1particlesystem ;bydefnition,%(# + 1)isgreaterthan orequaltozero. Sim ilarly,thedenom inatorofthesecond term can bewritten ( . o+ â-lLEnIN - 1)- F(#))= o)- â-1(f(#)- E(N - l)) + â-1LEnIN - lj- E(N - 1)) = ts- â-1Jz+ â-!e.(N - 1) (7.57) sinceE(N)- E(N - 1)isagainthechemicalpotentialrz,apartfrom corrections oforderN-t. Indeed,theverydeEnitionofthethermodynamiclimit(N -. + cc, F ->.cc.butN1Fconstant)implies p. IN + 1)= b4N)+ 0(#-1) (7.58) A lthough we shallnot attem pt to prove this relation in general.it is readily dem onstrated forafreeFerm igasatzerotem perature,wherethePauliprinciple furtherensuresthatp,= 4. Equations(7.56)and(7.57)can now becombined withEq.(7.55)togivetheLehmannrepresentation G ('l%)#.(0))nk)rak)#;(0))tl%) .,(k, tu)=AFY(uw.g-egvfyoj)ojp +6:1%1#/0)1a,-k)(n,-kl#.(0)I'l%) yjo hut-;+e-.-.(N-1)-i, q 1(. ' ltis possible to simplify the matrix structure ofG in the sm cialcase of spin-l.. SinceG isa2x 2matrix,itcanbeexpanded in thecompletesetconsisting ofthe unitm atrix and the three Paulispin m atrices n. lfthere is no preferreddirectionintheproblem,then G mustbeascalarunderspatialrotations. Sincek istheonly vectoravailable to combine with e,G necessarily takesthe form G(k,ts)= JI+ :l.k 76 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM where the invariance underrotations impliesthata and b arefunctionsofk2 and œ. 1f,in addition,the hamiltonian isinvariantunder spatialreqections, then G mustalso have thisproperty;but l.k is a pseudoscalar under spatial reqections,so thatthe coeë cientb m ustvanish. Thussifthe ham iltonian and ground state are invariantunder spatialrotationsand reiections,the G reen's function hasthefollowingm atrixstructure Ga#tk,t,al= 3.#G(k,f, t))= 8=bG(!k1,(z>) proportionalto theunitm atrix. ItisinstructivetouseEq.(7.59)toreproduceourpreviousexpressionfor G0(k,fs)(Eq.(7.45))in afreeFermisystem. Forthefirstterm ofEq.(7.59), theadded particlem ust1ieabove the Ferm isea,and them atrixelem entsofthe feld operatorsbecom e f'l'014a(0)i?'k)(nkl#)(0)l 'Fn)-*P'-'3œj9(k-:,) (7.61) In thedenom inatorofthisterm ,theexcitation energy isthediflkrencebetween theactualenergy oftheadditionalparticle and theenergy thatitwould haveat theFerm isurface. Thustheenergydiflkrenceisgivenby f tN + 1)- E(X + 1)M ek(X + 1)--' >'ek- ek= k â2(k2- k/) lm Thesecond term ofEq.(7.59)clearly correspondsto a holebelow the Fermi surface,and them atrixelementsoftheEeld operatorsbecom e ('FoI' ;')(0)ln,-k)(n,-kl#z(0)lk1'o)-+.#'-'3zjgtks-k4 The ground state ofthe N - 1 particle system is reached by letting a particle from theFermisurfacecomedownandflllupthehole;hencetheenergydifrerence in thesecond denom inatorisgiven by Ek (N - 1)- f(N - 1)- e-k(X - 1)->'ek- f0k= hzlk; 2m- k2) - Sincep,= ek-foranoninteractingsystem,weobtainEq.(7.45). Asnoted above,Eq.(7.59)exhibitsthedependenceoftheexactGreen's function on thefrequency u),and itisinterestingto considertheanalyticproper- tiesofthisfunction. Thecrucialobservation isthatthefunction G(k,(o)isa meromorphicfunction of âa),with simplepolesattheexactexcitation energies of the interacting system corresponding to a momentum âk. For frequencies below glh,thesesingularitieslieslightlyabovetherealaxis,andforfrequencies abovelxlh,thesesingularitieslieslightlybelow therealaxis(compareFig.7.l). ln this way.the singularities of the Green's function immediately yield the energiesofthoseexcited statesforwhich the numeratordoesnotvanish. For an interacting system ,the itld operator conneets the ground state with very m any excited states of the system containing N : i:1 particles. For the non- GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERM IONS) 77 interacting system ,however,the seld operator connects only one state to the ground state,so thatG0(k,(s)hasonly asingle pole,slightly below the realaxis athut= h2k2(2m ifk > ày and slightly above therealaxisatthe samevalue of hulifk < kF. Itisclear from thisdiscussion thatthe G reen'sfunction G isanalytic in neitherthe upper northe lower (s plane. Forcontourintegrations,however, itisusefulto considerfunctionsthatareanalytic in onehalfplaneortheother. Aozplane Fz-œn.-k(X-1)+iT e(k)t' Nointeractions) XXXX XXXXXXX AX X M XXXXXXXXX X /*+ 'nk(X+1)-l h Fig. 7.1 Singularities of G(k,( z9 in the complexhl.oplane. W e therefore deine a new pair offunctions,known asretarded and advanced G reen'sfunctions I 'G' ljtx/,x't')= (( tl%r(#s.(x/),#). Ijtx't'))(1 F0)0(t- t') (7.62) ftojtxr,x't')= -(Yeol (1 Jsa(xr),' f' sjtx't'))411)0(t'- r) where the braces denote an anticom m utator. The analysis of these functions proceedstxactly asforthetim e-ordered G reen'sfunction. In a hom ogeneous system ,we fnd the following Lehm ann representation oftheir Fouriertransform s: GR A(k(s)= h1z- ' IVI 1 /x(0)q Nk)tDk1f)(0)1'Fo', x) Jjo1 , N t, o- y - raktx + 1)s iv tkl'01. t ;j f(0)1n,-k>Ln,-k(f, z(0)$ kl'o) hol- p,+ % ,- k( N - 1)+ iy NotethattheFouriertransformsGR(k,(s)and GA(k,(s)areagainmeromorphic . + functions ofts. A1lthe poles of GR(k,ts)1ie in the lowerhalf plane,so that GR(k,(o)isanalyticforlmf, t a>0, 'incontrast,a1lthepolesofGA(k,œ)liein the upper half plane.so thatfP(k,t x?)isanalytic for Im t , e< 0. Forrealop,these funetionsaresim ply related by EG1k(k,t,3.)*- G/.(k,u9 (7.64) wheretheasterisk denotèscomplex conjugation. Theretardedand advanced Green'sfunctionsdiflkrfrom each otherandfrom thetime-orderedGreen'sfunc- tiononlyintheconvergencefactorsië,whichareimportantnearthesingularities. If(. o isrealand greaterthan â-1Jz,then the insnitesim alim aginary parts +f4 7: GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM inthesecondterm ofEqs.(7.59)and(7.63)playnorole. Wethereforeconclude thatin thislimited dom ain ofthecom plex u;plane Gl#(k,œ)= G.#(k,œ) hœ real,>rz (7.65/) hœ real,< Jz (7.655) Similarly, tQ,(k.œ)= G.,(k,tt0 Asnoted previously,G.j is usually diagonalin the spin indices:G.,= G3aj. W ith the same assum ptions,the retarded and advanced Green'sfunctions are also diagonal,and wemaysolveforG asG = (2x+ 1)-1EaGux- (2J+ 1)-1G.a with theconvention thatrepeated indicesareto besummed. lfthespacingbetweenadjacentenergylevelsischaracterizedbyatypical valueàe,the discretelevelstructurecan be resolved only overtimescaleslong compared withhjLe. Conversely,ifan observation laàtsfora typicaltimem, then thecorresponding energy resolution isoforderhlr. Since àebecomes vanishingly smallfora macroscopic sample,itgenerally satissestherestriction Ae< hlr.andwethereforedetectonlytheIeveldensity,averagedoveranenergy intervalhlr. In thethermodynamic limitofa bulk system ,itfollowsthatthe discrete variable a can be replaced by a continuous one. Iftfa denotes the numa roflevelsin asmallenergy intervale< eak< e+ dE,then thesumm ations inEqs.(7.59)and(7.63)canberewrittenas (2J.+ 1)-1F )(2!(akI #1(0)lN%)12..' œ (2J+ 1)-1FJdnI(akl#1(0)1 '1'a)12''. = #a (2a+ 1)-1FfffeI(ak(#1(0)I'F())12w ... M â-1J#eW(k,eâ-'). (7.66/) and (N + 1)-1FJJI@,.-kIfk(0)lt1%)12 ...- â-1. fde1(k,eâ-1) (7.66:) which dtinethepositive-deNniteweightfunctionsadtk,e/âland #(k,e/â). The corresponding Fouriertransform ofthesingle-particleG reen'sfunction becomes Glk, a(k,tx)') :1,4 . ,:.) t , al=jodt z'o,-,ls-u),+i . o+( . , )-,.ls+ u,,-y . , (7. 67) which now has a branch cutin thecomplex o)planealong the whole realaxis. Thustheinfnite-volumelimitcompletelyalterstheanalyticstructureofG(k,tM, becausethediscretepoleshave merged to form a branch line. Thesameresult descria sasnitesystem whenevertheindividuallevelscannotberesolved. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERM IONS) 79 A sim ilaranalysisfortheretarded and advanced Green'sfunctionsyields GR' . W(k,(,a') , #(k,(s') X(k,t z)=jodf z l( . o-:-ls-f s,siy l+( s-:-1s+oà': jui xl (7. 68) which showsthata1lthree Green'sfunctionscan be constructed if,4 and B are known. ln addition,the sym bolicidentityvalid forreal(. o 1 = (. o+ i. rl 1 @:Fi' rrblu)) (t) . (7.69) showsthatGRand GA satisfy dispersion relations R eGR.?(k,oa)= EF. t # * dœ'lm GR.A(k ( . v'j - X C * - œ ,' - (7.70) where, ' denotesa Cauchy principalvalue. Thisequation also holdsforsnite system s,whereIm G isasum ofdeltafunctions. These Green'sfunctions allhave a simple asymptotic behaviorfor large Considerthe ground-state expectation value ofthe anticomm utator ' t :'l' %If' ik(A2),' ;l(X')1lV0)-îajî(X-X') AnanalysissimilartoEq.(7.53)showsthat 3(x- x')= (2J+ 1)-1j)(efPn*tx-f'l/lttk1'a; 1J1(0)i kFo)i ,2 . j .g-fP?!@(x-x?)/hj)1. j. *aj)) . ,x((;)kj%O j and itsFouriertransform with respectto x - x'yields 1= (2J+ 1)-1P-)((ttnk11 /1(0)1 '1'a)12+ i(a,.-. k! ,1Ja(0)1 àI%)l2! - j0 =#ts( :(k, ( s)+a(k,( s)J wherethelastlinefollowsfrom Eq.(7.66). For1f . z)1-+.cc,Eqs.(7.67)and(7.68) yield c(k.( s)-c/(k, oa)=G, .(k, ( z, )-f 1 z aj0 *t ït s'gz 4( k,( s' )+s(k,( s')j which rem ainscorrectforan arbitraryinteracting system . PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION OF THE G REEN'S FUNCTION Tounderstandthephysicalinterpretation ofthesingle-particleGreen'sfunction, considertheinteraction-picture state 1 T z(/')),and add a particleatthepoint (x't'):f4#(x'?')lH' *J(?')). Althoughthisstateisnotingeneralaneigenstateof 80 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM thehamiltonian,itstillpropagatesintimeaccordingtop(t,/')41gx'f')ItF,(/')). lc-ort> t'whatistheoverlapofthisstatewiththestate';1a(x?)I . kl'z(?))? ('l',(r)i,;za(x/)C'(t,t'4'Jljtx'?')i'F,(/')) - ( *()1t' )(vc,?)EP(?,0)' ;sz(x?)t')(0,J))I' /ltnt'j x Er . ' )(?',0);, . Lblx'?')t' )(0,/')1Cl '(t',-: s)1 *0) t'1' -olf,latxrl#1,/x'?/)1 :1-c) where we have used the resultsofSec.6. Thisquantity isjustthe Green's function for t> /', which therefore characterizes the propagation of a state containing an additionalparticle. In a similarway,ift< t',the seld operator srstcreatesaholeattim et,and thesystem thenpropagatesaccordingtothefull hamiltonian. These holes can be interpreted as particles going backward in tim e,asdiscussedinthefam ouspapersofFeynm an.l Theprobabilityam plitude ata latertim e t'forfnding a single hole in the ground state ofthe interacting system isagainjusttheGreen'sfunctionfort< t'. W e shallnow study how this propagation in tfm e is related to the function G(k,(s),and,fordefniteness,weshallconsideronly theusualcasewherethe time scale istoo shortto resolvethe separateenergy 1evels.2 By the deEnition ofthe Fouriertransform ,the tim e dependence isgiven by G(k, az dol ?)= x ; ;-c-fœlG(k,(s) =TF - ' Ift> 0,theintegralmay beevaluated by deforming thecontourinto thelower halfo. kplane. Since G(k,co)hasa rathercomplicated analytic structure,itis convenienttoseparateEq.(7.73)intotwoparts: G(k,l)= $11hJl. s * dul -2= e-ft i''G(k,œ)+ lh- e-iLO:Gtk,tz)l . -a7 /2 2= (7.74) In thesrstterm ((srealand < h-1p, ),G(k,f z))coincideswiththeadvanced Green's functionGA(k,t r) .(Eq.(7.65:)1,andtheintegralthusbecomes lAIhe, u' llhlts - ... 2* e-i( .,tG(k'ts)= . alrGA(ky( x)) 2=.e-i Now GA(k,(o)isanalyticinthelowerhalfplane,andthecontourcanbedeformed from C'1to CL '(Fig.7.2J). Equation (7.72)showsthatGA(and GR)behaves !R.P.Feynman,Phys.Rev.,76:749(1949);76:769(1949). 2OurargumentfollowsthatofV.M .GalitskiiandA.B.M igdal,Ioc.cit.andofA.A.Abrikosov, L.P.Gorkov,and1.E.Dzyaloshinskii,loc.cit. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND F'ELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 81 liketr-ifbr14 . , ai-->.az;Jordan'slemmalthusensuresthatthecontributionfrom thearcatinûnityvanishes,and Eq.(7.75)reducesto Hlht/* -co .- 2-o,rG(k,f x))= .n.e f v/ 'h Jco à--e-izotGz ttk,(s) v/:-f. zrr (7.76) Thesecond term ofEq.(7.74)can betreated similarly,because G(k,(o)coincides with GR(k,f . t))for real( z?> Jzh. Thereisone importantnew feature,however, Fig.7.2 Contoursused inevaluating G(k,t)fclrt> 0. becauseGR(k,(s)isnotanalytic in thelowerhalf(. oplane butinstead hassingularities. Fordefinitenesswe m ake a l)pr)'eIem elk/arq'm odelof the interacting assem blyand assumethatGB(k.co)hasa sinl plepoleclose ;t?the realaxisin the lower halfplane at ( . o= lt-lEk- iyk with residue a.where E'k> p,and 6k- /. t> hykl . p0. (lfGR hasseveralpoles,thesameanalysisappliesto each one separately.) The contour (72can be deformed to Ca '(Fig.7.2:4,and the large arc atinfinity again makesno contribution;the second term ofEq.(7.74)then becom es . ty* s?& r -.. ,'i-ix d ' 20.e-f c ' rG' (k,( ,)-j j*c-ïa' rGA(k, ( o)-iat ?-f6 k' 7'e-k' k' . vfs ,n. A combination ofEqs.(7.76)and(7.77)yields Gtk,t)= v, 'h lxl9-ifn l( s ' jot'g6' X(k'to)- G&(k,ct))J- iae-iEkf/ ' 9e-k' k: zre-i Ifrisneithertoo largenortoo small,theintegralin Eq.(7.78)isnegligible, and thestate containing oneadditionalparticle propagateslikean approxim ate eigenstate with a frequency ekf /h and dam ping constant vk. M ore precisely, we shallnow show thatif 1tllek- rz)à>h it1yk; :l tSee,for example.E.G .Phillips,tçll-unctions ofa Complex Variable.'gp.122,lnterscience Publishers,Inc.,New York.1958. GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALjSM :2 thtnl 'G' tk#/)Q;-iae-fe:f/âe-Mkt (7.79) Notethatthecondition 6k- Jz> hykisassumed implicitly,so thatthepolemust lievery closeto therealaxis. Inthiscase,Eq.(7.79)showsthattherealand imaginary partsofthe polesoftheanalyticcontinuation ofGR(k,to)into the lower halt-plane determine the frequency and lifetime of the excited states obtained by addinga particletoan interactinggroundstate. Equation(7.79) isreadilyprovedbynotingthattheintegrandinEq.(7.78)isexponentiallysmall as Im f . s becom es large and negative,so thatthe dom inantcontributionscom e from theregion nearthe realaxis. O n therealaxis,in thevicinity ofthe pole we have GR(k,tt)); ksto- rka //j+ iyg GA(k,u))= (GR(k,(s))*; J k; ( .o- çyjh- iyz whertthesecond relationfollowsfrom Eq.(7.64). Theserelationsallow usto analytically continueGR(k,(s)and GA(k,(s)into the complexf. splane,and the integralin Eq.(7.78)canthereforebewrittenas v:h #4s 2 t?-foafgcAtk,ts, l- GR(k,ts)J BIh-ico 0. ; k;liyka #1h #(s =((z)- h j6k)a+--yk 2 #t/h-tx)2. - ' ?ka e- iytlh co = - e-if . t )f = du z e-l zr .j y ( ) y.+ (â (p.- q)- syz ; k;-4=1)-1y:ahls - ex)-2e-iHtih. t- iae-*ktlhe-tkt (780) where the third line isobtained with thesubstitution u= fl(,)- â-ip). The hnalform follows by usipg assumptions 1 and 2,along with the condition y'k. <4h-1(q - /z). Notethatthelastine4ualityinEq.(7.80)failsiftistoolarge or too small. ln a wholly analogous fashion,the poles ofthe analytic con- tinuation ofGzttk,f . olinto the upperhalfoaplanedeterminethefrequencyand lifetime ofthestateobtained by creating a hole(destroying a particle)in the interacting ground state. 'The apparentexponentialdecay isslightly misleading because condition 2 restrictsusto the region wheree-'';kJ1- yt. 83 GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 8DW ICK'S THEO REM ' Thepreceding section defined thesingle-particleG reen'sfunction and exhibited itsrelation to observableproperties. Thisanalysisin no way solvesthefundam entalm any-bodyproblem ,however,and wem uststillcalculateG fornontrivial physical system s. A s our general m ethod of attack,we shallevaluate the Green's function with perturbation theory. This procedure is most easily carried outintheinteraction picture,wherethevarioustermscan beenumerated with a theorem ofW ick,derived in thissection. Therem ainderofthischapter (Sec.9)isdevoted to thediagram maticanalysisoftheperturbation series. TheG reen'sfunction consistsofam atrixelem entofH eisenberg operators intheexactinteracting ground state. Thisform isinconvenientforperturbation theory,and we now prove a basic theorem thatrelatesthe m atrix elem entofa HeisenbergoperatortX(/)tothematrixelementofthecorrespondinginteraction optratorOg(t): ('F'( )I:,,(J)l 'l%). l * (: 1' -01 ' 1P( ) . t*cl , 9i *oljooj*j-jf -jv21juta, J--dtv .- v-o Xe-etItJ/+ . +I,pl)r(. J. ?.j(/y) Heretheoperator. Lisdefinedby . ??!(?v)t),(/)31*c) (8.1) S= t' Vc s,-aa) (8.2) Theproofisasfollows:TheG ell-M ann and Low theorem expressestheground state ofthe interactingsystem in theinteraction picture t1l%) CO,+cc'l(*0) fê*cl'l'0) ((p:(t%(0.uiu:x?)((l':). . = The denominator on the leftside ofEq.(8.1)can be calculated by writing I. k(0,-cc)1*0, N )ontherightandt%(0,: c)t*o))ontheleft (11, -()1 àF0) (*cIG(0,cs)fG(0,-cc)1*n) tf*c1 , 'l'e)t2 tt*o1 '1'o)l2 C*()rG(' x,,0)f$(0,-:c)1*0) ' = ttèmelklp .ol'ta(*01. 91*0) ==((* z ot 'l'0)l (8.3) wherebothEqs.(6.15)and(6.16)havebeenused. Inasimilarway,thenumeratorontheleftsideofEq.(8.1)becomes,withtheaidofEq.(6.31), t*( ,It%(cc,0)t' )e(O,?)dz(?)t%(r,0)t%(:,-' x))1*0) lf*cl '' I'(,)12 - 4*01I cc,J )öz(?)Lhlt.-cc)1*0) (s.4) .%( lo js-;jc . : ro o lG .C.w i ck,Phys.#et,..&);268(1950). > GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM Thecommon denominatorsofEqs.(8.3)and(8.4)cancelin formingtheratio, and we5nd f'l%I:,,(/)l 'Fc)- (*o1t%(=,r)ör(f)G(f,-cc)I*c) (g.5) - - .:.1'c1.1%) (*aI,9I*(,) The rem aining problem isto rewrite the num erator ofthe rightside of Eq.(8.5),containingtheoperator t%(*,f)0z(f)t'Vf,-*) * - j a j xj h -- dfj .. . n! t n=0 * djae-g(j.j1+...+jtaj)pg. /' . /' G l(jlj.... j' g. e l(jajj == l * x 0z(/) - im 1 r t h m ! -. dtl..' -.dtm x e-e(Itl1+'''+lt-I)TgJ)l(tj).... J' . J 'j(ty pj)) (8.6) whereEq.(6.37)hasbeenused. Thetheorem willnow beprovedbydemonstratingthattheoperatorin thenumeratorontherightsideofEq.(8.1)isequalto Eq.(8.6). lnthevthterm ofthesum inEq.(8.1),dividetheintegrationvariables into nfactorswith ti> tand m factorswith tt< t,wherem + n = v. There are v!/v !n!waystomakethispartition,andasummationovera1lvaluesofm anda consistentw ith the restriction p= m + n com pletely enum erates the regions of integrationinthisp-foldmultipleintegral. TheoperatorinEq.(8.1)therefore becom es (x) p.0 i v -1 * * 31.m+n ' y'y. x dtl h lz. 'n=0 m =0 ' m . !n . ' l a) - - - ! dtne-f(If.1+ '''+1taI ) xF(4j (fI ).... 4l(K)( 1:,(/)J'dtt---J'dt m . xe-e(I tlI+'.'+I1-1)r(# k(fj) ...J/jtfa)) (8.7) TheKroneckerdeltahereensuresthatm + n= p,butitalsocanbeusedtoperform thesummationoverp,whichprovesthetheorem becauseEq.(8.7)thenreduces toEq.(8.6). In a sim ilar m anner,the expectation value of time-ordered H eisenberg operatorsm aybewritten as ('l %l F(0' z I( ?) 0 (f' )11 '1C0)-yoj,j1joa (o(,jy)( i>; 1 t 4 % 1 : 1%s) v) j , x .., j* -*:/,...J f* -*#f.e-e(I ,!l +...+1 , .1 ) x F(Xl(ll)---#I(f.)öz(l)öz(/'))I*c) (8.8) GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMiONS) 85 Thisresultdependson the observation tqmorl 9ttcc,-ol(r7e(0,?)ô;(t46f,(/. -0)1(P,(0,?-)O,. (t')t' . )t(?',0))f-, .(O,-x)! * ()' p -' :tp( )It7 . rr(*,?)t' ),(?)Pt(?,J')öz(J')C''(t',-cr :.)r*()) . . . and we m ust therefore partition the integration variables into three distinct groups. Otherwise,the proofis identicalwith thatofEq.(8.1). Since Eqs. (8.1)and (8.8)both consistofratios,thedivergentphasefactorscancel,and it is perm issible to take the lim it e'-. +0. ln this last form ,these theorem sare am ongthe m ostusefulresultsofquantum field theory. A san interesting exam ple,the exactG reen'sfunction m ay be written as X z p j cc . >x) l . caj(x,. ,, )- L-hip -!-.dt,...j #?p=0 . -. f(l)o!F(X j(/I) ...X I(tp)) ;a(x)' ly14y))'(l)()zz y ' ' -- - - - tmolS l*())' where the notation x Eë(x,r())- (x,Jx)has been introduced. Here and hence' forth, the subscript 1 wil) be om itted.since we shall consistently work in the interaction picture. lt is also convenient to rewrite the interparticle potential in X jas which allows us to write the integrations sym m etrically.l For exam ple, the numeratorofEq.(8.9),which wewilldenoteby I' C,becomes . j, ) ic' .;(x,y)-I ' GI Ojtx, y). +.(-/ j .) j dnx,J4x/( v. (xj, . v()ha, . ss, 2/$ ppt' r'#t w *Y ' '2' ? 'A 'q'F k xt *o1 .t yA(A1)' t /, ' s(xl)' /?s,(xl)' t /?A-(A'l)v''' a(x)' z 'j(A' )1I(l)az'-F -'' ' .Fk . WherefG0 aé y(x,J.)= t't1)()rll /' x)9-. 1(-I')J.*() refersto the noninteracting system. a( ?' 3 . . . Thisexpression showsthatwe m ustev'aluatetheexpectation v'alue in the noninteracting ground state ofF productsofcreation and destruction operators of theform /f1)01F(y,,1 . . .#Gk' ha(x), t / 1j'4-3. ' )qI 1)0) .( . (8.l2) 'TheGreen'sfunction now assumesacovariantappearanceand,indeed,isjustthatobtained in relativistic quantum electrodynamics.where the interaction ofEq.(8,10)is mediated b5' the exchange ofvirtual photons of the electromagnetic field. The only dipkrence is that quantum electrodynam ics involves the retarded electromagnetic interaction, whereas the present theory involves a static instantaneous potentialproportional to a delta function &(t3- /a). ltshould be emphasized.however.thattheforl'lalislttdeN' eloped here applies equally wellto relativisticquantum field theory.which isespeciallyevidentin Chap. 12.where weconsideranonrelativistic retarded interaction arisingfrom phononexchange. 86 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM lt is clear thatthe creation and destruction operators must be paired or the expectation valuevanishes;eveninthislowest-orderterm ,however,thestraightforward approach ofclassifying al1possiblecontributionsby directapplication ofthecom mutation oranticommutation relationsisvery lengthy. Instead,we shallrelyon W ick'stheorem,which providesageneralprocedureforevaluating such m atrix elem ents. Theessentialideaisto movealldestruction operatorsto theright,where they annihilate the noninteracting ground state. In so doing, we generate additionalterm s,proportionalto thecom m utatorsoranticom m utatorsofthe operatorsinvolved in the interchanges ofpositions. Formost purposes,itis more convenientto use the seld operators directly ratherthan the operators (ck)referringtoasinglemode. Inmostsystemsofinterest,#(x)canbeuniquely separated into a destruction part#t+'(x) thatannihilatesthe noninteracting groundstateandacreationpart' /-'(x).t #(x)= #t+'(x)+ ' / -'(x) (8.13) 47+'(x)1*0)= 0 (8.14) ' Correspondingly,theadjointoperatorbecomes f7f(x)= #t+)'(x)+ #(-)f(x) (8.15) where ' 4 JC-'è(x)( *0)= 0 (8.16) Thus<t+'(x)and 1Jf-'1(x)areb0th destruction parts,while<t-'(x)and W+)è(x) areboth creation parts. Thenotation isa vestige ofthe originalapplication of Wick's theorem to relativisticquantum Eeld theory,where(+)and (-)signs referto a Lorentz-invariantdecom position into positiveand negativefrequency parts. Forourpurposes,however,theycanbeconsidered superscriptsdenoting destruction and creation parts. A san explicitexam ple ofthisdecom position, consider the free fermion seld,rewritten with the canonicaltransformation of Eq.(7.34). ' , j(xl= J( F-1edtk*x-t/kr)TàakA+ jl F-+eltk.x-uhfl' flày!-kâ kâ>kF c1 Jt+'(x)+ ' /-)(x) k/<kF (8.17) In thiscase,thesymbols(+)and (-)maybeinterpreted asthesignofthefrequenciesoftheseld com ponentsm easured withrespecttotheFerm ienergy. To presentW ick'stheorem in aconciseand usefulmanner,itisnecessary to introduce somenew deGnitions. l. Tproduct:The F productofa collection offield operatorshasalready been deGned (Eq.(7.4)). ItorderstheNeld operatorswith thelatesttime on 1ForadiscussionofthespecialproblemsinherentinthetreatmentofcondensedBox systems, seeChap.6. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 87 the leftand includesan additionalfactorof-1foreach interchangeofferm ion operators. By desnition Tlviâê.b ...)- (-1)ertc,i'x/ ...) (8.18) whereP isthenum berofperm utationsofferm ion operatorsneeded to rearrange theproductasgivenontheleftsideofEq.(8.18)to agreewiththeorderonthe rightside. Itisclearlyperm issibleto treatthe boson fieldsasifthey com m ute and the ferm ion seldsas if they anticom m ute when reordering felds within a T product. 2.N orm alordering:Thisterm representsadiflkrentorderingofa product ofseld operators,in which alltheannihilation operatorsareplaced to theright ofal1thecreation operators,againincluding afactorof-1forevery interchange offerm ion operators. Bydesnition Nlziâcb ...)- (-l)P. N' (dWXé ..') (8.19) so thattheseldswithin a norm al-ordered productcanagain betreated asifthey commute(bosons)oranticommute(fermions). Forexample,ifwedealwith ferm ion helds, N(#t+'(x)#t-)(y))= -1 Jt-'(y)4t+'(x) . (8.20) N' (1 /f+)(x)1Jt+)f(y))= -1 Jf+)1(y)' ? ;t+'(x) . Inboth casesthecreation partofthefield iswrittentotheleft,and thefactor- 1 reqects the single interchange of ferm ion operators. The reader is urged to writeoutseveralexam plesofeach defnition. A normal-ordered product of seld operators is especially convenient because its expectation value in the unperturbed ground state 1*:) vanishes identically (see Eqs.(8.14)and (8.16)J. Thisresultremainstrue even ifthe productconsistsentirely ofcreation parts,asisclearfrom the adjointofthe equations desning the destruction parts. Thus the ground-state expectation value ofa F productofoperators gforexample (8.12)Jmay beevaluated by reducing it to the corresponding a N product;the fundamentalproblem is the enum eration oftheadditionalterm sintroduced in thereduction. Thisprocess issim plised by notingthatboth the Tproductand the N productaredistributive. Forexam ple, N LIX + é)(C + X) ''')= NIA-C . Itisthereforesufl icientto provethe theorem sseparately forcreationordestruction parts. 3.Contractions:The contraction oftwo operatorsCJand P isdenoted 1?.P'and isequalto thediserencebetween ther productand theaV product. L1.P'> r(PP)- A(PP) (s.21) 88 GROLIND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPCRATURE) FORMALISM It represents the additional term introduced by rearranging a tim e-ordered productinto a norm al-ordered productand is therefore diflkrentfordifl krent tim eorderingsoftheoperators. Asanexam ple,aIIofthefollowingcontractions vanish j(+)'j(-).= y(+)j'.y(-)' f.= , j(+)' f.yt-).= . j(+).y(-). f.= () . (y., );) becausetheT productoftheseoperatorsisidenticalwiththeN productofthe same operators. To be m ore specifc,consider' the frstpair of operators in Eq.(8.22). TheirFproductisgivenby F(#t+'(x)' #t-)(J')1H f7(+ 1(x)#C-1(y) +#-)(y,)yy+)(x) . . tx> ty ty> tx (8-23) where the + in the second line refers to bosons or fermions. But the seld operator' ($isalinearcombinationofinteraction-pictureoperatorsoftheform cke-ia' k'(compare Eq.(6.10f8). Thus,foreitherstatistics,Eq.(8.23)may be rewritten as F!#t+J(x)1Ji-h(. p))= +fC-'(y)1;t+)(x) because #(-)and ' ? /t+)commute oranticommuteatany time. Notethatthis resultistrue only in the interaction picture,wherethe operator properties are the same asin theSchrödingerpicture. By the desnition ofa norm al-ordered product,we have Aë'/t+'(x)#t-'(>' )1M :i:#f-'(. $' Jt+'(x) (8.25) and theircontraction thereforevanishes (8.26) TheothercontractionsinEq.(8.22)also vanish becauseallofthepaired interaction-pictureoperatorscom m uteoranticom m utewith each other. Equation (8.22)showsthatmostcontractionsarezero. In particular,a contractionoftwocreation partsortwo destructionpartsvanishes,and theonly nonzerocontractionsaregiven by y(+)(x)'y(+)t(y).= iGhxsyj tx> tv y(-)(x)'y(-)#(y,)'= 0 ty> tx () tx7-ty fGXx, . . $ ty> tx Forferm ions,thisresultisderived withthecanonicalanticom m utation relations ofthecreation and destructionoperators(Eq.(1.48))andthedehnitionofthe free Green's function given in Eq,(7.41). A similar derivation applies fbr noncondensed bosons(see,forexample,Chap.12). Notethatthecontractions GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 89 arecnumbersin theoccupation-num berH ilbertspace,notoperators. Equation (8.27)ismore-sim ply derived with theobservation fJ'P).(tpa,= P 'P' ttporr(PP)1m:')- (*( )!P'P'l*( )z +.tx*o; .N ( . s (8.28) since(*o1N(PP)1*o'vanishesbydefinition. Thedistributivepropertiesthen yield thecontraction oftheNeld operatorsthem selves , ? ;a(x)'. , /$j 1(3, )'= iG' çtj(x,è,) a . (8.29) 4. z' f convention : W e introduce a further sign convention. Norm alordered productsoffleld operatorswitb m orethan onecontraction w illhavethe contractions denoted by pairs ofsuperscripts with single dots,double dots,etc. Two factors that are contracted m ust be brought together by rearranging the order of the operators within the normalproduct,always keeping the standard sign convention for interchange of operators. The contracted operators are then to be replaced by the value ofthe contraction given by Eq.(8.27). Since thiscontractionisnowjustafunctionofthecoordinatevariables.itcanbetaken outsideofthe norm al-ordered product. Nl., i''écq'b ...)- +At,g t -'cn./z')..,)-zbzzi.tl''Nlâb ...) (8.30) Finally,note that (. /.P'= :i:p*C' (8.31) wbich follows from Eq.(S.2l) and the desnition of r product and normalordered product. ltisnow possible to state 5. W ick'stheorem : Thebasicidea ofthetheorem isasfollows:Consideragiven tim eordering,and startm ovingthecreation partsto theleftw'ithin thisproductoffield operators. Each tim e a creation part fails to com m ute or anticom m ute,itgenerates an additionalterm,which isjustthecontraction. Itispermissibleto includeaI1 possible contractions, since the contraction vanishes if the creation part is already to the leftofthe destruction part(rememberthatmos:contractionsare zero);hencethetheorem clearly enumeratesalltheextra termsthatoccurin reordering a F productinto a norm al-ordered product. 90 cqouqn-s' rA'rE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FoqMALlsu To prove the theorem,we shallfollow W ick'sderivation and srstprove thefollowing. 6.BasiclentmalIfAIt)P '..k?jisa normal-ordered productand ; isafactorlabeled wts tha timeearlierthanthetimesfor0,P ' ..X,#' ,then AIPP ...k?)2 = AIPP ...E?.;')+ AIPP .'.E'#2*) + N(I/'P ...k fT,)+ AIf. )P ..'k?24 (8.33) ' . . . Thusifa norm al-ordered productism ultiplied on therightwith any operator atan earliertim e,w eobtain a sum ofnorm al-ordered productscontaining the extra operatorcontracted in turn with allthe operatorsstanding in the original product,along with a term where the extra operator is included within the norm al-ordered product. To prove the lem m a, note the following points: (J)If2 is a destruction operator,then all the contractions vanish since F(X2)= N(vi24. Thus,only thelastterm in Eq.(8.33)contributesand the lem m aisproved. (:)Theoperatorproduct0f''''kf'canbeassumedto benormalordered, since otherwise the operatorscan be reordered on b0th sides ofthe equation. Oursign conventions ensure the sam e signature factoroccursin each term of Eq.(8.33)and thereforecancelsidentically. (c) Wecan furtherassumethat2 isacreation operator,and P ''' ? areaIl destruction operators. lfthelemm a isproved in thisform ,creation operators m ay be included by m ultiplying on the left;the additionalcontractions so introduced vanish identically and can therefore be added to the right side of Eq.(8.33)withoutchangingtheresult. Hence itissumcientto prove Eq.(8.33)fork a creation operatorand P ''' ? destruction operators. Theprooffollowsbyinduction. Equation (8.33)isevidentlytruefortwooperatorsbydesnition (Eq.(8.21)) 32 = F(?2)- ?.2.+ N(fT) (8.34) W e now assume itistrue for n operatorsand provt itforn+ l ogerators. M ultiplythelemma(8.33)ontheleftbyanotherdestructionoperatorD having atimelaterthanthatof2. . X1Y ) (8.35) Since P,P .''X, ? are alldestruction operatorsand thecontraction of2' withanydestructionoperatorisacnumber,b hasbeentakeninsidethenormal orderingexceptfortheveryIastterm in Eq.(8.35),where: isstillanoperator. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) Considerthislastterm ,which,w eassert, can be written as DNII/b> ...z L'?k)- N(D'(' )P ...##:')+ Nlbob' k...k?2) (8.36) Thisequation isreadily verihed. DNIL' /Z ...z%?î4 = ( -1),D2I)b7 ...k? - ( -1)1r(>:)PP '..#f' = ( -1)'X'2.PP ...vkLr+ (-1),,+*xlzb)tJ/P ...#fr = ( (-1)e)2b.(')P ...kfq.+ g(-1)r+t?)2Nlbl?b' y...k?kj = ,( . f).PP ...k?z'l+ slbfkb s ...##:) Inthesecondline2 ismoved to theleftwithinthenormal-ordered product,introducingasignaturefactor(-1)P. Thefactorsnow'appearinnormalorder,and the N productcan be rem oved. Furtherm ore, theproductbz isalready time orderedbyassum ption. Thefourthlinefollowsfrom thedehnition ofa contrac- tion,with a factor(-1)0 arising from the interchange ofX and 2. The last term inthefourthlineisinnormalorder,becausePP .'.Xk'arealldestruction operators. The sign conventions then allow us to reorder the operators to obtainthesnalform,whichprovesthebasiclemma(8.33). The rtsultcan be generalized to norm al-ordered products already containing contractions ofEeld operators. Multipl y both uidesofEq.(8.33)by the contraction oftwo m ore operators,.l' t''S'',say,and then interchange the operatorson both sides. Each term has the sam e overallsign change which cancelsidentically. Thuswecan rewritethebasiclemma(8.33)as N(PP--.-.#'-?42 = sr(t' )P''...#..17 -.2.)+ ... + N(0'P**...k.'Lr 2.j+ x(I?'f-''...k ''92) (s.38) 7.Proofof Wick'stheorem :Againthetheorem willbeprovedbyinduction. ltisobviously truefortwo operators, by thedefnition ofacontraction z' (t7f')= x(t7P)+ t' )'P. (8.39) Assum e itistruefornfactors, andmul tiplyon therightbyanoperator(1with atim e earlierthan thatofany otherfactor. FIPPT .'.X#2)t' 1 - rl r/fzlfz...8?2th4 - N( I?b 7çk'...Eî2)fl+ x(r J?'P')l'...f'::)j1+ .. - xt przl, fz ...##' zû) +A' -tsum overalIpossiblepairsofcontractions) (8.40) 92 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM The operatorL can beincluded in the F productbecause itisata timeearlier than any ofthosealready in theF product. On therightside,weuseourbasic lemma (8.33)to introduce the operatorLh into thenormal-ordered products. The restriction on the time ofthe operator(1 can now be removed by sim ultaneously reorderingtheoperatorsin each term ofEq.(8.40). Againthesign conventions give the sam e overallsign on both sides of the equation,w hich therefore rem ains correct. W ick's theorem has now been proved under the assum ption thatthe operators are either creation or destruction parts of the fleld, The T product and the norm al-ordered product are both distributive, however,and W ick'stheorem thusappliesto theheldsthemselves. ltm ustbe em phasized thatW ick'stheorem is an operator identity that rem ains true for an arbitrary m atrix elem ent. Its realuse,however,isfor a ground-state average (*al''. ! *0' ),where al1uncontracted normal-ordered productsvanish. In particular,theexactGreen'sfunction (Eq.(8.9)Jconsists ofallpossiblefully contrad ed term s. 9UDIAGRAM M ATIC ANALYSIS OF PERTURBATIO N THEORY Wick'stheorem allows usto evaluate the exactGreen'sfunction (8.9) asa perturbation expansion involving only wholly contracted field operatorsin the interaction pl' i''lre T' ,.esecontractionsarejustthefree-seld Green'sfunctions G%(Eq.(8.29)),and G isthereby expressed in a seriescontaining U and G%. Thisexpansion can beanalyzed directlyincoordinatespace,or(forauniform system) in momentum space. As noted previously, the zero-temperature theoryforcondensedbosonsrequiresaspecialtreatment(Chap.6),andweshall consideronlyferm ionsin thissection. FEYNM A N DIAGRA M S IN coo RolNATE spAcE As an exam pleofthe utility ofW ick's theorem ,weshallcalculate the srst-order contributionsin Eq.(8.11). Theexpectation valueofallthetermscontaining norm al-ordered products of operators vanishes in the noninteracting ground statet*;),leavingonlythefullycontracted productsoffeldoperators. Wick's theorem thenrequiresusto sum overallpossiblecontractions,and Eq.(8.29) showsthatthe only nonvanishing contraction is between a seld ;' x and an adjointheld#: :. Inthisway,thesrst-orderterm ofEq.(8.11)becomes jJ( f1 xl p)(x,.v)= hl - d4xld4xl z(ytxjjxj /lag,,ss, AA'bzy' (I' G. 0j(x,y)(jG0 Fz-H(xl z,x;)jG0 a,ztxj,xj)- iG; nt.A(xl ',xj)1G0 z-v(xl,x;)) fAl (s) + k' Go zztx,xj)gj ' Go z,jjtxj,xj ?)ïGs 0'j(xj ',y)- fGo z,j(xl,y)/Gs 0,stxj ',xl ')) (c) fnt + 1G. 0H(x,xj ')(; -Gs 0,Atxj ',xl)iGç ).#(xl,y)- iG; 0 .,j(xj ',y)j' Gz 0-A(xI,xj))) (E) (F) GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 93 Thereaderisurged to obtain Eq.(9.l)directly from Eq.(8.11)by enumerating allnonvanishing contributionsforal1possible tim eorderings. Thisprocedure isverycom plicated,even in thefrstorder,and W ick'stheorem clearlyprovides a very powerfuland sim ple tool. X R' X X'l à . j A A' A1 z' X1 A. Jz #, #t . .X'1 y. ' X1 8 Y!# e . # (zd) (#) X , A-1 Xl à à (C) A' #E rz lt, p. Jz' xî xî A A, ' X1 A A X'1 . . # b' A (f)) (E) . A # (F) Fig.9.1 First-ordercontributionstoCaplxsy). W ecan now associateapicturewitheach oftheterm sappearing in expres- sion (9.1),as illustrated in Fig.9.1. The Green'sfunction G0isdenoted by a straightline with an arrow running from thesecond argum entto the first. while the interaction potentialisdenoted bya wavy line. Thesediagram sappearing in theperturbation analysisofG form aconvenientwayofclassifyingtheterm s obtained with W ick'stheorem . They are know n asFeynmandiagramsbecause tht firstdiagram m aticexpansion ofthisform w asdeveloped by Feynm an inhis 94 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FonMAusu work on quantum electrodynam ics.l The precise relation with quantum seld theory wassrstdemonstrated byDyson.z The analytic expression in Eq.(9.1) and the corresponding diagrams (Fig.9.1)haveseveralinterestingfeatures. 1.Theterms,1,B,D,andFcontainaGreen'sfunctionwithbotharguments atthe sam e time,which is indicated by a solid line closed on itself. By the desnition(Eq.(7.41)),theexpressionfGjj(x,x)isambiguous,anditisnecessary todecidehow tointerpretit. Thisquantityrepresentsacontractionof# and fh1',but the time-ordered productis undehned at equal times. Such a term, however,arisesfrom acontractionoftwoseldswithintheinteractionham iltonian Xl.wheretheyappearintheform ' ($(x)' (ktxlwiththeadjointseldalways occurringtotheleftoftheseld. Inconsequence,theGreen'sfunctionatequal tim esm ustbeinterpreted as ït4;(x,x)-tl'i mf6 4*oIF(#.(x?)#;(x/'))1*0) -> (*ol#;(x)#a(x)I*o) - - - - (2. 8+ 1)-1b ja0(x) &xbN = -(2 unform system (9.2) J+ 1)P' fora system ofspin-xfermions. Herea0(x)istheparticledensity inthe unperturbedground state(compareEq.(7.8))and need notbeidenticalwith a(x) in the interacting system because theinteraction m ay redistribute the particles. Forauniform system,however,n0= n= NIV,becausetheinteractiondoesnot change the totalnum ber ofparticles. The term s D and F thus representthe lowest-order direct interaction with a11the particles that make up the non- interactinggroundstate(hlled Fermisea).whilethetermsC and E providethe corresponding lowest-orderexchangeinteraction. Heretheterm sS'directl'and ç'exchange''arise from the originalantisym m etrized Slater determ inants,as discussed below Eq.(3.37). 2.The term s. , d and B aredisconnecteddiagram s,containingsubunitsthat arenotconnectedtotherestofthediagram byanylines. Equation(9.1)shows thatsuch term stypically have G reen'sfunctions and interactions whose argum entsclose on them selves. A saresult.thecontributionofthissubunitcan be factored out of the expression for C. Thus,in the terms , 4 and # above, fGa 0j(x,y)representsonefactorandtheintegralrepresentsanotherfactor. To hrstorderintheinteraction.weassertthatEq.(8.11)canberewrittenasshown in Fig.9.2. Each diagram in thishguredenotesawell-desned integral,givenin Eq.(9.1). The validity ofFig.9.2 isreadily verihed by expanding theproduct and retainingonlythehrst-orderterms.whicharejustthoseinFig.9.l. The 1R.P.Feynman.Ioc.cit. 2F.J.Dyson.Phys.Rev.,75:486 (1949);75:1736 (1949). GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) Ië4(x.y)- + + + + +'..x 1+ 9: + + .-. Fig.9.2 FactoriyAtionofflrst-ordercontributionstoCG x,#). additionaltermsofsecond orderintheinteractionarehereunimportantlwr>use thepresentcalculationisconsistentonlyLojrstorderintheinteraction. Thedenominator(*:1JI*n)= (*aI0(*,-*)I*:) in Eq.(8.9)hasY n ignored to thispoint,and weshallnow evaluateitto Erstorderin theinteraction potential. The operator 04*,-*)isthe same asthatin the numerator of Eq .(8.9),exceptthattheomrators#.(x)#J(y)must% dele-d. Timsthe denominator can also lx evaluated with W ick's theorem,and only the fully contracted term s contribute. The resulting calculation evidently yields the termsshown in Fig.9.3,where each diagram again stands for a well-deâned FIg. 9.3 Disconnœted diagrams in the denomi natorofG#(x,y). A <*(j1J1% > - l+ + + ... integral. These integralsare preciselythesame asthose apm aring in the terms A andB ofEq.(9.1). Wethereforeconcludethatthecontributionofthedenomfaa/orin Eq.(8.9)exactly rlaeellthecontribution of thedisconneeted dl Wgrin thenumerator. Thisimportantresulthasso far% en verihed only to lowest orderintheinteraction,butweshallnow proveittoallorders.l A disconnected diagram closeson itself;conm uenuy,itscontribution to G.j(x,y)factors. n usthevth-orderterm ofthenumeratorofEq.(8.9)r>n bewritten as .' #' fJt (x,y)- * * -i >+1 >. ! * * dt. -A- 3...+--!a,m ! ..dtl - -. @-0 PI-Q v x4:*( ,1F(41(/1)---#l(f-)#.(x)#)(z)!I*:).....,x j**df, .+1...J (* -*dt.(*cl r(#l(l.+, )-..#1(f.)1I *,) (9.3) which cà 'n be seen by applying W ick'stheorem on both sidesofthisexpression. n e second factor,containing n interations,in generalconsists of many dis- connected parts. n efactorv!/a!m !representsthenum-rofwaysthatthev 'Herewefollow the proofgivenby A.A.Abrikosov,L.P.Gorkov,and 1.E.Dzyal- hiMkii, op.cit..= .8. :6 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM operatorsPl(/j)can bepartitioned into twogroups,and,asnoted before,Xj canbem ovedinsidetheF productwith noadditionalchangesofsign. Equation (9.3)mustnow be summed overallp,which is trivially performed with the Kroneckerdelta,andthenumeratorofEq.(8.9)becomes '<' I' f.#(x,y)m -0 fm 1 - = * h- ,n! - -. dtL.-' -. dtm x' :molrEzhltr,l --.Iljltmt1/ 1.(x)v'# ftzlllmolcennecteu * - x n i 1 n=0 * co co dtj .. . -X #/n -X x ((1)()JF(H' -j(tj)--.H-I(t,))p*()) (9.4) Thesrstfactoristhesum ofal1connecteddiagram s,whilethesecond isidentical with the denominator (*f )IXi*o). We therefore obtain the fundamental formula * - iG( xj(x,y)= m=0 im 1 h m! co c o dtj''' -. dtm OX x(*(,IrE. f?.(?.)-..4l(/mlfztxl4ltzllrmnlconnecteu (9.5) which expressesthefactorization ofdisconnecteddiagram s. A related ççlinked- cluster''expansionfortheground-stateenergywasfirstconjectured byBrueckner,lwho verihed the expansion to fourth order in the interaction potential; the proofto allorders was then given by G oldstonez with the techniques of quantum seld theory. Equation (9.5) isimportantbecause itallows us to ignoreal1diagram sthatcontain partsnotconnected to theferm ion linerunning from y to x. The expansion ofG.j(x,y)into connected diagramsiswhollyequivalent to theoriginalperturbation series. ThesearethecelebratedFeynmandiagrams, and we shallnow derivethe preciserulesthatrelatethediagram sto the term s ofthe perturbation series. Itmustbe em phasized,however,thatthe detailed structure ofthe Feynm an rulesdependson the form ofthe interaction ham il- tonianX1,andthepresentderivationappliesonlytoasystem ofidenticalparticles interacting through atw o-body potential. 3.For any given diagram .there is an identical contribution from all similardiagram sthatdiSer m erely in the perm utation ofthe labels 1 ' '.m in theinteractionhamiltonianIîj. Forexample,thetwodiagramsin Fig.9.4 havethesam e numericalvalue because they difl' erm erely in the labeling ofthe dum m y integration variables. In addition,they have the sam e sign because 1K .A . Bruœ kner,Phys.#0 .,1* :36(1955). 2J.Goldstone,Proc.Roy.Soc.tf, ()ndt/al,A239:267 (1957). 97 GREEN' S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) lz Xz x1 x' 1 m X! x2 xz' Fig.9.4 Typicalpermutation ofIh in connected diagram s. Iîjcontainsan evennumberoffermion seldsand maythereforebemovedat willwithin the F product. ln vth orderthereare m !possibleinterchangesof thistype corresponding to the m !waysofchoosing theinteraction ham iltonian 4jinapplyingWick'stheorem. AIIofthesetermsmakethesamecontribution totheGreen'sfunction,sothatwecancounteachdiagram jusfonceandcancel thefactor(rn!)-1inEq.(9.5). Notethatthisresultistrueonlyfortheconnected diagrams,wherethe externalpointsx and z are sxed. lncontrast,the disconnected diagram shown in Fig.9.5 representsonly a single term . Thisresultis Fig.9.6 Typicaldisconnected diagram. Xz xa Xl Xl , easilyseen byexpanding(*01X 1 *0)withW ick'stheorem. There isonly one way to contracta1loftheselds,and the diagram obtained by the interchange x:xl '= xzxa'doesnotcorrespond to a new and diferentanalytic term. This distinction between connected and disconnected diagrams is one of the basic reasons for studying the G reen's function;the sxed external points greatly sim plifythecounting ofdiagram sin perturbationtheory. W etherefore 5nd the following ruleforthe ath-ordercontribution to the single-particleGreen'sfunctionG./x,y): (J) Draw alltopologically distinctconnected diagramswith n interaction lines U and 2n+ ldirected G reen'sfunctionsG0. Thisprocedure can besimpliEed with the observation thatafermion line eitherclosesonitselfoçrunscontlhuously from z tox. Eachofthesediagrams 9: GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM representsallthea!diFerentpossibilitiesofchoosing among thesetofvariables (xjxJ) '''(. L x;). lfthereisa questionasto theprecise meaning oftopologically distinct diagrams,W ick's theorem can always be used to verify the enum eration. 4.In oursrst-orderexample (Eq.(9.1))wenotethatthe termsC and E areequal,asarethetermsD and F;theydiferonlyin thatxandx'(and the corresponding matrix indices)areinterchanged,whereasthepotentialissymmetric underthissubstitution (Eq.(7.13)1. Itistherefore suëcientto retain justonediagram ofeach type.simultaneously omittingthefactor!.in frontof Eq.(9.1$ which reqectsthefactor!.in the interaction potential(Eq.(2.4)).1 x l z' /t y p' Fig.9.6 Matrixindicesfor&(x,y' )zz....,. W ethereforeobtain theadditionalrules: (â) Labeleachvertexwithafour-dimensionalspace-timepointxi. (c) Each solidlinerepresentsaGreen'sfunction(4j(x,y)runningfrom y tox. (#)Eachwavylinerepresentsaninteraction &(x,>' ),A-,, a.'- F(x,y)AA,,,.-bltx- ty) wheretheassociation ofm atrixindicesisshown in Fig.9.6. (e)Integrateal1internalvariablesoverspaceandtime. 5.W e notethatthe summationsappearingin thesubscriptindiceson the Green'sfunctionsandinteractionpotentialsinEq.(9.1)arepreciselyintheform ofa matrix productthatrunsalong the fermion line. Thuswe state the rule: (/)Thereisaspinmatrixproductalongeachcontinuousfermionline,including thepotentialsateâch vertex. 6.Theoverallsign ofthevariouscontributionsappearinginEq.(9.1)or thediagramsappearinginFig.9.1isdeterminedasfollows. Everytimeafermion lineclosesonitself,theterm acquiresan extraminussign. Thisisseen bynoting that the ields contracted into a closed loop can lhe arranged in the order (:11(1)* 1/(1)'')f##(2)'* /42)*'')''.I y1(A)'Jwith no change in sign. An odd number ofinterchange's offerm ion operatorsis now needed to move the last seld om ratorover to itsproper position atthe left. Thusweobtain the rule: (g)Aëxasignfactor(-1)Ftoeachterm,whereFisthenumberofclosedfermion loopsin thediagram. 'Note thatthisresultagain appliesonlytoconnected diagrams,asisevidentfrom Fig.9.12 andB. GAEEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) D 7.Theath-ordtrterm ofEq.(9.5)hasanexplicitnumericalfactor(-ilh?, whjle the 2n+ 1contractionsofheld om ratorscontribute an additionalfactor f>+l(=eEq.(8.29)1. W ethereforeobtaintherule: fh)To compute G(x,y)assign a factor(-f)(-#â)*(f)2a+l= (ilh? to each athorderterm. Finally,theearlierdixussionofEq.(9.2)yieldstherule: (f)A Green'sfunctionwithequaltimevariablesmustlx interpretedas Gî/XJ.X't' /) X Xl à / Xl l !: A, # x; K1 . Fig.9.7 A1le st-orderFeynmandiarams forG #(x,. y). , # # @) (:) # The foregoing arguments provide a unique prescription for drawing a11 Feynman diagrams that contribute to G(x,z) in coordinate space. Each diagram corresponds to an analytic expression thatcan now be written down explicitly with the Feynman rules. The calculation ofG thusG comesa relatively autom aticprocess. Asan exampleofthe Feynman rules,weshallnow writeoutthe complete srst-ordercontributiontoG./x,z),showninFig.9.7, G$(x,y)=fâ-lfd*xkJd*xl((-1)G2z(x,xl)U(xI,xJ)zz,,pg.Z .#xI,z) xG1'/xJ,xJ)+ Gîz@.xl)U@l,x1)AA',p,#'G0 à./xl,x1)G:'/x1,XJ (9.6) Hereand henceforth.an implicitsummation isto% carriedoutoveralIrem ated spinindices. Thecorresponding second-ordercontribution GtRx,y)requires morework.and we merely assertthatthere are 10 e ond-order Feynman dia- grams(Fig.9.0. Thereadtrisurgtd toconvincehimselfthatthesediagrams exhausttheclassofe ond-ordertopologically distinctconnected diagrams,and to writedown the analyticexpression associated with each term . GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM 100 )) ) V)# @) (J) fb) (c) (d) 4S1 'g l (pr) (#) (h4 Fig.9.8 Allsx ond-orderFeynmandiavamsforG.#@ ,y). (e) (J) FEYN M A N DIAGRAM S IN M OM ENTU M SPACE In principle,the Feynman rules enable us to write down the exact Green's function to arbitrary order,butthe actualevaluation ofthe termscan lead to formidable problems because each noninteracting Green's function G0(x,y) consistsoftwo disjoint pieces. Thuseven the srst-ordercontribution (Eq. (9.6))mustbesplitintomanyseparatepiecesaccordingtotherelativevaluesof thetimevariables. lncontrast,theFouriertransform G0(x,y,œ)with respect to tim ehasa sim ple form ,and itisconvenientto incorporate thisinto the calculations. Although it is possible to consider a m ixed representation G./x,x',a4,which would applyto spatially inhomogeneoussystemswith a tim e-independentham iltonian,we shallnow restrictthe discussion to uniform and isotropic system s, w here the exact G reen's function takes the form 3.#G(x- y). The spatialand temporalinvariancethen allowsafullFourier representation,and wewrite Gxb(x,>' )- (2*-4I#4ke'''f>-''G, x,(k) t4/x,z)- (2*-4Jd*kekk'çx-v'(4#k) (9.7J) (9.7:) GqEEN.s FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 1Q1 where the lim it F -->.* has already been taken. Here a convenient fourdim ensionalnotation hasbeen introduced d*k- d3kdœ k.x> k.x- œt (9.8) In addition,we assum e that the interaction depends only on the coordinate diFerence &(x,x')= F(x- x')ô(f- t') (9.9) Itmay then bewritten as &(x,x').a'-,j-=(2,4-4J#4kekk-çx-x'bUlkjœ?,,#j, (2r4-3J#3kedk*fl-x''F(k)??y .jj.3(l-t') (9.10) where Ulkjxx-vbp'- F(k)..-.j,' = Jd5xe-fkexF(x) '#j, (9.l1tz) (9.11:) isthespatialFouriertransform oftheinterparticlepotential. As an exam ple ofthe transform ation to m om entum space,consider the diagram shown in Fig.9.7b G2è'(x,y)= fâ-iJ#4x1dkxL(2, 0-16Jd*kd4p#Yjd*q XG0 aA(k)U(ç)Az'.pp'Gz % (X fC'/#1) X efk'(.x-x1)etq.(xj-x1')elp'(xl-x1')elpl'(.x1'-#) = = fâ-l(2r8-8Jd*k#4##4#jd*qGjztk)U(g)zA.,ps, xGj, #(p)G0 M,/pI)ekk'xe-fp:.'êf4)(,+q-kj3(4)(pj-q-pj (2z4-4J#4kelk'lx-Db(fâ-1GJA(k)(2,4-4Jd*p x&tk-79,,,,..'cî,r,(79G:,,(k)) (9.12) wherethefour-dimensionalD iracdeltafunctionhastheusualintegralrepresentation 3f4'477)= (2, 0 -4Jdkxelp'x Note thatEq.(9.12)indeed hastheexpected form,and comparison with Eq. (9.7c)identisesthequantityinsquarebracketsasthecorrespondingcontribution toGajlk)H Gz/kstsl. Thisapproach isre#dilygeneralized. Considerthetypicalinternalvertex show n in Fig.9.9. ln accordance with our defnitionsofFouriertransform s in Eqs.(9.10)and (9.7*,wecanalsoassignaconventionaldirection x'-. >.x to theinteraction Utx- x'). (Thisconventioncannotaltertheproblem sincethe potentialis symmetric Utx- x')AA,,vv.= Ulx'- xjvv..AA..) The coordinate x 14' GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM qq:x - e e/40.7 e/4p*J: FI:.9.9 Typicalintenœ vertexina Feynman diagram . now apm nm only in the plane-waveexponential,and thereisa factore+'4'xfor each incoming line and e-tq'xforeach outgoing line. The integration over x thereforeyields jd4xef(4-4'+4D'x=(2.)43(4)(ç-q'+q') (9.13) whichconsea esenergy andmomentum atele/linternalvertex. Theonlyremaining question istheend points,wherethe typicalstructure isshown in Fig.9.1û. x e IqYx q##- q# /d;J.,, .-. y Fiq.9.1Q TypH lstrx tlzreofF di- sforG.a@ - y). Thetranslaiionalinvarianceensuresthatq'= q',asseenexplicitlyinEq.(9.12); theremainingfactore*''(x-'tisjustthatneededinthedehnitionoftheFourier transform ofG.b(q'). w e can now state the Feynman rules for the ath-ordercontribution to G.l(k,œ)> G./k): 1.Draw a1ltopologically distinctconnected diagtamswith n interaction lines andln + 1directed Green'sfunctions. 2.A ssign a direction to each interaction line;associateadirected four-m om entum with each lineand conservefour-momentum ateachvertex. 3. Each Green'sfunction correspondsto a factor Gyj(Kts)= 8.jG0(k,ts)= &xô L9 kpy.q + (8 k,. IkI ) 0o(lkI k+. s(ou. -y . (9.14) 4.Each interaction correspondsto afactor U(ç)AA,,vv.= F(q)AA,,p,s.wherethe matrixindicesare associated with thefermion linesasin Fig.9.11. 5.Perform a spin summation along each continuousparticle line including the potentialateach vertex. 6.Integrateoverthenindem ndentinternalfour-momenta. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERM IONS) 1* 7.Amx a factor(f/âP(2v)-4*(-1)F where F isthe numerofclomM fermion loops. 8.Any single-particle linethatformsaclosed loop asin Fk.9.11/ orthatis linked by the same interaction line as in Fig. 9.11: is interpxted as ele G' .#(k,œ),whereg)-*0+attheendofthee>lculation. k k # à !& z' () > kl kl k-k, k k R g.9.11 M lM t-order Feynnx diagrams forG./k). # (J) # (â) Asanexampleofthe Feynman rulesin momentum space,wecomputethe srst-ordercontributionf41 /(k,œ),showninFig.9.11. Althoughthetopological structureisidenticalwith thecorrespondingdiagramsincoordinatespace(Fig. 9.7),thelabelingandinterpretationarenaturallyquitediFerent. In Fig.9.11J, the four-vector associated with the interaction vanishes % ux of the conservation requirementateach end.A straightforward identiscation yields GL)(k)-fâ-1(-l)(2, /4-4Jd*kb(4z(k)&(0)AA,.vp.Gl,/k)fC,s(kI)elu't' +fâ-l(2=)-4J#4kjGkz(k)U(k-kjlzv,gp, XGl's(kl)G:'#(k)el' *'1'l = fl-lG0(k)((2=)-4J#4kj(-U(0)aj,sj,G0(k1)etœt' + &(k- k1).4,.!,,GQ(kl)e'''''?!)&' *(k' ) (9.15) where the spin summation has Y n simplised with the Kronx ker delta for each factorG*. Here,and subsequently,weuse the conventionsthat U40)= &(k= 0) (9.1* ) F(0)- F(k= 0) (9.16â) To makefurtherprogress,we shallconsiderspin/ particleswith two distinct possibilitiesfortheinteraction potential. 1M GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATU8E) FO RMALISM l. Ifthe interaction is spin independent,then ithasthe form 1(1)1(2)in spin space,namely,the unitspin m atrixwith respectto both particles: &(t ?).j,zp= Ulqjôaj3Apz (9.17) The m atrix elem entsthen becom e Uub.p'pz= 2673,j Uxv,sj= &3zj (9.l8) 2.Iftheinteractionisspindependentoftheform l(l).c(2),then Ulqjxb,àv= U(ç)@(1)zj*c(2)As and the relevantquantities are lzjwlps= 0 Gxv-làzj= ((c)2Jaj= 33aj (9.20) These results have been obtained with the observations trl = 0 and tr1= 2. Forinteractionsofthe form Eqs.(9.15)to (9.20)show thatGfl)isindeed diagonalin the matrix indices: (yx (1 b)= gaj(y(l). TheexactGreen'sfunction can alwaysbewritten in theform Glkj= Gè(k)+ G0(k))2(1)G0(/() (9.22) which desnestheself-energyZ(:). Thehrstterm isjustthezero-ordercontribution,and the structure of the second term follows from that of Fig. 9.l0. The same structure occurs in Eq.(9.l5). which thus identihes the first-order kèjxself-energy as .. â. Zf1)(/, :)= 1 *(2=)-4fdnkjg-2P%40)v'l Gtk -kl) + 3lz-jtk- kl))GQ(kI)eicotn Thefrequency integralcan now be performed explicitlywith Eq. (9.l4) * dœ j j.,q 2= e % 1kl1- kF4 u)1 - tzlkj + #(/cs- ikl1) i' r l+ (t'j- ttlkl - i' b gLk = i s jkj1 ,) - where the convergencefactorrequiresusto close the contourin the upper-half plane. The momentum integralin the firstterm ofEq.(9.23)then gives the particledensityn = N(P'(compare Eq.(3.27)j,and we5nd âXt1'(/t -)MâY(1)(k) = nFL(0)- (2rr)-3fdqk'(I Gtk- k')+ 3Ujtk - k')Jblky- k') (9.24) GgEEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 1QB Note thattheflrst-orderself-energy isfrequency independent. The two terms appearing in Eq.(9.24)have the following physicalinterpretation. Thesrst term representstheBornapproximationforforwardscatteringfrom theparticles inthemedium (Fig.9.I1J),and thesecond representstheexchangescattering withtheparticlesinthemedium,againin Bornapproximation(Fig.9.1148. ovsoN's EQUATIONSi W eshallnowclassifythevariouscontributionsinan arbitraryFeynmandiagram . This procedure yields Dyson's equations, which summarize the FeynmanDyson perturbation theoryin a particularlycompactform. l.Self-energy insertion:Ourgraphicalanalysismakesclearthattheexact Green'sfunction consistsoftheunperturbed G reen'sfunction plusa1lconnected x x x A'l = Self-enelgy X + x; Fig.9.12 GeneralstructureofXéx,yj. .p y y terms with a free Green's function ateach end. This structure is shown in Fig.9.12.where the heavy line denotesG and the lightline denotes G0. The corresponding analyticexpression isgiven by G'a;(. A-,A' )=Gîj(x,. O +fd*xbJ#*xJG. 0A@,xl)X(xi,xl ')zsfcjtxt ',y) (9.25) which desnestheself-energy Z@1,xj ')As. A self-energy insertionisdehned as any partofadiagram thatisconnected totherestofthediagram bytwo particle lines(onein and oneout). W enextintroducetheconceptofaproperself-energy insertion,which isa self-energy insertion thatcannotbe separated into two piecesby cuttinga single particleline. Forexam ple,Figs.9.84,9.8:,9.8c,and 9.8#allcontain im proper self-energy insertions,while the remaining termsofFig.9.8containonlyproper self-energy insertions. By desnition,the proper self-energy is the sum of aIl properself-energyinsertions,andwillbedenotedX*(xj,m').#. ltfollowsfrom 1F.J.Dyson,/oc.ct ' t. (Adiscussionofthevertexpartandthecompl etesetofDyson'sequations ispresented inChap.12ofthisbook.) 1x GROUND-STATE ('ERO-TEM PERATUHE) FOY ALISM thesedesnitionsthattheself-energy cœ sistsofa sum ofallx ssiblerem titions oftheproperself-energy. Z(xI,xl ')=X*(xl,x;)+Jd%xzd*xz 'X*(xl,. n)G0(xz,x1)X*(xJ.xl ') + fd*xzdkxz 'j'd*xsd*xs 'X*(xlvxz)G' 'lxzqxl) x X*(xa',x3)fP(x,,xJ)Z*(xa',x;)+ '' (9.26) H erc each quantity denotesa m atrix in the spinorindices,and the indicesare thereforesuppressed. ThestructureofEq.(9.26)isshowninFig.9.13. CorreX1 Pro- rself-eneqy z* Al Self-ene tr-gy X1 - x' l %1 . + xf xf f1 . Fig.9.1: Relationbetween self-energy 1:and properself-energyE*. spondingly,thesingle-particleGreen'sfunction (Eq.(9.25))becomes(Fig.9.14) G(. x,y)= G0(x,y)+ jJ4xjdnxj 'G0(x,xj)X*(xj,xJ)G0(xj ',y, ) + f#4x1#4xJfdfxgdhxz 'GotxsxjjX*(xjsxj ') x G0(xj ',xa)X*(xz,xz')G0(xzz,. p)+ ... (9.27) Proxrjelf-energy Y œ Fig.9.14 Dyson'sequation forGaplx,y). whichcan besummed formallytoyield anintegralequation(Dyson'sequation) fortheexactG. G. x/x,. ;' )=t4/x,. $ +. fdkxb#4xJt4z(A'.xl)Z*(. :':,l'I)A'zt2.,(fI.F) (9.28) The validity ofEq.(9.28)can be verised by iterating therightside,which reproducesEq.(9.27)term by term . GREEN'S FtlNc' noNs ANo FIEL; THEORY (FERMIONS) 1e7 Dyson'sequation naturally becomesmuch simjler ifthe interaction is invariantundertranslations and the system isspatially uniform . In thiscase thequantitiesappearingin Eq.(9.27)dependonlyonthecoordinatediserences, and it is possible to introduce four-dimensional Fourier transforms in these diFerences. W ith thedesnition Y*(x,y)zj=(29-4Jd% efk'ïx-''X*(k).# (9.29) and Eq.(9.7).the space-timeintegrationsin Eq.(9.28)are readily evaluated, and we ;nd an algebraicequation in momentum space (compare Eq.(9.22)) G./k)= (4#k)+ (4a(k)X*(OA,G/z#k) (9-30) Intheusualcase.G,G0,andX*areaIldiagonalinthematrixindices,and Dyson's equationcan then besolved explicitlyas G(k)= 1 (Gf)(k)1-j sw(k; (9.31) - The inverseofG%isgiven by IG0(k))-!- IG0(k,o3)-l=( .o- (z)kM ttl-â-lek (9.32) becausethezkiylinEq.(9.14)isnow irrelevant,and we5nd G 1 . /k)> Gz#(k,tt))= œ - ,-j4 - xwjk,og %ô (9.33) In the generalcase,thisexpression mustbe replactd by an inversem atrix that solvesthematrixequation (9.30). Asshown inSec.7,thesingularitiesofthe exactGreen'sfunctionG(k,tM,consideredasafunctionoft,),determineboththe excitation energies ek ofthe system and theirdamping yk. Furthermore,the Ixhm ann representationensuresthatforrealo) Im X*(k,tM > 0 ( . o< p, /â (9.34) Im X*(k,o4< 0 o)> +lh sothatthechemicalpotentialcanbedeterminedasthepointwhereImX*(k,o)) changessign. Asan example ofthe presentanalysis,We shallconsideral1the irst-and second-orderdiagrams,shownin Figs.9.7and 9.8. Itisevidentthatb0th Erstorder terms representproper self-energy insertions;as a result the Nrst-order properself-energy E?k)isgiven bythediagramsin Fig.9.15. Herethesmall arrowsatthe endssm cify how the Green'sfunctionsare to be connected,and the diagramscan be inttrpreted either in coordinate space or in momentum space. The situation is considerably m ore complicated in second order. ln particular,the diagrams in Fig.9.8/ to d represent a1lpossible second-order iterationsofX!l)and thereforecorrespond to impromrself-energyinsertions. GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM 1e8 1. z* (l)= t + t t (J) Fig.9.15 First-orderproperself-energy X4*1,. (b) On theotherhand,theremainingterms(Fig.9.8,tojja1lcontain properself- energyinsertions,andwenow exhibitalIcontributionsto)2!z)inFig.9.16. A particularly simple approximation isto write X*(k,f. t)); k;Xh)(k,(z ' ))> Xh)(k)(seeEq.(9.24))inthesolutionofDyson'sequation(9.33). Thisapproximationcorrespondstosumminganinhniteclassofdiagramscontainingarbitrary t * 1 Z t2)- 1 t ' t (c) 1 t 1 t t (e) (f) Fig.9.16 Second-orde. rproperself-energyE(1). iterationsofZ?k)(Fig.9.17). The polesofthe approximateGreen'sfunction occuratthe energy ekl?= d + âxh)(k) h2k2 = 2m + aF( )(0)- (2=)-3J#3k'lFn(k- k')+ 3Fl(k- k'))#tks- k') (9.35) which determinestheenergy ek'ofastate with momentum âk containing an additionalparticle. Herethe term nPV0)isaconstantenergy shift;itarises from the 'ttadpole''diagram Fig.9.l5a and represents the forward scattering GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 1Q9 )')' )' )' ) Fig.9.17 ApproximateGobtainedwiththesubstitutionX*= X1). ofl-aIlthe other particles. The integralterm depends on k and arises from Fig.9.13b. Inthepresent(srst-order)approximation,theproperself-energyis rec/,andthesystem propagatesforeverwithoutdam ping. Thisexam pleclearly dem onstrates the power ofD yson's equation,because any approxim ation for X* generates an inhnite-order approximate series for the Green's function. Dyson'sequation thusenablesusto sum an insnite classofperturbation term s in acom pactform . TheexplicitsolutionforG (Eq.(9.33))allowsustorewritetheground-state energyofauniform system (Eqs.(7.27)and(7.32))inaparticularlysimpleform. ConsiderEq.(7.27)forspin-. çfermionswith Y*and G diagonalin thematrix indices. A combinationwithEq.(9.33)yields s--, .p(c,s1)jjjk ).-,--.L,.-);-+,)t(k, -j = = - fl'(2x+ 1)(20-4jd*keit apntlE.k+ JâX*(k,œ))G(k,op)+ !.â) fF(2J+ 1)(20-4f#4kcia'9(4 +. RX*(k,a)))G(k,(z>) (9.36) wherethelastlineisobtained with thelim iting procedure . oeku''l- lim lim * e-E1a''efa'g#f 1im * dt . u. -.t) n-,o+ -x 2rr n-yo+ :-+9+ -. 2* l e li m 1-i m()+n' -Ta+ E'a n . e'b e . =0 (9.37) ltisreadilyveriEedthatthisisthecorrectlimitingprocessbyapplyingEq.(9.36) toanoninteractingFermisystem. Inthesameway,Eq.(7.32)canberewritten = as E-Ez--!. fp'(2,+1)J0 'J jA -J(f z , ' , ' k I ' Re'-nhgho--eA k ; 7 -ât ek *A(k,( s)1 =-!. fF(2J+1)(20-4j0 'JAA-'J#4/ t -E> it '9âX*A(k, tg)G1(k,oa) (9.38) whereb0th Z*Aand GAmustbeevaluated forallAbetween0 and 1. 41: GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPEM TUBE) FORMALISM 2.Polarization insertionkA similar analysis can be carried out for the interaction G tween two particles,which always consists of tht lowest-order interaction plus a series ofconneded diagramswith lowest-ordtrinteractions cominginandout(Fig.9.18). W ecanevidentlywriteanintegralequationfor . p œ x T' p . x N + z 'r lz à e :1 : A N r Polxn'ution n FI:.9.18 GeneralstructtlreoftheeFe ivelteraction U...p.. theexactinteraction;thisequationagaina comessimplerfora uniform system, whereitispossibleto work in momentum space. IfUlqjxb,p.and &;(q).#,p. denotethtexactandlowest-orderinteractions,thecorresponding equationtakes theform Ulqtxp. p.= Ua(ç).#, pm+ L%(4).#,s.lR.v,,?A(ç)t&(ç), ?z,pm (9.39) which defnes the polarization insertion 1Rsv,, ?z(ç). It is also convenient to introducethe conceptofa prom rpolarization 1R*,which isapolarization part thatcannotbeseparatedintotwopolarization partsbycuttingasingleinteraction lint(Fig.9.19). Equation(9.39)canthen bertwrittenasan equation Gtwetn Impm- Paw Fig.9.19 Typicalimproperandproperpolarizationinsertions. the exactihteraction and the promr polarization (Fig.9.20). For a homogeneoussystem thisequation becomesan algebraicequation Uçqsup,p.= t&(:).#,pm+ Ua(ç).,. s.1Rs 5,,?A@)U(ç),?z,pr (9.40) In general,Eqs.(9.39)and (9.40)have a complicated matrix structure, and weshallusually consideronly spin-independentpotentials Uéqj.p.p.= Ua(ç)3./&pr . # ,p %N N œ e # (9.41) #. N + z m # y Pm- N larization n* FIg.9.2: W son'sm x tionforU.p.p.. à P , m GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 111 Itthen followsim m ediately thattheexactinteraction hasthesam estructure Ulqjxb,p.= &(ç)ôz#h. (9.42) wherethefunction U(q)isdeterminedbythesimplerequations &(ç)- &()(ç)+ &o(ç)11(ç)L%(ç) Uçqb- Uéqb+ (&fç)1' 1*(ç)Uçqs (9.43* (9.43:) Herewehaveintroduced theabbreviations I1(ç)U l1ax.AA(ç) l1*(ç)O 11X.AA(t ?) andadirectsolutionofEq.(9.43:)yields &tV1= 1 17* Uo (ç)Uulq) (ç) - Thisresultcanbeusedtodesneageneralizeddielectricfunctionv(ç) U(q)= Unlqj Klqj (9.44* (9.44:) 69*451 (9.46) which characterizes the modihcation of the lowest-order interaction by the polarizationofthemedium. ComparisonofEqs.(9.45)and (9.46)yields Klqs= 1- UzlqjI1*(ç) Go kDs-ro NE's THEOREM Theapplication ofquantum fieldtheorytothemany-bodyproblem wasinitiated byG oldstonein 1957.1 H eproved thecancellationofthedisconnecteddiagram s to allorders,and derived the following expression for the energy shiftofthe ground state * z E - En- ' :4)01 'Jf -l a=0 1 n * - Jf -1 14)oz N'connecteu Eo- H o (9.48) where/% and . 4:arethetime-independentoperatorsintheSchrödingerrepresentation. Thisresultcan beinterpreted by insertinga com pletesetofeigen- statesoflîobetweeneachinteractionXj. ThePointhedenominatorcanthen be replaced by the corresponding eigenvalue. A l1 m atrix elements of the operatorin Eq.(9.48)thatstartfrom theground state 1 *0)and end with the groundstate1*a)aretobeincluded. Wecanvisualizethesematrixelementsin thefollowingway:theoperatorlî' jactingonthestateI*g)createstwoparticles and two holes. Thisstatethenpropagateswith (. G - Sc)-1,and thenextXj 'J.Goldstone,loc.ctt. 112 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM canthencreatemoreparticlesandholesorscattertheexistingqarticlesorholes. Theresultingintermediatestateagain propagateswith (f%- Ho)-t,and so on. ThesnalXjmustthen returnthesystem to theground state1*c). A typical processm aybepictured asshown in Fig.9.21,wherean arrow running upward l% > lèj 1 Eo-lh W! 1 z?1 Eo-% 1 HtEo-lh 1 *07. Fig.9.21 TypicalGoldstone diagram in theexpansion ofE - Eo. represents the presence of a particle,an arrow running downward represents thegresenceofa hole,and ahorizontalwavylinerepresentstheapplicationof an H L. Thus the sequence ofeventsstarts atthe bottom ofthe diagram and proceeds upward. These diagram s are known as Goldstone diagram s and m erely keep track ofallthe m atrix elem ents thatcontribute in evaluating Eq. (9.48). The subscriptçiconnected''meansthatonly thosediagramsthatare connected to the l inalinteraction are to be included. In particular,the state *()),which hasno particlesorholespresent,canneveroccurasanintermediate statein Eq.(9.48),fortheresultingmatrixelementwould necessarilyconsistof disconnected parts. Goldstone'stheorem (9.48)isan exactrestatement(to a11orders)ofthe fam iliartim e-independentperturbation expression forthe ground-state energy. Thisequivalenceisreadilyverised in the srstfew termsby inserting a com plete setofeigenstatesofXabetweeneachinteractionXj. t*ol4l1*a E )r*nI#lI*o)'+ E - Ev- , tm01 4 ,1mc)+ ,#0 o- En . (9.49) ThecorrespondingGoldstonediagramsforahomogeneousmedium (seeProb. 3.13)areshownin Fig.9.22. Thefirsttwo diagramsrepresenttheusualdirect andexchangecontributionsin(*:141t*0). In applying Goldstone'stheorem to a uniform system ,we observethatthe m omentum willbeconserved ateveryinteraction becausethem atrixelem entsin /% involvean integration overallspace. Furthermore,theparticlesin the intermediatestatestuvephysicalunperturbedenergiesezrelatedtotheirmomentum q,and thevirtualnatureoftheinterm ediatestateissum m arizedintheenergy denom inators. In contrast,the Feynm an-D yson perturbation theory forthe GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 113 G reen'sfunction,from which wecanalso com puteE - Eo,conservesbothenergy andmomentum atevery vertex,buttheintermediateparticlescan propagatewith any frequency f. t),independent of q. For this reason. the Feynm an-D yson approach hasthe advantage ofbeing m anifestly covariant,which isessentialin any relativistic theory. Neyertheless,the /u' t?approaches m erely represent /wt? dterentw' cysofgroupingandl' nterpretingthetermsd??// ?(,perlurbationexpansion, andaI1physicalresultsmustbe l dentical. CM 'Q'V 'V ' Fig.9.22 AIlsrst-and second-orderGoldstonediagramsfor E - Eoin auniform system . We now proveGoldstone'stheorem (Eq.(9.48)2. lftheground stateof theinteracting system isobtained adiabatically from thatofthe noninteracting system,theGell-Mann and Low theorem (Eq.(6.45))expressestheenergyshift oftheground stateas E Eo= (tD0!Xl0(0,-: r:)1*0) . (*01xt., 7(0,-:f)l*o) - (9.50) Thenumeratorcan beevaluated by writing ' t*n1. 41P(0,-' x))l*()h- * -j rj p=0 h -j r 0 dt, -. 0 J-.t u- x IT()IFEXI. 41(/,) -''Xl(Jv))1*0) (9.51) HerethefactorX1appearingonthelefthasbeenincorporatedin theF product since X1- Xj(0)correspondsto a latertime than a11the otherfactorsin the . integrand. U se W ick'stheorem to evaluateaIlthecontractionsthatcontribute to thematrixelementin Eq.(9.51). ThefactorX1(0)providesafixed external point that enables us to distinguish between connected and disconneeted diagrams;aconnecteddiagram isonethatiscontractedinto X140). Thedistinction is illustrated in Fig. 9. 23. Suppose thatthereare n connected 4l's #,(c) . Fig. 9.23 Typical connected apd disconnected Goldstonediagrams. Connœte . x !' ' Disconnxte 114 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM and m disconnected Wl'swherep= n+ m ;thispartition can beperformed in pl/n!m !ways. Thesummation overvin Eq.(9.51)can thereforeberewritten - j n+m v! 1 0 â dtj n!m !7. 0 -. dtn -. x(*( )f rEl?,#l(r! )---4l(/n)1$ *n)cJ0*dtn.,---J0 -œdtn.. m x (*olrE4l(K+l) ---4l(fa+,211*o) (9.52) justasin Eq.(9.4). (For simplicity,we now use a subscript C to indicate connected.) Thesummationoverm reproducesthedenominatorofEq.(9.50), and wethusobtain E - f' t l= * -f & j p t) - -j. dtL .' ' dt. pj n. -. -. n=0 x' C :*oIr(4lP14/1)...H'-l(/,)1I*clc (9.53) which demonstrates the cancellation of the disconnected diagrams in this expression. wenow proceedtocarry out//7:timel htegratîonsth Eq.(9.53)explicitly. Considertheath-ordercontribution and inserttherelation between4 14/)and 41from Eq.(6.5) . '.'- .n (E- E()('''= h/ 0 . - dtl . tI 1..-, dtz --. -. -. dtneftîi+fz+ '''+'.' ' ' *1efR()t,/h/ x(*:1/. f j ,le-f#otl/'efR() tz/hJjle--R( )fz/h..v gjIe-l/lota-l/:elR' ntplh. Jjle. -.tRq%lhjm() jc . Here wehave observed thatalln!possibletimeorderingsmakeidenticalcontri- butions(see Sec.6)and thereforework with onedehnitetimeordering ofthe operatorsin thism atrix element. The adiabatic dam ping factorhasalso been explicitly restored. Changevariablesto relativetim es X j= tl xz= fz- tl ':)= tj- tz . tj= x j x = t- t I tn= xs+ xa-l+ ' , and use /:1. ' N )-fol% ) tz= xc+ xl tj= xa+ xz+ xj GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 115 Thistransformation yields - ia e I. F-. f' c)t.)= -J j t*a1 . /. hJ-c oen'x,t l it ll o-ro'xt/Af dxlX1 xJ--eç n-i)exaei f/ ?( , -zz)xalh:x 0zI' kj... gfxaeilRq-rn)xa/:dy J-gjj (j ljko tl t, Theintegrationscan now al1becarried outexplicitly,and we5nd 1 1 ' .f ?'l . W1 if - . G )tn'= (*01/. /, . Eo- Xo+ Ieaâ Ev- Xu+ ieln- 1)h 4i 1 -- lîjtmolc Ef t- , /. % +ieh This result immediately yields Goldstone's theorem Eq. (9.48) because the limitationto connected diagramsensuresthat1*0)cannotappearasan intermediatestate,andthestate1*0)isnondegenerate. ItfollowsthatEz- Xo+ ieh cannevervanish,so thattheconvergencefactor+iebecomesirrelevant,and we canusethepropagator(. G - Xo1-1,asinEq.(9.48). This formalproofcan be m ade m ore concrete by explicitly considering a1lath-orderFeynman diagramsthatcontributeto Eq.(9.53). Each diagram consists of unperturbed Green's functions G0,which evidently contain both particleand hole propagation (compare Eq.(7.41)). These diagramscan be groupedintosetscontainingn!equivalentdiagram sthatdifl kronlybyperm uting thetim evariables. Thesym m etryoftheintegrand againallowsthereplacem ent tn-I 0 0 tl 1 0 dtn= #/j dtz ' dtn -5 dtl n . -x -x ex -x W iththechoiceofadesnitetimeordering,eachofthen!diagramsnow represents a distinctprocess. The integraloverrelativetimes(0> xi> -cc)then yields n!distinctGoldstone diagramscorresponding to the n!possible timeorderings ofthe originalFeynm an diagram . Thus the setofal1possible tim e-ordered connected Feynman diagramsgives the complete set ofconnected Goldstone diagram s. The Feynm an-D yson and G oldstone approaches are clearly equivalentto everyorderinperturbationtheory,buttheFeynm an-Dysonanalysis Flc. ç thefundamentaladvantage of combining many terms of time-independent perturbation theory frl/o asingleFeynman diagram . W em aynotethata sim ilar analysis applies to any ground-state expectation value of H eisenberg feld operators,forexample,the single-particleGreen'sfunctionG(x,y,(s),which is theFouriertransform ofEq.(9.5). Iftheintegration overa1ltimesiscarried outexplicitly,the resulting perturbation expansion m ay be classised according to the intermediate states,justasin Fig.9.21. In thisway wecan obtain a uniquecorrespondencebetweenagiven Feynm an diagram and asetofGoldstone diagrams(ordiagramsoftime-independentperturbationtheory). 116 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM Goldstone's theorem (9.48) was originally stimulated by Brueckner's theory of strongly interacting Fermi systems. This Brueckner-Goldstone approach hasformed thebasisforextensivework ontheground-stateproperties ofnuclearm atter,l14e3,2and atom s.3 PROBLEM S 3.1. Show thatwhent< G theintegralequationfor0lt,tzlcanbewrittenas àf * l() L' /lt,tè = 1+ j dt'#j(f')Cl' lt',toj Henceshow that * j nj lq . t7(/,fp - s o . le dtL'. . dtn/(z?' j(rj)...z?'l(f,)J r D=() '* '''- t where? denotestheanti-time-ordering(latesttimesto theright). Derivethis resultfrom Eqs.(6.16)and(6.23). 3.2. One ofthemostusefulrelationsin quantum seld theory is f2 j3 el' %t)e-i:= O + i(J,J)+ j-j(u f,(xf,d))+ j-j(,9,(u f,(J,J)))+ .. Verify this resultto the orderindicated. Evaluate the commutatorsexplicitly andre-sum thescriestoderiveEqs.(6.10)from Eqs.(6.7)and(6.9). 3.3. Desnethetwo-particleGreen'sfunction by Gajiy/ôtxlt1,xatz;x;tk ',xc '/1) = (H%IFEfk(xlf1)#jt(x:a tz4' fkxz 'tz'j' f Jitxif;))1 :F(,) 1%1:F (-f)2 0) Provethattheexpectation valueofthetwo-bodyinteraction in theexactground stateisgiven by (P)=-. !.Jd?xJ#3x'F(x,x')j zA,,SAGAA,;ss,(x'/,x/ix't+,x/+) iK.A.Brueckner, C.A.Levinson,and H.M .Mahmoud,Phys.#e? J.,95:217(1954);H .A. Bethe,Phys.Ret,.,103:1353(1956);K .A.BruecknerandJ.L.Gammel,Phys.Re! ?.,1* :1023 (1958);K.A.Brueckner,TheoryofNuclearStructure,inC.DeW itt(ed.),*1TheM any-Body Probl em,''p.47,John W iley and Sons,Inc..New York,1959;H.A.Bethe,B.H.Brandow, andA.G.Petschek,Phys.Rev..129:225(1963);seealsoChap.11. 2K.A.Bruecknerand J. L.Gammel,Phys.. R0 .,1* :1(M0(1958);T.W .Burkhardt,Ann.Phys. (#.K ),47:516(1968);E.Ostgaard,Phys.. Re&.,17::257(1968). 3See,for exampley H.P.Kelly,Correlation Structure in Atoms,in K.A.Brueckner(ed.), SeAdvances in TheoreticalPhysicsj''vol.2,p.75,Academic Presslnc.,New York,1968. A review ofthistopic isalso given in Correlation Efectsin Atomsand M olecules,R . Lefebvre and C.Moser(eds. ),AiAdvances in ChemicalPhysics,''vol.XIV,Interscience Publishers, New York,1969. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 3.4. Consider a many-body system in the presence ofan externalpotential &(x)with a spin-independentinteraction potentialP'tx- x'). Show thatthe exactone-particleG reen'sfunctionobeystheequation ofm otion wheretheupper(lower)sign refersto bosons(fermions)and thetwo-particle G reen'sfunctionisdefned in Prob.3.3. 3.5. UseEqs.(3.29)and(3.30)toverifyEq.(7.58)foranidealFermigas,and show thatrz= 4. 3.6. Considerthefunction 2 '' Fa@)= =x a=0 1 n2+ z/ac and discussitsanalyticstructurein thecom plexzplane. (t8 Show thattheseriescanbesummedtogiveFatz)= z-lcothtrrzl//a)+ (a/=z), which hasthe sam e analytic structure. (:) Examinethelim ittx. -..0 and comparewith thediscussion ofEq.(7.67). 3.7. ((z) Iffx -xdx!p(x)f< cc,show that/(z)- Jx -xJxptxl(z- x)-1isbounded and analytic forlm z# 0. Provethatf(z)isdiscontinuousacrosstherealaxis wheneverpta' l+ 0,andthus/tz)hasabranchcutinthisregion. (:)Assume the following simple form p(x)= y(y2-. v2)-i. Ekaluate /-IJ) . explicitly forlm z > 0 and hnd itsanalyticcontinuatlonto lm z< 0. (c)Repeatpart(b)forlmz< 0. Compareanddiscuss. 3.8. Derive the Lehmann representation for D(k,( s), which is the Fourier transform of ' .' IFg:u(-x)lbub 'p))'Y1' -? ilhx.ytEE SExV1e(). -. yvj s-. s'-' . - a: .. (jz withthedensityfuctuationoperatordehnedby 1 (X) ' t ; ' ? i(xJH 'J)(x)'Ja(x)- (Y-()l1J' Yv -, y j!( cX. -)2i -Ff ft o. o' Show thatD(k,f. t))isameromorphicfunctionwithpolesinthesecondandfourth quadrantofthe com plex ( . v plane. lntroduce the corresponding retarded and advanced functions,and constructa Lehm ann representation fortheirFourier transform s. D iscussthe analytic propertiesand derive the dispersion relations analogoustoEq.(7.70). 118 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM 3.9. M ake the canonicaltransformation to particles and holes forfermions ckz= 0(k- kslckA+ %kF- k)X kA. By applying W ick's theorem,prove the relation clelcxc3-ytclclcxczl+elkr-kz4(3zxytclcz)-:a:#(e1e.)! +hkF-kî)(81:1(c1c4)- 3l4#(c1c:)l + %kF-k1)%kr- ka)(3lzîa4- :l4:z:) wherethenorm al-orderedproductson therightsidenow referto thenew particle andholeoperators,andthesubscriptsindicatethequantum numbersG.A). 3.10. Verifythecancellationofdisconnecteddiagrams(Eqs.(8.11),(9.3),and (9.4)Jexplicitlytosecondorderintheinteractionpotential. 3.11. Considerasystem ofnoninteractingspin-èfermionsinanexternalstatic potentialwithahamiltonianXex= J#3xyJ(x)F.#(x)#j(x). (t8 UseW ick'stheorem to5ndtheFeynmanrulesforthesingle-particleGreen's functionin thepresenceoftheextcrnalpotential. (b)Show thatDyson'sequationbecomes Ge zqtx,y)-(4gx-y)+:-'fd5z(4A(x-z)LA,(z)c7#(z,A) (c) Expresstheground-stateenergyinaform analogoustoEqs.(7.23)and(7.31). W hathappensiftheparticlesalso interact? 3.12. Considera uniform system ofspin-è fermionswith spin-independent interactions. (J)Use theFeynman rulesin momentum spaceto writeoutthesecond-order contributionsto theproperself-energy;evaluatethefrequencyintegrals(some ofthem willvanish). (b4 Henceshow thatthesecond-ordercontribution to theground-stateenergy can bewritten e't-a) -# - 2mh-2f...f(2z8-9dqkJ3p#3/#3a3(3)(k + p- l- n) . . x (2F41- k)2- P'41- k)Ftp- l))#(ks-pj#tks- k) x p(a- ks)0(1- ks)(#2+ k2- 12- a2+ j, ?;l-l (c)SpecializetoanelectrongasandrederivetheresultsofProb.1.4. 3.13. D erive the expression for E(23given in Prob.3.12 from G oldstone's theorem (9.48). From thisresult.givetherulesforevaluatingthoseG oldstone diagram sshown in Fig.9.22. GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND FIELD THEORY (FERMIONS) 519 3.14. UseEq.(9.33)toshow thattheenergye:anddamping lyk!oflong-lived single-particleexcitationsaregiven by ek = d + RehT*(k,%!h) a = 1- dReX* o(k,œ) t.o :w, -1Im X*(k,q/â) 3.1B. Considerauniform system ofspin-èfermionswith thespin-dependent interaction potentialofEq.(9.21),and assumethatI1* r,e,xA(:)maybeapproximatedby1H0(t ?)3v.8Ay,. (a)SolveEq.(9.40)tofind P'o(t ?)ôa;3pm P',@)nxb-np. &(*.,,p.- j p(ç)u( )(, ?)+ I- p,jtt yluotql 0 - (bjCombineEqs.(9.39)and (9.40)to obtain Dyson'sequationforH in terms of 1R* and Uo. Solve this equation with the above approximation for 1R*, and provethat ?A(#)= !' I10(ç)8v,)3As+ . i. fl0(ç)Ulqjvg,nnàI10(ç) I1.p,, whereUfqjistakenfrom (J). 4 Ferm iSystem s ln principle,the perturbation theory and Feynman. diagram s developed in Chap.3enableustoevaluatetheG reen'sfunctionG toa1lordersintheinteraction potential. Such aprocedureisimpractical,however,andwemustinstead resort to approxim ation schemes. Forexam ple,thesim plestapproxim ation consists in retainingonlythehrst-ordercontributionsX)k)to theproperself-energy,as discussed in Eqs.(9.24) and (9.35). Unfortunately,this approximation is inadequate for m ost system sofinterest,and it becom esnecessary to include certain classes of higher-order term s. Two approaches have been especially. successful;both include insnite orders in perturbation theory, but they are otherwisequitedistinct. Inthesrst,a sm allsetofproperself-energy insertions is reinterpreted,so thatthe particle linesrepresent exactG reen'sfunctions G instead of noninteracting G reen's functions G0. These approximations are therefore sef-consistent,because G both determinesand isdetermined by the 12c FERM ISYSTEM S 121 proper self-energy X*. In contrast, the second approach retains a selected (insnite)classofproperself-energyinsertions,expressed in termsofG0. The detailsofthemany-particlehamiltonian determine which procedureissuitable, and we shallconsiderthreeexamplesthatfllustratehow thischoicecan bemade: The(self-consistent)Hartree-Fock approximation (Sec.10),thesummation of ladderdiagrams,appropriate forrepulsivehard-core potentials(Sec.11),and thesum m ation ofring diagram s,appropriateforlong-rangecoulom b potentials (Sec.12). IX HARTREE-FOCK APPROXIM ATION The starting pointforourdiscussion ofinteracting quantum m echanicalassem - blieshasbeenthestate )*a),which istheground stateofthehamiltonianXo Ih =Jk(hu).4c. In 1*02),each oftheN particlesoccupiesadesnitesingle-particlestate,so that itsm otion isindependentofthepresenceoftheotherparticles. Thissituation w illbe clearly m odised by the interactionsbetween the particles;nevertheless, itisan experim entalfactthata single-particle description form sa surprisingly good approxim ation in m any diflkrentsystem s,forexam ple,m etals,atoms,and nuclei. H ence a naturalapproach isto retain the single-particle picture and assumethateachparticlerzltllptz. sinasingle-particlepo/entialthatcomesfrom its average interaction with aIIof the otherparticles. The single-particle energy should then bethe unperturbed energy plusthe potentialenergy ofinteraction averaged overthestatesoccupied by alIoftheotherparticles. Thisistheresult obtained in Eq.(9.35), .thusasafirstapproximationwecan keepjusttheErst- ordercontributiontotheproperself-energyY!1). ThecorrespondingFeynman diagram s are shown in Fig. 10.1. This calculation is not fully consistent, 1. t ,t * = j2(1J= Fig.10.1 Lowest-orderproperself-energy. t + Y however,sincethebackgroundparticlescontributingtoZh)aretreatedasnoninteracting, ln reality, of course, these particles also m ove in an average potentialcom ing from thepresence ofa11the otherparticles. Thusinstead of justthetwoself-energyttrmsshowninFig.10.1w'eshouldincludea11thegraphs shown in Fig. 10.2. The shaded circles again denote the proper self-energy, whichisthequantitywearetryingtocom pute. SincetheexactG reen'sfunction canbeexpressedasaseriescontainingtheproperself-energy(Eq.(9.27))allthe 122 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM t 1 # = è Y - 1 + + ' t + ... è Y + Y '' + i $ + +. Y 1' Fig. 10.2 Series for proper self-energy in Hartree-Fx k approximation. term sofFig.10.2 can be summed in thepair ofdiagramsshown in Fig.10.3, where the heavy line denotesthe exactG,which isitselfdeterm ined from the proper self-energy as indicated in Fig. 10.4. W e proceed to examine these equationsin detail. t 1 t #t..y . . 1 = Fig.1Q.3 Self-consistent proper self-energy in Hartree-Fock approximation. + Fig.10.4 Dyson'sequationforG. W e shallconsidera system in a static spin-independentexternalpotential &(x),which destroysthespatialuniformity- forexample,electronsin ametal oran atom . Thetotalham iltonian thenbecom es P :272 0- I#3x1 J1(x) - Jwy + U(x) ' fvtxl II'L-!.fJlx#lx'j4(x)fj ftx')P'tx- x')#j(x3' (ktxl (10.1X (10.1:) whereforsim plicitytbeinterparticlepotentialhasbeenassumedspinindtpendent P'(x,x')AA,,ss.= Ftx- x')3zz'3jzs, (10.2) In the presentapproximation,Dyson'sequation takesthe form shown in Fig. 10.5 where thelightline denotesG0(the noninteracting Green'sfunction corre- FERM I SYSTEM S 123 spondingtoIhq,andtheheavylinedenotestheself-consistentG. Thecorrespondinganalyticequation isgiven by G(x,y)= G0(x,y)+ Jd4xLd4xj 'G0(x,xI)X*(xl,x()G(xJ,y) wherethe K roneckerdelta inthem atrix indiceshasbeen factored out. Exactly as in Chap.3,the Feynman rules yield an explicitexpression forthe proper self-energy âX*(xI,xJ)=. -iblt,-tLj(î(xI-xJ)(2J+ 1)Jd3x2Glxz/a,x2t(j x Ftxj- x2)- Ftxl- x;)GtxlJj,xlt))) (10.4) which isvalid forspin-lfermions. Notethatthefrstterm hasan extra factor (2s+ 1)relativeto thesecond term ;thisarisesfrom the spin sums (compare Eq.(9.18)). = + + Fig.50.6 Dyson'sequation forG inHartree-Fockapproximation. In thepresentexample,both P and W' oaretimeindependent,and itis thereforeconvenientto usea Fourierrepresentation Glxt,x'/')=(2. *-1Jdcoe-iazfl-f''G(x,x',to) (10.5c) G9(x/,x't'j=(274-1Jdutc-fœtt-f''G0(x9x'$(s) (10.5:) X*(xf,x't'j=IL*(x,x')3(/- t'j=(2r8-1Jdœe-ia'tt-f''t*(xx') (10.5c) Asin theErst-orderapproximation (Eq.(9.24)),theproperself-energyishere independentoffrequency. The time integrationsin Eq.(10.3)can now be performed explicitly,and we:nd G(x,y,œ)=G0(x,y,tz4+Jd3xL#3.xj 'G0(x,xj,a4X*(xj,xj ')G(xj',y,a4 (10.6) Correspondingly,Eq.(10.4)reducesto âE*(xl,xJ)=-ï(2J'+ 1)ôtxl- xJ)f#3xzF(xl-xz)(2, 0-.Jdœeft'g x G(xa,xz,tt))+ fF(xl- x;)(2r8-1Jdt. oel' a''lG(xl,x(,(z)) (10.7) Itisconvenienttointroducethecom pletesetoforthonorm aleigenfunctions ofH f t: h2:72 Hog(x)- - 2m + (7(x)yJ(x)- 4p, 9(x) (10.8) 124 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM These single-particle statesform a naturalbasisforthe seld operators' h lxtj in theinteractionpicture, and the noninteracting G reen'sfunctionthen becom es l -Golxt, x't?)= T hht) 5-œt '' xh l t' x' b(' p' % .Nx'' à*ex' n- ie -o --t' - x (#(/- t')tllpfjl m JJ(*(j)- 0(t'- tjtkmljlt4cgI*a)) Z 2(X)el(X')*eXp ieqlht- tJ) J 7. .- = x(p(/- t')pteî- e;)-0(t'-t)p(ek.- 4)J (10.9) where e;istheenergy ofthe lastslled state. The Fouriertransform can be computedexactlyasinEq.(7.44),whichyields Go(x,x,,(s)- 1)g',?(x),f(x')+ #(e --CD ' 'tey-4) J œ- s-jsg o.gq+.-s-:s, g.,. x) J (10.10) Weeannow evaluatetheparticledensitya0(x)intheunperturbedground state 1*0) a0(x)=-j(21'+ 1)(2. /4-1Jltselu''lG0(x,x,ts) = (2J'+ 1)Z l@Xx)12#(6î.- 4) p (10.11) whilethetotalnum berofparticlesisgiven by N0=J#3xn9(x)=(2, g+ 1)j)û(eî.- 6k) (10.12) . because thesingle-particlewavefunctiqnsareassumed normalized. Equations(10.6)to(10.8)andEq.(10.10)deEneasetofcoupledequations fortheself-consistentGreen'sfunctionG. SinceX*isindependentoffrequency, itisnaturalto seek asolution forG in the sam eform asG0: G(x,x', eley- es) pte. s- ep (s)= JJ(p/x)+J(x')* f.'A- h-1ef+ fn + t,l ,-jcy. j.y) . (10.13) . where (+/x)Jdenotes a complete set of single-particle wave functionswith energieseJ,and es istheenergy ofthe lasthlled state. The associated particle densityintheinteractingsystem becomesgcompareEq.(10.ll)J a(x)- (2J'+ 1))J(2l@. f(x)12#(e,.- e. ,) (10.14) w hile N = NQ= (2,ç+ 1)( j 2#(es- %) J (10.15) becausetheperturbationXlconservesthetotalnumberofparticles. Thusthe interaction merely shiftsthesingle-particlelevels,which arestillslled according FERM I SYSTEM S 125 to theirenergy up to the Ferm ilevelcs. The frequency integralin Eq. (10.7) can now be evaluated directly,and we 5nd - Ztxl- xl ')X fpJ(xl)+j(xJ)*dtes- 6' J) (10.16) Notethat1:*dependson +j' ,acombinationofEqs.(10.6)and (10.16)thenyields anonlinearintegralequationfor%yintermsof(theassumedknown)pq. Thisequation m ay besim plihed with thedipkrentialoperator h2V! LI= hœ + 2m '- &(xI)= ht. o- Ho IfLjisappliedtoG0(xj,xl ',r . z?)weobtain - h)(( r)îtxll+T(xi ')* = hblxl- x;) wherethelastlinefollowsfrom theassumedcompletenessoftheset(( J?9 ,) Thus â-1f.1istheinverseoperator(G0)-1,and application ofLjto Eq (10 64ylelds f-1Gtxj,x! ',t,?)= â3(xl- xj ')+ .f#3x2âZ*(xl,x2)G(x2,x;,(s) . . Itisusefulto inserttheexplicitform sofG and l- j: ât hlV) t?+ --jz?7 - b'(xI) ,+ 0(Ey- ej-) heti- ej) (p,(xj)%.y(xI) aj-y. .-/n.- (------j--f.. j )-.-. e,v ..- J o- . ej. . . q M ultiplybywktx()and integrateoverxj '. Theorthogonalityofl( py)leadstoa simple Schrödinger-likeequation for+,(xl) - h 2T -2 . 1 2m > LllxI) %ytxj)-p.(#3x2âY*(xj.x2)y#(xc)= ej( /). /txI) - . . where the properself-energy hs* acts asa static noltlocalpotential. Sincel1* is hermitian and independentof/-the usualproofoforthogonality remains 126 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM unchangedstherebyjustifying ourinitialassumption. Equation(10.16)shows thatX*consistsoftwo terms:alocal(direct)term proportionalto theparticle densityand anonlocal(exchange)term. TheseequationsarejusttheHartreeFock equationslfamiliarfrom atomictheory. ltisapparentthattheseequationsconstitutea very com plicated problem : A n initialsetofsingle-particle wave functionsand energies isassum ed known, andthecorrespondingX*iscalculatedfrom Eq.(10.16). Equation(10.17)then becomes a one-body eigenvalue equation thatdeterm ines a new setofeigenfunctionsand eigenvalues,which are used to recompute X*. Thisprocessis continued untila self-consistentsolution isobtained forb0th @ ,)and (e,). Theground-stateenergycanthenbeevaluatedwithEq.(7.23).suitablygeneralizedtoincludetheexternalpotential&(xl) E= - dol h2Vl !. 1.(2J+ l)f#3xI 2, eizo'lxl mpx, hœ - 2- + &(x1) Gtxj,xj p,(sl li z' dœ z = -f(2&+ l). f#3xjjy)p/x1)# a,preu,,?!.yp,(xj)+.(s,pjxjj - - - 3 >E*(x,,xz)+,(xa)) 0tE'- 6Z Pt''-- 'J1 l.Jd xa . - ,-1,,+.iy + . - ,-,e,- y ' . ) (2,+ 1)z e,gtes- e,)-. 1.(2. ,+ 1)JJ3xlJ3xcz e,(x,)* J j x âX*(x,,xa)pxxa)0(eF- 0) (10.18) where the second Iine hasbeen obtained with Eq.(10.17)and the Iastwith Eq. (9.37)and acontourintegration. Thehrstterm ofthisexpressionhasasimple interpretation as the sum of the energies ofaIIoccupied states. Each singleparticle state incorporatesthee/ectofthe otherparticlesthrough the nonlocal self-consistentpotentialâY*. In com puting the ground-stateenergy,however, thesrstterm ofEq.(10.18)by itselfincludes the interaction energy twice;this doublecounting isthen com pensated by the second term . A com bination of Eqs.(10.16)and(10.18)yields f = (2J+ 1)Z e,Ses- eJ4- . !(2J+ 1))é8(6s- e,)#(es- ek)j'#3x1 J Jk x Jd'xzP'txl- xa)(42J+ l)I+/xl)I2Içy(xz)l2 - e. /(xl)*çulxlleklxal*çutxzll (10.19) which istheusualH artree-Fock result. Thetwo termsin bracketsin Eq.(10.19)yield the directand exchange energies,respectively. Forashort-range interparticlepotential(asin nuclear physics),the direct and exchange terms are comparable in magnitude,for a 'D.R.Hartree.Proc.CambridgePhil..5bc..M :89;llI(1928);J.C.Slater.Phys.Rev..35:210 (l930);V.Fock,Z.Physik.61:126(l930). FERM f sYs'rEv s 1a7 long-range interparticle potential(asin atomic physics),theexchange contribution isusually much smallerthan thedirectone. Indeed,theexchange term isoccasionally neglected entirely indeterminingtheself-consistentenero levels of atoms,and the corresponding equations are known as the self-consistent Hartree equations. The physicalbasis for the distinction G tween short-and long-range potentials is the following. The exclusion principle prevents two particlesofthe samespin from occupying thesame single-particle state. Asa result,the two-particle density correlation function forparallelspins vanishes throughouta region comparable with thc interparticlespacing. Iftherangeof the potentialis less than the interparticle spacing,then thisexclusion hole is crucial in determining the ground-state energy. In contrast, a long-range potentialextends far beyond the interparticle spacing,and the exclusion hole then playsonly a minor role (compare Probs.4.1and 5.10,which exhibitthis distinctionexplicitly). Fora generalexternalpotential&(x),the Hartree-Fock equations are very diëcult to solve,because the single-particle wave functionsexx) and energieseJm ustboth bedetermined self-consistently. TheseequationsV ome much simplerfora uniform system,where U(x)vanishesand theprom rxlfenergy takes the form Z*(x- x'). Itis readily verised thata plane wave @k(x)= F-ktpik*xsatissestheself-consistencyrequirements,sinœ itisasolution ofEq.(10.17). Thecorrespondingself-consistentsingle-particleenergy* m> ek= e2+âX*(k) (10.20) where âX*(k)=J#3(x-x')e-dk*tx-x')âX*(x-x') = (2J+ 1)F(0)(2=)-3J#3k'0(kF-k'j (2.)-3Jdsk'F(k-k')%kp-k') = nF(0)- (2r4-3f#3k'F(k- k')gtks- k') (10.21) - Theground-stateenergy(10.18)reducestothesimpleform E - (2J+ 1)P'(2rr)-3J#3#(ek- !WX*(k))0(kF- k) (2J+ 1)P'(2x)-3fdbk(4 + !3X*(k))#tks- k) (10.22) which showshow the self-energy modisesthe pound-state energy ofthe noninteracting system. Itis interesting thatthese self-consistentexpressionsfora untform medium are identical with the contributions evaluated in irst-order perturbationtheory (Eqs.(9.35)and(9.36)1. Thisequalityarisesonlybecause theunperturbed (plane-wave)eigenfunctionsin a uniform system arealso the self-consistent ones; for a nonuniform system, however, the self-consistent calculation clearlygoesfarbeyond thesrst-orderexpression. 128 GROZND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM IIQIM PERFECT FERM I GA S W eshallnow considerindetailadiluteFerm igaswith strong short-rangerepul- sivepotentials(çthardcores''l.l Thissystem isofconsiderableintrinsicinterest, and italso form sthebasisforstudiesofnuclearm atterand H e3,asinitiated by Brueckner.z The fundam ental observation is the following. Although the potentialm ay be strong and singular,the scattering amplitude can be sm allfor such interactions. For desniteness, the potential will be taken as purely repulsive with a strong short-range core,thereby neglecting any possibility of a self-bound liquid. A ny realistic potentialm ust clearly have such a repulsive core;otherwise there would be no equilibrium density and the system would collapse. (See Prob.1.2.) In particular,the nucleon-nucleon potentialhasa repulsivecorearising from thestrongly interacting m eson cloud,and theH e3-H e3 potentialhasa repulsivecore arising from the interaction between the electrons. SCAR ERING Fno M A HARD SPHERE To illustratethese rem arks,considerthe scattering oftwo particlesinteracting through astrongrepulsivepotentialofstrength Utj> 0and rangea(Fig.11.1). An insnite hard core clearly corresponds to the limit F% . -. >.a:. The spatial Fouriertransform ofthepotentialisjusttheBornapproximationforthescattering amplitude;itisproportionalto Ft and therefore divergesfor a hard core. P-(q)= je-fqexU(x)J3x. -->.:c N (1l.1) In fact,the true scattering am plitude isgiven by the partial-waveexpansion3 Since the Schrödinger equation is trivially soluble in the region outside the potential,each phaseshiftcan be obtained explicitly with theboundary condition Fig.11.1 Repulsivesquare-wellpotential. 'w efollow theanalysisofV.M .Galitskii,Sot'.Phys.-JETP,7:104(1958). 2K . A.Brueckner,TheoryofNuclearStructure,inC.DeW itt(ed.),i.-rhtM anyBodyProblemv'' p.47,John W ileyand Sons,Inc.,New York,1959. 3Forthe basicelementsofscatteringtheoryused in thissection,thereaderisreferred to any standard textbook on quantum mechanicssforexample,L.1.Schifr '%ouantum M echani cs,'q 3d ed.,sec.19.M cGraw-l-lillBook Company,New York,1968. FERMISYSTEMS 12; long-rangeinterparticle potential(asin atomic physics),the exchangecontribution isusually m uch sm allerthan the directone. Indeed,the exchangeterm isoccasionally neglected entirely in determining theself-consistentenern levels of atom s, and the corresponding equations are known as the self-consistent Hartree equations. The physicalbasisfor the distinction G tween short-and long-range potentials is the following. The exclusion principle prevents two particlesofthe same spin from occupying the samesingle-particle state. Asa result,the two-particle density correlation function for parallelspinsvanishes throughouta region comparablewith the interparticlespacing. Ifthe range of the potentialis less than the interparticle spacing,then this exclusion hole is crucial in determ ining the ground-state energy. In contrast, a long-range potentialextends far beyond the interparticle spacing,and the exclusion hole then playsonly a m inorrole (compare Probs.4.1and 5.10,which exhibitthis distinctionexplicitly). Fora generalexternalpotentialU(x),the Hartree-Fock equations are very dimcult to solve,because the single-particle wave functionsp/x) and energieselmustboth bedetermined self-consistently. TheseequationsA ome much simplerfora uniform system,where U(x)vanishesand theprom rRlfenergy takes the form E*(x- x'). Itis readily verised thata plane wave @k(x)= F-kt'dk*xsatissestheself-consistencyrequirements,sinœ itisaKlution ofEq.(10.17). Thecorrespondingself-consistentsingle-particleenergy% m% ek= 62+ âX*(k) (10.20) where âE*(k)=j#3(x-x')e-ïk*tx-x')âX*(x-x') = ( 2. v+ 1)P'(0)(2,4-3Jd'k'8(#z.-k') (2=)-3J#3k'F(k-k')%kF-k') =aP'(0)- (2x)-3J#3k,F(k-k')ptks-k') (10.21) - Theground-stateenergy(10.18)reducestothesimpleform E-(2&+ 1)P'(2=)-3J#3k(ek-. R X*(k))0(kF-k) - ( 2J+ 1)F(2=)-3fdbk(4 + !3X*(k))#tks- k) (10.22) which showshow the self-energy modisesthe ground-state energy ofthe noninteracting system. ltisinteresting thattheseself-consistentexpressionsfora unéorm medium are identicalwith the contributionsevaluated in srst-order perturbationtheory (Eqs.(9.35)and(9.36)1. Thisequalityarisesonlybecause the unperturbed (plane-wave)eigenfunctionsina uniform system are also the self-consistent ones; for a nonuniform system, however, the self-consistent calculationclearlygoesfarbeyond theârst-orderexpression. 128 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM IILIM PERFECT FERM I GAS W eshallnow considerindetailadiluteFerm igaswith strongshort-rangerepul- sivepotentials(tthardcores''l.l Thissystem isofconsiderableintrinsicinterest, and italso form sthebasisforstudiesofnuclearm atterand H e3,asinitiated by Brueckner.z The fundam ental observation is the following. A lthough the potentialm ay be strong and singular,the scattering amplitude can be sm allfor such interactions. For desniteness, the potential will be taken as purely repulsive with a strong short-range core,thereby neglecting any possibility ofa self-bound liquid. A ny realistic potentialm ustclearly have such a repulsive core;otherwise there would be no equilibrium density and the system would collapse. (See Prob.1.2.) ln particular,the nucleon-nucleon potentialhasa repulsivecore arisingfrom the strongly interactingm eson cloud,and the He3-He3 potentialhasarepulsivecorearising from theinteraction between theelectrons. SCATTERING FRO M A HARD SPHERE To illustrate these remarks,considerthe scattering of two particles interacting through astrongrepulsivepotentialofstrength J'o>0 and rangea(Fig.11.1). A n insnite hard core clearly corresponds to the lim it P'o--, w a:. The spatial Fouriertransform ofthepotentialisjusttheBornapproximationforthescattering am plitude;itisproportionalto Prtjand therefore divergesfora hard core. F(q)- Jc-ïq-xP'(x)#3.r-. +.co % In fact,the true scattering am plitude isgiven by the partial-wave expansion3 X /(k#)- 21+ l is,knj p (cosj) , l= 0 i-. .e s , , Since the Schrödinger equation is trivially soluble in the region outside the potential,each phaseshiftcan be obtained explicitly with the boundary condition Fig.11.1 Repulsivesquare-wellpotential. 'Wefollow theanalysisofV.M .Galitskii,Sot'.Phys.-JETP,7:104 (1958). 2K.A.Brueckner.TheoryofNuclearStructure.in C.DeW itt(ed.),ls-l-heM anyBodyProblem,'' p.47,John W iyeyandSons,Inc..New York,1959. 3Forthe basicelementsofscattering theory used in thissection,the readerisreferred to any standard textbook on quantum mechanics,forexampl e.L.1.Schih,'souantum Meehanics,'' 3ded.,sec.19,M cciraw-l-lillBook Com pany,New York,1968. ggaMl SYSTEM S 129 thatthe wave function vanish atr= a,and we:nd the well-known expression 3 (/fJ)2l*1 14 /c)= -(2/+ 1)!!(2l ka-->.0,I> 0 1)!! (jj.3) 3a(k)= - ka ka. -+.0 where(2/+ 1)!!= 1'3'5 ''.(2/- 1)'(2/+ 1). Hencethescatteringamplitude - vanishesin the lim itofvanishing hard-corerange,asisphysically obvious. In contrast,theFouriertransform ofthe potential(Eq.(11.1))isintinite foraIl valuesofthehard-corerange. Thisconclusion can beverifed in anotherway. ConsidertheSchrödinger equation for two particles of m ass m interacting with a potential Pr. The Schrödingerequation in the center-of-m asscoordinate system isgiven by (V2+ k2)4(x)= y(x)/(x) (11.4) where x isthe separation ofthetwo particles, uzP-(x)- &lU (x) !,(x)> z -vreâ h' z and znreu= à. ?' rlis the reduced mass. In scattering problems,itis generally convenienttorewriteEq.(11.4)asanintegralequation,usingtheoutgoing-wave G reen'sfunction 3 . fp@(x-y) ! eLklx-yl Gt+)(X - y)= (d 2=p)3pce- kz- y = k-é jx- yj (11.6) Thefunction G(+)satissesthedifïerentialequation (V2 X+ k1)Gt+)(x- y)= -3(x- y) and G reen'stheorem then yields the following equation forthe scattering wave functionkJk+)(x)representinganincidentplanewavewithwavevectorkplusan outgoing scattered wave: l Jk+)(x)= efk*x- j#3yG(+)(x- y)p(y)/;+)(y) Theasymptoticform of/k+1(x)isequalto ikx /k+'(x)...efk-x+ f(kt,k)ex x. -. >.(zn . which desnes the scattering am plitude for a transition from an incidentwave vectork to a snalwave vcctork' /(k',k)= -44z4-1.f#3yc-ik'*y? p(y)4k+)(y) Equation (11.9)iscorrectforanyfinite-rangepotentialr(x),and wecan now examine itsbehaviorfora hard core. In thislimit/k*'vanisheswhereverv becom es insnite, so that the scattering am plitude rem ains snite. Thus the lx GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM potentialdrastically altersthe wave function from its unperturbed form ,and this eflkct is entirely absentin the Born approximation (Eq.(11.1)). Any perturbation expansion ofEq.(1l.9)for such singularpotentialswillatbest convergeslowly,and itisthereforeessentialto solve the integralequationexactly if the m odiscations ofthe wave function are to be properly included. This exactsolution evidentlycontainsa11ordersin perturbation theory. SCATTERING TH EO RY IN M O M ENTUM SPACE The preceding discussion hasbeen consned to the coordinate representation, butitism oreusefulforthepresentanalysisto expressallquantitiesin m om entum space. Sincethe resulting Schrödingerequation islessfam iliar,weshallderive theexpressionsin som edetail. W ith thedesnitions /k(p)= J#3xd-iP*X/U'(x) r(p)= Jd3xe-ipex! 7(x) (11.10X (11.10:) theSchrödingerequation(11.8)mayberewritteninmomentum space /k(p)-(2=)33(p-k)-p -,-kl u-i yJ(2 4. ' . ') j! ?(q)kzktp-q) (1l.11) whereEq.(11.6)hasbeen used ontherightside. Furthermore,itisusefulto introduceam odihed scatteringam plitudewritten in m om entum space yRk',k)- -4=/(k',k)= (2zr)-3Jd3q&(q)hktk'- q) (11.12) andEq.(1l.11)thenbecomes k'k(P)= (2=)33(p- k)+ k2/Rp, ak) . - (1l.13) jy p .y.j. Multiply Eq.(11.13) by r(q- p) and integfate (2771-3j'#3/7;an elementary substitution then yields - d?q t,(#- q)/(q.,k) / '(P, k)=r(P-k)+1(zgv j;-/ cc-qc.r, . n . . (11.14) whichisanintegralequationfbr/intermsofl.. Asnotedbefore,thescattering amplitude/iswelldefinedevenforasingularpotential(r->.cc). IfEq.(1l.14) were expanded in a perturbation series,each term would separately diverge; nevertheless.the sum ot-a1lthe term s necessarily rem ains snite. N ote thatthe solution ofEq.(1l.14)requiresthefunction. /(q,k)foraIlq2 0,notjustfor q2=k2:thisisexpressedbysayingthat/isneededûsofl-theenergyshell''aswell as tton the energy shell.'' Ifthe potentialhasno bound states,as willbeassum ed throughoutthis section,then the exactscattering solutionswith a given boundary condition form acom pletesetofstatesand satisfy the relation (2x)-3j#3:4k1)(x)/k4)(x')*= 3(x- x') FERM ISYSTEM S 131 Thenum ericalfactorsherem aybechecked bynotingthattheexactwavefunction obeys the sam e com pleteness relation as the unperturbed wave function elk*K (compare the hrstterm in Eq.(11.8)). A combination ofEqs.(11.10c)and (11.15)yieldsthe corresponding completeness relation in momentum space: (2. *-3J:3k/k(p)/k(F')*=(2, 03Xp- p') (11.16) Multiply Eq.(11.l2)by /k(P')*and integrateoverk;theabovecompleteness relation leadsto (2*-3J#3k. A p,k)4k(p')*=!)tp-p') whichmerelyrepresentsacomplicatedwayofwriting!). Thecomplexconjugate ofEq.(11.13)maynow besubstitutedintothisrelation: d3k x . 1 L' (P-P')=/(P,P')+ (2=)3J(P,k)J(p',k)*ka- p,c u . Butthepotentialishermitian and thereforesatisses rtp- p')*= ??(p'- p) which hnallyyields JRp, p' )-. / Rp', p)*-J(d Jt )J(p,k)/(p', k)*(,c-sla. j.y-kz.y), z.yj (1l.l7) Ifthem agnitude ofpisequalto them agnitudeofp',theprincipalpartsin Eq.(11.17)vanish,andweobtain JRp,p')-yRp'.p)*--2=f(2zr)-3J#3/c. Ap,k)JRp',k)*&(p2-k2) Ipl- Ip'l (11.18) where theradialk integraliseasily evaluated. If,in addition,the potentialis spherically sym m etric,then the scattering am plitude./i safunctiononlyofpl and 9.j',and the leftside of this relation becomes 2fIm . /*. The resulting expression Im Jtp,p')= 16Pz - zr JD k)./RP',k)* k/RP. . 'k1= 1P' =)1P'! (jxI t'= ?J (11.19) isa generalization oftheordinary opticaltheorem forthescattering amplitude. LA DDER DIAGRA M S AN D THE BETHE-SA LPETER EQUATION Thepreviousdiscussion hasbeen restricted to the scattering oftwo particlesin freespace,and wenow turn to the m uch m orecom plicated problem ofa dilute m any-particle assem bly interacting with singular repulsive potentials. The hard core clearly precludesany straightforward perturbation expansion in the strength oftheinterparticlepotential. Instead,itisessentialfrstto incorporate 132 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM the efrectofthe repulsive potentialon the wave function oftwo particles in the m edium ' .only then can we considerhow the m any-particle background aflkcts the interacting pair. A lthough the potentialissingular.a diluteFerm igasstillcontainsone sm all param eter,namelykpa.wherekpistheFerm iw' avenum ber,and a isthe scattering length (equalto the particle diameter for a hard-sphere gas). W e therefore expectthe ground-state energy to have a series expansion ofthe form E hlk2 h = ..2-,,7Fj, gf+ BL.ya-pC(kya)l+ '.'j (I1.20) which should bemeaningfuleitherforsmallscattering length (a -.>.0)orforlow density (ky-,.0). In thlssection wecalculate the t irstthree coemcientsin this series. In addition, the techniques developed here can be used as a basis for realistic theoriesof Ferm isystem s atphysicaldensities. A trtlly inGnite repulsive core introduces certain artihcialcom plications, because every term ofany perturbation expansion diverges. W e shall instead considera strong butf inite potentialjFig.ll.1.w ith lz ':< :cJand pass to the limit IG -->.: x.only atthe end ofthe calculation. As shown in the fo1lowing calculations,this procedure yields hnite answers that are independent of U( ,. Forsuch a ûnite potential,the two-particlescatteringequations(l1.8)and (II.9) in freespacecan beexpanded as (Jk çb)(x)r su ré'ik*x- )'(. /3)'Gç-F)(x. -y)ljy)é'ikey +.fd?y#3zGt+J(x- y)!'(y)Gt*1(y- z)l. (z)faik*z+ ... (11.21tz) /(k',k)= --(4=) )-lj'#3r't rz-ik'erI. , (y)/k*'J(y) . - The term sin the wave function have asim pleinterpretation asthe unperturbed solution plus propagation with one or m ore repeated interactions. W e may evidently represent the terms in the perturbation series (Born series) for 4=/(k'.k)diagrammaticallyasindicatedin Fig.11.2(therulesforconstructing these diagram sfollow by inspection). These are notFeynman diagrams but - - 4.r' .f lk' ,k) h) Fig.11.2 Perturbation expansion fortwo-bodyscatteringamplitudein freespace. FERM I SYSTEM S 13z areagainjusta wayofkeepingtrack ofthetermsthatcontributeto thetimeindependentperturbation seriesforthescattering am plitude. A weak repulsive Potentialcan beadequatelydescribedwiththesrstfew termsofEq.(11.21),but zsfrongrepulsivepotentialrequiresalltheterms. Asisevidentfrom Eq.(11.21c) the higher-orderterm s representthe m odiscation ofthe wave function by the Potential,and the sum oftheseriesgivestheexactwavefunction. Inasimilarway.thehrst-orderproperself-energyhttkt(Fig.10.1)istotally inadequateforastrongrepulsivepotential,and wem ustretaina selected classof higher-order Feynman diagram s. From the presentdiscussion ïtisquiteclear which diagram s m ustbe kept;every tim e the interaction appears.itm ust be allowed to actrepeatedly so asto include the eflkctofthe potentialon the wave + w. + + > + ''' + + <- + ''' .> Lowestorder Sœond order Ladderdiagrams Fig.11.3 Sum ofladderFeynman diagramsforproperself-energy. function.therebyyieldingawell-definedproductè'/. lnotherwords.therelevantquantity in a two-particle collision is the two-body scattering am plitude in the presence of the m edium .which rem ainswelldesned even for a singular two-body potential. W e therefore retain allthe ladder diagrams indicated in Fig.l1.3. 'thisehoiceclearlyrepresentsa generalization ofthe abovediscussion becausetheterm sin Fig.11.3denoteFeynm an diagram sandhencecontain b0th holeand particlepropagation. ln particular,we sum only theladdersbetween G reen-s functions with arrows running in the sam e direction. Sincethetwoparticleinteraction isinstantaneous,thissetofdiagram sincludesasa subseta1l thoseprocesseswhere both interm ediate fkrm ionsareparticlesabove the Ferm i sea atevery step. Such particle-particle contributions come from the particle partofthe Feynm an propagator,which propagatesforward in time. A sshown below,thediagram sin Fig.ll.3 suë ceto obtain the srstthree termsin Eq.(11.20)forahard-sphereFermigas. Thisresulthasadirectphysical interpretation:the firstterm in theexpansion isthe energy ofa noninteracting Ferm i system . The second term , which is linear in the scattering length. represents the forward scattering (both direct and exchange) from the other particles in the m edium . This identiscation follows because the 1ow density' (/t 's-->.0)allowsustoconsideronlylow-energycollisions.wherethefree-particle scattering am plitude reducestoa constant f(k,k')--. >.. -a . k= k'-->0 (11.22) 1% GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM AlthoughEq.(11.22)maybederiveddirectlyfrom Eqs.(11.2)and(11.3)inthe caseofhard spheres,italso servesasageneraldesnition oftheJ-wavescattering length a. In thepresence ofthemedium,however,the actualscatteringam pli- tude disers from f Y ause the other particles limit the intermediate states available to the interacting pair. The Pauliprinciple restriction srst appears when a particleisexcited abovethe Fermisea and isthen de-excited;ifthe sum ofladderdiagrams in Fig.ll.3 is reexpressed in termsofthefree scattering length,thisesectgivesacorrection oforder(kralltotheground-stateenergy. Any otherprocessthatcontributesto the ground-state energy involvesat Ieastthreedistinctcollisionsand thusyieldsa contribution oforder(#sJ)3to Eq.(11.20). In particular,considertheFeynmandiagramsshowninFig.11.4, # ) + .... Fiq.11.4 A class of additionalcontributions to Z*. neglM ed in the ladderapproximation. where the shaded box denotes the sum ofladder diagrams. These processes clearly include the scattering ofan intermediate particleand hole,which really representsthe transferofan additionalparticleinside the Ferm isea,slling the originalhole and leaving a new one in itsplace. Thusa collision between a particleandaholealwaysinvolvesanextraparticleand introducesanextrapower ofkpa. Itisevidentfrom Eqs.(11.2)and (11.3)thattwo-bodycollisionsin relativepstatesalsoleadtocorrectionsoforder(kFaj3,whichisagainnegligible in ourapproximation. Weshalljustify ourchoiceofdiagramsin moredetail attheend ofthissection. Beforeproceedingwith thedetailed analysisofthesum ofladderdiagram s, wenow show thattheforegoingdiscussionimmediatelyyieldsthesrsttwoterms intheseries(11.20). Considerauniform system ofspin-èfermionsinteracting through a spin-indem ndent nonsingular potential. Then the lowest-order ground-stateenergyisobtainedfrom Eqs.(10.21)and(10.22) E 3âak/x l kr :3k krd'k' P=Jlm#' 612J (2, *3J (2, 036 2ZP)-Z(k-k' )1 (ll. 23) 13: FERM I SYSTEM S Foranonsingularpotential,however,Eqs.(1l.9)and(11.22)show that 4=h2 F(0)> . f#3xF(x)= - .&(k,k)-* 4*:2 (1l.24) Js where the subscript B indicates the Born approximation obtained with the substitution4k+1(x)-. ->.eik*x. Itisclearthatourdescription ofscatteringfrom theparticlesinthemedium can beimproved bythesimplereplacement as-+.a (1l.25) Here a t 's ?/?t2actualscattering Iengthforfree two-particle scattering,which remains welldesned even for singular potentials. ln the low-density lim it wherekr-+.0.wecanfurthermoreapproximate F(k- k'); k;F(0) ' # t, # k+ q k- p + k p q k k + p+ q k- q p- q k- q -p # p p -q p Fig.11.5 Firsttwo ordersin ladderapproximation to X*. underthe integral,and Eq.(11.23)thusbecomes E = 3hlk; 1N4,42aN J-iQ N + i'P m ï The standard relation (3.29)between the density and the Fermiwavenumber NIV= :)/3w. 2thereforegives E :2:./.3 2 = -jyj tj+gksa+'' (1l. 26) An equivalentresultw asderived by Lenzlfrom the relation between theindex ofrefraction and theforward-scatteringam plitude. W ith these rem arks in m ind.we turn to ourbasic approxim ation.which is to retain only the Feynm an diagram sofFig. l1.3 in evaluating the proper self-energy E*. To clarify thevariousfactors,we shallinitially concentrate on thesrst-and second-ordercontributionsshown in Fig.l1.5 in momentum space. 'w .Lenz,z.Physik. 56:778(1929). 1a6 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM ltisstraightforward to calculateZ* using the Feynm an rulesofSec. 9,and the frst-ordercontributionisgivenby(compareEq.(9.23)) âY1)(#)=-2ïL%(0)(2rr)-4Jd*kG0(k)eiknT + 1*() 2,r)-4j#QG0(/c)Uclk-p)eikzvl (11.27) where a spin-independent interaction has been assum ed. The second-order contribution introducesthefollowingadditionalelem ents: 1.Two extra factorsG0 2. O ne extra interaction line Uo 3.Oneextraindependentfour-momentum (compareFig.11.5) 4.Oneextrafactor(i(h)(2. n.)-4 J't p. j ht:*4J,)= /v .+ p k p Fig.11.6 Properself-energyinladderapproximation. Thesefactors can be com bined with the Feynm an rulesto yield the second-order contribution hXn&jlpl= 2h-142, 77 1-8(d*kG'0(#)(dnq(z rotq)G0(p-q)GQ(k-yq)Uoq-qj h-l(2' ;r)-Bfd*kG0(/f)fdkqU()(ty)G0(p +.q' )G0(# -q)&/ r0(/(-q- p) - It is clear that this procedure can be carried out to alI orders and the general form ofY*(r)willbe(seeFig.11.6) hY*(p)= -2/(2. ,)-4f(/4/fG'0(/c)I-tp/fipk)+ j(2rr)-4fd4kG0(*)Lykpipk) (1l.28) wherew' e have desned an efective two-particleinteraction r(pipz' ,p)p4)that m ay be interpreted as a generalized scattering am plitude in the m edium . ln J1 N Jl F(:1#2,#3p4$ = N.x . pz q z' #1 Z w + /1- q #2+: r pj- p? -N'/4 pj A ;7)- q- p? #3 #4 Fig. 11.7 Series expansion for efective interaction in ladder approximation. FERM I SYSTEM S 1a7 thisparticularexample,F'includesthe sum ofrepeated (ladder)interactions (Fig.11.7)and hastheform jnlpbpzipjpè- Uépk-pjt+iâ-'(2,r)-4fdkq&(,(f ?)G0(pl-q4 x G*(pa+ç)&e(#,- q-#3)+ '.' (11.29) Thissum ofladderdiagram snow can berewritten asan integralequation for r thatautomaticallyincludesaIIordersgFig.Il.8andEq.(1l.30)j ïjptpzipsn)- Uolp,-p3)+ m-l(2' rr)-4fd% f. &(ç) xGolpb- qsG't '(J,c+q4r(:l- qspz+qipsp.t (11.30) Inanalogywithsimilarequationsinrelativisticseldtheory,Eq.(11.30)isknown astheBethe-salpeterequationi(moreprecisely,theIadderapproximationtothe pj N pï N #1- q #2 Z #1 N :3 A pj N #4 q #z z' 72+ q 72 A + 74 A p? N #4 Fig.11.8 Bethe-salpeterequation forefrective interaction. Bethe-salpeterequation). lfthisequation isexpanded in perturbation theory, assuming &cissmall,weobtainthesum ofallladderdiagrams(Fig.l1.7). The srsttwo termsprecisely reproducethose ofEq.(1l.29),which ensuresthatthe signsand numericalfactorsarealso correct;inparticular,thefactorilhisjust thatassociated with the extra orderin the perturbation Ufj. The calculation ofl1* isnow reduced to thatoffnding the solution F to Eq.(11.30). Although l-'is related to a two-partiele Green's function,it is m ore usefulto exploitthe sim ilarity between r and the scattering am plitude.? in freespace. Indeed,to lowestorderin thepotentiai,P isjustequalto the Fourier transform Uv. W e shallnow pursue this analogy and introduce an eflkctivewavefunctionQ fortwoparticlesinthemedium (compareEqs.(1l.12) and (1l.13)J: 1E.E. Salpeterand H.A,Bethe,Phys.ReL' ..84'1232 (1951). 13g GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM Thisrepresentation forP agreeswithEq.(11.30)onlyifQ satishestheintegral equation Qçptpzipqp.j= (2,44ôt41(,l-#3)+ ih-,G' 0(#j)c0(pa)(2=)-4 x fd4 q&(,(ç)Qlpj- qnpz+q;p,p.4 (11.32) . The labeling and ordering ofthe momentum variables requires considerable care,and thereaderisurged to verifytheseequationsin detail. Itisconvenientto introducethetotalcenterofmasswavevector P = /)1+ fz= pq+ p6 where thelastequality follows from theconservation oftotalfour-m om entum in a hom ogeneoussystem ,and therelativewavevectors # = V:1-#2) p'= V#3-Jh) lnaddition.theinstantaneousinteractionmeansthat(70(4)= &c(q)islhdependent offrequencye,and wecanperform thefrequencyintegralin Eq.(11.32)fora hxed center of m ass four-m om entum hp of the interacting pair. Integrate Eq.(11.32)overtherelativefrequency(2, r8-1j'dpoanddefnethequantity r* z(p,p',#)H(2=)-1jPdpzQ(1' #+p,I' . #-p;' è'. #+#',' L' P-p' 4 - (2=)-1(p#lloQlptJ'2, .,3,.) A sim plerearrangem entthen yieldsan integralequation fory y(p,p'.#)- (2=)3( 5tp--p')+ m-1(2rr)-1fdpzG0(!. # + pjG0(!# -pj(2. ,)-3 s fd3 q&a(q)à' lp- q-p',#) (1l.34) which,asshown in Eq.(1l.39),isvery similarto thescatteringequation in free space (Eq.(1l.l1)). lfthisequation isiterated asan expansion in Uo,each term dependsexplicitlyonthevariables(p,p',#),thusjustifyingournotationin Eq.(11.33). Itisnow necessaryto evaluatethecoemcientof-thelastterm in Eq.(11.34). Sinceeach G0hastwo terms(Eq.(9.14)J,theintegrand hasfourtermsin all. . Two ofthese term shave b0th poleson thesame sideofthe realpoaxis;in this case,weclose thecontourin the opposite halfplane,showing thatthese term s make no contribution. ln contrast,each ofthe rem aining two term s has one pole above and one polebelow the realaxis. These contributionsare readily evaluated with a contourintegral,and weEnd i * ocn(! j2,, ,+,)ce(!. ,-,)-' f1 'P hh+p -le -d t; '+ rp )#fe l ' # lP p-p+ p.i l h -kè . - #(l-sh1 )-0-Lk Fp--pI JP . p0IJ -P -e+ $.ep+ 'p eî -. -iT-$) tjj'yj; - FERM I SYSTEM S 4z9 This expression has the physical interpretation that the pair of interacting particlesin the interm ediate statesofFig.11.3 can propagateeitherasa pairof particlesabovetheFermiseafthesrstterm inEq.(1l.35))orasapairofholes below theFermisea(thesecond term inEq.(11.35)). SinceFeynmandiagrams contain allpossible timeorderings,both modesofpropagation areiMcluded in thediagram ofFig.ll.8. Theform ofEq.(11.35)canbesimplisedby introducingthetotalenergy h2/2 E - hpo- 4m (1I.36) oftheinteractingpairin thecenterofmassfram eandthefunction X(P,P)e l-?10 1p+p-ntp-p (1l.37) wherenk=ptks-p)istheoccupationnumberintheunperturbedgroundstate. ThusS(P,p)= 1ifb0th statesI. P + p are outsidetheFermisea,A(P,p)= -1 ifboth areinside,and A'(P,p)= 0 otherwise. Withthis notation,Eq.(11.35) assum esthecom pactform ' * ù e e+ i ja.c(. # pbc%!. #-p)-s-scpZ Xjm tP. j ' Pj ',x(p,p) (11.38) andEq.(1l.34)reducesto y(p,p',#)= (2=)33tp- p')+ s X(P,P) . d% J(;x)3 jjzpaym . j.uxtpyp; X Uo(q)ZP- q,p',#) (1l.39) Correspondingly,P may bereexpressed in termsofcenterof-massand relative wavevectorsusingEqs.(1l.31)and(11.33): 1Xp.p'.#)H f' (i' # +p,i' -p;!'#A-p',' è' # -#') - (2,,)-3jJ3t?r srgq)y(p- q,p',#) (11.40) WehavealreadynotedthatEq.(1l.39)issimilarto thescatteringequationfor thewavefunction/p,(p)oftwoparticlesinfreespace(Eq.(11.11)). Thepresent equation ismorecom plicated,however,because theexclusion principlerestricts the available interm ediate states through the factor N , and also because the function l-'mustbeevaluated forallvaluesofthefrequencyPoEcompare Eq. (11.28)). GA LITSKII'S INTEG RAL EQ UATIONS U ntilthispoint,the equations have been written in term softhe interparticle potentialUo. Such an approach can neverdescribe an insnite repulsive core, and wenow follow G alitskiiby rewriting Eqs.(1l.39)and (1I.40)intermsofthe scatteringamplitude/fortwoparticlesinfreespace. Indeed,thelowestapproxi- 140 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM m ation to l-'isproportionalLo.?andthehigher-ordercorrectionsari seexplicitly from the many-particle background. It is convenient to desne the reduced variables v> m f70h-2 t.JBm Eh-2 (l).41) and to consider a simplihed version of Eq,(1I.39)obtained by replacing the exclusion-principle factor N by l. N ote that this substitution becomes exact as ks -. 0 and thus describes the low-density 1im it. lf à' ()denotes the corre- sponding solution to Eq. (l1.39) w' ith h'-=Is m ultiplication by e- p'- l h yieldstheequatioll Thisrepresentatiol liseasilyveriéed by substituting Eq.(1l.44)i1)to Eq,(11.42), and using Eq.(l).43)and the completenessrelatiol )tEq.(11.164). A combinationwiththecomplexconjugateofEq.(1l.13)thenyields and itfollowsim m ediately thatl-' llhasthe illtegralrepresentation whereEqs.(11.12)and(11.41)h.avebeenused, ThisexpressionhastheimportantfeattlrethatitcontainsonlytheG' ee-particlescattering anlplittldesalld thus rem ains m eaningfuleven fora singldar repulsive potential. 1*1 FERM I SYSTEMS Tbefunction lnadependson theparam etere. lfwesete= p'2,then rrll''lâ-2= .J(p,p? ) (11.46) which isjustthefreescatteringamplitude. MoregenerallysEq.(11.45)determ inesraforscattering ofl-theenergy shell,nam ely,forvaluesofp'1# k. N ote thatwe also need the quantity./of l-theenergyshell,forallvaluesofitstwo m om entum argum ents. ln a free scattering experim ent,however,the scattering am plitude ./ is measured onl y for equalmagnitudes ofthe two momentum arguments jp)= 2p'!(we here consider only elastic scattering). Thus the simplicity of Eq.(1l.45) is slightly deceptive,for the evaluation of./ -'ofl-the energy shellrequiresa detailed model.such asa potentialP'(x). Nevertheless, Eq.(11.45)isvery useful. W e now try to solve for the fullscattering function z in the m edium. W ith the reduced variablesofEq.(1l.41),theexactEq.(11.39)becomes pj- .-z ytp' p'. E:-p.Y+J-putc, ??x)tP, pjj(2 d.3 y 1t , (q)y(p-q,p,,p)-(a.)33tp-p, ) . . and a slightrearrangem entyields xtp. pz, p, 4-6-p1 j-g-p z?j(2 #,r 3 ç ,3r(q)k(p-q,p,p) =(2, .)3, !tp-p, )+(6. -.p)+( -P yx ! ) ? N)(p,p;-, y-g1 z+j, yjp D1Ia(p,p,. p)(jj. 4, y) Comparisonwith Eq.(11.42)dividedby6-.p2+ i. r )showsthattheoperatoron theleftsideofEq.(1I.47)isjusttheinverseof;o,which meansthaty can be expressed in term sofxoasfollows: d3k :(p,p',#)= :0(p,#,P1+ (2 3:0(#X,P) =) x N( k) 1 m , ï P, E - i'+ ï n#(P,k)- e- kz+ i. rljyjrtk,p.Pj Thisequation can beveril ied bycarrying outtheoperation indicated on the left sideofEq.(11.47)and byusingEq.(11.42). W enow taketheconvolutionwith t'EsteEq.(11.40j3,which yieldsourfinalequation forthescattering amplitude in themedium Intp. p', #)-rn(p. p', #)+j(c d= 'k )aro(p, k, #) x(p,k) 'le-kz +, '?. N(P,k)e-kl z+iyjj m' is(k, p,w)(jj. z s) - Since Eqs.(11.45) and (11.48) are expressed in terms ofthefreescattering amplitudes,wemaypasstothelimitofanininitehard-corepotential(#%--+( : s). 14a GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM Asnotedbefore,however,/(p.p')mustbeknownforaIlvaluesofpandp'(q#theenergyshell),whileitcan bemeasured onlyon theenergy shell. Roughly sm aking.the quantity ln()(Eq.(11.45))containsthe e/ects ofscattering off theenergy shell,while Eq.(1l.48),which isstillan integralequation for I', incorporates the exclusion principle in intermediate states. W e shallrefer to these equations as Galitskii's integral equations.1 (These equations were derived jointly with Beliaevqzwho studied similar problemsin an imperfect Bosegas-) THE P:OPER SELF-ENEBGY Fora low-density Fermigas.Eq.(11.48)can besolved iteratively asapower series in kFa <t 1. This expansion is possible because the integrand vanishes when thevectorsI. P + k both lieoutsidetheFermisea;sinceweareinterested inenergiesoftheorderes,thelastterm ofEq.(11.48)canbeestimated (apart from numericalfactors)asï'okpmvhz. Thustht orderofmagnitude ofthe correction willbe given by (r- rp/r;4Jkrmlnqlhl;z:krîxfI-stz<: t1,where . Eqs.(11.46)and(11.22)havebeen used. Before attempting a carefulexpansion ofEq.(11.48),we notice thatthe fullsetofvariables(p,p',#)isneverneeded in anycalculation. Indeed,a11that isrequiredistheproperself-energy(Eq.(1l.28)J: hX*(p)=-2f(2zr)-4Jd*kG0(#)Vpkipk)+ï(2zr)-4Jd*kG0(1)Imlkpipkj (11.49) Dehnetherelativeand totalwavevectorsand frequency V#- k)= q P+ k = P pz+ Vc=Pz (1l.50) Since l''dependsonlyon thevariablesshown in Eq.(11.40),the properselfenergy can berewritten as :x*(,)--2f(2.)-.Jd.knnlk)r(q-q,e)+f(2=)-4JdnkGzlktr(-q,q.#) (1l.5l) W enow expand 1''to second orderin kra. By thedesnition ofthew-wave scatttring length a.the J-wave phase shift has the long-wavelength expansion 3:= -ka+ O((*w)3J Furthermore,theIeadingterm ofthefthpartialwaveisgivenbyd,= O((kJ)2'+1J. :V.M .Galitskii,loc.cit. zS.T.N liaev,Sov.Phys.-J. ETP,7:299(1958). 143 FERM ISYSTEM S Thusthescatteringamplitudehasthelimiting value * 21+ I f(k, k')=F g E'f' llsin3,Fltcos0) l=0 k-h(1+ à3o)30+ (412a5) = -J+ ika2+ O(k2c3) j k$= 1k'!-+.0 = It is rem arkable that this Iong-wavelength lim it depends only on the s' -w ave scatteringlength;forahard-spheregas.aisjustthediameterofthesphere,but Eq.(11.52) isclearly more general. ln particular,the scattering amplitude always reduces to a constant as k and k'vanish.w hich enables us to take the leadingcontributionto/tksk')ofl-theenergyshellinthelong-wavelength limit. The second term in Eq.(1l.52) is pure imaginary,and ensures thatthe generalized unitarity equation (1l.19)issatissed to orderal. To this order,the correspondingamplitude/lEq.(1l.12))becomes J'f kf4=a- 4=ia2k JkJ= Jk'p. -+.0 (l1.53) A snoted atthebeginning ofthissection.the expansion param eterforan imperfectFermigasiskya,whichissmallforeitherIow density(kF-'0)orsmall scattering length (tz->0). In this Iimit,Galitskii's equations can be used to evaluate the scattering amplitude in the medium In(q,q,#) to order (kpa42. Equations(11.45)and(1l.53)togethergive -iro(q,q-#) h = d3k'i 1 l ' j+... 4na - 4=iqa2-i -(4. ;ru)2 (ymi -. )j,s .. .js. j-m j. tj-r-y(;a. -c j2u-jy y = #3/ c' ,, l , ?/ 4=ë+ (4=w)2 (2 j , -j- .-+ -,j. c + .'. rr) E- k + ln k - q where. @ denotes the principalvalue and the im aginary partcancels the term - 4=iqa2. Thisexpansion to ordera2 now can be combined with Eq.(11.48) to obtain m r( d?k' zV(P,k') . ' # . -j.+ I. kpj-yggz t D q,q,#)= 4=a+ (4=*2 (2=)) 6--k, T-y;(sy-z + ... , . (ll.54) sinct the termscontaining (E- k'2+ f, j)-1in theintegrand cancelidentically. NotethatEq.(11.54)isanexplicitrepresentationforF(q,q,#)intermsofknown quantities' ,furthermore,itiseasilyseen that F' tqsqs/')= F(-qsq,#) (1l.55) 144 GnOOND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM tothisorder. Thusthesecondterm ofEq.(11.51)cancelsone-halfofthehrst, andweobtain ht*(p)=-f(2=)-4jd4kG0(k)l>(q,q,#) (11.56) which is valid through order a2. This cancellation typifesthe generalresult noted in Sec.10thatthedirectand exchangetermsarecomparablein magnitude forashort-rangepotential. Theexpansion ofl-'inEq.(11.54)leadsto acorresponding expansionof the self-energyin powersofa âX*(;)-âYh)(p)+httLblpt+ ''. where d*k 4=ah2 , âZ?' k3 (;' )--ij( -jp) -4Goçksm ,. '09 d%k ( ) i,nn'lnralzâ htt qlçp)=. -, ij(z.)4G(k)e m2j( d zs 'k' 3 - x k') @ a ,#( a P, , -> ,a. e- k + iTN(P,k) k -q and the subscriptshere denote powersofa,notordersin perturbation theory. Thefrstterm iseasily evaluated byclosing thecontourin the upperhalfplane Itheconvergencefactorcikn' n'playstbesameroleasinEq.(11.27)) âi! d3k 4nah2 dk yy oy;, hk- / ) ptks- kj (#)=-ij(s) jm-JV-e ka -o,,f+s. ' pj+ko-g o,-i y 4,- 52 #3k J(2,43oçkr-O ) - - m hlk;2/csJ (1l.57) m 3. ) 7. Thesecond term isconsiderably m orecom plicated.becausethefrequency = - .- - kzappears in the denominator through the combination e= mlvh- iP2= mpzlh+ mkvlh- . JP2. It is precisely this dependence that necessitated the solution for r os the energy shell. The evaluation ofthe ko integralisvery similartothatofEq.(11.35),and wehnd âX)2)(p,P0) :2 z z #3kdjk' p tj-s- kj$j . jP+k'1-ks)%IJP-k'(- ks) - . =ul6. =aj. js-y-(- t ngvj y.-jy )z. j.ga. -g, z. j.yy . + hk-k'yyj-jks. S JP+k'1)%kF- t. iP-k'1) . @0(kF- k .l - - - -- tytgnjs- jg-c+ qz- k,c- j,y 1 - qz- k,2 (1l.58) FERM I SYSTEM S 145 whichhasbeen simplihed bywriting gcompareEq.(1l50)) hkl hP2 hC2 hL2 2- k% m àrn Equations(1l.57)and(1l.58)togetherexpressX*asaseries, including allterm s oforder(kpall. . - - The single-particle G reen-s function for a dilute Ferm i gas now takes theapproxim ateform of (l1.60) hpl J'o- 2' ,-Olkeaqj m (1sve can therefore setJ pc;4:hp2, '2lz?in the lastterm ofEq. (ll.601,u' hich isalread-j' oforder(kya)2:thisconstitutesa majorsim pliscation. and the cxplicitsolution then becom es =i2p2 h2k2j(! *t/3k#3i-' g js . j..-gy 6jjyky( Z-' -16zr2(kya)2j -jyx -l j -. 9( f)47(IP - k' - l)û('IP - k''- 1) . 1- / 0(k - 1)0(l- i . P - k')0 (1- 1 . P - k') qc .-- k . @. - t. , y . -yt k4 y - -7$1 qj---r s - ()(k).a3)/ ,. - P = p- k.q= J(p- k) (11.62) w here:heintegralhasbeenrendered dim ensionlessb)'expressinga1lu i r avevectors n term sofkr. This equation resem bles a second-order expansion obtained with ti independent perturbation theory for an interparticle potential 4 me:4 2tz' . ,?2 in m om entum space that is chosen to reproduce the correct -ç-wave scattering :*6 GROLJNO-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERAIURE) FORMALISM am plitude. The quantity in braces is proportionalto the proper self-energy and has thephysiealinterpretation shown schem atically in Fig.1l.9. (These are now m eantto be diagram s oftim e-independentperturbation theory, the analog of the Goldstone diagrams. An arrow running upward denotes a particle,whilean arrow runningdownward denotesahole.) Theterm oforder kya in Eq.(1l.62)and in Fig.ll.9J representstheforward scattering from the otherparticlesinthemedium withaneFectivepotentialnnhlalm. Thesecondordercorrectionsin Eq.(11.62)incorporatetheeflkctofthemedium on the intermediate states. Oftheselatterterms,thefirsttwo representtheprocesses indicated in Fig.11.9: and c,whilethelastterm Lt f /hql-#'2)-1jmustbçsubtracted explicitly because the realpartofthe exactscattering amplitudew ould 4n'h2a #m p. 4zrâ1a p 221:.+ k' t p lP+k' + y1P- k. k 4. 2# k 1pk' ) ' . p) l p 4.,r,?a )m P 4x:2a m (c) Fig.11.9 Schematicexpansion oîproperself-energy. be given by -a to this orderifthere were no slled Ferm fsea asa background. The term sin Fig.11.9: and cdenotethe following physicalprocesses. ln the firstcase,theincidentparticlecollfdcswith a particlein them edium ,exciting it to som e stateabove theFerm isea,thereby leaving the hole in the m edium ;the sam e two particles then collide a second tim e,bringing the system back to its initialstate ofa Ferm isea and the incident particle. The second case is an exchange process. Tw' o particlesin the medium interact' .they are b0th excited above the Fermisea,thereby leaving two holesin the m edium . The incident particle collidesw' ith one oftheexcited partfcles.and thesetwo partfelesthen fill the two holes. The system thusreturnsto its initialstate,the only alteration beingtheexchangeoftheinitialincidentparticlewithoneoftheexcitedparticles. PHYSICA L G UANTITIES W enow examinetheimplicationsoîEq.(1l.62). l.Lifetimeofsingle-particleexcitations:Itisevidentthattherealpartep containsa shiftin the single-particle energiesforparticles with wave vectorp, FERM I SYSTEM S 147 whereastheimaginary partypleadsto a snitelifetime (compareEq.(7.79)). W hen theindicated integration in Eq.(11.62)iscarried out,wel indl â h2/ c/2 z pcs- p l yp-zm. -(krJ)(k,)Sgn(kF-p) which isvalid fbr 1/ -/t'sl. , . :kF. ln accordance with the generalLehmann representation (Fig.7.l) the pole lies below (above)the realaxis forp > Vs (p < /fs). Since ys vanishes like (p - kr)l, the lifetime becomes insnite as p. ->.kr, and the condition ep- J. t%>hyp is satissed (compare the discussion leading to Eq.(7.79)J.2 These long-lived single-particle excitations are often known asquasiparticles. Note thatyv isproportionalto (ksJ)2,because the . snitelifetimereqectsthepossibility'ofrealtransitionsandthusinvolvesIf 12v:a2. 2. Single-particle excitation JpEc/rur? l:The present quasiparticle approxim ation G(p,p());4:(p0- k' ph-'- iyp' )-1 (1..64) impliesthattheground stateremainsa Fermiseafilled uptowavenumbe ks,t but with a diflkrent dispersion relation Ep. Since yv changek sign at ky,the Lehm ann representation showsthatthe chem icalpotentialisgiven by y = càs. Itistherefore necessary to evaluate ep atthe Ferm isurface. A lengthy integra- tionwith Eq.(11.62)gives (11.65) which wasérstobtained by G alitskii.l Close to the Ferm i surface. the ellergy spectrum can bc expanded in a Taylor series 1V . M .Galitskii,loc.cl 't. 2Thisdetailedresulttypisesageneraltheorem ofJ.M .LuttingerLPl;)'s.Rcl' ..121:942(1961)) thatIm E* vanishes like(t, p- / . zâ)2nearthe Fermisurface.u' hich holds to allorders ofperturbation theory. tA moredetailedevaluation based on Eq.(11,59)show' sthatdistribution function npisslightly altered.butthis does not afrectoursubsequentresults (V.A.Bell'akov,Sot'.#/?y. j ,-Jf-F#. 13:850(1961)). 148 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPE9ATURE) FORMALISM which dehnestheeFectivem ass m+-nzk,jp De pp! j ks)-' (11. 6, 7) in term softheslopeof6patthe Ferm isurface. A detailedcalculationwith Eq. (11.62)yields m ...- . 8 l+ 15.nz(7ln2- 1)(/csJ)2 m (11.68) correcttoorder(ksX7. NotethefollowingfeaturesofEq.(11.68): (J)m*hasnotermslinearinkpa,which reqectstheconstantvalueofE)kjin Eq.(11.57). (/8 m*determinestheheatcapacity ofthe system in thezero-tem peraturelimit becausetheheatcapacity dependson thedensity ofstatesnearthe Ferrhisurface and thus on the eflkctive mass. A s is shown in Sec.29,the precise relation is givenby(compareEq.(5.60)J C! (gzrkjTm*k4(jj6:) -P ?hl and Eq.(1l.68)showsthattheinteractionsenhaneeCv. Althoughthepresent - - . m odelapplies only forkFa-: tl1,itisinteresting thatexperim entslon pure H e3 suggest(m*jmjvvs; k:2.9 in qualitativeagreementwith Eq.(1l.68). Unfbrtunately,the large num ericalvalue precludesasim ple perturbationexpansion, and a m oresophisticated approach isrequired.z 3.Ground-state energy:The ground-state energy can be readily obtained w ith therm odynam ic identities,as noted by G alitskii. Itcould,ofcourse, be calculated directly from Z*(p,p0)with Eq.(9.36),butthe following approach is m uch sim pler. By definition,the chem icalpotentialatS = 0 isrelated to the exactground-stateenergy E by theequation (4.3) Pf #.= IW . S= 0 lntegrateEq.(11.70)atconstantP'(and S = 0) b' E-(,#x'p.(s-0,p-,x') constp',s-() Since N appearsin Eq.(11.65)only through kr= (?=2N(V)k,the integralis easily evaluated with the relation N jv#A',LkF(N, )1A-3#3.ykts . lAn excellentsurvey maybefound in J.W ilks,%h-l-he PropertiesofLiquid and Solid Helium q'' chap.17,Oxford University Press,Oxford,1967. 2Seeforexample, L.D .Landau,Sov.Phys.-JETP.3:920 (1957). 149 FERM I SYSTEM S and wefind The firstterm isthe familiarkinetic energy ofa free Fermigas gEq.(3.30)J, whereasthe second term wasdiscussed following Eq.(11.26). The third term arisesfrom the m odifcation ofthe interm ediate statesby the exclusion principle and wasfirstobtained by H uang and Y ang.l The fnalterm ,which we have not discussed here,was obtained by DeD om inicis and M artin.z Itrequires a study of three-particle correlations, and also depends on the precise shape of the potential through the y-wave eflkctive range and p-wave scattering length. A s written hereaEq.(1l.7l)describesa hard-sphere Fermigaswith two degreesof freedom ; the corresponding expression for nuclear matter (four degrees of freedom,neutron and proton,spin-up and spin-down)is E Ji2kj. hg m na uc tt !ea rr jjjg 3 2 - slà,rk,a+.3152,,2(11 z,lnaltksulz+.O. J8(ksu)3-h... j(11.72) + .- . JUSTIFICATIO N O F TERM S RETAINED Weshallnow furtherjustifyourbasicapproximationofretainingonlytheselfenergy of Fig. l1.3, in which two particles or two holes interact repeatedly. One ofthese term s isshown in Fig.11.10J,along with a typicalom itted one F i g . 1. 1 0C o m p a r i s o n o f d i a g r a m s ( J ) r e t a i n e d> > and (:)om itted jn ladderapproximation. 1K .Huangand C.N.Yang,Phys.Ret' .,105:767(1957);T.D ,LeeandC.N.Yang,Phys.Rev., 105:1119 (1957). 2Strictlyspeaking, C.DeDominicisandP.C.M artinLphys.Ret'.,105:1417(1957))obtained the(/cz.c)3correction fornuclearmatter(Eq.(11.72)1,and the generalexpression wassubsequentlydtrivedbyV.N.Esmovand M .Ya.Amusya,Sov.Phys.-JETP,20:388(1965). 1B0 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM (Fig.ll.10:). Thebasicpointisthatonlyonelinein Fig.l1.l0Jrunsin the reverse direction,whereas lw' t?linesin Fig.1l.10: run in the reversedirection. To show precisely how the direction ofthe lines asects the term , we consider the following two piecesofthe respective graphsshow n in Fig. l1.1l( compare the discussion following Eq.(11.27)). Thecorrespondingintegrationsoverq aregiven,respectively,by fâ-l(2' ?r)-4Jd% U(,44)G0(pj+q4G0(pz-q) fâ-1(2' r)-4Jd% U( )(4)Ghpt+qjG0(pz+qj #1t t91 #lt (11.73/) (11.73:) 4#2 q #1+ q pl- q :1+ q Fz+ q (è) Fig.11.11 Pieces ofgraphs (t8 retained and (b) om itted in ladderapproximation. Incase(/),thetwo Green'sfunctionscontainq withoppositesigns,whereasin (d8.theyhavethesamesign. Thisdiflkrencehasacrucialesectonthefrequency integrals,asisreadily verised by carrying outtheqointegration. In particular, Eq.(11.73(M contains two terms,with the factors (1- n0 p,+q)(l- nT 02-' '' à and n0 () pl+q%0,-q,whi lethecorrespondingtermsinEq.(11.73:)contain(1- wj+qlnp zl.q and nj,+q(1- w9,+q)(comparethecalculation leadingto Eq.(11.35)). Forthe presentlow-density system,momentum integrations inside the Fermisea have very restricted phasespacebecausekF cc(#/F)1issmall,whilethoseoutside areessentially unbounded. Thusthepresenceofa factora0(ahole)reduces the term relative to one containing only particles. This calculation explicitly illustratesthe distinction m ade between particlesand holesin the discussion ofFigs.11.3and l1.4. Itisinteresting to ask how thepresenttheorycanbeim proved. Them ost obviousflaw isthelack ofself-consistency,because X*isevaluated withJree G reen's functions G0,while X* determ ines the fully interacting G. The cal- culation can bemadeself-consistent(in the senseofSec.10)by changing al1 factorsofG'0into G in Eqs.(11.28)and(11.30);ineflkct,thischangesthefree- particleenergiese2=hlkl(2m appearing in Eq.(11.58)into interactingenergies ekand introducesadditionalfrequency dem ndence. In thisapproach,X* thus depends on the exactsingle-particle energies,which,in turn,depend on Z*. A lthough diflkrentin detail,thism odifled theory isvtry sim ilarto Brueckner's theory of-nuclearmatterand He3.1 Thesequestionsarediscussed furtherin Chap.l1.1 1K.A.Brueckner,Ioc.dt. .SeealsoA.L.FetterandK.M .W atson,n eOpticalM odel,- .V andW ,inK.A.Brueckner (ed,),''Advancesin TheoreticalPhysics,''vol.1,p.115,AcademicPress,Inc.,New York. 1965. 151 FERM I SYSTEM S IZUDEGENERATE ELECTRO N GAS Forthefnalexamplein thischapter,wereturn to thedegenerate(high-density) electrongastreated in Sec.3. The moststraightforward approach isto analyze thehigher-ordertermsintheproperself-energy;justasinSec.-1l,thedominant contribution arises from a partieular classofdiagram s that m ay be sum m ed explicitly. Thisprocedure isstudied in detailin Sec.30,w'here we considerthe electron gasatsnite tem perature. Forvariety,we here describe an alternative form ulation, in w'hich the ground-state energy is expressed in term s of the polarization insertions11and generalized dielectricconstant. GROUN D-STATE ENERGY AND THE DIELECTRIC CONSTANT To sim plify ourtreatm ent,the presentsection isrestricted to a spatiallyhomogeneoussystem ofparticleswith a spin-independentstatic potential (12.lJ) U()(x,x')AA,,/z:-- &0(x- x')3AA-t sss' - I z'tx - xz)&(t- t?)3aa-jss, (l2.lb) TheinteractionenergyforbothbosonsandfernnionsgEq.(7.1l))thenreducesto (f')= !.j-#3xJ3x'F(x- x')(' f)(x)fj #(x')l;jtx'lfa(x)) = !.jJ3xJ3x'p'tx-x')((?i(x)H(x'))- t itx-x')((? ' i(x))1 , (12.2) where the second line has been rewritten with the canonicalcommutation or anticommutation relations gEq.(2.3)),and the angularbracketsdenote the ground-state expectation value. lt is convenient to introduce the deviation operator H(x)H H(x)- (H(x)) (12.3) inwhich caseEq.(12.2)becomes (P)- !.j'J3x#3x'U(x- x')((H(x)H(x'))+ (? i(x))(?i(x')) 3(x- x')(? i(x))) - Thisequation describesan arbitrary interacting system and is therefore quite com plicated. lts real usefulness, however, is for a uniform system , where (z i(x))isaconstantequalton = N/F. Thelasttwo termsofEq.(12.4)arethen trivial,andwemayconcentrateonthedensitycorrelationfunction (J(x)J(x')), which containsal1oftheinteresting physicaleflkcts. To m ake use of the diagram m atic analysis of-Chap. 3, we introduce a tim e-ordered correlation function . , ' C'P#t!F(/'s(a' )Fiy(x')1I .To) - lDlx.x )= ---... 'Cpj-()jtjo) . 152 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM which is clearly sym m etric in its argum ents: D(x,x')= D(x',x) (12.6) For reasons thatare m ade clear in the subsequentdiscussion,D is frequently called thepolarizationpropagator. ln the usualcaseofa uniform m edium with time-independentX.D dependsonly on x- x'. Theinteraction energy (Eq. (12.4)1cannow berewrittenas ('P)= !.J#3x#3x'Utx- x')(ïD(x't,x;)+ n2- 3(x- x')n) (12.7) w'here the sym m etry of D enables us to set /= t'directly. If D Q denotes the corresponding correlation function fora noninteracting system iD$ ?(x',x4= (*ogFg? iz(x'' )Hz(x)J1*0), then the interaction energy can be separated into a hrst-ordercontribution and allthe higher-ordercontributions (f')= !.f#3x#3x'Utx - x')gïDotx'/,x/)+ nl- 3(x - x')r?j + !.fJ3x#3x'P'tx- x')gïDlx't,xt)- iDQ(x't,xr)J (12.9J) (0)= (t1):IPjmo' l. c-. è.f#3. x#3x/P-tx- x?)gïDtx't,x/) iD0(x't,x?)) (12.9:) - Thisseparation isvery convenient,forwe havealready evaluated thefrstterm in Sec.3. Note thatEq.(12.9:)appliesonly to a hom ogeneoussystem,where t(H(x)))= a V/P'is independent of the interaction between particles. In an inhomogeneous system ,the interparticle potentialalters the density,and (H(x)) therefore contains contributions from all orders in perturbation theory. A sim ple exam ple are the electrons in an atom .where the coulom b repulsion m odisesthe unperturbed hydrogenic orbitals. Equation(12.9:)can becom bined with Eq.(7.30)toyield thetotalgroundstate energy and the correlation energy defined in Sec.3 - rmalz3:*a)+ Fcorr where the integralover the variable coupling constant A has been evaluated explicitly in thesrst-orderterm . Forthe presentuniform system ,thisexpression becom esm uch sim pler in m om entum space,where we 5nd Ecorr-!.p'(2=)-4(0'JzA-,. flkzpetqlgfoztq,co)-footq-tslq . Here P'(q)denotestheFouriertransform ofP'(x),and DA(x,x')= DA(x - x'5t- t') zu:z ( gnj-4j -y4ggi q.(x-x')g-it zl(t-t')pZtq5( x)) . (12.11) (j;.jgj FERM I SYSTEM S 163 Thesymmetry ofD(x,x')gEq.(12.6)jallowsusto writeEq.(12.11)withouta convergencefactorel tio)'t which thusdiflkrsfrom Eq.(7.32). W e have now expressed the ground-state energy of an interacting system in term s ofthe tim e-ordered density correlation function D ' ifor an arbitrary value ofthecoupling constanl. A san introduction to thisfunction,itisuseful to evaluate D0(x,x')whichdescribesanoninteractingsystem fo0(x,x')-k z .(I)(,qz'y, J(x),;alx), J)(x'), t ;, j(x')qi(l)()) - *()l' (7 ')(x)' ? ;alA' l1 .*0-'' ,*0l' t Jj Xx')f/,(x'): ,t1)u) t'. Thisexpression iseasily evaluated with W iek'stheorem iD0(x,x')- iGo =x(x,x+)iGo g,b(x',x'+)- iG% )iG? x',x)- r x)> '? i(x'))) a,; 3( -v,x' pa( -H( .-.ç (2, s+ 1)G0(x,x')G0(x',x) Fig.12.1 Lowest-ordercontribution DQto density correla- tion function (J)in coordinatespace,(b)in momentum space. 12.lJ and is typical of a polarization insertion. lndeed, the lowest-order contributionsto U(x,x')areshown in Fig.12.2,and maybewritten as Wethereforeidentify(compare(9.44)) D0(x9x')= -ff4j(x,x')G0 ja(x',x) . = âH0(x,x') ltis easily verifed thatthisstructure persiststo al1orders,so thatD(x,x')ish tim esthe totalpolarization insertion D(x.x'4= âI-I(x,x')= âH(x',x) (12.14) 1:4 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM Furthermore,Dyson'sequation allowsustorewriteJd4xL(&(x,xj)H(xl,x')as J#4xl&(x,xI)l1*(xl,x'),Where I1* is the proper polarization. The correspondingrelationinmomentum spaceisgivenby&() 4t ?)114ç)= &(t ?)H*(ç),and thecorrelationenergy(Eq.(12.1l)Jbecomes ECor-+!. fp4(2=)-4j0 bJzz-l. fd.q(gA(ç)rI*A(ç)-zt&(:)IIo(ç))(12.15) N ote that I10(ç)M I1A)(ç) where11$,(t ?)isthelowest-orderproperpolarizationpropagator. X1 A' X . > '= .G X (12.16) X x'+ X X1 Fig.12.2 Expansion ofeFectiveinteraction. Equation(12.15)can alsobeexpressedin termsofthegentralizeddielectric constantv(q,a?)= KLqj,desned byEqs.(9.46)and (9.47). Thustheintegrand ofEq.(12.15)mayberewrittenwiththerelation Ul Uéqb1-1*(:) q)H*(t?)- l Uolq)H.(q4 q4= 1 - 1 = 1- x( Klq) K(#) - w hich yields s--,-+à. frm(2=)-.j0 'yzz-lj.#k(E sA(ç)!-1-l-, jvolq)n0(ç))(12.18) RIN G D lAG RA M S Equation (12.15)applies to any uniform system,and we now specialize to a degenerateelectron gas,described by the hamiltonian in Eq.(3.19). Asshown in Sec.3,the uniform positive background precisely cancels the q = 0 term in the potential, so that U(0) vanishes identically. This reiects the physical observation thatthere is no forward scattering from a neutral medium . In consequence,a1lçttadpole''diagrams(Figs.9.7a,9.8/,c,#,etc.)disappearfrom thetheory.which sim plifestheperturbation analysisconsiderably. FERM I SYSTEM S 155 To understand the structure ofEq.(12.15),we shalltemporarilv expand &H* ina perturbation series,asfollows: & 11*= U011*+ &011*&0H *+ ... = U01 7( *0)+ &011* (l)+ U0H* (0)UOfl( *0)+ '' ' where1-llcjisgivenbyEq.(12.16),and1-1) t)isthesrst-orderproperpolarization withthecontributionsshow' n inFig.l2.3. ThelirstandIastterms(Fig.12.3/ (JJ (:) (c) (d4 (e) Fig.12.3 A llhrst-ordercontributionsto properpolarization. ande)vanishinthepresentexamplegP'(0)= 0),andw'eareleftw'iththemiddle three. Correspondingly,thecorrelationenergyhastheexpansion fcorr= fJ+ f)+ Ef+ EC-t'''' (12.19) wherethe varioussecond-ordercontributionsaregiven by EJ=JïZ/i (2' z r)-4j0 îdhX-1jd*qg 2L%(g)Z0(t ?)12 (12.20) e-t.c'd=. jjp4(2=)-4j0(. /AA-ljd4qgA&/( )t( y)I' llj)j,,c,cjq)j (12.21) -1 Herellh)t,,lllllc,and l1ljl,denotetheproperpolarizationsinFig.12.3: to d. ltiseasily shown thatthecontributionsin (12.21)are linite(Prob.4.13). In contrast,FJ diverges logarithmically (w' e explicitly exhibit this divergence later in the discussion;see also Prob.1.5).and thepresentexpansion through second order isclearly insum cient. The source ofthisdivergence isthe singular behaviorofthe coulomb potential&()(t?)= U(q)= 4rre2y?q2atlong wavelengths; in particular.ELhastwo factorsofL' %(t?),leadingto a(q)-4behavior. A similar behavior occurs in all orders.because there is always a single nth-order term withtheintegrand(67t )(42)l10(t y))n. Fortunately,thesesingulartermsarereadily includedtoa)lordersinperturbationtheorybyintroducingtheeyeclit' ez' a/tart zt-//t?a Ihlq)(compareEq.(9.45)) Urlq)= b' çjlq)i-U()(t ?)170(t?)b'zlq)+ ''' . t. t- 1-l 0) (k(fjj thlql . (12.22) 166 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM * '* + &r = 6/0 + ''' Fig.12.4 Ring approximationforeFectiveinteraction. w hich is an approxim ation to the true interact ,i on in themedium Lr(t ?)obtained by retaining only thezero-orderproperpolarization flA)> H0 in Eq.(9.45). Equation (12.22)containsthe diagramsshown in Fig.12.4 and is known asthe sum ofr? ' ?7g diagrams. Forhistoricalreasons,itisalso known asthe random phase approximation,although thisname is notespecially illum inating here. l Thisselectedclassofhigher-orderringdiagram sm akesthefollowingcontribution to the ground-state energy: X Er= a=2 )(Ea r - !. /p' ?j (2=)-4jo b#Az-l. fdnq, t 4a .:Ar . &(( ?)I. Io(t ?))- -ljp, /jt2. (ç) rrl4j-l#AA-ljd4q IAUO@I ,170u( )()-2) - . . - 0 . 1- 'jbvlq) q j? 'p' â(7=)'*j0 z( CAA-l* fd4qA&o(ç)H0(t ?)&)(t y)H0(ç) - . (12. 23) Thephysicalinterpretation ofErisclearfrom thelastline,because one ofthe K#bare''interactions(, 'zlq)inEq.(12.20)hasbeenreplaced bythe(lesssingular) efl kctiveinteraetion Urlqq. Although thefirstterm ofE,isformallyofsecond orderin the potential,we see in the following calculation thatthe sum hasa whollydipkrentanalytic structurethatcannotbeobtained in any hnite orderof perturbation theory. Theeflkctiveinteraction &r(ç)gEq.(12.22))canberewrittenintermsofa dielectricconstantKrlq)bytherelation gcompareEqs.(9.46)and(9.47)1 :) xrtç)- l- Uolqb1R0(ç)= &0 &( (ç) (12.24) r where Krlqqmay be considered the ring-diagram approximation to the exact dielectricconstant. Theenergy Erthen becom es Er = l - lfdnq Lluott?lZ0(t?)12 i. /Fâ(2=)-4jv#àA . . KAt( yj r (12. 25) 'D.Bohm and D.Pines. Phys.Ret'.,92:609(1953);D.Pines.Phys.Rev.,92:626(1953). 157 FERM I SYSTEM S In the present approxim ation. the correlation energy of a degenerate electron gasreduces to' Ecorr= Er- E2-t-Eî+ Ed 2- . (l2.26) Ineach term gcompare Eqs.(12.20)and (12.21)).the tw'o endsofa polarization insertion arejoined u'ith a bareinteraction L'( )(ty).and the contributions to the energy are drawn in term s of the equivalent Feynm an diagram s in Fig. 12.5. Fig.12.6 Leadingcontributionsto correlation energy'. It m ust be em phasized that these disconnected diagram s cannot be obtained directly from the Feynm an rulesofChap.3,becausethecounting ofindependent contributions diflkrs from that of the connected parts as is evidentin Fig. 12.5 (f'îand. E'4arethesameFeynmandiagram). Althoughitispossibletointroduce a diagram m atic analysis of Fcorr.we prefer to study only quantities with tixed externalpoints.such asf1,Z.G.and soforth.sinceasinglesetofFeynm anrules then applies to a11 cases. This restriction causes no dië culty, because E is readilyexpressedintermsofâ:(Sec.11)or17(Sec.12). 'This contribution wasfirstevaluated by M .Gell-Nlann and K .A .Brueckner.Phvs.Rc!'., 106:364 (19574. W'e here follow the approach ofJ.Hubbard.Proc.Roy.Soc.(Londonq. AM 3:336(1957). 'seeal soT.D.Schultz.'-ouantum FleldTheoryandtheMany-BodyProblem .*' secs.lIl.H to III.J.Gordon and Breach.ScienctPublishers,New York,1964. 1sg GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM EVALUATIO N O F H0 Forfurther detailed analysis,we m ustevaluate the lowest-order polarization insertion H0,given in Eq.(12.13).1 Thisquantityisindependentoftheinterparticle potentialand isthereforedeterm ined solely by the propertiesot -a non- interacting Fermisystem. Thesum overa and j yieldsa factor2forspin-! ferm ionsso that rI0(x,x')= -2I' â-lG0(x,x')G0(x',x) (12.27) Thisexpression ism ostsim ply evaluated in m om entum space,and the Fourier transform H04t?)- H0(q,ç:)isgivenby 110(ç)=-2fâ-l(2=)-4Jd*kG0(k)G0(k+q) (j2.2s) ascanbeverisedeitherbyanexplicitcalculationwithEq.(12.27)orbyusingthe Feynm an rulesofSec.9 with Fig.12.1:. A sa srststep,itisconvenientto perform the frequency integralin Eq. (12.28);theintegrandcontainsfourterms,ofwhichtwohavetheirpolesonthe sam e side ofthe realaxis. In these term s.the contour can be closed in the oppositehalfplane,and the contribution vanishes. The othertwo term shave polesonoppositesidesoftherealaxis,anda straightforwardcontourintegration yields (j,,j:3'c -1 ) #(c I q-+k -l --kF4 -#tk+ sf -,k)-0(k .+ F-l q-+-k-I ) -0(k--.ks)1(12.29' nn(ç)- zn where,as before,o,k= â-1e2= hkz/zm. The second term can be rewritten with thechangeofvariablesk'= . -. k - q;thistransfbrm ation leadsto l'ln 2 d3k (q.çn)-jJ(2=)jP(I q+kl-k,' )hkr-ks l 1 x * V f'Ok - f'Oq-bk-f'ill- W -1-f'tlq+k - f'Ok- i'fl (12.30) ' wherethesuperquousprim ehasnow been om itted. Byinspection,theintegrand isaneven function ofqn,and weconcludethat l10(q.ç()--'0(qo -2) Thissym m etry allowsusto studyonlypositiveqz. Ifthefrequencydiflkrencein thedenom inatorsisdenoted h z c h a tzaqkH fzaqsk- tz:k= gm Rk+ q) - k 1= - (q*k+ ' W) 1J.Lindhard,Kgl.DanskeVidenskab.Selskab.M at.-Fys.M edd.,28,no.8(1954). (12.31) FEBM ISYSTEM S 159 thenthesymbolicidentity(7.69)immediatelyyields 2. 7 ( d3k - n-. . ,-.n., , 2ttuk RerI0(q.ç:)= y jtjx);L1-VbR'F-Ik+qlllUbKF-tlgj.40 -qklz (12.32) wherethesrststep function hasbeen rewritten with therelation #(x)= 1- #(-x) (12.33) Thesecond term ofEq.(12.32)vanishesidentically,becausetheproductofstep functions is even under the interchange k m k + q,while œqk is odd;consequently,Rel-Ioreducesto 2.. , d'k Renetq. t ?( )-,J(a.)a#(k,.-k, l ' x(f s-Ji p ,,-ltq-k+l. ç2-)-qo+ljpa-ltq-k +.p z)1(12.34) W enow introduce thedimensionlessfrequency variable (12.35) v= hqoy yF and measureallwavevectorsin termsofkF. W iththesedimensionlessvariables, Eq.(12.34)becomes zmk., ReH0(q,v)=hzpj(2 := 3k )yyj-k) I l x(v-qkcose-lv,- v+qgcoso.jqz) .. Thisintegraliselem entary and yields Reuntq,v)- lmkF tz(-l+jk lgI-(t --!)2jlntl ; j+ -f (v '/:-o ' i' t yp ll -j k lj,-(k v+!)2jInjl j+ -(v p/ yç :+j ' iç)t j(lc. 36) ,, y, TheimaginarypartofH0canalsobeevaluatedwithEqs.(12.30)and(7.69) Im I10(q,çp = -â-l(2x)-2fd3kptlq+ kl- kF)dtks- k) X (3(#0- œqk)+ hh + œqkll (12.37) ltisagain sumcientto consideronlyqf t> 0,and thepairofstep functionsensures thattsqkisalso positive. W enotethatIml10(q.e)hasadirectphysicalinterpretation,for itis proportionalto the absorption probability for transferring 3:o GeoklNo-saxre (zEqo--rEMF'ER>akJqE. ) yoquAt-lsM four-momentum (q,f ?c)to a freeFermigas;theprocessmovesa particlefrom insidetheFermisea(k < kF)to outside(! k +ql>ks),whilethedeltafunction guarantees thatenergy is conserved. This application of I10 is discussed at length in Sec.l7. W ith the same dimensionless variables as in Eq.(12.36), the identity 3(Jx)= ! Ji-13(x) (12.38) canbeusedto rewritetheonlyrelevantdeltafunctioninEq.(12.37)as 3(ço- Yqk)= hmk;3(1 z- q@k- ' W z) and wetherefore need to evaluate Im l70(q,c>0)= -v/cs(2oW)-2j#3/c9()q+k)- 1)#(1- k) x 3(v- q.k - . !. t?2) The integration isrestricted to the interioroftheFermisphere(k < 1),whilethe vectork + q m ustsim ultaneously lie outside the Ferm isphere. Furtherm ore, the conservation ofenergy requiresthat L' it?+ I'k = - ' which defines a plane in the three-dim ensionalk space. The integral in Eq. (12.39)representsthe area ofintersection ofthisplanewith the allowed portion oftheFerm isphere,asshowninFig.l2.6. Therearethreedistinctpossibilities: l. q> 2 jq2+q> ry.jq2-q (12,40) lfq > 2,then the two Ferm ispheresin Fig.12.6 do notintersect, and we need onlytheareaofintersectionoftheplaneand theuppersphere. Thisareaclearly vanishesiftheenergy transferwistoo large ortoo sm all,and thecondition that k l + '' %.k = qq q+ k -- - - q Fig.12.6 Integration region for Im H0forq> 2. (The Fermisphere: areofunitradius.) FEgM ,SYSTEM S 1e1 theyintersectisjustthesecond condition in Eq.(12.40). Theintegrationcan beperformed with thesubstitution t= cos0 kt' Imrln(q.v)- -4m. n.hi2,Jv ' /4-l:kzJ/ cJ'ldtq )&(q k-i lk Y-t) z and an elem entary calculation yields m kF l v 1 2 Im I10(q,$ = - hz 4 1- q -- jq , a, : (12.41) undertherestrictionsonthevariablessetin Eq.(12.40). IfvIiesoutsidethe regionsdesned in Eq.(12.40),theintegraliszero. 2. q< 2 q+ jq2> Tz> q- l. ç2 (12.42) Ifé< 2,thenthespheresdesnedbytheconditionsk< land I q+ kl> 1intersect, with thetypicalconfiguration shown in Fig.12.7. Theplanew illnotintersect k q+ k iq+ ' q.k= v/q ' 4 1 !-l- à aq Fig.12.7 Integrationregionsforlm 119 forq < 2. the uppersphere if-theenergy transferv istoo large,and Im H0vanishesin this case. As v decreases,the intersection is a circle untily'becom es suë ciently smallthattheplanebeginstointersectttwforbiddenFermisphereatthebottom. Thislimiteddomaininwhichtheintersectionremainscircularisjustthatdesned in Eq.(12.42), .the integration isperformed exactly asbefore with the result Im no(q.v)- - m yk:4. 1 (l2.43) q - g1-(# ' ?-j lq)2j os:vxq- !. ç2 (12.44) ln thiscase.the intersecting plane passesthrough the forbidden Fermisphere atthe bottom ,and the allowed region ofintersection becomesan annulus,as indicated in Fig. l2.7. The area of this annulus can be evaluated with the geom etric relations in Fig.12.8,which show thatthe m inim um value ofk is given by â'lin= (, 1. t?- 1 zç-')2+ El- (!4 + :/t?-1)2)= l- 2v 162 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM @# kmm K . ' ! , #/ ' àq (l- (' iq+ œ q)2( ) Fig.12.8 Geometry in momentum space usedinobtainingEq.(12. 45). whilethemaximum valueistheFermimomentum (/cmax= 1inthepresentsystem ofunits). Theintegralcannow beevaluateddirectly: Im notq.v)- -mk,F '2 z= , ,. = - = - j( ' 1-2v) 1'kq t '' cJ (-'1t ,sï ( b -v q kï-2 . 1k #-t) m kF 1 hz 4=q (1- (1- 2$) rrlks 1 hz j'n.q2:, (12.45) Equations(12.41).(12.43),and (12.45)determine ImFl0(q,v)forallq and p. W esketch -(4=â2/v#s)ImH0(q,v)forfxed tqkin twocasesofinterestin Figs. 12.9/ and 12.9:. Form any applicationsitisusefulto listsom elim iting form softhe zeroorderpolarization part: Fixthem om entum qand Iettheenergytransferp'approachzero: Im H0(t h0)= 0 (12.46/) RerIo(ç, o)-mhk ,F2. 1cg-1+q 1(1-tqzll nù 1 j+ -j b' qj ! (12. 46:) 2.Fix the energy transfer vand 1etthe m omentum transferq approach zero: Im lR0(0,v)= 0 2 Re1R0(ç,v); k;mkF âz 2lz2 jya (12.474) (12.47:) .. .n v 3. Finally,fix the ratio ofenergy transferto momentum transfer v(qH x,and letthe m om entum transferq approach zero: Im I10( ç,:. x)= - mkF x 2 i-é h 0 R mkF 1 q-->'0,0< . Y< l (12.48J) q->.0,x > l rl+ xl erI0(g,çx)=-yzj . p(2-xln;j.xj ) q-+0 (12.48:) 16: FERMI SYSYEM S -1 2- q q tt 4 p' l1 q+ lq - 2 i4 -q ' 2 > $' ùq + q Fig.12.9 Sketeho.-(n=hzlmkè Im H Q(q,v)fortypicalvaluesofq. TheexpressionsforH0(ç,v)can now beused to 5nd thecorresponding dielectric constantK' r(ç.$ = 1- &o(ç)I10(ç.$ in thering approximation. The zero-order polarization has been expressed as ??7ks/âz times a dimensionless function;consequently,the dimensionlessquantity t%110hasthetypicalvalue (-ks/â2)(4rre2/#/.)=4=(#sJo)-1= 4gr(4/9=)1G (compare Eqs.(3.20) to (3.22) and(3.29)3. lnfact,weshallrtquireonlythtthreelimitingcastsjustdiscussed, and we5nd 1.Fixq,letv->.0: lars 1- 1(j ,r (t ?.0)-1+n. qz q uz)InI ( 1l +j' qj - - (12.49) 2.Fix v,1etq -. c ,.(): $x% s,(0,p)= l- 3'rrpc (12.50) 3.Fixv/qx x> 0,1etq.->.0: 4œr. x 11+ xl lixr-x G(( A( B )= l+ n'q; l- jln( t+ qL #(l- , x) ;1 - xl (12.51) wbereq and pareboth dim ensionlessand xisa numericalconstantt 4 1 x > j-g-j (12.52) CORRELATION ENERGY W enow returnto theevaluationofthecorrelationenergyofadegenerateelectron gas. Although itispossibleto evaluate alltheterms in Eq.(12.26),such a cakulation would largely duplicate thatofSec.30. Henct we here consider onlyEv,whichcontainsapropertreatmentofthelogarl m' 'ergenceappeartWefollow thishistoricalbutunfortunatenotation;xisnotthehhe-structureconstan'inthis problem. :64 GROUNn- STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FIRMALISM inginF1andthereforegivesthedominantcontributiontothecorrelationenergy Theintegration overA can becarried outexplicitlyin E Eq. q.(12.23)and yields(see (12.24)) . E--!. fp4(2z. )-.fd.qj0 l; /zzkt. &(t ?)uo(t ?)Jcil-At&(ç)I. Ic(t ?))-! =-. jjp' âtz, rr j*jd*qll og(1-UéqjI10(g))+Uolq)Jl0(t y)) jiFâ(2J r)-4jd* qfkog(xr (t ?)J+1-x,(( ?)J (I2.53) lt is again helpfulto introduce the dimensionless - = - q'= zlks. Theringenergythen becomes- with theva abl qoji hk; and ar idi ofes Eqps= nî (3 (3.21),(3.22), . 29),and(12.52)- . Er= where Nel er 2Jc (l2.54) (12.55) Theenergy ermustbereal, and we shallconsideronly therealpartofEq ( 55). Inaddition,Krisanevenfunctionofy', which aliowsusto simplify the. li12. mitsofintegration(wenow omittheprimeonqj: g . 2d co s-'L(1,V -j. - &,a(g,p) L%az/.:2 0 q 0dv tan-l . vrl(ç (12.56) ,v ) wherethedielectricfunction hasbeenseparated intoitsrealandim aginary parts Kr= Krl+ l' gra and wehaveused therelatian logtvrl+ I. 'rz)=llntsr 2k+ Kh)+ ftan-j&' &' r 2 r1 A s noted previously, the singular behavior of the electron gas a sm allwav rises at evectors(q. <. :1),and weshallthereforedividetheq integration into tw oparts,q < qcand q > qc a qc co s ,) qîdq fop tan-k rz(4. .. ,- - x 2zrrxarz a a () xr)(t?,p) rzfqnv) a . 2dq .dv tan-' lrz(f,-v) - v r2 azracrc xrl(ty,v) ,2(4,r) : 4c 0 eg1= . . - - Thisseparation isolatesthe divergence, which occursonly in the firstterm e forthisreason, erzissniteand can beexpanded in powersofr rI; her m or e, ,. Furt ifqcischosentobem uch lessthan l,then<rmaybtapproxim ated byitslimiting form (Eq.(l2.51)Jincvaluating e,l,thereby giving a tractable integral. The FERMISYSTEMS 166 imaginarypartofx,isproportionalto -F(ç)1m110(:,v),which ispositive or zero tsee Eq.(12.39)2. Thustan-l(<r2JKr2jvariesfrom 0 to =. ln particular, tan-l(xrc/xrj)= 0 ifKrz= 0 and K,,> 0,whiletan-'(n2/Krj)= = ifxyc= 0and n j<::0. In theregion0 < q < qc < l,theapproxim ateexpression in Eq. (12.51) maybeused,and w' etind 3 - - er.-j.' r tav). (q ,cq3dq(a 'dxé ll f T 1 -j. Y) Yt # z' )) jtan-1q zrp j%yy sy x )-2%rs. y(z1-. . 6 o j( q )-q3dqtj0 'dxtan-l(q,. j ly xytx))-2 j( . - 4. 4. , +jl =p. xvrof-ql-(Ay (x)y) 12 H 1L+ lz where 57) . f(x) 2 ' !l+ xg >gjI-jx1n( 1 j.. x, and (12.58) A- 2=rs (12.59) Thetwo termsin Eq.(12.57)arisefrom the regionsoftheqvplanewhere Krz> 0 and Kr1= 0,respectively. lfwe now expand er asa powerseriesin thecoupling constantA x el l , the eading term mustreproducethesecond-orderterm (2av;Ne2)EL. In particular tbesingularityforsmallq hasbeenisolated in Ik,and wetind , lj;k:-6ï.a z uc àx :2 /'(x) 7TzsJl0 q3dq 0ldx .a--.-S ,--+...-A-xz qq q =-'Q 6Lq)cd. 'b(' qqJj )Y*YVCXI*0621 r J( The srst term of this perturbation expansion diverges lögarithm ically at the originbecauseoftheq-2behaviorofthecoulombpotentialV(q). Thuswesee explicitly thelogarithmicdivergence ofEJmentioned atthe beginning ofthis section. Theexactintegral1t. however,containstermsofaIlordersin 2 and i , ts inttgrand is snite as q -->.û. M ore preciselysthe q-* dependence of the integrand is cutoffforq2< )s/'(x). In consequence,1,can be evaluated with Iogarithm icaccuracb'asfollows: I 6 qc#t ?' *1 j; k;-g - jyj.j( ;dxxf(x) , (lnLq n ' j c)('( sx(l-!. xIni j+)) . 2 ., 0 A =p (1-ln2)lnO (1260) . 1ee GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM which means ecorr= 2=-241- ln2)lnr,+ const rs-*0 (l2.61) Thisresultisoriginallydueto M acke.i Notethatthisexpression isnonanalytic in r'and hasno powerseriesaround r,= 0. The constantterm in thecorrelation energy requiresthe evaluation of-a11 theremainingtermsinEq.(12.26). Inparticular,itisessentialtoprovethatthe arbitrary wavenumberqcdropsoutofthe tinalanswerforkr. Thiscalculation isvery similarto thatinSec.30 and willnotberepeated here. Furthermore,it iseasytoseethatELand E1vanishidentically,while Ne2 E2 b= 2Ja eb 2 isjustthesecond-orderexchangeenergystudiedinProb.l.4. The5nalexpression can only be obtained numerically,and the correlation energy becom es E --. e2 2 N sFrr= 2J0 =-j(j- In2, )lnrs-(4.+)4+ ofrsjnr,) 2 = ja -n (0.0622lnrs- 0.094+ Otr,lnrsl) (12.62) correctthroughorderlnr:and4.1 Byanextensionoftheargumentspresented here,DuBois2showsthatthesum ofthenextmostdivergenttermsin each order inperturbationtheory(thosetermswithonelesspowerofL%(t /))givesacorrec' tionorOtrslnr,)to Eq.(12.62). EFFECTIVE INTERACTIO N W ehavealready m entioned thatthe perturbation expansionfailsbecause ofthe singular(q)-2behaviorof&n(q). In contrast,the ring approximation to the eflkctiveinteraction Url%sqzjhasaverydiflkrentbehavioratlong wavelengths. Forsimplicity,weshallconsideronlythestaticIimit(qv= 0),andacombination ofEqs.(12.24)and(12.49)yields 4. n.e2 &r(q.0)-q -u-+(jxrs/.)kkg ygjks) (l2.63) 1W .M acke. Z.Naturforsch..5a:192(I950). 1Thelogarithmicterm wassrstobtainedbyW .Macke,Ioc.cit.,andthecompl eteexpression was then derived by M .Gell-M ann and K.A.Brueckner,Ioc.cit. Seealso L.Onsager, L. Mittagaand M .J.Stephen.Ann.Physik,1*:7l(1966). 2D.F.DuBois.Ann.Phys.(N.F.),7:174,appendix C,(1959). DuBois'calculation was repeated and corrected byW .J.Carr,Jr..and A.A.M aradudin.Ph-vs.Rel'.,133:A37I(1964), whohndû.ûi8rslnr,asthenextcorrection to ecorr. 167 FERM ISYSTEM S where l 1 z 1-j.l . x g(x)- j- s (l- 1.*)lnI j jx I .. (12.64) Thusthemedium composedoftheelectronsandthepositivebackground modifes Coulomb'slaw. ltisclearfrom Eq.(12.63)thatthismodifcationisimportant onlyforwavelengths(q/kpjz< r,;inthehigh-densitylimitwherers-+.0,wecan thereforeapproximateg(Wks)byg(0)= l,sothat 4=e2 Ur(q.0)ra ; k ;o. j -, qc+ (4., ,/.):. (l2.1) Hencetheeflkctivepotentialiscutofl-forql; EGk/andishniteatq=0,which consrmsthe assertionsbelow Eq.(12.23). Thisbehaviorprovidesa physical basisforthecutofused to5ndkcorrinEq.(12.60)andinProb.l.5. Although Eq.(12.65)isonlyanapproximationtotheexact&r(q,0)given inEq.(12.63),itisveryeasytotaketheFouriertransform ofthisapproximate expression,which gives a Yukawa potential. W e thereby obtain a qualitative pictureoftheefectiveinteraction in coordinatespace P;(x)= e2e-qrrxx-1 (12.66) Hencethesimpleellx Coulomb'slaw betweentwochargesisttshielded'gwith the Thomas-Fermilscreeninglengthqv -ldehnedby qIr= 4ars Tr 4 4 1 à'/= s rsk;= 0.66r,*/ Tr (12.67) In fact.the nonanalyticstructureof(12.63)complicatestheactualexpression forFrtx)considerably,asisdiscussedindetailinSec.14. lnthepresentsection,Urlqsça)hasbeenusedonlytoevaluatethecorrelation energy,which isanequilibrium property. Asshown in theprecedingparagraph, however,Urcontainsm uch additionalphysicalinform ation becauseitdeterm ines. theesective static and dynamicinterparticle potential. Thisbehaviorisreally a particular example of the response to an external perturbation. For this reason,we shallhrstdevelop the generaltheory oflinear response (Chap.5) and then return to the nonequilibrium prom rtiesofthedegenerateelectrongas. PRO BLEM S 4.1. A uniform spin-. s Fermi system has a spin-indem ndent interaction PotentialF(x)= L x-le-x/q (c)Evaluatetheproperself-energyintheHartree-Fockapproximation. Hence hnd theexcitation spectrum ekand theFerm ienergy ep= y.. .The Thomas-Fermitheory isdescri- d in Sec.14. 16a GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FonMAulsu (!8 Show thatthe exchangecontribution to Es isnegligiblefora long-range interaction(kya> 1)butthatthedirectandexchangetermsarecomparablefor ashort-rangeinteraction(kpa.c 41). (c)Inthisapproximationprovethattheesectivemassm*isdetermined solely by the exchange contribution. Com pute m *, and discuss the lim iting cases kFa> 1and kra< 1. (d)W hatistherelationbetweenthelimita--+., x)ofthismodelandtheelectron gasin a uniform positivebackground? 4.2. UseEq.(11.70)todeterminethefirst-ordershiftintheground-stateenergy fowthe system considered in Prob.4.1. Comparethiscalculation with a direct approach. 4.3. Using 15'coulomb wave functions as approximate Hartree-Fock wave functions,com putethe ionization energiesofatom ic He,and com pare with the experimentalvaluesHe-. ->He' b+ e-(24.48eV)andHe-+.He**+ 2c-(78.88eV). Show thatthisapproach isactually a variationalcalculationand use this observation to im prove your results. H ow would you further im prove these calculations? 4.4. TheequationofProb.3.4canbeconsidered thesrstofaninsnitehierarchy ofequationsin which then particleG iscoupled to then - 1and n + 1particle G's. A com m on calculational schem e is to Kfdecouple''these equations by approximatingthen particleG intermsoflower-order(inn)Green'sfunctions. Forexam ple,use W ick'stheorem to show thatthe noninteracting 2 particle G satishes Gxbiys(xjt1,x2t2, -xl 't1 ',x2't2 ') G3?(x1t1,x1 -fk ')Gjôtxc?z,xa'?a' )+ Guô(xktl,xz '/2 ')Gjytxat: L,x, 't, ') A pproximate the interacting 2 particle G w ith the sam e expression and verify thatthe resulting self-consistentapproximation forthe lparticle G reproduces theH artree-Fock approxim ation. *.5. How are the Hartree-Fock equationsforspin-è particlesmodihed for spin-dependentpotentialsoftheform giveninEq.(9.21)? 4.6. A uniform spin-l Fermigasinteractsonly through ar-wavehard-core potentialofrangeasothat31->.-(kJ)3/3forka-*0. (J)Show from Galitskii'sequationthattheproperself-energyisgivento order (kz.X3by ,u*(k)- hl2i'6'*3 3 ,- - k2 j,+(u)j FERM I SYSTEM S 1e9 (b)Show thatthe:rsttwotermsintheexpansionoftheground-stateenergyas apowerseriesin G a are E - hl 3 à lmk; 3 à+ V (k,c)3 (c)Show thatthespectrum isstrictlyquadraticwithan efectivemassgivenby mslm = l- (1yJ)3/rr,correcttoorder(kra)3. 4.7. Given a uniform Fermigas with a degeneracy factor ot -g,show that (J)the ground-state energy expansion for a hard-core potentialofrange a becom es E= 9 hlm k/(' 3 !. y.Lg-j)j2k 3= sa. 4 .35 4=z(jj-zjno(ksulj. j.gg tksul3jj (b) theresultinProb.4.6becomes E - h2k/ 3 (ksu)3 W am jj -(g+.))snj 4.8. VerifyEqs.(11.63).(11.65),and (11.68). 4 9. Foradegenerateelectrongasshow thatY*(q)isgiventosrstorderinthe interaction by â)2)l/q)--s e2(/ c/qq2lnt ( J : fs+qj (+ggFj Sketch the resulting single-particle spectrum . D iscuss the eflkctive m ass m*lqjdehned bym*lq)- (hlqllDkqjèql-b. 4.10. Apply Prob.1.7to an imperfectspin-! Fermigas and show thatthe ground statebecomespartiallymagnetized forkFa > */2. 4.11. Verify Eq.(12.36). 4.12. A system ofspinu ferm ionsinteractsthrough a spin-independentstatic potentialP'(q). (c)AnalyzetheFeynman diagramsfortheproperpolarization,and show that ZZ. uUz(U = Ilg *(#)(2#+ 1)-'ôs8as+(1R*(ç)- l1e *W)1(2J+ 1)-23a,&u (see Eq. (9. :)). (!8 SolveDyson'sequation forl-I.j,As(t ?)(compare Prob.3.l5). (c) Show thatD(q)(Eq.(12.12))isequaltoâH.a,Az(ç),andhencerederivethe expressionD(q)= âI1*(ç)(1- P'(q)11*(ç)1-l. 4.13. Considerthediagramsin Fig.12.3 foran arbitrary potentialF(q),and show that only 1R* 4kp contributes to Ez in Eq.(12.21). Use Eq. (12. 21) to evaluatef1,and show thatitagreeswiththatinProb.1.4. jx GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TZM PERATURE) FORMALISM 4,14. (c) Evaluateer,inEq.(12.57)byfirstperformingtheqintegralandthen . expandingin powersofrs. ' (5) Evaluateerzdehnedbelow Eq.(12.56)byexpandinginpowersofrs directly. (c)Show thate,j+ %zisindependentofqc,and compareyourexpression for theconstantterm in ecorrwith thatobtained byK . Sawada,Phys.Ret'., 106:372 (1957)and by K.Sawada,K.A.Brueckner,N.Fukuda,and R. Brout,Phys. Ret'.,10*:507(1957). i I I I ! l l i k l 1 ! l l l t 1 I t l 5 Linear R espo nse and C ollective M odes The preceding chapter concentrated on the equilibrium properties of a Ferm i system atzero tem perature,alongwith thespectrum ofsingle-particleexcitations following the addition or rem ovalofoneparticle. These ferm ion excitations can be directly observed through such processes as positron annihilation in m etals,nuclear reactions,etc. In addition,mostphysical system s also have long-lived excited states thatdo not change the num ber of particles. These excitations(phonons,spin waves,etc.)havea bosoncharacterand arefrequently known ascollectivem odes. Theycan bedetected withexperim entalprobesthat couple directly to theparticledensity,spin density,orotherparticle-conserving operators. Typical experim ents scatter electrom agnetic waves or electrons from m etalsandnuclei,orneutronsfrom crystalsand liquid He4. Theseprobes a1linteractweaklywiththesystem ofinterestand thereforecanbetreatedinBorn approxim ation. To provide a generalbackground,we shallsrst discuss the theory oflinearresponseto aweak externalperturbation. 171 172 GROUND.STATE (ZERO.TEM PfRATURE) FORMALCSM I3LGENERAL THEORY O F LINEAR RESPONSE TO AN EXTERNA L PERTURBATION Consider an interacting many-particle system with a time-independenthamiltonianX. TheexaqtstatevectorintheSchrödingerpicture/ k1-s(J)z,satissesthe Schrödingerequation ihPl'1' .s(;)) est(?))= 4 $ %1., with theexplicitsolution ( :. 1, -(r))= tp-fz?r/ntl,(0)) Supposethatthe system isperturbed att= tsbyturning on an additionaltime- dependent ham iltonian X extf). The new Schrödinger state vector ,tl--stf)) satissesthemodihedequation(?> ?0) Ps(J))- (4 .#.z' ih8)' ?.ex(tlj;,. ps(t)y , ot , and we shallseek a solution in the form I'PN(?))- c-f#''',f(?)1 '. I-$(0)), . , wheretheoperatorz. i' (J)obey' sthecausalboundarycondition X(J)= 1 A combination ofEqs.(13.3)and(13.4)yieldstheoperatorequationforvijt): oziltl fs,/,g , * jj. e ..t c a u zjy .,Lt)e-jp,/,gtyj - #g(?)vjjtl (13.6) whereX74/)isintheusualHeisenbergpicturethatmakesuseof-thefullinteractingX. Equation(13.6)maybesolvediterativelyfor?> tf j f(t)=l-ih-lJl ' adt'X' 7(t')+--' z. where the causal boundary condition (Eq. (13.5)) is automatically satissed because4extr)= ()ift< to. Thecorrespondingstatevectorisgivenby f 1 Ps(?))=e-iW'7 '( kI 's(0))-ih-te-f J ?'/'Jê ' odt'P7(r' )t ' Fs(0)' )+''. . LINEAR RESPONSE AND COLLECTIVE M ODES 173 A 1lphysicalinform ation ofinterestiscontainedinm atrixelem entsofSchrödinger pictureoperatorsös(J)(whichmaydependexplicitlyontime) tJ(?))ex> tTx'(?)l:.s. (?)l'Ps(?)) - - f'1p s ' (0)l(1+, â-'J'dt-47(/3+..1ei *t /'osl ' tsc-i /r /. x (l-ih-1jf ' :dt'Xjxtf' )+-.. 1l ' Ps(0)) (kl's '(0)I 0,(r)I '1',(û))+xïâ('rkl 'z ' ,(0)IJl 'cdt ' z?7(?'),:s(?)!f'. l' -s(0))+ .. (13.9) OnlythelineartermsinXe'havebeenretained,andthesubscriptH denotesthe Heisenbergpieturewith respecttothetime-independenthamiltonianX (compare Eqs.(6.28)and(6.32)). Thefrst-orderchangeinamatrixelementarisingfrom an external perturbation is here expressed in term s of the exact H eisenberg operators ofthe interacting butunperturbed system. In particnlar,if 1 àFs) and I tP' H)b0thdenotethenormalizedgroundstate ( 11P0, )h,thelinearresponse of the ground-stateexpectation value ofan operatorisgiven by 8rö(?))- tötrllex- (:(?)) = m-lJC ' Qdt'(. I. ' ( )! gz?7(?' ). Js(r))J '. 1%) (13.10) A sa speciscexam ple,considera system with charge e perparticle in the presence ofan externalscalar potential+f'(x/),which is turned on at t= G. Thecorresponding externalperturbation isequalto *bxltj- J#3xgstx/ltyeztx/) (13.11) wheregs istheexactparticle density operatorin the unperturbed system . The linearresponsem aybecharacterized bythechange in thedensity b' Lhlxtl? b=/ â-lJ! ' :#?'. f#3x't yextx't' )(YI %Jys(x't'), Hs(x/))) Y 1Pa) =1 4-1Jt ' o#?'j i -#3x'E ' +*'(X'J' )(V'0l( Hl f(x't'),Hzf(X?)1l Y' %) (13.l2) wherewehavenow introducedthedeviationoperatorsl qt jlxtj= ?in(xJ)- Itàktlxtjf (compare Eq.(12.3)). (Note thatthe c numbers always commute.) If the retarded densitycorrelation functionisdefined in analogy with Eq.(12.5) 1' *g((? 1 (x),? 1zf(x')1(.1-q) a , , (: iD (x,x)=0(t-/) -.-#(-5-wo.-.1, . -oj--Y. ...- ... .. thenEq.(13.12)mayberewrittenas 3(? Xx/))=â-tj*dt'J#3x'DRlxt,x't' jt ve'tx'l' ) (13.14) 174 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM whertthtcausalbehaviorisenforced bythe retarded natureofD R,and wthave used thefactthat@exvanishesfort'< ?(). Equation (13.l4)typisesageneral result that the linear response ofan operator to an externalperturbation is expressibleasthespace-tim eintegralofasuitableretarded correlation function. Ifthesystem isspatiallyhomogeneous,thenDR(x,x')= DR(x- x'),andit isusefulto introduceFouriertransforms +extk,a))= J#3xJdte-ik*xeico'+extx/) 3(H(k.to))xJd5xfdtE'-ik*xeizo'3(H(x?)) XR(k,(z))>j#3xjWe-ikeltzftufDR(xt) Equation(13.14)immediatelyreducesto 3(H(k,t x)))= â-1DR(k,f . t))etpextk,tsl (13.15) (tl3.l6) (13.17) (l3.18) which showsthatthesystem respondsatthesam ewavevectorand frequency as the perturbation. This relation is som etim es used to dehne a generalized susceptibility J walkrtzalN 3(?i(k,ts)) -îoatk rxk ( . ,) = h '(. ,) et ( , (j?.j9) Such relations art especially useful in studying transport coeë cients, which representcertain long-wavelength and low-frequency lim itsofthe generalized susceptibilities(compareProb.9.7). The foregoing analysis shows that the linear response is most simply expressed in term soîretarded correlation functionsofexactHeisenberg operators. Unfortunately, such functions cannot be calculated directly with the Feynm an-D yson perturbation series becatlse W ick-s theorem appliesonly to a tim e-ordered produetofoperators. Consequently.itisgenerallyeonvenientto detine an associated time-ordered correlation function ofthe same operators, which necessarily hastheform ofEq.(8.8). W ick'stheorem can now be used to evaluate thetime-ordered correlation function in perturbation theory. The remaining problem ofrelating the time-ordered and retarded functionscan be solved with the Lehm ann representation. A specific exam ple has been given in Sec.7,whereG(k,te)and GR(k.( . t p)wereshown to satisfy Eqs.(7.67)and (7.68). Thtm ethod isclearlyverygeneral,and westateherethecorrespondingrelations forthedensitycorrelation fknctions(Prob.3.8) Rep(q,o4 = ReDR(q,f . t)) lm D(q,o4sgnf . tl= Im . DR(q,oa) (13.20) which are valid for real(, t). (In thisexpression.sgnts> f .u/'jf . z al.l Equations (13.20)areveryimportant,becauseans'approximationforD(q,(z?)immediately yieldsan approximate DR(q,u))and hence theassociated linearresponse. ltis also clear from the Lehmann representation for D(q,to)that the poles ofthis LINEAR RESPO NSE AND COLLECTtVE M ODES 175 function occurat the exactexcitation energies of those states ofthe interacting assem bly thatare coupled to the ground state through tl ne density operator. IK SC REEN ING IN A N ELECTRO N G A S A s our firstexam ple,w e consider the response ofa dcgenerate electron gasto a static im purity with positive charge Ze,w here the externalpotentlalis given by (reftxl)= Zex-1 (I4.l) and tJ' *X(q,tz?)- brrlzeq-23((zp) N ote that we have here let tv ... + - cc. This point charge alters the electron distribution in its vicinity,and Eqs.(l3.l6)and (l3.lSJtogetherdeturmine thtt induced particledensity to be (forelectrons.the i1teraction is-.e( ;ex) tir '? i(X))'= -42=)-3j'J3t?é'fq*XDR(q.0)4n. zezlhq2)''1 Equation (12.14)showsthatthe time-ordered densitl'correlation function D i$ equalto JkI'Iswhere1-1isthetim e-ordered polarization part. If17Risdefined as the corresponding retarded polarization. then Eq. (l4.3) assum es the sim p1e form 3r. '? i(x), '= -(27r)-3(J3gé'IQ*XflR(q>0)4. c. 276:2tj-2 = .--( 2, 77.)-3fJ3t yvf q*x11R(q,0)Z (.' t)(q) = - ( 2, c' )-3z fJbqépiq*xgH *(q,O)f ., . '(q.O)jR = ,-(. 2: 7.)-3Z (dJt: /cfq-' itlK.R(q.0)1'-t- 1) (l4.4) wherethethird linehasbeen obtained with Dl'son-sequatlon (seeEqs.(9.43)and (14.5)),and thefourth with the retardedversionofEq.(l2.1' ;). ThepreNtous perturbation analysis(Sec.l2)allowsusto calculatethetime-ordered functions Fl and <,and theLehmann representation then l'ieldsgcompare Eq.(1. 3.20)for o, . , . s/jI-I1) 11R(q.co' )> (Re-c.1sgnu?lm)l1(q,(o) = Re1 1(q.(o)+ 1sgntslm F1(q.t . z?) xR( 'q.a?)= Rea' (q,(z?)-z.l'sgnu)lm vtqs(,?l A com bination ofEqs.(14.4)and (l4.6)then proNidesan exacldescriptio1)of . the screening abouta pointcharge. ln the approximation of retaining 0111/.ring diagrams.s,(q.O)is ptrrell' realgEq.(12.49)1,andtheretarded functionbecomes xr '(q, 0)-, o(q. 0)-1+4ar,F cs zt=f ?2)-igjj.j 176 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPFRATURE) FORMALISM Herethefunctiong(x)(Eq.(12.64))isgivenby r(x)=1j-jlk(1-' $xa)jn I 1 j+ -è jxt 1 , (j 4.g) and hasthefollow inglim itingbehavior :(x); k;1+ O(x2) g(x);=!.+ . t(x- 2)lnR1x- 2l) Ix- 21< 1 (14.9c) (14.9:) . x> 1 (14.9c) g(x)e-jx-2 Equation(14.7)may besubstituted into Eq.(14.4);theinduced chargedensity then reducesto 3t)(x))r- -p3(?1(x))r - - 4ars=-1glqlkè dTq iq-x Zej(a.)3e (wks)2+yxrs=-lglqlkp (l4.10) Thisexpression hasseveralinteresting features: l.Thetotalinduced charge iseasilydetermined as bQr= j#3x( 5()(x)), nars=-ig(ç//cs) - zefd?q 3(q)(t ?/k,.)z+ 4ars=-j.g'(t#kF) (14.11) which showsthatthe screening iscom pleteatlargedistances. 2.Theintegrand ofEq.(14.10)isboundedforal11t ?Iandvanisheslikeq-4as q-->.: ; o (compareEq.(14.9c)1. Hencethe induced chargedensity iseverywherefniteincluding theorigin because 1(3?(x))) < 143/(0))r! - Ze vlsq zurs,r-lgtwlsl J( -2 -, 0 -3(f pks)2+4ar,,r-1gtq/ks)<* (14.12) H erethesrstinequalityarisesfrom theoscillatoryexponentialwhich reduces thechargedensityforx# 0. 3.Thesingularq-ldependenceforsmallqliscutofl-at çmin= 4ars 1 4kF 1 ' rr ' n' aç t kr= = 6=ne2 + Ek M qrF (14.13) (seeEqs.(3.20to3.22),(3.29),and(12.67)),whereq1.FistheThomas-Fermil IL.H.Thomas,Proc.CambridgePhil.. O c.,23:542 (1927);E .Fermi.Z.Physik,48:73(1928). An elementary accountofitsapplication to metalsmay befound in J.M .Ziman,keprinciples oftheTheoryofSolids.''secs.5.1to 5.3,CambridgeUniversityPress,Cambridge,1964. LINEAR RESPONSE AN D COLLECTIVE M ODES wavenum ber. wherebpwstx)isthatobtained in theThomas-ll krmiapproxlmation. 2 h2 P= 5 -2 - -(. 3v:2)' in! zA? (14.16) lfweputachargeZeintoauniform electrongaS(imposedonaunifbrm.positive sxed background of charge density (v?a that m akes the unperturbed sl' stem neutral).then the condition oflocalhydrostatic cquilibrium requiresthat the forceson a small(unit)Nolumeelementmustbalance N'Fj= 0 = -V# - ta/?tj 7 where& istheresulting electricfleld. Poisson-sequation becom es where (J-isthe electrostatic potential. W e can now write n - llv= èn V??= V 3z? 2-k2 l --( 3, ;r2). i.- vjp:= rvv 3 2p? n% (l4.20) Since the leftside isalready linearin sm allquantities,wecan use Eq.(3.29)to m'rite 2 lt2k2 I . - - z-32 v j??= ev t j-- z?7 ??f) 178 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM orequivalently (V2-f ?1. ,. )3p(x)- zeqlw3(x) (14.22) wheretheThomas-Fermiwavenumberisdesned in Eq.(14.13). Thesolution tothisequationisthatquotedinEq.(14.15) V rstx)= -ZeqIw(4=x4-te-qrrx (14.23) Theapproximateresultin Eq.(14.15)isincorrect,however,becauseglx) has a singularity at x = 2, where its srst derivative becom es infnite. The presenceofthissingularityintherangeofintegration(0< q< co)gives3()(x))r analgebraicasym ptoticdependenceon x in contrastto theapparentexponential behavior arising from the approxim ate sim ple pole at q= il ' ( ?rs. W e m ay extractthe correct asym ptotic behavior of3t.)(x))rin thefollowing manner: firstrewritethelogarithm appearinging(( #ks)as(seeEq.(14.8)) /2+yl ln;t+ Lk.:.-I jInj ni .m +o. (q+uj.sju-y-' n. - -- 2/fs; fq- 2/: ... - Sinceg isan even function ofitsargument,theintegralin Eq.(14,14)can be written as z -c o 2 j. ';(x).r-.j. -. r (. l ; . xj..q#t ?ek qxq,+ql t ? rg -l q . -k/ v' l-1 (14. 24) -Fhe integrand is now an analytic function ofq with the singularity structure show'n in Fig.14.1,and thebranch cutsofthelogarithmshavebeen chosen so thatthe logarithm isrealalong the realaxis. Thecontourcan bedeformed as indicated,and the pole atq;4;iqvy givesthe eontribution ofEq.(14.15),which vanishesexponentially forIargex. Incontrast,thecutsextend down to (within n)therealaxis. Theintegralsalongthetwobranchcutsdependonthediference ofthe function acrossthe cut. 'thisdiPkrence arises solely from the phase ofthe 1ogarithm .and u'ith the branch cutsasshown w'e have ' llog(q-2 k ; 2 . r 2 î2 -.. -. .) 2.-. .) 2 . =j .. tfy- 2l-s) ?-î; )-= onCj onC2 l a F t i g on . 1 o 4 f . 1 8 ( / C ( x o ) n r t . o urf ora s y mpt o t i ce v al u - LINEAR RESPONSE AND COLLECTIVE M ODES 179 where u ' ï indicates the value ofthe phase on the rightside of the cut m inusthe value of the phase on the left. Because of the decreasing exponential in the integrand,allthe slowly varying functions in the integrand can then be replaced by theirvaluesatthe startofthe branch cut. Thus we have q2 ïH 2k j;z r .. s which was first deri:ed by Langer and N'osko.1 The expression (14.2647ô i< qualitatively differentfrom thatpredicted in L-q. (l4.1f)and eNhibits1ong-rangc oscillationsN. Nith a radialwavelcngth =,Ik'y and an enN'elope proportionaito .v''. It is clear that 3 .p 'k(x),is an im proN' em(!11t oN't ?r èf. lz. f(x).s1! -1cc t11e forrrle1'i11corporates the distribution ftlnction of the interacting mediun) i11com pLlti11g theresponseto theexternaltield. From a phl'sicalpointofs'ieu . the long-rallge ost?illations in the scrccl)iI)g chargearisefrom thesharpFerrriiSurface. because ltis Ilotpossible to construct a sm ooth functio1 outo1 -the restricted setot -$5a' ke vetzt0rsq -' -ky. T hisetlkct was t irstsuggested by Friedeljzand such Frie(l('Ioscillatiotls have been obser:etl asa broadening ofnuclearm agnetic resonancelinesin dilute alloys.3 A sinlilal eflkct also occurs i11dilute m agnetic a1loj$,'the conduction electrons lnduce : ).il indirectinteraction between magnetic in' lpuritiesoftheform xl/cos(7. 1/..vj,). where xi.l is the separation of the im purities.4 . A t lou butfinite telnpcrattl1'es. the Ferm isurface issm eared overa thickness/ .'sF in energy. and itturns otlttllat iJ,S.Langerand S. H .Vosko,J.Ph-vs.(-/?t????.Solit1î.12:196(l960). 2J.Friedel,Phil.At ftzg..43:153(l952):N'llot'oC' I ' ?' >l é'??/( ?,7:287,St lppl.2(l958). 3N .Bloem bergen and T. J.Rowland,Actu -Wtz?.,1;731(1953);T.J.Rowland.Phb' s.Ret' .. 119:900(I960);%V.Kohnand S. H .Vosko.#/lp. î.Rek'..119:912(1960):scealso.J.N. 1.Zlnpan. op.cit.,secs,5.4.qnd 5.5. 4M .A.Rudermanand C.Kittel, Pll.b' s.Ret' .,96:99 (1954). 18c GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM Eq.(14.26J) must be multiplied by the factor expt-zzrn?/ksrx, //j2:'s). The im portance ofa sharp Fermisurface isconsrmed by the behavior in a super- conductor,where the Fermisurface issmeared overan energy width -. î<.tE'k. evenatF = 0(seeChap.13). ln thiscase,theasymptotic form ofthescreelling density isproportionalto x-3coslz/csxlexpt-/ fsxl/ey),completelyanalogous to thatfora norm alm etalatsnitetem perature.l ISZPLASM A OSCILLATIONS IN AN ELECTRON GAS lt hasalready been pointed outthat11(q,cg)has polesatthe exact excitation energy ofthosecollective statesofthe interacting system thatareconnected to theground statethroughthedensityoperator. Recalling Eqs.(9.435)and (9.46) -.y)--.-l.= j. j-g()tqlI-I(q,(s) V&( .. tq) Klq,f -t)i o we observe that v(q,(z?)vanishesatthese same energies. ln the ring approximation,Eq.(12.50)showsthatthedielectric constantK. rhasone obviouszero, occurring forfxed energy transfer y'and long wavelengthsq . -+.0 4ar Krlqstz?l= 1- 1-.:-,X2 77 . Thisquantity vanishes at v2 J' j= 4=rs(3=)-1 Rewriting thisexpression in dimensionalunits (see Eqs.(3.20)to (3.22),(12.35), and (12.52))we hnd a collective excitation atthe classicalplasma frequencyz given by j)2 #j= 4=nel -- (I5.4) W e shallinvestigate these plasm a oscillations in m ore detailby considering the linear response of a degenerate electron gas to an im pulsive perturbation extxf)= pïq-x( )?a3(:) I whose Fouriertransform isgiven by %*'(k,f . o)- +0(27r)33(q - k) The corresponding induced density perturbation becomes 3(l i(xp))= -t>(2=)-4j-#3/fdulcik*xe-il x'tI4R(k(sl( ?cextk,(z?l - -e+()piq-xtzvl-l.(dole-iu'fIIR(q'(,,) = -e(;)c:iq*x(2=)-1. fdcop-ia,!&0(q)-1tgxR(q,(. s)j-l- j) tA . L.Fetter.Phys.Reï'.,140:, *1921(1965). 2Theclassicaltheoryofplasmaoscillationsisdiscussed attheend ofthissection. - W ' LINEAR RESPONSE AN D COLLECTIVE M ODES 181 which showsthatthesingularitiesof1lRin the con)plex ( . o planealso determ ine the resonantfrequencies ofthe system . A Ithough Eq.(I5.7)isexact,weshallconsideronIy the approxim ation or retaining the ring diagrams. In thiscase K.v R(q.r . sliqgiven by L'qs.(l2.24)and (14.6)as K &(q,t r o)= l--k'tq)1'10R(q,u,j where gcompareEqs.(12.29)and Eqs.(I4.f)j 110R(q,r . s). .Re110(q.u,)-.1sgn( . z)Im 1IC'tq-( . r?) 2 - cl5l' (1--??C k'q)??k0 llkî b-q(1-.n% k) h (277.)3 (s.-cok --l -oq k -- i1t' f.o -.f-tlk- r-zpk q . . . ., - - . )' . t.3'n' y ). h . l'b'; jk()-q . 'y-':k() 'y ' ((2. , . )3c o-tt okq-.upk)-v/'?/ -- -- - whereso k= f?(/fs--k). Thus110RdiPkrsfrom llt 2on1y in the lntinitesim als zix). . The frequency and Iifetim tlof the coIlectlve modesare determ lned by the poles ofthe integrand in Eq.(15.7).J These occuratthe values! .jq- iyqthatsatiSfy the equation 1-- k'(q)1-10R(q.f.. 1q --iyq) . In general, this equation can be soll ked on1). u.ith 1 )um er!caI a: 1a1jsls: it -the dampingissmail(' yqw' ktjq).houever.thentherealand imaginar),'partsseparate, and w e lind l=-Iz'kq)R el-l0Rlqsf.1q)= l'tq)Rel-1C1(q-f.jq) -.' = z: (if.l1) ? R ellOR(q.t. ??) -i lm l1OR(q-f.1t) . . .. ? J # PRe1l0(q.o,) -l = sgn. t2qIm l-l0(q-t2#) . . do th Equation (l5.1l)determines the disperslon relation (1# ofthe collectise mode, while Eq.(l5.l2)then yields an explicit form ula for the dam ping constant. This approxim ate separation of real and im aginary parts u illbe àhow'n to be valid atlong wavelengths.and we now consider the expansion oflI0R forq -'.0. A1though itispossib1e to expand Eq.tl2.36)forsm a1lf/.&&e insteadwork directly with Eq.(l5.9). A sim ple change ofN' ariablesin the firstterm ofthis lln general, fl&also hasacutin thecompl ex (splaneJustbelow'therealaxis. with adiscontinuity proportionalto Im 11R(q.u?)(see,forexanlple, Fig.12.9). As?--'cc,how'ever,thiscut makes a negligible contribution to Eq.(l5,7);hence the donlinantlong-tlnle behaviorhrre arisesfrom thecollectivem ode,whlch isundam ped in thepresentapproxlnlation. 182 GROUND-GTATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURC) FORMALSSM expression reducestheintegralto no'tq,( sl-2Jjjk j )s,, kgo,-(.,-1 .k-q ). ,.i ,-. --(.k+ql -.,).. j , . j 2v2 dqk l Jta.p'' kt&--:q.k/,,+i ylz-(hqï/zm'bz (15.l3' - m itisclearthatlmH0R= 0if1(z J1>hkrqlm + hqllzm;inthisregionoftheq- (. o plane,ReI1oA= Rel40may beevaluated asan ascendingseriesinq. To order 4 we have Re11os(q,ts)- 2y2 syt,-2 , #3k 2âk.q âk.q 2 J(ayjjnîl+-m -( . o+3(s; t s)+. 3 â/çsg 2 -' j4 --1m( s -il+3(m( ,)+''' lJtd z, ' r k /Nk-p x-3 k =; ' i ... k). y2 .. (15.14) (l5.l5) and themean value ofklforthe Fermidistribution is. j. #/. The dispersion relation(Eq.(15.11)Jnow becomes 1 4, s. 11c2 = yyy -jjj yj 3 'hk q l l+jjyyj c lt ' y +''- (15.16) which can be solved iteratively to yield jlq=+: Dpll+j9 jtt y q sj , j ,2+... where j-j $=ne2 1 pj= -.. -? ? .1 ... - (j5.jg) istheplasmafrequenc),andqvr=(6=ne2(e). )kistheThomas-Fermiwavenumber introduced in Sec.l4. SinceIml-l0R(f/,j1q)vanishesifpflqr' >hqkpt lm + hqllzm, these collective m odes are undam ped atlong wavelengths. Thisresultarises f' rom the approxim ations used in the presentcalculations;when higher-order correctionsareincluded,theplasm aoscillationsaredam pedata1lwavelengths.l Theresonantfrequencyatzerowavelengthistheclassicalplasm afrequency and is therefore independentofh. To clarify the physics ot-these collective m odes,weshallreview theclassicalderivationofplasmaoscillations.z C onsider a uniform electron gas;the equilibrium particle density nnm ustequalthatof the positivebackground nbto ensure thatthesystem iselectrically neutral. lf 'D.F.DuBois.Ann.Phys.(N.F.).7:174(1959);8:24(1959). 7L.Tonksand 1.Langmuir,Phys.Rev.,33:195(1929). LINE'AR RESPONSE AND COLLECTIVE M ODES 183 theelectron density isslightly perturbed to nfxt)= no+ bnlxt) (15.l9) the resulting uncom pensated chargegivesriseto an electricheldJ*thatsatisfes Poisson'sequation V.d:(x?)= -4rreù(x/)- n,)= . -Anebnlxt) (l5.20) Newton's second 1aw determines the force on the electrons in a small(unit) volum e elem ent m# dln? fl-mgpt ? n/ v)+.(y.v)(?y) j-. -eni pv mno œ . -ennéb whiletheequation ofcontinuity may bewritten as Dn 83n Jè+.V.(rlY); 4:-t.t .- ?7oV .v. -0 (15.22) Both Eqs.(15.21)and (15.22)havebeen Iinearized in thesmallquantitiesbn and v. ThetimederivativeofEq.(15.22)maybecombinedwith Poisson'sequation and thedivergence ofEq.(15.21)to yield q. ::2 0230n(x?)= -,7f n-?V .d'(x?)= -4 )yêV .&'tx?)= e ---=n --ènlxt) .... t2 m m or 82bnlx:)= ètl - -- -. j)2 tx/) >'jgy -- Thus the perturbed charge density executes sim ple harm onic m otion with a frequency Dpl. Note thatEq.(15.23)doesnotcontain spatialderivatives,so that there is no m ass transport. This result agrees with the specisc form of Eq.(15.17),because thegroup velocity oL' jqt ' ?t. pvanishesatlong wavelengths. 16LZERO SO UND IN A N IM PERFECT FERM I GAS Section 15 shows thata charged system can supportdensity oscillations with the long-wavelength dispersion relation (. o;4;f' lpj. Thisrepresentsa true collective m odebecausetherestoringforceon thedisplaced particlesarisesfrom theselfconsistentelectric seld generated by the localexcesscharges. ltisinteresting to ask whether a sim ilar collective m ode occurs in a neutral Ferm i system at r = 0. A s shown in the subsequent discussion, a repulsive short-range interparticle potentialis suë cientto guarantee such a m ode,atleastin a sim ple m odel. The resulting density oscillation turns out to have a Iinear dispersion :84 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM relation ( .o= coq forq --. >.0 and is known as zero sound.l Nevertheless,zero sound isphysically very diflkrentfrom ordinary frstsound,despitethe sim ilar dispersion relation (. o= cjq. The distinction between the two density oscillations depends on the role of collisions:ordinary sound can propagate only if the system is in localtherm odynam ic equilibrium ;this condition requires that them eaninterparticlecollisiontim e' rbeshortcom pared to theperiod ofoscilla- tion2. 6 u)(thatis,u)r<: 4l). Incontrast,zerosoundisacollectivemodesustained by the coherent self-consistentinteraction arising from neighboring particles; zero sound thusoccursonlyin acollisionlessregimewhereoor> l. Thecrucial observation is that the Pauliprinciple greatly lim its the possible interparticle collisionsatlow temperature,and,indeed,rbecomesinhnitelike F-2asF -70.t Ata sxed frequency,there isa criticaltem perature below which ordinary sound isstrongly attenuated,while zero sound propagates freely. At T = 0,ordinary sound ceases to propagate at any frequency, and only zero sound can occur. ln an electron gas,the plasma oscillationsappeared asa resonantresponse to an im pulsiveperturbation. A very sim ilaranalysisappliesto a neutralFerm i system ,where the perturbing ham iltonian m ay be written quite generally as 4extrl= jdsxtyxt)&ex(x?) (16.1) Here U'slxt)isan externaltime-dependentpotentialthatcouplesto thedensity. Thesubsequentanalysisisidenticalwith thatofSec.13,and thelinearresponse isgiven by 3(t? i(xr). )= (2*-4Jd3kJ( oeik*xF-ït z :tHR(k1(sl&ex(k,f. t)) (16.2) Forthe specialcase ofan im pulsive perturbation Utxlxt)= &7) Keiq-xb(t) (16.3) a sim plecalculationyields :(ri(xf))- t/7eiq-xlzrrl-lfdcot?-fc' af&a(q)-l((xR(q,( ,a))-l- 1) (16.4) in completeanalogy with Eq.(15.7). Theresonantf -requency forwavevectorq isagaindetermined bythepolesoftheintegrand,which occuratthezerosofthe retardedgeneralizeddielectricfunction&R(q,(,?). Thesimplestapproximation to vtq,(slconsistsinretaining onlythezeroorder proper polarization partl10;in this case.the pole occurs at the value f.q- iyqdeterm ined by l= P'tqll-I0A(q,flq- lkq) Weassumethatfk exhibitsaphonondispersionrelation fk = cvq (16.5) (16.6) lL.D.Landau.Sov.Phys.4ETP,3:920(1957);5:101(1957). 1Thisresultdependsonlyontheavailablephasespaceandwasfirstnotedbyl.Ia.Pomeranchuk, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fl ' z.,20:9l9(1950). UINEAR RESPONSE AND COLLECTIVE M ODES 185 sothatthe ratio L' jq/' qrenlainsfixed asç -. + 0. Therelevantlim itof110hasalready been calculated in Eq.(12.48),and the associated retarded function may be writtenas(q--. >.0) mk l ix ->.lq i' rr 170R(t?,( s)- =ahCj ixln x--i - l- '1'xp(l- : .x: ) wherex= mœt lhkFq. Thefactorx= 1x1sgnx intheimaginarypartretlectsthe change from the time-ordered to the retarded function. An undam ped m ode ispossible only if ' :. x. 1> l. ln thiscase,the long-wavelength dispersion relation isgiven by = 2:2 'x + l q-0tnksj ; y (( yj=l. x1njx.j1 ,-1=*(x) lim where o >1 x = lim mLj%= mc?- - :-+0hkFq #t-s t,F and L's isthe Ferm ivelocity. W e see thatzero sound ispossible only ifc'o > è's. The function on the right side of Eq.(l6.8)willbe denoted (. 1)(. v), 'it is sketched in Fig.16.1. The mostinteresting feature isthelogarithm icsingularity atx = 1. lfwe assume that U(t ?)approachesa sniteconstant P,(0)asq -. -+0, then the speed ofzero sound isdetermined by the intersection of*(. v)w ith the horizontalline rr2â2/p?/t .sP-(0), lt is clear that there is no intersection unless U(0)7w0,w' hich implies a repulsive potential because U'(0)= ft/3x I z'(x). In thiscase,the explicitsolution is readily found in the weak- and strong-coupling lim its: W eak coupling: 2=2hl c' oQ:t'y 14.2exp -mk,p'(@ - 2 hl P'(0). , tmV. . (16.l0) 186 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM Strong coupling: co ;k;rs F(0) 1 k)F40)1 3=2(ha/ gmks) ;k; -jn. 2m ;4J(nP'(0)rn-1)1 h2 P'(0)> mkF Equations (16.10)and (16.11) show thatct lis no'nanalytic in the interparticle potehtialand thuscannotbe obtained w ith perturbation theory. Indeed,the present approximation of retaining only the lowest-order proper polarization cannotbejustihedonthebasisofperturbationtheoryforashort-rangepotential. lnstead,weexpectthatthelogarithmicsingularity of*(x)forx , . > lwould also occurin morerealisticapproxim ations, 'aninlprovedcalculationwouldtherefbre renormalize the numericalvalue ofco/t'y butnotalterthe qualitative physical phenom enon in the weak-coupling lim it. This assum ption is borne out by' Prob.5.8.w hereaselected classofhigher-orderpolarization insertiol lsisincluded. ltisinterestingto rewrite Eq.(l6.ll)as (I6.l2) whichshowstheimportanceofashort-langepotential. Ifjz '(4 2)wereunbounded asq -->.0,the characterofthe dispersion relation would bequalitatively diflkrent; inthespecialcaseofacoulombpotential(l . '(ç)= 4=e2/q2à,Eq.(16.12)reproduces the plasm a frequency found in Sec.15. From this view point,zero sound and plasm a oscillationsare physically very similar;they diflkr only in the detailed form ofthelong-wavelength dispersion relation,which issxed by the behavior ofql1 z'(ç)asq->.0. Forcom parison,we shallbrieiy review the classicaltheory ofsound waves in a gas,in which the equilibrium m ass density po= m nois slightly perturbed Xxt)= Po+ 5P(X. !) (16.13) Therestoring forcearisesfrom thepressuregradient,and N ewton'ssecond law becom es d(P5')=0V!)+(v.V)(p&); k:po0 Y= -V # ot ... dt . ê/ (16.l4) Correspondingly,theequation ofcontinuity reducesto (compare Eq.(15.22)) obe - ' tt - v .(pv)x .--pov .v whereboth Eqs.(16.14)and (16.15)have beenlinearized in the smallquantities. LINEAR RESPONSE AND COLLECTIVE M ODES 187 A com bination oftheseequationsyields :2&f= v2p d/1 (16.16) The system hasan equation ofstate#(p,5')relating thepressure to the density and entropy. lf-thisequation isexpanded to srstorderin thedensityperturbationatconstantentropy,we5nd v,p-v2z'(p,,s)-? -(P j # pjs3p-...; z' P à# -)srcap p (16.17) Hence3p obeysawaveequation 82àp, a 3tl , ..(yyv2jp. where thespeed ofsound isgiven by OP ct= P pm s and the subscriptm now explicitly denotes the m assdensity. H ere the restriction to constantentropy m eans thatthe process is adiabatic and thatno heatis transfkrred whilethecom pressionalwave propagates through the system .For aperfectFermigasinitsground state(5'= 0).Eq.(14.16)gives Cj=j (PPj1 hks uv opyjj = sjyj= x.zZ j A comparisonofEqs.(16.10)and (16.20)showsthat f'o= v'jcl (16.21) in thew' eak-coupling limit. A m oregeneralanalysisbased on Landau'sFerm i liquidtheorylshowsthatt-oliesbetweenthespeed ofl irstsound and x'1times the speed ofsrstsound for a1Icoupling strengthsand thatthe two speedsare approxim ately equalfor strong coupling. There isnow desnite evidence for zero sound in liquid H e3,which is a strongly interacting system . Experim ents indicate thatz(c( )- t-jlycl;z0.03,in good agreement with the theoreticalestim ates. Landau's theory also allowsa detailed study ofthe attenuation ofzero sound and firstsound, 'experim entsfullyconsrm these predictions. lL.D .Landau,Ioc.cit.;A.A.Abrikosov and 1.M .Khalatnikov.Rep.Prop.Phys.,22:329 (1959),J.W ilks,S'ThePropertiesofLiquid and Soli d Helium,''chap.18,Oxford University Press.Oxford,1967. 2B.E.Keen,P.W .M atthews,and J.W ilks. Proc.Roy.Soc.(London).A2&f:125(1965);W .R. Abel,A.C.Anderson,and J.C.W heatley.Phvs.#el..Letters.17:74 (1966). 188 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM I7JINELASTIC ELECTRO N SCAU ERINGI W e nextconsiderinelastic electron scattering from system s such asnucleiand m etals. For sim plicity we retain only the coulom b interaction between the electronsand thecharged particlesin the target #ex= - p2 le1(X')l(X)d'Xd3X' lx- x'j ...-- . Throughoutthis section,the charge density operatorfor the targetisdenoted éj(x),since,in principle,)(x)can difl krfrom theparticledensityoperatorH(x) (forexample,inheavynucleiwithalargeneutron excess). Thesmallvalueof the 5ne structure constant(ezjhc ; k'1/137)allows us to analyzethescattering processin Born approxim ation. The m atrix elem entforthe electron to scatter from an initialplane-wave state lkâ'h(ydenotesthespin projection)to a tinai plane-wavestate !k's'bisjusttheoverlapoftheinitialand finalelectronwave functions2 l f tk's'')eJ(x')k. s -)= :fe.x,us t'lk,)u,(k) . where the u'sare D irac wave functions forthe electrons, t1isthenorm alization volum e,and we have introduced the three-m om entum transferred from the electron âq> âtk- k') (17.3) ln an inelastic electron scattering experim ent.thethree-m om entum transferand the(positive)energyloss hf. oEB(V- k')hc> 0 (17.4) m aybevaried independently,theonlyrestriction beingthatthefour-m om entum transferbe positive V. 2% (k- k')2- (k- k')l= 4kk'sin2(. j9)> 0 q2 - ( . ,,2c-2> () where we assume ultrarelativistic electrons with f= hkc and b isthe electron scattering angle. W ith therelations fefq-x 1 )(x)dsxdsx,= 4= jx x'1 qz â(-.q) , - (17.6) /(-t0K fPCQ*X)(x)#3x 1Foradetailed accountofelectron scatteringfrom nuclei.seeT.deForestand J. D .W alecka, Electron Scatteringand NuclearStructure,inAdvan.Phys.'15:1(1966). 2See,forexample,L.1.Schië Asouantum M echanics,''3ded.,chap.13,McGraw-HillBook Company,New York,1968. LINEAR RESPONSE AN D COLLECTIVE M O DES 189 the electron scattering crosssection for an unpolarized targetm ay be written as #2 20-1 --q a= j-j/, s . s' n f2)c1?k' bg/jts-(En-f' oljk' .t. I-,,:;(-q): tF(), )r2-jyyjj. 4. n.2 c,2 2 s /c. -l (q?1(j2)I u1' (k' )? ., (k)2tjj) w hich follou' sfrom Ferm i's -eciolden R ule--along u' ith theincidentelectron flux c/L1. ln Eq.(l7.8)thestates :1-t) and '1' 11) 'aretheexactHeisenbergeigenstates ofthe targetparticles. The spi11sum sare evaluated in the ultrarelativistic 11m 1t w' ith the relationl lj', 1p ' s(..qjtt' (; 2jgho. y- (E4 y- 1-()jj ('',. - g. 2 24).'2 j (p: 2 oos2(( ' è( 2) :-tt?c) (,c)q-cesz(?)-, (,c)4kzslI '-.- Q .,.,,, -- t'7.'C)) . Forthe rem ainder ofthissectio11$5.e.shallconsideronIy illclastic scattering (thatis-(. ,?n.0):in thiscasetheoperatorp 'hin Eq.(l7.9)may be replaced by the Quctuation density without changing the result. side of Eq. (17.9)as V1-,,?(-q)V1.-() 2bg/kf . zp- (En- 1())j x (l7.12tz) Im .N. xV 1oI; (-q)I H'n . n; --q : y = n ( so. (u - y j. jly .1-' tj* F(-q.) ' tj @ t ' jl. j = j)m n'x n-? .g;' -! ' --.) -j .* . .(-q. -ao . . n. N âr . o - (En- Eo)- 11) = - - .,- - . -. -Xl'*( ?5 . t. t.. q).' . V. l' , y-.-1 1 -X . ,#(q)Vl-q-.j ()-;.)2,cj jJ t' s-- . . - (En-z;0):r s1, 3 ) 190 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM Equation(17.12c)isequivalentto(17.12:)sincethelastterm inbracketshasno imaginary partif(. o> 0. Thetwo numeratorsinEq.(17.12c)areequalifthe ground state isinvariantunderrotations,forthen the sum over n atsxed En mustyield justafunctionofq2. W eshallhenceforthassumethistobethecase. Notethatthe rightside ofEq.(17.12)vanishes at(. o= 0 and thusexplicitly excludesthe elasticcontribution. ln thisway we obtain the im portantresultl 1 dla 1 - - O. M#f1,dz, = - - l #2c = cM dL1't&' - - - rrIm rltq,q;(sl (l7.13J) 1 sl = Im l1R(q,q;( (17.13:) wherewehavedesned a generalpolarization propagatorforthetargetz ïâI1(. x,>')- (:'l' -ohrE?,/(x)?' s(. p)11%' -o) (17.1* ) mI1(x'y)- ( t?. dt . v . -d% 1,,)3 (#3 )) 2. *3 ' jzre'q-xe-foaflx-fy)c-iq.yfârltq'q';o. (17.14:) appropriateto both uniform and nonuniform systems(e.g.,hnitenuclei),and corresponding retarded function fâI1R(x,>' )- bltx- /J ('l'o1(#,z(x).J,,(>')!!kF( )) (17.15) Equation(17.13J)isimmediatelyverised byinvertingtheFouriertransform in (17.14:)andthensettingq= q',whichgives I1tq, q;t z ')-)grklcol pft-qll f' n' l('l 'nI #(-q)I 'l'o) ':(ht . o-( ' Alfc)+i . r l-âf , a+lEnlsc)-i. q)g(l,.j6) Equation(17.13:)followsbecauseHR(q,q;f . t))diflkrsfrom Eq.(17.16)only by having a+iy inthedenom inatorofthelastterm . Them om entum conservation in a uniform system simplihes these results, 'comparing Eq.(17.12) and the equivalentofEq.(7.55),wefindHtq,q';f . t))= V3qq,I1tqstt)l,wherefI(q,(s)isthe Fouriertransform in thecoordinate diflkrence x - y and P'isthe volum eofthe target. Therefore 1 d2J F ,?) cu #fl,deo= -=Im Il(q,( uniform system = - F Tr x Im H (q,o 'W .Czyàand K.Gottfried,Ann.Phys.(N.F. ),21:47(1963). 2weconsistentlysuppressthenormalizationfactor((1Fc!H%), )-tinthissedion. (17.17) LINEAR RESPONSE AND COLLECTIVE M ODES 191 Notethatitisthecrosssection N runitvolume(orN rtargetparticle)thatis themeaningfulquantity foran extended system . Inelasticelectron scattering therefore measuresthe imaginary partofthe polarization propagatordirectly;complete knowledge ofthe imaginary partis suëcient,however,because the function itself follows im mediately from Eq. (17.16) rI( 1 l l q,q;o,)- q;a,') hœ ,- yj(a; ixt+ ,.,.,(,,- iv :(âa,') = o Im n(q, - (17.18) l ' x, 1 1 lRR(q.q;œ)= q;tz)') hœ ,- hœ - i.tt+ âf,a,+ xts + j, #(âœ') . n. c Im HR(q, ltispossibletoconstructsum rulesdirectlyfrom Eqs.(17.9)and(17.13). forweobservethat x Jchdf x'lt wlko #2 ; c w, )--. h, *ImI1(q,q;œ)A -' t'l%IJ#(--q)#(' --*lTn) = (:1'01/1(-:)X--q)1 '1%)- l(T :l)(-Y I 'I%)I2 (17.19) Itfollowsthatthetotalintegrated inelasticcrosssection directly determinesthe mean-squaredensityquctuationsintheground state. W ritingouttheoperators ofEq.(17.19)indetailwehave (9%l ?1(--q)?(-q)l 'l%) fe-lq-x('1'ol' /1(x),&(x)' g(y)#j(y)I 'l%)eA-'dqxdqy - fe-iq-xt'. l%I4)(x)4z(x)I '. l%)(val4, 1(y)4#(y)1 a)e'q-':3x:'y (17.20) - Thecanonicalcom m utation relationsim m ediatelygive #1(x)' (ktxl,g(y),i,gyl-&=bô(x-y)f4(x),/,gyl+41(x)4;(y)ygyl#zfxl (17.21) ahd Jd'x#1(x)#atxl- Z (17.22) wheretheeigenvalueof; isthetotalnumberofcharged scatterersinthetarget. Thus we can write - h * = - o dœImH(q,q;tM =Z+Je-dQ**g(x,y)e**'#3x#3. v (17.23/) #(x,y)-('l%l#1(x)#;(y)f#(y)#.(x)l '1%) ('l%I #1(x)#.(x)i 'l%)('l%i#â(y)#/y)l 'l%) (17.23:) - Thefunctiong(x,y)isameasureoftwo-particlecorrelationsinthegroundstate. 192 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM In the specialcase ofa uniform medium,where g(x,y)= g(Ix- yl),we have P' â co - - '/F o a dulIm l1(q,œ)=Z + F fe-iq'xglzjd z uniform system (17.24) Thematrixelementsin Eq.(17.23:)canbeevaluated fora noninteracting Fermi gas(Prob.5.10)andgive #04p x-yj )=-VJg51k '6F 2j S x1 X --yY jJ . 112 X X - - - - - - b(h.,-(En-Ef j))- - -- X X (J)II0(t?.to) Fig. 17.1 Im fl in (J)perfect Fermigas (d))ringapproximation. Thustheintegralin Eq.(17.23J) willbecome smallforlarge q because ofthe oscillations of the exponential. This sam e behavior is to be expected in the interacting system ,and we can therefore w rite li h x' m -Tr eco 0 Im I1(q.q;u))#(s = Z (l7.26) lnthislimitthescatteringparticleseesjuattheZ individualcharges.' Notethat thislim itprovidestheonly really meaningfulexpression because ofthe restriction in Eq.(17.5)(unlessforsomereasonlm l' llq,q. 'tz?lissmallforco' lc> t ?1. W ediscussthreevery briefapplicationsoftheseresultsin theapproxim ation thatthetargetcanbereplaced byanequivalentuniform m edium withthecorrect densityand totalnum berofcharged scatterersdeterm ined from therelation z = Po= j:;)é F (17.27) Thesimplestapproximationto11isjustH0showninFig.17.1J. Theimaginary part of the diagram retains only the energy-conserving processes in the inter- mediate state fsee Eq.(17.l2J)). Thusthe inelastic scattering in thissimple m odelisthe creation ofa particle-hole pair,orequivalently,the ejection ofa lThroughoutthisdiscussionwehaveassumedthatthetargetparticleshavenointrinsicstructure. 193 LINEAR RESPONSE AND COLLFCTIVE M ODES single particle from the Ferm isea. In thiscase we can write 1 d2J - , , )' 3=Z . n' /c) = - - tzsyde #f) Im l7(q,(z))= - 32 x8 - Im H(q,(s) 4. 14 2 Im rI0(q,(,,) (17.28) ey mkr whichisgiven inEqs.(12.40)to(12.485)and shownin Fig.12.9. Thisfeature ofthe spectrum isreferred to asthequasielasticpeak. IfqlkF> 2,there isno Pauliprinciple restriction in the Enalstate, and the m axim um of the curve in Fig.12. 9 occursat â 32a2 frmax= lm-* (17.29) (seeEq.(12.41)). Equation (17.29)issimply thekinematicalrelation between theenergy and m om entum transferred to a singletargetparticleinitiallyatrest. The spread of the quasielastic peak is due to the Ferm i m otion of the target nucleonsand the half-width isa directm easureofthe Ferm im om entum . Figure 17.2 shows a com parison ofthe theory with electron scattering data in Ca*0. Asa second exam ple,considerthe polarization propagatorcomputed by sum m ing the ring diagram s as in Fig. 17.1:. In using the im aginary partof IIr(q,(, J),weincludethe propagation ofthe particle-hole pairthrough theinteracting assem bly 1I =mrltq( sl--. n 1Imf tlootqlq-lgsr tq l, r z, l-1q) 1I (((&(q))-ljj.gt l tqlu,(q, .)-lj) g-)ImI10(q, u)j((l-&i-ct qlReH0(q, ( s))2 ((&(q)Im I10(q,(s))2)-! (17.30) - - - . m - - This im proved approxim ation keeps the quasielastic peak within the sam e kinem aticalregionswhere Im I70(q,(s)# 0 butredistributesthe strength within the peak. In addition to the quasielastic peak,there are also peaksatthe discrete collective excitationsofthe system . For an isolated resonantpeak atenergy hto= âf aares,theintegrated strength givesthe absolutevalue ofthe inelastic form factor . h lover dul jdfdj2 - !z-.o(q)'2 ,a -resenance O' M jye, . where Fa0(qJH paot-' q)- 1 -E''q-*('1' -*1'I )(x)l 'F0.' )#3x . (17.31) 1GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM Atsxed energy lossâoares.theinelastic form factorcan now bem easured fora1l 42(stillwith therestriction q2> oQJ<2),allowing usto map outthe Fourier transform ofthe transition charge density. By inverting this relation,we can obtain the spatialdistribution of the transition charge density itself.l For exam ple,to theextentthatthe uniform electron gasisagood m odel,thecross 1.2 ca40:jqI= 5% Mev/Ac Fig.17.2 Quasielasti c peak in Ca40. IP. %o 1.0 8=O O Zimmerman, Stanford University Ph.D. * 0.8 E Qt: 0.6 z- l NI Z Nz #' NNz / curves are calculated from a nonintergcting Ferm i-gas m odel using the experim ental relativistic elctromagnetic interaction with -.- Y F g, / q 0.4 z/ ' u / Qw 0.2 z y 0 1œ Thesis,1969(unpublishedl.) Thetheoretical a pj.r 2* h hI I y yI the nucleons. (E.M oniz,Phys.. R0.,1M : 1154(1969).) Thedashed cur' veisobtained ï wavenumber was taken as kF= 235 MeV/ j 3* Electron energylossAta?(M eV) byassumingan averagesingle-particlebinding energy -35 MeV per nucleon. The Fermi hc= 1.19 x 1013 cm-l. The solid curve in the lower right is a theoreticalestimate of pionproduction. section forelectron excitationzofthe plasm a oscillationsin a m etalisgiven by (seeEqs.(15.8),(15.10)to(15.12),and(17.17)) 1 1 #2c = 4 $W)3 (q.j* hl dReI10(q,(xp1 -1 a . e ' kos.yfl'de' 3=3(âDpj)4bke) -lmkF Pf ltt)-Dq)2+yâ ,p . (17.32) where Z isthe num ber ofconduction electrons. The crosssection issharply m akedatanenergylosshfh,withawidthhys. Sucheflkctshavebeenobserved in the transm ission of electrons through thln m etallic film s.3 A very sim ilar treatmentdescri% sinelasticneutron scattering,asshownin Prob.5.13. PRO BLEM S 6.1. Consider a uniform noninteracting system ofspin-.çferm ions. Reduce theretarded densitycorrelation function iDR(x,x')= 0(t- t')(TcII:zf(x),? 'is(x')11 kF'o)h/' (T-o1T0) to desniteintegrals. Considerthefollowing lim its' . 'For a tunmition G tween discrete states,the phase ofFagqlcan l x determined from timereversalinvariance. (% eT.deForestand J.D.W al ecka.op.cit..appendix B. ) 2Thisresultneglectstheexchangescattering G tweenthe incidentelectron and theelctronsin themetal. Italsoassumesasmalldamping oftheplasmaoscillations;however,theintegrated :trengtha JTdœttt,p- t' Iv)I+ yD-'Q$=inEq.(17.32)isindependqntofthedamping. 3'n e comparison with exx rimentsisdescri% d in D.Pinesand P.Nozières,el' rhe Theory of Quantum Li quids,''vol.1,sec.4.4,W .A.Benjamin,Inc.,New York.1966. LINEAR RESPONSE AND COLLECTIVEYMODES (J) f= t' (b4 x= x' (c) x= x' . 196 al1xandx' t- t'< âe-l t- t'>.neF -1 and interpretthevariousterms. 5.2. RetainthesrstcorrectioninEq.(14.25)andderivetheasymptoticexpansion(compareEq.(14.26)) 3()(x))r - ze 2f k/ cos2ksx sin2ksx 2 . (4+.oz-x ((ksx)2-tksx)34+f x (fln4ksx- 3+ ((y-j)) wherey = 0.577 .' .isEuler'sconstantand therem ainingcontributionsvanish fasterthanx-*asx -+.œ.1 5.3. DerivetheThomas-Fermiequationsforthepotentialand electron charge distribution in aneutralatom ofatom icnum berZ in thefollowingway: (J) Usethehydrodynamicequation ofstaticequilibrium (Eq.(14.17))andthe boundaryconditionatr. ->.( x)toshow thatp(r)= (l/e)(â2/2?n)(3>2n(r))1where @(r)istheelectrostaticpotential. (â) From Poisson'sequation and the physicsoftheproblem show thatw(r) satissesV2+ = K+*withtheboundaryconditions:40);>Ze/rand r@trl. -. >.0 as r-+.*,where v is a constant desned by x'= (8V1/3=J!)(e/cn)-1. (Note: Jt p= h2(me2istheBohrradius.) 5.4. Verify the dispersion relation for plasma oscillations (Eqs.(15.16)to (15.18))directlyfrom Eq.(12.36). 5.5. Show thattheplasma oscillation isdam ped above a criticalwavevector k' mas determ ined by the equation .p2= (=rs(=)((2+ ylln(1+ 2y-1)- 2).where y= knz.xlkF. Show thatzerosoundisalsodampedaboveacriticalwavenumber, givenintheweak-couplinglimitbyy= 2e-iexpL-l=lhljmkrP' 40)). 5.6. Generalize the discussion of Sec.16 to a hard-sphere Fermigas atlow density,and show thatthedispersionrelation fbrlong-wavelengthzero sound is given by (compare Eq-(16.8))*(x)= =l4kFa where x= h/vr. W hatis the resulting velocity ofzero sound? 1Thecontribution proportionalto lnkex wasobtained by J.S.Langerand S.H.Vosko, J.Phys.Chem.S(#l W. A12:196(19*),buttheydidnotretaina11theconstantterms. !:6 GRouxo-slwzE (ZERO-TEMPERATORE) FonMAuisv 5.7. (J) GeneralizethetreatmentofSec.12 to expressS ' âl1zj.pctx,. v')in terms ofHeisenberg seld operators. (b) UseProb.3.l5to provethatEq.(l6.5)with P'(4 /)replaced by lz' ot( ?)correctly describes zero-sound density oscillations for spin-dependent interactions of the form (9.21). (c) Consider a perturbation X ext/). -(J3vêtx/l.lJexlx;),and prove thatthe same system can supportspin waves,described by Eq.(16.5)with P'(ç)replaced by P'1(t?). . '' . 5.8. (a) For a uniform spin-. s Fermi system with a short-range potential P'(t?); k;P'(0)(= const),show thata11properpolarizationinsertionswithrepeated horizontal interaction llnes across the fkrm ion loop can be sum med to give H*(t?)= f1)())a.I'lt)t,. c -...- 110(:)(1. t-H0(ty)p'(O), . ' (2.$-.-1)1-1(seeFigs.12.1b and 12.3:). (b) Show thatzerosoundisnow'described bytheequation*(. v)= nlhltst:lq.g.1 /(0) wherex = co/' t' y (see Eq.(l6.8)1. (c) Find the corresponding expression for a dilute hard-sphere gas (compare Prob.5.6).1 5.9. D efinea tim e-ordered Green'sfunction w'here &z(x)= , (1txlttzzlay' #,txl, and relate Dg(. v-x') to Haj.as(x,x'). Use Prob.4.12J to obtain Dclq)= âI1* g(q) for a spin-! Fermisystem with spinindependentpotentials. W hydoesDediflkrfrom D ? 5.10. Derivetheexpression (l7.25).forthetwo-particlecorrelationfunction of anoninteractingspin-lFermigas. 5.11. gas. 5.12. How is the width at l-maximum of the high momentum transfer (qy.2#s)quasielastic peak (see Fig.12.9)related to the Fermimomentum ? 5.13. Considerinelastic neutron scattering from an interacting assem bly of atom s or m olecules. (J)Thehuclearinteractionbetweentheneutronandafreetargetparticlecanbe describedwiththeaidofapseudopotentialqP'(Ixa- x1)= (4=ah2, I2mçqq)3(xa- x). 1K.Gottfri ed and L.Pi4man,Kgl.Danske Videnskab.Selskab M at.-Fys.M edd.,32,no.13 (1960). liE.Ferm i,Ricerca 5' cl '.,7:13 (1936). 'J.M .Blattand V.F.W eisskopf,tiTheoreticalNuclear Physics,''p.71,John W iley and Sons.New York,1952. LINEAR REspoNsE AND co uuEcTlvE M o oEs 197 If this potentialis treated in Born approxim ation.it givesthe exactlow-energy J-wavenuclearscatteringoftheneutronfrom oneofthetargetparticles. ln this expressionrnreuandal; k:10-13cm)aretheappropriatereducedmassandscattering Iength. Show thatthisresultfollowsimmediatelyfrom Eqs.(1l.5),(1l.9),and (1l.22). (>)Henceshow thattheinteractionoftheneutronwiththemany-bodyassembly isW *X= (4=wâ2/2/??rea)H(xn). ThishamiltonianmustbetreatedinBornapproximation. (c) lftheatomic interactionsamong thetargetparticlesaretreated exactly,how m ustthediscussionofSec.17bem odised todescribeinelasticneutronscattering? 6 Bose System s InSec.5wesaw thedrasticefl kctofstatisticson thelow-tem perature properties ofan idealgas. Ferm ions obey the exclusion principle,and the ground state consists ofa 5lled Ferm isea. In contrast,the ground state ofan idealBose system has allthe particlesin the one single-particle m ode with lowestenergy. Since the idealgasforms the basisforcalculating thepropertiesofinteracting m any-particle assem blies,itis naturalthatthe perturbation theory for bosons has a very difl krent structure from that previously discussed for fermions. Indeed,the m acroscopic occupation ofone single m ode poses a fundam ental dië culty,and itisessentialto reform ulatetheproblem in orderto obtaina welldesned theory. 198 BOSE SYSTEMS 199 IK FORM ULATIO N O F THE PRO BLEM n eusualform ofm rturbationtheorycannotlx appliedto bosonsforthefollowingreason. Thenoninteractingground stateofN bosonsisgiven by 1*21))= I#,0,0,. (18.1) wherea1ltheparticlesarein thelowestenergy mode. Fordefniteness,wehere consideralargeboxofvolume F with m riodicboundary conditions,wherethis preferred statehaszero momentum,butsim ilarmacroscopicoccupation occurs inothersituations(seeChap.14). Ifthecreationanddestructionomrators41 andtu forthezero-momentum modeareappliedtothegroundstate,Eq.(1.28) im pliesthat elth(A))- N*t+q(N - 1)) (18.2) c1l*n(#))-(N+ 1)11 *(/1+ 1)) ThusneitheraonorJJannihilatesthegroundstate,andtheusualseparationof operatorsinto creation and destruction parts(Sec.8)failscompletely. Consequently,itis notpossible to deâne normal-ordered products with vanishing ground-stateexpectation value,and theapplicationofW ick'stheorem G comes m uch m orecom plicated. ItisinterestingtocompareEq.(18.2)withthecorrespondingrelationsfor fermions,where the occupation numberscannotexr- d 1,and any single mode atmostcontributesaterm oforderN -tto thethermodynamicprom rtiesofthe totalsystem. Ontheotherhand,theoperatorsazand/1foraBosesystem multiply theground stateby N*or(N + 1)*,which isevidently large. Since itis generally preferable to deal with intensive variables, we shall introduce the operators 10- F-1az IJ= F-1'c1 (18.3) with thefollowingproperties dQ,111= F-1 (18.4) l:l *c(x))-(v #)*I *n(x-l)) lt # hI *o(x))-(Xp +'1)*l *:(x+1)) (1g.5) Although 1:and l% oeach multiply 1*n)bya snitefactor,theircommutator vanishesin thethermodynamiclimit(N ->.*,F ->.*,NlV ->.const). Hence itisNrmissibletotteattheoperatorslnandIJascnumbers,laslongaswe :N.N .Bogoliubov,J.Phys.(&SSA).11:23(1947). > alsoP.A.M .Dirac,ten ePlinciplœ ofQuantum Mechani cë''24ed..= .63,OxfordUniversityPress,Oxford,1935. 2x GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM consider only stateswhere a fnite fraction ofthe particles occupies the k = 0 m ode. Thisapproxim ateprocedureclearly neglectsiuctuationsin theoccupation num berofthecondensate. Thepreceding discussion hasimplicitlyassumed a perfectBosegas,where al1the particles are in the zero-m om entum state. ln an interacting system , however,theinterparticlepotentialenergyreduc% theoccupationofthepreferred m ode,so thattheground-stateexpectation value t'F0Il A. #f o A. a1 '1%)- N.F..j-nz is less than the totaldensity n= Nj#'. Nevertheless,the Bogoliubov replace- mentofl( )anda ?: tbycnumberscorrectlydescribes,theinteractinggroundstate in the therm odynam ic lim it whenever the num ber of particles in the zeromomentum state remainsafnite fraction ofN . W earethereforeled to write theboson field operatoras (?(x)= #'( )+ ;' P'-1edkexck= (%+ (/(x)= nt+ ( /(x) k , (18.7) wheretheprimemeanstoomittheterm k= 0. Theoperator/(x)hasnozeromomentum components,and(0isaconstantcnumber. Theseparationof' ;intotwopartsmodifiesthehamiltonianinafundamental l w ay. Considerthepotentialenergy P= . à.Jd?xdbx'()#(x)(/(x')P'tx- x')#(x')f(x) (18.8) lfEq.(18.7)issubstituted into Eq.(18.8),theresultingtermscan beclassifed according to the number of factors z?4. The interaction hamiltonian then separatesinto eightdistinctparts Eù= . !. rlàj -#3x#3x'l z' -tx- x') f-l= èrztlfJ3x#3x'Ftx- x')c /(x')( i(x) (18,9) (l8.10) f'2= l.nOJJ3xJ3' v'( /A(x)( /ftx')1. z '( .x--x') Pa= 2(èrlf ))j#3xJ3x'( /i(x')P'tx- x')/(x) f'j= 2(ènj)jJ3xJ3x'Qflx)t /.1(x')P-tx- x')f/tx) 356= 2(1. nj)Jdbxdbx't /A(x)P'tx- x')( /(x')#(x) f7= !.f#3x#3x'$#(x)(/' 1(x')Utx- x')Y(x')t /.(x). . (18.14) (18.15) (18.16) Figure 18.1indicatesthe diflkrentprocessescontained in theinteraction hamil- tonian,whereasolid linedenotesa particlenotinthecondensate(f/)ort /1' ),a wavylinedenotestheinteractionpotentialF,and adashed linedenotesaparticle BosE SYSTEMS 201 belongingtothecondensate(fcorL#- n!). InderivingEqs.(18.9)to(18.16), wehaveused therelation f#3x;(x)= P'-+) 'JkJd3x:lk*X= U1X' Q=0 kj k Jkdk (18.17) so that P containsno term swith only a single particle outofthe condensate. Theterm Ezin Eq.(18.9)isapnamber Eo= . .i .P'-1Nl1z'(0)=èlz' nàF(0) (18.18) thatm erely shiftsthezero ofenergy buthasno operatorcharacter. Inanoninteractingassembly,theground stateisgivenbyEq.(18.1)with No=N. SincetheBogoliubovprescriptioneliminatestheoperatorsaoandJ1 Pj z # z' # x' N Y'N & W ,e y'N :5 :6 Fig.18.1 *rocessescontainedin f'forbosons. entirely,a11rem aining destruction operatorsannihilatethe ground state,which thereby beeom esthe vacuum I0)H 1*0)- IA',0,0, (18.l9) The vacuum expectation value ofthe totalham iltonian arises solely from Eq. (18.9) (01X )0)= En= !.P'-iNlF(0) (18.20) whichisthefirst-ordershiftin theground-stateenergyofan interactingBosegas. The use of Eq.(18.7) removesthe problem assoeiated with the zerom om entum state,butthefollowingdiëcultystillrem ains. Considerthcnum ber operator 4 -Nz+fd?x4ftxl:(x)=Nz+1, Jlak k (18.21) V no longercommuteswith thetotal where Nzisacnum ber. Itisevidentthat. ham iltonian (T-+ Eo. + Pl+ ...+ P7,XJ# 0 (18.22) z:2 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM since the various interaction terms alter the number of particles out of the condensate. Asa result,the totalnum ber ofparticlesisno longera constant ofthemotion butmustinstead lx determined through the subsidiary condition N = No+ X'tt/kJk) (18.23) k where the bracketsdenote theground-state expectation value in the interacting system . In Chap.10,we study an exam ple ofthisprocedure,butitisusually simplerto reform ulate theentireproblem from thebeginning. We thereforereturn to theoriginalhamiltonian X = 1%+ P,in which h and Jc lare stilloperators. Introducethehermitian operator k - 4 - Jz# (18.24) which hasa com pletesetofeigenved orsand'eigenvalues 2 1.P,)- A,t 'l%) (18.25) TheoperatorX commuteswith, 9 sothattheexactproblem separatesintosubspaces ofgiven totalnum ber N. W ithin a subspace,the ground state clearly correspondsto thelowesteigenvalue ofX 41 :F0(1))= A(/z,F,N)i '1Cn(N))- Ef(l',A)-p,N)l'l' -:(A-)) (18.26) Theserelationshold forany valueofy.. Ifwenow chooseto look forthatsub- spaceinwhichthethermodynamicrelation(4.3)holds DE(V,N) #.= (18.27) thenwe willhave found the absoluteminimum ofK :A' ()t,F.N ) 0E(P' ,N) DN = ëS' - p,= 0 (18.28) - Equation (18.27)may theconsidered a relation to eliminateN in termsofthe variablesp,and F. In thissubspace,theexpectation value (k1'06: 1:1'0))isthe minimum value ofthethermodynamicpotentialatzero temptrature (seeEq. (4.7))andfixedp.and F r::1-0G)1: $ 'F0G ))- fqT- 0,F,p)= (f - pA llr-o (18.29) In accordance with general thermodynamic principles, !T%(/z)) therefore representstheequilibrium stateoftheassem bly atExed F = 0,F,and y.. A llof thethermodynamic relationsfrom Sec.4 now remain unchanged,forexample, F,!z) 8 v ( )! -df1(r, ?pz r0,p,--y :,jz# )v (s))-(v,(s)).jp.*) v,(s)) Fzr , - - ('l%G)lXI'1%G))- N wherewehaveusedthenormalizationcondition(X1%lN%)= 1. (18.30) BosE svsTEu s 20 Aslongasanand2()representoperators,b0thX and* provideacceptable descriptions ofthe interacting assembly. W hen we use the Bogoliubov prescription,however,thethermodynamic potentialofersa dehniteadvantage,for itallowsa consistenttreatmentofthe nonconservation ofparticles.l Indeed, p,m ay be interpreted asa Lagrange multiplierthatincorporatesthe subsidiary condition(18.23). Wethereforecarryoutthefollowingsteps: 1.ReplacelcandIJbycnumbers 10-*Alà IJ-+n1 a (l8.31) Inthisway,# and# become (18.32) # -.No+;' 4 au>Nz+X' k 7 # -..Ev-y. NZ+ ;' (e2-rzlallk+J) (6 k -l - Ez- gN.+ #' whichde:ne#'and#'. (18.33) 2.Sincea11rem ainingdestructionoperatorsannihilatethenoninteractingground state1*:2).itmayagainbeoonsideredthevacuum lP( ))->'10) (1B.34) W ick'stheorem isnow applicable,and wem ay usetheprevioustheorem sof quantum seld theol'y. 3.A11theânalexpressionscontain thetxtraparameterNz%which may bedeterm ined asfollows. Since tlle equilibrium state ofany assembly atconstant (r,F,p. )minimizesthe thermodynamic potential,the condition ofthermodynamicequilibrium becomes êfltr=D0N,F,p,,Nè o s,s = (; tja.a5) whichisanimplicitrelationforNéV,y, j. I9QGREEN'S FUNCTIO NS Steps1and2described abovearequitedistinct,anditisconvenienttotreatthem separately. ln thepresentsection,weintroducea Heisenbergpicturebased on X'and use the exactsingle-particle Green'sfunction to determine the thermodynamicfunctionsoftheground state. In Sec.20,weintroducean interaction !N.M .Hugenboltzand D.Pines,Phys.Rer.,116:489 (1959). 2- GROUNO-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FOnMALISM picture and derive the Feynman rules for evaluating the Gretn's function in perturbation theory. TheBogoliubovprescription hasled usto considertheoperator # = En- Jzyf l+ X' (19.1J) where 7 #'=Jd5x(/t(x)(r-la, )4(x)+J=1 . : (19.1:) SinceX ishermitian,ithasacompletesetofeigenfunctions,and we shalllet (O)denotetheground stateoftheoperatorX. ltisessentialto bearinmind thatlO)isnotaneigenstateofX andthusdiflkrsfrom thestate$ '1'-a)pintroduced inEq.(18.26). TheHeisenbergpictureisdesnedasfollows t)x(?)> ei*''%t)se-l*t'' = efRL't1'(9se-tk'f/! t (19.2) wherethec-numberpartofX doesnotasectthetimedependence. ln particular. thefeldoperator#(x)becomes . ' /? 'x(xJ)- ei#'flhfoe-ik't/:+ eik't/h/( ,x)e-ik't. ' : (o+ 9Qtxl- nl+ t/xtxl which showsthatthecondensate partofli' Kisindependentofspaceand time. - Thesingle-particleG reen'sfunction isdesned exactly asin Sec.7 fG(x,y)= OIFIIL + 9Q( x)J(J1+/f x(J')J)?O) (010) toj/xtxl+ ;; f K(1')jO) (O1rE#x(x)/, x(>'))1O) f = ?u + a! t y j ! o) . o y o j o jjq.4j x, ( wherethe signature factoris+ 1foralltim eorderings. W efirstprovethatthesecond term on therightofEq.(19.4)vanishes. Thisresultdoesnotfollow from numberconservation,since!O)isnotaneigenstateofX;instead,theargumentmakesuse ofthetranslationalinvarianceof thegroundstate. Thequantity(O l/1 x(x)lO)isalinearcombinationofmatrix elements(OJ41O)fork#0,eachmultipliedbyac-numberfunctionofx. By desnition,them om entum operator ê= J (âkt/kn =J ('âktzlak k k (19.5) hasnozero-m omentum component. Henceê commuteswith#,which follows either by directcalculation orby noting thatthe originaloperatorh itself commuteswithê (f%,êI= 0 (19.6) BOSE SYSTEMS 206 so thatthe Bogoliubov replacem entdoes notalterthe translationalinvariance orthe assembly. Each eigenstate ofX can therefore be labeled by a defnite value ofthem om entum ,and theground statecorrespondstoP = 0: f'To)- 0 The relation (*,alJ=âkt/k (19.8) impliesthat4 increasesthemomentum byâk,andtheorthogonality ofthe m om entum eigenstatesshowsthat (0 lt/k10)= 0 k # 0 therebyprovingtheassertionthatG(. x,y)takestheform iGlx,lq- no+ iG'(x,y) . fG'( tolrEt /'vtxl4' x(y))lo) x,y)> -- (0 1 ,0) - (19.9) (19.10) (19.11) AsinEqs.(18.32)and(18.33),theprimedpartreferstothenoncondensate. With theusualdelinition ofFouriertransfbrms,theexpectation valueofX maybe written as Ar= (9ïb= No+.P-(2=)-4(d4qiG'(q)piqnn (19.12) where the limitT ->.0-isimplicit. Since G'dependson p.and 6, % through the operatork 'intheHeisenbergpicture,Eq.(19.12)maybeusedto find . V(U,p,,Na); alternatively,thisrelation maybeinverted to flnd / . z(Prs. Y,Va). The ground-state expectation value of any one-body operator can be expressed in term s of the single-particle G reen's function. An interesting example isthe kineticenergy . 14 .. haa z r=t.j'y= p'j -t ' . -.T -4?2mR-. ,c'( .q)piqap ,. ( 2: 7.) . (19.13) v:hicb ,:shoN&s that the stationary condensate m akes no contribution to F. also possibie to determ ine the potentlalenergy.butthe detailed proof -is m ore ci-m plicatcd than in Sec.n '. Equation (19.2)m ay be rewritten as ihJj)x(x) (;s(x).<.,j t . -- (19.14) Inthethermodynamiclimit.thefields('andf i%obeythecanonicalcommutation relations.andthecommutatorisreadilyevaluated with Eqs.(l8.10)to (18.l6)and (19.1).Aftersomemanipulation.we5nd '#3x4l xtxlLi hj0 /-rssj(! x(x)=2f' c. y.f' q-1 ' 4. -2Cj-%. v2f7 (19.15) ax GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM where PIcommuteswith # and thuscancelsidentically. TheadjointofEq. (19.15)maylx writtenas fd,x(-, :j-r+r . z)4l(x)4x (x) 2Pl+ P3+ P4+ f'5+ 2P6+ 2P, (19 = 16) . whiletheiraveragebecomes !.jdzxtutxltmj : j-w+(p )o(x)+gt-mj ê j-w +p)::(x)j:hx(x)) J' l'j+ Pz+ P3+ P4)+. !. (1% + Pk)+2b = . = gt-z 2;7- noD-n' (19.17) z wheref-isthetotalinteractionenergy 7 P= Eo+Jw1 )(b' L (19.18) Theground-stateexpectationvalueof(19.17)beeomes J#3x1im 1im #.ihjê P,- F(x,)+ p,iG,(x?,x,t,) -j- F(x)+ /. t- ihèt X .x t'-p,+ . '- = 2(P)- af jê èP no (19.19) therebyexpressing(P)intermsofG'. Thethermodynamicpotentialatr = 0istheground-stateexpectationvalue oftheoperatorX f1(T- 0,P',/z,No)- (0 1 4 ,O) (19.20) where iO)isassumed normalized. Thecondition (18.35)ofthermodynamic equilibrium remainsunaltered,andwefnd la Px f1 n)vp-eN P,tol fl o)-rolap xo) o)-4o)d PNP,-/ z1 o)-o (19.21) This equation therefore provides a representation for the chemicalpotential êP p.= tOlONn lO) (19.22) butitmustbenoted thatthestatevectorlO)itselfdependson / .tand No. A combinationofEqs.(19.12),(19.19),and(19.22)yields E=;/+P)=jy. N+. if:3xx l i ' mxt l j . m , t+qih(1-a0 t, j+F(x)jG' (x,x' ) (19.23) BosE SYSTEM S 207 which may berewritten witha Fouriertransform E-6N+. iP-J(a d, o *q4ju,. j.hz lm q2jjoy fg)nj vav l (19.24) Thetherm odynam icpotential otr-n)-E-sx--!. sN+kvj(2 d, * 4 q.jço+âz 2m q2)i o'lqlet qz, î(19. 25) follow s im m ediately. Since Eq. (18.35) ( or Eq.(19.22))determines Nf j(m), whereasEq.(19.12)determinesN(y,,Nn),weare now ableto 5nd thethermodynamicpotentialfrom (19.25)andthusobtainthephysicalquantitiesofinterest. Theremaining problem,of-course,istheevaluation ofG'(x,y),which isconsidered inSec.20. ZOQPERTURBATIO N THEORY AND FEYNM AN RU LES W e now usethe techniques ofquantum 5eld theory to study the perturbation expansion oftheboson G reen'sfunction desned in Eq. (19.11). INTERACTIO N PICTURE W etirstintroducethe operator Xl l= En- JzAo+ XJ (20.1) where kLa t-p,4'=fd5xt /1(x)(r-P,J/(x) (20.2) and acorresponding interaction picture ö1. (f)M t'iXp'790se-'X0t/' = efXû'f) ' hOSe-tk0'f, ' A (20.3) JustasinSec.6,theHeisenbergpicturein(19.2)andtheinteractionpictureare related by an operator gqt>/0)i ; : zzeiko'tjhg-f:'(l-t( ))/Ae-Lkoetolh (gg*4) which obeysthefollowingequation ofmotion Pt' )' (/,?()) sx f/i ?t ==e (,,/,(v,..,g)e-fpo-ta fsgqt,to) = etx( ,',/,pj:-y. :c-,/,p4/,t()) jcjtf)1)(t,t.4 -- (20.5) GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM 208 with 7 41- j)f' J J=1 # - 40+ 41 (20.6) N ote that EXf ),X)- 0 (20.7) Thusthegroundstate 1 0)oftheoperator#ncanbeconsideredastateofdesnite numberofparticles. ItisevidentthatI0) isjustthestateintroduced in Eq. (18.19)where the numberN isdetermined from Eq.(19.12). Furthermore, Jkl0)=0 (20.8) for a1lk,which means thatallofthe perturbation analysisofSec.9 remains correctwith 10)asthenoninteractingvacuum. In particular.weimmediately concludethatl I ' G'(x,p)= x) ' m=0 jm 1 = #/l.'- c o dtm T m ! -* -* x' t0fF(#l(/I)''-#I(/m)ç%(x)( J1* (:')1lolconnected (20.9) Sincetheoperatort/' ;(x)#)(y)alsocommuteswithX.thediëcultyassociated withthenonconservationofparticlesisisolatedinthefactorsXj(/f)inEq.(20.9). The zero-order term becom es (20.i0) FEYN M A N R U LFS fN C O O R DIN A TE 6 PA C E Thereisa factorntforeach dashed lincentering orleavinga vertex. The totalnumberoflines(solid and dashed)going into a Feynman diagram must equalthe num bercom ing out. 'The proofthat Lo (7j0 ..,: iu.)(0) . 7O -V oxl-k'()lt;((),usx)l(). I isaneigenstateofk followsjustasintheGell-MannandLow theorem. BosE svs-rEM s 2Q9 2.ln rnth order.thern operatorskLcan beehosen in /?1!ways. Thisfactorm ! corresponds to the possible ways ofrelabeling the dipkrentinteraction lines. and itcancelstheexplicit(,17!)-'lin Eq.(20.9). AsinSec.9.thiscancellation occursonly forthe connected diagram s. 3.The terms f':, P2 .and f' , are sy'mmetric under the interchange ofdummy P ' * variables x +-yx . whereas the other tcrm s l'y. 1,r4. lC'j. and I. A z6 haNe no such ' . J ... sym m etry. ln consequence.each tim e I z'1. l'2.or 1,7 appears in a Feynm an diagram .there is alwaysanothercon tri buti on thatpr ecisely cancelsthefactor , x . . . !-in frontof -theseterms. Since l z,3-k4-kj.and k'f,alreadyhaveafactor1. - weconclude thate:erydis?int':FeJnmandiagram need becountedonlyonce. and the potentialenters with a factorunity.exactly asin Set?.9. 4.Eachn?th-orderdiagram i1:thepertttrbationexpansionofG '(. v.)')hasa factor (i; I h)m(-i)Csw' here C is the number ofcondensate factors llo appearing in the diagram . 5. The absence of backward propagation i1 tinne-or hole propagation- alIou s us to elim inate large classes of diagram s atthe outset. For eNam ple.thttre areno contractionsSNithin the fIsincethe)arca1read)'normalordored:thus there are no contributions in which the hamc particle 1int t G'0either closes on itselfor hasits endsjoined b),'the same i1teractlon. l11addition.ue note that the Feq'nm an diagram is integrated over all i!1ternal Nariableh. which m eans thatallpossible tim e orderi1)gq ofthe interactions are included. N o diagrarn can contribute unlessthereit s.q -t????ta:1111(-t?,' Jt. 'r' /)?qt z? ' /?bî' l?i('hall//q '!:ar:i(. lL. ' //??t:s -G0rlll:ti?r3x' t7rJ 111Jl' ??7(n. Forexar' rlple-Fig.9.8/aild jy' aniqh ide! 1ticall). because there arepairsofparticle lines running in oppohite direction>. N ote that these restrictions elim inate eveo'one of - the tirst- and second-order diagram sin Figs.9.7and 9.8thateontribute to theferm ion propagator. FEYNM AN RU LES IN M O M ENTUM SPACE TherulesforG'(4/)i1 )nlomenttlrn spacearethesan' leasbefore.with afactor/71 (, foreverydaghed 1ine-anoverallfactorof-(1'h)' n(-? ')t-(2. 77.J4tC'' n1in F/pth order.and the zero-order Green-s ftlnetion given by Eq.(20.ll). The basic N' erticesare Show'n in Fig.20.l and four-m omentunn is conserved ateach vertex. Sint?e a condensate line carries N' anishing four-m om enttlm .u hcreas a partic!e line nlust havek' h zu0-u' eagainconcludethatnointeractionlinecanjoi1 )oneparticleline and three condensate lines. A s an exam ple,consider the tirst-order correction G 'f'' The ternls t-' P2%î, %! ktr' 6mZkenocontribution to (;'int irstorderbecausetheydo notconserv'e *w Z /- Fig.20.1 Basic vertices for bosons. , , 21n GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM thenumberofparticles. Theterm containing 97alsovanishesbecausetheonly possiblediagramswouldinvolveholes. Weareleftwith/4and6,whichlead l I k A l l l l 1 l I l Y 1 1 I l l 1 (b4 Fig.20.2 Allhrst-ordercontributionsG'tl' to thediagram sshown in Fig.20.2/ and b,respectively,and the Feynm an rules im m ediatelygive G'(l)(t?)= no/j-lG0(ç)(p-(0)+ p'(q))G0(t?) (20.12) Thecorresponding analysisin second orderissubstantiallylonger.and we shall only exhibitthe diagrams(Fig.20.3). Note thatFig.20.3: and e represent t' 1 Y Al xl - Ak k f 6 6 6 ' k f )*v> . . /' f ,& A Y : A% (:) : A 7,%l A (g' ) Fig-20.3 A 11second-ordercontributionsG'f2'. difrerentcontractions because the direction ofpropagation,or m om entum flow , isdiflkrentin the tw o cases. The diagram s ofFig.20.3J through e are of order nà,whereas20.3/ and g areofordernfj. Asnoted previously,the absenceof holesm eansthatno second-order diagram s involve only noncondensate lines. BosE SYSTEM S 211 Dvso N's EQ UATIONS The nonconservation of particles arises from the Bose condensation, which provides a source and sink forparticlesoutofthe condensate. A sa result,the particle lines need notrun continuously through a diagram ,as opposed to the situation for ferm ions. Nevertheless,ifa proper self-energy isdefined asa part ofa Feynm an diagram connected to the restofthediagram bytwo noncondensate particle lines,then it is stillpossible to analyze the contributions to the G reen's function in a form sim ilar to Dyson'sequationsfor ferm ions. The structure is m ore com plicated than indicated in Sec. 9. however,because there are three distinctproperself-energies.asindicated in Fig.20.4. The hrstone 12' )' 1(p) p p -# / Z z' Fig. 20.4 Proper self-energies bosons. z p ) J, *!(r) z z z z z. -p' ).:l *2Lr) z -# .'' p 1:2 *l(r) has one particle line going in and one com ing out,Fim ilar to thatforferm ions. Theotheroneshavetwo partic1elineseithercoming out(Z' ! a)orgoing in (Z% .' . j) and reiectthe new featuresassociated w ith Bose condensatlon. 'the lou'est-order contributions to these new self-energies m ay be seen expllcitly in Fig. 20.. 3:. (ThechoiceofsubscriptswillbecomeclearinEq.(20.21).q Correspondingly.A'z m ustintroduce two new exactG reen's function GI '2 and Gc 'j.representing the appearance and disappearance oftwo particles from the condensate. They are shown in Flg.20.5.along NKith G'.where the arrows indicate either the direction ofpropagatien in coordinate space orthe direction ofm om entum llow in m om entum space. The Dyson'sequationsforthissystem p - Fig.20.5 Noncondensate Green's functions forbosons. G' (J)) - p p G !' 2(pj G2 '1(p) 212 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM were hrstderived by Beliaev.l They are show n in Fig.20.6 and m ay be written in m om entum space asfollows: (20.13t 7) (20.l3>) 1 qt# pz ' Z J p 7Z d e z - , p P z Z Z - p - p Z Z z' # Z p -p - - /) p z z z W -p / -p # p Z . p p Fig.20.6 D l'son'sequationsforbosons. N ote thatoverallfour-nlomentunl conservation determ inesthe direction ofthe momentum t low in Fig. 20,6. An equivalent equation for G'(p) is clearly 'S.T,Beliaev.Sol'.#/l>u.-./f' 'F#,7:289(l958). BosE SYSTEM S 213 W hen these equations are iterated consistently,we obtain allthe im proper selfenergies and G reen'sfunctionsto arbitrary order in perturbation theory, TheanomalousG reen'sfunctionsintroduced abovehavea precisedehnition in term sofHeisenbergfield operators: iG ,l2(x--).)- C'O IF( /y (-x) t/'y T')jO .. --r ,z . k: .a.(- (20.14t7) l'G2'1(-v--;')- --0 rë7). (. v)r /-).('' )!'o ' ( x 1' (20.14:) . . . ---. - kx5u,:65.1: ', - . q b,öp where the nonconservation of particle definitionsim p1y that (J7j -.2(. ' t',1'j. - (J'j '2(.è'..v.) The ' G2 'i(v.-'k')-.-&,:2l(.;'.-'t-) so that their Fotlrier C;'1 -c(/?)--tJ'( '2(--J?) G-2,t(p) . -C; 'c 'k(-. /?) The structure of Dyson's equations can be clarificcl by introducing a matrix notation i1 )U hich t' L ' Rt .'Y)' r/s(x) ' -t , y s(xv) (20.l7) () T-f 't1).F.f.' -. 1 's'(.' 111() .')f k' 0 0 -* (v T') z -* (r ). E *'(A.,).)= ).1 . N 2''.') p1'' x-.l ' ), . ac,(x.)' k. ) -j I(1,.a.) ' . . . (20.21) . and G0(x, G0(x. 0 ) . , )--g ( ;)-) g( ) ( . ) ,x) - . (20.22) 214 GROUND-STATE (ZERQ-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM Weshallgenerallyconsidera uniform medium,whereEq.(20.20)maybe sim pliied to G'(p)- G0(#)+ G0(,)Z*(,)G'(#) G, (s-jG1' l( p; t)G, J ( 2 (, p)j c( G0(#) 0 p)-g( ) cot-slj E*(p)-(Y X1 ' h' l( I# X)X2' ht2 ( ç -* ,)j (20.23) () Itiseasilyverised thatthismatrixequation reproducesEq.(20.13). A matrix inversion then yields G,(78- pz+ (,?,- lxlh+ S(p4- Alpt Dlpj (20.24) Gl'c(p)- - 1:)2(J') D(,) o'j,(s - - X! 1(:) pl gj where D(#)- Epo- z4(p)22- Eav -vh-,'-. S'(p)12+ Eh(p)Et(J,) (20.25) î'lp)- . 1.(12. )1(J,)+ E' r(-;)1 (20.26) and A(p4- . iEY' h(,)- E' r(-p)) TheseequationsexpressthevariousG reen'sfunctionsinterm softheexactproper self-energiesand arethereforeentirely general. LEHM ANN REPRESENTATION Before we study specisc approximationsforZ*,itisinteresting to derive the Lehmann spectralrepresentation forG '. Theproofproceedsexactlyasin Sec. 7,andwefind (compareEq.(7.55)) c,(,)- 0)l ''p)fnp1:1(0)Io) p'rg(P1 ,,4-'(, -, (au-x,o. ,.i , (0 I*1(0)In,-p)(n,-pI;(0)IO) pn+ h-bçKn.-p - A-00)- '' T wherethecompletesetofstates1np)satissestherelations êr z'p)- âptnp) X rnp)h- A' aplnp) (20.28) - 1(20.27) and each residue isa 2 x 2 m atrix. ltisevidentthatalltheG reen'sfunctions have the sam e singularities in thecom plexpzplane,occurring atthe resonant a0sE SYSTEM S 215 frequencies +â-l(Akyp- A%0). The residues of G'(r)are real,while those of GL '2(pjandGLj(p)arecomplexconjugatesofeachother. ZILW EAKLY INTERACTING BOSE GAS A sourfirstapplicationofthisform alism ,weconsideraweakly interaetingBose gas whose potential P'(x) has a well-desned Fourier transform U(p). The p -p I I A A j t l p ' 1 (J) - # p -# 'h l. p , # I'-# # *' ' -# p -# j ! 1 # ' .J. . LI. I 1 I I 1l 1 I ...- k m' 1 .' k 1 1 ' t (d) (d) +l fc) k k (e) (fb eh 1 p -p ' tI'(#)1I $4- 11 G2,1(2ï: +! +l +1 +p +$ +l .1. , A' p -p (h' ) -# (i) k # +$ +l +I k -# P (j) k -p # -# (k) (l) Fig.21.1 A11srst-and second-ordercontributionstoG3 '1andGa'l. proper selflenergies need only be evaluated to lowest order,and Eq.(20.12) showsthat âXtl(X - NnE1z '(0)+ P'(p)) lowestorder which isindependentofpv. The Feynm an rulesofSec.20 also apply to Gl 'z and Gc'I,and we exhibita1lnonvanishing srst-and second-ordercontributions in Fig.21.1. W esee by inspection thatthe srst-erderproperself-energiesare â12' )c(p)= âE!l(J?)= nvF(p) lowestorder (2l.2) again independentoffrequency. Thisequality of Xt2(p)and Y1l(p)for a uniform Bose gasatrestcan be proved to a1lordersby examining the diagram s. Sincethearrowsdenotethedirection ofm om entum flow,reversingthedirection ofal1thearrowsisequivalenttotakingp+-+-p. ThusYtc(p)= Y1' 1(-p). The symmetryofthediagrams,however.showsthatboth)Zt2and12ljmustbeeven functionsofp,whichalso followsfrom Eqs.(20.16)and (20.24). 216 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMALISM Before the solution of Dyson's equation can be used, it is essential to determinethechemicalpotential,which can bedonewithEq.(19.22). lfthis equationisrewritten in theinteraction representation,weobtain * jm j .- - h m! 8= m=0 * x) dtj.. . * -.x) ?-f m 1 r m u ajp . #;m (.0tF #jLtj)...xj(/m).. =. (0) c'A o -co co cc . - , . h- m --. y -a)dtj... -rdtg t( : t 0jT( A'j (tj. j...Kj (u)jj ()) , m=0 $ (2l.3) wherethe operator0f-/foA% isassigned thetimef= 0. Thedenominatorserves tocancelthe disconnected diagrams,exactly asin ourdiscussion oftheproofof G oldstone'stheorem in Sec.9. Thuswefind * y,= i .h - m m =0 x 1 dtj.. m ! -x The lowest-ordercontribution is :f' pt- ' ï0ôUNL,10N p - lEoAa -l+:v( )l(0pPI+ P2+ I h + 6 J0)+(2zVc)-1(0pP5+ % 10) = atjp'(0) (21.5) where the m atrix elem ents vanish because they are already norm al ordered. ComparisonofEqs.(21.1),(21.2),and(2l.5)showsthatthesehrst-orderquantities satisfytherelation p,= /i)2tl(0)- âE' t2(0) Thisequation isin factcorrectto allordersinperturbation theoryand washrst derived by H ugenholtzand Pines.; Thesingle-particleGreen'sfunctionisnow readilyfoundfrom Eq.(20.24). W enotethatz' 1(p)vanishesidentically,and a straightfbrward calculation yields G'( po+ h-1gE0 p+ noF(p)) p)= z J'J- (f' p/â) G'' :-1nop'(p) 12( :)- GL1(J')= pl- (Fp/â)c - where Ev= ((ep 0+ ngp'(p))2- (n()p'(p)j2j+ = ( :p 02 + 2,6(,)nop'tplj1 :N .M .Hugenholtzand D.Pines,loc.cit. (2l.8) BOSE SYSTEM S 217 (2l.9J) GI '2(p)- Gz ,1(J')- - --N lPP -P .è'p -F +. --)-t : ,p . plj kp4 +l, rl pe p/h-fj (2l.9b) . - where uv=(4. F-1(ep 0+ nvp'(p))+ Jjl (2l.10) l' p= (JFp -lg60 p+ n()U(p))- !.)1 and theinsnitesimalszt zthhavebeendeterminedfrom theLehmannrepresentation. The m oststriking feature ofthese expressions isthe form ofthe excitation spectrum Ep. ln the long-wavelength limit,Ep reduces to a Iinear (phononlike)dispersion relation X n.( ?.lz'(0)+ ; 4:h: p!g-t ytj with thecharacteristicvelocity (com pare Eq.(l6.11)1 nvP'( C=gm?)j1 -- . This expression shows that the theory is welldesned only if l'(0)> 0. The presentcalculation does not allow us im m ediately to identify c-as the speed of com pressionalwaves,since fp is here derived from the single-particle G reen's function rather than the density correlation function. N evertheless,a detailed calculation ofthe ground-state energy (Sec.22)show'sthatc'isindeed the true speed ofsound. Thisquestion isdiscussed attheend ofSec.22. The behavior of Ep for large momenta depends on the potential l'(p). and weassume that P'(x)isrepulsive with a range rv. Itfollowsthat l'(p)is approxim ately constantfor p .< ro -l,and we also assum e that hl ??()P'(0)<: . t2n1-q 66 (21.13) which lim its the allowed range ofdensity'. The dispersion relation f' p then changes from linear to quadratic in the vicinity of p ;4:lz?' nnaP'(0), 'â2J1 and becom es Ep; k;e0 jP'(p) p + nf ply>2mnoPr(0)â-2 (21.l4) for large wave vectors. The lastterm represents an additional potentialenergy arising from theinteraction with the particlesin the condensate. 2!8 GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM Itisinteresting to evaluatethetotalnumberofparticlesfrom Eq.(19.12). Onlythepoleatpv= -E,/h+ i' rlcontributes.and weobtain 13= ??o+ (2=)-3 1 -d3p :.2 (21.15) Thusl.p 2m ay beinterpreted astheground-statem om entum distribution function for particlesoutofthe condensate. The m ostnotable feature isthe behavior ofè.p 2atlong wavelengths,where itvariesas Ipl-i. ln addition,noisdesnitely lessthan?tbecausetheintegrand ofEq.(2l.15)ispositivedehnite. W eseethat the interaction alters the ground state by rem oving som e particles from the condensate,exciting them to states of finite m omentum . From this point of view,the increase oft.2 p as Ip)-. +0 reiects the macroscopic oceupation ofthe zero-momentum state. In the limit P'(p)-. ->.0,theenergy spectrum f' preduces to eo whileù' p 2vanishes,properlyreproducing thebehaviorofa perfectgas. A n p, equivalentobservation isthatthesecond pole in Eq.(21.9J)arises solely from the interactions between particles,and G'(p)reduces to G0(p) as F(p)-+.0. 22Z1D ILUTE BO SE GA S W ITH R EPU LSIV E C O RES W e now considera dilute Bosegas,in which the potentialsare repulsive butm ay b: arbitrarily strong.l Just as in Sec. ll,the only smallparam eter is the ratio ofthescatteringlength a to the interparticle spacing rl-1, and wetherefore assum e naà . c s l. The potential P'(x)no longer has a w'ell-defned Fouriertransform, t * f tl)Itp)= # / + !* t. ï !' t. ' ' t : 't. ! ï#. t t ' + / h : t t ' !ï. t f ZI2(,)= # t' ' + k ï* + / 4 !' y Z* 21(/7)= h + 1 / 't' + * / t + ' !' !' ï # / h / t ; ï l * .4 f $' I + ! ! K. ' / + 1 f. f' t 1S.T.Beliaev,Sot'.Phys. -JETP,7:299(1958). Fig.22.1 Laddersum mation forproper self-energies. BosE SYSTEM S 219 and itbecom esessentialto sum aselected classofdiagram sto obtain theproper self-energy. ln particular,note thatHg.20.3/ and g and Fig.21.1.fand l representthesecond term sina sum ofladderdiagramsforY* (Fig.22.1). This sum m ation m ay be evaluated with a Bethe-salpeter equation,exactly as in a diluteFermigas(Sec.l1),whichyields x(p,p',#)- (2,,)33(p- p')+ (e+ 2my.h-2-,2+ fn)-l(2, 7. )-3 s fd'qr(q)xtp- q,p',#) (22.1) mh-2F' tp,pza' )= (2. 77.)-3fdàql.(qjy(p- q,pz,p) (JJ.2) The/ .tinthelastterm ofEq.(22.1)arisesfrom theform ofG0(p),which depends explicitly on thechem icalpotential. Theseequationsaresim plerthan thosefor ferm ions because the theory has no hole propagation;forthis reason,they are justthosesolvedasà'land 1M( )in Sec.11,and theirsolution maybewrittenas (seeEq.(1l.45)J 1->(p,p',#)--,.4=ahl?z?-l jpjt z<, t1,pp'! .J-, x1 (22.4) where a isthe J-wave scattering length. H ence the corresponding proper self- energiesbecomegcompareEqs.(1l.30)and(1l.40. à) /iZtl(P)= N()F'(1-P,1-P.#)v nf lF(-1'p,àp.#); kr8' zr??oahl?A?-l :Zt2(J' )= noF(p,0,0); k;4=. noahlrn-i /iY1l(C)= K0F(0,P,0)Q:4nnzahlrn-1 w eagainseethatYtctp)= E!l(p). lt is interesting to com pare these expressions with those for a weakly interacting Bose gas. For a short-range potential,the results of the previous section can be written â12tl(J')- 2/70F(0) âYh(J')- âY!I(J')- nzL'(0) ln Born approxim ation, the Bethe-salpeter scattering am plitude reduces to Fs(p,P',#); k0â2X(0,0)/, zp-l= F(0)=4rraah2m-l and thesum m ation ofladderdiagram stherefore replacesthe Born approxim ation csbythetruescatteringlengtha. (CompareEqs.(11.24)and(11.25).1 22c GROUND-STAJ'E (ZERO-TEMPERATURE) FORMAUISM The corresponding chemicalpotentialisdetermined from Eq.(2l.4). ln thepresentapproxim ation,thedom inantterm sarise from theexcitation oftwo particles out ofthe condensate, where they interact repeatedly and then drop back into the condensate. Thisprocessisshown in Fig.22.2,where the hrst term isjustthatstudied in Sec.21. Thernth-ordercontribution mustcontain one factor 6-2to excite the particles,m - 1factors $7-7to allow them to scatter, and a factor P1 to return them to the condensate. Since the operator PP/JAOdoesnotcontain Pc,itmustfurnisheitherthe f'1orthe Pz. Theprecise ' k' & # / / .< N *. T$ ' J# ? 1 M + '% Fig.22.2 Ladderapproximation forchem icalpotential. num ericalfactorscanbedeterm ined bynoting thatthecontributionsinFig.22.2 areasubsetofthefollowingterm s: whereEqs.(18.10),(18.1l),and(20.l4)havebeen used. Applying ourFeynman rulestoeom putethecontributionofthegraphsin Fig.22.2,we obtain the same laddersum m ation asin theproperself-energy, 'hencetheapproxim atechem ical potentialbecomes Jz= nvr(0,0,0); kJn=noahl,, n-1 which again satissestheHugenholtz-pinesrelation (21.6). Itisnow possible to evaluate the single-particle G reen'sfunction in the region ipl l<: t1;thecalculationisidenticalwiththatofSec.21ifweagainmake thereplacementP'(0)= 4n. a.hljm ->.4nahljm and yields G'(p)= ui - r;-- 770 Ev/h+ ixî pa+ E.j % - ixè - (22.10) where t/j=!.tFp -'(ep 0+ 4=noahlm-i)+ 1) (22.11) th 2 p= J(Fp1(6p 0+ $. nnoah2m-1)- 1) and Ep= (6p 02+ 8/a0ay2ep om-l)1 (22.12) BOSE SYSTEM S 221 Thetotaldensity n isreadily found from Eq.(19.12): (22.l3) ??- n 8 na? 1 . -y-. ?=yj. y. which issmallin thepresentlimit. Notethatwehaveused Eq.(22.l0)foral1p, includingtherangeIpi tz%-1:itiseasilyveriéed thatthisapproximationintroduces '(SnJloab)' 1 ' negligib1e errorin the lim it/7473<: t 1 because the integralover )'= (qa), in Eq.(22.l3)converges. In a similarway,theenergy isdeternlined from Eq.(l9.24): - E Z-i= jym +.(32=3)-1fJ3g(6q0- Eq)(Fq -l(c0 y 4=.nvah1m-1)- lj Q. . =jyn-..hzfbrrllv(7. )Y(l6=2p?)-l(X y)24. y,((. 2. 4,3-; -. 3. y7j(. ). , 24j-. 2)-1 0. .,2 . - = 64' ;r1(>7fz)1'hl 64=1(,7qg)1'hl jyn- - -.l. 5 . u?7J-u-- ; 4:i ua- - -l-ju=' ?z7-. 2,, - . jj (22.15) InbothEqs.(22.13)and(22.15),theintegralrepresentsasmallcorrectionof-order (?7()tz3)1relativetotheleadingterm.andwehavetherefbresetnfj;4Cn. Thefnal determ ination ofE and p.is m ost sim ply performed with therm odynam ics.l Assum e that p.= tWnahlzn-lgl+ a(nJ3)1) where a is a numericalconstantthatwillbe determ ined below. Substitution into Eq.(22.l5)yields E 27z/2ah2 . 32 na3 ' i' y,---sy I.( xqna3)4.-j j(-#. -j , Thederivativewith respectto ndesnesthechem icalpotential 'E ' /2 = l 'E 4, 77775:2 8 na? 1 (j( j' ,1v,=pjj= s? 1+A 4xlna')' i '-jn, !N.M .Hugenholtzand D .Pines,loc.cit. (22.l8) a2a GROUND-STATE (ZERO-TEM PERATURE) FORMALISM and comparison with Eq.(22.16)showsthat== 32/3=+. In thisway we5nd E - l=n2ah2 128 na? + # () 1+15(-)1 M nnmahljj. j.s 32jaT l r3jl' j m = (22.19) (x. x; Equation (22.19),which determintstheltading çorrection to theground-state energy,was frstobtained by Lee and Yang.l N ote thatthe correction isof order(nc3llandisthusnonanalyticintheinteraction. Thenext-ordercorrection to theground-stateenergyhasbeen evaluated byW u,2whoEnds E m 2. n. n2ujj2 j28 na3 1 P m gl+j5(.)+stj=-v' j' j(na,)ln(na,)+ujj myjjsro rjj butthecoeëcientofthelastterm hasneverbeen determined. The pressureP and compressibility cl(see Eq.(16.19))areeasily found from Eq.(22.19) p=-(e 0f vls=2=n m2ahlL r* ju ' .6 j 4 -h /n= J3, j /+j DP 1 OP C 8pm mik 4yr m na lhlL g* ju ' .* jx uh /= J3j+j 2. . . n (22.22) (22.23) Itisclearthatwemusthavearepulsivepotential(J>0)toensurethatthesystem is stable againstcollapse. To leading order,the speed ofsound agrees with theslopeofE.inEq.(22.12)asIp1.-. >.0;inaddition,Eq.(22.23)alsogivesthe ârst-order correction to c. Beliaev has evaluated Epjhi p)to next order in (nJ3)+forsmallIpIand verihed thatitagreeswith thatfound above,buthis calculationisverylengthy. Indeed,ithasbeen proved to allordersin perturbation theory that the single-partide excitation spectrum vanishes linearly as lpI-->.0,with aslope equalto themacroscopicspeed ofsound.3 Thislinear dependencecanbeobtaineddirectlyfrom Eqs.(20.24)to(20.26),thesrstequality inEq.(21.2)andtheHugenholtz-pinesrelationEq.(21.6) D(#)-*#I- 2% Xt2(0) p-+0 whereweassumeXt2(p)iswellbehavedasp -->.0. (22.24) 1T.D .Lee and C.N . Yang,Phys.Rev.,105:1119 (1957);see also K.A.Bruecknerand K. Sawada,Phys.Ren.,106:1117(1957). 2T.T.W u, Phys.Ret'.s115:1390 (1959). Thisvalue hasbeen verihed by N.M .Hugenholtz and D.Pines,loc.cïl.ywho introduced the techniqueused in Eq.(22.16),and by K.Sawada, Phys.Aer..116;1344(1959). 7J.Gavoretand P.Nozières,Ann.Phys.(N.F.),M :349 (1964);P.C.HohenY rg and P.C. M artin,Ann.Phys.(N.F. ),M :291(1965). BosE SYSTEM S 223 Theladderapproximation (Fig.22.1)includesa1lârst-and second-order contributionstotheproperself-energy. Asaresult,thecorrespondingsolution ofDyson'sequation (20.13)containsa1lthesrst-and second-orderdiarams forthesingle-particleGreen'sfunction (Figs.20.2,20.3,and 21.1). W henthe remainingthird-ordercorrectionstoX*arereexpressedin termsofa,theleading contributionscontainthefactorsn4/3anddonotafectEqs.(22.14),(22.19),or (22.20).Henceweseethatourmethod correctlytreatsadiluteBosegastoorder (aJ3)1. PRO BLEM S 6.1. UseW ick'stheorem toevaluateG'lpj,G' lc(J),andG114#)tosecondorder in the interaction potential. Hence verify the numericalfactorsstattd in the Feynman rules,and obtainthediagramsin Figs.20.2,20.3,and 21.1. 6.2. IteratetheDysonEqs.(20.13)consistentlytosecondorderin F,andthus reproducethe resultsofProb.6.1. 6.3. (J) Usethe Bogoliubovprescriptionto expresstheIeadingcontribution tothedensitycorrelationfunction D(k,(s)intermsofG',Gl 'a,andG11. Show thattheresultingD(k,u))hasthesamespectrum astheexactG'(Kfz)). (!8 EvaluateD(k,tM explicitlyforadiluteBosegaswithrepulsivecores. 6.4. Provethe Hugenholtz-pinesrelation (Eq.(21.6))to second orderin K 6.5. Considera dense charged spinlessBose gasin a uniform incompressible background(forchargeneutrality). (J)Show thattheexcitationspectrum isgivenbyEk= ((âDpI)2+ (d)2)*where Dplistheplasmafrequency(Eq.(15.4));compareitwiththatderivedinSec.22. (:)Show thatthedepletionandgroundstateenergyE aregiventoleadingordér by1 (a-np/n=0.21lr1 and ElN =-.0.803r, -1'e2/2e, resmctively, where r2= ql4nnaé,J( )= â2/-se2,andmpisthemassoftheboson. (r)Deducethechemicalpotentialand thepressureintheground state. Interpretyour results. 6.6. Suppose Bosecondensation occursin a state with momentum âq,which describesacondensateinuniform motionwith velocityv= hqlm. Show that the condensate lines now include a factoret'Q*K. D erive the analogs of Eqs. (21.9)and(21.10). Find anexpressionforthedepletioninadilutehard-sphere gas asa function ofv,and compare with Eq.(22.14). Show thatthe total momentum densityisnmMand notnomy. Explain thisresult. tL.L.Foldy,Phys.Rev.,1M :649(1961);125:2208(1962). par: three Finite-tennperature Form alism 7 Field T heory al Finite Tem peralure Z3W EM PERATU RE G REEN'S FU NCTIONS Ourtheoryofmany-particlesystemsatzero temperature made extensiveuse of the single-particle Green'sfunction. Knowledge ofG provided 80th thecomplete equilibrium properties of the system and the excitation energies ofthe system containing one more orone less particle. Furtherm ore,G wasreadily expressed as a perturbation expansion in the interaction picture. At snite temperatures,however,the analogoussingle-particle Green'sfunction isessentially more complicated,and itisnecessary to separate thecalculation into two parts. Thefirststep,whichistreated inChaps.7 and 8,istheintroduction ofa temperature Green's function @. This function has a simple perturbation expansion similarto thatfor G at F = 0 and also enables us to evaluate the equilibrium thermodynamicpromrtiesofthesystem. Thesecondstep(Chap.9) 227 az8 FINITE-TEMPERATURE FORMALISM then relates @ to a time-dependentG reen's function thatdescribes the linear response ofthe system to an externalperturbation;thislastfunction provides the excitation energies ofthe system containing one m ore or one less particle. DEFINITIO N In treating system satsnitetem peratures,itwillbe m ostconvenientto use the grand canonicalensem ble,which allowsforthe possibility ofa variablenum ber ofparticles. W ith thedesnition k4 - Jz# 4 thegrandpartitionfunctionandstatisticaloperator(seeSec.4)maybewrittenas zG= e-biù= Tre-lA (232) IG= zo1e-j#= el(f1-A) (;?.3) . whereweagain usetheshort-hand notation #= l//csF. TheoperatorX may be interpreted as a grand canonicalham iltonian;forany Schrödingeroperator ös(x),wethenintroducethe(modihed)Heisenbergpicture dK(xm)- ekr/h0S(x)e-krlh (234) . In particular,thefield operatorsassum etheform '4.IXTI= ekxkh, ( ja(x)e-krlh IJ1 (XT)= ekrlh#1(x)e-*'/h Notethatf4a(xr)isnottheadjointofQxztxm)aslongasmisreal.l Ifrisinterpreted asa com plex variable,however,itm ay be analytically continued to a pureimaginaryvalue' r= it. TheresultingexpressionX .(x,f/)thenbecomes thetrueadjointof#xa(x,; '/)andisformallyidenticalwiththeoriginalHeisenberg picturedesnedinEq.(6.28),apartfrom thesubstitutionofX for. JZt Forthis reason,Eq.(23.5)issometimescalledanimaginary-timeoperator. The single-particletemperatureGreen'sfunction isdesned as Mxblxr,x'T')H-Tr()cFv(#x.(xT)4x 'jtx'' r'))) (23.6) whereloisgiveninEq.(23.3). HerethesymbolFzorderstheoperatorsaccordingto theirvalueofm,withthesm allestattheright;T.alsoincludesthesignature factor(-1)P,where' isthenumberofpermutationsoffermionoperatorsneeded to restoretheoriginalordering. W eemphasizethatthetrace(Tr)impliesthat thisGreen'sfunction @ involvesasum overacompletesetofstatesintheHilbert space,eachcontributionbeingweightedwiththeoperatorlo(seeSec.4). tToavoidconfusion,theadjointofano-ratort)isexplicitlydenotedby(öJtinthischapter. 1ThiscormKtionwasftrstpointedoutbyF.Blœ h.Z.Physik,74:295(1932). FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURF 229 RELATIO N TO OBSERVABLES The tem peratureG reen'sfunction isusefulbecauseitenablesusto calculatethe thermodynamicbehaviorofthesystem. IfthehamiltonianP istimeindependent,asisusuallythecase,then @ dependsonlyon thecom bination m- ' v'and noton rand r'separately. Theproofofthisstatem entisidenticalwith thatat F =0 (Eq.(7.6)Jandwillnotberepeated here. Considerthequantity jjF.z(x'r,x' r+)= trF(xm,x' r+) where r' bdenotes the Iim iting value r+ T as T approaches zero from positive values.and trrepresentsthetraceofthem atrixindices. Bydesnition, trF(xm,xm+)=:!LXTr(/cf4z(xm)#x.(xr)J - me /' fz)(TrLe-n*e#T?1. (1(x)1Jz(x)e-kr/'j = qzeb. f7jgTr(e-I#1 /1(x)fk(x)) = :F(H(x)) (23.8) wherethecyclicproperty ofthe tracehasbeen used (Tr(,4#C)= WrLBCA)= Tr(Cz 4#)J,along with the commutativity ofany two functions ofthe same operator. Asbefore.ourconventionisthatupper(lower)signsreferto bosons (fermions). Themeannumberofparticlesinthesystem isgivenby NIT,F,p. )= : 2 1:.f#3xtrF(xm,xm+) (23.9) and is an explicitfunction ofthe variables specised. Sim ilarly,the ensem ble averageofanyone-bodyoperatorisexpressibleinterm sof@ . W iththenotation ofEq.(7.7),we have #7)- Tr(âc7) = ): f#3xI /jztx)Tr()(;y')(x')y'x(x)) x p' xi 'm -,xv = :F)).fd?x lim lim Jj.(x)Fzjtxm,x'T') xj - x'ex' r'or+ :Ff#3xl im lim tr(J(x)Ftxm.x'r')) x'e x 'r'-+T+ (23.l0) Particularexam plesofinterestare (*)=mfJ3xtr(cF(xr,xm+)) - (1-)=+Jd?xXIim +x '- â2/2 rF(x' r,x'' r+) lm t (23.11J) (23.11:) zx FINITE-TEM PERATURE FoaM Aulsu Two-body operatorsarealso important,buttheensembleaverageofsuch an om ratorusually requiresa two-particle tem perature G reen's function. In the slxcialcase thatthehamiltonian consistsofa sum ofkineticand two-body potentialentrgies (Eq.(7.12)1,however,the mean potentialenergy can be expressed solelyin termsof@,exactlyasinEq.(7.22). Thecalculation starts from theHeisenbergequation ofmotion ê 0 s - hà1 X z(XT)= htiEeXT/W (X)e x./A) T = (X,#xa(XT)! (23.12) Forsimplicity,weshallassumethatthe potentialisspin independent(compare Eq.(10.2)),asisusuallythecaseinapplicationsoftheinite-temperaturetheory. Itisstraightforward to evaluatethecommutatorin Eq.(23.12),which yields (compareEq.(7.19)) h? h2:72 y;#xztx' rl- zm-#x.(xm)+ rz#xatxm) - Jd3x'Cxytx'm)#xytx'' r)F(x- x#)yxztx' r) (23.13) Thusthesingle-particleG reen'sfunction satisfiestherelation li ? ,, # , y: m hj. . jFajtx' r,x r) =7:Tr)(;fk/xm) y Qxztxm) TP- T 'F , - .F ' rr(â( ;f4,(x,-)g(>a 2m :72+,)4x-tx-l -- J#3xeYl xylx'm)' h ylx', t r)F(x- x' ')' fxatx' r) The lastterm isessentially the quantity ofinterest,and wefind (P)-JJdnxdqxnP'tx-x#)Trgl(;' (1(x)' G#(x*)' /ytx-l1Ja(x)J p = P h2V2 UFJ Jd3xXl'im,x r'li m -hV + lm-+ p,trFtxm,x'm') -,m + - (23.14) where the cyclic properties ofthe trace have been used to change from the Heisenberg to theSchrödingerpicture. Equations(23.11:)and (23.14)may be combined to providetheensembleaverageofthehamiltonian,whichisjustthe internalenergyE (seeSec.4). E - tz?) = t/+ P) ê hlV2 =E FI.Jd3xAlim.x .'li ) ,.m .. + -hX - l m + p.trF(xm,x'r' '- (23.15) Them eaninteractionenergycanalso beused to obtainthetherm odynam ic potentialf1,by m eansofan integration overa variable coupling constant. If 23I u. Q.k#.s.. R,s wvg- ws z H( xx)=jv+xl zd s, zkxok s mo +yk, zx #6.-' l@=#.-yv ' az%=Q,a4erw vwuex=îaeamk?eueA d # 123.16) e.cJ M %, * 1esmvptveske,- 4>+ @v :w-v.vwyfw wow- 4.r- à p*v> .IV >e V ' caaot.go> & w j-llu,kl .<'< k v ' ww mee o .hfw .fwn- . j> #t>)' V x= e-M K=7ke-/At& , t,1.l7) % aesvazzœw< . N e. a wx lx4..jt- N 3aJx 1>=-&' rztx?a -Gx x '(x?.3t) T* zhweà'A*jmil'w Lskwv < cacaa œ.> Aygve we..eytg.uw: e l/,x-hd #>*A% E1.tttlqlzlh.C (n ')1 L-f)> T.(>k.+xRln - . J: V# qe s G -1 >a. 3=1 m :7x + .x ) (-j)?ss x o+xA; xx (x? - . . 1. 4e m: +- dW zx A 'eyzwl)< iwxvpkvi- 1 V + .4 * *.2 .f V.nfwa- k.wykl% < .Y àc,ljâwu,m/- :ww u ew:th JG -îl% a > 44 yrvâ&mws.IQ qcs'cjyywq 4ue<u.uloptk <wA 4 4œ >Awsa A Le vepzpwex Jz-ovaju .4J y a J,- op. 1.<' *u ,41 G âvm ve 1.c,oe: ::@s 3% . . =1 (m? )' i(-j)hnTv(/:0+z%,)*-IîI) V w . - =-f* +o((ns)?2-'f-pb-qT.((Aq+yî,)mH$,. s ) =-fTx(efytgoj1)= -; e-Flïszx/j,yx w - wl- 4...1 ûevzelhe- t.;.I,) ;e .- M4 u)W 4* ejeye &y(:) # . x-kxwva 4 Els.(z3. lî)%/Ejtz1,h)jxwta ë;s x :-1zynk 31 jyN=x' d4xv x - (xyzp) Iaejym é.v.,x=p % x=$ t un-m.=J.x 1jx zs$,yx K - (a3.<) w.x: dt.u +. 4wwsslh;cjv o sa y ue4. w . g. Mku #e4.>1 ea # eo ai;j.(z3. x)Ver* #vVoezaevtr.Jwölw W -wwo' g- w S- Jd 4.w w> om 'j< w JlW *&< :x24% ow la' cm- . + .j- l;xu & yewsx. a3I wW E!.(u.)ç)w So.xd ueB' e-,.AJ, Wew',Jwxaz- IXJ. : w? .4- < .> oatx) J7 . (1v,,)=4,tT,v,l .)yj.o xdàJINz K*.x* 11 . z.1+tt-'zaz4. 0 aœYy y1.-!>(4a. ,v,z,),q,...) 4w-<hwut!4 em<sao tws(&t.' . * 4 .u k < > w kw!4:. T> u ozi t4. Ev.(z3.œ)yk(>3.az)x're- 19-- I / scwt e t'e,d faujeAevhtes> u,% oe w/ wG 'A ,2** a z- pvy.(7..,)uz(73,).luu- ,ueup- jnw-t rG 'J > fzwtkeAwjwo ' < a' -oeewa k- j w4 .> % Ef. (zyza). EXAM/I. E:ygyzvTgkàcTlyj.&ï&D M k:w'AV .-+ 4,> aaG w-c' # or ehetv e t G >' : . #* # (4xz:,=9f' A e.' -< ' e - .1.4* G <e 4o/w:d jW ' &,W ew/-/* ?e40 m P ew- ,x 4 < L -/, 'y. 4+ . t % (.7.3J). .t4?= ?-)x 44qsakx;0 1+( . 0 k-zl @ e qs: ) ' kl k e7. . = . x > . fzxas) *- w 4w oaze'a < e w- f- - m G &.:- we> c- G * W je 4w-zva e - w!- vm ey4 % !,,.) *Ae > ' ur e,,<.c- uc.t m- * twige,w,J A k&é.. > '- 4- %*Q v* ,W W Yvto i% Ej.(R.% > % . W< = .;' r*' .a.9.// .QeH<% Ve ' w > ' >m 4.,- ,Tv - taaall . z x,tf, x.zeA' 4'4r..o*% . qyse-%*ya,> 14xe +'kx é$. 1i t)= ?-z %1t' tzl=k-)zi k -à s/ . x 1< / uer awa..w w/1 c- k *:+ 'f. 71 M L'vu cacwa- , y 4+ew w A - -A + .**- 4 %*** /N. %c % l % (o k / a k-x -(x3= e /* = - c:e k-y)ayxto) v yg e-<' . ' -' 37, D'M ' , ks wx) . 233 FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE where4 =hlkljlm. Thisdifrerentialequationiseasilyintegrated: (4 - rz). v (23.26/) JkA(T)= JkzeXP y - and sim ilarly u#kA(, r)- tzf kzexp(4 -hp.)r (23.26:) NoteagainthatEq.(23.26:)isnottheadjointofEq.(23.26*. ThenoninteractingtemperatureGreen'sfunction isdehned as Fyjtxm,x?m')= . --ebx Tr(e-lXcFr(' #xa(xm)Ql/x'' r'))) (23.27) and,fordehniteness,wesrstconsiderthecasey.> ' r': F0 xb(xr,x'r')=-F-lkk )j'Ajz1l eltk*x-k'ex'ltyyjlajxjj,jj ' .+ (e2,-hp). v' 't:lkzck f'A,)a x exp (4 h rt), . - k- p.)(, r- , r/) vxa..kAu. jA10 jz-jjxbN gjk.(x-x?):xg (60 -k v h - m.a . which follows from the translational and rotational invariance of the noninteracting system . ln addition,the ensem ble average m ay be rewritten as tJkAJk fzlg= l: h:tJk 1l&k>)0= 1:i2Alk (23.28) wheretheupper(lower)signrefersto bosons(fermions)andn2isknown from statisticalmechanicsgEqs.(5.9)and(5.12))tobe n2-lexpEjtef-p, )1:: F:1J-' (23.29) Theseequationsm aybecom bined to yield f#'1b(x' )(' r- m') (1:i:n( r,x'' r')= -3ajU-1jét?îk*fX-X'1exp (62- p, k)) - h k (23.304) A n identicalcalculation for ' r< r'gives @L ) ' ' = F: .)(r - m/) ?70 Jajpr-lN kwtx-x')exp (e0 k- pJ œj(XT,X T) U ' t ef j k - r< r' (23.30:) Asexpected,f#' 0isdiagonalinthematrixindicesand dependsonlyon the com - binations (x - x',r- m'). It is interesting to evaluate the mean number of za4 FINITE-TEMPERATURE FORMALISM particlesNgandmeanenergyEnwithEqs.(23.9)and(23.15);astraightforward calculation reproducestheresultsin Sec.5. Xn(F,U,/z)= Zk Flk= Zk ICXPEl(4 - Jt)1E: F11-1 (23.31J) f:(r,F,/z)= Zk fzDî= Zk Ezfexp(j(eî- p,)1: Y:1)-1 (23.31:) ZK PERTURBATION THEORY AND W ICK'S THEOREM FOR FINITE TEM PERATURES Thetem peratureG reen'sfunction isusefulonlyto theextentthatitiscalculable from the m icroscopic ham iltonian. Justasin thezero-temperature form alism , itisconvenientto introducean interaction picture.which then servesasauseful basisforperturbation calculations. INTERACTIO N PICTURE ForanyoperatorOsintheSchrödingerpicture.weformallydesnetheinteraction picturedz@)andHeisenbergpictureöx(' r)bytheequations t)I(' r)Heenrlh0Se-'eT/' t)x(m)Neer/h()se-kr/h (24.1) Thetwo picturesaresimplyrelated gcompareEq.(6.3l)J; OK(z)= eew, 'ht,-#0m7'Oz(z)ekur''ta-',' /' - ' #((),c)öJ(. r). p #(m,0) (24.2) wheretheoperatoroâ isdesnedby Notethat# isnotunitary,butitstillsatishesthegroup property #(Tl.' r2)#(T2,T3)= &é(T'l,T3) (24.4) and theboundarycondition : h #(' rl,' rl)- 1 (24.5) In addition,theettime''derivativeofoâ iseasilycalculattd: 0 , x hpm T(m,, r)- e or/1(k()- kje-A' (z-z.z)/hc-korz/h = ewcz/,(#0- k)e-xom/,#(z,v,,) - - 4, 4, r). p #(v. ,z-) (24.6) 23e FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEMPERATURE where (24.7) Xl('r)= eX0T/'#le-hr/h Itfollowsthattheoperator#(' r,' r')obeysessentiallythesamedilerentialequation astheunitaryoperatorintroducedinEq.(6.11),and wemayimmediatelywrite down thesolution # (r,r')= C D n=0 1 a1 m -j g-j , - -- . drk--.j.,#, rnFz( Xj(, rI)...Xj(mJ)(24.8) r Finally,Eq.(24.3)mayberewrittenas tAhzxm@(' ZY.DQ Y$ : e kp!h= e-xar/.Qqy,(j) g4,p - lfrissetequaltojâ,Eq.(24.9)providesaperturbationexpansionforthegrand partition function ev-jja= a-re-jA - Tr(e-i'c#(,â.0)) ''' -n z =0(-à 1j*à 1 -ijo bht s,...jc bh#zaTr(e-fforr:41(, r, )...#,(a))J (24.10) wherea11oftheintegralsextend overasnitedomain. In practice.thisequation islessusefulfordiagrammaticanalysisthan Eq.(23.22)becauseofdiëculties associated with counting thedisconnected diagram s. The exact tem perature G reen's function now m ay be rewritten in the interaction picture. Ifm > m',wehave Fajtxz.,x'. r?)=. --ebiùTr(e-##Qx.(x, r)!4/x'm.)) =. --ebiùTrtc-ifnJ#(#â,0)(#(0,, r). #zatx,rlT(. r,0)! - x(J#(p,,..)#l/xzgzl#(, r',0)j) Tr(e-/fc#(jâ,m)' # ;z.tx. rl#(m., r')fl/x'm')' :(' r/.0)) Tr(e-/xo#(jâ,0)) (24.11) 9)hasbeen used with m=$h. where Eq.(24. yields @( z/txz,x', r')= A similarcalculation for' r< r' : !:TrEc-f'nJ#(jâ,' r')fljtx'm')J#@',m)f'zztx' r)#(' r,0)) Try.-jx;wtjpj,oj (24.12) 236 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM Equations(24.11)and(24.12)havepreciselythestructureanalyzedinEq.(8.8), and itisevidentthattheym ay becom bined in theform As noted in Eq.(24.10).thedenominatorisjustthe perturbation expansion ofe-lt 33 .in the present form , however,it serves to elim inate a1l disconnected diagrams,exactly asin the zero-temperature formalism gcompare Eqs.(9.3)to (9.5)J. pEnloolcl' rv oF g Equation (24.13)shows thatthe integrations over the dum my variables Tia11 extendfrom 0to#â. W eshallseethatitisalsosumcienttorestrictJ'and r'to thisinterval,sothatthediserence' v- T'satisûesthecondition-jâ-c:r- r'-ct)h. ln thislim ited dom ain.thetem perature G reen'sfunction displaysa rem arkable periodicity which isfundam entalto al1ofthe subsequentwork. Forklel inite- ness,supposer'fixed(0< v'< jâ). A simplecalculationshowsthat @ajtxo,x'm')= zbkebftTrfe-bp;'K %jtx'r')' ? Jxz(x0)) = z bzebOTr(f%a(x0)e-bk' fx lp(x'r')) = 7 zc/'t ' lTrle-gâ' t /xatx)h)#ljtx'' r')) - ci ugajtxjâ,x'r') (24.14/) wherethecyclicpropertyofthetracehasbeenusedinthesecond line. A sim ilar. analysisyields Fajtx' r,x'0)= +gzjtx' r,x'#/j) (24.14:) so thatthesingle-particletemperatureGreen'sfunctionforbosonst-/prrz?/t paxlis periodic (antiperiodic)in each time l 'Jrïtz:/e with period lh in the range 0< m, r'< jâ. This relation is very important for the following analysissand it incorporatesthepreciseform ofthestatisticaloperator)ainthegrandcanonical ensemble. In the usualsittlation,4 istime independent,and @ dependsonly onthe combination ' r-.r'. Equation(24.14)maythen berewritten as Fa#(x,x',' r- r'< 0)= +Fx#(x,x'.T- m'+ nh) (24.15) FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 237 Thecondition' r- r'< 0necessarilyimpliesr- 'r'+jâ>0intherestrictedrange 0< r,. v'< jâ. Itisinterestingto seehow Eq.(24.15)issatissedforthenoninteracting Green's function F0. Comparison ofEqs.(23.30/)and (23.30:) yieldsthe relation akej(,k0-B)= 1cszzk (24.16) which m ay also beverifed direetly with Eq.(23,29). PROO F OF W ICK'S THEOREM It is apparent that the perturbation expansion for the tem perature G reen's function @ (Eq.(24.l3))isvery similarto thatforthezero-temperature Green's function G (Eq.(8.9)J. lnthatcase,theexpansion could begreatly simplised withW ick'stheorem ,w'hich provided a prescription forrelatinga F productof interaction-picture operatorsto the norm al-ordered productofthesam eoperators. The ground-state expectation value of the norm al products vanished identically.so thatG contained onlvfullycontracted terms. U nfbrtunately,no such sim pliscation occursatsnite tem perature.because the ensem ble average ofthe norm alproductiszero only atzero tem perature. Nevertheless,astirst proved by Nlatsubara, there exists a generalized W ick'stheorem that aliows a diagram m atic expansion of @ . This generalized W ick's theorem deals only with the ensem ble average ofoperators and relies on the detaiied form ofthe statisticaloperatore' -îkz. ltthereforedipkrsfrom theoriginalW ickgstheorem . alid forarbitrary'm atrix elemellts. which isan operalor /s/t'/?/3 k.1.v' Before5, :e considerthe generaltheorem .itishelpfulto exam ine the srst feu termsofEq.(24.1F), Thenumeratormal'beB rittenas Herethetirstterm isc-S: lot<'0 xc.x'c'$and lsexactifX' -i= 0, lntheusual xs( situat: ,t 7n.. X''lcontainsa spatiali1 3tegra1offourtield operatorsin theinteraction plcture.and the second term ofEq.(24.17)inN' olNestheensem ble aq' erageofsix tield operators. eNaluated with the statlslical operator e-sin. Thfs general structure occurs in al1orders.and the generalized B'ick'stheorem isdesigned preciselylo handlesuch problem s. Although the unperturbed system is frequently hom ogeneous. m any exam ples ofinterest are inhom ogeneous,and we shalltherefore use a general single-particlebasis(ç7C p ?(x))fortheinteraction-pictureoperators, AsinSec.2. :T.M atsubara,Prog.r/letprer.Phys.(Kyoto).14:35l(1955);therresentrrooffolloB' sthatof M .Gaudin,Nucl.Phvs..15:89(1960), 2:: FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORMALiSM theseld om ratorsarewritten as ?xl- â g(x)J, J (24.18) #ttx)= )JLW(x)'$ wheretheeigenfunctionssatisfytheeigenvalueequation KzW(x)= (e0 ,-p,)O (x) (24.19) and the index j includes both spin and spatialquantum numbers. W ith the convenientabbreviation 0- M elX KJ (24.20) theinteractionpictureofEq.(24.18)becomes #z(XT)=ZJ %l(X)JJe-el''h (24.21) #1(xT)= Z t /Jtxltt/leeJT/9 J Thtcorresponding singlt-particleG reen'sfunctionisrtadilyevaluated as F0(x' r>x', r')= -: f/( Jx)+0 #(x')èe-e/(m-' r')/Ax 1cln 0nn J J +& (24.22) where nJ o= ebi' toTr(e-lAna% /aJ) = ( e#e?:F1)-l . (24.23) The generalterm in the perturbation expansion (Eq.(24.17))typicall y containsthefactor Trllo:T.L.LAC .../)J- (T.b.ihC .' (24.24) where. 'f,A C ...,/ areEeldoperatorsintheinteractionpicture,eachwith itsown rvariable,and )G0= vplih-nb (24.25) D esneacontraction J'h'- (r.(,iW!)o- TrlâcnrzlyiWl) (24.26) For exam ple, ' Jzatx' r)'l/ lljtx'm')'=-F0j(x, r,x'm') (24.27) FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 239 Thegeneralized W ick'stheorem then assertsthatEq.(24.24)isequalto the sum overal1possiblefullycontracted term s (rvEzi' /c -../(12h(,- (. z f'. â'C--.../.'-)+ E. , i'. â.-(!'-.../.'')+ .-. (24.28) where(zi-'. :-'C'.../--')isinterpreted as: ici?f-C-. J''-../'--). Itisclearly suëcientto proveEq.(24.28)forthecasethattheoperatorsarealreadyinthe propertime@)order,becausetheoperatorsmaybereorderedonbothsidesof . theequation withoutintroducing anyadditionalchangesofsign. W etherefore wantto provethealgebraicidentity l.i. âc ..-/)()- (,f-â.C--.../.'')+ Evi' -. â''ê-.../-.')+ .. (24.29) subjectto the restriction ' rx>'rs>rc> '''>'rs,which allowsusto remove theT.signontheleftsideofEq.(24.28). . It is convenientto introduce a generalnotation for an operator in the interactionpicture,and Eq.(24.21)willbewrittenas ' ;zorW -7) y,(xm)x, J (24.30) wherex)denotesajorJy ' tand xJ(x' r)denotest po ltxle-eg,' /'or+0 J(x)#eelrlh* w ith thissimpliscation,theleftsideofEq.(24.29)becomes tZkYC .../):- )g)2)(...I yaz,yc J b c .u .f xTr()s()n aoa.c' (24.31) SinceXacommuteswithX,thetracevanishesunlesstheset(% '''(v)contains an equalnum berofcreation and annihilation operators;asacorollary, the total number of om rators must be even. Commute n successively to the right Tr(p -ccxax,xc ...ar)= Trtp Acoltu,t vlvac...czl + Trlp -ont xNlaa,œclv '.'az. l+ '''+ Trlp mc:xtac '.'l( u,t xy. lvl zjzTrtp -ccxbxc'.'ara.) (24.32) where,asusual,theupper(lower)signsrefertobosons(fermions). Thecommutators(anticommutators)areeither1,0,or-1(compareEqs.(1.27)and(1.48)), . . dependingonthepreciseoperatorsinvolved, and m aythereforebetakenoutside thetrace. Inaddition,asimplegeneralizationofEq.(23.26)showsthat xae-bh = aaeàle. (24 33) ejA;( whereà.= 1ifn isacreationoperatorandY = -1ifaaisadestructionoperator. . Thisrelation isequivalenttotheequation a.p , .. t;0= p . -cox.eh/e. (24.34) 240 FINITE-TEMPERATURE FORMALCSM and thelastterm ofEq.(24.32)may berewritten with thecyclicproperty as +Tr(a,)(;()xbac'''xp = +el.le,Tr()(;()n a. ,xc '.'a. r) (24.35) Inthisway,Eqs.(24.32)and(24.35)leadtotheimportantresult ,) Trtp -s,n a,t xc'-'œy)- (%,aA jvevrtpc,xc...ç p) 1+ e , . + ( v1v vrtxs,a,ac...) (t xa,rzclv vrtpxstjyv . . . a,.)+ ...+ 1(%, :Fez,;e. p (24.36) 1:F eA,jea . Equation(24.36)assumesamorecompactform withthefollowingdefnition ofa contraction l( x4,sx,( lv Xa 'Gj= 1:: Fnenabea (24.37) and we5nd Tr()G0xatx,œc (24.38) which deines the traee of an operator expression containing a contraction. ln practice,m ostoftheterm svanish.and theolïl)nonzero contractionsbetween thetime-ordered operatorsin Eq.(24.. 78)are e L .. p j--. = ---..--1--.. = ).?a. ' j.a c = --at -a . -..t -.j) -j aJ:= .: ; e, nt 'z. c. -1 J . - v,be.? 1uucîe- (24.39) >,,t/,1v.= l - = 1+ nj () t7.ut.= i a J 1 uce-beJ 1 m e-bej Both ofthese contractionsare also equalto the ensem ble average ofthe sam e operators,and weconcludequitegenerally that K't xà= lxat xpè .0= ttfrlt xaapll'o (24.40) FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE because rx > ' rs > Tc > ' ' '> ' TF. yields 241 A combination ofEqs.(24.31)and (24.38) tXWC . ../)0 - i é)X '''. N 5-Xax,xc'''X,.t-f'rEp ' -c()xa '( x, 't xc' a b c ,. + Tr(p ''coxa't x,xc ' '' 'ay1+ . /'.)v (24.41) . The contraction isa c num berand m ay betaken outofthe trace,leaving a structuresim ilarto thatoriginallyconsidered. Thesam eanalysisagainapplies,and wethereforeconclude # ..'u() +.qX'h ''C ' ... f%-''))()+ . .. (24.42) . . . where 'rx > ' rs > rc > ' . '7' .ry. By assum ption,the left side is tim e ordered and m aybewrittenasL.'rzgzi' éd . ../1' .a,which provesEq.(24.28). Thepresentproofshowsthatthefinite-tem peratureform ofW'ick'stheorem is very general' ,itdescribes a finite system in an externalpotentialaswellas an inhnite translationally invariantsystem . The only assum ption isthe existence ofatime-independentsingle-partielehamiltonian Xothatdeterminesthestatistical operator clscfle-xo'. For deéniteness, we have considered a self-coupled field in which X refersto asinglespecies. A similarproofcan beconstructed for eoupled fields,however,aslongasX()isasum ofquadratiutermsreferringto the separate éelds. In thiscase,thetrace factorsinto products.oneforeach seld, and the contractions between operators referring to dillkrent lields vanish identically'. The generalized W ick-s theorem therefore allow's us to study arbitrary interacting system sigtherm odynam icequilibrium . 25JD IAG RA M M ATIC A NA LYSIS The preceding analysis showsthat the perturbation seriesfor the temperature Green'sfunction Fajlxc-sx'z')isidenticalwith thatatzero temperature,theonly difference being the substitution of$%forG0and thelinitedomain ofthetime integralsoverr from 0 to jâ. Asa concreteexample,considerthequantity )'Fg(? Ja(l)1Jj(2)? Jj,(2')1 /1#,(1'))=' ,:where the number 1 denotes the variables ' (xI,' rl).and thesubscriptlhasbeen omitted becauseal1subsequentwork isin theinteraction picture. The field operatorscan becontracted in two dipkrent ways.and Eq.(24.27)then gives ' : trzl'latl)f,(2);,).(2')1 Jf a,(1/)))0 = ' fatl)'1 Jj(2)'', (7 ' j f,(2')''' t /' t'(l')')()+ x'ifatl)'' t /'j(2)''('f j,(2')'(' A,(1')*')(j x = f#jz-tl,l')Ft /j,(2,2')+f#' j: j;-(1,2')F0 ja-(2,l') (25.1) z*z FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM Eachterm inthenumeratorofEq.(24.13)canlyeanalyzedinasimilarway. Since the algebraic structure of the Enite-temperature W ick's theorem (Eq. (24.28))isidenticalwiththatofthefullycontractedttrmsinthezero-temperature form (Eq.(8.32)J,thetempcratureGreen'sfunction F hasthesamesetofall Feynm an diagram s that G had at zero tem perature. In particular, a given diagram iseitherconnectedordisconnected,andthedenominatorofEq.(24.13) precisely cancelsthecontribution ofthedisconnected terms,exactly asin Sec.9. Asa result,the temperature Green'sfunction hasthesameformalstructure as Eq.(9.5) * @u/1.2)=a.0 1 n l j: , #. -y ? p jvd rl-'-Jcdrn ' . xTrflsorv(#,(m, ')..-#l(rk'),//1)#, f(2)!Jco...ct.a (25.2) where only connected diagram s are retained. For any particular choice of #ja #l,thedetailedderivationoftheFeynmanrulesisalsounchanged,andwe shallmerely statetheEnalresults. FEYNM AN RutEs IN COO RDINATE spAce ThCmostCommon Sittlation isa Self-coupled seld,in which P1representsa tWo-particleinteraction #lM 4,-!.JJd'xjd3xa' klz xxllyj xxc)p'txl-xz)4/xz)4.(xl) (25.3) whereF(x)istakenasspinindependent. Thecorrespondinginteraction-picture operatoriseasilyobtained XI@l)-!'JJ#l.tl#3. *2#ltxl' r1)Mj ftxz' r1)P'txl-xc)Qjtxar,)fktx,, rl) -!.Jfd3x,dqxz(0 p'tscfctx,z.il4# jlxavalyz.(,tx,' rl-xzmc) o x#/x2' rz)#atxlml) (25.4) wherethesubscript1hasagain been om itted and thegeneralpotential A etxl' rl,xc' rc)= F(xI- xc)3('r1- n) (25.5) hasbeenintroduced. TheperturbationexpansionofEq.(25.2)includesprecisely thesam eFeynm andiagram sasinSec.9,andtheonlym odifcationistheFeynm an rulesusedtoevaluatetheath-ordercontributiontoFzj(1,2). 1.D raw a1ltopologically distinctdiagramscontaining n interaction lines and ln+ 1directed particlelines. 2.Associatea factorfq j(l,2)with each directed particle linerunning from 2 to 1. 3.Associateafactor, F' c(1,2)with each interaction linejoiningpoints1and2. 4. Integratea11internalvariables:Jd3xfflt lâd' rj. FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 243 5.The indices form a m atrix product along any continuous particle line. Evaluate a11spin sum s. 6.Multiplyeach ath-orderdiagram by(-1/âP(-1)F,whereF isthenumberof closed ferm ion loops. 7. Interpretany tem peratureG reen'sfunction atequalvaluesof' ras Fotxjgj,xi' rjl= .rJl im Fotxj' rj,xirJ. .-+.r3+ . . As a specifc exam ple,considerthe setofa1lzero-and ûrst-orderterm s (Fig.25.1). The specific choice of labels for the internallinesis irrelevant 1x ' X #(1.2)= lx 3 h p, à rz4 Fig.25.1 Zero-and first-ordercontribu- tionstoC#a#tl,2)incoordinatespace. 2# 2# 1x 3 ; $ A + + ''' 4# # 2# becausethey representdummy variables. According to the rulesjuststated, Fig.25.1 im pliesthe following term s: wheretheuicinthesecondterm arisesfrom theclosedloop. lffq jisdiagonal in thespin indices(= @Q3aj),then @ isalso diagonal.and thespin sumsare readily evaluated F(1,2)=F0(l,2)-h-1fdbxj#3x4J;î hdvj#, ugukta zu ' y+ 1)F0(1,3) 0 ' G. x 070(3,2)tf0(4,4)yz-c(3,4)A-@70(1,3)q70(3,4)q$0(4,2)4r0(3,4))A-... (25.7) Herethefactor(2J+ 1)representsthedegeneracy associated with particlesof spinJ. Asnoted inrule7,F0(4,4)isinterpretedasF0(4,4+). ltmayalsobe identihed asa generalized particledensity (25.8) thatdependsontheparameterp ;itthereforedifl -ersfrom theunperturbed particle density unlessJ, tisassigned the value appropriate to thenoninteracting system . FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORMALISM 2*4 FEYN M A N RULES IN M OM ENTU M SPACE ThereisnodiëcultyinwritingoutEq.(25.7)indetail,butthediflkrentform of @0(i,j)forrt;VJsoonleadsto aproliferationofterms. Forthisreason,itis advantageous to introduce a Fourier representation in the variable ' r,which autom atically includes the diFerentorderings. This step has been centralto thedevelopm entofm any-body theory atfnitetem peratureand wasintroduced independentlyby Abrikosov,G orkov,and D zyaloshinskiislby Fradkin,zand by M artin and Schwinger.3 It leads to the sam e sim plihcation as in the zerotem peratureform alism . Thecrucialpointistheperiodicity(antiperiodicity)of@ ineach' rvarlable with period jâ (Eqs.(24.14)and (24.15)1. Forsimplicity,we assumethat@ depends only on the diflkrence 'rj- mc,which represents the most com mon situation : Ftxl' r1,xa' r2)- ' . #(xl,xz,' rl- , ra) (25.9) Forb0thstatistics,@ isperiodicovertherange2jâandmaythereforebeexpanded in a Fourierseries F(xj,xz,' r)= (jâ)-1) (e-îconrfftxj,xc,(sal a (25.10) T H T I- T2 where n= tt)s= --j (25.11) Thisrepresentation ensuresthatFtxI,x2,' r+ 2#â)= F(xIsx2,r)and theassociated Fouriercoel cientisgiven by lâ d F(x,, xz, ( w)=. i.j-ls' ve' f t z a' rF(xl,x2,m) (25.12) ltisconvenientto separate Eq.(25.12)into two parts vtxjxz-t , ?nl-. ! , .J0bhdreiœ-.gtxlxc' r)+!.j( b ) 'lrei t ' -rg(x' ,,xc,. r) -+!.j.j,J, re' n-rgtx1,xz-. r+#,)+. à.j, b't sei u' a. rg(xl, xc,v) ' , -0 i -. 1-(1+,eï. ,a-,,)(0/'âvgeico-.gtxj-xz.o - . (25.13) wherethesecondand thirdlinesarcobtainedrespectivelywithEqs.(24.15)and an elementary change of variables. Equation (25.11) shows that e-ioneh is 1A.A.Abrikosov,L.P.Gorkov,and 1.E.Dzyaloshinskii,Sov.Phys.-JETP.9:636 (1959). 2E.S.Fradkfn,Sov.Phys.-JETP,92912(1959). 3P.C.Martin and J.Schwinger,Phys.AeL'.,115:1342(1959). FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PEHATURE 245 n even boson n odd n even ferm ion n odd (25.l4) where (25.lf) ferm ion %0 (X1%. 0(X')' f(1 - /:S1. - y 1 . v' w. u. . .-$t. .u.u.. y(q-j . . : h(r)f,.s,jq-..1jt . ) (pg;uu,u.4)j .u c --Ji x . ,-.-,.j (! - z '0 - , , --x % 9' (N.X .t . c pn)u c ù ',.- ' , . , .) ..+ ,r.' -i, îx jr'.-.. (x q '' . ltsu. - t'j..)(t rc .- ..) (2f.l8) a46 FINITE-TEMPERATURE FORMALISM and Eq.(25.l7)isseen tobecorrectforb0thstatisticsntheonly distinctionbeing therestriction toevenoroddintegersinEq.(25.15). Todevelop theFeynmanrulesinmomentum space,weconsideranarbitrary vertexinaFeynmandiagram contributingto Eq.(25.2). Thestatictwo-body potentialhasthetrivialFourierrepresentation ' F-otxjm,,xz' rz)= (jâ)-!,1) ) e-ft *ntTt-mzl< ;(xl,xz,fw) 'Y' en (25.19) where < otxl,xc,(snl= Ftxl- xa) (25.20) einzbtt',z' zj e...jwapy e- /w&/ r Fig.25.2 Basicvertexintem x ratureformalism . and wehaveused the identity 3(T)= (#â)-'?ttZV:n e '-lf*'** (25.21) validintherange-jâ< ' r< jâ. Eachinternalvertexjoinsasingleinteraction Iineandtwoparticlelines(oneenteringandoneleaving),asin Fig.25.2. The entire rjdependence iscontained in theexponentialfactorsshown in Fig.25.2, and theintegraloverh becom es 19# Jc , r,expt -f(( s-+t s,.-( ,) a-). r/!-jâôa, .+--, .--. (2s. 22) Equation (25.22)showsthatthediscretefrequency isconservedateachvertex, exactlylikethecontinuousfrequencyinEq.(9.13). Notethatthisconditionis independentofstatistics,btcauseboth particleIinescarryevenorodd frequencies, whereastheinteraction linealwayscarriesan even frequency. Itis now straightforward to derive the Feynman rulesforthe ath-order contributiontoFa/xl,xz.(snl,whichwouldapplytoaninhomogeneoussystem such as an electron gas in a periodic crystal potential. For m ost purposes, however. it is perm issible to restrict ourselves to system s with translational invariance,where @ depends only on the diflkrence of the spatial variables xl- xz. ln thiscase,the Feynm an diagram scan be evaluated in m omentum space, which greatly simplises the calculations. The transformation of the Feynman rulesfollowsimmediately from theanalysisin Sec.9,alongwith Eqs. (23.30). Forsimplicity,only thelimitofan insnite volume(F -+.( : c)isconsidered,and thetemperatureGreen'sfunctionscanthen beexpanded asfollows: @ j(x,x',m)= (jâ)-i(2, * -3f#3kefketx-x')jge-ft zuT@ (k(sal a (25.23) 247 FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE (25.24) ThephysicalquantitiesN,E,andfl(seeEqs.(23.9),(23.15),and(23.22))become N = :! :P-(2*)-3(#â)-lJdàkéleiovn'ltrF(k,f . zJa) (25.25) E = (4)=upP'(2=)-3(jâ)-ljd?k â& eikon'î. jtjâf. t).+ e2+ p trF(k,f .t)al (25.26) fl=flc: +P'j0 'A-1#A(2=)-3(jâ)-lfd3kX neiç unT xJtï/ir xpn- 62+ p, )trF3(k,(sa) (25.27) and weshallnow statetheFeynm an rulesforevaluatingthenth-ordercontribu- tiontoF(k,f x%). 1.D raw al1topologically distinctconnected graphswith n interaction linesand 2n + ldirected particle lines. 2.A ssign a direction to each interaction line. A ssociate a w ave vector and discretefrequency with each lineand conserve each quantity ateveryvertex. 3.W ith each particlelineassociateafactor bxp /j.,(,k-s) @ljtk,oar nl-j*m - (25.28) wheref t pmcontainseven(odd)integersforbosons(fermions). 4.Associateafactor' #'-otk,f. t%lY Pr(k)witheachinteractionline. 5.lntegrate over alln independentinternalwave vectors and sum over alln independentinternalfrequencies. 6.Theindicesform am atrixproductalonganycontinuousparticleline. ate a1lmatrix sum s. M ultiply by (-jâ2(2=)3)-n(-1)F.where F isthe numberofclosed fermion loops. Wheneveraparticlelineeitherclosesonitselforisjoinedbythesameinteraction line,inserta convergence factorcfœmn. Asan exam ple,we onceagain considerthezero-and srst-orderdiagram s (Fig.25.3). Afterthespinsumshavebeenevaluated.we;nd FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM 248 k&ttln k:Lùn + k5u,n k',a'<,+ k' &oa n. 0 k,(.o k- k'&tsa-a,n, ' k (. o Fig.25.3 Zero-and fi rst-ordercontributionsto F(k,ts)a) in m om enttlnlspace. Thisexpressionhastheexpectedform gcompare/q.(9.22)) f#tk,twl= F0(k,( w )+ F0(k,Ya)E(k,(s.)F0(k,(sa) (25.30) where E(k,r. ,)a) is the self-energy. ln particular,the srst-order self-energy is givenbygcompareEq.(9.23)) X(l)(k,f . tG)K X(j)(k) = (-â2j)-1( j jeiuln''l(2. /4-3jdqk'F0(k',(z)a.) n' x (+42. :+ 1)P'40)+ P'tk- k')) l #3k' l J(2,43EV12' î' >'1)Z(0)-Z(k-k' llj-j =j t'fu3n''tl x a'iœn,- h j(e(k),- /. t) (25.31) - ItisclearthatY(1)isindependentof-u)nandmaythereforebewrittenasY(j)(k). EVA LUATION O F FREQU ENCY SU M S The frequency sum in Eq.(25.31)is typicalofthose occurring in many-body physics,and we therefore study itin detail. For dehniteness,considerthe case zplane r r C r C C' 7= A' C , c# * 7= l.ttln C # r Fig. 26.4 Contour for evaluation of frequency sums. FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 249 ofbosons,wherethesum isoftheform X eîu' nTUtt)a- x)-l (25.32) withtz)a- 2nrr/#â. Equation(25.32)isnotabsolutelyconvergent,foritwould divergelogarithm icallywithouttheconvergencefactor;x)m ustthereforerem ain positive untilafterthe sum isevaluated. The m ost direct approach is to use contour integration,which requires a m erom orphic function with poles at the even integers. One possible choice is lhlebhz- 1)-1,whosepolesoccuratz= lnnilqh= ialn,each with unitresidue. IfC isa contourencircling the imaginary axisin thepositfve sense(Fig.25.4), then thecontourintegral Bh dz p4= - - . lni c é''9z- 1 z - .x ?- - (25.33) - exactly reproducesthe sum in Eq.(25.32),becausetheintegrand hasan inhnite sequenceofsimplepolesatitnnwith residue (jâ)-1eicon'lt/' f x>n-x)-1. Deform thecontourtoC 'and lMshownin Fig.25.4. IfIz'--. >.vzalongaraywithRez > 0, thentheintegrand isoforderIz(-1exp(-(jâ- z))Rez), 'if' ; z -+ x alonga ray with R ez < 0.then the integrand isoforderh zl 1 e x pt p Rez ) . Sincenh >' ?)>0, , Jordan'sIemmashowsthatthe contribùtionsofthelargearcsf'vanish and we are leftwith the integralsalong C ' eit zlxn n iul?t- x lh dz :nz 2=1 c,e/lz- l z - x (25.34) The only singularity included in C'is a sim ple pole atz= . , ' t.and Cauchy's theorem yields lim giuaan )h = 5-*Qn r!Ve!J1 icon - x ebsx - l - (25.35) where the m inus sign arises from the negative sense of C ', and it is now perm issible to let T -->.0. This derivation exhibits the essentia!role ofthe con- vergencefactor. Althoughthefunction-J' ?â(p-l$9z- 1)-1alsohassimplepoles atz= iœnwith unitresidue,the contributionsfrom l>would diverge in thiscase, thuspreventing the deformation from C to C '. A similaranalysismay begiven forfermions,where œn= (2n+ ll=/jâ. Thefunction. -phlebhz+ 1)-1hassimplepolesattheodd integersz= iulnwith unitresidue,and theseriescan berewrittenas f,f(zao' q . sK- x Fl0dd ïf - )h yz eTz l=i c eb'z+ 1z - x (25.36) 2* FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORMALISM where C isthesamecontourasin Fig.25.4. Jordan'slemma again allowsthe contourdeformationfrom C to C'because#â> T> 0,and thesimplepoleat z= x yields lim elau,l = pk :*0atx,d iœn - x e'hx+ 1 (25.37) Tlw twocasescan btcombintd in thesingleexpression lim eltt h' ph :1*: a it ata - x = :!:e''x:!:1 (25.38) whichwillbeused repeatedly in thesubsequentchapters. Thefrst-orderself-energy (Eq.(25.31))can now besimplised with Eq. (25.38),andwe5nd âX dsk'(42. :+ 1)F40)+ F(k- k')) (l )(k)=Jgsj exp(g4.-slj: j uj = U(0)(2J+ 1)(2. *-3Jdsk'a2,+(2*-3Jd3k'I qk-k')ak. (25.39) Thisexpressionappliestofermionsata11temperaturesandtobosonsatsuëciently high temperaturesthatthe unperturbed system hasno Bose-Einstein condensa- tion. Itisimportantto rememberthatn2dependsexplicitly on thechemical potentialy.. Forthis reason,(2J+ 1)(2r4-5fdtknL isalso a function of/. : and cannot be identised with the particle density. Apartfrom thisone dif- ference,however,Eq.(25.39)isadirectgeneralizationofthatatzerotemperature (Eq.(9.24)). 26LDYSO N'S EQ UATIO NS The structureofDyson'sequationsatzero temperature wasdetermined by the setofa1lFeynmandiagrams. Asshownintheprevioussection, thetem perature Green'sfunction leadsto an identicalsetofdiagrams,and itistherefore not surprisingthatDyson'sequationsremain unaltered. Indeed,thisrepresentsthe primary reason forintroducing the temperaturefunction,even though @ isless directly related to physical quantities than the analogous zero-tem perature function G. In coordinate space,thetem perature G reen'sfunction alwayshas theform (compareSec.9) qf(1,2)==qf0(l,2)+J#3#46/041,3)143,4)ùf0(4,2) (26.1) wheretheintegralscontainan implicitspin summation and thetimeintegrations runoverrkfrom 0 to#â. Equation(26.1)desnesthetotalself-energy X(3,4); itisalso convenientto introducetheproperself-energyX*(3,4),whichconsists ofallself-energy diagrams thatcannotbe separated into two parts by cutting FIELD THEORY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 251 oneparticle linef#0. - Asin thezero-temperature formalism (Eq.(9.26)),the self-energy isobtained byiterating theproperself-energy Y(1,2)= X*41,2)+J#3#4E*(1,3)F0(3,4)Y*j4,2)+ . (26.2) andthecorrespondingtemperatureGreen'sfunction obeystheintegral(Dyson's) equation F(1,2)= f#'0(1,2)+ .f#3#4F0(1,3)Y*(3,4)F(4,2) IterationofEq.(26.3)clearlyreproducesEqs.(26.1)and(26.2). Dyson's equation beconnes m uch sim pler if the hamiltonian is tim e independentand it -thesystem isuniform . A lthough itiseasyto writedown the expressionsforspatiallyvaryingsystems(correspondingtotheGreen'sfunction f#txl,xc,opnll,we shallconcentrate on the m ore usualsituation where the fkll Fourierrepresentation ispossible (see Eqs.(25.23)and (25.24)1. Thesumsand integralsin Eq.(26.3)are then readily evaluated,leaving an algebraic equation Flk,f. t?al= F0(k,(sa)+ F0(k,(sn)X*(k,t z)Jf#'tk,f, enl (26.4) where al1 quantities are assum ed diagonal in the m atrix indices. Equation (26.4)hastheexplicitsolution Ftk,(5nl- (F0(k,f . z)n)-l- Y*(k,(sa))-l Fajtk,tzynl= bufliu)n- â-1(e2- p,)- Y*(k,tsn))-1 (26.5) where the lastform has been obtained with Eq.(25.28). Thisexpression for F(k,(sa)isformallyverysimilarto Eq.(9.33)forG(k). Thereisoneimportant diserence,however,becauseu)nisadisctetevariable,instead ofatruefrequency or energy. For this reason,the determ ination of the excitation spectrum ck fora system containing onem ore oronelessparticleism orecom plicated than atF = 0s 'weshallreturn to thisim portantproblem in Chap.9. ThepreviousexpressionsforN,E,and fl(Eqs.(25.25)to(25.27)1can be simplised with Dyson'sequation: J3# 1 eîkk 'n'l N(F,F, p, )=: TEl z ' (2. 8i -l)j(zzp;yFslu. -a. -ju o(yk.s -j--' j;w(k, co -jj (26.6) J3é- 1 j f(F,U, J z)=E FP' (2J+1)j(a, a. )ajjF.)cwa. , y it p-1-+ â-1(62+sw rz)tk loln-h (e2- /z),.a) xjh . d3k 1 i -urp, (a,+1)j(a.),sy-e.. , ? c +. p x*(k,oa.) xjâ+j..-y-,(,k-s)-z.(k, .x)j . . 262 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM f1(F, ldA g d:k j. y koosyp P' ,r z)=fàc(F,F, Jz)E FP' (2J+1)jo -j-j(zs)u jm . s !4E*A(k,œJ s' !â+ ioln - h-1(ek s). swA(k,(sa) (26.8) - Theconvergencefactoragain playsanim portantrolesforitallowsustoelim inate theconstantterm inthelasttwoexpressions. Fordefniteness,considerbosons where (26.9) The second line ism erely the sum ofa geom etric serieswhile the lastIine follows for0< ' r)<)h. (ComparethediscussionfbllowingEq.(9.36).) Thefkrmion sum m ation diflkrsonly by a factorerf47/h and Eqs. (26. 7)and (26.8)therefore becom e E=: !LPr(2J+ 1)(2=)-3(jâ)-1(dbkJ( eiœnTge2+jâX*(k,(sa))g(k,tt)a) n (26.10) ldv j #3k . fl=t' )o: ! :Pr(2J+1)jou-jjjp()h)j(ej asyjjj uwzjkyt szsAykysa; (26.11) where b0th 1:*2 and GA m ust be exaluated forvariable coupling constant à. Itis also usefulto introduce the polarization A and eflkctive interaction F ,exactlyasinEq.(9.39). Inthepresentcase,wheretheinterparticlepotential isspin independent,' F-tq,(salfora uniform system satissesthealgebraicexpression ' #?' -tqsttGl= ' /' -0(q,t ,an)+ ' /'-0(q,f. 'Q -R(q,œn)' f/-otq,tz /al (26.12) IftheproperpolarizationJ1*isdeEned asthesum ofallpolarization insertions thatcannotbeseparated intotwopartsbycuttingasingleinteractionline' #%, Eq.(26.12)canthenberewrittenas(compareEq.(9.43*) < (q,f . tGl= A otq,tz)nl+ A otq,tz?2Z*(q,tzG)A tq,f . ':al (26.13) w ith theexplicitsolution ' #'' tq,uQ = ' #'-0(q,(,)2 E1- ' /'-() (q,(t?2. 1' 1*(q,tzan)l-1 (26.l4) Althoughthisequation issimilartothatatF= 0 (Eq.(9.45)),thediscretefrequency œnprecludesa directinterpretation of' #'-tq,(zulasthe efectivephysical FIELD THEO RY AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 253 interaction fora given m om entum and energy transfer. Thusthe determ ination ofthecollectivem odesassociated with densityoscillationsatfinitetem perature requiresa m orecarefulanalysis,which isgiven in Chap.9. PR O BLEM S 7.1. D ehne the two-particle temperature G reen's function by F xj;y:(xlrlsx2r2s 'xi 'r1 ',x2 'r2 ') - Trlp '-sFr(' t / lsatxlrl)fxjtxzr2)7i'lôlxc'' r2 ');'ly(x1 'J-1 ')1) Prove thatthe ensem ble average ofthe two-body interaction energy is ' ,x .. '' NP>- à.fJ3x f#3x')'tx5x')y,à,,sar#zz.;ss,tx'm,xm;x'r--xr--) . . 7.2. Consider a m any-body system in the presence of an external potential U(x)with a spin-independent interaction potential L'(x - x'). Show thatthe exact one-particle tem perature G reen's funetion obeys the following equation ofm otion - ' g hlVf h&t -l.+ t- &'(xj) $=fj(xjrI,xj '' rJ)uc.fd?. vclz-(xj- xa) -js-?-- /. x ffay;jy(xIr1,xzr);x1 'rj ',x2T1 -)= hblxI- xL ')b(rl- r/)bx; where the two-particle G reen'sfunction isdesned in Prob.7.1. 7.3. Assuming a uniform system of spin-! fermions at temperature F,and using the Feynman rulesin m om entum space. (J)writeoutthesecond-ordercontributionstotheproperself-energyinthecase ofa spin-independentinteraetion ; (:)evaluatethefrequencysums. 7.4. Considera system ofnoninteracting particlesin an externalstaticpotential withahamiltonian#ex= j#3x. ? J)(x)Pr a#txl' t ;jtxl. (J) UseW ick'stheorem toevaluatethetemperatureGreen'sfunctiontosecond orderin Pex. HencededucetheFeynmanrulesfbrFe axj(x-rsx?r')toaIIorders. (b) DefnetheFouriertransform Fex/xmx', r')=(jâ)-1j.f(2x)-6#3/ cJ3k/el(k*x-k'*x') x j (c-tuln;r-r')Fe ax jl /u b.'a a lsz, .wn , =..? à n , Find@' xx j(k,k''(,)nltosecondorder,andhenceobtainthecorrespondingFeynman rulesin m om entum space. (c) Show thatDyson'sequationbecomes Fe zxptk,k';tozj= Fkjtk,fzlnl(2033(k- k') + (2, 0 -3â-1fJ3pF;A(k,( sa)PrAA,(k- p)Fqljtp.k'' .(. , anl asl FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM (#) Expresstheinternalenergyandthermodynamicpotentialinaform analogous toEqs.(23.15)and(23.22). 7.6. ApplythetheoryofProb.7.4toasystem ofspin-!fermionsinauniform magneticheld,wherePk/x)=-Jz;.e''laj. (u) Expressthemagnetization M (magneticmomentperunitvolume)interms ofG**(forF= 0)andFex(forF> 0). (bjSolveDyson'sequationineachcaseandfindM ;henceobtainthefollowing limits yp= 3p. !n/2es as F-+.0 (Pauliparamagnetism) and yc= Jzln/ksr as T -. >.cc(Curie'slaw),wherenistheparticledensity. (c) Hz' /l y doesthezero-temperatureformalism gfppthewzwz?ganswer? 7.6. Prove 1 y(z)tanhzJz= * 2. p' fc 1 ... . 2n+ 1 /-(a inj . 1 /(z)cothzJz= * ljn-i= 2=i )((of c a.whereC isthecontourshownin Fig.25.4. Stateclearly anyassum ptionsabout theanalyticstructureof/tz). 7.7. Use Eqs.(26.10)and (26.11)to compute thehrst-ordercorrection to E and (1forboth bosonsand fermions. 8 PhysicalSystem s at Finite T em perature Z7LHA RTREE-FOCK APPROXIM ATIO N A sdiscussed in Sec.10,there are m any physicalsystem swhere itism eaningful to talk aboutthe motion ofsingle particles in the average self-consistentheld generated bya11theotherparticles. Thesim plestoftheseself-consistentapproxi- mationsisshown in Fig.27.1(compare Fig.10.3),where theheavy linesdenote @ itselfandnotjustF0. Thisapproximateself-energyyieldsasnite-temperature 1 Fig.27.1 Self-consistentHartree-Fockapproximation to theproper self-energy atfinitetemperature. t 1 2B6 zs6 FINITE-TEMPERATURE FORMALISM generalization ofthe Hartree-Fock equationsthatisvalid forboth bosonsand ferm ions. W e again considerasystem in astaticspin-independentexternalpotential &(x). Thegrand canonicalhamillonianisthengivenbyEcompareEqs.(10.1z8 and(10.1!8) # hlV2 4 )-J#3x#)(x)- am + &(x)-/. t' #atxl #1= !.JJ3x#3x'. C (x)ij ftx')Ftx- x')? /j(x')' (ktxl (27.2) . where the interparticle potentialisagain assum ed to be spin independent.. ln thepresentapproxim ation,D yson'sequationtakestheform show nin Fig.27.2, t-)+. *$) 0 Fig. 27.2 Dyson's equation for (. q. # in Hartree-Fock approxim ation. which isformallyidenticalwiththatatzerotemperature(Fig.10.5). SinceX istime independent,itispermissible to introducea Fourierseries with respegt tothe' rvariables: (27.4) xa'j)eicon'n@(xj,x' j,o,a,) (27.5) g(x,y,(w)= C#0(x,y,(s,)+ . f#3xI#3x' lF0(x.xl.(,),, )Y*(xl,x' l)F(x' l,y,(. n) (27.6) wheretheself-energy X*(xl,x' l)isindependentofthefrequency (sa. The unperturbed tem perature G reen's function f#0 can be expressed in termsoftheorthonormaleigenfunctionsofHf j(Eq.(10.8)1,and wefind (com pare Eqs.(10.l0)and (25.l7)2 F0(x,x', -q +l( X)çI ?î )* -j(( rX' y-. -s-) (sa)-/. j t s J a. (27.7) PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 257 In a similarway,theinteracting temperature Green'sfunction @ isassumed to have the expansion F(x,x', @k(x)çn(x')* fw )- J iœn- h-:(0 - p,) (27.8) where(yb)denotesacompleteorthonormalsetofsingle-particlewavefunctions with energy EJ. The mean numberdensity can beevaluated with Eqs.(23.8) and(25.38): (H(x))= :! u(25,+ l)(jâ)-1j)etu,n'lr#tx,x,f . sal - (2,+ 1)zJ !(s(x)12,,, where nJ= leblEl-l at:J:l)-l (27.10) istheequilibrium distribution function fortheyth state. Correspondingly,the mean num berofparticlesisgiven by N(F,#',/ . t)= (2. î+ 1)X ni (27.11) J which can (in principle)beinverted to *nd p,(F,V,NjifN isconsidered sxed. Thefrequencysumsin Eq.(27.5)can now beevaluatedimmediately,with the result âE*(xj,xl ')= (2J+ 1)3(xj- xl ')J#3xaUtxj-xz)X I gb(x2)12nl # :i:P'txl- xl ')2J)+,. (xl)m. Jx;)*n. i - 5(xl- x;).fy3xzprtxj- xc)(H(xz)) :t:P'(XI- Xl ')Z 9b(X1)îb(Xi ')*n. i (27.12) J A combination ofEqs.(27.6)and (27.12)yieldsa nonlinearequation forJ;Jin termsof(/. J Itisconvenientto introducea diflkrentialoperator h2V2 F j= ihu)n+ 2 '+ p,- U(xl)= ihu)n- Kn t ,, m which isthe inverse ofh-3@%. The subsequentanalysis is identicalw'ith that ofSec.10,and weshallonly statethesnalequationfor%y: - hl7'( , 2m 1-U(xl)+y(xI)+f#3x' ,âX*(xI,x' l)+J(xl )=œjço(xl) - (27.13) asg FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM wherehX*now dependsexplicitly on F and y,. Thissetofself-consistentequationsisa generalization ofthe Hartree-Fock theory to hnite temperatures;the tem perature aflkcts the distribution function nl directly and also m odihes el and J' J through the self-consistent potential. Although the theory loses its physicalcontentfor bosons below the condensation temperature,itremains valid forfermionsatalltemperatures. In particular,theFermi-Diracfunction nlreducestoastepfunction%y.- eJjatr= 0,sothata11stateswithenergyless than p,areElled. A sexpected,thisH artree-Fock theory forferm ionsfixesthe totalnumberofparticlesatF= 0bythenumberofoccupiedstatesEEq.(27.11)1. The internalenergy in the Hartree-Fock approxim ation can be evaluated withageneralizationofEq.(23.15) E(F,P',p, )= :F(2J+ 1)J#3%l im (jâ)-1jnlelOn'l x'-yx hlV2 xJtf/jf xu- --jy,u + &(x)+P.JF(x,x',( w) = (2J+ 1). ' j )eJnp- !.(2J+ 1)Jdbx#3x' # >:Z +. /(x)*âZ*(x,x')+,(x')r,, (27.14) J wherethefnalform hasbeenobtained with Eqs.(27.13),(25.38),and (26.9). Thisexpression can beinterpreted astheensem bleaverageoftheself-consistent single-particle energies eJdetermined from Eq.(27.13),while the second term explicitlyremovestheeffectofdoublecounting(seethediscussionfollowingEq. (10.18)j. A combinationofEqs.(27.l2)and(27.14)yields X ((2. î+ 1)l t /1 J(X) .12i ç) k(X')2+:y)J(x)*+k(X)Tk(X')*ç)y(.X/)j which (for fermions) reduces to the usual Hartree-Fock expression at zero tem perature,apartfrom thedependenceon/, Linstead ofN. Itisinterestingtoconsidertheform oftheseequationsforauniform system , where &(x)= 0 and E*(x.x')= Y*(x - x'). The self-consistency conditions then become m uch simpler,since@,(x)may betaken asa plane wave U-it?îkel and only ek rem ains to be determ ined. D irect substitution shows that pfk*l t indeed represents a solution of Eq.(27.13);furthermore,the self-consistent single-particle energy becomes eg= 4 + âY*(k) (27.16) PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE Theself-consistencycondition reducesto 1 nk = (: :-#)/ka'r : !:j 2B9 (27.l8) in which ekboth determines,and isdetermined bynk. N otethatnkand nkboth depend on p.,which maybeExed bytherequirement NIT,P',p,)= (2J+ 1)F(2=)-3Jd'knk (27.19) Finally,the internalenergy becomes E = (2J+ 1)F(2zr)-3Jd?k(q - 1âZ*(k))nk = ( 2J+ 1)F(2zr)-3fd3k(4 + !4E*(k)Jnk (27.20) W eemphasizethatek,nk,andZ*(k)intheseexpressionsalldepend onF and p, throughEq.(27.18). Z8LIM PERFECT BOSE GAS NEAR Fr A san exam pleoftheself-consistentH artree-Fock approxim ation,we consider a spin-zero im perfect Bose gas near its condensation tem perature Fc. lt is helpfulfrstto recallthe situation in a perfectgas,where there are only two characteristic energies: the thermal energy ksF and the zero-point energy hlnkjm arisingfrom thelocatization within a volumen-1. Thecondensation temperatureFoinanidealBosegai1isdetermined bytheconditionksFcœ hlnklm (seeEq.(5.30)),whichisevidentftom dimensionalconsiderations. Incontrast, the introduction ofinteractions èomplicatesthe problem considerably,since thepotentialU(x)hasboth a strength and a rangea. Asshown below,the presentcalculation isvalid when hlnk h2 ksrc= ksTo ; k: << z m (28.1) MJ h2 nF(0)x: tmaz where P'(0)H P'tk= 0). Thesrstcondition showsthatthisisa low-density approximation (na3< 1),whilethesecond condition limitsthestrength ofthe potential. N ote,however,thatwe do notrequire the usualcondition forthe Bornapproximation(1z'(0)c4hzalmj,whichismorestringentbyafactorna3<t1. The mean particle density and self-consistent excitation spectrum are given by #3k 1 (28.3) nçl'Z'X = (2= )3ele:-pp/tar- 1 :2k2 ek= -lm + k' F(0)+ F(k- k') (#3 2=) ) e(r:,-pjyksr j . . (28.4) a6c FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM Equation (28.3)specitiesthedensity asa function ofF and /. z,butitismore convenienttol ixaand theninverttofindp,(F,F,1). Inthiscase,thechemical potentialislargeandnegativeathightemperatures(seeEq.(5.26)J,butitincreases toward positivevaluesasF islowered. Exactly asforaperfectBosegas,the tem perature Tc for the onset ofcondensation isdeterm ined by the condition ek- p,= 0 atk = 0,when a hnite fraction ofthe particlesstartsto occupy the lowestenergy state eo(see thediscussion following Eq.(5.30)1. The present calculation ism orecom plicated,however,because both ekand Jzdepend on F. WeassumethatP'(x)hasaFouriertransform F(k)= J#3xF(x)p-ik'x (28.5) whosesniterangeallowsanexpansion oftheform U(k)= 1 -d?x P'(x)(1--ïkmx- J(k.x)2+ ...) (28.6) For a spherically sym m etric potential,the linear term vanishes. lf the mean square radius alisdefned by the relation x P-(-x) . x2 a2 = -f#3 - .-- J#3x Pr(x) (2g.J) Eq.(28.6)canthen bewrittenas P-(k)= F(0)(1- à(kw)2+ ...) (28.8) where F(0) and alare both positive if U(x) iseverywhere repulsive. The energy spectrum can also beexpanded in powersofkl: (28.9) where,from Eqs.(28.3)and(28.4), t/3k/ k'l et l=lnF(0)-. à. U(0)aljjj, szgf r:,-j t ws -z--j =2nF(0)gl+O(ma2 yk zsFjj (28.10) and 1 1gj.nF(0)ma2 (28.11) Thesecondterm inbothoftheseexpressionsrepresentsasm allcorrectionbecause ofconditions(28.1)and (28.2),respectively. Since the eflkctive mass arises entirely from the exchange interaction in Eq. (28.4),it clearly represents a quantum -m echanicaleflkct. PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 261 The transition tem perature and corresponding chem ical potential are determ ined by thepairofequations n- dqk 1 J(2, 43exp(â2k2/2-*ksrc)-l (28.12) pïrc)- etl (28.13) Equation (28.12)isidenticalwiththatfora perfectgaswith massm*,and we 5nd (secEq.(5.30)) lnhl n 1 ksFc= v rn ((1) (28.14) lfTv denotes the transition temperature for a noninteracting gasofthe sam e density and m assm,theinterparticle potentialshiftsthe transition tem perature byan am ountl LTc= rc- To= m 1malnF(0) Tz Fo m. 1= -j ha (28.15) N ote that a purely repulsive potentiallowers the transition temperature. The constantsaland F(0)arereadilyevaluated foranyspecificchoiceofF(x);in particular,LTC= 0forapointpotentialF(x)= L 3(x). Z9LSPECIFIC HEAT OF AN IM PERFECT FERM I GAS AT LO W TEM PERATU RE The H artree-Fock approxim ation also representsa usefulm odelforfermions; asa specifcand nontrivialexam ple,weshallevaluate the entropy and specisc heatin the low -tem perature lim it.2 O ne possible approach isto com pute the thermodynamicpotentialf2(F,P-,p, )from Eq.(26.11)butitiseasiertoworkwith Eqs.(25.25)and(25.26): K =E-P. N = JF(2zr)-3(jâ)-1j#3k)(elulnïlgjâtx)a+ek-jz)trF(k,f w) (29.1) ThefundamentalrelationistheidentityK = fl+ TS (Eq.(4.7)),sothat (: Jw)---(z %f')FM+s+r() %S)Fp lThisresultwasobtained by M .Luban,Phys.Aen.,1M :965(1962)andbyV.K.W ong,Ph.D. Thesis,University ofCalifom ia,Berkeley,1966 (unpublished). 'Someofthetechniquesused here wereintroduced by A . A.Abrikosov,L.P.Gorkov,and 1.E.Dzyaloshinskii,çeM ethodsofQuantum Field Theory in StatisticalPhysics,''sec.19, Prentice-Hall,Inc.,Englewood Clifli,N.J.,1963,butour calculation difl krs from theirs in severalim portantways. z62 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM Thelirsttwotermsontherightcancel(Eq.(4.9)),leaving DK DT = zs 95- F CY p.s (29.3) Thisexpression diflkrsfrom the usualspecisc heatbecausep,isheld sxed.but itallowsusto com pute theentropybyintegratingatconstant#'and y,. LOW-TEM PERATURE EXPANSION OF F Equation (29.1)iscompletelygeneral,butthepresentcalculationcan besimpli5ed considerably by studxping only the leading snite-tem perature correction. TheexactG reen'sfunction @ dependson F b0ththrough thediscretefrequency zon= (2n+ llrr/jâ and through the self-energy E*(k,(sa,F) (see,for example, Eq.(27.17)). This functionaldependence may be made explicitby writing D yson'sequation as F(k.a)n,F)= F0(k.( sn)+ F0(k,tt?a)Y*(k,(oa,r)F(k,(,pa,F) (29.4) where @Qdependson F only through u)nand thematrix indicesaresuppressed. TheinversefunctionsF(k,tw,F)-1andF(k,tw,0)-isatisfytheequations F(k,a)a,F)-1= F0(k,(z)a)-!- E*(k,(s,,r) (29.5) F(k,œ.,0)-l= F0(k,(sa)-l- X*(k,(sa,0) whosediserenceyields F(k,(sa,r)-l- F(k,œu,0)-1= -X*(k,*n,F)+ X*(k,(,)n,0) (29.6) M ultiplybyF(k,a>n,0)ontheleftandF(k,fw,F)ontheright; F(k,t,)a,F)= F(k.u)n,0)+ F(k,tt)n,0)(X*(k,(x)n,F)- X*(k,u)a,0))F(k,f w ,F) (29.7) H ere the last term explicitly vanishes as r -->.0, and this exact equation can thereforebeapproxim ated at1ow tem perature by F(k,(z)n.F)œ F(k,(z)a,0)+ F(k.f . ,aa,0)EX*(k,(. t )n,F)- Y*(k.(sa,0))F(k,(,)n,0) (29.8) HARTREE-FOCK A PPROXIM ATION TheonlyassumptionusedinderivingEq.(29.8)isthatof1ow temperature. The subsequent analysis is less general.however,because we shall now restrict ourselvesto theHartree-Fock model,in which E*isindependentoffrequency and isdetermined from thediagramsin Fig.27.1. Assumingspin-!fermions and spin-independentinteractions,wehavefrom theFeynm an rules âE*(k,r)= (jâ)-l(2*)-3J#3g( j (eia:a'n(2F(0)- P'tk- q))F(qs(z?a,,F) n' (29.9) PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 263 where we now write @ug= 3.j@. Equation (29.8) may be used to rewrite thisexpression as âY*(k,F)=(jâ)-1(2,4-3Jd3q) getuG'9(2F(0)- F(k-q)) n' x lf#(q,oan,,0)+ (f#(q,oaa'.0))2(E*(q.r)- Y*(q,0))J (29.10) H erethe second term in bracesapparently becomesnegligibleasr -. >.0,and it istempting to replacethediscretesummationoverœn'by an integralEseeEq. (25.15)): (#â)-1j -->.(2. v)-1J(* œn, a#) *X d (29.11) Such a procedure isperm issible only ifthe sum and theintegralboth converge to the sam e lim it. In the presentcase,however,the resulting integralis too singularto perm itthesubstitution.l To dem onstrate thisrathersubtle distinction,we shallevaluate the sum explicitly and then compare it with the approximate integral. Consider the quantityoccurringin Eq.(29.10): (jâ)-'Z df*a'9(F(q,(z)n's0))2= (j#)-1j )e'L ûn'YlLil -on,- â-1(e:- jz))-2 n' a' ê u - - ho ((jâ) I)2ej.a-. , ?tj(sn,.,-j(rg- slj-lj = a' h?a0/F) % where wehaveintroduced the excitation spectrum atzero tem perature tq = e0 + J lE*(q,0) q (29.12) (29.13) and nq(F)= (ebç'q-Hb+ 1)-1 (29.14) dependsonFonlythroughtheexplicitappearanceofj. Equation(29.12)does notvanish atF= 0;instead,itreducesto -â3G - eJ. W e now turn to the corresponding zero-tem perature integral * dœ edf i' x vx 2=lf(. &)- â-1(e:- p, ))2 (29.15) The double pole at ( . o- ,4-1(/,- e) with residue -f,?en'-'t'.-'z' apparently ensures that the integralvanishes as T .-. >.0. Closer exam ination shows that the integraldiverges at îq= y.. A lim iting procedure istherefore required to defneitsvalueatthatpoint,andthediscretesummation oftheânite-temperature theoryexaminedinEq.(29.12)servesjustthispurpose.z 'ThispointwmsfirstemphasizedbyJ.M .LuttingerandJ.C.W ard,Phys.Aer.,118:1417(19K ). 2Note thatthe adiabatic damping terms iiz iz.the denominators ofthe corresponding reealfrequency integralsin thezero-temm raturetheory sel 'veexactly thissamefunction. 264 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM - ' -- :eexplicitform oftheself-energy Y*(k,r)atlow temperaturecannow befound âE*(k,r)= (2=)-3fd3q(2F40)- U(k- q))nall'j+ (2=)-3fd?q x(2P'(0)- Prtk-q))UY*(q,F)- âE*(q,0))&7 j#j0 -) œq whereitispermissibletoreplacenq(T)byz?q(0)inthesecond(correction)term. Atzero temperature,Eq.(29.16)reducesto the familiarform (compare Eq. (27.17)) becausen/0)- 0(y.- eç). In thepresentapproximation ofretainingonlythe leading low-temperature corrections, Eqs.(29.16) and (29.17) together yield (29.l8) whichmaybeconsideredanintegralequationforX*(q.F)- Y*(q,0). Thefundamentaltherm odynamicfunction KIT,1 ,',J. t)can now berewritten bycombiningEqs.(29.1)and(29.8) x (Y*(k,F)- X*(k,0)) (29.19) Herethesummationinthesrstterm iseasilyevaluatedwith Eqs.(25.38),(26.9), and(29.l3): (jâ)-1( j)elconTlihu)n+ ek- p, )glua- â-l(E'2- p, )- Y*(k,0))-1 = (2(e:- p. )- âE*(k,0))nktr) (29.20) Thesecondterm in Eq.(29.19)formallyvanishesasF-. >.0,butthesummation isagain too singularto replaceby an integral;a directevaluation yields (jâ)-lj)elœnTlihu;n+ eî- y, )(F(k,tsa,0))2 = T) (29.21) hnkll' )+ (2(e:- Jz)- âE*(k,0))h8nt -k î( ek 26s PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE and wem aynow takethelim itr -+ 0. A combinationofEqs.(29.19)to(29.21) gives #(F,l'',rz)-*-(0,F,rz)- F(2=)-3Jdbk2(E' k-Jz)LnklTj- a:(0)) lçb . + 7(2=)-3f#3k2(6:- p)BngkC (âE (k,r)- jjxwtk,(j lj k + P'(2=)-3f#3:nk(0)(âY*(k,F)- âY*(k,0)) F(2=)-3f#3:âE*(k,0)(rlk(r)- rl:(0) Dnq(0) wk r) + 0Ek px ( , ,x.(k,o))) (29.22) - -- - The second term vanishes owing to the factor 6k- Jz,thatmultiplies the delta function onk(Qlloçk= -3(6k- p.). Thiscancellationoccursbecauseallquantities have been expressed in termsofthe exactspectrum ek,showing the necessity of retaining thefullself-consistency in the H artree-Fock theory. In addition,the lasttwotermsofEq.(29.22)alsocancel,whichcan beseenbysubstitutingEq. (29.18)intothethirdterm ofEq.(29.22)andthenusing Eq.(29.17). Equation (29.22)thusreducestotheextremely simpleresult A(F,F,/z)- #40,V,y.)= P-(274-3(#3#2(s:- y)Lng(T)-z4(0)J (29.23) which is ourhnalform . This result indicates thatthe only low-tem perature corrections to L' è- rzxlaarisefrom astatisticalredistribution oftheparticles .I am ong the zero-tem perature energy levels ek determ ined from the interactions in theground state. EVALUATION oF TH E ENTqo py Theentropycannow becomputedfrom thethermodynamicidentitygEq.(29.3)) w(J 8. S ? u ' )Fp-vlvj(/ 2 8, 31' 0 32(,.-slnktr) -rj: . yj(a #. 3/ ) c)(.. k-s)(j-tanj az ek.v #j , p' djk z p. 2ksvn J( 2, r)3tek-? *'SeCjjze1kk-.r , - (29.24) which isan explicitfunction of(F,F,p, ). The angular integrations are easily perform ed : W() asjp / , s.. irlk p. 'r2( * )kzvt klc,-s)2sechze 2k.T M (29. 25) which leaves a single integralover k. A tlow tem peratures,the integrand is peaked atthe pointek= p, ,with a width thatvanishesasF -. >.0. Ifwechange aee FINITE-TEM PERATURE FoqM AujsM variables to tH (l/2ksF)(e:- /z),thelowerlimitmay beextended to J= -cc with negligibleerror: r(P j))FJ Z-p' kàwL gkz* w' d k % ' <J 1ek=J z. ' 2 #J(-c ot qfzsechcJ =àp. / ciwgkzk tjfà=/ z (29.26) where the slowly varying factor kldkjdqk has been taken outside the integral. Theintegration atconstantP-and p,istrivial,and we 5nd dz -1 SIT,P-,/z)= . jl z' /cjF k2 àk -! (29.27) rk-p The entropy isa therm odynam icfunction ofthe state ofthe system ,and itisnow perm issible to change variablesfrom fxed p,to fixed N . To obtain the leading order in the low-tem perature corrections,we m ay use the zerotem perature equation N = 21/-(27. 4-3Jd3kt?(p.- Ek) = 2F'(2r)-3jdàkjtks- k)= ;Q)(3, rr2)-1 (29.28) wheretheFermienergyisnow definedbytherelation(seeEqs.(29.13)and(29.17)) 2 /c/+ âX*(Vs,0) p,= eks= h -j -2uk;+ t(2=)-3.f#3t -h -j ?L2P'(0)- P.(k - q))ptks-t ?))):.ks (29.29) The derivative(J6k/#/f)tksatthe Fermisurfacedesnestheeflkctivemass #E#' i' iiik = , blk F rn*F (29.30) and the low-tem perature entropy and heatcapacity becom e iDs j . 2m * =2 S(TsVsNj ,=Ck=Tjjy/vy=NkLFjj-yj' -j (29.31) These expressions are form ally identicalwith those for a perfect Ferm i gas, apartfrom theappearanceoftheefectivemassm*(seeEqs.(5.58)and (5.59)J. A sim ple calculation yields 1 l l PE*(k,0)! mw -z=m - +n za s. j y. a v'as rks (29.32) Itisnotable thatthelow-temperaturethermodynamic functionsare determined solely by thezero-tem perature excitation spectrum . Thissim ple result,which pHyslcAu svs-rEM s AT FINITE YEM PERATURE 267 isin faetquitegeneralylarises here from the specialform ofthe Hartree-Fock self-energy. Since X*(k,F) is independent of frequency, the spectrum ek merely shiftsthe energy ofeach single-particlelevel,and the interacting'ground state stillconsists ofa slled Fermisea. The low-temperature heatcapacity is determined by thoseparticleswithin an energy shellofthickness; aJksr around theFermienergy erEseks. Ata temperature r.theincreasein thetotaleneror LE isproportionalto theenergy change perparticle ksT times the number of excited particles hEc(ksr)p'(2, rr )-3js:3k (29.33) where the subscripts denotes the integration region Iek- eFlf ksF. Since ksF <: <:s,weobtain '' jz# ktjkr-(ur)2(a 3)j')*)F) hE cc(ksr)2arrj (29.34) wherem*isidentisedwiththehelpofEq.(29.30)andEq.(29.28)hasbeenused. Thusweseethat C #(àF) NkkTm* v= dT Cc hzkà (29.35) and the constant ofproportionality m ustclearly be the same asfor a perfect Ferm igaswith m assm *. 3OLELECTRON GAS In the previoussections,we studied the H artree-Fock approxim ation atfm ite tem perature,which applies to system s with sim ple two-body potentials. For example,theFouriertransform F(q)mustbewelldeflned andboundedforall q;theserestrictionsprecludebothahardcore(U(x)->.coforx< J)andalongrangecoulomb tailgU(q)--. >.azasq-->.0). M ostphysicalsystemshave more com plicated interactions,however,which m ustbetreated by sum m ing selected classesofdiagrams,exactly asin thezero-temperature formalism (Secs.11and 12). Fordefiniteness,we studythethermodynamic propertiesofan electron gas in a uniform positive background;this system is particularly interesting, because the hnalexpressionsdescribe both thehigh-temperatureclassicallimit and thezero-tem peraturequantum 1im it.2 'J.M .Luttinger,Phys.Rev.,119:1l53(19* )hasconstructedageneralproofvalidto a11orders in m rturbation theory. 2Thispointwasfirstnoted by E.W .M ontrolland J.C.W ard.Phys.F/UI W. 1.1:55 (1958),who derived theresultspresented in thissection. Ourtreatmentdifl-ersin detail.butnotin spirit. 268 FINITE-TEMPERATURE FORMALISM A PPROXIM ATE PROPER SELF-ENERGY TheAamiltonian isthatstudiedpreviouslyinSecs.3and 12,inwhich theuniform positivebackgroundcancelstheq= 0componentofF(q). Thusthediagram- matic expansion of F has no terms containing ' #%tq=0,(sa)= U(0). The equilibrium behaviorism osteasilycalculated from thethermodynam icpotential (seeEq.(26.11)) !d, j dqk 1 i (1(F,P' , p, )=Dc(F,P' ,J z)+P'joj-j(,, a. );y(e.vvyj uwztkj oa)r yz(k, (s.) (30.1) where E*2 and F2are the appropriate functions for an interaction potential AF(x)andthespinsum givesrisetoanaddedfactorof2. W ewould normally evaluate f2as a powerseriesin the coupling constantc2,butthe second-order term diverges,justas atF= 0 (see Prob.8.4). ltistherefore necessary to tk'a'n ' j;(* l)(k& o,n)= q,tsa, k-q,( s.-oln, ' tk.o,a Fig.30.1 First-ordercontribution totheproperseifenergy foranelectron gas. include a selected class of higher-order diagram s, whose sum yields a linite contribution. Thechoice ofdiagram scan bem adebyexam ining the perturbation expansion,and we now turn to the Feynm an series for Z* and @ . Itis convenientto isolatethe eflkctofthe interaction in the properself-energy;we shallwrite@ = F0+ @0X%.@0+....,andtheintegrandofEq.(30.1)becomes X*F0+ X*F0E*r#0+ .. .. The condition F(0)= 0 means that all tadpole diagrams vanish. ln particular,there isonly one srst-orderproper self-energy (Fig.30.1). This contribution iseasily evaluated with theFeynm an rulesofChap.7: XC)(k,t,&) â-1(2rr)-3jd3q(#â)-1j letûon'T'F-t ltk-q,(z)a-tt) a,)F0(q,tt)s,) n' - â1(2rr)-3Jd% P'tk-q)nî (30.2) = - = where Eq.(25.38)hasbeen used to evaluatethesum and10= (ençnq'-l at+ 1)-1 isa function ofthe chemicalpotentialy.. Equation (30.2)diflkrsfrom Eq. (25.39)becausetheuniform positivebackgroundcancelsthedirectcontribution. The corresponding frst-order term in the therm odynam ic potential is given by t'ljtr,F,p)= 1,'(2, *-3jd3k(#â)-1jngeiconTâlzlkjtk,(z)alF0(k,f x)a) (30.3u) PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 269 f1j(F,F,/z)= -F(27r)-6Jd?kd?qF(k- q)n2n0 q (30.3:) where the A integration has already been perform ed. A partfrom the explicit dependence on rzinstead ofN = Vk((à=2,which isdiscussed in detailin this section, this expression is a direct generalization ofthe hrst-order exchange contribution to theground-stateenergy !Eq.(3.34)4. lf(1isapproximatedby jltl+ Dj,a directcalculation (seeProb.8.1)predictsthatthelow-temperature specischeatbehaveslike.-rllnFJ-l,whichdehnitelydisagreeswithexperiments on the electronic specifc heat in m etals.l The sam e divergence has already tk.ttl n R>P k- q- p p+ q,tsj+ v tA)n* V - (Al1 k - q. p+ q ut&- v o))+v tks /w tk,tl p,ttll Qy-j q-p k- q p,œ2 p, tzj œ.- œ l t/l-fzN q&v q,v k - q,fxla-v tk./ . o (J) ' tk.ts 4.*1 tk.. xv ' (:) (c) Fig.30.2 Second-ordercontributionsto the proper self-energy for an electrongas. appeared inthe-l-lartree-Focktheoryof-ashieldedpotentialP'(x)= Fcx-le-x/a where the eflkctive m assm* and low-tem perature specif!c heatboth vanish like (1n(ksJ)1-1asa--+.cc(seeProbs.4.1and8.2). The unphysicalbehaviorpredicted by the first-ordercontribution necessitatesan exam ination ofthe higher-orderterm s. AtF = 0,the second-order proper self-energies have already been enum erated in Fig.9.16,and the sam e diagram soccurin thehnite-tem peratureform alism . In the presentcalculation however,threetermsvanish identically EP'(0)= 0J,and theonly second-order contributionstoXAjareshowninFig.30.2. Hereandthroughoutthissection, weuse v and f. o to denote even and odd frequencies,respectively. Thecorre- sponding analytic expressionsare(thesubscriptrdenotesthe ring contribution ofFig.30.24) Y!2)r(k,t . tV)= (-â)-2(-2)(jâ)-2(j )(2, 0-6Jd'pd'qjF(q)j2 1)jF' x' . 4*(p.(sI)F0(q+ p,( . ,,1+ v)gotk- q,œn- v) (30.4c) Y?i),(k,(z?n)-(-â). -2(jâ)-2tté ((2=)-6Jd?pd?qP'(q)F(k-q-p) l1:' x F0(k- q,u)n- p)F0(p.tz)j)gtptp+ q.(sl+ p) (30.4:) :J.Bardeen,Phys.Rev.,50:1098(1936);E.P.W ohlfarth.Phil.A. ft7 #..41:534(1950). 270 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM I:?iptk,o,al- (-â)-2(#â)-2ttlZ (2*-6Jdqpd3qF(k- q)F(q- p) lLt)z x F0(q,t,?,)F0(p,(sz)efa'ang0(q,(sj) (3p.4c) wherethefactor(-2)inZ?i)rarisesfrom thespinsum andtheclosedloop,while thefactorelu' nTinZAlcarisesbecauseaninstantaneousinteractionlineF(q- p) connectsboth endsofthesameparticlelineF0(p,(,)a). Although a11threeterms . areform allyofordere4,thehrstdiFersfrom theothertwoin thefollowingway. In each term,the frequency sums yield various com binations of Fermi-Dirac distribution functionsnobutdo notqualitatively alterthem om entum integrals forsmallpandq. ItisthereforeclearthatZ?i),divergesas<-->.0gcc c4fd3qq-* ),whereas12â,,and Yxlcconverge. Forthisreason,anycalculation that ' ' ' includesonly irst-and second-order terms in X* cannot be considered satisfactory,and itisessentialtoexam inethehigher-orderdiagrams. ThesourceofthedivergenceinE( t)ristheoccurrenceofthesamemomen- tum transferhq on each interaction line;in contrast,theotherdiagram stransfer diserentmomentum on the two interaction lines. A similar structure persists to allorders. For example,the third-order proper self-energy has one (and only one)diagram E!)rwith thesamemomentum hq transferred by allthree interactionlines(Fig.30.3J). Thisterm containsthemostdivergentthird-order ' tk q tk pz+ q q : :q pz : : : q k-q tl k -q q p+4 p q tk Q tq k (X (:) Fig.30.3 Ring contribution to the properself-energy in (J)third order (b)higherorder. PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 271 term cce6jd% q-6.al1otherthird-ordertermsarelessdivergent(ebjd3qq-4 at most). Correspondingly in ath order,there is always a single diagram l2â)ra:Jd3q(P'(t?))nthatismoredivergent(byafactort?-2)thananyotherterm (Fig.30.3:). Thefundamentalapproximation inthetheoryoftheelectrongas isto retain thisselected class ofm ostdivergenthigher-orderdiagram salong with the com plete hrst-and second-ordercontributions * E*;zE* (l)+ E* (2)b+ Y* (2)c+ n)=( )2( *n)r 2 = I:( *l)+ Y* (2)b+ )2* (2)c+ X* r (30.5) whereY)'isthesum ofa1lself-energydiagramswiththestructureofFig.30.3: (ringdiagrams). SUM M ATIO N O F RING DIAG RAM S Theevaluation ofY)ismostsimplyperformedbyintroducinganapproximate eFective two-body interaction ' /'' rthatincludesthepolarization ofthe m edium (compareSecs.9.12,and 26)associated with theclosed loopin 12;*. Figure30. 4 q,vn q,G q.va q+ p * = vw - vqzvq + vn+ .1 . p, a,j q&G Fig.3û.4 Ringappro+ ation totheefectivetwo-bodyinteraction. shows the relevant diagram s and the corresponding analytlc expressions are ' #'-rtq,wl--Y'-(, (q,y, n)+ ' /' -o(q,'za)J10(q,vn)' #'-o(q,y,n)+ .'' - ' #'-o(q,p' 2+ ' #' -o(q,v2JIQ(q,r2 ' fz --rtq,ra) (30.6) The function J10(q,va)representsthelowest-orderproperpolarization insertion and willbeevaluated in detailbelow. Forthem om ent,however,itissu/ cient to solve D yson'sequation ' /--rtq,p' n)- ' #'-(,(q,' za)(1- ' #-o(q,'za)-110(q,vn))-1 - p'(q)Il- p-(q). rIqq,p,, ))-1 (30.7) Thissolution isformallyidenticalwith thatatzero temperature (Eq.(12.22)) exceptthat' /Gtq,valdependsonthediscrete(even)frequencyy' n. 272 FINITE-TEMPERATURE FORMALISM Theanalyticform ofJ10(q,va)iseasily determinedbywriting outthesrst two term sofFig.30.4 ' #'-r(q,va)-< o(q,v,)+ (< n(q,'z2l2(-â)-.(#â)-'(-2) xI (2,4-3JdbpF9(p,œl)F0(p+q,fsl+ va)+... œl wherethefactors(-â)-1and(-2)arisefrom theextrapowerofe2and thespin sum aroundtheclosedfermionloop. BycomparingwithEq.(30.6),weidentify J10(q,v,)=2(jâ2)-1) ((2=)-3Jd% F0(p,(sj)F0(p+q,(sj+ w) œl 2 d3p l = à (2,)3j v 1 œ1 1 flsl- â-t(e0 ? - p, )iolk+ ivn- â-1(:P+Q 0 - /. t) (30.8) whichisverysimilarto Eq.(12.28). A typicalterm ofthefrequencysum isof ordert(ult-2as1(t)1i->.*,and thesum thereforeconvergesabsolutely. Itcan beevaluated directlywith a contourintegral,buta simplerapproach isto insert aredundantconvergencefactorctu'ln,which pcrmitsadecomposition into partial fractibns. Eachterm maythenbesummedseparatelywithEq.(25.38)andgives 2 d3p 1 1 Jl0(q,vn)- j (a' z)3jva- ,-1(:p 0+q- el pj --j (sj s -yajl,? X #3p 1 1 iœj- h j(%()- p,)- jgsj+ ivn- h-j(6p ()+q-'p. ) - n0 - nn = -2 (2 j p+q() p (jj =) ihvn-(Ep+q- ep (3:.9) wheretheidentityeiîhvn= 1hasbeenused. W eemphasizeagain thatnp odepends on the parameterp.,which can be related to theparticledensity N/P'onlyatthe end ofthecalculation. A + + ''' = Fig.30.5 Ringcontributi on totheproperself-energy. - PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 273 ThecontributionY)(k,( z)n)to theproperself-energycan now beevaluated directlyintermsof' iz' h (Fig.30.5) X)(k,f . t)n)=(-â)-1(278-3jd?q()h)-$j lj' Fvq,yz a) Ua ' f--otq.rall' #0(k- q,o)n- ' . %) (30.10) Equation(30.9)showsthatJ10(q,pa)vanishesatleastasfastas)w1-tforlpnl-. >.x. - In consequence,the diflkrence $-r- '#-()also has this behavior,whiuh ensures theabsoluteconvergenceofthefrequencysummation forY). Thisconvergence maybemadeexplicitbyrewritingthesquarebracketinEq.(30.10)asfollows: ' #' -,(q,v,)- y' -o(q,u)-s -stV'tq)- ---- p'(q) qluyq,s) (P'(q)12Jl0(q,'y) . l- p-tqjhotq,r)j (30.11) APPROXIM ATE THERM O DYNAM IC POTENTIA L It is now possible to evaluate the corrections to the therm odynam ic potential arisingfrom thetermsinEq.(30.5). Theintegrand ofEq.(30.1)correspondsto IV W t)2b Fig.30.6 gaS. 274 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORMALISM adding a factor 10joining the two ends ofX*+ Y*F0E*+ ...,thereby makingaclosed loop. ThusX1),X?i),,XC)c,and X) taken oncelead tothe termsfl),Dzp,fàzc,and D,shown in Fig.30.6,wherewe havealreadyevaluated fàlwiththecorrectconvergencefactorsinEq.(30.3). Thereisalsoanadditional second-ordercontribution (22,arisingfrom theiteration ofY?kt. Theterm D, contains the m ost interesting physicalesects and is studied ln detail in the followingdiscussion. Theother(explicitly)second-ordertermscanbewritten outbycombining Eqs.(30.1)and (30.4). Itisevidentfrom Fig.30.6thatDac and j' ln are topologically equivalent,and a detailed evaluation showsthatthey areequal. A straightforward calculation yields (1a, d?pd?qP'tql;'(k+p+q)n2nk(1-nk-jq)(l-nk+q) (F,P' ,/ z)=P'j#3*(a . o: skyls.sko. q.sk-r; (30.13J) (' Lactr,p-,rz)- Dz2F,P' ./ . z) = - !.p' j(2x)-9fd3k#3,#3:)'(k-q)F(p-q)nkrjnk(1- rj) (30.13:) and the totalcontribution to the therm odynam icpotentialbecom es fà= flo+ f1l+ flr+ D zy+ 2f1zc (30.14) Notethatthecoupling-constantintegrationinEq.(30.1)leadstoanadditional factorn-iforeach l/th-ordercontribution to f1,which isautom aticallyincluded in ourcalculationalprocedure based on the properself-energy and the singleparticleG reen'sfunction. Asanalternativeapproach.D issom etimesevaluated directlyfrom Fig.30.6withasetofmod/edFeynmanrules,butthecountingof topologically equivalentdiagrams and the factor n-imakes such a calculation quite intricate. Ourprocedure,however,requiresonly theFeynm an rulesand diagramsdeveloped previouslyfor$ . The preceding expressionsapply to an arbitrary two-body potential,and thespecialfeaturesoftheelectron gasbecom eapparentonlyin theevaluation of -1 !' 1r(r?Iz '1rz)= r//?-l(2rr)-3j(jA-lJAJdïkZ cia'nnZ4A(k%( w)F0(k,(w) -v -- - œa 1#A j - d% 1 A2(F(q)j2J10(q,pa) joA .,(2, . 43#jvl-A)'(x-j'J10(q.va) J3: 1 x-x j 'IJ(2,r/phz , - s., ;gotk-j,(o,-valgotk, t sal (3:.)j) 1- . e . , 0 1: 1. Jhe sura'lation overo)nconverges where Y' r k' la leer ta ken fr lm Eq. ' .3 evenif'?= 0.fnd : o11pa.ispnwit? Eq.(30.8.slc'wstnatthequantityinsquare bracket.is. !iJ 0(q.vn). gB'eE)oM in Eq.(3b.18)thatJl0isan even function of PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 275 itsarguments.) Since F0isindependentofA,the integration over A is easily carried out,and we find fL, = = - Z J*d3q gldhà2jF(q)J' I0(qyprljz . z) sa .)jjxjyjj-j-j---jpq-l.j. jjq, -pal P'(2j)-1(2=)-3jdbq( j((1ngl- PrtqlJ10(q,s))+ P'tq)J10(q,s)j Pa (30.l6) If Eq.(30.16)is expanded in a power series in c2,the leading contribution is form ally of order :4 owing to the explicit rem oval of the ûrst-order term . As shown below ,however,the sum m ation ofthe infnite series m odises this sim ple pow er-law dependenceon el,and,indeed,e-4j1rdivergesasel--. >.0. Furtherprogresswith Eq.(30.16)dependson theexplicitform ofJ10(q,ru), and we hrstprove that J10(q,pu)=J10(q,-s) Add and subtractrlo p-qr?0p inthenumeratorofEq.(30.9) JI0(q,vu)= -2 (d3 ;) n0.(1---p n0)--n 0( np o,' ,) 2=) . u -1 -/-p3-?.-9.I. fvn- (ep oyqP. )--Thefil' stterm mayberewrittenwiththesubstitution(p+q ->.-p)alongwiththe assumedisotropyofthedistributionfunction(notethatE' p= 60 o -p= 60 p) 0 ' . d3, j j (q,pa)= -2 jy-. p(1- np 0+q) ijjv, (rp (. )jn0 ( ).sj. y. g;-yy, u..(sp ().j y. rj; - . - - ' * d3n s0- <. 0 4j(2=' )jn0 p(l-? :p o+q)t -y jssja -p -ts -p Jtqjj p .q -j. j (30.18) which proves Eq.(30.17). ltisalso clearfrom the above calculationsthatJl0 isan evenfunction ofq and oforderr, -2as'pn1->.cc: J10(q,vn) '-- 4 c d5p3np 0(1- n0 p.q)(eD p- so. hql (30.19) ivas-'c o(â%) (2=) cLAsslcAL LIM IT Thering-diagram contribution to the therm odynam icpotentialD rcan now be used to study two lim iting cases,and we srst consider the behavior athigh tem perature and 1ow density, when the quantum -m echanical Ferm i-D irac distribution may beapproximated bytheclassicalBoltzmann distribution (see Eq.(5.23)) n0p= expL)Ly - vp 0)j= eH/kBT/-92p2/2mksT (?g.J()) 276 FINITE-TEMPERATURE FORMALISM ThisapproximationisjustisedwhenevereH/kB' r<t1ortquivalentlyforJz/ksF -+. cc). Inthislimit,Eq.(30.19)showsthatJ10(ç,p,j)vanishesasF-2for /# 0. Thefrequencysum inEq.(30.16)separatesintotwoparts - f1,=. è.VkpF(2=)-3jd3qtlngl- Pr(t ?)Jl04ç,0))+ Pr(t ?)Jl0(g,0)) * + Fksr(2=)-3jd?q1j-j1(ln(1- P'(t ?)J10(t ?,2=/ksFâ-1)) + P'(:)Ahq,l=lkzFâ-l)) (30.21) corresponding to /= 0 and I# 0,respectively,and the divergence at sm allq hasnow beenisolatedinthefrstterm (/= 0). Toverifythisassertion,welook atthe contribution to the second term from a sm allregion around q= 0. In thehigh-temperaturelimitEqs.(30.19)and(30.20)give Aoqqnlnlk.Fâ-1). -+.4(2=/#sF)-2(2, 0-3j#3/(6k- ek+q)nk = 2e1no(2' zr//csF)-2 F-. +ctl wherewehavedesned no= 2(2g4-3Jdqpnn Furtherm ore,theproduct ZW)Aolqgl=lk.F/i-1)-. >.-4=e%l=IksF)-2hlnam-l remainsbounded asq-.0. Thelogarithm in thesecond term in Eq.(30.21) can now beexpanded asapowerseriesine1,and theintegrand becomes z-'(lngl-p-tvlao(. l ?,2' , r',s?. 7)j+, ztt ?lno(ç,2=', 'b'' j) , 1 * 1 e 4 hlnv l c . i T r p (,-,)(--) = 1 ,. , Thesum overlconverges,andthesingularbehavioratt ?;k:0hasthusdisappeared. Hencethesecondterm ontherightsideofEq.(30.21)contributestothethermodynamicpotentialinEq.(30.14)inorderp4,justlikef-la,+ 2j1zr. TheleadingcontributiontoflrthereforerequiresonlyJ10(ç,0).which can beevaluated with theoriginaldefnition #3p nz p+q- nz p. z z. p Jl%ç,0)= 2 (2=)3ec p.. q- e; p :3 nn - nn .. 2 p)aap+q p .... (= p+q ap - (30.22) Sincethenumeratorvanishesatthesameplaceasthedenominator,wecan keep track ofthesingularitybytreatingtheintegralasaCauchyprincipalvalue. The 277 PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE rem aining integrationsare elem entary and give (30.23) where A. z' nphl'1 l=hl 1 (. j.(p,yv) (30.24) isthe therm alwavelength. (30.255) with the lim iting behavior (30.25:) (30.25c) - x-2wgztptzzrjt26MA-l)1. x1) (30.26) . Wherethesecondlineisobtainedwiththechangeofvariablesçz= 8, 77., 62-3ebl xelxz. This equation contains the coupling constant :2 both in an overall coeëcient and in the argum ent of t p ;we m ay obtain the leading contribution by setting e= 0 in f/ltaintegrand,since the term s neglected are ofhigherorder in E'2. A ' combination ofEqs.(30.255)and (30.26)yields (30.27) wheretheconvergentdesnite integralhasbeen evaluated by partialintegration. ltisnotable thatfl,risoforderta3,although the lowest-orderterm in Y* r is form ally oforder e4. This behavior can be understood by exam ining the z7g FINITE-TEM PERATbRE FORM ALISM perturbation seriesforDr,whichisobtainedbyexpandingEq.(30.26) DrQ$Z(2j)-1(29-3Jff3t ?(.-.)(8' Jr#el81-3)2(eg-l)4(y4#1))2 + jlu=qebHA-3)3(eq-1)6(p(éA))3+ ...j (30.28) Theleading term (e4)divergeslinearly,the next(e6)cubically,etc.,and each integralmustbecutofl-atalowerlimitçmin. Itisclearfrom Eq.(30.26)(see alsoSec.33)thatthenaturalcuto/çmjnisproportionalto e,whichmeansthat each divergentterm is really oforder,3and mustbe retained in a consistent calculation. Our procedure for evaluating Dr provides a convenient way to include al1oftheseterms. The therm odynam ic potentialfor a high-tem perature electron gas can now bewritten as Dtr,F,p, )= fln+ f1l+ Dr+ O(e4) (30.29) because the remaining (hnite)second-order termsare explicitly ofordere4. W eshow,in thefollowingdiscussion,thatthe hrst-orderexchangecontribution f11isalsonegligibleintheclassicallimit,andEq.(30.29)reducesto D(F,F,/. t)= Do(T' ,F./. t)+ DrIF.F,X (30.30) Athigh temperatures.the thermodynamic potential(1ntr,Pe,p, )fora perfect (classical)gasisgivenby(Eqs.(5.24)and(5.25)) flotr,P',/z)= -2Fj-lel8A-3 andacombinationofEqs.(30.27)and(30.31)yields 2P': w D(F,F,p)=-p-ses/ksz'gl+j(2=)+(k C2/ p Aj1es/2uz. j (30.31) (30.32) ThethermalwavelengthAisgivenintermsofFbyEq.(30.24);thusf2isproperly expressedintermsof(F,P' ,p, ). onlyatthispointisitpossibleto5ndthem eanparticledensityasafunction ofJz N(T,p' , p, )--(a 0p t ', 1)z. ' z-2 AZ aes/ ksrgl+(2, 01(y d ( . 2/T A)êep/zks' r) (3:.33) Asusual,however,wepreferto considerasystem atfixeddensity' ,Eq.(30.33) iseasilyinvertedtoirstorder.whichprovidesanequationforg N) Y ks/; kllnt123(1-n. 1(C :2 sNy 1j' jj (30.34) wherethefirstterm inbracketsistheresultforaclassicalidealgasEq.(5.26). ThecorrespondingpressureisgivenbyEqs.(30.32)and (30.34) Dtr,F.. N) k y.j #(F,V, N4=- p, ; kJns ' r*(k y e2 sa y l. )! ' - (30. 35) pHvslcAt- SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 279 which isthe Debye-l-liickelequation ofstatefora classicalionized gas.l The Ieadingterm describesaperfectgas,whilethecorrectionterm reducesthepressure slightly. Our approximations require that (e2n1/ksF)1<: .1, which ensures that the average potential energy per particle e2n% is m uch sm aller than the therm alenergy perparticleksl' . Thiscondition restrictsthepresenttheory to high tem perature and low density. N ote that the leading correction to the perfect-gas law is oî order e? and cannot be obtained with any snite-order perturbationseriesintheparametere2. Furthermore,Eq.(30.35)isindependent ofh,asbeftsaclassicalexpression. TheD ebye-Hûekelresultisobtained classically bysrstexam iningthecharge density and potentialin the vicinity ofa single electron (compare Eqs.(.14.16) to(14.23)). lfthemeanelectrondensityisnv(exactlyequalto thatoftheuniform positivebackground),then the Boltzmann distribution gives n 'k w = ee+a ,s nu (3:.36) - where ( p isthe electrostatic potentialin the vicinity ot-the electron (note that +(x)-->.0asx -->.csbecauseoftheneutralityofthemediuml. Furthermore,;? isrelated to thechargedensity through Poisson'sequation V2p = 4xeta- no)+ 4zre3(x)= zWenokee*'kBT- l)+ 4, zrp3(x) nz+ + 4gre3(x) ;k;4=eck (30.37) aT when the last equality holds under the conditions discussed above,thatis, ew .c 4ksr. Thisequation can be rewritten (V2- qj)( /?= 4=e3(x) (30.38) whereqo isthereciproealoftheD ebye shieldinglength 4=nzel t ?lH k F- (30.39) s SinceEq.(30.38)hasthesolution %(. X)= -eX-'f' -OX (30.40) thechargecloud around theelectron isgiven by 1 eln e3n P = - clouu V2+ yg =- x>0 ( )%'= 0 ewqox kBj. kBpy (30.41J) oralternatively e-qDx' Pclouu= eqn 2 4=x 'P.Debyeand E.Huckel,Physik.Z..24:185(1923). (30.41:) ax FINITE-TEM PERATURE FoRuAl-lsu The w ork necessary to bring an inhnitesim alcharge elem ent -de from inEnitytothecenterofthischargecloudisgiven by theelectrostaticpotentialat theorigin. ThusifdW isthework doneby thesystem when thechargeon each oftheN electronsisincreased by-de,we5nd dW = y#eecloudto)= Ndefpclouutx)x-1#3x =Nqpede=Nju4=w Nyz j+ezde (30. 42) Thework donebythesystem in building uptheentirecharge, -eoneachelectron istherefore N e5 4zr1 * e l ' p' e1-jodW-a(pwsr) (30.43) From Eq.(4.4)thechangeinHelmholtzfreeenergycanbewritten JF= dE - TdS- SdT= -dW - SdT #FIw= -dW tr (30.44/) (30.44:) wherethelastform ofEq.(30.444)followsfrom thesrstlaw ofthermodynamics. Thusthechangein the H elm holtz free energy oftheassem bly due to electrical work is Ne3 4=N + (30.45) gw F.k=-p' ey=- a(vg Thecorrespondingchangeinpressureisobtainedfrom Eq.(4.5) l F P .t= - ppFe ..S P' zw = .2 PP el rrl e2al 0 1 no/csT (30.46) (30.47) -j- kaT whichistheresultgiveninEq.(30.35). W ecannow verifythatf11isindeednegligiblein theclassicallim it. W hen Boltzmannstatisticsapply,Eq.(30.3:)mayberewrittenas D #â2(p2+q2j - (F,U,Jz)=-4=elFe2l#t(2=)-6jdlpd3qIp-q!-2exp l -- F e2 )y e2sxsrjjdqxdqy e-x2-#2a (,rA) lx- yl lm (3().4g) where the dimensionlessdefnite integralconverges. A straightforward calcu- lation showsthatDl/D,isoforder(hlnkjmjlelnkksTj-k,whichvanishesinthe PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 281 classicallimit(h . -. +0)or asF -. +co. Thequantityhlnklm isan averagekinetic energy perparticle,and f1lthusbecom esnegligibleifthisenergyism uch sm aller than the geom etric m ean oftheaverage therm aland potentialenergy perparticle. Finally,we rem ark that the lirst quantum -m echanical correction to the classicalequationofstateforaperfectgas(Sec.5)isoforder l l=hlnk ê ebHQs. in/3;kr1 mkst ' which is sm all at high tem peratures and low densities. For com parison,the Debye-ldiickelterm included in Eq.(30.32) is of order (c2/V sF)êt>1l8; k; llelnkjlkslhà',which is again smallathigh temperaturesand low densities. Itisevidentthatthe quantum correction isnegligibleaslong ashln%jm . , : telnf, which guarantees thatthe m ean kinetic energy is m uch sm aller than the m ean potentialenergy. In summary,the three relevant energies (kinetic,potential, and thermal)m ustsatisfy the setofinequalitieshlnkl !m <x e2nk<: 4ksF;thefrst allow stheuseofBoltzm ann statisticsand rendersD lnegligible,whilethesecond ensuresthatthe D ebye-ldiickelterm representsa sm allcorrection to the perfectgas law. ZERO-TEM PERATU RE LIM IT The preceding section considered only the classical lim it, but the sam e ring diagram s m ust be retained at al1 tem peratures to yield a convergent answer.l Asan interestingexample,weshallnow turnto the opposite(zero-temperature) limit,when the distribution function becomes a step function n0 17= t?(/ . z- 6p f )). O nce again,it is im portant to rem em ber that p.is an independent param eter, Thus the mean particle density and the Fermiwavenumber kyHEEL?nlN; 'P')1 cannotbelixed untiltheend ofthecalculation,w hich diflkrsconsiderably from thepreviousground-stateformalism (Chaps.3to5). Thetermsf1l(Eq.(30.3)1,flzp(Eq.(30.13J)1,and Dcc(Eq.(30.13:))in the therm odynam ic potentialhave already been evaluated in a form thatis convenientat1ow tem perature. The rem aining dië culty isthe evaluation of Dr,which givesthedominantcorrection to f1lbecauseitcorrectly incorporates thelong-wavelengthbehavior. SincetheintegrandinAolqnvn)hasonlyasimple pole asa function ofvn(Eq.(30.9)1,itispermissible to replacethe discrete frequency sum (jâ)-1) (in Eq.(. 30.16)by a continuousintegral(2,8-1fdv, Pa becausethediflkrencevanishesatF . ->.0(seethediscussioninSec.29): DrIF=0,F,p, )=!.P/42rr)-4j*dvJdht1n(1-U+(t ?P)'J l0(ç, p))z)l (30.49) (t?)J10(ç.' 'M .Gell-M ann andK .A.Brueckner.Phys.Rev-,1* :364 (1957). 282 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORMALISM Onceagain,itismostimportanttoevaluateJl0(ç,$ accuratelyforsmallq,and Eq.(30.9)immediatelygives o 2 Jl(:,$ = - #3p n0 p+q- a0 âv- qyzjnt)(pwp (2*)3l. qs jqa) x, a #3p) q.vp znl q.+0 (2*)ihv- (h Im4p.q (( p .5(,) - since thecorrectionsoforderq2in thedenominatorcan beneglected aslong as vishnite. A tzero temperature,n0 preducesto a step function,and itsgradient becomesVpnl=-p&(p-k0),wherekoisdehnedbytherelation hk.= (2-p,)+ TheintegrationsinEq.(30.50)arereadilyperformed,andwe5nd J10 kom 1 (30.51) dzz (4,r)= -N/z-j h -jz- imvlhqko = - kont . n.aha A(x) (30.52) where mv X = âçk (30.53) o and &x)= . 1 Jz22 -+ xz-= ()zz 1 l- . xarctanx (30.54) Wenow returnto Eq.(30.49)andintroducethedimensionlessvariablesx (Eq.(30.53))and (=q/ko o =Vh2/CJ4% gxdyrX(qa jjugj.4=e2 r 2-(2,44j-. :( )- $L kà(2a( )y (go(,â/ cm lxtjj 4. :,e2 +kl(zat jy( )t,âkm dxljj(a(j. 55) . Althoughwereallywantonlythedomirvntterm inEq.(30.55)forsmalle2,the divergentbehavioroftheintegrand precludesadirectexpansion in powersofe2. Instead,the(integrationwillbesplitintotwo parts:from 0to (0<tland from (0 to ç n. For (< (a.itispermissible to approximate J'Io/ko(,hkixtjm)by J1040,hkkxl/m)= -(kom/h2=2)R(x),whilethefull(dependencemustberetained for(> (o. Aslongas(0isEnite,however,theintegrand intheregion (> (: can be expanded in powersofe1,retaining the leading term ofordere*. This procedureyieldsEcomparethetreatmentofEq.(12.56)) Dr= Drl+ Dra (30.56) 283 PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE w here 12 o-l- 1-8. 3 k MlJ (--xdxJ(0 te(3d(tIngl+ko zj,(t)2atxj -k, 4= m#i(t cj2stxjj(y() .j, yu) or2' , . wz.g x . 1g V, h3 m lp / cy )j( ** -: rtscg( : r( )t. aC;js 4j rt e. zao( j q j ;,(,hkm àxtjjz (y(;,ygyj The(integrationlnEq.(30.575)cannow beevaluatedexplicitly: * (, ' (-. :3d(tlngl+d te szq-d gzj-. taze.tvit,gIn(l+-tt jz, l-' dte jz -j 1,(,+-td-)) - *. $.12:4(1n(ad,2)- J.- 2ln(o)+ O(e6) (30.58) where 4mR(x). , dtxl=ko' rr hz F co 4' m râc(j..xarotanx 1. ) (30. 59) Thisexpression exhibitsthenonanalytic behaviorofflr. A lthough the desnite integralis fnite for any (0> 0.each term of the formalperturbation series diverges: . (0 1B(3#()lngl+' /j-' X(C c2) = - -((,dy 1 . *(0dï J,42e4j0y+ >+jz 43e6.1 j0y* j+. (30. 60) ThisbehaviorissimilartothatofEq.(30.28)describingaclassicalelectrongas. The high- and low-tem perature lim its diflkr in one im portant way, however, because the leading term here diverges logarithm ically rather than linearly. Inconsequence,whenEq.(30.60)iscutofl-atalowerlimit(mincce,weseethat thefirstterm isofordere4lnewhiletherem aining onesareofordere4,in contrast totheP dependenceofeachterm inEq.(30.28). Itisthisisolationofthe:41nEz behaviorthatallowed usto determ ine theleading term in thecorrelationenergy directly from the second-order term in the ground-state energy (Prob. 1.5). The contribution Drcalso exhibitsa logarithmic singularity as (c--. >.0, becauseJ10(/c0(,hkixljm)approachesaconstantvalue as(-. +.0. Itiseasily verifedfrom Eq.(30.52)thatthedivergenceisidenticalwith thatinEq.(30.58), and the quantity 6 li 1(x4M-4. 5(,.( jtA2(x)ln(c+jâ s2 y : 7( 2 ) . )2.(( X,6;gno(kn(,'', t'' t)j2)(30.61) m 284 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM is:nite. A combinati onofEqs.(30.56).(30.58),and(30.61)yields kp * DrQ;P :32 = 3m j-.dx)' l' E faa(x))ajngezxtxlj- jyaxtxljz +-4j = -(â mzk el z42uxjj(g p. 6p correct through order e4. The calculation has now been reduced to a one- dimensionalintegralcontainingthefunctions:(. x)and1(x)sgiveninEqs.(30.59) and(30.61). Beforewecompletetheevaluation off1,,itisusefultocollecta1ltheterms of(1through ordere4lndand e4: D(F,F,p)= flc+ Dj+ t' 1,+ flz,+ 2f1zc (30.63) To the same orderofapproximation,the mean numberofparticlesisgiven by #(r, fI flc pfll p(f1r+ (1a,+ 2f1cr) F, p)=-tMuj ss=-êa s-og- as (30. 64) which expressesN asafunction ofy.. These/w't?equations(30.63)and(30.64) providea valid and complete descri ption of a degenerate electron gas.forthey constituteaparametricrelation betweenN and f1. Nevertheless, itisfrequently convenientto eliminate p,explicitly' ,thisisreadily performed by expanding p, asaperturbation seriesl M= /z0+ JLl+ /12+ ''' (30.65) wherethesubscriptdenotesthecorrespondingorderine2,andthen byexpanding each term on therightsideofEq.(30.64)asa Taylorseriesaboutthe value Jz= n . Equation(30.64)cannow beinvertedorderbyorderine2,andthesrst two term syield N= - dfl c . drz s-so (pf1l/ap, ),,-,,, #'l= -(azfto/arz2j.-.. (30.66) (30.67) Herethesrstequationdeterm inespmasafunction ofN,whilethesecond detcr- minesp,1in termsofpm(and thereforeN4. Notethatp,()isjustthechemical potentialforanidealFermigasattemperaturerwithdensityNIF. The change ofvariable from p,to N indicatesthatthe relevantthermo- dynamicfunctionistheHelmholtzfreeenergy (seeEq.(4.5)) F(r,V,Nj= E - TS= D + IJ.N lThepresenttreatmentfollowsthatofW .KohnandJ.M .Luttinger,Phys.Rev.,t18:41(19648. PHYSICAL SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 285 which m ay beform ally expanded through second orderin powersof,2: pfl ?2j1 F=Dotp.ol+(JzI+rzzl-sf p. .-.0 +1./,1-i-r- s-ya +DlGol z) ? - - +P' 1, ? +/ tj , p-lxll Thesecond and lasttermscancelbecauseofEq.(30.66)so thattheexplicitform ofy.zisneverneeded. Equations(30.67)and (30.68)can becombined to give F(F,V,N)= Fo(F,P' .. N)+ D I(/ . ta)+ f' lrtrzol+ f22,(/. t:) l (8(a1/ '8rz)2., + 2f22c(/z0)- j( -jk-o--o aP-' ?' ?- (30.69) ()/ / . zl, x-,., wherep, aisa function ofN,and Fv(T,U,A')- fàotp,el+ p,oN isthe Helmholtz free energy ofan idealFerm igas. Thepresentdescriptionbecomesespeciallysimpleatzerotemperature(see Eq.(5.53)1: (8f? . p. ( e 0g ,I qjj)y js-s, /92()a(0,#',rz) !, as2 ) ,-s, (30.70) In thislim it,the zero-order term p,oisgiven by hl 73, 77.2N ' i h2/(.k- #' o(X )= gsy ( p-' K-j///-=61 (30.71) where kr is the usualFerm iwavenum ber. The subsequentdiscussion shows thatthe lastterm ofEq.(30.69)(in square brackets)vanishes atF = 0. Consequently,the ground-state energy ofthe Atparticle interacting system hasthe followingexpansion E - Ez+ . t' 1,(E'k.)+ Drte'yl+ t' 12,(e' î.) (30.72) because F - E - TS .. ->.E asF -.>.0. Here the firstterm foisthe ground-state energy ofthecorrespondingperfectFermigasgf' o= j.k ve/l.whilef1l(6k.)isthe srst-orderexchangeenergy(compareEqs.(3.34)and(30.3:)) f1l(6))= -4=e2Pr(2=)-6jd?p(/3(y4p- qj-2jjks-pjpjks- qj (30.73) TheremainingtermsofEq.(30.72)clearlyrepresenttheleadingcontributionto the correlation energy fcorr= Dr(6/)+ (11,(eî.) (30.74) 28e FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM Thedom inantterm in the correlation energy com esfrom the long-wave- length partof(1r. Introducing the usualdimensionlessunits(see Sec.3)and identifyingkowith ks,wecan write Nel . fcor,= 2 ecorr (30.75) wherefrom Eqs.(30.59)and(30.62) 3 co z ecor=4jlnGJ-.I A@))dx G*0 (30.76) TheintegralismosteasilyperformedwiththeintegralrepresentationEq.(30.54) l l co j* x(R(x))2=jvdyjt j(f zJ #x(yz.y.x: , 2 2z.j.azj -Xd z ;z (z . .. =rjo 'dyj; '#zyA . ' j Z .y = 3=(1- ln2) (30.77) Thus 2 ecorr= 4-1(1- ln2)lnr,+ const r,->.0 (30.78) whichagreeswithEq.(12.61). Theconstantterm canalsobeobtainedfrom Eq.(30.74),buttheevaluation is considerably m ore dië cult. Introducing the same dim ensionless unitsinto Eqs.(30.13c)and(30.62)gives D Ne2 (4)= za0 t'l (30.79/) 2, N el . f1r(6k)= za -o ( 3*-3j-wdxïRlxbjl( ln(4aGzr-1)+lnA@)-è)+3j(30. 79:) wherex= (4/9, 0 1,elisadesniteintegralgiveninProb.1.4,and - 3-J--dxllp-( I , im .(-= 4a(l-I n2)ln(,-a. 3,j( *aq . # -. î z d3:d3,061- k)$ 1-p)#(lp+ q xjj- gz. y.q,(p. y.k; j-1)%I k+qI-1)j . s (30.80) isindependentofr,. Thelastexpression for3isjustETwith thelogarithmic singularity removed (see Probs. l.4 and 1.5), .itsderivation isoutlined in Prob. -W 7 . ' ' $' !1 h PHYSICAL SYSTEMS AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 8.7. substitution ofEqs.(30.77)and(30.79)intoEq.(30.74)yields 2 (1 fcorr==j;i l n2)ln(4œ =G)+(jnR)..-j l+3+4 - 287 (3O. gl) Herethenumericalconstants(lnAlavand 3mustbefound numericallyl J-. *#xRllnR (1nAlav> J. dx Rz o. jsj (30.825) & = --0.0508 (30.8%) = .- -- whilethenine-dimensionalintegralelhasbeenevaluatedanalyticallybyOnsagerz 3 el= . à.ln2- 2= z(43)= 0.048 (30.83) Thesnalexpressionforthecorrelation energy becom es ecorr= 0.0622lnr,- 0.094+ Otrylnra) (30.84) in complete agreementwith Eq.(12.62) derived from the zero-temperature form alism . Itisinterestingthatthepresentzero-tem peratureapproxim ationis valid athlkh densities (n1e2<< :hznhjmj,in contrastto the previousclassical calculation. Inbothcases.however,thepotentialenergyn1e2issm allcompared to theotherrelevantenergy(hlnhjm atF= 0,ksratF-. >.*). To com plete thiscalculation,3itisnecessary to show thatthelastterm in Eq.(30.69)indeed vanishes. Thesecond-ordercorrection Dzr(Eq.(30.135)) can berewritten foralItem peraturesas Dac d5k:3p:3: a?4 ( F , F , p , ) = ' I ' F J ( 2 , 0 9 Z ( k q ) F ( P q l d $ :4 because - (30.85) P? 4î ja1(1-n2)=ê e Inthelimitr-.>.0,thefactorênj/êelreducesto-J4p,- 4),andwecanwrite Q2e(0,F,p, ()= -. i'F(2=)-3fd%3(pm-4)(./:2 (30.86) H ere fq-(2,4-3J:3kP'tk-qlakjswjji,r.o = (2x)-3jd5kprtk-q)ely.o- 4) 'M .Gell-Mann and K .A.BruK kner,loc.cit. 2L,Onsager,L.M ittag.and M . J.Stepiwn,Ann.Physlk.1*:71(1966). 3Thispointwassrstemphasized byW .Kohn and J.M .Luttinger,Ioc.cit. (30.87) 28: FINITE-TEM PEnATURE FOaM ALISM and Jzhasbeensetequaltop, ().asrequired by Eq.(30.69). A similarcalculation leadsto(compareEq.(30.3:)forF= 0J '?D #3k# (-j. s -!)s..,--p'J-yj.), 3yp' (k-q)l ?2. o jn .. s 6 0+A ?zD jn sk -s.sa .... , v., = - 2P'(2,7.)-3f#3t?3(jza-62)A (30.88) Finally.a directevaltlation yields (. 0j 2/ . (2 7 )1j '#(-vo=-2p-*(y dx . 3 . 6 y3(s( / )-e( : ) . (30.89) which isequivalentto thelastlineofEq.(30.70). W ith thefollowingdehnition ofan average overthe Ferm isurface (2=)-3 $ '(134 3ts()- eq 0) (* ' i -' .)-3 jd3:blgv- :b ) q . , '' . . . (30.90) . thelastterm ofEq.(30.69)assumesthetransparentform 2(1zc l (t ' ?f)(0) j.)v 2. yo (J,,o)-2(-#ijj()yjszj..s, - - U(((/q- x. /k)s)2-s)(2=)-3fd?q3(Jz()- e0 q) (30.91) Thiscontribution to the ground-state energy isproportionalto the mean square deviationof -fqoverthellnperturbedFermisurfaceandcanneverraisetheenergy. Furtherm ore.the correction evidently vanishes fora sphericalFerm isurface, which is the case foran electron gas in a uniform positive background. The foregoing cancellation is a specihc exam ple of a general theorem l forspin-l l -ermionsthatthe F -+0 limitofthe tinitetemperature formalism always gives the sam e ground-state energy as that calculated with the r = 0 formalism (eitherin Feynman orin Brueckner-Goldstone form),aslong asthe unperturbed Ferm isurface is spherically sym m etric and the interaetions are invariantunderspatialrotations. Thisresultisnotata11obvious,becausethe two approaches describe the interacting system in very diflkrent ways. The F + 0 form alism com putesthetherm odynam ic potentialD asafunction ofthe param eter Jz, and its F . -->.0 lim it involves integrals over Ferm i distribution functions that are singular where the energy is equalto y,. A t the end of the calculation,/. tmay beeliminated infavoroftheparticledensityNjP',and p,then dehnesthe Ferm ienergy es ofthe interacting ground state. O n the other hand, the usualF = 0 form alism considersa fixed num berofparticles N from the start and evaluatesthe ground-state energy as a seriesin the coupling constantofthe tW .Kohn and J.M .Luttinger,Ioc.cit.;J.M .Luttingerand J.C.W ard,Ioc.cit. pHvslcAt- SYSTEM S AT FINITE TEM PERATURE 289 two-body potential. Each term in this series involves integrals over the unperturbed Ferm idistribution function,which has its discontinuity at the un- perturbed Fermienergye/= (hl(2m)(3=2A' /F)9. ln com paring the two form alism s,we im m ediately note that the F # 0 expansioncontainsterm sthatare neverconsidered atr = 0. Forexam ple,the zero-temperature version ofXtilccontainsan integraloveroçkr- qj#(ç- ks) andthereforevanishes(Prob.3.12). Athnitetemperature,however,thethermal width yieldsanonzero valuethatrem ainssniteeven in thelim itF = 0. A 1lof theseadditionaldiagram scontain singularfactorsatzero tem perature,such as 3(e2- J. t)oritsderivatives,whereas the diagrams thatare common to both form alism s contain only step functions at F = 0. Since the F = 0 form alism antedatesthe F + 0 one,these additionalterm sareconventionally described as anomalous. Thetwo form alism salso diflkrbecauseoneusestheexactchem ical potentialJzH es,while theother usesthe unperturbed Fermienergy e/M y,n. The Taylor series for f1(F= 0,es)aboutthe value f1(F= 0,eî. ) involves an expansionofstepfunctionsatesintermsofthoseatek;thisexpansionleadsto additionaldelta functionsand derivatives ofdelta functions. The contentof the K ohn-l-uttinger-W ard theorem isthattheextra contribution incurred inthe shiftin Fermienergyfrom esto e/preciselycancelstheanomalousdiagrams, leavingtheBrueckner-G oldstoneseriesfortheground-stateenergy. lfperturbation theoryprovidesa valid description ofan interactingsystem , then the F = 0 lim itofthe tem perature form alism necessarily yields the true ground state for any value ofthe coupling constant. In contrast,the F = 0 form alism m erely generates that eigenstate of the ham iltonian thatdevelops adiabatically from the noninteracting ground state. Foran arbitrary system , these two approaches m ay yield diflkrenteigenstates,as shown by the sim ple exampleofa perfectFermigasin auniform magneticseld (Prob.7.5). The Kohn-l-uttinger-W ard theorem can therefore be interpreted as specifying suë cientconditionsto ensure thatthe F = 0 form alism indeed yields the true ground state. U nfortunately,the very interesting question ofnecessary conditionsrem ainsunanswered. PRO B LEM S 8.1. Verify thatCk for an electron gas in the Hartree-Fock approximation behaves like - F(1nF)-1 as F . -+.0. (Comparethe discussion following Eq. (30.3).) 8.2. (J) UsingtheresultsofProb.4.9forthelowest-orderproperself-energy ofanelectrongashtïi)(q)andeflkctivemassm*,show thatthecorresponding heatcapacity atzero temperaturesatissesCvlT= 0. (b4The long-wavelength coulomb interaction ismodised by thepresence of themedium accordingto Eq.(12.65). Show thatthecorrectlow-temperature 290 FlNITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM heat capacity is given by Cv(C;- (l- (ars/2=)llntt xrs/' n'l+ 2)+ ...)-1 as rs. -+.0,whereC(istheheatcapacityofanoninteractingFermigas.l 8.3. RepeatProb.4.4withthesnite-temperature Green'sfunctions. 8.4. (J) Use the Feynman rules to evaluate the second-order self-energy contributions to the tem perature G reen's function show n in Fig. 30.2/ and b forauniform system ofspin-!fermions. Findthecorrespondingcontributions to thethermodynamic potentialand evaluate the necessary frequencysums(see Prob.7.3)to obtain Dzg=-2Fjj-j(20-9#3gJ3pd3kjFtql2aka0 p(1-nk-uq) x (1- np 0+q)(62.q+ c0 p.a- 62- ep nl-' and Eq.(30.I3J). (:)Consideranelectrongasathightemperatureswhererlk= eb?expt-jek)<< :1. ByusingcylindricalpolarcoordinatesEk=tlkà ,+ kulshow that - m Zé'4 l' n 2 d3q *x cc flza---vt p,2/8(znpz q.. ' #j. -wti pb 'J-.A. . jâ2(/c2 ,+p2 ,) 1 ' im t?(pI I+ /c, !)+q H ence conclude that fl:a is Iinearly divergent at sm all m om entum transfer (q -+0). 8.s. (J)In theclassicallimitwhererlk-explj/. t-jek),show thatpR0(q,vI) hastheasymptoticform J10(q,rl),. w-L6=$eblx(ql(;j)((4 /A)4+ (8=2/)2j-lforlarge q, j-qlznhllmkzTlkand 1/1. (b) If3f1,denotesthesummation oftermsforl>0 inEq.(30.21),verifythat 3tlr/f1r= &((e2ai)1(n1â2/rn)1(1/#sF))wheret' 1,istakenfrom Eq.(30.27). 8.6. (J) Use Eq.(30.32)to computethe specifcheatofan electron gasin the classicallimitCpz=lN/csll+J' rr1(e2n1/#sF)ê). (b)Derivethisresultfrom Eq.(30.45)intheDebyetheory. 8.7. Evaluate (1/jâ)( ) ((J10(q,y,)12with theintegralrepresentation (30.9). In P the zero-tem perature lim it,this sum m ay be approxim ated by an integralover acontinuousvariable. HenceevaluateJX -xdxllx),where1(x4isgiven in Eq. (30.61),andverifyEq.(30.80). 1M .Gell-M ann,Phys.Re! , '.s106:369(1957). 9 Real-tim e G reen's Functions and Linear R esponse In the zero-temperature formalism ,the poles of the single-particle Green's function G(k,œ)yield theenergyand lifetimeoftheexcited statesofa system containingonemoreorlessparticle. Similarly,thefunctionDR(k,(s)determines thescreeningofanim purityinanelectrongasaswellasthespectrum ofcollective densitymodessuch asplasmaoscillationsorzero sound. ThroughoutChap.8, however,thetemperature Green'sfunction @ wasused onlytocalculateequilibrium therm odynam ic properties. W e shallnow com plete the description at snite temperature by introducing a real-time Green'sfunction C thatcontains thefrequenciesand lifetimesofexcited statesatsnitetemperature. 291 292 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM 3IQGENERALIZED LEHM ANN REPRESENTATION W e startourdiseussion by generalizing the notion ofa G reen'sfunction from the ground-state expectation valueofa time-ordered productofheld operators to theensem bleaverage ofthissam equantity. DEFINI TION oF ö' The real-timeGreen'sfunction isdefined in directanalogy with Eq.(7.1)at F = 0: icxblxt,x't')ëeTrt/sF(#x.(x/)#f xjtx't'))) where)(;isthestatisticaloperatorforthegrandcanonicalensemble(Eq.(4.15)1 andgxulxt)isatrueHeisenbergoperator 9Xa(X/)H t'iâl/'9x(X)e-iktlb . with respect to the hamiltonian X. As in Chap.3,the ordering operator F includesafactor(-1)Pforfermions. Equation (31.1)hasoneimportantnew featurebecause C dependsexplicitly on F and p.in addition to the usualspacetim evariables. In m ost cases,the ham iltonian is tim e independent,and the resulting Green'sfunction contafnsonly the com bination t- ?'. Furtherm ore,we shall consider only hom ogeneous system s, and the G reen's function assum es the sim pleform Cajtx/,x't')= Czjlx- x',t- t') (31.3) Finally,we exclude externalmagneticfeldsand ferromagnetism so thatCaj is diagonalin the m atrix indices 0aj(x,l)= îajC(X,t) Each oftheseassum ptionscan berelaxed,butthesubsequentanalysisbecomes considerably m ore cum bersom e. Assumethat/ispositive. Equation (3l.1)then becomes iC>(x,t)-(2J+ 1)-1Trtâs('x=lxt)' X a(0)) In the presenthom ogeneoussystem ,the Heisenberg operators m ay be rew ritten a.sEcompareEq.(7.52)) jXa& f' vt7 a* j..< u-/Pwxlhu w/Xl/â. Jf F œN f' / v M/v u-2kt, 'h< uiê'.x, ?5 , /' N )A ' 1.6) becausef:eommuteswith #. A combination ofEqs.(31.5)and (31.6)yields ïd>(x,/)- (2. s+ 1)-1Trleldfz-f'c-i'-x/.eiktl'#a(0)e-iet, 'eip-x/,#:(0)) (31.7) nEAL-TIM E GREEN'S FUNCTIO NS AND LINEAR RESPONSE 293 wherethetracecan beevaluated in anybasis. A particularlyconvenientchoice istheexacteigenstatesof/?,ê,andX : X (rn)= Kmfral= (Em- y, Nm)fm) (3l.8) ê(v?)= Pm(&l) and wehnd ,' G>(x.f)- (2. s+ 1)-1eôil)(e-lA-e-îï'm-xiheixpntlhikm3v. -(0)1a) lnp x e-ixntlheirawx/.tnjy-ttollrn) = (2:.+ l)-1ebt ' l)(e-bKmei(P,-P, n'*x/he-itA:n-Amlr/'1(m jy' AaIn)!2 (31.9) In asim ilarway,thecorresponding function forf< 0 becom es ic<(x,?)- +(2J+ 1)-lebt' tTrfe-bkf4.(0)#aa(xr)) = +: (2. j .+ 1)-1ebt ' ljge-ôKnef(P.-Pm'*x/'e-f(Xa-X' .)'/âj(pl!<zIa)12 (31.10) ThetotalGreen'sfunction isthesum ofthesetwo terms tRx.?)= #(?);>(x,?)+ p(-J);<(x,?) (31.11) anditsFouriertransform maybecalculatedexactlyasinEq.(7.54) (;(k,( s)=(2J+1)-1ebi ùmat(2rr)33(k-â-l(P,-Pm)1l . (? n!1 ' /) zt n)1 2 e-qKm e-lA. ,-- ,-.(a--- xo + iT* - â-'(x-- x-)- i, lt 3''l2) x - Equation(3l.12)showsthat(Rk,f . s)isameromorphicfunctionofhulwithsimple polesatthesetofvaluesKn- Km> En- Em- y.(Nn--Nm);thecorresponding residueisproportionalto ltrrl1' (,!n)12and vanishesunlessNn= Nm+ l. The ensem ble average atsnite tem perature clearly generalizesthezero-tem perature expression becauseboth 1zn)and 1a)canrefertoexcitedstates. Forfermions atF= 0,however,itiseasilyproved(Prob.9.1)that Ctœ - Vâ)l' r-o= G(tz9 whereG((s)istheground-stateGreen'sfunctionfrom Chap.3. (31.13) FINITE-TEM PE9ATUBE FORM ALISM 2% RETARDED AND ADVANCED FUNCTIONS If(z)isreal,therealand imaginary partsofd(k,f,))arereadilyfound with Eq. (7.69): :(k,a))- (2x+ 1)-1eln)2e-/n(2,)33w - â-i(Pa- 1u))ltrz'l#zlnl12 x(. ' : . #(f. &)- h-$(Kn- A-, 21-1(1: FF-#tR-X'e') f. p. 3lo,- h-3(Kn- Am))(1+ e-#tA.-A' .')J (31.14) where. ' denotesa principalvalue. Theimaginary partofEq.(31.14)maybe - rew ritten as Im <tk'ts)- -(2J+ 1)-1' nebtz(2e-/A'n(2=)3ôgk- â-l(Pa- Pm)) rrln x J(?' n!#.In)l23(oa- â-1(A' a- . &ml!(1+ e-bhu'l (31.15) and itiseasilyverised thattherealpartthen becomes RetRk,(z))= -. t . # * dœ'Im Jtk oa')1:T:e-nhu'' -X (z;- o' A' l : i:e-eh,, = a/lm tRk,f x # *X #o ,)/) .(tanh(Jjâf,)'))tt = O - œ = - . (31.16) - which wassrstderived by Landau.l Formanypurposes,itismoreconvenientto dealwithretardedoradvanced real-timeGreen'sfunctions(compareEq.(7.62)): fGljtxr.x't')Y e(t- t')Trtlsl#xatxfl,&11jtx?//)1v) (31.17) iclblxt,x't?)- -p(f'- t4Tr()G(#x.(xf),f4,(x'r'))v) W e shallagain consideronly homogeneoustime-independentsystems with no magneticNelds. InthiscaseCRand(P havethesamestructureasinEq.(3l.4), and theirFouriertransformsareeasily found tobe CR(k9(t))= (2J+ 1)-1elfljé(e-#Xm(2rr)33(k- â-l(PFl- Pm))jtrnjjk nj12 mn x (1:F:e-'çKn-K-t)lo?- â-1(#n- Km)+ 1* . r/)-1) (31.18) (P(k,tM = (N + 1)-iebfb72(e-#X'' (2' zr)33(k- â-1(Px- Pm))j(?n1. fa1a)l2 mn x(1: Fe-#tKn-Xp,))gt . s--h-1(n/ K - um K )- iyj-1) ltisevidentthatboth CRand GA are meromorphicfunctionsof(,);in addition, CRICA)isanalyticintheupper(lower)halftz aplane. lL.D .Landau,Sov.Phys.-JETP,7:l82 (1958). REAL-TIM E GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND LINEAR RESPONSE 29: The retarded and advanced G reen'sfunctionsare closely related. W ith thedesnition p(k,to)- (2. î+ 1)-ielfz)g(e-lA-(2,r)38w - â-1(Pa- P.,)1 x 2=3(ts- h-t(Kn- AQ )(1:Fe-#'œ)I(vI #.ia)12J (31.19) which dependson bothFandJz,theimaginarypartsofCRand CAmaylx written as Im tP(k,œ)= --1p(k,tM (31.20) Im (P(k,œ)= . i.ptk,œl Furthermore,a combination of Eqs.(31.18)and (31.19)yields the integral representations JR(k *)= , * dœ' p(k,o,') jrr(,,- (.o,+ i.b (31.21) 6X(k't. p(k tt?') tll= X d2œ' = (.o - œ' ' i' q - whose realparts are formally identicalwith the dispersion relations at zero temperature (Eq.(7.70)J. Ifweintroduce afunction ofa complexvariablez F(kZ)= co d2œ'p(k,ts') , (31.22) , .n z - f.o thent7R(k,oa)and (P(k,œ)representtheboundaryvaluesofr aszapproaches therealaxisfrom aboveand below ,respectively: GR(k,o)= P(k,( . o+ iTl (31.23) (P(k,œ)= l>(k,u)- iTj Inview ofthegeneralrelationbetweenG,GR,andGAatF = 0(Eqs.(7.67) and(7.68))itisnotsurprisingthatptk,(t)lalsodeterminestheFouriertransform ofthe tim e-ordered G reen'sfunction. A straightforward calculation with Eqs. (31.14)and (3l.19)showsthatC(k,oy)hasthefollowingalternativerepresentations: - f'œ' (Rkq f z) l=J..axptk, u,' lt. ' #t , s.10,-f' mEtanht. ijâaplpl:(f . ,-a,)) = (1:Fe-x' *'l-iCA(k.(s)+ (1:FelAœ)-ltP(k,œ) (31.24) Forrealf,),allthreeGreen'sfunctionshaveequalrealparts ReG(k,a,)= RedR(k,(s)= RetP(k.(s) (31.25) ae FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM whiletheimaginarypartsaregivenbyEq.(3l.20)andby Im (:(k,f a))= -èltanh(à. #âf . ,)))71ptk,f . t)l (31.26) In the specialcase offermionsat zero temperature, Eq.(31. 24)assumesthe fam iliarform tRk, (/ -(s) -)ir-o-J*..Jau. r,'Ptk, a',)1 ' r-0( ,-p( . ,.s,)+.jj+.-9(( ,,,-iq (31. 27) whichshouldbecomparedwith Eqs.(7.67)and(3l.13). Theweightfunction ptk.(slcontainstheimportantphysicalpropertiesof thesystem . A lthough thepreciseform ofpcanbeevaluated onlywithadetailed calculation,there are certain generalproperties that follow directly from its desning equation (31.19). Each term in the sum is positive if( . v is positive; m ore generally,p hasthe following positive-definite properties: (Sgnaklptk,ttJl> 0 bosons (31.28) plk,tzal> 0 fermions ln addition,p satissesanimportantsum rule,which we now derive. Consider thefollowing integral (31.29) wherethe( .ointegralisevaluated by closing thecontourin thelowerhalfplane. Equation(3l.29)canalsobecomputeddirectlyfrom thedesnition gEq.(31.17)) * dœ -* 2,/.l '(;R(k'( z)le-2*T= JdTxe-îkexï(;R(x,' r/) = (2&+ 1)-1fd3xe-iksxTr(âcg<xa(x0),' #)a(0));:) = j#3xe-fk*x3(x)Tr)s = 1 (31.30) wherethecanonicalcommutationrelations(2.3)havebeen used in arrivingat thethirdline. Comparison ofEqs.(3l.29)and(31.30)immediatelyyields * d l'( 2u P k,(s')= l = (3l.31) REAL-TIM E GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND LINEAR RESPONSE 297 whichiscorrectforbothbosonsandfermions. Thissum ruleExestheasymptotic behavioroftheGreen'sfunctionsforlarge1*l: JR(kœ)= CA(k,œ)'w1 * #tt)'p(k,œ')'w-1 , (. o -. 2= (,) (31.32) which isusefulin establishingconvergenceproperties. TEM RERATURE GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND ANALU IC CONTINUATION Intheprevioussection,theweightfunctionservedonlytodeterm ineandçorrelate thevariousreal-timeGreen'sfunctions. Although such relationsarevaluable, they would notby themselvesjustifyourextensivediscussion oftheLehmann representation atsnitetem perature,andweshallnow provetheim portantresult thatthesameweightfunction also determinesthetem perature Green'sfunction @. By thismeans,the Lehmann representation providesa directconnection between@ and C andthusplaysacentralroleinthefnite-temperatureformalism. ltissuëcientto consideronly positiversand F then becomes @(xr)=-(2J+ 1)-lTrg)(;' lhxztx' r)f4..(0)) = -( 2. :+ I)-lebflTr(e-#Ae-in-x/he#' r/1, 4 /a(0)e-krl'eïp*x/âyJ((j)j = - (2. 9+ 1)-1ejflJ;Le-pxm:ïfI%-Pm)*x/1(?-tA'.-Au)m/Als tra(. . f /zj n)t2) mn (31.33) ThecorrespondingFouriercoemcientisgivenbyEseeEq.(25.14)) F(k, j, ( . & ), )=jv#' rei u''jd3xp-f k*xF(x. r) - (2. s+ 1)-1e't' t)((e-#A'. (2zr)331 - â-1(Pn- Pm)j1(rrIl#.Ia)12 mn x(1:!ne-/(Kn-xm')(f(,a,- h-,(Kn- . &' m))-1) (31.34) wherç u)t= 2/' v/#â for bosons and (2/+ 1)=/#â for fermions. Comparison withEq.(31.19)immediatelyyieldstheimportantrelation F(k, = lts,p(k,(s') œ2=J..2xi co.-( z) ' (31.35) which showsthatthefunction rtk,z) ,IEq.(31.22))determinesthetemperature Green's function as wellasCR and CA. ln any practicalcalculation,we Erst evaluate Ftksf. saland thereforeknow r(k.z)only atthediscretesetofpoints Liœnj. Itisthen necessaryto perform an analyticcontinuation to thew' hole com plex z plane. W ithout t -urther information.such a procedure cannotbe unique. Suppose thatP(k,z)isone possiblecontinuation:forany integerp. the function elnpziœ'.P(k,z) is another possible continuation because it also reducesto P(k,r a)atthepointsiuu. Nevertheless,thesevariouscontinuations 29: FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM diFerfrom each othereverywhereelsein thecomplexzplaneincludingthepoint atinsnity. Sincethesum rule(Eq.(3l.31))requiresthatP(k,z)'wz-3asIzI->.cc, weare thusable to selectthe properanalyticcontinuation,which isguaranteed to be unique.l In practice,itisusually sim plestto com putep.(k,( s)directlyfrom Ftk,(sal by form ally considering iulnasa continuous variable. The weightfunction is thenobtained asthelimiting value p(k,x)= ï' -1(Flk.œalliuu-x-in- f#lk,t/ anltif au--x.inl (3l.36) Hence any approximation for C#tk,(snlimmediately provides a corresponding ptk,f. slandtherebyC,CR,andCA. Asaparticularlysimpleexample,consider thenoninteractingtemperatureGreen'sfunctionF0(k,t z)a)= (jtz?a- h-1462- p.))-1. Thenoninteracting weightfunction poisgivenby 1 p0(k,x)= i = 1 l w-w-------w - --- -, -- v. x- h '(< - p, )- t' rl x- h '(e2- Jz)+ In 2=3(. x- /j-1(.. 2-)t)J and somesimplealgebrawith Eq.(31.24)givesthetime-ordered function (;otkjtuj= l+ - -1 ---- ----. r 1 - --) -t expl-i j' (d -p'ilo,-j' Z' et-Jz) ,-l. q 1 1 +-j -. '! -nex --p --ytet--. -p.ô1( a,----y. uj(e -(-. ---Jz -j. --.-iq (3j.J8) Equation (31.38)can also be obtaineddirectlyfrom thedesnition (Eq.(3l.l)1 withtherelationTrtlct zluk)= /12= (expEj(E2- p. ))D. r1)-l. 32LLINEAR RESPONSE AT FINITE TEM PERATURE ln Sec.31 we saw how the temperature Green'sfunction Ftk,f z)alcan be used to determ ine the behavior of excited states obfained by adding or subtracting oneparticlefrom asystem intherm odynam icequilibrium . AsnotedinChap. 5, however,therearem any otherkindsofexcited states,them ostim portantbeing those thatconserve the num ber of particles. The theory of linear response provides a convenientbasisfordescribing such excitations,and we shallfirst extendtheprevioustheory to snitetem peratures. GENERA L THEORY Ifa system isperturbed from equilibrium att= to by an externalham iltonian XeA(/),thesrst-orderchangeinanarbitrarymatrixelementofanoperator0 is 1G.Baym and N.D.M ermin,J.M ath.Phys.,2;232(1961). 299 REAL-TIM E GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND LINEAR RESPONSE given by Eq.(i3.9). ln particular,the change in a diagonalm atrix elem ent reducesto i î bijN I:(l)l/N)- j . dt'lj. N 1EW7(!')-ö,?(?)1l/.N') . (32.1) f0 where the subscriptH denotesthe H eisenberg picture with the fullunperturbed hamiltonianX,and 1jN)isanexacteigenstateofX and 9 with eigenvalues . EjLN)and N. Fort< to,thesystem isin thermodynamicequiiibrium.and the occupationofthediflkrentstateskjN$isdeterminedbythestatisticaloperator ?o. Since Eq.(32.1)isalreadyproportionalto Xex,thesrst-orderchange in theensembleaverage of0 may beevaluated by adding thecontribution ofeach state I. jN),weightedaccordingtotheunperturbedensemble 3(d(/))rx= pâ EbLLI-EJCN3' PI iN?34/. N 10(/)bjN) 'A' . l' t -j JJ,' rrtâcl/kt xf,),ys(?))j t: ThisequationisadirectgeneralizationofEq.(13.10)atF = 0. Tobespecifc,assumethat4e'(/)takestheform 4 ex(?)= fdqx:(x?)Sextx?) (32.3) whereE*x(x?)isageneralizedc-numberforcethatcouplestotheoperatordensity d(x?). Thelinearresponseofötxf)isgivenby j t 3(:(x?))ex- -j dt'fdqx'Trtlsltqstxrl,tgstx'r')))Eex(x'/') . r: = j $ j dt'J#3x.DRlxt,x't' )Eextx't') f; where D Risa retarded correlation function I 'DRLXt,x't')> Tr(âG(ds(x;),ds(x'/:)1)0(t- ?') (32.5) evaluated in the equilibrium grand canonicalensem ble. Theanalysisoflinear response is thusreduced to the calculation ofa retarded correlation function. Since the unperturbed ham iltonian is time independent, D R takes the form DR(x,x',t- ?'). Furthermore,O usually commuteswith X,which allowsus to reinterpretthe H eisenberg operatorsin term softhe grand canonicalham il- tonian# = W'- p. X: Onlxt)= eiktlhd(x)e-6ktlh. Jx(x/) (32.6) The Fouriertransform DR(x,x',*)hasasimpleLehmann representation,which showsthatDR(x,x',u))isanalyticforImop>0. 3* FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALSSM Itisinconvenientto calculate D R directly. .instead,weintroducea corresponding temperature function V thatdependson the l ' maginary-timevariables T: Vtxmsx'' r')- -Trfâ(;F.(tk(x' r)Oxtx'm')J) HeretheHeisenbergoperatorisgivenby(compareEq.(24.1)J öxtxr)= e*%/'d(x)e-kr/h Since9 isoftheform . @ (x,x',r- ' r').itsFouriercoemcient. f?(x,x',pn)also has asim ple Lehm ann representation. Justasin Sec.31,thisrepresentationisvery' importantbecause the same weightfunction determines both DR(x,x',o))and # (x,x',va). Furthermore,. @ (x,x',L)can be evaluated with the Feynman rules and diagram m aticanalysisofSec.25. A n analytic continuatïon to the upper sideofthereal(,aaxisthenallowsustocalculatetheretarded correlationfunction. DENSITY CO RRELATIO N FUN CTION The precise form of-the Lehm ann representation depends on the particular operators involved. As an exam ple of great interest, we now consider the particle density and carry through the preceding analytic continuation in detail. Forsim plicity,thesystem istakenashom ogeneous,butthesam egeneralmethod applies to m ore com plicated situations. The operatorin question isthe density deviation operator H(x)= H(x)--. xH(x)) ' whereq xHtxllistheensembleaïwrageofthedensityoperatoranddependsexplicitly on F and y.. Theretarded andtem peraturefunctionsaregiven by iDRlxt,x't')= Trl)c(? ' ix(x/),#x(x'/')J)#(?- t') glxrsx'r')= -Tr1/GFv(:x(xm)hK(x'r'))) (32.l0) (32.l1) and havethe usualFourierrepresentations DRLxtx';')= (2zr)-4Jdhdcoefq*tx-x'):-ïtz a(!-l')oR(q(z)l glxr,x', r')= (274-3Jd3qlphl-') yefq*tx-x')e-ï' zatm-r')5>(q,pa) 11 (32.12) (32.l3) whereva= lnn' llhdenotesaneveninteger. ltisstraightforwardtoevaluatethe Lehmann representation ofeach ofthese functions,and wefind DR( ., dco' h(q,(s') q,tz,)- h ' 1V (.o - o),+ ix-l (32.l4) 9( co dl. o'a(q,(s') q,? %)= h X 2,v ivn- to, (32.15) - 301 REAL-TIM E GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND LINEAR RESPONSE Where âzâtqqtsl= -â. â(-q,-(,?) = eçC1j((e-#Xl(2. rr)3jlq- â-l(P - Pj))z. rrlg(s- h-1(#m- A'jlj lln x(1- e-bhcvlill( J1 -)i2) (32.16) Equations (32.l4)and (32.l6)togethershow thatD&(q,f . ,))isa meromorphic functionoff. , ywithitspolesjustbelow therealaxis. Eachpoiecorrtspondsto a possibletransition between statesthatareconnected by the density operator. If. @ weregivenexplicitlyinspectralrepresentation (Eq.(32.15)),thenthe analyticcontinuationwouldbeelementary. lnpractice,however,theexpressions takea difrerentform ,and itisnecessary to exam ine the perturbation expansion forfi'inmoredetail. Equation(32.l1)may berewrittenas N' txm,x'r')- vHx(xm)))tlixtx'z')) - - Trt)cFmEfhx l.(xr)v'Kxlxr)f4/x'' r')yV#(x'r'))) (32.I7) which can be transform ed to the interaction picture. The stepsare identical with those in Chap.7,and we merely state the hnalresult * - V''(xm,x'm')= ' )éxtx' rll(z ixtx''r'))- j l j bh u- s 1= () '4 :' 0 jh #ml''' 0 x Trjt/fCl(à-ka)rT(#j(. rj)...#jtzj)t /t yztxz) x' fzztx' r)' Jf zjtx',--)v-kblx'g''lllconnected drl (32.18) wherethesubscriptm eansthatonly connected diagram sareto beretained. Itis im portantto rem ember thata connected diagram is one in which everypartisjoinedeithertothepointx' rorthepointx'r'. Thusbothdiagrams in Fig.32.lareconsidered connected. Nevertheless,theyhavea quitediflkrent structure.because Fig.32.1: itselfseparates into two distinct parts. The sum of a1l such separable contributions isjust the perturbation expansion of (? ix(xm))(Hx(x?' r')),and precisely cancelsthe f lrst term on the right side of Eq.(32.18). Consequently V'txc-,x'' r')consistsofa1lconnected diagramsin which the pointsx' rand x'r'arejoined by internallines. Forexample,the - Fig.32.1 Lowest-ordercontributionsto (J)1(x' r,x'r') (:)' rzixtxrl)' tâxtx'' r. ')). XT 17 X'm' x''r' (J) (h) x: FINITE-IEM PEHATURE FORM ALISM only zero-order contribution is that given in Fig.32.1J,and W ick's theorem applied toEq.(32.18)yields #0(xm,x', r')=: !:F. Q#(xm,x'm')F( /atx'r',xml = :4:(2. 9+ 1)F0(xm,x'm.)@0(x'r',xml (32.19) Itisclearthat9 hasthtstructureofa polarization part,and,indeed, ,V'(l,2)is proportionaltothetotalpolarizationJl(1,2). Anargumentexactly analogous tothatusedinobtainingEq.(12.l4)gives T(1,2)= âJ1(1,2) (32.20) Inanyspeciscproblem ,itisalwayseasiertoevaluatetheproperpolarization J1* and then to determine Jl and . @ from Dyson'sequation. The analysis is particularlysim pleforauniform system ,when thesolution ofD yson'sequation reducesto J1(q,w)= J1*(q,p'2(1- A t)tqyyt2J1*(q,v21-1 = J1 *(q,v2 (1- F(q)Jl*(q,p' a))-1 (32.21) SinceJl*(q,va)isaparticularpolarizationinsertion,itsLehmannrepresentation musthavethesameform asthatforJ1(q,%)and. @(q,p.): JI*(4, = Jftt p'à*(q'f s.) L%)= -x , xr IzPa (,)/ (32.22) zl - whereA*(q,o?' )= -1*(--q,-(zg')isreal. W e can now perform the analytic continuation from @ (q,pn)to . DR(q,(,p) (Eqs.(32.14)and(32.15)j. Itisconvenienttointroduceafunctionofacomplex variablez F(<z)= co d l*(q''u, -2ol';') , -* .a. z - ttl (32.23) thatredtlcesto .J1*atadiscrete setofvaluesz= ivn: J1*(4,1 G)= F(q,i>a) (32.24) i Analytic '% continuation i.2 i iv v 1 *Z= oz+ j5 iv- ) iv-z iy'-3 Fig. 32.2 Analytic continuation from Z(q,&%)to 11R(q,a)+ iTs. REAL-TIM E GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND LIN EAR RESPONSE 303 In thisway,thepolarization can bewrittenas J1(q,'%)- â-1@(q,w)- Flzbivn)(1- P'(q)F(q,ï%)J-1 (32.25) Sincethezdependenceandanalyticpropertiesof-F(q,z)(1- PrtqlF(q,z)j-lare explicitin both the upper and lower z plane,this function can be imm ediately continued onto therealaxisz -. >.(. o+ l h (see Fig.32.2),where itgivesthe corresponding retarded functions l-lR(q.(s)= â-1DR(q,f. t))= F(q,( . o+ j. ?yl(1- )'(q)F(q,u)+ ,' ?y)j-1 . (32.26) 3D SCREENING IN AN ELECTRON GAS A san exam ple ofthistheory,we shallstudy the responseofan electron gasto an applied scalar potential(pextxr). The externalperturbation is the same as in Eq.(l3.ll)(thechargeon theelectron is-e') Ièqxlt)- --(dbxHs(x/)tatpextx/) (33.j) where the subscriptH now denotes a Heisenberg picture with respectto X = W - y,, 9,asin Eq.(32.6). For a uniform system,the induced density atwave vectorqandfrequency( . oisgiven by(compareEq.(13.l8)j 3(? i(q,(,a))= -â-1DR(q.(s)ty extq,t =)= -I-IR(q,t. s)gvextq,tz?) Since F(q,( . o+ iT4isthe continuation ofp' 1*(q,p' o),Eqs.( .32.26)and (33.2)relate thelinearresponseofa system intherm odynam icequilibrium tothetotalproper polarization evaluated in the tem perature form alism . lnpractice:J1*mustbeapproximatedbysomeselectedsetofdiagram s,and we now consider the sim plestchoice J10,studied in Sec.30. Com parîson of Eqs.(30.9),(32.22),and(32.23)showsthatF0(q,z)isgivenby F0(q,z)- -2 -:3 O j--no .*-1- no p g(à=)hz- (ep o+q- e,) Thusthecorresponding retarded function becom es o 613P n0 - nn F (q,(z)+ iTl= -2 (2 aj- .p+q op c =) ( . o+ IT- (epy.q- ep) = - 2 d3p nn l (2z43 >+1Q hut+ ixl- h2p.q/ra - 1 hut+ IT + h2p-q/rn (33.4) , wherethelastform isobtained with asim pleehangeofvariables. Thisequation applies for allF and p,and clearly reproduces the zero-tem perature retarded a- FINIAU-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM function l70R(q,rs)asF -->0 (Eq.(15.9)J. Although a completeintegration of Eq.(33.4)would bequiteintricate,theexpressionsalso becomesimplein the classicallimit;where the distribution function reduces to a gaussian function np 0= ebHe-bh2/-/2m. Equation (33.4) can then be evaluated using cylindrical polarcoordinatesp= ps + k 1with4asthepolaraxis: F0(q,( . o+ ï' ,?)- -le$. #2p . J(2,42 srxp(-/J 2 ' a 2 ? .7 A â2) = #,1 . 'j-.2,.expg-#(:12 + m!' ç)2 â2j 1 1 c n .i , . , .,c,, ,qjm) ' <lnf . s+i,-Jk,,q;m --c-oz-zf- dp,evnr./(p. .+14)212 - J-. 2, 7. ,--rL zm 1 1 Xl/ j( s+i y-:2,,qjm J joa+i . r l+l/j2p,qjmj (33.5) . - whereA= lznphzlmlkisthethermalwavelength(seeEq.(30.24)2. Itisnow convenientto separateEq.(33.5)into itsrealand imaginaryparts: F0(q,(. o+ iT)= Ff(q,f z))+ ïFî(q,tz)) (33.6) z-?(q, ( s)--2,p,z-c. ,j-.a A.expg-/ xr+ zmbqtzhlj (à lz ' b-oà-hol+llpqlmj(33. 7* z-@(q. r . ,)-lejsz-z. (o.t yexpg-#(#z f m14)2â2j jj laj( s-fmpq/ j-z )jy (y( . v+hl mpq)j(aa., 7,) ' x Furtherm ore,w' e shall use the thermodynamic relations obtained previously gEq.(30.34))to elinninatethechemicalpotentialrtin favorofthedensity n. SinceU(q)F0(q,(s)isalreadyofordere2,itispermissibleto retain onlytheleading term ebî i;kù. !.nA3. TheimaginarypartFîiseasilyevaluated,andwe5nd /-y(t ?, u?)--rl qa '(jnpm)Aexp(-la . Tqt ' . / '-'h àm lq'jSinh jj qsp .ho. , l (33.8) ItisclearthatFîisan odd functionof(. oand vanishesat( . o= 0,in agreement w ith theantisym m etry oftheweightfunctionà*. REAL-TIM E GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND LINEAR RESPONSE 305 In contrast,the realpartFfcannotbeexpressed in termsofelementary functions,buta changeofvariablesyields Fîçq, o,b--Iq(!qml'(*g( . i, z4)+()+. a / i fylj-*gt. s lnkpl.(' 4 2'-), T)1) (33.9) where isthe realpartofthe plasma dispersion function.l lftheintegrand ism ultiplied by (x + y), I(x 4-y),theresultmay berewrittenas (33.11) which shows that*(x)is an odd function. The asym ptotic form is obtained by expanding the integrand for large x *(. X)- X-1(l+ 1. 1-2-i -'' (33.l2) butthe behavior for small. , ' t requires a little more eflbrt. Equation (33.10) showsthat*(0)= 0,beuausetheintegrand isthen an odd function ofy. DifferentiateEq.(33.10)with respectto x and integrate by parts. Theresulting . expression m ay be rearranged to yield *'(x)= 2 - 2x*(. x) (33.l3) which hasthesolution *(x)=2e-x2jx#>'p'2 (33.14) Weseethat*(x)isanentirefunctionofx,andadirectexpansiongives tD(Y)1 k72. X(1- i' . X2+ .'') To be speeific, assum e that the external perturbation is a positive point chargewith potential+*'(q.tz))= 4=Zeq-22=( 5((z?). W ethereforeneed onlythe zero-frequency compohent of DR(q,o,);a combination ofEqs.(32.26),(33.2), 1Thisfunction istabulatedinB.D.FriedandS.D.Conte,'e-l-hePlasmaDispersion Function.*' AcademicPress,New York,1961, 3g6 FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORM ALISM (33.8),and(33.9)yieldstheinducedchargedensity ô()(x))= -e3(?i(x)) #% fq-x P-(t?)F%ç.0) = ze = - j(a, o)e j-stt y;sytoo #3: f ). g'l(çA) ze j(z.jye gz(?./) . g jgjfqy q-x (33.16) where qy= (4owc2j)1 is the reciprocal of the Debye shieldin: length and A= (2=h2#/,A;)1isthethermalwavelength (seeEqs.(30.39)and (30.24)). Here thefunctiongjty)isgivenby #1(. $=2' zr+. F-1( II(zJ11 (33.17) and hasthefollowing lim iting behavior :1(. $; kê1+ 0(. F2) y. , c :1 (33.18) gl(y)- 8. 71-2 y> 1 (33.19) Equation (33.16)isclearly very similarto Eq.(14.14),and mostofthesame rem arksapply. l.Thetotalinduced chargeis 3: =J#'x3()(x))=-ze (33.20) so thattheim purity iscom pletely screened atlargedistances. 2.The integrand vanishes Iike q-4 asq.-+.cc),which ensures that3()(x)) is bounded everywhere,including x = 0. 3.Thesingularg-2dependenceatsm allg2iscutofl-attheinverseD ebyescreening length qn= l4=nezpl' t,which justises ouruse ofa cutofïçmjncce in Eq. (30.28). Sincegl(( ?A)isanentirefunctionofqh,itisinsnitelydiflkrentiable throughout the complex q plane. The asymptoiic behavior of 3t)(x)) thereforecanbeobtainedwiththeapproximationgjtçà)a;gl(0)= 1,because thetermsneglected areoforder(çsA)2( x:(ae2j)(/i2j/n1)= (n1elljlhznkpjl. nj <: t1gseethediscussionfollowingEq.(30.48)): 3f:?(x))- -Ze #3îjei qex /) , -Xj (2*) q + qo = - ZtNà(4' rrx)-'e-qBx (33.21) Thisexpression exhibitsthe role ofgoiasa classicalscreening length and is identicalwithEq.(30.41:)which describesanegativelycharged impurity. At zero tem perature,the sharp Ferm isurface m odiied the asym ptotic charge density byintroducing additionaldominantoscillatory terms(Eq.(14.26)J; REAL-TIM E GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND LINEAR RESPONSE 307 no Such behavior occursin thepresentclassicallim it,becausethe distribution functionsare5m 00th. 3K PLASM A OSCILLATIO NS IN AN ELECTRON GAS The presentform alism also can be used to study the collective oscillationsofa system in therm odynam ic equilibrium ,and w'e now exam ine the plasm a oscilla- tionsinanelectrongas. lfthesystem issubjectedtoanimpulsiveperturbation @extx/l= @()t?iq-x3(/),the associated induced density becomes (compare Eq. (15.7)) 3(H(xr)) F.(v,t . ,a)+ iFblq,œt tq-x dko ioaf =. -epoe y-(s)..jst( y)sztt y= e 1-ur(q)sjg, jo l whereF(q,( .o+ iT)hasbeen separated into itsrealand imaginary parts,asin Eq.(33.6). Thenaturaloscillation frequenciesaredetermined bythepolesof .- . the retarded density correlation function,w'hich occuratthesolutionsfzq- iyq oftheequation 1- 1,'(t?)Fl(ç,Dq- iyq)- 1 *F'(4 2)#c((?,t'lq- iyq)= 0 This description is entirely general. lf the exact proper polarization A*lqtvnlisapproximatedbythezero-orderpolarizationJ-10(( ?,s),weobtainthe fnite-tem peraturegeneralization ofEq.(15.10). Thetheorybecomesespecially simplein theclassicallimit,when the previousexpressionsforFfand F?are applicable. Furtherm ore,we assum e thatthe dam ping is sm all,so thatthereal andimaginarypartsofEq.(34.2)becomc 1- p'(:)Fîlq.fjq) .' 3 -' yq- F@(ç,f1q) 0Fî )( -C:f CO (34.4) o A sshown below,thisisa good approxim ation for( 1c. tqo,when itispossible to evaluateFfwith theasymptoticform given inEq.(33.12). A straightforward calculation yields nq2 3V2 #î(t ?,f . 'J)QJmœ' j 1+ jznf xpz-1-''' q-*() Equation(34.3)thenreducesto j= 4=nel 3g2 y j. j. . y mûq jrntlq w ith the approxim atesoltltion flq-' in t aplgl+j 3jq . #n -)21 (34. 7) ats FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORMAUISM whereflpland qoaregivenin Eqs.(15.18)and (30.39). Thecollectivemode again representsa plasm a oscillation,and the dispersion relation hasthe sam e form asatF = 0(compareEq.(15.17)). Thesnitetem peratureintroducesone new feature,however,becausethese collective m odesare now dam ped,even in the lowest-order approxim ation of retaining onlyJlO. SinceJâflpl= Olqohj< 1athigh temperatures,Eq.(33.8) maybeapproximatedby(q<: . :qo) Fî(ç,( s)=-Klt qzl(Jrrjr nllexp(-Vl Kq 1t * 22j (34.8) ThederivativeofEq.(34.5)can becombinedwith Eqs.(34.4)and(34.8)to give v SQ i -' g-J'j(g,ci nopj)gOXIaI. ; ..;opy j =q3fàcl t''' *lti' rl'exp(-Dl Jq 'm 2îj 0-,( . 4. ,, )+(%;)'expg-j '(% q1 ?)2j - - As expected from generalconsiderations,w ispositive,and both poles of DR 1ie in the Iower half plane at u); k;uinfàp!- iyq. The approxim ation of sm all dampingisfullyjusti:edatlongwavelengths.because l yq/fhvlvanishesexponentially. Thisweak dampingisknownasLandaudam ping,lbecauseLandau was thefirsttonotethatthesolutionsofEq.(34.2)arecomplexinsteadofreal. Itis interesting thatthe tem perature aFects both the dam ping and the ql correction to the dispersion relation,butdoes notalter the fundamentalplasm a frequency. PRO BLEM S 9.1. IfEo(Njisthe ground-state energy ofa Fermisystem with N particles. show thatthegrand partitionfunction atlow tem peraturem ay bewrittenapproxi- mately as e-bt ' lœ e-bïEzçNQb-l x' %'z?g2rr/jQ' ' (A%))+,where . N' e(p, )isdesned by the relation Eo'(Nft)= rz and the primes denote diflkrentiation with respect to N. W hycanNobeidentisedasthemeannumberofparticles? EvaluateEq.(3l.12) inthesameapproximation and provethat6(k,( . o- ghlv-o= G(k,tz?),whereG isthezero-tem perature function ofChap.3. 9.2. Evaluate the weight function p(x,x'.(s) for the Hartree-Fock Green*s function (27.8). Find thecorrespondingreal-timeGreen'sfunction C(x,x',Y) and theretarded and advanced functions. 1L.D.Landau.J,Phys.(USSR4.10:25(1946). REAL-TIM E GREEN'S FUNCTIONS AND LINEAR RESPONSE 309 9,3. (X lftheproperself-energyX*(k,con)inEq.(26.5)takestheform Y*(k,œa)= Xo(k)+ (* d2ul' tztk't . , a.) = iuln- Q with lztlandcreal,usethedeEnitionEt(k,(. t))+ fE1(k,(, p)O Y*(k,tz?n)1ic oa-u,-i, tto 5ndthecorrespondingweightfunctionptk,ct?lin Eq.(31.35). (b)Expand ptk,tz?laboutthe pointf . , a= cokdetermined by the self-consistent equation hulk= e2- p,+ âY)(k,t sk),and derive an approximate quasiparticle (Iorentzian)weightfunction. Compute theapproximate(;qptk,f xll,and prove thatthe excitation energy and dam ping ofsingle-particle excitationsare given by ek= hœk+ p.and yk= (1- ?Yt(k,f . t))/'0(. t)Iua.)-1Xllkstt) kl(Compare Prob.3.14). 9.4. R epeatProb.5.1 for the retarded density correlation function at hnite temperature iDR(x,x')= 0(t-./')Trt)(;(? 'is(x),9s(x'))). Considerthefbllowing equal-tim e lim its: (J)low temperatures(/t'sF<t6s)and lx- x'Iy>kFi, (b) classicallim itand ' Ix- x'r>>A = (lrrhllmkaF)1. Com pare the discussion atthe end ofSec.l4. 9.5. Use the spin-density operatorJz(x)- ' ? /ltxlttzzlxj? k S ?j(x)to constructthe retarded correlation function iDl llxt,x't')=Trtlclêsztx/lsêpztx't')J)0(t- /') and the corresponding tem perature G reen's function 9.gtx' r,x'r')= -Trt/(;Fggêxztx' r)êxzlx'' r'))) . D erive the Lehm ann representation forthese two functions,and show thatthey arerelated through thespectralweightfunction asin Eqs.(32.14)and (32.15). 9.6. Study the linearresponse ofa uniform spin-l Fermisystem to a weak, externalmagnetic held .#'(x?)where the perturbing hamiltonian is given by Xex= . --y,vj#3xêz(x). Y#(x/). ' (t7)Show thattheinduced magnetization isgiven by (4 Z(x/))= -J. t2 ()â-1jdbx'dt'Djtx- x',t- t')./#' (x'r') tXz(k,œ))- -Jz2 ()â-1. &j(k,(z))X (k,t,)) whereD R eisdefned in Prob.9.5. (b) Use W ick'stheorem to evaluate 9. ' . fora noninteracting system,and determ ine DR v with the results ofProb.9.5. (c)Find the generalized susceptibility ofa noninteracting system in a static magneticseldy(k,0)= (X z(k,0))/,#'(k,0),andverifythat 30,2 ,,n lim z(k,0)- k-+o -' i %6. XèF p. à-/n k B F= 0(Paulispinparamagnetism) ww cctcurie'slaw) a1: FINITE-TEM PERATURE FORMALISM 9.7. Repeatthe calculation of Prob.9.6 in the zero-temperature formalism. W hy does tbis zero-tem perature calculation w ork,whereas thatin Prob.7.5 fails? 9.8. (J)Use Probs.5.9 and 9.6 to show thatthe staticsusceptibility for a spin-àFermisystem withspin-independentpotentialsisgivenexactlybyy(k,0)= - MlZ)(k,0)= -p, !I1e *(k,0), (:)W ith the approximation used in Prob.5.8,derive the zero-temperature magnetic susceptibility of a dilute spin-è hard-sphere Fermi gas zlzp= (1- 2ksc/' r)-twhere Xpisthe Paulisusceptibility. ComparewithProb.4.10. 9.9. Discuss the asymptotic form ofthe screening cloud around an im purity inadenseelectrongasat1ow butsnitetem peratures. Henceverifythediscussion attheend ofSec.14. 9.10. Show thattheringapproximationto theplasmadispersion relationata11 temperaturescan be written to orderq2asf1g 2= f1p 2j+ q2(p2)ywhere (p2) isthe m ean squarevelocityofparticlesin anoninteracting Ferm igasattem peratureF. Verify thatthisequation reproduces Eqs.(15.17)and (34.7). Find the srst low-temperaturecorrectiontoEq.(15.17).Repeatfornoncondensed bosons. 9.11. Evaluate F%ç,f,y)(Eqs.(33.4)and (33.6))forallr and Jtand rederive Eqs.(12.41),(12.43),(12.45),and(33.8). Findthedampingofplasmaoscillationsand zero sound atlow tem perature. W hathappensto zero sound in the classicallim it? 9.12. Use the ring approximation X*(k,(sa)= Zh)(k)+ E)(k,au), with Y) takenfrom Eq.(30.12),tostudythesingle-particleexcitationsinadenseelectron gas atzero tem perature. (J)Show thattheexcitationspectrum (seeProb.9.3:)isgivento orderr,by rs , p(l- IK+ qI) ek- e2- eyx zra d qqc+ gyv,ytj-u .j.jt yl wherea= (4/9rr)1,/isdesnedinEq.(12.58),and K = k//cs.l Hencedetermine theehkctivemassm%(seeProb.8.2*. (b)Show thatcloseto theFermisurfacethedamping constant(Prob.9.3:)is givenbyâykQJeXœG)*(TX/16)(k/kF- 1)2. tTheresultsforProbs.9.12/and9.1% werederivedbyJ.J.QuinnandR.A.Ferrell,Phys. Rev.,11::812(1958). part four C anonical T ransform ations 10 C ano nicalT ransform ations In thepreviouschapters,ourdiscussion ofinteracting m any-particleassem blies em phasized theuse ofquantum held theory and Green'sfunctions. Form any system s,however,thephysicsbecomesclearerin am oredirectapproach,where we sim plify the originalsecond-quantized ham iltonian and obtain an approxim ate problem thatis exactly solvable. This chapter studies a class of such problem sthatcan besolved with acanonicaltransform ation ofthecreation and destruction operators in the abstract occupation-num ber H ilbertlpace. A s notedin Chap.1,thecom m utationrelationscom pletely characterizethecreation and destruction operators. Since,by desnition,a canonical transformation does notalter these com m utation relations,the transform ed operators again satisfy Eqs.(1.28)inthecaseofbosonsorEqs.(1.50)and (1.51)forfermions. Asa frstexample,weconsidertheinteracting Bosegas(Sec.35)following a treatmentdueto Bogoliubov,!andthen studyan interacting Fermigas(Secs. 36and37). 'N.N.Bogoliubov,J.Phys.(&u $WA),11:23(1947). 313 314 CANONICAL TIqANSFOICMATIONS 3SLINTERACTING BOSE GAS An interacting Bose gas at zero tem perature has previously been considered withintheframework ofquantum Eeldtheory(Chap.6). W eheretreatessentially the same problem as an exam ple of a m odel ham iltonian thatcan be diagonalized exactly,thereby yielding al1thephysicalpropertiesofSec.22in a directand intuitivefashion. lftheassemblyisdilute,then mostoftheparticles occupy the zero-momentum state, and only two-body collisions with small momentum transfers play an importantrole. tn Secs.1l and 22 we have already seen thatsuch collisionscan be characterized by a single param eterc, the J-wave scattering length. For this reason,we shall introduce a model hamiltonian consistingofa kinetic-energy term andanartiscialpotentialenergy X =U)âf -tlkllck+C 1) t4 4dkl-ykzykz4k4 2F k,kzkak4 l4zJk,Jk k (35.1) inwhichtheactualpotentialU(k)isreplacedbyapseudopotentialg. The constantmatrix elementg can be determined by requiring thatX correctly reproduce the two-body scattering properties in vacuum . This problem hasalreadybeenstuditdinSec.11,whereitwasshownthatthescattering amplitudewasrelatedto thetwo-bodypotentialbyEq.(11.14). Inthepresent case,the Fouriertransform ? Xk)M mvlkjlhzisreplaced bymg/hlsandwe5nd /(k', (mglhljl k)=-4zr /(k' , k)=mg yz+J(d3 2, aq, )3k2 -q2+iy+''' Theleftsidereducesto 4=a atIong wavelengths,which yieldstherelation lW ahl -../. 2 #3g 1 i+ ''' m - #- â2 (2=)3q' .. Thehrst-orderresult 4nhla ç- m . (35. 2) (35.3) (35.4) iswelldesned. lncontrast,thesecond-orderintegraldivergesatlargem om enta. Thisartiscialdivergence arisesfrom the substitution ofg for F(k),and we thereforecutofl-theintegralatsomelarge wavevectorQ. W eshow,inthe followingdiscussion.thatasim ilardivergenceoccursin theground-stateenergy, andthetwoexpressionscanbecombinedtoyieldasniteanswer,evenforQ ->.q n. W e return to thisquestion attheend ofthissection. The scattering propertiesm ustbeevaluated with carebecause the J-wave scatteringlength ahasbeendefned asiftheparticlesweredistinguishable. For identicalbosons,the overallwave function is symm etric,and the diflkrential crosssection isobtained from asym m etrized scattering am plitude Jtr 2 1./-(*)+f(= - #)l (35.5) 315 CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIONS Each term reducesto -Jin thelow-energy Iim it,giving #c .- a (35.6) #Ii sI2cl . whichisfourtim esthatfordistinguishableparticles. The param eterg hasnow been related to observable quantities,and we return to the originalmany-particle hamiltonian,Eq.(35.1). In view ofthe specialroleofthezero-m om entum statesitisagainnaturaltoreplacetheoperators aoand t/()by cnumbers tp(),f/o-. >.Nt (35.7) exactlyasin Sec.18. Theterm softheinteraction ham iltonian canbeclassihed accordingtothenum beroftim estzaandJ' oappear,and we shallretain only term s oforderNlandNo Xint; kJg(2F)-i(t /0t7( 1)t7;av. 4-j)'g2((7l(zu(4av+ Z kJ-kA J0) k + JlY-kJ0tk V JY OY()JkJ-k1) (35.8) . where the prim e m eansto om itthe term sk = 0. This truncated hamiltonian clearly neglects the interaction of particles out of the condensate; it should provide a good approxim ation as long as N - N.<: 4N . The validity of this assum ption isexam ined below. ltis plausible,however,thatthe term som itted can only contribute to theenergy in third orhigherorderofperturbation theory, fortheyinvolveonecollision to gettheparticlesoutofthecondensate,asecond collision above the condensate,and a third collision to return the particlesto thecondensate (see thediscussion following Eq.(11.22)2. A combination of Eqs.(35.7)and(35.8)gives Xint= g(lF)-1EAT!+ lNvX'(t4Jx+t/-kJ-k)+Xtl1l/(t4Y-kVJk&-k)1 . k k (35.9) while the num beroperatorbecom es # -Nz+. è.ï' (clck+Jtkl-k) k (35.10) Theproblem ofparticlenonconservation thatwasseenin Sec.18evidently occurshere aswell. Although itis possible to introducea chem icalpotential (Prob.10.3),weprefertoconsiderN = vj 9' sgivenandtoelim inateh'0explicitly. ,;a IfonlytermsoforderA'2andN arekept,substitutionofEq.(35.10)into(35.9) yieldsourfinalm odelham iltonian /?=. i.Vgnl+J;' ((e2+ng)(t4tu +JtkJ-k)Vnglsatk+JkD-k)1 (35.11) k . where n= N/U is the particle density. ln obtaining this result, terms like () ('ï/ktzklz have again been neglected on the assumption that N - No<: <N. k a16 CANONICAL TRANSFO RM ATIONS Equation(35.11)hastheimportantfeaturethatitcanbesolvedexactlybecause itisa quadraticform in theoperators,and thereforecan bediagonalized with a canonicaltransform ation. Thediagonalization ofP ismostsimplycarriedoutbydesninganew set ofcreationand destruction operatorsl au= uklk- Ukœt -k t /k= ukt zk #- vkl-k (35.12) wherethecoeë cientsukandt'kareassum ed to berealandsphericallysym m etric. The transform ation iscanonicalifthe new operatorsalso obey the canonical com m utationrelations lt xk,t x# k'l= 3kk' . ltxksœk'l= Et xlyd'l=0 (35.13) and itiseasilyseenthatthisconditionm aybesatisEed byim posingtherestriction / . /1- !)1= 1 (35.14) foreach k. Equation (35,12)may besubstituted into X directly,and we5nd # = !.Vgnl+ X' ((4 + ng)tj- nguk? Jkl k +11' tE(e2+nr)(? zl+t'ï)-2?z.tyngl(( 4th +atka-k)) k +1'Z' f/#(&1+/ 71)-lukrktez+Fl#lltt xl(Zk+œkJ-k)l (35.15) k Although theparametersukand vksatisfy therestriction ofEq.(35.14), theirratioisstillarbitraryandcanbeusedtosimplifyEq.(35.15). Inparticular, wechooseto eliminate the lastline of X. The resulting hamiltonian is then explicitly diagonalin thequasi particle numberoperatorsthtt xk,which allowsus todeterm ineallitseigenvectorsandeigenvalues. Theconditionontheparam eters ukand vkbecom es ngluk+ rl)= 2ukh(4 + ngj (35.16) Theconstraint(35.14)can beincorporated with theparametricrepresentation uy= coshJu vk= sinhn whichreducesEq.(35.16)to t ng anh2+k=4 + ng Since the leftside lies betw een -1 and 1,thisequation can be solved forallk only ifthe potentialis repulsive (g>0). The use of standard hyperbolic identitiesgives t,z- t4l- 1= !. E. E' : -l(4 + ng)- 1) (35.17) 1Although thisstepisusuallyknown asaBogoliubovtransformation,itwasusedearlierby T.Holstein and H.Primakoë Phys.Aep..58:1098 (1940)in a study ofmagnetic systems. 317 CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIONS Where EkO ((4 + ngjl- (ng)2)+ (35.18) A combinationofEqs.(35.14)to(35.18)yields X'= !.Vgn2- JX' (62+ ng- Ek)+ !.X' Jk(œ:txk+ Z-kt x-k) k k (35.19) The operatorQ akhastheeigenvalues0,1s2,....Consequently,the groundstate l O )ofX isdeterminedbythecondition aklO)= 0 allk; #.0 (35.20) andmaybeinterpretedasaquasiparticlevacuum. Notethatlolisacomplicated combinationofunperturbedeigenstates,sinceneithertzknOr4 annihilatesit. Theground-stateenergyisthen given by E = (0(4 (O)= !.Pk2g+ !.X'(Ey- d - ng) k (35.21) Furtherm ore,al1excited statescorrespond to variousnum bersofnoninteracting bosons,each with an excitation energy fk. This sped rum has the sam e form asthatobtained in Sec.22foradilutehard-coreBosegas: X -. E (zn Y) 11 ' s' Y ! Y -=$ I ' . 4=m t m2hl1 $%%k 4=anh2 (35.22/8 k Q$ 62+ (35.22:) Atlong wavelengths,theinteracting spectrum ischaracteristicofa sound wave with avelocitygiven by(4nanhzjmljk. Itisagain clearthattheseresultsare meaningfulonlyforarepulsive interaction (g > 0,J > 0). ThedistributionfunctioninthegroundstateIO)isgivenby nk= (0 lt /kJk10)= rl(O lœkQ 1O)= b' i (35.23) whichvariesask-ifork ->.0. Atlargewavenumbers,t' ïa:k-4,thusensuring thatthetotalnumberofparticlesoutofthecondensateremainssnite. W esee that the interaction rem oves particles from the zero-mom entum condensate' , indeed,there is a inite probability of fnding a particle with arbitrarily high m om entum . ltisinteresting to 5nd thedepletion,defned by N - No 1 ' l #3# N = y k t,j= n - (2=)yr,k 4j2n =J. )j1j( r jyzyyjjj. y+ z+2. y lzj,.jj =8j/ynnj+ . a3 . . (35.24) 3,8 CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS in complete agreementwith Eq.(22.14). Note thatthisexpression isnonanalyticina (org)and thuscannotbeobtainedin sniteorderofperturbation theory. Theground-stateenergyhasbeenfoundinEq.(35.21),butthesum diverges like72 'k-2ask-+.œ. Thisdivergencerecectsthefailureofperturbationtheory k fora Bosegas. In fact,ifweevaluatethesecond-orderterm intheground-state energy using our pseudopotential,the answer di .v ergesin justthe same way (ste Prob.1.3). Thusthedivergenctisnotvtry basic,foritaristsfrom the assumption thatthe potentialhasconstantm atrix elementsasa function ofthe relative m om entum . The Fouriertransform ofa m ore realistic potentialfalls ofl-at high momentum, which renders the resulting expression convergent. Thisprocedureis unnecessary,however,since the expansion for the scattering lengtha to orderg2in Eq.(35.3)containspreciselythesamedivergence. We may thereforeelim inateg entirely,which givesa convergentexpression forthe ground-stateenergyintermsofthedirectlymeasuredquantitya(seeEq.(35.6)1.1 Toverifytheseassertions,Eq.(35.21)mayberewrittenbyaddingandsubtracting the second-orderenergy shift , E= ' l , n mn2g2 l'Zrl2g-Vng)2Fk jzkzj tn+!.k Eg-ek-ng+ yzy;a ' Itisreadilyseenthatthelastsum converges;furtherm ore,thesrsttwo term sare justthoseintheexpansionofEq.(45.3)forthescatteringlengtha. Inthisway weobtain E- A !. n(g-jj2j(d 2* 3k3Vl)j -. jgj(d z. 3j )jt -g j-X n e g-j+g A ndj 2zrm t 02nj lj. j .gt yza =t p/ j+Jg0 *yzysjty.+zyzll ' .-y,.j+slzjj zzrm ahznjj+1 l 2 58jn= c3jlj (?5. a5) . which is precisely Eq.(22.19). Note thatthese two calculations are quite diflkrent.becauseweevaluated E - jy, N inSec.22,whereashereweevaluateE directly. Itisinteresting to study the magnitude oftypicaltermsomitted from Eq. (35.25). Considerfrsttheinteraction ofthe particlesoutofthecondensate. A san estim ate ofthiscontribution,we m ultiply the strength ofthe interaction by thenum berofpairs: 1(A 2Y-p'i X0)2=$a#Xg1(X= &î)112-Nl=h mldni 1g3 !(N= &'j1j2 - - which shows that these terms represent a higher-order correction to EIN. 1ThisobservationwasmadebyK.A.BruecknerandK .Sawada,Phys.Rev.,106:1117(1957). CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIO NS 319 AnotherapproximationoccurredinEq.(35.11)withthesubstitution gNl #A2 ININ - Nz4 2F 2P' P' Thisexpression om itsterm soforder WU(X-Xo)2=NlR% 2 ml&X(à 8(X -= &3jij2 which are again negligiblein thisapproxim ation. Finally,we com m enton the useofEq.(35.3)to eliminateginfavorofa. Theleadingterm intheenergyis oftheform E y# A = 27+ . - . (35.26) whichmayberewrittenwith Eq.(35.4)as E 2. 14 2na X m (35. 27) Thisterm can becom pared with thesrst-ordercorrection foradiluteFerm igas (Eq.(11.26)) E j.eî.= gl kra:2 k; 2an(2- 1) A za y = =hnl - . (35.28) where the numericalfactor (2- 1)arisesfrom the directand exchange terms, respectively. Apartfrom the diFerentdegeneracy factors,Eqs.(35.27)and (35.28)areidentical,and they both can be interpreted in termsofan optical potentialEsee the discussion ofEq.(11.26)). The correctionsto Eq.(35.26) requirethesecond-ordertermsin Eq.(35.3),aswellastheadditionaltermsin Eq.(35.21). Once we have eliminated the divergences,however,itisthen permissible to set g= nnv ahllm in the remaining correction terms. Since the answeriswelldehned,the error introduced by this lastapproxim ation is of higherorderand thusnegligiblein the presenttreatm ent. The above results for the ground-state energy and depletion ofthe condensate reproducethoseobtained in Sec.22 with them ethodsofquantum seld theory. A lthough the canonical transform ation provides a m ore physical pictureoftheground stateand excited states.itislesswellsuited forcalculations to higherorder. ln principle,ofcourse,itispossibleto retain allhigher-order termsin the interaction hamiltonian (35.8);the two approachesmustthen lead to identicalresultssince they are based on the sam e physicalapproxim ations. N evertheless,practicalcalculationshavegenerallyrelied on them ore system atic methodsusingG reen'sfunctionsintroduced in Chap.6.1 lSee,forexample,S.T.Beliaev,Sov.Phys.-JETP,7:299(1958). CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIONS 320 36LCOOPER PAIRS A lthoughthemostrem arkablepropertiesofsuperconductorsarethoseassociated withelectromagneticfelds(seeChap.13),superconductorsalsoexhibitstriking therm odynam ic eflkcts,which played a centralrole in the developm ent ofthe m icroscopictheory. TheelectronicspecischeatCe3variesexponentiallyatlow tem peratures Cetccexp -p-. p '*B = F ->.0 (36.1) w hich istypicalofan assem bly withanenergygap, à separatingtheground state from the excited states. A second im portantexperimentalobservation is the isotope eflkct,where the transition tem perature Fcofdiflkrentisotopes ofthe sam e elementvarieswith the ionic m assM as FcccLV -k (36.2) This result indicates that the dynam ics of the ionic cores aflkcts thesuperconductingstate,eventhoughtheionsarenotespeciallyim portantinthenorm alstate (Sec.3). ln the presentsection,we study a sim ple m odeldue to Cooper,lshowing thatan attractive interaction between two fcrm ionsin the Ferm isea leadsto the appearanceofaboundpaix '. Thenoninteractinggroundstate(filled Fermisea) thus becom es unstable with respect to pair form ation,and the linite binding energy ofthepairprovidesa qualitativeexplanation forthegapin theexcitation spectrum . Before Cooper's m odel can be considered relevant to superconductivity.however,itis necessary to show thatthe esective interaction between electronsisattractive,and itisherethatthe isotopeeflkctgivesan im portantclue. Although the shielded coulom b potentialofSecs.12 and 14 is repulsive,there is also a virtualelectron-electron interaction arising from theexchangeofphonons associated withthecrystallattice. Astirstnoted byFröhlichjzthisinteractionis attractive forelectrons near the Ferm isurface,and ittherefore gives a physical basis forthe attractive interparticle potentialin Cooper'sm odel. The electronphononinteractionisstudied indetailin Chap.l2,and weshallnotattem ptany furtherjustiscationofCooper'smodelatthispoint. Consider the Schrödinger equation for two fermions in the Ferm i sea interacting through a potentialAFtxj,xc). The many-particle medium afects these two particlesthrough the exclusion principle,which restrictstheallowed intermediatestates,exactly asin Sec.11. TheSchrödingerequation EFI+ Fc+ AF(1,2)J/(l,2)= f/(l,2) 1L.N.Cooper,Phys.RFt,..104:1189(1956), 2 H . Fröhlich,Phys.Rev.,79:845(1950). (36.3) CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS 321 can berewritten in a slightlydiferentform asfollows: 441,2)- @a(1,2)+ é)@a(l,2) l (ealAUI/(1,2)) a#o E - E. (36.4) E - En= (@olAP'I/(1,2)) (36.5) wheretheeigenstatesn areeigenfunctionsofH o S0n = (L + Fz)Tn= EnTa (36.6) The equivalence ofthese two form scan be verised by applying the operator Ih - E = L + Fc- E toEq.(36.4)andusingthecompletenessoftheeigenstates ofHn. Theremainingequation(36.5)issimplyanormalizationconditionfor#: (9701/)= 1 (36.7) and we m ust naturally com pute a1lotherexpectation valuesaccording to the relation(O)= (/101/)/4/1/). Ifthe system isconined to a large box with volume F,the unperturbed wavefunctionsareplanewaveswith periodicboundaryconditions PkTkz(j,;)= pr-+pfklpxlpr-+elkz.xz (J6.8) To sim plify thediscussion we shallneglecttheeFectofspinsand treatthetwo initialparticlesasdistinguishable. Thisisperm issibleifthetwo particleshave opposite spins,while P'mustbe spin independent. The many-body aspectsof the problem are now incorporated by restricting the sum over interm ediate statesinEq.(36.4)inthefollowingway Zn -*klkzZ>kF (36.9) becauseal1otherstatesin theFermiseaarealreadyslled. In a hom ogeneousm edium ,thetotalm om entum ofthe pairwillbeconserved,and wetherefore introducethefollowingdeEnitions P = kl+ kz k = ètk1- ka) R = ètxl+ xg x= xj- xa v= m Fâ-2 E = hl,2:n-1+1/2#2,n-1 (36.10) (36.11) (36.12) (36.13) Thesolution to theSchrödingerequation takestheform /41,2)= F-+cdP*RF-+4.k(x) (36.14) where the srst factorcontains the center-of-mass motion,while the second is theinternalwavefunctionoftheinteractingpair. IncontrasttotheSchrödinger equationin freespace(Eq.(11.8)),thetotalmomentum hp asectstheinternal a22 CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS wavefunctionbecausetheElled Fermiseaprovidesapreferredframeofrtference. W enotethat# cannotexceed lkFiftheparticlesareinitiallyinsidetheFermisea. SubstitutionofEq.(36.14)intoEqs.(36.4)and(36.5)yields d3t 1 (;v'k(x)= e'tk*f+ A r(2=)3ctt*xKl- t2(t1t)1/p'k) 1. iP + kl< ks F'O I èP + tl>kr .2 k2= zz-l tklpl/p,k) - (36.15) (36.16) which isknown astheBethe-Goldstoneequation.l ItissimplytheSchrödinger equation fortwo ferm ionsin a Fermigas,wherethePauliprincipleforbidsthe appearance ofintermediate statesthatare already occupied by otherfermions. Since the interacting pairinitially liesinside theFerm isea,itcannotm akereal transitions. N evertheless,itcan m ake virtualtransitions to al1states outside theFermisea,asseeninthelastterm ofEq.(36.15),wheretheenergydenominator nevervanishes. In consequence,the solution ofthisequation hasm om entum com ponentscorresponding to a11theunhlled statesaswellasthe originalcom - ponentsI. P +k andI. P - k. Ingeneral,theBethe-Goldstoneequationcanbesolvedonlywith numerical techniques. A lthough straightforward in principle,thisapproach isnotalways suëciently accurate to uncoverthe rather subtle features associated with the Ferm isea,and weshallthereforeintroducea m odeltwo-particlepotentialthat allowsusto obtainan exactsolution. Theconceptofapotentialisirstgeneralized to includenonlocalpotentials r(x)-. >.p(x,x') (36.17J) J#3xt?-fk'xp(x)/(x). ->.f#3xJ3x?c-ik*xtjxyx'l/(x/) (36.17:) A localpotentialisthen obtained asthelim it l.(x,x'). -+.n(lx1)3(x- x') W enow chooseto consideranonlocalseparablepotential.which takestheform !7(x,x')= l z(Ixl )&(1x'I)* (36.18) with the Fouriertransform J#3. xt'-tk*xu(x)= ulk) ltisevidentthatthe only Iocalseparablepotentialisa deltafunction r(x)= v3(x) butwemayexpectournonlocalapproximationEq.(36.l8)toprovideareasonable description ofa short-rangepotential. !H.A.Betheand J.Goldstone,Proc.Roy.Soc.tf-t/alt?al,A238:551(1957). 323 CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS W iththeseparablepotential,Eq.(36.16)becomes x.2 - k2= àpr-lu(k)jd3xu(x)*4p,k(x) (36.20) SubstitutionofEq.(36.15)intherightsidethenyields <2 - u(k)12 k2= l1 t 1 jz +àjpgd3, a. ),ultj*sa. jzult)(xg-s; (36.21) which m ay berearranged asfollows 1 1 Il4k)I2 d5t 1l4f)l2 ; î=f',2-k2Xlr(2 , 43,2-t2Kfç' cg) (36.22) Thisequation determ inesthe eigenvalue s2,and hence the energy sltiftN rpair through the relation LE = hlv-1(s2- k2) (36.23) r k JP kr Fig.36.1 Integrationregioninmomentum spacefor Bethe-Goldstoneequation. V IJP : i:k1<kr Equation(36.22)ismosteasilystudiedgraphically,andwedenotetheright sidef(<2),although italso dependsparametrically onP and k. The integral in f(<1) decreases monotonically as K2 increases,becoming logarithmically singular when the denominatorcan srstvanish. The integration region l''is illustratedinFig.36.1,whichshowsthatthisdivergenceoccursatx2= k/- $#2. Inaddition,thefrstterm of/(x2)issingularatKl= k2,and itisnow easyto sketch ftsz)asshown inFig.36.2. Thesmooth background curverepresents - the integralterm,which isindependentofk2. Furthermore,the Erstterm of /(x2)contributesonlyin theimmediatevicinity ofk2,Gcauseitscoeëcientis proportionalto F-!and thusbecom essm allfora m acroscopic system . A sa result,/(s2)consistsofa singularity with narrow width atthevariablepoint s2= k2,superposed on thebackground curve thatislogarithmically singularat K2= k/- jPZ. Theeigenvalueisdeterminedbytheintersectionof/(M2)withthehorizontal line A-i. Itis evidentthat there is only one solution forA > 0,occurring at K2 - k2; k;àF-1jutkljz+ &(à2) (36.24) 324 cAsoNlcAu TRANSFORMATIONS Here the integral term has been neglected,because itis fnite at<2= k2and contributes only to higher orderin A. W e conclude thatthe only esect ofa repulsivepotentialistoshifttheenergyofthepairbyasmallamountproportional to Ilz(k)l2F-1,asexpected foran interacting medium. In contrast,Fig.36.2 showsthatan attractive potentialA < 0 alwaysleads to /wt?solutionsforeach k2,aslongasIAIdoesnotbecometoolarge. Thusanattractiveinteractionalters the energy spectrum in a qualitative m anner. Although the ordinary solution ofEq.(36.24)stilloccurs,wealso5ndanew (anomalous)solutionarisingdirectly from thelogarithmicsingularity of/(s2). W hich ofthe two eigenvalueslies lowerdependsontherelativevalueofkland IAl. IfIA1issxed,thenthereisa Fig. 36.2 Eigenvalue condition Eq. (36.22)forBethe-Goldstoneequation. corresponding criticalvalue kc l such thatthe anom aloussolution is the lower eigenvalue for a1lk > kc,while the ordinary solution islower fork < kc. A n approxim atevalueforkcisobtained from thesolution ofthe equation (2. *-3Jrd3t1 N(1)1 2(/ cJ-/2)-i=A-1 (36.25) which istheintersectionofthelineA-1withthepartoff(Kl)arising from the integralinEq.(36.22). Itisclearfrom Fig.36.2thattheanomalouseigenvalue isessentiallyindependentofk2,and thustheground-stateenergy of thepairis independentofitsinitialrelativewltl cvectork asIong ask >kc. Thisbehavior isverydillkrentfrom thatoftheordinarysolution(36.24),where<2;kJk2apart from correctionsoforderF -1. W e shallnow study the anom alous eigenvalue in detail. The srst term ofEq.(36.22)isnegligibleunlesskisexactlyequaltokr,sothattheeigenvalue< isessentiallyequaltokcandobeysjustthesameequation(36.25): I A1-1-(2*)-3Jy,d5tlu(f)l2(/2-a: 2)-1 (36. 26) CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIONS :26 Although thisequationcan bestudied foral1# < 2ks,itissim plestto setP = 0, whentheeigenvaluecondition becom es 1 * t2dt11 z(/)12 $jI= kr 2=2t2- <2 kF *xcdx :I ?z(ksx)I2 - 2 z = I x - (s/ks)z (36.27) Thelogarithm icsingularity ofthisintegralcan beextracted through an integration by parts F I? Q11l;k$4k.2 z(/fF)Iclnk/kl<c - (36.28) InarrivingatEq.(36.28)thepotentialhasbeenassumedtobeasmoothfunction ofthe m omentum and the remaining snite integralhas been neglected. Since Klislessthank/,wewrite Kl = pt'/- möh-l (36.29) and asim plerearrangem entyields l h2ky4=2 = m exp - / cslA1IN(k21z (36.30) Asnoted above,Eq.(36.29)determinesthe ground-stateenergy ofthe pair wheneverk > kc. Thecorrespondingexpression for. ( ïhasseveralveryremarkable features: 1.TheenergyshiftofthepairLE = â2?. n-l(x2- k2)= 2(eks- 6k)- : ' Xisnegative nearthe Ferm isurfaceand isindependentofthevolum e. 2.. t ïhasan essentialsingularityinthecouplingconstantandcannotbe obtained with perturbationtheory. é(#)isgreatestforthosepairswithP = 0.becausethephasespacewherethe denominatorof(36.26)vanishesisthen maximized. If# = 0,weseethatt attains its m inim um value everywhere on the surface ofthe Ferm isphere (Fig.36.1), .forsnite1Pt,however,thisvalueoccursonlyonacircleofradius (k/- $#2)1. 4. Theoccurrenceofa bound pairforan arbitrarilyweakhnite-rangeattractive potentialdependscrucially on the presence ofthe m edium ;two particles in free space willnotform a bound state unlessthe strength ofthe potential exceedssome criticalvalue. This resultalso can be seen in Eq.(36.30), because' â vanishesexponentially askF -. >.0. Theforegoingcalculation im pliesthattwoparticleswith oppositemomenta and spins nearthe Ferm isurface willform a bound pair,as long asthe inter- z26 CANONICA: TRANSFORM ATIONS particle potentialis attractive.l ln thisway,the system lowers itsenergy by an amounté,and the originalunperturbed ground state clearly becomesunstable. Unfortunately, Cooper's model is restricted to two particles' , it is thereforeincapableofdescribingthe new ground state,which evidentlyinvolves m any bound pairs. Nevertheless,thecalculation hasprovided a qualitativedescription ofthe instability,and italso indicatesthat the new ground state cannotbe obtained with aperturbation expansion. InSec.37weshow how theBogoliubovcanonica1transform ation allows us to study the m any-body ground state of such a system . 37UINTERACTING FERM I GAS W e now discusshow theformation ofCooperpairscan beincorporated into a consistentmany-body theory. The basic idea isthatpairing between particles inthestates(kt)and(-k))canmaketheFermiseaunstableiftheinterparticle potentialis attractive. ln consequence,these states play a specialrole, and we thereforem ake thefollowing canonicaltransformationz =k= 1z..Jk!- rkt /-kt 8-k= &kJ-ktV'V Yk! , (37.1) Thec-numbercoeëcientsukandrkarerealanddbpendonlyon I k(. Thislinear transformation iscanonicalifand only ifthe new operatorsobey the relations lt zk>o1'l=(Vk,X'l=Qk' Allotheranticom m utators= 0 (37.2) G iven theoriginalanticom mutation relations 1/kâ,&1'â'1=t skk't sâ/, (37.3) itisreadilyseenthatEq.(37.2)implies uk 2+ (, k 2= j (37.4) Theseequationscan beinverted to give Jk?= ukœk+ t'k#1k J-kt=uk#-k-rkœl (37.54) (37.5:) 1In principle,a bound paircan also lx formed by two particleswith parallelspinsin an antisymmetric spatialstate. To the extentthatthe attractive interaction is of shortrange,we exr< ttheefrectsto l x largestin (symmetric)relative. îstates. 2N .N .Bogoliubov,Sov.Phys.-JETP,7:41(1958);J.G.Valatin,Nuovo C' l' znealtp.7:843(1958); S.T.Beliaev,IntroductiontotheBogoliubovCanonicalTransformation M ethod, in C.DeW itt (ed.),Ab' f' heM anyBodyProblem.''p.343,JohnW ileyandSons,Inc.,New York,1959;S.T. Beliaev.Kgl.Danske Videnskab.Selskab.M at.-Fys.Mee ,31,no.11(1959). CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIONS 327 A s in Chap.6,we shallconsider the therm odynam ic potential at zero temperature D(F= 0,P,p,).which is the expectation value of (compare Eq. (18.29)) k - # - /z# = )(c1zJkA(E2- /z)-' l' Z tklAIkzlalFIk3A)k4l4) k2 kll, kzz ,l, kl+ .k4 XJ1là,JlzàzJuz.lkzA, (37.6) The use ofthe therm odynam ic potentialallows usto treatassem blieswith an indesnite num ber ofparticles. In the end,ofcourse,the chem icalpotential willbechosentoensurethat(X)= N. Wealsoassumeanattractiveinteraction potentialF > 0. Thetherm odynam icpotentialwillnow berewritteninterm softheom rators akand ju,arranged in normalorderwith a1lthe destruction omratorsto the rightofa11thecreation operators. Although thisprocedurecan becarried out directly,it is m uch simpler to use W ick's theorem. Consider the operator 4:ck,!,whichcanbeexpressedasfollows t/k!Jk'l=X(4!Jk'!)-F't4ïJk't (37.7) HereN standsfornormalorderwith respectto the operatorsx and j.1 If 1O)isthenew vacuum characterizedbytheconditions JklO)=#k)O)= 0 thevacuum expectationvalueofEq.(37.7)yields (37.8) t/k' yG',=(0141zkœl+pkj-k)(uk'Jk'+Lk'#!k11O) = ôk.k,p2 k (37.9) and sim ilarly Jtk)Jl. k't= Q ,k'1ll ThustheErstterm ofEq.(37.6)becomes 1k2(4 - 8)l2ktJk!+ tzk)&-ktl (37.10) = Zk (4 -rt)(2/71+A(J1tJk!)+N(Jtk)J-k))1 = X (4 -M)7171+(u1- &I)(Q ak+#!k/-k)+lukr:tj-kœk+œ1/!. 01 k (37.11) 1To maketheformalconnection with W ick'stheorem complete,wemayconsiderthex o> l'atorsto betimedependentwiththetimeoftheoperatoron theleftinhnitesimallylaterthan that on the right;howtver,a littlereqection on thereader'spartwillconvince him thatthisartifice isunnecessary. a2: cAsoNlcAu TRANSFO RM ATIONS wherethenormalproductshavebeenevaluatedexplicitlywithEq.(37.5). The potentialenergy in Eq.(37.6)ismore dimcult. Forsimplicity,we assum ethatthepotentialisspin independent' . (k1AIk2A2IFI k3A3k4A4)= 3A,A,3AaA.tklk2IP'lk3k4) (37.12) ln addition,theexplicitexpression tk1k2Ilz-lkqk4)= F-2JJ#3x#3y('-i(kl*x+ka*y)p'tx>y)eilkz*x-Fk4*y) showsthatthe m atrix elem enthasthefollowingsym metryproperties: (kIk2IP'Ik3k4)- (k2kl1Uj k4k3)= (-k3-k41UI-kl-k2) (37.13) (-kj-kzt#'p-k3-k4) wheretherelation F(x,y)= P-(-x,-y)hasbeen assumed inarrivingatthelast equality. The potential-energyoperatorcan now berewritten with Eq.(37.13) as P= f' .+ Vi (37.14) where (a= -j.)é tkk'(FIk+ q,k'- q)gt/k,t/k'!Jk'-q!Jk4. q! kk'q (37.l5J) (77.15bq Thetwo termsofIh diflkronlyinthesubscriptson theoperators,and comparison of Eqs.(37.54)and (37.5:) shows thatthe second term can be obtainedfrom thesrstwiththesubstitutionlau+.. +j-kandt'4-+-r). Wetherefore concentrate on the frst term ; the corresponding operator product can be rewritten with W ick's theorem dk %tf/kz!Jkz-q!Nk-hq!= Xlt/ktt/k'!Ck'-q!Ck/. q!1V îq,0Dk 2X(t/k'rJk,t) 0 :: 2 k+q . + 3q, Xtlf k!&k!)- 3k', 11:2.XtJ)yJkrl dk'k+n112 :X(JY k',au't)-h30oPJ? 7. 2,--8u,k+qr2 :!Jk 2, (37.16) -- wheretheonlynonzero contractionshave been evaluated with Eqs.(37.9)and (37.10). Inthisway,Eq.(37.15/)reducestothefollowingexpression Pu- #(P2 - ' ikk' Z (fkk'l#'lkk')- fkk'lFlk'k)) x((ryl?) + 2? é,. N'(< TJk!)J+ lak*-+j-k,1 7+->-lC11 CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIONS 329 which has been simplihed slightly with Eq.(37.13). The normal-ordered productsinthesecond term havealreadybeenevaluatedinEq.(37.1l),andwe therefore;nd Pa= N(P,)- kk' )((tkk'IFlkk')- (kk'!P'1k'k))(?irj,+ t7j. (l4 - I72 k) X(Zkœk+jik/-k)+ Pl(2l4rk)(aljl -'k+j-k(V)l (37.17) Theremainingcontribution P:can betreatedinasimilarway. W eneed thefollowing contractions kt -k t t/kiJlk-t= Z-kttïb.T= 0 and theoperatorin f' ,becomes (37.18) . Yk!Y-k'tU-k'-qtflkhq!= XlYk!Y-k'tV-k'-q)Qk+q!)' Xfq, 0lliXlt /-kztJ-k't) + âq.0&ieA(J1!Jkll+ 3k.k'l lkWX(D-k-q)&k+q!) + îk.k'Nk+qlk4. qX(Yk!Y-ktl-f-3q,01lP1, + îkk,ukt4l zkl.qL'kq. q ThislastequationmaybecombinedwithEq.(37.15:)togive bh = N(6)- kk' U((k-k'Jl'J k- k')r2,(?é+:V(4,Jky)+. N(t/. -k)J-kJ)) - )j(k- k1P-1k'- k')uk,!7k,(h vk+ At( /krf /-kt)+ A'tl-ktJk!)1 kk' wherewe havemade somesimplechangesofvariablesand used Eq.(37.13). Thevariousnorm al-ordered productsarereadilyevaluated,and we*nd % = NL%)-kk' jl(ukpkuk,pk,lk-kjP'Tk'-k?)+ plYtk-k'JP'Jk- k')) Z ft=lak+#tk/-k)((&1-&l)&i'(k-k'llz 'lk-k/) kk' - - 2uktl kuk,th,tk-klPrJk'-k'))J- ) g((4#!k+#-kœk) kk' x R14 - &l)uk.rk,tk- klP'Ik'- k')+ 2ugvk!? ltk- k'IP-lk- k'))) (37.19) Itisnow possibletocombineEqs.(37.11),(37.17),and (37.19)to obtain the therm odynamicpotential #- &+41+ zh +x(l 2) (37.20) where & = 2)k((4 - p)!?l- kk 72 (kk'1Plkk')rlr) ' - ï (k- ktF!k'- k')ukvkh,t' k' (37.214) kk' 330 CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONE Xl= Z (Q ak+#!kl-klllfî-/*-Z (lkk'lPlkk')? é, ))(d - 17k) k k, + luktyI ((k- klFIk'- k')uk,t4-)) (37.21:) k# X2=Zk (Q/!k+/-kœk)f2(4 -/*- X ((kk'IPI kk')tlllllzkpk k' - (l4 - tj)) g((k- k!FIk'- k')uk,tv)) (37.21c' p k; and wehaveintroduced theabbreviation tkk'lPlkk')> tkk'!P'gkk')- (kk'lP'! k'k)+ (k- k'JFI k- k') (37.22' Itisconvenientto desne anew single-particleenergy ekY eî- ) j(kk'1F I kk')t' ) k' (37.232 which willturn outto be theH artree-Fock expression,and to m easure nkfrorr thechem icalpotential Q H ek- rz (37.24' Finally,weintroducetheenergy gap bytherelation Ake 12 Flk'- k')uk,p:, k: (k- kl (37.25' ' and thevarioustermsofk become U = 2X (krl+kk? 72!?Ipltkk')F (kk')- 1) ukvkzk k k (37.26/) Pl= Z lœlck+#!.kl-k)RNl-L7l)1k+2uktkZkl k (37.26:) X2= Z (œ1#!k+v-kœklE2NktlkL -(Nl-r1)Zkl k (37.26t$ ltmustbeemphasizedthatEqs.(37.20)and(37.26)togetherconstituteanexact rearrangem entoftheoriginaloperator. Untilthispoint,the only restriction on ukand !7kisthatin Eq.(37.4),and weshallnow im posetheadditionalconstraint I(kukllk= 1ktd - ri) (37.27) to makePcvanish. Thecondition uk+ t?i= 1ismosteasilyincorporated by writing uk= cosy: !l:= sinzk and Eq.(37.27)thenbecomes (ksin2zk= zk cos2zk (37.28) (37.29) 331 cAsoNlcAu TRANSFORMATIONS or tan2zk= à:fk-l (37.30) Simple trigonometry gives sin2y:= +N Ek -t= 2ukty (37.31) cos2yk= +& Ek -l= W - rj whereeithertheupperorlowersignsmustbetaken throughout,and (37.32) E.- (ài+ fi)+ Theterm 41maynow berewrittenas Xl=+zk Zktœlœk'Y'K lk) (37.33) which shows that the upper sign must be chosen to ensure thatthe energy is boundedfrom below. W iththischoice,Eqs.(37.31)and(37.25)become UkW = 2E k -I-j l(1+jk) -I-)(l-jk) é (37.34) à:. k= . !ï k - k')Ev k'(k- kjFI (37.35) ThislastrelationistheBCS gap equation,which isa nonlinearintegralequation forthegap functionAk.l Thezero-temqeraturethermodynamicpotentialk now consistsofthree terms& + 41+ N(F),where& isacnumber,41isdiagonalinthequasiparticle numberoperatorsafxandp%p,and #(P)isanormal-ordered productoffour quasiparticle creation and destruction operators. This last term m akes no contributioninthegroundstateofU + 41 (o I#(P)1O)- 0 (37.36) and it clearly describes the interaction between quasiparticles. For many assemblies,itisagood approximationto neglect. N' (P)entirely,in which case weobtain #:> U+Xlr'JU+ ) gZktllak+X xj k (37.37) !n isgapequation wassrstobtained byJ.Bardœn.L.N .Coom r,and J.R.A hriefer,Phys. Aep..108:1175(1957). Thepresenttreatmentiscloserto thatofBogoliubov,Val atin,and Beliaev,Ioc.cit. =2 CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIONS Evenwhen#(P)isnotnegligible,theoperatorkoprovidesabasisforaperturbation expansion,and we shallnow study the properties of #:in detail. Itis evident that U is the therm odynamic potential of the ground state, while Ez= (àI+ fi)1 represents the additionalcontribution ofeach excited quasiparticle. Note thatEk> Ak,which accountsforthe namegap function because theexcited statesareseparated from theground statebyahnitegap. Themean numberofparticlesinthegroundstateisgivenby(compareEq.(35.23)) N=Z (0IJZJkAIO) kz = 2) jpi= ) ((1- (kE: -1) k k (37.38) where Eqs.(37.9)and (37.10)havebeen used to evaluatethematrix elements. In a sim ilarway,thetotal-m om entum operatorbecom es f:= U )âkzkzJkz= 7 )âktf/k,Jk!- Z klJ-kt) kz k = 7 2âk(#(4tckl)-AtltktJ-kJ)1 k - 7 2âktal kœk+K /k) k (37.39) whereEqs.(37.9)and(37.10)havebeenusedtoobtainthesecondline. W esee that (Xn,ê1= 0 (37.40) so thattheexcited statesobtained by applying quasiparticle creation operators a #andj'to 1O)areeigenstatesofbothknandê. Further progress depends on a detailed solution of the gap equation (37.35). Sinceitisahomogeneousequation,thereisalwaysthetrivialsolution à:= 0 fora11k normalsolution (37.41) whichdescribesthenormalgroundstate(flled Fermisea). Thisidentifcation followsimmediatelybecauseEqs.(37.32)and(37.34)thenbecome Ek= 1f:1 ukp:= 0 uk-j 1(j. j.t# .j ).:(e.-s) normalsolution , ?1-j 1jj-l . (kj j )-ocs-0) (37.42) whileEq.(37.1)reproducesthecanonicaltransformationtoparticlesand holes (comparewithEq.(7.34)J. Furthermore,thelastterm ofEq.(37.26/)vanishes identically,and thetherm odynamicpotentialin theground state reducesto the Hartree-Fock value studied in Sec.10. CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIONS 333 In addition to the foregoing norm al-state solution,thegap equation also hasnontrivialsolutionswith tx# 0,which weshallcallsuperconductingsolutions. Asa specihcmodel,assumethatthematrixelementsofthepotentialareconstant in the region neartheFerm isurface and vanish elsewherez (k- kfU41- 1)= gV-1#tâoao- lf:l)elhu;n- Ifll) (37.43) whereholnisacuto/ introdueedtorendertheintegralsconvergent. Thism odel isapplicableto m etalswhere the interaction with thecrystallatticecan lead to an attractiveinteraction between electronsneartheFermisurfacel(seeChap. 12). Inthisway,thepotentialbecomesseparable,andthegapequationmaybe solved exactly. Itisreadily veritied thatthe gap function reducesto the form Ak= Zhhœn- llk1 ) (37.44) w here21 isaconstant,given asthesolution oftheequation 1= g(2F)-1X olhu)n- îfk()(Z2+ fi)-1 k = l.gJd?k(278-3olho)n- l J:1)(A2+ (:2)-1 (37. 45) In allpracticalcaseshutnism uch sm allerthan !z,and wem ayw rite (2, /8-3#3k= 4r429-3:2dk= S(0)X (37.46) where k v(0)-2= 1cjap dkjkkv, v (37.47) isthedensity ofstatesforonespinprojection attheFermisurface. Equation (37.45)can now beevaluated as 1- gNI?. I â-'p 2 q J-,-s(l2d+lJ2).-#Xt0)J.o-'p(u s2'+ ;2)+ lhœn ; kJgNfQ)ln (37.48) wherewehaveretained onlytheltadingterm forhulol. f s>.l. A simpletransform ation yields a-zâoasexp(-:(1 (j)g) (37. 49) which exhibitsthesamenonanalyticstructureseenin Eq.(36.30). Fortypical metals,huto can be taken as a mean phonon energy hulo= k.0 (the Debye energy)andNlQjgQ;0.2-0.3(seeTable51.14. Thecorrespondingquantitiesuiand&, Ibecome W =. i(1+ (k(L2+ JI)-+) superconductingsolution t'l= . !. (1- J:(é2+ J2)-1) 1H.Fröhlich.loc.cit. (37.50) CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIONS 334 uk 1 l t?2 1 k > a 8G 'k Fig.37.1 Distributionfunctiont' l= 1- 1/1for superconductingsolution. andareshownschematicallyinFig.37.1. Sincerïisthedistributionfunction for quasiparticles.we see that the sharp Ferm isurface ofthe normalstate is smeared throughoutathicknesstâin energy. NotethatEq.(37.50)isinsnitely diFerentiable and thuscan neverbe obtained in perturbation theory from the discontinuousstepfunctionsofEq.(37.42). Atsxed chemicalpotentialrt,the resulting excitation spectrum of#( )in thesuperconducting stateisshown in Fig.37.2,which clearly indicatesthe role ofthe gap A. In the limit 2î . -+.0 we recover the excitation spectrum in the norm al state, shown by the dotted line. The apparent paradox that Ek is positive,even forek< rzin the norm alstate,iseasily explained by rem em bering thatallenergies are here m easured relative to thechemicalpotentialorFerm i energy(recallk M X - p, X ). ThusthegroundstateofN - lparticlesand one hole isa Elled Ferm isea containing N - 1 particles,and the creation ofa hole withe:< J. tthereforerequiresaminimum energyJ. t- ek= ffkI>0(comparethe discussionfollowingEq.(7.61)).1 Itisinterestingto com parethephysicalpropertiesofthenorm alandsuperconducting ground states. ForNxed p. .the numberofparticles isdetermined byEq.(37.38),and we;nd Ns- Nn= 2) ((? Jj1,- riIa) k P'42=)-3J#3/cJk(IJkI-1-((L+Z2)-+j = PW(0)J#ff(1ft-1- (f2+ é2)-1) = 0 (37.51) becausetheintegrand isodd in(. Herewenotethattheonlycontributionto = Ek Sum rconducting I l I I NN.1Z-- NOI'ITIaI # y ek Fig.37.2 Comparisonofexcitationspectrum for normaland superconductingsolutions. 'lfp. (N)isdeterminedfrom Eq.(37.38)then Ekistheexcitationenergyat:xedN,asdiscussed indetailin %c.58. cANoNlcAu TRANSFORMATIONS 335 the integralarisesfrom the im mediate vicinity ofthe Ferm isurface,and itis therefore permissible to use Eq.(37.46). As a result,the transition from the norm alto superconducting statedoesnotalterthem ean num berofparticlesin thisapproxim ation. A lternatively,ifthe numberofparticlesN isconsidered éxed,then thechemicalpotentialsdiFerbyonlyaverysmallamounttrzs- ynlf 'y. n = 3. Thequantityofdirectphysiealinterestisthechangein ground-stateenergy atfixed N fs- En= UXpa)- Un(p, n)+ lpa- l hqN &s(m)-&n(p. a)+bl h(lV J . t)gn+N+0(32) . ,. k:&,(p. n)- UntJznl (37.52) wherethelinearterm vanishesbecauseofEq.(4.9). Since & issmall,we need only computethechangeinthethermodynamicpotentialatlixed /. zgcompare thederivation ofEq.(30.72)). Thisexpression iseasily evaluated with Eqs. (37.26*,(37.34),and(37.42). Assumingthatthematrixelementsf ' xkk'1F 1kk')EE gIVareconstantsinthevicinityoftheFermisurface.wehave Es- En- 2é )fklrlls- t'il al- 7k). ' . ï(ukrklfs+gV-2) (((t'inllls- (riLf,)pn1 k kk' Si -Xkl1 s1(fk+(ià-ipg-i 1yktt' l+ a2 a2). + 4' v7 kk' )(1 )1-(u+&a2).1() 1-((i,tkspl (1-j lkl(,-, jk. ,! )) (1 (2 1 12 gU(X(0)j2 ; epwtolfJt'gt yi-((,. ,.aip-jtlco-spj+ 4 xJfdt#f'tg1-(y2ofaclljgl-(y,c. f' ac).1 (1-t yt f )(1-l #J 'I )) - - - = - jVN(% 12= fk - Da (37.53) where thedouble integralvanishesby sym m etry.l Recalling ourdiscussion of :The thermodynamic identity ofEq.(4.3)now allowsan explicitcalculation ofJza-ym. Assumingasingle-particlespectrum e:Q:6î,weNnd &=r-i. (A/eî.)2(1+ 6(PlnA/êlnN)),which justisesthe omission ofthe82correction in Eq.(37.52). Note.however,thatz V(Jz,- rtJ/ (Es- En)=!.I1+.6(PInA/ 'ê1nN)1iscomparablewith oneso thattheseparatecontributions of order . 3 in Eq.(37-52) are not negligible. If o)o and g are independent of Ns then 6(?lnA/PlnN)reducesto2ln(2âtt)p/A). 3a6 CANONICAL TRANSFORM ATIO NS Cooperpairs,wecan interpretthisexpression asthe binding energy , â perpair multipliedbythenumberofpairs. è.U. NIOI. XIyingwithintheshellofthickness2î ' around the Ferm isurface. Itisthepairsin thisshellthatcan lowertheirenergy by forming theCooperbound state. Equation (37.53)showsthatthesuperconductingstateindeed hasalower energy and therm odynam ic potential than the normal ground state, and is therefore a better approximation to the true ground state or the interacting system . This conclusion follows from the same variational prineiple that determinestheground-stateenergy,forEq.(37.36)show' sthatfq andtlsarethe expectationvaluesoftheexactoperatorX (Eq.(37.20))inthenormalizedground states(normalandsuperconducting)ofXc(Eq.(37.37)). PROBLEM S 10.1. Considera Bosesystem withm acroscopieoccupation ofthesinglem ode with m om entum h%. Find the depletion ofthe condensate as a function of &'= hzjm assuming the pseudopotentialmodelof Eq.(35.1). Compute the totalmomentum P,and compareitwith thevalueNnhz (compareProb.6.6). 10.2. C onsidera densecharged spinlessBosegasin a uniform incom pressible background. U sing a canonicaltransform ation,show thatthe depletion and ground-stateenergyaregiven by (n- n()/n= 0.21lrfand EOIN = -0.803rs*el( 2J(). Intheseexpressionsr, 3= ?jn=natandtzl= hljmpel,wheremeistheboson mass(comparewithProb.6.5). 10.3. Treat the particle noneonservation arising from the substitution av-->.NtbymakingaLependretransformationtothethermodynamicpotential atzero tem peratureX = H - p,X. Assuming a nonsingularpotential,carryout a canonicaltransformation;rederive Eqs.(21.5),(21.8),(21.15),and 5nd the ground-stateenergy. 10.4. ((8 Solve Eq.(36.26)forP.c tlky,and show thatthe binding energy LIPIforapairwithcenterofmassmomentum hpisgivenbyé(#);4sA(0)- ht'yp, wheret's= hkr/m and / . X(0)isgiveninEq.(36.30). (b) lf:â '(0)/ks;4JIOQK,estimatethecriticalvalueofP whereà(#)vanishes. 10.5. Show thatthe anom alouseigenvalue corresponds to a solution ofthe hom ogeneous Bethe-G oldstone equation. (J) UseEqs.(36.15)and(36.18)tofndtheasymptoticform ofthewavefunction 4o,k(x)for a bound pair nearthe Fermisurface with P = 0;explain why it difersfrom theusualexponentialform . (b)Show thatthe form factor(Fouriertransform ofthedensity)forthisstate isF(q); k:1- hvrqllh asq-+.0.Interpretthisresult. (c)lfA/k,; k;l0OK,estimatethepairsizeand comparewith thecriticalwavenum berderived in Prob.10.4. CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS 337 10.6. Com pute the expectation value ofthe operatorX 2in the ground state )0)ofEq.(37.8),andshow thattheQuctuationsaregivenby 'N-2x Y- (ukl-k)2 y;N-)2 = -..j w . (X /2 Z t.'k2 2 k Discuss the difference between the norm aland superconducting ground states. 10.7. Com pute the pairing am plitudes Fk *- ' .O ' t /k-t/- k: O ' and Fk> t'O f J-klt zk!10 ' ,hin theground State ofEq.(37.8). Sketch their behavior asa . function ofk.and show thatthey vanish in the norm alground state. 10.8. Reducethecorrelation function in thesuperconductingground state C)A.(x.x')==..0 t liatx)gé,(x')io ' to detinkte integrals. Evaluate the expressionsforantiparallelspins,and com pare w'ith the corresponding situation in the normalground state. 10.9. The superconducting ground state u' as originally derisr ed U ith a s'ariationalprinciplel tby considering the state ! %',= l-k1(? . /k+ t' kt /k:Y-kt)10)' ' where the productisover a11k,and ' !0 isthe no-particle state. )isnorm alized if ug $ z-t'k2= 1. (t8 Show thath%h, . (b) Show that the expectation value of X gEq.(37.6)1in this state is t.'gEq. (37.21J)J. (c)Varying s?kand l;ksubjectto theconstraintu2.-@' 2= l.show thatthegap equation (37.35)isthecondition fbrminimum thermodynamicpotential. (#) Apart from normalization,verify thatt /k!, 'ç7).and J-k. (/' both represent the same state which isorthogonalto (f p),. Evaluate theexpectation value of X in thisstateand show thattheincrease in the therm odynamicpotentialisfk. part five A pplications to P hysical S ystem s 11 N uclear M atter The study ofatom ic nucleirepresentsan im portantapplication ofthe techniques developed in the preceding chapters. The detailed properties of hnite nuclei are discussed in Chap.lf. This chapter,however,concentrates on the sim pler problem of understanding the bulk properlies of nuclei(nuclear matter) in term softhe interaction between two free nucleons. h' 'e introduce thediscussion by giving a very brief review of the nucleon-nucleon force and by precisely desning nuclearm atter. 381N U CLEAB FORCES : A R EVIEW In thissection wesum m arizethem ainem piricalfeaturesofthenucleon-nucleon interaction. l. Attractive:The existence ofthe deuteron w ith J = 1 and even parity indicatesthattheforce between the proton and neutron is basically attractive, 341 a42 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS atleastinthespin-tripletstate(thatis,the3&1state). Furthermore,theinterference between coulom b and nuclear scattering in the proton-proton system showsthatthenuclearforcebetweentwoprotonsinthe1u L stateisalsoattractive. Finally,itisclearfrom theexistenceofstableself-bound atomicnucleithatthe interaction between any two nucleonsisessentiallyattractive. 2.ShortrangekForincidentnucleonenergiesupto œ 10M eV inthecenterof-m om entum fram e,thediFerentialcrosssection forneutron-proton scattering is isotropic. W e therefore conclude thatscattering occurs in relative J-wave states. This resultallows a rough estim ate ofthe range ofthe nucleon-nucleon force from the classicallim iton the m axim um angularm om entum â/max= rp that can contribute to the scattering am plitude. Substituting the relation betweenenergyand m om entum gives zrnreuE + E + 1..,-r y, =rtFermi)40uevl (38.1) , wherernreaisthereduced mass,and thefollowing relationshavebeen used 1Fermi= 1F H 10-13cm :2 = 20.8MeV F2 (38.2) (38.3) Equation (38.3)isa very usefulresult,foritsetstheenergy scalein nuclear physics. Sincefmax< 1forenergiesup to 10 M eV,itfollowsfrom Eq.(38.1) thattherangeofthe nuclearforceis rQ;few Fermis (38.4) 3.Spin-dependent:The neutron-protoncrosssection c, ,pism uch too large atvery low energiesi csp(0)= 20.4barns= 20.4x 10-24cm2 to arisefrom apotentialchosen to fitthepropertiesofthedeuteron. Since the m easured neutron-proton crosssection is the statisticalaverage ofthe triplet and singletcrosssections aip= i(3t7' )+ Xic) (38.6) itfollowsthatthe singletpotentialmustbediferentfrom thetripletpotentialof thedeuteron. A low-energyscatteringexperim entm easuresonlytwoparam eters of the potential. These can be taken asthe scattering length a and efective rangeradesned by k 1 2 cot3a= -+ èrnk a (38.7) 1M .A.Preston,S.physics ofthe Nucleus,''p.25,Addison-W esl ey Publishing Co..Reading, M ass-,1962. NUCLEAR M AU ER 343 where3:istheâ' -w avephaseshift.l A nextensiveanalysisoflow-energyneutronProton scattering yieldsthe follow ing param eters2: 'J = 23.71c!c0.07 F àa = 5.38 ...+ 0.03 F 'ro= 2.4 + 0.3 F 3ro= l.71 u i n0.03 F - (38.8) Thesingletstatehasa verylargenegative scatteringlength and thereforejust fails to have a bound state. (A bound state atzero energy impliesa = -cc.) In contrast,thetripletsystem hasonebound state,thedeuteron,with a binding energy of2.2 M es'. A lthough there isa large diflkrence in scattering lengths and zero-energy crosssections,the singletand tripletpotentials are in factrather sim ilar,both essentially having a bound state atzero enerp '. 4. Noncentral:Since the deuteron has a quadrupole m omentathe orbital angular m om entum cannot be a constant of the m otion. ln fact the ground state ofthe deuteron m ustcontain both l= 2 and l= 0 to yield a nonvanishing quadrupolemoment(theeven parityforbidsl= 1). Hencethenucleon-nucleon potential cannot be invariant under rotation of the spatialcoordinates alone. The most generalvelocity-independent potential for spin-l particles that is invariantunder totalrotations generated by J = L - S and under spatialreoectionsisgiven by x EB x j- x2 where the tensor operatorisdesned as s'j2H 3(cj.. f)(nz.f)- cj.nz (38.10) Anyhigherpowersofthespin operatorseanbereduced totheform ofEq.(38.9) u through the properties of the Pauli m atrices. The total spin of the nucleon- nucleonsystem isgivenbyS = !. (cl+ cclaandthesquareofthisrelationyields 3 singletstate,, S'= 0 (38.11J) G I*l 2 = +1 tripletstate,S = 1 (38.l1:) The totalhamiltonian constructed with Eq.(38.9)issymmetric underthe inter- change ofthe particles'spins,w'hich m eansthatthewave function m ustbe either symmetric (5'= 1)orantisymmetric(5'= 0)underthisoperation. As a results the totalspin S is a good quantum num ber forthe two-nucleon system . Since thesingletwavefunctionlyisannihilatedbythespinoperator,1.(c1+ ca)lx= 0, 1Fora review'ofefrective-rangetheoryseeL.1.Schifr.''Quantum Mechanics.''3d ed.,p.460. M cGraw-HillBook Company,New York.l968. 2M .A .Preston.op.cit..pp.26-27. 3*4 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S itfollowsfrom Eq.(38.10)that S12ly= 0 (38.12) Thusthe tensoroperatorannihilatesthesingletstateand actsonly in thetriplet state. 5. Charge independent:The nucleon-nucleon force ischarge independent, which m eans thatany two nucleonsin a given two-body state alwaysexperience the sam e force. The Pauliprinciple,however.lim its the neutron-neutron and proton-protonsystem sto overallantisymm etricstatesbecausetheyarecom posed oftwo identicalfermions. A com pletesetofstatevectorsfortwononinteracting nucleonsisobtained by specifyingthem om entum ofeach nucleon and the spin projection Ipj5'lpclz). In the interacting system there are stilleight good quantum num bers,which can be taken to betheenergy,totalangularmom entum , z-projection ofthetotalangularmomentum,thespin,theparity,and thethree components of the center-of-mass momentum, 6EJMJSxpcml. The parity ofthe variousstatesarisesfrom the behaviorunderspatialinterchange,w hich need notbethesam easthebehaviorundercom bined spatialand spin interchange (particleinterchange). These relationsare shown in Table 38.lalong with the typesofpairsthatcan exist in any ofthe states. C harge independence im plies thatthe forcesare equalin those statesthatcan be occupied by a1lthree kindsof pairs:nn,pp,and np. ltisim portantto realize,however,thatcharge independence does not im ply the equality ofscattering am plitudes and scattering cross Table 38.1 Low /states ofthe nucleon-nucleon system States Particle interchange . Particles N# sections forthe various pairs.since the statesavailable arerestricted by the Pauli principle. Forexam ple,atIow energy we have (38.13X - t/(:5' c)? .2 (38.13:) 346 NUCLEAR M ATTER and charge independence m erely requiresthat L)r('ékollnp--E?r(1éko)1,p--(?C(1éko))an (38.14) 6. Exchange characterï As the energy increases, m ore partial waves contribute to the scattering am plitude and the analysis becom es very dië cult. A tsuë ciently high energies,however,the Born approxim ation suppliesa useful guide to the diserentialcrossseetion da Im , tfc. z rm . (+) j g yy 12 (38.l5J) dûcm=jxjzjc-f kr*xôz(x)/kj( . x) a' j i2 df' j ='I4v 'ât'. cfq'x k'(x ')J3x1 Cm (38.15:) where q2u (ky- ky. )2= 4k1sin2(à.é?j (38.16) Forlargemomentum transferhq.theintegrandinEq.(38.15:)oscillatesrapidly, and the Fouriertransform willtend to zero. Thusthe scattering from a potential P'(x)should yield a diflkrentialcrosssection thatfallsof' fwith increasing ( 3. In contrast, the diflkrential cross section for neutron-proton scattering at laboratory energies up to 600 M eV is shown in Fig.38.1, N ote that there isa greatdealofbackward scattering;indeed,the m ost im pressive feature of these results is the apparent sym m etry about 90*. If this sym m etry is exact ffl. rr- é?)=. /'(#)J,thenonlytheeven /'scontributetothescatteringamplitude, forodd l'sw illdistortthecrosssection. To explain thisbehavior,theconcept ofan exchangeforcehasbeenintroduced. Thisexchangeforcedependson the l(X) ' j xev l4.1-'1 1 7. 8 6 9$ 27 42 R # 137 b l0 N % Q 300 Fiq.38.1 Experimentaln-p diFerentialcross section in the center-of-momentum system at M .A .Preston,e'PhysicsoftheN ucleusy''p.92, Addison-*lesley Publishing Co., Reading. M ass..1962. Reprinted bypermission.) 172-21j ' 130 15 7 400 various laboratory energies (in MeV). (From 3:0-380 92 3 1 0 400 580 215 K 80 110 0cmdegrees 160 346 AppulcATloNs To PHYSICAL SYSTEMS sym metry ofthewave function and iswritten as I ''sr= P'(x)PM (38.l7) wherePM istheMajoranaspace-exchangeoperatordehnedby Pnib@(xf,x. )= +(x,,xï) (38.18) W hen operating ona stateoforbitalangularm om entum /,wehave PM 1$m(. Q)H F.,,(-. Q)= (-1)1Fî, n(. f) (38.19) and the odd lin the scattering amplitude can therefore be elim inated with a Serberforccdefined by lz'> I ,'(-v)J(1+ PM) (38.20) 10O M ek' 97 . V 1 . -- - - b 29.41: 1 !5 j4 9F 25. ? 31.8 30.1 * .4 51 2 N 10 u5 . Q . 188 19.8 7o Fig.38.2 Experimentahp-p diflkrentialcross section in the center-of-npomentum system at j7o-4jp jy4 yI various laboratory energi es (in M eV). The f or war d peak i s due t o coul omb scattering, r t 1' I 1 I i . 1 . â .t .: j I (FronnM .A.Preston,**physicsoftheNucleus,*' 0 30 60 9û p.93,Addlson-W esleyPublishingCo..Reading, #cm degrees M ass.,1962. Reprinted by permission.) w 330?4: ,7:.4:9 * )h. 5.:5 *147 Thedifferentialcrosssection forhigh-energy scattering from such a potential can be calculated in Born approxim ation (38.21) and is evidently sym m etric about900. Phase shiftanalysesconfrm thatthe nuclear force has roughly a Serber exchange nature and is weakly repulsive in theodd-/states.k 7. Hard core:Thepp diFerentialcrosssection forlaboratory energiesup to 500 M eV isshown in Fig.38.2,whereitisplotted onlyfor8cm< ' zr/2 because tSee.forexample.M .H.Hull.Jr..K .E.Lassila.H.M .Rugpel,F.A.M cDonald,andG . Breit, Phys.Ret' .,l22:1606(196l). NUCLEAR M ATTER 347 the identity ofthe particlesrequires dc(' c - #) kij Jc(é?) cm àti cm (38.22) A lthough thedifl krentialcrosssectionsforthenp andpp system slook com pletely diflkrent,itispossibletom akeacharge-independentanalysisof-theseprocesses.l The isotropy of the nuclear partof the pp crosssection m ightsuggestthatonly s waves contribute even up to these high energies. This conclusion can be ruled out,however,by the unitarity lim it/ :'-2 on the u v-wave diflkrentialcross sectfon,whfch fssmallerthan the observed 4mb/sr. The hfgherpartfazw' arzes m ustthereforeinterfere to givea llatangulardistribution. ln particular,Jastrow observed thata hard core in the singletpotentialwould changethesign ofthe y-wave phase shift at higher energies. The :D -iS interference term in pp scattering could then givea nearly unifbrm distribution.z (W ith a Serberforce inpp scattering,theonlycontributing statesoflow /are iSv,1. Dc,and so forth.) Jastrow 's suggestion was subsequently confirm ed by detailed m easurements. which show thatthe y-wave phase shift becomes negative atabout 200 M eV and indicate thatthe singlet nucleon-nucleon potentialhas a hard core with a range (38.23) Further phase-shift analyses im ply the existenee of a sim ilar hard core in the tripletstate.3 8.Spin-orbitlhrce:Largepolarizationsofscattered nucleonsareobserved perpendicular to the plane ofscattering. These eFectsare dim cultto explain withjustcentralandtensorforces,andanadditionalspin-orbitforceofthetype p-==-p' x.ta.s (38.24) is generally introduced to understand these polarizations. The spin-orbit operatorcan be written (38.25) Itisobviousthatthespin-orbitforcevanishesinsingletstates(5'= 0,I= J)and also in Jstates(/= 0,S = J). TheusualphenomenologicalU,.hasa veryshort range. Thusthespin-orbitforce iseflkctiveonly athigh energy,foritvanishes in â'states,and the centrifugalbarriertendsto keep the high partialwavesaway from the potential. In sum m ary,ourpresentem piricalunderstanding ofthe nucleon-nucleon force isthe following: tIbid. 2R.Jastrow,Phys.#t?t'..81:165(1951);seealso M .A.Preston,op.cfJ..p.97. 3See.forexample.R.V.Reid,Jr.,Ann.Phys.(N.F.),50:411(1968). 348 Appulcv loss To pHYslcAL SYSTEM S 1.Theexperimentaldata can be fitup to ; k;300 M eV with a setofpotentials depending only on thespinand parity 1P'),3F+ C,1/'C -'3Vc:3jz't'3p's,and so forth. 2.Thepotentialscontain ahard corerc; kJ0.4to0.5 F. 3.The forcesin the odd-/statesare relatively weak atlow energiesand on the averageslightly repulsive. 4.The tensorforce is necessary forthe quadrupole mom entofthe deuteron. 5.A strong short-rangespin-orbitforceisnecessàrytoexplain thepolarizations athigh energies. The best phenom enological nucleon-nucleon potentials are those of H am adaand JohnstonsltheY alegroup,zand Reid.3 39LN U C LEA R M ATTER Nuclearscatteringofshort-wavelength electronshasbeen studied extensivelyby H ofstadter and his collaboratorsi; these experim ents form the basis for the currentpictureofthesizeand chargedistribution ofnuclei. NUCLEAR RADII AN D CHABGE DISTRIBUTIONS A phase-shiftanalysisofelastic electron scattering indicatesan averagecharge distributionofthetypeillustratedinFig.39.1andgivenbyp= pa(1+ ctr-R'/J)-1. L F() 1. 0 0.9 0. 5 t R 0.1 0. 0 ' Fig. 39.1 Tiw nuclearcharge-densitydistribution. r Herea determinestheskin thicknessand R isthe pointwherep= Jpc. The param eters show the following system aticbehavior: 1.Thecentralnucleardensity desned by APZIZ isconstantfrom nucleusto nucleus. 2.TheradiusR isgiven by R = rft. , 11 withro; kJ1.07F (39.1) 'T.Hamadaand1.D.Johnston,Nucl.#/1#. ç..M :382(1962). 2K.E.Lassila,M .H.Hull.Jr.,H .M .Ruppel,F.A.M cDonald,and G.Breit,Phys.Rev-, 126:881(1962). 3 R . V.Reid,Jr..Ioc.cit. 4R.Hofstadter,Rev.M od.#/I.y'J.,2, $:214(1956);seealsoR.Hofstadter,'*ElectronScattering andNuclearandNucleonStructurey''W .A.Benjamin,Inc-,New York,1963. NUCLEAR M ATTER 349 W eshallestimatethevolume P'ofthtnucleusas4*R3/3. Asan immediate consequence,the particle density in nuclearm atter d .' 3 #'= 4 = 1.95x 1038particles/cm3 , rrrg isaconstantindependentofthesizeofthenucleus. (Thisisnottrueinatoms, forexample.) 3.The root-m ean-square radiusofthe protonlis rp; kr0.77 F,while the m ean interparticledistancein nucleim aybecharacterized b)' p = l-3 w'ith /, t J.73 F Since/> lrp(butnotbyverym uch),wemayhopetounderstandtheproperties ofnucleiby exam ining the behavior ofa collection ofnucleonsinteracting throughtwo-bodypotentials. W'eshallcertainlyproceed underthisassum ption,butitm ustbe rem em bered thata11ofnucleartheory dependson this verybasicapproxim ation. 4.The surface thickness t= 2cln9,desned to be the distance oser Bhich the chargedensityfallsfrom 90 to 10pereentofitsvaluepoattheorigin,isfound to be for nucleiranging from :254g24 to g2Pb208. W e m ustem phasize thatelectron scattering m easures th: proton distribution or charge distribution,and the m atter distributien need not be identical. The nuclear force extends outside of the charge distributfon :therefore.purel) nuclearm easurem entsgenerally yield slightly largerm ean-squareradii. TH E SEM IEM PIRICA L M ASS FO RM ULA W e next study the energy ofa nucleuscontaining al nucleons.A'neutrons.and Z protons. A firstapproximation.suggested by B'eizsxcker,zisto considerthe nucleusa liquid drop. lfa drop contains twice as m uch liquid.then there will be twice asm uch energy ofcondensation.orbinding energy. Thisresultm eans thatthenuclearenergy m usthavea term oftheform Fj= -tz1,4 (39.5) which isknown asthebulk propertl'ofnl tc/t'lrmatter. Thereare,ofcourse, m any other contributions to the total energy. The nucleons at the nuclear surfacewillbeattracted onlybytheparticlesinside,leadingto asurface tension 1E.E.Chambersand R.Hofstadter.Phys.Rtu'.,103:1454(1956). 2C .F.vonW eizsàcker, Z.#/1yç/ * :'.96:43l(l9351. 3s0 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS and asurfaceenergythatdecreasesthebinding. lfc isthesurfacetension,this surfaceenergycan bewritten as E2= 4=R2tz= 4=rkaAk% aga#l (39.6) which varieslinearly with the surface area or . x9'. There is also the coulomb interaction ofZ protons,which can be calculated approxim ately by assum ing thechargesto beunifbrm lydistributed overa sphereofradiusRcM ?bcWl. A n elementary integration from electrostatics then yields the interaction energy of theèztz - 1)pairs f 3z(Z - 1)e2 3 e2 Z(Z - 1) Z2 3= ' j Rc = ' j rac a. j ;kê/3al (39.7) Som e nucleareflkctsm ustnow beincluded in theenergy. First,wenote em pirically thatnucleitend to have equalnum bers ofneutrons and protons N = Z,and a corresponding sym m etry energy .54 willbe added to the m ass form ula. The bulk properties of nuclear m atter imply that twice as m any particleswith thcsameratio ofNIZ willhavetwicethesymmetry energy. This observation suggeststhatE4isproportionalto .4. A sa Erstapproxim ation to thenum ericalcoeë cient,weshallretain onlythequadraticterm inanexpansion aboutequilibrium ,and wehnd 1 z 2 c f4= c i- N + z ,1= 4.4zt.4- 27)2,4 H c4X-1(A - 2Z)2 (39.8) Nextwenoteempiricallythatnucleitend to havcevennumbersofthesamekinds of particles. For example, thert are only four stable odd-odd nuclei lH2. 3Li6, jB10,and 7N14. For odd-,l nuclei,there is at most one stable isobar (nucleuswithagiven,d),whileforeven. , 1theremaybetwoormorestableisobars with even N and even Z . The experimental energy surfacesdescribing the situation fora seriesofisobarsare shown in Fig.39.2. W ithin such a series, f odd , 4 Even , 4 A A cdd-e d e.C. ''x. #- #-e ,c.#+ #+. ,Z N e C. #- R #- ## C C. ## . CVCn-CVCn . l ..l I. I --IL .t: I I 1 1 1 ).. Z Z Fig.39.2 Odd-W and even-A energysurfaces,showingtheallowed jdecays(e.c.standsforelectroncapture). NUCLEAR M ATTER x1 theonlypossibletransitionsarebyelectron orpositronem ission,and byelectron capture. (ltis a generalrule,following directly from energy conservation, thatoftwonucleiwithZ diseringby1andthesameW,atleastoneisj unstable.) Two adjacenteven-even nucleion thesameenergy surfacecan both bestable becausetheonlyallowed transition between them would l)ea double# decay, which isbelieved to beabsentoratleastextremely rare. Thesplitting ofthese energy surfacescan now be included in the massformula by adding apairing energy oftheform E5= XB,4-ê (39.9) TheparameterA isdefned by Ae +1 0 odd-odd odd-even 1 even-even - (39.10) while the . , 4-1 dependence is empirical. Com bining these resultsleadsto the W eizsâckersem iem piricalm assform ula E = -Jla d+ azW1+ aszlW-1+ J4ta d- 2Z)2W-1+ M jA-k (39.11) where thefollowingbest-stparametershavebeen given by Greenl'2 Jj= 15.75 M eV a.= 23.7M eV az= 17.8M eV as= 34MeV (39.12) as= 0.710 M eV Thisexpression hasonly two termsdepending on Z:the coulomb energy andthesym m etryenergy. ThestablechargeZ *can befound bydiferentiation, OE/DZIA= 0,whichimplies *' 21 -î Z *= W 2+ * *301 * ' 2J4 (39.13) Forsmallnucleitheequilibrium valueisZ*= a4/2,whichisindeedobserved up to ,4 ; k;40. Thisexpressionclearlydoesnotaccountforlocalvariationsdue to shellstructure around this equilibrium value. N evertheless,the overallfit is excellent. Equation (39.11)isvery usefulin studiesofsssion,foritallowsoneto determ ine when theenergy oftwo separatepieceswillbelessthan theenergy of theoriginalexcited nucleusand even to calculatetheenergy releasein thesssion process. Itisalso usefulinpredicting massesofnew nuclei. 'A.E.S.Grœn,Phys.Rev.,95:1(G (19541;A.E.S.Grx nandD .F.Edwards,Phys.Rev., 91:46(1953). 2Thecoemcientasimpliesthatr4 k= 1.22F Isœ Eq.(39.7))inagrxmentwith themuivalent value measured inelK tron scattering. asa AppulcA-rloNs To pHyslcAL SYSTEM S W ecannow deineasubstaneeknown asnuclearm atter. Ifwelet. , 4 -+.co in Eq.(39.11)and atthe same time setN = Z and turn offthe electric charge, thenthisnuclearmatterhasa constantenergy/particlegiven by E li;4J-15.7MeV (39.14) Thfs value therefore represents the energy/particle ofan insnite nueleus with equalnum bersofneutronsand protonsbutwithnocoulom b efrects. Equations (39.14)and (39.2)exhibitthesaturation t?/'nuclearw/brctaé',becausethe binding energy perparticleand the nucleardensity are both constantsindependentofA . N uclearm atterisauniform degenerate Ferm isystem and m ay becharacterized by itsFerm iw' avenum ber. Sinceeachm om entum statehasadegeneracyfactor of4 (neutrons,proton,spin-up.and spin-down),the particle density becomes (see Eq.(5.47)1 4 2 , ... 1.3 )r= 3 =i' eF -- . (39.l5) (39.l6) The experimentalvalue ofrvfrom Eq.(39.1)yieldsthe Ferm iwavenumber of nuclearm atter kF : k:1.42 F -1 4OLINDEPEN DENT-PARTICLE (FERM I GAS) M ODEL W e wish to examine the bulk properties ofnuclear m atterasdeined above in thelim it. , ' f-->cr. Forauniform system itisappropriateto usea box ofvolum e P- and apply periodic boundary conditions. Trarislational invariance then im pliesthatthesingle-particleeigenfunctionsareplanewaves ( pktxl= U-1'dfk*x (40.1) which are already solutions to the H artree-Fock equations' ,they are the eçbest'' single-particle wave functions that can be found (see Sec. 10). This result accountsforthe appealand sim plicity ofnuclear m atter. The starting single- particlewavefunctionsarekaownandsimple. Suchisnotthecase,forexample, with hnite nucleior atom s.where it is a very dië cultcalculation m erely to generate the starting Hartree-Fock wave functions.l The present Ferm i m edium consists of both protons and neutrons with spin-up and spin-down. W e know that protons and neutrons have the sam e !W econsiderthe theory ofsnitenucleiin Chap.15. NUCLEAR M ATTER 3:3 nuclear interactions, which is the statem ent of charge independence. H ence itisconvenientto treatthem astwo diflkrentchargestatesofa singleparticle, the nucleon,and to introduce the conceptofisotopic spin. In this way,the nucleon acquiresanadditionaldegreeoffreedom thatcantaketwovalues' ,these values indicate w hether the nucleon isa proton ora neutron. Introduce the two-com ponentisotopic-spin wave functions (p = 0 l (a= 0 1 (40.2) justasforangularmomentum !.. The operatorsin the space ofthese twocom ponentcolum n vectorswillbe 1andm wheretheTdenotethePaulim atrices. Thecomplete single-particlewavefunctionscan then bewritten as +k(X)Tà(p (40.3) where ' :A is the ordinary-spin wave function. The charge operator that distinguishesa neutron from a proton isgiven by q= V 1+ T3) (40.4) Second quantizationcanbeintroducedexactlyasbefore,andthecanonical anticom m utation relationsbecom e tlkAont/k'A'p-l= 3kk'3Az'îpp' (40.5) ' Herethe anticom m utation relationshave been written in term sof-a generalized Pauliprinciple:The statevector,orw ave function,ofa collection ofnucleons m ustbeantisym m etricundertheinterchangeofallcoordinatesincludingisotopic spin. lftheinteraction doesnotcause transitionsbetween neutronsand protons, Eq.(40.5)representsno lossofgenerality since itisthen irrelevantwhetherthe corresponding operatorscom m ute oranticom m ute. Ifthe interaction can cause such transitions,then this choice is im portant,and in al1 the theories so far developedtheanticommutationrelationsofEq.(40.5)havebeenimposed. Theexpectationvalueoftheham iltonianinthenoninteractingFerm isystem givesthefrstapproxim ation to theground-stateenergy ofnuclearmatter Eo+ EL- (:F14 IF) (40.6) Thesrst-ordercalculationisalso avariationalcalculationbecausethevariational principle show sthat E < tF!4 1F) (40.7) W e assum e initially thatthe potentialis nonsingular,and the corresponding expectation value can be com puted as kr h2.k2 Ev+ E,- 4 2m + . i : k klAIpj éz k4:4p4 x'rklAlplk2Aap2I#')k3A3p3k4A4p4) X t.Fl l1,A,p,t/kzAzpzJk4A*p4&k3A3ps1F1 (40-8) 3:4 APPLICATIONS T0 PHYSICAL SYSTEM S (Wereturntoadiscussionofthesingularcaseshortly.) Justasinthecalculation withtheelectrongas,alltheoperatorsinthematrixelementin Eq.(40.8)must referto particlesin theFerm isea orthem atrixelem entwillvanish. Them atrix elem entofthecreation and destruction operatorsbecom es (#lll kyAlplt/kaâzpz&k4A4p4&k323p31F)= (t skjkzîA:Aaîp:pzlEbkak43Az24îpapxl (3klk43AI/43p1p41(t skzk;3Azza3pap3l - which gives kr h2k2 Eo+ Et- 4 k kr kz' lm +àkAp X k'I ttkApk,A,p,(P'l kApk,A,p,) . A'p' - (kApk'A'p'1P'!k'A'p'kAp)) (40.9) This expression for the ground-state energy is represented by the frst two G oldstonediagram sin Fig.9.22. A san exam ple.considera potentialthatisan arbitrary com bination ofan ordinarycentralforce(W ignerforce)anda Majoranaspace-exchangeforce I, '= U(x)kw,-z.au#, u) (40.10) where Jw.and askare positive constants. W'e assume that U(x)is attractive, nonsingular,and for sim plicity- spin independent. In fact,the spin depen- denceofthenucleon-nucleon forceisquiteweak;the1.S' 0stateisjustunbound andthe3u $'jstateisjustbound,asdiscussedinSec.38. Thedirectmatrixelement (frstterm inE1)thenbecomes Zo= Z 2$ *djA'j -d( )ye-ik.x(7-Lk'.yTA j '(jjTt A'(g)tp 1(jj(p #',jg)jz(j.g) xgjk.xyfk'.yyyztjl. q, j,(g)(ptjl(pw(g) - = F-1kp,j F(z)#3z+ asfje-ftk-k'l*zF(z)#3z) (40.11J) and,similarly,theexchangematrixelement(second term in F:)isgiven by P'E= Z-2J#3xj#3ye-ik*xg-ik'eyTA ' t(j)TA Y'(2)t'p Y(1)(p Y,(;)Fjj,ij x eik..xcik.y TA,(j). r)A(J)(p,(j)(p(2) = U-13zA,ôpp,(Jw.Je-itk-k'l@zP'(z)#3z+ aM . fU(z)#3z) (40.11:) W hentheseexpressionsareinsertedinEq.(40.9)andthesumsareconvertedto integrals,theexpression fortheenergy becom es 3klj./ pr 1 ks z ks j,jyy Ez+Ek-jzm, 4+y(a.)6J dkj dkt sjo s, + au jP-itk-k')*ZF(z)#3z)- 4(JséP'(0)+ Ja.j(?-itk-k')*7F(z)#3Z)l (40.12) NUCUEAR M AR ER z:B whereF(0)* Ftk= 0). Themomentum integralscanbeevaluatedasfollows:l lkFdjkeîk.x=4n.jt k ' Fy rzyajk. xlgk.403 W)?jk L(k Fx) rx 4:jg) t ' Finally,therelationbetweenthevolumeandthenumberofpartieles(Eq.(39.15)) allowsusto rewritetheenergy Eo+ Fl 3hlk; #/ x -Jzm+12,2((4c' z-autfP' tzl#)z + (4uv - cp,) ?jtlkFz)2 a k z F(z)d z (40.14) F A s kr--+.cc, the integrand in the second integral goes to zero alm ost everywhere,and thefirstterm thuscan be expected to dominate athigh densities. Foran attractivepotential,itfollowsthattheassem blycollapses,thatis, theenergybecomesm oreandm orenegativeasksincreasesunlessthecoeë cients oftheforcesatisfy theinequality au >4Js, to preventcollapse (40.15) W ith the present nonsingular potential, Eq.(40.15) represents a necessary conditionfortheexchangeforcetoprovidesumcientrepulsionintheoddangular- momentum states (recallEqs.(40.10)and (38.19)). Ifthisinequality is not satissed,the potentialenergy willalwaysdom inate the kinetic energy athigh densities,because the potentialenergy varies asi') while the kinetic energy variesas/c/.. Thetrueground-stateenergythusbecomesmoreandmorenegative asthe densityincreases. In particular,the experim entalnucleon-nucleon force isroughlyofaSerbercharacter(seeEq.(38.20))with tzp,;k;asf experiment (40.16) and itisclearthatsaturation cannotoccurfornonsingularSerberforces. A single-particlepotentialcan bedesned in thefollowing way: UAp(k)O âXô)(k) kF = J( ttklpk'A'p'IFlklpk'A'p')- (klpk'/. /p'jFIk'A'p'kAp)) (40.17) This quantity represents the srst-order interaction energy ofa particle in the state lklp) with allthe otherparticlesin theslled Fermisea;itistheusual H artree-Fock potential. ltm ay also be interpreted asthediagonalelem entin bothspinandisospinofthelowest-orderproperself-energyforthesingle-particle Green'sfunction given by the frsttwo diagramsshown in Fig.11.3 (see the !seeL.1.Schift op.cit.,p.86. x6 AppulcATloss To PHYSICAL SYSTEM S discussioninSec.11). Therelevantmatrixelementshavealreadybeenevaluated inEq.(40.11),andwe5nd 1 U(k)= (2=)a kr #3/c'(4(Jsr-fU(z)#3z+ au jp-ftk-k'l@zFtzlJ3zj - gt zsfJU(z)#3z+ Js,. fe-itk-k'l*zF(z)J3zjj (40.18) w hich isindependentofspin and isospin. The angularintegralscan becarried outasbefore: c(k)-6 k ,, l aj(4a.-as.4jp't zll3z+t4us,-uw. ) >:)7 - Hjlkpz) 3 ks z P'(z)d z (40.19) 0( /ûz) Forsm allm omenta,thesphericalBesselfunctionappearingintheexchange integralcanbeexpanded-/otkz)= l- :2z2/6+ .. .,which leadsto a parabolic single-particlepotentialatsm allk :2/c2 &(k); kJUv+ lm U1+ ''. (40.20) Thisquadratic m om entum dependence m ay be used to define an eflkctive mass through therelation hlkl hlkl 6u= e2+ U(k);kûlm (1+ Uj)+ UfjN Uo+ -j;ju (40.21) where m O = l+ 171 (40.22) ln the present H artree-Fock approxim ation, the m omentum dependence of U(k)and eflkctive-masscorrection ariseentirely from the exchange term for thedirectforce Pk and from thedirectterm fortheexchange force Pk. ln the opposite lim it of large k.the sphericalBesselfunction oscillates rapidly,and theexchangeintegralvanishes. A saresult,theasym ptoticexpression forthe single-particle potentialbecom es &(k) >'gklj(4Jp,- aMjj-U(z)daz -- = (4().a?) The resulting single-particle potential is sketched in Fig. 40.1. N ote that &(k)automaticallyincludesthePauliprinciplesincetheparticlein state (klp) hasbeen antisym m etrized with a11theotherparticlesin them edium . lfk < #s, then U(k)represents the interaction between nucleonsactually presentin the Fermisea. In contrast.ifk >Ft's,then &(k)representsthe interaction ofan NUCLEAR M ATTER 357 Fig.40.1 Sketch ofthe singl e-particle potential&(k)in Eq.(40.19). Seealso Eq.(40.23). additiollalnucleon innuclearmatters 'thisquantity isjustthe opticalpotential seen by theadded particle.properlyincluding thepossibilityof-exchangeefects. So far we have assum ed a nonsingular nucleon-nucleon force of a Serber exchange nature and have calculated the ground-state energy shift to lowest orderin the interaction. Thisresultisvery powerfulsinceitgivesa variational bound on thetrueground-state energy and showsthattheassem bly isunstable againstcollapsewithsuchaSerberforce. W earenow facedwith twoproblem s. First,how do we explain nuclearsaturation' ? The answeristhatthe potential hasbeen assum ed to be nonsingular,NNhereasnuclearforcesare actually singular. As seen in Sec.38.there is evidence for a strong repulsion at short distances. whiehm ustbeincludedinthecalculation. Thesecondproblem isto understand the successofthe independent-particle m odelofthe nucleus. ltisclearthatthe singular nuclear forces introduce im portant correlations. Nevertheless, the num erous trium phs of the single-particle shell m odel of tlte nucleus and the accuratedescription ofscattering through a single-particleopticalpotentialshow that the independent-particle m ode!frequently represents an excellent starting approxim ation in nuclear physics. ln Sec. 41 we attem pt to answer these questions with the independent-pair approximationb in which two-body correlations are treated in detail. 4ILIN D EPEN D ENT-PA IR A PPRO XIM ATIO N (BRU ECKNER'S THEO RYII'Z * The force between two nucleonsis singular. This pointis crucial,for itm eans thatthenuclearpotentialhasafundam entaleflkctonthetwo-body wavefunction. lK.A.Brueckner,C.A.Levinson,and H.M .Mahnloud.Phys.Aez ë' ..95:217 (1954);H .A. Bethe,Phys.Rct.,103:1353 (1956);K.A.Bruecknerand J.L.Gammel,Phys.Ret'.,109:1023 (1958);K.A.Brueckner,Theory ofNuclearStructure,in C.DeW itt(ed.)aSsrhe M any Body Problem q''p.47.John W ileyand Sons,lnc.,New Y ork.1959. 2Thepresentdiscussion ofBrueckner'stheory intermsoftheindependent-pairapproximation isbased on L.C.Gomes,J.D.W alecka.and V.F.W eisskopf,Ann.Phys.(X'.F.),3:241(1958) and J.D.W aleckaand l-.C.Gomes,Ann.da Acad.BrasileiradeC' ï/pcf 'ç.39:361(1967). au AppulcA-rloNs To pHvslcAu SYSTEM S asdiscussedindetailinSec.11. lnterm sofdiagram s,wem ustretaintheladder contributions to the proper self-energy indicated in Fig. 11.3,and the correspondingcontributionsto theground-stateenergy. Forsimplicity,the present section describestheinteracting pairwith the Bethe-Goldstoneequation,which containsal1theessentialphysicalfeaturesoftheproblem. InSec.42wediscuss therelation to theGreen'sfunctionsand theGalitskiiequation ofSec.11. sEl.F-coN slsTENT BETH E-GOLDSTON E EQ UATION I The Bethe-Goldstone equation fortwo interacting nucleons in the Fermisea wasstudied in Sec.36. Thefundamentalapproximation wasto concentrate on the two particlesin question,omittingentirely the interaction oftheseparticles The region r I1P :! :kl> #s / zA/' 1.P / Fig.41.1 M omentum regionsin the Bethe-Goldstoneequations. The region F fiP t kI< kr with therestoftheFerm isea. Such apictureisclearlyincom plete,and wenow m odify theenergyoftheinteractingpairby includingan eflkctivesingle-particle potential&(k)comingfrom theinteraction witha1ltheotherparticles. Inthis way,thekineticenergyE2isreplacedbyek= e2+ U(k),andtheBethe-Goldstone equations(36.4),(36.5),(36.15),and(36.16)become #3t 1 4Pk(x)= efk*x+ r(gx)3eit*xEvk- sus.jj- sup..jjd?ye-dt.yp-tyl4,,k(y) . . F - l!P :lukl< ks r- I!.P + tl>ke (41.1) ZepkX EP.% - C1P+k - f1P-k = F-1J#3xe-îk*xF(x)4p,k(x) (41.2) where the excluded region in momentum space (that occupied by the other nucleons) is shown in Fig.41.1. These equations now contain an unknown function&(k),whichwillbedetermined self-consistentlyfrom theinterparticle potentialF(x)and thetwo-body wave function l /+,x(x). ThepotentialF(x) willbe takenasspin and isospin independent,butthisisnotan essentialrestriction. !H.A.Betheand J.Goldstone,Proc.Roy.Soc.(London),A238:551(1957). NUCLEAR M AU ER 369 Consider a pair characterized by center-of-m ass momentum hp and relative momentum âk as in Eq.(41.l). The interaction between the two nucleons m ixes in tw o-particle states above the Ferm isea,which produces a corresponding shift in the two-particle energy given in Eq.(41.2). In the independent-pairapproxim ation,the totalenergy shiftofthe whole system is obtained bysum m ingovertheenergyshiftsofa1lpairsofparticlesin theFerm i sea. (Fortwo identiealparticles,forexamplepïandpt,thewavefunction in Eq.(41.1)must,ofcourse,beantisymmetrized.) Theindem ndent-pairapproximation hastheimportantfeature thatitautomatically givestheenergy shiftof an interacting Ferm isystem exactly to second order in the potential. This resultisevidentfrom Fig.9.22,sincethereareno othersecond-orderterm sin the ground-state energy (see the diseussion in Secs.9 and 42). In addition,the Bethe-G oldstoneequation m akesitpossibleto includetheeflkctofthepotential onthewavefunctiontoal1orders. Equation(41.1)isstillanintegralequation forthewavefunction,and thepotentialappearsonly in thecombination F/, which iswelldesned evenforsingularpotentials. Tosimplifythediscussion andto gain someinsightintothephysicalaspects ofthe problem,we shallassume that U(k); k;Un+ @2kl(2m)Ujand use the eflkctive-m assapproxim ation. A sseenin Fig.40.1,thisisagood approxim ation overlim ited regionsofthespectrum ,butitcannotbecorrectfora11valuesofk. Thesingle-particleenergiestherefore becom e hlkl /12kl hlkl hlkl ek= lm + U(k)Q; lm + Un+ -lm U1Q;lm++ Uv (41.3) A lthough thisapproxim ation leadsto a greatsim plihcation,itstillcontainsan elem ent of self-consistency, because m * afl kcts the two-body wave function through Eq.(41.1). Itthusaltersthesingle-particlespectrum U(k),which is calculatedasthetotalinteraction energyofaparticleinthestate Iklp)withal1 theotherparticles. TheconstantpotentialUvcancelsidenticallyin Eqs.(41.1) and (41.2) because these relations only involve energy diFerences. ln the eflkctive-m assapproxim ation,itfollowsthattheself-consistentBethe-G oldstone equationsreducetothosestudiedinSec.36(Eqs.(36.15)and(36.16)),butwith theinteraction potentialnow given by !l(x)= zrrlr *euâ-2F(Ixi- xz1) (41.4) where mr *.n= m*Ilisthereduced ef lkctivemass. The energy shiftgiven by the Bethe-Goldstone equation in Eq.(41.2) variesas P'-1. Since K.2- t2in thedenominatorofEq.(36.15)cannotvani sh exceptcloseto the Ferm isurface,wem ay m akethereplacem entKl-+.klin the equation for the wave function. This approxim ation is essentially exact for particlesdeep in thc Ferm isea;asw ehaveseen in thediscussion ofthe Coom r pairs,however,itm ay be incorrectcloseto the Ferm isurface. Indeed,itwas 36: APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S justtheappearanceofK2inthedenominatorin Eq.(36.15)thatledtotheeigenvalueequation withtheexceptional(bound Cooper-pair)solution. W eshow in Sec.43 thatthe gap A in nuclearm atterisvery sm all.l Forthisreason,the possibilityofbound pairsm aybesafelyneglectedindiscussingthebindingenergy and density ofnuclearm atter. w e shall now exam ine the solutions to the Bethe-G oldstone equation. The e/ective-m ass approxim ation allows us to convert the integralequation (41.1)intoadiFerentialequationbyapplyingtheoperatorV2+ kl: d3t (V2+ k2)4(x)x r(.. yr? (y)/(y) 2' zrPweitexjdjyp-ite d3t = I?(x)/(x)- r. ait*xjJ3ye-it.y?J(y)/(y) (j' r8-jt (41.j) where P isthecom plementoftheregion f'inFig.41.1(P isdesned astheunion oftheresionstèP +.tl< /cs). Westartbyconsideringthesimplestcase(P = 0) and look forJ-wavesolutionsto thisequation in theform 4(x)= x-iN(x) (41.6) TheJ-wavesolutionsaretheonly onesthatpenetrate to sm allrelativedistances wheretheeflkctsofthesingularpotentialarestrongest. Inserting Eq.(41.6) into Eq.(4l.5)yields d2 f.x j+ k2 lz(a' )=t' (x)lf(x)-J()Zx,. p)r(y)1, /(. p)Jy .. . (41.7) where thekernelappearing in thisJ-wave Bethe-G oldstoneequation isgiven by so LuTlo N FoR A NONSING ULAR SG UARE-W ELL POTENTIAL Asa hrstapproxim ation,we shalleonsidera nonsingularsquare-wellpotential that5tsthe low-energy 1. % scattering. Ourapproximate potentialissketched in Fig.41.2. In accordancewith thepreviousdiscussion,itsparam etersareto 'Thisissimilarto the situation in a metal,where L, l k.= l0OK,es.,''/cs= 104OK . Nevertheless, there isa fundamentaldistinction between the two systems,forwe are here interested in an absolute determination ofthe bulk properties ofnuclear matter,ratherthan the very small energy diflkrence Es- En evaluated in Eq.(37.53). This difrerence in attitude rtiects the physicalfactthatthetransitionbetweenanormalandsuperconductingmetalisreadilyobserved andstudied,whilethereisno obviousw'ay even to decidewhetheranucleusisnormalorsuperconducting. NUCLEAR M AU ER 361 bedetermined from the behavioroftwo nucleonsinteracting in freespace. At zero energy,therelativewavefunction insidethepotentialisgiven by uinlx)t fsinEtzznredl zr câ-2)1x) Sincethe1. % potentialhasaboundstateatessentiallyzeroenergy,theremustbe exactlyaquarterwavelengthinsidethepotential(seeFig.41.2),whichprovides the condition (zvreuPkâ-2)1#= J, zr The free-nucleon reduced massmzzn= m/l can be used to rewritethisresultas Pk= h2. n.2 c 4m d (41.9) Fig.41.2 Nonsingularsquare-wellpotentialfitto low-energy !x sk scattering. In addition,ifa squarewellhasa bound stateatzero energy,then theeflkctive rangeisequaltotherangeofthepotential(seeProb.11.l) eflkctiverange (41.10) W e shall take the singlet efikctive range obtained from p-p scattering datal lr( )= 2.7F (41.11) and thedepth ofthenonsingularsquare-wellpotentialbècom es P'o= 14 M eV e(41.12) N otethatourapproxim atenuclearpotentialisactually very weck: L <: te;= h2k;= 42MeV lm (41.13) where6kiscomputedwiththeFermimomentum appropriatetonuelearmatter given in Eq.(39.l7). In the specialcase ofthe nonsingularsquare-wellpotential,itiseasierto calculatethechangei. S$inthewavel -unctiondirectlyfrom Eq.(4l.1)ratherthan 1M .A.Preston,op.cit..p.33. 362 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S from Eq.(41.7). Considerthelimitk -. >.0andassumeinitiallythaté/ issmall. Itisthen m rm issible to set /(x)= x-lu(x)khlkx). -+.1 (41.14) ontherightsideofEq.(41.l);thecorrespondingmodiEcationofthewavtfunction isgiven by 'ztxl x/-ji . zgx yotkxlj-l zt xl-1 =c 2%jk erdtjétpj0 ësllylyzgy - 0. 03 0.01 0.01 0.œ g. (jj 0.02 - 0. 03 1 2. (41.15) Fig.41.3 M odiscation A/awIEq.(41.17))of 4 5 the J-wavetwo-body wave function caused by kyx the potentialin Fig.41.2. Thiscalculation is for a pair with k = P = 0 in nuclear m atter. krd (The authors wish to thank E. Moniz for preparingthisfigure. ) They integralcan beevaluated explicitly -d a f tj. jj( ? hltV)y JA,- c d# -) 0 t (41.16) . . Thusthe m odiscation ofthe wave function dueto thenonsingularsquare-well potentialis 2> (1 #lc -' #4 Lssw=n ' . kl às;pj,(p). &jpa '' j -- s . (41.17) where a dim ensionless integration variable has been introduced and kFd = 3.8. Thedimensionless potentialis given by !'0 k ' ' = P' 0 .. -- -- ..-- m* . =2 m* = -. -- . -u = 0.j7--.a:().j() / hzkF il 'lm. red m ktt's(?) m (4j.j8) wherewehaveused the valuem*/m : k:0.6,which isderived below. Thecentral resultofthiscalculation isthat (4l.19) HenceêheattracîivepotentialhasalmostnoE' /-/cc/onîhetwo-particlewavefunction ulxl/x= 1+ Z$ gsee Eq.(41.l5)). There are two reasons forthisbehavior. First.the large Ferm im om entum m akesitdië cultforthe nonsingularpotential to excitetheparticlesoutoftheFermisea.and second m*/m < l. Thefunction NUCLEAR M AU ER 363 A/,wofEq.(4l.17)isplottedinHg.41.3,alongwiththerangeofthesquare-well potentialitself. W e seethatthecorrelationsinduced by the potentialoscillate with wavenum ber ; : r;ksand fallofl-forlarge distanceslikex-2. In conclusion, the long-range attractive partofthe nucleon-nucleon force scarcely afectsthe two-particlewavefunction;instead,them odihcation ofthewavefunction arises from the hard core com bined w itb any strong short-range attractive potential lyingjustoutsideofthehardeoreal soLuTlO N FOR A PURE HARD-CO RE POTENTIAL The Bethe-Goldstone equation (41.7)can also be solved fora pure hard-core potential,asoriginally doneby Betheand G oldstone.z ltisconvenientErstto rewriteEqs.(41.7)and (4l.8)intermsofdimensionlessvariables r= krx r'= ksy k K =F s r(x) P'(x) vtr)= /c/ = haks s/zrnv ret j (4l.20) u(r)= ksu(x) (41.21) ( l sin(r- r') sin(r+ r') ; t'r.r')= = r. -. r' - r+ r, (41.22) A sindicated in Fig.41.4,thehard coreintroducesa discontinuity into theslope of the wave function at the (dimensionless)distance c. Thisresultiseasily verised by exam ining a barrier ofNnite heightand then letting the barrierheight becomeinhnite(seeProb.11.5). Sincethewavefunctionmustvanish insidethe inhnite potential.the productru can thusbe written H ere the srstterm givesa énitediscontinuity in the slope of-the wâve fknction atthecoreboundary,ascan be seen by integrating the Bethe-Goldstoneequation (41.5)acrossthe core boundary. The remaining term u. tr)cannotcontribute Outside the core.where the potentialvanishes.butit m ay be finite inside the core region because of the lim iting procehs v'-. vz csu -v0. This extra ''leak'' term m ust be chosen so that u''-4-A'2u= 0 (41.24) 'Sofaronlythe1s'oattractivewellhasbeen considered. ln fact,thisu'illsumceforthepresent analysisofnuclearmatter(seethediscussionfollou' ingEq.(41.39)). 2H .A .Betheand J.G oldstone,Ioc.c#. 364 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S W hen Eq.(4l.23)is combined with Eq.(4l.2l),the condition of Eq.(4l.24) becom es .*i- p;-iw(r)= y(r,c)+ . W -tJ0 j ytcr')w'tr')dr' . (4l.25) The rem aining analysiscan be sim plised by noting thatthedim ensionless constantc issm all. Forexam ple,atthe observed density in nuclearm atter c= l.42F-lx0-4F= 0.57 (41.26) wherea hard coreofrange0.4 F hasbeen assum ed. In theIim itwhereboth of its argum ents are sm all, the kernel in the J-wave Bethe-G oldstone equation becomes 2. rr' ytr-r')->.-jx-* r< c,r?< c (41.27) Equation(41.25)showsthatB' (r)isoforderc2,whileanyintegraloverw(r)w' ill beoforderc3. Consequently,theleak in Eq.(41.23)can beneglected forsmall c,and acombinationofEqs.(41.21)to (41.23)yields jt d2 s j+A2) hl / (r); k;, . Vt3tr-c)-y(r.c . )) 2 -. ç #'.=cj' x k 'yo(tr)joltc)t2dt r - - - F(r) (4l.28) whichdefinesF(r). Itisclearthattheterm xtrsc)servestocancelthoseFourier componentsof3(r- c)thatlieinsidetheFermisphere (see Eq.(4l.8)1. The rightsideofthisequationisaknownfunctionofr,andtheonlyunknownquantity is the normalization constant.. W . Since 140)= 0,the generalsolution ofthis equation isgiven by 1 r ? , ?(r)= k 0 sin@A-(r- . &))F(s)ds (4l.29) foritiseasily verilied directlyfrom Eq.(41.29)that &' '(r)+ Kl?, /(r)= F(r) (41.30) IfthesineontherightsideofEq.(41.29)isexpandedwithtrigonometricidentities.thesolutionto theJ-wave Bethe-G oldstoneequation becom es sin Kr r cosKr ' u(r)= K - fjcosKsF(&)#J- --=A. whereF istakenfrom Eq.(41.284. sinKsF(J)ds (h (4l.31) 365 stlcuEAn M ATTER W'e shallnow prove an im portantresult ( *sinKsF(sJds=0 '0 (4l.32) . ThelastintegralvanishesidenticallybecausetliesoutsidetheFerm ispherewhile K lies inside,as illustrated in Fig.41.1. The foregoing derivation shows the im portance ofthe fslled Ferm isea.which rem ovesthe com ponents t< lfrom the interm ediate states. Itisclear that this resultfollows quite generally from thefbrm oftherightsideofEq.(4l.f). Equation (4I.32)ensuresthattheexact solutionr-1l ?(r)gEq.(4l.3l))isproportionaltotheunperturbedso1utionj0(Kr) . as r -> ' ,t.so thatthe J-wave phase shiftis zero. Ifthe wave function isto be norm alized in a box of volum e 1,*.it m ust approach a plane wave with unit am plitudeastherelativecoordinategetslarge: bblxj->.cik*x x .-sx (41.34) This condition im plies thatIz(-v).x = ulrlf 'r--'hlh'r)as1---'.: c,and the i-wave normalization condition in Eq.(41.31)becomes # awcosKsF(s)ds. -.l (4l.. 3. 5) J0 ..cc .)-j V=g cosKc-9acosKs:(. s.6 . )Jâ 'j .. (41. 36) Equations (4l.28),(4l.311.and (41.36)eompletely determine the â'-wave relativewavefunction fora dilutecollection ofhard sphepes. Onetypicalcase is plotted in Fig.41.4. This resultexhibits severalinteresting features. A s Fig.41.4 TheBethe-Goldstoneu' aN'efunction (Eqs. (41,31' ).(41.28).and (41.36)Jforan ç-was' e pairwith k = P = 0 interactlngthrougha hard-core rotentialln nuclear nlatter. The lourer lim it on the integrals in Eq.(41.31)u'astakenascso thatl/tcànEE0. TheNN.av'e function for a noninteracting pair ls Sheu'n by the dashedlineandthecross-os'erpolntdetinesthehealing distance. Also indicated aretheavrerage interparlicle distance krl (Eq.(41.38)4and the range krd of the rotentialin Fig.41.5. ae6 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTSMS exptcted,the relativew ave function vanishesatthe hard-coresurface. ltthen very rapidly approachesthe unperturbed valueofl,crossingoverthatvalue at a 'shealing distance''ofabout kyx ;r:1.9 healing distance (4l.37) Byexaminingthemoregeneralexpressionarisingfrom Eq,(41.5)gsceEqs.(41.7) and(41.62)),wecanshow thatthishealingdistanceisessentiallyindependentof kand#.1Furthermorethecorrelationfunction,desnedby, z ' &' Jc= N(r), /r-h(Kr), isalso nearly independentofk and #. Beyond the healing distance,theBetheG oldstonewavefunction oscillatesaround theunperturbed solution,approaching itwith dam ped oscillations as ksx -. +: x:. The average interparticle distance /in nuclearmatter,desned by theexpression l//3n Njl ''= lk((?=l,hasalso been indicated in Fig. 41.4. The corresponding dimensionless parameter characterizingtheinterparticledistanceinnuclearmatterbecomes 3.2 1 kpl= 2 = 2.46 interparticledistanee (41.3B) and we notetheinteresting resultthatthe healing distanceofEq.(41.37)isless than thcinterparticlespacingofEq.(41.38),asillustrated inFig.41.4. Bythe tim e thatone ofthe two colliding particleshasarrived atanotherneighboring particle,the ttwound''in the wavefunction ofthe originalinteracting pairhas healed back to itsplane-wave value.Forsubsequentcollisions,itfollows that thecolliding particlescan again be assumed to approach each other in relative plane-wavestates. Thisresultjustisestheindependent-pairapproximation. Theseobservationsalsoprovideasimplequalitativebasisfortheindependentparticlemodclo-fnuclccrmcllcr. ThePauliprinciplesupprtssesthtcorrelations introduced by the hard core and restricts its eflkcts to short distances. In particular,the hard core cannotgive rise to long-range scattering because all available energy-conserving statesarealready occupied. Exceptforthe shortrangecorrelations,anucleon m aythereforebeassum edtom ovethrough nuclear m atterin a plane-wave state. Thedom inantrole ofthe exclusion principle in explaining how an independent-particle modelcan describe a dilute strongly interacting Ferm isystem at or near its ground state w as hrstem phasized by W eisskopf.z PROPERTIES OF NUCLEAR M AU ER W ITH A ''REA LISTIC'' POTENTIAL W enow com binethe previousresultsto study am orerealisticm odelofnuclear m atter,wherethetw o-nucleonpotentialconsistsofa hard coreplusanattractive square-wellpotentialshown in Fig.41.5. Thispotentialgrossly oversim pliâes 'J.D .W aleckaand L.C.Gomes,loc.cit. CV.F.W eisskopf,Helv.Phys.Hclt z,23:187(1950);Science,113:101(1951). NOCLEAR M ATTER 367 the actualnucleon-nucleon force discussed in Sec.38;thusitcan only provide a qualitative,or at best sem iquantitative,description ofthe properties of nuclear m atter. The m odelpotentialisgiven by +.' x r<-b P'= -Iz%!. (l-hPM) 0 b<cr. ,:bc-bw b +.bw < r with a hard core in allstates(we shallcalculate the nuclearenergy both with and withouta hard core in the odd-/states)and an attractive Serber force as indicated. W e have here neglected the dipkrence between the 1So and 35-) Fig.41.5 Hard-coresquare-wellpotential. potentials,whichcanbejustisedifthisdiflkrencearisesfrom atensorinteraction (asistrue,forexam ple,in theone-pion exchangepotential). Theground-state expectation value ofa tensor force w ith Serber exchange nature vanishes in a noninteracting Ferm i gas because the spin average of the tensor operator jtrjtrz5'lziszero and there are ne exchange matrix elements. Thusthe epkct ofthe tensorforce ism uch reduced in nuclear matter. Thecondition thatthepotentialinEq.(41.39)haveabound stateatzero energy isreadily derived as hl,2 I z'll= 4mb-j w- (41.40) whichagainensuresthecorrect1u S scatteringlength. Furthermore,theefective range rt lfor such a potentialwith a zero-energy bound state is given by (see Prob.ll.1) ro = 2b + bv, W ith a hard core of0.4 F,theparam etersofthe com bined hard-core square-well potentialbecom e bw= 1.9 F b= 0.4 F (4l.42) w hile the totalrange # ofthe potentialis characterized by krlb + >w, )e /1 's# = 3.27 (4l.43) a68 AppulcA-rloNs To pnyslcAt- SYSTEM S and is indicated in Fig.41.4. From the previous discussion,it isclear thatthe attractive part of this potentialagain has little eFect on the w ave function, tending to enhance its value slightly w'ithin the potential. A s a result, the correlation function -X/ isessentiallythatofthehardcorealoneand isofthe type shou n in Fig.41.4. To com pute the interaction energy ofa pair ofnucleons in nuclearm atter, we shall evaluate the energy shift Ae'e,k with the Bethe-G oldstone equation (4l.2) l6. y,,kz,J z'-1(c,-ik.xjp' t'/. ; -JzC)4p,k tx)J3. ' r (41.44) Here Iz' aistheattractive partofthe potentialin Eq.(41.39)and P' cisthehard . . core. ln the independent-pairapproxim ation.the single-particle potentialand total energy'of the assem bly are then determ ined trom Aee k by the relations (4l.45) (4l.46) wherethesum srun overtheinteriorofthe Ferm isphere. The self-consistency of the theory is now particularly evident, because the single-particle energies jpakappearing in Eqs.(41.1)and (4l.2)areevaluated with Eqs.(41.44)and (41.45). er. Since the hard core is m ost im portant in determ ining the solution.it will be a good approximation to replace the exactwavefunction in Eq.(4l.44)by thatderived in the pure hard-core problem : (41.47) (41.48) For the present discussion w'e shall.in addition.approximate the hard-core solutionintheregionoftheattractivew'ellbyaplanew' ave(Bornapproximation) (41.49) Although the relative wave function vanishes inside the hard core (see Fig. 41.4),itgrows rapidly for r7-b and exceeds the plane-wave value within the range ofthe potential. Since the weighting factorin the integralisr2#r,the Born approximation should provide a reasonable estim ate of the attractive energy. N ote that this is true only for the very sim plifled potentialused here. A m ore realistic m odel.including a strong attraction concentrated outside the hard core, w' ould require a m ore sophisticated treatm ent. For exam plea Eq. (41.48)could be evaluated with no furtherapproximation or,in principle.the NUCLEAR MATTER 369 coupled problem ofthe hard core plusnearby attraction could be solved exactly. (Onetractable approach to thiscombined problem can befound in thew' ork of M oszkowskiand Scott.l) W'ith Eqs.(41.48)and (41.49).theenergyshiftofan interactingpairreduces to the sum ofthe energy shiftfora pure hard-spheregasand an attractivecontribution calculated with the independent-particle m odel in Born approxim ation xcp,k= Zt' ;,k - Z6$,k (independent-particlemodel) u (41.50) The latter contribution has been discussed in Sec.40,where we calculated both the energy shift of the whole assembly (Eq.(40.14)j and the single-particle potential(Eq.(40.19)1fbra purely attractive interparticle potential. Thislast quantity is readily evaluated with the param eters appropriate for Fig.41.5 and Eq.(41.39) 9 l't l/f). 3 j3)u (yalk)=-3 , 7..(J- tsj -dl , v(pgjyjjysgj ,z( yg . .. . t,' becauseaSerberforcerequirest za.= au = !.,and theintegrationrunsfrom the hard-core range b to the outeredge ofthe attractive potentialb-L.:w.= J (see Fig.41,5). ltisevidentthatUJisisotropicand dependsonly on k2. W e arenow ready to com pute the contribution ofthe attractiveinteraction to the eflkctive mass. A s indicated previously.a single eflkctiN'e m ass cannot approxim ate the single-particle spectrum over the whole range of 1'2. and it is therefore necessary to choose the relevant region in m omentun: space. One possibility isto assertthatthe m ostim portantvirtualtransitions occtlr neartl -ie Ferm i surface. choosing ?37* to fit the s'alue and $1ope uo. -:ht' s:nglt'-par:icle spectrum atky(com pareSec.29b ,. lfthesingle-particlepotc:1t1u lllsappro'qinqated near a generalvalue kv as hl U(k2): kSU(k0 2)+ L.(kl- k( 2 ))&. Jj Jn then the corresponding efl kctive m assbecom es n)* 1 r,? l+-P1 (4l.53) To reproducethespectrum neartheFermisurface(/fa= /s -s),U:mustbechosen as U dU j= p .-nj -kF -' dk''k-ks (41.54) a7o AppulcATloNs TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Thisexpressioncanbeevaluateddirectlyfrom Eq.(41.5l)andweEndi 3 ) '' L-1- j k2si0,4- p; - .- . 'x = n &s/=>7 Z krJ (J'f(p)-7' e(p)J'z(p)) ks& (4l.55) where the quantity ln brackets isto be evaluated between the indicated lim its. Numericalvaluesforthesinlplifed potentialofEq.(4l.39)are givenin Table 41.1. Table 41.1 Effeclive mass atk = kpand k = 0 fortwo nuclear densities (m*jmlk-kp 1.25F-1 1.48F-' (7,(0)j 0.65 *.65 A nother way ofchoosing the eflbctive m ass isto expand the single-particle potentialaboutk2= 0, 'substitutingjolkz); k'l- k2zl6in Eq.(41.51)immediately yields ' t71- jl-k' y-cPo2/ . a Ep3/ .atpllts f' j r n-'lk#/ . - (4l.56) N um eriealvaluescom puted from thisexpression are also shown in Table 41.1. W e note from Table 41.1 that the eflkctive m ass is rather insensitive to changes in the density about the equillbrium value, and that the effective m ass at the bottom ofthe Ferm isea isslightly sm allerthan theeflkctive massatthe Ferm i surface. So far,the hard core has been neglected entirely in evaluating m *. To justifythisomission,werecallthediscussionoftheGalitskiiequation wherethe hard coredoes notaf fcctthe efl kctive m assto tirstorderin c= kt -b. ,to a good approxim ation.itfoliow' sthatthe efl kctive m assarisessolely from the attractive welland exehangenatureoftheinteraction. ln fact.Eq.(1l.68)show' sthatthe leading contribution ofa hard core c= 0.57to the Ferm i-surfaceeflkctivem ass ofanassemblyofidenticalspin-lparticlesisobtainedfrom .bU(;k:-(.8c2/15=2)x (7ln2--1)= -0.067. whereas the same hard core, if present in the p state. contributes the following amount to f71 (Prob.4.6) âUL;k:+c?j l= = +0.059. 1Thenecessary integralsofthe sphericalBesselfunctionscan befound in L, 1.Schift op.ci/., 17.86. NUCLEAR M ATTER 371 These contributions tend to cancel,and the correction isindeed sm all.l W e shall henceforth neglect the hard core in evaluating m *. This sim plises our Presentdiscussion of nuclear m atter considerably,as the self-eonsistency condition is no longer a problem . The eflkctive m ass is now dcterm ined from Eqs.(41.51)to (41.54),whichareindependentofthe valueot -m*. ltisnow'possibleto estimatethe nuclearbindingenergyfrom Eq.(4l.46). The contribution Eiaïofthe attractive wellis given in Eq.(40.l4);it may be evaluatedjustasinEq.(41.51)andgives *p-(a) - --- = .X pz k3 - a' y d J6. ?*Z (J3- b3).c.17F 2 w. b j2 (kg:r)Jz i E (i) ?h2k2 F' ,4 f lm N ote thatthis expression containsm and not??lï'.because ???'.is mereis'an oversimplified way of treating the single-particle potential t.'(kj that is needed i1) evaluating the interaction energy. The tinalcontribution to the nuclear binding energy arisezfrom the hard core in Eq.(4l.50). Thls quantity can be com puted from the solutik)n tt3the Bethe-G oldstoneequation. The energy shit' tofa pairin the hard-core problem fol1ow sfrom Eq.f 2) .41. X6I a,k = l'-:.k r' c $F',k .- = pz-;$ .:,-ik.xj a. gpk x)t/rl. v C( , ( .' A sdiscussed in detailin Sec. 1l.only . 5-waves contribute to the totalhard-core interaction energy E tf'' through order (-2. For î waves. ît follow s from Eq. (41.2. 3àthat 2/' )7* re2 d s .c ..a h.2 .k -j.t.jkP'kjy.j. .;j (t.. cj..yj, jt.j . F ; k:vr . n( / $(r- c) (4l,60) lThefourspindegreesoffreedom fornuclearm atterlead toanadditionalfactorof3and 5 3, respecti vely.in theserelations. An examlnatlon oftheslngle-parti cl epotential(Eq.(41.45)) derived fl'onnEq.(41,65)contirnlsthatthiscorrectlon issnnallfornuclearnnatter. W hen this hard-core energ) is included in L'(k).the resultlng ettkctiv' e mass at the Fernlisurt-ace ls m*Frrl= 0.68 forkr= l.25 F-l(J.D.B'alecka and L.C.Gomes./tpc.c?'J.).which should be com pared with thes'alueltl. ???=z0.65ln Table41.Icom ingfronntheattractivewellalone. a72 Appulcv loNs To pl-lyslcAt- SYSTEM S where the second iine isobtained by noting thattheJ-wave leak contributesto the totalenergy only in orderc4. The overallnormalization constantisgiven byEq.(4l.36) c/(P,K)-g cosKc-q' RcosKsyz 0 , (5' ,c)Jîj-l . (41.61) where we now considerthe generalcase ofan interacting pairwith center-of- massmomentum P (here and henceforth in thissection itis assumed thatP is dimensionlessand measured in unitsof/cs). Itisevidentfrom Eq.(4l.5)that thegeneralization ofEqs.(4l.8)and (4l.22)toP + 0 is 2rr' dLj ys(r',r')= =. -. pjvltr)joltr') 4='tldt (4l.62) where1%isthecom plementof1Mshown in Fig 41.l. The angularintegration in Eq.(41.62)gives . for?<gl-( ' y #, j2j1 4j ( yyj forgl-(y #j2j1ojcjm# j o whiletheintegralin Eq.(41.61)can beperformed with therelation a (c oeOSKsSinJJds=.. #--K-j 0 ta-t . vshere@ istheCauchy principalvalue. Thuswefind c. V(P,K)= cosKc- 2 ;.p . jvltc) #f1, a -1 ?(fi(a.gz4. g.tdt (41.64) . A combination ofEqs.(41,59),(4l.60).and (4l. 64)yields (4l.65) Thefactor 1- 3,$!,$:3p:p:arisesfrom theantisym m etrization ofthewavefunction for particles of identical spins and isospins and prevents such particles from being in relative s states. The hard-core interaction energy is therefore given by Eq.(41.46)as (41.66) NUCLEAR MATTER 373 Convertingthesumsto integralsand using Eqs.(41.65)and (39.l5),we t ind g. (c) li2/k -; (2c * * J3K d3K ?, =0 ;:r .-- - 1.. . . 1 2/777 ' n' = . . ,1 ... 2 j )(Kc),yvxr(p,jkj (4=: /3)(4=73) ( . (F) ii2k2 y. *, (y3K Jàp F 2( - .. .. l 'oqsKcj-c/(P.K) 252dt , rr . (4=../3)(4=/ /3)' . . -- . .-. -- - . (.!:J where F is deéned by the intersection ofthe tuo Fermispheresx(compare Fig. 41.1)and.V(P.K)byEqs.(41.64)and(41.63). Theresultingvalueofthisdetinite integralobtained by num ericalm ethodsisshown in Fig.4l.6 as a function of c= kyb. lf Eq.(41.67) is expanded as a power series in c.the first few coeflicientsmaybeevaluated analytically. Equations (41.64)and (41.63)yield (. 41.68) and Eq.(41.67)becomes & (c) '&' .- lui2!.2 ' (41.69) 1 - . t' V' x 'gac..-j(.2. 0((y3)j ?*? - g . . yqy y z= g;p p (41.70J) jjj . jy -)yjjjg. j yjj .= y .m V (F.%) , (l-i-/7/2)2--K2 xlnj-- l2 --3q=j.(1)- 21n2) -jp -t j -j g..gjj (41.70:) Hencethe power-seriesexpansionof-Eq.(41.67)in cgives EIrCJ'-- hl / t'l2 2-( 7 l 2-c.2 -. -6r3-j-... 4 -bnl .z -. =.+ . 25. :7. .1(jl- 2ln2)+ 0.2, .-. . , Thefirsttwo term sareexactlythoseobtained inthediscussion oftheinteracting hard-sphere Fermi gas and the Galitskii equation (compare Eq. (11.72)), a74 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S generalized to include the possibility of an esective m ass com ing from the attractivepartoftheinteraction. Thethird term ,which hasnotbeen com puted here,wasfirstevaluated by DeDominicisand M artinland isjustthatpartof their result due to J-wave interactions in the independent-pair m odel. The powerseriesexpansionofEq.(41.71)isalsoplottedinFig.41.6. Fig.41.6 Hard-coreenergyEt lt ojA computed from Eq. (41.67)andthepower-seriesapproximations(Eq.(41.71)). Also shown isthep-wavecontribution FJ* . '?!. 1 ' A from Eq. (41.72). (TheauthorswishtothankE.M onizforpreparing thissgure.) Thecontributiontotheenergyofa hard corein thep statecan beobtained from an exactly analogous treatment of the r-state Bethe-G oldstone equation (seeProb.11.7) sl (c 3 -. *F2:. r-) != Ac '= .'1 - li )/nv-zr (4I.' :2, ) A snoted in Sec.38,the nuclearforce isrelatively weak in p states butthere is some evidence foran overallp-state repulsion. TheenergyofnuclearmatterasgivenbyEqs.(41.57),(4l.58),and(4l.67) is shown in Fig.41.7. The results are plotted b0th with and withoutthe contri- bution ofEq.(41.72)arising from ap-statehard core,and theefl kctive massat the Ferm isurface hasbeen taken from Table 41.1 (41.73) lC.DeDolninicisand P.C.M artinaPhys.RcL' .&105:14l7 (1957)and privatecommunicati on. NUCLEAR MAU ER 376 W e note severalinteresting features ofthese results. The m edium obviously saturates,which isevidentfrom the variouscontributionsto the energy because the hard-core repulsion will always dom inate at high density. Indeed, for elose-packed hard spheres,the uncertainty principle requiresthatthe hard-core energy become int inite.l ltisclearfrom Eq.(41.71),however,thatthe hardcore contribution to the energy becom esim portantatdensitiesm uch lowerthan E1A (MeV ) () Hard core of0.4F inpstate 2 - 4 - kF = 1.25F-l El.4 = - 6.2 MeV ) - ' y L I xoj aar dcor e +- inp state 6 - l - - 8 j0 l 1.0 : l.25 kl'= 1.45 F-1 EIA = - 9.1M eV i t r l.5 l.75 kF (F-') Fig.41.7 The energy per particle in nuclearm atterasa function ofkrcomputed from Eqs.(41.57),(41.58).(41.67), and (41.72)forthe two-body potentialofEqs.(41.39)to (41.42). The resultsare shown b0th with and withouta hard core in the p state. (The authors wish to thank E.M onizforpreparing thisfigure. ) thatforclosepacking. ThehardcoreforcestheA-bodywavefunctiontovanish whenever pxi- x,/< >,therebyprovidingextracurvaturein thewavefunction and increasing the kineticenergy. Itisnotable thatthisvery sim ple picture of nuclear m atter gives saturation at about the right density. The calculated binding energy is too sm all;this result is to be expected because we assum ed thatthe diflkrence between the tripletand singletforce com es solely from the tensor force,whose eflkctsvanish in lowestorder,and used an attractive well fit only to the 1. % scattering. The tensor force stillm akes a second-order contribution to the energy,however,and,like a1l second-order eflkcts,these alwaysinerease thebinding.z The binding energy isthediSerence between a large attractiveenergy and a largerepulsiveenergyand,assuch,isverysensitivetoany approxim ationsthat !Foradiscussion ofthispointseeR.K.Cole,Jr.,Phys.Rev.,155:114(1967). 2Notethata valueofm*/ 'm closerto 1also increasesthe binding. 376 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S have been m ade. To dem onstrate this point,we list below the various contributionsto the energy atkF = 1.50 F-1 E fa)a-1= -:6.9 M ev s(y)-4-1= -r.2.8.()M ev Elr'oA-1= +39.9M eV Fl= c)1,4-1= -4-4.9Mev VT (J) Fig.41.8 Sonne tqpicalhigher-orderG oldstone diagranlsfornuclearmatter:(t?)three-bodycluster. (/p)hole-holescattering. T' w o tkaturesofthe nuclearforce tend to keep the density ofnuclearm atterlow : the hard core and the Serber nature of the interaction. w hich decreases the attraction and hence also m oNb es the m inim um in Fig.41.7 to lower densities. The resulting interparticle Spacing allows enough space for the wound in the w ave function to heal. This resultaccountsforthe success ofthe independent- particle modelofthenucleusandjustiéestheindependent-pairapproach to the propertiesofnuclearm atter, The discussion in this section m ay beconsidered an oNrer-sim plitied version ofthe theory ofnuclear m atterdeveloped by Brtleckner,1Bethe,z and others. Thuswe ha&e retained only the m ostessentialphysicalfeaturesand m ade m any approxim ationsthatm ustbe im proved in any m orerealistic treatm cntofnuclear m atter. Forexam ple.the present form ofthe independent-pair m odelom itsa greatN'ariety ofhigher-ordercontributions.such asthree-body clusters(dehned to be Goldstone diagramscontaining three hole lines),or contributions from hole-hote scattering,which really involve three or m ore particles,as seen in the discussion of the G alitskii equation.3 Some typical higher-order G oldstone diagranns are indicated in Fig.41.8. Allofthese proeesses involve the sim ultaneouscollision ofm orethan tNso particles,and the shorthealing length ensures that such processes are very im probable. These m any-particle cluster contributionshavebeenanalyzed in greatdetailby Betheand hiscoworkers.w ho use lK A .Brueckner.loc.('1't. ? H . A .Bethe,/t)c.('i:. 3The preclse relation ofthe presentcaleutatlon to the diagrammatic analysisof)J,* and the ground-state energy shift isdiscussed in Sec.42. NUCUEAR M ATTER 377 theFadeevequationstoevaluatethethree-bodyclustercontributionscorrectly.l The net efrect of these higher-cluster contributions is to decrease the binding energy of nuclearm atterby about 1 M eV. In addition to including higher clusters, it is necessary to im prove the evaluation ofthe tw o-particlecontributions. Forpurposes ofillustration and sim plicity, an eflkctive-m ass approxim ation has been used ; unfortunately, the exactanswer isvery sensitive to the precise value chosen form *. ltisalso true that the eflkctive-m ass approxim ation is not very good. A better approach is thereference-spectrulnmethodofBethe,Brandow,andPetschek,zwhichchooses the single-particle potentialto m inim ize the higher-order contributions. A s a result,particles and holes are treated diflkrently,holes being assigned the selfconsistent single-particle potentialdiscussed here,and particles being assigned the free spectrum . In this approach, a single-particle potential is merely a calculationaltool. ltcorresponds to the freedom ofrewriting the ham iltonian as H = F-i-)i(&(i)+ i2 , i l z'(l j)- 2it&(i) 'r' kj and then choosingthesingle-particlepotentialL' '(, ')to maximizetheconvergence ofthe expansion for the energy. A n additionalproblem in the study ofnuclearm atterislaek ofknowledge ofthe nucleon-nucleon force in the odd angular-m om entum states. Thisisa largeeflkct,ascanbeseenfrom Fig.41.7,anddiflkrentpotentialsw illgivediflkrent valuesforthe binding energy. A nother question istheeflkctoftrue m any-body forces,w'hichm ightoccurintheoriginalham iltonianbecausethemeson-exchange processesbetween nucleonsare m odised by the presence ofadditionalnucleons. A ny analysis of this problem is very dim cult-and the current philosophy is to calculate the bestpossible binding energy and density using two-body potentials fitto nucleon-nucleon scattering. Only ifa discrepancy rem ainswould we be forced to introducem any-body forces. The presentsituation isthatthetheoretica1valuesobtained % ith two-body forcesalone are close to the observed binding energy of-16 M eV and density kt-u-= l.4 F -1.3 MZU RELATIO N TO G REEN'S FU N CTIO NS A N D B ETH E-SA LPET ER EQ UATIO N ln the preceding sections, nuclear m atter has been discussed in term s of the Bethe-G oldstone equations,and we now'relate this treatm ent to the G alitskii equationsand the G reen'sfunctions. For sim plicity,we shallfirstneglectal1 1SeeR.RajaramanandH.A.Bethe,Ret' .M od.Phvs..39:745(1967). 2H .A.Bethe,B.H.Brandow,and A.G.Petschek,Phys.Rc? J.,129:225 (1963). 3For a review ofnuclear-tnatter calculations,see B.DaysRev.u od.Phys.,39:719 (1967) andR.RajaramanandH.A.Bethe,Ioc.cl ' r. a7: AppulchTloss To pHvslcAu svsu M s self-consistency in the Bethe-G oldstone equationsand assum e thattheenergy denom inators contain only free-particle kinetic energies. In this way, the Bethe-G oldstoneequationsreduceto thesim plerform studied in Sec.36,which is moreclosely analogousto Galitskii'sequationsofSec.11. Recallthatthe GalitskiiapproachcalculatestheGreen'sfunction bysummingtheladdergraphs asFeynm an diagram s. W e frstobservethatifweareinterested in calculating only the ground-state energy shift:the G alitskiiequations can be sim pliied considerably. The G reen'sfunction isrelated to'the ground-state energy shift byEq.(9.38) .- ivh ld, j 4 s (( )-; . ('JdJ'trEwzts cats;eipo,t E - f( )- a. (2.)4. (42.1) where the coupling-constantintegration isstillto be perform ed. To be con- sistentwiththeappearanceofG0inEq.(11.28)forX*intheladderapproximation, wereplace G(p)by G0(p)in Eq.(42.1). Alltheladdercomplexityand Adependence is thus put into Y*(p).l Our starting expression for the ground-state energy shiftintheG alitskiiapproach istherefore - y . . -ivh 1(/A , j kJ( )-j-J#PtrLaygjswzjs jefp,,y Z - 0 jtzrr (42.2) This expression now allow sus to draw a setof Feynman diagram sfor the ground-state energy shift. A generalterm in the ladderapproxim ation isdrawn in Fig.42.1. N ote that these are Feynm an diagram s;consequently,only the topology of the diagram s is im portant, and we m ay draw any pair of lines as returning lines,and any pairoflinesascrossed linesin the exchange diagram . SincetheFeynm an G reen'sfunctioncontainsboth partieleand holepropagation, thediflkrentrelativetim eorderingsinthesediagram scandescribeveryeom plicatedprocesseswithm anyparticlesand holespresentatanyinstant. ltwasshown in Eq.(11.35),however,thatanypairofpartielesin aladderpropagatesbetween interactionseither with both particlesabove the Ferm ikea orwith both particles below. In com puting the energy shift,every pairofhole lineswilllead to an extrapairoffactorsj -krdhk'jkF#3k' At1ow densityitisthereforemeaningful to classify thecontributionsby the num berofholelinesretainedz(comparethe discussion attheend ofSec.l1). Theminimum numberofholesisclearlytwo; thus in the Iow-density lim itweneed keep only oneintermediatepairpropagatl ng asholesandmayusetheparticlepartoftheGreen'sfunctionforalItheotherpairs. Innth ordertherearenpossiblewaysofchoosing thatpairwhich contributesas holes,and thesym m etry ofthediagram sshowsthatal1thesenterm sareidentical. 1Thehrstcorrection to thisapproximation involvestheintegralfd4p(Y*(p)G0(#))2,which vanishes whenever Y* isindependentof frequency. This is true ofthe leading termsboth foranonsingularpotentialEEq.(10.21)1and forahard-spheregasEEq.(11.57)1. 2Thisobservation waSfirstmade byN .M .Hugenholtz,Physica,23:533(1957). a79 NUCLEAR M ATTER W e can now carry out the coupling-constant integration for the nth-order contribution 1dj J--,--jy j..j y VV (1) Hencewecan keepjustasinglegraphwithn. - 1pairspropagatingasparticles and onepairpropagatingasholes. ltism ostconvenientto assum ethatallthe intermediatepairsin F gseeEq.(11.30))propagateasparticles,VNiththeholepair coming from thetwo extrafactorsofG0in Z*and E - Ev. ln thisway theG alitskiiequationsfortheground-stateenergy shiftinthe low-density lim it can be rewritten as follows. The ground-state energy is obtained from where the coupling-constantintegration has now been perform ed. The corre- sponding properselflenergy isgiven by Eq.(11.49) hLj*lpq= -ï(2zr)-4fd*kG0(V)g4rtpk;p#)- Ftkp. ,p/())é'iknn (see Fig.42.2),where we have used the fourfold degeneracy ofnuclear matter associated with spin and isospin. The scattering amplitude in the m edium isa p k k k # p âs*(p) O N Nx Z = Fig. 42.2 Structure of l1* in Galitskii approach. ' , z' N e% o + z, N 380 APPLICATIONS T0 PHYSICAL SYSTEM S convolution ofamod@edGalitskiiwavefunctionzmwiththepotential(seeEq. (1l.40)1 l-tqqq';#)= h2m-142. /$-3f#3trjtlymtq- t,q';#) where the variables in the scattering problem are indicated in Fig.42.3,while ptx Z 93 z p2 N q- 1.(p1-p2)-)lp-k) q'- 1-(p3-p4)- J.(p-k) P= p3+ p4= p!+ pz= p+ k Fig.42.3 Momentum variablesforF #4 in Fig.42.2. ymisinturnasolutiontothefollowingintegralequation(compareEq.(1l.39)J , 3j(q- q, )o #(I' P + q!- kr)#(II'P - qr-/fs) ymtq.q :#)- (2:. ,) + j. m gp / qc-,y . . d't xj(2.)3Dtt)i tr atq-t,q,;p)(4a. 6) In accordancewith ourpreviousdiscussion,themodised G alitskiiwavefunction satishesan integralequation w'ith only the particle-particlepartofthe G alitskii kernel. The energy appearing in the denominatorsis the totalenergy in the center-of-momentum frame,defined by Eq.(1l.36) h2P2 hlk2 h2p2 h2tl/2 E = â#;- -jm = hkv+ hpo- 2m - -lm + m - (42,.p W e shallnow write the corresponding equations from ourdiscussion of Sec.41. lftbe Bethe-Goldstone equations(41.l)and (41.2)for m*= m are rewritten with a Fouriertransform,theenergyshiftofa pairbecom es letq/,q';P)= hllnlP')-lfe-i*'*A4. (x)t /zpq,(x)#3x = hz lm). ')-:(2. 7$-E $fJ3/? -' (t)/(q'- t,q';P) (42,8) wherewenow usea notation similarto Eq.(42.5),whilethewavefunction in m om entum space satissestheequation 4(q.q,:P)- (2=)z, !tq- q, ).y.#(1!' P +ql-,aà'slfa(I1'Pj- ql- ks) q -q + n d5t ' <j(2.)' jL ' lt)/(q-t,q,;p)(z u. q) Thisis the free scattering wave equation with the Ferm isphere excluded from thevirtualstates (compareEq.(1l.11)q. Thesingle-particleenergy spectrum is NUCLEAR M ATTER 381 (42.10) wherethevariablesaredesned asin Fig.42.3. Herethesecondterm in brackets m akes explicit the exchange contribution that arises from the use of antisym m etric wave functions forpairs in identicalspin and isotopic-spin states. Finally the energy ofinteraction o'fthe asscm bly is obtained asone halt -the sum ofthe interaction energy &'(p)forallparticiesin the Fermisea (compare Eqs. (41,4f)and(41.46)) Forsim plicity.u' eassume5pïn-and isospin-independentforces. ltis now possible to prove thatthe Bethe-Goldstone equations(42.8)to (42.l1)and the Galitskiiequations(42.3)to (42.6)are identical. The proofis asfollows. Themodised Galitskiiwavefunction ym in Eq.(42.6)isan analytic function in the upper halfko plane. (N ote that this is nottrue ofy itself.) Since1-in Eq.(42.5)isjustaconvolution ofy,,withthepotential.F isalsoan anall' tic function in the upper-half-kvplane. Asa result,when thekf jintegral intheproperself-energl'gEq.(42.4))isclosedintheupper-halfkoplane,theonly contributioncomesfrom thepoleofG0(k)atkv= coo k= /ik2.2n?. 5Venow observe thatY*(p)isalso an analyticfunction ofpvin theupper-halfpk jplane;w'henthe conteurin Eq.(42.. 3)isalsoclosed intheupper-half'plane,theonlycontribution again arisesfrom thepoleofG0(pjat;)v= ct?o p==hpl: ' 2m. Theexpressionforthe energy shifttherefore becom es *kr E-Ev=44L'(2rr)-3j d?pâY*( .p,(z?p 0) (42.l2j precisely reproducing the Bethe-G oldstone results, From the preceding discussion.itfsevidentthatthe Bethe-G oldstoneexpression fortheground-state energy isobtained bysum m ingtheladdercontributionsinterpreted asGoldstone J2 'J.cra???5 (see also Preb, 11.11b.NNhere the interm ediate pair always propagates asparticles. In sum m ary.NNehaNe demonstraled thattheground-state energiesobtained from theG alitskiiequationsand from the Bethe-G oldstone equationscoincide at los: densitq. Itisim portantto note.however.thatthiscorrespondence need nothold for other physicalquantities. ln particular,the proper self-energy difers from the single-particle potential L'(k) by the inclusion of hole-hole scattering.l Sinceitisâl1*(k,l-())thatgivesthe correctsingle-particle energies, we see again thatr7(k)merely representsa convenienttoolforcomputing the ground-state energy. !This pointwasfirstemphasizt-d ' by N .M .Hugenholtz and L.Van Hove.Physica,M :363 (1958)andbyD.J.Thouless.Phvs.Rev..112:906 (19584. a:2 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S TheBethe-G oldstonetheory described above stilldiflkrsin principlefrom the Bruecknertheory because the Bruecknertheory relies on a self-consistent single-particle potential. In term s of G reen's functions. this result can be achirvedbyreplacingG0(p)withaG(p)thatincludesself-energyeflkctsassociated with r. Furthermore,l-'mustitselfbe determined with G and notG0. The equationsfor this self-consistenttheory are show n schem atically in Fig.42.4. Self-consistentG : = + + + *. * +Exchange Self-consistentla: =- + Fig.42.4 Self-consistenttheoryforG and l''. A s they stand, thcse equations are quite intractable because the frequency dependence of-X*(p,#( )) complicates the integral equation for l' immensely. (Thisdiëculty issometimesknown kspropagation 07. /-theenergy shell.j The sim plerBrueckner-G oldstonetheory can beobtained from these equationsin a series of approximations. First,fhe self-consistency is treated only on the average,and we use a frequency.independent self-energy Ez(p)- Z*(p,v/â), obtained by settingpn= ep/â,whereepsatissestheself-consistentequation e'p = 60 (p,ep/â)- e0 p+ âtlytpj (42.13) p + âE* Inthisway,theG reen'sfunction isgiven approxim atelyas G #(IpI- k,) hkr- IpI) lp,po)-J, tl- %/yjj.ixl+;o- spj)t- ixl sc .. (42.14) Second,this G reen'sfunction is used to evaluate both the properself-energy (Eq.(42.4))and the scattering amplitude (Eqs.(42.5)and (42.6)). W eagain obtain xm by om itting the hole-hole scattering,which ispresum ed sm allin the low-density lim it. The only eflkct on the self-consistent wave function is to changethedenominatorinEq.(42.6)from mpnlh- !. (!. P + q)2- JIJP - q)2+ iyl NLICLEAR M ATTER 383 to (m/hljlhpo- E' lp+q- qe-ql+ iT. This set of equations determines the approxim ate self-consistent spectrum 6p. Third, the ground-state energy is evaluatedfrom Eq.(9.36)usingGsclp,po)andZ). (p) E=-4ïlzr(2=)-4j#4pefpong6k+j. âE).(p))Gsclp) = 4U(2=)-3fd3pgek+.!4Ek t. tpljptks- jpr ,) = Eo+ 21zz(2=)-3Jd?pJiE).(p)hky- Jpl) (42.15) Thisresultisidenticalwith thatobtained by substituting G,c(p,;()and Z).(p) into Eq.(42.3). W enote,however,thatitdoesnotfbllow im mediatelyfrom the originalform ofEq.(42.1)becauseofthecomplicated Adependence ofXJ(p) and t' p. 43rTH E EN ERG Y G A P IN N U C LEA R M AU ER A sa fnaltopicin thischapterwestudy theenergy gap in nuclearm atter. The semiempiricalmass formula indicatesthatthe lastpair oflike particles(pp or nn)contributesanextraamount Epair= 34 M eV . , 4-' i' to the binding energy of nuclei. ln addition,Bohr, M ottelson, and Pinesl observed thattheenergy spectrum ofeven-even nucleishowsan energy gap of about1M eV (weshallreturn to thisquestion in Chap.15). Thusthereissome em piricalevidencethatlikenucleonstendto pairup,and itisinterestingtolook foran exceptional(orsuperconducting)solution to the gap equation in nuclear m atter. ThegapisdeterminedbyEq.(37.35) l uk, k= !.)((k- ktPrjk'- k') .-1 k, (1)+ #)) where we now use theconvention ofChap.10 that l' > 0 foran attractive poten- tial. W erestrictthe pairing to like particles,thatis,(ptp$)or(rl1r?$),and assum ethat1z'isindependentofspinandisospin.z Toobtainanexplicitsolution ofthisnonlinearintegralequation,itisconvenienttom akethefollowingapproxim ations: lA.Bohr,B.R.M ottelson,and D.Pines,Phys.ReL'.,110:936(1958). 2Asdiscussed in detailin Chap,15.the pairing comesfrom the lastvalence particles. In al1 butthelightestnuclei,thelasthlled statesarequitediflkrentforneutronsand protons. Thus theoverlap in thematrix elementsofthe interaction between valence neutronsand protonsis generallysmallerthan thatbetween likeparticlesinthesamestates. Thisistheargumentfor consningourattention to pairing between likenucleons. ag4 AppulcA-rloNs To pHyslcAL sys-rEM s 1.The single-particle excitation energies fk measured relative to the chemicalpotentialp.arewritten in theeflkctive-massapproximation L = e:î- 12tkk'iPlkk')pl,- p. k' ;>e2+ &tkl- (4,+ &(ks)) a;â2(2rn*)-l(k2- k/) (43.3) 2.Since the resulting gap t â ismuch smallerthan es,theintegrand in Eq. (43.2)issharplypeakednearJ= 0,anditisthenpermissibletoset z k aràks> , ' X (43.4) In thiscase,thegap equation becomes 1= 1 d3k :-îkF*XZ(x):ik*Xd3x i (2=)) (. âa+ (âc(kz ypyzmvjzjl - where ksisan arbitrary wave vectorlying on the Ferm isurface. The angular integrationsoverdûkand lDxcan now be evaluated to give 1 zm. c o c o sin(x(ksx)) = 'rrh2kj okFdxsin(kFx)Prtxl f)KdK (zX y .2+ (Kz- 1)zJ. (43.6) wherethefollowing dim ensionlessvariableshave been introduced ïâ u: 2!H hzk/ +- a k K =g /2rn s s W eareinterestedin thelimitofthisexpressionasâ ->.0whenthesecondintegral inEq.(43.6)canbeevaluatedas = gdg sin(A-(k,x)) . lc ( â2+(Kz-1)2)+;-. ( ,jjn(, 8j.jo lkrxQ JA(j.cosAljsjnksx * dl +(jzgyy-j-sinjcosksx(43. 8) ThefniterangeofthepotentialF(x)ensuresthatthequantitykex isbounded; hencethedominantbehaviorofEq.(43.8)arisesfrom theflrstterm,andweshall Write co lj 1 jg j 8 Forany smallhnite . i,the validity ofthis approximation can be verifed with Eq.(43.8)(seeProb.11.12). w e can now complete the solution ofEq.(43.5). W ith the dehnition kpj0 *sinksxF(x)sinkpxd .x-(ks!I , 'I ( ? us), (43.10) NUCLEAFI MAU ER 38B Eqs.(43.6)and (43.9)become - 1 - x 2m * ln 8 (43.11) (/fFIP'+k,)1-+0=hlV i The exponentialofthisresultyields i; 4;8exp - =h2k//2v* . (43.12) Lkt,IFrn,) and theenergygap in nuclearm atterisgiven in usualunitsas / =h2/c//2rn* â = 8hl ztyk tv exp - )g jyzpyy -j - . y j (43.13) , A crudeestim ateofthisquantitycanbeobtainedwiththenonsingularsquare-well potentiallitto 1S( )scattering (Fig.41.2): (43.14) W e take thevaluem *t' m = 0.65 from the discussion ofnuclearm atterand End theenergygapshowninTable43.1. Sincees *= (m(m*)esQ;65MeV,thequantityu ; îdehnedinEq.(43.7)isindeedverysmall. The resulting energy gap at the equilibrium density of nuclear matter (/cs= 1.42F-1)isverysmall,thusjustifyingourprevioustreatmentofthebulk properties. ln particular,the calculated . t ï ism uch sm allerthan both the gap observed in thespectra ofeven-even nucleiand the pairingenergy in the sem i- empiricalmassformula (forthe heaviestknown nuclei). Itmustbenoted. however,thatthegap hasbeen evaluated in nuclearm atter,whereasthe actual pairing energy in snite nucleiarisesfrom thenucleonsin the surface region of m uch lowerdensity. Table 43.1 shows thatthe gap depends strongly on the density.and becom esaslarge as2.5 M eV atks= 1.0 F-'. Thisestim ate is,of course,only very crude. Emery and Sesslerlhave used the Bethe-G oldstone equation to obtain much more realistic valuesof(/cslFlnsl. Nevertheless, theirvaluesforu ' X arevery similarto thosein Table43.1. Table 43.1 The enerqy gap in nuclearm au er #ortw o nucleardensi:ies i,M eV 1.42 1.(X) 9.3x 10-2 2.5 iV.J.Erneryand A .M . Sessler.Phys.Retl.,119:248(19* ). APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 386 PRO BLEM S 11.1. (J)Ifasquare-wellpotentialofrangedhasaboundstateatzeroenergy, usetheefective-range expansion kcot3c= -1/c+ !.r( )k2to provethatrf j= #. (b4Ifthehard-coresquare-wellpotentialshownin Fig.41.5hasabound state atzero energy,provethatro= 2b+ bw. 11.2. (J)Assumethenuclearinteractionsareequivalentto a slowlyvarying potential-U(r). Within anysmallvolumeelement,assumethattheparticles form a noninteracting Ferm igas with levels Elled up to an energy -B. In equilibrium ,B m ustbethesam ethroughoutthenucleus. From thisdescription, derive the Thomas-Fermiexpression for the nucleardensity n(r)= (2/3*2)x (2v/â2)1 (U(r)- . 8)1. (bjDerivetheresultsofpartabybalancingthehydrostaticforce-V' and the forcefrom thepotentialnT U. 11.3. Thesymmetryenergyf4/a4 (Eqs.(39.8)and (39.12))maybeestimated asfollows. AssumethenonsingularpotentialofEq.(40.10)and computethe expectation valueofX in the Fermigasmodelfor4= Z + N nucleonswith 3= (N - Z4lA # 0. (J)UseEq.(40.9)toprovethat E .... j.32(h zz mk. /-k =), sF(*RM+f 'w' . /dtkz'zllza( sj wheretheeflkctivemassatkFisgiven byh2kF/m*= (#(e2+ Ulkjjjdktk.kyand t7(k)isdesned by Eqs.(40.17)to (40.19). Discussthephysicsofthisresult and comparewith Probs.1.6and l.7. (:)W ith m.Q$0.65 (Table 41.1) and the potentialof Fig.41.2,show that th = 37M eV. 11.4. Prove thata two-body tensor force with Serberexchange F = P-ws' jzx M1+PMjmakesno contributiontotheenergyofaspin-è isospin-èFermigas (i.e.,nuclearmatter)inlowestorder. 11.5. Given arepulsivesquare-wellpotentialofheightFcand rangeb,ifuIr istheI= 0wavefunction,prove thatFN-->.W3(r- bjforFc->.c,whereW is aconstantthatcan depend onenergy. 11.6. Carry outan exactpartial-wavedecomposition ofthe Bethe-Goldstone equations(41.5)and (41.2)forarbitrary P. Show thattheeven-/wavesare coupled,asaretheodd-lwaves. Estimatethelowestorder(inc= krajinwhich thiscoupling aflectstheground-stateenergy ofa hard-sphereFermigas. 11.7. U setheBethe-G oldstoneequation forapurehard-corep-wavepotential toprovethatELC -LIA = (â2k//2v)(c3/=). ComparewithProb.4.7b. NucuEAR M AU ER :87 11.8. Thecom pressibilityofnuclearm attercan bedehned as Kv -lO k/Wztf/Wl/tf/c/lequilibrium (u)EvaluateKvapproximatelyfrom Fig.41.7forthetwocasesshown. Relate K vto the usualtherm odynam iccompressibility. (b)Comparewith thecorresponding valuefora noninteracting Fermigasat the sam e density. 11.9. TheA particleisabaryon w ith strangeness-1,and henceisdigtinguishable from the nucleon. Show thattheenergy shiftdueto theintroduction ofa hard-sphereA particleinto a nucleargasofhard spheresisgiven by Ec- h2 z. / bksa 8(/k .sa)2 l l (?,)2 jl- (, r j241)2 1+, r) 2/, 3, x)2 lnl ,r) 7.H- =z j-kl-, ?)1 6,7 - ' . , - +OtksJ)3) wherea is the rangeoftheA-nucleon hard core (compare Fig.11.1),l/Jz= l/vx+ l/va,and' ? 7= (An, x- mslllm;k+ ms). 11.10. Considerthebindingenergy ofaA particlein the nucleus. (J)Ifthenucleusisconsidered a square-wellpotentialofdepth Uzand range R = rozll,show that the binding energy Bh ofthe A particle is given by the solution to theequations s(1-x)-+cot-'-(j. x.x)* h2=2 2 3 B a - Uz- a sw ac( l-. y+p+'' - where s= ((2p, aA2/â2)Uc)1,x- Bhjlh, and l//u = 1/?' ?;A+ L(Ams. Explain how tousethese resultsto identify thebindingenergy ofa A particlein nuclear matter. (b4 SupposetheA-nucleonpotentialisoftheform showninFig.41.5. Discuss the calculation ofthe binding energy ofa A particle in nuclearm atterwithin theframeworkoftheindependent-pairapproximation.t 11.11. Starting w ith G oldstone's theorem , show that the Bethe-G oldstone equations(42.8)to (42.11)sum thatpartofthe laddercontributions to the ground-state energy shift where the interm ediate pair always propagates as particlesabovethe Ferm isea. ::Forareview ofthissubjectseeA.R.Bodmerand D.M.Rote,ttproceedingsoftheInternationalConferenceon HypernuclearPhysicsy''vol.II,p.521,Argonne NationalLeaboratory, Argonne,111.,1969. agg APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 11.12. (X VerifyEq.(43.8). (b) Retaining allthetermsin Eq.(43.8)andusing thenonsingularsquare-well l5' t )potentialofFig.41.2,solvethegapequation(43.6). Show thatthenumbers in Table43.1arereduced byapproxim ately afactorof4. 12 Pho nons and Eleclrons O ur previous discussion of the interacting electron gas treated the uniform positive background asan inertsystem whosesolepurpose isto guarantee overall electrical neutrality. In this chapter we now investigate the dynam ics of this background and the interaction between itsexcitation m odesand theelectron gas. The resalting Debye m odel of the background form s the starting point for a generaldiscussion ofcrystals.while the m odelelectron-phonon system provides an excellent basis for the study of metals. In realsolids.of course.the ionic background form s a lattice. 'fortunately this discrete structure is unim portant for acoustic norm al-m ode excitations w ith a uavelength Iong com pared to the interionicspacing(whichwillbetrueofalmosta1loftheexcitationsofimportance here). 389 390 APPLICATIONS T0 PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 4K THE NONINTERACTING PHONON SYSTEM W eapproximate the background bya hom ogeneous,isotropic,elasticm edium . Itisknow nfrom thegeneraltheory ofthem echanicsofdeform ablesolidslthat such a medium can supportboth transverse (shear)and longitudinal(compressional)waves. Onlythclongitudinalmodegivesriseto thechangesindensity thatare necessary to m odify the coulom b interaction between the electrons and the background. Thusforthe presentpurposes we furthersim plifythe m odel assum ingthatthebackground hasnoshearstrengthand iscom pletelydeterm ined bytheadiabatic bulk m odulus B*-Fê P# Prjs (44.j; justasifitwereauniform fluid. W eshallassumeBtobegiven,althoughitis in fact determ ined by the potential energy of the lattice.which depends selfconsistently on 170th the interatom ic and electrostatic interactionsbetween the ionsand on the interaction w' ith the electrons. The large ionic m assleadsto an importantsim plihcatiol'thatallows usto treatthe problem in two distinctsteps. First.the smallam plitude ofthe ions' motion meansthattheionsm aybeconsideredfixedattheirequilibrium positions in calculating the behaviorofthe electrons. Second,the low-frequency ionic m otionisthen determ ined from thechangein energy associated with asequence of such stationary ionic consgurations,assum ing that thu electrons have the wavefunction appropriateto theinstantaneousionicconhguration. To agood approximation,it follows thatthe electronic system and the ionic system are decoupled.z A sa sim ple exam ple ofthis separation,we recallthecalculation ofB foradegenerateelectrongasina uniform positivebackground (Sec.3). In thatcase,theground-stateenergy E(r,)iscalculated asafunction ofthedensity ofthe background;the bulk m odulusattheequilibrium density isthen propor- tionaltothecurvatureofE(rs)at(r,)mi.= 4.83,andwe5nd e2 (#)mi.= 4.5x 10-52 = 0.66x 101odyne/cm2 /1 The discussion ofSec. 16 showsthatthe variationsin mass density 3pm obeytheequation ofm otion 1 :23 ? Dt2 pm= V2&pm (44.2) 'G.Joos,t*-rheoreticalPhysics,''2d ed.,chap.VIII,HafnerPublishingCompany, New York, 1950. 2ThisistheBorn-oppenheimerapproximation EM .BornandJ.R.Oppenheimer.Ann.'/l '.çfà, .y % :457(1927)).whichisdiscussed,forexample.inL.1.Schifll.touantum M echanics,''3ded., p.446,McGraw-l-lillBookCompany.New York,1968. PH O NO N S A N D ELECTRO NS 391 where 2 B B ( y zzcP ... -un :lki. n. v ?n( )c isthelongitudinalspeed ofsound and /7moK M /70 (44. 4) is the m assdensity ofthe background. The solutions to this wave equation describe the longitudinalsound waves. W e m ay again use oursim ple m odelof a degenerate electron gas at the equilibrium density to 5nd the theoretical expression 2 c2 2 (0.916)2 c = jtzo9,: ktj-é--f) . For M = 2?m p,uzhich is appropriate for sodium . this expression gives ctj,= l.Ix 105cm/sec.in reasonable agreement with cexp= 2.3 x l05 cm/sec,w' hich wasevaluated withtheobserved valuesforsodium 1# = 5.2 x l0l0dyne/cmzand pmo= 0.97 g, . ' cm 3. Sineethe theoreticalcurve Elrxj(thelirsttwo termsof Eq. (3.37)J is a variationalestimate that represents an upper bound on the true ground-state energy,ourcalculation presum ably gives too sm alla curvature at the m inim um and thustoo sm alla value forB and c. LAG RANG IAN A N D HA M ILTONIAN A com plete description ofsound wavesisreadily obtained from thelagrangian forthesystem . Foreachpointinthem edium wefirstintroducethedisplacement vectord(x)thatcharacterizes the displacementfrom the equilibrium position. The change in volum e of the elem ent dxdîbdz under deformation then can be com puted to Iowestorderinf/xlxlzfrom ( 3#- PJ. Pd. dF'=#x'd)'dx'=#xJy'Jz(l+o. x A' i -kj,+0z-+''' , 1 orto firstorderin derivativesofd #l'''= JU'(1-c.V .d) To the sam e order,the change in density is bL,n= 3 , -- = --V . d - 9mQ S0 (44.5) and the wave equation can therefore be w'ritten in term sofd as l 02d ' V.gzjj. y-V2dj=( ) (44. 6) 'esAmerican Institute ofPhysicsHandbook,''2d ed.,pp.2-21and 3-89,M cGraw-ldillBook Com pany,New York.I963. z:z Appuscga joNs To pHvslcAu SVSJ EM S In an elastic m edium w' ithoutshearstrengthand vorticitl'. d satisfiesthe general condition lanypaIt : which m eans V x d==0 ThusNse conclude 1t i2d ' ' VX(( .2o/c--V'd)-0 1 -.t ,-. -r -- l' L (44.l1a) ' (/jedi ?t( è(I0=' ! '. i 'tï3. V$p,, ( ,('?? yot--Xav,àl-y-y1 ' . (44.llbs where repeated latin indices are sum m ed from 1 to 3. The Euler-Lagrange equati( 717s),ield Eq.(44.9).5$hiie Lq.(44.10)plalsthe ro1e ofa subsidiary con. dition guaranteeing longittldinalU a:es. The usualcanonicalprocedLlre alIow s us to derive : 1 ham iltonian.and NNe find ld <tx.J1s t z:/7,'()g -r ' Ht )--!(tl3x(p, -u)=2- #(V .d)2) whereEq.(44.l0)hasbeen substittlted illto thesecond term in Eq.(44.1Ibband the result integrated tw ice by parts. Introduce the llorm al m ode expansions (we w' ork in a large box ofvoIume 1,'and use periodic boundao'conditions) Pd j =(x.?)=pa, t ljjE! E. --(. %Itl q j) (h gcs ovjlg k(ck6 4 ik.x-i., j . t.(, t.j k . ,-fk.x-ic t ? k,) . k î. (44,l4) lForadiscussion ofcontinuunnluechanics. seeH.Goldstein.''Classi calMechanics,-'chap.l1, A cldison-W esley Publishlng Colllpanà.lnc.,Reading,M ass.. l953. PHONONS AND 393 (44.15) coy= ck (44.16) which now explicitly incorporate the subsidiary condition V x d= 0. After a little algebra,the ham iltonian becomes Hv= . !.jklâcoytcf kck-1 -t' kC'1) (44.17) whïch represents a system of uncoupled lm rm onic oscillalors.' A lthough we can im posecom m utation relationson = and d,the subsidiary condition makes this procedure quite intricate' ,instead,it is m uch m ore convenient to consider ckandtrlasOurindependentcanonicalvariablesbecausethesubsidiarycondition is then explicitly included. Thus we shall quantize by using the canonical com m utation relations Cf-k,cl'1= Jkk' (G .l8) DEBYE THEO RY OF TH E SPECIFIC HEAT Equation (44.l7) provides a basis fbr investigating the thermodynamics and statistical m echanics of the free phonon system . W e Erst observe that the chem icalpotentialofthe phonons vanishes (44.l9) which m ay be seen in the following way. C onsider the H elm holtz free energy computed foralixed numberofphononsF(F,V,Nps). Sincethereisno restriction onthe num berofphonons,theequilibrium stateofthe assem bly atfxed F and Iz'is obtained by m inim izing the H elm holtz free energy èP N/ph-j .(; ,!rpr (44.x) Thisexpressionisjustthechemicalpotential(Eq.(4.6)1,therebyverifying Eq. (44.19). Thethermodynamicpotentialforthiscollection ofbosonsisgiven by (compareEq.(5.8)1 D / 4,. o=-kBTlnTrexpj-y j . sw k 'j t ao-k.vJ/tlng1-exp(-k jo;)1+zh k' :k w) (44.21* (44.21:) where theextra term com esfrom thezero-pointenergy in theham iltonian lîo= Jk(hulk(clck+ I. J lThisisthereasonforchoosingtheparticularcoemcientsappearinginEqs.(44,14)and(44.15). APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Sincerzp:= 0,weim m ediatelyderive oe--z'p'-E-vs-E+r(. P p fr l ?j, E--rzjP j.(Py)F ,-zkj/ jt -, .exptj tB oa w k)-l-'+pt wj (44. 22) (44.23) Thesum can beconverted to an integralintheusualfashion Zk --*J#a'#(t,a) (44.244) #(tDl= (2R2)-1ZC-3œ2 (44.24:) (44.24c) ln a uniform medium sthe frequtncy u)has no upperlim it. ln a realcrystal, however,it is clear that the wavenum ber of propagation cannotexceed the reciprocal of the interparticle spacing. W e can determ ine the m axim um frequency u)o byobservingthatthetotalnum berofdegreesoffreedom in areal crystalis?N ,whereN isthenumbtrofions. Thus ?N=j9 ' E ' Dgtoallf . z y (44.25) which gives g(fx?)dœ = 9N o)llf x) a (44.26) Defining the dimensionlessvariable u= âtza/ksF and the Debye temperature # huln = ks (44.27) wefindl y 3 #/r x3du gxksp E-gxksz' (j)j,vu.j+ s c.-(D PT f)y ,-9xks(F . j-)'j( ' ) 'T(e &4' #'d 1) &2 . (44.28) (44.29) which istheD ebyetheoryofthespeciicheat.2 Equati on(44.29)hasthefollowinglim itingvalues Ck = ?Nkg lNotethattheonlyquantitydependingon thevolumein theseexpressionsisœo. :P.Debye,Ann.Physik,39:789(1912). (44.30/) PHONONS AND ELECTRONS 395 p 3 . x4eut/x Cz= 9Nks # 12=4 = z () ( c'- 1) F 3 5 Nka . j. (44.30:) Thefirstisjusttheresultoftheclassicalequipartitionofenergyandthesecond is the fam ous D ebye 7*3 law. The D ebye theory provides an excellent oneparameterdescriptionofthespecischeatsofcrystalsasisevidentfrom Fig.44.1.1 6 4 C;z Pb e= 90.3 Ag #= 2l3 AI 2 0 1 p=389 C (di amond) e= 1,890 3 2 logjoT Fig.44.1 Theheatcapacity'in caloriesperdegreeperm olefor severalsolid elements. ThecurvesaretheDebyefunction with the # values given. (From N, Davidson. '*statistical M echanics.''p.359,M cGraw-ilillBook Company,New York, 1962,afterG .N .Lewisand M .Randall,AtTherm odynamics,'' 2ded.,revised byK.S.Pitzerand L.Brewer,p,56.McGraw-Hill Book Company,New'York,1961. Reprinted by permission.) In Table 44.lwe com pare som evaluesof$ determ ined by fitting speciflc heats with the valuescalculated from the elastic constantsofthe m aterial.z Table 44.1 Values of Debye tem perature $ in 2K obtained from therm al and elastic m easurem ents r j Fe i ( Thermalvalue 1 Elasticvalue(room temp. ) I El asticvalue (absolutezero) 1 1 398 402 488 315 332 344 215 2l4 235 Source:G.H.W annier,û*statisticalPhysics,''p.277,JohnW ileyand Sons,Inc., New Y ork.1966. IM etalshaveanadditionalelçctronicspecificheatproporti onalto T(seeEq.(29.31)),which becomesimportantatvery low temperatures(; 4:1 K). 2Asw'e havepointed out.an elasticsolid with shearstrengthcan supportthreetypesofsound waves:two transverse m odesand one longitudlnalmode ot-the type consldered here. Tht onlycflkctontheabov' eanalysisistoreplace1(-3inEq.(44.24:)by(2c)=-1c?bH 3.ds, This merelychangestherelationot -cootothedensityandspeedofsound (Eqs.(44.24:)and(44.26) ); Eq.(44.26)andthesubsequentanalysisremain unchanged. 396 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 45rTHE ELECTRO N-PHONON INTERACTIO N Oursimplemodel(theDebyemodel)forthedynamicsoftheuniform background allowsusto investigate the interaction between theelectronsand the collective m odesofthebackground. Theinteraction ham iltonian isthatofSec. 3 HeI-:- J#3xJ3x'pel ,(x') jt xx)px? j (45.1) - wherep,= zen isthebackgroundchargedensity and zisthevalenceoftheions. Withthedefinitions(seeEq.(44.5)J Pb= Po+ bPb (45.2) (45.3) 3p,= zebn = ' -zenoT -d Eq.(45.1)becomes Hel-:- Hz el + ftf3xt/3x'fzd(x)3p.(x') b Ix- x,I - Thesrstterm hasalreadybeenincluded inthehamiltonianN el-gasOfthe electron gasin an inertuniformlycharged background (Eq.(3.19)J;the second isthe electron-phonon interaction. To exam ine this quantity we use Eqs. (2.8)and (45.3)andsubstitutetheieldexpansionsintheSchrödingerpicture Wx)= 1) P'-+edk*xynckz kA (45.5/) 1(x)- (45.5:) - i /i lk (%ru)1 k 2f,pkP' I(ckeik*x-clc-ik@x)ptf x)s- ( . oyl . wherefooistheDebyefrequency. (NotethatEq.(44.15)isin theinteraction picturewithrespectto. ?%,andthattheDebyemodelcutsofrthephononspectrum ata wavenumbercoojc.j Thisprocedureyields Xel-p,-Jd3xdqx'XI( X)3%(x') jx x/! (45.6/) . zel n 1 /. ). .2 el-ph= c . M . kA q hœ 14, v q q ,o.q. Aav, zo 2P' -j-#((so- f.sqj(uk + J1zJkyq.ACq f1 (45.6:) The electron-phonon coupling isproportionalto thecharacteristiccoulom b interaction &J(q)= 4r+2q-2 (45.7) Ourinvestigationsin Secs.12 and 14 showed, however,thattheeflkctiveinteraction between two chargesin the m edium governed by A el-gasism odised bythe dielectricconstantand becomesUclq)= &J(q)/s(t ?). In theapproximation of PHONONS AND ELECTRONS 397 sum m ing the ring diagram s with repeated coulom b interactions between the electrons(Fig.12.4),theqfRctil' estaticcoulombinteractionbecomeslgseeEq. (12.65)J L'f rlq)u='z4=e2-1- ptl?<< :1'z- (45.8) q ' V qvF where the Thomas-Fermiwave numberisgiven by Eqs.(12.67)and (14.13)as 4= u -- vs '9rr 1 77. 2 = ' rrzaf j (. y1, . ,â -j s-' k, (45.9) Itisclearfrom thisrelationthatqv -lisoftheorderofthelatticespacing;since thecutofTolnlcin Eq.(45.6:)isofthissameorder,wemaytake &c r(q)Q;4nelq. t.i - (45.10) foralm osta11phonon wavenum bersofinterest. W ith thesubstitution 4= 4= 4= u.-.+ --j-. j- Q:.j 9 Q H'0Tr CTF theelectron-phonon interaetion in Eq.(45.6)may berewritten as 4er-p,- yJJ3. v' ;1(x)' fxtx)( /. (x) (45.1l' ) where the following defnitionshave been introduced 1..- u 'Y .vli2.zv2 ZP.2 /' FH fIQ$ un: n /l(j g & -g g .ys.. yy-) u =s ''y). -sh'X (45.12) (45.13) N ote that the coupling constant y is independent of the ion m ass J. / and has dimensionsof(energys volumeli'. Thenew phonon field ;(x)can bew'ritten in the Schrödinger picture /hco '1 f /' (x)= j. jyZ .j(( kFi k*x-( 7 )p-l kexj#t( z) s-( skj k % (45.14) The density variations ofthe baekground also m odify its own coulom b energy according to -#3xd' )x. ,P?s (X) X' Hv= J. $ --?-N(p ;) (45.154) IX - X ! 1Although thisequationisstrictlyvalidonll'athigh densitiesfr,-m 1).anqoregeneraltreatment merelyreplacest /1. ,-- 312 ')b#'(1p 2t. s '7.u' heresistheexactspeedofsoundinthemodelconP1t sidered in Sec.3 (D.Plnesand P.Nozi ères.''TheTheorl'ofQuantum Liquids.'':70).I.-secs. 3.land3.4.NV.A.Benjamin,lnc.,Ncw York.l966). 398 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 3a(x)bnlx') J/' ,=H3+!.z2e2J#3x#3x' lx x,(45.l$b) l wherethesecondresultfollowsfrom J(/3x3n(x)= 0. Thefirstterm ontheright . - side ofEq.(45.15:)hasalready been included in Hel-gzs. Furthermore,the coulom b interactionin theintegrand ofthesecond term isagainshielded atlarge distances,and its eflkcts atsm alldistances have already been included in B, which isassum ed to begiven. Thisterm thereforewillbeneglected. Inthisway,wearriveatthe(approximate)hamiltonian forthecoupled electron-phonon system l X =Pel-gas+Pp,+)?J#3. ' t'#â(x)('a(x)t/(x) (45.16) whereXel-zaswaSdiscussed in Sec.3 and Xp,in Sec.44. Sincelîphdescribes physicalphononswiththeexperim entallong-wavelengthdispersion relation,the interaction term clearly representsthecoupling between electronsand physical phonons.z Itm ust be rem em bered,however,that the bare electron-phonon hamiltonianwith UJ(q)IEq.(45.6/9)hasbeenscreenedbysummingtheelectron ringdiagrams,asshown in Fig.45.1. The resulting eflkctiveinteraction U, f(q) k+ q ' q . k + .- - + . . - .. &0 t(q) k+ q q = -% - -- k tl G --- + &tr(q) k+q c tl --+ - - k Nx& r t(0) Fig.48.1 D iagramssummedin passingfrom :hebareinteraction &j(q)(wavyline) to theshielded electron-phonon interaction t7;(0). 1F.Bloch,Z.#/?.y. î, ' /C.52:555 (1928);H,Fröhlich,Phys.Ret' .,79:845 (1950);H.Fröhlich. Proc.Roy.Soc.(London),215)291 (1952). The approach in thissection essentially follows the latterpaper. 1Asan alternative approach,the ions and electronsare often considered a gas of charged parti cles. The low densityoftheions(h2) 'M e2<. :ai -ljthen l eadsto theformation ofaW igner lattice,whosebarelongitudinalphononsoscillateattheionicplasmafrequencyl4vnoz2elt ' M lk. Theinclusion ofring diagramsscreensthe singularcotllomb interactions,however,and yields theobserved phononspectrum. Thismodelalso allowsan improved calculation oftheelastic constants,which agree quite wtllwith experimentalvalues. See,for example,J.Bardeen and D.Pines.Phys.Aerl..99:1140 (1955);T.D,Schultz,Keouantum Field Theory and the Many-Body Problem,''chap.IV,Gordon and Breach,Science Publishcrs,New York,1964; J.R.Schriefer,t'Theory ofSuperconductivity,''sec.6. 2,W .A.Benjamin,Inc.,New York, 1964. PHONO NS AND ELECTRONS 399 is then approximated by the constant UC r(0),thus yielding the renormalized electron-phonon hamiltonian (45.11). W hen computing with Eq.(45.16),w' e m ust,ofcourse,om itthose diagram s already included in this renorm alization procedure. 46E7TH E CO U PLED -FIELD TH EO RY To sim plify theensuingdiscussion,thecoulom b interactionsbetween theelectrons willbe treated in the H artree-Fock approxim ation,and weshallexam ine VmOdelEEk21 1 CkYk/tV/- k21 ( Ckdll/Yk2V k<) ( (f'1Ck' V1')hl Dk > kr < ks u?o/c + y j-J3xka ttx)' ;alxl(7 . (x) where t,kare now the Hartree-Fock single-particle energies ofthe electron-gas.l The present treatm entconcentrates on the zero-tem perature properties ofthe system ,and the extension to snite temperatures isleftforthe problem s. W e now w ish to exam ine the G reen's functions for the coupled problem specilied in Eq.(46.1). The motivation isthesameasbefore;theGreenesfunctionsgive theexpectationvalueofanyone-bodyoperator,thepolesoftheG reen'sfunctions givetheexactexcitationenergiesofthesystem,and theground-stateenergyshift ofthe interacting system can be com puted from the electron G reen'sfunction according to Eq.(7.30) /. r. -.Evs . =-j' vd , im -X I ,/4î (hq,, y -eq)iGtilq)eiqo'l o' /' n. -> o- (2*) - where Ev is the ground-state energy ofthe uncoupled electron-phonon system . (ThereisnofactorofJ in thisresultsincetheinteraction ishereproportionalto l /'f?J.) ln addition,the Green'sfunctionsdescribe the linearresponseofthe system to an externalperturbation. FEYNM AN RULES FO R Thegeneralfield theory ofChap.3appliesjustasbefore. In theinteraction picture W'ick's theorem allow' s a decom position into Feynm an diagram s. and onlyconnecteddiagram sneedbeconsidered. W eshallsimplystatetheFeynm an rulesin m om entum space foran arbitrary process.z lThese energies mustbe appropriately smoothed atthe Fermisurfaceto take into account theefrectofsumming theringdiagrams(seeProb. 8.2). 2Notethatthese Feynm an rules, because oftheirgenerality.aregiven in a slightl y diflkrent form from those in Secs.9 and 25. To construct the Green's functions iGxnlqjor iD(q), an explicit Qctor (2=)48t4'(4 - q' ) must be inserted forone of the end lines(See Fig.9.10 and accompanying discussionl; for example, the lowest-order contribution to iDlqj is Jd*q'? ' (2rr)-4D0(#')(2=)4:t4)(t ?- q2)= / .p044 /). 400 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 1.Construct a1l topologically distinct Feynman diagram s,the basic vertices being theem issionand absorption ofaphonon byanelectronasillustratedin Fig.46.1. p- q p Fig.46.1 Basicelectron-phonon vertex. A ssign afactor--iyt' h foreach orderin perturbation theory. lncludeafactori(2=)'-4G0 a/$(q)foreach electronlinewhere G0 (q.(/o)= 3.o ..p-( .qf- ks) -.... xb . . .- 0(/, -s- q.) . , , t : /0- 6q. h -.jyy qv--sq,, Jj. - iy and take the spin m atrix productsalong the electron lines. 4. Incltlde: 1factor/420-)-4Dofk qjforeachphonon line. To com putethephonon PCOPa, gatOr.V' P r11tlStCXalT)ine (46.4) (46.5) (46.6) (2,,)4r $f''(V ' x, '(1ij 6. I1 1tegratc()ver:1llintcrn: 111ines ((14q. 7,lncltldeafactor(-..1)f'wherc J-isthe nunnberofclosed ferm ion loops. 8. D iscard alldiagran1s that haN'c subunits connected to the rest ofthe graph 3no111i1)e asin Fig.46.2. T his resultfollowsfrom m om entum b.y o11) onc ph( pHosoNs AND ELECTRONS 401 conservation. which im plies that the phonon line m ust have q = 0,and Eq. (46.6) shows that DQ(q= 0)EED0(0)v -zO for any hnite y. M ore generally, wenotethat. D0(q= 0,ç0). =0becausethefundamentalheld( ;isproportional toV .( 1' ,hencetheintegraloftfoveral1spacevanishesidentically. A ny connected subunit p q=0 z / D0(0)= 0 p Fig.46.2 Generaltadpolediagram,whichvanishes. THE EGU IVALENT ELECTRON-ELECTRO N INTERACTION These rules for phonon exchange allow us to put a1l the phonon-exchange Feynm an diagram s for the electron G reen's function in one-to-one correspondence with the Feynm an diagram s ofan equivalentspin-independent potential (Fig.46.3),which isgiven by1 L' )(q.( /n)EEE--ih-1y2iD0(q)= ,,2h-lDoLq) (46.75) (46.7:) This potentialis now frequency dependent,even in lowestorder. In the static limit,Eq.(46.7:)reducesto Since ulw'c is com parablew ith kr,the upper cutofl-can be neglected in alm ost a1lcasesofinterest. lfweassume &o(q,0)= -y2forallq,then theequivalent interelectron potentialbecomesan attractit' edeltafunction. lfeqtx)= -y28(x) (46.9) 'The phonon-exchange potentialbetween electronsw'assrstdiscussed by H .Fröhlich,Phvs. Ret..,loc.ci:. 4c2 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S The consequences of an attractive interaction between particles close to the Ferm isurface have been considered in Secs.36 and 37.and they are explored indetailinChap.13. ltisalsoclearfrom Eq.(46.7:)thatl.%(q.t?c)willceaseto be attractive when the energy transferqo satisses I çoh> trq. Since opq< œns we therefore have or() tqstyolu-0 if1 t?(, o.u)o (46.10) ln the noninteracting ground state w here the electrons form a slled Ferm isea &o(q,t/o)can be attractiveonly forthose electronslying within an energy shell of thickness hujo below the Ferm isurface,because only those electrons can be excited to unoccupied levels with energy transfer less than hulo. Sim ilarly, (zltq,ç( )lcan beattractiveonly w' hen a pairisexcited to unoccupied stateslying within an energyshellofthicknesshuloabovetheFerm isurface. VERTEX PARTS AN D DYSO N'S EQUATIO NS The graphicalstructure ofthe coupled-held theory can be elegantly sum m arized in a setofequationshrstderived by D ysonlin connection with quantum electrodynam ics.z These nonlinear integralequations involve the exact propagators and vertices. W 'hen iterated consistently to any given order in the coupling constant,they reproduce the Feynm an-Dyson perturbation theory. N evertheless, Dyson's equations are m ore than a convenient sum m ary of perturbation theory,and theirgenerality is often used to seek nonperturbative solutions. The proper electron self-energy hasalready been discussed in Sec.9. The properphonon self-energy Il* isintroduced in an exactly analogousfashion.and leadsto equationsthatare form ally identicalw' ith those oftheeflkctive interaction propagator ofSec.9 G = G0+ G0l:*G D = D0+., :,2h-1DQ11*D (46.11) (46.12) where 11* iscom puted with the effective potentialofEq.(46.7). There isone im portant new elem entahowever,known as a t'ertex part,defined to be a part connected to the restofthe diagram by two ferm ion lines and one phonon line. Two exam ples are show' n in Fig.46.4. M om entum conservation im pliesthata 1F.J.Dyson,Phys.Reu'..75:486(1949);75:1736(1949). 2ln fact,the Feynman-D yson perturbation theory ofquantum electrodynam ics isform ally identical with that Of the electron-phonon problem .the m ain dipkrence being the explicit form Ofthe propagators. In addition.quantum electrodynam ics has no diagram s with an Oddnum berOfphotonlinesconnectedtoaclosed ferm ion Ioop' .suchprocessesvanishbycharge Conjugation.inaccordanceWithFurryfstheorem (W .Furry,Phys.Sf' r..51:125(1937)). F0r qtlite a diflkrentreason (See rule8 Ofthe Feynman rul esin thissection),theelectron-phonon System haS no closed electron loops connected to the restofa diagram by one phonon line. Consequently.neitherfeld theoryhastadpolediagram s. PHONONS AND ELECTRONS 403 Proper (a) 1n3proper (b3 Fig.46.4 vertex partdepends on two independent m om enta.and allspin indices nlal be suppressed because the interaction is spin independent. A proper l' tar/cx par: is desned to have no self-energieson the externallegs ofthe N' ertex. Thus the second diagram in Fig,46.4 isim proper,forithasself-energy insertions on both theferm ion and phononlegs. To obtain Dyson'sequations.wenow attem ptto writethe integralequations for the G reen's functions in term s of the proper vertex and proper self-energy Take an arbitrary Feynm an diagram with an) . num ber of externallegs The rem ainderis known asan irreducible or5' /&'c/t'/(p??(liagratït. The irreducible diagram s for the proper self-energies and vertex parts 'llt,l'lsL'il'es are defined to be those diagram sremaining afterthisprocess has been carried outl?p to the pointwherea furtherreduction would lead to a sim ple lineorpoint.respectively'. Some exam ples are shown in Fig.46.5. The lowest-order fernnion self-energy. phonon polarization part,and vertex correction are thusdetined to be theirou 17 skeleton diagram s. W'e now claim the fo1Iowing: l. Forevery graph there is a ulliquc skeleton. 2. AIlgraphs can be builtup by inserting the ekactG reen's function G.phonon propagator D.and propervertex part F in aIlthe skeleton diagram s. 404 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S D iagram s: hh Skeletons: Fig.46.5 ReductionofFe)nnlan diagram sto theirskeletolls. ). S*(t?) - x x 11*(t?) - x x X X X Ia ëux . X =z + 4. X X X X + x X X + + xx x Fig.46.6 Dyson'sequationsforthe electron-phonon system . F'iioNo Ns AN D ELECTRONS 405 il -orexam ple.both )-:*(q )and Il*((1)has' e on13. ,one skeleton.thatshou 1 ) i1) Fig.46.l qa and b.and aIIcontributions to Y*(f/)and Ii*(t y)are obtained b),' inserting theexactG.D.and 1-in these skeletonsasindicated i11Fig.46,6. N ote that the exact proper vertex m ust bc inserted aton1),' on e end of these s' keleton diagram s. 'otherwise some diagram s u i11be counted tw ice. Forexam ple.there is only one graph of the type shou 1 ln Fig.46.5/?. u hereas this graph B ou1d appear twice ifue were to insertthe exactN' ertex i11both ends in Fig.46.6. T he rennaining problem isto u rite an equation for the exactproper Nertex. U nfortunatel).'.this aim ca11notbe achie:ed in closed forn1 bccause :here is an intinite 11um ber of irreducib1e sk'eleton :ertex diagram î i. Nve m ust therefore resortto a seriesexpansion and haNe shou n lhe firstfeu term sin Fig.46.6.1 The h-. NW > Fig.46.7 The rroperNertex l-toordern5, 1 ) 2EEE' )z(1 ..J'f2)-- ) I'N(4)-'-. To iterate these equations through order y3 in the interaction strength. the propagators and vertex correction com puted to order :,2 m ust be inserted in the second diagranl.uhile the lou' est-order resultm aq'be inserted in the last three diagram s because they are alreadj explicitly of order y'. This iteration procedure yields the expansion sho::1 : in F'ig. 46.7.NNhich contains aII proper vertex parts through order :. z5. h 'e can now com bine these results to obtain 7/equations shown in Fig.46,6. A lthough the nonlinear coupled D b'. %ollp ' ?7lcgr , ( we have not derived them .we claim it is plausible thata t't?l?. 5' l' . 5 '/t ;' r7;iteratioll q/- the D 1.j' t?,7 intezral t a/ ?l/tz?I ' f?l?. s lo tz?7J' gitoetl order //7 y reprodtlces J/?(a ftzI. ????7t7??-D 1.5//?perturbatiollr/pt>t ' )r1.. 4û6 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S The com ponents of D yson's equations are the exact G reen's functions G and D and theexactpropervertex r. ltisthereforepossibletoattem ptadirect solution of these equations without resorting to perturbation theory. For electrons in a norm alm etalinteracting through phonon exchange,such an approach can be greatly sim plified by the rem arkable theorem derived by M igdalt r=yl+OV mjl (46.j4j wherem(M isthe ratio oftheelectron massto the ion mass. To an excellent approximation,Eq.(46.14)allowsustoreplacetheL?prr:x by thepointtw/l/èy, and the problem is thusreduced to the coupled equationsforG and D . The detailed discussion ofthe corresponding solutions isbeyond the scope ofthis book,and thereaderisreferred to theliteraturefordetails.z W eshall,however, conclude thischapterwith a discussion ofM igdal'stheorem . 47J M IG D A L'S TH EO REM 3 M igdal's theorem states thatthe exactvertex in the eleetron-phonon system satissesEq.(46.14),wherem(%Iistheratio oftheelectron massto theionmass. W e shallnot prove thisresultto aIlorders butm erely show itto be true for the hrst vertex correction. This calculation illustrates the physicalideas involved in the theorem ,and the extension ofthe proofto higher ordersrequiresno new principles.4 p+q p + q- l I p- l # Fig. 47.1 Second-ordervertexcorrection. Thesrstvertexcorrection,whichisdenoted Pt2)inEq.(46.13)andisshown in Fig.47.1,can be w ritten with the Feynm an rules / Pt2'(p+ 2.k ..). #4/ ( .oj .4. q,p4= .. y --17 (2=)kIk- (-( ,&T)c lA . B.Migdal,Sov.Phys.-JET1L7:996(1958). 2See,forexample, J.R.Schrieflkr.Ioc.cit.:G .M .Eliashberg,Sot'.Phys.-JETP,16:780(1963). 3A .B.M igdal.Ioc.cit. 4ln fact,M igdaliscontentto assert'*Itcan beshown thatthisestimate isnotchanged w'hen diagramsofa higherorderaretaken into account. '' (A.B.M igdal,Ioc.cl ' J.) pHoNcNs AND ELECTRONS 407 Here the integralisnow dim ensionless,allwavenum bersbeing m easured in units ofksand al1frequenciesin unitsofeF o/ 'h= hky lf lkm ,and 5-(q)EEEf''-l IqJ> l t-l (q1< 1 In these units the phonon frequencies are proportionalto the factor(mlakljk glpy7.i B i a,..... - (k $ j)(,, -al? lp and themaximum wavenum berQaxEHStt ?s cisapurenum berfsee Eqs.(44.24:) and (44.26)) /maX= (6/ 'z)i (47. 4) N ote that 1-Xt2)depends on the ion mass only through the factor coland thus through the sound velocity. ln contrast,the bulk m odulus B depends only on the potential-energy surface for the crystal and is independent of M . The phonon propagatorhasafactorofo)lin thenumerator,andintegrationsover frequenciescanreducethisatmostbyonepower(thatis.(2=s ')-lj-dIot,?/g/à((z?,- /z7)2)-1= -!. uj), .consequently,the remaining expression for the vertex correction isstilllinearin (z)land hencein (m(1 %1)1. Thisobservation provides the basis for M igdal's theorem . W e now verify thisresultexplicitly for1M62)by j lrstcarrying outthe integral overQ,closingthecontourineithertheupperorlowerhalfoftheQplane. After som e familiar algebra,the resultcan be written in the form - ' pn+qzs----- (--- i'sbsq-v+ q- 1)1)t4?.5' - - lfthequantityinbracesisdenotedby/tf . ,?ll,thisexpressioncanberewritten (47.6) Providedthattheintegralcontaining/to)converges,theIimitingexpressionfor small (rrl/. #/')1 can be obtained by neglecting the second term containing 408 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S /'((s))- /-(0). The proof is therefore reduced to showing that the limiting . . expression .3jay?y'. i./ s !- j ' v d3/ l-' (2'(p -+. -q.p);4rV2/k v ac -Fj-jj y jjj. j( ' -j-z/j -. 3/8(Iî nax-/) (;sy . . iswelldefined,fortheexplicitfactor(,77.31)1'infrontofthedimensionlessintegral then givesthe desired result. The expression of Eq.(47.7).howeNer. is as u' elldetined as any integral over ferm ion G reen-s functions thatappears in the r = 0 theory. The D ebye cutof' flimits the m om entum integralto a finite region.thusrem oving any divergences at large /. In addition.realcrystals haN' e a sm ooth ctltol 'l-at the upper end ofthe phonon spectrunè so thatally logarithm ic singularitiescaused by the sharp Debye cutoil-are spurious. Ftlrtherm ore. the infrared divergence of Eq,(47.7)atqv= q = pv= p = 0 gwhich mal'give rise to term sproportionalto (/??,'.$J')1ln(/3?, .51)1jisirreleN' ant because thc weak phonon interaction is only importantforelectronsnearthe Ferm isurface where ;p : 4;l. The only rem aining source of dipicultl'arises from the singularitiesin the integrand in Eq.(47.7). Although each one indlvidualll'gives rise to a énite integral,the resulting expression m ay diverge u'hen the tw'o singularities com e together. W e m ay isolatc the contribution of this regton with the following seriesofsteps. l. The inénitesim al il' naginary term s in the denom inators are relevant only wheretherealpartN'anishes. Thusu'emay replace5'(p .-1)and 5-(p = q- 1) w'ith . p(pv)and . v(/?( ).,-qù)sw'here. ,(p())isdet ined by ( -l lrçjqEEE' t-i 1 o .- Here 6,.< ep- ,and b ' ?ev. 'è.p:isassum ed positive. 2. Theradialpartot'theintegrandin(47.7)containsthefactorl3#/,whichweights the regioll/; 47Quxm ostheaN.ily. Asa sim pleapproximation wereplace one factoroflbyitsNalueat/;? :uxandthentransform tothenew'integrationvariable tHEp - 1. Since the rem aining integralover t converges if e:o:t1at large t, we extend the tintegration over allspace, 3. The energy 6t..q in the second denom inator is expanded abot1t the vaIue 6, 409 2k) ' -x t2d; ds -i r' s (2) (,.q,y? ), ej V. n . --e 1 1O -, *qPJ/opn-' -: -? '. iT -vfpo -bqoj'j . --! e-+-j.dE.,/ ' ?. +-i xlalJye--qyl -. %,8x lnC?. - - . - - :,- q)c;/J/+.lyulpv... ) 4. To study the region where the singularitîes coalesce,w' e evaluate the slowly varying functions tz and Pef? /olatthe position ofthe tirst singularity,e?= pf j. W ith thenew variable (EEEE' f- p0,Eq.(47.8)reducesto 1-32)( ck3 .t . ?(Fj-2 ag, -. r -P . p-q,p): 4;-j tmyC sy(jp'), r.s, d( t . -ys( .. ). (j) , .po j, ., . -- . . (--q,- q(?6r. 'J?l6-.po- l 'T. ;lpù- qzq ) a')j)( -------. -q(-J. 7---.. --<.j-.----. q o--v.. ef,'83/.) ,.' l- pv i' r z o-l pç t ?-cu) - Thesingularity at(= iyvlpv)isimportantonly forpv> eo,w' hen theintegral fncludestheorigin. Inthiscase,thestructureofthesingularitiesisunchanged when the integral is extended to - v: and evaluated with contour methods. lf.;(p0)and Jlpv-.-t y0)havethesamesign.theintegralcanelearlybeclosed in thathalfplanecontainingno singularitiesand vanishes. 5.ThusJ(,(h)and atpo-. -qo4musthaveopposite signsto yield a nonzero value. The integral can then be closed in that half plane containing the pole at (= l '. r). )lpolwiththesnalresultforpv> 6etreintroducingdimensionalunits) Thisexpression isfiniteeverywhereexceptat hqn=z kq(a os t yj y ,,.sp, where it develops a logarithm ic singularity. 5Ve note the following points. however. (J) A logarithmicsingularity isgenerally integrable(forexample.when we substitute r intotheskeleton diagramsforl1* and Y*). 4:0 APPLICATIO NS T0 PHYSICAL SYSTEM S (/?) Iftheelectronsareontheenergyshelland elosetotheFermisurface,then hpl j;4;esand 1*k21isonlysingularw'hen i c/tli; 4;qt'p. Sincec.c t&s,thissingu. Iarity isalso unim portantboth forrealphononsw' ith 1% , = qcand forvirtual phononsw' ith I ço < qc < t ro. Thus Eq.(47.7) is well defined in most regions of interest,and we have a dem onstration ofM igdal'stheorem to ordery3. M igdal'stheorem also can be understood qualitatively by observing that the dimensionless ratio of-the displacement ofthe lattice d(x) in Eq.(44.15) to theinteratomicspacing(;4:qw).)dependsontheion massasLm, 1M )i. This , qtlantity is smallforheavy ions,explicitly verifying ourrem arksatthe beginning ofthischapter. (Infact,thesmallvalueof-theratio(?è?, '. W )1'isjustthecriterion for the validity ofthe Born-oppenheimer approximation.1) The ratio enters twice in evaluating a second-order correction as in Fig. 47.1, so that r =ytli-Og(rn, / ', %1)1)). ItisalsotruethatY --*= Okltnj'k W )1)forthesamereason; as seen in Secs. 36 and 37,however,a weak interaction can still have drastic eflkcts nearthe Ferm isurface. PRO BLEM S 12.1. Proke thatypy= 0 in the interactl hg electron-phonon system . 12.2. Theexactphonon G reen'sfunetion isdefined in theH eisenberg picture as iDqx- . x')= . , xO1Fg(/s(x)( /s(x'))iO) where kO) is thc exact normalized Heisenberg ground state of the coupled electron-phonon system. Hencederivethe Lehmann representationforiD(q). 12.3. Using the generalrelation 0O, 'èt= lijhj(4 ,t))forHeisenberg operators, show thatthe Heisenberg phonon 5eld forthe problem deined in Eq.(45.16) satisfies the following relations lt/' fJ(X),t f'ff(A'')1?-:'= 0 (u(x4,P t /' r') 2 23(x- x') -è Vt( ./' .r = â --c i.Vx . ,, in the lim itcoo . -. >.z' z. Thus derive the following equation ofm otion V2 1 92 - p g j ;s(x)- -yVx 2zfl salx)#,,atxll H ow are these relations m odified forsnite f z?s? 1L.1.Schifllop.cit..p,447. PHONONS AND ELFCTRONS l é?2 411 (Vx 2-(y . jjy. j1iD(a---x). -h , .Vx a( 5(x. -x,)( 5(?--t,) , -- yVa 2..O Fgjlf ' t faj. v)q?jya(a')( /jj(A-'))O N ote thatthe lastexpression isone lim ltotthe generalvertex function. W'hatfs the corresponding resultfor snite u;o' ? 12.5. (J) Evaluatethelow' est-ordercontribtttion to 11*(q)shoun in Fig.46.6. (b) Compute the corresponding G(q)and discussthe rezulting expression:for the single-particle energy'and lifetim e. (c) How arethechemicalpotential.thespeciécheat.and tlneground-stateenerg); aflkcted ? 12.6. (t7) Evaluatethelouest-ordercontrlbution to 11*(61)shown in Fig,46.6. (??) Compute the corresponding phonon propagator and deri&e the fol1oNNing expressions for the renorm alized phono1)frequentzy fzjq and in%erse llfe!inne èq (neglectcorrectionsoforder c'r7s): (12 :=( sjgl-2x &(0):2gjtF11 c f .t)z a 2 Jq= ' -n -? u hY .A'(0)ptayrs- q) qkr - .. - Hereg(x)isgiven in Eq.(14.8)and JV(0)= pnl's.277.2/12isthedensityofstatesfor one spin projection atthe Fermisurface. Note thatJt). :èq becomesinflnite atq = 2/t'r(theKohn eflkctt)and thatzbql'cistheultrasonicattenuationconstant xnin the pure norm alm etal. 12.7. W rite outD yson'sequations explicitly in m om entum space to the order indicated in Fig.46.6 using G(q),D(q)and F(t?l,t?c). 12.8. Show thattheenergy shiftin Eq.(46.2)also can bew' ritten *y s/ / * . E-Eo-Jj0.' ) ( ?jd3xx -OI v'? /' a(x)y # lx( . x)( ;(x)i O' )y, . = - *y a ,j. a . i Jy'fd3.:.lzim,x l i m . O F l y ' s a t . x ' l y ' u z ( > ' ) ( ; ' s( 2 ' ) ) O y. y,--,x - ' u 0 . -. where the m atrix elem ent m ust be calculated for aIl0 < y'< y. A nalyze the rightside ofthis expression in term s of Feynm an diagram sand use M igdal's ::W .KohnsPhys.Ret'.Letters,2:393(1959). 412 theorem to show'thatin the norm alm etal 12.9- 12.11. 12.12. J.Jex= ( 'cl34-î -' ex(x :)jgitx) . = ((/3&-)'cx(xt)( j .(x) 13 S upercond uctivity ll1 tIRis (2hap.ter.U e stud) . the rem arkab1e phc11onlenon ( 7f . -superconductiA.1t) ..l A lthough the basic experinlental fat?è> are easi1.3 stated.the co11s!ructic)ll of a satisfactory m icrostzopic descr1ptio1 1 pro' .ed e' &ceedingIl k d1Picult. a11d earl), theorie> yNere essential1),'phenom enological. N evertheltss.these theories 5. $ere surpri>i11gl)- accurate and profound1) 1ntltlt 'nced the prese11t rn:1n),-bodq theor) ot'superco11ductor$. Fo1-th1s reason. $ , 5e k)o1' 1sider 1t e>$ent1d1 to disk' zuss t1 )e Phenom enolog1ca!the0r1 ' e> in deta1l.both tor the1r intr1l:>1c I!1terestand a> an i1 , 1troduct1on to thk lm icrt ' 3 .scop1capp1'o' tcI R. T hu-1atter(B C S)theor( h7 represents hGood introductory refcrencesare F.Londtan.''Surertlu1ds.'' NvAl.l.L7oNer Publicatlens. Inc..Ne% N'ork.196l.D .Shoenberg.''Surerconduc:lNk:2..''7d ed .Can)bridge Ln1Nersll'. Press.Canlbr1dge. 19(aj' .N1.-1'!nkhan:.''Suyacrck. nndttc:2Nl:.' s.'' G o:ktuan and Breach.Sc1ence Ptlblishers.N eyî' bJ:'k.i9(af. 2J.Bardeen.L.N .Coope!'.andJ.R.SJhrlel-l-e1*.Pt'::'k.Stl'..108:11-f(l9f-). 414 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S one of the m ost successfulapplications of m any-body techniques, 'in addition to itsnew predictions,italsojustitiesthe earlier descriptionsand allowsan evaluation ofthe phenom enologicalconstants. 48JFU N DA M ENTA L PRO PERTIES O F SU PERCO N D UCTO RS W e start by sum m arizing the simplestexperim ent.alobservations. Atthe very Ieast,any theory ofsuperconductivity m ustaccountfor these facts. BAslc EXPERIM ENTAL FACTS 1.lnhnite(' t//7t/l/c/l ' l'//y':W henanyoneofalargeclassofmetallicelements orcom poundsiscooled to within a few'degreesofabsolutezero.itabruptly loses a1ltrace ofelectricalresistivity at a dehnite criticaltem perature Fc.1 Since the transition is not accom panied by any change in structure or property of the crystallattice,itisinterpreted asan electronic transition,in which the conduction electronsenteran ordered state. A sa hrstapproxim ation,we assum e the usual constitutiveequation (Ohm 'slaw) (48.2) thenim pliesthatthefluxdensityB rem ainsconstantforanym edium with inhnite conductivity because E vanishes inside the m aterial. In particular,consider a superconductorthatiscooled below rcin zero m agnetic field. The above result showsthatB remainszeroevenifafieldissubsequentlyapplied(Fig.48.1). 2. M eissner p/ ft oc/:Althoughtheinsniteconductixityisthemostobvious - characteristic.the true nature ofthe superconducting state appears m ore clearly in its magnetic eflkcts. Consider a norm alm etalin a uniform m agnetic field (Fig.48.1). W hen thesample iscooled and becomessuperconducting.experim entshrstperform ed by M eissnerand Ochsenfeld zdem onstratethatal1m agnetic flux isexpelled from the interior. N ote thatthis result does notcontradictthe previousconclusion ofconstantB in thesuperconducting state;ratheritindicates thatthe constantvalue m ustalways be taken aszero. 3. CriticalhkldïTheM eissnereflkctoccursonlyforsumcientlylow magnetic felds. For sim plicity,we considera long cylinder ofpure superconductorin a parallelapplied field H ,where thereare no dem agnetizing eflkcts. Ifthesam ple is superconducting at tem perature F in zero held,there is a unique criticaltield Hc(T)abovewhich the samplebecomesnormal. Thistransition isreversible, lH .K.Onnes,Comtnun.#/? y' . 3 '.Lab.L%I k..Leiden.Suppl..M b (1913). 2W .M eissnerand R.OchsenfeldaNatltrx' iss..21:787 (1933). SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 416 Sam plrcx led in zero fleld thensubjcttoan Fig.48.1 M eissnereFectinsuperconductors. No malicmç n mar gnet flt ea ll di t hen V( Sc)œ led below applie field forsuperconductivityreappearsassoonasH isreducedbelow Nc(F). Experimentson puresuperconductorsshowlthatthecurve. Sc(F)isroughly parabolic (Fig.48.2) ,c(r)-,c(o)g1-(j)2q empi rical H (48.3) Hc(r) Normal Fig.48.2 Phase diagram in S-F plane.showing superconductingandnormalregions,andthecritical curve Hc(T4orFc(S )between them. Superconducting ) T 4.Persistent currents and .,#? . zx quantization: As a diflkrent example of magnetic behavior,considera normalmetallic ring placed in a magnetic held perpendicularto itsplane(Fig.48.3). W hen the temperatureislowered,the m etalbecom essuperconductingand expelstheflux. Supposetheexternalseld lltmustbe mentioned thatmany superconducting alloysexhibita çemixed state,''in which theresistivityrem ainszero yetflux penetratesthesam ple. Althoughwe brieoyreturn to this question in Sec.50,the presentchapter islargely restricted to pure superconductors.where Sc(0)isusuallya few hundred oersteds. APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 416 N NormalIingin magneticfleld Cooled below Fr, ' magnetic field ihen remove Fig. 48.3 Flux trapping in a superconducting ring. isthen rem oved;no flux can passthrough the superconducting m etal,and the totaltrapped fluxm ustrem ain constant,being m aintained by circulating supercurrentsin theringitself. Suchpersistentcurrentshavebeenobservedoverlong periods.l Furtherm ore,the flux trapped in sum ciently thick ringsisquantized in unitsof2 970= hc j-i= 2.07 x 10 7 gausscmc - (48.4) 5.Spec@cheat:ln addition to its magnetic behavior,a typicalsuperconductoralso hasdistinctive thermalproperties. For zero applied held,the transition isot-second order,which im pliesa discontinuousspeciticheatbutno latentheat'(Fig.48.4). Asdiscussed in Secs.5 and 29,theelectronic specifc Fig.48.4 Schcmatic diagram ofspecitic heatin asuperconductor. heatCnin thenorm alstate varieslinearly with the tem perature. In the super- conducting state,however,the specific heat Csinitially exceeds Cnfor TL Fr, butthendropsbelow Cnand vanishesexponentiallyasF -. >.0.1 - ào Csr c expk aT lTypicalrecentmeasurementsarethose ofJ.File and R.G.M ills,Phys.Ael''.Letters,10:93 (1963),who 5nd lifetimesoforder105years. 2B.S.Deaver,Jr.andW .M .Fairbank,Phys.Rev.Letters.7:43(1961);R.Dolland M .Nâbauer, Phys.Rev.Letters,7:51(1961). den,221e:(1932). 3W . H.Keesom and J.A.Kok,Commun.Phys.Lab.Univ.Lei 1W .S.Corak,B.B.Goodman.C.B.SatterthwaiteandA.W exl er.Phys.Ret's,96:1442(1954). sgpEncoNoucTlvlTY 417 Thisdependenceindicatestheexistenceofa gap intheenergy spectrum ,separating theexcited statesfrom the ground statebyan energy à().t Formostsuperconducting elem ents,Ao is som ewhatlessthan 2ksFc. 6.Isotopecfcc/:A finaldistinctive property ofsuperconductorsis the isotopeeflkct. W enoted thatthecrystallographicpropertiesofthenorm aland superconducting phases are identical. N evertheless, careful studies of isotopically pure sam ples show thatthe ionic lattice plays an im portantrole in superconductivity,forthetransition tem peraturetypically varieswith theionic ITIaSSl FCa:M -* (48.6) Thisresultindicatestheim portanceoftheattractiveelectron-phononinteraction, whichprovidesamechanism fortheformationofboundCooperpairs(compare Secs.36,37,and46). THERM O DYNA M IC RELATIONS Forcom pleteness,wefrstreview thebasicequationsofelectrodynam ics. O n a microscopic(atom ic)scale,thereareonlytwo fundamentalseldseand b,dehned by the equations dive = 4=p divb= 0 (48.7/) (48.7:) ob curle= -c-1& pe 4= curlb= c-1' )J+ -c pv (48.7/) (48.7:) H erep isthe totalchargedensity and v isthe m icroscopic velocity Eeld. The macroscopicseldsaredesned asspatialaverages E= (elvol B = (blvol (48.8) overa volum e appropriateto theparticularproblem in question;they obey the conventionalM axwellequations divE = 4rtplvol divB = 0 (48.94) (48.9:) PB CUI'IE = -C-1 (48.9c) 1Althoughtheenergygapisatypicalfeatureofsuperconductivity,itisbynomemnsnecessaryy asshown by theexistenceof''gapless''superconductorswith zero dcresistivity. !H.Fröhlich,Phys.Rev..79:845(1950);E.M axwell,Phys.#er.,78:477(1950);C.A.Reynolds, B.Serin,W .H.W right,andL.B.Nesbitt,Phys.Re? J.&7*:487(1950). ' 4!g Appulcv loNs TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S OE 4= curlB = c-lW + - ' lp#lvol ( c (48.9J) Although these equations are formally complete,it is customary to separate (plvolintoa polarizltiondensity. -divp and afree(externallyspecised)charge densitypz. Equatim (48.9/)thenbecomes div(E+ 4' rrP)2 - divD = 4rpy (4810) . where P and D are known asthe polarization and displacem ent,respectively. In a similar way,the totalcurrent is separated into a magnetization current ccurlM .a polarizatipn currentPP/J/,and a free(again externally specised) currentjzassociated with themotion offreeeharges. Ifthemagneticfield is desnedasH * B - 4>M ,thenEq.(48.9#)gives 4= lPD curlH = -c jg+ c èt (48.ll) Thelastterm isgenerally negligible in low-frequency phenom ena,and w'e m ay interpret curlH as arising solely from the free currents. W hen the various m agneticquantitiesarechanged by sm allam ounts,thew orkdoneonthesystem isgivenby(474-1J#3a.H .dB,(so thatthechangeintheHelmholtzfree-energy density becom es dF = . -sdT+ (4. * -1H.#B (48.12) w ith thecorresponding diserentialrelations ,- - td Jwjs u-.(d aF s)v (48.13) Hereweassumethevolumeisheld constant,and sistheentropydensity. Thefluxexpulsion associated with the M eissnereflkctindicatesthata bulk superconductorin an externalm agneticheld H isuniquely characterized bythe conditionB = 0,independentofthewaythestateisreached (Fig.48.1). W e therefore infer thatthe superconductor isin true therm odynam ic equilibrium and accordingly apply the techniques of macroscopic thermodynamics. For m ostexperim ents,however,it isim possible to m anipulate the ;ux density B directly;instead.theexternalcurrents(ina solenoid,forexample)controlthe m agnetic seld H ,and we preferto m ake a Legendre transform ation from the HelmholtzfunctionF(F,B)toanew (Gibbs)free-energydensity G(r,H)- F - (4. * -1B-H (48.14) 1Thisresultcan bederivedverysimply bysurrounding thesystem witha surface. / 1in free space. Poynting's theorem showsthatthe energy Cowing in througb , 4 in a shorttime dtig given bydWim= -dt(cI4=4Jxds.E x H. Thedivergencetheorem and Maxwell'sequations (48. 9c) and (48.11) then yield JHz' em=(c/4=)fy.d% (c-tH .#B + c-bE.JD +(4zr/c)E.Jz#J1. which verihestheassertion. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 419 with theeorresponding diflkrentialrelations JG = -sdT - (4=)-lB.#H s- - tj aG zjHs--4=( bt j ' j n/ jT (48.l5) (48.16) Consider a long superconducting cylinder in a parallel m agnetic Eeld. Iftheheld H = Hâisincreased atconstanttemperature,Eq.(48.16)gives G(F,S)-G(F, 0)=-(4r 8-1j0 HB(H' )dH' (48.17) To agood approxim ation,thenorm alstateofm ostsuperconductingelem entsis nonmagnetic(B = H),and wehnd Gn(T,H)- Ga(F,0)- -(8, n. )-1H 2 (48.l8) In contrast,B vanishesinthesuperconductor,which yields G,(F,S)= Gs(F,0) (48.19) Thetwo phasesarein therm odynam icequilfbrium atthecriticalfield H c. This condition m aybeexpressed by theequation GXF,1fc)= Ga(F,Sc) (48.20) andacombinationofEqs.(48.18)-(48.20)immediatelygives Gs(F,0)= Gk(F,0)- (8=)-lHj (48.21) F,(r,0)= Fa(F,0)- (8z8-1Hl c (48.22) These equations show thata negative condensation energy -Hk(b= per unit volumeaccompaniesthe formation ofthesuperconducting state. In addition, a sim plerearrangementleadsto thegeneralresult Gs(T,H4- Ga(F,S)=(8r4-l(S2- H6j (48.23) so thatthesuperconducting phaseistheequilibrium stateforallH < Hc(T). ThederivativeofEq.(48.23)withrespecttotemperatureyieldstheentropy diflkrencebetween thetwophases J,(F,S )- sn(T,H )- (4,* -'Sc(F)y o -sc #F (48.24) Figure 48.2 shows thatthe rightside is negative,so thatthe superconducting phase haslowerentropy than the normalphase. Note that Eq.(48.24)is independentofthe applied field,which also followsfrom the therm odynam ic M axwellrelation derived from Eq.(48.15). The latent heatassociated with the transition is Tlss- . %),which vanishes at r = 0 and atFc(see Fig.48.2). 420 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Finally,thetherm odynam icidentity cs-v(p q)H (48.25) givesthedit lkrence in thtelectronicspeciticheatsatconstantEeld F JS 2 dlH c'H- cnn= y,;; dpc + Sc(v 2F. lnparticular,thejumpinthespecihcheatatTcbecomes ( T dH 2 Cs- Cntvc= 4 -5 =- dTC v C (48.26) (48.27) and thisrelation between m easurable quantitiesiswellsatissed in practice. O EJLO NDO N-PIPPARD PHENOM ENOLOGICAL THEORY TheLondonequationslprovided thesrsttheoreticaldescriptionoftheM eissner eFect. Although these equationsare a pair ofphenomenologicalconstitutive relationsdescribing theresponseofthesupercurrentjto applied electricand m agneticûelds,theym ay also bederived from thefollowingsim plem odt1.2 DERIVATION OF LONDON EQUATIONS Ifthe superelectronsareconsidered an incompressible nonviscouscharged :uid withvelocityseldv(x?),thenthesupercurrentisgivenby j(x/)= -natw(x/) (49.1) wherensisthesuperelectron num berdensityand. -eisthechargeonan electron. Thecontinuityequationand Newton'ssecond law give divj= diNv= 0 Jv 7/= e 1 m E+cYxh - - (49.2) (49.3) wheredyldtisthetotal(hydrodynamic)derivativeand h(x)isthesne-grained average ofbtx)overa microscopicvolumeofdimensionslargecompared to atom ic size but sm all com pared to the penetration depth. In a11subsequent discussion we shallreferto h(x)asthe microscopic held.3 The leftside ofEq. lF.London and H.Londora,Proc.Roy. Soc.(London),A147:71(1935). 2F.London,op.cl't.,sec. 8. 3W ehere follow F.London,op.cl?.ssec. 3,although theseld in question isreally B.dehned in Eq.(48.8). To beveryexplicit,themean flux density(the coarse-grained averageoverthe sample)isherecalled J instead ofLondon'sB. SUPERCO NDUCTIVITY 421 (49.3)m aybe rewrittenwith standard vectoridentities A ?v êv a 1 = yt+ (v.V)v= -gj+ V(!.? p)- vx curl>' (49.4) and we5nd Pv E + :- ' ji m+v(!. ?2)-vx(curlv-m eh c) (49.5) Thecurlofthisequationmaybecombinedwith M axwell'sequation(48.9c)to give PoQt= curl(vx Q) (49.6) where elk Q H curlv- mc - (49.7) Consider a bulk superconductor in zero feld, when Q = 0. Equation (49.6)thenimpliesthatQ remainszeroevenwhenaEeldissubsequentlyapplied. Since the M eissnereflkctshowsthata superconductorin a magnetic held isin therm odynam ic equilibrium ,independentofhow the 5nalstate isreached,we m aktthefundam entalassum ption thattheequation Q - eurlv eh = 0 mc - (49.8) - correctly describesa superconductor underallcircumstances. Substitution of Eq.(49.8)intoEq.(49,5)gives êv z eE W + V(' l+ )= --m (49.9) Equations(49.8)and(49.9)togetherconstitutetheLondonequations. so LuTlo N F0 q HALFSPACE AND SLAB The implications ofthese phenomenologicalequations are m ost easily under- stoodbyrewritingEq.(49.8)as h= - nmseczcurlj (49.10) A combinationwiththecurlofMaxwell'sequation(48.9#)forstaticseldsthen gives mc m cl m cl h= -a, e2curlj= -4=nsegcurlcurlh= 4=nsecV2h (49.11) wherethe lastequality followsfrom Eq. (48. 90. Fordeâniteness,westudya APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S r 2' ' ' %f. . . 1''' , ' . . ' ., ..- X 5 1 g x 1 ' 1''' . ' ' S() (&) (DJ Fig.49.1 Geometry ofsupercoqducting (J)halfspace,(bjslab in a parallelapplied held Hz. semi-inEnite superconductor (z > 0) in an applied field Ho= Hzk parallelto the surface (Fig.49.1J). The microscopic seld h(z)= hlzl. k in the interior satisfesEq.(49.11)withtheacceptablesolution hlz)= Hoe-'/1'. (49.12) where c2 + As= n= ns' 7 (49.13) isknow n astheLondonpenetration depth. Thusthem agneticseld isconsned to a surface layerofthickness ; k;Asand vanishes exponentially for z> As. If Gistakenasthetotalelectrondensity,thenX istypicallyafew hundredangstroms (see Table49.1).1 Experimentsindicatethatthepenetration depth increases Table49.1 Characteristic lengthsforsuperconductors 'Az, (0),âl &,A As(0)/& A(0)t',.Aj Molexp,A I A1 1 1* Sn ' 340 Pb 370 16 .(X* 2 3* 830 , 0.010 0.16 0.45 530 510 440 490.515 5l0 390 1Az. (0)iscalculatedbyassuminga,=natF= OOK . jA(0)tN isthe penetration depth atzero temm rature,calculated with the BCS theory for diffuse scattering ofelectrons atthe boundary. Source..R.M eserveyandB.B.Schwartz,Equilibrium Prox rties: ComparisonofExm rimentalResultswithPredictionsoftheBCS Theory,inR.D .Parks(ed. ),lçsux rconductivity,''vol.1,p.174. M arœ lDekker,lnc.,New York,1969. !Thissmallsize makesprecise measurementsquitedimcult;typicalexperimentalprocedure arediscussed in F.London,op.cit.,sec.5. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 423 with increasingtem perature,and thefunction &( A F)= 1- wF 4-+ em pirical (49.14) zX0) 1c providesagood:tltothedatafbrF/Fck;!.. Sincensistheonlyvariablequantity inEq.(49.13),weinfer NXF)= 1 - F 4 G(0) (y1 empi rical (49.15) Asa second example,considera slab ofthickness2# in an applied seld Hok paralleltoitssurface(Fig.49.10. IftheoriginofcoordinatesisIocatedin them iddleoftheslab,then the appropriatesolution ofEq. (49.11)is hlz)= cosh(z/As) Hzcosh(#/,V) (49.16) Them ean fluxdensity. # isthespatialaverageofthemicroscopicheld J 1 d HoAs d -s J.,dzhlz)- dtanhjj (49.17) In thelim itofathick slab,Eq. (49.17)becomes S oAs J;k; # dy.As (49.18) andthesampleexhibitsaMeissnerefl kct;intheoppositelimit(#.c . :As)themean . flux densityisessentiallyH u. CONSERVATION AND QUANTIZATIO N O F FLUXOID The London equations im ply a striking conservation law. Forsim plicity,we study only the linearized equations 1 êj (49.l9) nse' à and Eq.(49.8).buta more generaltreatmentcan also begiven (Prob.13.1). - eE = 0Y= m Ji - - C onsidera surface S bounded by a hxed closed curve C thatlieswholly in the superconducting material (Fig.49.2). Independent ofwhether S also lies entirely in the superconductor(Fig.49.2/ orb),we may integrate Maxwell's equation(48.9$ to obtain J#S-êh g=-cJJs-curlE=-cjc#l.E (49.20) 1Fora comparison ofthe experimentswith Eq. (49.14)and the theoreticalprediction ofthe BCS theory.see,forexample,A.L. Schawlow and G.E.Devlin,Phys.At,t).,113:120 (1959). 424 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 6C 4' .i ., . '. t.) .u . r.2 u$ . (.. y yA,.i..14w, .. . ' :: w ' .k .z 'q! 'v .., ., .f..:.. ;z... a. .. ,: . e s , , a. . r y. Holein su rconductor (J) (A) Fig. 49.2 Integration contour for evaluation of quxoid:(J)simplyconnected;(b4multiplyconnected. where therightside has been transformed w ith Stokes'theorem . Since C lies inthesuperconductor,Eq.(49.19)appliesateverypoint.giving & 0(ds.h+nm sc,jc( 81.j-O (49.21) weseethatthe/uxofffldehnedas mc (I)s:j#s-h+M -s ea c #l.j (49.22) rem ainsconstantforalltim e. Itisclearthat(1)diflkrsfrom the m agnetic flux by an additionalcontributionarising from theinduced supercurrent. W ith added assum ptions,itispossibleto derive m orespecific results. 1.IfC issuëcientlyQrfrom theboundaries,thenjisexponentiallysmall,and (I)reducesto them agneticflux. 2.lfthe interior ofC is wholly superconducting (Fig,49.25),then the other Londonequation(49.8)immediatelyimpliesthat* vanishes. 3. Asacorollary ofthepreviousconclusion,* isthesame foranypath C 'that can bedeform ed continuously into C,alwaysrem aining in thesuperconductor. F.London also observed thatEq.(49.8)can bewritten in termsofthe vectorpotentialA as follows eA curl mv - - = 0 c (49.23) where h = curlA (49.24) Thecanonicalm om entum isgiven by eA P = nIM - c 'F.London,op.cit..sec.6. (49.25) SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 42: and Eq.(49.23)thusbecomes curlp = 0 (49.26) which m ay be considered a generalized condition of irrotational flow. In addition,theCuxoid m aybewritten as C (Il= -e- c #l.p (49.27) Thisequation isrem iniscentoftheBohr-som merfeld quantization relation,and, indeed,London suggested thattheCuxoid isquantized in unitsofhcle.î As noted in Sec.48,thisprediction wassubsequently consrm ed,butthe observed quantum unitishcllegEq.(48.4)J. PIPPA RD'S GENERA LIZED EQ UATION Itisnow convenienttochooseaparticulargauge(Londongauge)forthevector potential divA = 0 onboundaries which allowsustorewritethestaticLondonequation(49.10)as M (49.284) (49.28:) 2 J(X)= - se A(X) mc (49.29) Thischoiceofgaugeisalwayspossible,becauseEq.(49.28:)can besatissedby adding the gradient of an appropriate solution ofLaplace's equation. N ote thattheLondongaugeensuresthatdivj= 0andthatJ.H= 0ontheboundaries. Equation (49.29)showsthatthe London theory assumesj(x)proportionalto A(x)atthesamepoint. Furthermore,thetheorypredictsthatthepenetration depth dependsonly on fundamentalconstantsand na(Eq.(49.13)). To test these predictions, Pippard studied the properties of superconducting Sn-ln a1loys.2 Although thethermodynamicpropertiessuch asSc(F)and Frwere unaltered byratherlargeconcentrationsoftheIn impurities(f3X),hefound that the penetration depth increased by nearly a factorof2. Such behavior cannotbe understood in the London picture,becausean increased penetration depth w ould im ply a reduced value ofnsand a corresponding m odihcation in thefreeenergyandothertherm odynam icproperties. Forthisand otherreasons, Pippard proposed a nonlocalgeneralization ofEq.(49.29),in which j(x)is determ ined as a spatialaverage ofA throughout som e neighboring region of dim ension ro. For heavily doped alloys,rz iscom parable with the electronic mean freepath Iin the norm alm etal;forpurem etals,however,rcisnotinfnite, IF.London,op.cf?.,p.152. 2A.B.Pippard,Proc.Ro)' .Soc.(London),A216:547(1953). 426 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S butinsteadtendsto acharacteristiclengthL,knownasthe Pippard (orBCS) coherencelength. Pippard thusm ade theparticularchoice l 1 1 - rz= J' :+ j (49.3g) and assumed n,e2 3 ;, X(x.A(x')) . -x/r, j(x)= - mc4, n5: d x X4 e (ys.?j) where X uzux - x'. A n experim ental fit to the m easured penetration depths yieldedl Jll;z0.15k r .hvFc (49.32) s Forcomparison,theBCS theoryofpuresamplesleadsto averysimilarnonlocal relationandidentises(zas fn= 0.180kâlls = -hv m a Tc (49.33) rr2:n ' wherezxtlistheenergygap atzero tem perature. Typi calvaluesofL areshown in Table49.1. ThePippardequationrelatestheinducedsupercurrentjtothetotalvector potentialA. In the presenceofan applied magnetic ield,however, A contains contributionsfrom theexternalcurrentsaswellasfrom jitself,therebyrequiring asimultaneoussolutionofEq.(49.31)and Maxwell'sequationdeterminingthe totalmagneticheld. Nevertheless,itispossibletoextracttheimportantphysical features by noting the existence of two characteristic lengths. The vector potential varies w ith the self-consistent temperature-dependent penetration lengthA,whichneednotbethesameastheLondonpenetrationlengthAs(defined inEq.(49.13)),whiletheintegralkernelhasatemperature-independentrangera, whichisapproximatelythesmallerof% and/. Ifrz< A,thenthevectorpotential variesslowly and can beevaluated atx'= x. In thisway,we obtain n ,2 3 jklxs= -mc 'ln,1l(x)s n ez s e-l/re dbX X.m x4 =-rqcf:4!(x)b.tj= 0Jye-x/ re j(x)- - z n'e2l A(x) mcll+ &) ro.xA !T.E.Fa% rand A.B.Pippard,Proc.Roy.Soc. lZtladt/al,A231:336(1955), (49.34) su PERCONDUCTIVITY 427 Any sample thatsatisses this localcondition (ro<b LA)is known as a London l'r//pcrc'o/ipl/c/t pr,because L-q.(49.31)then reproduces thc form ofthe London equation (49.29)butwith thecoeflicientreduced byafactor(I : (tvI) î. Comparison with Eqs.(49.l0) and (49.1l) im mediatcly giNes the corresponding penetration depth atzero tem perature J- Jo 1 l(0)-. ' =z ls(0)( j ) lOCall imit:r( )-, èZ J z Foraplfrc Lolldon superconductor(#0<,'/).F.q.(49.35)reducesto thepre:ious London expression. lnpractice(seeTable49.1),mostsuperconductingelementsatlow temperature violate the condition for a pure London stlperconductor.u hich requires ro; : k:Jt l<. z tA. Hence London superconductorsare usual1. ).hea:i1) dopcd allo)s, where thelength rvisdetermined by /instead ofJ't ).and thet' ollou illg inequality holds:rv; 4;/-s.A. ln thiscase,Eq.(49.35)explainstheobser:ed increasei1 the penetration depth fordirty alloys&$here/.<-(!( ). lfa sam ple isa Londol)superconduetorat low temperature.Eq,(49.I4)shov:s thati( remains onc forall F .. c rc. Sillce the penetration depth ofans superconducting m aterialinureases rapidly as r -. ' Fc,how ever-aII. îl?p&r('t ???t/s?c'J(?r. 5 'bel-ollll,1.o/pti//?sltpL'rcoltthlctors s'lk-/ /i' c-àt. antIî'c/(?A't ?ïo Tc. Itisim portantto em phasizethatLq>.(49.34)and (49.35)areolllyeorrect forrvk tz ' t-a1 1d we !1oïNeonsiderthe nlore t)picalno1 )local11m it(?'(). ,.z ï),N. ' N.hen the m aterialiskno% i )asa Pippartl. y' l/1t'/'t' t)/?t/Ift'/ö? -. A lthough a generalso1ution isverydit licuIt.wecanevaluatejandheom pietel)foraninfi11itesuperconductor -, t $(z)lying in thex1'plane. The curre1tsheetis surrounding a currentsheetjv: . asourceofmagneticfleld.?hich in turI 1Induces:1supcrcurrentjrx). The total current is the sun' lofthest ' ltïso contributions.a11d 51axUeli'> equatio11( 9J) .48. beconles This equation m ust be solved along with Pippard-s equation.u hich provides anotherrelation betweenjand A. Thetransiationalinvariancem akesitusefuIto introducethree-dim ensional Fouriertransform s jtx)- (2=1-3 4 -(13:(afq-Xjtq) A(x)= (2:7. )-31 'J?qtpfq-xA(q) (49.37/) and thel-ondon gaugeimplies q'A(q)= 0 (49.38) 42g AppulcATloss To pHyslcAL SYSTEM S ItisstraightforwardtoverifythattheFouriertransform ofEq.(49.31)takestht form J(q)- -sc A-(ç)A(q) (4939) . where 3ase2 X(V)= -mczït4* = *dx o 1P sinqx -àt-1C-XF'Oq (? qx . 6r- ,e2 arctanqra 1 c mcafnq (çro)k (1+ (qrv)j- q% (49.40) and thegaugecondition (49.38)hasbeenused to simplifythevectorcomponents. Inaddition,theFouriertransform ofEq.(49.36)isgivenby - qx qx A(q)= 4rrc-1fd?xE'-iQ*X(.j()#3(z)+jtxlj = 4=c-3E(2=)2.&#3(#x)3(çx)+j(q)) (49.41) andtheltftsidamaybesimplifedwithEq.(49.38): qX q>.A(q)=qlA(q)- q(q.A(q))= q2A(q) IfEq.(49.39)isused to expressj(q)in termsofA(q),the resulting algebraic - equation isreudilysolved to yield A( 4, p.(2, r)2jo#3(çx)3((n) q)= -c qz+ Kg) (49.42) Thecorresponding spatialquantitiesbecom e 77 * dt?. J' kt7i?T A(x)M -4(z)#= 4 a: c -x2=q + K%) h(x)u >(z)9- -4 v =d pakiqei4z -. X ' c -.2=:2+ K(q) .- (49.43t8 (49.435) which providethecom pletesolution. Itisinteresting to examint the asymptotic form ofhfzjasz-+.œ. If ql+ Kfqjhasno zeroson thertalqaxis,then theintegration contourcan be dtformedintotheupper-halfqplane,showingthathlz)vanishesfasterthanany algebraicfunction ofz. Sincethisbehaviorisexactlythatfound intheM eissner elect,weobtain thegeneralcriterion qn+ K(q4# 0 forqreal:Meissnereflkct (49.44) Inpractice,Eq.(49.44)isnotvery convenient,becauseK(q)isacomplicated function ofq,and we m ustinstead rely on graphicalm ethods. The Pippard kernel(Eq.(49.40))isplotted in Fig.49.3. Ithastwo characteristicfeatures: SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 429 1.0 K (<) A-(0)O.j Fig.49.3 Pippard kernelKlqj(Eq.(49.40)1. 00 1.0 2,0 3.0 q% : K(q4ispositiveforallq and K(q)decreasesmonotonically. Forany kernel with thefirstproperty,wemay simplify Eq.(49.44)to theform &(0)# 0 Meissnereflkct (49.45) &(0)= 0 noM eissnereflkct . . which servesasausefuland sim plecriterion.l TheforegoingdiscussionconsidersonlytheasymptoticbehaviorofA(z), which generallydiflkrsfrom a pureexponential. Hencewe m ustgeneralizethe conceptofa penetration depth,and a naturalchoice is2 A= x$ hlz) ,dtz= 0) jvdz/ yz=o=yqz-() Theintegralin Eq.(49.43$)convergesonly ror fzt# 0,and h(z= 0)mustbe determ ined by otherm eans. Thispresentsno problem ,however,forA m père's 1aw im plies h(z= 0)= 2=c-1h and we5nd A= -2 * ty x 1 jvq( yz.j .g(( y) (49. 46) Therathercomplicated form ofthePippardkernel2Eq.(49.40))precludes ananalyticevaluationofAforallvaluesofIandS. Wenote,however,thatthe importantvaluesofq areoforderA-!. ln thelocallimit(A> roj,Fig.49.3 showsthatwemayapproximateK(q)by . &(0),and a simpleintegration yields thepreviousexpressionEq.(49.35). lntheopposite(nonlocal)limit,weapproximateK(q)byitsasymptoticform asq-->.cs Kqq)x 3=2n e2 j-?-mc #JII q.. xw lM .R.Schafroth,Helv.Phys.Acta-,24:645(1951). 2A.B.Pippard,Ioc.cit. (49.47) 4ac Appulcv loNs To PHYSICAL SYSTEMS and a straightforward calculation givesthezero-tem peratureresultl A(0) s V' J1 =; (z. y)(Az , (0)2Jo)1 nonlocalli mit:à< : trf t (49. 48) Thisexpression isindependentofthemeanfreepath /becausethespatialintegra- tioninEq.(49.31)islimitedbythepenetrationdepthAandnotby%. Equations (49.35)and(49.48)constituteacentralresultofthePippardtheory. Inaddition to explaining the increased penetration depth in alloys,the theory clarisesthe discrepancy ofa factor œ 2-3 between the m easured penetration depth in pure PippardmaterialsandtheLondonvalue(seeTable49.1)because A(0) 8 VJfo 1 =I As(0) l2=A,(0)1 (49. 49) A lthough the original Pippard theory does not determ ine the tem perature dependenceofA(F),theempirical1aw (Eq.(49.14))isgenerallyassumedforboth localand nonlocallim its. SX GINZBURG-LANDAU PHENOM ENOLO GICAL THEORY Theoriginalform ofthe London theory hasoneseriousflawsforitapparently predictsthatthe M eissnerstatein a seld H < H cwillbreak up into alternating norm aland superconducting layersofthicknessdn.: 4ds.l Thisresultisreadily verihed: If #a<K #s,then the condensation-energy density remains essentially unchangedat-S J/8zr,whileifJs. c 4A,thenthefeldpenetrationlowerstheGibbs free-energy density by -S2/8gr. F.London noted thatthisargumentignores the possibility of a positive surface energy associated with a norm al-superconducting interface,and he used theobserved stabilityoftheM eissnerstateto estimate thissurface-energy contribution. A sa m orefundam entalrem edy for this defect, Ginzburg and Landau3 proposed a diflkrent phenomenological description ofa superconductor,which accounts for the surface energy in a naturalway. EXPANSION O F THE FREE ENERGY The phase transition atFcsignalsthe appearance ofan ordered state in which the electrons are partially condensed into a frictionlesssuperquid. Ginzburg lAnequivalentprocedureisto rewrite Eq.(49.46)indimensionlessform 1=2=-1J0 Odt( /2+(A3/A)J:)I-1 F(lr( j /à)j-l whereF(x)=1.I(x-2+1)arctanx-. x-lj. Thelimiting valuesofFltrolh)forro/à.. +0and ulh-. y.* reproduceEqs.(49.35)and(49. 48),respectively. :F.London,op.cI' ?.,pp.l25-130. 3V.L.Ginzburgand L.D .lnndau:Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz,20:1064 (1950). An English translation mayix foundin4'M enofPbysics:L.D.Landaus''vol.1,p.138,PergamonPress,Oxford, 1965. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 431 and Landau describe the condensate with a complex order parameter 1F(x). The observed second-order transition im plies that Vl''vanishesforF > rc, and thatitincreasesin m agnitudewith increasingrc - r > 0. NearFc,thequantity r'Frissmall,andthemicroscopicfree-energydensityFsoofthesuperconducting state in zero Eeld isassumed to have an expansion oftheform Fsz- Fno+ at 'l' -12+ q.b1.1, -t4+ ''' where Fnois the free-energy density ofthe norm alstate in zero m agneticfield and wherea and b are realtem perature-dependentphenom enologicalconstants. Sincetheorderparam eterisuniform in the absence ofexternalfelds, G inzburg and Landau added a term proportionalto 1V'F(25tending to suppressspatial variationsinYP. ln analogywith theSchrödingerequation, thisterm iswritten as (2-*)-'r--fâV:l'(2 where m * isan egkctive m ass. W hen m agneticfields are present, this term is assum ed to take the gauge-invariantform (2 1 esA 2 ,,+)-11 (-ihT. ,.-cj' 1,:( . where-e*issomeintegralmultipleofthechargeon an electron and curlA(x)= h(x) (50.1) determ ines the m icroscopic m agnetic l ield. In this way,the totalfree-energy density ofthe superconductingstatein am agneticfield becom es Fs - i Fnv+ aIY15I2+ jb1YF14+ (2rn*)-11 I-l' hT + c*A c 2 h2 4'j !+ @-# (f0.2) where the lastterm represents the energy density ofthe m agnetic :eld. conventionaltochooseaparticularnormalization forV1S: 1 ' t F12> ns * (503) . where ns * desnesan eflkctivesuperelectron density. Thischoice fixestheratio (t7/:)2. Experiments:indicatethat ra*= 21q (50.4) inagreementwiththepairing hypothesisofSecs. 36and 37;wethereforeidentify ns *with thedensityofpaired electronsand detinens by theequation 'ns *- lws (50.5) !B.S.Deaver.Jr.andW .M .Fairbank.Ioc. cl't.;R.DollandM .Nâbauer,Ioc.cit.;J.E.Zimmerman andJ.E.M ercereau,Phys.Rev.Letters,14:887(1965). 4a2 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS The free energy ofthe sample isobtained by integrating Eq.(50.2)over the totalvolum e Pr. In a uniform externalfield H ,however,therelevanttherm o- dynamicpotentialistheGibbsfreeenergy(compareSec.48),andwemustconsider f#3xgF,- (4, 7 $-1h.H). = fJ3xGs . (50.6) where Gs is the m icroscopic G ibbs free-energy density. The condition of therm odynamic stability requiresthatEq.(50.6) be stationary with respect to arbitraryvariationsoftheorderparameterand vectorpotentialsubjectto the constraint of Eq.(50.1). A straightforward variationalcalculation gives the follow ing Geld equations +A' .2 (2-*)-1-l ' hv--C -C --j' 1 *+t /l ' -+bI Vl ' -. ' 21e=0 (50.7J) c r *Ji.(à1,**VYI' e*)2 (kl7';2A k' p/curlh= -éf --YT-VYI-*I- ( ,n L m.c (50.7:) whiletherem ainingsurfaceintegralsvanish ifA andY*satisfytheboundaryconditions , . ov bx y, l i*(-!/ XV c 1a=( ; (50.8J) zix (h - H)= 0 (50.8:) Equations(50.7)show thatY'obeysanonlineartçschrödinger''equation,while the m agnetic held iqdeterm ined by the supercurrent j= -- *h (t)*ï&Vl. (c*)2ty12A lem* i- l.a- tI.%V&I.*+)- -&/-cj '' (50.9) TheboundaryconditiononV1-isverydiflkrentfrom thatoftheusualSchrödinger theory,however,and may be understood asguaranteeing thatjeH vanishesat the surface ofthe sample. Equation (50.8:)impliesthatthe tangentialcomponentofthe m agnetic seld iscontinuousacrossthis surface. so bu-rlo N IN SIM PLE CASES Although a com plete solution of these coupled equations cannot be obtained, wecan discoverqualitative featuresby exam ining limiting cases. ln the absence of-a magneticlield (A = 0).Eq.(50.7J)hasthespatially uniform solutions .y .a . a 1l = -J The first solution clearly represents the norm al state because F, then equals Fnv. The second solution is physically acceptable only if a(b is negative;it SUPERCON DUCTIVITY 433 represents the superconducting state with a corresponding free-energy density lal Fso= Fno- jy zerolield (50.11) and comparison with Eq.(48.22)yields al= -H (F)2 i Ei. -. -= (50.12) Equation (50.12)showsthatb mustbe positive,which also ensuresthatFxis bounded from below (see Eq.(50.2)1. Following Ginzburg and Landau,we assume thatb is independentoftem perature,while a(T)= (F - FclJ' (50.13) is negative forF < Fc,vanishing linearly at Fc. Thischoice correctly :ts the linearslopeof. Jfc(F)nearFcand also predictsthatns *(T)a:(rc- F)gcompare Eq.(49.15)1. A s a second sim ple case,consider a one-dim ensionalgeom etry,where Y1' variesbuth vanishes: hl d21. 1, % -Lm %-t?1, *=0 z-s +.tzVl,+ bj'Fj2A. (50.14) W eassum ethatt1, -isrealand introduce adim ensionlessorderparam eter /( 'F(z) z)- 1Y1.x r (f0.15) where 1 ' 1. .1E s(1 &! b jl (50.16) isthe m agnitudeof'F deep in the sam ple. A combinationofEqs.(50.l4)and (50.15)gives - z J2 y lm â ,y -rJ)zzc-f+f3= 0 (50.17) whichdefnesanaturalscaleoflengthforspatialvariationsoftheorderparam eter ft'' hl 1 h - è'--tt zt -f-) - Ez,' ,?-tt - r)u'1+ t50'1'' Thislengthisknownasthe(Ginzburg-l-andau)coherencelength. Itbecomes large as F . -->Fc and is thus very dipkrentfrom the tem perature-independent parameters(0orraintroducedinSec.49. In certainphysicalsituations(seeFig.50.1J)'1Pessentiallyvanishesatthe boundary ofthe superconducting region (z= 0). Equation (50.17)can then 434 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Norm al Fig.50.1 Surfaceregion betweennormalandsuperconductingmaterialfor(c)A<: <J(v. c :l) and (/ p)z ï?>#(,:' s . -1). beusedtostudyhow !/ approachesitsasymptoticvalue1at:c. Animmediate hrstintegralisgiven by (50.l9) If/increases which iseasily integrated to yield (50.20) Justasin theelectromagneticpenetration.thespatialvariation of/ isconsned to a region !z $ k:J',becausel- If ;vanishesexponentiallyforizr .y.J. , Fora inalexam ple,consideran applied m agnetic held with an essentially uniform orderparameter%' -= I YFXI(see Fig.50.1:). The supercurrent (Eq. (50.9))thenreducesto jt (c*)2n* e2n x)= - FNY.C'A(x)= - m c'A(x) (50.21) whichtakespreciselytheform oftheLondonequation(49.29). Thepenetration depth form agneticseldsfollowsim m ediatelyas m * c2 + A(r)-jyxp ,, Nwl(pk jjl A(F)= 4 m *clb =(/V (rc---'lv (50.22) 1 and isproportionalto(Fc- F)-1 forF -->Fc(compare Eq.(49.1444. SLIPCRCONDUCTIVITY 435 1:isimportanttoemphasizethatthecoherencelength ((T)andpenetration lengthA(F)areboth phenomenologicalquantitiesdehnedintermsoftheconstants aand b. ltisconventionalto introducethe Ginzburg-l-andauparam eter ( KEEA -ï (F) /' ) (50.23) w'hich is independent oftem perature near Fc. W ith the preceding deénitions, a sim ple calculation yields v'l'g, <= -hc ,/c(r)A(r)2 p; 4rpc l?1*f /7 1 (f0.24(z) (50.24:) &= We-b i, -r each of which is usefulin applications. ln particular,Eq.(50.24/)relates /t ' to them easurablequantitiesH cand A;itm ay also berew ritten as H - -.-11-C 2rrN.2JA (jo.a5) where(asshown in thefollowingdiscussion) (50.26) is the flux quantum . FLUX QUA NTIZATION TheGinzburg-l-andauexpression gEq.(50.9))forthesupercurrentallowsusto verify London's prediction of a quantized tluxoid in a superconductor. The order param eterm ay be written as1 j e.h -a (ta*)2I V1' el2A -- m#1% (V+- m .c (50.28) A + (j??c?c. = P*)2i V2 (50.29) - hcVv e* 1Thisrepresentation ofVl-*isparticularly usefulin describing the Josephson eflkct.w'herethe phase ofthe orderparameterisofdirectphysicalinterest(see,forexample,B.D .Josephson, Advan.Phys.,14:4l9(1965)). 436 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S lntegratethisequationaround aclosedpath C lyingwhollyinthesuperconductor (Fig.49.2) (c JI.A .-z-(?7 7*-c # 1 . j hvc cJI.V(p j ty, kj -k ,a= -g I ta,yj . (50.30) Thet irstterm ontheleftm ayberewrittenw' ith Stokes'theorem ;ifVl'isassum ed to beslnglevalued,theintegralon therightm ustbean integralm ultiplen ofl. z: ,7121c J1.i hc '$*JS .h + . (g-ï').j yj.* .a= L zznx (50.31) c, : e Comparison with Eq.(49.22) shows thatthe left side is London's fuxoid * generalized to nonunil -orm system s,and weconclude that(1)isquantized in units of(pv= /7c.' t?*. The presentderivation appliesonly nearFc,butitisplausibleto expectthe sam e quantization foral1F < Fc. SURFACE EN ERGY The significance ofthe param eterK ism osteasily understood by studying the energy associated with a surfaceseparating norm aland supereonducting m aterial (see Fig.50.1). Theboundary ismechanically stable only ifthenormalregion has an applied tield H c parallelto the surface,since the G ibbs free energy deep in the norm alregion H2 G(. z-+-: x)= G' ,, ()- y7c F (50.32) then equalsthatdeep in thesuperconducting region G(z--+.:c-)= Gbv (50.33) (com pareEq.(48.2l)1. Thepossibilityofasurfaceenergyarisesinthefollowing wal'from theoccurrenceofthetwolengthsAand J. Ifthesamplewereentirely norm alorentirely superconducting,theG ibbsfreeenergy perunitareaw ould be fc J.dz(-S2 cy' 8=). lnthesurfaceregion,however,thefluxisexpelled forzk;A, while the condensation energy buildsup forzk.(. Hencethe true Gibbsfree energy perunitarea isgiven approxim ately asthe sum oftu'o term s -A -JI1 -. - .s 2 ; 4;(-..(lzV, ;rE'=-(jJz-p,v,--c . By dehnition.the surface energy ansis the diflkrence between the actualGibbs free energy per unit area and the value that w ould occur if the sam ple were uniform ly norm alor superconducting H 2 .-A c. c. c,,;4:--jgc((..dz4-jgdz-j..Jz) (50.34) stlpEncosDuc-rlvi'ry 437 The G inzburg-l-andau theory perm its us to study the surface energy in greater detail. Consider a one-dimensional geometry (Fig. 50.I) w' ith the magnetic seld h(z)= /?(z). f and vectorpotentialA(z)= , 4(z). f. ln the present problem ,'1'm ay be chosen real in an appropriate gauge.i and the G inzburgLandau equations become hl . , 42Vlp' .. Sm Jkj. av. j u' j ). j%.yj/jq3.j.(jy+j2l. .2J.c .. r? 2. () - f. ' - . h'= 4 n. (8*)2 11' 02W - ---.- (j:.t j . yjuj (50.355) ln c (50.35c) w here the primes denote diflkrentiation w ith respect to z. The corresponding boundary conditions YF h -0 jz >.- :c - - - Hcj A1' -= '1 Y. l'-:*1j ,z. -,.+: x. h= 0 J (50.36) guaranteethatEqs.(50.32)and (50.33)are satisfied.z W ith the samedesnition ofthe surface energy,we l ind Here the second and third linesareobtained with Eqs.(50.6)and (50.2),respectively. lfEq.(50.35/)ismultiplied byYF* and tntegrated overallz,a simple integration by parts yields j-xt fzjh vk z+d ?1 . l. -k 4+(2p7+)-1; l t-mv+t ' *c A -), . I,( i r 2j-() !V.L.GinzburgandL.D.Landau,loc.cit. IfI Y*I2dependsonlyonz,theorderparameter takes the form ciWï; r.F'àF(z). ln additions M axwell's equation implies thatj(z)=. /(z)#. Equation (50.9)then showsthatVF(z)mustberealwhileP( p/ 'P. xvanishes. Theremainingphase factor+(y)mustbe a linearfunction ofy and maybe absorbed with thetrivialgaugetransformation z4 ->.z4- (hcle*jPg)/Py'. 2TheseboundaryconditionsviolateEq.(50.8:)atz= +*,owing to ouridealized one-dimensionalgeometry. A morephysicalconiguration isaIongcylinderplaced in a solenoid.with am acroscopicsuperconducting cortsurrounded by anorm alsheath. 438 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS SubstitutionintoEq.(50.37)givesthefinalfdrm x 4 (#c- hj2 c.s= j-c odz-' Wl k l'l+ g. (50. 38) BothEqs.(50.37)and(50.38)areexact,theformerisalsovariationallycorrect while the latter,which m akes use ofthe exactheld equations, is considerably simpler, Itisconventionalto characterizethesurfaceenergy witha length 3: M2 cp&= - cb 8= where (59.39) ss.je -œJzg r-j , l o Xwo! T . 1 4+(l-pj)2j (50.40) hasbeenrewrittenwiththeaidofEqs.(50.12)and(f0.16). Althoughacomputer solutionofEqs.(50.35)and(50.36)isneededtoevaluate3forarbitrary<,special lim iting caseshavebeen studied analytically. The num ericaldetailsarerather tedious,however,and we only state the results' 4v'jJ 3 ; k;1.89/ b= (50.4lJ) 0 .- 1 )(v' '1- 1)A; : z-1.l0A a.= x,é (50.41:) Kà>1 (50.41c) inagreementwithourqualitativeestimateofEq.(50.34). The surface energy isim portantin determ ining the behavior ofa superconductorinan applied m agneticseld,and am aterialisconventionallyclassised astype Iortype 11according asn sispositive ornegative. Com parison with Eq.(50.41)yieldsthefollowingcriterion T 1 ypeI: K< O l Type11: K > O J(F)> V1'A(F) ans> 0 (50.42) ((T4< vYA(r) Thepositivesurfaceenergy oftype-lm aterialskeepsthesam plespatially hom ogeneous,and itexhibitsacomplete M eissnereflkctforallH < Hc. In contrast, type-ll m aterialstend to break up into m icroscopic domains as soon as the magneticseld exceedsalowercriticalseldHcj(seeProb.13.5),which isalways lessthan H c. ForH > H cL,m agnetic flux penetratesthesam ple in the form of !V.L.Ginzburg and L.D.Landau,loc.cït.;D .Saint-lames,G.Sarma,and E.J.Thomas, tt-l-ype-llSuperconductivity,''chap.II,Pergamon Press,London,1969. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 439 quantized flux lines,and the sam ple is said to be in the m ixed state. Thisstate Persistsup to an uppercriticalfield Hc;= V'IKHc(see Prob.l3.6)abovewhich the sam ple becom es norm al. The possibility oftype-ll superconduetivity w as :rstsuggested by A brikosov,lwho used theG inzburg-Landau theory to study themixed statein detail. W' e regretthatthisvastsubjectcannotbeincluded here,and we m ustreferthe readerto other sources.z 6IEM ICROSCOPIC (BCS) THEORY Forthe rem ainderofthischapter.we considerthe m icroscopicm odelintroduced by Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer (BCS) in 1957.3 This model has had astonishing successin correlating and explaining the properties ofsim ple superconductors in term sofa few experim entalparam eters. The ground state ofthe m odelhasalready been determ ined in Sec.37 with a canonicaltransform ation. Such an approach can beextended to hnitetem peratures,butG orkov4hasshown thatitis pretkrable to reform ulate the theory in term softem perature G reen's functions. A sdiscussed in the following paragraphs,this approxim ate description represents a naturalgeneralization ofthe Hartree-Fock theory ofSec.27. GENERAL FO RM ULATION The theory starts from the following m odelgrand canonical/7(7??7? ' /r()r2ï(7?7for an electron gas in a m agnetic field - ' ) ..#. , ..' F ,. a J. q jrpii'. ' t-?'a(x)l j's(x)? ,'slx)L' a(x) whereA(x)isthevectorpotentialand-eisthechargeonanelectron. Asshoun in Chap.l2.the exchange of phonons leads to an effective attraction between electronsclose to the Ferm isurface. Thisinterparticlepotentialhashere been approximated by an attractive delta function with strength g nw0 (com pare Eq. 'A.A.Abrikosov,Soc.Phys.-JETP%5:1174(1957). 1See.forexample,P.G .deGennes.*wsuperconductivity ofM etalsand A1lo)'s.''chaps.3.6. W .A.Benjamin.lnc.,New'York.1966' .A.L.Eetterand P.C.Hohenberg,TheoryofT/' pe-ll Superconductors.and B.Serin.T3'pe-11Superconductors:Experiments.in R.D.Parks(ed.), .Ksuperconductivityy''vol.ll,chaps.14,l5.MarcelDekker,lnc..New'York,1969, 3W ehavefoundthefollowingbooksparticularlyuset-ul:P.G.deGennes./tlc.cI'J.;G .Rickalbzen, Sk-fheory ofSuperconductivitys''John W'ileyand Sons.lnc..Neu'York,1965.J.R.Schriefer, Sû-rheory ofSuperconductivityv''W .A.Benjamin,lnc.,New York,1964. Seealso.A.A. Abrikosov,L.P.Gorkov.and 1.E.Dzl'aloshinskii,**Methods ofQuantum Field Theory in StatisticalPhysics,'qchap.7.Prentice-Hall.lnc.eEnglewood Clifl-s.N.J..1963. 4L.P.Gorkov,Sot' .Phys.-JETP,7:505(1958). l4.tl Appulcv loNs 'ro pHyslcAu sys-rEM s (46.9)1.1 Thephilosophyofthemicroscopictheoryisthento solvethismodel ham iltonian ascom pletely as possible.z As an introduction to our subsequentdevelopment,we first review the H artree-Fock theory,which m ay be obtained by approxim ating theexactinter- action operatorf'in Eq.(51.l)asa bilinearform P;z rr'fsa -g fd?xgxl J. f(x)fatxllss#j ltx)' fp(x) . - q-' f'a f(x)fjlxllz?s#)(x)fatxll Heretheangularbracketsdenoteanensem bleaveragewith thedensity operator e.- jxss )zfs=Tr - e-jk-s ', (51.3J) and Xss= ko+ Pzfs (51.3:) Inthisapproach,Xffsisused to define atinite-temperature Heisenbergoperator (' xytxz)= ekssT'A' t ;y(x)e-*HFr/h3withtheequationofmotion hPI X (x' r) l' eA 2 . y2 ( ---=-yt(-j Jj vh-y. -j-sfxytxr) '-g-, ;J(x)fztxl-,ssf' xytxv. )--g(#â(x). ll, /xllp .ss4xztxr) The corresponding single-particle G reen'sfunction %x/1(xr,x'r')= -t $ x 'rzg;. 'Ku(x' r)ylx fp(x'm')))us satistiesthe sam e self-consistentequation ofm otion asthatderived in Prob. 8.3 and istherefore identicalw'ith the H artree-FockG reen'sfunction ofSec. 27(see Prob.l3.7). Theself-consistency here appearsthrough f' ss,which both deter- minesandisdetermined byEq.(51.3). The precisestructure of P'sscan be understood by seeking a linearapproxi- mation to the exactequationsofmotion. Since the commutator (P,fk(x)J contains three tield operators, it m ust be approxim ated by a linear form (P,f' ?.(x)J-. >./. '#? J#(x)wherethe/ajarec-numbercoemcients. Thisreplacement hastheconsequencethat((P,' t Ja(x))s?/j f(y))o /xjftx- r). lnfact,theleftside ofthisrelation isstillquadratic in thefield operators. W e therefore replace it by itsensem ble averageto obtain the linearized theory,which providesa prtscrip- tionfordetermining/a#. Theapproximateform bhyinEq.(5l,2)ischosento reprodueethecorrespondinglinearequations. 1Thesingularnatureofthispotentialoccasionally leadstospuriousdivergentintegrals.which wlllbecutof:ratthe Debye frequency inaccordancewiththediscussion in Chap.12. 2Superconductingsolutionsoftheelectron-phononhamiltonian(Eq,(46.1)Jhavebeenstudied by N.N .Bogoliubov.Sov.Phys.-JETPn7:41(1958)and byG .M .Eliashberg,Sov.Phys.-JETP, 11:696 (1960)and 12:1000 (1961). This approach is essentialfor strong-coupling superconductorssuch asPb (Fig.51.2 and Table 51.l).which do notfitthe usualBCS theory Isee, forexample.J.R.Schrieler.tlp.cil..chap.7,andW .t-.M eM illan,Phys.Sep.,163:331(1968)). SUPEnCONDUCTCVITY 441 W e m ay also recallthe alternative derivation ofthe H artree-Fock theory studied in Probs.4.4 and 8.3. ln analogy w ith W ick's theorem ,the ensem ble average offourfkrm ion held operators is factorized asfollows: 'Frg1/')a(1)1Jlj(2)' ? Jxy(3)? fxô(4)))zfs= ' :(Fz(' (4a(1)1Jxô(4)))zfs x (FzE1 J1:(2)fxy(3)1)ps. -'Fz(' ? /'la(l)? Jsy(3)1' zHF(rz(1;l. j(2)' (,xôt4lllzfs ?. (51.4) This procedure im mediately yields the H artree-Fock equationsfor F ' .it also provides a generalm ethod fordealing with the typicalexpressions occurring in thetheory ofIinearresponse(see,fbrexample,Eqs.(32.7)and (32.11)). The foregoing discussion m ustnow begeneralized to includetheone essentially new feature ofa superconductor.namely the possibility thattwo electrons ofopposite spins can form a self-bound Cooper pair(Secs.36 and 37). As a m odel for this phenom enon,we add tw'o extra terms representing the pairing amplitudeto Eq.(51.2): f-, .z:fHF-l.g. 6*#3xgktfattx)? J;(x)k.? Jj(x)' t /atx) 1 -#'J(x)? /)(x)' t' ;,(x)' t /'atxlhq (5l.5) - Thisapproxim ation correspondsto adding a term cçzjfj ftx)to the linearform /zj! Jjtxl.l Sincetheresultinglinearequationsofmotionfor. ? Jand 9%arenow coupled,the theory no longer conservesthe num ber ofparticles. Indeed,the condensed Cooperpairsmay beconsidered a particle bath,in close G?1(7lO#>'With the Bose condensation studied in Chap.6 and Sec.35. FOr consistency,the factorization procedure of Eq.(51.4)mustalso be generalized to include the pairing am plitudesz trzEfx fa(l)' t ;)j(2)' #xy(3)fxô(4)J)= (Fz(? J1 ka(1), ? Jx,44)1)ktrzll/1:(2)1Jxy, (3)1) 't rglé)a(1)? Jxz(3)1)' trmlfx fj(2)' ? Jxô(4))) + f'Fr(fla(1)' t ix tj(2)1)k'Fz(? ;xy(3)(' x:(4))) (51.6) - Although allthetermsinEq.(51.5)canberetained,itismuch simplerto omit the usual Hartree-Fock contribution f'ss entirely,thereby treating the norm alstateasa freeelectron gas. Thisapproxim ation isbased on theassum p- tion thatPss isthesamein both normaland superconducting phasesand does notafectthecomparison between thetwo states(seethetreatmentofSec.37). SincetheCooperpairhasspinzero,theindicesaandjinEq.(5l.5)mustreferto oppositespinprojections,and thetotaleflkctivehamiltonianbecomes #.,,-Xo-gJ#3xE--f1tx)#1 !(x))f?(x)? ;)(x) +' (hltxlf! $(x)t4,(x). #t(x))J (51.7) !P.G.deGennes,op.cl ' /,.p.141showsthatthepresentchoiceoffxnandgxgminimizesthe freeenergy. 2L.P.G orkov,Ioc.cà/. 442 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S whichform sthebasisfortheBCS theory. Thetheoryisselflconsistent,because theangularbracketsareinterpreted asan ensembleaveragcevaluated with Xefr; in particular quantitiessuch as y. j.jo-jkeff't ' ;t(x)yC!t jx)j ( 1' j-,)t 1(x)yaf ?(x)-,= ..y. -.. / u.jtk. r -r..-! --. re . donotvanish,becausegxeff,x'l+ 0. W enow introduceH eisenbergoperators k1, ' K!(x' r)= cxeffT'h1l 3 .r(x)t7-XrffT'h ê*) X' t = --1 ihV + ex l- s y?,x ' tt--g q'?t yy ?) ;,xy h J&r .. . . lm c, A sthc linalstep in our form ulation,we define a single-particle G reen's function (51.10) where a particularchoiceofspin indices hasbeen m ade to sim plify the notation, Diflkrentiate$ with respectto r. Thederivativeactsboth onthet ield operator and on the step functionsim plicitin the 'itim e''ordering,whieh yields il :, ? , 4 q zz' . hjfTtx' r,x m)= -/it ' i(' r- T). '(yx:(xr),1 . /x:(x r))/' T (5l.ll) (5l.l2a) (51.12b) -- â3tx - x')ôt' r- m') 443 SUPERCON DUCTIVITY In the usualcase ofa time-independenthamiltonian,the functionsF,. W ,and + %depend only on the difference ' r- r'-and itisconvenientto introduce the abbreviation tlp . xt xz)- ' vx:(xr) ?/ -' t xt(XT) (51.18) and a 2 >'2 m atrix G reen-s function = $(xT.x'r') #-f(x' r.x,r,) (5l.19) ,. 1W e herefollow theconvention ofA.A .Abrikosov,L.P.Gorkov,and I.E.Dzyaloshinskii, op.cI'/.ysec.34,butseveralauthors(forexanApleaP.G.de Gennes,op.('f' /..p.I43)introduce an additionalminussign. 2Y.Nambu,Phvs.RE't'.s117:648(l960). 444 Appt-lcv loNs TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S The corresponding equation ofm otion becom es (51.20) l&(x) à*(x) - t ?. ' :jz l CA 2 +y, -,(ov+yj , (5l.21) This m atrix form ulation has been used extensively in studies of the electronphonon interaction in superconductors.l lt also provides a convenient basis fora gauge-invarianttreatmentofelectrom agnetic flelds.2 U nfortunately,itis notpossibletoconsiderthesequestionshere,and wegenerallyrelyon theoriginal Gorkovequations(51.l5)and(5l.17). sotu-rloN Fo R UNIFO RM M EDIUM ln alm ost all cascs of interest the hamiltonian is tim e independent, and the corresponding G reen's functions depend only on . r- r'. lt is then useful to introduce a Fourierrepresentation Ftxr.x'r/)= ()h)-1N'e-iLe 'D(T-m'F(x,x',( s,,) (51.22J) (51.22:) where the choice t. ,)? ,= (1114-lj=, 'lh guarantees the proper Fermistatistics. Thecorresponding equationsofm otion are 1 t 4A 2 ihu)n- 2m . -ihT + -c-- + y. z t#(x,x'.ts,, )+ ,â(x).X 1(x.x',(s.) = 1 - hblx- x') (51.23/) ex 2 ihcon- A -N ih% + -C- -hp,. W t(x,x',f w )- . ' X*(x)F(x,x',(sa)= 0 -'l (5l.23:) whichm ustbesolved along with theself-consisteney condition (51.24) lJ.R.Schrieflkr,op.cit..chap.7. 2J.R .Schrieokr.op.cit.,secs.8-5 and 8-6. s UPEaCONDUCTIVITY 446 In the m ost general situation,these coupled equations m ust be augm ented by M axwell's equation relating the m icroscopic m agnetic tield h = curlA to the supercurrent j and any externalcurrents used to generate the applied held. It is clear that a com plete analytic solution is im possible,so thatwe m ust turn to Iimiting cases. Therem ainderofthissectionisdevoted to thetherm odynam ics ofaninhnitebulksuperconductorin zero seld. W ethen exam inetwoexam ples where the existence of a sm allparam eter pernnits a rather com plete solutîon: the linearresponse to a weak magneticfleld (Sec.52)and the behaviornearFc, wher: the gap ftlnction A(x)is small(Sec.53). These cases are particularly interesting.forthey providea mlcroscopiejustitication oftheLondon-pippard and G inzburg-l-andau theories.respectively. In the absence ofa m agnetic seld,the vector potentialcan be setequalto zero.and Eqs.(51.23)and(51.24)assumeasimpletranslationally invariantform (51.25J) (51.25:) &. -. .l&h g-.conn,xttx- 0,( ,?u) ?1 W ith the usualFouriertransform s lklx.(unl= (2:71-3(d?keik*x@lk,conj (5l.27) we obtain a pairofalgebraic equations (-iho,n- (kj=Wflks(wl- z X*Ftk,f zlnl=0 (51.28J) (5l.28:) where EcompareEq.(37.24)) h2k2 fkEE lm -- p. (51.29) These equationsare readily solved to give F(k hlilta)n+ J7 k) a?a)= jcuj. s+ jk 2-j.j-j-ri n (51.30J) Y ttk, hA* (snl= haco2 u-t-Ja k-i--s !--'i (5l.30:) , .- - 446 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S In theabsenceofan appliedfield,theparam eter, . A m aybetaken asrealwith no lossofgenerality,thereby ensuring that W ftk,tzln)= W tk,tzlnl (5l31) which follow' smostsimplyfrom Eq.(51.16)forauniform medium .Furthermore, Eq.(51.30)may bewritten in theform . (5l.32J) (51.32:) (51.33) and X . Nk!hk= jyk ! 7 k l- uv,,-jl I êkb ' , -j 2 ,.- - (51.34) .. arepreciselythequantitiesintroducedinEqs.(37.32)and(37.34). Comparison with Eqs.(2l.9)and(2l.l0)showsthecloserelation between superconductors and condensed Bose systems. Forthe presentuniform medium ,the self-consistentequation (5l.26)for J îbecomes . A .=b#b - #3/t - h. .s -it >7j(#Jk-)a+-yj k (5j.35) - where theconvergence forlarge nJallowsusto sety = 0. Theseries m ay be summed directlyw' ith a contourintegral(compareProb.7.6)orwith thepartialfraction decomposition ofEq.(51.32:);canceling the' common factor. l,we5nd l=g(2=)-3(d?k(2Fk)-1tanh(JjFk) (5l.36) W e now introduce the approxim ation which willbe used consistently to evaluate integralsthat are peaked nearthe Ferm isurface. The resulting gap equation isaflnite-tem perature generalization ofEq.(37.45). Itmustbecutofl -at (k(, =hcoo<: <esinexactlythesameway, and the sym m etry ofthe integrand allow sus to write xj)ytanhgz -jt. l=gX(0)(&c oo(tj-s dt : 1 y2 .) - .f0 . s (51.37) SUPERCONDUCTIVITY M7 whichdeterminesthetemperature-dependentfunctionA(r). Since ( h2k2 = lm - p in the presentm odel,the density ofstatesbecom es #(0)= mkF (51.38) 2. =zha whereJ. thasbeen expressed in termsoftheFermiwavevectorks(compareEq. (37.47)),andweneglectthesmalldiserenceinthefreeenergybetweenthenormal and superconducting states. DETERM INATION OF THE GAP FUNCTION Z (F) ItisevidentthatEq.(51.37)reducestoEq.(37.48)asT-+.0and givesthesame solutionàll- 2â(z)oe-17N(0)g In theoppositelimit(r-+.Fc),thegap vanishes identically,and we 5nd 1 lcopd( ( = g#(0) o -f tanhlkBTc (51.39) Tosolvethisim plicitequationforFc.itisconvenienttointroduceadim ensionless integration variable l X(0)#= zd z 4) z tanhz (5l.40) wherethecutofl-z = âoao/zksrcisessentialbecausetheintegraldivergeslogarithm ically forZ -->.:s. Integrate by parts2 1 z A(0)g ( 1nztanhz) I-jodzlnzsechzz = (51.41) In a11casesofinterest,the upperlimitisvery large(seeTable 51.l)and Eq. (51.41)maybeapproximatedas 1 . N(0)# ln(1k* sr Bc)-j0 ' *dzlnzsechzz - - (51. 42) where the dennite integralis given in A ppendix A . A sim ple rearrallgem ent yields (51.43) W eseethatrcandthezero-temperaturegap é(F= 0)- tâtlEEq.(37.49))both dependsensitivelyon theparameterA(0)g;thisdependencecancelsinforming APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S theirratio Atl k =' n. e- yQJj.ys s Fc (51.44) whichisauniversalconstantindependentoftheparticularm aterial. Table 61.1 Therm odynam ic properties of typicalsuperconductors 1 . 1 . â: H-loj,oei z' s -c( ; ) t ril,ca-c.j , k.zi ' 1 i ct . c. ,.- l j rc.oK e-hœolkz,oK N(0)g: ' Bcs cd 0.56 A 1. snl 3 .2 75 Pb 7.22 164 1 I i ,76 1 4 1 -.---- ; 0.168 1 1.43 i1 0.18 ; l.6 I 29 :'i 0.l77 ' 13-2.1 I 1o6 ' l 0.171 32-1.4o . 3 75 !0 1 8I . 4 5 195 0.. 25 ' . l6 I 305 i !0.161-. 0.164l !l l. 60 . 96 t0.39 2.2 j 805 t l 0.134 1 ; 2.71 5 1N(0)#iscalculatedfrom Eq.(51.43). Source:R.Meserveyand B.B.Schwartz.Equilibrium Properties:ComparisonofExperimental Resultswith Predictionsofthe BCS Theory,in R.D.Parks(ed.),tesuperconductivity,''vol.1. pp.122.141.165.M arcelDekker,lnc-,New York,1969;D.Shoenberg,*lsuperconductivity,'' 2d ed.,p.226,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,1952. A sseenin Table51.1,thisrelation isquitewellsatissed in practice. Fora givenelement.Eq.(51.43)showsthatFcisproportionaltothecutosœo x M -%, which therefore yieldstheisotope eflkct,discussed in Eqs.(36.2)and (48.6). The ratio #/Fc= hœolkaFcalso determinesthe eFective interaction #(0)g> N(0)y2,whereyistheelectron-phononcouplingconstantinEq.(45.12). For ionswithchargeze,acombinationwithEq.(51.38)leadsto #(0)y2= zl hlnj =2 2(3=2)1 m McI (5l. 45) and the observed values'for Cd,which has the sm allest valence of those in Table51.1(z= 2,ncA. /= 8.6g/cm3,cl= 2.t8 x 105cm/sec),giveA(0)y2= 0.54. The approxim ate agreem entwith the value in Table 51.1 is evidence for the im portance ofphonon exchangein superconductivity.z The tem perature dependence ofthe gap param eterm ay be derived from Eq.(51.37). Sinceitssolutionrequiresnumericalmethods,weshallnotattempt 1See,forexample,C.Kittel,tklntroduction to Solid State Physics,''2d ed.,pp.1* and 259, John W iley and Sons,Inc.,N ew York.1956. 2The comparison between theory and experimentis complicated by the repulsive coulomb i nteraction(see,forexample,G .Rickayzen,op.cit.,sec.5.7andW .L.McM illan,Ioc.cit.t. SLIPERCONDUCTIVITY 449 a detailed analysisand instead merely state the limiting behavior(see Prob. 13.9) A(F); : zAo- (2=tXaksF)+e-%1kBT (5l.46J) atwla,k.r-,rg,/(3)j'(l-j)* z' 1 cs3.06:sFc 1- p Tc- F< Fc (51.46:) 'œC Thecom plete functionisshown in Fig.51.1. à(T) k T S 1.5 oTIN33.5Mc * TIN 54Mc 1.0 N % - BCS THEORY % Fig. 61.1 Variation of A(F)/ksFc in Sn, measuredfrom therelativeultrasonicattenuation in superconducting and normalstates (see Prob.13.19).(From R.W .M orseand H.V.Bohm,Phys.Rev.,10*:1094 (1957). Reprinted by perm ission oftheauthorsand 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 theAmericanInstituteofPhysics.) 0.6 0.3 1.0 F/Fc TH ERM O DYNA M IC FUN CTIONS Thethermodynamicpotentialmaybedeterminedfrom thebasicequation(23.21). Sinceourmodelneglectsthe usualHartree-Fock termsin both thenormaland superconducting state,the thermodynamic potentialDain the normalstate is justthatofafreeFermigasDn,and we5nd (' h' :-taa-J0 't czz-ltz/ll =-j 1j' 0d # ', 'j#3x#, t4J(x)fj f(x)4j(x)4.(x)) =-j, '#g'(g 1, )2jt isx? . A(x)l 2 (51. 47) whereEqs.(51.1),(51-6),and(51.14)havebeenusedinthesecondandthirdlines. Notethat(AXI)difersfrom theensembleaverageofthelastterm inEq.(51.7) by afactor!.. Thisfactoralwaysoccursinany Hartree-Fock theory andmay beseenexplicitlyin Eq.(27.20). 4B0 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS In the presentuniform system ,the spatialintegration m erely introducesa factor P'' ,a sim ple change ofvariablesthen gives (1 g l2 ,- D.=-F(odg', .--;. tX2 -I , 'j-o gdg,dj&o l#, fy ,. '). , : Xc a -v)-v fs, 1,o,)a #v( /g nl ,) (5l.48) Thislastform isparticularly convenientbecauseEq.(51.37)expresses1/g asa functionofz V FI.anddirectsubstitutionleadsto t kp'fk x(())jo '' .n( /jr(o' &dh.(a ,, )zp.P . anh( j. ?E' ) â't E' . â-'z' -x(0)jof yg' â gztanhtl. js)-2jc sJa'v ' l, 'tanl atèjz-' lj(51. 49) wherethesecondlineisobtainedwithpartialintegration. Thehrstterm isjust therightsideofthegap equation (51.37),andthesecondcan besimplified by changingvariablesfrom z ' X'toF'= ((é')2+ J2j1. Inthisway,we5nd ha)o Jogy(j . js co. s k h à( t jè) jE tj) 4N (0) *h*l1 + # j, d(ln(1+e-if)(5l.5û) Sincehœo>>ksF,thelastintegralontherightm ay beextended to insnity. A n easy calculation then shows that it equals the srst tem perature-dependent correction to the thermodynamic potentialin the normalstate (compare Eq. (5.53)): 4N(0)U' a' . - # j,( dl'l ntl+e-bt)-. jx(0)p' xzt1. sr)2; k:-((k(r)-(1a(0)j (. 5l.5l) In addition,itisreadily verised that '- D -2x(o)jo #f(e--f)a.-x(0)( / . 1 . a2+a2Inz -/. i , t j ooj (5l.52) SUPERCON DUCTIVITY 451 *hf.tpo - 4Ar(0)kaTJ(0 dlln(1+e-bE)+. j, rr2. N(0)t/('sF)2 (51.53) where the inequalities F , :(Fc<: . tP <<:rs have been assum ed. Thisexpression correctly reducesto Eq.(37.53)atF = 0. ltalso allows us to evaluate the leading Iow-tem perature correction, which arisessolely from the norm al-statecontribution becauseA - AoN'anishesexponentially forF --+.0 (Eq.(51.46J)J. A directcalculation with Eqs.(23.9)and (5l.32J)shows that N .s ; k:N,,foralIrc. crcgcompareEqs.(37.51)and(37.52)1,and wemaytherefore reinterpretEq.(51.53)as (51.54) A com bination with Eqs.(48.22)and (51.44)givesthe low-temperature critical tield (,2? 'T '2 s-(w)-l4x, vtel. spl xgl--j(. y;)j .u-(.)g,-I. e6(yrf ' j2j . where (5l.55) Hc(Q)= (4=2V(0).Xà)i is the criticaltield at F = 0. Since 2N'(0)determines the normal-state speciflc heat(compareEqs.(5.59)and(51.38)q C,,. . 2x2 . X' j x(()jkjv (5l.58) which isindependentofthe m aterialin question. Each ofthese parametersis measurable,and experimentalconhrmation issatisfactory (Table 51.l). Itisalsointerestingtoevaluatej' k itself,whichmaybeobtainedfrom Eqs. (5l.5l)and (51.53) f kz, DyjF= 0) y.((jg s=--. j y-..-jN((j ). yz(jm2jnAg jj-4, pjho a ,syj . rju(js.g-,s) g (51.59) 4s2 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Inthtpresentlow-tem peraturelim it,itisperm issibleto evaluate theintegralby settinghœo -. >.( x,and /. ï QJétl;an approximatecalculationyields -* lcdtln(1+expE-j(f2+u &à)1))a;. I.d-/. ln(2=1(j#-1)1 whichcanbecombinedwithEqs.(5l.46J)and(51.59)togive f l -.-.,. p'P-,(Fp --0)-lxt()ag-2x(()(2z p rA qo)1e-bho (51.60) Theelectronicspecischeatin thesuperconducting statecan then beobtained by di/erentiation c k xo ê t -- J; k;2A(0)( ' X( )/cs(2zr)1 ksr e-L*/kBT T-->.0 (5l.61) p' Thisexpression clearly exhibitsthe energy gap mentioned in Eqs.(36.1)and (48.5). The preceding calculations have considered only the low-tem perature behavior,where. â - tâtlisexponentiallysmall. Although a generalevaluation ofEq.(5l.53)foralIF < Fcrequiresnumericalanalysis,itispossibletoderive explicitexpressionsnearFc,where #, .. â ctlprovidesa smallparameter. W e startfrom the gap equation (51.35),which may be expanded in powersof z ' X: 1- 2Jf(0) h*n g 2x(O) i -h' .o .v f 1 . g' j,,Jyntj.so(,y-s - l . :2 =-p J( ) dtzzLîytzpn)-i+yz-((:f . sa)2+J2)2+' Thederivativewith respectto z ' X iseasilyevaluated,and acom bination with Eq. (51.48)gives f1,- f' )a= p' - z V(0). 54 hcoo#f j () 1 au a ' E -( -/u ',n) + f 1 (51.62) Sincehœo> kzFc,theintegralmaybeextended to insnity: f1,- Da X (0)Z4 = 1 s =- y é jjjms. j --!. x(0). â(1 .)2éX(zn+ l.j)3.-7 .. 4: . /1xto142 #.2c 8 N(0)( 7( (3) rksrclzj l(I-. v Tc , )2 (51. 63) 4 a=0 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 4B3 where thesym metry ofthe sum m and hasbeen used in the second line and the explicitform ofé(F)in Eq.(5l.46b)hasbeen used in thelastIine.1 Equation (48.22)againdeterminesthecriticalheld,and wehnd y -8 - - Hc(T)=zJc(0)e7((j)'jl-y rcj cs1. 74. s-(0)I-zrC -j r. -sv, (51. 64) where Sc(0) has been taken from Eq.(51.56), Note that Eqs. (51.55) and (51.64)areverysimilarto thephenomenologicalrelation (48.3). Nevertheless there are smallbut distinct diflkrences (Fig.51.2),and the BCS predictions provideabetterfltformostsimplesuperconductors. SinceS1/8=istheactual diflkrencein free-energy density between thenorm aland superconductingstates, theexcellentagreementbetweentheoryand experimentjustihesourassumption thatthe Hartree-Fock energy is the sam e in both states. Thisassum ption is extremely diëcultto justifya prioribecausethe condensation energy (= 10-7 ev/particle) isso much smaller than the Hartree-Fock energy (; k;l to 10 eV/ particle). Equation(51.63)alsoallowsustoevaluatethejump inthespecihc heatatFcgcompareEq.(48.27)1 l 8 ' ptc' x- Cn)iwc-yttjjY(0)n.2/fjFc (5l,65) 0.02 S((F) ,-(()) - I7 Pb gl-(z))j 0 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 (F/7))2 - 0.02 A1 - Sn Bcs 0.04 Fig. 61.2 Difrerence between actual critica! Neld /f(F)/Sc(0)and theempiricalcurve1-(F/rc)2. (From I.B.M .JournalofResearchandDevelopment,vol.6,no.1, Jan.l962,frontcover, Reprinted by permission. ) 'An argumentsimiiarto thatin Eq.(37.52)showsthatFs(N)- Fn(N )= D,(Jz.)- DntJzal,apart from corrections of order tp. x- p. alz// zz a. W e can therefore use Eq,(51.63) to determine y. s- p, nnearTc. A simplecalculation with Eqs.(51.38)and (51.44)gives N (p. s- H.nb/(Fs- Fa)=' à-f2(Plnz&u, 'êlnN )Fc/ . ' (Fc- F). APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS 464 andacombinationwithEq.(51.57)yields C,- Cn C = 12 a;1.43 7((3) inreasonableagreementwithexperiment(Table51.1). n rc (51.66) SZDLINEAR RESPONSE TO A W EA K M AGN ETIC FIELD Asa furtherapplieation ofthemicroscopic theory,we now turn to theelectrodynamic behavior of a superconductor,which is probably its most striking feature. In principle,allsuch eFectsare contained in the Gorkov equations (51.15)and (5l.17),butthey are quite intractable in theirmostgeneralform. Forthisreason,itis simplerto evaluate the electrodynamicsofa bulk superconductorwiththegentraltheoryoflinearresponsefrom Sec.32.1 lnparticular, weshallevaluate the transversecurrentj(xJ)induced by an applied magnetic fieldspecifedbyatransversevectorpotentialA(x?). Althoughitispossibleto maintain fullgaugc invariance throughoutthe calculation,zthe detailsbecom e quite com plicated and tend to obscure the sim ple physicalresults. Hence the presentcalculationw illbecarried outintheLondon gauge divA(x/)= 0 q-A(q.tz))= 0 (52.1) Moregenerally,thevectort ield A(q,t,))alwayscan beseparated intoitslongitudinaland transverse parts A'(q.oa)= t iE#.A(q.t,a)1 z4'(q.t,a)= A(q,oJ)- tjE#.A(q,f a))q . (52.24) where,by dehnition qx Al(q,œ)= 0 q.A'(q.(s)=0 (52.2:) A generalgaugetransformation ofthevectorpotentialA and scalarpotentialg) takestheform A(q,œ)->'A(q,œ)+ l'qA(q,(z,) m(q,u,)-+e(q,*)+ iœc-,A(q,œ) (52.3) whereA isan arbitraryscalarfunction. ltisevidentthatthegaugetransforma- tion afects only the longitudinalpart(Al-+.At+ iqA),so thatAîisgauge invariant. lThe same results can l x derived by a perturbation expansion ofthe Gorkov equations.as shown in A.A.Abrikosov,L.P.Gorkov,and 1.E.Dzyaloshinskii,op.cit.,sec.37. :Carefultreatments ofthisquestion may be found in P.W .Anderson.Phys.Rev..110:827 (1958)and 112:19X (1958);D.Pinesand P.Nozières.e'The Theory ofQuantum Liquids.'' vol.1,sec.4.7,W .A.Benjamin,lnc.,New York.1966;G.Rickayzen,op.cit.,chap.6;J.R. SchrieFer,op.cit..chap.8. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 4BB DERIVATION O F THE GENERA L KERNEL In the presence ofa vector potential, thetotalhamiltonian operatorXtisthat given in Eq.(5l.1): 4,= X + Xx (52.4) whereW isthehamiltonianinzeroseld ff c3x, iltxl(-âl 2m :72)4-(x)-!. gj( F3xf)(x), o,(x), ;,(x)4.(x) (52.5) :.- . . and 4x istheperturbation z?x-J#3x(a, E ,, . * -l C ,( . , / , )(x)vf-(x)-(v, c(x))4-(x)j..(x) +2mcr .(x)1 . 2, J)(x), J-(x))(,a. 6) A s noted previously,e isa positive quantity and the charge on an electron is t'2 -- - c e. - For any operator ö(x/),theensemble average (0(x/))x in the presence ofthe vectorpotentialisgiventolowestorderby(compareEq.(32.2)) wheretheunlabeled bracketsdenoteanaverageintheunperturbedbutinteracting ensem ble. Since we shall deal w ith operators that conserve the num ber of particles,itispermissibleto replacethe Heisenberg picture by (compare Eq. (32.6)) Jx(x?)- cifl/âJ(x)e--ikbl 't (52.8) detined in termsofk = X - JzX. W e now specialize Eq. (52.7)to thetotalel ectromagneticcurrentjin the presence ofA . Thisoperatorhasthe intuitive form j- -' l' e'E' ? ;'lv';'a+ lv#zll';'al where gcompare Eq.(49.25)) A= p1-l(-f/iV + :A,/c). Ieads to j= - eh , . el gml.(yl;Vy' ,x-(Vy*' a T)y'a)- N1C,A' ;)a 1y'?( z (529) . simple calculation (52.10) anditcanbevèrisedfrom theheldequationsforb?and ('%thatthesecondterm isessentialto guaranteeconservation ofcurrent. A combination ofEqs.(52.7) and (52.10)yields (52.ll) 4se APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Thelinearresponseisobtained byexpandingtohrstorderinA ;sincetheexpecta- tionvalueofjvanishesinzeroseld.wefind J(x/)- tj(x?))x (52.12) where eh jl(x?)- -js,,.l#la(x?)V#xx(x?)- (Vf:a(x?))#xa(x?)) (52.13) isthe current operator for A = 0. lt is convenient to rewrite this equation as anintegralrelation between thevectorpotentialA and theinduced supercurrent j(compareEq.(49.3l)1 C jklxt)= -j. j #. 4x,#/,Kktlxt,x'/')zll(x,t,) .. . (52.14) wherethe repeated lower-case latin subscriptsreferto vectorcom ponentsand are sum m ed over the three spatialcoordinates. Tbe specifcproperliesofthe m edium are contained in the kernel and theproblem isthusreduced to theevaluation ofaretarded currentcom m utatorin the exactunperturbed system Pklçxtnx't')- u-iqk. ltklxtl,jttlx't-. )1),b(t- t') (52.16) Asdiscussed in Chaps.5 and 9.the retarded function isinconvenientfor perturbationanalysis,and weinstead introduce atem peraturefunction Mktlxr,x'T')M -(F,.(. /1k(xT). /kl(x'T')1) dehned in termsofthe çtlleisenberg''picture OX(x, r)= ekrlh0(x)e-krlh (52.18) The relation between Eqs.(52.16) and (52.17) is readily established with the Lehm ann representation,which gives #J(X,x ',œ)= * daœ' p ') . rr( skI -(x, ( . 0x' ,, +u, j ,y (52.19) o'%k. ekl(x,x'.v.)- = dl. '(x'x''œ') (52.20) , -x 2. n Ip.a- ttlr wherethe Fouriertransformsare desned asin Eqs.(32.12)and (32.13),and vn= ln=lph. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 467 Thefunction@ktmayberewrittenasaspatialdiflkrentialoperatorapplied to a ittim e''-ordered productofseld operators (52.21) wheretheargument1isanabbreviationforthevariables(xj,' r1). Thisequation is exact,butit is now necessary to introduce approxim ations. Schafrothl has show n to allorders in perturbation theory that an expansion in the electron phonon interaction can never yield the M eissnerefl kct. W etherefore rely on Gorkov'sself-consistentfactorization fEq.(5l.6))to write 'FmE? /4( x(2)#x.(1)f4j(2')kxjtl'))) ' ; k;4C#(12)F(l'2')- 2F(12')F(1'2)+ 2.W(11').Ff(2'2) (52.22) where@ and.W'aretheG orkovfunctions,and thespinsum shavebeenevaluated explicitly. A combinationofEqs.(52.21)and(52.22)gives ltis now convenientto specializeto a uniform tim e-independentsystem , where@ktlxw,x'. r')-' @ktlx- x',r- r')maybeexpressedinaFourierexpansion @kl(x- x',' r- r')= (2=)-3f#3geiq*(x-x')(jâ)-1j je-ivnç' r-r'b. @kl(q'p, n) n - . (52-24) The corresponding Fouriercoeëcientiseasily evaluated with Eqs.(51.22)and (51.27). Thefrstterm involving F(l2)F(1'2')isjusttheproduct-(X(x))x (7/(x')). A simplecalculation showsthatitvanishesidentically,conhrming the previousassertion thatthere isno supercurrentin zero feld,and we obtain ' eh 2 #3p l J? Ql (q,' za)-2(.)J(a.)3yjF .(p+ 'l'q):(p+ 'l-qll , x lf#tp+ q,f . ,?,+ L)f#' lp.t. u,ll+ , * (p+ q,t, ' al+ u). * (p,r . zal)) (52.25) lM .R.Scharroth,Ioc.cit. 468 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Here F(p,t,)I)and .Wtp,(t)jlaregiven in Eqs.(51.30)and (5I.31);since they depend only on lp(,a change ofvariablesin Eq.(52.25)zp-. >.-p- q,f aal--+ f ,. ,l- valshowsthat. @ktisanevenfunctionofra,exactlyasinEq.(30.l8): #'kllq.wl- J/kltq,-%) (52.26) ' .. The evaluation ofthe frequency sum islengthy butnotdim cult, because tht partial-fraction representation in Eq.(5l.32)reduces allthe variousterms to theform studied in Eq.(30.8). Hencewemerely state theGnalresult ekl (q, u)-(E ,J12J(sj2 r) jpkp:((r /+u-+t' -r , -)2L. t' (E-)-. /' (s-)) , x l i l,w --#u ( ..---/. -j E/. .-----sr..1- lu-s+.àuj-(/- + (u.r-- t,.u-)2@l-f(E+)-f(F-)) 1 l t ivn- /-1(/.+ # ) ivn,à'Q(#+e. L E'-jJ . - where the sym m etry in va has been m ade explicitand p has been replaced by p- !. q. Here the subscripts + denote the arguments p:i:l. q (that is.Ex= fpàlq,etc.),and f(E)> (p9E+ 1)-1= Jg1- tanh(JjF)) (52.28) isa modised Fermifunction. Notethat/(F)diflkrsfrom theusualdistribution function even in thelimitz ' â--. >0 (normalmetal),because E then reducesto Ifi= re- p.r. Equation(52.27)isnow intheproperspectralform,and#!(q,(,p) is obtained with the substitution ivn->.u)+ lh. The factors involving u and v maybeevaluatedwith Eq.(51.34),and wethereforeobtaintheFouriertransform oftheintegralkernel(Eq.(52.15)) 4=nelj Xkîtq,( z )l-mcz.1o4. a.j ' . m câ . c -42)ta #,3 r g lj/Npl(j )(js.(+s J. -. s +-, 12) . -E. ,. (s-)-. ,. (s-)!gà-., . ,-1(s--e., (52.29) SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 459 which describesthe generalresponse ofa uniform superconductorattem perature F to a ueak applied (transverse)vectorpotenlialA c (52.30) J' ktq-tz?l. ' --- 4= A'k/tq-t . z?l. 1Itq-tz?l Unfortunatel),thisexpression iscom plicated and unwieldy,and we henceforth consideronlya statict ield (r . ,?. -.0). A sseellbelow,even thissim plercaseleads to rather long calculatiollssand the generallzation to finite frequency doesnot involve any new qucstionsofprinciple. M Elss N ER E FFECT TheM eissnereflkctcannow bedem onstrated byexam iningthelim itingbehavior ofA-(q.0)as(1.. -'.0 (com pare Eq.(49,45)1. ltismostcon:enienttoevaluatethe induced supcrcurrentilself ?L,2 1 ) ch 2 . * J3? j(q)--??cAtq)-t( .nt-j j(2=)/3pg p.A(q)j - . s . (--.X2 f(E.)-/'(E ) (.-t-. â2 1-. (F-)-. g(l. -#-v .v j-j. -.s.è-(l-J. ly ..jy.j-fy ..g).lE-jj (1flE-)- /(F-) .. - --. F .-.E- ê/-(Ev) :z:2 ?J.p and ue find jt nel q)$ 4;- s 2 eh l ' * (1'p èj'qk-) ') (.A(q)-c '(, ? y)!(2.))plp-A(q)1'-ègv' = - . ??c2 hl *aD A(q)t;;c . 1-,-?.,s ajjjj - èfqE j !( ;d;)p4-yyp ' . = - . 7 r)t, A(q), . -f(-2 n2c hz xaz ns(T)H /7- j4cjt,. (52.32) 4;-qs ) )( jp4dp--jyP C (52, 33) 4en APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S dehnesthe superelectron density in the BCS theory.t ltslimiting behavior is easilydeterm ined with thetechniquesdeveloped in Sec.51: n,(F) I-(a , r . rk y r ,.jle-a,/.sr a a(j-y vC. j (52.344) œ (52.34:) and thecompletefuactionisshowninFig.52.1,alongwiththeem piricalfunction g. è. J. q. 1.q21,o à( r) 0.8 O.6 0. 4 0.2 O 0 smpirjcajk. t-(y,,yl4) . BCS(nonlocal) BcS(locall- O.2 0.j 0.6 0.8 1.0 TlT Fig.62.1 Temperaturedependenceofthepenetrationdepthin apuresuperconductor. ThecurvesBCS (local)and BCS (t l0nlocal)were plotted from Eqs.(52,33)and (52, 44),respectively, using1helablescomputedbyB.Muhlschlegel.Z.Physik,155:313 (1959). NotethatthecurveslabeledBCS(local)andempirical alsorepresentthecorrespondingratiosnslTlln(Eqs.(49.15)and (52.35)1. ' in Eq.(49.15). Sincethe form ofEq.(52.32)agreeswith thatofthe London theory gEq.(49.29)J,we immediately conclude thatthe penetration depth fora pure London(local)superconductorisgiven by lA(0 r)j2.j/ As (z 0' )j2.n .' i L l n ' iz b joeajjjmi t (52.35) wheretheonlyeffectofthemicroscopictheoryistheuseofEq.(52.33)onthe rightside. Notethatz7s(F)isdefined through the strength ofthe response to a long-wavelength perturbation and reduces to the totaldensity n as F -. >.0. 1The BCS single-particle excitation spectrum hasa gap A. Asshown in Sec.54,a simple quasiparticle modtlthen yields both Eq.(52.33)and a criticalvelocity l ?c$ kSé/âks for tbt destruction ofsupercurrents. Thisexplanation offrictionless flow mustbe psed with care, however,for there are gapless superconductors,which have a finite order parameter A(x) butno gapin theexcitationspectrum (A.A.AbrikosovandL.P.Gorkov,Sov.Phys.-JEF#, 12:1243 (196l);M .A.W oolfand F.Reif,Phys.Rtrl , '.,137A :557 (1965)),whereasinsulating crystals also have a gap in theexcitation sptctrum. The correctprocedure, ofcourse.isto aska physicalquestion.suchasthe Iinearresponseto atransversevectorpotential. 461 SUPERCON DUCTIVITY PENETRATION DEPTH IN PIPPARD (NON LOCAL) LIM IT Electrom agnetic eflkcts involve wavelengths com parable with the penetration depthA(F),so thatthepreviouslimitq(oEaqlht,s/vr-kv)<:1maybeinterpreted asdescribing the behaviorofa London(local)superconductor. W enow evaluatethekernelintheoppositelimitq% y.1,whichwillthenallow ustodetermine the penetration depth ofa pure Pippard superconductor. In addition to the aboverestriction,qm ustalsosatisfytheconditionq<: tkF,becausethepenetration depth isalway'sm uch larger than the interatom icspacing. Itisconvenientto evaluate Eq.(52.29)in sphericalpolarcoordinateswith (asthepolaraxis. TheLondongauge(Eq.(49.38)1restrictsptotheequatorial plane,and theazimuthalintegrationshowsthatjtakestheform ofEq.(49.39. ), where A'tiq,0)H Klqt 4.7./7t.:2 4=62h r4 *rsin3#tzp w2 *= JJ7 -x/ x 11lC2 ?z?V 2 c(2z r)z2 e . >:l(l-r#-> . E ). -E +-i-2j. fJfz 7 ') .-f EbE . -A --(l-l. tj+ r-j t-/ xzj1.u fE fE -t . + t. tT tf-j (52.36) ThisexpressionmayberewrittenwithEqs.(5l.29),(52.28),and(3.29)as J+(-+..:2 tanh(Jjfyj. - tanh(Jjf.s) L(l+ s-s-) s.-s#-+ , )+ tanh(Jjf-) j, --( (.s -,--.â2)tanh(Jjf+e. ,-s- 1)(gg) . . .. ' j- . where (t- f+ j' hqt, rz neglectingtermsoforderqllkl. (52.38) W e shallsrstconsiderthe responsein thenormalstate,which isobtained bysetting. (X= 0and Et- ffz(inEq.(52.37). Anexaminationofthediflkrent possiblesignsof#+and(-yieldsthesimpleform 4nnelg a rx a, j -l a ,! . c%tanh(à.jJ+)- tanh(èjJ-) Knlqb- mczjl-. j. p--ag. ,-,aztIz, 3.-t- 1 4=ne2 l g . t anh(!.jf-) jl-. pj-,dz(1-z). (-.y tanh(JjJ+y)g-v,tz 1 . . - m c, The(integrationcanbeevaluatedexactlyandgives 4=nel l -, y gl-t. (.jJz(1-z2)1=0 Knlq)= -tn (52.39) *ea APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S This resultholds forallq<: .ks,thusconhrming thatthe normalstate is nonm agnetic,apartfrom theweak Pauliparam agnetism and Landaudiam agnetism , both ofwhich areneglected in thepresentapproximation. (SeeProbs.13.17 and 13.18.) The evaluation ofthe superconducting kernelmay be sim plised by con- sidering thedifl krence between Eqs.(52.37)and (52.39). Aftercollectingtht factorsoftanhtè#fz)separately,wefindi ?nnel * l a J-.#fJ-!dZ(1-z) -(#, 4é2#tgtanhs (J.jf+)-tanhs (! . #f-)1 +(+21-jyojtanhf (!+ . jF+).tanhf (! +. #J+)j yjtanhS (!-#f-).tanh1 (è -jf-ljjj (jr. 4o KlqtH Klqj- Knlqt= - 4m c2 Since f+- (-= hqvyz,tht lastttrm (in square brackets)containsthe factor . f+ ja(jjy.. J-xdfE+tanhq?E+)-tan j along with anotherterm with thesubscript*ç-'' Itisevidentthatthisintegral convergesabsolutelyforlargelf!;itisthenpermissibletochangevariablesfrom (tof+,andtheoddsymmetryoftheintegrandshowsthattheintegralvanishes. lnthisway.Eq.(52.40)reducesto ?nmel12 1 Klq)= - lmccâçl?s l- z2 dz -1 z Jç *-j f . tL gtanhE (!+ . #f+)-tanhE (J-#F-() j 52.41) Eachterm oftheintegrandseparatelydivergesnear(œ 0,z= 0,and thisregion dom inates the integral. W e may therefore approxim ate the slowly varying numerators (1- zzltanhtljfz)by theirlimiting valuestanhtl#l) at(= 0, z= 0,which yields Kl anh(J#Z) 1 Jz * X 1 1 q,ar-3nmekz12 m -ctz xp s J.,zJ-.y(zt-r() =-L qzrnel82tanh(J#A)g* #(g*dl mczhqvp J-.T jaY ' x1: (f+. 1. 0+a - ' ) (52. 42) -..- :(;- !.()c+ a-!. l1.M .KhalatnikovandA.A.Abrikosov.Advan.Phys.,8:45(1959). SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 463 w'here(= hqt' pzand theconditionq(o=qhvptlvr-ïv>>lallow' susto extend the limitsto(= +.aa. Theremainingintegralscanbereducedto(-4'A). f;(sinh-vl-lxffx whichiseasilyevaluated(seeAppendixA)togive-=l, Ih,and Eq.(52.42)becomes KL 3=2nelA(F) gj= mC ...g#ço y ks tanhgj/jztFjj (52.43) ..a: , where Eq.(49.33)has been used to identify #o. Thisexpression should be comparedwiththecorrespondingnonlocallimitlqt( jy-l)ofthePippard kernel (Eq.(49.47)j. TheremainingcalculationofthepenetrationdepthinthePippard limitproceedsexactlyasbefore,and weobtain (Ay-J' :) A(w)-z(0)g' lu 9 : r o -'tanhy tt s r/)j-1 v/ j) 1( where40)- 8j(j. #oA/ . (()) 1 (52.45) is the com m on zero-tem perature lim it of b0th theories. N ote thatthe present microscopic calculation predicts a definite temperature dependence for A(F) in the nonlocallim it;thisfunction isshown in Fig. 52.lalong with the em pirical form Eq.(49.14) and the theoreticalcurve predicted for the locallimit gEq (52.33)4. . NoN LOCA L INTEGRAL RELATIO N A s a 5na1 conhrm ation of the Pippard phenom enological theory, w'e shall transform Eq.(52.31)to coordinatespace. Forsimplicity,the calculation NNi11 be restricted to r = 0,butthe sam e approach applies for a1lr < rc.l W ith the change ofvariables p+ l.q -. +k.p - Jq .. --1,the inverse Fourier transform at F = 0 may be NNritten as (52.46) where F(f',ï')- )J t X L' ' 'E-V,(. #!+-EEE -)-' , . because/tf')vanishesasF -->.0. To putEq.(52.46)in theproperform,weconcentrateonthesecond term , w hich containstheintegralkernel 464 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S This expression is m ost easily evaluated by introducing a generalized kernel Sjj(X,X')EH(2Jr)-6fJ3V#3J(k-t-l)j(k+ l)ycftk-ll*xei(k+I)@x'y' ((yg(,) w'hich clearly reducesto 5' f,(x)asx'-+.0. Thevectorcomponentscan now be replaced by spatialgradientswith respectto x' where./ . (,(z)= (si1)z)' z. Thefunction F((v.(t4issharplypeaked neark ; 4:/;4$ks, while thc relevantspatialdistancesarc m uch largerthan the interparticle spacing $ kJkkl. Consequently. the trigononnetric functions oscillate rapidly,and the variation ofthedenominatorof' h maybeneglected inevaluating thederivatives. A straightforNvard calctllation gives r x . *b ' E' *: f'k J/.'/dl ' %,. (x)---$' ë,(x,0)--8â., 2..si.4J . % - j -(j. a) y--y((g.(t)cos((k-/)xq 0 v. l0 The convergence of the integralallou s us to introduce the integration variables (kand (t.w'hichy'ields A--Yj/7?2j.2 ' *c. ' *: x s . s' fj(x)--1 ' rk. s' rk,4j . . -. . -. , , . -Y , (i (#ïF(# . : .t -)cost. c-()hL -'y The rem aining double integralm ay be evaluated with the change of variablesl (= At lsi1h(' r- m') ('= ét lsinh(r- m') 2.. :,. vsx-j/?? 2k/ j '2 : - *x' dv#' r'cos((2.Xox) IhL'y)sinhT'cosh' r)sinh2T' The r'integration iseasily perform ed w ith the substitution z = sinh r' 772kF l-vfx.j 'co dr 72. .: x cos Siy(x)==- -..î.0/à 0 ..-- h z' ..x 4 - . (2O.S. n'=.h ' = --. Y., = h T 2=3 -- .h !'. - - rrexp 2:X()xcosh T àt'p 466 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY and the rem aining expression m ay be rewritten as mk 2x xl a (52.49) s' fytx)- ' rrz; . X '4l-z' ,mr,.' 3(. x)+=-' &oJ(x)1 HerethefunctionJ(x)isdefined by (52.50) and Kv is the Bessel function of im aginary argum ent desned in A ppendix A . Substitution of Eq.(52.49)into Eq.(52.46) show' s that the one-dimensional deltafunction exactlycancelsthefirstterm ofEq.(52.46),1andw' ehnallyobtain j( ?nelvrk' xg 3 ,X(X.A(x')) x).. --4= m c yvs # ' r -yi--. J(X) whereX = x - x'. Thisexpressionisform allyidenticalwith Pippard'sequation (49.31)forapuresuperconductor(r()= ïo)atF= 0,apartfrom theappearance ofJ(X)inplaceofe-X/' f'. ItiseasilyseenthatthefunctionJIX)isverysimilar to thePippard kernelforallX (Fig.52.2),and,in particular(seeAppendix A), /(0)= l . co jv#. j' , . /(. y' )=w h. v ,jF , . 1.0 l 0. 8j - exp(-A'/f( j) O. 6j O.4 0.2 J(X ) Fig.52.2 ComparisonoftheBCS kernel(52.50) with the Pippard kernele-A' 'C0 for a pure superconductoratzero tem perature, O 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 #/f() which allowsusto identifythePippard coherencelength fo = hït s zrtïtl !NotethatJr ô(x)#x- !.. (52.52) 466 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S in term s of the param eters of the m icroscopic theory. The above m icroscopic calculations have been extended to snite tem peratures and frequencies and to alloys w ith finite m ean free path. ln allcases,the resulting supercurrent m ay becastin theform ofPippard'soriginalexpression,therebyjustifying theearlier phenom enologicaltheory in detail.l S3L M IC RO SCO PIC D ERIVA TIO N O F G INZBU RG -LA N DA U EQ U ATIO N S The com plicated and delicate self-consistency condition of the m icroscopic theory m akes direct study of spatially inhom ogeneous system s very dim cult. ln m arked contrast, the G inzburg-l-andau theory is readily applied to nonuniform superconductors.which is probably its single m ostim portant feature. The sim plicity arises from the diflkrentialstructure that allows full use of the analogy with the one-body Schrödinger equation. A sdiscussed in Sec.50,the original G inzburg-l-andau equations were purely phenomenological with the various constants fixed by experiment. For our finaltopic in this chapter,we now presentG orkov-sm icroscopicderivation ofthe Ginzburg-l-andau equations.z This calculation determ ines the phenom enologicalconstants directly in term s ofthem icroscopicparam eters;italso clarisestherangeofvalidityoftheequations and allowsdirectextensionsto m ore com plicated system ssuch as superconducting alloys. Indeed, m any m icroscopic calculations now proceed by deriving approximate Ginzburg-l-andau equations,.whose s3lution is considerably simplerthan thatc;ftheoriginalequatidns. W estartfrom thepairofcoupled equations(51.23)for'ff and . W f. Here we are interested in the eflkctofarbitrary magnetic fields (unlike Sec.52),so thatA cannotbe considered sm all. lnstead,the calculation is restricted to the immediatevicinity ol -Fc.wherethegapfunction. l(x)itselfprovidesthenecessary smallparameterI. l(x)//y rc!. ' . v1. ltisconvenienttointroduceanew temperature Green's function r #0(x,x'.(sn)that describes the normalstate in //?& same lnagneticheld. ltsatishestheequations ihu)n+ lhl V tpA( +-?' -x) - 24-p, #0(x,x',fw )= hblx - x') m hc ihu)n+ l:2 V - ?' cA( -x) - 2+.p.V0(x',x,t w )= â3(x- x') m hc obtained from Eq.(51.23/)and its analog forF(x',x,( w )with . â= 0. This auxiliary function enables usto rewrite Eqs.(5l.23)asthefollowing pairof $D.C.M attisand J.Bardeen,Phys.Ret'..1l1:412 (1958);A.A.Abrikosov,L.P.Gorkov, and 1.E.Dzyaloshinskii,op.cl'?..secs.37and39;G.Rickayzen.op.cit., chap.7;J.R.Schrieflkr, op.cit,.sec.8.4. 2L.P,G orkov.Sot'.Phys.-JETP, 9:1364 (1959);A.A.AbrikosovsL.P,Gorkov.and 1.E, Dzyaloshinskii,op.cit.,sec.38. supEncoNDucT1vITY 467 coupled integralequations Ftx5x',f. z . ln)= #0(x.x',(zp:1)- h-l.(J3.).r#0(xqj' ,u)n ).:( ,), . k .z' 1(y.x',(wl (53.25) .) ' oFf tx5x's( . t?,l= h-l1 '(/3).t , : 40(y'x.-(,. )u).. :*(y)F(y,x'.r . s,,) (53,2:) . .. w hich are easily veritied by direct substitution into the origir)aldiflkrentia! equations. N ote carefully the rather complicated arguments in Eq.(53.2:); theyarenecessaryto reproducethestructureofEq.(5l.23:). A sïmplemanipulation ofEqs.(53.2)yields ' V(xx',t . u )= V0(xx',(. t?)-h-2(d3)'d3zV0(xyq(snlA()r) ; < C#0(z,y,. --t,a,). l*(z)F(z,x',(z?u) (xNX's(. t)n)= h-1.fJ3.J'tf40(y.x,-. -f xprl)Z*(y)1 ' VQ(y'x's(. wl- /i-2..fJ3yd3, 2 . wvf x' #0(y.x,-c, . ,n). &d'(y)% .0(y,zA(,?,)A(z).. /-t(z,x'.(su) (j3.3J,) '' . which areexactintegralequationsforfT andu' /-fseparately. Further progress depends on the assum ption of sl nall -X,and B'e first concentrate on Eq.(53.3A). The second term on the rightbecomes a small perturbation i1 4 this Iim it.and an expallsiollgiNes : /-f(x5x'5(,?n.)--h-1.fd3.$'4 J0(y-x,-t. , ?n).. ï. *(y):#0(y.x'.u,,). - li-3.1 -J3J.J3z g rï3w / . 40(y x.-(z?,).. ï.dc().)' .t0().,z.Lun). V l(z) ' <' u L W0(wqz:-(,-)rl). îi'(w)' , 4D(w!x'.( . ur!)- .. . ,. . .. . ' . W hen Eq.(53.4)iscombined w'ith the self-consistentgap condition (5l.24),we obtain an integralequation forthegap function itself (53.f) W e see thatthe assum ption ofsm all ' y Ieadsto a nonlinearin/egralequa,.-X onl tion. The simpler d#erentialstructure ofthe Ginzburg-l-andau equations requires the additionaland separate assum ption rc- r <x rc,since .X* and A then vary slowly with respectto the range ofthe kernels Q and R. Thesetwo conditions are physically quite distinct,for a sum ciently strong m agnetic lield can render.X* small,even atr = 0. 46s Appt-lcATtoNs To PHYSICAL SYSTEM S ltisnow necessaryto examinethe kernelsQ and A. AsaErststep,we evaluatethenormal-stateGreen'sfunetionf#0in//?eabsenceofamagneticjeld. Thisfunction dependsonly on x - x'and isprecisely thatstudied in Sec.23 V0(x,a)n)= /i(2=)-3fJ3i-eîkwxlt hoy- y()-1 (j3.8) A lthough the com plete spatialdependence is rather com plicated,the relevant lengthsin Eqs.(53.5)to (53.7)area11m uch longerthan interatomicdimensions, and itistherefore perm issible to assum e kpx ) . > l. In addition,ifthe discrete frequency satisfies the restriction I/it z?a;<: :/ .t, then the dom inant contribution arisesfrom the vicinity ofthe Ferm isurface,and we flnd F0( - dl x, ( sn); 4:/ jAr (0)jjjoswiy' oqkk. l . â j' / v t. t%s Y.j -jj. -dnqyj fexpg, .jz-y .+j))xj-expg-/(/ cs+.(v ;)xj) . =/kia V( ' 0) rco , = - -.- exp I ' kFx sgn (. un- xl -n1 (53.9) Thislastrestriction (E/it. z . ;p,'-. tkpt)isfullyjustifled inpractice,becausethe terms omitted makeanegligiblecontributionto thesum overninEqs.(53.6)and(53.7). Themagnetictield in Eq.(f3.l)isthatin the superconducting state,which z--Y rs varies with the natural length A(F). In contrast,$Q oscillates with a much shorter length k;l,so that A can be considered locally constant over m any wavelengths. Gorkov thusmakesan eikonal(phase-integral)approximation, assum ing thatthe dom inantefrectofthe m agnetic field can be included in a slowly varying ens'elope function f p - t.#. ()tx, z x'nt , z?, l)= t?i(J)(x.x')t:. J.a'0(. x - x,stonl (53.10) Theeontribution ofA isnegligibleforx ; k;x';hence+ isehosen to satisfy ( F(X,X)= 0 Directcalculation with Eq.(53.10)gives (v+i j e j y A -j2L #è-ci wj y7. 2f <' 0+lit' vw+4 eA c . -v g 0 . , ivzv + i - + i$ %c . 'A -)-(vv. j -j ,A)2goj(53.l2) c Herethetermsaregrouped inapproximateascendingpowersofeAjhckybecause F 0varieswith thzcharacteristic length /s -s -l. Since,' fisoforderhH ,thisparam eter m ay be rewritten as hebli lhcks'which is sm allfbr a1lm agnetic seldsof Given A(x).thissrst-orderdiflkrentialequation can alual' sbeintegrated. W e now return to the kernelç)(x.y), A com bination of Eqs.(53.6)and (53.10)gives (53.l4) whichdefinesthe kernel/0in the absence ofa magneticfield. Thisfunction is ou): readilyevaluated w'ith Eq.(53.9)andtherelation)é/(con')==2 V f(( n Ncb' Q0(x)-.jcj t v F /x o -ljz. 1 / jnexpg-2 ' . : J . ? i . con. s ' j =h'(0)2 1 ksx jsini' t(é=x. 'j/7l's) NearFc.the kernelQQvanishesexponentially for. vw âl's'ksrcQ:0(ï0),and it thus has a range comparable with the (temperature-independent) Pippard coherencelength. Since(vismuchshorterthanthescaleofvariationsofeither the vector potentialor the gap function,it is perm issible to treat A and .X* as slowly varying functions. ln particular.Eq.(53.13)can beintegrated explicitly e ' , +(x,x')- - jjC(A(x. )+ A(x)).(x- x ) (53.16) wherethesym metrized form representsacom prom ise between thetwo form sof Eq.(53.l). Furthermore,A isoforderSc(F)A(F)cc(Fc- F)1;therestricted rangeof:0then meansthat+(x,x')itselfbecomessmallasF .. ->.Fc,permitting an expansion ofeiT in powersof%. The above conditions allow us to evaluate the firstterm on the rightside ofEq.(53.5). W iththedetinitionzHëEy- xwehave (53.17) 470 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S TheshortrangeofQ0requiresthatz% #:,andtheremainingfunctionsmaybe expanded ina Taylorseriesaboutz= 0. Retainingtheleadingcorrection term , we5nd . f-,3,c(x,y)a.(y)a.a+(x)fv lszvn(z)+)gv-2't ' , A-(x)jza-tx) . x J#3zz2;0(z) (53.18) where V denotes the gradient with respectto x and acts only on the vector potentialA(x)andthegapfunctionA*(x). Notethatwehavenow reducedthe originalintegraloperatorto a simplerdiflkrentialone. The properties of the norm al m etal appear only in the num erical co- emcients of Eq. (53.18), and we flrst consider j#3z:0(z), which diverges logarithm ically atthe origin. This singular behavior reflects the unphysical approximation ofa short-range potentialin Eq.(51.1). lt must therefore be cutofl-inmomentum spaceatIttp= halo: J#3z;0(z)=(jâ2)-1(2:7. )-3j( /3/:jFlyg0(k,( w)F0(-k,-(. on) = j-1(2rr)-3fd3k IDg(hlct )j+.42)-1 *ljwo v(0)j0 #t:#-1tanhllj#) - . Thisintegralisjustthatconsidered in Eq.(5l.39),and comparison withEqs. (51.42)and(51.43)gives J#3zQ0(z)= . N(0)lntzâtt)oqeY=-1) -xtelln(F w)+g-t.x(0)(1-z ()+g-1 C .-- (53. 19) The other integralin Eq.(53.l8)can be evaluated directly in coordinate space usingEq.(53.l5). Sincethisterm isalreadythecoeëcientofasmallcorrection, we setF = Fcand obtain Jdqzzzco(z).)cg' rv kF tojzjy3zcschjl cx yv z, =$N(0)(#c = -1 &f)2Jo -dysin A' h 2y =8 7( 13)x((j)(' rk hs t ' r Fc, 12 whereEq.(51.38)hasbeen used. (53.20) SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 471 Theonlyothercalculation isthesmallnonlinearcorrection inEq.(53.5), which maybeevaluated inlowestorderby setting #0$ k;f#' 0and taking al1the factorsof7 X atthesame point . J#3y#3z#3u'S(x,y,z,w)u . &*(y)A(z)aX*(w) ;4J. 1*(x)1u&(x)(2j -d?))J3z#3wA(x,y,z,w) A straightforward calculationin m om entum spacegives J3)(=kswc)-z - -x (0)TJ8 (53.21) w' hereF hasagain been setequalto rc. Thefinalequation forA*(x)isobtained bycombining Eqs.(53.5),(53.18), and (53.19)to (53.21). Aftersome rearrangement,theterm g-lA*(x)cancels identically,and we find hl 9A(# 2 (/:Fc)2 F -F : )X*(x)r j gv. -2-ycj, â+(x)u-6-=2y( tlj cyjfy. :y(x)-7((3j j zusy,â;z xlI 2j . (53.22) Therelationwith theGinzburg-l-andauequationcanbemadeexplicitbydehning avb' avefunc:ion (3) kl.-(x)e j74. -n.-1. l(x)= 7-((3v)1,l ,( -x-) u-n1. l=ksTc)< yrrz #sI' c (53.23) thatsatishesthefollowingequation(notetheeomplexconjugation) (53.24) Heren isthe totalelectron density.and comparison gith Eq.(50.7J)identises the phenom enologicalparameters 6=2(ksrc)2 r' cp = 2: 6=2(/N ' rc)2 a---. . ))(?,, ,y(l-w-j b-. jt( -j)r . yn- (53 25) . 472 AppulcATloNs To pHyslcAL SYSTEM S Furthermore,thecharacteristiclengthsA(F)and((T)canbeevaluatedinterms ofthemicroscopicparametersAs(0)and , . 10rEqs.(50.18)and(50.22)) l X(r)= 1s10)(1-y Xj-i (53.26/) ' J(w)-ï' o=e-vg?)s ??1'(1-z rC -v )-' T j-1 c r0. 7395(1-j. -) (53.26:) , while the G inzburg-l-andau parameter becom es r) A O) KEBA( ttFl; 4:0.957.g. t'a. r.-+Fc - .. The penetration depth agrees w ith that obtained with the w' eak-l ield response nearrclcompare Eqs.(52.34:)and (52.35)1,butthe coherencelength can only be determ ined by ineluding spatialvariation of the gap funetion. ln addition, the Ginzburg-l-andau expressions for nsll-j= 2/?s *(F) and Sc(F) derived with Eqs.(50.12),(50.l6),and (53.25)agreeu.ith Eqs.(52.34:)and (51.64). Thelast calculation requiresthe expression ES c 3=3(/csF )2tle-lY (0)12= . -- --& --- - - 6/ obtained by combining Eqs.(5l.38),(51.44).and (51.56). The preceding derivation shows how the srst G inzburg-l-andau equation em erges as an expansion of the self-consistent gap equation near Fc. W e now consider the supercurrent, which can be related to spatial derivatives of the single-particleGreen'sfunctionr# tcompareEq.(52.10)) eh :2 jtx)= - Ftx'r,x'r?)lx,-x- 2-r#'(x' r,xr+) m i(V -V')' lncA(x)' (53.28) Here the factor 2 arises from the spin sums. If Eq.(53.3/)ïs expanded as F(x,x',fw )= V0(x,x',f w )+ 3F(x,x',t w) with 473 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY In this way,the totalsupercurrentreducesto 2e2 e j(x)= --p m j RV - V')3F(x,x',(s.)Jx,-x- m cj -jA(x). ' j x,x,f w) aj3F( The remaining calculation depends on theexplicitform of8@ ,and sub- stitutionofEq.(53.29)gives e j(x)+ -2,2 A(x)â 3g(x,x.(w)- i lâ, mcph n m J3ydazA(y)sqv(z) #n(z,y,-a?n)E#0(z,x,/ w )Vx#0(x,y,(,an)- #0(x,y,t . oa)Vxf#0(z,x,(sn)) (53.30) Thespatialderivativescan beevaluated with Eqs.(53.10)and(53.16),and the x resultcan besim plised with theslow variation ofA el A( j(x)+m2c bh x)j a)3g(x,x,f w)-à-j . --pXj( e $ s3yt /3zatyla.. tz) x A(x)#( )(x,y,tz)n)go@,X,t.'n)j.ef@(x,x):2+(z.x) #0(z,y,-r a?nl -2f:â c .. x(g0(z-x,( snlvxF0(x-y,f , . anl-f #otx-y,oanlvx@o(z-x,( sn)!' ) TheErstterm on therightsidenow cancelsthe second term on the left. W ith the same approximationsas in Eq.(53.17),the supercurrentnear Fcbecomes j(x)- e #3y#3z@ulz- y,-u,n)(Fotz- x,aulvxC#otx- y,(s'nl mishc lie F0(x- y,ulnlTxF0(z- x,f xlnll(1A(x)k2- Ià(x)12hc - x A(x).(z- y)+ A*(x)(y- x).VA(x)+ à(x)(z- x).Và*(x)) (53.31) Severaltermsvanish identicallyowingto thesphericalsymmetry: j(x)= eyz c('- ys-f . vnlvxgotx- y,tol d3yd3zp, -t )al(gntz..x,( mi$ n - x g0(x:-y,fwlvx@nlz- x,(sa)) (. -2;I u xlxli zA(x).(z-y)+ltxlvxu q+txl-z+l*(x)vx. l(( x).y1 53.32) 474 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS Therem aining integration ism osteasily perform ed w' ith the Fourierrepresenta- tion ofr#0from Eq.(53.8),and a lengthy butstraightforward calculation givcs W ith thewave function in Eq.(53.2. 3),wefinallyobtain 2 t2I ij/l.*(x)Vkl.(x)-4ja(xjv). j.y:(xjj- . 2C x(xj: jtx)= - j' tj%(x)(2 m lAlf' .. (53.34) in complete agreementwith Eq.(50.9). In sum mary,we have derived theGinzburg-l-andau equations(50.7J)and (50.9)from theGorkovequationsunderthefollowing setof-assumptions: l.TheorderparameterA(x)and thevectorpotentialA(x)aresmall. 2.Therange ofthe kernelsin Eqs.(53.5)and (53.30)issmallcompared to the characteristic length forspatialvariationsof. l(x)(i.e.,thecoherencelength #)andA(x)(i.e.,thepenetrationIengthA). 3.The eikonalapproximation also requireshkFy.1 (which isgenerally valid). Forany supercondtlctor,thesecriteria are alwayssatisfied sum ciently closeto the transition tem perature Fc. PRO BLEM S 13.1. Show that Eq. (49.6) can be rewritten :Q/ê/+ (#.V)Q = (Q .VIV. Hence prove the conservation ofthe flux moEH2 (ds.Q through any closed surfacebounded byacurvethatrnoré'. sx'ith//76./u1#. Asacorollary,conclude thattheguxoid (1)isa rigorousconstantofthem otion. 13.2. lfFs(F,0)isthefree-energy density ofa superconduetorin zero field, show that Eq.(49.11)is the Euler-l-agrange equation ofthe totalHelmholtz free energy UFs(r,0)+ J#3x((8rr)-1h2+ jrqpyvzj for arbitrary variationsOfh subjectto curlh= 4=jjc. How doesthisderivation failfora normalmetal? 13.3, (tz) Evaluate the mean Helmholtz free-energy dcnsity gsee Prob. 13.2 andEq.(49.16)JforaslabinaparallelappliedfieldHvk. UseEqs.(48.13)and (49.17)to verifythatH = Hvk throughoutthesample,andfindthemagnetization (. : - S )/4=. (:) From the corresponding Gibbs free energy,show thatthe sample remains superconducting up to acriticalfield //c *determined by theequation (H c */fc)2= (1- tAs/#ltanh(#/As)1-1,whereScisthebulkcriticalseld. Discussthelimiting cases#<. :htand # à>As. 13.4. Considerasem i-infinitesuperconductor(z > 0)w'ithanexternalmagnetic seld H parallelto the surface. Use the Ginzburg-l-andau theory to 5nd Y-(z) SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 475 and >(z)for >cy>1. Show thatthe jield-dependent penetration depth A(/. f)is given by (A(S)/A(0))2= 1Hc, l 'LHc+(Hc l- S2)1j. Sketch the spatialvariation of/7and Vl-forvarious values ofH . W'hat happens forH > Hc? W hy is it permissibleto violatetheboundaryconditionJ'l ''l /#z - 0? 13.5. (J) Asa modelforan extremetype-llsuperconductor(2 t>().solve the Londonequation(49.ll)intheexteriorofacylindricalholeofradius((seeFig. 50.1b)containing one quantum ofPuxoid ( ;)( j= /?c/2c. Discussthe spatialform ofhandj. (:) Evaluate the Gibbs free energy as in Prob.13.3 and show.that the lower critiealtield fort luxpenetration isgiven by Scl= (( ro/'4' mA2)ln(A/#). 13.6. Consideran intinite m etalin a uniform applied tield H thatissufliciently strong to m ake the sam ple normal. Solve the linearized G inzburg-l-andau equations.and show thata superconducting solution becom es possible below' an uppercritiealéeld Hcz(T)= ' $ 2&Sc(r). 13.7. Usetheprocedureoutlined below Eq.(51.3)toderivethe Hartree-Fock theoryatfinitetemperaturefora potential-g3(x - x'). 13.8. RetaintheHartree-Fock termsin Eq.(5l.5)andderiveasetofgeneralized equations for C#'and .. ' F *. Solke these equations for a uniform system and compare with the calculations Ieading to Eqs.(37.33)to (37.35). Specialize the equationsto a norm alsystem and rederive the results ofSec.27. 13.9. (a4In the weak-coupling limit (. A()-s:Atzpsl,show that the BCS gap equation (5l.37)m ay bewritten and hence proveEq.(51.46:). 13.10. 476 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S to solve Eq.(37.35)given the interparticle potentialgrecallthe convention otEq.(37.6)thatg> 0 foranattractivepotential) (k- k(I, z'2k'- k')-glU-1blhu)o- 1ù r)hho)o- 1Jk'l .) g1P'-iblhûpt- IL 1)d(âf1,,- IL,1) - Hence derive l= N(Q4g.fflntzâ(,ao/z ' Xll where geff= , :1-g2(1+ N(Q)g2x lntDpr/tz)sll-l(insteadofgl- g2asonemightnaivelyexpect). (b)lfksrc= l.k?hœne-l/NtolgerrandtssL<LM -%,showthat-#lnFc/#lnM < . i., which may accountforthereduced isotopeeflkctin transitionmetalsal 13.11. Use Eqs.(51.50)and (51.51)to show thattheentropyin thesuperconducting statecan be written Xs= -2PWs) (;f(Ekjln/(Fk)+ E1-f(Ek)jln(1-. /' (ék))) k where/tf')- (ebE+ 1)-1. ComparewithProb.2.1andinterprettheresult. 13.12. A s a m odel of a supercondacting fllm ,consider an inflnite superconductorcarrying a uniform current,where the gap function takesthe form Aczfqexwith. : breal(seeEqs.(53.23)and(53.34)1andq<: . :kr. (tz) SolvetheGorkovequationsto :nd F and .F %and show thatthesupercurrent isgivenbyj$k;-twn,(F),wherev= âq/m gseeEq.(52.33)4. (y) Find the self-consistency condition for z' X. At F = 0 show that . â is in. dependentofq forq < qc;4;k âohvr. N earFcexpand the gap equation to hnd gk Z.V V Fcj2x78 (' J ( r 3 21jj.X F, j.i 2jmhk 2B kT scj2ga and determinethe criticalvalueofqthatmakes2X vanish.û 13.13. Carryouttheanalyticcontinuationtoobtainareal-tim etherm odynam ic G reen'sfunctioncorrespondingtothephysicalsituationinProb.13.12. D iscuss theexcitation spectrum forsm allq. 13.14. (J) Use the analogy with Bose systems(Sec.20)to generalize Dyson's equationsfortheelectron-phonon system to asuperconductor. (b4 Approximate the electron self-energies by the lowest-order contributions expressedin termsofF,. X ,. F %,and 9 ,andwriteoutthecoupled self-consistent equationsforF and+ %in m om entum space.!t tN.N.Bogoliubov,V.V.Tolmachevand D .V.Shirkov.$1A New M ethod in theTheoryof Superconductivity,''chap.6.ConsultantsBureau,New York,1959. jIn fact,the system makes a hrst-order transition to the normalstate at a criti calvalue qc;4r1.23(. Ac/ât , .s)I1- (r/Fc))#,whi ch issmallerbya factor1/V3. See,forexample,P.G. de Gennes.i'Superconductivity ofMetalsand All oys,''pp,182-184,W .A.Benjamin,Inc.. N ew York,1966. I) 'G.M .Eliashberg,Sov.Ph.vs.-JETP,11:696 (1960);12:1000 (1960). SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 477 13.15. Assume thatthetwo functionsl/(x)and ? Xx)satisfy thecoupled eigenvalue equations t(2-)-lf-ihT + c-1eA(x))2- pt)lgtxl- é(x)r(x)= Eulx) (-(2-)-i(//i V + c-it,A(x)12+ p, )!, (x)- zâ*(x)l ?(x)= Fp(x) known astheBogoliubovequations.l If?. (+1(x)and ?' y t-'(x)isasolutionwith positiveenergy E i ,show thatthereisalwaysasecondsolutionI, (-'(x)= -! ,J (. +'(x)*, . o(-'(x)- lzy t+'(x)+ with energy . -EJ. Let U be a two-component vector with elementsu and ?.. with the usualdehnition (U,U)= j#3. ' r(2;/22+ )è,J2)show that (U. f /2E)7Uj, .r'l= bJ. j,, while (U( y: -',I. -Jj (F')- 0. Construct the eigenfunction expansion ofW(x,x',(z?u)2Eq.(51.19)1and henceexpressrl(x)and A(x)interms ofthese eigenfunctions. W hy isEyasingle-particleexcitation energy ? Specialize to a uniform m edium and rederive the resultsofSec.51. 13.16. Prove Eqs.(52.345)and (52.34:). 13.17. (J) lfK(q)in Eq.(49.39)vanishes like K(q); k;xqlasq ->.0,use Eq. (49.43:)toshow thatthediamagneticsusceptibilityisgivenbyy;= -a/4zr(1. c-a) ; 4r-x(4n ifa<' t l. (&) Derivea generalexpressionforKnlq)byevaluatingTkI(q,u)(Eq.(52.25)) in a norm al m etal. Hence show that the Landau diam agnetic susceptibility à'aofa noninteracting electron gasisgiven ata1ltemperaturesby ya= -Jxp where zpisthe corresponding paramagneticsusceptibility (Prob.7.5). (Note p.t l= ehjlmcfbranelectron.) 13.18. (J) Usethetheoryoflinearresponsetoshow thatthespinsusceptibility y ofa superconductorisgiven by ; t.- 2 y p 3=2e n 7j' ( Opzoj-P/3t ) E Gplj - - whereypisthePaulisusceptibilityofanormalmetal(Prob.7.5). (b) VerifythefollowingIimits:y= 0atF= 0and z= ypatT= Fc. Interpret these results. 13.19. (J) Repeat Prob. 12.6 for a superconductor at fnite temperature. Show thattheapproximatephonon propagatorm aybewritten glq,vn)=-ât1)ltpï+(z): 2+(tj, y2Wtgypalj-lolcop- uyj 1Theseequationsarediscussed in detailinP.G.deGennes,SesuperconductivityofM etalsand Alloysy''chap.5,W .A.Benjamin.lnc.,New York,1966. 478 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S W here d3k ( @(q, v.)=jjsyj(u+u--t ?..,-)2Ey. (s+)-y(s-)! X - 1 - .- 1 ihvn- (E-- E+) ihvn+ (E-- E+) + (lk+r-+ u-n+)2g1-f(E+)-f(E.)j X 1 - 1 ihvn- (f7+ E-) ihvn+ (E++ F-) and thenotationisthatofEq.(52.27).1 (!))Derivethe retarded phonon Green'sfunction DRLq,t . o). Ifhul.: t2é,:nd the ultrasonic attenuation coelcient t x,in a superconductor and prove that as/t xa- 2T(, ' X),whichallowsadirectmeasurementofà(F)(seeFig.51.1). 13.20. Derive Eq.(53.33). tForadetailed comparison ofultrasonicand electromagneticabsorption,seeJ.R.Schrieflkr, S'TheoryofSuperconductivity,''chap.3.W .A,Benjamin,Inc.,New York.1964. 14 Superfluid H elium TheelementHehastwo stableisotopes,He3(fermion)and He4(boson),which diflkr only by the addition ofone neutron in the nucleus. l A tlow pressure, bothisotopesrem ainliquiddowntoabsolutezero,wheretheysolidifyonlyunder an applied pressureof;>30atm (He3)or QJ25atm (He4)(Fig.54.1). Sincea classical system w ill always crystallize at suë ciently 1ow tem perature, these substancesare known asquantum liquids. Theirunique behaviorarisesfrom a combinationoftheweakinteratomicattraction(owingto theclosed 1Jelectron shell)and the smallatomic mass,which produceslarge zero-pointoscillations. tGeneraldescriptionsoftbe low-temperaturepropertiesofHemay lx found in K . R.Atkins, :el-iquid Helium,''Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1959:R.J.Donnelly,'iExlxrimentalSupercuidityy''UniversityofChicago Press, Chicago,1967;F.London,tssu- ldluidss'' vol.II&DoverPublications,Inc.,New York,1964;J. W ilks.:srhe Properties ofLiquid and Solid Helium,''Oxford University Press.Oxford, 1967. *79 48c AppulcATloNs To Pl-lyslcAu SYSTEM S A sa corollary,both liquidshave low density:p): 4:0.081g,/'cm 3 and p4:k:0.l45 g/Cm3. D espite their superficialsim ilarities,the two isotopes diPkr profoundly becauseoftheirquantum statistics. ThePauliprincipletendsto keep lermions apart. and the interparticle potential m ixes in only unperturbed states with k >ky. Thisbehaviorleadstoa smallhealinglength,and justifiestheuseof theindependent-pairapproxim ation in com puting both theground-stateenergy E G Q (a) Fig.54-1 (a4Comparison ofphasediagramsofHe3and He4in 'F plane. (Frol l)J.DeBoer. Excitation Modelfor Liquid Helium II,Course XXI,Liquid HeliumsProceedings of''The International Schoolof Physics *Enrico f.-erm i'.** p. 3.Academ ic Press, New,York. l963. Reprinted by permission.) (b4Enlarged portion ofmeltingcurveofHe3. (From D.P.Kell y and W .J.H aubachs'kcom parativePropertiesofHelium -3and Heliunl-4---A EC Research and DevelopmentReportM LM -I161.p.18. Reprinted-by permission.) and excitation spectrum of norm al Ferm isystems such as nuclear m atter and liquid He3. Thesituation isvery diflkrentforbosonsbecausethe particlestend to occupy thesam esingle-particlestate. In addition,theinterparticlepotential preferentially m ixes in the unperturbed states thatare already occupied,thus enhancingthem any-bodyeflkcts. Forexam ple,thesuccessoftheindependentparticle m odel shows that the low-lying states of a norm al Fermi system are generally sim ilar to those of a free Ferm igas. This correspondence clearly fails for interacting bosons with snite m ass,where the low-lying excitations usually havea collectivephonon character.l Thediflkrencebetween bosonsand ferm ionsalso appearsin the expansionsforthe dilute hard-core gas. Although this system serves as a usefulm odelfbr nuclear m atter and H e3,the correction term in Eq.(22.19)becomes 1j2j8(nt z3/, rr)1;zr;.4 when evaluated for He4where 'R.P.Feynman.Phys.Ret..,91:1301(1953);94:262 (1954). su PER FLCJlD H CLlU M 481 (at73)à; : zr0.5.1: Asahnaldiference,wenotethateventhe/recBosegasexhibits acom plicated phasetransition (compare Figs.5.2and 5.4). 54E7FU N DA M ENTA L PRO PERTIES O F He 11 W efirstreview som eim portantfeaturesofsuperiuid H e4. BAslc EXPERIM ENTA L FACTS l, h-point: W hen liquid H e4 in contact with its vapor is cooled below FA= 2.17CK ,it enters a new phase know' n as He II. The transition is m arked byapeakinthespecificheat,whichbehaveslikelnIr- FAIonbothsidesofthe transition.l Thissingularity isgenerallythoughtto representthe onsetofBose condensation,butno theory hasyetprovided a satisfactory description ofthe phase transition. 2.Superyuidily(p7#//?:twouthlidmodelLHe11hasremarkablehydrodynamic properties. lt can flow through fine channels with no pressure drop, which seem inglyim pliesthattheviscosityiszero. O ntheotherhand,adirectmeasure- mentoftheviscosity (forexample,with a rotating cylinderviscometer)yieldsa value com parable with the viscosity of He I above FA. The apparent paradox wasexplained byTisza2and byLandau3w'itha two-fluidm odel,in which He 11is considered a m ixture oftwo interpenetrating com ponents:the superiuid with density psand velocity vs.and the normalfluid with densitypnand velocity % . The superquid is assum ed to be nonviscous,which accountsfortherapid flow through 5ne channels,and irrotational curlv,= 0 (54.1) The norm al fluid behaves like a classical viscous Puid, which provides the measured viscosityofHel1. Thistwo-iuid picturewasstrikinglyconfirmed by Andronikashvili4with a torsion pendulum ofclosely spaced diskssuspended in He lI. Theoscillatingdisksdragged thenorm alCuid andthusallowed a dired measurementofpntr).which variesas7-4forF.: . CFA(Fig.54.2). 3.Second soundLThe presence oftwo com ponentsgives H e 11an extra degree of freedom ,and Landau predicted that He 11 would support two independent oscillation m odes that differ in the relative phase of vx and va. If L and vxm ovetogether,the wake transm itsvariationsin density and pressure (atconstanttem peratureand entropy)and isknown asérstorordinary sound. tW e follow N.M .Hugenhoitz and D.Pines,Phys.ReL?..116:489 (1959),p.505 in taking a= 2.2X. SeealsoF.London,op.cit., p.22. $M ,J.Buckingham andW .M .Fairbank. TheNature of:heA-Transition in Liquid Helium , in C.J,Gorter (ed.),''Progress in Low-Temperature Physicsy''vol,111,p. 80,North-ilolland Publishing CompanysAmsterdam,1961. CL. Tisza,Nature,14l:913(1938). 3L.D .Landau, 7.Phys.(USSRq,5:71(1941))11:91(1947). ''E..L.Andronikashvili.J. Phys.(USWR),10:201(1946). *82 Appt-lcATloNs To PHYSICAL sYsTeM s If'v. and v,.are opposite, however,the m ode transm its periodic variations in p,/paand hence representsatem peratureand entropy wave(atconstantdensity and pressure) known assecond sound. The calculation is a straightforward generalization ofthatleading to Eq.(16.19),and wemerelynotethatthevelocity ofsecond sound isproportionalto (p,/' s )1,which showsthe importanceofthe two com ponents.l Second sound was srst Observed by Peshkov;2 the correspondingvaluesofpsandpnagreeverywellwith thoseobtained with theoscillat- ingdisk(Fig.54.2). l. 0 0.8 0.6 % 0.4 Fig.54.2 Tem perature dependenceof p..,''p. The dots are obtained from the velocity of second sound;the crosses are obtained from 0.2 0 1.J l.4 l.6 l,3 2. 0 7.2 F (OK ) the oscillating-disk method. IFrom V. P. Peshkov. J. Phys. (f 75' 5' S), 10;389 (1946). fig.6. Reprinted by permission.) 4.Criticalvelocities:Superiuid flow cannotpersistup to arbitrarily high velocities' ,instead,itbecom esdissipativeatacriticalvelocity t, cthatdependson the width d ofthe channelbut is independent of tem perature exceptvery near FA. Although theprecisefunctionalfbrm ofvcld)isuncertain,manyexperimentsare approximately described by a relation w = h/md,wherem isthe mass ofahelium atom .3 5. Rotating H e11and tporfïceî4:Ifvsism uch lessthanthespeed ofsound, itispermissible to treatthe superiuid as incompressible (divv,= 0). Asa result.vsisderivable from a velocity potentialthatsatisses Lapiace'sequation h vs=m-V+ (54.2) V2p = 0 (54.3) hL.D .Landau.Ioc.cit. 2V.P.Peshkov,J.Phys.(USSR4,10:389(1946). 3See. however,W .M .Van Alphen,G.J.Van Haasteren,R.De Bruyn Ouboter.and K.W . Taconis,Phys.Letters,26:474 (1966),who find t?c= Cff-+,whereC isaconstantoforderunity in cgsunits. *ThissubjecthaslxenreviewedbyE.L.Andronikashviliand Yu.G.M amaladze.Rev.Mod. .,3#:567(1966)and by A.L.Fetter.Theory ofVorticesand Rotating Helium.in K.T. J%.)u' Mahanthappa and W .E.Brittin (eds. ),'sl-ecturesin TheoreticalPhysics,''vol.Xl-B,p.321, Gordon andBreach,SciencePublishers,New York.1969. SUPERFLUID HELIUM 483 C onsidera sim ply connected cylinderrotating about itsaxis with an angular velocity u). The boundary condition o%jon= 0 ensures that+ is constant so that&' ,vanishesforany co. ThusEq.(54.1)impliesthatthe superiuid cannot participate in the rotation,and the shape of the free liquid surface should be given by the equation k 2r 2 z- kt j- y (54.4j # P whereg istheacceleration dueto gravity. Thiseflkctshould bereadilyobserv- able because pn/p becomes very smallbelow I.SOK. Equation (54.4)was first tested by Osborne,lwho found insteadthatthefreesurfacewasthatofaclassical Puid 2r 2 zc,= -j# (54.5) independent of tem perature. To explain this discrepancy,we reexam ine the cylindricallysymmetricsolutionsofEq.(54.1),which necessarilytaketheform Y,(r)=const --. .1 r (54.6) wherer= (r,#)isavectorin thexJ'plane. lfcurl#,= 0everywhere(including theorigin),theconstantmustbezero. Sincethispredictioncontradicts(54.5), Feynm an 2 suggested a less stringent condition, allowing curlv, to becom e singular atisolated points in the quid. The strength ofthe singularity m ay be characterized by thecirculation K= j(/1.v (54.7) and thecorresponding sym m etricsolution becom es J' Ystr)= 2K =r (548) . which is precisely the velocity ofa classicalrectilinearvortex parallelto the z axis. Feynm an further postulated thatrotating H e 11contains a uniform array ofparallelvorticesdistributed with a density2f . ,:/v perunitarea. On am acroscopic scale, the resulting superfluid velocity field ls indistinguishable from a uniform rotation v = to x rbecauseboth flow patternsim ply the sam e circulation about any contour large compared with the spacing between vortices (Prob. 14.2). In addition,the superiuid now contributes to the depression of the lD.V.Osborne,Proc.Phys.Soc.,A63:909(1950). 2R,P.Feynman,Application ofQuantum Mechanicsto Liquid Helium,in C.J.Gorter(ed.), ''Progress in Low--femperature Physics,''vol.1,p.l7,North-ilolland N blishing Company, Am sterdam ,19f5. 4' g* APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S meniscus, thereby reconciling O sborne's experiment with the generalized condition thatcurlvx= 0 alm osteverywhere. 6.Quantizedcirculation:MultiplyEq.(54.7)bym ' ,theresultingequation mK= jdtwmy= j#l.p isagain reminiscentofthe Bohr-sommerfeld condition (compareEqs.(49.26) and (49.27)1.and Onsagerland Feynman2independently suggested thatthe circulation in H e11wasquantized in unitsof K h 0.997 x 10 3 cnncysec - = -- = m (54.10) This prediction has been confrm ed 170th for irrotational flow in m ultiply connected regions3and for vortex rings.4 Itis now possible to flnd the energy perunitlength ofvortex line 2 2 PsK2 dr Ev= f# rjpsrs= 4.n. -r Ps,2 R QJ4= InJ tj4.)1) H ereR isan uppercutoF thatm aybeinterpreted astheradiusofthecylindrical container,whilefisalowercutoF representing theradiusofthe vortexcore. Experimentssindicattthat#QJ1â,sothatEv;z1.3x 105ev/cm forR ; kJ1cm. LAN DAU'S QUASIPARTICLE M O DEL Atlow temperatures(F<tL ),thespecischeatofHe11variesasF3. Toexplain thisobservation,Landau6interpreted the low-lying excited statesofH e 11asa weakly interacting gasofphononswith theusualdispersion relation phonons (54.12) wherec= 238m/secisthespeedof(srst)sound. M oregenerally,hesuggested thattheenergyspectrum hastheform shown in Fig.54.3,with alinear(phonon) region neark = 0and adip near/o ,where ekbehaveslike ek= à + hllk- kz)2 2 rotons àw !L.Onsager,Nuovo Cimento,6,Suppl.2. 249(1949). 2R.P.Feynman,ttprogressin Low-Tem perature Phyeics,''loc.cit. 3W .F.Vinen,Proc.Roy.Soc.(f-t7?lJt)a).A2* :218 (1961). 4G.W .Rayseld and F.Reif,Phys.Rev-,136:A 1l94 (1964). 5G .W .Rayseld and F.Reif, Ioc.cit. t'L.D.Landau,loc.cit. (54.13) sulPERFLU ID H ELIU M 485 Excitations with this latter dispersion relation are known as rotons. Landau originally determ ined the roton parameters by titting the specihc heat above ;4:0.6 K . M ore recently.howr ever,the theoreticalcurve in Fig.54.3 has been contirmed in greatdetailby inelastic neutron scatteringl(compare Prob.f.13), ek Fig.54.3 D ispersion curve for liquid kB (oK.) helium . The experim ental points are the neutron-scattering mcasurements. (From D. G . Henshavv and A . D. B. W oods, Phr.$. Sel'.. 121:l266 (I961). 5g.4. Reprinted by perm ission ofthe authors and the A merlcan Institute of Physics.) w'hich yields an independent and m ore accurate measurement of the sam e parameters(Table 54.1). Table 54.1 Roton param eters Landatl(l947)) 9.6 K A' etl/rolls'l' attering (l959)j 8.6'K 1.9f, 4-l 1.91. i-' 0.77vlse 0.16 hhlj-lr tSotlrce:L.D.Landau,J.Pll . vb' .(USSR),11:91fl947). jSource. 'D .G .Henshaw and A .D .B.W'oods.Phys.Ret'., l21:1266(1961). In Landau's m odelofH e I1.the totalfree energy arisesfrom the thermally excited quasiparticles.U hich aretreated asan idealBose gas.2 Sincethe num ber ofquasiparticles a Tqv isnotconserved,itm ustbe determ ined by m inim izing the ' free energy l'JjF ,;.-0 'qvl - (54.l4) ED .G .HenshavNand A .D .B.l 'oods.#/?y'â.Rek'.,l21:1266(196l). 7An equivatentapproach isto describe He Ilb/ the approxlnlate quaslparticle ham iltonian P4:- N 'ek;. ' > :.here6kIStheexcitatlonspectrurl:ln Fig.54.3. . K wk. 5 k 486 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S andcomparisonwithEq.(4.6)showsthatthecorrespondingchemicalpotential iszero (seethediscussion ofEqs.(44.19)and (44.20)). Thethermodynamic potential(1thenreducestotheHelmholtzfreeenergyF,andEqs.(5.8)and(5.9) give F(r,F)=ksFF(2=)-3J#3/ cln(1-e-ifà) Nqp(F'F)= F(2rr)-3J#3*(eie:- 1)-1 (54.15) (54.16) whereekistheexactdispersionrelationfrom Fig.54.3andj = (/fsF)-1. Atlow tem perature,however,only the phonon and roton portions contribute signiicantly,and we m ay separate the integraloverk into two independentparts F = Fp,+ Fp (54.17) (54.l8) AsF-. >.0,wemayassumethatEqs.(54.12)and(54.13)holdseparatelyfora1lk. N qp- Nph+ Nr A straightforwardcalculation yields Np.-1= (3 ,)p-jkâ sc rj' Fph=-ibP' ksTLkh *c Z)' (54.194) =' (54.19:) Nr = â2(2PT3G rkaF)*e-hjg.v (54.20/) Fr= -ksTNr (54.20:) rr)1 Thecorresponding entropy and heatcapacity are then obtained with the usual relations s--(ê az '. ). cv-rtp as w). (54.21) ItisclearthatCvpsvariesasF3,whileCvrvanishesexponentially;both ofthese predictions are verifed by experim ents. In addition to the foregoing therm odynam ic functions,Landau's quasi- particledescriptionjustisesthetwo-iuid modelandallowsacalculation ofthe normal-iuid density. Consider a situation where the quasiparticles have a m ean driftvelocity v with respect to the rest fram e of the superquid. Their equilibrium distribution as seen in that rest framel isflek- âk.v),where 1Thisresultismosteasilyderived in them icrocanonicalensemble,wherethesystem ofquasi- particleshasasxed energy E and momentum P. Theadditionalconstraint(tixed P)necessitates an additionalLagrange multiplierv.and the maximization ofthe entropy immediately verihestht aboveassertion. See,forexample,F.London,op.cl'J.,pp.95-96,and Prob.14.4. 487 SUPERFLUID HELIUM /-(:)= tt,/e- 1)-1isthe usualBose distribution function. In the sanne franne . the totalm om entum carried by the quasiparticlesisgiven by P = 1z'(2zr)-3fd?kâk/-tek- âk.v) - a:p-(2=). 31 'd'khkg. /(. k)-âk..P' / e ' t e6 kk)+...1 Vh2 -. oflek) % 6=avj0dkkk- 8ek (54.22) Thusthe flow ofquasiparticles is accom panied by a netm omentum iux;the coeëcientofproportionalitydehnesthenormal-iuid massdensity pa(F)H6h . v lcj J *o *u a' sa x s4j g.8. / a ' ( 6 s k)j (54.23) whilethe superiuid m assdensity becom es ps(F)= p- p2F) (54.24) Thisresultisverysim ilartothatforthesuperelectron densityin superconductors discussed in Sec.52. In fact,acomparisonofEqs.(52.33)and (54.23)shows thatthey diFeronly in thestatisticsand spindegeneracy. W hen Eq.(54.23) is separated into phonon and roton contributions,an elem entary calculation gfves 2=2h #, r 4 p,,p, - 4jc ..... (#c --) hzk.jN, pnr= 3ks F U (54.25/) (54.25:) whose sum ;ts the observations within experimental error. This prediction ofpa(F)wasmadebeforeany experimentshad been carried out,thusproviding a particularly striking confrm ation ofthequasiparticle m odel. Landau's description also gives a qualitative explanation of the critical velocity in He II. Considera macroscopic objectof mass M moving with velocity >'through stationary He 11 at zero tem perature. ln this casc, the m omentum and energy are P = My E =!.A, /:2 (54.26) Iftheobjectexcitesa quasiparticlewith momentum p and energy e,the new velocityv'isdeterm ined bym om entum conservation V' P = V- M (54.27) 48: APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Correspondingly,the new energy E 'becom es (54.28) w here the recoil energy pl) 'l&l has been neglected because u k/ is large. suë ciently low veloeity,theprocessviolatesenergyconservation E - E'= e (54.29) As 1,increases.however,we eventually reach a criticalvelocity l' c,where e - p.vc firstvanishes. ltisevidentthatp willbe parallelto vc,and a sim ple rearrangem entyieldsthe Landau criticalvclocity (54.30) where t'istaken from Fig.54.3. lf6werea purephonon spectrum sthe m inim um value of E/' p would be the speed ofsound ck 238 m 'sec. W hen rotons are included, however,t.c drops to ; kh 'likt= 60 m z' sec,and such roton-lim ited criticalvelocitieshave been observed with ionsin He11underpressure.l A sim ilartheoreticaldescription appliesto flow in channels,foragalilean transform ation to the rest fram e of the super:uid reproduces the previous situation.withthewallsast'hemacroscopicobject. Unfortunately,thepredicted criticalxelocity of ; 4:60 nn,sec is m uch too large to explain the observed breakdown of superiuid flow in channels.w here l'c is instead thought to signalthe creation ofquantized vortices.z SSQ W EA K LY INTERA CTIN G BO SE G A S The m icroscopic description ofChap.6 and Sec.3. 5wasrestricted to a stationary Bose system at F = 0.and we now generalize the theory to include spatially nonuniform system s at l inite tem perature. A lthough such a problem can be treated verygenerallys3thepresentdiscussionisrestricted toa weaklyinteracting Bosegas.wherethesmalldepletionofthecondensateallow sustocarrythrough the calculations in detail. As noted previously.this m odel is quite unrealistic because the depletion in theground state ofHe 11isbelieved to be large(, . ' 4r90 percentl.4 Furthermore,the modelhasa complicated behaviornearthe phase transition-sso that%' zshallstudyonlythelow-tem peratureproperties. N ever!G.W .Rayfield.Pll.t's.Ret'.l(,l/é'rA',16:934(1966). 2See,forexanlple,R.P.Feynman,i-progressin Low--fkmperature Physicss''Ioc.cJ?. 3See,forexalrple,P.C.Hohenbergand P.C.M artin,Ann.Phys. (N.F.),34:291(1965). 40.Penroseand L.Onsager,Phys.Re' !'.,104:576(1956);NV.L.M cM illan,Pll 5' s. Ret'.,138:442 (1965). 5K.Huang,C.N,Yang,and J.M .Luttinger.Phys.St7l'.p105:776 ç1957). SUPERFLUID HELIUM 489 theless.an im perfect Bose gas contains m any features of the Landau quasiparticlem odelandclearly illustratesthespecialdimcultiesinherentincondensed Bose system s. G ENERA L FORM ULATIO N Consider an assembly of bosons with the grand-canonical ham iltonian X = f#3x(?f(x)gF(x)- p,jf(x)+ JJJ3x#3x'<f(x)1J1' (x'l x Utx- x')#(x')#(x) (55.1) where F(x)= -â2V2/2/:is the kinetic energy. Since Eq.(55.1) iscompletely general,an exactsolution is clearly im possible,and we m ustintroduce approxim ations appropriate to a condensed Bose system . To motivate our treatment, recallthe Bogoliubov approximation , 3,(x)-->.(0+ /(x) used to analyze the ground state1O)ofauniform stationaryBosesystem (Secs.18and 19). M omen- tum conservation furtherimplied that(0 i( /?(x)1O)- 0 (Eq.(19.9)1,and the quantityL could thereforebeinterpretedastheground-stateexpectationvalue oftheseld operator )O $' f(x)lO. . ,- fo . uniform system W e now generalizetheconceptofBose condensation to fknite tem perature and nonuniform system s,assum ingthatan assem blyofbosonsiscondensedwhenever theensembleaverage t#lxl) remainslinitein the thermodynamiclimit. Itis convenientto introducethenotation 'F(x)H t#(x)) and the deviation operator /(x)ë/#(x)- #f' (x))- , ;(x)- '. l-(x) (55.4) Thec-numberfunctionkF(x)isfrequentlyknownasthecondensatewavefunction; itiscloselyanalogoustothegapfunctionA(x)(Eq.(51.14))inasuperconductor, and,indeed,thepreseneeofsuch flniteanom alousam plitudesservesasageneral criterion fora condensed quantum quid.l Note thatEqs.(55.3)and (51.14) are rnerely general defnitions. In any practical calculation, they m ust be evaluated withsom eapproxim ation schem ethatdependsonthepreciseassem bly considered. In the presentweakly interacting system ,alm ostallthe particlesare in the condensate. Consequently,theoperatort /)maybeconsideredasmallcorrection !Thisconcept,which firstappearedin V.L.Ginzburg andL. D.Landau,Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.. 20:1064(1950)and in 0.Penroseand L.Onsager,Ioc.cit.,isa morepreciseformulationof London's:slong-rangeorder''IF.London,op.cit.,vol,1,secs.24-26andvol.Il,sec.221. See also.C.N .Yang.Rev.M od.#/l)zJ'.,34:694(1962). 49c Appulcv loss To PHYSICAL SYSTEM S toT',andweexpandk inpowersofj' handC,retainingonlythelinearand quadraticterm s: k = A' ()+ X + X' where Kv= J#3xT*(x)(F(x)- JzJT1x)+ !.J#3x#3x'Ftx- x')l 1F(x)!2 x !' . le(x')12 (55.6) kt=J#3x<#(x)(F(x)-p,+jd3x'Ftx- x')1 T(x')I2)T(x) +JJ3x((F(x)-p,+ JJ3x'F(x-x')IN' -(x')I2J11'*(x))( /(x) (55.7) #'= J#3xt/#(x)(F(x)- JZJ(/(x)+ J#3x#3x'U(x- x') x E( '1'(x')t2t/3(x)t /(x)+ kl' e*(x)Y*(x')t/#(x')#(x) + èkl'*(x)'I''*(x')4(x'):(x)+ à;1(x):1(x')'F(x')kI'(x)l (55.8) Theresultinghamiltoniancan besimplihedbychoosingT to satisfythefollowing nonlinearseld equation 2F(x)-p,)kF(x)+J#3x'Ftx-x')t T(x')l2àF(x)=0 (55.9) which m aybeinterpretedasaself-consistentH artreeequation forthecondensate wavefunction.l ln thisway,tht linearterm . :1vanishesidentically,giving an eflkctivequadraticham iltonian # çç= Kz+ X' (55.10) Thetheory can now be m adeself-consistentbyintroducing astatisticaloperator e- jx.,, ).ff= Tre-jx./f (55.11) and acorresponding ensem bleaverage ;.'')= Tr().ff' (55.12) Sincea orfdoesnotcommutewithX,thecondensatewavefunction X1'(x)= Tr(âerr#(x)1 (55.13) m ay besnite,in contrastto thesituation fora norm alsystem . Therem ainingform ulation followsin directanalogyw ith thetreatm entof superconductorsgiven in Sec.51. W eintroduceHeisenbergoperators /xtx' r)= eX.'f'/5:(x)e-Ref'T75 (55.14) 41 x(x, r)= eAeffv'/â4#(x)e-*.n'1% hE.P.Gross.Ann.Phys.(N.y. ),4:57(1958)andJ.M ath.Phys.,4:195(1963). SUPERFLUID HELIUM 491 which satisfy linearfeld equations t-: '? hy (/xtxml= -(F(x)- p.+ J#3x,U(x- x,)1Y.(x,)1z)fxlxrj - jdbx'P'tx- x')X%*(x')Qxtx'm)+ 4)(x'' r)àF(x!))VF(x) (55.15J) ' 0- 3 hjz ( /ltxml= (F(x)- Jz+ jd x' Utx- x#)1t1'(x')12)(/))(xr) (55.15:) These field operators can be used to Uesne a single-particle G reen's function (compareEq.(19.4)) Ftxm,x'r')= -(Fz((,x(x' r)fllx'r'')1) = - YF(x)Y1P*(x')+ F'txr,x'm') (55.16) w here g'(xr,x''r')EB-((Fz(;x(xr);)(x'r'))) (55.17) m easures the deviation from the equilibrium values. The two term s of Eq. (55.16) refer to condensate and noncondensate,respectively,while the cross terms(linearin ( /)vanish identically owingto Eq.(55.4). Asacorollary,the m ean density becom es n(x)= n() (x)+ n'(x) (55.18) w here ?1a(x)= j T-txl12 n'(x)= -F'(xm,xr+) (55.19) (55.20) Theequationfor@'can beconstructed from Eq.(55.15): h 0 @ ,( o'r xr,x'm')= -â3('r- r')((t /x(xm),#)(x'r'))) - jv.jo*K oç v xrbç 4(x-zljk(55.21) Equation (55,4)showsthattheequal-timecommutatoron the rightsidereduces to a delta function,and we readily obtain t-âjo . ;-F(x)+p.-. f#3x'Ftx-x? ')$ k l' Xx*)r 2)F' (xm,x'' r' ) - fdsx'Ftx- xelà1' etxl(T *(x' ')F'(x,r,x'm')+%P(x&)FJl(x>' r,x'. r')) = hbl. r- ' r')3tx- x') (55.22) 492 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S whereFa'lisananomalousGreen'sfunction(compareEqs.(20.i4:)and(51.120) F(l(x' r,x?' r')>-(Fz#)(xm);)(x'' r')j) (55.23) A very sim ilarcalculation givestheotherequation hy;- r(x)+ p.- Jd?x Ftx- x )l kF(x )I Fzjtx' r,x r) Jd?x'Ftx- x' ')T'*(x)(tlP(x' ')Fc'1(x' 'm,x'' r') - +t1P*(x*)g'(x' 'r1x'v'))= 0 (55.24) whichcom pletelydeterm inestheproblem . N otethatH' 'appearsasacoe/ cient in Eqs.(55.22)and(55.24). Thissituationisanalogoustotheappearanceof. â ' in Eqs.(51.15)and (51.17),buttheself-consistency hereissimplerbecauseY' satissesanunc8upledequation(55.9)insteadoftheself-consistentgapequation relatingk â and$-(Eq.(51.14)). Intheusualcaseofatime-independentassembly,@'andFc'lhav- Fourier representation M'lx. r5x!m')= (#â)-ljje-foaatm-m''@'(x'x'*u)n) (55.25) F2 'ltxm. ,x', r:)= (jâ)-1z N. , -e-îconçr-r't@2'l(x,x' .' q f. sn) whereu)n= l' Trn/lhisappropriateforbosons. Thecorresponding equationsof m otion becom e kfâtt?,r+ (2,' n)-1hlV2+ y - f#3x' 'Ftx- x' ')) VF(x' ')l2jF'(x,x',(z)a) fd3x//I. 'tx-.x')11.*(x)g11**(x')(#''(x'5x',f. tln) - . (55.26/) - f#3x''lz'tx - x')YF*(x)(' t1-(x' ')M2'l(x' ',x'.f . on) + 'tI .-*(x' ')F'(x' ',x'.(s,,)J- 0 (55.26:) . A lthough these coupled equationscan,in principle.be solved for any particular choiceofAIPthatsatishesEq.(55.9),onlya few simplecaseshavebeenstudied in detail. U NIFOnM CO NDENSATE A sa srstexam ple.weconsidera stationary assem bly ofbosonsatfinitetem perature,when the condensate wave function is a tem perature-dependentconstant kF(x)H /o(F))1 (55.27) suPER FLU ID H EL1U M 493 thatdeûnesno(F). Directsubstitutioninto Eq.(55.9)givesthefollowingrelation between thechemicalpotentialand thecondensatedensity J. t= nvlr)1,(0) (55.28) where I z,40)EEEP'(k ='0). Furthermore.a Fouriertransfbrm solvesthecoupled integrodiflkrentialequations(55.26)becausethecoeëcientsarespatialconstants, W 'ith the usualdehnitions ' V'(X - X'.(e t)nl= (277.)--3.fd/k ( 2îk*(X-'X''F'(k*(. t)n) ' V2'l(X - X',u?rl)= (2*)-3fd' bkfpik*tx-x')/ , F2'1(k,(. snj . (55.29) . a simplecalculation yields(compareEq.(5l.28)J (ihu)n- .-2-nvU(1)JF'tk-t,pnl-noP'(#)FJItk.cs'al= h (55.30) w'here eo k= hlL.z2p7and Eq.(55.28)hasbeen used. Thesealgebraic equations are easily solved: ? n.62-n e-. 1, '(1')) :.-..u 19'(k,fapsjcn.u.h(ih.(, l . ' j . 2-Ek (h -. . -. . -w .jEk .... -. . . --. ,hc. o-n)=-. . Ez k ---..= ltz anIh - c lc t ln.. +. - . . . 7k v?j )J.'(k) 1 1 ' h.'z 'j(k.f x):)= ( -h -u-). --= -us . ---Ey ., -i- : .o--. n. I Z----. El v G!'s aj l. co-n-/J lc n-,-Ek /â (55.32) wheregseeEqs.(21.7)to(21.10)) (55.3. 3) (55.34/) (55.34:) The presenttheory isvery sim ilarto thattreated in Secs.21 and 35,and m ostofthe same rem arksapply. ln particularsthe usualanalytic continuation to realfrequency identises Ekas the single-particle excitation energy,and its long-wavelength behavior k -. () (55.35) (55.36) c= g/7e(F)I'(0)?77-1)+ shows that 1, '(0)mustbe positive. lf.in addition.Ekis positive forallk # 0, thentheLandaucriticalvelocityist inite;thusanim perfectBosegasissupersuid, whereas an idealBosegas isnotbecause c and !' evanish identically. This is 4:4 Appt-lcAyloss To pHyslcAt- SYSTEM S one ofthe m ost im portantconclusions of Bogoliubov's originalcalculations' foritdem onstrateshow thepresenceofrepulsiveinteractionsqualitativelyalters the spectrum,leading to a Iineardispersion relation ask -. >.0. Itis interesting to study the temperature variation ofthe parametersnn anda'. A combinationofEqs.(55.20)and(55.31)gives n'(F)= - k)(jâ)-1 Q - t? j (J3 2=) r t iœn- . Ek -/ -j icon+ Ekjh eiwn' a j(2 #= 3: )3jebEk Q-l.j .l-r e ? I -bEk .j (55.37) where the sum has been evaluated with Eq. (25. 38)and theparametersEk,uk. and ykdependontemperaturethrough?u(F). Forlow temperatureand weak interactions, however,we may set ao(F); kJaa(0)in Eq.(55.37). A sim ple rearrangementyields n,(r) n,(0);:z d3kj(Iz2 k; ,+ jk.!? vjl!v-o - (2=) e . . m ; k;12âac (ksF)2 j F-. >.0 where n, (0) is the noncondensate density (compare Eq.(21.15)J and c= (zu(0)F(0)/-)1'isthespeedofsound,bothatF= 0. Sincethetotaldensityis independentoftem perature,thecondensate m ustbe depleted according to the relation.z , m c ?u(O = a0(0)- 12âac (k.r) (55.38) This equation m ay also be expressed in terms ofthe macroscopic condensate wavefunction 1- 'l'(F)= mlkzF)2 T(0) l4h3c?u(0) (55.39) showing thatthe temptrature-dependentpartofklpvaries as r2. In addition, wehaveseen that11F12isalwayslessthan abecausetheinterparticlepotential introduceshigherFouriercom ponentseven atF= 0. 1N.N.Bogoliubov,J. Phys.(&SfR),11:23(1947). 2Ifthesecondterm ontherightismultiplied byafactorzu(0)/a,whichis ; <$1inthepresent modelIseeEqs.(21.15)and(22.14)),theresultingequation correctlydescriixsaBosesystem with an arbitrary short-rangerepulsivepotential. aslong ascisinterpretedasthe actualsrwxed ofsoundatr=0IK.Kehr.Z.Physik,;21:291(1969)). SUPERFLUID FIELSUM 495 ltisinterestingtocompareLkl'-(r)(2withthesuperouiddensityps(F),which can be dehned through the linearresponse ofthe system to an externalperturba- tion. TheLandauquasiparticlemodelpredicts(seeEq.(54.25J)) l hçXè 2R2h /fd!F 4 p--- yjc .g- (uc --) . (55.40) so that p,(F = 0)= p,with temperature-dependent corrections :z:7-4.1 It is clearthatthere isno directconnection between p,(F)and 'Xl' (F)I2because these physicalquantities have diPkrent tem perature dependence and difI krent values atr = 0 (seealso Prob.14.9).2 W ehavealreadydiscussed the measurementof ps(F) in Sec.54. The eorresponding experimentaldetermination of?7f ;(r) is m uch m ore dië cult: nevertheless it m ay be possible to obserke anom alous quasielastic scattering (see Sec.17)ofenergetic neutrons(;4:1 eV)from He 11 below FA.3 NoN klN IFo R M CO N DEN SATE W enow turn to spatially nonuniform systems,whereVl' -(x)mustbedetermined from the nonlinear integrodiflkrentialequation (55.9). lt isoften convenient to write t1'(x)= F(x)ei*ixb (55.4l) where F and ç;,are real. relation i(x)= 2h-.E(V - V,)Ftxm,x'r*))x,-x ml - (55.42) thecontributionjctx)ofthecondensatebecomes h av . s jo(x)- y -jl'l- (x)V'1'(x)- , .(x)vkj. xvjxlj h = - m c h (F(x)j V+(x)= rlo(x)-V(p(x) m wheren:H /-2isthecondensatedensity. Thisequation identiqestheeondensate velocityas(compareEq.(54.2)) h votx)= . -V+(x) m (55.44) !Equation (55. 40)and the phonon specil ic heat(a:F3)obtained from Eq.(54.19)have also been derived from the microscopic theory to a11orders in perturbation theory by K . Kehr. Physica,33:620 (1967)and by W .Götzeand H.W agner,Physica,31:475(1965),respectively' . 2In the sptcialcase ofan idea!Bose gas, these two quantitiescoincide;see Probs.14.6 and 14.l1. 3P.C.i'lohenbergandP. Nl..Platzn-kan,Phys.Rer..,152:1.98(1966). 4g6 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S N'otethat&' (j(x)isautonlaticallyirrotational(Eq.(54.I))whenever V(/,'isbounded. because v: isproportionalto the gradientofthe phase of:1-. If:1-*is assum ed to besingle 5,alued.then the 1ine integralofEq.(55.44)around aclosed path lying 55holl), 'i11 the condensate inlnlediatell giNes the quantization of circulation in tlnitsof11???gEq.(54.l0)1.justasi11Eq.(50.. 31). For si171plicity'. ut' t approxinlate the interparticle potential by a repulsive delta ftllctio! 1 l'(x)--v tri s(x) (55.46) ilto (f5.461.the im aginar/ and real parts can be (55.47) jc-z$r ;12 z -.u - ' .-- .7 a .Tr /- -.ya&.c() lJl -221-/ T1 -let,e eqtlatio1)s are rk lad1ly retlogl ' l1zed : ts the conti1:uity'equation for the condellsate alpd ïtqtlal lttl11' tCtllalog ot-Berloulli-sequation for steadl'flou . .h .s aI1 eNttl ' tlpluto1-:111t3!ltl1 )1fornl s)steni.considera stationarq'condensate co1l illetl to a t seIlli-i11ti1)ltt l dk4nla11) (. 2' '0). The boundary colld1tion Nvi11 be takeI A:). >î1'-.0 at- 0 >11 -1ce Eq.(: 55.46)1ss1n)i1arto a o1:e-part1cle Schrödinger eqtlcttio11. I1)th1sone-d1Ille11s1 'onalgeonletry,11'takesthe fbrm (55.50) = llvg (55.51) 1This equation is ./ (?l ' '?)7J//I'identi calwilh a Ginzburg-l-andau tl'pe offield equation forpl valid nearrc(V.L.Ginzburg and L.P.Pitaesskil.St ?t'.Ph)' s.-JETP,7:858 (1958)),butthe physicalinterpretation is dit/krent. In the presentcontext.Elq.(55.46)B'astirststudied by E.P.G ross,N 2?t?ë'f.?(.-illl(>'lîç).20:4j4 (l96l)alld by l-.P.Pilaes'skii.S(?1..Pll.b,s.-JETP,13:451 (l96I). SU F'ERFLU lD H EL.IU M 497 justasinEq.(55.28). Thenaturalscalelengthforspatialvariationin:1' -isgiven by gcompare Eq.(50.l8)) ( 7-c zj (. j r t j q j t y , -g .j (55.52) whilethepropersolutionofEq.(55.50)hasalreadybeenobtainedinEq.(50.20) (55.53) Thusthecondensatedensity vanishesatthewalland rises to itsasym ptotic value nvinacharacteristiclengthJ. ltisinterestingthatthissamelengthalsooccurs in a uniform sy' stem with a delta-function potential (see Eq.(21.14)),for the excitationspectrum Ekchangesfrom lineartoquadraticatthevaluek; 4:#-1. To explore the implicationsofEq.(55.53).we evaluate the energy a per unit area associated w ith the formation of the surface layer. The num ber of condensate particles per unitarea contained in a large region 0 -' z-z < *-'- given by Eq.(55.19)1 OL * u$' ()=?70j0dztanh2--,= . $7J . :znoL - ?7o-$L( (f5.54) where1 isassumed to be much larger than (. Sinlilarlq' .the totalcondensate energyperunitareabecomesgseeEq.(55.6)1 -L h2V 2 ' E0= j0 Jz -X1R*.. ---.11't-i wgkl-.4 lnl . *L . - û' 1 -r?0 2g I,Jz 1- sech4-g .y j' : 4:J,70 2gl-- J 3-/70 2gl -4 2 (55.55) M ostofthis energy arisesfrom the interparticle repulsion and also occursfor a uniform system . B 'e therefore desne the surface energy o'as the diflkrence between the totalenergy Eç j and the energj'of the sam e num ber of particles 'ThelengthL ishereconsidered am athemalica!culofl-uith no phqrsicalsigniticance.butthe samecalculationalsodescribesaphyrsicalchannelofuidth21.>>fsincetheresultingH-(x)is sym m etric. APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S 498 uniform ly distributed a.= E0- !.N: 2gl--1 x. 'é/12n9 pvc ; k:-V n,l . - ;4r3. , (55.56) where we have used Eq.(55.54)for Nvand setl' rlrlo= mn= p in the lastline. This surface energy contains170th the (positive)kinetic energy associated with the curvature of the wave function and the (positive) compressional work involved in m oving particlesfrom the surface to the bulk ofthe iuid,where the density is slightly increased. A lthough the present m odel applies only if the surfacelayerismuch thickerthan theinterparticle spacing (nf3yp.l),the last form of Eq.(55.56)remains welldeûned even for a strongly interacting system wherer,/3$4:l. W ith the numericalvaluesappropriateforHe II,we 5nd c; kJ0.36 erg/cmz,in good agreement with the observed low-temperature surfacetension ; k;0.34dyne/cm Ea0.34erg/cmz. As a second exam ple of a nonuniform system ,consider an unbounded condensateoftheform l n-(x)= rlleipytr) where(r,û)areplane-polarcoordinatesand/tr)isreal,approaching1asr. -+.cc. Equation (55.44)immediately gives h vatx)= -. 1 (55.58) mr $ so thatEq.(55.57)representsa singly'quantized vortex with circulation h(m gseeEq.(54.8)1. TheGross-pitaevskiiequationreducesto :2 '1 # # 1 % (,j;ry? .-pf+pf-no, :/-3=0 y (55. 59) whose asymptotic behavior again leadsto Eq.(55.51). Itisconvenientto introducethedimensionlessvariable(= r/f: J Vk-+ ( 1,d ft- ( à( y-1 -if-vf-fs=0 (55.60) Forsmall(,thecentrifugalbarrierdominatesthesolution,whichtakestheform T(()= C( (55.61) where C is a num ericalconstant. This resultshowsthatthe particle density fallstozeroinaregionofradius(.whichmaybeinterpretedasthevortexcore. :V.L.Ginzburg and L.P.Pitaevskii,Ioc.cit.' ,E,P.Gross,Nuovo Cimento.Ioc.cit.,L.P. Pitaevskii.Ioc.cit. sUPERFLtliD HELlU M 499 To clarify thisresult,wecombineEqs.(55.36)and (55.52)to gike K C '-- 2,rx jy showingthatthecoreradiusJmaybeinterpretedasthepointwherethecirculating super:uid velocity becomes comparable with the speed ofsound (see Eq. (54.8)). Thiscriterionisindependentofthestrengthofthepotential:forHe1I, Eq.(55.62)givesJ; k;!.A.inrough agreementNNith theobservedvalue ; k;lX.1 Forlarge (,anexpansion in powersof(-2yields f(()- 1- (2(2)-1 (55.63) . N ote that the density perturbation here vanishes algebraically rather than exponentially as was the case for a sem i-intinite dom ain; this ditlkrence arises from the long-range circulating velocity held around the vortex. The exact solution/tt)mustbeobtainednumerically(Fig.55.1),w' hilethecorresponding Fig. 65.1 Radial wave function for a singly quantized vortex. Tbe curve was plotted from the numericalsolution to Eq. (55.60) of M . P. Kawatra and R. K . Pathria.Ph.b'.î.Re('..151:132(1966). O num ericalcalculation oftheenergyEvperunitlength associated with thevortex givesz E =hlnfln -1.46R a;j! c-2ln l,46A - - - - - -- . j 4. -.y -. H ereR isacutofl-atlargedistancesthatm aybeinterpreted asthe radiusofthe container,and weagaintakeno = ??inthelastform . Thisexpression isanalogous to that for a classicalvortex (54.ll).butthe core region is now welldesned w'ithout recourse to specialm odels. The quantity Et.determ ines the critical angular velocity for the form ation of quantized vortices in a rotating cylinder ofHe11(Prob.14.3). ForR ;z;lmm.experiments3consrm thatln(R 'J)Q:16 . PRO BLEM S 14.1- Use the Clausius-clapeyron equation to discussthe melting curvesfor H e3and H e4in Fig. 54.1. D evise a theory ofthem inim um in the melting curve 'G.W .Rayfield andF. Reif,Ioc.cit. 2V . L.Ginzburgand L.P.Pitaevskii. Ioc.cit.;L. P.PitaevskiiaIoc.cil. 3G . B.H essand -W'.M . Fairbank,Phys.Aeè'.Letters,19:216 (1967). scc Appulcv loss 'ro pHyslcAu SYSTEM S of He3 based on the observation thatCurie's1aw describes the m agnetic susceptibility ofsolid He3down to a few m illidegrees. W hathappensto them elting curve as F --. >.0 ? 14.2. (t z) If #(r)= o). ' fx r, prove that curlv= 2f . ,)J. Hence deduce that jctd1.Y= 2a). d.where, 4= j -#S.JistheareaenclosedbythecontourC. (b) lfvtr)= (x/2rrr)J,prove thatcurlv= sJ3(r)where risa two-dimensional vectorinthexyplane. Henceprovethatjc#l.v= KNcwhereNcisthenumber ofvorticesenclosedinC,andverifythediscussionbelow Eq.(54.8). 14.3. Conskdera system rotating atangularvelocity at. (J)Prove thatthe equilibrium statesare determined by minimizing the'tsfree energy''F - ( , 0L,whereL is theangular m om entum and F isthe H elm holtz free energy. (&) For a superfuid in a rotating cylinder of radius R show thatthe critical angularvelocitytzlclforthecreationofasinglevortexisgivenby(sc!= (a' /2=A2)x ln(#/f)where (:is the radiusofthe core. Compare your ealculation with Prob. 13.5. W hy can a quantized flux line in a superconductor be interpreted asa N' ortex with circulation bt'ltne? 14.4. A system ofN classicalparticleshasa totalenergy E and a totalcenter- of-massmomentum P. Maximizetheentropysubjectto theseconstraintsand derive the eqtlilibrium distribution function /' (e- âk.v).wherewf(e)istheusual . Boltzm ann distribution function and v isa Lagrange m ultiplier. Com pute the ensembleaverageofP6/Pk and henceidentify:,.1: 14.5. Derivethedensity ofphononsand rotonsgEqs.(54.19J)and (54.20J)J, and find the corresponding contributions to the free energy, the specifc heat, andthenormal-nuiddensitypngEqs.(54.25)). 14.6. UseEq,(54.23)toshow thatpn= pforanynoninteractingnonrelativistie gas, except for an ideal Bose gas below its transition tem perature Fo, w'here Pa= P(F/F0? . 14.7. Consider a dense charged Bose gas in a uniform background where the excitation spectrum is ek= ((/i(1pI)2-i -(h2k22p7s)2j' # (Probs. 6.5 and 10.2). U se the Landau quasiparticle m odelto show that the criticalvelocity and the norm al-iuid density atlow tem perature are given by e2 l,c= 1.32r-Q sh PFQJ0 3608 la0kBT 1exp '-3.46r-* . , s - P e, el ytuk.v wheren= 3/4*r)av b,ru= hljmselistheBohrradius,and es/h isthevelocityin the lowest Bohr orbit. D iscuss the num erical values involved if m uQ:rzue. 1V.Lo13dorl.i%St 1l 7CFfluidS.3'VOl.1I,pp.95-96,DoverPublications.lnc.,New York,1964. sUPERFLU ID HELIU M 501 14.8. (tz) Show thatthesingle-particleGreen'sfunction foraperfectBosegas below its transition temperattlre isgiven by f#' 0(k,(s.)= -42=)3lhnoj(k)f s/ u( )(i( .o?3 1 !- 62, / 'h)-l' (/?) Use Ekao.(25.25)and (26.10)to rederivetheresultsofSec,5. 14.9. Consider a weakly interacting Bose gas with a uniform condensate that m ovesNvith velocity v. ((z)Show that11'(x)= ntt/i'' v*x.handso1veEq.(55.9)forrz. (b) Using thisexpression fortl' (x).solveEqs.(55.26)for1#,and r#a'). Com pare with the solution obtained in Prob.6.6. (c. ) Provethatn'isunalteredatF= 0 untilè'exceedstheLandaucriticalvelocity forthe Bogoliubov excitation spectrum Fk. A ttinite tem peratures.show that the second term on the rightside ofE'q.(f5.38)ismultiplied by (l- t'1,,.c2)-1. (#) Expresstbe total-m omentum densitj'l'-1,P in terms of $''. Expand to firstorderin v.and verify that)'-lxP --gp - p,, (F)j&'.wherep,,isgiven by the Landau expression Eq.(54.23). Evaluate pnqF)for r -' *0 and compare N&ith Eq.tf4.255). (g) RepeatProb.13.13 forthissystem , 14.10. (t z) Derive the remaining equationsofmotion (compare Eqs.(20.l8), (55.22).and(55.24)1forthematrixGreen-st-unction' i 9''txr.x'r')EE-.Frllbstx' r)x 4)K 1(x'r')1N'in aweak1), .interacting Bosegas. (??) Repeat the calculations of Prob. 13.15 for this systel' n and compare ),eur resultswith thosefora supcrconductor. The norm alization condition m tl$t1)ow be written 1 -J!v(l ?/4 .. L12- /' tï z12)= s-1 N. Nhere zo refers to the signot-theellergy eigenvalue. 14 .11. U se the m ethods de:eloped i11Sec.. 52 to sttid) 'the 1inearre>po1 :se ot-a condensed nonintcracll blg charged Bose gas to a transserse v' ector pote11tial A(x/). ln thelong-wa:elength statitr1inlit.shou'thattheindtlcedcurrentobeys the London equation (49.29)u'ith atem perature-dependentcoefèicient/?s(F)' ll== l- (F'Fo)1(com pare Prob.14.6).and henceexhibittheNleissneref: fect1 . 14.12. (t7)GeneralizeProb.l4.11to adenseilltcracting charged Bosegasin a uniform background. Usetheana1og ofEq.(. 51.6)to deriveam oditied London equation B ith a tem peraturc-dependentcoefhcient ?7 (T4 ,(F) zs -(-F) - = qs --. . -- = 1 - #, -. . 11 P P 1 wherepn(T4. , ' p isgiven in Prob.14.7. (b4 Athighdensity'and zero tem peratureshow thattheelectrodl'namicsislocal, apartfrom correctionsoforder?-s î. tN. '.L.G inzburg.C' sp.Fiz., %' alIk.48:25 (l952)(Gernlan translation:Forts('/;,Phy' . $ '..1:101 (1953)J:51.R .Schafroth.Phys.ReL,.100:463(195. 6). Kz Appt-lcArloss To pHyslcAu SYSTEM S 14.13. SolveEq.(55.46)fora stationarycondensateinachannelofwidth #, anddiscussthetransitionbetweenthelimitingcases#y,(andd. q (. Compare the resulting density prohle with thatforan idealBose gas. Assum e Ng; k;A s which neglectsthçnoncondensate,and takeN cc#. 14.14. Consider a semi-inhnite dom ain (z > 0),where thecondensate moves uniform ly with velocity v= t?k. Assum ethattheasym ptotic density atinsnity isgivtnbytheresultsofProb.14.9foranintinitemedium,andsolveEq.(55.46) fork1P(z). Discusshow ac(z)varieswithv. 14.15. Show thatEq.(55.46)foràlpcanbeobtainedfrom avariationalprinciple fortheenergy keepingthenum berofcondensateparticlessxed. Asaparticular exam ple,consider a hard sphere ofradiusR in an insnite m edium ,where the condensate wave function takes the form 1F(x)= ntflrj withf(R)= 0 and /(( x))= 1. Usethetrialfunction/tr)= 1- e-tr-Rl/tanddeterminetheelective surfacethickness/. ln thelimitR -->.oashow thatl= (6â2/lLmnvgjkand that the corresponding surface energy becomes g= 0.479/12,1()/m4 (compart Eq. (55.56)1. 14.16. Usethevariationalprinciplefrom Prob.14.15 to study a vortex in the condensate. Assume a radialfunction ofthe form /(r)= r(r2+ /2)-+ and show that/2= 2J2isthe bestchoice. Hence derive the approximate result Ev= (rr/j2ac, /rz?)ln(1.497A/J)andcomparewithEq.(55.64). 15 A pp licatio ns to Finile System s: T he A tom ic N ucleus A hnite interacting assem bly ism uch m ore com plicated than a uniform m edium . lndeed,itisamajortaskjusttogeneratetheHartree-Fockwavefknctionsfora hnite system .whereas in a uniform mediunl,translational invariance requires thesewavef-unctionsto besim ply planewaves(see Sec.10). Sincethesingle-particlestatespresentsuch a dim cultproblem .an5 practical application ofm any-body techniquesis necessarill'm uch less sophisticated than those discussed so far. Nevertheless. ue shallsee that second quantization, canonicaltransformations.G reen'sfunctions.and the independent-pairapproxim ation provide powerful tools for discussing the properties of a tinite manj' particle assem bly. Fordehniteness.we concentrate on atom ic nuclei.butthe sam e technlques also apply to atom s or molecules. Hence we defertbe speciéc problem sarislng so3 so4 from the singtllar nature of the nucleon-nucleon force tlntilthe last sectio1 .i1' 1 thischapter. For a finite assem bly,the anguIar m omentum pIays a t?rtlciaIrole.and a briefre&iew ofthissubjectisgi&.en in AppendixB.l Therotationalinvariance ot -the totaIham iItonian im plies thatalIthe eigenstatescan be labeled by J. î/ .2 l11 addition.the eigellstates are labeled b) their parity . 7 z because thttillxariallce of the strol lg i1teractions tlnder i1&ersiol ls im plies that parit)'is also a good quantum ntlm ber. S6CG EN ERA L CA N O N ICA L TRA NS FO R M A TIO N TO PA RTIC LES A N D H O LES W estartbypertbrnlingageneralcanonicaltransform ationtk' lparticlesand holes. In thefirstapproxinlation.theground $tateorthecore(see Fig,. 56,l)isassum ed to be a setofkzonppleteià tilled single-particte levels.% hose exat!t natttre NSi11be specified bhortly. For a spherically sjm m etric systenl. these single-particle statescan alwaj's becharacterized bs the qtlanttlnl nunlbers3 a o .n E 1115) j11:y yNith . . 5-.J .and /--./:J .. The parity ofthcse statesis(. -I)d. Itiscollvenlentto ' - m ake the /??dependellu. e explicitb)'tlsing the notation a jz a .-.-/))y -. uhere . ta) de1)otes the qtIa11tum num bers :llls)'J. Asstlme the single-particle quantum num bersto be ordered u ilh F a nunlberthatlies betueen the lastj -ully occupied and first tlnocctlpied (or partially occtlpied) state. as illustrated i11 Fig.56.1. *..- j Fig.56,1 'W e follow the angular-lllolllentulll notation ofA .R.Edlptonds.''Angular N1olllellttllll in Quantun,Mechanics.''Princeton L'nlversltj Prcss.Princeton,N.J..l957. ?The exacteigenstatcscan be characterized b/ the center-of-nlass Illollqentulll Pt,,,and the angularnlom entunl ' .1 in thecenter-of-nlassfrallle,butthe dependenccon P(,,;wI11notbe .J% tuade explicit(see,howes'er.Prob.I5.l8). W c shalIgenerally study the behav'torof$.alence nucleons nloving abouta heavy lnerlcore. To a good approxilppation.the totalcenlerof lllassthen colncldes%Ith thatofthecol'e, 71-orclarity.weassuIltelnltlaIlythattlleshstenl1scotplposed of1ustonetyptloffernl1on. The 1sotopic spin ofthe ntlcleon leadsto sktghtIllotllticat1ons.NKh)ch are dlsctlsseklatthe ent!t7f this section. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S :THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS B06 lfthe generalferm ion creation and destruction operatorsaredenoted by (?)and ('a,then theparticleand holeoperatorscan bedefined by therelations (56.2/) (56.2:) :.:./S-xt b% : . --a where we adoptthe phase convention S * (- lljl-'nx Thisisclearly a canonicaltransform ation,foritleavestheanticom m utation rules unaltered tux,uf a-)- (à)a,d?' ),)- 3za. A11otheranticom m utators= 0 Thev-dependentphaseinEq.(56.2:)guaranteesthattheoperatorblcreatesa holewith angularmomentum 1jxmul'.which may beproved by shouing that /)1isan irreducible tensoroperatorofrankh and componentmx. ltishrst necessary to constructthe angular-m om entum operatorfor the system + z N.i (' 'r?' l1J.!jm')(- 1)/-mbn,./,-m(-1)J-m'b% .J ntj.-m, nll?nrn < F (56.5) where the second line follows because the single-particle m atrix elem ents of J arediagonalin(>?/. j)andindependentofnand/. Thelasttwooperatorscanbe written (-l)p-'1bnti,-m(-l)?-' n':llj,-m,= (-1)'.-' n'(3mm,- ?(lj,-m.bntj,-m),andthe tirstterm in parenthesesmakesno contribution to Eq.(56.5)because V z- (m lJl i m)= J= Y m =0 &1 m Furthermore,the W igner-Eckarttheorem showsthatthe m atrix elementofJ3q satissesi ;jm @ JIVljm'j= (-1)m'-' n+l. tj,-m'' f -zj:/j,-zn) ,.. With the change of sum mation variables (mtm'->.-rn',-?' n), the angular momentum operator linally becom es J= :W eusethegeneraltensornotation TxQ discussed in AppendixB. s06 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Theproofthatbjisatensoroperatornow follow'simmediatelyfrom therelations (J-??),, a)- 2)' C/ -llzty)(>/ f ?b,,,>1J py cy-- pt, )z- F)av+.t?(F - y)u s' . yé/-y (56.8/) (56.8:) and the nexttask is to write the totalham iltonian f' ?-W-k-cœ& t.v.'r i)'scj+ à.aV' Vöc' z lc' t x)' iIz ' -.y3>c.,cy j-. . (56.9) . in norm al-ordered form with respect to the new particle and hole operators. Jttst as in Sec. 37. W ick*s theorem can sim plify the calculation. W e w rite ,N'(cx tc#).#-c. a f'cb .EEnc 'x fcj 3d (56.l0) I where A'now stands for the norm alordering with 'respectto the new'operators. Take matrixelementsofEq.(56.10)w'ith respectto the new vacuum 10'' .dehned by It follow's that (56.l2) Cj .' ' # '.= Q.C) .= () = C j (56.l3) (56.l4) t'1c; 1c:cy, - (Cayt sja- ( 5zôt sjy)#(.F- a)0(F- ô')+ 23ay0(F- a)z V(c'j Ac:) 23J ?(F- a)Ntcj fc)?)a-A'tcJt' j ' tcst' s) (56.15) 7st wherethesymmetrykajpP'iy3.= u'$1 x.1z''3y)'hasbeen used tocombineterms - . thatgivethesamecontributionwhensummedovertheindicesa#y( à. W hen Eqs.(56.14)and (56.15)are substituted into Eq.(56.9),the hamiltonian separates into a c-ntlmber part.a partcontaining N (c1t-).and a part containing . Y(('ltXcc). Although thisresultis valid forany setofsingle-particle APPLICATIONS TO FlNlTE SYSTEM S : TH E ATOM lC N UCLEUS B07 states, we shall now choose the particular set that diagonalizes the quadratic partofthe transformed ham iltonian. A sim ple calculation yieldsthe eondition which isjustthe energy-eigenvalue equation derived from the Hartree-Fock single-particle equatfons of Sec. 10. Consequently, if the single-particle wave functions ( J)satisfyl then the totalham iltonian takes the form X = Ho+ X 1-t -Xa H0= N J (ra s-) 4' .-. -. a) x<F (56.20) (56.21) (56.22) (56.24) Thisgeneralresultisnotrestricted to spheriealsystem s. 'itappliesw henever ta)denotesasetofsingle-particlequantum numbersspecifyingthesolutionsto theHartree-Fockequations(56.l7)and(56.22). lnal1thecasesconsideredhere, . however,the rotationalinvariance of the Hartree-Fock core im plies that the corresponding single-particle energies are independentof?' zz,nam ely'Fz= L, Jz '7 = 1z ' aband 6X = ea. . Equations (56.18)to (56.21)are an exacttransformation ofthe original hamiltonian.Eq.(56.94. For alm ost a1Ipurposes.Ho- X :providesa better starting pointform any-body calculationsbecause italready includesthe average interaction of a particle w'ith the particles in the core. The new ham iltonian hasthefurtheradvantagethatHv-,-X,isexplicitlydiagonalandthatx0! .Vc10) vanishes. 1Note that the solutions corresponding to difrerentenergies are orthogonal,whereas tht degeneratestatesalwayscan beorthogonalized. 50: Appt-lcA-rloNs To PF#YSyCAL SYSTEM S Thepresentdiscussion appliesdirectly to atom s,wherethecoulom b interactionwiththenucleuscanbeincorporated in theone-bodyoperatorF. Forthe nuclearproblem ,however,thepreceding treatmentm ustbe generalized slightly because the nucleus consists of 170th protons and neutrons. ln this case,the setofquantum numberstalsimplycanbeexpandedtoincludetheisotopicspin ofa nucleon,asdiscussed in Sec.40. Forsphericalnuclei, wethereforedehne !a )> i/?/J. jmj.#z?r' . (56.25) with mt= -t-1-(-1')fOra Proton(neutron). ThephaseSzin Eq.(56.3)mustalso . be generalized to sya (-j)Ja-ma(-j)y-mt. (j6.26) so thatblisalsoa tensoroperatorofrank1.with respectto isotopicspin(the prooffollow' s exactly as w'ith angular momentum ). W ith this enlarged basis, Eqs.(56.18)to (56.24)applyequallywellto tinitenuclei. 57/THE SIN G LE-PA RTIC LE SH ELL M O D EL The solution of the Hartree-ll-ock equations for a snite system is extrem ely dië cult. Fortunately,m ostpropertiesofsnite nucleican be understood with approxim ate,solvablessingle-particlepotentials.and wenow discusstw' o specific exam ples. A PPROXIM ATE HARTREE-FOCK W AVE FUNCTIO NS AN D LEVEL O RDERINGS IN A CENTRAL POTENTIAL Considerfirstthe sim plestsingle-particlepotential,an infinite square w'ellshown Fig.67.1 The square-welland harmonic-oscillator approxim ationstothesingle-particleH artree-Fock potential. in Fig. 57.I. The solutions to the Schrödinger equation that are snite at the origin are n' ' *lm = Nn,./l(#r))$., (f)r) with energy h2k2 6= -S-?-- G APPLICATfONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 509 j(kR4 ,=,0 giving theeigenvalue The uave function m ustN' anish atthe boundar).l spectrum k,1lR .uu-j' l1I u here Xn;is:he ??lh zero ofthe /th sphericalBesselftlnction.excluding the origin and including the zero atthe boundary. The ordering of thebe zeros isshow 1) oI) the right side of Fig. 57.2. Thd nornpalization integral can be evaluated explicitly to givel Nk' re u rite )tjarllplw. lfultr) -rl(j. jr. j c-. j.1? . t* (57.6) Ns' hosesolutionsareLaguerrepolynomialsz unêl q)= z %rntql.lfa...1.:2Ll ' ,v -.# l(q2) f l-(J + p +.l)ez#J' c(J)SE-. > t'(p -.-1)-- (zJ-J't 7--z) zo-. Jzp , hz Act?EH - j mf lThisresultfollowsfrom the relations in L.I.Sehiff' .''Quantum slechanics.''3d ed..r.8t7. M cGraw-i-lillBook Companl',New s'ork.1968. 2P.M .M orse and H .Feshbach.-'M ethodsofTheoreticalPhlrsics.''rr.-34.1667.slcG rauHillBook Company.New'York.1953. 3A iitto m ean-squarenuclearradiiyleldstheroughesîim alehts';k:41NleN'A1. 61B APPLICATIONS TO PBYSICAL SYSTEMS A sinthesquarewell,ndenotesthenum berofnodesin theradialwavefunction includingthe oneatintinityand takesthevalues n = 1,2, .. .,x (57.11) f- 60 f- fp Isotropic harmonicoscillatorlevels Square-well .levels z (inhnite walls) (1681z/..-'y(56 1 1381 ..-.. )(1/.lg,3#,4s) 6h( . o- : , S..c . L jp (6) j (138) . >'> . l . L q p ( 1 1 2 J ' ' A' L. . 1 3 2 1 .(26) ..w ( e e , A lI . . ' 2 / ( 1 06 3 . . . . ' n( ) 6 ) 2 / (14) . A ( (1121 a l..-. -... .42)(lh,2/.3r) 5hu) E' -...1/1(921 w N x 3. :('70) ' * *x > x t9aj y.y(2) (701 .-. ---- 2:(681 (681 zh(21) - (30)(lg,2( t 3s) 4hu) ;&N-..h- -... N -- -- - 2d(10) lgIj8) x. N. f40) (20)(1/)2p) z .. --.2p(4c) ... m. . N L jhu; . 1 z (201 ht.o jj134) .w N. . . m 1hub N '..h. w-' --(34) 1. /(14) zstzl)) j . w ..Q--. .. .h .wN ld(181 ..-...w-.., .- (2()j z (g) . (6)(1#) (58) lg(18) j 4 ( ) j -lp(6) xx l8J w w .. jjyy jy ;jyo -., ..Nw jpjg) >'>. ohul !21 -- -- 1si2) ---- jg(6j t2) 1:(2) Fig.57.2 Levelsystem ofthe three-dimensionalisotropic harmonicoscillator(on Ieft)and thesquarewellw' ith intinitelyhigh walls(on right). The dtgeneracyofeach state isshown in parentheses,and the totalnumberof l evels up through a givtn state is in brackets. (Il -rom M .G.M aycrand J.H.D .Jensen,e'Elementary Theory ofNuclearShellStructureq''p.53s Jghn W ileyand Sonsalnc..New Yorks1955. Reprinted by pernnission.) Thesefunctionscan benorm alized using standard form ulasl N 2= - 2( n- .l )! .-- -. n' Jtt% -(l,+.l-. 4 -!.)j3 APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S :THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS :11 The resulting eigenvalue spectrum of the three-dim ensionaloscillator is well known e.t= hoA(N + !)- P' o (57.13J) N = 2(a- 1)+ l= 0,1,2,. (57.135) and isplotttd on theleft-hand sideofFig.57.2. Thesedegeneratelevelscontain statesofdiflkrentland are spaced a distancehœ apart. W e shallreferto these astheoscillatorshells. In comparingthetwo modelpotentials(Fig.57.1),the valueof l'chasbeen chosen so thatthe 1. :levelshavethesameenergy. Thetrue nuclearsingle-particle wellhasa snite depth. Nevehheless,the low-lyinglevelswithlargebindingenergiesareessentiallyunchangedbyextending the wallsofthepotentialtoinfnity. Forthesestates,atleast,therealH artreeFock potential presumably has a shape intermediate between the square well and the oscillator,and we can easily interpolate between the two cases. 80th n and Iremain good quantum numbersasthebottom edgeofthesquare wellis roundedorthebottom oftheoscillatorisiattened out. ThehighestJstateshave the largestprobability ofbeingneartheedgeofthepotential,and asindicated in Fig.57.2.theirenergy willbe Iowered in going from theoscillatorto the square well. SPIN-OBBIT SPLIU ING It is know n experim entally that certain groups of pucleons possess sm cial stability corresponding to the cl4sed shells ofaY mic physics. These Sfmlgic numbers''are2.8,20,28s50,82,126,. .. . ClearlyFig.57.2correctlypredjcts onlythesrstthreeofthesemajor-shellclosures. MayerandJensenltherefore suggested that the nuclear Hartree-Fock single-particle potentialalso has an attractivesingle-particle spin-orbitterm 2 H'= -l(r)l.s (57.14) In the presenceofthisinteraction the single-particle eigenstatescan becharac- terizedby bnlj.jml),andtheoperator1.shastheeigenvalues l.s(al!.. j??n)= #12- 12- shknljjmjj jfjlj+ 1)- l(I+ 1)- s(s+ l)JI a/!./z?n) (57.15) Theççstretched''case(j= /+ !.)leadstoI.s= //2.whilethetjack-knifed''case = 'See M .G.Mayer and J.H . D .Jensen,bbElementary Theory ofNuclear SbellStructureq'' John W iley and Sons.lnc.,New York,1955. :Tbereissometheoreticalevidence thatthisterm ari sesfrom thespin-orbitforceG tweentwo nucleons. See,forexample.K.A.Brueckner.A.M .Lockett.and M .RotenG rg.Phys.Ret'., 111:255(1961)and also B.R.Barrett,Phys.Rev..1M :955(1967). 512 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS (j= /- !. )leadsto I.s= -(I+ 1)/2. Thusthe srst-ordersplitting isgiven by 61-1- el.1.= xnl1(2/+ 1) (57.16) xntMJ&1(r)Vr)dr (57.17) Forhxed Iand.j,the(lj+ 1)degeneratemlstatesaresaidtoform ajshell(see Fig.57.3). Foranattractivespin-orbitforce(aa1>0),thestretched state,orstateof higherj fora given ( lieslowerin energy. In addition,the state ofhighestl in any oscillatorshellispushed down when the bottom ofthe wellisiattened, as illustrated in Fig.57.2. Itis therefore possible thatthe state ofhighestj and lfrom oneoscillatorshellm ay actually bepushed down into thenextlower oscillator shellas indicated in Fig.57.3,thus explaining the observed m agic numbers. Notethatthepushed-down statehastheoppositeparity(-1)1from the otherstates in the oscillator shelland has a highj. Thisobservation has manyinterestingconsequences;inparticular,itexplainstheislandsofisomerism orgroupingsofnucleiwith low-lying excitationsthatdecay by y transitionsto theground stateonlyvery slowly. SING LE-PARTICLE M ATRIX ELEM ENTS A s our srst description ofnuclear structure,we considerthe extrem e singleparticle shellm odel,which appliesto nucleiwith an odd num berofnucleons. In thispicture,thelevelsin Fig.57.3areflled insequence,and alltheproperties ofthe nucleus are assum ed to arise from the lastodd nucleon. Thism odelis extrem ely successfulin predicting the angular m om entum and parity ofsuch nuclei. lt also allow s a calculation of other nuclear properties such as the electrom agnetic m om ents. Them agneticdipoleoperatorsfora proton and neutron are 1* = Jl,(1+ 2le# lAn= Ixsllhns) where h p= +2.793 Aa= -1.913 (57.18f8 (57.18:) eh p,s= 2mp c (57.19) The magnetic momentof a nucleus with angular momentum j is desned byl t:j. il0Ijljj) rzH ($ m -JI>lcl./,m -. /)- (zj+ j)1 (. /l IIzi 1. /) (57.20) In the extrem e single-particle shellm odel,thisquantity iscom puted from the matrixelementsforthelastnucleon,which are oftheform (1èj111/è. /) and . lThroughoutthis chapterwe generally suppress a1Iquantum numbers thatare notdirc tly relevantto thediscussion. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S:THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 513 Ij1(i sl f/. ljX. Thesearejustreduced matrixelementsofatensoroperatorin a coupled scheme(seeAppendix B),and wehnd X = I l,Ls 2(./+ 1)((. /(' j+ 1)+ /(/. #-l)-. 5'(. 5 ,+ l))+ 2à('j(j+ l) +, î(!+ 1)- I(/+ 1))) (.57.21) N N N- I - 6At,, even - 4s 3d 2# !7, .j z 3:3 4 -.u'-- 4s)' ? x a' lg7z >'' ' 1i1' /2 t' ;J Jys z> N z 2#% N . li .. . (16) (4) (2) (8) (12) (6) (10) (184) 184 (14) (1261 (2) t4j 126 N N N N. -jp 5Aco odd - 1f <.-- - - 3,/1 --ypjt .-.2./-71 <. -., . 2)y2 Z lj' E h (6) 1hy: (8) (1œ ) (jc) z - 1h 'N N 4h N - 3: N ---?s72 -- - 2# c:w t. o even .- -z 1: 1N N N. even t- IJ Ihol odd - 1g 82 (641 1y'7 /2 xx. , . - lf /?/z (4) (20) (2) (6j (16) (j4) 20 (2) (4) I8! (6) 8 C 1g% (821 *' ' f>zN 2:( ,, f-2. î :dj/l (12) (2) (4) (6) (gj (1()). --.(50) (2) (401 (6) (38) (4) (8) 128) ...- 3hco - lp odd -1/' ldh lgyn AV - 1/1'1 /2 2/1 $ 2Rx 1.f% t:- ' h--251 /2 -' 1t : /j /2 ..-..-'-1,' /? -- 1p3 / ' ? 50 . 28 0 -15. ---- l&/2 (2) !21 2 Fig.57.3 Schematic diagram ofnuclear levelsystems with (right)and without(left)a spin-orbitcoupling H '= -a!.s. (From M .G,Mayerand J.H.D.Jensen.S'Elementary Theory'of-Nuclear ShellStructure,''p.58, John W iley and Sons,lnc., New York,l955. Reprinted by permission.) * :!4 AppLlcv loNs To PHYSICAL SYSTEMS withs= !.. Forneutrons,onlythesecondterm (proportionaltoA)contributes. Equation (57.21)isimmediately recognized asthatobtained from thesimple yectormodelforthe addition ofangular momenta. The two casesj= /+ !. becom e j- !.+ A A j p. ,. . /+j+ j(!'- A) (57.22/) . 1- l- ' 1' (57.22:) which are thesingle-particle Schm idtlinesforthe magneticm oments.l These results are independentofany radialwave functions and depend only on the angular-m om entum coupling. Outof 137 odd-, d nuclear m oments,only five lie outside the Schm idtlines. Itisan interesting factthatallbut 10 ofthese moments1iebetween thevaluegiven by the fullmomentofEq.(57.19)and the fullyquenched(pureDirac)valuehp= l,Aa= 0.2 The electric quadrupole operatorfor a single proton is Qzft= 3z2- r2= 2r2cc; (57.23) where cxoH (4=/(2# + 1))1Fxo,and the quadrupole momentofthe nucleus isdehned by !c r Q-(j,m-. /1Qzzl j,m-. /)-('-jy.2()jj)Ijr 2gyy (j, y c4) . In the single-particle shellm odel,the relevant m atrix elem ent is again thatfor thelastparticleta/è/jj:cl jn/. !.J'). Evaluatingthematrixelementofthistensor operatorinacoupledschemeyields(seeEq.(B.34J)j 2J.- 1 Q = -(r2),aj27+u (57.25) O dd-proton nucleiwith lessthan half-filled shellstend to havenegativequadrupole mom ents.as predicted by this m odel. Ifthe shells are more than half filled, however,the experimental quadrupole m om ents tend to be positive.3 This showsthe need fora consistentm any-body treatment,which isgiven in Sec.58. In the single-particle shell model, the quadrupole m om ent satisses the relation lUp< . R2 (57.26) where R is the nuclear radius. ln m ostcases, (he experim entalquadrupole 1T.Schmidt.Z.#/l.)u' l ' /(.14)6:358(1937). 2M .A.Preston,*Kphysics oftheNucleus.''pp.70-75,Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.,R eading. ,M ass-,1962. 3 M . A.Preston,op.cff..p.68. APPLICATSONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS B15 m om ents are m uch larger,particularly away from closed shells. Forexam ple,i Q(7lLul75), ?(1.2. 1' . iF)2= +13. Odd-neutron nucleishould have no quadrupole m om entsin the single-particle shellm odel. Experim entally,they tend to behave as ifthe lastneutron were really a proton.and the quadrupole m om entisagain m uch Iarger than the m odelwould predicteven for a proton. Forexam ple,z ;(Ertt7), /(1.2, d1F)2; 4r4-23. The explanation for these large values is that thecoreisnotinert,butcanactuallybedeformedbythepresenceofthevalence nucleons. Since the core hasa charge Z,a sm alldeform ation hasa large eflkct on @.t Unfortunately.adescription ofdeformed nucleiwould takeusoutside ofthe scope ofthe presenttext.3 and the rem ainderofthis chapterconcentrates on sphericalnuelei,nam ely those in the vicinity ofclosed shells. 58U M A NY PA RTIC LES IN A SH ELP The previoussection investigated an extrem e single-particle m odelofthe nucleus. W e now take the nextlogicalstep and consider the problem of slling a g'shell with interacting valence particles. Throughout this discussion, the shells already tilled w illbe assum ed to form an inertcore. Tw o VALENCE PARTICLES: GENERAL INTEBACTION AND 3(x) FORCE W ithjustoneextraparticleina level,thenucleushastheangularmomentum and parity of that extra nucleon. W hat happens when two identiealnucleons areplaced inthesam eg'shell? lfweconhneourselvestothesubspaceofagiven j shell.wecan usethe shorthand notation fnl jmj-->.m. Thestatesofdesnite totalJ fortwo identicalparticlestherefore can be written ij2JM A= 1 jmjjmz!JjJM )t/mjfcar0) q. ,jmlM : (. (58.1) where the superscript2 denotes the num ber ofparticles in the shell. Since the fermion operatorsanticommute,the symmetry property(B.l9b)oftheClebschG ordan coeë cientunderthe interchange m k= m 1,together with a change of dummy variables,yields II'IJM )= (-1)27-1+1jj2J. M j. We conclude thatJ m ustbeevenorthestatevanishes' ,two identicalvalencenucleonsthereforehave the allowed states Jr= 0+92+54*5*'@!(2. 1- l)+ 'M .G .M ayerand J.H.D.Jensen,op.cl'/.,pp.79-80. 2lbid. 1J,Rainwater,Phys.Rev.,79:432(l950), 3Forathoroughdiscussion ofthistopicseeA.BohrandB. R.M ottelson,seNuclearStructure,'' W .A.Benjamin,Inc.,New York,vol.I(1969)andvols.11and1ll(tolx published). *An excellentdiscussion ofthe many-particle shellmodelis contained in A.de-shalitand 1.Talmi.e*NuclearShellTheorys''Academic Press.New York,1963. s1e AppLlcAn oxs To pHYslcAu SYSTEM S In thesingle-particleshellm odel,these statesaredegenerate because the coreis spherically sym m etricand thevalenceparticlesdo notinteract. Forrealnuclei,thisdegeneracyislifted,and itisan experimentalfactthat alleven-even nucleihaveground stateswithJn= 0+. Furtherm ore,theproperties of odd-W nucleican be understood by assum ing that the even group of nucleonsiscoupled to form Jn= 0+in the ground state. Thequestion arises, can these facts be understood within the fram ework ofthe many-particle shell m odel? The degeneracy ofthe statesformed from the valence nucleons can be rem oved only by adding an interaction between these nucleons. A s an introduction,we shalluseilst-orderperturbation theoryand com pute thelevel shiftsfrom thehrst-quantizedmatrixelements(j2JM IV3j2JM ). Thesematrix elementsarediagonalinJ and M and independentofM becausethetwo-particle potentialisinvariantunderrotations. They stilldepend on Z however,owing to thediflkrenttw o-particle densities. To investigate the levelordering oftwo interacting particlesin aj shell. weirstm ake a m ultipole expansion ofthe generalrotationally invariantinter- action Ftrl,n,cos#jz) U' (rl,r2,C0s#lz)= Z/xlrl,rcl#xtcos#12) This relation ismerely an expansion in a complete setoffunctionsofcos#Ic, and itcan beinverted with the orthogonalityofthe Legendre polynom ials Tx- IK + 1 1 z - #x@)P'(r!.rz.x)#. Y (58.4) l Equation(58.3)canberewrittenwiththeexpansioninsphericalharmonics 4, r 'xtcosp!z)- ZK j.j . Fx-tf1llFx-(f1c)- ct-d . M which gives P'(rl,n,x)- Z/x(rl,r2)t't-1 (58.6) For generality we evaluate the expectation value of F for two arbitrary single-particlestatespnjljylmytllandt; uzlz,zm,(2)coupledtoform desniteJand M. Thismatrix elementfollowsfrom therelation(B.33)ofAppendix B (. /1jZJM lP'l. /l./2JM ) /1 h J 7 lcxl l-/l)(A1 1cx! 1A) (58.7) x2Fx(-1)#.+#a+J h ./l K ;jLI . wheretheradialm atrixelem entisdefned by FxH Jl dIlj(rl)dzl,(r2)./k(r1,r2)drj#r2 (58.8) A11the dependence on the totalangular momentum J is contained in the 6j symbol,and allthe specihc nuclear properties are contained in the multipole APPLICATIONS T0 FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 517 strengthsFK. Sincel 0 K ,4 jj xuven (58.9) K odd Eq.(58.7)can be w' ritten L ,/.1./. I . jy, s 2Jiu : .p.I). j./. 2J-;. ev, e . n,Ksx(x-j)y-1J js Jf . 2 . . x jjl() .. yljjj2 '' 1 . Z x ' t j , j (58.1O) 'j2Jj r %L flJz 'ëjlJ, / /, Jv l . /' K; &z J),=ev( j) Fg(-1)J-tJ j ' ;. j '(2 . k.1)z( en K l/ . / n ) . / hj ( . , . lfa1lthe FK are negative,corresponding to an attractive two-nucleon fbrce,then adetailed examination ofEq.(58.l1)showsthatthespectrum willbeasin Fig. 58.1a. This fbllows'since the largest 6j symbols are generally those with J = 0.1 Equation (58.10)derived abovealso can beapplied to anodd-odd nucleus with an extra proton and neutron in theshellsylandh. In thiscasethelowest stateforan attractiveinteractionw' illhaveJ = jbv-g' a andthefirstexcited state turns out to haveJ = /y-jz(Fig.58.1:). ltiseasy to seethe reason forthese results. The m atrix elem ent . : .jj . jzJ,V P'jL/27, %/ essentially measures the . . @ @ @ @ @ * -. 4* .... ()jM- ' Jl -. .0* j. j)- j:j Two identicalparticles Two particles in diflkrent in same shell shellsjbandh (J) (*) Fig.58.1 Two-particle spectrum w'ith an attractive interaction. !M ,Rotenberg.R.Bivens.N . Metropolis.and J.K.W ooten.Jr..--The ?jand 6jSymbols.*' p.6.TheTechnologyPress,M assachusettslnstitute ofTechnology.Cambridge.Mass.,1959. t M .Rotenbergetal..op.c, ' J. m: APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS ovelap ofthetwo single-particlewavefunctions. The bestoverlap alwayswill % obtained by opposing theangularmomenta and thenextbestby liningthem up. Forexample,ifwewrite L = 11+ lzand take 11.Iaasameasureofoverlap (---Fig.58.2),then 1 /1h L = 11+ h 1.l a=ilf, (Z+1)-Jj t/j+1)-lz(/z+1))=tujj. j.j)tg g.jj.jav() (58.12) and thisoverlap islargerifthe angularmomenta areopposed. Two identical particlescannotbe lined up becauseofthePauliprinciple. lj lz Fig.**.2 Qualitativepictureoftheoverlapoforbits. Theseresultscan a seen m oreclearlywith asim plemodeloftheattractive interaction potential. A ssumethat P(12)= -g3(xI- xa)= -#ô(1- cosejzj3/1- '2) , 'zr rjrz (58.13) with g > 0. Thisyields f A (2x + 1)3(rI--rz4 vlvg rl,n)= -4= xt (58.14) Fx= -21gflK + 1) (58.15) where 1 dr 1- j-# l4l,,(r)l zt,,(r)p (58.16) Theenern shiftsoftwo identicalparticlesin the.jshellcan now bedetermined by explicitly evaluating the sum on K in Eq.(58.l1).1 Foreven J,we 5nd 72 (2K + 1) j . / J l K l2 1j j J 2 j . / K !' 0 --i = - j !' --1 () .v..x (58.17) 1M .Roten% rgetal.,op.cit.,Eq.(2.19). Note thatthesum oneven K can tx converted toa sum ona1lK byinxrtingafactor111+ (-1)X1. APPLSCATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S:THE ATOM SC NUCLEUS 0 - 2 2 (3/2)2 (5/2)2 2+ (7/2)2 4 + 2+ 2 -4 < j JIF1 p.J > 619 6 4) a+ 0+ #1 - - 6 - s 0+ ()9 l0 Fiq.68.3 Slxctrum (Eq.(58.18))fortwoidenticalparticlesinthe/shell withaninteraction P' (xl- xz)= . -gôtxl- xz). Itfollowsthat (j2JMjP'I jlJM)=-1g(2j+1)2(j 1 J 0)l (58.18) The resulting spectrum isindicated forsomesimplecasesin Fig.58.3. W esee thatthe0+stateindeed lieslowestand issplitos from theexcited states,which arenearly degenerate with thisdelta-function potential,byapairing energy (./2(X)tFl. /2(K))=-(2.j+ 1)Ig (58.19) Notethatthisenergy shiftisproportionalto lj + 1so thatitmay sometimesbe energetically favorable to promotea pairofidenticalparticlesfrom theoriginal jshellinto ahighery'shellif-/'-jislargeenough. Inthislowest-ordercalculation (i.e.,takingjusttheexpectation value of F(1,2)),the relativeposition of these levelsisadirectm easureofthe two-body interaction G tween the valence nucleons. Actualnuclearspectra show many ofthe featuresillustrated in Fig. 58.3. SEVERAL PARTICLES: NORM AL COUPLING Fora short-rangeattractiveinteraction,wehaveshown explicitlythatthelowest energystateofa pairofidenticalparticlesin thesam e.jshellwillbe IJ'2œ)=V10) (58.20) wherewehavedehned a new two-particleo> ratorby 11st- çé l M j-a 'lim,. /'nzpijJMSc:,da . (58.21) 52Q APPLSCATSONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S with( a( ytH ( NJ y-v.sf-v. Thisargumentsuggeststhatthe lowestenergy state for ,%. identicalparticlesina.jshellisobtained byaddingthemaximum numberofJ= 0 pairs consistent with the Pauli prineiple. These states (unnorm alized) are 3-particlestate= a, ' t.J *f 1 )10N ,, 4-particlestate= ( A. ( yl j Ax s yi x o ) Normal-coupling shell-m odelground states . s .k. particlestate= t/lmJ'j( ) Jcjjixz . - , etc. (58.22) ltisafundamentalassumptiont#'theshellmodelthatthesenormal-couplingstates form the ground states of the multiply occupied j-shellnuclei.z This model correctly predicts the ground-state angular m om entum and parity for m ost nuclei. Weshallattemptatheoreticaljustiscationofthisassumption shortly. butletustirstbrieqy exam inesomeofitsadditionalconsequences. Probably the m ost usefulresult is thatthe ground-state expectation value ofanarbitrarymultipoleoperatorlkonow canbecomputedexplicitly. Foran oddgroup ofnucleons,3henormal-coupling schem eyieldsl K odd K even K#0 (58.234) (58.23:) whereN isthe(odd)numberofparticles(forevenAthemodelhas. /=0). These relations express the many-particle m atrix elem ents in the norm al-coupling schem edirectlyin term softhesingle-particle m atrix elem ents, which in general stilldepend on the quantum numbersn and /. Forodd moments,such asthe magneticdipole,one hndsjustthe single-particlevalue. Foreven moments. such astheelectricquadrupole,thereisareductionfactor(2j+ l- lN)((lj- 1). Thisreduction factorvanishesathalf-lilled shells,N = J(2/+ 1),and changes signupongoingfrom N particlesinashelltoN holesin ashell, N -+lj+ 1- N. Thesign changeagreeswith theexperimentalobservations(seethediscussion followingEq.(57.25)1. ThederivationofEqs.(58.23)illustratesthepowerofsecondquantization, sothatweshallnow provetheseimportantresults. The Q =0 componentof an arbitrary tensoroperatorin the subspaceofthe m ultiply occupied jshellcan . . . bewritten L tkz- 7)c' mt-lrxolrn)am m - / ./A'O)C711Q 11. /)', i Z (-1)i--(imj- rnI. (2# + 1)+ m m . 'M .G.M ayerand J.H.D.Jensen,op.cit-,p.241. 2A.de-shalitand 1.Talmi.op.cit.,p.53l. (58.24) APPLICATIONS TO FfNITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 521 where the W igner-Eckart theorem has been used to sim plify the single-particle matrix element. The many-body matrix elementsof?xoalso can be rewritten w ith this theorem /' (c/-' V.JJIt..&)).yr . uN/h .= y (-j). f-mqz g.-m gp.' KQ)(. y.Ny.m ;tgv(y.N. /v) (58.25) (LX + 1) , n ThusacombinationofEqs.(58.22),(58.24),and(58.25)gives . -- .. 'u./Nj! 1!T' I 1jNj) , ,. z; àJp. ) .- = y (-1)j-,n(-1)J-p(jmj- tnjyjKoyx ,qypj- pl j. )jK0), .-- '' J11 .FxIj) x ,,,p ,. ,.. # ,..j. A.t . rfo '''mjf o 0) (j:.2,6) xr -01&.x'.'lc-amHst ,rr gt .; ()1 y - . ' :0lfo ''.foaqaqJ'o '''(z., wherethefactors( h andloappear(N - 1)/2timesandthenormalizationfactor in the denom inatoris independent ofq by rotationalinvariance. Using the pair ofidentities (Hp,&)1= bpmYp (58.27) ,.. 2 .. Zp (-l)J-#(jp.j-p! ,JJ /A-0)(Hp.J1)-(2J. -jkJ'lc +-)- (58.28) togetherwithEJ -)05# ' 7Mq-0foraIlJandM,wenndthat SinceJ *'* )0> 0forodd K (seetheargumentfollowing Eq.(58.l)).Eq.(58.23/)is proved. For even K,we use the identity amaL= l-fctz.j= l-Hm. The term 1willnotcontributein the num eratorifK # 0,and the-Hm can be m oved to theleft,exactly asbefore. Thedenom inétorisindependentofc/.so thatthe average l 2j+7 j. q< a & = l- X 2/+ l- (N - 1) -> J lj+ l 2J'+ l can be taken. ln this way,we obtain 2/+ l Lk'+2l--. N (js.30) APPLSCATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S s22 W ith therelations (l:.lâ)-lj+ zjl-24 (58.31) Elo,?1nJI0)-O (58.32) j.j . K+0 itisnow straightforward to show that(seeProb.15.4) (0Ilxolo...( *' 0J ' *' o 1..'l0 #lx 1oI0) 2 2j+ l-(N - 1) (0lf , .. ()lc''' -x J' ()f .( 1'''f x( . tQj!0) x - j )j+ j-j.) . - (58.33) ThisimmediatelyyieldsEq.(58.23*. Thenorm al-couplingm odelcanbeextended toexcitedstates;lforexam ple, itisassumed thatthelow-lying statesareobtained by breaking one oftheJ = 0 pairs.thusreplacing1( % )in Eq.(58.22)byIJsf. Thisassumptionallowsusto :nd the energy spectrum of the many-particle system. W e observe that the om rator describing a generaltwo-particle potentialcan be written within the llshellsubspaceas P-!.MRIJ,;t'1,f'll?,'nlP')/,ç)aqap (58.34) where the two-particle matrix elementhas been discussed previously and only them dependenceisexhibited. Thetwo-particlewavefunctionscan alwaysbe expanded in a basis with given totalJ and M by therelation +p(1)97q(2)OTJ' p(1)7./4(2)= JM X (jpjql. #JA' /)*J?z>f(1.2) (58.3j) lnaddition,thepotentialF isascalar.sothatitsgeneralm atrixelem entsbecom e (jlJ'$f'!P'1LIJM L= b. u,&Mu.hjll6V(jlJ) (58.36) with the remaining factor independent of M . Thus we obtain the general expression,valid within a.jshell, P-JIM t' IMLL-iIJIP'l./2J)f -J. (58.37) wheretheoperatorlJMisdetinedinEq.(58.21). NotethatQuvanishesunltss J iseven. W em ay now add and subtracttheexpression '*# Zt zul. I20(p'(./20)lJM- ;jz0!p'Ij20)!.mp )jam kcp ' tapa,. . JM = (j201P')j20)JXIX - 1) (58.38) and theinteraction potentialin the.jshellbecomes P- JM ):l, %ML(jlJIP'1. /2J)- t. /20lP-.. /20))lJu+s,./201P'!. /20)4.4(4- 1) (58.39) 1A. de-shalitand 1.Talmi,op.cfJ..secs.27 and 30. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S: THE ATO M IC NUCLEUS 523 W hen the m any-particle interaetion energy iscalculated asthe expectation value ofthis operator,the lastterm givesa constantdepending only on the num berof particles in the shell. Thustheenergy dl yerencesbetween the many-particle levelscan bedirectly relatedtotheenergydl yerencesbetween thetwo-particle levels. The techniques of second quantization provide a very elegant and straightforward way ofsndingtheserelations,lw hich form the basisfora great deplofbeautifulworkcorrelating and predictingthelevelsofneighboring nuclei corresponding to thejNconsguration.z THE PAIRING -FORCE PRO BLEM W enow returntotheproblem ofjustifyingthemany-particleshellmodel. W e confine ourattention to the subspaceofagivenjshelland ass'umethatthereis an attractive.short-range interaction between the particlesin the shell. In this case.it is evident from Fig.58.3 thatthe dom inanttwo-particle m atrix elem ent ofthe potentialoccurswhen the pairiscoupled to form J = 0. Thisobservation suggeststhatthepotentialin Eq.(58.37)can bewrittento agood approximation as P'; k'f *'Jt/20IP'lj20' )I()HE-G( , *'jl0 . (58.40) Such an interaction iscalled a purepairingforce. Ithasthegreatadvantage thattheresulting problem can besolvedexactly-h W e wish to l ind thespectrum oftheham iltonian X = 60X + f' (58.41) whereeoisthesingle-particle Hartree-Fock energy oftheparticularshelland f' is given in Eq.(58.40). The calculation is most easily performed with the auxiliaryoperators X+O (82/+1)J1f V '' X M (1'(2/+ 1))1f 0 . (58.40) . (58.42:) % -t(2X'-(2. j+ 1)J (58.42/) - . Equation(58.31)and therelation (X,ê11- 2f *1 show thatv Ltand.93obeythefamiliarcommutationrelations Ef+,,9-)- 2X3 (58.43) (58.44/) 'Thecoeëcientsin theserelationsareknownasthecoes cientsofJbactionalparentage (sec Prob.15.8). 2Forageneralsurveysee1.Talmiand 1,Unna,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Sci..10:353(19* ). 3G.Racah,Phys.Rc&.,63:367 (1943). The presentsolution is due to A.K .Kerman,Ann. Phys.(N.F.).12:3* (1961). Thesamepseudospintechniquewasused earlierbyP.W .Anderson,Phys.#er',,112:19* (1958),in a discussion ofsuperconductivity. APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S s24 (X+,X31= -X+ Iu f-,uf3J- uf- (58.44:) (58.44c) which arejustthose ofthe angular-momentum operators. The quantity :2 can bewrittenas 92=J' J+. à./+. f-+xf-u f..)- . L,(< % - 1)+ .f+u #- (58.45) and a rearrangem entyields f+. L--92- &(. 9z- 1) . (58.46) In term s of these pseudospin operators,the interaction ham iltonian becom es (jg4y) b 7- -l2G ,f., j-- - 2G (gc- g3(g3- j;j j+ 1 2j+ 1 so thatP isexpressed entirelyin termsof:2and Sb. Sinc. e the spectrum of theangular-momentum operators,12and7,followssolelyfrom thecommutation . relations,we can im mediately deducetheeigenvaluespectrum ofthe operators :2and Sj,which thussolvestheproblem . Theeigenvaluesof:z' areoftheform N45*+ 1).whereSisintegralorhalfintegral. Italso followsfrom the theory ofangularmomentum thatS > 5-31 ,. and % ishxedfrom Eq.(58.42c)ifthe numberofparticlesN < 2./+ 1isgiven. Theabsolutemaximum possible valueof. S isclearly 1,S Imax= (2. /+ 1)/4,and thegeneraltheory ofangularm omentum also requiresthat. S'< 1 ,5 ' 9gmax. Thus forfxed N ,theeigenvaluesS liein therange jjzj+ 1)> . &> ' t(2A - (lj+ l)! (58.48) and mustbeintegralorhalf-integraldependingonwhether5-;= (2. N - (2j+ 1)1/4 is integralor half-integral. ln eithercase,the allowed values of S diflkr by integers,suggesting thedehnition S-. j(2. /+ 1- 2c) (58.49) where c isan integerknown astheseniority., Itfollowsfrom Eqs.(58.48)and (58.49)thatthepermissiblevaluesoftzforsxedN are 0,2,4,...,N (X even) IN < (2.j+ 1) a = 1, 3,5, .. .,N (58.504) (. N'odd) partjcjes ,4,...,2j+ 1- N (A even) 2N > c= 0, 1, 2 jj0(l j:js+ 1) (f8.50:) 3,5....,lj+ 1- N (N odd) Thehrstcasecorrespondsto a shelllessthan halffilled,orparticlesin theshell, whereasthe second refersto a shellm orethan halffilled,orholes in the shell. 'G.Racah,loc.cI'/. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS B25 Theexaetspectrum ofX isobtainedbycombiningEqs.(58.41),(58.42*,(58.47), and (58.49) N - a 2/+ 1 +.2 - N - a Eg= S'6()- G --. j-. -Z- j.jj- j. --. -. -. ge:-G j(I-a ' Y . /y -o --2. )j+.G ' -scj'I-j t ' yyu 2) (58.51) o, withtheallowedvaluesoftrgiveninEqs.(58.50).1 W e now explicitly construct the lowest few eigenstates of 4 and srst consider an even num ber of particles N. The lowest energy state clearly has o.= 0. We shallshow thatthisstate isjustthe normal-coupling shell-model ground state 1N&J=0;c. =0z,=J V .,.( *( $ ) 'J ' 71 0. ) (58.52) wherethereareN(2factors11. ToprovethatEq.(53.52)isthecorrecteigenstate ofX,usethecommutationrelationsofEq.(58.31),replacingX bytheappropriate eigenvalue ateach step P%( A. ( A )'.. 2 +1 , ..# #x + 2.-/ u ).'.' f.( )1 0. , /-+ l f( . N 2j+ 1- N + 2 , ..j. xt G j -.--2/. + .--l ...--.-.(v ...(ok (/. ), .- .-. whichistherequiredresult. Itisevidentfrom E).(58.51)thatthefirstexcited stateshave(z= 2. Thesestatesareobtained by breakingoneoftheJ = 0 pairs. 1N.. . tM ,tz 2x ?=kj..., ; -. ( 1 ))g #x1oy p J= 2,,4,6,...,2./- 1 (58.53) Theproofgoesjustasbefore.exceptatthelaststep,whereIf %SlJM210)-0for . = J # 0, 'thereforetheeigenvalue ofP is N. --Glj(2 -. /+ -L1 .j + -. N l+2)-Ij--cN -.2 -22. 12 +. /1. + -lN asclaim ed. The seniority c isclearly the numberofunpaired particlesin these states. tW edonotdiscussthedegeneracyoftheei genstates. Theenumerationoftheantisymmetric statesGftotalJ in thej shellisastraightforward problem,and theanswercan thefound.for example,in M .G .M ayerandJ.H.D.Jensen.op.cl'/.,p.64. qa: APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSIEMS For an odd nume r ofvalence nucleons,the lowestenergy state can be written tN.J=j,m;c- 1)=11...l# t,t/>jû) (58.54) whichisprovedjustasaboveusing(la,a, #,,JJ0)-0. Thefirstexcitedstateswith c- 3and J# ./canl x written(steProb.15.7) qN,J#. /,Af';c- 3)= ) ()Lknjmkkj-lMsl( 1...llat4priol -# (58.55) Up throughthe7/2shell,thereisonlyonestatewithJ=j,and thestateswith J#/areuniqueand thusindem ndentofkinEq.(58.55).1 W ecan now discussthe s- ctrum in the-/& confgurationusingthepairing interaction V'=-G!1l:. Foreven N,tbe many-particle ground state has Jn= 0+,and thesrstexcitedstatealwaysliesadistanceG abovetheground state. One can thusthink ofG astheenergy gap,orpairing energy. In thismodel, a11the hrstexcited statesaredegenerate and consistofeven angularmomenta, corresponding to the possible statesofa broken pair. Forodd N.the normalcoupling state with c = 1 is always the ground state,and tht degeneratefirst excitedstatesareseparatedfrom thegroundstatebyadistanceGllj- l)/(2.j+ 1). Thuswehavetheimgortantresultthattheshell-modelcoupling rulesholdfora potentialoftheform F=-G111c. Totheextentthatanyshort-rangeattractive potentialcan also lx written in thisform,we have a more generaltheoretical justiEcationofthemany-particltshellmodel. The modelis quite good atpredicting the ground state ofnucleiand the energy gap to theârstexcited states,butthe predicted degeneracy oftheexcited statesislessrealistic. THE BO%ON APPROXIM ATION Theform oftheexactcomm utator (l:,lJ1= 1-224 /+ l (58.56) . suggestsa very sim ple approximation in thecasethatthegiven.jshellhasonly a few particles with N 4 2j+ 1. W e shalltherefore assume the approximate commutation relations !lJM.l1,M')r' :'JJ'3--. (58.57) which hold in thislimit. Theexactspectrum ofthegeneralpotential P=>! Zz11/,(1)P')A)L. $M .G.M ayerand J.H.D.Jensen,op.cit.,p.64. (58.5% APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 527 forsxed N can then beobtained becauseEq.(58.57)isjustthecommutation relationforbosonsand P dependsonlyon theboson numberoperator P- â (AlP'IA). , -#*zs (58.59) AM Ah.>t1.L. (58.60) . Thecorresponding eigenjtatesofP'foreven N areobtained by applying N(2 bosoncreationoperators(1vtothevacuum. Inparticular,if f'--Glâlo-,-G-JL (58.61) thentheenergydependsonlyontheeigenvalueot-.z#% (i.e.,onthenumberof pairscoupled to form J = 0),and the spectrum isshown in Fig.58.4. If we 0 - 2+4 #+9**' *(2g-1)+ G 0+ 2+4+ (2./-1)+ 0+ - 2G - 3G 2+4+ (2g- 1)+ 0+ Fig.58.4 Pairing-forcespectrum in the boson approxi- mation fortheconfiguration/f. identify N - 2.. +% - c,then Eq.(58.61)reproducestheexactspectrum ofEq. (58.51)inthelimit2. , 3/ % < N -: t2j+.1. ThisresultjustifestheuseoftheapproximatecommutationrelationsofEq.(58.57)inthissamelimit. THE Bo Gol-luBov TRANSFO RM ATION ! W e have seen thatpairing playsa very im portantrole in nuclearspectroscopy. ltisthereforeofinterestto includethepairingefectsinamodisedXt,which should then providea betterstarting pointfordiscussingnuclear spectra. This objectivecanbeachievedwiththeBogoliubovcanonicaltransformation. Since theresultingXoandX - Powillnotseparatelyconservethenumberofparticles, Xowillbea sensibleapproximate hamiltonian only ifthe numberofparticles underconsideration islargeand thecorrespondingquctuations((X 2)- (X )2)/ lS.T.Beliaev.ApplicationofCanonicalTransformation M ethod to Nuclei.in C.DeW itt(ed.), t'The M any-Body Problem,''p.377,John W ileyandSons.Inc..New York,1959. Foramore detailed discussion of this approach to nuclear slxctroscopy see M .Baranger,Phys.Re?J., 120:957(19K )andA.M .Lane,t.Nucle-ar' fheory,''W .A.Benjamin.lnc.,New York,1964. saa ' AppulcAzloNs To pHvslcAu sys-rEM s X)2 negligibly small.l These conditions are best satissed in heavy nuclei, and we here consider only sphericalsystem s. W e shall generalize our previous discussion of spectroscopy in a single jshellbyworkingwith asetpfstatesthatarecompletelyspecised bythequantum numbers bl jm),,the radialquantum numbern then being fully determined by the originalchoice of shells. This set can be as large as two neighboring har- monic-oscillatorshells(seetheleftsideofFig.57.2). Notethattheparityofa given state is(-1)1. W eagain usethe notation jt x)-.ljmj).EH lJ,z?tal l-, . x)- ha,-rna). (58.62J) (58.62:) wherethequantum numbers((z)denote(n(j;,withn redundantasalreadydiscussed. Fortherem ainderofthissection,we assum e thatthe shellsare ûlled withjustonekind ofnucleon,forexample,anucleuswithclosedprotonshells and partiallyilled neutron shells. Thekineticenergyisascalaroperatorand hencediagonalin =, la, iFla. ')= 3az.Ta. Consequently the therlnodynam ic potentialat zero tem perature can be written (58.63) wheretheinteractionisassumedattractive(P'> 0)exactlyasinEq.(37.6). We now carry out the following canonicaltransform ation on this therm odynam ic potential Wl %- uJc% ? - va Sac-a d Es uacu - vaSuc' - . (58.64) . wherethephase. % = (-1)Jœ-'*ehasagain beenintrodueed to makez41'an irreducible tensor operator. The coeë cients ua and vg are taken to be realand norm alized ul a + n2 a= 1 so thatthe transform ation is indeed canonical lWz,Wt'l= &x.' (58.65) 1A resnementoftheapproachdiscussedinthissectionistoprojectfrom theeigenstatesof4: thatpartcorresponding to a dehnite numberofparticles. See,forexample,A.K.Kerman, R.D.Lawson.and M .H.Macfarl ane,Phys.Rev.,124:162(1961). APPLICATIONS TO F!N ITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 529 Equations(58.64)can beinverted to give (- --.uaA x -#-r' a. b' xz. l1 - , x (yX t -.,uazzl( 1 '-;-!.,a.Sazd- (58.66) :: The nexttask is to w' rite k in normal-ordered form with respect to the operators . , 1 and . , 1I. Thiscalculation is readily done w ith W ick-stheorem ,just asin Sec.37,and the only nonzero contractions are The enables us to rewrite the (58.68) (f8.69) 'a/3iP'!y't i'= N' ' 'z ??7a.y' j??2j.jay'jJ.îf , 7':zl1ly.js??7y /y./' x- .g ,.I. b1 JM . (58.70) . abJ :l. ';cdJ Q/. 9!p'.y3.: v(ca 1(-)csc.,) 5:* APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S and the other terms are those remaining in Eqs.(j8.63). W ith the identities (seeEq.(B.20>)) i (ju'z7,jbmbA . 5 VJM S(./amx. ibmbjh 7,JM )- l and = N . u ut x '. l' m. 1'- m tjj'00' . )L.j/ng'- m ! 1gg 'JM )= bJ(j8M() lA1 thec-numbertermsin Eqs.(58.63)can bewritten &= ) (? ' J, 2(L - y.+ !.L )- !.j (valq' îa œ Q (58.74) wherethesingle-particlepotentialenergyhasbeen desned by1 (58.76) Thetermsproportionalto Nlctc),which givebilineartermsin .d and , 41, can be sim plified with the identity V =Y tju? V Na/jmî1A . ji?JiV )(. lumx. /:ms1A AJM L / . ?,1a = 2J + 1 2 3, jsjpsms %+ 1 # . Furthermore,P'(1,2)isinvariantunderspatialreiections,and conservation of parityimpliesthat/j= Isinthematrixelement(ab.l1VIadJ$. (Thepossibility h = Is:iu2isruledoutby-/j=h.4 Withinoursubspaceoftwoadjacentoscillator shellswe can therefore write lIn order to emphasize that L and .ï. are independent of mx. we use the abbrevi ation J' aEëjx.etc. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S :THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS B31 Byexactly the sameargument,thetermsproportionalto Nlcc)and h'lctc1)can besim plised with therespectivereplacements(seeEq.(B.20>)) Svfvuoj x t.X ?? ' 1y-&ms!jyh 00. . '--+(j. l-- j: c-h 1) 6a,:'jamxJ'jmj1jajj00h >.(Sx ,-. jj -.j-j )1. . a+ ln thisway,we obtain X l= Jgltu2 t ,- l?j)(eu- y, )+ 2uavakâajj. tzdt ' lzla+.adla ad-a) - wherea new single-particleenergy hasbeen dehned by 6u> Ta+ L (58.78) Theanalysisoftheseequationsnow proceedsexactlyasin Sec.37. Defining the energy w ith respectto the chem icalpotential fsO îa- p, and choosing uand t)to eliminateXcleadsto (58.79) k-Kc-!.xby J(& fta#jp'ry,3)Nlcx %4cscy) (58.80) where kne U + jg(Jj+ u / Xjll.dJ,1a (58.81) and l âo- j z ljc+ 1 1 c jy s-f (t=0IP'lc.co' )(. f7 . Ac 1 âi+ fl) (58.82) W e note in passing thatthe normalsolution to the gap equation uc= #(c- F) l'c= f(F- c) (58.83) reproducesthe resultsofSec.56. W ithin oursubspace,howeversweneed not assutne thatJ/7esingle-particle wwrtpfunctionssatisfvthe Hartree-Fock equations. Itisonly necessary thatthe statesbe com pletely characterized by thequantum numbersfljmji.z lThe presentdiscussion considersonly the interaction between particlesin arestricted setof basisstates,butitiseasilygeneralized to includean additionalinertcore. Onestartswith the Hartree-Fockw' avefunctionsdetermined bytheinteraction withthecore(seeEqs.(56.16)to (56. 24))andthencarriesputtheBogoliubovtransformationontheadditionalvalenceparticles. lfT.isaugmented bytheHartree-Fockenergy ofinteraction withthecoreT.. -. >.F.+ P'lï 're5 then theresultsofthissection correctlydescribethepropertiesofthesevalenceparticles. sa2 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSSCAL SYSTEM S The operatorXoin Eq.(58.8l)isnow diagonal, and itsground state 10) satisses zlx10)- 0 (58.84) Ifthe exactground stateofX isapproximated by theground stateofko, then z thetherm odynam ie potentialofthesystem isgiven by fltr= 0,P' ,rt); 4ù/O1 .é !O)- (OIX:1O)= &(l z',Jz) (58.85) The expectation value ofthe num ber operator X -( j gca fcz= t' Y gttfz .- t'2 u). ,4Jz 4x+ uao xatv dJ. ,4&a +..,4 a .,da).y?yz uj (j8.g6) z . inthestate 1O)is N = 5- f.a = -l 1 - -s--w ( -a k-j -&- & X 2 (' . ' &j+ (j) . (58.87) so thatthe occupation numberisagain continuousat6u= t a.. Thisequation can be used to elim inate /. tin term s ofN. Thequantity ofdirectinterestin nuclearphysicsisthe energy athxed N. Fortheground stateofXo,thisenergy canbe obtained from therelation E(N)= s.O 1k + P.X rO)'= :Xo)O)+ P. N = U +y,N (58.88) -0 ! where y, (N)isdetermined from Eq.(58.87). Theexcited statesofthe system are obtained by adding quasiparticles to the ground state;they take the fbrm jnlna ...)= t-dlla.tz. lllna..'10)withaiquasiparticlesinthesingle-particle state l,nzquasiparticlesin thesingle-particlestate2,and so on. ltisclearthat ni= ()or 1. For fixed p. ,each ofthese excited states has a slightly diflkrent expectation value of-X. W e therefore consider a collection ofassemblies at slightlydiflkrentchemicalpotentialsJzexsuchthat(nlnz ''.IX 1nln2 ...)= N ineach case. lnthepresentapproxim ation,theexcitationenergyofthesestates isgiven by LE*(N)EEE(nInz IXo+ rtexX InIn2 ''')- (OIXO+ P, X jO) = Z1 (f, 2+ éa 2))x?7a+ (&(/. zex)- 1 . 7(/2, )+ (Mex- /z)X) (58.89) Fora smallnumberofquasiparticles,Eqs.(18.3% and (58.85)imply thatthe term in brackets vanishes;in addition,the coeëcientofnx can be evaluated usingthe/. zobtained forthestate 10). Thusifj)nuissumciently small,we obtain the im portantresultthat Zf*(X)= )((C + , âjllaa ( where(j. (N4isdeterminedbyEq.(58.87). x (58.90) AppulcA-rloNs To FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 533 Theseideascan now beapplied to even and odd nuclei. The ground state ofk( )isidentihedwith theground stateofaneven-evenJ== 0-nucleus.t Since thestate ilxHE,1)1O. rhascomponentswiththenumberofparticleschanged by one and hasodd half-integralJ values,itthen refers to an odd nucleus. To get excitationsin theoriginaleven'nucleus,we m ustcreateatleasttw' o quasiparticles. and the spectrum forthese excitations(Eq.(58.90)1starts atan energy greater than zlmin(theminimum valueof2.Xa,2-XN,etc.)abovetheground state. Thtls thepresentmodelIead. %toanenergl'gap tk/'zâminin taL'e/?nuclei. For an odd nucleus,we can repeatallthe previous argum ents.taking the state11' ,', . -z41! 0..asthegroundstate. lnthiscase (58.9l) To getthe excited statesofan odd nucleus,w' e can again add pairsofquasiparticlesin the-jsshell. Thereis,however,anotherclassofexcited' states,w'hich are obtained by simply promoting the single quasiparticle from the originalja shellto a new'h shell. Theexcitation energyofthesestatesisgiven by (58.92) and we conclude that otld /?l/c.JcI 'hat' e A?()energl'gap ? ' ??lhis/7t ?t# /.2 There is some evidence that this m odel indeed describes hea:), 'nuclei,3forexam ple. the set of Sn or Pb isotopes.4 The m atrix elem ents of an arbitrary' m ultipole operator between these low-lying (single-quasiparticle)states ofan odd nucleuscan be evaluated immediately. TheQ = 0componentofageneraltensoroperatorcan bewr ritten = N7 f a ')jFA:0l ' , .gN(cj h(aa). y-t. v l3jaj Ia. -. aj - (58.93) lOnecan show (see Prob.15.14)thatthestate O doesindeed haveJ== 0-. 2Typicalexcitation energiesforsphericalnucleiare aboutan M e%'foreNen .4 and a feu hundred keV fbrodd ,4. 3A.Bohr.B.R .M ottelsonsand D ,Pines.Phys.Retx.,110:936(1958). 4L.S.Kisslingerand R.A.Sorenson.Kgl.Dt ?l7x/k 'e k '' idenskub.Selskab., V/t?r.-/#5' .A v edd'32, No.9(1960). wa sz4 Appulcv loss To pHyslcAu svs-rEu s TheexpectationvalueofT' xnisgivenby (lllko1* = (œlrxclœ)1:1- r-œlFxol -œ)rl = r:œlrxcIa)E&a 2- (-I)&pj) K #0 and we therefore 5nd tœlTknl* - fœtrxolœ) L (lî+Al)+' Ctzlrxnlœl K odd A even K#0 (58.90 ) (58.94:) The odd m ultipolesare unchanged by pairing,whereasthe even m ultipolesare againreducedbypairingand becomenegativefore< p,(i.e.,forholes). These resultsshouldbecomparedwithEqs.(58.23). A similarresultholdsfortransition multipolesbetween diflkrentjshells: . (/lTknIœ)= (#lFxoI=)ubua- t-=IFxo1-/)vav.5'-aS-ô (58.95) (i:1(fxl(L)- (Al !FxI l.&)uslza+ (-1)#.+J.+X(.&(lrxlIA)w t? a The presentapproach enables usto include the pairing interaction in the starting approximation. To understand the validity and implications of this approximation,consider a singlej shellwith N particlesinteracting through a pureattractivepairingforce(G >0) (. IlJIU3jlJ)= G' ôJ: (58.96) Thisispreciselytheproblem solved in theprevioussection,with theexactspec- trum ofEq.(58.51). Sincewenow haveonly onesingle-particleleveland p, u,A.and( arealready independentofm,allsubscriptscan bedropped. The sum in Eq.(58.87)then becomestrivial;thusthe chemicalpotentialyjN4is determ ined from therelation x-(v+1)sz-(2y+1)j lgl-(yz+3az).j (58.97) which hxesthecoeëcientsuand &: v- taytjl* u-(1-zj)j)' withthesignschosenasinSec.37. Similarly.thegapequation(58.82)reduces to thesimplecondition (é2+ J2)+= I. G (58.98) APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S :THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 637 g(2/-+-1- 2N )/(2J*+ 1)J2a:r1. Thisapproximationyields G (58.107) . XE'(N): k;2q(l-2/n+-1 n . Forcomparisontheexactresult(Eq.(58.51)1isgiven by LE *(?V)- G nq (58.108) i-(1-X ' kj ?+ -2 l1 , w here we have again identitied o'E2a(,. These two expressions now'agree up through thefirstcorrectionterm in thethermodynamicIimit:Q'- I-v s'.' aith nq/lzj+ 1)snite. The validity of the Bogoliubov approach to nuclear spectra can also be tested by exam ining theQuctuation in . N'(com pare Prob.l0.6) nX O which leadsto thegeneralresult 2 k: V'-2).- L..N''Ax.. fz ' 2 .N ' .) z 2Y Ill. 2 . l a a ff x'1.2 2 (58.1091 a ln the case ofa single.jshellwitha purepairingforce.Eq.(f8.109)can besimplihed to give fk 2' x.- ,. 4 z, 2 a N t Ck q)2 ' -' :,l-lj+11 . . t58.1I0) The theory m akes sense only ifthisexpression issm allswhich istrue provided t %I . islarge' enough. ln sum m ary,weconclude thatthediagonalJ/?tpr/zzt/ti /b' atzzps' rpotenlial #o= & -; -N'(J24.. â2)1, . zIâ.4x (58.1ll) /J/?apureptzàr/ k, ginteracliongEq.(58.96)) correctly describes a ./N'conhgurationu' in the lim it S' sxed lj+ i --- U + l-->.oz (58.ll2) 538 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S S9LEXCITED STATES : LIN EA RIZATIO N O F TH E EQ UATIO N S O F M O TIO N I Afterthisexcursion into the theoreticalfoundationsofthe m any-particle shell m odel.we return to the m ore generalproblem ofcollective excitations builton the Hartree-Fock ground state ofa Gnite interacting assem bly. In the present section.the ground state is assum ed to contain only closed shells. Ifthe system is excited throtlgh the single application of a pne-body num ber-conserving operator.then the resulting states m ust have a single particle prom oted from theground state to a highershell.orequivalently,m ustcontain a particle-hole pair. H encewe m ay hopeto describe the strongly exeited collectiveoscillations assom egenerallinearcom bination ofparticle-/olestates. Thisprocedure will now becarried outintwostagesofapproxim ation. TAM M -DANCOFF APPROXIM ATION (TDA) (59.2) where , 11'.( ),istheexactground state ofthe hamiltonian X in E'q.(56.l8)and .t 1'?!) is an exactexcited state. The lef' tside can be rewritten by evaluating the com m utatorexplicitly: -'' ' E//),(xtjl= () (59.3tz) , (59.3:) (59.3c) u' here the norm alordering in the last line again refers to the particle and hole operators (59.4) The firsttwo com m utators are sim ple.but the last one is generally very com plicated. 1More delailed discussions of the application of these llpanl'-body techniques to nuclear spectroscopy can be found in A .M .Lane,Ioc.cit.,M ,Baranger,loc.cit.,and G .E.Brown, -'Unihed TheoryofNuclearModels.'qNorth-Holland Publishing Company.Amsterdam.1964. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S:THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS B39 W e startby evaluating Eq.(59.3c)in the Tamm-Dancofr approximation (TDA),1where the allowed statesin Eq.(59.2)are restricted to the closed-shell Hartree-Fock ground state ilI-0 ,= 1 .0 . ! ax 0' '-.bar0s.a.O .z and a linear com bination ofparticle-hole states ;tj*. vc aln)+1t.j o. ,1 = 7/+'aj q azj v', ln thiscase,the commutatorin Eq.(59.3t-)can be evaluated by retaining only those term s that yield a' fbt because aIlthe other operators vanish between the statesapproximated asin Eqs.(59,5)and (59.6). Thesetermsbecome where the sym m etry'.pa'P'lzT' = isreadily evaluated to give 1, p' /. t has been used. The com m utator (/?2-( Qa #j1=L c)t.% t.t. S'-/,(A- / îl z'--sz - A--) z .?r'x-t - -à I.i .Aj*n!ta ' tj'tj*()..a Vlz (, 1 p) . . TheeigenvaluesEnareobtained by settingthedeterm inantofthecoeë cientsequal to zero,and thecorresponding solutionsgivethe eigenvectorcoeëcientsb lljn'. ln thisexpression,the indices(aj)and (Apt)denote particle-hole pairs,while the m atrix elem ent?'a,;As represents theparticle-hole interactionpotential.related totheparticle-particleinteractionby Eq.(59.10). Thequantityeu- c-jisjust the unperturbed Hartree-Fock excitation energy fora particle-hole pair. Since the Hartree-Fock energy e. isthe energy ofinteraction with thefilled ground 11.Tamm.J.Phys.(USSR'.9:449(I945)andS.M .Dancofr.Ph5' s.Re! '..78:382(1950). These authors were concerned with lmeson-nucleon tield theory and aolved this problem within a truncated basis. The approach isa standard one,lpowesrer.and w'as used earlier in many' othercontexts. 540 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS state (Eqs.(56.22)to (56.24)),the role of the particle-hole interaction gEq. (59.10))istosubtracttl f theinteractionwiththeunoccupiedstate. Theexcited statevectorshavealreadybeen given in Eq. (59.6),and wecan now usetheidentity . : t01L,:t1j10)- 3,,bb. (59.11) to evaluate their innerproduct : ' tA. 1p -n,jvyn)= pj/f apj')4t a, n/ k*= j''n, r (j9.ja) xb Theorthogonality followsbecause (iç xn)isthenth eigenvectorofa hermitian matrix. Furthermore, Eq. (59.9) does not determine the normalization of 4t xnj ',and Eq.(59.12)providestheproperprescription. Considernextthe problem ofcomputing the transition m atrix elem entof some m ultipole operator t- p(c1. tœIF1/. ?)cb (59.13) xb between oneofthe collective excitationsand theground state. W ithin theTD A. itagain followsthatonly theterms(/>tin ? contribute to . ?:1*n1t1:1-0):and we . . find (59.l4) (59.l5) Thus the transition m atrix element is a sum of single-particle m atrix elem ents weightedwiththecoeëcientsp /zt a//determinedabove. W eshalldiscusstheTDA inmoredetailbelow (includingsomeapplications). butt irstwe generalize the sam e approach. RANDOM -PHASE APPROXIMATION (RPA) A n im proved approxim ation can be obtained by working w ith a m ore general system of states than that considered in the TD A. In particular.we treat the ground state and the excited states m ore sym m etrically,allow ing both to have particle-hole pairs. W ithin this expanded basis,the equations ofm otion are stillIinearized. Usingthesam edefinitions t' a AjH tzx fbj % lxj= bîax (59.16) we retain allm atrix elements ofthe form '/ Ja (n; ). yvjc,jt' x . kbjv()j tpa fnj'- t.!zn!t' xj1.. 1. ,0) . (jq.j. ;a) (59.I7,) ApPLICATIO NS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 541 in the equations ofm otion. This condition meansthatthe excited statescan be reached either by creating or destroying particle-hole pairs in the ground state. For historicalreasons this prescription is known as the random -phase approximation (RPAI.I The next section presents a physicalpicture of this approxim ation. For thepresent,however.wejustexaminethematrixelements ,,. x 1-?)((*.IA : zj )2p'l. -())-(E1 ,-Ev)/a t'/ ' 3 ' (59.18a) IVl. -,1LlI,( '' 'l. -t)' ).= (En- f' 0)( pt '' abJi ' , xb (59.18:) . ThecommutatorsontheleftsidearewritteninEqs.(59.3). (Notethat(P,Lj) isobtainedfrom thenegativeadjointofEqs.(59.3).1 lncontrastto theTDA, we now retain a11terms in Eq.(59.3: -)thatl'ield eitheraq'bk orba,since this procedurestillgiveslinearequationsofmotion. Thehrstcontribution(. :ct/à)' F) wasevaluated in the discussion ofthe TD A .the second requires only the single term (59.20) uxbkàvO . S-bS-s(-;-p.l'aA - -;?-Jzl'A: z1 and theequationsofmotion(59.18)become (:E0- (.'u- e-,))- En' L4a (' 1 j'- D N'(l.aj;. ppz, lk' ? u '- 1/aj;vbu( ;'' a' ,a 'J- 0 t(. E' o- (ex- 6-,)1- f' ,)( px t'b ''- ; u . C(1*x*niàv(rzt'#','-i -ua*j:A,,4t &.'1- 0 , . (59.22:) . which again form a linear hom ogeneous set of algebraic equations. lf the com plete set of H artree-Fock single-particle wave functions is taken as the bound statesplusthecontinuum stateswith standing-waveboundaryconditions. then aIlthe m atrix elements in thisexpression are real2 L'xj;Av=S' , 1;:AJ,= C'A/ xkaj (59.23J) uak:zs= &Apz:aj= l?a *j:àbz (59.23:) , .D.Bohm and D.Pines.Phvs.:,1...82:625(19jl)(secthecolmnnentsinSec.12). Thcapproach discussed herew'asoriginallh'developed rortheelectron gasb)rK.Sawada.Phvs.Ret'.-106:3--h (1957). 2ln ourapplications,theHartree-Fockua&efunctionsareapproximated bythe (bound$stales ofthe harmonic oscillator. Fora discussion oftransitionsto the continuunnstalessee.t-oT exam ple,F.Villars and M .S.W'eiss.Phys.f-erpcrs',11:318 (1964)and J.Friar,Phbns.Sc:., C1:40 (19703. 5*2 APPUCATtONS TO PHYStCAL SYSTEMS In this case, the solutions corrèsponding to two diflkrent eigenvalues with En- Eu> 0 satisfy the following orthogonality relation ; j4l Xnq'l#4( ( Z: f)- p@ XF ')*pt 7n/lj= 3XX, œj (j9.g4) Equation(59.24)alsoimpliesaparticularnormalization;thejustihcationofthis choiceisrathersubtle,however,and now willbetreated in detail.l WcfrstnotethatEqs,(59.22)and(59.24)côrrectlyreducetoEqs.(59.9) and(59.12)asfpç xn;->.0. A morecompellingargumentforEq.(59.24)canbe found within theframework ofthequasiboson approxim ation.l So farwehave approxim ated onlythematrix elem ents.butthenorm alization ofthecoeë cients requiresfurtherrestrictions. D efnethe operator Q-â- )((' /,a tn,')1,-vu çn)Ljl ub (59.25) ThenthecommutatorwithX yields E4-p-ll' -'-(En-e())Q1 (59.26) where wehave used the linearization prescription thatthe only term s retained ontheleftsi4eshouldbeproportionaltolAort'(Eqs.(59.3)and(59.20))along withtheequationsof-motion(59.22)and(59.23). Assumenow thatEq.(59.26) holdsasanoperatoridentity,andthattheinteractingground statecanbedesned by the condition Q-1( k1'())= 0 alln (59.27) Thecollectiveexcitationscan beconstructed as l'Fal- ()11Y-( )) (59.2% which isaneigenstateofP becauseofEq.(59.26). These eigenstatesm ustbe orthonorm al: . r t.l, -,,'1.I. ', -)-3,-,. -t.1' -(,r(:-,,p1)l'I, -( ' )) (59.29) SubstitutionofthedehningrelationofEq.(59.25)thenleadstothenormalization condition ofEq.(59.24)provided thatthereplacement (Lj,1' 1p,1=' =3.Abbb, (59.30) 1M .Baranger,loc.cit. 2Notethatthequasibosonsdiscussed here areformed from particle-holepairs;in Eq.(58.57), theboson operatorscontain pairsofparticles. Appl-lcATloNs To FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS KA.Q is perm issible. A direct evaluation of the com m utator yields the following necessary conditionsforthequasiboson description IYIS'IIlt /yay1Y'o)-t 1 (kl'ck?/Yb' /'1:1P0). c . :1 (59.31J) (59.31:) Tointerprettheseconditions,weassumethatthetruegroundstatetV%)consists mainlyoftheparticle-holevacuum k0)plussmalladmixturesofotherparticlehole states with Jn = 0+. Since the num ber ofparticles m ustequalthe num ber ofholes,Eq.(59.31)reallyassumesthatNKIN <: <1whereN isthetotalnum berof ElledcorestatesandNhisthemeannumberofholesin lN%),forthentheprobability ofsnding a hole in the state y is (k1% b%b 1:F );k$Nb< l y? 0 N (59.32) -- Thus ifthe ground state doesnotcontain too m any holes,the norm alization condition can be w ritten consistently as t'l'cI(Qa, ::-n 1)I 1.F0, h- )(g4t an j''*$ç ( :n jt--pt a'j '''*wt apj '')-3nz. (59.33) The transition matrix element of a multipole operator from one ofthe excited statesto the ground state can be im mediately evaluated. W ithin the RPA.onlythosetermsof?containingt /Aforbawillcontributeto(H'al/( kl%), and we find t-. -I ('-arF(-,)5--j)1,+'t-,rFl=)s-bL,1 xb (59.34) (1l' -nI1-1 'i-0)- 7)5'-,E(alF1-#)l /za t/j+(-#1Fla)tpt zaj') (59.35) . Equation(59.35)isagainasum ofsingle-particlematrixelementsweighted with thecoemcients(/t œn j),wt an jl)determinedabove. RED UCTION O F THE BASIS The dimension of-the matrix equations(59.22)can be reduced considerably by noting thatJ is a good quantum num ber. W e use therotationalinvariance of- thesystem toassumethattal= (nljmj;anddesne 3%abJM4- Z (&mz-ibrnj1. &.&JM )Dj @l@mn (59.36) w hich isan irreducibletensoroperatorofrankJ. Incontrast,t(abJM 4isnot . anirreducibletensoroperator,althoughwehavealreadyseen that(-1)JY-mœJ-z EAœ APPLICATIONS T0 PHYSICAL SYSTEM S and (-1)J#-'' :5-paretensoroperators. Thisdefectiseasily remedied with the identity Hxmx-àmbkhiôlsis- (-1)Jœ+*-J(A - mx-ib- mbl.hibl- Af) (59.37) m u + m b= M whichshowsthat%((abJ-M )isatensoroperatorofrankJwhere SJM (-l)J-M (59.38) Thuswefurtherdefne hnblabqe ('l3MIêXeJM)l'l%) Z iixmxjnmpljxà-lhf?s/a t$ mlmp +!?'(Jd9H&('l3-Il(J1J-M)l 'l%) ' - (59.39/) % Z (-/amx. /,mbIh . &. /- M )'Pç xnb ' (59.39:) Mœmn which are independentofM by the W igner-Eckarttheorem . In thisway,the generalmultipole operatorin Eq.(59.34)can be written with the aid ofthe W igner-Eckartthcorem as % M 'zk 1 a u )tujjsjy)nj fs-bqlxFAla.%vjl. /a. &.7' (u . j.j)1.Y a# + su5'-#r. &-'nj.&,--mxïjbhlMs' :?': (r,Lf')Ljl -'- (u .1 l)+X ttJl I F,l I :)t,(ayJu l a. and itfollowsthat ' ::131 !T' ,11 :1%)- Z f(cIF,l 1O 'hnblabt+ (-1P -J*-'(:1IrgI! c)Jqnblabjk (59.41) Thebasisforthelinearequations(59.22)cannow bereduced bysumming withtheClebsch-Gordancoeëcientsin Eqs.(59.39). Forasphericalsystem, e.- e-j= ea- evand thehrsttermsofEq.(59.22)immediately yield (Gnblab) andçijnblabj. Theinteractiontermsaremorecomplicated. Sincetheinteraction potentialisinvariantunderrotations(compareEq.(58.70)),wemaywrite x L;lbJ'@Fl?ncJ')- (-l)J,+J--J'(IbJ'!P'1/vJ')) (59.42/) AppulcATloNs To FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS r846 ( 1( X-jS-vk ' ,X -r#lsjs-#A7j;j( z/j7'M ')( tl' zmàjxrz7.(/Ajx-l''M ') . . (59.42:) In these expressions (ab) and (Im) denote the remaining quantum numbers identifying the particle-hole pair, for example (abjEe(nalajasnvlbjvq. W hen ë..j;Ayissum med withtheClebsch-Gordan coemcientin Eq. (59.39J),weusethe relatlons - $' k'./Xmœ. & mbIjxJ' j-/. lz;t. /AmnJ' j-p;jlhy-;'A: f') x-M ' mqm# , (-jj1' -J ' l-Jbj'g.jy . . . j. yy 'ty . s j j. xqgs-m.. lxmxp. /pJu ?)-j . = (59.43) (59.44) j- J' ' /1 J L(IDJ';IzramJ') . - (-j)jo+J' m' :J'k (jylrjFtt' nalrjj (59.45) The overallm inussign com es from interchanging the order ofthe two matrix elementsin Eq.(59.42/). The sum oftlf ybkàv with the Clebsch-G ordan coeë cientin Eq. (59.39/)is im m edi ately carried outwith the help ofthe following identity obtained from Eq.(59.43) Z (JkmxX mb. 1 X 7,. /* )Ih P?Ah Mlz.1./,4jxJ'M ') mamp M ' Com biningthephaseswiththefactorS- v in Eq.(59.42:),we have SAS-! . I(-j)Ja+#l+J'= (-j)#a+#I+J'(-jIJ-M(-1)Jm-Jt-J :46 APPUICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Therequired sum istherefore given by (59.47) where ul ab;jaja (-.j)lm-. /1-Jj. Jtpi?F1l (j9. 4g) N ote the interchange ofthe indicesIand ?)?on the rightside ofthis relation. The recoupling relations(59.44)and (59.47)now makeitpossible to rewrite thelinearEqs.(59.22)as lEfc+ (Ea- e,)1- fnl' lqntlabbv Z :LJ,:l,,b llqnbllm)+ uibilmvqntllm)?-0 lm (59.494) (59.49:) Thiscalculation explicitly decouples the states of diflkrentJ and dem onstrates that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are independent of , j. I. The TD A is recovered from Eqs.(59.41)and(59.49)by setting(ptn'= 0. The equations to this pointare entirely generaland apply to atom saswell as nuclei.l In the nuclearcase,however,the invariance ofthe interaction under rotations in isotopic-spin space can be used to reduce the basis further. W ith ttxl=fnljmj;Jrnr)itisclearthatwemustmerelyincludeanisotopic-spincoupling coeë cientand phasefactoralong with every angular-m om entcoupling co- eëcientand phasefactor. From Eq.(59.41)we immediately obtain r' t tliTiitgviEk1. -0) = 5 -tft 't zE!TJviib)s/!J. /(J/?)+ (-1)1-1-r(-1)#.-Ja-JLbiiTJ. yEEaj( ylj yn ylttzyll J; (59.50) wherethe sym bol EEdenotesa reduced m atrixelem entwith respectto both angu- larmomentum andisotopicspin. Thecoemcientskqn gj,( pj r n: /inthisrelationsatisfy thesame setoflinearequations(59.49)with vl r;,m a, - - Jjm 5- (2J'+ 1)(2F'+ 1)jy, Jx , J't'' l' !' Jjj j uJT i'-F f J*;lm = / N- 1 '1 I1-' %- 1 *L JJm-JI-J , t.JT ab$/?y1 lForanapplicationtoatomsseeP.L.AltickandA.E.Glassgold,Phys.Ret'..133:,*632(1964). s47 sot-u-rloN FOR THE (ISI-DIM ENSIONAL SUPERM ULTIPLET W ITH A 3(x) FORCE Jn this section the TDA and RPA equations are solved for a specifc m odel n here theinterparticle forceistaken to be independentofspin and isotopicspin. The ground state of the nucleus is assumed to consist ofclosed shells and to have the quantum num bers . % = L = F = (). This m odel illustrates som e very interesting sjstem atic features of the particle-hole calculations. The Hartree- Fock single-particleenergiesnow depend only on (n//,and thesingle-particle levels can be characterized by because b0th m :and n:sare good quantum num bersforspin-independentforces. Thegeneralresultsderived abovearewritten ln a-/-jcoupling schemeappropriate t' oractualnucleiwherethesingle-particlespin-orbitforcetsimportant. Although we could explicitll'transform to an L-S coupling schem e appropriate for the sim plespin-independentm odel.itism uch m ore convenientto repeatthe previous analysisfrom the beginning.starting with a sllghtly diferentcanonicaltransform ation (59.53) (59.55) Since the interaction and single-particle energies are assum ed independent of spin and isotopic spin,the basis can be reduced by introducing states of given L.S.and F,forexam ple. blLn àvlab)H N' . 'Ia?A7k./,?37,; !' .IaIvL. ' S: JJ. .Jrn,zj. msî!.!.5'-$' f, (alkrrl's? x l' lziral' v'r,' i'l'rk/r.. ,' )ç xn) (59.56) Furtherm ore.the spin and isotopic-spin dependence ofthe interaction m atrix elements factors.z Svhen Eq.(j9,55) is summed with the Clebsch-Gordan coemcientsin Eq.(55.56).thespinand isospincoeëcientsmaybetakenthrough the second term ofthe interaction and applied directly to the w' ave function. 'Note thatBt orj(ï - lx - !.and Bt orja =lœ - . i.so thatthe!wo operators œ = b% X f tz= -b% q f merely diflkrb5anJ-dependentphase. 2Thisistheadvantage ofthecanonicaltransformation in Eqs.(59.53)and (59.54). s48 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Inthehrstterm oftheinteraction,thespindependence(andsimilarlytheisospin dependence)isgivenby 3mzA.-mJp 3*1:#.-mzl(-1)1-? Nœ(-1)1-'NA =(' vZ112(1. ra,zj. msjt!.!.00)(!. ??:,A!. rnsj ,I!.!.00) which contributes only for S = r = 0. The /dependence of the interaction m atrix elem entsistreated exactly asin theprevioussection. Thusthe reduced TDA equationsbecome(con,pareEq.(59.45)) (Ea- eb- en)SLn. lrlabs+ Z L' )l; Q I'Lnîrçlm)= 0 fm (59.57/) Im It f, , I , (($lbL IP'1/almL ) b a L vu Tl qbi m = - N=.;x tgL'+ j) / L' - 43.s: 3w( j(-1)lb+l'-l-'(Ib/1L'lIZ. 1/t,/mf,'/ ') (59.57:) where the order ofthe two potentialmatrix elements in Eq.(59.55)has been interchanged. In these equations,the labels (ab) and (lm) again denote the remaining particle-holequantum numbers,forexample,(ab)H (ngla,n,/,). Thequantum numbers.5'andFinEq.(59.57)arisefrom couplingthespins and isotopic spinsofa particle-hole pairand can take the valueszero and one. W e shallsrstconcentrate on the stateswhere eitherS or r diflkrsfrom zero; theparticle-holeinteraction(59.57:)isthen particularlysimplebecausethelast Table 69.1 Degenerate states of the (16)-dimensional spin-isotopic spin superm ultiplets N l I I ) L L - 1,LsL + 1 l term proportional to 3sot s iwc vanishes. As the remaining interaction is in- dependentof S orF,weconcludethatthe l5 spin and isotopic spin statesin Table 59.1alllie atthesam eenergy. Thesestatestherefore form a degenerate supermultiplet(the(15)supermultiplet)and mustbecombinedwiththenstates ofgiven L obtained by diagonalizing the matrix in Eq.(59.57/). Thevaluesof J in each degenerate supermultiplet(obtained by coupling L and 5') are also shown in Table59.l. Thesinglestatewith . &= F = 0foreachn and L isclearly APPLICATIO NS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 649 splitofl-from theotherstatesbytheinteraction in Eq.(59.57:),and we shall return to itatthe end ofthis section.l Theproblem can be furtherreduced by assum ingthattheparticle-particle interactionpotentialisshortrangeandattractive(1 >0) P'= -g3txl- xc) (59.58) In thiscase,the integration overdbxzin the m atrix elem entcan be perform ed im m ediately. Furtherm ore,the identityz Z (I3r#71/2m2! ./1/2ZM ) Yl,,? ,,(f2)Fl:ma(D) m l*t2 *q2lj+ lj )é2j+l)1'II Iz L y- (j. =(-l)g,-tz( j; m . .. -- .- j(( )( ;()z. sf leads to the result N Fnumb?Fl!mm ((r?JlIbrn:IIt&L'M '' )( LlavlaIm?. ?k, a;IgfmL'M ') x (0 b0 / ,0 f-1 /y (0 la0 lmZ 0) The recoupling relation3(note thateach ofthe ?-j sym bolsvanishesunlessthe sum oftheJ'siseven) é. u ((21,sj)t f/ l, ml /a ,z L. ,)q ' b O 0 1', j(. I 0 a =(-1) (0 / ,0 ' Z/ 0 ,jq0 b 0 1. ,) ' l,+z,.t. thenallowsustorewritetheparticle-holeinteractionfortheglsl-supermultiplet inthevery sim pleform LV!.ii= fLfyL'k (59.59/) LjyH(-l)l .((2/a+.1)(2/ p+1))10 C V 0j (59.59:) . lIftheforcesareindependentofspinand isotopicspin, thehamiltonianisinvariantunderthe symmetrygroupS&(4),whi ch isW igner'ssupermultipl ettheory(E.P.W igner,Phys.Reth.. 51:106 (1937)). The degenerate particle-hole states then form bases fbr the irreducible representations4( & i= I1)( . 9 (15).whichisexplicitlyillustratedinthepresentcalculations. 7A.R.Edmonds,op.cit..eq. (4. 6.5). 3A , R .Edmonds.op.cl ' ?..eq.(6. 2.6). APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S t?. % = (6l Icz.l I/,) (59.59$ where f- # *un,1,unst.un t.un dr 4. n o g m l,ar . -i' (59.60) Inthisexpressionunllristheradialwavefunction (see.forexample,Eq.(57.6)). Notethatthet' jyarejustthereducedmatrixelementsofthesphericalharmonics cuM = L4=I(lL + 1)1+Yuu. Now the radialwave functionsare peaked atthe surfaceofthenucleusforparticlesinthesrstfew unoccupied shellsandforholes inthelastfew flledshells,andtheoverlapintegral(willnotchangeappreciably from oneparticle-holepairtothenext.l Weshallthereforeassumethatfisa positive,state-independentconstant. In thiscase the particle-hole interaction isseparable. TheresultingTDA equations(here,%b= e.- e,) (e.,- 6n)/( (:))z.(J& -1-ftl, Z ?k /t (:)2z-(/r?;) - 0 lal (59.6l) canthenbemultipliedbyva Lvlleav- en)andsummedoverabtoyieldtheeigenvalue equation 1 (t,1,. )2 f J: 'n- ea. (59.62) Thesolutionsto thisequation foragivenL areindicated graphicallyinFig.59.l. Ifn particle-hole statesare included,then n - lofthe eigenvalues lie between l f Fig. 59.1 Pl ot of )((&' jJ2(6- 6.,)-1 as a *ab function of e with the eigenvalues ea of Eq. (59.62) indicated bycrosses. adjacentunperturbed energieseav,and oneeigenvalue eyopispushed up to an arbitrarilyhighenergydependingonthequantity l/f. Toinvestigatefurtherthepropertiesofthesestates,wem akethesim plifying assum ption thatalltheparticle-holestatesareinitially degenerate fa,= fa - k'b X C0 lSeeH.Noya,A.Arima.and H .Horie,Suppl.Prog.Theor.Phys.çhr yotols8:33(1959),Table2, foran explicitevaluation ofthese matrix elements. They are.in fact,remarkably'constant. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S:THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 651 In thiscase,theenergyofthetop superm ultipletbecom es (59.63) t'top= tb+ fZ (X22 ab while Eq.(59.61)showsthat/l7)(J:)ccpj,forthese states. Thenormalized w avefunction istherefore /l1l (JO 1s r). + Z (XJ2 (59-64) Fortheothern - 1eigenvalues,Fig.59.1showsthat n -o = 0 othern- 1eigenvalues (59.65) and itthereforefollowsforeachofthesesuperm ultipletsthat ) (!7f, a/j1))z, (/ra)=0 1/$ othern- 1supermultiplets (59.66) W e m ay use these resultsto evaluate the m atrix elem entsofthe various m ultipolesofthechargedensity A QL. M - J=l Z r. r-cz--(f1,)!.(1+ r3(./)1 (59.67) between the ground state with F = S = L = 0 and these excited m odes. From Eq.(59.14),thetransitionmatrixelementsofageneralirreducibletensoroperator aregiven by ('l'a1/I'l%)- x7b2(œIF1-/)+-b' lt zs (59.68) ThespinmatrixelementsagainfactorbecauseQuM isspinindependent,andthe m ssum m ation Z 3,, u.,-,, s(-1)++'N:/2'ms o- v'1$L. n -bz @I&amsp eliminatesallbuttheS = 0excitedstates. ' W ithin the(151supermultiplet,the stateswith S= 0musthaveT = 1(seeTable59.1),and onlythe'r)term in Eq. (59.67)contributesto thetransition matrix element. Since (!.1l !.T1lè)= !.V6, itfollowsthat(compareEq.(59.50)) (klczlslz-EEQslE'l%l-A/'J3sn7 )(&lIcz.E l/,)/t (:):z-(JO (rLfab ab . (59.69) Ifweagain assum ethattheradialm atrixelem entsareindependentofthestawzs (ab),thereducedrhatrixelementcanbesimplisedto (klczlsqz-i!P-sIE:F())'- VJ&sulr'.s ) JL' ),/t (:))s(JO ab (59.70) Oa APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS In thespecialcasethattheinitialparticle-holestatesaredegenerate,thisexpres- sionbecomes(seeEqs.(59.64)and(59.66)) + ()jz( 1o ls p)z.. :jg' -L. ::ljr()j= V'g -jsejrLj y tsab z.42 (59.71/) (VI'( '' 151Li* :QL: .' :%'0)=0 (59.71:) .. u, othern- 1supermultiplets Foreach Z,we 5nd the following rem arkable result. The one superm ultiplet that is pushed up in energy carriesthe entire transition strength, whereas the rem ainingn - 1degeneratesuperm ultipletshaveno transition strength whateyer. Itis an experimentalfact that low-energy photoabsorption in nucleiis dom inated by the giant resonance. This state is a ftw M tV wide, and its excitation energy decreases systematically from about 25 M eV in the lightest nucleito 10 M eV in the heaviestnuclei. Thedom inantm ultipoleforphotons ofthisenergyiselectricdipole,and the giantresonance also systematically ex- hauststhedipolesum rule(seeProb.15.17). Theelectricdipoleoperatoris1 z: QlM = #=l Z (3/4=)1xIM(./)JT3(. j) Thusthe excited state m usthave S = 0,F = 1,and Ln= Jn= 1- ifthe ground statehasS = F = 0 andLn= Jn= 0+. The sim plest picture of the giant dipole resonance, due to Goldhaber and Teller,2isthat'theprotonsoscillateagainsttheneutrons. Them oresophisticated m odelpresented herewasoriginally proposed by Brown and Bolsterli.( j The observed giantdipole resonance m ay be identihed with the T = 1, S = 0 state ofthe top L = 1supermultipletand doesindeed exhibitmany featuresof thism odel. Itappearsatanenergy higherthan the unperturbed consguration energieseavobtained from neighboring nucleiand carriesallthedipoletransition strength. ForL = 1,the presentschematic modelpredictsa supermultlpletofthese giant resonance states. The m odelalso predicts other giant-resonance superm ultiplets,one foreach allowed Z. In He4.the simplestclosed-shellnucleus !Notethattheirst(isoscalar)term inEq.(59.67)fortheelK tricdipoleoperatorisproportional to A â x(7) Jal which isjustthepositionofthecenterofmass. Hencethisterm cannotgiverisetointernal excitation ofthesystem. 2M .GoldhaG rand E.Teller,Phys.Rev.,74:1046 (1948). 3G .E.BrownandM .Bolsterli,Phys. Rev.Letters,3:472(1959). (Theseauthorswereprimarily concerned withtheF = l.J' '= 1-excitedstatesofr = 0,J' ' t= 0+nuclei.) %xealso G.E.Brown, op.cfl.,p.29. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S:THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 5B3 withfournucleonsin thelsoscillatorshell.theflrstnegative-parityexcited states are expected to belong to the (1p)(1:)-.particle-holeconfguration with L = I. A11the states ofthe (15)supermultiplet builton thisconhguration have been experimentallyidentified.l In addition,thereisevidencefrom inelasticelectron scattering thatthe F= 1,S= l,Jn= l-and 2-componentsoftheZ = 1,(15J superm ultipletof -giantresonancesarealso presentinbotb C i2and O '62 Beforeconsideringthe. S'= 0,r = 0excitedstates,weinvestigatethesesam e (15)supermultipletswithintheframeworkoftheRPA. Thelinearizedequations aregiven by Eqs.(59.22)and(59.23),and thebasiscanagainbereducedbyintroducingstatesofdesniteF,S,andL. Justasbefore,theûrstterm inEq.(59.21)will not contribute if either S or F diFers from zero, and the C lebsch-G ordan coeë cientsforspinand isotopicspin maybetakenthroughthesecondinteraction term ontothewavefunction. ThereductionoftheIpartsofthem atrixelements proceedsexactlyasin thepreviousdiscussion. Thustheinteractioninthe(15) supermultipletbecomes(compareEq.(59.48)) r' sl , l .li- Jr),h'k &a (: 15 ;l )m L= (t%c L, 15 :, ) ? , Ll(-j)lm-l!-L(-j). %+T (59.72/) (-j)L+S+F(va Lbt yz hl Lm (59.72:) = W ith theassumption o1-aconstantJ,thepotentialisagain separable,and the RPA equations can be written3 (Ec,- E,, )4t (:)9z. (c&)+ fra '' , 5-tl t'k k't J)!,, (/?' n)+ (-1)L+:+''cfmfpt:s 'lst/?''ll - 0 (59.73/) (%,+ %)g'g t:s 'lt-lab)+ êra '. b 5-E'. ' k J' f çks bjllms-i -(-1)L+1'+''1. p,,/( 1 t7s '3,.(/??' ))J - 0 (59.73:) Theeigenvalueequation followson multiplying by ru f' t p/tea,. -F5ea)and summing over(ab) 1 - = uc l j- aYb (L,) 6n- 1 eu,- en+ %b (59.74) This equation isexplicitly sym m etric in en,and the excitation energiesare the solutionsforpositiveen(indicated graphically in Fig.59.2). Justasin theTDA, 1W . E.MeyerhofandT.A.Tombrello,Nucl.Phys.,A109:1(1968). 2T.deForestand J.D.W alecka.Electron Scattering and NuclearStructure,in Advan.Phys., 15:1(1966). 3The explicitphase dependenceon S and F can beeliminated by considering the amplitudes 4and(-l)1'+S+T'@.whichdeterminethephysicalquantitiesofinterest(Eqs.(59.74)and(59.78)J. 554 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S Z f f fa, Fig.59.2 Plotof)g (pjb)2((e- :.)-1- (6+ :jo)-1)asa function of e with thepositiveeigenvaluesqnindicated by crosses. n- 1eigenvaluesaretrapped betweentheadjacentvalueseu,andoneispushed up,although notasfarasin theTD A . Thesolutionsforpositive enagain sim plifyconsiderably in thedegenerate casewhere%.= o . Thehighesteigenvalueisgiven by 13 1 top==6: 1-r-ee -- (ps.,)z 6 (59.75) Forthissupermultipletitfollowsfrom theRPA equationsthat/at,and +avare both proportionalto sa Lb,while (Jav/çpat,= (-1)L+:e'T(e()+ e)/(o - e). W ith the normalizationofEq.(59.24),thewavefunctionbecomes bsa tb t'o - e'top +l73s(J:)- (-1)1,+. 5+' r-'$ (L 2 . 2(..lOp,(,)i LJ /1ljhLlab)- (59.76J) E,f- ab foY-ftop Z ( y ztftop 'eo). ; L122 ab (59.76:) . The othern - 1eigenvalues are unaltered,and itfollowsthat e.= o (59.77/) +j:)jz. (c??)= 0 othern- 1supermultiplets Z r l p /t ( 1 ) 1 L l a bj = 0 ab (59.77:) (59.77c) Thetransition m ultipole m atrix elem entsfrom theground stateareobtained from Eq.(59.35)with S-;replacedby R -j. ForthechargemultipolesofEq. (59.67),itisagaintruethatonlytheS= 0,F = 1excited statescontribute,and we:nd (compareEq.(59.50)1 tkl'zlslz.i!QuEiY%)= V'j3s0a)b(' Lrtb ,a,IL'):/l1)jtlab)+(-l)L+&+' r ' >:ra '7+l:)),, (tz?')) (59.78) APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S :THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 555 ln thecase ofdegenerate unperturbed consguration energiesand radialm atrix elementsindependentof(ab),thisexpression becomes e - 1 ' t êtyE tl os plL. :. :QL::tyo). V'?jsoj?.Lj et0 y (j) t.)2 ab op ab 1 . .. tVl'' ( ' l5)L' :' :QL' :' :Vl'0. b-0 k (59.79) othern- lsupermultiplets Hencethe transition probabilityisreduced bya factor(ec/e)1 from the TDA resultfor the corresponding states. Thisrepresents an im provementbecause the single particle-hole TDA calculation generally puts too m uch strength in the top superm ultiplet-l Finally,wereturntotheF= 0,S= 0states(the(1)supermultiplets),where theparticle-holeinteractionhasadditionalterms. ltisclearfrom Eq.(59.57:) and thecalculationleadingupto Eq.(59.59J)thattheparticle-holeinteraction is again separable for a delta-function potential. In fact,the relevant m atrix elem entsare given by r5111,,= -3LQ! .lm (59.80J) l/5l, !,r ,,- -3/5 1! .1m (59.80:) andthereforechangeslknforthe5-= F= 0states. Allthecalculationsproceed exactlyasbefore,zbutwith a new J'thatisnegative,('= -3J. Figures59.1 and 59.2 im ply thatthe collective levelis now pushed down in energy and is pusïjzdfurtherintheRPA thanintheTDA. Inaddition,theS= F= 0collectivestate hasa Iargertransition m atrix elem entto theground state in the RPA because(o/e)1> 1,and thusbecomesmore collectivethan in theTDA.3 Both ofthesefeaturesoftheR PA generallyim provethecom parison withexperim ents. AN A PPLICATION TO N UCLEI: O1: To illustratetheapplicationofthistheoryto arealphysicalsystem ,wetum m arize acalculation intheTDA oftheF= 1negativeparitystatesof016.1 Therelatively strong spin-orbit force in nuclei m akes it appropriate to return to the single-particlestateslabeled with(n#). Theground stateofO16isassumedto form aclosedp shell,andallnegativeparityconsgurationsobtainedbyprom oting lThe RPA can beshownto preservecertainenergy-weighted sum rules;seeProb.15.16. 2Forthe(1Jsupermultiplet,onlytheisoscalarpartofthechargemultipolescontributetothe transition matrix elemenls,and therightside ofEqs.(59.69)to (59.71)and (59.78)and (59.79) mustbemultipliedby1/$. ' , /1. 3Foran illustration ofthesepoints,seeV.Gilletand M .A.M elkanofl Phys.Rev.,133:B1190 (1964). tThesrstcalculationsofthistypeforO16werecarriedoutbyJ.P.ElliottandB.H.Flowers, Proc.Roy.Soc.(Londonq,A242:57(1957)and G.E.Brown,L.Castillejo,and J.A.Evans, Nucl.Phys-,22:1(1961). The presentcalculation isdueto T.W .Donnellyand G.E.W alker, Ann.Phys.(N.F.),(to be published). :se AppujcArloss To PHYSICAL SYSTEMS particlesfrom the 1p oscillatorshellto thenext2,-1#oscillatorshellareretained (see Fig.57.3). The resulting particle-hole states are listed in Table 59.2, togetherwith thepossiblevaluesofJ'. Table59.2 also givestheH artree-Fock Table 69.2 Neqative-parity partiole-hole eonfiguration: In O16 Conhguratîons o - e.,MeV States ' (2a. 1. )(1. :. /-1 (1d1)(1#J-' (1d+)(1#:)-1 (2. h)(1#J-: (1Jp (1pJ-' (lt %)(1. :. /-. 18.55 17.68 22.76 12.39 11.52 16.* 1-#21-'2-;3->40-#1-'2-# 30- 12-931-,2. Source:T.W .Donnelly and G.E.W alker, Ann.Phys. (N.K ),(tobepublished). confkuration energiesea- % ofthesestates(seeEqs.(56.22)to(56.24)),which are obtained from neighboringnucleiwith an extra neutron particleorhole. The particle-hole interaction is computed from Eq.(59.51J). In this calculation the nucleon-nucleon potential F is taken to be ofa nonsingular : in M eV - gj3' 2' 1' ' 2 j- 1.#..2.. . >. 1,3,3.4 ()-:1-91-&3 1% : A 10 29 *)- Fig.69.3 T = 1 spectrum of O!6 computed as descri% d in the text. Also shown is the supermultipletstructure obtained when thespin-dexn- Calcuiate Sum rpultiplet spectrum approxlm atlon dentforcesareturned ofr. (Theauthorswish to thankG .E.W alkerforpreparing thisfigure.) APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S:THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS s:7 Y ukawa form with Serber exchange;it is lit to low-energy nucleon-nucleon scattering: F(1,2)= (1F(rlz)1# + 3F(rjz)3#)j.(j+ /u(1,2)) 3P = $(1- 11.qz) 3P = 13+ 11.ec) e-Ht'lz 1'(rl2)= Farzrla lN = -46.87M eV 3L = -52.13MeV V -6 (59.81) 1/:,= 0.8547F'l 3y.= 0.7261F-1 e= 135* ki= 124 MeV 4. l 6x10 t; T 3- r f q< Q 22 2- a- 3A/i/@é t # jj 4 '2i 1- j #*<: .:il/sA:j 3 i j- 2- #k.%9:: z j2- 1. j#i > 30 28 26 24 22 ao 18 16 14 12 lp e(M eV) Fig.69.4 Exm rimentalslxctrum ofelKtronswith incidentenergyet= 224 MeV inelasticaily scattered at6= 1359asafunctionofnuclearexcitation energy k.The calculated spedrum using the states of Fig.59.3 isalso shown (with arbitrary overallnormalization;the integrated areasforthe variouscomplexesagree with the theory to approximately afactorof2). Thesolid lineisa calculation ofthe nonresonantbackground above the threshold for nucleon emission. IFrom 1.Sick,E.B.Hughes,T.W .Donnelly,J.D.W alcka,andG.E.W alker,Phys.Aep. Letters,23:1117(1969)andT.W .DonnellyandG.E.W alker,Ann.Phys.(N.F.), (to be published). Reprinted by xrmission oftheauthorsand the Amerieqn InstituteofPhysics.) Theharmonic-oscillatorwavefunctionsofEq.(57.6)areused asapproximate Hartree-Fock wavefunctionsin computing matrix elem ents,and the oscillator parameterb = 1.77 x 10-13cm isdetermined bysttingelasticelectron scattering. The calculated spectrum isshown in Fig.59.3. These collective statesmay be seen,for example,through transitionsexcited by inelastic electron scattering, and Fig.59.4 com paresan experimentalspectrum with the predicted location andrelativeintensitiesofthepeaks. Thetransitionmatrixelementsarecomputed usingthecoeëcients#ù*?(* )obtainedintheTDA calculation EseeEq.(59.50(1. Thecalculated m ak locationsareconsistently aboutan M eV too high;furthermore,the experimentallevelsarequitebroad aboveparticle-em issionthreshold :% AppulcA-rloNs To piiyslcAu sysTEv s (; >19 MeV inthepresen' tcase)so thattheuseofsimple bound states isinadequate. Nevertheless,thegeneralagreementisverygood. In accord with our previous modelcalculation,wc also investigate the supermultiplet structure of these states. The appropriate particle-hole con- hgurations(aa&)(ru/J-lare(2J)(1,)-land(1#)(1X-iwithL = 1(twice),2and 3. Thesuperm ultipletswillbedegenerateonlyforspin-independentforces. To uncoverthisstructure,wehrstçkturn ofl-''thesingle-particlespin-orbitforce by assumingthattheobserved (n#)stateshavebeen shifted from an originalfnl) conhguration accordingto Eqs.(57.14)to (57.16).and wethtn retainonlythe spin-independentpartoftheinteraction in Eq.(59.81). The resulting F= l membersofthe(15)supermultipletsareshowninFig.59.3. Thesupermultiplet approxim ation clearly provides only a qualitative description of the actual spectrum . 6X EXCITED STATES : G REEN'S FUNCTIO N M ETHO DSI In thissection,we again study the collective excitations ofa fnite interacting assem bly,butwenow apply the m oregeneraland powerfultechniquesofquantum Eeld theory. THE POLARIZATION PROPAGATOR Asdiscussed in Sec.l3,theresponse ofthesystem to a perturbation oftheform 4ex(/)=J##(x)F*'(x?)#(x)d3x (60.1) is governed by the density-correlation function, or polarization propagator. In thepresentcontextofa hnitesystem,the poiarization propagatorisdehned by2 fl1à;z:./l- J')M(V%l. F(t1r,(?)cnnlttt12J')cuôlt')11:1' -0) (60.2) wheret51' %)istheexact(normalized)Heisenberggroundstateofthehamiltonian inEq.(56.18). TheGreeksubscriptsnow referto thesingle-particleHartree- Fockstates,whilees.(/)and t1.(/)areHeisenbergoperators,related to the particleand holeoperatorsby c.- #(œ- F)n + d(F - x)S.bt -. (60.3) Justasin Sec.59,weagainconsideronly closed-shellground states. 'Theapproachinthissœtionislargelybasedon D.j.Thouless,Rep.Prog.Phys.,27:53(196*. > alsoW .Czy:,ActaPhys.Polon..R :737(1961)andG.E.Brown.CourseXxlll-Nuclear Physics,in eeproc.Int.SchoolofPhysics:Enrico Ferm i,'*9p.99,AcademicPress,New York, 1963. 'Notethatheretheorderoftheindiceson11isslightlydiSerentfrom thatin Eq.(9.39)(compare Fio .9.18 and * .1). The presentchoice is more convenientin studying particle-hole inter- actionsandallowsustowritetheimportantequations1(* .20).forexamplelinaparticularly transpxwmtform . APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTSM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 569 ThegeneraldiagrammaticstructureofH(/- t')isshown in Fig.(60.1). A particle-holepairinthestatestt xjliscreated attimet'. ltthenpropagates to time /where itis destroyed in the states(Ap.). Note thatthe desnition of Eq.(60.2)isjusta piece ofthe fullpolarization propagatorfortheassembly defned by ïI1(x,x')= ('!' -(,hFif,f(x). (,(x)f1(x'), ;(x'))ykF()) l'I1(x,x')- )( wp(txlf+A(x)+z(x')1@,(x')ïHAs;.j(/- r') a;28 A pt x p (60.4J) (60.4:) Fig.60.1 StructureofFeynmandiagrams contributing to 11à#z; x#?- J' )inEq.(K .2): (f8 general.(b)lowestorder. where(@)denotes the Hartree-Fock w' avefunctions (Eq.(56,17)1. l' lzsiaj is easilyshownto beafunction oft- t'by themethodsofChap. 3,and thustakes theform I1As;aj(/- t'j= (2=)-1Jdt . oFlAs;aj((,>)e-ïetf-l'l (60.5) Furthtrmore,theLehmannrtpresentationisderivedjustasinSec.7 1-I IXF' ()lrp fcaI ' 'Fa)('l''nIcf acj!'l%) Av;a/t . &')=h âf,a- (En- fcl+ i.rl - t'l'ohrt 1c,1'Fa)' . t'F,?ctfîc, à11, ' -n) (60.6) l . o+ (En- Eo)- l h Notethattheintermediatestates1 'Fa)refertoanassemblyofpreciselyAparticles. The poles ofthe polarization propagator evidently determine the energies of theexcited statesthatcanbereached by aperturbation oftheform ofEq. (60.1). To express17 in termsofFeynman diagrams, wesrstgo to theinteraction representation and write ïl-lApz;a,(?'- /') a) = n=0 (-il' hjn ''n'!' #/. j...dtn(01T'j/ct/j).... J' . h(K)cllt)cA(/) x c'f t?')cjt/'))p0)connecteu z s6c APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S whcreX2istheinteractioninEq.(56.21). Thestate10)isnow theHartree-Fock vacuum orgroundstateillustratedin Fig.56.1. W henthisexpressionisanalyzed With Wick'stheorem,thereareno contractionswithin agivenXzbecauseXz isalready norm alordered. Thusthe presenttheory hasno Feynm an diagram s ofthe type shown in Fig.10.1;allthese term s are explicitly sum m ed by the canonicaltransformation ofSec.56. Thepolarization propagator(Eq.(60.7)) stillcontainsdisjointgraphswiththestructureshowninFig.60.2. Suchterms A ) , #t Fig.60.2 Disjointgraphscontributing to Eq. (K .7). They contribute only at ts= 0 and are thereforeomitted from the subsequentanalysis. . , areindependentoft- t',however,and contributeonlyto theu)= 0 com ponent of17((t)). They willtherefore be omitted entirely because we here consne ourselvesto those com ponentswith ( . o' # 0. Alternatively,we could considera polarization propagatordefined in term softheCuctuation densities 3Ecf sz(r')c,,;(/')1- c# ,,xtr')cublt'b- (%-olc1 s.(?')csj(?-)i . 4' -c) (60.8) aswasdonein Secs.12and 32. Thelastterm isa c num berand can cause no transitions;itmerely servesto removethen = 0 termsin Eq.(60.6)so thatthe moditled H((. o) has no singularity at ( . o= 0. ln coordinate space the correspondingc-numbertermsjustcancelallFeynmandiagramsofthetypeshownin Fig.60.2. Thefreesingle-particlepropagatorisdefned by (0r(0(/)(-t(/')1(0)E,I 'Gya(?- t' ) t01r(cA(/)c1 a(/'))I 0)N(2,4-1j#(z)dGqz(r . ,))e-ïf a'tf-l'l (60.9) (60.10) where the c'sare now in theinteraction representation. A familiarcalculation leadsto Gyat/aal- 3za b(-=- #) + p(F- t x) u)- ts. + i. q (, o - o)u - iyl (60.11) Theonelowest-ordercontributionton isshown inFig.60.1:,and an application ofW ick'stheorem gives /H0 Av:xj(?- ?')- . -(2,4-2. fdo),fdu),ft4.(r. z al)i' Gb 0pz(ta,2)E--'t>'t,-'''e't-' ztt-''' (60.12) APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 561 in coordinate space and (60.13a) ïHksiajt(zal= -à2(2=)-1fdœkGjzttsj)Gj osttsj- ( x;) (60.1?b) ifl2 $a- F)0(F-p4 0qF- a.lp(j-F) 4 , ; a , ( f . , ? ) i b n x 3 , , g . --(.a--. -.j)s., j-.. s jto-j .-.a)-j, j (60.13c) in m om entum space. It is now possible to derive the hrst-ordercorrections to the polarization propagator. Theinteraction ham iltonian is 4cl?- /')- !. )( (pg.;p'1n. i z?N Ecp fl/)cJ(??)cvlt')c,?(?)13(?- ?') ' - P@TP (60.14) and the delta function can be written H ence we find jjj' ( jl .);xb(t- t:)- -1 . y-11*)*dt3#?l ,.l.+ x. f, jj, zj'r)p. x ;j(gxj-l pc. . PrPt7 xexplj' ( . t)jt/l- t(' ))Jf x?j, '0!TLN tc1 pt/j)cl(/()G, (?j ')c' pt/'j)1 x cl /)cA(t)c1(t')cj(t'))k 0) , (60.15) st W hen this expression is analyzed w ith W ick's theorem , there are tw o sets of contributions disering only by the interchange of dum m y variables pk:: â(z, r)k ' , :er.andtjk:: âtt '. W emaykeepjustthefirstsetandcanceltheoverallfactor!.. Conservation offrequency ateach vertex m eansthatthe variable t- t'alw ays occurs through a factor c-ftœt-a' z'tt-f'' as in Eq. (60.12). Thus a factor 2=3(/ . 5- f zll+ (. ,)al must be included in the Fourier transform to accountfor theend points(compareEq.(60.13ë). A combination oftheseresultsyields - JH t AI p1 tiaj(ts)= -yji , . .. Jat x?j ttpc! .Pr. lnp, ) p #a(s = Tr TNJ'EI * (60.16) andthesrst-orderFeynm andiagram sareshowninFig.60.3. The(. :,5integration is the sam e in 170th term s.uhile changing dum m y variables p ccc âo.in the second 562 APPLICAM ONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S term andusingEq.(60.13)gives âllkstz/all= TVXPG il10 As;pv(t,))Etpcl#'1 ,r?' y'),- (cplP-l,?r)JfI10 ,?g;.j((s) (60.17) Thisexpressioncan beclarihed bywriting llt A' H';a,(a')- Z Hjl/ x:pvt/ . ? al .XttlttzgppincHo nc,:ajtf. ,?l TpP@ âA' 4ltt,alpvinc- '' -tpo'lP'l' nv)+ tcplF'ln' z) à ttll # Y) pz % fxl3 (z)j ttlj à 7 + CF Y? P (.t)5 f.tl; f.tl2 (s2 (60.18) (60.19) rz % @ F Fig. 60.3 Feynman diagrams contributing to a # x # lI,ï t l'a,(t' . /)in Eq.(60.16). si wherethetwo matrixelementsinA7)comefrom thefirstand seconddiagrams in Fig. 60.3, respectively. N ote that the lowest-order proper particle-hole scatteringkernelA( t)isindependentofu). Furthermorethesimpleexpression (60.18)arisesonly becausethe interaction potentialitselfisindependentot-the frequency(z)j,which isactuallydiflkrentin thetwodif lkrentgraphs. w enextwriteaBethe-salpeterequation fbrparticle-holescattering. This equation iteratesK * and allowsa calculation ofthepolarization propagator11 to allorders. Ittakesthe form l-lzs:ajltz?l= l-l0 As;aj(tz;)+4'1 %I1V;pv(t,a)A'*tœlpringl. lne;zj(œ) 'P@ (60.20) corresponding to Fig.60.4. W e have here m ade the simplifying assum ption thatthe kernelK * dependsonly on o),as in Eq.(60.19). The mostgeneral h tt P s r .'1' '' I' . .: .â . ..f' <. yv ( z # Fig.60.4 Bethe-salpeterequation (60.20)for l1As:t o(tt?). APPLICATIONS TO FSNITE SYSTEM S : THE ATO M IC N UCLEUS 563 particle-holeBethe-salpeterequationwillnotQctorasin Eq.(60.20)butinstead becom esan integralequation involving an integraloverfrequency.l Equation (60.20)is now a simple matrix equation,which can be written in the form H4(s)= I10(f. s))- r10((s)K*(ts)H((s) (60.21) The inverse ofthis m atrix relation yields (60.22) Hence H(ts)isa hermitian matrix for realo) and can be diagonalized with a unitary transform ation UH((z?)U-1- HD((o) (60.24) The inverse ofthisrelation UI1(t. &?)-lU'-1= H D(t. t?)-l showsthatthetransformationU alsodiagonalizesH (( . t)4-l. Someofthediagonal matrixelementsofI1D(t . ,?)haveapoleattheexactexcitationenergyoftheassem bly l' 1co = En-- Ev,which means thatthe corresponding diagonalm atrix elem ents of H D((o)-lhave a zero atthe same point. Since these diagonalmatrix elements arejusttheeigensr aluesof114t . u,)-l.Uearriveatthegeneralprinciplethatthezero eizent' alues of H((s)-lconsidered asa J' lkr/c/ïtp/?qfco correspond rt p the c' o//ccràè' c eltergl'/t?!'t7/çof'r/?casseînbt q'. ltistherefore necessary to solve thesetoflinear equations Xta?)-l= 0 (60.27) N'g140((s)-1- K *(cojjqs;ajCyj= 0 (60.28) xb !NV . Czyà,loc.cfr. s64 Appl-lcv loNs To PHYSICAL SYSTEM S RAN DO M -PHASE APPROXIM ATION Asafirstapproximationin Eq.(60.284,wetakeK*Q;K)),which expressesthe polarization propagatoras a sum ofFeynm an diagram s ofthe type shown in Fig.60.5. Thesediagram stontain asa subseta1ltheringdiagram sincluded in 's ): ' - . / t Fig.60,5 Feynmandiagramsforn summedintheapproximationK*; krK!k). ourdiscussion oftheelectrongas,land theapproxim ation here,asin thatcase, iscommonlyreferredtoastherandom-phaseapproximation. Equation(60.28) maybewrittenoutindetailusingEqs.(60.l3c)and(60.l9) (60.29) Thissetoflinear,hom ogeneous,algebraic equationspossesses solutions only for certain eigenvalues 6n. W enow separatetheindicesin Eq.(60.29)intotheregionsaboveand below E andchangedummyindicessothataandAalwaysrefertoparticles(œ,A> F), andjand J. talwaysrefertoholestjsp,< F) + 'tap.rP'I#A)1G a)- 0 a> F,j < F a >F,# < F A >F,p,< F (60.30:) (60.31t8 (60.31:) :Thelargersetofdiagramsshownin Fig,60. 5isjustthatconsidered inProb.5.8onzero sound. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEMS:THE ATUMIC NUCLEUS 566 XA l''-3-p.X!(p' z *j)= 0 (60.32/) s-) r'xA -. - . -, 3-/ . tr'aA' ,jt )1j a- y,1,-jA,)(;'1jJ= 0 (60.3lb) Ifwerecallthedefinitionsin Eqs.(59.10)and (59.21),weseethattheseequations can be rewritten as (eA-p-e)/A *.-,-oN'(!' a *.ia,/a *;-u, 1.;ajç;1? T)-0 (60.334) (eA-.,+ 6)+A *p-' -( 1l(t'A, x;z,%' 1b-uv jvkuî' )a *;)-0 (60.33:) , un Nvhich areexactly theRPA equations(59.22)analyzed in detailin thelastsection. Itisinstructive to com pare thisresultw' ith thatofthe Tam m-D ancos approxim ation. TA M M -DA NCO FF APPROXIM ATIO N To the extentthatthe positive eigensalues e = Enofthe collectlve excitationslie in the vicinitl.ot -the unperturbed particle-hole energies(namely,en:4:k:x- 6j). the lowest-order polarization propagator (Eq.(60,13c)1 can be replaced by (60.34) (60.35) whicharejusttheTDA equations. W ecannow seetherelationbetweentheR PA andTDA . TaketheFourier transform (Eq.(60.5)Joftheapproximatezero-orderparticle-holepropagator (Eq.(60.34)1used in IheTDA. ltisevidentthatthisquantity only propagates forward in tim e. In contrast,the originalzero-orderparticle-hole propagator in Eq.(60.13c) retains the fullsymmetry in u)and propagates in both time directions. Consequently the RPA sum s all possible iterations of the two lowest-orderdiagramsforK)I)in thesenseofFeynman diagrams(Fig.60.5), whereastheTDA sumsjustthatsubsetofdiagramswhereallparticle-holepairs propagate forward in time. Thus the TD A has one and only oneparticle-hole 566 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS pairpresentatanyinstantoftime,whereastheRPApermitsanynumberofparticleholepairstobepresentsimultaneously. Itisclearfrom Eqs.(60.33)thattheTDA isthelimitingcaseoftheRPA when them atrixeltm entsofthtpotentialartsm allcom paredtotheunperturbed energies,orm oreprecisely when 4U) <. :j en+ (eA- e-s) - - (60.36) In thiscaseEqs.(60.33)uncouple,and Eq.(60.33/)becomesjustEq.(60.35). An equivalent condition is that the true eigenvalues should lie close to the unperturbed conhguration energies,nam ely,enQJeA- e-s. H ence.exeited states thatarestronglyshiftedfrom theunperturbed particle-holeenergies(particularly thosestatesshifted to lowerenergiesforwhicho ;k;0)should betreated in the RPA ratherthan theTDA ;thesearegenerallythemostcollectivestates. CONSTRUCTION OF n (u;) IN THE RPA Thepresentresultscan becombined with thoseofSec.59 to constructnt(,)l explicitlyintheRPA. Equations(60.31)and(59.17)togethergive Ca;=Sbt /4-,-' &('l' %l?'-jJz1Ye.) œ>F,/<F (60.37J) Cuî=Sx+;-.-' Sxt'l'nlJl jàl.zI'L) #>F,œ<F (60.37:) Theseexpressionscan becom bined w ith theparticle-holetransform ation ofEq. (59.4) c)cj=' =p(x- F)0(F - #)d >ljSj+ p(j- F)0(F- a)>-zabS. RPA (60.38) and wethereforeidentify (tl%IcJcj( kL)=Cj tl' RPA (60.39) AsaresultthepolarizationpropagatorintheRPA canbewritten(seeEq.(60.6)) IIRPA ( Aàz;xjoa)= Cà (a.)C' ( (ax )C' ( )v aa!)# Cb paz w ( . 0- f w + IT (z)+ oö - i. q (60.40) Thisexpressioncharacterizesthelinearresponsein RPA toanexternalperturba- tionoftheform ofEq.(60.1). ltthereforepermitsustostudytheexcitationof nuclear states obtained by electron scattering,photon processes.weak inter- actions,and even high-energy nucleon scattering (to theextentthatthe Born approximationappliestothecxcitation process). APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S:THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 667 6IQREALISTIC NUCLEAR FORCESI Sofar,thediscussion ofhnite system shasbeen castin rathergeneralterm s,and the techniques apply to atom s and m olecules,as wellas to atom ic nuclei. In this section we brieiy discuss som e ofthe specihc problem s arising from the singular nature of the nucleon-nucleon force. The hard core (and strong attractionjustoutsidethecore)meansthatthematrixelements(ajlF1àp, )must bereplacedbyasum ofladderdiagrams,asintheGalitskiiorBetàe-Goldstone approaches. W ehereusethelatterfram eworkbecauseofitsrelativesim plicity. ' Tw o NuctEoNs O UTSIDE CLOSED SH ELLS: THE INDEPEN DENT-PAIR A PPROXIM ATION Inprinciple,theErststep intreatingasnitesystem with singulartwo-bodyforces isto constructthe H artree-Fock single-particle wave functionsforan eJective two-body interaction obtained by sum m ing the ladder diagram s. This sum , in turn,dependson the choice of single-particle wave functions. Such a selfconsistentproblem isclearly very dië cult. Asan illustration,weshallinstead assum ethatthesingle-particlewavefunctionsand energiesareknown from our discussion ofthe shell-m odeland considera single interacting valence pairof neutronsorprotonsoutsideadoubly magiccorewith closed majorshells(e.g., He6,O18ACa42' etc.). Thissimplised problem servesasa prototypeforany study ofa snite system with singularforces. In addition,italso allowsa direct com parison with experim ent,forweknow from Sec.58thatthem atrixelem ents (jZJM (Iz-jJ'ZJM Ldeterminethespectrum ofsuch a nucleusiftheinteraction between the valence nucleons is nonsingular. For a singularinteraction,we m erelycom putethecorresponding m atrix elem entsintheladderapproxim ation. Fig. 61.1 Two nucleons outside closed shells. '#'- indicates tbe degenerate valence levelsand 'ë'denotes the closed-shellcore. lThe sim plified discussion in thissection follows thatofJ.F.Dawson,1.Talmi.and J.D. W alecka,Ann.Phys.(N.F.),18:339 (1962); 19:350 (1962). For a thorough treatmentof nuclearspectroscopywith realisticforces,see B,H.Brandow,Rev.M od.Phys.,39:771(1967) and M .H.Macfarlane,CourseXL,NuclearStructureand NuclearReactions.in Proceedings oft:-fheInternationalSchoolofPhysicstEnrico Fermi,'''p.457,AcademicPress,New York, 1969. su AppulcAyjoxs To pHvslcAt. sys-rEM s The present situation is illustrated irt Fig.61.1. Two idtntival xalenee nucleonsoccupythe(degenerate)setofstates' #'-,whilethecore@rconsistsof doubly magic closed shells. Letthe totalbinding energy ofthe nucleuswith 4 nucleons,Z protons,and N neutronsbedenoted by zB1= zE1- ZmpclNmncz. Theground-statebindingenergyBE(2. N)ofthevalencepairofneutrons, ., forexam ple,canthen bedefned by BE(2N)= zB1- z#4-l- 2(z#4-l- z#ï. -J1' (6l.l) Thebasicproblem isto com putethistw o-particlebinding energy, aswellasthe excitation spectrum ofthe nucleus. To achieve thisaim ,we assum e thatthe inertcore servesonly to providea self-consistentHartree-Fock potentialwhose levels@Garealreadyslled. W ethen workintheindependent-pairapproxim ation and write a Bethe-G oldstone equation for the valence pair thatallows virtual excitationtoany statesexceptthosealreadyoccupied. Sincethisl' ntegralequation dependsonlyonthecombination F/,itssolutioniswelldesnedevenforsingular potentials. BETHE-GO LDSTO NE EQ UATION The Bethe-G oldstone equation for the system illustrated in Fig. 61.1 follows directly from thediscussion in Sec.36.1 (61.2J) (61.2:) Here the index n denotesthe single-particle levelsfnlmtJ-s)available to the valence pair,and we assume initially thatthe unperturbed single-particle spectrum hastheform shownontheleftsideofFig.57.2. Thecorrespondingsingle- particlewavefunction is+n,and fJ,paistheinitialunperturbed energy ofthe pair. The perturbation HLconsistsofthe(singular)two-particle interaction andanyresidualone-bodyinteractionnotincludedinthestartingapproxim ation. In Eq.(6l.2t#,the sum X' 'runs over aII unoccupied single-particle states as indicated in Fig.61.1. Theseequationsareexactwithin thepresentframework,butEq.(61.2c) is not very usefulasitstands,for)Z' 'includes states thatare degenerate with @a,az. SincethecorrespondingexacteigenvalueEnjaz isclose to E.%l,,a,theenergy denom inator for these degenerate states becom es very sm all. This dië culty can be elim inated by starting overand choosing a m odised setofinitialstates forthevalence particlesin ' #' -. ln particular,weconsidera linearcom bination ITosimplifythesetquations,wesuppresstheantisymmetrization ofthewavefunctionsforthe identicalvalencepair. 569 APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATO MIC NUCLEUS ofthese degenerate states à'a(.1,2)i K ' V - njna ( 72 1 C ,C 'la J?':(l)(? .,,a(2) )u T, requiring only thatthe transform ation be unitarj x' c?( 3/);!11;: .u... Ja j?) Jr* r cIt 1: jr) /;;),= jll;ll!, Q kl.-a (1,2)- xa(l.aj. :z r J 2 ) ?''. J. /! I %+, .( --1., . . -. -X1.* ' .a.. E.x-.&. o - E,, - '%,!'(1)%,, z(2)#?;?l2'. f/1tI'a (6j.juj E 1'0, Z. I ?lij . ?1 . . ..- ..... . ... . . :z ?:1 ?!;j Ex- Eî = à'aH3'11': ' ln theseexpressionstheeigenvaluesarenow labeled b) fa.and Ek'denotes the unperturbed energ) ofa pair i11 ' /'. The sum in Eq.(6!,fa1ha8 been àplët into a part com ing fronl the other degenerate unperturbed stateà in y 'and a rem ainderZ 'containing at least one excltation to a highershelltsee Fig.61.11. Since the sm allenergy denom inatorsoccur only in the firstsum .ue shalltrl k to choosethe coem cientC)1 xb / 11sothatthentlmeratorsin thetirstsum in Eq.(61.f5) N'anish identically , .rya,sj:j.j..tsa-.sy.jjaj ln thiscase.only the second sum in Eq.(61.fa)rem ains:furtherm ore.allthe statesin 12'involvean excltation to highershellsso thatthe num eratorsNNillin generalbe sm allerthan.orcom parable u ith.the denonlinators. This reform ulation ofthe originalequations(61.2)is sti11Ner) difl icult to solve becausethe exacteigenvaluesappearin lhedenonpinatorsin Eq.(6l.. qa.. W 'e m ay now' , however.observe that ) Z'runs over allstates U here the Nalence particles are prom oted to excited states (in the harm onic-osciliator nlodel. valence particles m ust be m oved an even num berofoscillatorspacingsto m ix in statesofthesameparity). Asa result.a1ltheenergy denominatorsin thesum Y'are large(atleast2/io.): k:81M ev . ,1îin theoscillatormodel)compared to the energy shiftsf' a- Eî tobeealculated below (a few MeV).and wemaytherefore replace Ex bJ'Fy o.in these term s. This approxim ation allows usto wrlte k1' -: Z(1.2)= n lêl.2N' L-' 0 2) .... tf 1a Il' l2c '$ ?;:#;2#1. C* .7 *% nj&.2(l*3 vNj(l)v, ?2(2)-)= q --'r /'? ,(l)( /-n:(2) l?1 -?72 -f. flub0 u - ' -- -.-O.. ----j.-.--- -0 --1 -S. . z. ,.: ?,2 t;y.- E,1l ,;l 570 APPLICATIONS TO PHYSICAL SYSTEM S with a know n kernel. The addi tionalcondition on the matrix elements (Eq. (61.6))becomes where Eq.(6l.4) has been used. This set of linear hom ogeneous algebraic equationsdeterminesthecoet TicientsCj1 uj2.andtheNanishingofthedeterminant gives the eigenvaluesFa. ltisclearthatEqs.(6l.7)and (6l.8)reproduce Eq. (61.5J)becausetheconditionofEq.(6l.6)eliminatesthefirstsum in Eq.(6l.5c). andFaœ fk.inthesecond sum within thepresentapproximation. Equations (61.8)and (61.9) togetherform the (approximate) Bethe-Goldstone equations fora finite system B ith initialdegenerate states.1 HARM ONIC-OSCILLATO R A PPROXIM ATION The discussion can be greatll'sim plit ied if we approxim ate the H artree-Fock $ingle-particle u as'e functions r /,,and energies En Qin2 by those of the harm onic oscillator. ln this case,the perturbation becomes /. /I= 11l(1)-2.11l(2). -.l'(I,2) where lz'(1,2)is the two-nucleon potential.and /?jis a single-particle operator thatrepresentsthe dl j/ercncv between the true Hartree-Fock potentialand that ofthe harmonic osclllator. (To be s' ery explicit.11l= .îP'(r)- al.s,where the tirst term is the change in the potentialwellleading from the spectrum on the leftside ofFig.57.2 to thatol7the leftside of Fig.57.3,and the second term is the spin-orbitintcraction.) W e shallbe contentto treathbin tirst-order per- turbation theory,and Eq.(6l.9)becomes Nx - g,x??l??aI '1,'40 : 7!.? l:, - .A),nzt/?l(1).c./?I(2); ' n(nj' x . ,l'nLn-c y h(E' 0 ,.- f. zl8, ,,,,,, 3na.,,,!Cj1 ald ni ),- 0 - Attheendofthecalculationwemayintroducethesingle-particlestates(nljj-j) . that diagonalize hj. and the resulting single-particle consguration energies E 0 - ./3j' v- :,/?2.- c: - 6a can be determ ined em pirically from the energies of neighboring odd nuclei. The lirststep in obtaining the energy levels Eu and coem cients C,J œ I' 2 u2isto solve the approximate Bethe-Goldstone eqtlation (6l.8) with HjEH 1z'. The resultingwavefunction J, 0 ,lhendeterm inesthem atrixelementsofP'appearing zl1 t in Eq.(6l.1l). Thechoiceofharmonic-oscillatorwavefunctionsJ?nnow allows 1See in thisconnectlon H .A .Bethc.Ph.b, .b'.Sct'..103:l353(1956)and C.BlochandJ. H orow itz, .: /1/('/.Plo'.b..8:9l(1958). The basisforthesetofEqs.(6I.9)canagain bereduced in theusual nlanner by introducing eigenstates ofthe totalangular molmentum . W'e Ieave this as an excrciseforthededicatcd reader. APPLICATIONS T0 F'INITE SYSTEM S:THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 671 a verl'im portant sim plification.for the tu' e-body wave function ç'nkç'nz is an eigenstate ofthe ham iltonian P2 , ' oi .,,:t.,)2x2- 4.n1r x Hv= .$. =. - -+- 1 . I . ,.72xî . .. . n: 2,?) X =. 1.(xl-.xz) P = p:- p: x = xa- xI p= ; (p:- p:l -. (6l.12) Hç jcan be reu' ritten as p2 P2 H o wss-.- - nlcuzx 2- . -- 4, z.,24 . ,cxz 4nt l,7 which separates the center-of-m asb m otion of the Nalence palr from the relall ' k' fv m otion. The elgenstates of Ho as written in Eq. (61.14) take the form ' %s(X)+,, (x),where the quantum num bersare .Y Es$ ,. h'.: #'. ' -//. s y!for the center of . . m ass and n HE. t lml. !. lA?5!Jr/?sy1 .tor the reiatlve NNa:e functlon. Each of thepe ,n statescan beexpanded asa 11nearcom bination ofthe orlginalstates>-n(l)q'-;(2h with the sam e total tq o-partiele energy'(and hence sam e elgen:alue of . /Y(,) because the latter form a eom piete set ofeigenstates of the same ham iltonlan H o. Thuswe haNe %.. x(X)+ntx)= s uY- ?kI??zNnzC /n,(1)c #'na(2) !s s u'here5' 2clenote. îalIpossible lu' (?-//tzr?/c Vcuflates#t x cl?t' rtz?c 't' ?' J/?tllc initialJ' /tz/tp. These orthogonal transform atlon bracketsl 11jnz.Y?? have been extensisely tabulated.z Itfollowsfrom Eqs.(6l.15)and (61.8)that .. . ??:l:z'.' l.z ' l;0n,.,,z-'-= NJ j.. . , b-171-'i . / . /0v.n' -1. 1l11:.-N'17 ' h''??t11l'nz' -' (N ote thatthe sum on njnzin Eq,(6l.lf)can be applied directly'to the wave function $0 n,naon the rightsideofEq.(6l,8Jsince the quantit)'Ey o.isthe sam e foral1thedegeneratestatesin fz'y,) Theexplicitcalculation ofkc t.uiscomplicatedby'therestrictedsum Z'in Eq.(61.8)-uhich eouplesthecenterofmassand relativeuave functionsofthe N'alence pair, Itis therefore conv'enlen:lo reu rite the sum as N-' N' N' n*1na n1n77-J2y. alor' n -2 '=' < !l,Ta1mi.Helk'.Phys..,4cta..25:185(1952). 2T,A.Brod) and N1,M oshlnsk).''Tables ofTransformatlon Brackets.''M onogratias De1 lnstituto deFislca.slexlco Clts.1960. s72 Thefirstternlsun-lsoveralI. 5'/tz/tp. q 'bs' illlenerg)'dijh' lren:/àt????1-y 0.and thesecolld term rem ovesthosestatesthatviolate the PauIiprinciple. W e neglectthesecond term (lhe Pauliprinciplecorreclion)forthepresentand return to itlaterin this section. Ifonly thetirstterm isretained,the corresponding wave function 4-0 satisfiesthe equation /-% 0. ?1 (X-x)- ( px(X)fr,,(x),- %s.(X)%,?. (x, à't%''/l'(f z-t' Jt. . t,, é-; - é'y$ j, (ojjyj . 4-0 : . k? l(x*x)..(/-s(xJ' . JO x) tlI ' W ithi1thedegeleratesetof-statesQ.ysthematrixelement A' )?'lz'1 /-N0?1,,) ,inEq. . . . . (6l.l6)isalso diagonalin the relativequantum num bers,land Eqs.(61.l6)and (61.!8)takethetbrm Y ' b I t 'tlj/7:t) ,U' :4,j,1.,,2. = xx e' nj/7a. N./7..C ' N61:., '/?tj11zr..tî! ,l , -.:/7 ,' . x %11 (6l.20J) . /-0 x)' -r ?, ' ,, (x)z' ,,( r,1 .'à1 Y'I'CX) 11'.I'' l J 0, ' .u ----(, -(? -- s,,- é., Theenergydenom inatorsi1 Eq.(61.20/))areagai1 )atleastaslargeaszhot; to the same degree of approxim ation as before. we ean therefore rewrite this equation as E, 1--1-, 0aE'nIpzI 1 ;J1' (6l*21b) Theproblem isnow solved,forEqs.(6l.21)arejustarewritingoftheSchrödinger equation - :2 - 2.v.. /?J(s2. :. 2u-p'(x) /u(x)= Enjs(x) N15- (61.22) Hencethematrixelementsrequired inEq.(6l.20J)can beobtained directly with Eq.(61.21bqrrom the discrete eigenvalues ofthe diflkrentialequation (61.22). Theunperturbed (U'-=0)solutionsto Eq.(6l.22)have already been given in Eqs.(, 57.7)to (57.I2). 'they are plotted in Fig.6l.2 fordiflerentvaluesof/. 1W eassunnethat I''isdiagonalin /. 573 APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 1. 0 Fig. 61.2 Square of the unperturbed solutionsuîttoEq.(61.22)togetherwiththe square of the txactJ-wave solution /z:sto 1u15I 2 0.9 0.8 07 06 05 Eq.(61.22)in thepresenceofthe potential (61.23).Thewavefunctionsarenormalized 04 O3 to Jll z!I12 dr= 1. Also shown are the 0.2 interactions in Eq.(61.23). IFrom j.F. 0 x 7 N7 ranges of the hard-core and attractive 0.1 Dawson.1.Talmi,and J.D.W alecka.Ann. Phys.(N.F,).18:339 (1962). Reprinted bypermission.) - x t. 4 r ()2 0.6 1. 0 14 l8 22 2. 6 30 bNT i 1 +1/M 6.1 Forcomparison,wealsogivetheexacttnumerical)J' -wavesolutionforapotentia? X pr= - e-vr P'o (61.23) y.r Uo= 434 M eV y,= 1.45F-l c= 0.4F with the parameters determined from a fit to the l, S nucleon-nucleon phase shift. Throughout these calculations the oscillator parameter is taken as b= lhlmotl' k= l.70F,appropriatetoOïS. ltisclearthatonlytheJwavesare m uch aflkcted by the potentialand thatthe correlated and uncorrelated wave functions are very similar, the correlations being most important at small distances. Thistheory has been applied to 018,wherethe initialunperturbed confguration has two valence neutrons in the 2J-1# oscillator shell. W ith the Brueckner-Gammel-Thaler nucleon-nucleon potential,Eqs.(61.11),(61.20*, (61.21:),and (61.22)givethe spectrum shown in Fig.61.3.1 Thissgurealso 7+ - Fig.61.3 Experimentaland theoreticaltwoneutron binding energy and low-lying excitation spectrum of018. Thetheoreticalresults werecomputedusing(a)1hesi ngularBrueckner- - 2++ 0 4 Gammel-rhalernucleon-nucleon potential,(:) the nonsingular Ser* r-Yukawa potentialof Eq.(59.81). (From J.F.Dawson,1.Talmi, and J.D.W alecka,Ann.Phys.(N.F.).18:339 (1962);19:350 (1962).-Reprinted by permission. Theauthorswish to thankG.E.W alker forpreparingpart(d8.) lJ.F.Dawson etal.,Ioc.cl't. Theory 4 0* :74 Appucv toNs To puyskchu svsu M s shows the result obtained by using thenonsingular force given in Eq. (59.81) and replacing /k.n,--,.+s.+.,in Eq.(61.16). In both casesthesingle-particle consguration energiesweretaken from O17:e(l#. j)x 0,E(2. u)= +0.871MeV, and e(1#!.)= +5.()B M eV. PAU LI PRINCIPLE CO RRECTIO N To includetheeflkctsofthe Pauliprinciple,wedesneprojectionoperatorsP and Q representing the srstand second restricted'sum on therightside ofEq. (6l.17). lfEq.(61.8)with Hjreplaced by Prismultiplied by P',itcan be rewritten asan iterated operatorequation G= P'+ P'iPt---Hz %.p'+ r'fo P-p -P'UPQ F+ . --Hv -Hv . - (61.24) where theoperatorG isdehned by Gvn,t pnz= P'/o n,az (6l.25) Equation(61.24)can berearranged to give (61.26/) ' (61.2648 A comparison of-Eqs.(6l.26:)and (61.18)showsthatG0corresponds to the wavefunctionwehavejustdiscussed G0( 2?n1pnzH P'/Rln: ) (61.27) ThusthefirstPauliprinciplecorrection isgiven by () .Gvp= -Gû/-Q-.. N tioG . 0- (61.2g) The m atrix elem ents ofthisrelation are now snite even with singular potentials. Furthermore,thedenominatorsareagain>2hu)inmagnitudesothatEq.(6l.28) representsa smallcorrection to theenergy levels(<0.5M eV). Thiseflkcthas been included in Fig.61.3a. EXTENSIONS A ND CALCU LATIO NS O F OTHER Q UA NTITIES Thesubjectofnuclearspectroscopy with realistic forces has beendeveloped extensively.l The m ostcom pletecalculation isthatof K uo and Brown,zwho also include a core-polarization term (Fig.61.4)in the etlkctive interaction. 1B.H.Brandow,Ioc.cit.;M .H.Macfarlane,Ioc.cit. 2T.T.S.Kuo and G.E.Brown.Nucl.Phys.,85:40 (1966);seealso B.R.Barrettand M .W . Kirson,Phys.Letters.27B:544(1968). APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S:THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 57: Itisclearthattheindependent-pairapproach also can beused to 5nd the ground-statepropertiesofnuclei. Edenetal.havecomputedthebindingenergy and density ofO l6 using the harmonic-oscillator framework.l A somewhat diferent procedure is to use the G matrix calculated fornuclear matter asan eflkctivepotentialin a Hartree-FocklorThom as-Ferm itheory3ofhnitenuclei. = Fig. 61.4 Tbe effective interaction of Kuo and Brown. F@fr > + Fxre- polawzation A com pletely consistentcalculation w ith the G m atrix for a snite nucleus has neverbeencarried out. PRO BLEM S 15.1. Provethe assertion thatthe solutionsto Eq.(56.17)corresponding to diflkrenteigenvaluesare orthogonaland thatthe degenerate statescan always beorthogonalized. 15.2. Derive theSchmidtresults (Eq.(57.22))fortheshell-modelmagnetic m omentsstartingfrom Eq.(57.20). 15.3. Derive Eq.(57.25) for the quadrupole moments in the single-particle shell-m odel. 15.:. ProveEq.(58.33). 15.6. Using thesecond-quantization techniquesofSec. 58,show thatforeven N 1 1(7*0,.c= 0j I',I/*J;c- 2)12 2J+ i' . . IJ+ 11jrx2jl +jl-lNj(2j+ lljtyjpgjy)j a) In them any-particleshellm odel,observethatthistransitionstrengthisenhanced with increasing N and reachesam axim um fbrahalflhlled shell. 1 R . J.Eden.V.J.Emery.anu S.Sampanthar.'roc. Roy.Soc.lLon#onl,A153:177 (19591) A253:186(1959);seealso H.S.Kèhl erand R.J.M ccarthy,Nucl.Phys.. % :611(1966). 2K.A.Brueckner.A.M .Lockett.and M . Rotenberg,loc.c/r.,whichcontainsotherreferences. Fora review ofthis approach.see M .Baranger, 'sproceedings ofthe InternationalNuclear Physics Conference.Gatlinburg.Tennessee.''p.659.Academic Press.New York,1967:and CourseXL.NuclearStructure and NuclearReactions. in Proc.of''The lnternationalSchool ofPhysics'Enrico Ferm ig.''p.51l. AcademicPress,New York,1969. 3H .A. Bethe,Phys.Ret'.,167:879 (1968). s7e AppulcATloNs To pHvslcAu sys-rEu s 1s.6. Consideranodd-odd nucleuswithp protonsinthe-/lshellandn neutrons in thejz shell. Ifboth the protonsand neutronsare in the normal-coupling shell-model ground state. prove that the energy splittings (in lowest-order perturbation theory)dueto a neutron-proton potentialofthetypein Eq.(58.6) can be com puted with the replacement (ik'j,. 2y,+ 1- lpljz+ 1- 2n /1. /271PbjLjk/:.h ./) -. >'- zjl j zj,- j 't./1. hJ1F1. /1. /27) . - O bservethatifeithershellishalfslled,thisquantityvanishesand al1thesplitting comesfrom thespin-dependentpartoftheinteraction. 1s.7. Prove thatthe statein Eq.(58.55)hasthe quantum numbersindicated. 1s.8. (c)Show that the matrix elements ofthe two-body potentialofEq. (58.37)inthethree-particlestateofEq.(58.55)aregiven by (.I3JM 1P!/3.fM )= 3)(1(. /3. /t). /2(A). V )I2(.j2AjP'1./2A) . A wherethecoeëcientsoffractionalparentagearedehnedbytherelation l)j2 J 1k 1' ) . (Thesymbolbljb. /2.j3)meansthattheangularmomenta mustadd up,thatis, 1. /1-./2l<. /3<71+. /2). (>)Provethatthesamerelationholdsforthestatein Eq.(58.54)(takek= 0). 15.9. Assume the 0+ (ground state).2+(2.* M eV),and 4+ (3.55 M eV)states in O18belongto the (#4.)2consguration. (J)Prove thatthe only possibleJnvaluesforthree identicalparticlesin the (#1)3conhgurationare!+,. )+,and!+. (SeeM.G.MayerandJ.H.D.Jensen, op.cit.,p.64.) (:) UseEq.(58.39)andtheresultsofProb.15.8to predictthelocation ofthe statesofthe(#!.)3consguration. Comparewith theexperimentalresultsfor O19:. j+(groundstate),!+(.096MeV),and!.+(2.77MeV). 15.10. Com putethem atrixelem entin Prob.1:.5 in theboson approxim ation. 15.11. Computethespectrum ofthejNconhguration(Aeven)foranattractive delta-functionpotential(Eq.(58.18))inthebosonapproximation. 15.12. Extend theboson approxim ationto an alm ostslled shell. APPLICATIONS TO FINITE SYSTEM S : THE ATOM IC NUCLEUS 677 15.13. ProveEq.(58.69)forapotentialoftheform F = P' ()(. rlc)+ P'l(xIc)11.nz. Assume realradialwave functions. 15.14. (J) W ritetheangularmomentum J in termsofthetransformed operatorsof-Eq.(58.64). (>)Provethatthestate!O)hasJ= 0. (c) Provethatthestate1O)hasevenparity. 15.15. Verify Eqs.(59.80). 15.16. LetD bea sum ofherm itian single-particleoperators. (t z) Provetheidentity ïV'CrEé,EX,:11l'Fo)- 2X (En- fo)p('1'aIX$ '1'c)I2 ' FI (>) Iftherightsideisevaluated in the RPA,show thatthe resultisthesameas evaluating the leftsidein the H artree-Fock shell-m odelground state. W henever thedoublecommutatorisacnumber(seeProb.15.17).theRPA thuspreserves thisenergy-weighted sum rule.t 15.17. (J) Show that the electric dipole moment of a nucleus measured relative to the center ofm assisgiven by o-J$lx(J. )gi. -3(. /)-4 '-r3j (b)Iftheinteractionpotentialisoftheform F(xjy),derivethedipolesum rule for N = Z . 4X (fn - Q )I' 2-, 4 SY'.fà1' 1e0)2= 3h lm n (c) ProvethatifN # Z,therightsideismultiplied by4NZ/AI. 15.18. DiscusstheimplicationsoftheresultsofProb.l5.16iftheoperator X ? commutes with X. (Forexample.the totalmomentum ê,the totalangular m omentum j. Note thatthese operatorsgenerate translations and rotations oftheentiresystem .lj 15.19. (J)Use the resultofEq.(60.40)forI1ls P)a;((z))to discussthe linear responseofa hnite system to aperturbation oftheform Eq.(60.1). (>) Computethecrosssection forinelasticelectron scattering asin Sec.l7. 15.20. D erive an expression forthecore-polarization potentialshow n in Fig. 61.4. tD .J.Thouless,Nucl.Phys.,22:78 (1961). jIbl d. A P P EN D IX ES ArQD EFIN ITE INTEG RA LSI The gamma function 1n(z)and the Riemann zeta function ((z)are defined as follows: rtz)-j-o Rdtt--'tz-l ((z)H:zN-p .z /,-7. These desnitionsconverge only in thespecihed regionsofthe com plexz plane. butthefunctionscan be analytically continued with thegeneralrelations I.(.c)1a(I- c)-= 7F . sin rrz 2'-; 'I>(z)((z)cos(at. n. z)= n. z((1- z) lW e here follow the notation of E. T.W hittakerand G .N.Watson. -*Modern Analysisp'' 4thed..CambridgeUniversityPress. Cambrldge.!962,wheremostoftheserelaîionsareproved . 579 s80 APPENDIXES Thegammafunction also satissesthefunctionalequation rtz+ l)= zPlzl and ittherefore reducesto thefactorialfunction forintegralvalues r(n+ 1)= n! nintegral Thedigammafunction/(z)isthelogarithmicderivativeofthegammafunction /( d 1 #r(z) z)= k-jl0gF(Z)= r(z) dz A tz= l,itreducesto /(1)=jf * )dte-llntM-y w herey isEuler'sconstant. Usefulnum ericalvaluesarelisted below r(!.)= Vzr;s1.772 r(l)= 0!= l (40)= -!. ((1. )Q:2.612 r(û); kû0.9064 r(J)=Jv'=;e0.8862 r(: )); k;0.9191 ((2)- =2/6a;1.645 (0)= 1.341 ((3):k:1.202 ((4)= ,. ,4/90; k;1.082 y œ 0.5772 l, (o=(#( dz (z)jz.0o-jjn(a.) e?a;1.781 N umerousseriesand dehniteintegralsm aybeexpressedinterm softhepreceding functions:t 77 *(2,+1ljh-(1-2--'tt-' p-0 Jc xdxex .A-l1- FtX)tt'') jzdxerx+!1=C1-21-R)U(n)((NJ - x * z,-l . Jodxx,-lcschx-jn *dxsinhx - 2(1- 2-n)r(n)((n) iAllbutthelastintegralinthislistaretakenfronlH .B.Dwi ght,e'TablesofIntegralsandOther M athematicalData,''4th ed.,chap.12,The Macmillan Company,New York,1964. APPENDIXES 681 jo =t sxn-lsechx=(c oJxco xm sj -j l x * 2r(a)p=0 jl(-I)p(2p+ 1)-a = jo cdxx. a-jsechzx=jo xdxoo rsj -a lx = l 22-,41- 22-/)P(a)((n- 1) n> 0 l jodxxz n-(l-x)a-1=jj xdxjjX -j' V/ NIoF9) yT .x vw =ptm n) J-zyx lnxsechzx L rv Ja -zgo-yxa--'sechcxaaq-l --In4xe'' . - TheBesselfunction#:(x)maybedtûnedbytheintegralrepresentation A' o(x)-j0 *dte-' =@'h' and we5nd J*ogxA'(x)-jo =dtsech? o BQREVIEW O F THE THEORY OF ANGU LAR M O M ENTU M t BAslc COM M UTATION RELATIO NS Thestarting pointisthefundamentalsetofcommutation relations LL,L?= ieijklk (B.1) where eéikisthe totally antisym metric unittensorand a11angularm omenta are m easured in unitsofh. A lthoughJ could beahrstquantized operator L l ê ? x= ' / y'j. j- zjy - etc. asecond quantized operator Q - J,;t(xll' P P yjys-zj yk(x)d)x etc. 'Thisdiscussion is very brief, Fora moredetailed analysisseeany basi c texton quantum mechanicsandespeciallytreatiseson thetheoryofangularmomentum such asA . R.Edmonds, **AngularM omentum in Quantum M echanics,''PrincetonUniversity Press. Princeton,N .J., 1957 orM ,E.Rose.%sM ultipole Fields.''John W iley and Sons,Inc.. New York,1955. The treatmtntherefollowsthatofEdmondsveryclosely. *2 APPENDIXES ora Paulimatrix J= l. l Eq.(B.1)isindem ndentofany particularrepresentation,and allthe results depend only on the :ftWc commutation relations. W e defne the raising and lowering operators Jk=Jx+ iJy (B.2) and thesquareofthe totalangularmomentum operator J2-Jl+ J2 x+Jk=J;+ jLJ+J-+J-J+à (B.3) ltisthen easy to verify thefollowingcommutation relations (J2,Jz)= (J2, A )= 0 iJz.Jz1= : iVz. (B.4) The om rators. 12and h can therefore be diagonalized simultaneously,and the eigenstateswillbe labeled by 1./rn). From thecommutation relations(B.1), itisreadilyproved thatl Jk1./zn)- Aç-i.+,*1. /- + 1) (B.5) where Allmt= R. /+ mtfl- m + 1)11 (B.6) desnesa particularchoiceofphases,and J21./-)=jlj+ 1)Ijm) (B.7) Z l.imâ= m 1jms IngeneralwedealwithstatesIy)A)whereydenotestheremainingsetofobservablesand El>,J2)= EP,.6)= 0 coupLlNG OF Tw O ANGULAR M OM ENTA: CLEBSCH-GORDAN CO EFFICIENTS Considerthe problem ofadding two com m uting angularm om enta J= Jl+ A (Jl,Jc1= 0 (B.8) whereJâand Jzcan referto diflkrentparticlesoroperateindiserentspaces(for example,J= L + S). Wecanimmediatelyverifythat (AJI!- (J,Jl)- (J,J2)- 0 (B.9) tSee,forexample.L.1.Schifr,leouantum Mechanics.''3ded.,p.2œ ,M cG raw-llillBook Company,New York.1968. AppENnlxEs Onecomplete setofco. . -ng operatorsisthereforede*ned by r',J1,J' lz,Jl,&x A notherpossiblechoiceis r:J2 1,J2 2:J2:JJ Eitherdescription iscom plete,butthe set2 ism oreconvenientG causeoverall rotationalinvariance impliesthatj and m are constantsofthe motion. Since these basesare equivalent,they mustbe connected by a unitarytransformation Iy-/lhjmb- J: (ij,:11h -21. /,h jmsl y-/lm,)'z-z) (B.10) *1lM z ThesetofnumericalcoeëcientsareknownasClebsch-Gordan(CG)coeëcients; they areindependentofy because thetransformation involvesonly the angular partsofthewavefunction (thisresultwillbeshownbyexplicitconstruction;see Eq.(B.l7)). Theorthogonality and completenessofthestatespy7jh jm)and ly. /lmb. /2M2)implytherelations ty-/l?Fl1h mz1y71mt 'jz?. n2 ')= 3mlml'3mamz, (y-/lJ'z./rnl y./ljzl'rn/)= 'JJ'3-, ., (B.l1) )(Iy/lhims(y/lhjmz- Z Iy7l,:21h ?nz)ty. /lm,. /zmzi J- - 1mz and itfollowsthat 7J (J,Jzl m 1J1m,J2rnaz4J,mtJa'nall,Jz-lms- JJ' mm, ?NlMz (B.12) ' ( E2' :Jlm 'j/2mz'1J-IJzJ'n)(J-IJzJm 1J-,mlJ-zmz$- 3,,,,, .,1'3-z-z' . Jm The CG coeëcientscan befound by diagonalizing theom rators Jz=Jls+ Jz, (B.13J) J2= J(+ Jl+ 2JI.Jz (B.l3:) intheEnitebasisIy/lml./arrl2). SincetheoperatorsJlandJIarealreadydiagonal,itisonly necessary to diagonalizeh and Jl.J2where 2Jl.Jc=Jt+A -+Jt-h++ u tzhs (B.14) Forthehrstoperator,wew rite Jz1y71. 12. /z>l)- &lly. /lh . /zn) (B.15) and use Eqs.(B.10)and (B.13J)to conclude that(jL-1hmzIjbjz. /v)= 0 if rnt+ m z# m . Forthesecond operator,wecom bine therelation 2Jl-J2ly/lh . /r? i)= n Iyylh . /rn) (B. l6) ux AppENnjxEs obtained from Eq.(B.l35)with Eqs.(B.l4)and (B.5)to 5nd a setoflinear homogeneousequationsfortheCG coeëcients (2,n1mz- aJ$(. /1?. n1. /2mzi./lh jm$+ ,4(. /1,m1+ 1). ,1(/c,-zn2+ 1) x (. /1mt+ l. /zmz- l(. /1. /2jm3+ AljL.-?. n1+ 1) x -4(. /2,n12+ 1)Ljkp1l- l./zl' nc+ lh. /lhjmb= (1 (B.17) . ThissetofeigenvalueequationsforaJhasa solutiononly if Ijt-A I<j*. /1+A (B.l8) with each valueoîjoccurringonceandonlyonce. TheresultingCG coeëcients aredetermined onlyupto overallrelativephases. Thusacompletespecisdation oftheCG coeëcientsrequiresanadditionalsetoîphaseconventions;thestandard choicelisthattheCG coeëcientsarerealand satisfy (B.19J) (B.l9:) I..jb? N1h mz1./1hlmï b= (-l)7'+#:-J(. hmz. /1mql)1)' tjms 2.1+ l 1 ( jLM1h mlI./1J1jmb= (-1)72+M2 ljL+ i (jz-mzjm j/cjjj-1) (B.19$ . . TwoparticularCG coem cientsarevery useful:z (L-ij/A71* 1./10./1m,)= 1 (j3&l1jj- -1r. /l./1(X))= (-1F1-M1(ljj+ 1)-1 (B.20J) (B.20:) A more symmetric form ofthese coeëcients isgiven by the W igner ?-j sym bol (M . /1 l M lq 3N(-jj. il-Jz-maLljj. j.j)-. y(yjsyjjgyj ajyjjgjj.m. y) which hasthe following properties: mk+ mz+ mj= 0 71 . 12 -/3 - r?1, -.rz;z - r?:3 (8.22(z) = (-j),.j./,+.y: m./1b . h -3 (j;.zzy) 3.Any even perm utation ofthe columns leavesthe 3c/coeëcient unchanged. 4.Anyoddpermutationofthecolumnsgivesafactor(-1)7l+7a+J3. Extensive tabulationsofthesecoeë cientsappearinthe literature.3 1A.R.Edmonds,op.cfJ.,pp.41-42. 2Notethatforhalf-integral/:(-1)7-m= (-1)' n-1= -(-1)J+m. 3M .RotenY rg,R.Bivens.N.M etropolis,and J.K.W ooten.Jr.,K*f' he qjand 6J'Symbols,'' TheTechnologyPress,M assachusettsInstituteofTechnology,Cambridge,Mass., 1959. APPENDIXES B85 COUPLING OF THREE ANGULAR M OM ENTA:THE 6-j COEFFICIENTS Considerthreecommutingangularmomenta(theindexywillnow besuppressed). A basisofdehnitetotalangularm om entum can be form ed by coupling the hrst two to form adehniteylcandthencouplingylcand /3to form j - . )<(. /12mj2./3mql./i2jj. /?n), (B.23) orby coupling the second and third to form jzjand thencouplingjjandg'z3to form / x (/im lJ' 23=23Ijt. /23jm?s (B.24) Either ofthese schem es gives a com plete orthonorm albasis,for the properties ofthebasisstates1./1znlh m2jjrna)andtheCG coeëcientsimply kx( J'l. /2)jt 'z./3./'m'(./1/2). /12J' 3jm3= 3jk,k,zbj.jbm.m Z p(. /l. /2)./12jj. /rn)((J'1hljj2j?jm i jlajm . - (8.25(7) Z (. /1,,71jz'nz. /amq?'r:. /,mb. /cmzh r,731 (B.25:) p1jm aFa: with sim ilarrelationsforthesecond basis. Asaresult,thetransform ation from one basisto the other is again unitary;the 6-j symbols are desned in termsof thesetransform ation coeë cientsby (B.26) Thesetransform ationcoeë cientscanbeprovedindependentofm inthefollowing way. Consider (B.27) *6 APPENDIXES Now operateon both sidesofthisequationwithJ+lA(j,-m). Thisraisesthe m valueofthestateswithoutchanging the coeë cients.w hich stillhavean index m . By defnition.however,the expansion coeë cients ofthe new states have an index m + l,and thusthecoeë cientsareindependentofm. From the deinition,it is seen thatthe 6-j symbols are invariant under (l)anypermutation ofthecolumnsand under(2)theinterchangeoftheupper and lowerargum entsineachofanytw ocolum ns. Anothervery usefulrelation thatfollowsfrom Eqs.(B.23)to(B.27)is The6-jcoeëcientsalso havebeen extensivelytabulated.l IRREDUCIBLE TENSO R OPEBATO RS AND THE W IG NER-ECKART THEO REM A n irreducible tensor operator ofrank K isdefned to be the set ofIK + 1 operatorsTIKQ)(-A'< Q < A-)satisfyingtheequations EJz,F(X'Q))- -4(& : FQ)T(& Q :iu1) (/z,F(#Q)l= QTIKQS (B.29) Someexamplesoftensoroptratorsare(in Nrstquantization): T(r)YtM(0,+ (-Z < M <Z):tensoroperatorofrankL 2. rq (-1< q< 1):tensoroperatorofrank l where 1 rz1H :1Z v (. X+ iy) roO z vj Jq (-l< q< 1):tensoroperatorofrank 1 where J 1 tl* :: F , (Jx+ iJ,) vj E' N 1 otethatJzj= ZFVé.&.) w e now introduce the W igner-Eckart theorem.which states thatthe m dependence of the matrix elem ent of an irredueible tensor operator can be 1M .Rotenlxrgetal.,loc.cit. A pPEN D 1.'xEs 687 extracted explicitly interm sofaClebsch-G ordancoeë cient: 'j'tn'Ir(K(?).yjm-= (-l)K-J-j''Koj m--SK j '?? 'X ' .-. .jj --7 -.qxy'g''pjrx8 :yjh ' i'. (j). ;>. ). ;' . . (B.30) Here the reduced rntzrrïa-elemen: y'j'(Fxl 'y/ is independent qf the m t' alues. Thispowerfuland uset -ultheorem can be proved asfollows: l. Consider The commutation relations (B.29) between the angular momentum and TIKQ)(using J2= KJ-J-vJ-J-j-, -Jzlgjand the setof linearequations dehningtheCG coemcients(B.17)show that ,2! . Y!*jm),=jlj-..l)j N.-jm) ,. Jz1Y1*jm' )= m i klqjm'' , . 2.W ecanthereforeexpand J Vl->).inthebasisstatesJyjm' Itjâjm(.z. crP N (ty'jm jk1, *Jm). . j y'jn)'h and the coem cients kye-/ rrll klLm. ' )are independentofm asproved following Eq.(B.27), 3.Theorthogonality oftheCG coemcientsim pliesthat TIKQbh' lz -/lm l)'- )' (' . L. /1m lKQ i. /lKjm)I . '1' -km) jm 4.Theinnerproductwith thestate ' k.y'jzmj'gives . fy'./2m2l TIKQ4Iy-/)m tb= v../1/3:1KQ !. /1KJ'zmz' )' t .v'h 1 ' k1-;' whieh isjusttheW igner-Eckarttheorem,with thereduced matrix element dehnedintermsofky'jz1:1-jz''throughm-independentfactorsandsigns. TENSO R O PERATO RS IN COU PLED SCHEM ES ConsidertwotensoroperatorsF(A'j@l)and U(KzQz),which weassumerefer to diserentparticlesordiflkrentspaces. ltiseasilyverised from thedehnition Eq.(B.29)and from thedehning setoflinearequationsfortheCG coemcients (B.17)thatthequantity A-(A'Q)ëBE N' sKj(?jKj:21A'1K:KQ$F(A-IQ I)L'(K?;c) (B.31) OIO1 isagain an irreducibletensoroperatorofrank K. A specialcaseofthisresult isthe scalarproduc:oftwo tensor operators (2S v 1)1'(-1)K. 1,-(0)EEF(S).L'(A')= N-(-1)0TIKQ,&(A'- Q) , V (B.32) s88 AppENolxEs which is a tensor operatorofrank zero and therefo inserting a com plete setot-states re com m utes with J. By , usi ng the W igner-Eckarttheorem , and using thedeEnitio noftht 6-jsymbol,wtcan provethat (y'1Ih'j''n'Ir(A' )-&(&)4y/.h ./.n) . J;' lk !Z (vzJ.I I, y,.y. j.)y, 'jgtj yy(g.jg t ' yy' zj /2J v, ' ,J)y.(kj; , - (B.33) Inexactly thesamefashion, them atrixelem entofa singleoperatorin a schem eis coupled /z . ,, K 't)y /l1F(A-)1y: /1-, , (B.34J) K /')tz-/c 'l jrtx l h z / c ) (B.34:) . In theserelations, F(#)and U(K)actonthefirstandsecondpartsof -thewave function,respectively. IN D EX I Addition theorem for spherical harmonics, 516 Adiabaticprocess,187 Adiabaticelswitchingon.''59-61,289 Analytic continuation,1l7p,297-298, 302303,493 Angularmomentum,344,504,571p review of,581-588 Angular-m om entum operator.505 Anomalousamplitudes,489 Anomalousdiagrams,289 Bogoliubov replacement,2* ,201,203,315, 489 Bogoliubov transformatiom 316a, 326-336, 527-337 Bohrradius,25 Bohr-sommerfeld quantization relation,425, 484 Boltzmanndistribution,39,279 Boltzm ann'sconstanty36 Born approximation,188,197/,219:259,345, 368 AnomalousGreen'sfunctions(bosons),213 Born-oppenheimerapproximation,390a,410 Anticommutatitm relations,16 Bose-Einsteincondensation,44,198-2* ,211, Atoms,116,121,168/.195/,503,508,546,567 481 rigorousderivationof,41a andsuperconductors,441,446,476# BCScoherencelength.426.465,469 Boson approximation in shellmodel,526- BCSgapequation(seeGapequation) BCStheory(seeSuperconductor) Bernoulli'sequation,496 Betadecay,350-351 Bethe-Goldstoneequatiom 322,358-366,567 anomalouseigenvalue,324 withdegeneratestates,569-570 eflkctive-massapproximation.359 energyshiftofpair,371 andGalitskiiequations,377-383 ground-state energy of hard-sphere gms 371-374 J-waveinteractions,371-374 p-waveinteractions,374,386/ power-seriesexpansion,373-374 hard-core,solutionfor,363-366 partial-wavedecomposition,386/ J'-wave,360 self-consistent,358-360,377-378 square-well,solutionfor,360-363 Bethe-salpeter equation,131-139,219,562565 (SeealsoGalitskii'sequations) Blochwavefunctions.5 Bogoliubov equations for superconductor, 477# 527,576p Bosons,7,198-223,314-319,479-499 Bethe-salpeterequation,219 charged,223/,336/,5(f#,501# chemicalpotential,202,206,216,493 condensate,2X ,493 attinitetemperature,492-495 moving,223#,336/,501# nonuniform,495-499 densitycorrelationfunction,ll3p distributionfunction.37,218,317 Dyson'sequations,211-214,223# Feynmanrules: incoordinatespace,208-209 inmomentum space,209-210.223# fieldoxrator,2* Greengsfunctions,203-215 ground-stateenergy,31#.201,207,318 hamiltonian,2X ,315 Heisene rgpicture,204 Hugenholtz-pines relation,216,220,222, ll3p interactionpicture,207-208 kineticenergy.205 Lehmannrepresentations214-215 momentum om rator.204 t' FheletternafterapagenumG rdenotesafootnoteandp,aproblem. 09 œ en INDEX Condenute.33,2* ,220,317.491 inachannel,502, nume ro- rator,201-202 idealBOK gas,42 m rturbationtheory,199,207-210 measurementof,495 potentialenergy,7tm,205-206 moving,502/ prom rselfenerr ,211,215,219 andsux rfluiddensity,495 temm ratureG- n'sfunction,491 surfaœ energy,497-498 thermodm amicpotential,37,38,202,207 wavefunction,489,492 vacuum state,201 boundarycondition,496 W ick'stheorem ,203,223# atfinitetemx rature.494-49, 5 Hartre equationfor,490 fseealsoHard-sphereBOR gas1Interacti ng spatialvariationofy497 Bose> ) Brum kner-Goldstone theory and thermoCondensationenergy ofsum monductor,419, dynamicpotential,288-289 453 Bruœkner'stbeory,116,357-377,382-383 Cov gurationspace,7 Bulkmodulus,30,390,407 Cormcteddiagrams,113,301-302 Bosons(cont'J): noninteracting(seeIdealBosegasl Bulkprom rtyofmatter,2A 349 (SeealsoDisconncteddiarams) Constantofthemotion,59 Continuitym uation.183,420,496 Canonicale- mble,33 Contractions.87-89,238,327-329 Canonicalmomentum .424-425 Coom rpairs.320-326.359-3* .417,441 Canonical t- nmformation to particles and bindingenergyy3zs,336 holes,70-71,l18#,332,5@$-508,547 bound-statewavefunction,336# Charge-densityom rator,188.353 Com-polarizationpotential,574,$77p Clwv dN x gas,223p,336/,5X #,501/ Correlation energy.29.155, 163-166,169#, G emiOlpotential.34.* ,75.1B7,327,52828* 287 532,535 anddielxtricfunction,154 Y sons,202,206,216,493 andpolarizationpropagator,152 hard-spheregas,220-222 Correlations: ideal.39-41,43 innuclei,362-363,365-366,572-573 clmssicallimit.39-40 two-pm icle.191-192 diFerenœ in sux rconducting and normal Coulombenergyofnuclei,35û state,335.453a Coulombinteraction,22,188 electrongas,278,284-285 (SeealsoScreeninginaneledrongasl Coupling-constant integration,70, 231-232, fermions) hard-spbere- ,174 280,379 ideal,45-48,75.284-285 Creationox rators,12 Criticalangularvelocity,499,5(f# phonons,393,410#,485-486 andprom rself-energy.1X Criticalcurrent.476p Criticalield,415,451,453,474# Cimulation,483.498 f7lnttsills-clalxvoneqtlatioh.4gg-sY p CriticaltemrratureofBosegms,40,259-261 Clebsch-Gordancœ mcients,544,582-584 Criticalvelmaty,4K a,482.487,5*, Cloe fermionloops,98,1û3 Crosssection,scattering,189,191,314-315 Ce mcientsoffractionalparentage,523a,516p Crystallattice.21,30,333,389.390,394-396 Cohemnœ lengtb: (SeealsoPhonons) Curie'slaw,254#,309,,5*, BCS,426,465,469 Curmntox rator,455 Ginsburga>ndautheory,z33,472 sulx= nductory4zz,426.433.472 Cyclicprox rtyoftrace.229 Collc tivemodes,171,183,193-194,538 Collisiontime,184 Damping,81,119.p,181,195#,308.309#,310# Commutationrelations,12,19 nebyefrequency,333,394,395n,196,4ztcn Compr- ibility.30.1X ,3:7J,,30 -391 s91 INDEX Debye-Hikkeltheory,278-281,290, Debyeshieldinglength,279,30* 308 Debyetemperature,394-395,448 Debyetheoryofsolids,389,393-395 Deformednuclei,515 Degeneracyfactor,38,45 Deltafunction,101,246 Density: offreeFermigas.2* 27 ofHe3andHe4#480 ofnuclearmatter,348-352 ofstates,38,166-267,333,447 Density correlation function, 151, 174,217 3(10-303,558 analyticprom rties,181n,302-303 forbosons,2l?p forfermions,194#,302.309, atfinitetemperature,3(*-.302 Letlmann representation,3(*-301 perturbationexpansion,301-302 andpolariz-ation,153-154.302 relationtopolarizationpropagator,153,3û2 retarded,173,194#,3(0-301,307 time-ordered,174.175 D ensityiuctuationoperator,117#,189 Depletion,221,317,488 Destructionoperators,12 Deuteron,343 Deviationoperator: forbosons,489 fordenstty,151,173,3K ,560 Diagrams(seeFeynmandiagrams) Diamagneticsusceptibility,477/ Dielectricfunctions111,154,184,396 ringapproximation,1, 56,163.175,180 Digammafunction,580 Dipolesum rule.552,577# Direct-productstate,13.17 Aisconnecteddiagrams.94-96,111,301,560 factorizationof,96 Dispersionrelationls): forplasmaoscillations,181-182,310# forpropagators,79,191,294-295 forzerosound,183-184 Distributionfunction: forbosons,37,218,317 forfermions,38.46,333-334 formovingsystems486,5* , Dyson'sequations: forbosons,211-214,223p forelectron-phononsystem,402-406,411/ atfmitetemperature.250-253,412p Dyson'sequations(coht'dl: forGreen'sfunction,105-111 Hartree-Fockapproximation,122-123 forpolarization,110-111,119#,252,271 forsuperconductors,476# Effectiveinteraction,155.166-167,252-253 Efrectivemass: electrongas,169#,310/ ofimperfectBosegas,260 ofimperfectFermigas,148&168p,266 innuclearmatter,356,369-370 insuperconductor,431 Efective-massagproximation,359,3#4 E/ectiverange.342-343,386, Eikonalapproximation,468-469,474 Electricquadrupoleoperator,514 Electron gas: adiabaticbulkmodulus,390 chemicalpotential,278,284-285 classicallimit,275-281,290# correlation energy,29,155,163-166,169/, 28* 287 couplingtobackgrounds389,396. .406 degenerate,21-31,151-167,281-289 dielectricconstant,154 dimensionlessvariablesfor,25 eflkctiveinteraction,155,16* 167 efl-ectïvemass,169#,310/ electricalneutrality,25 ground-stateenergy,?2p,151-154,281-289 hamiltonianfor,21-25 Hartree-Fockapproximation,289p heatcapacity,289-290/ Helmholtzfreeenergy,280.284-285 linearresponse,175-183,303-308 plasmaoscillations,l80-183,307-308 polarized,32p properself-energy,169/,268-271 screening,175-180,195/,303-307 single-particleexcitations,310p thermodynamic potential, 268, 273-275, 278.284 zero-temperaturelîmit,281-289 Electron-phononsystem : chemicalpotentialofphonons,410p coupl ed-heldtheory,399-406 Dyson'sequations,402-406:411p Feynman-Dyson perturbation theory, 399-4û6 propereleclronself-energy,402,411, B92 Electron-phononsystem (cont'dj: properphononself-energy,402,411p vertexpart,402-406 equivalentelectron-electron interaction, 401-402 FeynmanrulesforT = 0,399-401 ieldexpansions,396-397 snite-tem peratureproperties,412/ ground-stateenergyshift,399,411p hamiltonian,398 interaction,320,39* 399.417 linearresponse,412, Migdal'stheorem,406-410 phononselds410/ phononGreen'sfunction,4* ,402,411p screenedcoulom binteraction,397 superconductingsolutions,440/,476p Electron scattering,171, l88-194,348-349, 557,566 Electronicmeanfreepath,425 Electronicspecischeat,395a Energygap: innuclearmatter,360,383-385,388/ innuclei,385,526,533 insuperconductors,320,330,417,447-449 Ensem bleaverage,36 Entropy,34-35 ofH eII,486 ofidealFerm igas,48 ofanidealquantum gas,49p ofimperfectFermigas.265-266 ofsuperconductor,419,476/ Equationofstate,187 ofelectrongas,30,278-281 ofidealBosegas,39,42 ofidealclassicalgas.39 ofidealFermigas,45,46,47-48 ofultrarelativisticidealgas,49p Equations ofmotion,linearization,440-441, 538-543 Equilibrium thermodynamicsand temperatureGreen'sfunction,227,229-232 Equipartitionofenergy.394-395 Euler'sconstant,580 Exchangeenergy,29,94,126-127,168,,354 Excitationspectrum ,81 interactingBosegas.217,317 innorm alstate,334 insuperconductors,334.334a Exclusion principle(seePauliexclusion principle) Extensivevariables,29,35 INDEX External perturbation, 118/,122, 172, 173, 253,,298,303 Factorizationofensembleaverages,441,457 Fadeevequations,377 Fermigas: interacting (see Hard-sphere Fermi gas; InteractingFermigas) noninteracting(JecldealFermigas) Fermi-gasmodelfornuclearmatter,352-357 Ferm im omentum ,26 Fermimotion,193 Fermisea,28,71 Fermisurface,179-180,306,334 Ferm ivelocity,185 Fermiwavenumber,27,46 Ferm ions,15-19 Fermi'seiGolden Rule,''189 Ferromagnetism,32p Feynmandiagrams,96,378.399-401,559-562 incoordinatespace,92-1* atfinitetem perature,241-250 inmomentum space,100-105 Feynman-Dyson perturbation theory, 1121l3,115,399-406 Feynm anrules: forbosons,208-210,223p forelectron-phononsystem,399-401 forfermions,97-99,102-103 athnitetemperature,242-243,24* 248 Fieldoperators,19,65,71 forbosons.200 commutationrelationsofs19 creation part,86 destructionpart,86 equationofmotionfor,68,230 Finite-temperature formalism, F = 0 limit, 288-289,293,296,308/ Firstquantization,relationtosecondquantization,15 Firstsound.184,481 Fission,351 Fluctuations.2œ ,337#,527-528 Fluxquantization,415-416,425.435-436 Fluxquantum ,416,435 Fluxoid,423-425,474# Forwardscattering.133 Freeenergy: Gibbs,34 ofmagneticsystems,418 ofsum rconductor,432 INDEX Freeenergy Lcont'dj: Helmholtz.34 ofclassicalelectrongas,280 ofm agneticsystem s,418 ofnoninteractingphonons,393 ofquasiparticlesinHeII,485 ofsuperconductor,43l,451,453,474, FreesurfaceinrotalingH elI,483 Frequencysums,248-250,263.281 Friedeloscillations,179 Galitskii'sequations,139-146,358,370,373 376,567 andBethe-Goldstoneequations,377-383 Gammafunction,579-580 G apequation,331.492 insnitenuclei.531,535 normalsolutions,332,531 innuclearm atter,383-385 superconducting solutions, 333, 446-449, 475p Gapfunction.443,466-474,489 Gaplesssuperconductors.417n,460n Gaugeinvariance,444,454 Gell-slafm and Low theorem, 61-64, 1l3 208, G iantdipoleresonance,552 Ginzburg-tandauparameter,435,472 Ginzburg-Landautheory,430-439,474 boundaryconditions,432 coherencelength,433,472 determinationofparameters,471-472 fieldequations,432,496a fluxquantization.435-.436 microscopicderivationof,466-474 inonedimension,437 penetration length,434,472,475/ supercurrent,432 surfaceenergy,436-438 wavefknction,471 Goldstonedi agrams.1l2.l18p,354, 376,381 Goldstone'stheorem,111-1l6.387/ G orkovequations,444,466 Grandcanonicalensemble.33,228 Grandcanonicalhamiltonian,228,2.56 Grandpartitionfunction.36.228,308/ Green'sfunctionsatzero temperature, 64-65, 2û5,213,228,292,4% advanced,77 analyticproperties,76-79 asymptoticbehavior,79,297 593 Green'sfunctionsatzerotemperatuzetcanl'#): bosons,203,215 anomalous.213 hard-sphereBosegas,220 idealBosegas,208 matrixGreen'sfunction,213-314.501p dlagrammaticanalysisin perturbation theory,92-111 forelectron-phononsystem,399-406 atequaltimes,94 equationofm otion,117,,411p Feynmanrulesfor: incoordinatespace.97-99 inm omentum space.102-103 atsnitetemperature(seeTemperature Green'sfunctions) frequencydependenceof',75 Hartree-Fockapproximation,124 foridealFermigas,70-72 forinteractingFerm igas,145 ininteractionpicture.85 m atrixstructure.75-76 perturbationtheoryfor,83-85.96 forphonons,400.402....404,410p,41jp physicalinterpretation,79-82 real-time,at finite temperature (see RealtimeGreen' sfunctions) relationto observables,66-70 retarded.77 aszero-tem perature lim itofreal-tim e Green'sfunction,293,296,308/ G ross-pitaevskiiequation,496 Groundstateinquantum-feldtheory,61 G round-stateenergy; fbrbosons,31,,201,207,318 hard-spherebosegas.221-222 ofelectron gas,25-26,32/,151-J54, 28l289 electron-phononsystem.399,411p andGreen' sfbnctions,68 of-hard-sphere Fermigas.132, 135, 148149,319,373-374,387, Hartree-Fockapproximation,126 ofidealFermigas,27,46 ofnuclearmatter,353-355,366-377 andproperself-energy,109 shiftof,70.109.l11 superconductingandnormalstates,335 andthermodynamicpotential,289 time-independentperturbation theory,31r. l12.118p Groupvelocity,183 694 Hamiltonian: tirst-quantized,4 m odelsforphysicalsystem s: bosons,200,315 electrongas,21-25 electron-phonon,333,391-393,396-398 pairingforce,infinitenuclei,523 superconductors,439-441 second-quantized,15,18 Hard-sphereBosegas,218-223,317-3l9,480481 chem icalpotentialy220,221-222 depletion,221,317 Green'sfunction,220 ground-stateenergy,221-222,318-319 otherphysicalproperties,222 properself-energies,219 Hard-sphereFerm igas: chemicalpotential,147 efl kctivemass,148.169/,370-371 eflkctivetwo-bodyinteraction,136-137 efectivetwo-bodywavefunction.137-139 ground-state energy, 135, 148-149, 169/. 319,373-374,387,,480 heatcapacity,148 properself-energy,136,142-146.168/ single-particleexcitations.146-148 zerosound.195,.196p H arm onic oscillator,12.393,509-511.569571 Hartreeequations,127,490 H artree-Fockpotential,355-357,511,568 Hartree-Fock theory. 121-127, 167/. 168/, 399,475,,504-508.575 forbosons,259-261 equations,126-127,257-258,507 solution foruniform medium,127,258259 offinitenuclei,575 at snite tem perature, 255-259, 262-267, 308,,475/ Green's functions, 124, 168/, 257. 308/, 440-441,476p ground-stateproperties,l26-127,332 properself-energy,12l-122,125.255-258 relationtoBCStheory,439-441 self-consistency,121-122,127.258-259,265 single-particle energy, 127.258,330,507, 510,513,539,556 Hartree-Fock wave functions,352-353,503, 508-511,541,558-559,567 Stl-lealingdistance,''366,376 INDEX He4,liquidVeeHeII) He3,liquid,49,116,128,480 Brueckner'stheory,150 heatcapacity,148 zerosound,187 HeII,44,481-488 criticalvelocity,482,488 entropy,486 heatcapacity.:l.4.484,486 phasetransitionof,44,481 quantizedvortices.482-484,488 quasiparticlemodel,484-488 phonons,484-488 rotons,484-488 surfacetension.498 two-iuidmodel,481 Heatcapacity: Debyetheoryofsolids.393-395 ofelectrongas,269,289-290/ ofhard-sphereFermigas,l48 ofHe11.M ,484.486 ofidealBosegas,42.43 ofidealFerm igms.48 ofimperfectFermigas,261-267 ofmetals: Hartree-Fockapproximation,269,289/ norm alstate,295n superconducting state, 320, 416, 420, 451-454 Heisenbergpicture.58-59,73,173,189 forbosons.204 groundstate,65,558 modihed,forhnitetemperatures,228,234 operators,65,115,213,292 relationtointeractionpicture,83-85 High-energy nucleon-nucleusscattering,566 Hole-holescattering.149-150,381 Holes,70-71,504-508,514,520,524,538543,558-566 Homogeneous(uniform)system,69,190,214, 292.321 Hugeltholtz-pinesrelation,216,220,222,ll3p Hydrostaticequilibrium,50p,177.195/,386# IdealBosegas: chemicalpotential,39-41,43 criticaltemperature,40 equationofstate,39,42 G reen'sfunction,208 heatcapacity,42,43 num berdensity,39 595 IN DEX ldealBosegas(cont' ô: lnteractingBosegas(cont' d): nearFcv259-2.61,493 occupationnum ber,37 phasetransition.44 tuWcalsoHard-sphereBosegas) statisticalm echanics.37.-44 lnteractingFermigas,l28-150,261-267,326superfluiuzty',493 336 temperatureGreen'sfunction,232-234, distributionfunction.333-334 245-246,501p effectivem ass,167/,266 therm odynam icpotential,37a38 entropy,265-266 ground-stateenergy,27,118#,168/,319 two-dim ensional,49p heatcapacity.261-267 IdealFerm igas: magnetfzatfon,32p,169p,?10p chemicalpotential,45,48,75,284-285 properpolarization,169#,196/ density,26-27,45-47,352 entropy,48,266-267 zerosound,183-187,196/ (SeealsoHard-sphereFermïgas) equationofstate,45,46,47..-48 Ferm ientrgy,46 Interactionpicture,54-58 ground-stateenergy,26,46 forbosonsa207-208 forfinitetemperature,234-236 heatcapacity.48,26* 267 Internalenergy,34,247,251 occupationnumber,38 param agneticsusceptibility,49.p,254.p,309/ Hartree-Fock,atEnitetemperature,258 statisticalm echanics,45-49 ofideaîquantum gas,39,46,49p tem peratureGreen'sfunction,232-234. and temperature Green's function, 247,2f2 245-246 tllermodynamicpotential,38,278,285 lntem articie spacing,25,27,349,366, 389, two-particlecorrelations,192 394.397 lmaginary-timeoperator,228 lrreducibfedfagram,403-405 lmperfect Bose gas (see Hard-sphere Bose lrreducibietensoroperator,505,508.543,586 gas;lnteractingBosegas) lrrotationalflow,425.481 ImpedkctFermigas(see Hard-sphere Fermi lsotopeeffect,320,417,448,476/ gas;lnteractingFermigas) Isotopicspins353,508,546 Im pulsiveperturbation,180,184,307 Independent-pairapproxim ation,357-377, 480 Josephsoneflkct,435n ground-stateenergy,368 justiscation,376 -,,.zoj.2,:9 K ineticenerg3,.4.a?,(, self-consistency,368 Kohnejyec!. 4jkp single-particlepotential,368 Kroneckerdelra. ,,23 lndependent-particle model of tht nucleus. 352-357.366 justification,376 Integralkem elforsuperconductor.456,458 inPippardIimit.463 Inlegrals,desnite,579-581 lntensivevariables,35 InteractingBosegas,215-218,219.314-319 chemicalpotential.216,336, depletion.218.317 excitationspectrum,217,218,317 ground-stateenergy.318,336, movingcondensate,223/,336,,501/ properself-energies.215 soundvelocity,217,317 supe/ uidity,493 Ladderdiagrams,131-139.358,378-379.567 Lagrangem ultiplier,203,486/,500/ Laguerrepolynomials.509 Lam bdapolnta481 Landaueriticalvelocity,488,493 Landaudamping.308 Landaudiamagnetism,462,477/ Landau'sFermiliquidtheoo',187 Landau-squasiparticlemodel.484-488 Legendrepolynomials,516 Legendretransformation,34,336, Lehmannrepresentation: forbosons.214-215 forcorrelationfunctionss299.300-301,456 596 INDEX N eutronscattering,171,194,196,,485 forGreen'sfunctions atzero temperature, N eutronstars,49 66,72-79.107 Newton'ssecondlaw,183,186,420 forpolarizationpropagator,117p,174,300- Noncondensate,491s494-495 Nonlocalpotentials,322 301,559 forreal-timeGreen'sfunction.293-294 Nonuniform Bosesystem,488-492,495-499 fortemperatureGreen'sfunction,297 Normal-fluiddensity,481,486-487,5(X1, Lifetimeofexcitations.81-82,119#.14* 147, Norm al-orderedproduct,87.327 N uclearm agneticresonance,179 291,308,309,.310p Linearresponse.172-175 Nuclearm atters116,128,348-352.480 bindingenergyofA particlein,387/ ofchargedBosegas,501/ ofelectrongas,175-183,303-308 bindingenergy/parti cl e,352,353-355,371electronscattering,188-194 377 infnitenuclei,566,577/ Brueckner'stheory,150,357-377,382-383 atsnitetemperature,298-303 compressibility,387/ neutronscattering,196-197/ correlationsin,362-363,365-366 ofsuperconductor,454-. 466 density,348-352 efrectivem ass,356,369-370 toweak magneticfield,309/7,454-466.477/ zerosound.183-187 energygap,330,360,383-385,388/ Linearization of equations of m otion.440Fermiwavenumber,352 healingdistance,366 441.538-543 London equations,420-423,425,434,459independent-pairapproximation,357-377 independent-particle model,352-357,366, 460,47411,475/ Londongauge,425,427,454,461 376 many-bodyforces.377 Londonpenetrationdepth,422 Londonsuperconductor,427 pairing,351,383,385 Long-rangeorder,489a with tsrealistic''nucleon-nucleon potential, 366-377 reference-spectrum method,377 M acroscopicoccupation.198,218 saturation,355.357,375 M agneticseld,309/.418,420 single-particlepotential,355-357.381 stability',355 thermodynamics,418-420 M agneticimpurities,l79 sym m etryenergy,386/ M agnetic susceptibility.l74,254/,309/, tensorforce,efrectof,367,375,386/ three-bodyclusters,376-377 310/ Magnetization,169/,309/ N uclearreactions,17l M ajoranaspace-exchangeoperator.346,354 Nucleon-nucleon interaction. 341-348, 354, 367,504,567 M any-bodyforces,377 M axwell'sequations,417....418 nucleon-nucleonscattering,342-347 Meissnereflkct,414,421,423,457,459-460 phenomenologicalpotentials,348.361,367, 557,573 fbrBosegas,501/ summaryofproperties,347-348 criterionfors429 MeltingcurvesforHe,480,499-500, Nucleus,49,5Qp,121,188,503 Metallicfilms,194,476p Bogoliubovtransrormation,316/,326-336, M etals,21.49,121.180,188,333,389 527-537 energyatfixedN.532 M icrocanonicalensemble,486/,500/ forevenandoddnuclei,533-534 M igdal'stheorem,406-410 M ixedstateofsuperconductors,415/,439 iuctuationsofR,527-528,537 M olecules,503,567 forpairingforceinthe/shell,534-537 M om entum ,24,74,204,332 restrictedbasis,528 M ultipoleexpansion oftwo-bodyinteraction, single-quasiparticlem atrixelements,533516 534 Lehmannrepresentation(cont'dj: 697 lNDEX Nucleus(cont'd): chargedistribution,348-349 deformed,515 energygapa385,526,533 excitedstates: applicationtoO l6555-558 constructionofH (co)inR PA,566 with3(x)force,547-555 the(15Jsupermultiplet,548 Green'sfunctionmethods,558-566 Hartree-Fockexcitationenergy,539 Nucleus(cont'd): two-particlebindingenergy,568 single-particlematrix elements,512-515 m agneticm om ents,514 m ultipolesofthechargedensity.514-515, 551 singleparticleshellmodel,508-515 spin-orbitsplitting,511-512,513 sum ruless577/ two-bodypotential: 3(x)force,518-519 generalm atrixelem ents-51* 518 particle-holeinteraction,539 m ultipoleexpansion.516 quM ibosonapproximation,542,543 N um berdensity,20.66,229,247,251 random-phase approximation (RPA), comparisonofsuperconductingandnormal 540-543,564-565 state,334,451 reductionofbasis,543-546 ofelectrongas,284 relation between RPA and TDA, 565H artree-Fockapproximation,124,257 566 ofidealBosegas,39 Tamm-DancroF approximation (TDA), ofidealFerm igas,45 538-540.565-566 ofquasiparticlesin HelIs486 transitionm atrixelements,540,543 Numberoperator,12,17,20,73,201-202.315 giantdipoleresonance,552 Hartree-Fock ground state,506,538-539, 560 magicnumbers,511 Occupation-numberHilbertspace.12,37,313 many-particleshellmodel: Occupationnum bers,7,37.38 bosonapproximation,526-527 Odd-oddnuclei,350.517,576p coemcientsoffractionalparentage,523a, O perator,one-body,20,66,229,512-515 576/ Opticalpotential,135,357 normal-coupling excited states,522-523, O rderparameter,431 576p Oscillatorspacingsinnuclei,509/,569 normal-couplinggroundstates,520 one-body operator in norm alcoupling, 520-522 pairing-forceproblem,523-526 Pairing,326,337,,351,431,519 seniority,524 Pairingforce,523-526 theoreticaljustification,526 Parity,344,504,577p two-bodypotentialinjshell,522-523 Particle-holeinteractions,192,539,562-563 twovalenceparticles,515-519 Pauliexclusion principle,15,26,47,127,134, odd-oddnuclei.350,517,576, 184,193.322,344,357.480,520,572,574 pairing,351,383,385,519,523-537 fornucleons,353 realistic forces for two nucleons outside Paulimatrices,75-76,104,119/,196/,343, closedshells,567-575 353 applicationto0 18 573-574 Pauli param agnetism ,49/,254,, 309,,443, Bethe-Goldstoneequation,568-570 462,477p harm onic-oscillatorapproxim ation, 57> Penetrationlength: 575 Ginzburg-tandautheory,434,472.47.$p independent-pairapproximation,567superconductor(seeSuperconductor: 575 penetrationl ength) Pauliprinciplecorrection,574 Periodicboundaryconditions,21,352,392 relativewavefunction,572-573 Persistentcurrents,415-416 the(11supermultiplet,555 698 Perturbationtheory: forbosons,199,207-210 fordensitycorrelationfunction,301 diagrammaticanalysis,92-116 forsnitetemm ratures,234-250 forscatteringamplitude,132-133 fortime-developmentoperator,5* 58 Phaseintegral,468-469 Phaseshiftforhardsphere,129 Phasetransition,44,259-261,431,481 Phononexchangeandsuperconductivity,320, 439,448 Phonons: Green'sfunction,4œ ,407 Lehmannrepresentation,410, forsuperconductor,477-478/ inHeII,480,484-488 interaction with electrons, 320, 396-399, 417 noninteracting,390-395 chemicalpotential,393 Debyetheory,393-395 displacementvector,391-393 normal-modeexpansion,392 quantizations393 Photonprocesses,566 Pictures: Heisenberg,58-59 interaction,54-58 Schrödinger,53-54 Pippardcoherencelength,426,465,469 Pippardequation,425-430,465 Pippardkernel,428-429 Pippardsuperconductor,427,461-463 Plane-wavestates.21&127,258,352,392 Plasmadispersionfunction,305 Plmsmafrequency,180,182,223#,307 Plasmaoscillations,21,180-183,194,307-308 comparedtozerosound,186 damping,181,195/.308,310, dispersionrelation.181-182,307-308,310p Poisson'sequation,177,183,279 Polarizationpropagator,110,152,190 analyticcontinuation,302-303 dispersionrelationfor,191,3* insnitesystems,558,563 constructioninRPA.566 athnitetemperature,252,271 in lowest order, 158-163,272, 275, 282, 3(*-305,561 relation todensitycorrelationfunction,153. 302 INDEX Polarizmionpropagator(cont'dj: inringapproximation.193,307 (SeealsoProperpolarization) Positronannihilationinmetal s,171 Potential energy. 4, 67-68, 2X , 205-206, 230 Potentials: core-polarization,574,577p nonlocal,322 separable,322 sho!'trange vs.long rangey127,167-168/, 186 spin-independent,1G4-110 symmetryproperties,328,529 Poynting'stheorem,418/ Pressure,30.34-35,222,278 Propagationoftheenergyshell,130,382 Propagator (see Green's functions at zero temperature;Polari zationpropagator) Proper polarization,110,154,252-253,302303,402-405 atsnitetemperature,252 forimperfectFermigms,169p.196, inIowestorder,158-163,272.275,282,304305,561 Properself-energy.105-106,355,402 forbosons,211,215,219 forel ectrongas,169#,268-271,273,402 athnitetem> rature,250-251,2M ,309, hard-sphereFermigas,142-146 in Hartree-Fock approximation, 121-122, 125,256,308# forphonons,402 Prom rvertexpart,403 Pseudopotential,196/.3l4 Pseudospinoperators,524 Quantizedcirculation,484,496 Quantized iux,415-416,425,435. -436,438439 Quantizedvortex,488,498-499 Quantum huid,479,489 Quantum statistics,6 Qumsibosonapproximation,542-543 Quasielasticm ak,193-194,196p,495 Quasiparticles,147.316,317,327,487,532537 inHeII,484-488 ininteractingFermigas,332,4* a weightfunction,309, INDEX Random-phaseapproximation; elKtrongms,l56 innuclei,540-543.564-565 Real-time Grœ n's functions at snite temperature,292-297 dispersionrelations,294-295 Lehmannrepresentation,293-294 fornoninteractingsystem,298 relation to temperature Green's functions, 297-298 retardedandadvanced,294-297 relationtotime-ordered,295-296 time-ordered,292-293 zero-temperaturelimit,293.296,308/ Reducedmass,129,259 Retardedcorrelationfunction,174,299 RiemannRtafunction,579-580 Ringdiarams,154-157,271-273.281,564 RotatingHelI.482-484,5* / Rotons,484-488 Ryde rg,27 <ottering: opticaltheorem,131 phaseshifts,128-129 Scattering amplitude,128-130,143-146.314 Bornseries,132,135 Scatteringcrosssection,189,191,314-315 Scattering l ength,132,143,218,314.342-343. 48ln Bol'napproximation,135,219 Scattering theory in momentum space. 130131 Scm teringwavefunction,129.138-139,380 Schrödi ngerequation,4,54,509,572 inmomentum space,130-131 insecondquantization,15,18 two-particle,129,320-322 Schrödingerpicture,53-54.172 Screening in an electron gas.32#,167,175180,195/.303-307,310/.397 Secondquantization.4-21,353 Secondsound,481-482 Self-consistentapproximations,120,358-360, 442.-446,492 Self-energy,104,107-108.250 proper(seeProperself-energy) Semiempiricalmassformula,349-352 Seniority,524,536 599 Separablepotential,322 Serberforce,346,355 Shellmodelofnucleus,508-515 bosonapproximation in,52* 527,576# many-particle (see Nucleus:many-particle shellmodel) singl e-particl e (Jee Nucleus:single-particle shellmodel) Single-particleexcitations,147-148,171,309#, 310/,399,508-515 Single-particle Green's function (see Green's functionsatzero tem perature;Tem pera- tureGreen'sfunction) Single-particle operator, 20, 66, 229, 512515 Single-particle potential in nuclear matter. 355-357,381 G/symbol,585-586 Skeletondiagram.K 3-K s Slaterdeterminants,16 Sodium ,30,391 SolidihcationofHe,479 Soundvelodty,187,391,407,484 ininteractingBosegas,217,222,317,494 Soundwaves: classicaltheory,186-187 (SeealsoPhonons;Zerosound) Specihcheat(seeHeatcapacity) Spindensity,67,196/,229,309/ Spin-orbitinteraction,511-512,513 Spinsums,9#,104.189 Spinwaves,196, Square-well potential, 360-361, 386/, 508510 Stabilityagainstcollapse,31/,355 Statisticalmechanics,review of,34-49 Statisticaloperator,36.228 Stepfunction,27,63,72 Structurefactor,189n Sum ruless191-192,196#,296,577/ Sumsoverstatesreplaced byintegrals,26,38, 394 Superconductor: alloys,415a,425,427 Bogoliubovequations,477p and Bose-Einstein condensation,441,446, 476p chemicalpotential,334-335,453a coberencelength,422,426,433,472 condensationenergyof,419,453 Cooperpairs,320-326,417,441 criticalcurrent,460a,476p INDEX SuperconductorLcont'd): criticalseld,415,451,453,474p lowerandupper,438,439,475# efectiveinteraction,448,476# efrectivemassandcharge,431 and electron-phonon interaction,444,448, 476# Dyson'sequation,476/ phononpropagator,477....478p energygap,330,417,447-449 entropy,419,476p excitationspectrum.334 experimentalfacts,414-417 films.474p,476p fluxquantization,415-416,425 gapequation,333.446--449 gapfunction,443,466-474,489 gapless,417/,460a gaugeinvariance,tt'!,454 SuperconductorLcont'dj: thermodynamicpotential,449-454 typelandtypell,438-439,475/ ultrasonicattenuation,449,478p uniform medium,444-454 variationalcakulationofgroundstate,336, 337# Supercurrent,432,472-474,416p Superelectrondensity,423,431,459-460 Superquiddensity,4*1-482,487,495 Supermultiplzts,548,549/,558 Surfaceenergy: inBosesystem,497-498,502# ofnuclei,35G insuperconductors,430,436-438 Susceptibili ty,174,254p,309#,310, Symmetryenergyofnuclei,350,386# Ginzburg-laandau theory (see Ginzburg- Tadpolediagram,108,154 Landautheory) Tamm-DancoFapproximation.565-566 Gorkovequations,4zl4,466 ground-statecorrelationfunction,337, ground-stateenergy,335 heatcapacity,320,416,420,451-454 Helmholtzfreeenergy,431,451,453,474p isotopeeeect,320,417,448,476# local,427 London,427 matrixformulation,443-444 M eissner eflect,414.421,423,457,459460 mixedstate,415a,439 modelhamiltonian,441 nonlocal,427 numericalvalues,tables,422,448 orderparameter,431 penetrationlength,427,434,472,475J generaldesnition,429 locallimit,427,429.460 nonlocallimit,429-430:460,461-463 table,422 persistentcurrents,415-416 phasetransition,431 Pippard,427,461-463 relation to Hartree-Focktheory,439-441 self-consistencycondition,zltt,446 spinsusceptibility,471p stabilityofM eissnerstate.430 strong-coupling.4K a surfaceenergy,43û,436-438 temperatureGreen'sfunction,442-444 Temm rature,34 Temperaturecorrelationfunction,3* Temm ratureGrœn'sfunction,228,262 analytic continuation to real-time Green's function,297-298 forbosons,491 conservationofdiscretefrequency,246 equationofmotion,253, Feynmanrule.s: incoordinatespace,242-243 inmomentum space,244-248 Fourierseriesfor,244-245 Hartree-Fockapproximation,257 ininteractionpicture,235-236 Lehmarm representatiom 297 for noninteracting system ,232-234,245246,298 fornormalstate,468 periodicityof,236-237,244-245 andproperself-energy,251 relation to obsewables,247,252,261-262 forsuperconductors,442-444 weightfunction,29* 297,309/ Tensor force in nuclear matter, 367, 375. 386p Tensoroperator,343 Thermalwavelength,277,304,306 Thermionicemission,49# Thermodynamiclimit,22,75,78,199,489 Thermodynamic pottntial, 34-35, 268-269, 274,290,,327 01 IN DEX Thermodynamicpotential(cont' dl: forbosons,37,38,202,207 coupling-constantintegrationfor,231-232 for electron gas,268,273-275,278, 284, l%ûp forferm ions,38,329-332 insnitenuclei,528-537 forphonons,393 relation: tolruxkner-Goldstonetheory,288-289 to temperature Green's function, 232. 247,252 ringcontribution.274-275,281-286 ofsuperconductor,449-454 Thermodynamics: ofmagneticsystems,418 review of,34 Thomas-Fermitheory,177-178.195,,386#, 575 Thomms-Fermi wavenum- r, 167,176, 178, 182,397 Vacuum state,13,201 Variationalprinciple,29,336.337/,333,502# Vectorpotential,424,425-428,431-433,435437,454-456,459:465,468 Velocitypotential,482.495 Vertexparts,402-406.411# VorticesinHeII.482-484,5*#,502/ energy/unitlength,484,499 vortexcore,484,498-499 W avefunçtions: for condensate (see Condensate: wave function) Dirac,188 forGinzburg-l-andautheory,471 many-body.5-8,16 scattering.129,138-139,380 singleparticle,5 Hartree-Fock, 352-353, 503, 508-511, 541,558-559,567 spinandisospin.21,353 3/symbol,584 W eakinteractions,566 Time-developmentoperator,5&.58 Time-ordered density correlation function, W hite-dwarfstars,49,50p W ick's theorem,83-92,327, 399,441,506, 174,175 579,560 Time-orderedproductofoperators,58s65,86forbosons,203,222p 87 atsnitetem perature,234-241,441 Transitionmatrixelements,540,543 Transition temperature of inttracting Bose W igner-Eckarttheorem,505,521,544,586587 gas,259-261,493 W ignerforce.354 Translationalinvariance,73-74 W ignerlattice,31,398/ Transversepartofvectorseld,454 W igner'ssuperm ultigiettheory,549/ Two-quidmodel,481 Twœparticlecorrelations,191-192 Two-parti cl eGreen'sfunction,116p,253, Zero-pointenergy,41.393 Zerosound,183-187,195,.196/ comparedtoplmsmaoscillations,186 damping.187,195,.310/ dis> rsionrelation,183-184 Ultlasonicattenuation,411/,449,478# inliquid He3.187 Uniform rotation,483-484,5* # spin-waveanalog,196/ Uniform system,69,190,214,292,321 velocityof.185-187