Uploaded by Jack Munkonge

Guitar Tablature Notes: Aftermath

Aftermath – Notes
Tuning: BF#DF#AC#
-Note 1Press on the 6th string above the nut to bend half a note higher then release slowly.
-Note 2The tapped notes on the 12th and 10th fret are done with your right-hand’s index and middle finger.
-Note 3Those 3 x are actually hits on the top near the fret board, at the top and bottom. (Around the 15th fret)
First one is a thumb hit above, 2nd is a index hit below and 3rd a thumb hit above again.
-Legend: Left hand taps the marked string(s)-fret(s).
= Right-hand flick. Curl your middle finger inside your palm and release it on the marked
: Rasguedo. Release your ring finger followed by your middle finger and your index on the marked
: Thumb pops on the marked (X).
: Tap the marked string(s)/fret(s) with your right-hand index or middle finger.
: Right hand finger taps the string dead then plucks it. The rule is this: each finger has it’s
string regardless of the hands position. Ring finger on the higher strings, middle finger on the next that’s
closest and index is last.
: Thumb brushes up-down-up. It can be the opposite or any other combos alike.
: Thumb pops the marked X and then brushes downward. It can be upwards too.
: Vibrato on the marked string(s)-fret(s).
: Arpeggio up/down on the marked string(s)-fret(s).
: Right-hand picked harmonic(s). Place your right-hand marked string(s)-fret(s) and pluck with your
ring finger.
: Fretted harmonic.
-Percussion Staff= This is a wrist hit between the sound hole and the bridge, just above the 6th string.
= Wrist comes down in a fist position on lower bout.
= Slap the lower bout side of your guitar firmly with your hand flat. (A few inches below where your
guitar jack should be)
= Rasguedo on the lower bout of your guitar. Ring finger goes first, then middle then index.
This move is not always shown as sixteenth notes!
= Thumb sweeps. You want your thumb 'to rest' on its side, from the top of the nail to the
phalange and brush left-right-left. The sound must be coming from both your thumb flesh and your nail.
Go inward, outward, inward. If there is only one, it’s outward.
= Index hit with the tip.
= Thumb hit with the bone part.
= Middle finger + ring finger hit with the tip. (Stick them together!)