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Networking Assignment: Principles, Protocols, Devices

Higher Nationals in Computing
Unit 2: Networking
Learner’s name:
Subject code: 1619
Assessor name: PHAN MINH TAM
Assignment due:
Assignment submitted:
BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and title
Unit 2: Networking
Submission date
Date Received 1st submission
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Date Received 2nd submission
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Assessor name
Tam Phan
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I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
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Grading grid
 Summative Feedback:
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Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing
Student Name/ID Number:
Unit Number and Title:
Unit 2: Networking
Academic Year:
2021 – 2022
Unit Assessor:
Tam Phan
Assignment Title:
Networking Infrastructure
Issue Date:
November 17, 2021
Submission Date:
Internal Verifier Name:
Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs
and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.
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Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to comply this
requirement will result in a failed assignment.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols.
LO2 Explain networking devices and operations.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Assignment scenario
You are employed as a network engineer by Nguyen Networking Limited, a high-tech networking solution
development company, which has branches in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang and Can Tho. The company has
been contracted to implement a networking project from a local educational institute. The specification of the
project is given below:
People: 200 students, 15 teachers, 12 marketing and administration staff, 5 higher managers including the academic heads and the programme
managers, and 3 computer network administrators.
Resources: 50 student lab computers, 35 staff computers, and 3 printers.
Building: 3 floors, all computers and printers are on the ground floor apart from the IT labs – one lab located on the first floor and another located
on the second floor.
Task 1
The CEO of the company, Mr. Nguyen, has asked you to investigate and explain networking principles, protocols
and devices and submit a report.
You will need to produce a report that includes the following:
An introduction to provide an overview of your report.
Benefits and constraints of different types of networks and networking standards.
The impact of network topology, speed of communication and bandwidth requirements.
Effectiveness of networking systems.
Discussion on operating principles of networking devices and server types and networking software.
Discuss the relationship of workstation hardware with networking software.
Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization.
For the given specification, identify the topology protocol for the efficient utilization of a networking system.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (Assignment 1):
Learning Outcome
P1 Discuss the benefits
and constraints of
different network types
and standards.
M1 Compare common
networking principles
and how protocols
enable the effectiveness
of networked systems.
D1 Considering a given
scenario, identify the
topology protocol
selected for the efficient
utilization of a
networking system.
P2 Explain the impact
of network topology,
communication and
bandwidth requirements.
P3 Discuss the
operating principles of
networking devices and
server types.
P4 Discuss the interdependence of
workstation hardware
with relevant
networking software.
M2 Explore a range of
server types and justify
the selection of a server,
considering a given
scenario regarding cost
and performance
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Unit 2: Networking Assignment ......................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKING .................................................................................................................. 1
P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards ............................... 1
What is the network? .................................................................................................................................... 1
Network type ( LAN,MAN, INTERNET, ect….) ..................................................................................2
2.1. LAN ( Local Area Network) ....................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. MAN ( Metropolitan Area Network) ........................................................................................................ 3
2.3. INTERNET ( International Network) ....................................................................................................... 4
Benefit of networking ................................................................................................................... 4
Advantages of LAN ....................................................................................................................... 4
Advantages of MAN ...................................................................................................................... 5
Advantages of WAN ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.5. Protocol and Standards ........................................................................................................................... 6
Define Standards ........................................................................................................................... 6
List some protocols .......................................................................................................................... 6
List some standard organizations and standards names .................................................... 6
P2. Network topology & communication and Bandwidth requirements ................................................... 7
What is Network topology ? ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.1. Network topology definition .................................................................................................................... 7
Denifition of Physical & Logical Topology .............................................................................................. 8
2.1. Denifition of Physical Topology ............................................................................................................. 8
2.2. Denifition of Logical Topology ............................................................................................................... 9
2.3. Examples of topology with diagrams ( Mesh, Star, Bus, Ring, Tree, Hyprib) ...............................10
Mesh Topology ............................................................................................................................10
Star Topology ...............................................................................................................................11
Bus Topology ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Ring Topology .................................................................................................................................... 13
Hibrib Topology ...........................................................................................................................14
Comunication and Bandwidth..................................................................................................................15
3.1. Comunication ...........................................................................................................................................15
Define commutations in terms of networking ......................................................................15
Rules of communication .................................................................................................................................. 15
3.2. Bandwidth ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
M1 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked
............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
What is the TCP / IP protocol ? ........................................................................................................................... 16
1.1. The most popular TCP / Ip protocols ............................................................................................................. 17
What is the OSI model? ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Compare OSI model with TCP / IP model .......................................................................................................... 19
P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types .............................................................. 20
Discuss 1 or 2 operating principles of a selected network device .......................................................................... 20
1.1. Repeater ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
2.2. Hub .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
List network devices ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
List server types .................................................................................................................................................................... 22
P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software .......................... 22
Define workstation hardware ............................................................................................................................ 22
Define networking software............................................................................................................................... 23
3. Discuss and explain the interdepencies of workstation hardware with networking software. Derive an
example form your discussion
M2 Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given
scenario regarding cost and performance optimization
............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Some types of server ....................................................................................................................................... 24
2. Determining Your Networking Requirements .......................................................................................................... 26
D1 Considering a given scenario, identify the topology protocol selected for the efficient utilization of a networking system.
Networking is referred as connecting computers electronically for the purpose of sharing information
. Resources such as files , applications , printers and software are common information shared in a
networking . The advantage of networking can be seen clearly in terms of security , efficiency ,
manageability and cost effectiveness as it allows collaboration between users in a wide range .
Basically , network consists of hardware component such as computer , hubs , switches , routers and
other devices which form the network infrastructure . These are the devices that play an important
role in data transfer from one place to another using different technology such as radio waves and
wires . There are many types of network available in the networking industries and the most common
network are Local Area Network ( LAN ) and Wide Area Network ( WAN ) .LAN network is made up of
two or more computers connected together in a short distance usually at home , office buildings or
school . WAN is a network that covers wider area than LAN and usually covers cities , countries and the
whole world . Several major LAN can be connect together to form a WAN . As several devices are
connected to network , it is important to ensure data collision does not happened when this devices
attempt to use date channel simultaneously. A set of rules called Carrier Sense Multiple Access /
Collision detection are used to detect and prevent collision in networks.
P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.
1. What is the network?
- A computer network is a group of computers that use a set of common communication
protocols over digital interconnections for the purpose of sharing resources located on or
provided by the network nodes. The interconnections between nodes are formed from a
broad spectrum of telecommunication network technologies, based on physically wired,
optical, and wireless radio-frequency methods that may be arranged in a variety of network
Figure 1 Network
2. Network type ( LAN,MAN, INTERNET, ect….)
There are three types of computer networks.
Figure 2 Network type
LAN ( Local Area Network)
Local area network is a group of computers connected with each other in a small places
such as school, hospital, apartment etc.
LAN is secure because there is no outside connection with the local area network thus the
data which is shared is safe on the local area network and can’t be accessed outside.
LAN due to their small size are considerably faster, their speed can range anywhere from
100 to 100Mbps.
LANs are not limited to wire connection, there is a new evolution to the LANs that allows
local area network to work on a wireless connection.
Figure 3 LAN ( Local Area Network)
MAN ( Metropolitan Area Network)
MAN network covers larger area by connections LANs to a larger network of computers. In
Metropolitan area network various Local area networks are connected with each other
through telephone lines. The size of the Metropolitan area network is larger than LANs and
smaller than WANs(wide area networks), a MANs covers the larger area of a city or town.
Figure 4 MAN (Metropolitan Area
Network)INTERNET ( International Network)
The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the
Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. It is a
network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government
networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical
networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and
services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide
Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing.
Figure 5 INTERNET ( Internetnational Network)
Benefit of networking
Advantages of LAN
Data Security : Data security is easy in LAN because all the computers are connected to the server
system and all the data is stored at one place in the server so easy to maintain secured too.
Software Applications Sharing : As we know all computers are connected to the server so it can
also share application licensing software with them. It is not required to licensing each
computer individually. All worked on only one licensed system.
Internet Sharing : LANs also provided an advantage of cheaper cost on internet connection. As the
single interconnection is required for the server system and all the other computers are
worked with that connection.
Easy and Cheap Communication : All the data and files are shared easily in LAN because all the datahas
stored in a server so it is shared easily, fast and secured. Hence, also save a lot of time and money.
Advantages of MAN
Less expensive: It is less expensive to attach MAN with WAN. MAN gives the good efficiency of data.
In MAN data is easily managed in a centralized way.
Sending local emails: On MAN you can send local emails fast and free.
High speed than WAN: MAN uses fiber optics so the speed of data can easily reach upon 1000
Mbps. Files and databases can be transferred fast.
Sharing of the internet: In some installation of MANs, users can share their internet
connection. So multiple users can get the same high-speed internet.
Conversion from LAN to MAN is easy: MAN is a faster way to connect two fast LANs together. This is
due to the fast configuration of links.
High Security: MAN has a high-security level than WAN.
Advantages of WAN
 Sharing devices such as printers saves money.
 Site (software) licences are likely to be cheaper than buying several standalone licences.
 Files can easily be shared between users.
 Network users can communicate by email and instant messenger.
 Security is good - users cannot see other users' files unlike on stand-alone machines.
 Data is easy to backup as all the data is stored on the file server.
Protocol and Standards
Define Standards
- A standard is a set of specifications for hardware or software, agreed upon by academic and
industry contributors. A standard makes it possible for many manufacturers to create
products that are compatible with each other. Standards may be set by official
organizations, or unofficially set, established by common use. Common examples of
standards include multiple IEEE standards for electrical interfaces (computer cables), ANSI for
programming languages, and VESA for computer monitors and video adapters.
List some protocols
There are various types of protocols that support a major and compassionate role in
communicating with different devices across the network. These are:
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Internet Protocol (IP)
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Post office Protocol (POP)
Simple mail transport Protocol (SMTP)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
List some standard organizations and standards names
3GPP – 3rd Generation Partnership Project
3GPP2 – 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2
ABYC – The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC is an international organization, despite its
Accellera – Accellera Organization
A4L – Access for Learning Community (formerly known as the Schools Interoperability
AES – Audio Engineering Society
AHRI - Air-conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute
AIIM – Association for Information and Image Management
ASAM – Association for Automation and Measuring Systems
ASHRAE – American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE is an international organization, despite its name)
ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM International
P2. Network topology & communication and Bandwidth requirements
1. What is Network topology ?
Network topology definition.
- Network topology is the arrangement of the elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a
communication network. Network topology can be used to define or describe the
arrangement of various types of telecommunication networks, including command and
control radio networks, industrial fieldbusses and computer networks.
- Network topology is the topological structure of a network and may be depicted
physically or logically. It is an application of graph theory wherein communicating devices are
modeled as nodes and the connections between the devices are modeled as links or lines
between the nodes.
Figure 6 Network Topology
Denifition of Physical & Logical Topology
Denifition of Physical Topology
Physical topology is the placement of the various components of a network (e.g., device
location and cable installation), while logical topology illustrates how data flows within a
network. Distances between nodes, physical interconnections, transmission rates, or signal types
may differ between two different networks, yet their logical topologies may be identical. A
network’s physical topology is a particular concern of the physical layer of the OSI model.
Figure 7 Physical Topologies Denifition of Logical
Logical topology is the arrangement of devices on a computer network and how they
communicate with one another.[1] Logical topologies describe how signals act on the network.
In contrast, a physical topology defines how nodes in a network are physically linked and
includes aspects such as geographic location of nodes and physical distances between nodes. The
logical topology defines how nodes in a network communicate across its physical topology. The
logical topology can be considered isomorphic to the physical topology, as vice versa.
Early twisted pair Ethernet with a single hub is a logical bus topology with a physical star
topology. While token ring is a logical ring topology with a physical star topology.
Figure 8 Logical Topology
Examples of topology with diagrams ( Mesh, Star, Bus, Ring, Tree, Hyprib)
Mesh Topology.
In mesh topology each device is connected to every other device on the network through a
dedicated point-to-point link. When we say dedicated it means that the link only carries data for
the two connected devices only. Lets say we have n devices in the network then each device
must be connected with (n-1) devices of the network. Number of links in a mesh topology of
n devices would be n(n-1)/2.
Figure 9 Mesh Topology
 Advantages of Mesh
No data traffic issues as there is a dedicated link between two devices which means the link
is only available for those two devices.
Mesh topology is reliable and robust as failure of one link doesn’t affect other links and the
communication between other devices on the network.
Mesh topology is secure because there is a point to point link thus unauthorized access is not
Fault detection is easy.
 Disadvantages of Mesh topology
Amount of wires required to connected each system is tedious and headache
Since each device needs to be connected with other devices, number of I/O ports required
must be huge.
Scalability issues because a device cannot be connected with large number of devices with a
dedicated point to point link.
Star Topology
In star topology each device in the network is connected to a central device called hub. Unlike
Mesh topology, star topology doesn’t allow direct communication between devices, a device
must have to communicate through hub. If one device wants to send data to other device, it has
to first send the data to hub and then the hub transmit that data to the designated device.
Figure 10 Star Topology
Advantages of Star
Less expensive because each device only need one I/O port and needs to be connected with hub
with one link.
Easier to install
Less amount of cables required because each device needs to be connected with the hub only.
Robust, if one link fails, other links will work just fine.
Easy fault detection because the link can be easily identified.
Disadvantages of Star topology
If hub goes down everything goes down, none of the devices can work without hub.
Hub requires more resources and regular maintenance because it is the central system of star
Bus Topology
In bus topology there is a main cable and all the devices are connected to this main cable through
drop lines. There is a device called tap that connects the drop line to the main cable. Since all the data
is transmitted over the main cable, there is a limit of drop lines and the distance a main cable can
Figure 11 Bus Topology
 Advantages of bus topology
Easy installation, each cable needs to be connected with backbone cable.
Less cables required than Mesh and star topology
 Disadvantages of bus topology
Difficultly in fault detection.
Notscalableasthere isalimitofhowmanynodesyoucanconnect withbackbone cable.
Ring Topology
- In ring topology each device is connected with the two devices on either side of it. There
are two dedicated point to point links a device has with the devices on the either side of it.
This structure forms a ring thus it is known as ring topology. If a device wants to send data to
another device then it sends the data in one direction, each device in ring topology has a
repeater, if the received data is intended for other device then repeater forwards this data
until the intended device receives it.
Figure 12 Ring Topology
 Advantages of Ring Topology
Easy to install.
Managing is easier as to add or remove a device from the topology only two links are required
to be changed.
 Disadvantages of Ring Topology
A link failure can fail the entire network as the signal will not travel forward due to failure.
Data traffic issues, since all the data is circulating in a ring.
Hibrib Topology
A combination oftwo ormore topology is known as hybrid topology. Forexample a
combination of star and mesh topology is known as hybrid topology.
Figure 13 Hibrib Topology
 Advantages of Hybrid topology
We can choose the topology based on the requirement for example, scalability is our
concern then we can use star topology instead of bus technology.
 Scalable as we can further connect other computer networks with the existing networks with
different topologies. Disadvantages of Hybrid topology
Fault detection is difficult.Installation is difficult.
Design is complex so maintenance is high thus expensive.
Comunication and Bandwidth
3.1.1. Define commutations in terms ofnetworking
- Communications is the exchange of information between two or more things, such
as people, devices, governments, organizations, or businesses. In digital
communication, data is exchanged between two or more computing devices. This
data communication (datacom) occurs over a communication medium, such as a
telephone line, fiber optic cable, or wireless radio signal. The collection of digital
devices and their connection media is a computer network and is what allows
devices to "talk" to each other.
The following are examples of digital communications:
Transferring data from one computer to another over a network. With this form of
communication, data transmits as a packet over a network connection from a
sender to a receiver using a protocol.
Sending text messages between mobile devices.
Sending and receiving an e-mail.
Collaborating on shared documents and spreadsheets.
Voice chat or calls with other people over the Internet, using VoIP software.
Video call or conferencing with other people over the Internet, using VoIP software.
3.1.2. Rules of communication
 Access method
 Allowed physical topologies Types of cabling
 Speed of data transfer.
Bandwidth is the maximum rate of data transfer across a given path. Bandwidth may be
characterized as network bandwidth, data bandwidth,] or digital bandwidth.
This definition of bandwidth is in contrast to the field of signal processing, wireless
communications, modem data transmission, digital communications, and electronics, in which
bandwidth is used to refer to analog signal bandwidth measured in hertz, meaning the frequency
range between lowest and highest attainable frequency while meeting a well- defined
impairment level in signal power. The actual bit rate that can be achieved depends not only on the
signal bandwidth but also on the noise on the channel.
M1 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of
networked systems.
1. What is the TCP / IP protocol ?
- The TCP / IP protocol is divided into 4 network layers:
+ Application layer: The mission of this layer is to provide standardized data exchange and
applications. The application layer includes many specific protocols such as HTTP, FTP, POP3,
SMTP, and SNMP. Each of these protocols will have specific functions and tasks.
+ Network layer: This floor is also known as the internet layer. The task of the internet layer is to
process packets, then connect to independent networks to transport encrypted data packets
across network boundaries. The internet layer also includes many protocols such as IP and
+ Transport layer: The mission of the transport layer is to maintain end-to-end communication
throughout the network. The transport layer includes TCP and UDP protocols. In many cases the
UDP protocol will be replaced by TCP.
+ Physical layer: The protocols operating on this layer are Ethernet, ARP. For Ethernet often used for
LAN local area.
Figure 14 TCP/IP Model
The most popular TCP / Ip protocols
Currently, TCP / IP has many protocols, but the three most commonly used are HTTP, HTTPS and FTP.
+ HTTP protocol: this protocol is used to transfer unsafe data between a web client and a web
server. How this protocol works is very simple. First, a web client will send a request to the web
server to view a website or news. Upon receiving the request, the server sends the answer
back to the web client.
+ HTTPS protocol: this protocol is used to transfer data securely between a web client and a web
server. This transaction is usually used to send credit card transaction data or personal
information from the web client to the web server.
+ FTP protocol : This protocol does not limit the number of computers. That is, a computer can
send data to one or many different computers directly.
Figure 15 the most popular TCP / Ip protocols
2. What is the OSI model?
The OSI model is also known as the reference model connecting open systems. This model
has been developed as part of the Open Systems Interconnection plan initiated by ISO and
This model divides network interface into 7 layers. Grades 1 through 4 are lower-level classes
and only perform data migration tasks. Grades 5 through 7 belong to the advanced
classes. Each class will perform a specific task that will then forward data to the next layer.
Figure 16 OSI Basic Reference Model
3. Compare OSI model with TCP / IP model
Compared to the OSI model, the TCP / IP protocol is more trusted and used. Because
according to the concept, the OSI model is only an oldmodel, a tool for reference. The TCP
/ IP protocol, in contrast, allows loosening of rules
and provides general rules.
In terms of approach, TCP / IP approaches horizontally, while OSI approaches vertically.
The biggest difference between these two protocols is probably the combination of layers.
For TCP / IP protocols, the session layer and the presentation layer are combined in the application
layer. As for the OSI model, each different tier will perform a different task.
In terms of design, the protocols in TCP / IP were designed first and then developed. In contrast,
in OSI, the model is developed first and then the protocol developed.
Figure 17 Compare OSI & TCP/IP
P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types.
1. Discuss 1 or 2 operating principles of a selected network device
– A repeater operates at the physical layer. Its job is to regenerate the signal over the same
network before the signal becomes too weak or corrupted so as to extend the length to which
the signal can be transmitted over the same network. An important point to be noted about
repeaters is that they do not amplify the signal. When the signal becomes weak, they copy the
signal bit by bit and regenerate it at the original strength. It is a 2 port device.
Figure 18 Repeater
2.2. Hub
–A hub is basically a multiport repeater. A hub connects multiple wires coming from different
branches, for example, the connector in star topology which connects different stations. Hubs
cannot filter data, so data packets are sent to all connected devices. In other words, collision
domain of all hosts connected through Hub remains one. Also, they do not have intelligence to
find out best path for data packets which leads to inefficiencies and wastage.
Figure 19 Hub
 Types of Hub
Active Hub:- These are the hubs which have their own power supply and can
clean, boost and relay the signal along with the network. It serves both as a repeater as well
as wiring centre. These are used to extend the maximum distance between nodes.
Passive Hub :- These are the hubs which collect wiring from nodes and power
supply from active hub. These hubs relay signals onto the network without cleaning and
boosting them and can’t be used to extend the distance between nodes.
List network devices.
Here is the common network device list:
Access Point
List server types
Application Servers
Client Servers
Collaboration Servers
FTP Servers
List Servers
Mail Servers
Open Source Servers
Proxy Servers
Real-Time Communication Servers
P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.
1. Define workstation hardware
A workstation is a special computer designed for technical or scientific applications.
Intended primarily to be used by one person at a time, they are commonly connected to a
local area network and run multi-user operating systems. The term workstation has also been
used loosely to refer to everything from a mainframe computer terminal to a PC connected
to a network, but the most common form refers to the class of hardware offered by several
current and defunct companies such as Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics, Apollo Computer,
DEC, HP, NeXT and IBM which opened the door for the 3D graphics animation revolution of the
late 1990s.
Define networking software
Networking software is a foundational element for any network. It helps
administrators deploy, manage and monitor a network. Traditional networks
are made up of specialized hardware, such as routers and switches, that
bundle the networking software into the solution. Software-defined networking
(SDN) separates that software from the hardware, making it easier to innovate
and adapt the network to quickly meet changing network demands. The
separation of functions from hardware, such as firewalls or load balancing, is
called network functions virtualization (NFV).
Discuss and explain the interdepencies of workstation hardware with networking
software. Derive an example form your discussion Inter-dependence of
workstation hardware with relevant networking software:
+ A network file server is a computer system used for the purpose of managing
the file system, the network printer, handling network communication, and
other functions. A server may be dedicated is such case all of its processing power
is allocated to network function, or it may be non- dedicated which means
that a part of server functions allocated as a work stations or DOS based
+ Network operating system: it is loaded into the servers’ hard disk along with the
system management tools and user utilities. When the system is started, NOS
boots and other server come under its control.
+ Workstations: workstations or nodes are attached to the server through the
network interfaces card and the cable; workstations are normally intelligence
systems, such as the IBM pc. But DUMV terminals are used in mainframe
computers. The concept of distributed process depends on the fact that
personal computer are attached to the network performed their own
processing after loading programs and data from servers.
Due to this a work station is called an active device on the network. After
processing, files are stored back on the server where they can be used by others
+ Network interface card-every device connected to a LAN needs network interface
card to plug into the LAN. For example, a PC needs to have an Ethernet card
installed in it to connect to an Ethernet LAN.
+ Network cabling: once the server, workstations, and network interface cards
are in place, network cabling is used to network everything together. The most
popular type of network cables: Twisted pair wiring, Co-axial cable, Fiber optics
That is some interdependence of the workstation hardware with the relevant
network software to properly implement the network.
M2 Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given
scenario regarding cost and performance optimization
Some types of server
Server: One of the most abundant types of servers in today’s market is a web server. A
webserver is a special kind of application server that hosts programs and data requested
by users across the Internet or an intranet. Web servers respond to requests from
browsers running on client computers for web pages, or other web-based services. Common
web servers include Apache web servers, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
servers and Nginx servers.
File server: File servers store and distribute files. Multiple clients or users may share
files stored on a server. In addition, centrally storing files offers easier backup or fault
tolerance solutions than attempting to provide security and integrity for files on
every device in an organization. Fileserver hardware can be designed to maximize
read and write speeds to improve performance.
Database server: The amount of data used by companies, users, and other services
is staggering. Much of that data is stored in databases. Databases need to be
accessible to multiple clients at any given time and can require extraordinary amounts of
disk space. Both of these needs lend themselves well to locating such databases on servers.
Database servers run database applications and respond to numerous requests from
clients. Common database server applications include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server,
DB2, and Informix.
Combination server: Even before virtualization, servers were being extracted from
the standard model of a single server operating system installed on a hardware
machine. Technology, such as network-attached storage, removed the need for a server to
have its own storage. Other technologies, such as mirroring and clustering, enabled pieces
of hardware to be combined into larger, more powerful servers. Such a server might consist
of several blades, several attached storage devices, and an external power supply, and
each piece could be swapped out for another while the server was still running.
Virtualization server: Virtual servers are taking the server world by storm. Unlike
traditional servers that are installed as an operating system on machine hardware,
virtual servers exist onlyas defined within specialized software called hypervisor. Each
hypervisor can run hundreds, or even thousands, of virtual servers all at once. The
hypervisor presents virtual hardware to the server as if it were real physical hardware.
The virtual server uses the virtual hardware as usual, and the hypervisor passes the actual
computation and storage needs ontothe real hardware beneath, which is shared among
all the other virtual servers.
Determining Your Networking Requirements
Designing a network can be a challenging task. Your first step is to understand your
networking requirements. The rest of this chapter explains how to determine these
requirements. After you have identified these requirements, refer to Chapter 2 for
information on selecting network capability and reliability options that meet these
Networking devices must reflect the goals, characteristics, and policies of the
organizations in which they operate. Two primary goals drive networking design and
+ Application availability—Networks carry application information between
computers. If the applications are not available to network users, the network is
not doing its job.
+ Cost of ownership—Information system (IS) budgets today often run in the millions of
dollars. As large organizations increasingly rely on electronic data for managing business
activities, the associated costs of computing resources will continue to rise.
A well-designed network can help balance these objectives. When properly implemented,
the network infrastructure can optimize application availability and allow the costeffective use of existing network resources.
D1 Considering a given scenario, identify the topology protocol selected for the efficient
utilization of a networking system.
The topologyprotocol selected for the efficient utilization of a networking system
is star topology. The devices are connected via switches and the switches are
interconnected internally. they are connected through routers.
1. Wikipedia.Computer network.[ online] Available at:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_network [Accessed 20 July.2020]
2. BeginnersBook.Types of Computer Network: Lan, Man and Wan.[Online] Available
at: https://beginnersbook.com/2019/03/types-of-computer-network-lan-man-andwan/ [Accessed 20 July.2020]
3. CompTIA. What Is a Network Protocol, and How Does It work?.[Online] Available at:
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4. Netwirx Bolg. Network Devices Explained.[Online] Available at:
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5. Sdxcentral.What’s Networking Software?[Online] Available at:
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6. GeeksforGeeks.Network Devices ( Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateways and
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