Musicianship diagnostic revision sheet Note reading basics in four clefs Use the centre of the bracket in the c clefs to locate middle c Treble clef rhymes are FACE and Every Good Boy Deserves Fun Bass clef rhymes are All Cows Eat Grass and Great Big Dogs From Africa Basic rhythms Note tree Simple/compound time Circle of fifths Go to the right up a fifth the number of sharps increases Go to the left down a fifth the number of flats increases From the major travel down four semitones/a minor third to find the relative minor Sharps are FCGDAEB – Flats are BEADGCF Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle/ Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father Intervals Count the note you start on and the note you finish on 2nds, 3rds, 6ths, 7ths Augmented 4ths, 5ths, 8ves Augmented Major/Minor Perfect Diminished Diminished The bottom note is always the key note of the interval. Regardless of the key signature the key the interval follows is of the bottom note. Transposition Major Second/two semitones – Clarinet in Bb, Trumpet in Bb Minor Third/Four semitones – Clarinet in A, Trumpet in A Perfect Fifth/8 semitones – Cor Anglais, French Horn Chords Cadences V – I Perfect (fully closed) ? – V Imperfect (unsettled) IV – I Plagal (Amen) V – VI Interrupted (opposite tonality) Technical names of scale degrees Instruments of the orchestra Instrument Violin Viola Cello Double bass Clef Treble Alto Bass/tenor Bass Notes Flute/piccolo Oboe/cor anglais Clarinet/bass clarinet Bassoon/contrabassoon Treble treble Treble Bass/tenor Piccolo transposes up and octave Trumpet French horn Trombone Tuba Treble Treble Bass/tenor Bass Arco – with the bow Pizzicato – plucked Col legno – with the wood of the bow Con sordino – with mutes Sul ponticello – play near the bridge Flutter tonguing – rasping tone (usually flutes) Transposes down an octave Contra transposes down an octave