Uploaded by Ananya Imtiaz Hussain

Yemen Business Analysis: Mobile, LNG, Airlines

Letter of Transmittal .................................................................................................................................. v
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................... vi
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.0 Yemen Mobile........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Overview and Creation ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Services Provided................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1 Offers for Pre-paid ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Offers for Post-paid...................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Internet Service ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Shareholders........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Work Force ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Advantages.......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Company Philosophy .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.8 CSR Activities .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.9 Going Forward .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.10 Remarks ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Yemen LNG ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Creation ............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Products and Services ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 CSR ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Implementing a Robust Environmental and Social Strategy ....................................................... 7
2.3.2 Skills Development and Job Creation .......................................................................................... 8
2.3.3 Public Consultation and Participation .......................................................................................... 8
2.3.4 Managing Resettlement and Economic Displacement ................................................................. 8
2.4 Shareholders........................................................................................................................................ 8
2.5 Advantages.......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5.1 Strategic location ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.5.2 Investment .................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5.3 Access ........................................................................................................................................ 10
2.6 Current situation................................................................................................................................ 10
iii | P a g e
2.7 Remarks ............................................................................................................................................ 10
3. Yemenia ................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Creation ............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Shareholders...................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Services ............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.1 Locations .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.2 Fleet............................................................................................................................................ 12
3.4 Workforce ......................................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Financials .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.6 Training Programs ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.6.1 YTC Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.7 Affiliations and Certifications ........................................................................................................... 14
3.8 Going Forward .................................................................................................................................. 14
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 15
References ................................................................................................................................................... 16
List of figures
Figure 1: Structure of Workforce ................................................................................................................ 12
List of Tables
Table 1: Shareholders list.............................................................................................................................. 3
Table 2: Shareholders of Yemen LNG Company ......................................................................................... 9
Table 3: Yemenia's Interest......................................................................................................................... 11
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Letter of Transmittal
22 August, 2019
Shahriar Kabir
Associate Professor
Institute of Business Administration
Jahangirnagar University
Subject: Report analysing 3 business organizations of Yemen
Respected sir,
With due respect I would like to compile a report titled, “Analysing 3 business organizations of
Yemen: Yemen Mobile, Yemen LNG Company and Yemenia Airlines” according to your
delegation. Your precious advice and your permission to conduct this report are the first thing that
I need.
I hope that you will be kind enough to grant me the permission to conduct this report.
Yours obediently,
Ananya Imtiaz Hussain
ID: 1963
Batch: 28
Institute of Business Administration
Jahangirnagar University
Executive Summary
I have done my report on Yemen Mobile, Yemen LNG Company, Yemenia airlines. All of these
companies belong to Yemen and are affected by the economic and political situations of that
In this report I have given a brief overview of these companies and tried to show their management
style and the philosophy of these companies in order to understand how they are preserving their
legitimacy in a war-torn conservative country like Yemen and then by showing their current stage
I have tried to show whether their actions have worked or not.
1. Yemen Mobile
Yemen Mobile is the leading telecommunication company of Yemen. It is the first company to
provide 3G network inside Yemen and is the first CDMA 2000 technology based service provider
in all of middle east. (Yemen Mobile, n.d.) At the same time, because it understands that Yemen
is in economic ruin, most of the people cannot upgrade their phones regularly and thus their sim
cards are also compatible with older and cheaper cell phones.
Also, their concern about the social contract can clearly be seen in their approach towards CSR. In
my observations, because of these keen business sense and the giving importance to the social
contract Yemen Mobile is still able to run a profitable business organization.
2. Yemen LNG Company
Yemen LNG Company is the sole LNG exporting company of Yemen. Also, it had the most
industrial budget and industry leading companies as its shareholders. Furthermore, the government
of Yemen also has stakes in the development of this particular company. For this, it is fair to say
Yemen LNG company had great advantages and was very much needed for Yemen to prosper.
At the same time, this company also understood the mentality of middle eastern people and how
they view business that break trust. They understood that if a company broke the social contact in
a country like Yemen, it would face severe repercussion. For this the company implemented
various social programs which gained the trust and respect of local Yemeni people.
All of these approaches were accurate. However, as it was a leading organization of Yemen it soon
became the target of rebels and terrorists and so it had to halt its operations.
3. Yemenia Airlines
Yemenia is the national Carrier of Yemen. As a result, it is government owned. 51% of Yemenia
is owned by the Yemeni government and the other 49% is owned by the Saudi government
(Yemenia, 2019).
As, Saudi Arabia controls 49% of share it has a great foreign investment, as a result even though
the county is in economic turmoil Yemenia airlines is still operating at a profit.
In this report I have tried to illustrate these issues of elaborately.
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Businesses does not operate in a vacuum. All the elements of a country surely affect a business.
That is why some countries are full of business organizations and others not so much. Along
with many other things, for a business to survive and thrive a healthy political environment,
business friendly legislations and healthy economic conditions of potential customers is a must.
The affect the government and the society can have over a business can be seen more vividly
where there is no stability in the country. It brings devastating effect towards the companies. The
few companies that do survive, have to put in much more effort and have to be more careful
about the social contract. If they are not careful, they will lose their authority to operate even
more easily.
That is why to clearly illustrate the relation between the government, society and business I have
chosen the war-torn country Yemen. I have done my report on 3 organizations of Yemen.
They are
1. Yemen Mobile
2. Yemen LNG Company
3. Yemenia Airlines
1.0 Yemen Mobile
1.1 Overview and Creation
Yemen Mobile is a CDMA 2000 network provider in situated and created inside Yemen. It is
considered to be the first CDMA network provider in the middle east. (Yemen Mobile, n.d.)
Yemen mobile was created in 2004 by the initiative of Yemen ministry of telecommunication.
Yemen mobile is mutually owned by both the government and the private sector. Yemen mobile
is also the first company to provide 3G network in Yemen.
1.2 Services Provided
Yemen Mobile provides telecommunication services though the CDMA 2000 technology. They
offer a chip that can be inserted inside a phone in order to communicate, surf the internet and call
other people.
Yemen mobile provides both Pre-paid sim cards and Post-paid sim cards. Yemen Mobile, for the
benefit of their customers and to make their service more desirable to the consumers, launches
various offers for both the pre-paid and the post-paid sims.
1.2.1 Offers for Pre-paid
Monthly Mazaia
Weekly Mazaya
Suhail Saving
1.2.2 Offers for Post-paid
Hadaya Weekly
Mazzaya Monthly
1.2.3 Internet Service
Yemen Mobile is the first company to bring 3G in Yemen. (Yemen Mobile, n.d.) . The internet
speed of Yemen mobile is good compared with other telecom industries of other middle eastern
countries. The internet speed of Yemen Mobile is 3.1 MB/s.
1.3 Shareholders
The company also operates in the Stock Exchange market and it was decided by the article 6 of
Articles of Association of Yemen Mobile Company (Shareholding Company) that the company
will be divided into eighty-six million and five hundred and twenty-four thousand shares
(86,524,000). According to the article each share will be priced 500 Yemeni Real. (Yemen Mobile,
There are mainly 9 categories of shareholders in Yemen Mobile. They are:
General Authority for
Security and Pensions
General Corporation for
Social Security
Yemeni Economic
Pension Fund and Social
Security, Ministry of
Pension Fund and Social
Security, Ministry of
Postal Savings Fund
No. of
Share Value
Percentage %
3.25 %
Ministry and affiliate
agencies employees
Citizens, private
companies, and Youth and
Youth and Sports Fund as
per the contract
Source: (Yemen Mobile, 2016)
Table 1: Shareholders list
1.4 Work Force
Yemen Mobile has a dedicated work force consisting of engineers, technicians, sales people and
people working in branding. It is one of the key characteristics of Yemen mobile of treating their
employees as their primary asset. At the same time one of Yemen mobile’s initial aim of forming
the company was to employ the people of Yemen. For that 100% of the work force, even the toplevel managers, are Yemeni people.
1.5 Advantages
Yemen mobile is the first CDMA network provider in the whole Middle East. That is why Yemen
mobile has various advantages.
The biggest advantage is that it is the first telecommunication organization of the country.
Government is also a part of the organization which makes it easier for Yemen Mobile to
raise funds.
Their technological superiority is another advantage they enjoy. The data transfer speed of
Yemen mobile is 3.1 megabytes per second which is compatible with modern technologies.
Yemen mobile also focuses on the health issues of using mobile phones. They have reduced
the wavelength so that prolonged usage will cause less harm to the human body.
Yemen mobile uses CDMA 2000 technology which is very flexible. This technology is
still usable in older and cheaper versions of telephones. This is especially important for a
country like Yemen where the economy is in a serious depression and the GDP per capita
is only 944.4 USD. (World Bank, 2018)
1.6 Objectives
There mainly 6 big objectives of Yemen mobile described in Yemen Mobile’s website. These are:
1. Enabling the Yemeni subscriber to benefit from the modern technologies and keeping up
what is new in the world of communications.
2. Consideration purchasing power of all classes of society and providing service to ensure to
benefit the target possible number of the public mobile phone service.
3. Support the development projects and the basic services which citizen need by support the
State Treasury, that "Yemen Mobile" represents government investment return profits to
build schools, hospitals, dams, roads and other public services.
4. Benefit from the potential of General Organization of Telecommunications to ensure
coverage throughout the service areas of the Republic.
5. Employing a large number of the workforce and create jobs for young people and
university graduates.
6. Providing a good communication service to cover the general areas of the Republic
(Yemen Mobile, n.d.)
Yemen Mobile’s every activity reflects these 6 goals.
1.7 Company Philosophy
There are 3 main philosophies which can be seen in the management style of Yemen Mobile.
(Yemen Mobile, 2009) These are:
Social Responsibility
These are the 3 major values that not only affect the management style but also the way they
want to be perceived by the consumers. This wish is clearly illustrated by their 3 slogans which
With us your call is easier
Full value of the call
Much more than service and saving
(Yemen Mobile, 2009)
1.8 CSR Activities
Rather than donating individually Yemen mobile believes in contributing to projects that will help
Yemeni People and the economy of Yemen to grow in the future. On that note Yemen mobile
mainly does its CSR by participating in nation building works. Because of this the CSR activity of
Yemen mobile generally encompasses 4 categories. (Yemen Mobile, n.d.) They are
development of education
health care needs
urgent humanitarian support for those with special needs
preservation of Yemini cultural heritage.
So, from ensuring that the feature of Yemen receives proper education from rehabilitating anyone
with special needs Yemen mobile is working for the betterment of Yemen through these corporate
social responsibilities.
For example, in recent times Yemen mobile sponsored the Central Library of Dhamar University.
Also, as part of their commitment towards healthcare Yemen mobile frequently sponsors many
medical conferences. These conferences make People aware of many various diseases and how to
stay safe from these. Yemen Mobile is also very dedicated in helping Yemeni children with cancer.
They donate in this cause every year and last year the donated a total of 34,336,398.75 Yemeni
Rial. (Yemen Mobile, n.d.) Also, as Yemen is a war-torn country and youth there hardly have any
enjoyment Yemen frequently sponsors sport events such as the seventh championship of the
equestrian and pick up cleats of martyrs of the Military Academy.
1.9 Going Forward
There are two main objectives that the company is targeting to accomplish in the future. The first
one is to increase the reach. The company wishes to develop their existing technology and wishes
to give top quality network in all regions of Yemen.
The second one is to increase the loyalty among the workers and the customers. They want to build
such a culture inside the company that the users feel duty bound to use their product. To ensure
that Yemen mobile's employees give it their best Yemen mobile will has aimed to increase their
workers benefit plan. (Al-Hamli, 2018)
1.10 Remarks
Yemen is a war-torn country with an almost non-existent economy. Businesses are closing down
left and right. The few businesses that operate in Yemen have barely any online presence. In this
regard Yemen Mobile is completely different. Though the company is operating in a toxic business
environment and a technologically backwards country as Yemen mobile provides internet services
it understood the value of a website. This is a demonstration of good business sense and a good
understanding of the target market.
Another interesting this is that even though every business in Yemen is struggling this company is
still performing CSR very seriously as shown in the CSR activities segment of my report. This
shows that the company understands the significance of social contract and works hard to preserve
its legitimacy. This is very insightful thinking by Yemen Mobile.
2. Yemen LNG
2.1 Creation
The incorporation of Yemen LNG company was in 1995 in order to develop the liquified Natural
gas plants and to export LNG. However, there was an Asian economic crisis in 1997 and for this
crisis the launch of the Yemen LNG company was halted. Only after having 3 LNG contract
supplies in august 2005, the company started its operation once again. (Yemen LNG Development
Launched, 2005) In 2007 Yemen LNG formed a 20-year contract with the state-owned Safer
exploration and production company. So, Yemen LNG is a company where both the government
and the private sector has stakes.
2.2 Products and Services
Yemen LNG company is a company that liquifies natural gas and exports it. Yemen LNG first
exported LNG in 2009 in the presence of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Yemen LNG sales’ strategy is to first deliver quality and quantity, and divert cargoes to maximize
In August 2005, Yemen LNG signed long-term Sales & Purchase Agreements with three major
buyers for sale of LNG during a period of 20 years. These buyers are: Korea Gas Corporation
(KOGAS), GDF-Suez, and Total Gas & Power Ltd, and are amongst the top five largest LNG
importers in the world. (Marketing, 2013)
2.3 CSR
Yemen LNG aims to be a responsible company locally and internationally. In this regard Yemen
LNG company performed regular CSRs. As, it operated in Yemen, the bulk of its CSR activity
occurred inside and for the people and environment of Yemen. There are mainly 6 sectors where
Yemen LNG tries to be the most responsible. These are:
2.3.1 Implementing a Robust Environmental and Social Strategy
As Yemen LNG operates with the natural resources of Yemen, it is very important for their
survival that it took care of the environment, any negative impact on the environment surrounding
this plant could have brought a wave of criticism and could have endangered the legitimacy of
Yemen LNG. So, they have implemented environmental and social strategy encompassing mainly
3 points:
To minimize and mitigate any possible harm or damage, whether to populations, wildlife
or the environment, ensuring the residual impact is either nil, negligible or moderate at
To provide proper offset or compensation to international standards where impact cannot
be fully redressed
To establish a positive and enduring legacy in Yemen (Implementing a Robust
Environmental and Social Strategy)
2.3.2 Skills Development and Job Creation
Yemen LNG company offers many scholarships including studying in prestigious universities in
France. They also conduct various training programs relating to the processing of LNG. This not
only enriches the workers pool but also creates skilled labor force in Yemen which can be a great
blessing for the economy of Yemen.
2.3.3 Public Consultation and Participation
A dedicated team within the Community Relations & Sustainable Development Department
(CRSD) has undertaken extensive public consultations with local and national stakeholders which
includes cooperating with NGOs and local development agencies to develop and implement its
various action plans. A comprehensive Public Consultation & Disclosure Plan (PCDP) was
published in October 2006 and this has been refreshed and updated several times since then, to
ensure currency and efficacy. The most recent version was issued in November 2010.
2.3.4 Managing Resettlement and Economic Displacement
Yemen LNG company understands the significance of doing business in developing country and
to what extend the need to resettle the citizens impacts the legitimacy of the business. To reduce
the number of people that needs to be resettled due to the construction of this project, Yemen LNG
has created a team dedicated to working in managing resettlements. Because of this program during
the 5 years of construction work not a single person was physically displaced, which is a great
achievement. (Yemen LNG, 2013)
2.4 Shareholders
There are 7 main shareholders. Yemen LNG is both owned and controlled by the government and
the private companies. The leading shareholder is total group. The interest of Yemen Government
is represented by Yemen Gas Company which is also a shareholder of the company.
Yemen Gas Company
SK Innovation Company., LTD.
Korea Gas Corporation (Kogas)
Percentage (%)
Percentage (%)
Hyundai Corporation
The General Authority for Social 5.00
Security & Pensions (GASSP)
(Yemen LNG Company, 2013)
Table 2: Shareholders of Yemen LNG Company
In here, Total, the majority shareholding company, is the project technical leader. Yemen Gas
Company and The General Authority for Social Security & Pension are Yemeni organizations
though which the government of Yemen exerts its influences.
2.5 Advantages
2.5.1 Strategic location
Strategically located at the crossroads of international maritime routes, Yemen LNG enjoys access
to markets in the Far East, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. Yemen LNG specifications
are compatible with almost all LNG markets worldwide and plant output requirements for the
movement of around 100 LNG carriers per year.
The LNG’s specification at the plant’s output has been defined to be compatible with almost all
LNG markets worldwide.
(Convenient location to almost all LNG markets)
2.5.2 Investment
Yemen LNG started with the biggest ever industrial investment of the country with a budget of 4.5
billion dollars (Yemen LNG Company, 2013). As government is directly invested in this project,
the company’s wellbeing directly affects the government which is a great advantage for Yemen
LNG. Again, the shareholders of Yemen LNG Company all are established giant companies with
a great fund. Also, as these shareholders are leading companies in this industry, they have a lot of
expertise and technical superiority which is a great advantage for a Yemen LNG.
2.5.3 Access
The proven gas reserves are sufficient to produce and export 6.7 million metric tons of LNG per
annum (mmtpa) for at least the next 20 years to its long-term customers in the North American
and South Korean markets and potentially also to new customers in the future
Also, the Yemeni government has granted Yemen LNG exclusive rights to the gas reserves of the
Marib area fields in block 18. The reserves currently dedicated to the project include 9.15 trillion
cubic feet (TCF) of proven reserves and 0.7 TCF of probable reserves with 1 TCF allocated to the
domestic market. The reserves were re-certified by the independent consultants DeGolyer and
MacNaughton in May 2005. (Yemen LNG Company, 2013)
2.6 Current situation
Because Yemen LNG was the biggest industrial investment of Yemen it was always the target of
rebels and terrorists. As the situation in Yemen worsened due to the civil war, the area near Balhaf
where the Yemen LNG plants are located suffered from a lack of securities. There even were
various threats from Al-Qaeda. (Al-Qaeda plans more attacks on Yemen LNG, 2014). These
threats made workers working in the company very anxious. However, the main reason for halting
all operation is that with the battles approaching the coast of Shabwa province where Balhaf is
located, the company found itself in the middle of a battle ground where it could no longer operate.
So, the company started evacuation of the site personnel on 2015 (Yemen LNG Stops Operations
as Clashes Approach Balhaf, 2015). The has not been dissolved, it just does not have any
operations now.
2.7 Remarks
From seeing their activities, sales strategy and a large pool of shareholders it was evident that
Yemen LNG is company that came to leave a mark. From their various CSR project in Yemen it
was evident that they valued the social contract and worked hard to preserve the legitimacy.
However, this company failed to continue their operations for over 4 years due to the dangerous
civil war of Yemen. If the civil war did not happen then it would be a fair assumption to say that
Yemen LNG would have been a top LNG exporter in the world.
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3. Yemenia
3.1 Creation
Yemenia was first known as Yemen airways. It started its operation in 1940s as the Yemen
Airways. In 1978 Yemen Airways took a big step forward and created a new company named
Yemenia. This company is a joint venture between the Yemeni government and the government
of Saudi Arabia. However, the largest shareholder with 51% share is Yemeni Government.
(Yemenia, 2019)
In 1990 the North and South Yemen was unified into one united Yemen. As a consequence of this
event, Yemenia had consolidated with DY, the former South Yemen Airways, in May 1996 and
added to its fleet 2B-737-100 and 2DHC-7 airplanes (Yemenia, 2019)
3.2 Shareholders
There are mainly two shareholders in Yemenia. They are
1. The Yemeni government (51% share)
2. The Saudi government (49% share)
Although the Yemeni government is the leading share holder, the Saudi government is also very
However, Yemenia has shares in various organizations. Such as:
Felix Airways
Saudi German Hospital
Yemen Ground Handling
Source: (Yemenia, 2019)
Table 3: Yemenia's Interest
3.3 Services
3.3.1 Locations
This airline conducts its flights in 23 international locations in 3 continents. These continents are
Asia, Europe and Africa (Yemenia, 2019)
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3.3.2 Fleet
Yemenia has two main types of airbuses. These are:
1. Airbus 320-200
2. Airbus 310-300
Both of these airbuses have a maximum speed of 511 miles/hour and a range of 3200 miles
(Yemenia, 2012)
3.4 Workforce
The workforce of Yemenia consists of engineers, pilots, technicians, cabin crew, executives and
Currently the chairman of Yemenia is Capt. Masood Alalwani (Yemenia, 2019)
There is also a concrete structure of the Yemenia.
Source: (Yemenia, 2019)
Figure 1: Structure of Workforce
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This chart clearly illustrates that the workforce of Yemenia has a functional top-down hierarchical
structure. In this model all the major decision comes from the boss and that is why changing a
chairman changed how Yemenia operates.
3.5 Financials
As Yemenia Airways is not a publicly traded company it does not release its income statement.
However, their traffic and number of consumers is known. In 2001 Yemenia passengers traffic
volume had reached 857,561, and freight traffic was 13,770 tons.
Also, they claim to never have been in a loss after the year 1982.
3.6 Training Programs
As Yemenia is the leading airlines company in Yemen, one of its goal is to make the people of
Yemen more capable of flying. For this they arrange various training programs in order to create
more capable cabin crews, professions relating to flying and make people more comfortable with
flying. These training programs are called Yemenia Training Center or YTC in short. YTC does
not only make a capable workers pool, it also makes flying more common and thus increases the
potential customers by reducing the fear of flying.
YTC got the recognition and the approval of the Yemen Civil Aviation Authority (YCAMA) as
an Aviation Training Center. Except for march they have various training programs every month
of the year. (Yemenia, 2019)
3.6.1 YTC Objectives
The objectives of YTC are:
To support Yemen Airways' quest for highest safety and security standards.
To actively contribute in the development of human resources.
To interact with the regulatory bodies to support and protect the interests of Yemen
To provide our customers with high standard and up-to-date training services to help them
meet the regulatory bodies training requirements.
To launch joint training programs between Yemeni aviation parties with the objective of
achieving efficiencies that will maintain the safe and secure air transport services.
To provide Yemen Aviation Market with the new professionals with multi aviation skills
to meet market need.
Establishing Yemen airways academy in the next few years (Yemenia, 2019)
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3.7 Affiliations and Certifications
Yemenia has a reputation on safe flight and well conduct. That is why they are awarded with many
certifications. Such as:
Effective June 2007 Yemenia has become IOSA certified Airway
Yemenia has got EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) Part-145 approval for aircraft
Yemenia has launched its Frequent Flyer Program by Turkish HiTT and is in affiliation
with BAFQ Program.
Yemenia is implementing SITA Internet Booking Engine (IBE)
Yemenia is a Member of Arabesk, an alliance established by a group of Arab Airways
Yemenia is a Member of AITC, Aviation Insurance Technical Committee, its members are
the Airways of the Gulf and GCC States. (Yemenia, 2019)
3.8 Going Forward
Yemenia always believes that the company must be always government owned in order to give
the best service to the customers. It also believes that by being government owned, it can ensure
maximum security.
Secondly, they are aiming to capture the new market that arises with the development of natural
gas and tourism of Yemen. (Yemenia, 2019)
So, the goal of Yemenia airlines is to increase their presence.
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All of these business organization are the leaders of their respective industries. They all started
with a great budget. However, the environment of Yemen often challenged these organizations
and prompted them to change and adopt.
As Yemen mobile and Yemenia airline were able to adopt they are still operating. But although,
Yemen LNG Company has the highest industrial budget in the history of modern Yemen, it could
not survive due to not being able to find an alternative.
So, it clear that government and political situations play an important role in any business
organizations. Companies that operate in a toxic environment will always face challenges and must
be flexible in order to survive.
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