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Foundstone 6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide

Foundstone 6.5
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator
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Issued 11/28/2007 09:40 / Foundstone Publication
700-1618-00 / Document Build 1.0 - English
Welcome to Foundstone ............................................................ 6
What's New in Foundstone 6.5..................................................................................................... 6
Contacting Technical Support........................................................................................................ 7
Submitting Product Feedback ....................................................................................................... 7
Getting Started .............................................................................................................................. 8
Logging On.............................................................................................................................8
Setting up your Account.........................................................................................................9
Running your First Scans .....................................................................................................10
Getting Started - Reviewing Scan Results ...........................................................................15
How To Use Foundstone 6.5 .................................................... 16
Foundstone Enterprise Manager Overview and Concepts ......................................................... 16
Role-Based Access ..............................................................................................................16
Organizational Hierarchy ......................................................................................................17
How to Create and Edit User Accounts ...................................................................................... 19
How to Create and Edit Assets Groups ...................................................................................... 21
How to Create and Edit a Workgroup ......................................................................................... 22
How to Manage Remediation Tickets ......................................................................................... 23
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide ............................................. 25
Using the HOME Page ................................................................................................................ 25
Running a Quick Scan ..........................................................................................................28
Selecting which scan to view...............................................................................................29
Foundscore Overview ..........................................................................................................29
Using the Dashboard................................................................................................................... 30
Dashboard - Risk Level Tab..................................................................................................31
Dashboard - Risk by Scan Tab..............................................................................................34
Dashboard - Risk by Platform Tab ........................................................................................35
Dashboard - Risk by Vulnerability Tab ..................................................................................37
Risk Details ..........................................................................................................................39
Dashboard Configuration......................................................................................................40
Working with Reports ................................................................................................................. 41
Working with Asset Report Templates ................................................................................42
Generating Scan Reports .....................................................................................................60
Viewing the Report Queue...................................................................................................62
Viewing Finished Scan Reports............................................................................................64
Viewing Finished Asset Reports ..........................................................................................66
Report Content............................................................................................................................ 67
Reviewing HTML and PDF Reports .....................................................................................67
Reviewing CSV Reports .....................................................................................................121
XML Report Content ..........................................................................................................122
Customizing Report Headers .............................................................................................123
Working with Alerts................................................................................................................... 124
Alerts ..................................................................................................................................125
Detailed Host Report..........................................................................................................126
Vulnerability Details List .....................................................................................................129
Alerts - Setup .....................................................................................................................130
Managing Assets....................................................................................................................... 131
Viewing an Asset's Properties ...........................................................................................134
Managing Asset Identification Rules..................................................................................136
Viewing All or Active Assets ..............................................................................................138
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Clearing Asset Attributes ...................................................................................................139
Searching for Assets ..........................................................................................................140
Asset Groups .....................................................................................................................147
Criticality Levels .................................................................................................................154
Asset Owners ....................................................................................................................155
Asset Activity Status ..........................................................................................................156
Managing Data Sources ............................................................................................................ 156
To create an ePO Data Source...........................................................................................158
To create an LDAP Data Source.........................................................................................159
To schedule a Data Source ................................................................................................162
To delete a Data Source.....................................................................................................163
To edit a Data Source .........................................................................................................164
To test a Data Source.........................................................................................................164
Managing Engines..................................................................................................................... 165
Default Engine Settings .....................................................................................................167
Adding an FS850 Appliance ...............................................................................................175
Managing an FS850 Appliance...........................................................................................187
Managing Users, Groups, Organizations and Workgroups ....................................................... 206
Working with Root Organizations ......................................................................................210
Working with Workgroups (Sub-Organizations) .................................................................228
Working with Scans in the Group Properties .....................................................................240
Managing User Accounts .......................................................................................................... 241
Creating New Users ...........................................................................................................241
Editing User Properties ......................................................................................................244
Deleting Users ...................................................................................................................249
Viewing a User's Activity Log ............................................................................................249
MY ACCOUNT ...................................................................................................................250
Managing User Groups ............................................................................................................. 252
Creating New Groups.........................................................................................................253
Editing User Group Properties ...........................................................................................253
Deleting User Groups.........................................................................................................258
Adding and Removing Users from Groups ........................................................................258
Using the Default Groups...................................................................................................259
Managing Notifications.............................................................................................................. 259
Specifying User Settings ....................................................................................................262
Specifying Organization Settings .......................................................................................263
Specifying When Event Notifications Should be Sent .......................................................263
Enabling SNMP Notifications .............................................................................................265
Enabling Email Notifications ...............................................................................................267
Managing Custom Community Strings ..................................................................................... 269
SNMP Settings user interface............................................................................................269
Configure Policy Manager ..................................................................................................272
Managing Metrics - FoundScore Settings ................................................................................. 272
How FoundScore is Calculated ..........................................................................................275
Metrics - General Settings .................................................................................................282
Metrics - External Scan Settings ........................................................................................284
Metrics - Internal Scan Settings .........................................................................................286
Working with Scans .................................................................................................................. 288
Scan Status ........................................................................................................................290
Creating New Scans...........................................................................................................291
Editing Scans......................................................................................................................293
Viewing Scan Templates ....................................................................................................295
Centralized Scan Management ..........................................................................................296
Scan Templates..................................................................................................................298
Scan Properties ..................................................................................................................358
Vulnerability Filters .............................................................................................................410
Search ................................................................................................................................414
Working with Compliance Scans............................................................................................... 416
Windows Policy Settings ...................................................................................................416
Creating a Compliance Scan ..............................................................................................420
Viewing Compliance Reports .............................................................................................420
Managing Remediation ............................................................................................................. 423
Remediation - Rules ...........................................................................................................423
Remediation - Global Options ............................................................................................428
REMEDIATION Menu ........................................................................................................429
Managing Threats...................................................................................................................... 449
Threat Correlation...............................................................................................................451
Threat Response Compliance ............................................................................................453
Threat Configuration - User Options ..................................................................................461
Threat Configuration - Global Options ................................................................................463
Business Unit Setup...........................................................................................................465
Troubleshooting..................................................................... 470
Why does my browser ask me to load JRE? ............................................................................ 470
Why does my browser show a Hostname Mismatch warning? ............................................... 470
Why is a Scan Engine missing from the Manage > Engines list? ............................................. 471
Why does my LDAP data synchronization fail? ......................................................................... 472
Uploading reports doesn't work ................................................................................................ 473
Index ...................................................................................... 474
Welcome to Foundstone
McAfee® Foundstone® applications help organizations identify and protect the assets
that matter most — those that drive business continuity or store mission-critical data.
This solution allows managers to continuously monitor, respond to, and adjust to a
changing risk environment.
Foundstone assessment and management solutions provide continuous protection
of the right assets, from the right threats, with the right measures.
This guide covers the Foundstone Enterprise Manager and contains two major
How To Guide - a task-oriented introduction to help you perform the most
common tasks in Foundstone 6.5
Reference Guide - complete documentation on all Foundstone Enterprise
Manager features
What's New in Foundstone 6.5
Welcome to Foundstone 6.5. This release makes it easier than ever to customize
network policy scripts for compliance reports. It adds integration with LDAP servers,
and removes the need to choose an engine when configuring a scan. New features
include the following:
Policy Compliance
Custom Community Strings
Adding a LDAP server as a Data Source
Centralized Scan Management
Policy Compliance
With the Foundstone Enterprise Manager Windows Policy Manager, you can
customize your Windows Policy settings to match your company's policy compliance
requirements. You can then utilize the Windows Policy Template Scan to scan your
network to see which hosts are compliant and which are non-compliant for each of
your policy settings. This can save you time by identifying which policy settings must
be adjusted for a scanned host on your network.
Custom Community Strings
In Foundstone 6.5 you can now list custom community strings used by your SNMP
servers. This allows Foundstone to discover SNMP servers running custom
community names and using these names to discover and assess vulnerabilities on
the SNMP servers.
Adding a LDAP server as a Data Source
With the Foundstone Enterprise Manager Data Sources, you can add a LDAP server
to your list of data sources. You can browse for assets on your LDAP server to
include or exclude in a scan configuration.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Welcome to Foundstone
Centralized Scan Management
Using centralized scan management, when a workgroup has more than one engine,
you can assign engines to automatically run scan jobs so that users do not have to
choose an engine within the scan itself.
Contacting Technical Support
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McAfee Beta Program
Homepage: http://www.mcafee.com/us/support
KnowledgeBase Search: http://knowledge.mcafee.com/
McAfee Technical Support ServicePortal (Logon credentials required):
Web: http://www.mcafee.com/us/support/index.html or
Phone: +1-888-VIRUS NO or +1-888-847-8766 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Central
Time (US, Canada, and Latin America toll-free)
Enterprise: http://www.mcafee.com/us/enterprise/services/index.html
Small & Medium Business: http://www.mcafee.com/us/smb/services/index.html
Submitting Product Feedback
McAfee is always interested in learning from you how Foundstone performs in your
environment, and what we can do to enhance it.
To submit feedback
Click the Submit Product Feedback link at the bottom left corner of any page in
the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
The link directs your browser to the feedback page on the McAfee Web site.
Use the form displayed to share your experience or to submit feature requests
for future versions.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Welcome to Foundstone
Getting Started
If you're new to Foundstone 6.5, these are the steps you can take to get familiar
with the product and it's interactions with your network.
The Global Administrator is created automatically upon installation. When you
bring up the first FoundScan Engine on the system, it asks you to set the
password for the Global Administrator account. See the Foundstone Enterprise
Installation Guide for more details.
Log on as the Global Administrator to create the top level organization(s) and a
Root Organization Administrator account for each. See the Foundstone
Enterprise Installation Guide for more details.
Log on as the Root Organization Administrator to create workgroups and all
other accounts needed in the organization.
Set up your account (see "Setting up your Account" on page 9). Specifically,
change your password and keep it secure.
Create and run your first scan (see "Running your First Scans" on page 10).
Check the results of the scan (see "Getting Started - Reviewing Scan Results" on
page 15).
Logging On
All Foundstone Enterprise Manager users must provide their organization name,
username and password to log onto Foundstone 6.5. The logon page appears when
you browse to your Foundstone 6.5 URL.
Foundstone 6.5 also supports third-party authentication products like Netegrity's
SiteMinder application.
Note: If you attempt to log in to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager immediately
after completing the installation, there may be a brief period of time when the
submenus are not available. Please wait a minute or two for all components to
connect after the installation process.
On the Logon page you can do the following:
Enter your credentials.
Figure 1: Logon Page
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Welcome to Foundstone
Logon Settings
Enter the name of the root organization; do not use a
workgroup name.
User Name
Enter the name assigned to you by the person that created
your account.
Enter the password assigned to you by the person that
created your account. Once you are logged in, you can
change your password on the account management page.
Setting up your Account
To get here if you are the Root Organization Administrator or a Workgroup Administrator, click
MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS. Navigate to the administrators group under your organization or
workgroup. Right-click your account and select Properties.
If you are logged on as a Foundstone User or Global Administrator, see My Account (on page
When you first log onto Foundstone 6.5, check your account and update it with
correct information. Do the following:
Make sure that your contact information, username and settings are correct.
Change your password to make it your own.
Figure 2: User properties - General settings tab
As an administrator, you don't need to make any changes to the settings on the
Member of or Access Rights tabs.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Welcome to Foundstone
Running your First Scans
To get here, click SCANS > NEW SCAN.
First Scan: Discovery
To get familiar with Foundstone 6.5, run a discovery scan on your network.
This type of scan searches for live hosts and running services on your network. It
produces a basic set of HTML reports that you can view through your browser. The
easiest way to do this is by using a template that has already filled most of the
settings for you. See Creating your First Scan (on page 10) for more information.
Second Scan: SANS Top 20
After you finish creating a discovery scan, try running a SANS Top 20 scan on a small
portion of your network. For example, choose one or two class C network segments.
You can quickly create a SANS Top 20 scan by following the same steps you used in
the discovery scan. When you select the template to use, choose the SANS Top 20
template instead of the Discovery template.
Future Scans: Start Experimenting
Now that you have performed a couple of small tests, and reviewed the results from
them, you can start experimenting with the various settings available in Foundstone
6.5. As you become more familiar with the various scan properties, you can refer to
the Foundstone Performance Tuning Guide for help in fine-tuning your scans. This
document and others will be available through Technical Support shortly after
Foundstone 6.5 is released.
If you're using Remediation, start looking at your Remediation Tickets (see
"REMEDIATION Menu" on page 429) to determine what should be done with the
vulnerabilities discovered on your network.
You may want to experiment on small networks or test environments first.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Welcome to Foundstone
Creating your First Scan
For your first scan, use a default template to pre-set your scan settings to run a
discovery scan on your network.
To create and run a discovery scan
These steps create a scan in the organization or workgroup (sub-organization) to
which you belong.
In the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, on the menu bar, click SCANS > NEW
Click Use a Foundstone template.
Select the radio button by the Discovery Scan template.
Figure 3: New Scan - choose a template, scan, or defaults
Click Next.
The Scan Properties page opens.
Enter the IP Ranges to scan
Under Name, enter a name for this scan. For example, type Discovery Scan.
Enter the IP addresses you want to include.
Since this is a discovery scan, you can enter all the IP addresses in your
organization or workgroup. See Entering IP Ranges for more information.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Welcome to Foundstone
Click Next.
Figure 4: Scan Properties - IP Selection Tab
Activate the Scan
Click the Scheduler tab.
Select Active. The Schedule type should already be set at Immediate.
If you have multiple scan engines available, select the scan engine and NIC to be
used by this scan.
Note: If AutoSelect is enabled, by default the scan will use the scan engine
assigned to the IP Selection.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Welcome to Foundstone
Click OK to start the scan.
Figure 5: Scan Setup - Schedule Tab
Checking Scan Status
To get here, click SCANS > SCAN STATUS.
After a scan has started, you can see its progress, or monitor any number of scans
happening on your system at any time by using the Scan Status page. This page
shows the progress of the scans you can view. It lists the pending and active scans
so that you can monitor their status.
On the Scan Status page you can do the following:
See which scans are running and view the progress of active scans.
Pause and Resume running scans.
Cancel running scans.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Welcome to Foundstone
Click Refresh to update the information.
Figure 6: Scan Status page
Features and Settings
Column Heading
This is the name of the engine running the scan.
Shows the name of the scan configuration used for this scan.
Job ID
This is the internal number assigned to the scan job.
Shows the date/time the scan began.
Shows the date/time the scan ended.
Shows the amount of time that lapsed between the start
time and the stop time. This amount includes any time the
scan was interrupted or paused.
Shows the "percent complete" value for this scan.
Shows the current status of the scan: Running, Complete,
Hosts Found
Shows how many hosts were discovered by the scan.
Note: Clicking either action button refreshes the page.
Pause - Pauses the scan and changes to Resume. Click
Resume to continue running the scan.
Cancel - Stop running the scan and remove it from the
Update the scan status information.
Clear all Inactive
Remove all inactive scans from the queue.
Note: This page only shows the scans that are available to your user account.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Welcome to Foundstone
Getting Started - Reviewing Scan Results
To get here, click Home.
After you have run a discovery scan, check the details of the scan. Review the
The Foundstone Enterprise Manager home page (see "Using the HOME Page" on
page 25) shows a summary of alerts and reports, and a dashboard overview for the
most recent completed scan.
Alerts (on page 125)
Click Alerts on the Home page (or on the menu) to delve into the problems
discovered by the scan.
New vulnerabilities
Reports (see "Viewing Finished Scan Reports" on page 64)
The report section on the Home page includes the <FoundScore>, general statistics,
and top vulnerabilities for the selected scan. Review the reports for a detailed
topology map of your network. Scans that include vulnerability checking produce
more reports than the discovery-only scans. See for more information.
Executive Dashboard (see "Using the Dashboard" on page
The Executive Dashboard provides a chart that shows the history of the
<FoundScore> for the selected scan. This chart will grow and become more useful
as you run subsequent scans and produce more data.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
This section provides step-by-step instructions for the most common tasks
performed in Foundstone 6.5. The reference section explains each feature in more
Foundstone Enterprise Manager Overview and Concepts
The Foundstone Enterprise Manager provides a Web interface that allows you to run
Foundstone 6.5. Whether or not you can use specific menu items and features is
controlled by several factors, including the following:
Your Foundstone 6.5 license determines which additional functionality you can
use in Foundstone. For example, the Threat Correlation Module requires a
specific license.
Your Login type - Foundstone User, Root Organization Administrator, Workgroup
Administrator, Remediation Administrator, or Global Administrator determines
your access to scans, workgroups, and other areas of Foundstone.
If logged on as a Foundstone User, your individual access rights (see "User
Properties - Access Rights" on page 247) affect what you can see. An
administrator needs to grant you explicit access to view, edit or launch a
particular scan.
If you are a member of a user group (see "Managing User Groups" on page 252),
you inherit the same access rights given to that group.
Role-Based Access
Foundstone 6.5 controls access to information based on users' roles. These roles are
implemented through the Foundstone Enterprise Manager. Anyone directly using the
FoundScan Console has the privilege level of the Global Administrator.
Administrative Roles
The Global Administrator is a built-in role. The password is set the first time the
FoundScan Console application is run. It is used to set up the top-level
organization(s), and create the Root Organization Administrator for each
organization. The Global Administrator can also set up workgroups under an
organization, and can create users and user groups. The Global Administrator can
also move top-level organizations to become workgroups under other
organizations, if needed.
Note: If you are logged onto the Foundstone Enterprise Manager as a Global
Administrator and want to view data from a specific organization, you must log
off and log back on as an Root Organization Administrator for that organization.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
The Root Organization Administrator and Workgroup Administrator roles are
created by higher level administrators such as the Global Administrator. They
have full access to their assigned organization or workgroup and any subworkgroups within their own workgroup. They manage assets, scan
configurations, user accounts, remediation tickets, and scan engines.
Note: The Root Organization Administrator manages the FoundScan Engine
settings (see "Managing Engines" on page 165) from the Foundstone
Enterprise Manager. Workgroup Administrators do not have access to
FoundScan Engine settings.
In Foundstone 6.5 you can create the following remediation roles:
The Remediation Administrator is created by adding users to the built-in
Remediation Administrator group. This person can manage remediation tickets
for the entire organization.
The Remediation Manager is created by creating a user group with Remediation
Manager access rights, and adding users to that role. This group can be created
on a workgroup level and allows granular access to remediation tickets based on
scans. These users do not have access to run scans, but have full control over
The Remediation Reviewer is created by granting a user group with "View
Remediation Tickets by Scan" rights. Members of that group are allowed to view
any tickets for the scans they can view.A remediation view group can be created
in this same manner, giving the group the ability to view any number of tickets
based on the scans you allow them to access. These users do not have access
to run scans or manage tickets.
The Default (remediation-only) User refers to any user that has not been granted
explicit access rights. All users and Workgroup Administrators can access any
remediation tickets assigned to them, regardless of the workgroup to which the
ticket belongs.
Additional levels of access to scans can be provided to users by changing their
access rights in the user's properties.
Organizational Hierarchy
Organization - The top-level (root) organizational unit. Each organization contains a
set of users, user groups, and scans. They may also contain additional workgroups.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
Workgroup - a sub-organization under the top level.
Figure 7: Foundstone is the organization; the others are Workgroups.
Organization or workgroup administrators are also administrators for sub-workgroups.
This allows the administrator to view scans, reports, alerts, and any other information
from those sub-workgroups.
At the top level, the organization administrator can see all workgroups within the
organization. This provides a top-level view of the organization, and the ability to drill
down into individual reports and alerts to see specific details.
Administering Organizations and Workgroups
Administering Organizations
The Organization always has an Organization Administrator who is responsible for it.
The Organization Administrator can break the organization into Workgroups, and can
create Workgroup Administrators to be responsible for individual Workgroups.
However, individual Workgroups can also be administered by the Organization
Administrator; the Workgroup Administrator is an optional role.
Figure 8: Hierarchy: A = Enterprise, 1 = Organization, 2 = Workgroups
Multiple Organizations
The Global Administrator can create multiple root organizations in your enterprise;
however, these are considered completely separate entities.
They are not related to each other and do not share data.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
IP Pools in Workgroups
The top level organization contains all IP addresses that can be scanned by the
organization. These IP addresses should be assigned to specific workgroups within
the organization to distribute the scanning workload.
Any workgroup's IP Pool must be a subset of the organization's IP Pool.
Note: While it is possible to overlap IP Pools within the organization, McAfee does
not recommend it; this practice may result in more than one workgroup scanning
the common IP addresses.
Initial Setup - Organizations and Workgroups
An organization can only be created by a Global Administrator, or anyone working
from the FoundScan Console (FoundScan Engine).
Once an organization and Root Organization Administrator has been created, the
Global Administrator or Root Organization Administrator can create workgroups
under that organization.
Important: The FoundScan Console application does not require you to log in.
Access to the FoundScan Engine is enough to gain administrative access.
How to Create and Edit User Accounts
This section provides information on how to create and manage users and groups.
Quick steps to creating a new user
From the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, navigate to MANAGE >
USERS/GROUPS. From the FoundScan Console, navigate to File >
Right-click the organization to which you are adding the new user, and choose
New > User from the shortcut menu.
The New User page (see "Creating New Users" on page 241) appears.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
In the New User - General (see "User Properties - General" on page 244) page,
enter the user's name (required).
Enter and then confirm the password for this user (required).
Enter a valid email address for this user (required).
Enter the user's real first name and last name (required).
If desired, enter the user's primary and secondary phone numbers (optional).
Make sure unlocked is selected for the user's lock status. If the account is
locked, the user cannot log into the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Click Next.
10 In the New User - Member Of (see "User Properties - Member Of" on page 246)
page, specify the groups to which this member belongs. Select the group name
under Available Groups and click
to add the group to the Member Of list.
11 Click Next.
12 In the New User - Access Rights (see "User Properties - Access Rights" on page
247) page, assign rights to this user. Members of the Administrators group have
full rights by default.
13 Click Finish.
Quick steps to editing a user
Navigate to the organization or workgroup to which the user belongs, right-click
the user, and choose Properties.
In the New User - General (see "User Properties - General" on page 244) page,
make any changes needed to the user's general information. This is also where
you can change the user's password, if necessary.
Select the Member Of (see "User Properties - Member Of" on page 246) tab, and
make any changes to the group to which this user belongs.
Select the Access Rights (see "User Properties - Access Rights" on page 247)
tab, and make any changes to the assigned rights for this user.
Click OK to save your changes and exit the user Properties pages.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
How to Create and Edit Assets Groups
This section provides information on how to manage assets in your organization,
including how to create asset groups, and assign criticality levels and asset owners.
Quick steps to creating asset groups
In the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, navigate to MANAGE > ASSETS. Or,
from the FoundScan Console, navigate to File > Users/Groups/Scans. On the
resulting page, right-click an organization or workgroup, and choose Manage
Assets from the shortcut menu.
In the Assets tree pane, right-click the group under which the new group will be
located and choose New Group from the shortcut menu. The New Group dialog
box (page 152) appears.
Enter the Label for the group, and select the Criticality and Owner.
Click OK to save your changes.
Quick steps to assigning assets to groups
In the left pane, navigate to the network class containing the asset(s) you want
to add to the group.
In the right pane select the first group of assets to add to the group.
To select multiple addresses, press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard
as you select IP addresses.
To select a range, click the first address. Press and hold the SHIFT key and
click the last address.
Right-click the selected address(es) and choose Move to Group from the
shortcut menu.
In the Move to Group dialog box (on page 151), do one of the following:
To use an existing group, choose the desired group.
To create a new group, click New Group. You can create several new
groups in the New Group dialog box (on page 152) before assigning the IP
After selecting the desired group, click OK.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
How to Create and Edit a Workgroup
This section provides information on how to create and manage root organizations
and workgroups (sub-organizations).
Quick steps to creating a new workgroup
From the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, navigate to MANAGE >
USERS/GROUPS. Or from the FoundScan Console, navigate to File >
Right-click the workgroup or organization under which you want to create the
new Workgroup and choose New > Workgroup from the shortcut menu. The
New Workgroup page (see "New Workgroup Settings" on page 229) appears.
Enter the new workgroup's Name and Description and click Finish to save.
Note: Workgroups must contain unique names. Do not create a workgroup
using the name of an existing workgroup.
To edit the workgroup's properties at a later time, right-click the workgroup and
choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
Quick steps to editing a workgroup
Right-click the workgroup to edit and choose Properties from the shortcut
The workgroup Properties page (see "Workgroup Properties - General" on page
230) appears.
In the General tab (see "Workgroup Properties - General" on page 230) (the first
tab displayed), enter or change the description of the workgroup.
Select the IP Pool tab (see "Workgroup Properties - IP Pool" on page 231) and
enter the IP ranges to be used in this workgroup. All IP addresses must be
subsets of the parent workgroup or organization.
Select the IP Exclusions tab (see "Workgroup Properties - IP Exclusions" on page
233) if you need to exclude any addresses from scanning.
Select the Contact Information tab (see "Workgroup Properties - Contact Info" on
page 236) to set up optional contact information for the person overseeing the
Select the Scan Engines tab (see "Workgroup Properties - Scan Engines" on page
237) to assign specific FoundScan Engine servers to this workgroup. Check the
box next to the engines to be assigned.
Click OK.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
How to Manage Remediation Tickets
Quick steps to assigning tickets
In the New Tickets page (on page 434), sort the tickets, if necessary. To do this,
click any column heading.
To assign a ticket, do one of the following:
To assign a single ticket, select the checkbox for the ticket. For Due Date,
select the date for the ticket completion deadline. For User, select the
assignee to receive the ticket.
To assign multiple tickets, select the checkboxes for each ticket to be
assigned. At the bottom of the page, for Make all due on box, select the
due date for the tickets. For Assign selected to, select the assignee to
receive the tickets.
To export a ticket, select the checkbox(es) for the ticket(s) you want to export. In
the lower-right corner, click the list to change Assign to Export. Future scans
that find this vulnerability on this host will see that this ticket was exported, and
will not generate another ticket for it.
To ignore a ticket, select the checkbox(es) for the ticket(s) you want to ignore. In
the lower-right corner, click the list to change Assign to Ignore. Future scans
that find this vulnerability on this host will see that this ticket was ignored, and
will not generate another ticket for it.
Note: Tickets marked as Ignore will affect future scan reports. Future scans
that find this vulnerability on this machine will not record this vulnerability for
this machine on future scan reports.
Click Submit.
Quick steps to marking tickets completed
In the Open Tickets page (see "Remediation > Open Tickets" on page 437), sort
the tickets, if necessary. To do this, click any column heading.
Locate the ticket you want to mark as completed and click the details icon (
)at the left.
In the Ticket Details page (see "Ticket Details" on page 445), under Ticket
Changes, change the status to Complete.
Add any comments, if necessary, under Additional Comments.
Click Submit.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
How To Use Foundstone 6.5
Quick steps to reviewing, verifying, and closing tickets
In the Open Tickets page (see "Remediation > Open Tickets" on page 437), sort
the tickets, if necessary. To do this, click any column heading.
Locate the ticket you want to verify and click the details icon (
Click Verify.
Allow enough time for Foundstone 6.5 to verify that the ticket has been
resolved, and choose REMEDIATION > REVIEW TICKETS.
In the Review Tickets page (see "Review Tickets" on page 439), select the
checkbox for each ticket you want to close.
Click Acknowledge Selected Tickets. Tickets that were marked as Completed
are now marked as Closed. Tickets that were marked as False Positive are now
marked as False Positive Acknowledged.
)at the left.
Note: Tickets marked as False-Positive Acknowledged will affect future scan
reports. Future scans that find this vulnerability on this machine will not record
this vulnerability for this machine on future scan reports.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
This section describes the details of each feature in Foundstone 6.5. For step-by-step
instructions for the most common tasks, see the How To Use Foundstone 6.5
section (page 16).
Using the HOME Page
To get here, click Home on the top level of the global navigation menu.
The Home page provides a quick overview of the latest scan results. It provides the
following information for the displayed scan:
Executive Dashboard
The data on this page comes from the scan shown in the Scan list in the upper-right
From the Home page, you can do the following:
Run a Quick Scan (see "Running a Quick Scan" on page 28) against a single IP
address by entering the scan in the IP Range box and clicking Scan. This option
is available only if you have been granted explicit access to scans.
Switch the view to another scan (see "Selecting which scan to view" on page 29)
by clicking the arrow to display the lists of scans available.
Drill into the alert details (see "Alerts" on page 125) by clicking the magnifier
to see additional detail.
Open the Alerts (on page 125), Reports (see "Viewing Finished Scan Reports" on
page 64), and Executive Dashboard (see "Dashboard - Risk Level Tab" on page
31) pages.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Figure 9: Home Page - Shows Alerts, Reports, and Executive Dashboard
Home Page Features
IP Address
Enter an IP Address here and click Scan to run a quick, full
vulnerability check on a specific host. This feature is
available only if you have been granted access to scans (by
default, the Remediation Administrator does not have this
Scan Selection list
Select the scan you want to review from this dropdown
box. The scans listed are only those that your account is
permitted to view.
Selecting a scan from this list changes all of the data on the
Displays a summary of the alerts found by the selected
scan. Click Alerts to display the Alerts page.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
The reports section shows high-level summary information
from the most recent reports for this scan:
FoundScore - shows a quantitative score that represents
your organization's security posture. Use the FoundScore to
track progress in remediation efforts as you fix
vulnerabilities and remove exposures in your environment.
The FoundScore is explained much further in the
FoundScore report.
General Statistics - shows a brief summary of the number
of vulnerabilities found, number of live hosts, and number of
network services found by the scan.
Top Vulnerabilities - shows the vulnerabilities that appeared
most often in the scan.
Executive Dashboard
The Dashboard presents executive reports that show your
progress in securing your environment, comparing data
points over several months. Click Executive Dashboard to
display the Executive Dashboard overview (see "Dashboard
- Risk Level Tab" on page 31).
Risk Rating - Shows your risk score, based on the risk index.
This score is explained on the Dashboard Risk Level page
(see "Dashboard - Risk Level Tab" on page 31).
The Risk Rating chart provides a visual indication of the
amount of risk discovered by this scan.
Running FoundScore - Shows the history of the FoundScore
for this scan.
The number and type of dates shown in the FoundScore
graph are set by the Dashboard Configuration page (see
"Dashboard Configuration" on page 40).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Running a Quick Scan
The Quick Scan feature is available from most pages within the Foundstone Enterprise
Manager. Enter an IP in the text box at the top of the page, labeled "IP RANGE" and click SCAN.
Quick Scan provides the ability to run a quick vulnerability assessment against a
single host. Since this feature creates a scan, it can be used only by the following
Root Organization Administrator
Workgroup Administrator
Running a quick scan creates a scan job that evaluates the selected host for all nonintrusive vulnerability checks:
General Vulnerabilities (page 388)
Wireless Vulnerabilities
Windows Host Assessment
Note: Most of the vulnerability checks in the Windows Module will not find any
vulnerabilities unless you have entered credentials that allow Foundstone 6.5 to
access the hosts being scanned. Without credentials, Foundstone 6.5 checks only
those vulnerabilities that do not use a session connection, and only those that use
"Null Session" connections will show results.
Important: All Quick Scans run on the Primary FoundScan Engine, regardless of
your location or login information.
The Quick Scan feature is located at the top of the page.
Figure 10: QuickScan provides a fast way to scan an IP address
To run a Quick Scan
Enter an IP address in the IP Address field.
Click Scan.
Foundstone 6.5 creates a new scan job for this scan. The name for this new scan job
is Quickscan_username (where "username" is your own user name).
Note: You can run only one quick scan at a time. If you attempt to run a second
quick scan, a message appears prompting you to wait until the current scan has
finished running or has been cancelled.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Selecting which scan to view
Click HOME, REPORTS > ALERTS, or REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS > Scan Reports to select
scans to view.
When you view the Home page (page 25), Alerts page (page 125), or View Scan
Reports (page 64) page, the information is based on the scan in the Scan Selection
The scans list shows the last ten scans from your organization /workgroup. It does
not include scans from sub-workgroups. However, the browse button
the scans with completed scan jobs you can access.
To see the scan results on the current page, select the scan from the dropdown
To see scans that belong to other workgroups you can access, click the button
to browse for the scan you want to see.
Figure 11: Scan selection dropdown box
Foundscore Overview
FoundScore is a security ranking system that compares aspects of your environment
against best practices in order to quantify your security risk. A scan can earn a
FoundScore from 0 to 100 for a full scan.
Note: If the scan does not check for vulnerabilities, the top FoundScore is 50
because it only detects running services and deducts the relevant points.
A higher score reflects a more effective security posture (an environment with
less risk).
A lower score indicates that your environment possesses more security
weaknesses and, consequently, more risk.
These scores can be ranked with qualitative scores to give you an idea of your
environment's security posture:
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Score Range Ranking
0 – 25
26 - 50
Below Average
51 - 70
71 - 85
Above Average
86 - 100
More information about FoundScore
Vulnerabilities Score..................................................................275
What FoundScore does not indicate ........................................282
Using MyFoundScore................................................................81
Using the Dashboard
To get here, click DASHBOARD on the global navigation menu. Or, click Executive Dashboard
on the Home page (see "Using the HOME Page" on page 25).
This section provides information on how to use and view the information in the
The Dashboard page presents executive reports that show your progress in securing
your environment. The Executive Dashboard shows executive level information,
comparing data points over several months.
Figure 12: Executive Dashboard Tabs
These four tabs each show an executive-level report:
Risk Level (see "Dashboard - Risk Level Tab" on page 31) - shows the
FoundScore for the selected scan. You can configure the chart to show different
scans and date ranges.
Risk by Scan (see "Dashboard - Risk by Scan Tab" on page 34) - shows the
number of vulnerabilities found in each scan.
Risk by Platform (see "Dashboard - Risk by Platform Tab" on page 35) - shows
the number of vulnerabilities found in each platform throughout the selected
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Risk by Vulnerability (see "Dashboard - Risk by Vulnerability Tab" on page 37) breaks down the number of vulnerabilities by type: informational, low, medium,
and high. Also compares the number of vulnerabilities with the number of hosts
To specify what is displayed in the Dashboard, click Configure. Use the Dashboard
Configuration page (see "Dashboard Configuration" on page 40) to specify the period
for which you want data displayed, the type of data, the type of vulnerabilities, and
for which scans.
Dashboard - Risk Level Tab
To get here, click DASHBOARD. The Risk Level tab is the default tab.
Average FoundScore by Month shows the average FoundScore of the selected
scans for each month. By configuring the view, you can change which scans are
included in the graph, and you can see the data by week or by day.
Foundstone 6.5 sorts the completed scans by the month in which they were
completed and averages their scores. It provides statistical information so you can
see which scans had the highest/lowest scores and the most changes.
Note: The data shown comes from scans you can access. They must have
Vulnerability checks enabled, and be allowed to be displayed by the Dashboard
Configuration settings (page 40).
From the Risk Level Tab you can do the following:
Configure the Dashboard (see "Dashboard Configuration" on page 40) - Click
Configure to open the configuration page. It lets you choose which scans to
include in the graphs, and specify the date range used.
Click a data point to see the details (see "Risk Details" on page 39) - When
viewing the Average FoundScore by Month, you can click one of the average
monthly scores on the chart to see the daily scores for that month.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Figure 13: Executive Dashboard - Risk Level Tab
Risk Level Descriptions
Overall Risk
When the chart shows several months/weeks/days, the risk
indicator averages the displayed months/weeks/days. This
average FoundScore is used to calculate the risk level.
The level of the indicator is based on your Overall Risk Index
Severe - Risk Index is 80-100
High - Risk Index is 60-79
Medium - Risk Index is 40-59
Minor - Risk Index is 20-39
Low - Risk Index is 1-19
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Overall Risk Index
This metric lets you judge your overall threat. If you are
licensed to use the Threat Correlation Module, this index
uses your FoundScore and the threat data to calculate your
The Risk Index score is calculated as follows:
(100-FoundScore)*(Threat Index)
The Risk Index can range from 1-100, with 1 being low risk
and 100 being very high risk.
The formula for the Threat Index is as follows:
((Number of High threats with vulns x 5) +
(Number of Medium threats with vulns x 3) +
(Number of Low threats with vulns x1 1)) /
(High + Medium + Low + threats not found on
your network)
Average FoundScore
Shows the average of the monthly averages in the Average
FoundScore by Month graph.
(If MyFoundScore has been enabled, it shows the average
MyFoundScore from the selected scans.)
Scan with highest
Shows the name of the scan configuration whose most
recent scan job has the highest FoundScore among all the
scans currently tracked in your database. The number in
parentheses shows the highest all-time FoundScore.
Scan with lowest
Shows the name of the scan configuration whose most
recent scan job has the lowest FoundScore among all the
scans currently tracked in your database. The number in
parenthesis shows the lowest all-time FoundScore.
Scan with largest
positive change in
Shows the name of the scan configuration whose most
recent FoundScore improved the most of all the scans
tracked by your database. The number in parenthesis shows
how much the FoundScore improved from its lowest to its
highest point.
Scan with largest
negative change in
Shows the name of the scan configuration whose most
recent FoundScore dropped the most of all the scans
tracked by your database. The number in parenthesis shows
how much the FoundScore dropped.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Dashboard - Risk by Scan Tab
To get here, click DASHBOARD. Then click the Risk by Scan tab.
The Vulnerabilities by Scan chart shows vulnerabilities and FoundScores for each
In the vulnerability display, the chart shows the high, medium, and low vulnerabilities
for each scan. It sorts the scans by the number of vulnerabilities found, showing the
scan with the most vulnerabilities first.
Note: The data shown comes from scans you can access. In addition, only those
scans with vulnerabilities are included. If you ran a scan and no vulnerabilities were
reported, that scan will not be included.
From the Risk by Scan Tab you can do the following:
Hover the mouse over any section of a column to see the number of
vulnerabilities in that category, whether it be low, medium, or high.
Click any section of a column in the graph to see the Risk Details page (see "Risk
Details" on page 39).
Click FoundScore to see the FoundScores by Month (per Scan) chart. Executive
Dashboard sorts every scan configuration by name, and displays the average
FoundScores per month for each scan.
Configure the Dashboard (see "Dashboard Configuration" on page 40) - Click
Configure to open the configuration page. It lets you choose which scans to
include in the graphs, and specify the date range used.
Figure 14: Dashboard - Risk by Scan page
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To show the FoundScore display, click FoundScore. The chart breaks down the
FoundScore for each scan.
Risk By Foundscore Descriptions
Scan with largest
positive change in
Shows which scan has improved its FoundScore the most
since its first scan. The number in parenthesis shows the
amount of the improvement.
Scan with largest
negative change in
Shows which scan has had the largest drop in FoundScore
since its first scan. The number in parenthesis shows how
much the score deteriorated.
Running average of
Shows the average FoundScore of all scans in the
organization since the first scan.
Dashboard - Risk by Platform Tab
To get here, click DASHBOARD. Then click the Risk by Platform tab.
The Vulnerabilities by Platform chart shows a column for each computer platform
discovered on your network. It sorts the columns by the number of vulnerabilities
found so that you can quickly see which platforms need the most attention. The
colors in each bar represent the different risk levels, high (red), medium (orange), low
(yellow), and informational (blue).
Note: Hosts that were identified as "unknown" are not included in this chart. This
may be the cause for discrepancy between the total number of hosts on this chart
compared with others. The data shown is limited to the scans you can access.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
On the Risk by Platform tab you can do the following:
Hold the mouse over any section of a bar to see the number of vulnerabilities
found for that category.
Click any section of a bar to see the Risk Details page (see "Risk Details" on page
39) for more information about the vulnerabilities discovered on that platform.
Figure 15: Dashboard - Risk by Platform page
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Risk By Platform Descriptions
Description / Scope
These data points show the
platforms with the most and
Platform with the fewest High-Risk Vulnerabilities
the fewest vulnerabilities for
each category. The information
Platform with the most Medium-Risk Vulnerabilities
represents all platforms
discovered on your network
Platform with the fewest Medium-Risk Vulnerabilities that are tracked in the database.
Platform with the most High-Risk Vulnerabilities
Platform with the most Low-Risk Vulnerabilities
Platform with the fewest Low-Risk Vulnerabilities
Platform with the most Informational Vulnerabilities
Platform with the fewest Informational Vulnerabilities
Dashboard - Risk by Vulnerability Tab
To get here, click DASHBOARD. Then click the Risk by Vulnerability tab.
The Vulnerabilities by Rating pie chart breaks down the high, medium, and low
vulnerability ratings into percentages. This chart is based on the most recent
complete scan available.
The Monthly Hosts versus Vulnerabilities chart compares the number of hosts found
to the number of vulnerabilities found. It shows the total number of hosts, and the
total number of unique vulnerabilities found for each month. The data for the chart
comes from all scans in the database that you can access.
Note: The data shown is limited to the scans you can access.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
From the Risk by Vulnerability tab you can hold the mouse over any section of the
bar chart to display the exact number of vulnerabilities found for that category.
Figure 16: Dashboard - Risk by Vulnerability page
Risk By Vulnerability Descriptions
Total number of
Shows the number of vulnerabilities found in the current
period. Note that this number may be different than the
number shown in the Monthly Hosts graph, as the graph
includes the total of unique vulnerabilities found on each
Change in total
number of
vulnerabilities from
previous period
Shows the difference in the number of vulnerabilities found
between the current period and the last period.
Average number of
Shows the average number of vulnerabilities found per scan.
This is calculated using all scans currently in your database.
Average number of
vulnerabilities per host
Shows the average number of vulnerabilities found on each
host. This is calculated by dividing the total number of hosts
found by the total number of vulnerabilities found.
(Current period) - (Last period) = Change in total
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Risk Details
To get here, click DASHBOARD > Risk by Scan, Risk by Platform, or Risk by Vulnerability tab
and click the data in the displayed charts.
The Risk Details Page displays High, Medium, and Low Risk Details. The details are
based on the category you clicked to get to this page. For example, if you clicked a
chart on the Risk by Platform page, the details pertain to the specific platform you
clicked. Likewise, if you clicked a chart on the Risk by Scan page, the details here
pertain to the scan configuration you clicked.
Note: The list includes all vulnerabilities discovered on your network, regardless of
the remediation state (open, closed, ignored, exported and so on).
On the Risk Details page you can do the following:
To set the number of vulnerabilities displayed on the page, choose from the
Results per page drop-down box.
To get back to the main page, click Dashboard.
To sort the list, click the column heading Name or Amt. The Amt column shows
the number of times this vulnerability was found on your network.
Figure 17: Executive Dashboard - Report Details page
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Dashboard Configuration
To get here, click DASHBOARD. Then click Configure.
The configuration options let you restrict the data in the reports to specific scan
configurations. By default, all scan configurations are automatically selected when
you first open the Executive Dashboard.
In the Dashboard Configuration page you can do the following:
Switch the display between the normal FoundScore and MyFoundScore (if you
have customized your FoundScore calculation settings).
Choose the number of days, weeks or months to display on the Executive
Dashboard graphs.
Filter the data to only show the top 20 vulnerabilities according to the SANS/FBI
Top 20 list.
To include in the Executive Dashboard graphs, select the scan under Scan
Figure 18: Dashboard Configuration page
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Settings & Features
Use FoundScore
Displays the default FoundScore on the Dashboard,
regardless of whether you've customized the
MyFoundScore calculations.
Use MyFoundScore
If you have customized the MyFoundScore calculations,
select this option to display the modified (My)FoundScore
on the Dashboard.
By Day
By Week
By Month
Select the level of detail you want to view. This modifies
the Executive Dashboard graphs to display by day, week, or
Number of Months
Select from 10 to 40 months to display on the Executive
Dashboard graphs.
All Vulnerabilities
Shows all vulnerabilities found in the selected scans.
Filters the scans to only show the vulnerabilities on the
FBI/SANS Top 20 list.
Scan Configuration
Select the scans you want to display in the Executive
Return to the Executive Dashboard page. Click Save first to
apply any changes.
Selects all scans from the organization and all workgroups.
Saves all settings on this page.
Working with Reports
This section describes how to generate and view reports from scans of your
Quick steps to generating and viewing a report
In the Scan Report tab (see "Generating Scan Reports" on page 60), select the
scan from the Scan Configuration tree on the left.
In the Jobs list, select the job for which you want to generate a report.
Select the output format for the report: HTML, PDF, XML, or CSV.
If you choose PDF, select the reports you want included in the PDF output
under Report Options.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Click Submit to add the report to the queue.
To see the reports that are queued for processing, select the Queued
Reports tab (see "Viewing the Report Queue" on page 62).
In the Scan Reports tab (see "Viewing Finished Scan Reports" on page 64),
select the scan from the list. The list displays the last ten scans from your
organization/workgroup. It does not include scans from sub-workgroups.
To see scans that belong to other workgroups you can access, click the
browse button and choose the scan you want to see.
Go to the report you want and do the following:
To view the report, click the link to VIEW REPORT.
To save the report, click the link to DOWNLOAD the report. Click any of the
icons next to the DOWNLOAD link to download specific reports -- XML,
When prompted if you want to save the file, click Save and then select the
directory in which to save the file.
Working with Asset Report Templates
To get here, click REPORTS > GENERATE REPORTS.
The Manage Asset Reports page provides a complete list of all the asset report
templates you have created.
Note: To view the results, go to REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS.
Create a new report template (see "To create a new report template" on page
Create a report template from another template (see "To create a new template
from an existing template" on page 44)
View, Edit, or Delete a report template (see "To view or edit report templates" on
page 44)
Figure 19: Manage Asset Reports
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Manage Asset Report Template Settings
View another user's
Administrators can use this feature to filter the displayed
templates. After changing this field, the page only shows the
templates created by the selected user.
Create New Template
Create a new asset report template
View / Edit
View and edit the settings of an existing asset report template
Delete the selected asset report template
Click on an asset report name to view the latest report
generated using this template
Shows the optional template description
Last Run
Shows the last time that this template generated a report
Next Run
Displays the date and time of the next scheduled run for a
Note: A blank Next Run field means this template is not
currently scheduled to run.
Asset Report Template Procedures
Use the following procedures to create, edit, and delete Asset Report templates.
To create a new report template
Click the Create New Template button.
Enter a Name. This is a required field.
Enter a Description. This is an optional field.
Tip: Periodically save your settings by selecting the Save button, in the unlikely
event that something should happen with your Internet browser.
Click the Report Type (see "Report Type Tab" on page 46) tab and select a
report type.
Select the appropriate date (or dates) for the selected report type.
Tip: Select the Use Most Recent Data checkbox to report on the most recent
data available.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Click the Asset Filter (see "Asset Filter Tab" on page 48) tab and select the
criteria to be used in your report.
Click the Sections (see "Sections Tab" on page 54) tab and select the report
sections to include in your report.
Click the Generation (see "Generation Tab" on page 56) tab and select the report
formats, language, and schedule for the report.
Click the Delivery (see "Deliver Tab" on page 57) tab and add the user groups
and email addresses that should receive the report each time it is generated.
10 Click Save to save the report settings.
To create a new template from an existing template
Click Create New Template.
Select From an Existing Template.
Choose a template from the Select a Template drop-down list. A message
window displays.
Click OK.
Note: This message appears because the window must be refreshed to
display Copy of template_name in the Name field.
Enter a template name or accept the default.
Enter a description. This is an optional field.
Click Save.
To make changes to the new template
Click through the other tabs and change the settings as needed. The changes
will be saved to this new report template.
To view or edit report templates
Select View/Edit for the appropriate custom report template.
Make any changes to the report template.
Click Save.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Start Tab
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > GENERATE REPORTS,
then click Create New Template or click View/Edit of an existing template.
Use the Start Tab to create a new template, or base a template from an existing
Select New Template or From an existing template
Note: Selecting From an existing template requires selecting a template
from the Select a Template list.
Enter a unique name for the template
Note: Selecting an existing template will fill in the field with "Copy of" and the
name of the existing template; this can be changed to another name.
Enter a description for the template (optional)
Figure 20: Asset Report Template - Start Tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Start Tab Settings
New Template
Create a new template based on the default Foundstone
report template settings.
From an existing
Select this option to create a template based on the settings
from another template. Copy of is added to the template
name in the Name field, to prevent copying over the existing
Enter a name for the Asset Report Template.
Enter a description for the Asset Report Template (optional).
Report Type Tab
Screen caps need captions.
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > MANAGE REPORTS,
then click Create New Template or click View/Edit of an existing template. Select the Report
Type tab.
The settings on this page determine the type of report (single date, delta, trend, or
dashboard) and the data date(s) to be included in the report.
Choose whether to use a Single Date Report, Delta Report, Trend Report, or
Dashboard Report.
Enter the appropriate date (or dates) for the selected report type.
Figure 21: Report Type: Single Date Report
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Report Type Tab Settings
Single Date Report
Find the most current information for a set of hosts for a
specific date. Foundstone uses the data from the most recent
scan before the date on a host-by-host basis.
For example, if the date is set to 4/17/07, and Host 1 was
scanned on 4/15/07 and HOST2 was last scanned on 3/02/07,
the report shows the data from 4/15/07 for HOST1 and data
from 3/02/07 for HOST2.
Data from scans that ran after this date are not included in the
report unless you select Use Most Recent Data.
Delta Report
Generate a report with up to five selected dates. For each
date, Foundstone selects data from the scans closest to the
date. You must enter at least two dates for this type of report.
Trend Report
Generate a report comparing the trends between the current
date and the date(s) you enter. Select Relative Dates to show
data for the selected period of time. Select Absolute Dates to
show data from the selected date to the report generation
Dashboard Report
Generate a report showing the risk(s) viewable on the
Foundstone Enterprise Manager dashboard. Selecting the
Dashboard Report will disable the Asset Filter tab and change
the selectable options on the Sections tab.
Use Most Recent Data Use this option to generate current reports. When the report
is generated, it retrieves the most recent scan data from the
database, regardless of the date entered.
Relative Dates
Generate a report for a selected number of dates; you choose
how far apart the dates are.
Absolute Dates
Generate a report with the dates you provide in addition to the
date at report generation.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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View a calendar with selectable dates. Use the Today link
(located at the bottom of the Calendar) to automatically input
Today's date. Use the Previous and Next arrows to move to
the previous or next month respectively.
Select Use Most Recent Data to have the report
template automatically retrieve the most recent data set
upon generating the report.
Manually enter the date into the appropriate date field.
Asset Filter Tab
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > GENERATE REPORTS,
then click Create New Template or click View/Edit of an existing template. Select the Asset
Filter tab.
The Asset Filter controls which assets (hosts) are available for generating reports.
Create matching or non-matching conditions to select appropriate assets.
Note: Asset Filters are not output filters for reports. Output filters are handled on
the Sections tab.
On this tab you can do the following:
To add a condition, click Add Condition (
To add a nested condition, click Add Nested Condition (
To edit a condition, click Edit this Condition ( ).
To change the AND / OR operators, click on the operator.
To delete a condition, click Delete this Condition ( ).
To delete a condition group, click Delete this Condition Group ( ).
To move a condition, drag and drop the condition to the desired location.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Note: When a condition is dragged over a new location, the background color
will change. If the background color does not change when the condition is
dropped, the condition will not move to the new location.
Asset Filter Tab Settings
Add Condition (
Add a condition at the current level in the hierarchy.
Add Nested Condition
( )
Create a new condition on a new child-level in the hierarchy.
Nested conditions share the same operator.
Edit (
Open the Edit Condition dialog box and make changes.
Delete this Condition
( )
Remove a condition from the criteria list.
Delete this Condition
Group ( )
Remove the conditions contained within a group.
Generate a summarized expression of the conditions entered
in this filter. Each condition is represented by a number in the
For example, the following expression shows a filter with six
conditions: 1 and (2 and (3 or 4) and 5) and 6
Toggle between AND and OR. It affects all conditions within
the same hierarchical level.
AND: search for any record containing all of the
conditions specified in the nested group.
OR: search for any record containing any of the conditions
specified in the nested group.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Operators and Comparative Settings
The operators that appear are based on the asset filter condition. Some conditions
may only show certain operators.
Operator Meanings
Filter returns assets that meet all of the stated criteria.
Filter returns assets that meet any of the stated criteria.
Filter returns assets that contain the stated criteria (e.g.
contains windows will return assets that are running Windows
2000, Windows XP, etc.).
does not contain
Filter returns assests that do not contain the stated criteria.
ends with
Filter will return assets that end with the stated criteria.
does not end with
Filter will return assets that do not end with the stated criteria.
Filter returns assets that contain an exact match of the stated
does not equal
Filter returns assets that do not contain an exact match of the
stated criteria.
Filter returns assets where a specific vulnerablity exists.
does not exist
Filter returns assets where a specific vulnerability does not
Filter returns a specific type of asset.
starts with
Filter returns assets that start with the stated criteria.
does not start with
Filter returns assets that do not start with the stated criteria.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Filter Conditions
The following table describes the conditions available for use in an asset filter.
Note: A user can only include assets that the user has access to.
Conditions and their Descriptions
Asset Criticality
Filter by criticality level; None, Low, Limited, Moderate,
Significant, or Extensive. Select to include or exclude the
designated levels. Select multiple levels of criticality to include
in a report.
Asset Group Name
Filter by the group name of a given asset. Select to include or
exclude the group name from the report. Enter partial
information and select whether the selection starts or ends
with the partial information.
Asset Label
Filter by the label of a given asset.
Asset Owner
Enter an owner's name (exact or partial entry) for this filter.
Select a setting to either include or exclude any assets
associated with the owner for the report; or whether the
owner's name starts or ends with the partially entered name.
Filter by banner information.
CVE Number
Enter a CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) number
to filter by a specific vulnerability.
Note: Multiple CVE numbers can be added to a condition
by separating each number with a comma.
False Positives
Filter assets by either those that have at least one false
positive associated with it, or has no false positivies
associated with it.
FSL Output
Enter the FSL (Foundstone Scripting Language) output for this
filter. Select a setting to either include or exclude any assets
associated with the FSL Output entered; or whether the FSL
Output starts or ends with the partially entered text.
Host DNS Name
Set this filter to either include or exclude any assets with a
specific Host DNS name; or whether a Host DNS name starts
or ends with the partially entered text.
Host NetBIOS Name
Set this filter to either include or exclude any assets with a
specific Host NetBIOS name; or whether a Host NetBIOS
name starts or ends with the partially entered text.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
IAVA Number
Enter the IAVA (Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert)
number for this filter. Select a setting to either include or
exclude any assets associated with the IAVA number; or
whether the IAVA starts or ends with the partially entered
Note: Multiple IAVA numbers can be added to a condition
by separatnig each number with a comma.
IP Address
Enter the IP Address(es) or IP Address Range for this filter. It
is also possible to import the IP Addresses from a file; the file
format must be comma separated. The maximum file size
allowed is 128kb. Select a setting to either include or exclude
the IP Address(es) from the report.
Note: While you can enter any IP Address(es) or IP
Address Range, your level of access (see "How Access
Rights affect the Asset Filter" on page 53) will affect which
IP Addresses show up in the report.
KB Number
Enter the Microsoft KnowledeBase ID Number(s) for this filter.
Numbers can be full or partial.
Warning: Do not use "KB" when entering the ID number.
Knowledge Base Numbers describe artifacts related to
Microsoft products, including technical support.
Note: Multiple KB numbers can be added to a condition by
separating each number with a comma.
MS Number
Enter the Microsoft ID Number(s) for this filter. Numbers can
be full or partial.
Microsoft ID Numbers describe vulnerabilities identified and
listed by Microsoft.
Note: Multiple MS numbers can be added to a condition
by separatnig each number with a comma.
Open Ports
Filter assets based upon the open ports on a system.
Note: When entering multiple ports, use a comma to
separate each port number.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Operating System
Determine which Operating Systems to include or exclude
from the report. Enter the exact name of the operating
system, or enter partial information (i.e. win for Windows).
Select a setting to include or exclude the operating system(s);
or whether the operating system starts or ends with the
partially entered text.
Enter an organization name, and set whether to include or
exclude this name from the report.
Protocol Name
Identifies all assets with at least one TCP or UDP port open
(based on configuration selected).
Scan Name
Identifies all scan configurations that map to the scan name,
then extracts all IP ranges allowed for that scan
configurations, and then finds assets within the allowed IP
Vulnerability Name
Enter a vulnerability name, and set whether to include or
exclude this name from the report.
Vulnerability Severity
Select the vulnerability severity level(s), and set whether to
include or exclude the severity level from the report.
How Access Rights affect the Asset Filter
Although report templates select IP addresses based on the criteria you set in the
Asset Filter, your level of access within Foundstone will affect which IP addresses
will show up on your report. The following table shows how your Foundstone access
rights affect which IP addresses you can see in a report.
Access Rights Table
Access Rights
Available IP Addresses
Global Administrator
Root Organization
All IP addresses in the organization's IP Pool
All IP addresses in the workgroup's IP Pool
Foundstone User with
view access to a scan
All IP addresses included in the scan
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Access Rights
Available IP Addresses
Foundstone User with
rights to edit the IP
All IP addresses within the workgroup to which the scan
belongs. If the scan belongs to the organization, this user has
access to all IP addresses within the organization.
Sections Tab
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > GENERATE REPORTS,
then click Create New Template or click View/Edit of an existing template. Select the
Sections tab.
These settings determine what sections of content appear in the report.
The Sections tab allows multiple selections, based upon the Report Type selected.
See the Sections Tab Details section below for further information about each
Sections option available when either Single Date, Delta, or Trend Report type is
See the Sections Tab Details section below for further information about each
Sections option available when the Dashboard Report type is selected.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Sections Tab Details
Banners Reports
Show the results of a TCP banner scan. The scan connects to
each TCP service port and reports the daemon response. It
usually includes a version number or some descriptive
information on the service itself.
Discovered Hosts
Show the results of the host discovery portion of the scan.
Foundstone 6.5 uses a combination of ICMP, UDP, and TCP
scans to discover hosts.
False Positives Report
Show the remediation tickets that have been marked as false
positive in your Foundstone system.
Foundscore Report
Foundscore is a security ranking system that compares
aspects of an environment against best practices in order to
quantify the security risk. A scan can earn a Foundscore from
0 to 100 for a full scan. A higher score reflects a more
effective security posture; a lower score indicates an
environment with more security weaknesses and more risk.
Infrastructure Report
This report shows the vulnerability checks specifically from
scanning the infrastructure (e.g. routers).
Operating Systems
Show the operating systems discovered on various hosts
during a scan.
Risk by Platform
The Risk by Platform displays the number of vulnerabilities, by
platform, to present a visual representation of which platforms
need the most attention.
Risk by Scan
The Risk by Scan displays the vulnerabilities and FoundScore
for each scan.
Risk by Vulnerability
The Risk by Vulnerability breaks down the high, medium, and
low vulnerabilities ratings into percentages, based on the
most recent complete scan available.
Risk Level View
The Risk Level View shows the average FoundScore of the
selected scans for each month.
Services Report
This report identifies the services running in the environment.
Summary Report
This report provides an overview of the data found for the
selected hosts.
Vulnerabilities Report
The Vulnerabilities Report shows a summary of the
vulnerabilities found.
Vulnerabilities Check
Configuration Report
The Vulnerabilities Check Configuration Report shows the
vulnerability checks that were used in the last two scans
performed on the host.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
WHAM Access Report This report shows the vulnerability checks specifically from
scanning hosts running the Windows operating system.
Web Report
Show the discovered web servers and vulnerabilities.
Select All
Select all options on the tab.
Unselect All
Deselect all options onthe tab.
Generation Tab
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > GENERATE REPORTS,
then click Create New Template or click View/Edit of an existing template. Select the
Generation tab.
The settings on this page control the report output (format and language), and any
report schedule settings (type and schedule details).
Generation Tab Details
Generate the report in a Comma Separated Value format.
Choose this option to export the data to a spreadsheet or
other third-party software.
Generate an HTML report for viewing through the Foundstone
Enterprise Manager.
Generate a PDF report.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Generate the report in XML. Choose this option to export the
data to XML-compatible third-party software.
Choose the languages in which to generate the report. This
option only shows the languages that are available on your
Include report
Include the report template settings when generating a report
template as part of the (e.g. asset filter settings).
Run this report as soon as you click Save.
One Time
Run this report at the scheduled time after you click Save.
Run this report each day at the scheduled time after you click
Run this report each week on the scheduled day at the
scheduled time after you click Save.
Run this report each month on the scheduled day at the
scheduled time after you click Save.
Deliver Tab
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > GENERATE REPORTS,
then click Create New Template or click View/Edit of an existing template. Select the
Delivery tab.
The settings on this page allow the option of delivering a report to designated
recipients via email.
To add an individual email address, click Add Email Address.
To add an existing Foundstone user, click Add Foundstone User.
To add an existing group of Foundstone users, click Add a Foundstone Group.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To remove a user or group, highlight the report recipient(s) and click Remove
Figure 22: Asset Report Templates - Delivery Options
Deliver Tab - Add Email Address Options
Add Email Address
Click to create an email address to the recipient list. This
option is shown by default; you do not have to click it to begin.
Email Address
Enter the email address to be added.
Confirm Email Address Enter the same email address again to help ensure correct
Add Recipient
Click to add the email address to the recipient list.
Remove Selected
Remove the selected email address from the Recipient list.
Figure 23: Add a Foundstone user to the email recipient list
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Add Foundstone User Options
Add Foundstone User
Click the link to open the options for adding a Foundstone
user to the email recipient list. Foundstone uses the email
addresses registered in the user's account settings.
User Dropdown Box
Select the Foundstone user from the dropdown box.
Add Foundstone User
Click to add the selected user to the recipient list.
Remove Selected
Click to remove the selected user from the recipient list.
Figure 24: Add Foundstone Workgroup to Email Recipient List
Add Foundstone Usergroup Options
Add Foundstone
Usergroup (link)
Click the link to open the options for adding a Foundstone
usergroup to the email recipient list. Foundstone uses the
email addresses registered in the user's account settings for
those users that belong to the usergroup.
Usergroup Dropdown
Select the Foundstone usergroup from the dropdown box.
Add Foundstone
Usergroup (button)
Click to add the selected usergroup to the recipient list.
Remove Selected
Click to remove the selected usergroup(s) from the recipient
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Generating Scan Reports
To get here, click REPORTS > GENERATE REPORTS. Then click the Scan Reports tab.
This page lets you generate a set of reports from any scan you can access.
On this page you can do the following:
To select a scan job, select the scan from the Scan Configuration tree on the
left. Then choose the job from the Jobs dropdown box.
To create a report for a specific scan job, select the scan and job as described
above. Then choose the output format for the report: HTML, PDF, XML, or CSV.
If you choose PDF, select the reports you want included in the PDF output under
Report Options. Click Submit to add the report to the queue.
To see the report queue, go to REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS.
Figure 25: Report Management - Generate reports for a specific scan
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Report Generation Options
Scan Configurations
Scan configurations are displayed under the workgroups to
which they belong. Click + to expand the workgroup and
navigate to the appropriate scan. You can only select one
scan at a time.
Once you have selected a scan on the left, choose the scan
job for which you want a report. The highest number is
always the latest scan job.
Output Options
Choose the final format for your report.
HTML - publishes all reports to HTML. You can view this by
clicking View from the Report Selection page (see "Viewing
Finished Scan Reports" on page 64) or Home page (see
"Using the HOME Page" on page 25).
PDF - choose which reports to include. Foundstone 6.5
creates the HTML reports and prints them to a PDF file.
Anyone with a PDF-Reader program like Adobe Acrobat
Reader can access it.
XML - exports the XML data to two xml files:
Host_data.xml contains host information (IP address,
OS name, DNS name, NetBIOS name, NetBIOS
Workgroup Name) service name service port, protocol
name, and any returned banner information.
Risk_data.xml contains vulnerability information
(descriptions, recommendations), and for each
vulnerability it shows the hosts containing the
vulnerability and the services found on each host.
CSV - Exports selected reports to a Comma Separated Value
list that you can download.
Note: CSV reports display protocols such as HTTP, FTP
and so forth, based on how they are discovered. It is
possible for a single port to show one protocol in the CSV
output, and yet show a different protocol in a search
results list.
Report Options
If you choose PDF reports, select which of the HTML
reports should be printed to PDF.
If you choose another report output, the reports are predetermined; there are no additional report options.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Viewing the Report Queue
To get here, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS.
This page shows the status of both scan reports and Asset Reports in the report
queue. The Foundstone Report Engine generates these reports and uploads them to
the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
To stop a report being generated and remove it from the queue, click Cancel.
To view finished reports, select either Asset Reports or Scan Reports from
Completed Reports.
Note: Once a report has been generated, it is automatically removed from the
Report Generation Queue.
Figure 26: Report Settings - Report Queue
Table Name
Shows whether the report came from a scan report
(template) or Asset Report (scan).
If the report is a scan report, this column shows the
Foundstone login name of the person that created the
If the report is a Asset Report, the entry is left blank.
Shows the name of the template (for scan reports) or the
name of the scan (for Asset Reports).
Start Time
Shows the time that Foundstone began generating this
Shows the number of seconds it has taken to generate
the report.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Shows the amount of progress made on generating the
Complete - the report is ready
Failed - something prevented the report from being
generated. Try generating the report again.
Retrieving Data - The report is processing.
Generating PDF - The PDF report is generating. (Only
appears if the PDF option is selected.)
Paused, waiting for PDF - This report must wait until
an existing PDF report generation is complete.
Transferring - The report has been generated and is
being uploaded to the Foundstone Enterprise
Cancel - click to stop generating the report.
Cancelling the report may leave a partial result.
Delete - click to remove the report from the queue.
This does not delete the report from it's published
Clear Failed
Clears all failed report generations from the Report
Generation Queue.
Refreshes the page; useful when checking the report
Displays generated Asset Reports or Scan Reports.
Asset Reports
Displays generated Asset Reports, based on the Asset
Report templates you created.
Scan Reports
Displays the last three scan reports generated, based on
the scan configuration selected. To view the reports for a
different scan configuration, select a scan name from the
Scan Configuration list.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Viewing Finished Scan Reports
To get here, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS. Then select Scan Reports from Completed
This shows the latest three jobs that ran for a particular scan generated by your
organization/workgroup. Showing three reports on this page makes it easy to
compare the differences and note any progress.
On this page you can do the following:
To view the results from a different scan, select the scan from the dropdown
box in the upper-right corner.
To view a full list of scans, click ... next to the scan dropdown box in the upperright corner.
Download available reports (see "To download a report" on page 403) for the
various scan jobs.
Figure 27: Reports page - click DOWNLOAD to save to disk
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Report Selection Features
Scan Selection
Choose the scan you want to view from the scan dropdown
View Report
Click to open the HTML reports (see "Reviewing HTML and
PDF Reports" on page 67) for this scan job.
Lists the number of vulnerabilities discovered by this scan,
the number of live hosts, and services.
Top Services
Shows the services that were discovered the most by this
scan. It shows how many times the service was
discovered, and the name of the service.
Top Vulnerabilities
Shows the vulnerabilities that were discovered the most by
this scan. It shows how many times the vulnerability was
discovered, and the name of the vulnerability.
Click the report style you wish to view. If there are no
reports for the scan job, you can submit a request to
generate a report (see "Generating Scan Reports" on page
60) by going to MANAGE > REPORTS.
The various report formats are available for each job that
generated reports. Click one of the download links to save
the reports to your local computer.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Viewing Finished Asset Reports
To get here, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS. Then select Asset Reports from Completed
This page shows the finished generated asset reports.
On this page you can do the following:
Download an asset report by clicking on a report icon. You will be prompted to
Open, Save, or Cancel the file download.
View an asset report by clicking on the report name.
Report Selection Features
Click the report style you wish to view.
The various report formats are available for each report
template that generated reports. Click one of the download
links to save the reports to your local computer.
Click an asset report name to view the Asset Report.
Displays the description for the report (if one was entered
when the report template was created).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Report Content
Report content is based on the selections made when the scan configuration was
created, or when the report template was created.
PDF and HTML reports (page 67) are based on scan and report template
scan reports contain sections for the various tests that were run. For
example, if you run the Web Module in a scan, the report includes the Web
Module section.
Asset Reports contain sections based on the settings in the report template.
For example, you have to choose Banners in the template to show a
Banners section in the report.
CSV (page 121) and XML (page 122) reports contain a specific set of data,
despite the settings in the scans or report templates.
Reviewing HTML and PDF Reports
Foundstone 6.5 reports show assets and vulnerabilities in easy-to-understand graphs
and charts, providing an interactive big picture of an organization's total security
Selected Scan Components
If you cannot find a specific report you expected to find, review the Configuration
History Report (see "Scan Configuration History Report" on page 73) to make sure
that the proper scan components were selected for the scan. For example, if the
reports don't contain a Source Sifting Report, it is probably because Source Sifting
was not selected for the scan.
Small Scans
For smaller scans where the number of live hosts does not exceed the Report
Breakdown Size, a single set of reports is created for the scan. The main report page
is the Scan Summary Report.
Large Scans
If the Report Breakdown Size is set to be lower than the number of live hosts found,
the report is broken into regions. If asset groups are used, regions are named using
the asset labels; otherwise the regions are named in sequential order (Region 1,
Region 2, and so on). Each region contains its own set of reports.
The first report you see is a summary of the regional reports. Clicking one of the
regions takes you to the Scan Summary Report for that region.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Navigating Reports
Once you have opened the Foundstone 6.5 reports, navigate through them by
selecting from the Report Pages list.
Figure 28: Reports - navigation dropdown box
Note: Reports are not generated for Foundstone 6.5 modules that were not
selected in the scan configuration. If you expected to see a report for a particular
module, check to make sure it was selected in the scan configuration.
To see the detailed reports
There are two ways to open the detailed reports.
The Report Pages list provides access to the reports that were generated for
this scan.
To see more details than those provided in the summary report, go to the
section of the summary report you want to see, and click Detailed Report on
the summary header.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Asset Summary
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
then select Asset Reports in the Completed Reports area (default). Click a report name to view
a report.
This report provides an overview of an asset report. Use it to quickly identify
anomalies or problems in your environment. It serves as a jumping off point to delve
deeper into the reports.
Asset Summary Report Features
Section Heading
Report specifications
Displays information about the scan itself, including the
Report Section, Date, User, and more.
FoundScore Summary
or MyFoundScore
Shows the average FoundScore or average MyFoundScore for
the entire scan. It also displays statistics that you can use to
compare overall progress from month-to-month.
(MyFoundScore appears if you have enabled MyFoundScore
(see "Managing Metrics - FoundScore Settings" on page 272)
and then generated new reports.) Click Detailed Report to
see the FoundScore report.
Assets Summary
Shows the Filtered System Count, and includes the network
name, criticality rating, and number of systems discovered on
each. Click Detailed Report to see the Discovered Hosts
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Operating System
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Shows the top 15 operating systems found on the entire scan.
Click Detailed Report to see the Operating System report.
A [+] after the operating system name indicates that OS
details were obtained using a NULL session. A [++] after the
operating system name indicates that OS details were
obtained using credentials (such as a user name and
password). A [**] after the operating system name indicates
multiple operating systems fingerprinted on the same IP
address (a possible indication of port forwarding). A [*] after
the operating system name indicates the OS details were
obtained from ePO.
Reports that show operating systems display the following
icons to indicate that the information came from an ePOrelated machine:
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow
vulnerability that can be protected by McAfee Virus Scan
if buffer overflow protection is enabled.
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow
vulnerability, but is currently protected by the McAfee
Virus Scan buffer overflow protection feature.
Network Services
Shows the top 15 network services found on the entire scan.
Click Detailed Report to see the Services report.
Vulnerability Report
Breaks down the entire scan by the severity of the
vulnerabilities found: high, medium, low, and informational.
Click Detailed Report to see the Vulnerability report.
Windows Vulnerability
by Category
Shows the number of Windows vulnerabilities found for
Windows scans, based on category type. Click Detailed
Report to see the Windows Assessment Module report.
Banners Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Banners from the Report Pages
list on any reports page.
The banners report shows the results of a TCP banner scan. The scan connects to
each TCP service port and reports the daemon response. It usually includes a version
number or some descriptive information on the service itself.
For example, this FTP banner provides the NetBIOS server name and version
220 MARK Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0)
This information allows an attacker to research security issues associated with this
version of the software.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Review this report from each scan to make sure nothing unexpected is showing up.
While Foundstone 6.5 can detect many known vulnerabilities, it cannot detect if a
particular device doesn't belong on the network.
Note: The scan runs a few enumeration tasks, even though you are not running
vulnerability checks. It tests available SMTP commands and tries basic login
attempts on applicable services. Even if you are not running any vulnerability
checking scans, this can trigger an Intrusion Detection System alert from third-party
software because it sends network traffic associated with known attack methods.
Foundstone 6.5 provides additional information for certain services like SNMP and
NetBIOS; the enumeration phase returns a SNMP Sysid and NetBIOS name table.
Compliance Pass/Fail Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Compliance Assessment >
Compliance Pass/Fail from the Report Pages list on any reports page for compliance scans.
Note: This report does not apply to the Windows Policy Template Scan.
When you scan systems using the compliance scan templates, the Compliance
Pass/Fail report provides details on those hosts that passed or failed the scan.
Hosts that were found to have one or more high or medium vulnerabilities failed the
test. Hosts with no, low or informational vulnerabilities passed the test. Hosts with
no vulnerabilities are listed for your information only.
Note: To view this report in PDF format, you must select the Scan Summary PDF
Report Sub-type (in the Reports tab (see "Common Report Settings in All
Templates" on page 300) of the scan configuration).
To view additional information about the host, click the IP address to display the
Vulnerabilities by IP report (on page 109).
To view the differences between this scan configuration and the predefined
compliance template from which it was created, select Compliance
Assessment > Compliance Scan Differences on the Report Pages menu to
display the Compliance Scan Difference report (see "Compliance Scan
Differences Report" on page 72).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Compliance Scan Differences Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Compliance Assessment >
Compliance Scan Differences on the Report Pages menu of any compliance scan.
Note: This report does not apply to the Windows Policy Template Scan.
This report is displayed when you have generated a scan based on one of the
compliance scan templates and have selected to view the Compliance Scan
McAfee security experts have defined templates that will help you evaluate your
organization's compliance with security regulations. The Compliance Scan
Differences report describes the key differences between this scan configuration and
the latest version of the predefined template that is installed and used by
Foundstone. You will see differences in this report if:
You copied the predefined template, modified it, then based your scan on the
modified template,
You based your original scan on the template, and then modified the scan, or
An updated compliance template was provided by McAfee (via FSUpdate).
Note: To view this report in PDF format, you must select the Configuration History
PDF Report Sub-type (in the Reports tab (see "Common Report Settings in All
Templates" on page 300) of the scan configuration).
Compliance Scan Differences
Section Heading
Differences From
Predefined Compliance
Provides a description of this report.
For both Host Discovery and Service Discovery settings,
provides information on the differences between the scan
and the scan template.
Vulnerability Check
For both Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Checks, provides
information on the differences between the scan and the
scan template.
Click + to expand each category for more details.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Delta Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Delta from the Report Pages list
on any Scan Report page.
The Delta Report compares the data from the two most recent scans using this scan
configuration. It includes the FoundScore, Discovered Hosts, and Network Services.
If you see that the FoundScore or other details have changed since the last scan, the
Delta report is a good place to find out what happened. If the change is dramatic (for
example, a 50 point FoundScore drop) make sure you check the configuration history
to see if any modifications were made to the scan configuration that might have
affected the results.
Scan Configuration History Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click the Description of the changes
between scan configurations link at the bottom of the Short Term Trend table.
This is the first place to check for changes to a scan configuration. It provides a
simple way for you to compare similar scan jobs, and see where the differences
occur. Foundstone 6.5 breaks the Configuration History into two major sections:
The Scan Configuration History Details shows the scan configuration settings for
the most recent job run by this scan.
The Scan Configuration Comparison shows the differences between the last two
scan jobs for this scan. It only appears in the report after you have run two or
more scans using this scan configuration. The table shows the scan
configuration settings that changed between the two scan jobs. It shows the
start time, stop time, and total duration of the scan job.
Figure 29: Scan Configuration History - Comparison between last 2 jobs
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Note: This report does not show differences in scheduling; it only shows scan
settings. For information on scheduling changes, check the Scan Status in the
Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
For more specific details on each scan configuration, see the Vulnerability Check
Configuration Report (on page 108).
Delta: FoundScore Risk Rating
The FoundScore chart shows the FoundScores from the two scans being compared.
This section also displays a table containing the following statistics:
Prior FoundScore
Shows the risk level and FoundScore of last scan.
Current FoundScore
Shows the risk level FoundScore of the current scan.
Overall Change
Shows the difference between the two scans (as a positive
or negative value).
Delta: Vulnerabilities
The Total Vulnerabilities chart shows the number of vulnerabilities found in each of
the scans.
Shows the number of high vulnerabilities found in both the
prior and current scans.
Shows the number of medium vulnerabilities found in both
the prior and current scans.
Shows the number of low vulnerabilities found in both the
prior and current scans.
Shows the number of informational vulnerabilities found in
both the prior and current scans.
The summary table shows the number of the Total New Vulnerabilities, the Total
Removed Vulnerabilities, and the Overall Change.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Delta: Discovered Hosts
The Comparison of Total Active Hosts chart shows the number of hosts found in
each of the scans. The statistics table shows the following statistics:
Total New Hosts
Shows the number of new hosts found in the current scan.
Total Removed Hosts
Shows the number of hosts removed since the prior scan.
Overall Change
Shows the change in number of hosts between the two
scans (negative or positive).
Delta: Network Services
The Comparison of Total Network Services chart shows the number of services
found in each of the scans. The statistics table shows the following statistics:
New Services
Shows the number of services found in the current scan.
Removed Services
Shows the number of services removed since the prior scan.
Overall Change
Shows the overall change in number of services found in the
Discovered Hosts Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Discovered Hosts from the
Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report shows the results of the host discovery portion of the scan. Foundstone
6.5 uses a combination of ICMP, UDP, and TCP scans to discover hosts.
The graph and tables in the report contain the results of the host discovery process,
displaying active, inactive, and potentially active hosts for the IP address ranges
provided. The asset value (criticality) for each host is included.
The main purpose of the discovered hosts report is to give you a detailed look at your
network allocation, but it also provides a useful layout of the discovered hosts as
well. The Assets section of the report details, by subnet, the hostname, OS
identification and open ports found for each live host. Individual ports show
hyperlinks to their banners, making this the best place to start a manual review of the
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Assets By Range(s)
This chart shows a bar for each network segment. The network segments are
defined when you add Scan Ranges to the scan configuration.
Each bar shows the number of active IP addresses per IP range. Potentially active
addresses appear in a darker color above each bar.
Summary of Assets Shows each network segment that was added to the scan
Column Heading
Network Name
Shows the IP Address range or network name entered into
the scan configuration. Click a network name to jump to the
related information in the Assets list further down in this
report. This provides a quick way to ignore network
segments that did not discover any active hosts.
If you have assigned a criticality value to the host, that value
appears here. If the value is "0" or left blank, no value has
been assigned.
Shows the number of active systems found in this network
segment. This number does not include potentially active
Total IP Addresses
Shows the total number of IP addresses that the scan
tested in this network segment.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
This report shows a breakdown of the scanned ranges. To see the details for each
range, click + to expand the section.
Column Heading
IP Address
Shows the IP Address of the discovered host.
NetBios Name
Shows the NetBIOS name of the discovered host.
DNS Name
Shows the DNS name of the discovered host.
If you have assigned a criticality value to the host, that value
appears here. If the value is "0" or left blank, no value has
been assigned.
Operating System
Shows the operating system running on the host.
A [+] after the operating system name indicates that OS
details were obtained using a NULL session. A [++] after the
operating system name indicates that OS details were
obtained using credentials (such as a user name and
password). A [**] after the operating system name indicates
multiple operating systems fingerprinted on the same IP
address (a possible indication of port forwarding). A [*] after
the operating system name indicates the OS details were
obtained from ePO.
Reports that show operating systems display the following
icons to indicate that the information came from an ePOrelated machine:
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow
vulnerability that can be protected by McAfee Virus Scan
if buffer overflow protection is enabled.
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow
vulnerability, but is currently protected by the McAfee
Virus Scan buffer overflow protection feature.
Shows the Labe of the discovered host.
Shows any services that were discovered running on the
host. Clicking on a service opens the corresponding
information on the Banners Report.
Shows any vulnerabilities that were discovered on the host.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Potentially Active Hosts
Potentially Active hosts are machines that may be alive, but did not respond
conclusively during the scan. During the host discovery phase of the scan, if an IP
responds with either a Reset reply (RST-ACK) during TCP scanning, or an "ICMP port
unreachable" during UDP scanning, the host is categorized as "Potentially Active."
Foundstone does not perform any further assessment on Potentially Active hosts
during this scan. Potentially Active hosts are commonly found in environments where
filtering is used to control network access.
False Positives Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select False Positive from the Report
Pages list on any Asset Report page. Click an IP address.
This report shows a list of the false positives found on each individual IP address.
Note: A [+] after the operating system name indicates that OS details were
obtained using a NULL session. A [++] after the operating system name indicates
that OS details were obtained using credentials (such as a user name and
False Positive Descriptions
Data Heading
Vulnerability Name
Shows the name of the vulnerability. Click this name to see
detailed information about the vulnerability.
Gives a brief summary of the vulnerability.
Tells how to remove the vulnerability. If a fix does not exist,
the recommendation usually offers a workaround solution or
explains how to disable the offending software.
Describes the cause of the vulnerability. Shows how an
attacker can take advantage of the vulnerability, and may
discuss the risk involved in allowing the vulnerability to exist.
Vulnerabilities and
Exposures (CVE) Link
This link displays a description of the vulnerability or
exposure from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) Web site http://cve.mitre.org.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FoundScore Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select FoundScore from the Report
Pages list on any reports page.
FoundScore is a security ranking system that compares aspects of your environment
against best practices in order to quantify your security risk. A scan can earn a
FoundScore from 0 to 100 for a full scan.
Note: If the scan does not check for vulnerabilities, the top FoundScore is 50
because it only detects running services and deducts the relevant points.
A higher score reflects a more effective security posture (an environment with
less risk).
A lower score indicates that your environment possesses more security
weaknesses and, consequently, more risk.
These scores can be ranked with qualitative scores to give you an idea of your
environment's security posture:
Score Range Ranking
0 – 25
26 - 50
Below Average
51 - 70
71 - 85
Above Average
86 - 100
The FoundScore Report shows your rating, based on 100 points. The FoundScore
Results chart shows your Exposure Deduction and Vulnerabilities Deduction.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Statistics Shown in the Statistics Table
High Risk
Shows the number of high risk vulnerabilities founds, your
deductions, and your running score.
Medium Risk
Shows the number of medium risk vulnerabilities found, your
deductions, and your running score.
Low Risk
Shows the number of low risk vulnerabilities found, your
deductions, and your running score.
Shows the number of informational vulnerabilities found, your
deductions, and your running score.
Score after
Shows your score after all vulnerabilities and deductions have
been counted.
Number of NonEssential Services
Shows the number of non-essential services found, your
deductions, and your running score.
Number of Machines
with No Essential
Shows the number of machines found not hosting an
essential service, your deductions, and your running score.
UDP Permitted
If UDP is permitted inbound to the network (other than port 53
(DNS)), shows your deduction and running score.
ICMP Permitted
If ICMP is permitted inbound to the network, shows your
deduction and your running score.
Number of Trojans/
Shows the number of Trojans and/or backdoor applications
found, your deductions, and your running score.
Number of Wireless
Shows the number of wireless devices found, your
deductions, and your running score.
Number of Rogue
Shows the number of rogue applications found, your
deductions, and your running score.
Total Score
Shows your total FoundScore.
For more information on FoundScore, see "FoundScore Overview" in the Organization
and Workgroup Administrator Guide.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Using MyFoundScore
Foundstone administrators can modify FoundScore settings through the Foundstone Enterprise
Manager by going to Manage > Metrics.
By default, the Foundstone reports show FoundScore based on default metrics.
However, you can customize the metrics so that the reports show your own score,
called MyFoundScore. Use it to customize the FoundScore to your organizational
needs (see "Managing Metrics - FoundScore Settings" on page 272).
Managing Metrics
Managing Metrics - FoundScore Settings................................272
Infrastructure Assessment Summary Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Infrastructure Assessment >
Infrastructure from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report shows the results of the Infrastructure Devices Assessment scan. It
shows charts that summarize the following detailed reports:
Infrastructure Devices by Risk Report
This report groups the vulnerabilities by their risk rating: High, Medium, or Low. The
detailed report shows the vulnerabilities for each individual host. The summary report
displays the IP address and number of vulnerabilities found at that address. shows four vulnerabilities on the system at the address.
Infrastructure Devices by Category Report
This report groups the vulnerabilities by their Infrastructure Devices Assessment
category. Vulnerability checks are displayed under these categories when you select
vulnerability checks for the scan configuration.
Infrastructure Devices Access Report
This report provides details regarding the type of access Foundstone 6.5 was able to
gain using its credentials. The summary provides a quick overview.
Access Summary
Column Heading
Shows the names of the hosts used in the scan. It also lists
'individual hosts' to show any statistics for machines that
were accessed using individual host credentials.
SSHv2 Certificate
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv2 certificate
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
SSHv2 Password
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv2 password.
SSHv1 Certificate
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using the SSHv1 certificate.
SSHv1 Password
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv1 password.
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using Telnet.
Infrastructure Assessment Vulnerabilities by Risk
To get here, select Infrastructure Assessment > Infrastructure By Risk from the Report
Pages list on any reports page.
The charts display the number of vulnerabilities by severity and the percentage of
vulnerabilities by severity, ranking vulnerable systems by their risk rating - low,
medium, or high.
The report groups the vulnerabilities by their system name and provides an easy way
to find the systems that contain the most vulnerabilities. These groups are based on
the credentials you entered when you set up the scan configuration.
Column Heading
Shows the IP address and the system name for the host.
Click the IP address to see more information about the IP
address from the Vulnerabilities by IP Report.
Operating System
Displays the operating system discovered on the host.
Shows a list of all the vulnerabilities discovered in this
category. Click a vulnerability title to see more details in the
Vulnerability Details Report.
Infrastructure Assessment Vulnerabilities by Category
To get here, select Infrastructure Assessment > Infrastructure By Category from the Report
Pages list on any reports page.
The chart displays the number of systems found by category: Miscellaneous, No
Credentials Required, Patches and Hotfixes, Security Policy/Options, and Services.
The report groups the systems by category and then by system. The category is
based on the vulnerability checks used in the scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Column Heading
Shows the IP address and the system name for the host.
Click the IP address to see more information about the IP
address from the Vulnerabilities by IP Report.
Operating System
Displays the operating system discovered on the host.
Shows a list of all the vulnerabilities discovered in this
category. Click a vulnerability title to see more details on the
Vulnerability Details Report.
Infrastructure Assessment Vulnerabilities by Access
To get here, select Infrastructure Assessment > Infrastructure Access from the Report
Pages list on any reports page.
The chart shows the number of systems by how they were accessed: SSHv2
Certificate, SSHv2 Password, SSHv1 Certificate, SSHv1 Password, or Telnet.
The report is grouped by the level of access attained (No Access, Partial Access, Full
Access) and then by system.
Report Description
Access Summary
Column Heading
Shows the names of the hosts used in the scan. It also lists
'individual hosts' to show any statistics for machines that
were accessed using individual host credentials.
SSHv2 Certificate
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv2 certificate
SSHv2 Password
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv2 password.
SSHv1 Certificate
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using the SSHv1 certificate.
SSHv1 Password
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv1 password.
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using Telnet.
Each group contains a table that shows the access gained to each host. The access
level is shown by the following icons:
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Full Access Foundstone 6.5 was able to gain this type of access to the
Foundstone 6.5 was able to gain partial access to the
No Access
Foundstone 6.5 was unable to gain access to the system.
Network Map Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Network Map from the Report
Pages list on any Scan Report page.
Foundstone 6.5 generates a map of your network during the discovery phase. It
gives you a method of identifying discovered networks and devices, including hosts,
firewalls, routers, and Wireless Access Points.
Network Topology Summary
The Network Map shows a graphical representation of the target environment.
Foundstone 6.5 used the Host Discovery Settings to scan the network and create
the map based on the responses it received. It maps the devices based on their
subnet membership and the distance between them.
Holding the mouse over any of these spheres shows a list of the IP addresses
discovered under that device. If any of the IP addresses contain high-risk
vulnerabilities, the IP address appears in bold red text. Holding the mouse over a red
item shows the name of the first high-risk vulnerability for that IP address.
Note: The traceroute procedure does not always return an IP at each hop. This is
almost always due to a firewall blocking responses to the traceroute commands.
Unknowns are represented as firewalls (red spheres) on the map. It is possible,
however, due to varying load conditions on the network and other factors out of
our control that spurious unknowns might creep into the data. Our data gathering
methods minimize this, but when it does happen, some machines may be
connected to a firewall in the map that are in fact connected to a known router in
the network.
Network Topology Details
The detailed map breaks out each network device (router, firewall, and so on) and
shows a list of the systems attached to that device. Each device is labeled with an
icon so that you can easily spot the different operating systems used in the
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Network Service Summary
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Network Assessment > Network
Services from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
Use the Services Report to identify services running in your environment.
Network Services Descriptions
This summary shows a list of the network services found during the scan.
Top 15 Services
Shows the service and the number of systems running
that service.
Service Name
Shows the service that is running on the system.
Displays the port number and protocol name.
Gives a brief description of the service and possible
security recommendations.
Contains a link if there is an associated Banners Report.
Displays [open] if Foundstone discovered a service that
allows you to connect to it. Click [open] to connect to the
service. This is particularly useful for identifying Web
If a banner was not discovered, or if the service does not
offer banners, n/a appears in this column.
Operating System Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Operating Systems from the
Report Pages list on any reports page.
The charts and tables in the Operating System Report display the operating systems
discovered during the scan.
The first chart displays the top 15 most-common operating systems (OS), and shows
how many of each OS was found. The table shows all operating systems that were
discovered, the number of each, and the percentage breakdown for the entire scan.
A [+] after the operating system name indicates that OS details were obtained using
a NULL session. A [++] after the operating system name indicates that OS details
were obtained using credentials (such as a user name and password). A [**] after the
operating system name indicates multiple operating systems fingerprinted on the
same IP address (a possible indication of port forwarding). A [*] after the operating
system name indicates the OS details were obtained from ePO.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Reports that show operating systems display the following icons to indicate that the
information came from an ePO-related machine:
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow vulnerability that can be
protected by McAfee Virus Scan if buffer overflow protection is enabled.
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow vulnerability, but is
currently protected by the McAfee Virus Scan buffer overflow protection feature.
The second half of the report shows the details for each OS.
Click + to expand the details for any OS. The details show the system IP address
and DNS name for those systems found running the selected OS.
Click an IP address after expanding the details to see more information about the
system in the Hosts Report (see "Discovered Hosts Report" on page 75).
Note: The identification method may produce a misprint due to the genealogy of
the system's IP stack. For example, F5 BigIP may print as a BSD UNIX system
because the device runs on a BDS/i kernel.
Network environments can also affect operating system fingerprinting. This
happens frequently with QOS devices that alter packets as they pass, changing the
system's OS print to that of the QOS device. Proxy-based firewalls or packet
shaper/scrubber devices can also cause the OS fingerprinting to error.
Report Template
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Report Template from the
Report Pages list on any Asset Report page.
Foundstone 6.5 generates a feature list of which Report Template options were
selected for a specific report.
Note: The Output Setting Include report template as part of the report option
must be selected from the Generation tab when creating a new scan or editing an
existing scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Report Template Settings
Custom Template
Includes the Template Name and Description entered.
Report Type
Single Date Report (choose a date to run a report)
Delta Report (compare data between date(s)
Trend Report (compare trends between the current
date and a date selected)
Dashboard Report (generate a report based on the
most recent data available)
Report Dates
Lists any dates of the data points in the report.
Asset Filter
Lists any asset filters created for this report.
Report Sections
Lists the sections included in this report.
Output Settings
Report Formats (CSV, HTML, PDF, XML); Report
Schedule Settings Displays the schedule type for this report.
Lists email addresses, accounts, and workgroups
specified to received an email notification about this
Risk Level Report (Asset Report)
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click Reports > View Reports and then
select the Asset Reports tab. Select a Risk Level report to view.
The Risk Level report shows the average FoundScore of the selected scans for each
Foundstone 6.5 sorts the completed scans by the month in which they were
completed and averages their scores. It provides statistical information so you can
see which scans had the highest/lowest scores and the most changes.
Note: The data shown comes from scans you can access.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Risk Level Descriptions
Overall Risk
When the chart shows several months/weeks/days, the risk
indicator averages the displayed months/weeks/days. This
average FoundScore is used to calculate the risk level.
The level of the indicator is based on your Overall Risk Index
Overall Risk Index
Severe - Risk Index is 80-100
High - Risk Index is 60-79
Medium - Risk Index is 40-59
Minor - Risk Index is 20-39
Low - Risk Index is 1-19
This metric lets you judge your overall threat. If you are
licensed to use the Threat Correlation Module, this index
uses your FoundScore and the threat data to calculate your
The Risk Index score is calculated as follows:
(100-FoundScore)*(Threat Index)
The Risk Index can range from 1-100, with 1 being low risk
and 100 being very high risk.
The formula for the Threat Index is as follows:
((Number of High threats with vulns x 5) +
(Number of Medium threats with vulns x 3) +
(Number of Low threats with vulns x1 1)) /
(High + Medium + Low + threats not found on
your network)
Average FoundScore
Shows the average of the monthly averages in the Average
FoundScore by Month graph.
(If MyFoundScore has been enabled, it shows the average
MyFoundScore from the selected scans.)
Scan with highest
Shows the name of the scan configuration whose most
recent scan job has the highest FoundScore among all the
scans currently tracked in your database. The number in
parentheses shows the highest all-time FoundScore.
Scan with lowest
Shows the name of the scan configuration whose most
recent scan job has the lowest FoundScore among all the
scans currently tracked in your database. The number in
parenthesis shows the lowest all-time FoundScore.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan with largest
positive change in
Shows the name of the scan configuration whose most
recent FoundScore improved the most of all the scans
tracked by your database. The number in parenthesis shows
how much the FoundScore improved from its lowest to its
highest point.
Scan with largest
negative change in
Shows the name of the scan configuration whose most
recent FoundScore dropped the most of all the scans
tracked by your database. The number in parenthesis shows
how much the FoundScore dropped.
Risk By Scan View Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Risk Assessment > Risk By
Scan View from the Report Pages list on any Dashboard Report..
The Risk by Scan View displays each scan in a bar chart, with colors to represent the
severity level of the vulnerabilities found. This report also shows the number of
vulnerabilities found for each severity level, and the total number of vulnerabilities
found for each scan.
Risk By Scan Descriptions
An attacker might gain privileged access (administrator,
root) to the machine over a remote connection.
An attacker might gain non-privileged (user) access to the
machine over a remote connection.
The vulnerability provides enticement data to the attacker
that may be used to launch a more informed attack
against the target environment. It may indirectly lead to
some form of remote connection access to the machine.
Available data that is less valuable to an attacker than the
low risk vulnerability. You may not be able to address
informational findings; they may be inherent to the
network services or architecture in use.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Risk By Scan Report (Asset Report)
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click Reports > View Reports and then
select the Asset Reports tab. Select a Risk By Scan report to view.
To show the Foundscore display, select Report Pages > Risk Assessment > Risk by
Foundscore View.
The Risk By Scan report shows vulnerabilities and FoundScores for each scan.
In the vulnerability display, the chart shows the high, medium, and low vulnerabilities
for each scan. It sorts the scans by the number of vulnerabilities found, showing the
scan with the most vulnerabilities first.
Note: The data shown comes from scans you can access. In addition, only those
scans with vulnerabilities are included. If you ran a scan and no vulnerabilities were
reported, that scan will not be included.
Risk By Foundscore Descriptions
Scan with largest
positive change in
Shows which scan has improved its FoundScore the most
since its first scan. The number in parenthesis shows the
amount of the improvement.
Scan with largest
negative change in
Shows which scan has had the largest drop in FoundScore
since its first scan. The number in parenthesis shows how
much the score deteriorated.
Running average of
Shows the average FoundScore of all scans in the
organization since the first scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Risk By Platform Report (Asset Report)
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click Reports > View Reports and then
select the Asset Reports tab. Select a Risk By Platform report to view.
The Risk By Platform report shows a column for each computer platform discovered
on your network. It sorts the columns by the number of vulnerabilities found so that
you can quickly see which platforms need the most attention. The colors in each bar
represent the different risk levels, high (red), medium (orange), low (yellow), and
informational (blue).
Note: Hosts that were identified as "unknown" are not included in this chart. This
may be the cause for discrepancy between the total number of hosts on this chart
compared with others. The data shown is limited to the scans you can access.
Risk By Platform Descriptions
Description / Scope
Platform with the most High-Risk Vulnerabilities
These data points show the
platforms with the most and
Platform with the fewest High-Risk Vulnerabilities
the fewest vulnerabilities for
each category. The information
Platform with the most Medium-Risk Vulnerabilities
represents all platforms
discovered on your network
Platform with the fewest Medium-Risk Vulnerabilities that are tracked in the database.
Platform with the most Low-Risk Vulnerabilities
Platform with the fewest Low-Risk Vulnerabilities
Platform with the most Informational Vulnerabilities
Platform with the fewest Informational Vulnerabilities
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Risk By Vulnerability Report (Asset Report)
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click Reports > View Reports and then
select the Asset Reports tab. Select a Risk By Vulnerability report to view.
The Risk By Vulnerability pie chart breaks down the high, medium, and low
vulnerability ratings into percentages. This chart is based on the most recent
complete scan available.
The Risk By Vulnerabilities bar chart compares the number of hosts found to the
number of vulnerabilities found. It shows the total number of hosts, and the total
number of unique vulnerabilities found for each month. The data for the chart comes
from all scans in the database that you can access.
Note: The data shown is limited to the scans you can access.
Risk By Vulnerability Descriptions
Total number of
Shows the number of vulnerabilities found in the current
period. Note that this number may be different than the
number shown in the Monthly Hosts graph, as the graph
includes the total of unique vulnerabilities found on each
Change in total
number of
vulnerabilities from
previous period
Shows the difference in the number of vulnerabilities found
between the current period and the last period.
Average number of
Shows the average number of vulnerabilities found per scan.
This is calculated using all scans currently in your database.
Average number of
vulnerabilities per host
Shows the average number of vulnerabilities found on each
host. This is calculated by dividing the total number of hosts
found by the total number of vulnerabilities found.
(Current period) - (Last period) = Change in total
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Summary
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
then select Scan Reports in the Completed Reports area. Click View Report to view a report.
This report provides an overview of the scan. Use it to quickly identify anomalies or
problems in your environment. It serves as a jumping off point to delve deeper into
the reports.
Scan Summary Report Features
Section Heading
Scan specifications
Displays information about the scan itself, including the Scan
Type, Duration, Description and more.
FoundScore Summary
or MyFoundScore
Shows the average FoundScore or average MyFoundScore for
the entire scan. It also displays statistics that you can use to
compare overall progress from month-to-month.
(MyFoundScore appears if you have enabled MyFoundScore
(see "Managing Metrics - FoundScore Settings" on page 272)
and then generated new reports.) Click Detailed Report to
see the FoundScore report.
Network Map
Shows a topological map of the different regions discovered
by the scan configuration. Click Detailed Report to see the
Network Map report.
Assets Summary
Shows the Filtered System Count, and includes the network
name, criticality rating, and number of systems discovered on
each. Click Detailed Report to see the Discovered Hosts
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Operating System
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Shows the top 15 operating systems found on the entire scan.
Click Detailed Report to see the Operating System report.
A [+] after the operating system name indicates that OS
details were obtained using a NULL session. A [++] after the
operating system name indicates that OS details were
obtained using credentials (such as a user name and
password). A [**] after the operating system name indicates
multiple operating systems fingerprinted on the same IP
address (a possible indication of port forwarding). A [*] after
the operating system name indicates the OS details were
obtained from ePO.
Reports that show operating systems display the following
icons to indicate that the information came from an ePOrelated machine:
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow
vulnerability that can be protected by McAfee Virus Scan
if buffer overflow protection is enabled.
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow
vulnerability, but is currently protected by the McAfee
Virus Scan buffer overflow protection feature.
Network Services
Shows the top 15 network services found on the entire scan.
Click Detailed Report to see the Services report.
Vulnerability Report
Breaks down the entire scan by the severity of the
vulnerabilities found: high, medium, low, and informational.
Click Detailed Report to see the Vulnerability report.
Web Server Inventory
Shows the number and types of Web servers found on the
entire scan. Click Detailed Report to see the Web Server
Short Term Trend
Report Summary
Shows the changes between the last two jobs for this scan.
The data includes the Average FoundScore, Total Discovered
Hosts, Total Services Found, and Total Vulnerabilities. Click
Detailed Report to see the Short Term Trend report.
Long Term Trend
Shows an overview of the last 10 jobs for this scan. The
graphs include the Average FoundScore, Total Discovered
Hosts, Total Services Found, and Total Vulnerabilities. Click
Detailed Report to see the Long Term Trend report.
Windows Vulnerability
by Category
Shows the number of Windows vulnerabilities found for
Windows scans, based on category type. Click Detailed
Report to see the Windows Assessment Module report.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Service Descriptions
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Network Assessment >
Services Description from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
Use the Service Descriptions to identify services running in your environment.
Network Services Descriptions
This summary shows a list of the network services found during the scan.
Service Name
Shows the service that is running on the system.
Displays the port number and protocol name.
Gives a brief description of the service and possible
security recommendations.
Note: The service names (such as SUNRPC) are based on the ICCAN registered
ports listing, and may not show the actual service. For example, if a web server is
running on port 22, the services report identifies it as SSH because port 22 is
registered to SSH. If there is some doubt to the validity of the service identification,
check the banners report to see if the running service offered any further
Smart Guesswork Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Web Assessment > Smart
GuessWork from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
McAfee "Smart Guesswork" feature probes discovered Web servers for hidden
configuration files
login data
backup files
These files can possess sensitive data such as user names, passwords, or host file
structure information. Foundstone 6.5 uses the structure of the Web server to create
intelligent requests for hidden files.
This report shows the initial contents of each discovered file to provide an early
indication of the nature of the vulnerability. However, you should carefully analyze all
files discovered by Smart Guesswork for appropriateness and determine how to
keep them from unauthorized users.
To expand the details of each section, click + or click Expand All.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Target Web Server
Shows the URL of the server being probed. Clicking the URL
takes you to the server itself.
Probe Sent
Shows the request sent. Click this request to see the results.
Details of Response
Shows a portion of the results of the probe. This can help
you determine the seriousness of the problem and make a
decision concerning it.
Foundstone 6.5 offers a recommendation for each type of
file it discovers. The recommendation offers various methods
of preventing the discovered files from getting into the
wrong hands.
Source Sifting Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Web Assessment > Source
Sifting from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
During the course of the scan, Foundstone 6.5 enumerates the contents of each
Web server, and scans them for special information. These vulnerabilities can be
debilitating to an IT staff trying to prevent network attacks. Attackers can easily
duplicate this type of scan on a network to enumerate this information for
Section Heading
Shows the name of the machine that hosted the Web
application. Also shows the IP address and the port used by
the application.
Email Addresses
Shows the number of email addresses found by sifting
through the Web applications on the system. Non-standard
email addresses can provide clues to the identities of
persons within an organization.
Foundstone Database
Connection Strings
Shows the number of instances found where the
application calls information from a Foundstone Database.
Foundstone Database connection strings can contain
Foundstone Database-server passwords.
Hidden Form Fields
Shows the number of hidden form fields found in the Web
application. Hidden form fields can contain passwords or
clues to passwords used in forms-based user
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Include Files
Shows the number of include files found. Include files can
provide absolute path information, passwords, user names,
and many other types of data.
Absolute File Paths
Shows the number of absolute file paths found. Absolute
paths or other evidence of files can provide locations of
unprotected resources.
Taken together this information might be used to gain access to a critical system.
SQL Security Analysis Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Web Assessment > SQL
Security from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report provides information about weaknesses in SQL Foundstone Database
Since nearly every commercial Web application interacts with a Foundstone
Database, it is very important to make sure that users can access the data, but only
in the way intended by the programmers. Malicious hackers look for "loopholes" left
by programmers to gather important information about the Foundstone Database and
the application itself.
Hackers commonly exploit Foundstone Database weaknesses by sending bogus data
to the Foundstone Database. This produces an exception and can provide important
information to the hacker about the Foundstone Database and its settings. This
information can help the hacker launch a much more informed attack against the
application and the company. These attacks might lead to the extraction of critical
data from the Foundstone Database.
The SQL Security Analysis report illustrates where Foundstone Database and
application security weaknesses can be improved to help prevent attackers from
gaining further access.
Trend Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Trend from the Report Pages list
on any Scan Report page.
This report compares the ten most recent scans that were completed. This report is
not available unless you have completed at least two scans using the same scan
This report provides a simple way to quantify how effectively Foundstone 6.5 is
being used on your network. It is also one of the most effective ways to illustrate
changes to management, and to show both improvement and decline in the
network's security posture over time.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Trend: FoundScore
The FoundScore chart shows the FoundScores from the most recent scans. This
section also displays a table containing the following statistics:
Highest FoundScore
Shows the highest FoundScore of the last ten scans.
Date Scored shows the completion date for the scan that
had the highest FoundScore.
Lowest FoundScore
Shows the lowest FoundScore of the last ten scans.
Date Scored shows the completion date for the scan that
had the lowest FoundScore.
Average FoundScore
Shows the average FoundScore for the last ten scans.
Total Scans shows the total number of scans shown in this
Median FoundScore
Shows the FoundScore of the middle-most scan on the list. If
you listed the scans in order based on their FoundScore, the
median would be the number in the very middle of this list.
Standard Deviation
Shows how diverse the scores are when compared to each
other. A large number tells you that the data is spread out. A
small number shows that the scores are close together and
have not changed much throughout the scans.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Trend: Vulnerabilities
The Vulnerabilities chart shows the number of vulnerabilities found in each of the
scans. The statistics table shows the following statistics:
Total # of
Examines each scan and shows the highest number of
vulnerabilities found in one scan.
Date shows the completion date for the scan that had the
highest number of vulnerabilities.
Total # of
Shows the lowest number of vulnerabilities found in these
Date shows the completion date for the scan that contained
the lowest number of vulnerabilities.
Total # of
Shows the average number of vulnerabilities from the
displayed scans.
Total Scans shows the total number of scans shown in this
Median # of
Shows the number of vulnerabilities found in the middle-most
scan on the list. If you listed the scans in order based on the
number of vulnerabilities found, the median would be the
number in the very middle of this list.
Standard Deviation
Shows how diverse the number of vulnerabilities are when
compared to each other. A large number tells you that the
data is diverse and spread out. A small number tells you the
data points are close together, and have not changed much
from scan to scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Trend: Discovered Hosts
The Hosts chart shows the number of hosts found in each of the scans. The
statistics table shows the following statistics:
Total # of Discovered
Examines each scan and shows the highest number of hosts
found in one scan.
Date shows the completion date for the scan that had the
highest number of hosts.
Total # of Discovered
Shows the lowest number of hosts found in these scans.
Total # of Discovered
Shows the average number of vulnerabilities from the
displayed scans.
Date shows the completion date for the scan that contained
the lowest number of hosts.
Total Scans shows the total number of scans shown in this
Median # of
Discovered Hosts
Shows the number of hosts found in the middle-most scan
on the list. If you listed the scans in order based on the
number of hosts found, the median would be the number in
the very middle of this list.
Standard Deviation
Shows how diverse the number of hosts are when compared
to each other. A large number tells you that the data is
diverse and spread out. A small number tells you the data
points are close together, and have not changed much from
scan to scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Trend: Total Services Found
The Total Services Found chart shows the number of services found in each of the
scans. The statistics table shows the following statistics:
Highest Total # of
Shows the highest number of services found in any of these
Date shows the completion date for the scan that had the
highest number of hosts.
Lowest Total # of
Shows the lowest number of hosts found in any of these
Date shows the completion date for the scan that contained
the lowest number of hosts.
Average Total # of
Shows the average number of services found in the scans.
Total Scans shows the total number of scans shown in this
Median # of Services
Shows the number of services found in the middle-most
scan on the list. If you listed the scans in order based on the
number of services found, the median would be the number
in the very middle of this list.
Standard Deviation
Shows how diverse the number of services are when
compared to each other. A large number tells you that the
data is diverse and spread out. A small number tells you the
data points are close together, and have not changed much
from scan to scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
UNIX Assessment Hosts Summary Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select UNIX Assessment > UNIX
Hosts from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report shows the results of the UNIX Host Assessment scan. It shows charts
that summarize the following detailed reports:
UNIX Host Summary Descriptions
Access Summary
Column Heading
Shows the names of the hosts used in the scan. It also lists
'individual hosts' to show any statistics for machines that
were accessed using individual host credentials.
SSHv2 Certificate
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv2 certificate
SSHv2 Password
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv2 password.
SSHv1 Certificate
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv1 certificate.
SSHv1 Password
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv1 password.
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using Telnet.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
UNIX Assessment Vulnerabilities by Risk
To get here, select UNIX Assessment > UNIX Vulns By Risk from the Report Pages list on
any reports page.
The charts display the number of vulnerabilities by severity and the percentage of
vulnerabilities by severity, ranking vulnerable systems by their risk rating - low,
medium, or high.
The report groups the vulnerabilities by their system name and provides an easy way
to find the systems that contain the most vulnerabilities. These groups are based on
the credentials you entered when you set up the scan configuration.
UNIX Assessment Descriptions
Column Heading
Shows the IP address and the system name for the host.
Click the IP address to see more information about the IP
address from the Vulnerabilities by IP Report.
Operating System
Displays the operating system discovered on the host.
Shows a list of all the vulnerabilities discovered in this
category. Click a vulnerability title to see more details in the
Vulnerability Details Report.
UNIX Assessment Vulnerabilities by Category
To get here, select UNIX Assessment > UNIX Vulns By Category from the Report Pages list
on any reports page.
The chart displays the number of systems found by category: Brute Force, Network,
No Credentials Required, Potentially Unwanted Programs, Patches and Hotfixes,
Security Policy/Options, Services, and Miscellaneous.
The report groups the systems by category and then by system. The category is
based on the vulnerability checks used in the scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
UNIX Assessment Descriptions
Column Heading
Shows the IP address and the system name for the host.
Click the IP address to see more information about the IP
address from the Vulnerabilities by IP Report.
Operating System
Displays the operating system discovered on the host.
Shows a list of all the vulnerabilities discovered in this
category. Click a vulnerability title to see more details on the
Vulnerability Details Report.
UNIX Assessment Vulnerabilities by Access
To get here, select UNIX Assessment > UNIX Access from the Report Pages list on any
reports page.
The chart shows the number of systems by how they were accessed: SSHv2
Certificate, SSHv2 Password, SSHv1 Certificate, SSHv1 Password, or Telnet.
The report is grouped by individual hosts and then by DNS name.
Report Description
Access Summary
Column Heading
IP Address
Displays the IP address of the scanned host.
DNS Name
Displays the DNS name of the scanned host.
Access Summary
Uses icons to display the access gained using a specific
protocol and credential type.
Displays which protocol was used in an attempt to gain
access to the host.
Credential Type
Displays which credential type was used in an attempt to
gain access to the host.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Each group contains a table that shows the access gained to each host. The access
level is shown by the following icons:
Full Access Foundstone 6.5 was able to gain this type of access to the
Foundstone 6.5 was able to gain partial access to the
No Access
Foundstone 6.5 was unable to gain access to the system.
Protocol Description
SSHv2 Certificate
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv2 certificate
SSHv2 Password
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv2 password.
SSHv1 Certificate
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv1 certificate.
SSHv1 Password
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using an SSHv1 password.
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5
accessed using Telnet.
Vulnerable Accounts by Web Server Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Web Assessment > Vulnerable
Accounts By Web Server from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
McAfee Web Authentication Analysis discovers popular login points where users
must be authenticated to access the application. It probes these points to determine
where attackers might easily guess usernames and passwords. Use this to change
account information so that attackers cannot use weak accounts to gain unauthorized
While the top of the report shows a summary of the Web servers and accounts
discovered on each, the bottom half of the report shows the details for each Web
Click + or Expand All to see the details.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Section Heading
URL Assessed
This is the URL that Foundstone 6.5 assessed to find the
weak account(s).
Shows the port used by the Web application.
Authentication Type
Shows which type of authentication the access point uses:
Basic - a low security method of providing credentials. The
client side encodes the credentials using the Base64
encoding scheme, and sends it in plaintext to the server. The
server decodes and checks the credentials.
NTLM - a high security method of authenticating Windows
NT users over a Windows Network.
HTTP or Forms based - Highly customizable authentication
method using HTML forms. There is no standardized way to
perform Forms-based authentication, but credentials
probably pass from the client to the server in plaintext unless
SSL is used.
Shows the discovered username(s) on the account.
Shows the associated password(s) on the account.
Vulnerability Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Vulnerability Assessment >
Vulnerabilities from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
The vulnerabilities report shows a summary of the vulnerabilities found by the scan.
Vulnerability Report
Displays a bar graph showing the number of vulnerabilities
that fall into each 'severity' category: High, Medium, Low,
and Informational.
Displays a pie chart showing each severity category as a
percentage of the entire scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Vulnerabilities by Risk
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Shows the vulnerabilities found by the scan, and categorizes
them into High, Medium, and Low Risk vulnerabilities.
Number of
Vulnerabilities by
Operating System
Click + to expand each category for more details.
Risk Level - Shows whether the vulnerability is rated at
High, Medium, Low, or Informational.
Vulnerability Name - Shows the name of the vulnerability
Number Discovered - Shows how many times the
vulnerability was discovered on the network.
Affected Systems - Shows which hosts were affected
by the vulnerability - these are the machines that need to
be fixed.
Click a vulnerability name to see more information about
that vulnerability in the Vulnerability Details Report.
Click an IP address to see all the vulnerabilities
associated with that host in the Vulnerabilities by IP
Breaks the vulnerabilities down by operating system so that
you can see which operating systems need the most work to
reduce the vulnerabilities.
Note that a high number of vulnerabilities does not
necessarily indicate that the operating system is the most
exposed; you must also consider the severity (high, medium,
and low) of the vulnerabilities discovered.
Top 15 Hosts with the
Number of
Shows which 15 hosts have the most vulnerabilities.
Although this is a strong indication that these hosts require
more attention than others do, you must also consider the
severity of the vulnerabilities when prioritizing corrective
Systems with the most severe vulnerabilities should
generally be addressed before those with a greater total
number of less severe (medium and low) weaknesses.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Vulnerability Check Configuration Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Scan Configuration History >
Vulnerability Check Configuration from the Report Pages list on any Scan report page.
This report shows the vulnerability checks that were used in the last two scans
performed by this scan configuration.
Click + on the vulnerability check title lines to see the details for that category of
vulnerability checks.
Column Headings
Check Name
Shows the name of the vulnerability check used in the scan.
CVE Number
If the vulnerability was reported on the Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures Web site http://cve.mitre.org,
this column shows the CVE Identification number. Click the
link to see the related information.
Shows the date and time that the check last ran.
Shows the internal vulnerability check identification number.
The report also compares this scan with the previous scan and shows which checks
were added or removed.
Existed in the Previous
Exists in this scan
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Vulnerability Details Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Vulnerability Assessment >
Vulnerability Details from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report shows specific details about the vulnerabilities discovered by the scan.
Section Heading
Affected System(s)
Click + to expand this section. It shows which IP
addresses are afflicted with this vulnerability. This
vulnerability should be fixed on each of these systems.
Click an IP address to see specific information about the
Describes the vulnerability.
Tells how to remove the vulnerability. If a fix does not
exist, the recommendation usually offers a workaround
solution or explains how to disable the offending software.
Describes the cause of the vulnerability. Shows how an
attacker can take advantage of the vulnerability, and may
discuss the risk involved in allowing the vulnerability to
Common Vulnerabilities This link displays a description of the vulnerability or
and Exposures (CVE)
exposure from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) Web site http://cve.mitre.org.
Vulnerabilities by IP Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Vulnerability Assessment >
Vulnerabilities By IP from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report shows a list of the vulnerabilities found on each individual IP address. This
can be a very long report.
For each IP address, the report shows the following information.
Data Heading
Vulnerability Name
Shows the name of the vulnerability. Click this name to see
detailed information about the vulnerability.
Describes the cause of the vulnerability. Shows how an
attacker can take advantage of the vulnerability, and may
discuss the risk involved in allowing the vulnerability to exist.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Tells how to remove the vulnerability. If a fix does not exist,
the recommendation usually offers a workaround solution or
explains how to disable the offending software.
Vulnerabilities and
Exposures (CVE) Link
This link displays a description of the vulnerability or
exposure from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) Web site http://cve.mitre.org.
Web Application Assessment Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Web Assessment > Web
Module from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report shows a summary of the information gathered during the Web Module
Report Sections
Web Server Inventory
Shows a visual inventory of the different Web servers found
on your network. Click Detailed Report to see the Web
Server Inventory Report.
Web Contents by
Shows the breakdown of the contents on each Web server
discovered. Click the chart or Detailed Report to see the
Web Site Contents Report.
Vulnerable accounts by
Web Server
Shows the number of accounts whose username and
password is easily guessed. It groups these accounts
according to the Web server on which they were
Smart Guesswork
Shows hidden content on your Internet site. The summary
breaks the content into risk categories - high, medium, and
low risk. Click the chart or Detailed Report to see the
Smart Guesswork Report.
Source Code Disclosure Shows the number of scripts that were found on each Web
server. Click Detailed Report to see the complete Web
Source Disclosure Report.
SQL Security Analysis
Shows a bar on the graph for each Web server. The number
of units on each bar represents the number of SQL
vulnerabilities found on that particular Web server. For more
information, click Detailed Report to see the SQL Security
Analysis Report.
Source Sifting Summary Shows the number of each type of information found by
sorting through Web application scripts and files. Click the
chart or Detailed Report to see the Source Sifting Report.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Web Server Inventory Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Web Assessment > Web Server
Inventory from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
The Web Server Inventory provides a complete report of the various Web servers
found by the scan.
Column Headers
Web Server
Shows the DNS name of the Web server.
IP Address
Shows the IP address where this Web server was found.
This information comes from the Web server's banner or the
HTTP header, depending on the availability of the information.
It shows the type of Web server and version number. Some
Web servers also provide information about additional
modules that have been loaded such as OpenSSL, PHP,
mod_ssl and so forth.
Shows the protocol being used by the Web server. Usually
this is http or https.
Lists the port that the server is using to run the Web service.
Web Site Contents Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Web Assessment > Web Site
Contents from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
During the course of a scan, Foundstone 6.5 enumerates the contents of each Web
server. The enumeration includes HTML pages, client-side scripts (e.g. .ASP, .CFM,
etc.), server-side scripts (cgi-bin), mobile executables (ActiveX controls, Java applets)
and other important data provided by the Web server. Image files and other static
content that is not directly related to system security is omitted from the content
Shows the name of the machine that hosted the
Web server. Also shows the IP address and the
port used by the application.
Shows files that do not fall into any of the
following categories. This does not include
graphics and image files, which are ignored.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Server Side
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Shows the number of Server Side Includes found
on the Web site. Server-side includes are used
when part of a page is dynamically generated; the
server evaluates the include to determine the
information to display as it serves the page.
Server Side
Shows the number of Server Side Scripts found on
the Web site. Server-side scripts run on the server
to provide dynamic information on Web pages.
Server Side
Shows programs within the Web root directory.
These programs may be used to help generate
information used in dynamic pages, but cannot run
on client systems without being downloaded first.
Web App.
Server Page
Shows the number of Web applications and server
pages found on the Web server.
CGI / Perl
Shows the number of Common Gateway Interface
programs and Perl scripts found on the Web
Dynamic Page
Shows the number of dynamically generated
pages on the server.
Static Page
Foundstone 6.5 examines the extension of each
file to determine whether it is static or dynamic.
Java Applet
plet> tags in
HTML files
Active X
This is the number of pages using Active X on the
<object>...</obj Web server.
ect> tags in
HTML files
This is the number of pages using Java applets on
the Web server.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Web Source Disclosure Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Web Assessment > Source
Code Disclosure from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report shows the details of the Web server and the source code discovered on
that server. It provides you with information regarding two vulnerabilities to fix:
Web server misconfigurations
Move, hide, or remove the information that the attacker is able to see.
Source Code Disclosure Descriptions
Number of Websites
Shows the total number of websites scanned for this
Number of Scripts
Shows the total number of scripts scanned on all of the
websites analyzed for this report.
Number of Scripts with
Source Code
Discovered (Vulnerable)
Shows the number of vulnerable scripts discovered for this
report. This number is also represented as a percentage of
the total number of scripts analyzed.
Source Code Disclosure Findings Descriptions
Shows the URL and IP Address of the server being probed.
TCP Port of Web Server Shows the TCP port number of the server being probed.
Number of Scripts
Shows the number of scripts discovered on the server
being probed.
Number of Scripts
Disclosed (Vulnerable)
Shows the number of vulnerable scripts found on the server
being probed.
Vulnerable Script
Shows the URL of the vulnerable script on the server being
probed. Clicking the URL takes you to the server itself.
Probe(s) Sent
Shows the requests that were sent to the server to access
the script.
Probe Type
Provides a description of the vulnerability that was exploited
to gain the information.
Partial Details
Shows a portion of the results of the probe. This can help
you determine the seriousness of the problem and make a
decision concerning it.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Foundstone 6.5 offers a recommendation for each type of
file it discovers. The recommendation offers various
methods of preventing the discovered files from getting into
the wrong hands.
Windows Assessment Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Windows Host Assessment >
Windows Hosts from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report shows the results of the Windows Host Assessment scan. It shows
charts that summarize the following detailed reports:
Windows Systems by Risk Summary
This report groups the vulnerabilities by their risk rating: High, Medium, or Low. The
detailed report shows the vulnerabilities for each individual host. The summary report
displays the IP address and number of vulnerabilities found at that address. shows four vulnerabilities on the system at the address.
Windows Vulnerabilities by Category
This report groups the vulnerabilities by their Windows Host Assessment category.
Vulnerability checks are displayed under these categories when you select
vulnerability checks for the scan configuration.
Access Report Summary
This report provides details regarding the type of access Foundstone 6.5 was able to
gain using its credentials. The summary provides a quick overview.
Access Summary
Column Heading
Shows the names of the domains and Workgroups used in
the scan. It also lists 'individual hosts' to show any statistics
for machines that were accessed using individual host
Shows the number of systems that gave Foundstone 6.5
administrative access.
Remote Registry
Shows the number of systems that gave Foundstone 6.5
access to their registry files.
Remote File System
Shows the number of systems that gave Foundstone 6.5
access to their file systems.
WMI Accessible
Shows the number of systems that Foundstone 6.5 was
able to connect with, using WMI commands.
Null Session
Shows the number of systems with which Foundstone was
able to establish a null connection.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Windows Access Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Windows Host Assessment >
Windows Access from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report is grouped by Domains, Workgroups, and Individual Hosts. These groups
are determined by the credentials you supplied in the scan configuration. For each
group, the report shows a summary chart that displays the number of hosts
Foundstone 6.5 accessed, and the level of access that was achieved.
Windows Assessment Module Access Report
Each group contains a table that shows the access gained to each host. The access
level is shown by the following icons:
Full Access Foundstone 6.5 was able to gain this type of access to the
This only appears in the Access Summary column; it shows
that Foundstone 6.5 was able to access the machine through
some access types, but not others.
No Access
Foundstone 6.5 was unable to gain this type of access to the
Report Description
Column Headings
Shows the System name and IP address.
Access Summary
This column provides a quick summary for
the host. It shows Full Access if all the
access types were Full Access.
It shows Partial Access if it was able to gain
some access types but not others.
Shows Full Access if it was able to
authenticate to the machine as an
administrative user.
Remote Registry
Shows Full Access if it was able to access
the system's registry files.
Remote File System
Shows Full Access if it was able to access
the file system on the host.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
WMI Accessible
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Null Session
Shows Full Access if it was able to establish
communication with the Windows
Management Instrumentation.
Shows Full Access if it was able to establish
a Null Session with the host.
Windows Policy Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
then select Scan Reports in the Completed Reports area. Click View Report to view a report
generated from a Windows Policy Template Scan.
The Windows Policy Report provides information gathered from a Windows Policy
Template Scan. This report identifies which scanned hosts are compliant and which
are non-compliant with your compliance policies. Use this report to help get your
scanned hosts into compliance.
Compliance Summary Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
select Scan Reports in the Completed Reports area. Click a report name for the Windows
Policy Template Scan to view a report. Select Report Pages > Compliance Summary.
This report provides an overview of a Windows policy compliance scan. Use it to
quickly identify anomalies or problems in your environment.
Compliance Summary Report Features
Section Heading
Scan specifications
Displays information about the report section, the scan name,
and the generation date/time.
Host Summary
Displays the number of hosts scanned, the number of
Windows host assessment modules (WHAM) scanned, the
number of hosts that are compliant, the number of hosts that
are noncompliant, and the compliance percentage.
Policy Summary
Displays the Windows policy, the number of hosts scanned,
the number of hosts that are compliant with this policy, the
number of hosts that are noncompliant with this policy, the
number of hosts where policy compliance could not be
determined, and the compliance rate for this policy.
(plus image, minus
Clicking a plus icon expands a report section, and clicking a
minus icon hides a report section.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
(search image)
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Use Search to find a specific policy or host in the compliance
Compliance Policy Details
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
select Scan Reports in the Completed Reports area. Click a report name for the Windows
Policy Template Scan to view a report. Select Report Pages > Compliance Policy Details.
This report displays a Windows policy and the systems affected by this policy. Use it
to identify systems that are noncompliant.
Compliance Policy Details Report Features
Section Heading
Scan Specifications
Displays information about the report section, the scan name,
and the generation date/time.
Compliance Policy
Displays the policy setting, the system(s) affected by the
policy, the operating system, and the system policy status
Note: You can click the system IP address to view the
system's Compliance Policies by IP report.
(plus image, minus
Clicking a plus icon expands a report section, and clicking a
minus icon hides a report section.
(search image)
Use Search to find a specific policy or host in the compliance
Compliance Hosts
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
select Scan Reports in the Completed Reports area. Click a report name for the Windows
Policy Template Scan to view a report. Select Report Pages > Compliance Hosts.
This report provides an overview for each system in your Windows policy compliance
scan. Use it to identify all noncompliance policy settings (marked as Failed) for each
system in your environment.
Compliance Hosts Report Features
Section Heading
Scan Specifications
Displays information about the report section, the scan name,
and the generation date/time.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Compliance Policies
Displays all compliance policies affecting a single IP address.
The list shows the Windows policy name and whether the
system passed or failed compliance.
(plus image, minus
Clicking a plus icon expands a report section, and clicking a
minus icon hides a report section.
(search image)
Use Search to find a specific policy or host in the compliance
Windows Vulnerabilities by Risk
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Windows Host Assessment >
Windows Vulns By Risk from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report groups the vulnerabilities first by their domain, Workgroup, or individual
host. These groups are based on the credentials you entered when you set up the
scan configuration.
Within each domain, Workgroup, or individual host group, the report groups
vulnerable systems by their risk rating - low, medium, or high. It provides an easy
way to find the systems that contain the most vulnerabilities within each domain,
Workgroup, or individual host group. The vulnerabilities are further grouped by
Column Heading
Shows the IP address and the system name for the host.
Click the IP address to see more information about the IP
address from the Vulnerabilities by IP Report.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Operating System
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Displays the operating system discovered on the host.
A [+] after the operating system name indicates that OS
details were obtained using a NULL session. A [++] after
the operating system name indicates that OS details were
obtained using credentials (such as a user name and
password). A [**] after the operating system name
indicates multiple operating systems fingerprinted on the
same IP address (a possible indication of port forwarding). A
[*] after the operating system name indicates the OS details
were obtained from ePO.
Reports that show operating systems display the following
icons to indicate that the information came from an ePOrelated machine:
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow
vulnerability that can be protected by McAfee Virus
Scan if buffer overflow protection is enabled.
- the system contains a potential buffer overflow
vulnerability, but is currently protected by the McAfee
Virus Scan buffer overflow protection feature.
Shows a list of all the vulnerabilities discovered in this
category. Click a vulnerability title to see more details on the
Windows Assessment Module Vulnerability Details Report.
Windows Vulnerabilities by Category
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Windows Host Assessment >
Windows Vulns By Category from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report groups the vulnerabilities first by their domain, Workgroup, or individual
host. These groups are based on the credentials you entered when you set up the
scan configuration.
Within each domain, Workgroup, or individual host group, the vulnerabilities are
further grouped by their Windows Host Assessment category. This category is based
on the vulnerability checks used in the scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Column Heading
Shows the IP address and the system name for the host.
Click the IP address to see more information about the IP
address from the Vulnerabilities by IP Report.
Operating System
Displays the operating system discovered on the host.
Shows a list of all the vulnerabilities discovered in this
category. Click a vulnerability title to see more details on the
Windows Assessment Module Vulnerability Details Report.
Windows Vulnerability Details Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select Vulnerability Assessment >
Vulnerability Details from the Report Pages list on any reports page.
This report shows specific details about the vulnerabilities discovered by the scan.
Section Heading
Affected System(s)
Click + to expand this section. It shows which IP addresses
are afflicted with this vulnerability. This vulnerability should
be fixed on each of these systems. Click an IP address to
see specific information about the system.
Shows the system name and IP address of the hosts
discovered to have this vulnerability.
Operating System
Shows the operating system found on the vulnerable host.
Describes the vulnerability.
Describes the cause of the vulnerability. Shows how an
attacker can take advantage of the vulnerability, and may
discuss the risk involved in allowing the vulnerability to exist.
Tells how to remove the vulnerability. If a fix does not exist,
the recommendation usually offers a workaround solution or
explains how to disable the offending software.
Common Vulnerabilities This link opens a description of the vulnerability or exposure
and Exposures (CVE)
from http://cve.mitre.org. See CVE for more information.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Reviewing CSV Reports
When generating a report with a CSV format, the content of the report is not affected
by the Sections selected. Each CSV report contains a set of information in column
Authenticated Hosts
The authenticated.hosts.csv report contains the following columns:
IP Address,
DNS Name,
NetBIOS Name,
Asset Name,
Asset Criticality,
SSHv2 Certificate (will be one of "Root", "User", or "No Access")
SSHv2 Credentials (will be one of "Root", "User", or "No Access")
SSHv1 (will be one of "Root", "User", or "No Access")
Telnet (will be one of "Root", "User", or "No Access")
Error Code,
Error Description
The vulnerabilities.csv report contains the following columns:
IP Address,
DNS Name,
NetBIOS Name,
Asset Name,
Asset Criticality,
Vulnerability ID (corresponds to the ID in vulndatabase.xml)
Network Assets
The network_assets.csv report contains the following columns:
IP Address,
DNS Name,
NetBIOS Name,
Asset Name,
Asset Criticality,
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
XML Report Content
When generating a report with a XML format, the content of the report is not
affected by the Sections selected. Each XML report contains a set of information in
column format.
Host Data
The Host_Data.xml report contains the following columns:
Report Creation Date,
Report Type (Template or Scan)
For Template Based Reports:
Template Name,
User Name,
Organization Name,
Start Time,
End Time
For Scan Based Reports:
Job ID,
Scan Name,
Scan Type (0 = external; 1 = internal),
Start Time,
End Time
For Both Reports:
Host Data,
IPDWORD (IP address of DWORD),
IPAddress (IP address as a string),
OS Name,
DNS Name,
NetBIOS Name,
WorkGroup Name
(for each Host)
Service ID (corresponds to the value in servicedatabase.xml),
Actual Port,
Faultline ID (corresponds to the ID in vulndatabase.xml)
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Risk Data
The Risk_Data.xml report contains the following columns:
Report Creation Date,
Report Type (Template or Scan)
For Template Based Reports:
Template Name,
User Name,
Organization Name,
Start Time,
End Time
For Scan Based Reports:
Scan Name,
Scan Type (0 = external; 1 = internal),
Start Time,
End Time
For Both Reports:
Faultline ID (corresponds to the ID in vulndatabase.xml)
Exposure Data
Customizing Report Headers
You can customize your HTML and PDF reports by adding your own header image(s).
When Foundstone 6.5 generates an HTML or PDF report, it automatically searches
for these images and places them at the top of each page.
Note: This must be done on each FoundScan Engine that generates reports. It is
also possible to display different headers based on the engine that generated them.
To add a custom header to your HTML Reports
Create an image file named top-left.png.
It should be 375 pixels wide x 100 pixels high.
Note: Large logos or red backgrounds could make it difficult to see the Report
Pages, Prev, Next, and Help Icon links.
Create an image file named top-mid.png.
It should be 4 pixels wide x 100 pixels high.
Note: This image is used to fill in the header, removing any white space
between the top-left and top-right images.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Create an image file named top-right.png.
It should be 180 pixels wide x 100 pixels high.
Save these files to this directory:
Foundstone\XML Reports\I18N\en\Images
Note: Add it to additional language directories if you have localized reports.
Foundstone\XML Reports\I18N\<language directory>\Images
To add a custom header to your PDF Reports
Create an image file named foheader.gif.
It should be 720 pixels wide x 100 pixels high.
Save it to this directory:
Foundstone\XML Reports\HTML\Include\images
The default location of these directories is c:\program files\foundstone\.
To modify the Internet Explorer header and footer
Internet Explorer creates its own headers and footers for printed pages. These text
headers and footers affect printed HTML reports. They usually include a filename or
URL, dates, page numbers, and so forth.
Change these Internet Explorer settings on the server hosting the Foundstone
Report Engine by choosing Page Setup from the File menu. Use the Internet
Explorer help file for more information.
Working with Alerts
This section describes how to view and set up alerts. The alerts are available from
the Results menu if you are logged in as a Root Organization Administrator,
Remediation Administrator, or Foundstone User.
Use the Alerts page (see "Alerts" on page 125) to displays the hosts, services, and
vulnerabilities found in the selected scan.
Use the Alerts - Setup (on page 130) page to change the risk level associated with
various types of alerts, and set up email alerts.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To get here, click RESULTS > ALERTS. You can also click Alerts from the Alerts box on the
home page.
The Alerts page displays the hosts, services, and vulnerabilities found in the selected
Procedures - On this page you can do the following:
Run a Quick Scan (see "Running a Quick Scan" on page 28) (this feature is
available if the Remediation Administrator has been granted access to run scans)
Select a Scan for viewing the alerts that came from that scan job (this feature is
available if the Remediation Administrator has been granted access to run scans)
Expand or condense all alert categories
Expand or condense individual alert categories
Change the settings (see "Alerts - Setup" on page 130) for how the alerts are
See the Detailed Host Report (on page 126) for any host listed in the Alerts.
Figure 30: Alerts page - collapsed view
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Open the Alert Settings (see "Alerts - Setup" on page 130)
Expand All/
Collapse All
Click to expand/collapse all alerts on this page.
Click to show all the alerts in that section.
Click to collapse the alerts in that section.
Click any of the vulnerability names to see the Vulnerability
Affected IP(s)
Opens the Detailed Host Report (on page 126), showing
host-discovery details, service-discovery details, and
vulnerabilities found on that host.
Detailed Host Report
To get here, choose Results > Alerts. Click + to expand an alert category and click a specific IP
The Detailed Host report provides detailed information about the system found at the
selected IP address, based on the latest scans. (If the host was not available during
the latest scans, the host is not listed.)
This report lists any vulnerabilities and services found on that host. When you access
this report for a specific IP address, Foundstone 6.5 queries the Foundstone
Database for the scan information related to this IP address. Since these reports can
be generated for any IP address on your network, they are not generated with the
regular reports.
On this page you can do the following:
To learn more about a particular vulnerability, click the vulnerability name. The
details show descriptions and recommendations for resolving the vulnerability.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To see a list of services found, click any service name. The details also show the
banners that were returned by the listening services.
Figure 31: Host Detail Report
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Detailed Host Report Features
Host Discovery Details
Shows information gained from the Host Discovery process
during the latest scans, including the following:
Domain Name Server
NetBIOS name of the host
any assigned asset labels (assigned through the Asset
Management page (see "Managing Assets" on page
Any discovered operating system
How the host was discovered (ICMP, UDP, TCP etc.)
Time and date of the scan
Shows the criticality assigned to this host. Criticality is
assigned through the Asset Management page (see
"Managing Assets" on page 131).
Vulnerability Details
Shows the Vulnerabilities found on the host. Click any
vulnerability to see the Vulnerability Details List (on page
129). It shows complete details regarding the selected
Note: Vulnerability details only appear for scans that
included vulnerability checks. Discovery scan results do
not show vulnerabilities.
Service Detection
Shows the service name, service title, port and protocol for
each service discovered running on the host. Click a service
to see the information recovered by the scan from that
Note: These services are based on the ICAAN
registration for that particular port. The actual service may
be different than the one displayed. For example, if you
are running a Web server on port 22 (SSH), this report
shows a service description for Secure Shell -- not HTTP.
Expand All
Shows the details for all vulnerability descriptions. This
selection can take a few minutes.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Vulnerability Details List
To get here, choose Results > Alerts. Click + to expand an alert category and click a specific IP
address, then click a vulnerability.
The Vulnerability Details List provides detailed information about specific
On this page you can do the following:
Review vulnerability details for a specific vulnerability.
Learn how to patch or fix the host so that it is no longer susceptible to this
Figure 32: Vulnerability Details Report
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Vulnerability Details Features
The name of the vulnerability.
Provides a risk rating on a scale from 1-9. Scoring a 1 is low
risk; 9 is high risk.
Tells whether the vulnerability check was intrusive or not.
Briefly describes the vulnerability.
Provides additional information on how the vulnerability can
be used to compromise a system, which types of software
are vulnerable, and references to additional information for
further research on the vulnerability.
McAfee's recommendations on how to remedy the
vulnerability. It provides patch information and shows where
to get additional information.
Alerts - Setup
To get here, choose RESULTS > ALERTS. Then click Setup.
This page lets you change the risk level associated with various types of alerts.
The changes made on this page only affect your workgroup. They do not affect
parent or child workgroups or organizations.
On this page you can do the following:
Set risk levels for vulnerabilities, services, hosts, and operating systems. This
changes the risk-button icon displayed next to each category on the alerts page.
For example, changing the Medium Risk Vulnerabilities to "Low" will display a
yellow icon next to the Medium Risk category instead of an orange icon.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Turn off alerts for vulnerabilities, services, hosts, and operating systems. When
set to Off, the alert category does not appear.
Figure 33: Alerts Setup Page - Set alert levels for each category
Managing Assets
Foundstone 6.5 provides the ability to rate and identify hosts throughout your
organization. Your FoundScore can also reflect the ratings you assigned. This lets you
place more emphasis on important assets, ensuring that your remediation efforts are
prioritized the way you want them. For example, if a production server is
compromised, your company is likely at greater risk than if someone were to attack
the mail-room postage computer.
Asset properties and asset groups are shared throughout the organization. All
workgroups and that "share" an asset can view the same information. The
organization can access all assets.
Whether you can view an asset or not depends on the IP Pool you can access.
Workgroup Administrators can see only those assets that belong within their
assigned workgroups.
Root Organization Administrators can see assets belonging to the entire
organization since all workgroups contain subset IP pools of the organization
In Asset Management, you can perform the following tasks:
Organize your IP Addresses into groups (see "Asset Groups" on page 147). This
includes creating new groups (see "To create an asset group containing selected
assets" on page 149) in a hierarchal structure, and assigning assets to those
groups (page 149).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Assign asset labels and criticality levels to individual hosts. To do this, right-click
the asset and select Properties. Then edit the asset's properties (see "Viewing
an Asset's Properties" on page 134).
Search for a labeled asset (see "Using the Basic Search" on page 142), by
clicking the Search tool in the Asset toolbar.
Build your own search criteria (see "Using the Advanced Search" on page 143) to
create a database search, by clicking the Advanced Search tool in the Asset
Create a group from the search results (see "What to do with Search Results" on
page 146), by clicking the Move to Group tool on the Asset toolbar. Note this is
only available on the Search toolbars.
Filter the assets (see "Viewing All or Active Assets" on page 138), by clicking the
Select View tool in the Asset toolbar.
Refresh the list of active hosts from the database, by clicking the Refresh Active
Hosts Information tool on the Asset toolbar. Active hosts are those hosts that
were found during the last scan.
Note: Asset criticality does not affect the FoundScore calculation until you start
assigning criticality levels to your assets.
Figure 34: Asset Management - main page
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Right Display Pane
The right display pane shows the contents of the group selected in the left pane. The
items on the right are classified using the following icons:
Asset Group. If this appears in the right display pane, it is a child group of the
selected group.
Active Host. The latest scan that attempted to find this host actually found it,
meaning that the host was running.
Non-Active Host. The latest scan that attempted to find this host did not find
it. The host may still be there, but it was not found.
IP Addresses appear in blue text when they are assigned to a group, contain a label,
or have a criticality level associated with them. Clearing the attributes of an asset
removes it from any group it belongs to, and returns it to black text.
The buttons and commands on the toolbar let you access the various features of
Access Management.
Figure 35: Asset Management Toolbar
Asset Toolbar Description
Toolbar Button
Toggles the Assets Tree pane on the left side.
Toggles the Search pane (see "Using the Basic Search" on
page 142) on the left side. If the Assets pane is already open,
the Search pane replaces it.
Search performs quick, simple searches for specific assets
using the asset name, operating system, NetBIOS name,
DNS name, domain or workgroup, or criticality.
Toggles the Advanced Search pane (see "Using the
Advanced Search" on page 143) on the left side. If the Assets
pane is already open, the Search pane replaces it.
Advanced Search lets you build your own search criteria, and
run the search on the database. A detailed search can take a
long time, depending on the size of your database and
complexity of the search. If you need to leave this page while
the search is running, it does not interrupt the search. You
can return to this page after the search is completed to
review the results.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Toolbar Button
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Displays a list so you can select which assets you want to
display in the Assets pane.
All Assets - displays all assets, whether active or not,
labeled or not.
Active Assets - displays only those assets that were
identified as active in the last scan.
Note: These options are not available in the Search or
Advanced Search panels. These options search only for
Active Assets.
See Viewing Labeled Assets or All Assets (see "Viewing All
or Active Assets" on page 138).
Refreshes the list of active assets. Choose to Refresh All for
Active Hosts or Refresh Selected for Active Hosts.
Opens the help file.
Viewing an Asset's Properties
Asset properties define the asset, allowing you to add labels, identify how critical the
asset is to your organization, and assign a specific Foundstone 6.5 user to be an
owner. View or change the properties of an asset by double-clicking it, or rightclicking the asset and choosing Properties from the shortcut menu.
Using the Asset Properties pane you can do the following:
View the latest information discovered for a specific host by selecting the host
and looking at the properties. The information includes the DNS name, NetBIOS
name, operating system, domain name, label, criticality, and asset owner.
Change a label to a host by entering the new label information in the Label text
box. If no label is assigned, the default AssetID appears as the label. You can
change the label if you have only a single asset selected.
Set the criticality level for the host or IP range by selecting the level from the
Criticality list.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Assign an Asset Owner to the host or IP range by selecting the user from the
Asset Owner list.
Figure 36: Asset Management - Asset Properties dialog box
Asset Properties
DNS Name
If a single host is selected, and a recent scan discovered the
DNS name of that host, Foundstone 6.5 displays it here. This
field is inactive if you select more than one host. For display
NetBIOS Name
If a single host is selected, and a recent scan discovered the
NetBIOS name of that host, Foundstone 6.5 displays it here.
This field is inactive if you select more than one host. For
display only.
Operating System
If a single host is selected, and a recent scan discovered the
operating system running on that host, Foundstone 6.5
displays it here. This field is inactive if you select more than
one host. For display only.
Domain Name
If a single host is selected, and a recent scan discovered the
domain name of that host, Foundstone 6.5 displays it here.
This field is inactive if you select more than one host. For
display only.
Use this field to assign the group or host label. This can be
anything you want. If a custom label has not been assigned,
the label uses the Foundstone Asset ID number for its label.
Click the arrow and select the criticality level (see "Criticality
Levels" on page 154) from the list.
Asset Owner
Click the arrow and select the asset owner from the list.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Managing Asset Identification Rules
Foundstone 6.5 provides three rule-based systems for identifying assets on your
network: one for Windows-based systems, one for non-Windows-based systems,
and one for unknown hosts with unknown operating systems. You choose which
rules to enable, and the order in which they will attempt to run.
Using the Managing Asset Identification Rules pane you can do the following:
Create prioritized rules for identifying unique assets.
Determine the priority for each set of rules.
View current rule configurations.
Asset identification rules affect the entire organization.
Asset Identification Rules only affect scans created after the rule was created or
edited. Prior scans are not affected.
For Windows and Unknown assets, the first rule is pre-set to identify hosts
with ePO UIDs.
For each asset, Foundstone tries each rule until it finds a rule whose conditions
match the asset. Once a rule matches an asset, the remaining rules are ignored.
You can set up multiple rules to identify all the assets on your system.
Each rule contains one or more conditions.
To set up a rule, choose the checkboxes on a single row to select the conditions
for that rule. For example, with Windows Assets, ePO UID is automatically
selected as the first rule. On row 2, select the checkboxes that correspond to
the conditions that should exist in the second rule.
To review the rule list, see the text under Configured Rules just below each
selection table.
To set a limit on how long an undiscovered asset can live without being marked
as inactive, change the Asset Activity setting at the bottom of the page.
Note: You can search for inactive assets using the Advanced Search feature in
Asset Management (see "Using the Advanced Search" on page 143).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Unique Identifier Features
Windows Asset
An asset running a Windows operating system.
non-Windows Asset
An asset running a non-Windows operating system.
Unknown Asset
An asset with an OS-type that cannot be identified.
The ePO ID comes from the ePO agent running on Windowsbased hosts. They are always unique, and provide the most
reliable way to identify an asset. Foundstone 6.5 always looks
for an ePO identifier on Windows-based hosts.
MAC Address
Address tied to the network adapter (NIC) on the host. It is not
solely reliable in asset identification because the network card
can be moved to another host.
DNS Name
Use a domain name as part of the unique identifier. Adding
this option along with an IP address allows for cases where
the same IP address may exist in two different domains.
IP Address
Use an IP address as part of the unique identifier.
In a DHCP environment, a rule that contains only this
condition can cause confusion if an asset receives a
different IP address from DHCP. Be sure to use other
conditions along with this rule to ensure you have
identified unique assets.
In a non-DHCP environment, set up the last rule with this
condition only to catch all assets that don't match the
conditions in previous rules.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
NetBIOS Name
In Windows-based systems, use the hostname as part of the
unique identifier.
Displays the number of confirmed and unconfirmed assets for
each rule selected. Also presents the number as a percentage
of the total found for a rule.
Running a new scan updates this column.
Configured Rules
Displays the order in which rules will be applied to assets.
Asset Activity
Set the number of days an asset can go without being
discovered before it is labeled as inactive. For more
information, see Asset Activity Status (page 155).
Viewing All or Active Assets
Viewing All Assets - Default View
The default view shows all assets. The Assets Tree view shows all of the assets in
your allowed scanning range. They are grouped by IP address sets.
To show this view, click the Select View tool in the toolbar and choose All
Assets from the list displayed.
Figure 37: Asset Management - all assets view
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Viewing Active Assets
When you choose to view labeled scans, Foundstone 6.5 adjusts the asset tree view
to show only those asset groups and general IP ranges that contain active assets.
To show this view, click the Select View tool in the Asset toolbar and choose
Active Assets from the list.
Clearing Asset Attributes
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click MANAGE > ASSETS.
To get here using the FoundScan Console, choose Users/Groups/Scans from the File menu,
right-click an organization or workgroup, and choose Manage Assets from the shortcut menu.
Remove the attributes of an asset by right-clicking the asset and selecting Clear
Note: Remove the attributes of multiple labeled assets by selecting the assets,
right-clicking the selection, and clicking Clear Attributes. However, if any of the
selected assets (even one) does not contain either a label or criticality setting, this
option does not appear.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Searching for Assets
Foundstone includes both a basic and advanced search to locate assets.
Using the basic search, search for an asset with a specific label, IP, operating
system, NetBIOS name, DNS name, or domain name. The results returned from a
basic search include only those assets that were found during the last scan. These
assets are called "active" or "alive" assets.
Using the advanced search, build your own search criteria. Specify if you want to
include only those assets that were found during the last scan (active assets), assets
that had be found previously but were not found during the last scan (inactive
assets), or assets that have never been scanned (unidentified assets).
You can switch between basic and advanced searches, and the search results will
not be cleared. However, any subsequent searches you perform will be against the
entire database and not against the current results set.
Working with large searches
A maximum of 10,000 assets can be displayed as a search result. If the result of
search will be larger than 10,000 assets, a message appears asking if you want to
view the partial result. If you choose to view the partial results, the total number of
assets included in the results is displayed at the top of the search results table.
Stopping a search
If you stop a search, the search results table shows the partial results and displays
"partial results" at the top of the table.
Working with columns in the search results
Columns in the search results table can be moved, resized, or removed (or added
back in). Any changes to make to the table are not "remembered" the next time you
access asset management.
To resize a column, select the line between the columns and drag it to a new
location. To "force" the column to adjust the fit to actual size needed, double-click
the line.
To move a column, select the column and drag it to a new location.
To select the columns displayed, right-click a column heading and choose Select
Columns from the shortcut menu to display the Select Columns dialog box. By
default, all columns are included. To remove a column from view, select the
column name in the right side of the dialog box and click Remove. To display a
column that was removed, select the column name in the left side of the dialog
box and click Add. You can also reorder the display of the columns in this dialog
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Using the Asset toolbar during searches
The buttons and commands on the toolbar let you access the various features during
basic or advanced searches.
Figure 38: Asset Management toolbar - after searching
Toggles the Assets Tree pane on the left side.
Toggles the Search pane (see "Using the Basic Search" on
page 142) on the left side. If the Assets pane is already open,
the Search pane replaces it.
Search performs quick, simple searches for specific assets
using the asset name, operating system, NetBIOS name,
DNS name, domain or workgroup, or criticality.
Toggles the Advanced Search pane (see "Using the
Advanced Search" on page 143) on the left side. If the Assets
pane is already open, the Search pane replaces it.
Advanced Search lets you build your own search criteria, and
run the search on the database. A detailed search can take a
long time, depending on the size of your database and
complexity of the search. If you need to leave this page while
the search is running, it does not interrupt the search. You
can return to this page after the search is completed to
review the results.
Moves assets in a search result to a group (see "What to do
with Search Results" on page 146), allowing you to assign a
group name and criticality.
Note: Assets can belong to only one group.
Opens the help file.
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Using the Basic Search
Use the basic search to locate an asset with a specific label, IP, operating system,
NetBIOS name, DNS name, or domain name.
Note: The results returned from a basic search include only those assets that were
found during the last scan. These assets are called "active" or "alive" assets.
To search for active assets
Click Search. The Search pane appears on the left side of the Asset
Management page.
Figure 39: Asset Management - basic search
Enter the text you want to find in the String to search for: text box. For all
searches except for IP address, you can enter all or part of the string. For IP
addresses, you must enter an exact IP address (in the correct net mask format,
such as
For General Filter, select the type of search you want to perform: Label, IP
Address, Operating System, DNS Name, NetBIOS Name, or Domain Name.
To filter your search by a specific criticality level, under Criticality Filter, select
the criticality level of the asset. This creates an "AND" search so that if you
search for a Windows operating system with a criticality level of "Significant",
your search results include all assets that are Windows operating systems and
with a criticality "Significant." Unchecking all boxes provides the same result as if
all boxes were checked: your search results include assets with any criticality.
When the search has completed, the assets matching your search criteria are
displayed in the right pane. A temporary group named "Search Results" is created and
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
remains as long as you are logged on for the session. Assets in this temporary group
can be moved, renamed, or have criticality levels changed. For more information, see
What to do with Search Results (on page 146).
Using the Advanced Search
Use the advanced database search to build your own search criteria, and run the
search on the database. Specify if you want to include only those assets that were
found during the last scan (active assets), assets that had be found previously but
were not found during the last scan (inactive assets), or assets that have never been
scanned (unidentified assets).
On this page you can do the following:
Specify the search criteria by selecting the options from the list boxes and
entering the text on which to base the search in the Add Criteria area. Click Add
to move the selection to the Search Criteria area.
Use the logical operators, AND or OR from the Logical Operator list to specify
how each search criteria line is interpreted. The selected operator affects the
entire search; you cannot select multiple operators within the same search.
Remove a single search line from the Search Criteria area by selecting the line
you want to remove and clicking Remove.
Remove all lines of criteria from the Search Criteria area by clicking Remove All.
Note: The Advanced Search Results show the data as it was when the search ran.
If the data changes, it is not reflected in the search results until you run the search
The Advanced Search Results are kept in the Reports folder on the FoundScan
Engine and on the Foundstone Enterprise Manager. The default location is
Note: A detailed search can take a long time, depending on the size of your
database and complexity of the search.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To use the advanced search to locate assets
Click Advanced Search. The Search pane appears on the left side of the Asset
Management page.
Figure 40: Asset Management - advanced search
For Add Criteria, do the following:
Select the arrow to specify the type of search you want to perform.
Select whether the criteria Contains/Does Not Contain, or is In/Not In.
The options available depend on the criteria you select.
Enter the parameters on which you want to filter the search.
For information on the parameters for each criteria, see the following table.
Click Add to add the line to the search criteria.
To further filter your search, create another line and choose a Logical Operator:
Choose AND to search for assets that match all lines of criteria. For
example, [IP addresses through] AND [Open Ports 1
through 50] returns all assets in that IP range that also have open ports in
the 1-50 range.
Choose OR to search for assets that match any line of criteria. For example,
[IP address] OR IP address [] returns the assets
belonging to either of these IP addresses if found.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
If necessary, remove a line of search criteria by selecting the line and clicking
Remove. To clear all lines of search criteria, click Remove All.
To filter your search by a specific criticality level, under Criticality Filter, select
the criticality level of the asset. This creates an "AND" search so that if you
search for a Windows operating system with a criticality level of "Significant",
your search results include all assets that are Windows operating systems and
with a criticality "Significant."
Unchecking all boxes provides the same result as if all boxes were checked:
your search results include assets with any criticality.
To filter your search by a specific asset type, under Asset filter, select the type
of asset. This creates an "AND" search so that if you search for a Windows
operating system with an asset filter of "Active," your search results include all
assets that are Windows operating systems and that are active. For more
information, see Asset Activity Status (page 155).
When you are ready to begin the search, click Search. To stop the search, click
Stop. There may be a slight delay before the Stop button becomes available.
During this time the results are being retrieved from the database.
When the search has completed, the assets matching your search criteria are
displayed in the right pane. A temporary group named "Search Results" is created and
remains as long as you are logged on for the session. Assets in this temporary group
can be moved, renamed, or have criticality levels changed. For more information, see
What to do with Search Results (on page 146).
Advanced Search Criteria
IP Address
Enter a range of IP addresses on which to search.
Enter all or part of the string to search for a labeled asset.
Choose Contains to find assets that contain this string in
the label. Choose Does Not Contain to find assets that do
not contain this string in the label. Enter up to 64 characters.
OS Name
Enter the partial name of an Operating System, such as
win. Choose Contains to find assets that use this operating
system. Enter up to 64 characters. Choose Does Not
Contain to find assets that do not use this operating
DNS Name
Enter the partial DNS name of the asset. Choose Contains
to find the assets that contain this DNS name. Enter up to
64 characters. Choose Does Not Contain to find assets
that do not contain this DNS name.
NetBIOS Name
Enter the partial NetBIOS name of the asset. Choose
Contains to find assets that contain this NetBIOS name.
Enter up to 64 characters. Choose Does Not Contain to
find assets that do not contain this name.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Domain Name
Enter the partial domain name of the asset. Choose
Contains to find assets that are members of this domain.
Enter up to 64 characters. Choose Does Not Contain to
find assets that are not members of this domain.
Open Ports
Enter a range of open ports. Enter a positive number of five
digits or less. Choose In to look for assets with these open
ports. Choose Not In to find assets on which open ports are
not found.
Select the protocol, TCP or UDP. Choose Equals to find
assets that are running services utilizing the selected
protocol. Select Not Equals to find assets that are not
running the selected protocol.
Service Name
Enter the name of a running service, such as SMTP or
HTTP. Enter up to 64 characters. Choose Contains to
include assets that are running these services. Choose
Does Not Contain to exclude those assets.
Banner Text
Enter a partial name of banner text returned by a running
service. Enter up to 64 characters. Choose Contains to
include assets that returned this text in a banner. Choose
Does Not Contain to exclude those assets.
What to do with Search Results
Once your search has completed, you can use the results of the search to manage
your assets. The results are temporarily saved (per session) in a group, "Search
When your search results are available, you can:
Add the search results to a group by selecting the assets and then clicking the
Move to Group tool on the toolbar. Use the Move to Group dialog box (on page
151) to move the selected assets to an existing group, or to a new group. You
can also right-click the assets and choose Move to Group from the shortcut
View or change the properties of an asset. To do this, right-click the asset, and
choose Properties from the shortcut menu. You can also double-click the asset
to display this dialog box. Use the Asset Properties dialog box (see "Viewing an
Asset's Properties" on page 134) to change the label or criticality level of the
Tip: If you have multiple assets selected, use the Asset Properties dialog box
to change the criticality level only. To change the label of an asset, be sure you
have selected only that asset.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Groups
You can combine multiple assets into groups, organizing them into hierarchies that
make sense to your organization. This makes it easier to manage assets, add groups
of assets to scans, and monitor risk. You can create any number of groups and sublevels of groups.
Asset groups are shared across the organization. However, they display only those
assets you have the right to view.
All administrators can view all asset groups. The Root Organization Administrator can
view and delete all assets groups. The Workgroup Administrator can view only those
assets belonging to the IP pool of his or her assigned workgroup (and subworkgroups).
The Root Organization Administrator can delete any asset group. The Workgroup
Administrator can delete asset groups if the group only contains assets belonging to
the IP pool for that workgroup. If the asset group contains assets from other
workgroups, only the assets belonging to that IP pool are removed and the asset
group itself is not deleted.
In Asset Management, you can perform the following tasks:
To view the assets that belong to a group, click the group in the left pane. The
assets are displayed in the right pane.
To view or change the properties of a group (page 152), right-click the group and
select Properties from the shortcut menu.
To create a new group (page 152), right-click the organization or a group and
select New Group from the shortcut menu.
To move a group to another group (page 150), right click the group whose assets
you want to move and select Move to Group.
To move assets into a group (page 149), browse to the asset range you want to
add. In the right panel, select the assets using CTRL-Click or SHIFT-Click to
select multiple assets. Right-click the selection and choose Move to Group from
the shortcut menu.
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Notes: Moving multiple assets into an asset group shows the internal asset ID
as the label. This is done to provide a unique label and can be overwritten.
Moving a single asset into an asset group shows the IP address as the label
until you overwrite it.
Figure 41: Asset Management - main page
Displayed Asset Group Properties
Active host (page 155)
Inactive host (page 155)
Undiscovered host (page 155)
Blue Assets
If the asset shows up with blue text, it means that
someone has modified the asset's criticality, label, or
group membership.
DNS Name
Shows the name reported by DNS for this asset.
NetBIOS Name
Shows the NetBIOS name that the last scan found on this
Shows any labels that have been assigned to these
IP Address/Range
Shows the IP address on which this asset was found.
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Shows the criticality that has been assigned to each
asset. You can assign the criticality to the entire group by
modifying the group's properties (page 152).
To create a new asset group
In the Assets tree pane, navigate to the location where you want to create the
new group.
Right-click the group under which the new group will be located and choose
New Group from the shortcut menu. The New Group dialog box (page 152)
Enter the Label for the group, and select the Criticality and Owner.
Click OK to save your changes.
Tip: You can also right-click a group or an empty area in the right pane and choose
New Group. The new group is created under the currently selected group.
To create an asset group containing selected assets
In the Assets tree pane, navigate to the IP mask containing the range you want
to group. Click the IP mask so that the range appears in the right pane.
Select the assets you want to include in the new group.
Right-click the assets and then choose Move to Group. The Move to Group
dialog (see "Move to Group dialog box" on page 151) box appears.
Click New Group. The New Group dialog box (page 152) appears.
Enter the Label for the group, and select the Criticality and Owner.
Click OK to save your changes.
To assign assets to groups
Note: Adding or removing multiple assets to or from a group can take several
minutes because of the database changes that are being made. For this reason,
when moving assets into an asset group, the number of assets you can move at
once is roughly limited to a class C network.
You can move multiple class C's to a group at a single time if they belong to the
same class B. By selecting the class B network in the left pane (192.168.*.*) the
right pane shows the class C networks belonging to the class B.
You can select any (or all) of the entries in the table and choose Move to Group
from the shortcut menu in the table. This will take several minutes to perform.
An asset can belong to only one group at a time.
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In the left pane, navigate to the network class containing the asset(s) you want
to add to the group.
In the right pane select the first group of assets to add to the group.
To select multiple addresses, press and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard
as you select IP addresses.
To select a range, click the first address. Press and hold the SHIFT key and
click the last address.
Right-click the selected address(es) and choose Move to Group from the
shortcut menu.
In the Move to Group dialog box (on page 151), do one of the following:
To use an existing group, choose the desired group.
To create a new group, click New Group. You can create several new
groups in the New Group dialog box (on page 152) before assigning the IP
After selecting the desired group, click OK.
To move groups around
You can rearrange your asset groups as needed by dragging them to new
positions in the Assets tree pane.
Tip: You can also right-click a group in the Assets pane and choose Move to Group
from the shortcut menu.
To delete a group
Deleting a group puts all of the assets back into the asset tree, and removes the
group. Any assets that inherited the asset group's criticality or owner properties will
retain those properties after the group is deleted.
In the Assets tree pane, select the group you want to delete.
Press the Delete key.
When the prompted if you are sure you want to delete the group(s), click Yes.
Tip: You can also right-click the group and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
To rename a group
Right-click the group you want to rename and choose Rename from the shortcut
Enter the new name and press Enter.
To change the group's assigned criticality or label
Right-click the group you want to rename and choose Properties from the
shortcut menu.
Change the criticality level or label and click OK.
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To remove an asset from a group
Removing an asset from a group moves the asset and any child assets to the root
level. This has the same effect as dragging and dropping the group to the root level.
Right-click the asset to be removed, and choose Remove from Group from the
shortcut menu.
To refresh the display of active hosts in a group
In the Assets pane, right-click the group containing the assets you want to
refresh, and choose Refresh Selected for Active Hosts from the shortcut menu.
Move to Group dialog box
Use this dialog box to move selected assets to an existing Asset Group, or create a
new group.
In the Move to Group dialog box, you can do the following:
To add the selected search results or IP addresses to an existing group, select
the group name and click OK.
To add the selected results or IP addresses to a new group, click New Group.
After you enter the information to create the new group, select the newly
created group and click OK.
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New Group dialog box
Use this dialog box to specify the properties of the new group you are creating.
Figure 42: Asset Management - New Group dialog box
New Group Dialog Box Settings
Enter the name for this asset group.
Choose the criticality level (see "Criticality Levels" on page
154) to indicate how important the assets in this group are
to the security of your enterprise.
Asset Owner
If you are assigning assets to specific users, choose the
appropriate user from the list.
Asset Group Properties
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click MANAGE > ASSETS. Then rightclick a group and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
To get here using the FoundScan Console, choose Users/Groups/Scans from the File menu,
right -click an organization or workgroup, and choose Manage Assets from the shortcut menu.
Then right-click a group and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
Use the Asset Group Properties dialog box to simultaneously set the properties for
multiple assets belonging to the same group.
On this page you can do the following:
Set the group name (label).
Change the criticality.
Extend the criticality to all assets in the hierarchal structure under this group.
Assign an asset owner.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Figure 43: Asset Management - Asset Group Properties dialog box
Asset Group Property Settings
Shows the group name.
Note: The Asset Label field does not support high-ASCII
characters. Only use alpha-numeric characters for group
Shows the criticality level (see "Criticality Levels" on page
154) applied to the group. Individual assets within the group
may have their own criticality level applied to them.
Apply this criticality to
existing child assets
Select this checkbox to apply the criticality level to all
groups under this group in the Asset Tree view.
Asset Owner
Assign all the assets in this group to this user.
Asset Properties dialog box
View or change the properties of an asset by double-clicking it, or right-clicking the
asset and choosing Properties from the shortcut menu.
Asset properties define the asset, allowing you to add labels, identify how critical the
asset is to your organization, and assign a specific Foundstone 6.5 user to be an
Figure 44: Asset Management - Asset Properties dialog box
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Properties
DNS Name
If a single host is selected, and a recent scan discovered
the DNS name of that host, Foundstone 6.5 displays it
here. This field is inactive if you select more than one host.
For display only.
NetBIOS Name
If a single host is selected, and a recent scan discovered
the NetBIOS name of that host, Foundstone 6.5 displays it
here. This field is inactive if you select more than one host.
For display only.
Operating System
If a single host is selected, and a recent scan discovered
the operating system running on that host, Foundstone 6.5
displays it here. This field is inactive if you select more
than one host. For display only.
Domain Name
If a single host is selected, and a recent scan discovered
the domain name of that host, Foundstone 6.5 displays it
here. This field is inactive if you select more than one host.
For display only.
Use this field to assign the group or host label. This can be
anything you want. If a custom label has not been
assigned, the label uses the host's IP address for its label.
Click the arrow and select the criticality level (see
"Criticality Levels" on page 154) from the list.
Asset Owner
Click the arrow and select the asset owner from the list.
Criticality Levels
Criticality levels indicate how important this asset is to your business, and the impact
to your business should this asset be compromised. Foundstone 6.5 uses six
criticality levels (including "none"). Set this level after you determine how critical the
asset is to your enterprise.
What would be the impact if this machine were vulnerable to an attack, or if its
data was compromised?
How important is the data on this host?
How difficult will it be to replace this data?
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Criticality Levels
The criticality level has not been assigned.
Low (1)
Lowest criticality - fixing the vulnerabilities on this host is a
low priority when compared to others.
Limited (2)
Moderate (3)
Intermediate levels of criticality.
Significant (4)
Extensive (5)
Highest criticality - fixing the vulnerabilities on this host
should be the highest priority.
How Criticality Affects FoundScore
Once you begin assigning criticality levels to your assets, the criticality affects your
FoundScore. Vulnerabilities found on hosts marked with a lower criticality count less
than vulnerabilities found on hosts with a high criticality level. For more information
on criticality levels and FoundScore, see Managing Metrics - FoundScore Settings (on
page 272).
Asset Owners
Foundstone 6.5 lets you assign assets to specific users. Assign the asset to any user
in the system, so you can assign users to specific subnets.
If you are using Remediation Tickets, set up automatic rules that assign assets to
their asset owners whenever a vulnerability is discovered on that asset.
To create an asset owner, make sure the user already exists in the Foundstone
6.5 system (see "Creating New Users" on page 241).
To assign an asset to a user, right-click the asset or group, and click Properties
from the shortcut menu. Choose the user from the Asset Owner dropdown box.
To remove an owner from an asset, right-click the asset or group and choose
Properties from the shortcut menu. Select None from the Asset Owner list.
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Asset Activity Status
The activity status of an asset is determined by a scan discovering the asset. An
asset can be Active, Inactive, or Undiscovered.
Active assets - Assets that were found by a scan within x days. The number
of days is set in the Asset Activity box in the Manage Asset Identification
Rules dialog box (page 136).
Inactive assets - Assets that were not found within x days, but were found
by a previous scan.
Note: To reactivate an asset, run a scan that will discover that asset.
Undiscovered assets - Assets that have been manually entered on the
Manage > Assets page, but have not been found by a scan.
Managing Data Sources
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click Manage > Data Sources.
Use these settings to configure the Foundstone Data Synchronization Service. This
allows Foundstone 6.5 to use data residing in ePolicy Orchestrator databases or
LDAP servers, increasing operating system accuracy and showing which
vulnerabilities are mitigated by other McAfee products deployed in those
environments. If your active directory domain is configured to use Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) encryption ensure the machine hosting the Data Synchronization Service
has the requisite certificates in place.
Foundstone 6.5 adds the following information to the reports, which show assets
with ePO data:
operating system
service pack level
Note: ePolicy Orchestrator information is given a higher priority over existing
operating system information in the Foundstone Database.
Foundstone 6.5 supports LDAP version 3, with Simple, SNEGO or NTLM access.
The LDAP server must support paged search control.
The Data Sources page provides the ability to:
Add an ePO Data Source (page 158) or LDAP Data Source (page 159)
Edit an existing Data Source (page 164)
Delete a Data Source (page 163)
Test a Data Source (page 164)
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Figure 45: ePO servers added to the Data Sources library
Server Address
IP address or fully qualified domain name
ePolicy Orchestrator or LDAP server
Last Sync Time
Date and time of the last successful synchronization
Last Sync Status
Status of the last synchronization
Next Sync Time
Date and time of the next synchronization
Edit, Delete, or Test the database connection
Add Data Source
Specify the location and settings for a new ePolicy
Orchestrator database
Refreshes the page to update the information displayed
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To create an ePO Data Source
Click Add Data Source.
Select ePO from the Data Source Type list.
Type the server address of the ePO database.
Type the name of the ePO database.
Type a username and password.
Note: The username must have at least read-access to the ePO database.
Select Active or Inactive for the Scheduler.
Select either a Schedule Type (Immediate or One Time) or a Recurring (Daily,
Weekly, Monthly).
Note: If you select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, also select the appropriate
Schedule (page 162) options for this data source.
Click Save and then click Exit.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To create an LDAP Data Source
Click Add Data Source.
Select LDAP from the Data Source Type list.
Type entries for these options:
LDAP server address or fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
Once an LDAP data source is saved, this field cannot be edited. You must
create a new LDAP data source to correct a server address or FQDN error.
Note: A fully qualified domain name is required if you are using an SSL
LDAP server port number
Timeout number (in seconds) - this field is optional.
Timeout determines how long the Foundstone Data Synchronization Service
waits for a reply from the LDAP server before deciding that the LDAP server
is not responding. If this field is left blank, the Foundstone Data
Synchronization Service uses the server default.
Select a connection type.
Select SSL if your LDAP server supports it. If not, leave the selection as
Select an authentication type (NTLM, Generic, or Simple).
If you are using OpenLDAP, you must use Simple authentication.
Note: NTLM and Generic authentication are not compatible with LDAP in
Linux environments.
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Type a username and password.
Select either Active or Inactive for the Scheduler.
The LDAP Search Root is a string that specifies the root of the LDAP tree. For
the LDAP Search Root, specify where asset searches should begin.
Example: dc=foundstone, dc=com
Note: The fields in the LDAP Attribute Mapping are case insensitive. The
values in the LDAP Attribute Mapping are given by the administrator, and could
vary from system to system.
The LDAP Search Filter sets criteria that helps reduce the number of attributes
returned by a search.
Example: (objectclass=computer) imports all computers from the LDAP
server to the Faultline database.
For more information on LDAP query basics, go to the Microsoft TechNet
website (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa996205.aspx).
Note: To import an OU structure, specify the root of the OU structure as your
LDAP root and use an LDAP filter to remove any results that should be
10 Type entries for these options:
NetBIOS Name: LDAP attribute containing the NetBIOS name (if it exists)
DNS Name: LDAP attribute containing the host (Domain) name (if it exists)
IP Address: LDAP attribute containing the IP Address
Domain Name (optional): LDAP attribute containing the DNS Name (if it
MAC Address (optional): LDAP attribute containing the MAC address (if it
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Example 1:
If the active directory does not have an LDAP attribute containing the IP address
of individual hosts, the NetBIOS Name and DNS Name attributes can be used to
retreive entries and resolve IP addresses. Standard Winsock methods are used
to lookup the IP address for a given hostname. An IP address is required to scan
the system. If the hostname cannot be resolved, the asset is not added to the
final result set.
Example 2:
If the active directory does have an LDAP attribute containing the IP address of
individual host, the IP Address attribute can retrieve IP addresses directly, so the
NetBIOS and DNS Name attributes are not necessary.
11 Select a Schedule Type (Immediate or One Time) or a Recurring (Daily,
Weekly, Monthly).
Note: If you select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, also select the appropriate
Schedule (page 162) options for this data source.
12 Click Save and then click Exit.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
After your LDAP data source is synchronized successfully into Foundstone, go to
Adding IP Addresses by browsing a LDAP server (page 367) for information on how
to add LDAP assets to a scan configuration. If you need to view or troubleshoot the
data retrieved from the synchronization, create a scan and browse your LDAP assets.
You can also view the LDAPAssets table in the database for more information.
To schedule a Data Source
To setup a Daily Recurring Data Source
Select Daily under Recurring.
Type the Start On date.
Note: You can also use the Calendar (
) to select a start date.
Select an hour and minutes this data source is to be run on a daily basis.
Click Save.
To setup a Weekly Recurring Data Source
Select Weekly under Recurring.
Select a day of the week to run this data source.
Note: It is possible to select more than one day to run a data source.
Select an hour and minutes this data source is to be run on a weekly basis.
Select the number of weeks this data source is to recur. For example, selecting
3 means the selected data source runs once every 3 weeks.
Click Save.
To setup a Monthly Recurring Data Source
Select Monthly under Recurring.
Do the following:
To schedule a data source to run on a specific day during a specific week,
make sure the Date checkbox is not selected. Select the Start On criteria.
Select the First through the Fifth to designate the week of the month the
data source will be run. Then, select the day of the week the data source
will be run.
To schedule a data source to run on a specific date during a month, make
sure the Date checkbox is selected. Select the Start On criteria. Select the
date (1st through the 31st) of the month to run the data source.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Select an hour and minutes this data source is to be run on a monthly basis.
Select the number of months this data source is to recur. For example, selecting
3 means the selected data source runs once every 3 months.
Click Add. The schedule criteria is added to the list.
Note: You can add more than one schedule criteria to the monthly schedule
Click Save.
To delete a Data Source
Click Delete in the row of the Data Source to be deleted. A message appears
asking for a confirmation for the deletion.
Figure 46: ePO servers added to the Data Sources library
Click OK.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To edit a Data Source
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click Manage > Data Sources.
Click Edit in the row of the Data Source to be edited.
Figure 47: ePO servers added to the Data Sources library
Make the necessary changes.
Click Save.
Click Exit.
To test a Data Source
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click Manage > Data Sources.
The data source Test feature allows you to verify that your data source is properly
setup and that the service is running. Use this feature before you synchronize with
your data source.
Click Test in the row of the Data Source connection to be tested.
Figure 48: ePO servers added to the Data Sources library
If you receive a successful test result, then the service is running.
If you receive a failed test result, then the service is either not installed or is not
If your data source is not properly setup, then edit (page 164) your data source.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Managing Engines
To get here, click MANAGE > ENGINES. You must be logged in as the Root Organization
Administrator to use this page.
This page shows the FoundScan Engine servers that are available for running scans.
If you have more than one FoundScan Engine, a list of the available engines appears
on the Scan Schedule page so that you can select the machine that should run the
Warning: If you create multiple root organizations, they should use separate engines
or at least have a common administrator that knows to avoid overlapping settings;
the engine settings can be edited by any Root Organization Administrator.
The settings on this page affect the entire organization, including all workgroups.
Workgroup administrators cannot make changes to these settings.
On this page you can do the following:
To see if the engine can be reached, click Test Connectivity.
To change the description, enter a description in the Description column and
click Update.
Note: If an engine is supposed to appear on this list, but does not, make sure the
engine is made available in the Organization or Workgroup Properties (see
"Organization Properties - Scan Engines" on page 226).
Figure 49: Manage Engines - shows the available engines
Provides the ability to enter a descriptive name for the FoundScan
Engine. The name and description are stored in the engine's
The optional description can provide additional information about
the location or purpose of this FoundScan Engine. Click Update
to accept any changes you make.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Displays the type of system on which Foundstone is running. If
the FoundScan Engine is running on a McAfee appliance, it is
displayed here. If the FoundScan Engine is running on customersupplied equipment, the type is displayed as "Custom."
Shows whether the Foundstone Database is communicating with
this FoundScan Engine. If the status is online, the Foundstone
Database is able to communicate with the FoundScan Engine.
This status is updated every 30 seconds as the database polls
each engine.
Click Update to submit changes to the FoundScan Engine
Removes this FoundScan Engine from the list. Engines that are
online cannot be deleted from the list.
Pauses all scans on this FoundScan Engine.
Click Test Connectivity to see if the FoundScan Engine is
running and reachable. If the engine is found, a confirmation
message shows the IP address and port that the engine is using
to communicate with the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Note: The "online" status is established after the connectivity,
so it is possible to see the Test Connectivity button even
when the engine status is offline.
Edit the settings for this engine. (see "Default Engine Settings" on
page 167)
Manage additional settings for a FS850 Appliance (see "Managing
an FS850 Appliance" on page 187). Use this feature to restart,
rename, or reconfigure the FS850 Appliance.
Add FS850
Opens the initial FS850 Appliance setup wizard (see "Adding an
FS850 Appliance" on page 175). Use this feature to set up the
initial configuration for an FS850 Appliance.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Default Engine Settings
The tabs on this page let you set the common options that affect all FoundScan
Engine servers you can access. Settings that affect all engines are available here;
those options that are specific to each engine are disabled.
On this page you can do the following:
To set the default settings for all FoundScan Engine servers in your organization,
go through each tab and edit the available settings.
To change the settings for engine-specific options, click Manage > Engines.
Click Edit Preferences for the engine who's options you want to change.
To save the changes to the default engine template, so that all new FoundScan
Engine servers that come online use these settings, click Save.
To save the settings to the template and to apply the new settings to all
FoundScan Engine servers, click Global Save.
Engine Preferences - General Settings
This page lets you change the FoundScan Engine's general settings, including the
logging options
report directory locations and report generation behavior,
DHCP resolution
database maintenance settings
Figure 50: Engine Preferences - General Settings
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Logging Options
Limit Logfile Retention
to ____ days
Select this option to set the number of days (1 through 365)
of information to retain in the log file.
Use Coordinated
Universal Time in Log
Select this option if you are coordinating across multiple
time zones. Clear this option to use the local computer's
time in the log file. This option refers to the time stamp at
the beginning of each message in the log file.
Enabling this option uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), instead of any
particular time zone.
Disable logging of
status messages
Select this option to stop logging status messages.
Log Directory
Set the path to the local directory where you want to save
your Foundstone Logs.
Report Directory
Report Directory
Select the local folder in which to save generated reports.
Generate Reports for
Foundstone 6.5 supports individual FoundScan Engine roles.
Choose the role that this engine will assume on your
This engine - This engine will only generate reports for
scans created by this engine. Then it uploads the report
to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager so everyone can
access it.
Use this option for engines that should not help in the
report generation process. For example, a remote
engine with somewhat limited bandwidth to the
database could use this option.
Any engine - This engine will generate reports in the
database queue. Then it uploads the report to the
Foundstone Enterprise Manager so everyone can
access it.
Use this option for normal engines.
Do not generate reports - This engine will not
generate reports. When this engine finishes a scan, the
reports are queued in the database to wait for an
available engine to generate the report.
Use this option for engines that should not generate
reports; on a large network with multiple engines, the
primary engine should use this setting because it is
busy handling the communication between the
<database> and the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Console Management Options
Remove scans __
Select this option to set the time for keeping non-active
hour(s) after completion scans in the main window of the Console. Then enter the
or error
number of hours (1 through 168) after which scans should
be removed.
Limit number of nonSelect this option to set the number of non-active scans
active scans to __ items that appear in the main window of the Console. Then enter
the number of non-active scans (8 through 30) to be limited.
Use host name to
reconcile dynamic IP
Select this option to resolve IP addresses to their machine
names using the DHCP server. This lets Foundstone 6.5
track hosts even if their IP Address changes, but it can
make the scan job run slightly slower.
Clear this feature if you don't have a DHCP server, or if you
don't want to track hosts by name.
Use __ threads per
scanner instance for
FSL script processing
Set the number of threads (8 through 30) running in parallel
to execute FSL vulnerability check scripts. The number can
be increased for a faster scan when vulnerability checking is
enabled. Increasing the number of FSL threads used
improves scan performance but it also requires more
network bandwidth.
Perform db
maintenance at ______
every __ days
Use this option to set up regular maintenance on the
Foundstone Database.
Choose the time for the maintenance to occur and select
the interval (number of days, 1 through 30) between each
maintenance period. By default the interval is set to 1 day.
This is the recommended setting.
This process updates the statistics on the Foundstone
Database, is silent and does not affect users other than
increasing the CPU usage on the Foundstone Database
Every day, at the specified maintenance time, Foundstone
6.5 sends a request to the Foundstone Database to update
its statistics. The Foundstone Database compares the time
of the last maintenance to the interval set specified. If that
interval has passed since the last maintenance, the
Foundstone Database begins the process again.
Update Index Statistics
When this option is selected, the Foundstone Database
updates its indexes during the regular maintenance period
that you scheduled above.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Delete jobs older than
______ days
Check this option to automatically delete old scan jobs after
a specified number of days. This helps reduce the amount
of disk space required by the database.
However, once a job is deleted, you cannot generate
reports from that job although existing reports for that job
are not deleted. The deleted job is no longer used to
calculate statistics in reports.
About stale tickets: If a ticket has been opened for a
vulnerability on a particular host, it will expire after this
many days. If Foundstone 6.5 discovers the same
vulnerability on the host after this ticket has already expired,
Foundstone 6.5 opens a new ticket for that vulnerability.
Engine Preferences - Enterprise Manager
This page lets you change the FoundScan Engine general settings, including the
Engine name and description
Engine address and port settings
Foundstone Enterprise Manager identification settings
Figure 51: Engine Preferences - Enterprise Manager Settings
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Display Options
Display Name
Enter the name that will be displayed for this FoundScan
Engine in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager. The name
can also be set on the MANAGE > ENGINES (see
"Managing Engines" on page 165) page.
Type the description that will be displayed for this
FoundScan Engine in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Foundstone Enterprise Manager to FoundScan Engine
Portal Setting
Enter the IP address, DNS name, or NetBIOS name for the
Web server running the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Leave this box blank if there is no Web server, or if the Web
server is on this machine.
If you leave the address blank, reports will not be available
through the Foundstone Enterprise Manager (unless it is
running on this machine, which is not recommended).
Enter the port number that the Web server uses to receive
McAfee information. Valid ports are 0 through 65535.
Important: If you change the port for an FS850
Appliance, communication with the appliance will fail
until you configure the appliance firewall. Log directly
onto the FS850 Appliance to make this change.
Use Default Port
Select this to use the default port setting of 3800.
Use Secure Socket Layer between this FoundScan Engine
and the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Note: Changing this setting requires that the FoundScan
Engine be restarted. Once the change has been made in
the Foundstone Database, communications between
the Foundstone Enterprise Manager and the FoundScan
Engine are interrupted. In order to continue to use the
Foundstone Enterprise Manager, it may be necessary to
restart the FoundScan Engine manually.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Portal Setting
Authentication Scheme
Shows the authentication method being used to
communicate from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager to
the FoundScan Engine.
No Authentication – the servers will accept encrypted
traffic, but will not identify the server sending the data.
Although this option is fairly secure, it can allow
someone to spoof the server and gain access to the
Authenticate using Foundstone basic certificate –
the servers will use the default certificates. This option
is more secure, but it is possible that someone could
gain a copy of the required certificate and use it to
spoof the server to gain data.
Authenticate using fully qualified domain name –
the servers check the domain name of the server with
which they are told to communicate. This is the most
secure option.
Important: If you use SSL, your IIS server must contain a
valid SSL Certificate. See the McAfee Install Guide for more
information on setting up SSL Certificates. If your IIS server
does not have a SSL Certificate, and you have selected this
option, the FoundScan Engine cannot post reports to the
Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
FoundScan Engine to Foundstone Enterprise Manager
Portal Setting
Enter the DNS name, NetBIOS name, or an IP address for
this engine. Leave blank to use the default IP address found
by the FoundScan Console on the engine.
Enter the port number that the FoundScan Engine uses to
receive McAfee information.
Note: If you are using an FS850 Appliance, changing this
setting requires that you open the new port on the
appliance's firewall. See the <doc_fs850ig> for more
Use Default Port
Select this to use the default port settings: 80 for normal
http communication, or 443 if SSL is selected.
Use Secure Socket Layer between this FoundScan Engine
and the Foundstone Enterprise Manager (Web server).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Portal Setting
Authentication Scheme
Shows the authentication method being used to
communicate from the FoundScan Engine to the
Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
No Authentication – the servers will accept encrypted
traffic, but will not identify the server sending the data.
Although this option is fairly secure, it can allow
someone to spoof the server and gain access to the
Authenticate using Foundstone basic certificate –
the servers will use the default certificates. This option
is more secure, but it is possible that someone could
gain a copy of the required certificate and use it to
spoof the server to gain data.
Authenticate using fully qualified domain name –
the servers check the domain name of the server with
which they are told to communicate. This is the most
secure option.
Important: If you use SSL, your IIS server must contain
a valid SSL Certificate. See the McAfee Install Guide for
more information on setting up SSL Certificates. If your
IIS server does not have a SSL Certificate, and you have
selected this option, the FoundScan Engine cannot post
reports to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Engine Preferences - Network Options
This page lets you set network options and SMTP settings.
On this page you can do the following:
To have the engine detect whether it is connected to the network, select Enable
Network Connectivity Detection. Enter at least one IP address in the New Target
IP field and click Add.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Figure 52: Engine Preferences - Network Options
Network Connectivity Detection Settings
Enable Network
Connectivity Detection
Turn this feature on to ping a known 'good' host to ensure
that the FoundScan Engine is connected to your network as
it scans. If the FoundScan Engine is not connected, it
cannot find any hosts and reports no vulnerabilities on your
If the network is inactive or erratic, Foundstone 6.5 pauses
all scans until network connectivity is re-established or
New Target IP
Enter a known 'good' host and click Add. The target will be
added to the Ping Target list.
Ping Target
This list shows the IP addresses that the FoundScan Engine
will ping to ensure that it is connected to the network. You
can remove items from this list by selecting the item and
clicking Remove.
Enter how many seconds (1 through 10) to wait for a
response to the ping.
Enter how often (1 through 100) you want to send the ping
to verify that the scanner is online.
Enter how many times (1 through 10) the ping should fail to
pause the scans running on this engine. Foundstone 6.5
continues sending a ping to the target, and resumes the
scans when the ping threshold is no longer breached.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Engine Preferences - Default Ports
To get here, click MANAGE > ENGINES. Click Preferences. Then click the Default Ports tab.
You must be logged in as the Root Organization Administrator to use this page.
This page lets you determine the default ports used in the Host Discovery and
Service Discovery phases of the scan. Valid port numbers are 0 through 65535.
On this page you can do the following:
To add a port to a port list, enter the port in the Start Port box and click >.
To add a range of ports to a port list, enter the beginning port in the Start Port
box, enter the ending port of the range in the End Port box, and click >.
To remove a port from the default port list, select the port in the list and click
To restore the list to the Foundstone 6.5 defaults, click Defaults. This option
sets the default list to the list shipped with Foundstone 6.5.
Warning: If two engines have different default port lists, the exact same scan may
produce different results on each engine because of the different ports being
Figure 53: Engine Preferences - Default Ports
Adding an FS850 Appliance
The FS850 Appliance can be added to your network to increase scanning power and
provide additional coverage on your network. You must be logged on as a Root
Organization Administrator to complete some of the required steps.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To set up an FS850 Appliance complete the following tasks in
this order
Add the FS850 Appliance to your network. This step might require that you
configure the network interface cards (NICs). See the FS850 Installation Guide.
Run the FS850 Setup Wizard (see "FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard" on page 178).
This wizard configures the settings needed to start the FS850 Appliance for the
first time.
Control the FS850 Appliance through the settings on the Manage page (see
"Managing an FS850 Appliance" on page 187).
Quick steps to adding an FS850 Appliance
Click Add FS850 to start the FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard. The FS850
Appliance must be available on the network before proceeding with this wizard.
For more information, see the FS850 Quick Start Guide.
Enter the IP address for the FS850 Appliance you want to attach. The available
address appears on the liquid crystal display on the FS850 Appliance once you
have connected a network interface card to your network.
Enter the administrator password associated with the FS850 Appliance. The
default password is FS-850!. You are prompted to change this password later
in this wizard.
Click Next.
Carefully read through the license agreement. Next is disabled until you scroll to
the bottom of the agreement.
Check the box for I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this
license agreement.
Click Next.
If necessary, change the appliance name. For Specify the new appliance
name, enter the name by which you will identify this FS850 Appliance. McAfee
recommends using the fully-qualified domain name. This is especially important
if you use custom certificates on your system. If you change the host name, be
sure to take the steps necessary to resolve the new name (see "To resolve the
host name if you change it" on page 182).
10 If necessary, change the appliance system clock. For Set the system clock,
enter the new time and date using the specified format of mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm
Note: If you are changing the system clock or time zone after you have initially
set up the FS850 Appliance, making a change that is over 12 hours different
from the original time can cause a licensing problem if the FS850 Appliance
has not been properly licensed. Licensing can be set up through the Manage
FS850 Appliance licensing tab (see "Licensing Tab" on page 196).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
11 If necessary, change the time zone. For Set the time zone to, click the arrow
and select the time zone from the list.
12 For Specify the new administrative password, enter a new administrative
password for the FS850 Appliance. The password must be 6-12 digits in length,
and can contain numbers, upper-and-lower-case letters, and special characters.
13 For Re-enter the new administrative password, enter the new administrative
password again to confirm you have entered the password you expected.
14 Click Next.
15 For SQL Server address, enter the location of the Foundstone Database. Enter
the IP address or fully-qualified domain name.
Use the fully-qualified domain name if you are using custom certificates.
16 For SQL Server username, enter the user name Faultline unless you have
manually tweaked the database settings to create a different database user.
17 For SQL Server password, enter the password associated with the user name
you entered in the previous step. The password for the Faultline user was
created during the installation process when you first installed Foundstone.
18 Click Test Database to attempt to connect to the database using the credentials
you supplied above. If successful, the message SQL Credentials Accepted
19 Click Next.
20 To specify the day of the week to check for operating system updates, click the
arrow and select the day or select Every Day.
21 To specify the time, click the arrow and select the hour at which you want to
check for operating system updates.
22 Click Next.
23 Review the settings you have specified by scrolling through the list. If you need
to change a setting, click the setting itself. The wizard returns to the page
containing the setting so that you can correct it. When all settings are correct, to
accept these settings click Apply. The wizard applies the settings and restarts
the FS850 Appliance.
Restarting the appliance can take several minutes. The wizard window closes,
leaving you on the MANAGE > ENGINES page (see "Managing Engines" on page
165) in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager. Once the FS850 Appliance has
restarted, you can refresh the MANAGE > ENGINES page and the FS850
Appliance appears on the list of available engines.
24 After the settings have been sent to the FS850 Appliance, the appliance
connects to the Foundstone update server to find any additional security
patches. It downloads and applies the available patches, and restarts.
25 Click Finish.
26 Finally, finish the integration and set the other FoundScan Engine settings. To do
this, choose MANAGE> ENGINES and then click Manage for the FS850
Appliance (see "Managing an FS850 Appliance" on page 187) you are configuring.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard
From the Manage > Engines page, click Add FS850 to start the FS850 Appliance
Setup Wizard. The FS850 Appliance must be available on the network before
proceeding with this wizard. For more information, see the FS850 Quick Start Guide.
Enter the IP address for the FS850 Appliance you want to attach.
The available address appears on the liquid crystal display on the FS850
Appliance once you have connected a network interface card to your network.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Enter the administrator password associated with the FS850 Appliance. The
default password is FS-850!. You are prompted to change this password later
in this wizard.
Click Next to continue with the FS850 Setup Wizard - License Agreement (see
"FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - License Agreement" on page 180).
If the connection to the FS850 Appliance was not successful, the following
page appears. Check and re-enter the IP address and password, and then
click Next to continue.
Troubleshooting the Connection
If you cannot connect, log directly into the FS850 Appliance configuration page
and make sure that the connected NIC is set up with the correct IP address.
If you can successfully send a PING command to the address but cannot
connect, the problem is most likely that you have the wrong password. If not,
there is a problem with your network connection or settings.
If the display on the FS850 Appliance does not show the IP address, make sure
it is properly connected to the network. See the FS850 Installation Guide for
more information.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - License Agreement
Carefully read through the license agreement. Next is disabled until you scroll to
the bottom of the agreement.
Check the box for I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this
license agreement.
Click Next to continue with the FS850 Setup Wizard - Appliance Name (see
"FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - Appliance Name" on page 181).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - Appliance Name
Use these settings to set the host name, system time/date, and create your
administrative password on the FS850 Appliance.
If necessary, change the appliance name. For Specify the new appliance
name, enter the name by which you will identify this FS850 Appliance. McAfee
recommends using the fully-qualified domain name. This is especially important
if you use custom certificates on your system. If you change the host name, be
sure to take the steps necessary to resolve the new name (see "To resolve the
host name if you change it" on page 182).
If necessary, change the appliance system clock. For Set the system clock,
enter the new time and date using the specified format of mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm
Note: If you are changing the system clock or time zone after you have initially
set up the FS850 Appliance, making a change that is over 12 hours different
from the original time can cause a licensing problem if the FS850 Appliance
has not been properly licensed. Licensing can be set up through the Manage
FS850 Appliance licensing tab (see "Licensing Tab" on page 196).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
If necessary, change the time zone. For Set the time zone to, click the arrow
and select the time zone from the list.
For Specify the new administrative password, enter a new administrative
password for the FS850 Appliance. The password must be 6-12 digits in length,
and can contain numbers, upper-and-lower-case letters, and the following special
characters: !, @, #, $, %, &, _ (underscore), and - (dash).
For Re-enter the new administrative password, enter the new administrative
password again to confirm you have entered the password you expected.
Click Next to continue with the FS850 Setup Wizard - Database Settings (see
"FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - Database Settings" on page 183).
To resolve the host name if you change it
You may encounter problems when you change the host name of the FS850
Appliance. If the Foundstone Enterprise Manager will no longer communicate with
the FS850 Appliance after the changes take place, McAfee recommends you do one
of the following:
Add the host name of the FS850 Appliance to the HOSTS file on the Foundstone
Enterprise Manager server.
Add the host name of the FS850 Appliance to the DNS server on your network.
Change the WINS settings on your network so that the Foundstone Enterprise
Manager server can resolve the host name of the FS850 Appliance.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - Database Settings
Use this page to set up the communication between the FS850 Appliance and the
Foundstone Database.
For SQL Server address, enter the location of the Foundstone Database. Enter
the IP address or fully-qualified domain name.
Use the fully-qualified domain name if you are using custom certificates.
For SQL Server username, enter the user name Faultline unless you have
manually tweaked the database settings to create a different database user.
For SQL Server password, enter the password associated with the user name
you entered in the previous step. The password for the Faultline user was
created during the installation process when you first installed Foundstone.
Click Test Database to attempt to connect to the database using the credentials
you supplied above. If successful, the message SQL Credentials Accepted
Click Next to continue with the FS850 Setup Wizard - System Update Settings
(see "FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - System Update Settings" on page 183).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - System Update Settings
These settings tell the FS850 Appliance how often and when to download and install
operating system updates.
The time and date are based on the local FS850 Appliance system. When this date
and time occur on the FS850 Appliance, it checks the Foundstone System Update
Server (SUS) for updates. If an update is available, the FS850 Appliance downloads
and installs it.
Note: The FS850 Appliance does not download Foundstone updates directly.
When the primary FoundScan Console retrieves a Foundstone update, the update
is sent to the database and distributed to all FoundScan Engine servers.
To specify the day of the week to check for operating system updates, click the
arrow and select the day or select Every Day.
To specify the time, click the arrow and select the hour at which you want to
check for operating system updates.
Click Next to continue with the FS850 Setup Wizard - SSL Configuration.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - Review Settings
Use the Review Settings page to view the configurations to be saved on the FS850
Figure 54: Review Settings - click a setting to change it
Review the settings you have specified by scrolling through the list. If you need
to change a setting, click the setting itself. The wizard returns to the page
containing the setting so that you can correct it.
When all settings are correct, to accept these settings click Apply. The wizard
applies the settings and restarts the FS850 Appliance.
Restarting the appliance can take several minutes. The wizard window closes,
leaving you on the MANAGE > ENGINES page (see "Managing Engines" on page
165) in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager. Once the FS850 Appliance has
restarted, you can refresh the MANAGE > ENGINES page and the FS850
Appliance appears on the list of available engines.
Your next step is to finish the integration and set the other FoundScan Engine
settings. To do this, choose Manage > Engines, and then click Manage for the FS850
Appliance (see "Managing an FS850 Appliance" on page 187) you are configuring.
Note: If the Foundstone Enterprise Manager cannot find the new FS850 Appliance
on the network, clicking Manage produces an error message. You must resolve
the issue (see "To resolve the host name if you change it" on page 182) before
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - Upgrade
The FS850 Appliance is compatible with Foundstone 4.1. If your system is running a
later version, such as Foundstone 6.5, the FS850 Appliance automatically retrieves
the necessary update files and installs them. The following page only appears when
the FS850 Appliance is upgrading itself to be compatible with the Foundstone
system on your network.
This page shows the current status of the FS850 Appliance, showing that it is
restarting, receiving and installing updates and so forth. Once it has finished the
upgrade process, the final page in the setup wizard automatically appears.
Note: If you reset the FS850 Appliance to factory defaults, it will again be
compatible with Foundstone 4.1.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard - Finished
After the settings have been sent to the FS850 Appliance, the appliance connects to
the Foundstone update server to find any additional security patches. It downloads
and applies the available patches, and restarts.
Note: The FS850 Appliance is automatically added to the workgroup or organization
to which you belong. To make it available to other workgroups, you must add it to
the Scan Engines tab in the workgroup properties (see "Organization Properties Scan Engines" on page 226).
Managing an FS850 Appliance
To get here, from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager click MANAGE > ENGINES. Then, for
the FS850 Appliance you want to configure, click Manage. You must be an Root Organization
Administrator to access this menu.
Before you can use these settings, the FS850 Appliance must be on your network
and visible to the other Foundstone servers.
Use these options to manage the FS850 Appliance through the Foundstone
Enterprise Manager interface. From your browser you can do the following:
Shut down (see "Appliance Home Tab" on page 188) the FS850 Appliance
Restart (see "Appliance Home Tab" on page 188) the FS850 Appliance
Reconfigure (see "Appliance Home Tab" on page 188) the FS850 Appliance
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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View the configured NIC settings (see "Configuration Tab - Network
Configuration" on page 191) on the FS850 Appliance
Set the hostname, system date and time (see "Configuration Tab - System
Options" on page 192)
Reset the system password (see "Configuration Tab - System Options" on page
Set the appliance management port (see "Configuration Tab - System Options"
on page 192)
Choose the level of engine logging (see "Configuration Tab - System Options" on
page 192) performed
Configure the way that the FS850 Appliance communicates with the database
(see "Configuration Tab - Database Configuration" on page 193)
Reconfigure operating system update settings (see "Configuration Tab - Update
Settings" on page 194)
License (see "Licensing Tab" on page 196) the FS850 Appliance for use on your
Run various support tools (see "Support Tools Tab" on page 200)
You can also check the Preferences settings to configure the FS850 Appliance for
generating reports and other behaviors:
Engine Preferences - General Settings (on page 167)
Engine Preferences - Enterprise Manager (on page 170)
Engine Preferences - Alerts
Engine Preferences - Network Options (on page 173)
Engine Preferences - Default Ports (on page 175)
Appliance Home Tab
Use this page to shut down the FS850 Appliance, restart it, or reconfigure it. You can
also refresh the information displayed in the status tables.
Figure 55: Appliance Home tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Appliance Settings
Shut Down Appliance
To shut down the FS850 Appliance, click this button. You are
prompted if you want to proceed, as you must physically
access the FS850 Appliance in order to power it back on.
Click OK to proceed with the shut down.
Restart Appliance
To restart the FS850 Appliance, click this button. You are
prompted if you want to proceed as any active scans are
paused and your management session via Foundstone
Enterprise Manager is terminated. Click OK to proceed with
the restart.
Reconfigure Appliance
To reconfigure the appliance, click this button to display the
FS850 Appliance Setup Wizard (see "FS850 Appliance Setup
Wizard - Appliance Name" on page 181), beginning with the
Appliance Name page.
To refresh the display in the status tables, click this button.
Appliance Status
This table displays information about the FS850 Appliance
hardware. Included is information about the FS850 Appliance
name and NICs. To change this information, click the
Configuration Tab (on page 190).
FoundScan Engine
This table displays information about the FS850 Appliance
software, including information about the engine version and
status, and licensing information. To change the licensing,
click the Licensing Tab (on page 196).
Note: The FS850 Appliance runs twin hyper-thread processors that appear on this
page as 4 processors.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Configuration Tab
Use this page to view the network configuration of the FS850 Appliance, and change
the system options, database configuration, and update settings.
Figure 56: Configuration tab - Network Configuration
Configuration Tab
Network Configuration
The network configuration table is displayed when you
first access the Configuration tab. If you are in another
area within the Configuration tab, click this button to
return to the network configuration settings.
System Options (see
"Configuration Tab System Options" on
page 192)
To change the FS850 Appliance host name, date and time
settings of the FS850 Appliance, administrative
password, appliance management port, or engine logging
level, click this button.
Database Configuration
(see "Configuration Tab
- Database
Configuration" on page
To change the SQL Server options, click this button.
Update Settings (see
"Configuration Tab Update Settings" on
page 194)
To change the date and time that operating system
updates are downloaded and installed, click this button.
The network configuration table displays information on
the NICs on the FS850 Appliance. Click the arrow to
select the NIC for which you want to view information.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Configuration Tab - Network Configuration
Use this page to view information about each of the network interface cards in the
FS850 Appliance. The network configuration table is displayed when you first access
the Configuration tab. If you are in another area within the Configuration tab, click this
button to return to the network configuration settings.
Figure 57: Configuration tab - Network Configuration
Network Configuration
Click the arrow to select the network interface card for
which you want to view information.
IP Address, Subnet
Displays information regarding the network interface card
Mask, Default Gateway, selected.
Primary DNS Server,
Secondary DNS Server
NIC Status
Displays the status of the network interface card.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Configuration Tab - System Options
Use this page to change the FS850 Appliance host name, date and time settings of
the FS850 Appliance, administrative password, appliance management port, or
engine logging level.
Figure 58: Configuration tab - System Options
System Configuration
Appliance Hostname
To change the name of the appliance, enter a new name.
McAfee recommends using the fully-qualified domain name.
This is especially important if you use custom certificates on
your system. If you change the host name, be sure to take
the steps necessary to resolve the new name (see "To
resolve the host name if you change it" on page 182).
Date and Time Settings
To change the appliance system clock, enter the new time
and date using the mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM format.
To change the time zone, click the arrow and select the time
zone from the list.
Note: If you are changing the system clock or time zone
after you have initially set up the FS850 Appliance,
making a change that is over 12 hours different from the
original time can cause a licensing problem if the FS850
Appliance has not been properly licensed. Licensing can
be set up through the Manage FS850 Appliance licensing
tab (see "Licensing Tab" on page 196).
Reset administrative
password; Re-enter
To change the administrative password for the FS850
Appliance, enter a new password for the FS850 Appliance.
The password must be 6-12 digits in length, and can contain
numbers, upper-and-lower-case letters, and special
characters. Then re-enter the password, to confirm you have
entered the password you expected.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Appliance Management Use this setting to change the port used for communication
between the FS850 Appliance and the Foundstone
Enterprise Manager. The default port is 443.
Engine Logging Level
To specify the level of logging on the FS850 Appliance click
the arrow. Choose from None (Recommended) or Full
Logging. McAfee recommends that you do not enable
logging as this can add significantly to the amount of
information included in the logs. For example, every script
that is launched, and every result that is returned, would be
added. If necessary, Technical Support may recommend that
you enable full logging in the event it is necessary to
troubleshoot issues with the FS850 Appliance.
To save any changes you made, click this button.
Configuration Tab - Database Configuration
Use this page to change the communication between the FS850 Appliance and the
Foundstone Database.
Figure 59: Configuration tab - database configuration
SQL Server Options
SQL Server Address
To change the SQL Server database, enter the location of
the Foundstone Database. Enter the IP address or fullyqualified domain name. Use the fully-qualified domain name
if you are using custom certificates.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
SQL Username
Enter the user name Faultline unless you have manually
changed the database settings to create a different
database user.
SQL Password
Enter the password associated with the user name you
entered in the previous step. The password for the Faultline
user was created during the installation process when you
first installed Foundstone.
Test Credentials
To attempt to connect to the database using the credentials
you supplied, click Start Test. If successful, the message
SQL Credentials Accepted appears.
To save any changes you made, click this button.
Configuration Tab - Update Settings
Use this page to change the date and time that operating system updates are
downloaded and installed. The time and date are based on the local FS850 Appliance
system. When this date and time occur on the FS850 Appliance, it checks the
Foundstone System Update Server (SUS) for updates. If an update is available, the
FS850 Appliance downloads and installs it.
Note: The FS850 Appliance does not download Foundstone updates directly.
When the primary FoundScan Console retrieves a Foundstone update, the update
is sent to the database and distributed to all FoundScan Engine servers.
Figure 60: Configuration Tab - Update Settings
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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System Update Settings (Basic)
Install Updates on
To specify the day of the week to check for operating system
updates, click the arrow and select the day or select Every
Launch Update Install
To specify the time, click the arrow and select the hour at
which you want to check for operating system updates.
To use a proxy server, click this button. Use the advanced
area (described in the following section) to specify the proxy
To save any changes you made, click this button.
System Update Settings (Advanced)
Use Proxy Server
To use a proxy server when connecting to the Internet to
download operating system updates, check this box.
Proxy Autoconfig Script
To use a configuration file that specifies your proxy settings,
enter the complete URL in this field. If you do not use a
configuration script, you can leave this field blank.
Proxy Server Address
Enter the IP address of the proxy server.
Proxy Server Port
Enter the port number of the proxy server.
Bypass Proxy Server for If you do not want to use a proxy server when connecting
Local Addresses
to local addresses, check this box.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Licensing Tab
Use this page to unlock the license on the FS850 Appliance, generate a registration
key, submit a request for a license, or clear an infringement status. For information
on how to request and apply a license, see How to license the FS850 Appliance (on
page 198).
License Details
View Current License
To view the current license details, click this button. The
details are displayed in the left side of the page.
Generate Registration
To generate a registration key, click this button. Copy the
registration key created so you can paste it into the
Foundstone Registration Web page.
Submit Registration Key
To display the Foundstone Registration Web page, so you
can request an unlock code (or license), click this button.
Enter Unlock Code
To apply the license (or unlock code) received in an email
from McAfee, click this button.
License Details
License Status
Displays the type of license,
and if the license if valid.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Registration Key
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Days Remaining on
Displays the number of days
until the license expires.
Evaluation licenses are for 60
License Flags
Displays additional information
regarding the license.
Click Generate to create
When you click Generate
Registration Key, the key is
created in this field. Copy this
key to paste into the
Foundstone Registration Web
page when you submit a
license request.
To reset the license on this
FS850 Appliance, click this
Warning: Resetting the
license on the FS850
Appliance will disable the
appliance until a new license
is applied. The evaluation
license is not reapplied to
the FS850 Appliance.
Clear Infringement
To clear an infringement or license violation created due to
an error during installation (such as a misconfiguration), click
this button. You can clear the infringement status only once;
any further attempts to clear the infringement status require
the assistance of McAfee Technical Support.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Licensing Tab - Unlock Code
Use this page to license your FS850 Appliance. To unlock, and license, your FS850
Appliance cut and paste the contents of your unlock code (which you received via
email) and then click Apply.
Unlock Code Details
Unlock Code
When you have received the email with the license key, copy
the entire license portion of the email (including the "--BEGIN
LICENSE--" and "--END LICENSE--" portions), and paste the key
in this field.
To apply the unlock code (license key), click this button. A
message is displayed informing you the license key was
applied successfully and prompting you to restart the FS850
How to license the FS850 Appliance
Follow these steps to license the FS850 Appliance. When you installed the
appliance, it was installed with a 60-day evaluation license. In order to continue to
use the FS850 Appliance you must request a registration key and then enter the
unlock code you will receive via email.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
For the FS850 Appliance you want to license, click Manage.
Click the Licensing tab.
Click Generate Registration Key. The key is created and displayed under
Registration Key.
Copy the registration key. (Select the entire contents of the key, right-click, and
choose Copy from the shortcut menu.)
Click Submit Registration Key. The Foundstone Registration page opens in
your browser.
Complete all information on the form. For Request Hash, paste the registration
key you copied in the previous step.
Click Submit Registration. An email containing the license key will be sent to
the email address you entered on the registration form.
When you have received the email with the license key, copy the entire license
portion of the email (including the "--BEGIN LICENSE--" and "--END LICENSE--"
11 For the FS850 Appliance you want to license, click Manage.
12 Click the Licensing tab.
13 Click Enter Unlock Code.
14 Paste the license key received in email and click Apply. A message is displayed
informing you the license key was applied successfully and prompting you to
restart the FS850 Appliance.
15 Click the link to restart the FS850 Appliance.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Support Tools Tab
Use this page to obtain information on how to contact Technical Support, as well as
to the utilities included on the FS850 Appliance.
To access any of the support tools, click the associated button:
Support Tools Settings
Log Utilities (see
"Support Tools Tab Log Utilities" on page
To view the various log files on the FS850 Appliance, or to
quickly clean up any temporary files, click this button.
File and Image Utilities To download update images (and apply them), or to upload
(see "Support Tools Tab a support executable, click this button.
- File and Image
Utilities" on page 202)
Registry Export (see
"Support Tools Tab Registry Export" on
page 203)
To export the registry on the FS850 Appliance, click this
Utilities (see "Support
To access the network utilities included on the FS850
Tools - Utilities" on page Appliance, click this button.
FSL Diagnostics (see
"Support Tools - FSL
Diagnostics" on page
To specify the settings so you can collect FSL script
execution diagnostics, click this button.
Options for Contacting
Technical Support
Displays the phone number and Web site so you can
contact McAfee Technical Support.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Support Tools Tab - Log Utilities
Use this page to view the various log files on the FS850 Appliance, or to quickly
clean up any temporary files.
Log Utilities Settings
View Logs of Type
To select the type of log you want to view, click the
arrow. For example, to view the daily log files, select
FoundScan Daily Logs. The available logs are displayed
in the list below.
To download or view the log file, select the log file in the
list and click Download.
Clean Up
To clean up temporary (log files) on the FS850 Appliance,
click this button. Be sure to refresh the screen (by
pressing F5) if you have any files selected in the list
above this button.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Support Tools Tab - File and Image Utilities
Use this page to download update images (and apply them to the FS850 Appliance).
You can also upload a support utility (executable) to the FS850 Appliance using this
page, which may be necessary for troubleshooting. McAfee Technical Support will
advise you if this is necessary.
File and Image Utilities Settings
Available Images
Displays a list of the currently available update images on the
FS850 Appliance. To apply a new image, select the image in
this list. Available images include any update images you
may have downloaded.
To apply a new image, select the image in the list of
Available Images and click this button. A warning appears
asking you to confirm that you want to apply the image.
Upload Support
Executable (maximum
file size 5MB)
A support executable is a utility file that you upload to the
FS850 Appliance, generally for troubleshooting purposes.
McAfee Technical Support will provide the file to upload. To
locate the support executable, click Browse. You can also
enter the full path and file name of the executable. To upload
the file, click Upload.
Download Update
Image from (URL or
UNC Path)
To download a new update image to the FS850 Appliance,
enter the full URL or UNC path to the image, and then click
Download. You should have obtained a new image from
McAfee via download or compact disc.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Support Tools Tab - Registry Export
Use this page to export the registry on the FS850 Appliance. The registry key you
export is saved in a zipped file named FS850-Registry.zip.
Registry Export Settings
Registry Export
Enter the full path and name of the registry key you want to
export. All subkeys within the registry key are exported. You
can use the common abbreviation of the root key (for
example, HKLM\Software\Foundstone\Foundscan).
Export Key
To export the registry key (to a zipped file), click this button.
Support Tools - Utilities
Use this page to access the network utilities included on the FS850 Appliance.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Utilities Settings
Available Utilities
To specify a utility to execute, scroll through the list of
available utilities and select the utility you want to run.
Enter Target IP Address Enter the IP address of the target computer. If you do not
enter an IP address, the command will execute against the IP
address of the FS850 Appliance.
Execute Command
To execute the utility, click this button. The command
selected under Available Utilities is executed immediately.
Support Tools - FSL Diagnostics
Use this page to specify the settings so you can collect FSL script execution
diagnostics. View the results of the script diagnostics on the Support Tools Tab - Log
Utilities (on page 201), using the FSL Diagnostics category.
Generally, you will be advised by McAfee Technical Support when it is necessary to
gather FSL script diagnostics.
FSL Diagnostics Settings
FSL Script ID (FID)
Enter the FSL Script ID (usually provided by McAfee
Technical Support).
Target Address
Enter the IP address of the target system to be scanned
(tested) by the FS850 Appliance. The script runs on the
FS850 Appliance against this target system.
Target Port
Enter the port number to be used for the scan. This is the
port number on the target system.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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FS850 Appliance can use credentials to authenticate itself to
a host running Windows. This allows the FSL scripts to
access the Windows registry and other information. To
establish an anonymous connection with the target system
before executing the FSL script, check the box for Map IPC$
as Null. To initiate a privileged session between the FS850
Appliance and the target system, check the box for Map
IPC$ as, and then provide valid credentials for Username
and Password. See Managing Credentials (on page 380) for
more information.
Enter a valid logon name to access the target system. This
field becomes available if you have selected Map IPC$ as
under Authenticate.
Enter a valid password to access the target system. This field
becomes available if you have selected Map IPC$ as under
To begin executing the FSL script on the target system, click
this button.
Using Multiple Network Interface Cards
Although you can configure multiple gateways (one for each NIC), the FS850
Appliance uses only one as its default gateway (default route). The FS850 Appliance
chooses the active NIC that has the lowest metric. By default, the network interface
preference is as follows:
The metric for each NIC determines the order in which the appliance chooses a
default gateway, and can be changed using the Route Table Editor if necessary.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Managing Users, Groups, Organizations and Workgroups
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS.
To get here using the FoundScan Console, choose File > Users/Groups/Scans.
Use the USERS/GROUPS page to create workgroups (sub-organizations), and
manage your users. This is the main page for accessing organizational properties, and
users. If you are logged in as a Global Administrator, you can also create and access
scans from this page.
The Global Administrator can create or delete a root organization, and can assign IP
addresses and FoundScan Engine servers to be used by the root organization. Root
Organization Administrators cannot change the IP addresses or FoundScan Engine
servers on the root organization; but can assign subsets of their IP pool and engines
to the workgroups belonging to that organization.
The same is true for workgroups. Workgroup Administrators cannot change their
own IP Pool or assigned FoundScan Engine servers, but they may assign subsets of
the IP Pool and FoundScan Engine servers to children workgroups under their own
The Organization Management page allows you to do the following:
Global Administrators can create root organizations (see "Creating a New Root
Organization" on page 210), and delete root organizations (see "Deleting a Root
Organization" on page 219).
Both Global Administrators and Root Organization Administrators can edit the
root organization's properties (see "Editing the Root Organization Properties" on
page 219).
Global Administrators, Root Organization Administrators, and Workgroup
Administrators can create workgroups (see "New Workgroup Settings" on page
229), delete workgroups (see "Deleting a Workgroup (Sub-Organization)" on page
238), and edit workgroup properties (see "Editing Workgroup Properties" on page
All three types of administrators can create user accounts (see "Creating New
Users" on page 241), delete user accounts (see "Deleting Users" on page 249),
and edit user account properties (see "Editing User Properties" on page 244).
All three types of administrators can also create user groups (see "Creating New
Groups" on page 253), add users to user groups (see "Adding and Removing
Users from Groups" on page 254), remove users from user groups (see "Adding
and Removing Users from Groups" on page 254), delete user groups (see
"Deleting User Groups" on page 258), edit user group properties (see "Editing
User Group Properties" on page 253), create scans, edit scans, view user activity
logs, and view workgroup activity logs.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Users do not have access to this page.
Figure 61: Organization Management: Workgroups with Users, Groups, and Scans
Organization Management Features
Organization Name
Double-click to see or hide the folders and workgroups
belonging to the organization.
Right-click to do the following:
create a new scan (see "Creating New Scans" on page
291) (this feature is not available to Global Administrators)
create a new user (see "Creating New Users" on page
create a new (user) group (see "Creating New Groups" on
page 253)
create a new workgroup (sub-organization) (see "New
Workgroup Settings" on page 229)
view/edit the root organization's/workgroup's properties
(see "Editing the Root Organization Properties" on page
view the root organization's/workgroup's logs (see
"Viewing Organization/Workgroup Logs" on page 227),
delete the root organization (see "Deleting a Root
Organization" on page 219)
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
User Name
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Click to see the users belonging to this folder in the right
pane. Double-click to collapse or expand the folder. Right-click
to create a new user (see "Creating New Users" on page 241).
This displays a Foundstone 6.5 user account name. Doubleclick to view the user's properties (see "Editing User
Properties" on page 244).
Right-click to do the following:
create a new user (see "Creating New Users" on page
view this user's properties (see "Editing User Properties"
on page 244)
view this user's activity logs (see "Viewing a User's
Activity Log" on page 249)
rename this user
delete this user (see "Deleting Users" on page 249)
This folder contains the groups that belong to this organization
or workgroup.
Click to see the groups belonging to this folder in the right
pane. Double-click to collapse or expand the folder. Right-click
to create a new group (see "Creating New Groups" on page
Group Name
This displays a Foundstone 6.5 user-group name. User groups
let you organize users according to their access privilege,
assigning the privileges to the group rather than all the users
within the group. In turn, adding users to the group lets them
inherit the settings of the group.
Right-click to do the following:
create a new group (see "Creating New Groups" on page
view the group's properties (see "Editing User Group
Properties" on page 253)
rename the group
delete the group (see "Deleting User Groups" on page
The Administrators and Remediation Administrators
groups are default groups that cannot be removed. See Using
the Default Groups (on page 259) for more information.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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This folder contains the scans that belong to this organization
or workgroup.
Right-click to create a new scan (see "Creating New Scans" on
page 291) for the organization or workgroup.
This feature is not available to Global Administrators.
Scan Name
This is the name of the scan as it appears in the reports and
throughout Foundstone 6.5.
Note that Global Administrators cannot manage scans. You
must be logged in as a Root Organization Administrator.
Double-click to view/edit the scan properties (see "Editing
Scans" on page 293).
Right-click to do the following:
Workgroup Name
Create a new scan (see "Creating New Scans" on page
view/edit the scan properties (see "Editing Scans" on page
launch this scan (see "Working with Scans in the Group
Properties" on page 240)
delete this scan (see "Working with Scans in the Group
Properties" on page 240)
The Workgroup is a sub-organization. It contains the same
elements as the root organization, including Users, Groups,
and Scans.
Double-click the Workgroup to expand or collapse its
Right-click to do the following:
Create a new Scan (see "Creating New Scans" on page
291) (this feature is not available to Global Administrators)
Create a new User (see "Creating New Users" on page
Create a new Group (see "Creating New Groups" on page
Create a new Workgroup (see "New Workgroup Settings"
on page 229)
View/edit this Workgroup's properties (see "Editing
Workgroup Properties" on page 230)
View the activity logs for this workgroup (see "Viewing a
Workgroup's Activity Logs" on page 239)
Delete this workgroup (see "Deleting a Workgroup (SubOrganization)" on page 238)
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Working with Root Organizations
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS.
To get here using the FoundScan Console, choose File > Users/Groups/Scans.
The Users/Groups page lets Global Administrators create, edit, or delete root
organizations. Root organizations are the top-level organization of the hierarchical tree
structure in Foundstone 6.5. An enterprise may have as many root organizations as
needed. However, root organizations are hidden from each other; administrators and
users can only view the scans and data that pertain to the organization to which they
The Global Administrator can create or delete a root organization, and can assign IP
addresses and FoundScan Engine servers to be used by the root organization. Root
Organization Administrators cannot change the IP addresses or FoundScan Engine
servers on the root organization; but can assign subsets of their IP pool and engines
to the workgroups belonging to that organization.
From the Users/Groups page you can do the following:
Create a Root Organization (see "Creating a New Root Organization" on page
210) (Global Administrator Only)
Delete a Root Organization (see "Deleting a Root Organization" on page 219)
(Global Administrator Only)
Edit the Root Organization's Properties (see "Editing the Root Organization
Properties" on page 219)
Rename the Root Organization
View the Organization's Activity Logs (see "Viewing Organization/Workgroup
Logs" on page 227)
Create/Delete/Edit Workgroups (page 228)
Creating a New Root Organization
To create a new Root Organization
Right-click Organizations.
Click New Organization.
The New Organization Wizard (on page 211) is displayed.
Follow the directions in the New Organization Wizard as it guides you through
the remaining steps for setting up the organization.
Tip: If you are using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, create the initial root
organization with its Root Organization Administrator account, log off and log on
again using the new Root Organization Administrator account. This provides you
with access to the rest of the features in Foundstone 6.5 for that organization. As
the Root Organization Administrator, you can continue setting up your workgroups
and users as desired.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
New Organization Wizard
When you create an organization, the New Organization Wizard leads you through
the settings that must be set for that organization. These settings are available at a
later time by right-clicking the organization and selecting Properties.
Use the following buttons to navigate through the wizard:
Next - moves to the next page
Previous - shows the previous page
Cancel - returns to the main page without saving any settings.
Finish or Save - saves all changes you have made and returns to the main page.
The New Organization Wizard contains the following pages:
GENERAL (see "New Organization - General page" on page 211) - name &
description - required.
IP POOL (see "New Organization - IP Pool page" on page 212) - IP range for the
SCAN ENGINES (see "New Organization - Scan Engine page" on page 216) select which scan engines are available for the org.
CREATE ADMIN (see "New Organization - Administrator page" on page 217) name & passwords (required)
Additional settings are available through the organization's properties page.
New Organization - General page
Use the General page of the New Organization wizard to enter the name and
description of the new organization. The Organization name is required, and must
be unique from other organization names.
Enter a name and (optionally) a description for the organization. Organization names
should only include alpha-numeric characters. Spaces are also allowed.
Note: You cannot click Next to continue until you have entered a valid Organization
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Organizations and workgroups cannot be renamed. Make sure that you have
planned thoroughly so that the organization name you enter is the one you want to
Figure 62: New Organization Wizard - General Page
New Organization - IP Pool page
Use the IP Pool page of the New Organization wizard to specify the IP ranges
available to the organization. The FoundScan Console Administrator or the Global
Administrator sets up the organization with a specific set of IP addresses, based on
your McAfee license.
The IP Pool settings are inherited from the parent workgroup or organization.
Changing these settings limits the settings of all sub-workgroups under this one.
In a sub-workgroup, you can assign a subset of the parent's IP Addresses, shown in
the Available Address Space field. You can also reduce the IP Limitation value for
sub-workgroups, but cannot raise it past the limit set for the parent workgroup or
On this page you can do the following:
To add an entire range from the Available Address Space to the IP Pool, click to
select the desired range in the Available Address Space section. Click Add to IP
Pool. This adds the entire range.
To add subsets of the Available Address Space to the IP Pool, enter the
beginning IP address in the Starting Address box, and the final IP address in the
Ending Address box. Click
to add the range.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To enter a range in CIDR format, add the beginning address to the CIDR Address
box. Enter the network mask (8, 16, 24, 32) after the slash / . Click
to add the
To import a list of IP Addresses from a text file, click Import and select the text
file to be added.
Important: Only the administrator of your parent organization or workgroup can
edit your IP pool. At the organization level, only the Global Administrator can modify
the IP pool.
Note: Once you have created the organization, you can add a list of IP addresses to
be excluded from scanning by editing the organization properties (see "Editing the
Root Organization Properties" on page 219).
Figure 63: Organization properties - IP pool page
IP Pool Settings
Available Address
Shows the IP address range(s) that you are licensed to
scan. The addresses come from your license, and can be
filtered by the person creating the organization or
Add to IP Pool
Use this option if you want this organization to be able to
scan the entire address range in the Available Address
To use it, select a range in the Available Address Space.
Click Add to IP Pool to include the entire range in the IP
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
IP Pool
This section contains the addresses that this organization is
allowed to scan.
Starting IP Address
Enter the beginning address of an IP address range. The
ending IP address is automatically set to include the rest of
the class C network belonging to this entry.
If you are entering a single address, enter the same single
address in the Ending Address field.
Ending IP Address
Enter the ending address of the IP address range.
Adds the range entered in the Starting IP Address and
Ending IP Address fields to the IP Pool list on the right.
Note: As you add ranges to the IP Pool, if the ranges
overlap each other, Foundstone 6.5 automatically
combines them into the same range.
CIDR Address
Enter an address range using CIDR format (see "To add
ranges using the CIDR Format" on page 215).
Import a text file containing a list of IP addresses (see "To
import a list of address ranges" on page 216).
Select an address range in the IP Pool list and click Remove
to delete the range.
Remove All
Clear the IP Pool list completely.
Maximum IP
Addresses per Scan
for this Organization
Enter the number of IP addresses that can be added to a
single scan. If more than this number of addresses is added
to any scan, the system displays a warning. The maximum
number of IP addresses allowed is 2,147,483,647.
Leave this field blank to remove the IP limitation.
Note: Changing this number affects the IP limit for all
Workgroups under this one. If this is set at the root
organization level, it is applied to all workgroups as well
as the root organization.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To add a new address to the IP pool
In the Starting Address box, enter the beginning address of the range.
When you enter the last number of the address, Foundstone 6.5 automatically
adds a default address to the Ending Address box.
If you want to change the default address in the Ending Address box, type over
To add ranges using the CIDR Format
In the CIDR Address box, enter a CIDR-formatted range.
to add the range to the IP Pool.
CIDR Format Examples
Result - - - -
Foundstone 6.5 supports basic CIDR format IP range importing from a text file with
some slight modifications from the strict CIDR definition. Typically, a CIDR format
would translate the range to It would start from
the network address using the top 8 bits of the range ( in this example) and
would finish at the last valid IP address for that network (
Foundstone 6.5 translates the range to This lets
you specify a beginning host in the range, rather than always starting from the
beginning of the network block.
To add a range from the available addresses
In the Available Address Space box, select the range you want to add to the
Organization's IP Pool.
Click Add to IP Pool.
The address range appears in the Organization's IP Pool.
To remove all address ranges from an IP Pool
Click Remove All.
When the dialog appears, asking you to verify that you want to remove all IP
Pool ranges, click Yes.
All IP ranges are removed from the list.
Click Next or Finish to save the changes.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To remove an address range from the IP pool
Select the IP range to be removed and click Remove.
Click Yes to verify the change.
The selected range is removed from the list.
Click Next or Finish to save the changes.
To import a list of address ranges
Click Import.
Browse to the file to be uploaded and click Import. Make sure the file is properly
formatted (see "Import File Format" on page 361) before uploading. You are
limited to the following number of lines in the file being imported:
2500 lines in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager
7999 lines in the FoundScan Console
The ranges from the file appear when the upload finishes. Then click OK.
New Organization - Scan Engine page
Use the Scan Engines page of the New Organization wizard to associate specific
scan engines with your organization. Although other engines may be installed, the
new organization and any workgroups (sub-organizations) see only the selected
Note: This page appears only if there is more than one engine installed on your
Figure 64: New Organization - Scan Engines page
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Engine Selection Features
Check each scan engine that you want to make available to
this organization and its workgroups.
Auto Select
With Auto Select enabled, users do not have to select an
engine when creating a scan. The scan engine assigned to
the given IP address(es) is automatically selected.
Note: Only enable Auto Select if the engine is able to
scan the entire IP space assigned to this organization or
Shows the name of the FoundScan Engine. The name was
assigned by the person that installed Foundstone 6.5.
The description can be added or changed by editing the
description field on the MANAGE > ENGINES (see
"Managing Engines" on page 165) page when you are logged
on as the Root Organization Administrator.
Shows the address on which the engine was found.
Shows the port being used to communicate between the
FoundScan Engine and the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Shows the protocol (http or https) being used between the
FoundScan Engine and the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Shows Yes if the engine is currently detected to be active on
the network. Shows No if the engine is not found.
New Organization - Administrator page
When you create a new organization, you must create an administrator account for
the organization. This is the only account required to create the organization.
Use the Administrator page of the New Organization wizard to enter the required
information for the administrator account.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Note: The required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ) and red typeface until
their individual requirements have been met. See below for details.
Figure 65: User Account Properties - Administrator page
User Properties
Shows the name of the organization to which the user will
User Name
Enter a unique username for this account. The label remains
red if the name is not unique.
Tip: Since there are other places throughout Foundstone
6.5 where you must choose a user by the username,
McAfee recommends usernames that are based on the
user's first and last names.
Enter a password that follows these requirements:
At least 8 characters long
Contains at least one number
Contains at least one non-alpha-numeric character
The following characters are not allowed: < > / \
Confirm Password
Enter the same password to ensure it was not mis-typed.
This entry must match the Password entry.
Email Address
Enter the user's email address for notifications of scan
completions and configuration changes.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
First Name
Enter the first name of the user. May not be left blank.
Last Name
Enter the last name of the user. May not be left blank.
Primary Phone
(optional) Enter the user's phone number. This data is only
displayed in the user's property page. It is not used by
Foundstone 6.5.
Secondary Phone
(optional) Enter a secondary phone number.
Lock Status
Leave this option set to Unlocked.
Warning: Setting this option to Locked prevents this
account from logging onto Foundstone 6.5.
Deleting a Root Organization
Deleting a root organization removes all workgroups (sub-organizations), users, scans
and associated jobs.
To delete a Root Organization
Right-click the organization to be deleted and choose Delete from the shortcut
Warning: This removes all the information associated with this organization from the
database. This action cannot be undone without restoring the database from a
backup, assuming you have been backing up your database.
Editing the Root Organization Properties
Use the Properties pages to change the properties of the Root Organization.
On the Organization Properties page you can do the following:
Change the Organization's assigned IP pool (see "Organization Properties - IP
Pool" on page 220).
Exclude specific IP addresses from the organization.
Change or add contact information (see "Organization Properties - Contact
Information" on page 225) for the person over the organization.
Change the Scan Engine assignments (see "Organization Properties - Scan
Engines" on page 226) for the organization.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To edit the Root Organization's Properties
Right-click the organization you want to edit and choose Properties from the
shortcut menu displayed.
Make any changes as necessary in each of the tabs.
Click OK when finished making changes.
Organization Properties - General
Use the General tab of the Properties dialog box to enter the name and description of
the new organization or workgroup. The name should be unique from other
organizations or workgroups.
Enter or change the description of the organization or workgroup.
Figure 66: Workgroup Properties - General tab
Organization Properties - IP Pool
Use the IP Pool tab of the Properties dialog box to view your licensed Available
Address Space, and specify the IP Addresses that are available to this organization.
The IP Pool settings are inherited from the parent workgroup or organization.
Changing these settings limits the settings of all sub-workgroups under this one.
In a sub-workgroup, you can assign a subset of the parent's IP Addresses, shown in
the Available Address Space box. You can also reduce the IP Limitation value for sub-
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
workgroups, but cannot raise it past the limit set for the parent workgroup or
On this page you can do the following:
To add an entire range from the Available Address Space to the IP Pool, click to
select the desired range in the Available Address Space section. Click Add to IP
Pool. This adds the entire range.
To add subsets of the Available Address Space to the IP Pool, enter the
beginning IP address in the Starting Address box, and the final IP address in the
Ending Address box. Click
to add the range.
To enter a range in CIDR format, add the beginning address to the CIDR Address
box. Enter the network mask (8, 16, 24, 32) after the slash / . Click
to add the
To import a list of IP Addresses from a text file, click Import and select the text
file to be added.
Important: Only the administrator of your parent organization or workgroup can
edit your IP pool. At the organization level, only the Global Administrator can modify
the IP pool.
Note: Once you have created the organization, you can add a list of IP addresses to
be excluded from scanning by editing the IP exclusions.
Figure 67: Organization Properties - IP Pool tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
IP Pool Settings
Available Address
Shows the IP address range(s) that you are licensed to
scan. The addresses come from your license, and can be
filtered by the person creating the organization or
Add to IP Pool
Use this option if you want this organization to be able to
scan the entire address range in the Available Address
To use it, select a range in the Available Address Space.
Click Add to IP Pool to include the entire range in the IP
IP Pool
This section contains the addresses that this organization is
allowed to scan.
Starting IP Address
Enter the beginning address of an IP address range. The
ending IP address is automatically set to include the rest of
the class C network belonging to this entry.
If you are entering a single address, enter the same single
address in the Ending Address field.
Ending IP Address
Enter the ending address of the IP address range.
Adds the range entered in the Starting IP Address and
Ending IP Address fields to the IP Pool list on the right.
Note: As you add ranges to the IP Pool, if the ranges
overlap each other, Foundstone 6.5 automatically
combines them into the same range.
CIDR Address
Enter an address range using CIDR format (see "To add
ranges using the CIDR Format" on page 215).
Import a text file containing a list of IP addresses (see "To
import a list of address ranges" on page 216).
Select an address range in the IP Pool list and click Remove
to delete the range.
Remove All
Clear the IP Pool list completely.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Maximum IP Addresses Enter the number of IP addresses that can be added to a
per Scan for this
single scan. If more than this number of addresses is added
to any scan, the system displays a warning. The maximum
number of IP addresses allowed is 2,147,483,647.
Leave this field blank to remove the IP limitation.
Note: Changing this number affects the IP limit for all
Workgroups under this one. If this is set at the root
organization level, it is applied to all workgroups as well
as the root organization.
Organization Properties - IP Exclusions
This page lets you specify the IP Addresses that you want to exclude from all scans.
Adding systems to this list prevents them from being scanned by Foundstone
without regard for which organization or workgroup is running the scan.
Note: Changing these settings does not affect any scans currently in progress.
When Foundstone 6.5 finishes and reschedules a scan, it activates any new
changes to the scan configuration.
This page is not available while creating the organization; after creating an
organization you must edit the organization's properties to set any IP exclusions.
Warning: Excluding an IP address or range in a workgroup's properties adds that
address or range to the global exclusion list for the entire organization. All exclusions
are global to the organization.
On this page you can do the following:
To add excluded IP addresses, enter the beginning IP address in the Starting
Address box, and the final IP address in the Ending Address box. Click
to add
the range.
To enter a range in CIDR format, add the beginning address to the CIDR Address
box. Enter the network mask (8, 16, 24, 32) after the slash / . Click
to add the
To import a list of IP Addresses from a text file, click Import and select the text
file to be added.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Important: If you are the Root Organization Administrator or a workgroup
administrator, you cannot edit the IP Exclusions for your own organization or
workgroup. This must be done by someone who has a higher level of access than
you have. At the organization level, this data can only be modified by the Global
Figure 68: Organization Properties - IP Exclusions tab
IP Exclusion Settings
IP Pool
This section contains the addresses that are excluded from
this organization's or workgroup's scans.
Starting IP Address
Enter the beginning address of an IP address range. The
ending IP address is automatically set to include the rest of
the class C network belonging to this entry.
If you are entering a single address, enter the same single
address in the Ending Address field.
Ending IP Address
Enter the ending address of the IP address range.
Adds the range entered in the Starting IP Address and
Ending IP Address fields to the IP Pool list on the right.
Note: As you add ranges to the IP Pool, if the ranges
overlap each other, Foundstone 6.5 automatically
combines them into the same range.
CIDR Address
Enter an address range using CIDR format (see "To add
ranges using the CIDR Format" on page 215).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Import a text file containing a list of IP addresses (see "To
import a list of address ranges" on page 216).
Select an address range in the IP Pool list and click Remove
to delete the range.
Remove All
Clear the IP Pool list completely.
Organization Properties - Contact Information
Use the Contact Info tab in the Properties dialog box to keep contact information for
the person responsible for the Organization or Workgroup.
The settings on this page are not required and are purely informational. Foundstone
6.5 associates this information with the organization, but does not use it anywhere
else in the product.
Figure 69: Workgroup Properties - Contact Information
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Organization Properties - Scan Engines
Use the Scan Engines tab in the Properties dialog box to assign specific FoundScan
Engine servers to an organization or workgroup. This allows you to assign engines by
geographic location, reducing network scan-related traffic over WAN connections.
Figure 70: Workgroup Properties - Scan Engines Tab
Scan Engine Selection Features
Check each scan engine that you want to make available to
this organization and its workgroups.
Auto Select
With Auto Select enabled, users do not have to select an
engine when creating a scan. The scan engine assigned to
the given IP address(es) is automatically selected.
Note: Only enable Auto Select if the engine is able to
scan the entire IP space assigned to this organization or
Displays the name of the FoundScan Engine. The name was
assigned by the person that installed Foundstone 6.5.
Displays the description of the FoundScan Engine. The
description can be added or changed by editing the
description field on the MANAGE > ENGINES (see
"Managing Engines" on page 165) page when you are logged
on as the Root Organization Administrator.
Displays the address on which the FoundScan Engine was
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Displays the port being used to communicate between the
FoundScan Engine and the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Displays the protocol (http or https) being used between the
FoundScan Engine and the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Displays Yes if the engine is currently detected to be active
on the network. Displays No if the engine is not found.
Viewing Organization/Workgroup Logs
Foundstone 6.5 logs actions from each workgroup and user account. The log events
are for Foundstone Enterprise Manager events only, not for similar events performed
on the FoundScan Console. You can see the logs for any organization or workgroup
that you can access.
To see the organizational log file, right-click a workgroup and click View Logs.
The log file shows information for the selected organization/workgroup and all
workgroups under it.
Figure 71: Activity Logs - shows account activity
Log Features
Column Heading
The date and time of the event.
The organization or workgroup name of the activity log.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Column Heading
User Name
The logon username for the account that ran the event.
IP Address
The IP address of the host that ran the event.
Describes the event that took place.
Working with Workgroups (Sub-Organizations)
Use the Users/Groups page to create, edit, or delete workgroups (when you are
logged in as an administrator).
From the Users/Groups page you can do the following:
Create a Workgroup under your Workgroup (see "New Workgroup Settings" on
page 229)
Edit a Workgroup's Properties (see "Editing Workgroup Properties" on page 230)
Delete a Workgroup under your Workgroup (see "Deleting a Workgroup (SubOrganization)" on page 238)
Rename a Workgroup
View the Workgroup's Activity Logs (see "Viewing a Workgroup's Activity Logs"
on page 239)
Figure 72: Organization Management - organizations and workgroups
Creating New Workgroups (Sub-Organizations)
Create a new Workgroup (sub-organization) under the root organization or under
another workgroup. Use workgroups to organize your IP Pool into manageable
segments, so multiple administrators can manage the scanning and remediation
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
process while reports and demographic information flow up through the hierarchy for
To create a new Workgroup
In the hierarchical organization tree view, right-click the workgroup or
organization under which you want to create the new Workgroup and choose
New > Workgroup from the shortcut menu displayed. The New Workgroup page
(see "New Workgroup Settings" on page 229) appears.
Enter the new workgroup's Name and Description and click Finish to save.
Note: Workgroups must contain unique names. Do not create a workgroup
using the name of an existing workgroup.
To edit the workgroup's properties (see "Editing Workgroup Properties" on page 230)
at a later time, right-click the workgroup and choose Properties from the shortcut
menu displayed.
New Workgroup Settings
This page lets you set the name and description of your new workgroup.
The Workgroup Name label is red because it is required. Enter a unique name for this
workgroup. The Description is optional. Click Finish to create the workgroup.
Warning: Organizations and workgroups cannot be renamed. Make sure that you
have planned thoroughly so that the organization name you enter is the one you
want to keep.
Figure 73: New Workgroup - General Settings
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Editing Workgroup Properties
Use this feature to change the Workgroup's general properties.
On the Workgroup Properties page you can do the following:
Assign a specific IP Pool (see "Organization Properties - IP Pool" on page 220) for
this workgroup to scan.
Exclude specific IP addresses from the scan.
Add contact information (see "Organization Properties - Contact Information" on
page 225) to track who is responsible for it.
Assign specific Scan Engines (see "Organization Properties - Scan Engines" on
page 226) that the workgroup can use.
To edit the Workgroup's Properties
Right-click the workgroup you want to edit and choose Properties from the
shortcut menu. The workgroup Properties page appears.
Click OK when finished making changes.
Workgroup Properties - General
Use the General tab of the Properties dialog box to enter the name and description of
the new organization or workgroup. The name should be unique from other
organizations or workgroups.
Enter or change the description of the organization or workgroup.
Figure 74: Workgroup Properties - General tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Workgroup Properties - IP Pool
This page shows the Available Address Space, and lets you specify the IP Addresses
that will be available to this workgroup.
The IP Pool settings are inherited from the parent workgroup or organization.
Changing these settings limits the settings of all sub-workgroups under this one.
In a sub-workgroup, you can assign a subset of the parent's IP Addresses, shown in
the Available Address Space field. You can also reduce the IP Limitation value for
sub-workgroups, but cannot raise it past the limit set for the parent workgroup or
On this page you can do the following:
To add an entire range from the Available Address Space to the IP Pool, click to
select the desired range in the Available Address Space section. Click Add to IP
Pool. This adds the entire range.
To add subsets of the Available Address Space to the IP Pool, enter the
beginning IP address in the Starting Address box, and the final IP address in the
Ending Address box. Click
to add the range.
To enter a range in CIDR format, add the beginning address to the CIDR Address
box. Enter the network mask (8, 16, 24, 32) after the slash / . Click
to add the
To import a list of IP Addresses from a text file, click Import and select the text
file to be added.
Important: Only the administrator of your parent organization or workgroup can
edit your IP pool. At the organization level, only the Global Administrator can modify
the IP pool.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Note: Once you have created the organization, you can add a list of IP addresses to
be excluded from scanning by editing the organization properties (see "Editing the
Root Organization Properties" on page 219).
Figure 75: Organization properties - IP pool page
IP Pool Settings
Available Address
Shows the IP address range(s) that you are licensed to
scan. The addresses come from your license, and can be
filtered by the person creating the organization or
Add to IP Pool
Use this option if you want this organization to be able to
scan the entire address range in the Available Address
To use it, select a range in the Available Address Space.
Click Add to IP Pool to include the entire range in the IP
IP Pool
This section contains the addresses that this organization is
allowed to scan.
Starting IP Address
Enter the beginning address of an IP address range. The
ending IP address is automatically set to include the rest of
the class C network belonging to this entry.
If you are entering a single address, enter the same single
address in the Ending Address field.
Ending IP Address
Enter the ending address of the IP address range.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Adds the range entered in the Starting IP Address and
Ending IP Address fields to the IP Pool list on the right.
Note: As you add ranges to the IP Pool, if the ranges
overlap each other, Foundstone 6.5 automatically
combines them into the same range.
CIDR Address
Enter an address range using CIDR format (see "To add
ranges using the CIDR Format" on page 215).
Import a text file containing a list of IP addresses (see "To
import a list of address ranges" on page 216).
Select an address range in the IP Pool list and click Remove
to delete the range.
Remove All
Clear the IP Pool list completely.
Maximum IP
Addresses per Scan
for this Organization
Enter the number of IP addresses that can be added to a
single scan. If more than this number of addresses is added
to any scan, the system displays a warning. The maximum
number of IP addresses allowed is 2,147,483,647.
Leave this field blank to remove the IP limitation.
Note: Changing this number affects the IP limit for all
Workgroups under this one. If this is set at the root
organization level, it is applied to all workgroups as well
as the root organization.
Workgroup Properties - IP Exclusions
This page lets you specify the IP Addresses that you want to exclude from all scans.
Adding systems to this list prevents them from being scanned by Foundstone
without regard for which organization or workgroup is running the scan.
Note: Changing these settings does not affect any scans currently in progress.
When Foundstone 6.5 finishes and reschedules a scan, it activates any new
changes to the scan configuration.
This page is not available while creating the organization; after creating an
organization you must edit the organization's properties to set any IP exclusions.
Warning: Excluding an IP address or range in a workgroup's properties adds that
address or range to the global exclusion list for the entire organization. All exclusions
are global to the organization.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
On this page you can do the following:
To add excluded IP addresses, enter the beginning IP address in the Starting
Address box, and the final IP address in the Ending Address box. Click
to add
the range.
To enter a range in CIDR format, add the beginning address to the CIDR Address
box. Enter the network mask (8, 16, 24, 32) after the slash / . Click
to add the
To import a list of IP Addresses from a text file, click Import and select the text
file to be added.
Important: If you are the Root Organization Administrator or a workgroup
administrator, you cannot edit the IP Exclusions for your own organization or
workgroup. This must be done by someone who has a higher level of access than
you have. At the organization level, this data can only be modified by the Global
Figure 76: Organization Properties - IP Exclusions tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
IP Exclusion Settings
IP Pool
This section contains the addresses that are excluded from
this organization's or workgroup's scans.
Starting IP Address
Enter the beginning address of an IP address range. The
ending IP address is automatically set to include the rest of
the class C network belonging to this entry.
If you are entering a single address, enter the same single
address in the Ending Address field.
Ending IP Address
Enter the ending address of the IP address range.
Adds the range entered in the Starting IP Address and
Ending IP Address fields to the IP Pool list on the right.
Note: As you add ranges to the IP Pool, if the ranges
overlap each other, Foundstone 6.5 automatically
combines them into the same range.
CIDR Address
Enter an address range using CIDR format (see "To add
ranges using the CIDR Format" on page 215).
Import a text file containing a list of IP addresses (see "To
import a list of address ranges" on page 216).
Select an address range in the IP Pool list and click Remove
to delete the range.
Remove All
Clear the IP Pool list completely.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Workgroup Properties - Contact Info
Use the Contact Info tab in the Properties dialog box to keep contact information for
the person responsible for the Organization or Workgroup.
The settings on this page are not required and are purely informational. Foundstone
6.5 associates this information with the organization, but does not use it anywhere
else in the product.
Figure 77: Workgroup Properties - Contact Information
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Workgroup Properties - Scan Engines
Use the Scan Engines tab in the Properties dialog box to assign specific FoundScan
Engine servers to an organization or workgroup. This allows you to assign engines by
geographic location, reducing network scan-related traffic over WAN connections.
Figure 78: Workgroup Properties - Scan Engines Tab
Scan Engine Selection Features
Check each scan engine that you want to make available to
this organization and its workgroups.
Auto Select
With Auto Select enabled, users do not have to select an
engine when creating a scan. The scan engine assigned to
the given IP address(es) is automatically selected.
Note: Only enable Auto Select if the engine is able to
scan the entire IP space assigned to this organization or
Displays the name of the FoundScan Engine. The name was
assigned by the person that installed Foundstone 6.5.
Displays the description of the FoundScan Engine. The
description can be added or changed by editing the
description field on the MANAGE > ENGINES (see
"Managing Engines" on page 165) page when you are logged
on as the Root Organization Administrator.
Displays the address on which the FoundScan Engine was
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Displays the port being used to communicate between the
FoundScan Engine and the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Displays the protocol (http or https) being used between the
FoundScan Engine and the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Displays Yes if the engine is currently detected to be active
on the network. Displays No if the engine is not found.
Moving a Workgroup
Use this feature to move a workgroup within an organization, either as a workgroup
or a sub-workgroup. Global Administrators can move any workgroup or subworkgroup within any organization the Global Administrator has access rights to.
Root Organization Administrators can only move workgroups and sub-workgroups
within their organization. Workgroup Administrators can only move sub-workgroups
within their assigned workgroup.
Note: You cannot move a workgroup to a different organization.
When moving a workgroup, the workgroup will lose all workgroup settings and rights
associated with the previous parent workgroup and obtain all settings and rights of
the new parent workgroup.
Scan engine settings are inherited from the parent workgroup or organization. It is
possible for an administrator to limit the scan engines available to a workgroup, but
cannot grant access to scan engines that the parent workgroup or organization does
not have access rights.
To move a workgroup
In the Users/Groups window, drag-and-drop the workgroup to the desired
location within the organization.
Deleting a Workgroup (Sub-Organization)
Deleting a workgroup removes all of the children workgroups belonging to it, as well
as its users, scans and associated jobs. You must be logged in as an administrator of
the parent organization or workgroup over the workgroup you want to delete.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To delete a workgroup
Right-click the workgroup to be deleted and choose Delete from the shortcut
menu displayed.
Warning: Deleting a workgroup removes all information associated with this
workgroup from the database. This action cannot be undone without restoring the
database from a backup.
Viewing a Workgroup's Activity Logs
Foundstone 6.5 logs actions from each workgroup and user account. The log events
are for Foundstone Enterprise Manager events only, not for similar events performed
on the FoundScan Console. You can see the logs for any organization or workgroup
that you can access.
To see the organizational log file, right-click a workgroup and click View Logs.
The log file shows information for the selected organization/workgroup and all
workgroups under it.
Figure 79: Activity Logs - shows account activity
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Log Features
Column Heading
The date and time of the event.
The organization or workgroup name of the activity log.
User Name
The logon username for the account that ran the event.
IP Address
The IP address of the host that ran the event.
Describes the event that took place.
Working with Scans in the Group Properties
Create, edit, launch, and delete scans from the organization management interface,
as well as through the SCANS menu.
From the Users/Groups page, do the following:
To create a new scan, right-click the organization or workgroup to which the
scan should belong and choose New > Scan from the shortcut menu displayed.
The New Scan page (see "Creating New Scans" on page 291) is displayed so you
can begin the process to define a new scan.
To edit a scan, navigate to the scan in the Scan folder under the Workgroup to
which it belongs. Right-click the scan and choose Properties from the shortcut
menu. The scan properties Scheduler page (page 404) is displayed.
To launch a scan, right-click the scan and choose Launch from the shortcut
To delete a scan, right-click the scan and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Managing User Accounts
Create, edit, and delete users from workgroups. Users can belong to a single
workgroup, several workgroups, or to the organization.
To create a new user (see "Creating New Users" on page 241), right-click the
organization or workgroup to which the user should belong and click New >
To edit a user (see "Editing User Properties" on page 244), right-click the user
and click Properties.
To assign rights based on individual scans, right-click the user and click
Properties. Click the Access Rights tab (see "User Properties - Access Rights" on
page 247).
To delete a user, right-click the user and click delete.
To View the user's activity log (see "Viewing a User's Activity Log" on page 249),
right-click the user and click View Logs.
Creating New Users
This page lets you set the general properties for a user account. If this is a new
account, clicking OK or Finish creates the account.
To create a new user, right-click the organization to which you are adding the
new user, and choose New > User.
To edit the user's properties after creating the user, right-click the user and
choose Properties. The New User properties page lets you change the user's
general information (see "User Properties - General" on page 244) that you
entered when creating the user, change the list of groups to which the user
belongs (see "User Properties - Member Of" on page 246), and set specific rights
to access scans and remediation tickets (see "User Properties - Access Rights"
on page 247).
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Note: The required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ) and red typeface until
their individual requirements have been met. See the following table for details.
Figure 80: User Account Properties - General User page
User Properties
Shows the name of the organization to which the user will
User Name
Enter a unique username for this account. The label
remains red if the name is not unique. Only alphabetic and
numeric characters are allowed.
Tip: Since there are other places throughout
Foundstone 6.5 where you must choose a user by the
username, McAfee recommends user names that are
based on the user's first and last names.
Enter a password that follows these requirements:
Contains at least 8 characters
Contains at least one number
Contains at least one non-alpha-numeric character
The following characters are not allowed: < > / \
Confirm Password
Enter the same password to ensure it was not mis-typed.
This entry must match the Password entry.
Email Address
Enter the user's email address for notifications of scan
completions and configuration changes.
First Name
Enter the first name of the user. May not be left blank.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Last Name
Enter the last name of the user. May not be left blank.
Primary Phone
(optional) Enter the user's phone number. This data is only
displayed in the user's property page. It is not used by
Foundstone 6.5.
Secondary Phone
(optional) Enter a secondary phone number.
Lock Status
Leave this option set to Unlocked.
Warning: Setting this option to Locked prevents this
account from logging onto Foundstone 6.5.
To create an administrator
Create a user account (see "Creating New Users" on page 241).
In the organization tree structure, navigate to the user account and click
Click the Member Of tab.
Under Available Groups, select the Administrators group to which this account
should belong.
Figure 81: User Account Properties - Member Of tab
Click Add
to add the group to the Member Of column.
The user now has administrative privileges to that workgroup.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Editing User Properties
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS.
To get here using the FoundScan Console, choose File > Users/Groups/Scans.
Then navigate to the user you want to modify. Right-click the user and select Properties.
Administrators can modify the user properties for anyone within their workgroup or
workgroups within that workgroup's hierarchy.
The User Properties page lets you change user account settings for a particular user.
User properties consists of three tabs:
General (see "User Properties - General" on page 244) lets you set your
password, change account names, and enter contact information.
Member of (see "User Properties - Member Of" on page 246) lets you determine
the user groups to which the user will belong. Making users members of a user
group gives the users the rights of the group, which makes access rights easier
to manage.
Access Rights (see "User Properties - Access Rights" on page 247) lets your
modify the level of access the user has on a scan-per-scan basis.
Figure 82: User properties - General settings tab
User Properties - General
This page lets you set the general properties for the user account.
On this page you can do the following:
Enter the required information.
To unlock a user account, select Unlocked and save the account.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To change a user's password, enter the new password in both the Password
and the Confirm Password fields.
Note: The required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ) and red typeface until
their individual requirements have been met. See below for details.
Figure 83: User Account Properties - Administrator page
User Properties
Shows the name of the organization to which the user will
User Name
Enter a unique username for this account. The label remains
red if the name is not unique.
Tip: Since there are other places throughout Foundstone
6.5 where you must choose a user by the username,
McAfee recommends usernames that are based on the
user's first and last names.
Enter a password that follows these requirements:
Confirm Password
Contains at least 8 characters
Contains at least one number
Contains at least one non-alpha-numeric character
The following characters are not allowed: < > / \
Enter the same password to ensure it was not mis-typed.
This entry must match the Password entry.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Email Address
Enter the user's email address for notifications of scan
completions and configuration changes.
First Name
Enter the first name of the user. May not be left blank.
Last Name
Enter the last name of the user. May not be left blank.
Primary Phone
(optional) Enter the user's phone number. This data is only
displayed in the user's property page. It is not used by
Foundstone 6.5.
Secondary Phone
(optional) Enter a secondary phone number.
Lock Status
Leave this option set to Unlocked.
Warning: Setting this option to Locked prevents this
account from logging onto Foundstone 6.5.
User Properties - Member Of
This page lets you set the general properties for the user account.
On this page you can do the following:
To make the user a member of a group, select the group in the Available Groups
list. Click Add. The user is now a member of that group.
To remove the user from a group, select the group in the Member of list. Click
Remove. The user is no longer a member of that group.
Figure 84: User Account Properties - Member Of tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
User Properties - Access Rights
This page lets you assign access rights to the user or group. These settings affect
the user or group whose properties you are viewing.
On this page you can do the following:
To see the scans for a specific workgroup or organization, select the workgroup
or organization in the left pane.
To add the right to view a specific scan, select the appropriate workgroup or
organization in the left pane, and click View for the appropriate scan in the right
pane. See below for more specific information on access rights.
To edit the access rights for multiple scans, select the checkbox in the Select
column for each scan you want to change. Click the checkboxes in the column
heading to mark the selected scans.
To grant full access to all scans in the workgroup, including all future scans,
select the Full Access checkbox.
To grant the ability to view all tickets associated with a particular scan, follow
these two steps:
Give the user at least View access to a scan. To do this, go to the scan and select the
checkbox in the View column.
Under Remediation Access Rights, select View Tickets By Scan.
To grant the ability to edit, assign, and approve completed tickets, follow the
same steps as above but select Manage Tickets by Scan under Remediation
Access Rights.
Figure 85: Access Rights configuration
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Settings for Scan Access Rights
Select Column
Lets you select specific scans, or all of them.
Tip: If you select multiple scans, click the checkbox in
the column heading to check that column for all selected
Full Access
Check this box if this user or group should have full access
to all scans for the organization or workgroup. This person
can edit, launch, or delete any scan in the organization or
Clicking Full Access grays out the rest of the Scan Access
Rights settings. This user or group will also have full access
to all future scans created under this organization.
Scan Name Column
Shows the name of the scans belonging to the organization.
Full Column
Check this option to be able to see this scan. When
selected, this user or group can view the alerts, reports, and
other information displayed in the Foundstone Enterprise
Manager for the selected scan.
View Column
Check this option to be able to see this scan. When
selected, this user or group can view the alerts, reports, and
other information displayed in the Foundstone Enterprise
Manager for the selected scan.
Edit IP Column
Check this option to allow the user or group to edit the IP
ranges for the selected scan.
Edit Body Column
Check this option to allow the user or group to edit the
selected scan's settings, other than the IP ranges and
Schedule Column
Check this option to allow the user or group to change the
times when the selected scan is scheduled to run.
Settings for Remediation Access Rights
Access own tickets
All users can view any tickets assigned to them. This is
default behavior for anyone on the system.
View Tickets by Scan
This level lets you view all Remediation tickets for any
scans you can view. Users with this setting can still view
any tickets assigned to them.
Note: This setting applies to all scans for which the user
has at least View access.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Manage Tickets by
This level makes you a Remediation Manager for all tickets
for any scan you can view. Users with this setting scan still
view any tickets assigned to them.
Note: This setting applies to all scans for which the user
has at least View access.
Deleting Users
Use this option to remove users from the database. As soon as you remove a user
from the database, that user is immediately locked out of Foundstone 6.5.
Effects on Remediation Tickets
When you remove a user who has assigned tickets, the tickets become unassigned
and go back to the New Tickets queue for reassignment.
Viewing a User's Activity Log
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS. You
must be logged on as an Administrator.
To get here using the FoundScan Console, choose File > Users/Groups/Scans.
Foundstone 6.5 logs actions from each workgroup and user account. View the logs
for any user account that you can access.
To see the user activity log file, right-click the user and click View Logs.
To sort the log, click a column heading in the log file.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
The Activity Logs window displays information for the selected user.
Figure 86: Activity Logs - shows account activity
Log Features
Column Heading
The date and time of the event.
The organization or workgroup name associated with the
User Name
The logon username for the account that ran the event.
IP Address
The IP address of the host that ran the event.
Describes the event that took place.
To get here, click MY ACCOUNT on the global navigation menu. This option only appears if you
are logged in as a Global Administrator, Foundstone User or Remediation Administrator. The
Root Organization Administrator and Workgroup Administrator roles should edit the user
properites for their own accounts (see "Editing User Properties" on page 244).
This page lets you change your own Foundstone 6.5 account information.
This page affects only your own account settings.
Add or change any information. To do this, change or add text to any fields and
click Apply.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Change your password. To do this, enter your current password in the Old
Password field. Enter your new password in the Password and Confirm
Password fields and click Apply.
Important: To save any changes, you must also enter your current password
in the Old Password field.
Figure 87: Edit My Account - change the settings for your account
Account Properties
User Name
You can change your username by entering a new name
here. This is the username that you use to log onto
Foundstone 6.5.
Keep in mind it must be unique from other names on the
system. Also, people often need to refer to you by your user
account name, so McAfee recommends this name be based
on your first and last name.
Email Address
Enter the user's email address for notifications of scan
completions and configuration changes.
First Name
Enter the first name of the user. May not be left blank.
Last Name
Enter the last name of the user. May not be left blank.
Primary Phone
(optional) Enter your phone number in case someone uses
this data to reach you. This data is only displayed in the
user's property page. It is not used by Foundstone 6.5.
Secondary Phone
(optional) Enter a secondary phone number.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Old Password
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Enter your current password.
Important: If you are changing any information, you must
enter your current password here before the changes will
be accepted. If you are changing your password, enter
the new password in the Password field below; but you
must still enter your current password here.
Enter a password that follows these requirements:
Confirm Password
Contains at least 8 characters
Contains at least one number
Contains at least one non-alphanumeric character
Does not contain < > / \
Enter the same password to ensure it was not mis-typed.
This entry must match the Password entry.
Managing User Groups
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS.
To get here using the FoundScan Console, choose File > Users/Groups/Scans.
Then navigate to the Group folder under an organization or workgroup.
Foundstone 6.5 supports user groups so that you can assign a specific set of user
rights to multiple user accounts simply by adding user accounts to the group. Any
changes you make to the group's access rights are automatically inherited by the
users belonging to that group.
Likewise, removing a user account from the group automatically removes the group
access rights from that account; unless similar rights are explicitly assigned to the
individual user account.
Note: You cannot edit or delete the default groups (see "Using the Default Groups"
on page 259).
The Users/Groups page lets you create, edit, or delete groups.
Create a new group (see "Creating New Groups" on page 253).
Edit the group (see "Editing User Group Properties" on page 253).
Assign rights (see "User Group Properties - Access Rights" on page 255) based
on individual scans.
Delete a group (see "Deleting User Groups" on page 258).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Creating New Groups
Create user groups to define access rights for groups of user accounts that require
similar access.
To create a new group
Right-click the group folder under the organization or workgroup where you want
to create the new group and choose New Group from the shortcut menu
Use the New Group wizard to define the settings for the new group. Click Next
to move from one page to another of the wizard.
General properties page (see "User Group Properties - General" on page
254) - enter the group name and description.
Members page (see "Adding and Removing Users from Groups" on page
254) - add user accounts to the group.
Access Rights page (see "User Group Properties - Access Rights" on page
255) - assign access rights to the group. All members inherit these rights.
Click Finish to create the new group.
Editing User Group Properties
Once you have created a group, edit the following properties at any time:
To edit the properties of a group
Navigate to the group you want to edit under the Groups folder.
Right-click the group name and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
Do one of the following:
Change the name or description (see "User Group Properties - General" on
page 254) from its original setting.
Add users to the group (see "Adding and Removing Users from Groups" on
page 254).
Remove users from the group (see "Adding and Removing Users from
Groups" on page 254).
Assign specific access rights (see "User Group Properties - Access Rights"
on page 255) to individual scans.
Note: You have to create a scan before you can assign rights to view/edit it.
Access rights are based on individual scans.
Click OK to save your changes.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
User Group Properties - General
Use the General tab in the Group Properties dialog box to enter the Group Name and
(optional) Description for the group.
Figure 88: Group Properties - General information
General Tab - Group Properties
Displays the organization to which the group will belong. This
field cannot be changed.
Group Name
A unique, descriptive name for the group. This name is not
seen by anyone but the administrators.
Note: The Group Name will appear red until you enter a
name. It also turns red if you enter a character that is not
An optional description for the group. Use the description to
provide additional information about the purpose of the
group. It appears only in the Organization Management
Adding and Removing Users from Groups
Use the Members tab of the Group Properties dialog box to assign user accounts to
this group.
On this page, do the following:
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To add a user account to the group, select the account to add in the Available
Users list and click Add. The account appears in the Members list.
To remove the account from the group, select the account in the Members list
and click Remove. The account is removed from the list.
Figure 89: Group Properties - Adding/removing members
User Group Properties - Access Rights
Use the Access Rights tab of the Group Properties dialog box to assign access rights
of the group. These settings affect the users within the group whose properties you
are viewing.
On this page you, do the following:
To see the scans for a specific workgroup or organization, select the workgroup
or organization in the left pane.
To add the right to view a specific scan, select the appropriate workgroup or
organization in the left pane, and check the box to View the appropriate scan in
the right pane. See below for more specific information on access rights.
To edit the access rights for multiple scans, check the box in the Select column
for each scan you want to change. Select the checkboxes in the column heading
to mark the selected scans.
To grant full access to all scans in the workgroup, including all future scans,
select the Full Access checkbox.
To grant the ability to view all tickets associated with a particular scan, follow
these two steps:
Give the user at least View access to a scan. To do this, go to the scan and select the
checkbox in the View column.
Under Remediation Access Rights, select View Tickets By Scan.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To grant the ability to edit, assign, and approve completed tickets, follow the
same steps as above but select Manage Tickets by Scan under Remediation
Access Rights.
Note: If a user belongs to a group, the user automatically inherits all rights
associated with that group. You cannot remove these rights on an individual basis
by editing the user; the only way to remove group rights from a user is to remove
the user from the group, or edit the properties for the entire group.
Figure 90: Workgroup Properties - Access Rights
Settings for Scan Access Rights
Select Column
Lets you select specific scans, or all of them.
Tip: If you select multiple scans, click the checkbox in
the column heading to check that column for all selected
Full Access
Check this box if this user or group should have full access
to all scans for the organization or workgroup. This person
can edit, launch, or delete any scan in the organization or
Clicking Full Access grays out the rest of the Scan Access
Rights settings. This user or group will also have full access
to all future scans created under this organization.
Scan Name Column
Shows the name of the scans belonging to the organization.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Full Column
Check this option to be able to see this scan. When
selected, this user or group can view the alerts, reports, and
other information displayed in the Foundstone Enterprise
Manager for the selected scan.
View Column
Check this option to be able to see this scan. When
selected, this user or group can view the alerts, reports, and
other information displayed in the Foundstone Enterprise
Manager for the selected scan.
Edit IP Column
Check this option to allow the user or group to edit the IP
ranges for the selected scan.
Edit Body Column
Check this option to allow the user or group to edit the
selected scan's settings, other than the IP ranges and
Schedule Column
Check this option to allow the user or group to change the
times when the selected scan is scheduled to run.
Settings for Remediation Access Rights
Access own tickets
All users can view any tickets assigned to them. This is
default behavior for anyone on the system.
View Tickets by Scan
This level lets you view all Remediation tickets for any
scans you can view. Users with this setting can still view
any tickets assigned to them.
Note: This setting applies to all scans for which the user
has at least View access.
Manage Tickets by
This level makes you a Remediation Manager for all tickets
for any scan you can view. Users with this setting scan still
view any tickets assigned to them.
Note: This setting applies to all scans for which the user
has at least View access.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Deleting User Groups
You can delete a user group without affecting existing scans or organizational
Effects on Users
Deleting a user group that contains users does not delete the actual user accounts. It
deletes the access rights the users gained by belonging to the group. So if a user
belonged to a group and the group was deleted, the user would no longer have the
rights given by the group.
To delete a user group
Right-click the group that you want to remove and choose Delete from the
shortcut menu displayed.
Adding and Removing Users from Groups
Use the Members tab in the Group Properties dialog box to add or remove user
accounts from the group.
To add or remove users from a group
Right-click the Group folder under an organization or workgroup and choose
Properties from the shortcut menu displayed.
Select the Members tab in the Group Properties dialog box.
Figure 91: Group Properties - Adding/removing members
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Do one of the following:
To add a user account to the group, select the account to add in the
Available Users list and then click Add. The account is displayed in the
Members list.
To remove the account from the group, select the account in the Members
list and click Remove. The account is removed from the list.
Using the Default Groups
Foundstone 6.5 contains two default groups that cannot be removed or edited.
The Administrators group exists in every organization and workgroup. Any member
added to this group automatically receives administrative privileges over the
workgroup, including full access to all scans and remediation tickets for that
Note: When you remove a user from the Administrators group, review the user's
access rights for the Workgroup. The "Manage Remediation Tickets" rights are not
automatically revoked when the user is removed from the Administrators group.
Remediation Administrators
The Remediation Group exists only under the Root Organization. The rights
associated with this group are a subset of the Administrators group. They include the
ability to manage all of the remediation tickets for the entire organization and all of its
workgroups, including the following specific examples:
Review new tickets and assign them to Remediation Users.
Change ticket details.
Review tickets that have been completed, approving their closure state.
Root Organization Administrators also have these privileges along with their other
management duties, but a Remediation Administrator does not have access to the
other management interfaces that the Root Organization Administrator can view.
It is acceptable to allow a Remediation Administrator to have additional access to
other user groups in addition to the Remediation Administrator group. This would
allow a Remediation Administrator to also have access to specific scans through the
Access Rights properties page (see "User Properties - Access Rights" on page 247).
Managing Notifications
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click MANAGE > NOTIFICATIONS.
The Foundstone Foundstone Notification Service adds SNMP and email integration
for remediation and scan related events, as well as system status, such as FCM
updates available. Remediation tickets are used to manage and track vulnerabilities in
systems within your corporate network. The remediation system is available through
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
the Foundstone Enterprise Manager and is integrated with other functions of the
system, for example, access management.
Note: If you have McAfee's VirusScan Enterprise On-Access Scanner enabled, the
Foundstone Notification service will fail to connect to your email server. To receive
email notifications, exclude the Notification service from VirusScan Enterprise. See
the Foundstone Enterprise Install Guide for further information about using
Foundstone and VirusScan Enterprise.
The Foundstone Foundstone Notification Service can be configured to communicate
and interact with an external SNMP management node, so you can receive
notifications, via SNMP trap, of when specific events occur. Event notifications are
sent from Foundstone to your SNMP management console.
The Global Administrator enables or disables notifications, and specifies where and
how events are to be sent. Once the Global Administrator has enabled notifications,
the Root Organization Administrator specifies the events for which notifications are
to be sent.
Use the Notifications Settings page to enable or disable notifications for specific
Procedures for Global Administrators
Log on as a Global Administrator to set up and enable notifications:
Specify if event notifications are to be sent when tickets are generated or when
they are assigned for export (page 263).
Enable or disable SNMP notifications (page 265).
Specify the SNMP manager and agent (see "Enabling SNMP Notifications" on
page 265).
Enable or disable email notifications (page 266).
Specify the email server settings and email addresses (see "Enabling Email
Notifications" on page 266).
To save changes, click Save.
To cancel any changes made, click Reset.
User Settings Tab
When you are logged in as Root Organization Administrator, Workgroup
Administrator, Remediation Administrator, or Default (remediation-only) User, use the
User Settings tab (see "Specifying User Settings" on page 262) to:
Specify the remediation events for which you want to receive email notifications.
Specify the scan events and scans for which you want to receive email
To save changes, click Save.
To cancel any changes made, click Reset.
Org Settings Tab
On this page, when you are logged in as Root Organization Administrator, use the
Org Settings tab (see "Specifying Organization Settings" on page 263) to:
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Specify the type of notification (SNMP or email) for remediation and scan related
To save changes, click Save.
To cancel any changes made, click Reset.
To receive notifications when tickets are exported
Note: The Global Administrator must have specified that notifications are to be
sent when tickets are exported.
Log in to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager as a Root Organization
Administrator or Workgroup Administrator and choose Manage > Remediation.
In the Remediation Rules Editor dialog box, create a new remediation rule, or
modify an existing rule, and change the Action to Export.
Save your changes.
Note: If you have McAfee's VirusScan Enterprise On-Access Scanner enabled, the
Foundstone Notification service will fail to connect to your email server. To receive
email notifications, disable the On-Access Scanner.
To receive notifications when tickets are exported
Note: The Global Administrator must have specified that notifications are to be
sent when tickets are exported.
Log in to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager as a Root Organization
Administrator or Workgroup Administrator and choose Manage > Remediation.
In the Remediation Rules Editor dialog box, create a new remediation rule, or
modify an existing rule, and change the Action to Export.
Save your changes.
Note: If you have McAfee's VirusScan Enterprise On-Access Scanner enabled, the
Foundstone Notification service will fail to connect to your email server. To receive
email notifications, exclude the Notification service from VirusScan Enterprise. See
the Foundstone Enterprise Install Guide for further information about using
Foundstone and VirusScan Enterprise.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Specifying User Settings
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, log in to the root organization as Root
Organization Administrator, Workgroup Administrator, Remediation Administrator, or Default
(remediation-only) User, click MANAGE > NOTIFICATIONS, and then select the User Settings
Use this page to specify the remediation and scan related events for which you want
to receive email notifications.
Figure 92: Notification Settings - User Settings
Remediation Related Events
Select the checkbox for each event for which you want to receive email notifications.
To disable email notifications, clear the checkbox.
Scan Related Events
Select the checkbox for each event for you which you want to receive email
notifications. Then select the scans that you want these notifications to apply to.
Note: The scan related events you select apply to each scan selected. For
example, if you choose to receive email notifications for Scan Started, you will
receive a notification each time every scan you selected is started.
To save changes, click Save. To cancel any changes made, click Reset.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Specifying Organization Settings
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, log in to the root organization as Root
Organization Administrator and click MANAGE > NOTIFICATIONS and select the OrgSettings
Use this page to specify the type of notifications you want to receive for each
remediation and scan related event.
Figure 93: Notification Settings - Org Settings
Remediation Related Events
Specify the checkbox for the type of notification (SNMP or email) you want to receive
for each remediation related event.
Scan Related Events
Specify the checkbox for the type of notification (SNMP or email) you want to receive
for each scan related event.
To save changes, click Save. To cancel any changes made, click Reset.
Specifying When Event Notifications Should be Sent
To get here you must be logged onto the Foundstone Enterprise Manager as a Global
Administrator. Click Manage > Notifications.
Use the General Settings section of the Notifications Settings page to specify when
event notifications are to be sent:
Ticket generated
Ticket assigned for export
Figure 94: Notification Settings - General Settings
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Viewing Vulnerability Details
To get here, click the link in a notification message.
Event notification messages include an unauthenticated URL that points to the
Foundstone Enterprise Manager Web server. The URL shows full, generic details of
the vulnerability with no identifying information such as computer name or IP address
(this information is included in the notification message).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Enabling SNMP Notifications
To get here you must be logged onto the Foundstone Enterprise Manager as a Global
Administrator. Click Manage > Notifications.
Use the SNMP Settings section of the Notification Settings page to specify the
SNMP manager and agent.
Figure 95: Notification Settings - SNMP Settings
Check the box to Enable SNMP Notifications. Then complete the remaining
information, specifying the SNMP version, and incoming and outgoing SNMP
SNMP General Settings
SNMP Version
Click the arrow to specify the SNMP version: 1 or 2c.
Community String
Enter the SNMP community string.
Click the arrow to select the throttle (number of maximum
messages per second): 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, or Unlimited.
Incoming SNMP Settings
Enter the listening IP address, fully qualified domain name, or
host name of the SNMP agent that is to receive incoming
SNMP messages from an external SNMP manager.
Enter the listening port number.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Senders List
Enter the names of authorized senders of SNMP messages.
For example, you may want to enter the name of the outgoing
SNMP management node here, so that the Foundstone
Notification Service will listen to messages sent by that SNMP
management node.
If you do not enter a name in this field, no messages will be
processed by the Foundstone Notification Service.
Click this button to add the name in the Senders List.
Select a name in the Senders List and click this button to
remove the name from the list.
Allow Verify
Check this box if you want Foundstone to respond to SNMP
trap messages requesting verification of a vulnerability.
Outgoing SNMP Settings
Enter the IP address, fully qualified domain name, or host name
of the SNMP management node Foundstone is to send SNMP
messages to.
Enter the port number of the SNMP management node.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Enabling Email Notifications
To get here you must be logged onto the Foundstone Enterprise Manager as a Global
Administrator. Click Manage > Notifications.
Use the Email Settings section of the Notification Settings page to specify the email
server settings.
Note: If you have McAfee VirusScan Enterprise On-Access Scanner enabled, the
Foundstone Notification service will fail to connect to your email server. To receive
email notifications, exclude the Notification service from VirusScan Enterprise. See
the Foundstone Enterprise Install Guide for further information about using
Foundstone and VirusScan Enterprise.
Figure 96: Notification Settings - Email Settings
Check the box to Enable Email Notifications. Then complete the remaining
information, specifying the email server's address, and the email addresses of the
Note: Email notifications for updates applied via the Foundstone Configuration
Manager are sent to the address listed for Foundstone Operations. If you have
enabled email notifications in the Foundstone Configuration Manager Preferences,
be sure to include an email address in the Foundstone Operations field.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Email Server
Enter the address of the mail server. Use either the IP address,
fully qualified domain name, or host name of the server (up to a
maximum of 256 characters).
Enter the port number of the mail server to which notification
messages are to be sent.
Server Requires
Check this box to log on to the mail server with a username
and password.
Enter the user name required to log onto the mail server. The
user name can be up to 64 characters long.
Enter the password associated with this user name. The
password can be up to 128 characters long.
Email Messages
Header Message
Optional. Enter your organization's security banner here. While
Foundstone 6.5 controls the bodies of these messages, you
can configure an opening statement as needed. For example,
you could include internal contact information or policy notices.
Enter a maximum of 256 characters. The email header
message can include alphanumeric characters plus
underscores, periods, parentheses, hyphens, spaces, commas,
slashes (/), and colons.
Header Footer
Optional. While Foundstone 6.5 controls the bodies of these
messages, you can configure a closing statement as needed.
For example, you could include internal contact information or
policy notices.
Enter a maximum of 256 characters. The email footer message
can include alphanumeric characters plus underscores, periods,
parentheses, hyphens, spaces, commas, slashes (/), and
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Event and Address Settings
The following settings apply to each notification type: Ticket Integration, Foundstone
Operation, User Remediation, and User Scan Status.
From Name
Enter the name of the sender. This is the person or
organization that the email will appear to be coming from. Enter
up to 64 characters.
From Address
Enter the email address of the person or organization sending
the email. If the recipient replies, the reply is sent to this email
address. Enter up to 256 characters using a proper format (for
example, first.last@yourcompany.com).
To Name
Enter the name of the person or organization who will receive
notification emails for this type. Enter up to 64 characters.
To Address
Enter the email address of the recipient that is to receive event
notifications. Enter up to 256 characters using a proper format
(for example, first.last@yourcompany.com).
Managing Custom Community Strings
Foundstone allows you to set custom community strings for your SNMP servers.
You can set custom community strings for your SNMP Read (public) community
names and your SNMP Write (private) community names. The public and private
community strings are used during discovery and assessment. This allows
Foundstone to discover SNMP servers running custom (non-standard) community
names and also assess those custom community names for vulnerabilities.
Foundstone supports discovering open UDP port 161 (SNMP) using SNMP version 1
probes. If Advanced UDP scanning (page 377) is enabled (as a Service), Foundstone
can detect any version of SNMP.
SNMP Settings user interface
To get here, log on as the Global Administrator and select MANAGE > POLICY. Click the
SNMP tab to view the SNMP settings.
SNMP is the only group available. In future releases, other groups may be added to
this list.
SNMP Read/Write Community Names
The SNMP Read/Write Community Names check for vulnerabilities related to SNMP
read and write access. The SNMP Read Community Names use the SNMP Default
Community Name vulnerability check. The SNMP Write Community Names uses the
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
SNMP Writable Community Strings vulnerability check. These vulnerability checks
will assess if an SNMP community name exists and if the Read/Write capability is
The list of SNMP Read/Write Community Names that appear after install is a list of
common SNMP Read/Write community names. Modify this list to meet your
company's needs. SNMP Read/Write community names used by your company
must appear at the top of the list to ensure these names are assessed during a scan.
Any asset discovered with an SNMP community name with read or write enabled
will appear in the report. Check each discovered asset for other SNMP community
names with read or write capabilities enabled.
To add a community name
Click the plus sign next to SNMP Read/Write Community Names.
A blank field is added to the bottom of the list.
Type the community name into the field.
Click Save.
To remove a community name
Click the minus sign next to the community name you want to remove.
Click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel to return to your previously
saved state.
SNMP Read/Write Community Name Maximum
Determines the maximum number of SNMP Read/Write community names to use
for read/write operations. Using the default setting means a scan only searches for
the first enabled SNMP Read/Write community name on the list. Using a higher
number means the scan will search up to that many SNMP Read/Write community
names, starting at the top of the list.
For example, if the maximum number is set to five, then the first five SNMP
community names on the list will be used in the scan and the rest of the names in
the list (if there are more than five) will be ignored.
Note: Using fewer SNMP Read/Write community names increases performance
but can decrease accuracy. The FoundScan Engine allows 6 minutes per check, so
using too many names can result in a timeout for this vulnerability check.
SNMP Community Names
The SNMP Community Names are used by checks to establish an SNMP connection.
The list of SNMP Community Names that appear after install is a list of common
SNMP community names. Modify this list to meet your company's needs. SNMP
community names used by your company must appear at the top of the list to
ensure these names are used when establishing an SNMP connection.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To add a community name
Click the plus sign next to SNMP Community Names.
A blank field is added to the bottom of the list.
Type the community name into the field.
Click Save.
To remove a community name
Click the minus sign next to the community name you want to remove.
Click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel to return to your previously
saved state.
SNMP Community Name Maximum
Determines the maximum number of SNMP community names to use for
establishing a connection. Using the default setting means an SNMP connection will
only be attempted with the first SNMP community name on the list. Using a higher
number means the scan will attempt a connection with other SNMP community
names, starting at the top of the list.
For example, if the maximum number is set to five, then the first five SNMP
community names on the list will be used in the scan and the rest of the names in
the list (if there are more than five) will be ignored.
Note: Using fewer SNMP community names increases performance but can
decrease accuracy. The FoundScan Engine allows 6 minutes per check, so using
too many names can result in a timeout for this vulnerability check.
Other Policy Manager functions
Saves changes you have made to the current page.
Returns the page settings to the last time you saved.
Set to Defaults
Returns the page settings to the program defaults.
Warning: Agreeing to reset all values to default removes all
custom settings for the currently selected policy.
Takes you to the Configure Policy Manager (on page 272) page.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Configure Policy Manager
To get here, log on as the Global Administrator. Select MANAGE > POLICY and click the SNMP
To export custom SNMP strings to an XML file
Set up and save your custom SNMP strings.
Click Config.
The Configure Policy Manager page appears.
Click Export to XML.
Your settings are saved as a compressed file.
Click Save.
Navigate to a folder location to save your file, then click Save.
To import custom SNMP strings from a XML file
Click Browse.
Select the file you want to import and click Open.
Click Import from XML.
To add a new value to the user name selection box
Click Add New Value.
Type the Display Name.
Type the Actual Value.
Click Save.
Managing Metrics - FoundScore Settings
To get here, in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager click MANAGE > METRICS. You must be
logged in as the Root Organization Administrator to use this page.
You can change the metrics used to calculate the FoundScore. This is done through
the settings on the three tabs: General (see "Metrics - General Settings" on page
282), External (see "Metrics - External Scan Settings" on page 284), and Internal (see
"Metrics - Internal Scan Settings" on page 286).
Figure 97: Manage Metrics Tabs
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
The settings on this page affect the entire organization, including all workgroups.
Workgroup administrators cannot make changes to these settings
MyFoundScore Settings
If you use MyFoundScore, you can change the following metrics to meet the needs
of your enterprise:
Maximum points
that can be lost
(70 default)
High risk multiplier
(5 default)
Medium risk
(3 default)
Low risk multiplier
(1 default)
Maximum points
that can be lost
(30 default)
Points lost for
rogue applications
(1 default)
Points lost for
Wireless Access
(1 default)
Points lost for
discovered Trojan
(30 default)
Specify the asset
criticality multiplier
- 1 (0.50 default)
- 2 (0.75 default)
- 3 (1.00 default)
- 4 (1.25 default)
- 5 (1.50 default)
- unassigned (1.00
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Maximum points
that can be lost (50
Points lost for each
high risk
(50 default)
Points lost for each
medium risk
(10 default)
Points lost for each
low risk
(5 default)
Maximum points
that can be lost
(50 default)
Points lost for each
(1 default)
Maximum points
that can be lost for
services discovered
(20 default)
Points lost for each
non-essential host
(1 default)
Maximum points
that can be lost for
non-essential hosts
(15 default)
Points lost for
allowing inbound
UDP on ports other
than port 53
(10 default)
Points lost if
inbound ICMP
traffic is permitted
(5 default)
Specify the asset
criticality multiplier
- 1 (0.50 default)
- 2 (0.75 default)
- 3 (1.00 default)
- 4 (1.25 default)
- 5 (1.50 default)
- unassigned (1.00
Notes: When you activate MyFoundScore and specify MyFoundScore metrics, the
metrics apply to all scan configurations within the organization.(You cannot specify
different metrics for different scan configurations within the same organization.)
Activating MyFoundScore does not affect previously generated reports. If you
activated MyFoundScore before generating this report, it will not reflect
MyFoundScore unless you re-generate the report. All future scans will reflect the
MyFoundScore criteria.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
How FoundScore is Calculated
A perfect score is 100. Foundstone deducts points from the score based on the
violations found during a scan. There are two categories of violations: vulnerabilities
and exposures.
[vulnerability score] + [exposures score] = FoundScore
Default Scores Internal
External FoundScore
Total Score
These scores can be modified by using MyFoundScore (page 272).
The minimum FoundScore is 0. If a network has a large number of vulnerabilities and
exposures, it may take considerable effort to resolve them to get the FoundScore
above 0.
Vulnerabilities Score
The Vulnerabilities score is based on the combination of high, medium and low risk
vulnerabilities discovered within your environment. Points are deducted for each
vulnerability found based on its risk ranking (high, medium, low).
High Risk
An attacker might gain privileged access (administrator, root) to the machine over a
remote connection.
IIS Remote Data Services provides remote control
RPC Auto-mounted attack
Medium Risk
An attacker might gain non-privileged (user) access to the machine over a remote
ColdFusion viewexample.cfm
Open and accessible NetBIOS ports
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Low Risk
The vulnerability provides enticement data to the attacker that may be used to launch
a more informed attack against the target environment. It may indirectly lead to
some form of remote connection access to the machine.
Anonymous FTP access
Easy-to-guess SNMP community string
Informational Risk
Available data that is less valuable to an attacker than the low risk vulnerability. You
may also not be able to address informational findings; they may be inherent to the
network services or architecture in use.
For example, an informational vulnerability might include gaining access to data using
NetBIOS name table retrieval (NBTStat). However, the ability to enumerate Windows
user accounts via a null session is a low vulnerability.
You may also not be able to address informational findings—they may be inherent to
the network services or architecture in use. For example, the SSH protocol requires a
version number, support cipher and methods exchange to be included in the service
Point Scoring
For Internal scans, Foundstone 6.5 considers the size of your network. Network size
is not a consideration in External scans. This reflects the philosophy that a
vulnerability exposed to the Internet gives a hacker potential access to your network,
which is equally dangerous regardless of the size of the network. However, for
internal scans, risk is proportional to the number of machines that can be accessed
within the network.
Points lost per Points lost
per incident
(Internal Scan) (External
(5*x14/number of
hosts) points
50* points
Medium Risk
(3*x14/number of
hosts) points
10* points
Low Risk
(1*x14/number of
hosts) points
5* points
0 points
1* point
* These values can be modified by changing the MyFoundScore criteria (see "Using
MyFoundScore" on page 81).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
The Exposure Score is different for Internal and External scan types. This table
shows the Exposure Scoring for Internal Scans.
FoundScore - Internal Deduction Descriptions
Number of Rogue
1* point each, up to a maximum of 30*.
Applications and services not critical to typical business
operation can create significant security exposures. Reduce
the number of active network services and enforce an
acceptable use policy to reduce the likelihood of security
These applications can open unsecured ports on the host
machine, allowing for remote connections or even exploitation
of the host. Some applications allow for plain-text
communication of potentially sensitive corporate information,
which could be easily eavesdropped by an unintended third
Examples of rogue applications include:
Number of Wireless
Music file-sharing programs, such as Morpheus and
Kazaa. These music sharing programs open unique ports
on the host and allow it to act as a file server for remote
clients using the same file-sharing program.
Real-time chat programs, such as IRC, Yahoo! Pager,
MSN Messenger, and so on. These applications allow
unsecured, plain text communication.
File and resource sharing programs, such as Limewire and
1* point each, up to a maximum of 30*
Wireless access points can potentially allow an attacker with a
laptop and a wireless LAN card to view all traffic that passes
through that access point. They also have the potential to
allow others to join as a node on the network itself, exposing
seemingly private, internal resources.
Wireless access points should be properly configured to allow
only authorized resources to connect to the network.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Number of Trojans/
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
30* points each, up to a maximum of 30*
Certain services are commonly associated with Trojan and
backdoor applications that can compromise a host and/or
network's security:
Users can mistakenly install them by using the Internet or
Attackers can "plant" them for later use
Attackers can load them on compromised hosts
These service can provide unauthorized remote connections to
the host, or provide information relative to the host and/or
target network. Retrieval of usernames and passwords,
enumeration of other network information and resources,
retrieval of host data, or launching an attack against other
systems/networks are all possible if a machine is
compromised with a Trojan or backdoor program.
* These values can be modified by changing the MyFoundScore criteria (see "Using
MyFoundScore" on page 81).
This table shows the Exposures scoring for External Scans.
FoundScore - External Deduction Descriptions
Machines with
1 point deducted for each violation up to a maximum of 20
However, if you have assigned criticality factors to your assets,
the deduction is multiplied by the criticality factor.
An asset can have a criticality from none (zero) to high (5). The
actual FoundScore deduction is determined using the following
FoundScore Non-essential service deduction = SUM(nonessential service * asset criticality)
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
If MyFoundScore is in use, then the following equation is used to
determine the actual deduction:
MyFoundScore Non-essential service deduction = SUM(nonessential service * asset criticality * MyFoundScore weighting
It is possible to find non-essential services without generating
deductions: An asset with a criticality of zero will not take any
deductions from MyFoundScore.
Although non-essential services are not critical to typical Internetrelated business operations, they can still create significant
security exposures.
To help protect your environment from these exposures, limit
active network services to those that are absolutely necessary.
By reducing the number of external network services, you reduce
the likelihood of security breaches.
For example, a network running 10 services is at greater risk than
a network running five services because it contains twice the
number of services to configure, manage, update, and audit. And
given the dynamic nature of security, even a small number of
additional network services can exponentially increase the
network's exposure.
New vulnerabilities are released on a frequent, often daily, basis.
Nonetheless, the following services are essential to most
networks that require an external presence:
For every non-essential network service (services not listed
above) discovered to be accessible and active, one point is
deducted from the overall FoundScore ranking, up to a maximum
of 20 points.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Machines without
a Single Essential
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
1* point deducted for each violation up to a maximum of 15*
Machines that do not perform a core business operation should
be minimized and/or removed to reduce the risk of a security
breach. Non-essential machines increase system administration
overhead and often host non-essential services that pose
additional security risks.
In the FoundScore rating, a non-core machine is one that does
not have an active, essential service. Any machine identified as
alive (by responding to an ICMP request or one of a variety of
TCP/UDP "pings"), but not running an essential service on a
known port, is considered detrimental to the overall security
For each machine discovered in this category, one point is
deducted from the FoundScore ranking, up to a maximum of 15
Inbound UDP on
ports other than
10* points deducted if found
UDP services are typically not required for machines exposed to
the external Internet, with the exception of DNS on port 53. UDP
services are not typically required on machines exposed to
external scans. UDP is a security exposure because it is a
common transport protocol for popular Denial of Service attacks
and backdoor programs such as trin00 and Back Orifice. In
addition, the connection-less nature of UDP complicates
monitoring and auditing UDP-based services.
If UDP is permitted in the environment other than on port 53, 10
points are deducted from the overall FoundScore.
Inbound ICMP
ports Permitted
5* points deducted if found
Although useful for simple diagnostic testing, permitting inbound
ICMP traffic creates significant exposure because attackers use it
for popular Denial of Service attacks such as mstream and Tribal
Flood Network.
If ICMP is permitted, 5 points are deducted from the overall
* These values can be modified by changing the MyFoundScore criteria.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
This table shows the Exposures scoring for External Scans.
External Service
80, 8080, 8000, 9000
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
What FoundScore does not indicate
Although the FoundScore provides a measurable metric for determining your
network’s vulnerability posture, it cannot predict what will happen. This table shows
some risks that you should keep in mind when reviewing your FoundScore.
The security of unscanned portions of
your network
FoundScore is limited to the range of IP addresses you
provide; it does not assess machines outside the range
provided, nor does it assess devices inside your
organization that cannot be reached from the location of
the FoundScan Engine in the network.
The effectiveness of
your security policy
To determine the effectiveness of any security policy,
manual review of the policy itself is necessary, as well as
in-depth knowledge of the network and its applications.
Even if a policy is built around sound security principles, it
may be poorly implemented. The FoundScore rating is
based on general best practices for a typical environment.
Your network may have unique needs. What is commonly
considered an exposure could actually be an acceptable
preference in your environment.
The likelihood of attack
The attractiveness of an environment to potential
attackers is somewhat intangible and impossible to
quantify. Factors include a potential victim's reputation
and prestige, an attacker's perception of personal benefit,
the perceived value of vulnerable data and other
information, and much more. Personal motives such as
revenge (employee termination, for instance) must also be
Metrics - General Settings
This page contains general settings for changing the metrics used to determine your
On this page:
To customize the criticality multiplier that Foundstone 6.5 uses to calculate your
FoundScore, use "MyFoundScore". Set Use MyFoundScore to Yes. Then change
the criticality multiplier as needed in the Custom column.
To return adjusted criticality multipliers to their default setting, click Reset.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
(Although not done on this page) to configure the FoundScore so that it takes
asset criticality into consideration, you must first assign criticality levels to your
assets (see "Criticality Levels" on page 154). Otherwise all assets use the
multiplier of 1.
General Metric Settings
Use MyFoundScore
To enable MyFoundScore throughout the reports for this
organization, select Yes.
If No is selected, the reports and summaries show the default
Default vs. Custom
(column headings)
The default value shows you what Foundstone 6.5 uses to
calculate the regular, default FoundScore.
If Use MyFoundScore is set to Yes, Foundstone 6.5 uses the
Custom settings to calculate MyFoundScore.
Asset Criticality
These are the criticality ratings that can be assigned in Asset
Management. By default, all assets are counted as "Moderate",
and have a multiplier of "1". (See below.)
Asset Criticality does not affect the FoundScore until you
change the criticality of specific IP addresses or groups in
Asset Management.
If an asset is not assigned a criticality, its rating is automatically
set at 0.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Criticality Multiplier
Asset Criticality
Calculated cost for a medium,
10-point risk:
Unassigned (0)
(10*1.00) = 10 points
Low (1)
(10*0.5) = 5 points
Limited (2)
(10*0.75) = 8 points
Moderate (3)
(10*1.00) = 10 points
Significant (4)
(10*1.25)= 12 points
Extensive (5)
(10*1.5)= 15 points
Metrics - External Scan Settings
This page determines the number of deductions taken from your External
FoundScore for each vulnerability type. If MyFoundScore is turned on (see "Metrics General Settings" on page 282) (set to Yes), the numbers in the Custom column are
On this page:
To customize the deductions that Foundstone 6.5 uses to calculate your
FoundScore, use "MyFoundScore". Set Use MyFoundScore to Yes. Then change
the deduction as needed in the Custom column.
To return all modified deductions to their default setting, click Reset.
Figure 98: Manage Metrics - External FoundScore Settings
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Vulnerability Deduction Descriptions
Maximum Deductions –
This setting determines the maximum number of
deductions that can be taken for Vulnerabilities. The
default is set at 50 points, meaning that external
vulnerability risks have the same weight as external
exposures (also 50 points).
If you change the weighting for this setting, make sure
that the maximum deductions for Exposures and this
score both sum up to 100 points.
Each High Risk
Each Medium Risk
Each Low Risk
Change the number of points that should be deducted
for each level of vulnerability risks discovered in your
Remember that the FoundScore cannot be deducted
more than the Maximum Deductions.
Setting a High Vulnerability Risk to the maximum
number automatically deducts all possible vulnerability
points. This reflects the seriousness of the vulnerability
Exposure Deduction Descriptions
Exposure Deductions
Maximum Deductions Total
This setting determines the maximum number of
deductions that can be taken for Exposures. The
default is set at 50 points, meaning that external
exposure risks have the same weight as external
vulnerabilities (also 50 points).
If you change the weighting for this setting, make sure
that the maximum deductions for Vulnerabilities and
this score both sum up to 100 points.
Maximum Deductions Non-Essential Services
When Foundstone 6.5 finds this number of nonessential services, it stops deducting points from the
Each Discovered
Non-Essential Service
Deduct this number of points from the FoundScore for
each non-essential service found, up to the Maximum
Deductions - Non-Essential Services value.
Maximum Deductions Machines without an
Essential Service
When Foundstone 6.5 finds this number of machines
that do not host an essential service, it stops deducting
points from the FoundScore.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Exposure Deductions
Each machine without an
Essential Service
Deduct this number of points from the FoundScore for
each machine that does not host an essential service,
up to the Maximum Deductions - Machines without an
Essential Service value.
UDP Permitted Other Than Deduct this number of points from the FoundScore if
Port 53 (DNS)
any UDP port, other than port 53 (DNS), is found open
on the network.
ICMP Permitted Inbound
Deduct this number of points from the FoundScore if
Foundstone 6.5 finds any open Inbound ICMP ports on
the network.
Metrics - Internal Scan Settings
This page determines the number of deductions taken from your Internal
FoundScore for each vulnerability type. If MyFoundScore is turned on (see "Metrics General Settings" on page 282) (set to Yes), Foundstone 6.5 uses the numbers in the
Custom column.
On this page:
To customize the deductions that Foundstone 6.5 uses to calculate your
FoundScore, use "MyFoundScore". Set Use MyFoundScore to Yes. Then change
the deduction as needed in the Custom column.
To return all modified deductions to their default setting, click Reset.
Figure 99: Manage Metrics - Internal FoundScore Settings
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Vulnerability Deduction Settings
Internal Vulnerability
Maximum Deductions Total
This setting determines the maximum number of
deductions that can be taken for Vulnerabilities. The
default is set at 70 points, meaning that internal
vulnerability risks have a much higher weight than
internal exposures (default 30 points).
If you change the weighting for this setting, make sure
that the maximum deductions for Exposures and this
score both sum up to 100 points.
High Risk Vulnerability
Medium Risk
Vulnerability Multiplier
Foundstone 6.5 considers the size of your network
when determining your Internal FoundScore. This is
because in an internal setting, the risk is proportional to
the number of machines on your network. More
machines create more risk.
Low Risk Vulnerability
To reflect this in the FoundScore, Foundstone 6.5 uses
the following equation:
FoundScore Deduction = X*14/Number of hosts
The "X" is the variable you can change by modifying the
risk multiplier.
Exposure Deduction Settings
Internal Exposure
Maximum Deductions Total
This setting determines the maximum number of
deductions that can be taken for Exposures.
If you change the weighting for this setting, make sure
that the maximum deductions for Vulnerabilities and this
score both sum up to 100 points.
Each Discovery of a
Rogue Application
Deduct this number of points from the FoundScore for
every Rogue Application discovered on the network.
Each Discovery of a
Wireless Access Point
Deduct this number of points from the FoundScore for
every Wireless Access Point discovered on the network.
Each Discovery of a
Trojan or Backdoor
Deduct this number of points from the FoundScore for
every Trojan or backdoor program discovered. This is
such a serious risk, the default setting deducts the
maximum number of points for exposures.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Working with Scans
To get here, hold the mouse over SCANS on the global navigation menu. The Remediation
Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights to scans
Figure 100: Scan Menu - Scan Status, Edit Scans, New Scan
The SCAN menu shows the following options:
SCAN STATUS - view the status of current scans (see "Scan Status" on page
290) in your organization/workgroup.
EDIT SCANS - view, edit, delete, or launch a scan (see "Editing Scans" on page
293) in your organization/workgroup. Also lets you view templates (see "Viewing
Scan Templates" on page 295) and create new scans (see "Creating New Scans"
on page 291).
NEW SCAN - create new scans (see "Creating New Scans" on page 291).
VULN FILTERS - save a group of vulnerability checks as a filter (see "Vulnerability
Filters" on page 409). Then when you create a new scan, you can load the filter
to automatically select the specific scans in that filter. The Remediation
Administrator has access to this feature if explicitly assigned access rights to
Note: If you run two scans simultaneously that have similar checks, such as the
checks to identify the operating system in scans based on the Asset Discovery
Scan template, you may see different results when viewing reports. This is
because one scan may be accessing one system in your network at the same time
as the second scan. For example, the first scan may be blocking an open port, so
the second scan will not report that port as open.
Quick steps to creating a new scan
In the Scan Details (see "Creating New Scans" on page 291) page, choose how
you want to create the scan:
To create a scan based on the default settings, select Use Foundstone's
default settings and click Next.
To create a scan based on a template, select Use a Foundstone template,
select the template you want to use, and click Next.
To create a scan based on an existing scan, select Use an existing scan,
select the scan you want to use, and click Next.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
In the IP Selection page (page 359), enter or change the Scan Name and
Select the Scan Type, if necessary. Most often, you will use the default setting
for Custom.
Specify the IP addresses to be scanned by:
Entering IP addresses (page 362)
Browsing through a list of assets (page 364)
Searching for specific assets (page 368)
Click Next or click the Settings tab.
In the Settings page, click the icon on the left side of the page to change the
settings for the following:
Hosts (page 370) to specify options for ICMP, UDP, and TCP scanning
Services (page 377) to specify the services you want discovered on your
Credentials (see "Managing Credentials" on page 380) to create and manage
credentials used to access systems on your network
Vuln Selection (page 388) to specify the vulnerabilities you want checked
under the General, Windows, Wireless, and Shell categories
Web Module (page 393) to specify if you want to search your network for
Web applications and any relevant vulnerabilities
Optimize (page 398) to change settings to optimize the performance of
Click Next or click the Reports tab.
In the Reports (page 400) page, specify if you want to create remediation tickets
for this scan when it has completed running. Uncheck the box if you do not want
remediation tickets created.
10 Select the FoundScore Type you want used for this scan. This setting defines
the set of calculations used to determine the FoundScore value. Choose Internal
or External.
11 Select the format in which you want reports created. For PDF reports, expand
the PDF Report Sub-Types section and select the reports you want generated in
PDF format.
12 Click Next or click the Scheduler (page 404) tab.
13 In the Scheduler page, select if you want this scan activated or de-activated. If
you choose to activate this scan, and set the Schedule Type to immediate, the
scan will begin running right away. De-activated scans are saved but are not run
automatically (you can run them manually by clicking Activate in the Edit Scans
(see "Editing Scans" on page 293) page).
14 Select the FoundScan Engine and specify the network interface that the scan
will use.
Note: If the Select Engine displays AutoSelect, then the Global Administrator
or Root Organization Administrator has enabled automatic scan engine
selection. The scan will automatically select a scan engine based upon the IP
addresses selected for this scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
15 Schedule the scan to run immediately, at a specific date and time, or on a
recurring schedule.
16 If you want to use a Scan Window, so that the scan only runs during specific
hours or on specific days, check the box and enter the window details.
17 Click OK to save the scan and exit the scan editor pages.
Scan Status
To get here, click SCANS > SCAN STATUS. The Remediation Administrator has access to
these features if explicitly assigned access rights to scans.
The Scan Status page shows the status of all the scans that user has access to. You
must have view access to a scan for it to appear on this list. This list shows the
pending and active scans so that you can monitor their status.
On the Scan Status page you can do the following:
To pause a scan, click Pause.
To resume a paused scan, click Resume.
To stop a scheduled scan, click Cancel.
To update the page, click Refresh.
To sort the list, click a column heading.
Figure 101: Scan Status page
Scan Status Description
This is the name of the engine running the scan.
Shows the name of the scan configuration used for this scan.
Job ID
This is the internal number assigned to the scan job.
Shows the date/time the scan began.
Shows the date/time the scan ended.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Shows the amount of time that lapsed between the start time and the
stop time. This amount includes any time the scan was interrupted or
Shows the "percent complete" value for this scan.
Shows the current status of the scan: Running, Complete, Error.
Hosts Found
Shows how many hosts were discovered by the scan.
Pause - Pauses the scan and changes to Resume. Click Resume to
continue running the scan.
Cancel - Stop running the scan and remove it from the queue.
Note: Clicking either action button refreshes the page.
Update the scan status information.
Clear all
Remove all inactive scans from the queue.
Note: This page shows only those scans that your account can view.
Creating New Scans
To get here, click SCANS > NEW SCAN. Only Root Organization Administrators and
Workgroup Administrators can create a scan.
The New Scan page starts the process for creating a new scan. You can base the
new scan on pre-existing scan configurations, pre-configured templates, or using
default settings.
Creating new scans is limited to the Global Administrator, Root Organization
Administrator, or Workgroup Administrator. Other users cannot create new scans.
Once a scan is created, any administrator (Global Administrator, Root Organization
Administrator, or Workgroup Administrator) with access to this workgroup can view
the scan. Other users can only see this scan if they are given explicit access (see
"User Properties - Access Rights" on page 247) to it.
On this page you can do the following:
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Begin the process for creating a new scan by selecting the basis for the new
scan. You can select Foundstone's default settings, a template (see "Scan
Templates" on page 298), or an existing scan. If you create a new scan from an
existing scan,
View the Scan Properties page by clicking Next.
Return to the previous page by clicking Cancel.
Figure 102: New Scan - choose a template, scan, or defaults
Scan Details
Use Foundstone's
default settings
This is the default scan. You can base it on the default and
change the settings as desired to customize your scan.
The table shows available, existing scans. Select one of
these scans to use it as a basis for the new scan settings.
This is the same as using the Use an existing scan option
below. Select an existing scan and click Next.
The new scan contains the same settings as the scan upon
which it is based, except for the scan name and the
schedule settings.
Use a Foundstone
The available templates (see "Scan Templates" on page 298)
appear in the bottom half of the page. Select a template and
click Next.
Use an existing scan
The list of scans from your organization appears in the
bottom half of the page. Select a scan and click Next.
Note: Basing a scan on an existing scan does not allow
you to change the engine or NIC the scan uses.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
After clicking Next, the Scan Properties dialog box (see "Scan Properties" on page
358) appears so you can edit the original settings from the selected scan or template.
Important: Do not scan any server that is currently a part of the Foundstone 6.5
system. Scanning another FoundScan Engine can cause inaccurate results.
To sort the list of existing scans alphabetically
The list of existing scans can be sorted by the date they were created, or
alphabetically. However, this is done on a global scale for all users of Foundstone
6.5; it is a setting in the CONFIG.INI file on the Foundstone Enterprise Manager
server and must be performed by an administrator with access to that server.
On the Foundstone Enterprise Manager server, open the CONFIG.INI file.
Add the following lines to the [optional] section:
; New Scan Page: "1" sorts scans alphabetically, "0" sorts
by creation date.
new_scan_alpha_sort = 1
Save and close the CONFIG.INI file.
Editing Scans
To get here, click SCANS > EDIT SCANS. The Remediation Administrator has access to these
features if explicitly assigned access rights to scans.
This page lists the scans that you can access within your organization.
From this page you can do the following:
To edit the scan's settings, click Edit.
To review a scan's settings, click View.
To remove the scan, click Delete.
To run the scan according to it's scheduled settings, click Activate.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Note: Activate is not available until the scan has run at least once.
Figure 103: Scan list shows scans for your organization/workgroup
Features and Settings
Opens the scan properties page to make changes to the
Note: To edit a scan that is currently running, you must
do it from the FoundScan Console. You cannot edit a
running scan from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
This option does not exist if you do not have permission to
change this scan configuration.
Opens the scan properties page, but does not allow
changes to be made.
Click Delete to remove this scan configuration and all
associated scan jobs from the Foundstone Database.
Warning: Deleting a scan removes all associated
information including discovery data, vulnerability data,
and remediation tickets.
- you cannot generate reports from this scan
- you cannot review reports from this scan over the Web
- you cannot manage remediation tickets generated by
this scan
This option does not exist if you do not have permission to
change this scan configuration.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
If the scan is not already scheduled to run, click Launch to
set the scan schedule to "Immediate" and "Active". The scan
launches immediately and runs one time. It produces the
confirmation message "Your scan has been launched."
When the scan finishes, its status returns to "Inactive".
If the scan is already scheduled to run, it will not launch.
Clicking Launch produces the message "An error has
occurred. Could not launch the scan."
Note: This button is inactive when the scan is
associated with a scan engine that is offline or
Viewing Scan Templates
To get here, click SCANS > EDIT SCANS. Then click the Templates tab. You must have
access to view scans to use this feature.
This page shows the templates that have been set up for this
organization/workgroup. Click View to see the scan properties (on page 358) for any
When you view scan properties for a template, the IP Address and Schedule are not
available. All other settings are saved in the template.
Templates can only be managed (created, edited, deleted) from the FoundScan
Console. However, you can create scans based on existing scans (see "Creating New
Scans" on page 291).
On this page you can do the following:
To see the settings for a template, click View. The template opens in read-only
To see the list of scans in your organization/workgroup, click the Scans tab.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Click New Scan tab to create a new scan (Administrators only).
Figure 104: Template list shows available templates
Centralized Scan Management
Using centralized scan management, you can assign your scan engines to IP
addresses and ranges. When a user selects an IP range, the scan configuration will
automatically select the assigned scan engine.
Assigning IP addresses to scan engines is part of the Workgroup configuration
process. Automatically selecting a scan engine based on the IP addresses selected is
part of the Scan Configuration process.
To set a scan engine to Auto Select
To get here using the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, log on as the Global Administrator and
select MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS. Using the FoundScan Console, select File >
Create a new organization (see "New Organization Wizard" on page 211) or
workgroup (see "Creating New Workgroups (Sub-Organizations)" on page 228),
or use an existing organization or workgroup.
Right-click the organization or workgroup name and select Properties.
Select the Scan Engines tab. All engines assigned to this organization or
workgroup are listed.
To automatically select a scan engine when setting up a scan, select the Auto
Select checkbox.
Click OK to save your settings.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To create a scan using Auto Select
In the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, select SCANS > NEW SCAN or SCANS > EDIT SCAN.
Create a new scan (see "Creating New Scans" on page 291) or edit an existing
scan (see "Editing Scans" on page 293).
Select the Scheduler tab.
Select Active.
If the Auto Select scan engine function is active for this workgroup, AutoSelect
will appear in the Select Engine field.
If AutoSelect does not appear, then the Auto Select function is not active, and
you must select your scan engine.
Click OK to save your settings.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Templates
Foundstone 6.5 comes with default templates that can be used to create your own
scans. These templates have been carefully designed, based on the best-practices
developed by McAfee’s Sales Engineers. The settings are determined by the size of
the network and by the type of scan.
Note: The settings defined in this document describe the scan template settings at
the time of the release of Foundstone 6.5.
Use these templates as guidelines
Once you have created a scan based on a template, you can go in and change the
settings, refining them to match your network configuration as needed. Refer to this
guide for more information on each setting.
Network size
For the purposes of describing network sizes, this guide uses the following size
Small Network – up to 10 Class C networks (2560 potentially live hosts)
Medium Networks – multiple Class C networks up to a Class B network
(65536 potentially live hosts)
Large Networks – multiple Class B networks up to a Class A network (16.7
million potentially live hosts)
Template list
These are the templates included with Foundstone 6.5:
ACSI 33 All Checks (on page 301) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities that
would impact compliance with the Australian Government Information and
Communications Technology Security Manual (ASCI 33); both intrusive and nonintrusive checks.
ACSI 33 Non-Intrusive Scan (on page 303) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities
that would impact compliance with the Australian Government Information and
Communications Technology Security Manual (ASCI 33); non-intrusive checks
Asset Discovery Scan (see "Asset Discovery Scan Template" on page 305) – The
Asset Discovery Scan searches for the various devices on your network. This
scan is meant to provide a high level view of the different types of Operating
systems and devices on your network and is not meant to provide detailed
information on services running or any vulnerabilities.
COBIT All Checks (on page 307) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities that
would impact compliance with Control Objectives for Information and related
Technology (COBIT); both intrusive and non-intrusive checks.
COBIT Non-Intrusive Scan (on page 310) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities
that would impact compliance with Control Objectives for Information and
related Technology (COBIT); non-intrusive checks only.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FISMA All Checks (see "FISMA Compliance All Checks Scan Template" on page
313) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with
the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA); both intrusive and
non-intrusive checks.
FISMA Non-Intrusive Scan (see "FISMA Compliance Non-Intrusive Scan
Template" on page 316) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact
compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA);
non-intrusive checks only.
Full Vulnerability Scan (see "Full Vulnerability Scan Template" on page 318) – The
full scan lets you pick and choose the types of vulnerability checks to run against
the network.
HIPAA All Checks (see "HIPAA Compliance All Checks Scan Template" on page
320) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with
the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA); both intrusive and
non-intrusive checks.
HIPAA Non-Intrusive Scan (see "HIPAA Compliance Non-Intrusive Scan
Template" on page 323) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact
compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA);
non-intrusive checks only.
ISO 17799-BS7799 All Checks (see "ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance All Checks
Scan Template" on page 325) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would
impact compliance with the International Standards Organization (ISO) standards
17799 (United States) and BS7799 (United Kingdom), "Code of Practice for
Information Security Management; both intrusive and non-intrusive checks.
ISO 17799-BS7799 Non-Intrusive Scan (see "ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance
Non-Intrusive Scan Template" on page 328) - This scan searches for
vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the International Standards
Organization (ISO) standards 17799 (United States) and BS7799 (United
Kingdom), "Code of Practice for Information Security Management; non-intrusive
checks only.
Large Network Asset Discovery Scan (see "Large Network Asset Discovery Scan
Template" on page 330) – This scan is optimized to discover Operating systems
for inventory purposes only in Class A networks. Note: This type of scan requires
high bandwidth utilization. Consult with McAfee Technical Support prior to
running such a large scan.
OS Identification Scan (see "OS Identification Scan Template" on page 334) - This
scan is optimized to comprehensively discover and identify all network device
operating systems on your network.
Payment Card Industry (PCI) Non-Intrusive Scan (see "Payment Card Industry
(PCI) Compliance Non-Intrusive Scan Template" on page 336) - This scan
searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the Payment Card
Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard; non-intrusive checks only.
SANS/FBI Top 20 Scan All Checks (see "SANS/FBI TOP 20 All Checks Scan
Template" on page 339) – This scan searches for the vulnerabilities that have
been identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as the top 20 most
common vulnerabilities. It includes intrusive checks which can adversely affect
the operation of the host being scanned.
SANS/FBI Top 20 Scan Non-Intrusive (see "SANS/FBI TOP 20 Non-Intrusive
Scan Template" on page 341) – This scan only searches for the vulnerabilities
that have been identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as the top
20 most common vulnerabilities.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Sarbanes-Oxley Non-Intrusive Scan (see "Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance NonIntrusive Scan Template" on page 343) - This scan searches for vulnerabilities
that would impact compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002; nonintrusive checks only.
Shell Advanced Scan (see "Shell Advanced Scan Template" on page 346) – This
scan utilizes authenticated Shell credentials to assess UNIX-based hosts
(including routers) for missing service patches and hotfixes.
Single Vulnerability Scan (see "Single Vulnerability Scan Template" on page 347) –
Use this scan to scan for a single vulnerability check.
Web Server Scan (see "Web Server Scan Template" on page 349) – This scan
searches the network for Web services. It probes for Web applications, looks for
access points and weaknesses that could provide access into the network, and
searches for various vulnerabilities associated with Web services.
Windows Advanced Scan (see "Windows Advanced Scan Template" on page
352) – This scan will utilize domain credentials in order to scan the registry for
missing service patches, local security policy violations, anti-virus, and other
Windows Policy Compliance Scan (see "Windows Policy Compliance Scan
Template" on page 354) – This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would
impact compliance with the Windows Policy template; all user specified
windows policy template settings are checked only.
Wireless Discovery Scan (see "Wireless Assessment Scan Template" on page
356) - This scan will discover all unsecured wireless access points including their
Common Report Settings in All Templates
All templates have the following Report settings.
Common Report Settings
Remediation Options (available through the Foundstone
Enterprise Manager)
FoundScore Type
Internal Network
HTML Report
PDF Report
CSV Report
XML Report
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
ACSI 33 All Checks
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the
Australian Government Information and Communications Technology Security
Manual (ACSI 33); both intrusive and non-intrusive checks.
Scan Template Settings
FISMA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FISMA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
TCP Scanning
Full Content Scan
Advanced Options:
Vulns Selection
Wireless Module
Shell Module
Web Module
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced - Run new checks
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced - Run new checks
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced - Run new checks
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced - Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
ACSI 33 Non-Intrusive Scan
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the
Australian Government Information and Communications Technology Security
Manual (ACSI 33); non-intrusive checks only.
Scan Template Settings
FISMA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FISMA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
TCP Scanning
Full Content Scan
Advanced Options:
Vulns Selection
Wireless Module
Shell Module
Web Module
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced - Run new checks
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced - Run new checks
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced - Run new checks
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced - Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Discovery Scan Template
This scan is optimized to comprehensively discover and identify all the network
devices on your network.
Scan Template Settings
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Default Advanced
UDP Scanning
Use UDP Static Source
TCP Scanning
Full connect scan
Use TCP Static Source
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Custom
53 68-69 123 135 137-138 161
260 445 500 514 520 1434 16451646 1812-1813 2049 31337
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Custom
7 9 11 13 15 19 21-23 25 43 49 53
66-68 79-81 88-89 98 109-111 113
118-119 135 139 143 150 156
256-259 264 389 396 427 443 445
465 512-515 524 563 593 636 799
900-901 1080 1214 1243 1313
1352 1433 1494 1498 1521 15241525 1541-1542 1720 1723 1745
1755 1813 2000-2001 2003 2049
2080 2140 2301 2447 2766 2998
3128 3268 3300 3306 3372 3389
4045 4321 4665 4899 5222 5556
5631-5632 5800-5802 5900 6000
6112 6346 6666-6667 7000-7001
7070 7777 7947 8000-8001 8010
8080-8081 8100 8888 10000
12345 20034 30821 32768-32790
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static Source Port
Advanced Options:
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting:
Selected Services
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Web Module
Enable Web Application
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
COBIT All Checks
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with Control
Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT); both intrusive and nonintrusive checks.
Scan Template Settings
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default Advanced
UDP Scanning
Use UDP Static Source
TCP Scanning
Full connect scan
Use TCP Static Source
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Custom
7 9 11 13 17 19 37 42 53 67-69
111 123 135 137 161 177 256 260
389 407 445 500 513-514 518 520
561 631 635 640 650 666 749 762
1024 1025-1028 1034 1060 1091
1352 1434 1645 1646 1701 1801
1812 1813 1900 1978 1999 2002
2049 2140 2161 2221 2301 2365
2493 2631 3179 3327 3456 3478
4045 4156 4296 4469 4802 5631
5632 7001 10080 11487 11493
22000 27444 31337 32768-32781
32783 32786-32790 40017 43981
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Custom
7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 25 37
42 43 49 53 66-68 79 80 81 88 98
106 109 110 111 113 119 130-132
135 139 143 150 199 256-259 264
311 389 427 443 445 457 464 465
512-515 524 540 543 544 548 554
563 587 593 631 636 691 784 873
898 900-903 992-993 995 1002
1022-1033 1045 1050 1080 1084
1100 1109 1214 1234 1243 1311
1313 1352 1433 1455 1494 1512
1521 1524 1525 1527 1529 1541
1542 1574 1582 1677 1718-1720
1723 1754 1755 1782 1801 1863
1987-1989 1996 1998 2000 2001
2003 2049 2080 2103 2105 2140
2301 2381 2401 2433 2447 2766
2998 3001 3006 3127 3128 3141
3264 3268 3269 3300 3306 3372
3389 3689 4000 4001 4002 4045
4321 4443 4444 4662 4899 5000
5001 5003 5050 5101 5232 5432
5490 5555 5556 5631 5800 5801
5802 5900 5901 5980-5981 5987
6000 6003 6112 6349 6387 6588
6666-6669 6699 6881 7000-7002
7005-7007 7070 7100 7161 7273
7777-7778 8000-8001 8007 8009
8010 8080-8081 8100 8484 8875
8888 8910 9090 9100 9999 10000
10520 12345-12346 12361-12362
12888 13722 13782 13783 20034
26000 30100-30102 31337 3276832790 33333 34324 40421-40423
49400-49401 65000 65301
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static Source Port
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Advanced Options:
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting:
Selected Services
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Web Module
Enable Web Application
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
COBIT Non-Intrusive Scan
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with Control
Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT); non-intrusive checks
Scan Template Settings
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default Advanced
UDP Scanning
Use UDP Static Source
TCP Scanning
Full connect scan
Use TCP Static Source
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Custom
7 9 11 13 17 19 37 42 53 67-69
111 123 135 137 161 177 256 260
389 407 445 500 513-514 518 520
561 631 635 640 650 666 749 762
1024 1025-1028 1034 1060 1091
1352 1434 1645 1646 1701 1801
1812 1813 1900 1978 1999 2002
2049 2140 2161 2221 2301 2365
2493 2631 3179 3327 3456 3478
4045 4156 4296 4469 4802 5631
5632 7001 10080 11487 11493
22000 27444 31337 32768-32781
32783 32786-32790 40017 43981
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Custom
7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 25 37
42 43 49 53 66-68 79 80 81 88 98
106 109 110 111 113 119 130-132
135 139 143 150 199 256-259 264
311 389 427 443 445 457 464 465
512-515 524 540 543 544 548 554
563 587 593 631 636 691 784 873
898 900-903 992-993 995 1002
1022-1033 1045 1050 1080 1084
1100 1109 1214 1234 1243 1311
1313 1352 1433 1455 1494 1512
1521 1524 1525 1527 1529 1541
1542 1574 1582 1677 1718-1720
1723 1754 1755 1782 1801 1863
1987-1989 1996 1998 2000 2001
2003 2049 2080 2103 2105 2140
2301 2381 2401 2433 2447 2766
2998 3001 3006 3127 3128 3141
3264 3268 3269 3300 3306 3372
3389 3689 4000 4001 4002 4045
4321 4443 4444 4662 4899 5000
5001 5003 5050 5101 5232 5432
5490 5555 5556 5631 5800 5801
5802 5900 5901 5980-5981 5987
6000 6003 6112 6349 6387 6588
6666-6669 6699 6881 7000-7002
7005-7007 7070 7100 7161 7273
7777-7778 8000-8001 8007 8009
8010 8080-8081 8100 8484 8875
8888 8910 9090 9100 9999 10000
10520 12345-12346 12361-12362
12888 13722 13782 13783 20034
26000 30100-30102 31337 3276832790 33333 34324 40421-40423
49400-49401 65000 65301
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static Source Port
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Advanced Options:
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting:
Selected Services
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Web Module
Enable Web Application
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
FISMA Compliance All Checks Scan Template
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the Federal
Information Security Management Act (FISMA); both intrusive and non-intrusive
Note: This template helps you prepare for achieving compliance for FISMA, but it
does not cover the entire regulation. Failing any of the scans based on this
template will likely prevent you from achieving certification, however not showing
any vulnerabilities may not ensure you are compliant. Vulnerability assessment is
only one facet of regulatory compliance - the facet that Foundstone can help you
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Template Settings
FISMA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FISMA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Shell Module
Web Module
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced - Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected except
Custom Windows
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FISMA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
FISMA Compliance Non-Intrusive Scan Template
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the Federal
Information Security Management Act (FISMA); non-intrusive checks only.
Note: This template helps you prepare for achieving compliance for FISMA, but it
does not cover the entire regulation. Failing any of the scans based on this
template will likely prevent you from achieving certification, however not showing
any vulnerabilities may not ensure you are compliant. Vulnerability assessment is
only one facet of regulatory compliance - the facet that Foundstone can help you
Scan Template Settings
FISMA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FISMA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
FISMA Compliance Scan
Shell Module
Web Module
Template Settings
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced - Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Full Vulnerability Scan Template
The full vulnerability scan comprehensively assesses your network for vulnerabilities
using all existing non-intrusive vulnerability checks.
Scan Template Settings
Full Vulnerability Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Full Vulnerability Scan
Template Settings
Use Default Advanced
UDP Scanning
Use UDP Static Source
Full connect scan
Use TCP Static Source
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting:
Selected Services
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Full Vulnerability Scan
Shell Module
Web Module
Template Settings
Advanced – Run new checks
ON (for all selected categories)
Enabled Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
All Non-Intrusive checks selected
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
All Non-Intrusive checks selected
except for Custom Windows
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
All Non-Intrusive checks selected
HIPAA Compliance All Checks Scan Template
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the Health
Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA); both intrusive and non-intrusive
Note: This template helps you prepare for achieving compliance for HIPAA, but it
does not cover the entire regulation. Failing any of the scans based on this
template will likely prevent you from achieving certification, however not showing
any vulnerabilities may not ensure you are compliant. Vulnerability assessment is
only one facet of regulatory compliance - the facet that Foundstone can help you
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Template Settings
HIPAA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Default Advanced OFF
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static Source OFF
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
HIPAA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Shell Module
Web Module
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced - Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
selected except Custom
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
HIPAA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
HIPAA Compliance Non-Intrusive Scan Template
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the Health
Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA); non-intrusive checks only.
Note: This template helps you prepare for achieving compliance for HIPAA, but it
does not cover the entire regulation. Failing any of the scans based on this
template will likely prevent you from achieving certification, however not showing
any vulnerabilities may not ensure you are compliant. Vulnerability assessment is
only one facet of regulatory compliance - the facet that Foundstone can help you
Scan Template Settings
HIPAA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
HIPAA Compliance Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default Advanced OFF
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static Source OFF
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
HIPAA Compliance Scan
Shell Module
Web Module
Template Settings
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced - Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance All Checks Scan Template
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the
International Standards Organization (ISO) standards 17799 (United States) and
BS7799 (United Kingdom), "Code of Practice for Information Security Management;
both intrusive and non-intrusive checks.
Note: This template helps you prepare for achieving compliance for the ISO
standard, but it does not cover the entire regulation. Failing any of the scans based
on this template will likely prevent you from achieving certification, however not
showing any vulnerabilities may not ensure you are compliant. Vulnerability
assessment is only one facet of regulatory compliance - the facet that Foundstone
can help you with.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Template Settings
ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Shell Module
Web Module
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced - Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
selected except Custom
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive and
Intrusive checks selected
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance Scan
Template Settings
ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance Non-Intrusive Scan Template
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the
International Standards Organization (ISO) standards 17799 (United States) and
BS7799 (United Kingdom), "Code of Practice for Information Security Management;
non-intrusive checks only.
Note: This template helps you prepare for achieving compliance for the ISO
standard, but it does not cover the entire regulation. Failing any of the scans based
on this template will likely prevent you from achieving certification, however not
showing any vulnerabilities may not ensure you are compliant. Vulnerability
assessment is only one facet of regulatory compliance - the facet that Foundstone
can help you with.
Scan Template Settings
ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
ISO 17799-BS7799 Compliance Scan
Shell Module
Web Module
Template Settings
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
selected except Custom
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Large Network Asset Discovery Scan Template
For networks with up to 16.7 million potentially live hosts
These settings are optimized for discovering all devices on a network in extremely
large environments of multiple class B’s or class A address space. The results
provide the operating system types, machine names, and a network topology of the
networks scanned. This is a high-level view and does not provide all the services
that could be listening on discovered hosts. Turning on all services for this type of
scan is not recommended as the data presented will be extremely large. For a
detailed view of individual hosts, smaller scans should be used to provide a report
that can be used on an operational basis.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Notes: Changes to these parameters can increase the scan time significantly.
These parameters are optimal for this type of scan. Using them, a scan of this
magnitude should be able to complete within 24 hours. Do not attempt to run a
vulnerability assessment on this size of a network; the amount of information alone
would be overwhelming. Imagine a report with 10,000 live hosts and each
consisting of 3 vulnerabilities each (most systems have more than 3 each). This is
a total of 30,000 vulnerabilities within one extremely large report.
Scan Template Settings
Large Network Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP None
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Large Network Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Custom
21 22 23 25 80 110 135 445 1025
Full Connect Scan
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Web Module
Enable Web Application
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Large Network Asset Discovery Scan
Template Settings
Number of sub-scans
Inter-packet Delay (ms)
Batch Size
Network Mapping
ICMP Timeout
TCP Timeout (Host Discovery) 2000
TCP Timeout (Service
UDP Timeout (Host
UDP Timeout (Service
Number of passes (Host
Number of passes (Service
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
OS Identification Scan Template
This scan is optimized to comprehensively discover and identify all network device
operating systems on your network.
Scan Template Settings
OS Identification Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
scanned (by IP Address)
UDP Scanning Custom
53 68-69 123 135 137-138 161 260
445 500 514 520 1434 1645-1646
1812-1813 2049 31337 43981
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
OS Identification Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Custom
7 9 11 13 15 19 21-23 25 43 49 53
66-68 79-81 88-89 98 109-111 113
118-119 135 139 143 150 156 256259 264 389 396 427 443 445 465
512-515 524 563 593 636 799 900901 1080 1214 1243 1313 1352
1433 1494 1498 1521 1524-1525
1541-1542 1720 1723 1745 1755
1813 2000-2001 2003 2049 2080
2140 2301 2447 2766 2998 3128
3268 3300 3306 3372 3389 4045
4321 4665 4899 5222 5556 56315632 5800-5802 5900 6000 6112
6346 6666-6667 7000-7001 7070
7777 7947 8000-8001 8010 80808081 8100 8888 10000 12345
20034 30821 32768-32790
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
Enable Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting:
Selected Services
HTTP, HTTPS, loc-srv
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Web Module
Enable Web Application
Assessment Module
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
OS Identification Scan
Template Settings
Settings Customize
Batch size
Number of sub-scans 8
Interpacket Delay
Network Mapping
ICMP Timeout (ms):
Host Discovery
Service Discovery
TCP Timeout (ms):
Host Discovery
Service Discovery
UDP Timeout (ms):
Host Discovery
Service Discovery
Number of Passes:
Host Discovery
Service Discovery
Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance Non-Intrusive Scan
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the
Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard; non-intrusive checks only.
Note: This template helps you prepare for achieving compliance for PCI, but it does
not cover the entire regulation. Failing any of the scans based on this template will
likely prevent you from achieving certification, however not showing any
vulnerabilities may not ensure you are compliant. Vulnerability assessment is only
one facet of regulatory compliance - the facet that Foundstone can help you with.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Template Settings
PCI (MasterCard/Visa) Compliance Scan Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
PCI (MasterCard/Visa) Compliance Scan Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Shell Module
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
selected except Custom
Advanced – Run new checks
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
SANS/FBI TOP 20 All Checks Scan Template
This scan searches for the vulnerabilities that have been identified by the FBI and
SANS as the top 20 most common vulnerabilities (both non-intrusive and intrusive
Scan Template Settings
SANS/FBI Top 20 Vulnerability Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
SANS/FBI Top 20 (All Checks)
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
SANS/FBI Top 20 Vulnerability Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable SANS/FBI Top 20
Intrusive and Non-Intrusive
Checks Pre-selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable SANS/FBI Top 20
Intrusive and Non-Intrusive
Checks Pre-selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable SANS/FBI Top 20
Intrusive and Non-Intrusive
Checks Pre-selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Web Module
Enable Web Application
Enable Wireless Assessment
General Vulns
Shell Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
SANS/FBI Top 20 Vulnerability Scan
Vulnerability Checks
Template Settings
Applicable SANS/FBI Top 20
Intrusive and Non-Intrusive
Checks Pre-selected
SANS/FBI TOP 20 Non-Intrusive Scan Template
This scan searches for the vulnerabilities that have been identified by the FBI and
SANS as the top 20 most common vulnerabilities (non-intrusive checks only).
Scan Template Settings
SANS/FBI TOP 20 Non-Intrusive Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
SANS/FBI Top 20 (Non-Intrusive
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
SANS/FBI TOP 20 Non-Intrusive Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
SANS/FBI TOP 20 Non-Intrusive Scan
Shell Module
Web Module
Template Settings
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable SANS/FBI Top 20 NonIntrusive Checks Pre-selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable SANS/FBI Top 20 NonIntrusive Checks Pre-selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable SANS/FBI Top 20 NonIntrusive Checks Pre-selected
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable SANS/FBI Top 20 NonIntrusive Checks Pre-selected
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Non-Intrusive Scan Template
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002; non-intrusive checks only.
Note: This template helps you prepare for achieving compliance for SOX, but it
does not cover the entire regulation. Failing any of the scans based on this
template will likely prevent you from achieving certification, however not showing
any vulnerabilities may not ensure you are compliant. Vulnerability assessment is
only one facet of regulatory compliance - the facet that Foundstone can help you
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Template Settings
SOX Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
SOX Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Shell Module
Web Module
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Shell Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
Advanced – Run new checks
Enable Web Application
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
Applicable Non-Intrusive checks
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Shell Advanced Scan Template
This scan utilizes authenticated Shell credentials to assess UNIX-based hosts
(including routers) for missing service patches and hotfixes.
Scan Template Settings
Full Vulnerability Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
Use UDP Static Source Port
22, 23
Full connect scan
Use TCP Static Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
22, 23
Full Connect Scan
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Full Vulnerability Scan
Template Settings
Advanced Options:
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer Detection
Service Fingerprinting: Selected
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Shell Module
Enabled Shell Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
All Non-Intrusive checks
Enable Windows Host Assessment
Web Module
Enable Web Application Assessment OFF
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Single Vulnerability Scan Template
Description: This scan allows you to quickly assess your network for the latest
When you have to create a scan to look for a single vulnerability like the Microsoft
Windows RPC DCOM vulnerability that caused trouble in August ’03, use these
recommended settings to optimize your scan. This template sets up the parameters
for the scan; you still must select the module and checks to be scanned.
Scan Template Settings
Single Vulnerability Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Single Vulnerability Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
General Vulns
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Single Vulnerability Scan
Template Settings
Vulnerability checks
None. Select the vulnerabilities
you want to check.
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Web Module
Enable Web Application
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Web Server Scan Template
This scan assesses Web servers for misconfigurations, weak or default passwords,
SQL error analysis, and other exposures.
Scan Template Settings
Web Server Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Web Server Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static Source
TCP Scanning Custom
22 23 80 81 139 443 445 900
901 2301 3128 5800 5801 5802
7000 7001 7002 7070 8000 8001
8007 8009 8010 8080 8081 8200
8383 8888 9090 10000 11523
49400 49401
Full Connect Scan
Enable Hostname
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available ON
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Web Server Scan
Template Settings
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Custom Ports: 22 23 80 81 139
443 445 900 901 2301 3128
5800 5801 5802 7000 7001 7002
7070 8000 8001 8007 8009 8010
8080 8081 8200 8383 8888 9090
10000 11523 49400 49401
Full Connect Scan
Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting:
Detect services running on
non-standard port
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
All Non-Intrusive checks selected
for the “Web” category
Advanced – Run new checks
ON (for all selected categories)
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Web Module
Enable Web Application
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Web Server Scan
Template Settings
Source Sifting
Smart Guesswork
SQL Security Analysis
Source Code Disclosure
Authentication Testing
Forms Based Authentication
HTTP Basic
NTLM Authentication
Maximum Links to crawl
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Windows Advanced Scan Template
This scan utilizes Windows administrative credentials to assess Windows hosts for
missing service patches, local security policy violations, anti-virus policy violations,
existence of Trojan applications, and other Windows vulnerabilities.
Note: Credentials are required in order to execute this scan.
Scan Template Settings
Windows Advanced Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Windows Advanced Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Windows Advanced Scan
Template Settings
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
All Non-Intrusive checks selected
for the Windows Module category
Advanced – Run new checks
ON (for all selected categories)
Enable Web Application
Web Module
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Windows Policy Compliance Scan Template
This scan searches for vulnerabilities that would impact compliance with the
Windows Policy template; all user specified windows policy template settings are
checked only.
Scan Template Settings
Windows Policy Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Windows Policy Compliance Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting
Selected Services
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Windows Policy Compliance Scan
Template Settings
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Vulnerability Checks
Security Policy/Options
Advanced – Run new checks
ON (for all selected categories)
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
Web Module
Enable Web Application
Wireless Assessment Scan Template
This scan discovers wireless access points on your network and assesses them for
known vulnerabilities.
Scan Template Settings
Wireless Assessment Scan
Template Settings
Scan Type
ICMP Scanning
Echo Request Only
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Wireless Assessment Scan
Template Settings
UDP Scanning
Use Default
Advanced UDP
Scanning Technique
Use UDP Static
Source Port
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Use TCP Static
Source Port
Enable Hostname Resolution
Enable OS Identification
Use credentials if available
Randomize order of hosts
UDP Scanning
Use Advanced UDP Scanning
TCP Scanning
Full Connect Scan
Advanced Options:
Perform Banner Grabbing
Enable Load Balancer
Service Fingerprinting:
Selected Services
General Vulns
Enable General Vulnerability
Assessment Module
Shell Module
Enable Shell Assessment
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Wireless Assessment Scan
Template Settings
Enable Windows Host
Assessment Module
Web Module
Enable Web Application
Wireless Module Enable Wireless Assessment
Vulnerability Checks
All Non-intrusive checks selected
Advanced – Run new checks
ON (for all selected categories)
Scan Properties
To get here, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit.
Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS. Double-click the scan to edit.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
The scan properties page displays the following tabs:
IP Selection (page 359) - edit the scan name, scan type, and specify IP
Addresses (or assets) to be scanned.
Settings - edit the discovery (page 370) and service (page 377) options,
vulnerability selection (page 388) (for General, Windows, Wireless, and Shell
vulnerability checks) and optimization settings (page 398).
Reports (page 400) - edit the FoundScore type, remediation ticket generation,
and reporting options.
Scheduler (page 404) - Activate the scan, set a schedule for recurring scans.
Figure 105: Scan Properties tabs
Warning: More than one administrator can edit a scan at the same time. The
application does not lock a scan as it is being edited. If a scan is edited by more than
one person at one time, whoever saves it last makes the final decision.
McAfee recommends that you carefully implement policy regarding who can edit and
administrate scans.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Properties - IP Selection Tab
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Then click the IP Selection tab.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
The IP Selection properties let you define the addresses or assets that you will be
Use the IP Selection tab:
Enter or change the Scan Name and Description
Select the Scan Type
Specify the IP addresses to be scanned by:
Entering IP addresses (page 362)
Browsing through a list of assets (page 364)
Searching for specific assets (page 368)
Figure 106: Scan Properties - IP Selection Tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
IP Selection Tab Descriptions
Enter a name for the scan to identify it.
Tip: If you use part of your workgroup name as a prefix to
your scan names, they will be easier to identify at the root
organization level.
The description is optional, but can be used to provide more
information about the scan.
The scan Type determines which modules and FSL Check
scripts will be selected for the scan.
Custom - Allows you to modify the module and check
Sans/FBI Top 20 - Forces all module and check selections
to check against the SANS/FBI Top 20 list of vulnerabilities
and exploits.
Sans/FBI Top 20 (Non-intrusive Only) - Forces all
module and check selections to check against the
SANS/FBI Top 20 list of vulnerabilities and exploits. But it
does not select intrusive checks in any of the modules.
IAVA - Forces all module and check selections to check
against the Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert
(IAVA) list of vulnerabilities and exploits.
IAVA - (Non-intrusive Only) - Forces all module and
check selections to check against the IAVA list of
vulnerabilities and exploits. But it does not select intrusive
checks in any of the modules.
Note: The IAVA selections only appear on IAVA-enabled
military and government systems.
Select this tab to define IP address ranges by entering a
beginning and ending IP address (page 362). This tab is
selected by default when you first display the IP Selection tab.
Select this tab to define IP address ranges by browsing an
asset list (page 364) and dragging assets or groups of assets
from the list to the IP Range list. By default this tab shows the
active assets.
Select this tab to define IP address ranges by searching for
assets (page 368) with a specific label, IP, operating system,
NetBIOS name, DNS name, or domain name. By default this
tab shows the active assets.
Included Ranges
Shows the ranges that will be included in the scan.
Excluded Ranges
Shows addresses that are explicitly excluded from the scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Lets you import IP Addresses from a file.
Lets you export IP Addresses to a file.
Deletes the selected range or address.
View Global IP Pool
Displays a dialog box containing all of the IP address ranges in
your Global IP Pool.
Saves the changes to the Scan Properties and closes the Scan
Properties window.
Closes the Scan Properties window without saving any
Next >>
Displays the Settings tab.
To import a list of IP Addresses
Click Import.
Browse to the file to be uploaded and click Import. Make sure the file is properly
formatted (see "Import File Format" on page 361) before uploading. You are
limited to the following number of lines in the file being imported:
2500 lines in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager
7999 lines in the FoundScan Console
The ranges from the file appear when the upload finishes. Then click OK.
Import File Format
You can import IP addresses from a prepared .txt file to speed IP address entry.
When preparing your .txt file, follow these guidelines:
Add one IP address or range per line.
Use "-" (dash) to separate ranges.
Use "/" (forward slash) as a network mask character. See the example below.
Possible Input Formats
When entering IP address ranges, Foundstone 6.5 accepts the following inputs.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Valid Entry
Resulting Start
Resulting End
Adding IP Addresses by Entering a Range
Use the Range tab to define IP address ranges by entering a beginning and ending IP
address. This tab is selected by default when you first display the IP Selection tab.
Figure 107: IP Ranges - By IP Address tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
By IP Address Tab Settings
Host Name
Enter the NetBIOS name of a host or a Fully Qualified
Domain Name. For example, enter Hostname or
Starting IP Address
Enter the first IP Address of a range. If adding a single IP
Address, enter it here.
Ending IP Address
Enter the last IP Address of the range.
CIDR Address
Enter a beginning address for the range. After the slash (/)
enter the CIDR-formatted bit value to specify the range.
The following list shows the possible values:
8 - sets the range to scan the last three network
blocks (0.x.x.x) from the address you specified. For
example, scans the range
16 - sets the range to scan the last two network
blocks (0.0.x.x) from the address you specified. For
example, scans the range
24 - sets the range to scan the last network block
(0.0.0.x) from the address you specified. For
example, scans the range
32 - sets the range to scan a single address. For
example, scans the single IP address
To add a host using the host's name
Make sure the Included Ranges tab is selected.
Enter the name of the computer in the Host name field.
to add the address to the list.
Foundstone 6.5 resolves the host name through the DNS service to find the IP
address for that host. The Starting IP Address and Ending IP Address columns show
the resolved address.
To add a single address
Make sure the Included Ranges tab is selected.
Enter the single IP address in the Starting IP Address box.
Enter the same IP address in the Ending IP Address box.
to submit the address to the list.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To add a range of addresses
Make sure the Included Ranges tab is selected.
Enter the beginning IP address in the Starting IP Address box.
Enter the ending IP address in the Ending IP Address box.
To exclude addresses from the range
Click the Excluded Ranges tab.
Enter a host name in the Host Name field, or a range of IP addresses using the
Starting IP Address and Ending IP Address fields.
to add the range to the list.
to add the IP address(es) to the exclusion list.
CIDR Support
Foundstone 6.5 supports a slightly modified Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
format from the strict definition. Where the strict definition selects an entire address
block, Foundstone 6.5 lets you define the beginning address, and selects the rest of
the address block from that point.
Under the strict CIDR definition, the string would result in the range It would start from the top 8 bits of the network
address and finish with the last valid IP address for that network.
In Foundstone 6.5, the string results in the range You can provide a specific starting IP address, rather than always
starting from the beginning of the network block.
Adding IP Addresses By Browsing an Asset List
Use the Browse tab to define IP address ranges by dragging assets or groups of
assets from the assets list to the IP Range list. By default this tab shows the active
Using this view you can do the following:
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Add assets to the Included Ranges List (top panel) by dragging and dropping
assets from the bottom panel. To display assets in the bottom panel, select or
drill down using the tree on the left.
Remove assets from the Included Ranges List (see "To remove an asset from
the list" on page 366).
Add assets to the Excluded Ranges List.
View the properties of an asset. The properties are displayed in the search
results (bottom panel).
Figure 108: Scan Properties - IP Selection by Browsing
Browse Settings
Tree View
(Left Panel)
Shows a hierarchal list of defined asset groups for your
organization or workgroup. Click the + sign to expand any
collapsed groups.
To specify whether the assets displayed are active (assets
found during the last scan) or inactive (assets found during a
previous scan but not found during the last scan), click this
To change the view of available assets
Click View.
Select the option you want to view:
All Assets: Shows all of the assets listed in the Global IP Pool, whether
they are listed as being active or inactive.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Active Assets: Shows assets that were reported as being active in the last
job run in which they participated.
To add assets to the IP list Choose from the following methods to add an asset to
the IP list:
Add a group - With the Include tab selected, drag an entire asset group from the
asset list (left panel) to the IP Range List (top panel).
Add a single IP from a group - If you want to include individual assets that belong
to the group, click the group to select it. The group's contents appear in the
bottom panel. Drag individual assets from the list to the IP Range List.
Add a single IP - Click the IP Range in the left panel that contains the IP you
want to add. The individual IPs appear in the bottom panel. With the Included
Ranges tab selected in the top panel, drag the IP from the bottom panel to the
top panel.
You can also right-click an asset group or individual asset and choose Include or
Exclude from the shortcut menu.
Figure 109: IP Selection - Adding an asset by right-clicking
Note: If you add an asset group to the list, all members of that group are included.
You cannot break up the group to include some hosts and exclude others.
To remove an asset from the list
Right-click the entry to be removed and choose Remove from the shortcut menu
displayed. The entry is removed from the IP list.
To view the properties of an asset group
In the asset list (left pane), right-click the asset group and choose Properties
from the shortcut menu displayed. The asset's properties page opens. See
Managing Assets (on page 131) for more information.
To view the properties of an asset
In the list of assets in the bottom pane, right click the asset and choose
Properties from the shortcut menu. The Asset Properties dialog box is displayed.
You can also double-click the asset to display the Asset Properties dialog box.
See Managing Assets (on page 131) for more information.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Adding IP Addresses By Browsing a LDAP Server
Use the Browse tab to define IP address ranges by dragging IP addresses from an
LDAP server list to the list of Included Ranges or Excluded Ranges.
Note: The LDAP server must be setup as a data source before you can select from
that LDAP list.
Using this view you can do the following:
Add assets to the Included Ranges List (top panel) by dragging and dropping
assets from the bottom panel. To display assets in the bottom panel, select or
drill down using the tree on the left.
Remove assets from the Included Ranges List (see "To remove an asset from
the list" on page 366).
Add assets to the Excluded Ranges List.
View the properties of an asset. The properties are displayed in the search
results (bottom panel).
Figure 110: Scan Properties - IP Selection by Browsing
Browse Settings
Tree View
(Left Panel)
Shows a hierarchal list of defined asset groups for your
organization or workgroup. Click the + sign to expand any
collapsed groups.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To specify whether the assets displayed are active (assets
found during the last scan) or inactive (assets found during a
previous scan but not found during the last scan), click this
To add a LDAP server to the Browse list
Click View
Select the LDAP server you want to add to the Browse list
LDAP servers will have (LDAP) after the server name.
Expand the .com list
Expand the LDAP server list
Select a group under the LDAP server name
Assets should appear in the lower pane.
Drag and drop assets to either the Included Ranges or Excluded Ranges tab.
Adding IP Addresses by Searching
Use the Search tab to define IP address ranges by searching for assets with a
specific label, IP, operating system, NetBIOS name, DNS name, or domain name. By
default this tab shows the active assets.
Using this view you can do the following:
Add assets to the Included Ranges List (top panel) by dragging and dropping
assets from the search results. The search results are displayed in the bottom
Remove assets from the Included Ranges List (see "To remove an asset from
the list" on page 366).
Add assets to the Excluded Ranges List.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
View the properties of an asset. The properties are displayed in the search
results (bottom panel).
Figure 111: Scan Properties - IP Selection by Searching
Search Settings
String to search for
Enter the text you want to find in the String to search for:
text box. For all searches except for IP address, you can enter
all or part of the string. For IP addresses, you must enter an
exact IP address (in the correct net mask format, such as
General Filter
Select the type of search you want to perform: Label, IP
Address, Operating System, DNS Name, NetBIOS Name,
or Domain Name.
Criticality Filter
To filter your search by a specific criticality level, under
Criticality Filter, select the criticality level of the asset. This
creates an "AND" search so that if you search for a Windows
operating system with a criticality level of "Significant", your
search results include all assets that are Windows operating
systems and with a criticality "Significant."
Unchecking all boxes provides the same result as if all boxes
were checked: your search results include assets with any
To stop the search, click this button. There may be a slight
delay before the Stop button becomes available. During this
time the results are being retrieved from the database.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To search for assets on the IP Selection page
Enter the text you want to find in the String to search for: text box. For all
searches except for IP address, you can enter all or part of the string. For IP
addresses, you must enter an exact IP address (in the correct net mask format,
such as
For General Filter, select the type of search you want to perform: Label, IP
Address, Operating System, DNS Name, NetBIOS Name, or Domain Name.
To filter your search by a specific criticality level, under Criticality Filter, select
the criticality level of the asset. This creates an "AND" search so that if you
search for a Windows operating system with a criticality level of "Significant",
your search results include all assets that are Windows operating systems and
with a criticality "Significant." Unchecking all boxes provides the same result as if
all boxes were checked: your search results include assets with any criticality.
The search results appear in the lower pane. Then you can select individual assets
from the results list and add them to your IP List.
To remove an asset from the list
Right-click the entry to be removed and choose Remove from the shortcut menu
displayed. The entry is removed from the IP list.
To view the properties of an asset
In the list of assets in the bottom pane, right click the asset and choose
Properties from the shortcut menu. The Asset Properties dialog box is displayed.
You can also double-click the asset to display the Asset Properties dialog box.
See Managing Assets (on page 131) for more information.
Scan Properties - Host Discovery Settings
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Click the Settings tab. Then click Hosts on the left.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
This page determines how the scan will behave when searching for live hosts on
your network.
The Host Discovery settings let you do the following tasks:
Set options for ICMP scanning (see "ICMP Scanning Settings" on page 372)
Set options for UDP scanning (see "UDP Scanning Settings for Host Discovery"
on page 372)
Set options for TCP scanning (see "TCP Scanning Settings for Host Discovery" on
page 373)
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Set advanced options (see "Scan Properties - Advanced Host Discovery Settings"
on page 375).
Figure 112: Scan properties - Host discovery settings
Host Discovery Features and Settings
ICMP Scanning (see
"ICMP Scanning
Settings" on page 372)
Click Enable to use ICMP scanning; clear the Enable box to
disable it. Choose which ICMP requests to use.
Choose which ports to scan and other UDP options.
UDP Scanning (see
"UDP Scanning Settings
for Host Discovery" on
page 372)
TCP Scanning (see "TCP Choose which ports to scan and other TCP options.
Scanning Settings for
Host Discovery" on
page 373)
Advanced Options (see
"Scan Properties Advanced Host
Discovery Settings" on
page 375)
Provides options for identifying and labeling DNS names and
operating systems. Lets you randomize the order in which
hosts are scanned.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
ICMP Scanning Settings
ICMP Scanning uses the ICMP protocol to elicit answers from live hosts. Clear this
checkbox to disable ICMP Pinging from the discovery scan. With ICMP Pinging
enabled, you can use any number of the following methods to test for live hosts, but
you must select at least one.
ICMP Settings
Echo Request
Pings the host and checks for a response.
If you know that Pings and ICMP requests cannot pass
through the routers or firewalls on your network, you can deselect this option and use a different method.
Address Mask
Sends an ICMP request type 17 to get the netmask of the
host's network card.
Timestamp Request
Sends an ICMP type 13 "Timestamp" request to see the time
zone of the host.
Information Request
Sends an ICMP request for general system information.
Many networks allow different types of ICMP requests. Restrict ICMP requests to
those types that are allowed on your network for best results.
UDP Scanning Settings for Host Discovery
The default UDP technique uses a patent-pending algorithm for determining whether
a UDP port is open by sending special packets to the target port. If the target system
responds with a normal UDP packet, then the port is determined to be open.
UDP Scanning Settings
The scan will not use UDP scanning. When selected, the
rest of the UDP Scanning settings are grayed out.
Select this option to scan using the default UDP ports as
defined in the Preferences. The Ports dialog box shows the
default ports that have been set up.
Select this option to enter your own list of ports in the Ports
box. The Ports box shows the last ports that you entered, or
it shows the default ports if you have not entered your own
Use advanced UDP
scanning technique
This method uses an advanced algorithm for UDP detection
that is more accurate at discovering hosts and services.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Use UDP static source Specify a static source port for sending UDP packets. This
specifies the port on which the UDP packets originated.
There are two general cases where source ports can be
Configure your scan to comply with existing firewall
Identify services that watch for packets coming from a
specific port.
For example, traditional Cisco IOS routers employ rule sets
that allow for traffic coming from TCP port 20 (FTP data) or
UDP port 53 (DNS). This is required because the
router/firewall does not maintain the state of the
connection, and these services either run on multiple ports
depending on the direction or the connection or they use a
connection-less UDP protocol. As a result, when you enable
source port for your host or service discovery, you may
reveal a large number of systems alive and ports open that
had been previously unknown to you.
Also, some services only respond if a request comes from a
specific port.
Important: If you use source ports, do not use the TCP Full Connect Scan option
in the Host Discovery options or the Services Discovery options. This can cause
TCP host and service discovery to run very slowly, and can cause the program to
appear temporarily frozen although the scan continues running.
TCP Scanning Settings for Host Discovery Foundstone 6.5 uses TCP SYN scans to
find active hosts. Note: TCP scans are an integral part of the operating system
identification feature. Without TCP scanning, Foundstone 6.5 might not identify the
appropriate operating system, affecting which vulnerability checks are run against
any discovered hosts. McAfee recommends using TCP scans for host discovery.
The scan will not use TCP scanning. When selected, the
rest of the TCP Scanning settings are grayed out.
Select this option to use scan the default TCP ports as
defined in the Engine preferences (see "Engine Preferences
- Default Ports" on page 175). The Ports box shows the
default ports that have been set up.
Select this option to enter your own list of ports in the Ports
box. The Ports box shows the last ports that you entered, or
it shows the default ports if you have not entered your own
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Include all 65,535 ports on each host in your TCP scan. This
option seriously increases the time it takes to run the scan.
Full connect scan
By default, FoundScan uses TCP SYN scanning only. The
Full Connect Scan ensures a full three-way handshake
between the source and target hosts during TCP scanning
If you are scanning an internal network, TCP SYN scanning
should provide reasonable results. However, scanning
external networks often require several SYN scan passes to
get the same level of results as a single full connect scan.
Note: Using this feature can substantially increase the
duration of the scan.
Warning: Do not select this option if you are using
Static Source Port options for either Host Discovery or
Services Discovery. Using source ports together with
full-connect TCP scanning (for either Host Discovery or
Services Discovery) can cause TCP host and service
discovery to run very slowly. It can cause the program to
appear temporarily frozen although the scan continues
When using full-connect mode, the system cannot reuse the local IP:port socket until the network system
TCP_WAIT timeout period has elapsed. The Foundstone
6.5 installation program sets this timeout value to the
minimum level allowed by Windows (30 seconds).
Use TCP static source
Specify a static source port for sending TCP packets. This
identifies the TCP packets as though they come from the
specified port. Use this to configure your scan to comply
with existing firewall rules.
For example, traditional Cisco IOS routers employ rule sets
that allow for traffic coming from TCP port 20 (FTP data) or
UDP port 53 (DNS). This is required because the
router/firewall does not maintain the state of the
connection, and these services either run on multiple ports
depending on the direction or the connection or they use a
connection-less UDP protocol. As a result, when you enable
source port for your host or service discovery, you may
reveal a large number of systems alive and ports open that
had been previously unknown to you.
Also, some services only respond if a request comes from a
specific port.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Properties - Advanced Host Discovery Settings
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Click the Settings tab. Click Hosts on the left. Then click Advanced.
Figure 113: Scan Properties - Advanced Host Discovery Options
Advanced Host Discovery Settings
Enable Hostname
Select this option to identify and display DNS names in
several places throughout the reports.
Enable OS
Select this option to identify known operating systems.
Operating System identification uses three RFC-compliant
packets in TCP scans, and six RFC compliant packets for our
ICMP scans (one of which is a single UDP packet). Based on
the host's response Foundstone 6.5 determines the running
operating system. See Operating systems that Foundstone
can identify (on page 375) for more information.
Use Credentials if
Select this option if you want to use authenticated
credentials when scanning a host for OS identification. See
Scan Properties - Credentials (see "Managing Credentials" on
page 380) for more information.
Randomize order of
hosts scanned (by IP
If this option is selected, Foundstone 6.5 randomizes the IP
addresses before it creates batches for scanning. This option
reduces the network load when the IP addresses included
for the scan are routed through different, dispersed
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Operating systems that Foundstone can identify
Foundstone 6.5 identifies the following operating systems in order to determine
which scripts should be run against the host to check for vulnerabilities. The
following operating systems can be identified by Foundstone:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 3, 4
SuSE 8, 9, 10
Sun Solaris versions 8, 9, 10
Hewlett-Packard HP-UX
IBM AIX versions 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Windows NT
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows 95/98/ME
Windows 2003
Cisco IOS versions 11.3, 12.2, 12.3
Note that most scripts simply identify a broader category. This means that the
"Windows" includes Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003, and those scripts will run
against that host. The broader categories are:
The UNIX scripts are more targeted, so they specify the actual operating system,
such as Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Properties - Service Discovery Settings
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Click the Settings tab. Click Services on the left.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
Service discovery identifies the various services running on your network. It scans
specified ports to determine which services are running. It also allows Foundstone
6.5 to identify the hosts that are running on the network.
The Service Discovery Settings page allows the following tasks:
Set UDP Scanning settings (see "UDP Scanning for Service Discovery" on page
Set TCP Scanning settings (see "TCP Scanning for Service Discovery" on page
Click Advanced Options (see "Scan Properties - Advanced Service Discovery
Settings" on page 379) for banner grabbing, load balancer detection, and service
Figure 114: Scan Properties - Service Discovery Options
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
UDP Scanning for Service Discovery
The default UDP technique uses a patent-pending algorithm for determining whether
a UDP port is open by sending special packets to the target port. If the target system
responds with a normal UDP packet, then the port is determined to be open.
Select this option to enter your own list of ports in the Ports
box. The Ports list displays the last ports that you entered,
or it shows the default ports if you have not entered your
own list.
To change the ports listed, click the browse button to
display the Select Ports dialog box. (This option is available
only when creating or editing a scan configuration using the
FoundScan Console.)
Select this option to use the default UDP technique to scan
ports, as defined in Preferences. The Ports dialog box
shows the default ports that have been set up.
Selects all ports.
The scan will not use UDP scanning. When selected, the
rest of the UDP Scanning settings are grayed out.
Use advanced UDP
scanning technique
This method uses an advanced algorithm for UDP detection
that is more accurate at discovering hosts and services.
Important: If you use source ports, do not use the Full Connect Scan option in
the Host Discovery options or the Services Discovery options. This can cause TCP
host and service discovery to run very slowly, and can cause the program to appear
temporarily frozen although the scan continues running.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
TCP Scanning for Service Discovery
The default TCP technique uses a patent-pending algorithm for determining whether
a TCP port is open by sending special packets to the target port. If the target system
responds with a normal TCP packet, then the port is determined to be open.
Select this option to enter your own list of ports in the Ports
box. The Ports box shows the last ports that you entered.
By default it shows the default ports until you enter your
own list.
To change the ports listed, click the browse button to
display the Select Ports dialog box. (This option is available
only when creating or editing a scan configuration using the
FoundScan Console.)
Select this option to use the default TCP technique to scan
ports, as defined in Preferences. The Ports box shows the
default ports that have been set up.
Include all 65,535 ports on each host in your TCP scan. This
option seriously increases the time it takes to run the scan.
The scan will not use TCP scanning. When selected, the
rest of the TCP Scanning settings are grayed out.
Full connect scan
This method uses an advanced algorithm for TCP detection
that is more accurate at discovering hosts and services.
Scan Properties - Advanced Service Discovery Settings
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > EDIT SCANS. Click Edit.
Click the Settings tab. Click Services on the left. Then click Advanced.
To get here in the FoundScan Console, click Users/Groups/Scans from the File menu. Doubleclick the scan to edit. Click the Settings tab. Click Services on the left. Then click Advanced.
This page contains the Advanced Service Discovery settings.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Advanced Service Discovery Settings
Perform Banner
Enable this option to have Foundstone 6.5 report on any
ports that return banner information. Network services such
as FTP, telnet, SSH, HTTP, and DNS each return banner
Enable Load Balancer
This feature detects the presence of load balancers on your
network. It displays the load balancer as a node on the
Network Topology Report. Selecting this option results in a
longer scanning process.
Service Fingerprinting Foundstone 6.5 can scan non-standard ports for common
services like HTTP, FTP, POP3, TELNET and several others.
Rogue applications or end-users may set up these services
on non-standard ports to avoid detection.
Warning: Service Fingerprinting can be a scan-intensive
process. McAfee recommends using one port at a time
when running Service Fingerprinting scans.
To use Service Fingerprinting
Select a service from the Available Services list.
Click >> to add the service to the Selected Services list.
WARNING: Foundstone 6.5 scans each live host, scanning every port one time for
each service listed. This intensive scanning dramatically increases the duration of the
Recommendations: McAfee recommends that you scan for one service at a time.
Design scans with service fingerprinting in mind.
Managing Credentials
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Click the Settings tab, then click Manage Credentials.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
Foundstone 6.5 can use credentials to authenticate itself to a Windows, UNIX, or
infrastructure host. This allows the FSL scripts to access the Windows registry and
other information. Infrastructure hosts are other network devices, such as Cisco
routers and switches.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
This feature lets you add credentials to authenticate an account on a host:
Windows Domain
Windows Workgroup
Windows Individual Host
Windows Default
Shell Domain
Shell Individual Host
Shell Default
Each method of authentication requires a user ID (user name), and some methods
require a password. The Foundstone Database stores the encrypted user names and
passwords for this scan. When the scan begins, Foundstone 6.5 uses this
information to attempt authentication on each discovered host system (see "Steps to
Authentication" on page 386).
Warning: Ensure that you set up credentials in compliance with your network
security policies. It is possible to provide multiple credentials with the same
username. When Foundstone 6.5 tries each of these credentials, it may surpass the
limits allowed by your network policy without warning, possibly resulting in locked
accounts on scanned hosts.
From the Credentials pop-up window you can do the following:
Create a new credential record (see "To create a new credential record" on page
Edit an existing record (see "To edit an existing credential record" on page 383)
Remove a credential record (see "To delete a credential record" on page 384)
Note: Credentials are saved with the scan itself. After leaving the Credentials
window, you must click OK to save the scan to save the credentials with the scan.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Entering credentials for one scan does not make them available to other scans,
unless you base a new scan from an existing scan that already contains credentials.
Credentials Features and Settings
Click to add a new credential record (see "To create a new
credential record" on page 383). For additional information on
default credentials, see Using multiple default credentials (on
page 387).
Click to delete the selected credential record.
Click to edit or view the properties of the selected credential
Trust unknown
remote-shell targets
Check this box if you want to trust all unknown shell targets.
Unknown targets are those targets for which you did not
collect the public certificates (you can gather keys from the
target systems and store them on the certificate keyring using
the Foundstone Configuration Manager).
When a FoundScan Engine cannot authenticate to an
untrusted host, and this box is not selected, the scan will fail
and an error appears in the Application Status area for Shell
messages (in the FoundScan Console).
Note: For security reasons, McAfee recommends that you
do not use a root user to authenticate to these unknown
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To create a new credential record
Click New. The New Credentials dialog box (on page 384) appears.
For Type, click the arrow to specify the type of credential you want to create.
You can set up credentials for Windows domains, Windows Workgroups,
Windows individual hosts, Windows default credentials, Shell domains, Shell
individual hosts, or Shell default credentials.
Do one of the following:
For Windows credentials, enter the name of the Domain, Workgroup,
Individual Host, or Folder (for default credentials). Then enter a user name,
and enter and confirm the password associated with the user name.
For Shell credentials, enter the name of Domain, Individual Host, or Folder
(for default credentials). Then enter a user name, select the Protocol you
want to use for the credential, the level of security, and specify if you want
to enable Root Access.
Click OK to add the credential to the User Accounts list.
Figure 115: Scan Settings - Managing Credentials
To edit an existing credential record
On the Credentials page, select the credential you want to edit. To do this,
select the Domain, Workgroup or Individual Host setting in the Credentials
Management tree on the left.
In the User Accounts list, select the credential you want to edit.
Click Properties.
Tip: You can also right-click the credential in the User Accounts list and choose
Properties from the shortcut menu.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To delete a credential record
On the Credentials page, select the credential you want to edit. To do this,
select the Domain, Workgroup or Individual Host setting in the Credentials
Management tree on the left.
Under User Accounts, select the credential record you want to remove.
Click Delete.
Tip: You can also right-click the credential in the User Accounts list and choose
Delete from the shortcut menu.
Creating Credentials
If you move a group of assets, the label shows asset id.
If you move a single asset, the label shows the IP address unless you choose your
own label.
Moving assets into a group, undiscovered, the label that has been assigned is the
asset ID. Reports can search for the asset ID. If you just grab one asset
New Credentials dialog box
This dialog box appears when you click New in the Credentials page of scan settings.
Use this dialog box to specify the credentials to use for Windows and shell hosts.
Figure 116: Scan Settings - New Credential dialog box
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
New Credentials Settings
Choose the credential type from the dropdown box:
This field changes depending on the Type of credential
you selected:
User ID
Windows Domain
Windows Workgroup
Windows Individual Host
Windows Default
Shell Domain
Shell Individual Host
Shell Default
For Windows Domain or Shell Domain, enter the
domain name associated with this credential.
For Windows Workgroup, enter the workgroup name
associated with this credential.
For Windows Individual Host or Shell Individual Host,
enter a specific IP address, fully-qualified domain
name, or NetBIOS name. Use the "default" setting if
you want to use this credential if no credentials can
be used to log in to this host.
For Windows or Shell default credentials, enter a
Folder name under which the credential will be
located in this dialog box. Select a folder from the
dropdown list, or type in a name to create a new
folder. Create new folders by typing in a new name
Enter the user ID associated with this credential. Enter a
maximum of 50 characters.
Leave this entry blank if your credential does not require a
username. For example, some Cisco routers only require
passwords; not user IDs.
Enter and confirm the password associated with the User
ID. Enter a maximum of 117 characters in each field.
For Shell credentials, select the protocol you want used
with this credential:
SSHv2 Only
SSHv2 or SSHv1
SSHv2, SSHv1, or Telnet
For example, if you want to try to authenticate using
SSHv2 first and, if not available, then try SSHv1, select
the second option.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Security Used
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
For Shell credentials, select the level of security:
Certificate Only
Certificate or Password
When you select Certificate or Password, enter and
confirm a password associated with the user ID (at the
top of the dialog box).
Root Access
For Shell credentials, check the box to enable Root
Access, and then enter a User ID (optional) and password
used to gain root access.
Note that it is not necessary to enter a user ID if you plan
to use "su" to gain access. You will need to enter a
password, however.
Root Access on UNIX Systems
In order to properly/fully assess a UNIX system, the supplied credentials must be
sufficient to allow read access to the following information on the system:
set of installed applications
list of installed patches
Root access is generally optional, but is required in circumstances where the list of
applications and installed patches is only available when root level credentials are
supplied. When root access is required, the root user id is optional and only the root
password is needed.
Root access may be required in future versions of the product where a “deeper”
assessment of the UNIX system is supported.
Steps to Authentication Foundstone 6.5 follows these steps to attempt
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Find out if the host is a Windows, UNIX, or infrastructure system. If so, go to the
next step.
Look for a credential record for the host's IP Address or system name. Use it to
attempt authentication. If it doesn't exist or doesn't succeed, go to the next
Find out if the host is part of a domain. If it is, look for a credential record for the
domain and use it to attempt authentication. If it doesn't exist or doesn't
succeed, go to the next step.
If the host is a Windows host, find out if the host belongs to a Workgroup. If it
does, look for a credential record for the Workgroup, and attempt authentication.
If it doesn't work or doesn't succeed, go to the next step.
If that doesn't work, attempt authentication with the default credentials. This can
be useful when administrators know that local hosts contain a local administrator
account with a specific password. If this does not work, Foundstone 6.5 was
unable to authenticate to this host.
By trying specific machine credentials first, Foundstone 6.5 looks for credentials that
take precedence over domain credentials. This helps authentication to systems on
the domain that have specialized security settings where the domain credentials do
not work. For example, this can cover systems whose domain administrator account
has been removed from the Local Administrators group.
Credentials at the same level are searched in the order in which they appear on the
Normal domain credentials are tried before “Foreign domain” credentials. Credentials
are considered in a “foreign domain” if they meet the following rules:
they are domain credentials
the domain in the credentials contains a dot (period, “.”)
the FQDN of a particular host was determined during discovery
the domain from the FQDN does not match the credentials’ domain.
To determine if credentials are valid, Foundstone 6.5 attempts to use the NetUseAdd
win32 API call (same as the NET USE command) to connect to the remote system. If
that call fails, it tries the next credential. If the call succeeds, the connection must
still be validated due to a bug in the Win32 API; Foundstone 6.5 calls
NetServerGetInfo. If this call fails, it tries the next credential. If it succeeds, then we
continue on with processing that host. The process involves determining the level of
access granted by the credentials, eliminating any script that requires a higher level
of access, and then running all remaining scripts against that host.
Using multiple default credentials
You can create multiple default credentials for Windows or Shell hosts. This allows
you to use the same scan configuration to scan different networks that use different
credentials. For example, you may want to use the same scan configuration to scan
Windows hosts on the Marketing and Sales networks. Create a default Windows
credential for each network, and use the same scan configuration to check each
network for vulnerabilities.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Note: With Foundstone 6.5, multiple Windows or Shell default credentials can be
setup with the same user name (e.g. Administrator) with different passwords.
To create multiple default credentials using the same user name
To get here, either create a new scan or edit an existing scan, and select the Settings tab. Click
the Credentials icon in the left pane.
Create a new credential (see "To create a new credential record" on page 383) or
edit an existing credential (see "To edit an existing credential record" on page
Click on the Defaults folder in the Manage Credentials navigation tree.
Click New.
Select a Windows or Shell type from the Type menu.
Highlight the text in the Folder field.
Enter a unique name (e.g. Marketing).
Enter the user name in the User ID field.
Enter the password required for the user name.
Enter the password again to confirm the password.
10 If you selected a Shell-type credential, select the appropriate Shell options.
11 Click OK to save your changes.
12 To create another credential using the same user name, follow steps 3 through
11 again. Be sure to create a unique name in the folder field.
Warning: Be sure to click the OK button in the New Credentials window. If you click
the OK button in the Manage Credentials window, it will close the window without
saving your settings.
Scan Properties - General Vulnerabilities
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Click the Settings tab. Then click Vuln Selection on the left.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
The Vulnerability Module shows the vulnerability checks that are selected for the
scan. If you have selected a specific scan Type on the IP Selection tab, the individual
checks on this page are pre-selected and inactive.
If you have selected a specific scan Type on the IP Selection tab, the individual
checks on this page are pre-selected and inactive.
On the Vulnerabilities Settings page you can do the following:
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Enable or disable General, Windows, Wireless, and Shell vulnerability checks for
this scan.
View vulnerability checks by category, risk rating, or CVE number.
Mass-select vulnerability checks by category, risk rating, or CVE number.
Search for vulnerability checks by name, risk rating, or CVE number.
Click a vulnerability name to see its details.
Determine which (if any) categories of vulnerability checks should automatically
select new checks when they come out (see "To automatically select updated
checks" on page 392).
Note: If you have selected a SANS/FBI Top 20 or IAVA scan type on the IP
Selection tab, the options on this page are automatically selected for you.
Figure 117: Scan Properties - Vulnerabilities
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Vulnerability Selection Features and Settings
Select the checkbox for the module for the scans you want
to activate. Clear the checkbox to disable vulnerability
checking for the specific module.
The General Vulnerability Assessment Module shows
the vulnerability checks that are not specific to an
operating system. These checks do not require
credentials to the host.
The Windows Assessment Module shows the
vulnerability checks specifically meant for scanning
hosts running the Windows operating system. Most of
these checks require credentials to the host so that
Foundstone 6.5 can access the Windows Registry and
file system.
Foundstone 6.5 detects and assesses 802.11-based
wireless devices that have an IP address and participate
on a TCP/IP network. Wireless access points are
displayed in the network topology map as purple nodes.
The Wireless Assessment module finds and assesses
wireless network devices for vulnerabilities. Wireless
connections can provide network access to arbitrary
users, completely bypassing firewalls and other security
devices. They can also expose your network traffic to
anyone looking for it. Its capabilities depend on the
Wireless Assessment checks you choose here.
The Shell Assessment Module shows the vulnerability
checks specifically meant for scanning hosts running
UNIX. This includes infrastructure devices such as Cisco
routers and switches. All of these checks require
credentials to the host so that Foundstone 6.5 can
access the systems.
Click the checkbox next to an individual vulnerability check to
select it. Click the checkbox of a category to select all
vulnerability checks within that category.
Expand the list of vulnerabilities in a closed folder.
Collapse the list of vulnerabilities in an open folder.
Vulnerability Risk
Each vulnerability check is identified with a colored bullet
showing the risk rating associated with the vulnerability: High
Risk, Medium Risk, Low Risk, Information Exposure.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
The Advanced button toggles the Run new checks option
(see "To automatically select updated checks" on page 392)
on and off for each vulnerability category.
Note: The advanced options only apply when the
vulnerabilities are displayed by Category.
Display by
Changes the way the vulnerability checks are displayed on
this page:
Category - displays the vulnerability checks in
categories. Vulnerability check categories fall into two
important categories:
Intrusive - these checks are likely to interfere with the host's
normal operating behavior. Some intrusive checks can cause
a denial-of-service condition or require that the host be
restarted. If you enable Intrusive checks, monitor the devices
both during and after the scan to ensure they are performing
as anticipated.
Non-Intrusive - these checks do not affect the host being
MS Number - sorts and categorizes the vulnerability
checks according to the Microsoft Security Bulletin
Risk Level - sorts and displays the vulnerability checks
according to their risk level: Informational, Low,
Medium, and High.
CVE - sorts and categorizes the vulnerability checks
according to their CVE numbers.
Vuln Filters - lists the vulnerability filters that you have
created, so you can quickly create a new scan using predefined vulnerability checks.
Warning: When displaying vulnerability checks by CVE
Number or Risk Rating, the intrusive checks and nonintrusive checks are combined. Selecting entire CVE
Number or Risk Rating categories will result in selecting a
mixture of intrusive and non-intrusive checks.
Search by
Select the data you want to search on:
Name - search through vulnerability check names.
CVE Number - search for a specific CVE number
Risk Level - Enter a value between 1 and 9 to search for
vulnerabilities with specific risk scores.
Enter the criteria you want to search, based on your Search
by selection.
Click Search to change the display, only showing the
vulnerability checks that matched your search criteria.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Resets the search criteria.
To automatically select updated checks
If you want this scan to automatically select new, updated vulnerability checks when
they are released, follow these steps:
In the Scan Properties > Settings Tab > Vuln Selection page, click Advanced
to show the Run new checks option for each vulnerability category.
For each vulnerability category for which want to include updated vulnerability
checks in this scan, select the Run new checks checkbox.
When Foundstone 6.5 receives an update, new checks within the selected category
are automatically selected to be scanned the next time this scan runs.
WHAM Checks that do not Require Credentials
Although many Windows Host Assessment Module (WHAM) checks require
credentials, some require no credentials and some require NULL-SESSION
credentials. Those that require no credentials or NULL SESSION credentials can run
even when no credentials are supplied to WHAM.
You can, therefore, create a scan that includes these specific WHAM checks without
supplying credentials. In general, the credential-less checks include all the “whammisc-netbios” checks:
Admin No Password
Guest No Password
Null Session
OS Version
Shares No Password
Enumerate Shares
Shares Writable
Enumerate Users
Other checks under the "wham-misc-netbios" category
These checks must be run by WAM (they cannot be configured as general
vulnerabilities). Microsoft Windows only allows one active NetBIOS session to any
given computer at any given time. Windows does not support simultaneous
connections with different credentials. WAM is the entity within FoundScan that
manages NetBIOS connections and ensures that conflicts do not occur. Therefore,
any checks that directly use NetBIOS must be configured to run as WAM checks in
order to avoid credentials conflict.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Properties - Web Module Settings
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Click the Settings tab. Then click Web Module on the left.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
The Web Module searches for Web applications and analyzes those that it finds for
common vulnerabilities.
The Web Module Settings page lets you do the following:
Determine which Web Analysis tools to use in Web server vulnerability
Figure 118: Scan Properties - Web Module Settings
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Enable Web
Assessment Module
Select this checkbox to activate Web application assessment.
Clear this checkbox to disable it.
Lets you set performance options, regulating how the scan
affects the Web servers as it analyzes them.
Source Sifting
Looks through Web applications for information in HTML
comments, hyperlinks, email addresses, keywords in meta
tags, hidden fields, and client-side scripts. Specifically, it looks
for email addresses, include files, and absolute file paths.
These items can provide valuable information to attackers.
Smart Guesswork
Tests for hidden security risks such as "left-behind" data
archives, backups, and known directories that contain
application information. All unnecessary recovered files are
listed in the report, allowing the security team to evaluate
what they should block direct access to or remove from the
SQL Security Analysis Identifies and enumerates SQL vulnerabilities in Web
applications. The report lists possible SQL entry points where
an attacker can extend or tamper a SQL query to break the
web application boundaries.
Source Code
If a source code disclosure vulnerability is found on a target
server, Foundstone 6.5 applies the vulnerability to all scripts
the crawler has gathered and tries to recover the actual
source code of the files. The report shows the information it
can get from code.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Web Authentication
McAfee's Web Authentication Analysis discovers popular
login points where users must be authenticated to access the
application. It probes these points to determine where
attackers might easily guess usernames and passwords. The
Vulnerable Accounts by Web Server Report comes from this
Select at least one of the testing options:
Basic - Tests common usernames and passwords against
HTTP/HTTPS entry points to see if they are easily
guessed. You can also customize the usernames and
passwords used in these authentication attempts.
NTLM - Tests common usernames and passwords
against NTLM entry points in Web applications. You can
customize the list of usernames and passwords that the
Web Authentication Analysis uses to attempt access at
entry points in the Web applications it discovers. These
customizations affect all organizations. To do this, modify
the user.txt and pass.txt files included in the Foundstone
6.5 program directory.
Caution: Adding a small number of new usernames and
passwords can substantially lengthen the scan duration
because the module tries each username with each
Forms - Tests forms in Web applications to find
vulnerabilities that attackers can use.
Scan Properties - Advanced Web Module Settings
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Click the Settings tab. Click Web Module on the left. Then click Advanced.
The advanced Web Application Assessment Options dialog/page lets you change
advanced settings that affect the performance of the scan.
From this page you can do the following tasks:
Determine how deep the Web Application Assessment digs to find problems
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Specify the performance settings of the assessment scan, and the impact on the
discovered Web servers.
Figure 119: Scan Properties - Advanced Web Assessment Settings
Coverage Settings
Maximum number of
links to crawl
Set this number to limit the Web Assessment to a certain
number of links. You can set any number up to 50,000.
Higher numbers can affect the length it takes to complete
the Web Crawl.
Maximum depth of
pages to crawl
Depth refers to subdirectory levels. Setting this number to 4
would let the Crawl Engine search up to four subdirectories
deep on a given path. For example,
http://www.mcafee.com/us/enterprise/products/index.html is
four subdirectories deep.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Performance Settings from the left to the right
/ Crawl
Minimum CPU 1
50 (max.)
Reduced CPU
50 (max.)
100 (max.)
16 Threads per
Engine (max.)
250 (max.)
Max. allowable
threads per
1000 (max.)
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Properties - Optimization Settings
To get here, create or edit a scan configuration. On the Settings tab, click Optimize on the left.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
The Optimization Settings let you tweak Foundstone 6.5 to your needs.
Figure 120: Scan Properties - Optimization Settings
Slider Settings
The slider provides five sets of predetermined values for optimization settings,
ranging from scans that use little network bandwidth, to those using much more
bandwidth. Changing the position of the slider affects the values under Settings.
Customized Settings
Click Customize to enable and modify the settings under Settings. Selecting
Customize disables the slider; moving the slider has no effect on the settings.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Optimization Settings
Number of sub-scans
Foundstone 6.5 begins creating sub-scans once 256 IP
Addresses have been discovered.
Enter the maximum number of sub-scans to use once the
limit has been reached. Foundstone 6.5 will not create more
sub-scans than this limit.
Batch size
Batch size controls the number of IP addresses scanned
simultaneously and thus has an effect on how often the
status display is updated. Higher values typically result in
faster scans, although the status display is not updated as
frequently. A default value of 256 is recommended.
Network Mapping
Enable this option to generate topology maps of your
environment in your reports. It lets you quickly see high-risk
areas, allowing you to drill down into the report for more
information. You can quickly determine where wireless
devices are, and make a quick assessment regarding how
the different subnets score against each other in terms of
risk posture.
Use Auto Discovery
Optimizes the service discovery portion of the scan,
affecting TCP and UDP timeout values, number of passes,
and interpacket delay settings. Enable this option to
produce faster scans.
ICMP timeout (ms)
Determines how long the FoundScan Engine will wait for a
response from the host before taking the next action. The
default is 3000 ms (2 seconds) for TCP and UDP and 1500
ms (4 seconds) for TCP and UDP timeouts.
TCP timeouts (ms)
UDP timeouts (ms)
Increase the timeout length if the network speed is slow
and you believe that you can get better results. As a general
rule, the shorter the timeout setting, the faster the scan
time can be. However, shorter timeouts can miss heavily
trafficked hosts that take longer to respond.
Number of passes
Determines how many times the system will scan each
host. Additional passes increase the accuracy of the
discovery process, but they also increase the duration of the
Interpacket delay (ms)
(Packet Interval)
Determines how many milliseconds elapse between each
sent packet. Lower the interval on faster local subnets to
increase the scan performance. Increase the interval if the
scan misses hosts or if it utilizes a low speed link.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Properties - Reports Tab
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Then click the Reports tab.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
The reports tab lets you choose what kind of reports will be generated automatically
after the scan is finished. After the scan has completed, you can re-generate reports
for any scan job in the database through the MANAGE > REPORTS page (see
"Generating Scan Reports" on page 60).
From the Reports Tab you can perform the following tasks:
Turn remediation tickets on or off for this scan.
Choose the FoundScore type - Internal or External.
Choose the format for reports to be created.
Figure 121: Scan Properties - Reports Tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Report Settings
Create Remediation
Select this option to have Foundstone 6.5 create remediation
tickets when the scan is complete.
If this option is not selected, this scan will not produce
remediation tickets.
FoundScore Type
Defines the set of calculations used to determine the
FoundScore value. Choose Internal or External.
Reporting Options
HTML Report
The HTML Report allows Foundstone Enterprise Manager
users to view report results online through their browser.
PDF Report
Select this option to create PDF reports for this scan. PDF
reports are printable files and can be viewed with the Adobe
Acrobat Reader or other PDF software.
Choose which reports you want to print to a PDF file. When
selected, you can choose from the various PDF reports
available under the PDF Report Sub-Types option.
Note: The Scan Summary PDF report sub-type must be
selected in order to create the Compliance Pass/Fail Report
(on page 71). The Configuration History PDF report subtype must be selected in order to create the Compliance
Scan Differences Report (on page 72).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
CSV Report Options
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
This option creates comma-separated-value reports. These
can be easily imported into spreadsheets and other
The following reports are provided in the comma-separatedvalue format.
authenticated_hosts.csv (contains the following
IP Address
DNS Name
NetBIOS Name
Asset Name
Asset Criticality
SSHv2Certificate (Root, User, or No Access)
SSHv2Credentials (Root, User, or No Access)
SSHv1 (Root, User, or No Access)
Telnet (Root, User, or No Access)
Error Code
Error Description
vulnerabilities.csv (contains the following columns):
IP Address
DNS Name
NetBIOS Name
Asset Name
Asset Criticality
Vulnerability ID (corresponds to the ID in vulndatabase.xml)
network_assets.csv (contains the following columns):
IP Address
DNS Name
NetBIOS Name
Asset Name
Asset Criticality
XML Report
Create XML output for reading the data into other programs.
PDF Subtypes
Click to expand these options. Once it is expanded, select
the reports you want to see in PDF format.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To download a report
On the Reports page, go to the report you want to download, and click
DOWNLOAD. Click any of the icons next to the DOWNLOAD link to get specific
reports -- XML, CSV, PDF, or HTML.
Figure 122: Reports page - click DOWNLOAD to save to disk
Your browser asks if you want to save the file. Click Save.
Figure 123: Browser - download dialog box
Choose the directory in which to save the file.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Properties - Schedule Settings
To get here in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click SCANS > NEW SCAN, and click Next.
Or, click SCANS > EDIT SCAN, and click Edit. Or, click MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS and
double-click the scan to edit.
Click the Scheduler tab.
The Remediation Administrator has access to these features if explicitly assigned access rights
to scans.
The Schedule Tab lets you activate and set a recurring schedule for the scan.
On this page you can perform the following tasks:
Activate or de-activate the scan, whether it be set to run immediately or at a
scheduled time.
Select the FoundScan Engine and specify the network interface that the scan
will use.
Schedule the scan to run immediately, at a specific date and time, or on a
recurring schedule.
Set Scan Windows so that the scan only runs during specific hours or on specific
Figure 124: Scan Setup - Schedule Tab
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Settings (Basic Settings)
Select Engine
This list contains the different FoundScan Engine servers that
have been set up for your workgroup or organization. If only
one FoundScan Engine is available, there in only one
FoundScan Engine listed and it is automatically selected.
If automatic scan engine selection is enabled, then Auto Select
will appear as the Select Engine.
Note: This setting is inactive if you created this scan based
on another scan.
Also, if you specify that a scan is to use a specific engine,
the scan will not run on other engines through an alternate
interface. For example, specifying a scan engine on the
Foundstone Enterprise Manager does not allow you to run
the scan on a different engine from the FoundScan
Select NIC
If the FoundScan Engine contains more than one network card,
this dropdown box displays each NIC found on the selected
If each engine only has one MAC Address, this dropdown box
does not appear at all.
If there is only one engine, but it contains multiple MAC
Addresses, this dropdown box shows the NIC identities for that
Make this scan active. If Immediate is also selected, the scan
will begin as soon as you exit this window. If you select the
active and immediate options, Foundstone 6.5 begins running
the scan as soon as you are done editing it.
The scan configuration can be saved, but will not automatically
run. You can manually start an inactive scan by clicking
Activate in the Edit Scans (see "Editing Scans" on page 293)
Note: Inactive scans will not run; even when they are
The scan starts immediately, if active. It runs one time, and
then becomes inactive.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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One Time
The scan runs one time, on the date and time that you choose.
After running one time, Foundstone 6.5 sets the scan
configuration to inactive. To change the date, click the calendar
and select the date you want the scan to run. To change the
time, click the arrow for the hour and minute you want the scan
to start.
For recurring scans, specify how often you want the scan to
occur: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Continuous. See the following
sections for more information on the settings for recurring
Scan Windows
To specify the hours your scan will run, check the box to enable
Scan Windows. (This option is not available for Continuous
scans.) For more information, see the following section on
"Scan Windows".
Schedule Settings (Daily Scans)
The scan runs on the start date at the start time; then it runs each day after that at
the same specified time.
Figure 125: Scan Properties - Daily Schedule Settings
Start On
Click the calendar icon to specify the date on which you want
the daily scans to start.
Click the arrows to specify the hour and minutes (using a 24hour clock) at which you want the scans to start.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Schedule Settings (Weekly Scans)
Weekly scans let you set the days of the week to run your scans. By setting the
number in the Recur every week box, you can also specify that the scan should run
every week, every two weeks, every three weeks, and so forth.
Figure 126: Scan Properties - Weekly Schedule Settings
Start On
Select the days of the week for when you want the weekly
scan(s) to run.
Click the arrows to specify the hour and minutes (using a 24hour clock) at which you want the scans to start.
Recur Every
Click the arrow to specify how often you want the weekly scan
to recur. Select from 1 to 5 weeks.
Schedule Settings (Monthly Scans)
Monthly scans let you specify specific days of the month. Schedule a scan for a
particular day of the month or a particular day of the week. You can also set up
combinations of dates, like the second and fourth Wednesday of the month and
every 15th day. The recurrence options lets you run the scan every month, every two
months, and so forth.
Figure 127: Scan Properties - Monthly Schedule Settings
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Start On
Click the arrows to specify the day of the month on which you
want the scans to run. Select the occurrence (First through the
Fifth) and the day of the week (Sunday through Saturday).
Click this button to add the specified period to the scan
window list.
Click this button to remove the selected period from the list.
Remove All
Click this button to remove all of the time periods from the list.
Check this box if you want to specify the day of the month (131) on which you want the scan to run. Use this option if you
do not want to use the default method of choosing the day of
the week (such as the first Sunday).
Run At
Click the arrows to specify the hour and minutes (using a 24hour clock) at which you want the scans to start.
Recur Every
Click the arrow to specify how often you want the monthly
scan to recur. Select from 1 to 12 months.
Schedule Settings (Continuous)
Continuous scanning is the most exhaustive option for monitoring your network, but
offers continuous information. Set the date and time for the scan to begin. When the
scan is finished, it begins again.
Figure 128: Scan Properties - Continuous Schedule Settings
Start On
Click the calendar icon to specify the date on which you want
the daily scans to start.
Click the arrows to specify the hour and minutes (using a 24hour clock) at which you want the scans to start.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Scan Windows
Use Scan Windows to specify the hours your scan will run. When you enable Scan
Windows, your scan will run only during the hours you specify on the day(s) you have
it scheduled. Then select the amount of time that is available for scanning. Once this
amount of time has been reached, the scan will pause until the next available scan
window occurs.
Figure 129: Scan Properties - Scan Window Settings
Use Scan Windows
Check this box to enable Scan Windows.
Start Window
Click the arrows to select the hour and minutes (using a 24hour clock) for when you want scanning to begin.
End Window
Click the arrows to select the hour and minutes (using a 24hour clock) for when you want scanning to stop.
Click this button to add the specified window period to the
scan window list.
Click this button to remove the selected scan window from the
Remove All
Click this button to remove all of the scan window time periods
from the list.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Vulnerability Filters
To get here, click SCANS > VULN FILTERS
This feature lets you search through the list of vulnerability checks and save the
resulting list as a vulnerability filter. Use the filters you create to select vulnerabilities
when creating a scan (see "Creating New Scans" on page 291). The vulnerability
filters act as a "template" when you create a new scan, so you can quickly create
standard, identical scans for each organization.
The Root Organization Administrator can create vulnerability filters for the entire
organization. Anyone with access to a scan can create vulnerability filters that only
they can use. Display a list of vulnerabilities by class (name, risk level, or CVE
number) or search for the vulnerabilities you want used in a scan.
On this page you can do the following:
View the list of vulnerabilities by an already-defined filter by choosing the filter
name from the Display By list.
Display a list of vulnerabilities by name, risk level, or CVE number. To do this,
select type from the Display By list.
Search for a vulnerability:
Search for text in the vulnerability name or description by selecting Name
from the Search By list. Enter the text you want to find in the text box and
click Search. The Search Results section displays the updated results.
Expand the categories to see specific vulnerability checks.
Search for vulnerability checks relating to a specific CVE number by
selecting CVE Number from the Search By list. Enter the text you want to
find in the text box and click Search. The Search Results section displays
the updated results. Expand the categories to see specific vulnerability
Search for vulnerabilities belonging to a specific risk level by selecting Risk
Level from the Search By list. Select the risk level from the list and click
Search. The Search Results section displays the updated results. Expand
the categories to see specific vulnerability checks.
Select vulnerabilities to include in the filter:
Select a specific vulnerability check by checking the checkbox next to the
Select all of the vulnerabilities in a specific category by checking the
checkbox next to the category. All vulnerability checks with in that category
are selected.
Save the search results as a Vulnerability Filter by entering the name for the
vulnerability filter in the Save As box. Specify whether it is an organizational filter
(by clicking Organization Wide) or as a personal filter (by clicking User Filter).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
View the details of an individual vulnerability check by clicking the vulnerability
description. A new browser window appears, showing the vulnerability details.
Vulnerability Filter Settings
Display By
Shows the filters that have been defined: both organizational
filters and personal filters. This list also contains the display
filters so that you can show the list by category, CVE, and so on.
Note: Only the Root Organization Administrator can create
vulnerability filters for the entire organization.
Click to delete the selected vulnerability filter.
Search By
Select the data you are searching:
Name (a word included in the vulnerability name or
CVE Number
Risk level
Searches vulnerability names and descriptions for the specified
Resets the search results and clears any checked vulnerabilities.
Save As
Enter the name for this vulnerability filter. The filter name can
contain up to 25 characters (alphanumeric, spaces, and
apostrophes only).
Saves the selected vulnerabilities as a vulnerability filter.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Organization Filter
Select this option to make this filter available to the entire
Note: This option only appears when you're logged on as the
Root Organization Administrator. Only the Root Organization
Administrator can create vulnerability filters for the entire
User Filter
Select this option to make a personal filter. It will not be
available to other users.
Note: This option appears only when you're logged on as the
Root Organization Administrator. Only the Root Organization
Administrator can create vulnerability filters for the entire
Search Results
Shows the vulnerability checks. Select vulnerability checks from
this list. Filter this list by running a search or selecting a filter
from the Display By list.
To see the vulnerability details
Click the vulnerability. A new browser window appears, showing the
vulnerability details.
To create a new vulnerability filter (searching by name, risk
level, or CVE number)
Do one of the following:
To search by name, in the Search By list, select Name. Enter the text you
want to find in the text box. For example, to search for Denial of Service
attacks, enter dos.
To search by risk level, in the Search By list, select Risk Level. In the list
next to Search By, select the level of risk (High, Medium, Low,
To search by CVE number, in the Search By list, select CVE Number. Enter
the text you want to find in the text box. For example, to search for all CVE
entries on SNMP, enter SNMP.
Click Search.
The Search Results section displays the updated results. Expand the categories
to see specific vulnerability checks.
Select the vulnerabilities to include in the filter. To do this:
Select a specific vulnerability check by checking the checkbox next to the
Select all of the vulnerabilities in a specific category by checking the
checkbox next to the category. All vulnerability checks with in that category
are selected.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Save the selected vulnerabilities as a Vulnerability Filter by entering the name for
the vulnerability filter in the Save As box.
Specify the type of filter. Do one of the following:
To create an organization filter, select Organization Wide.
To create a personal filter, select User Filter.
Now you are ready to use the vulnerability filter when creating a scan (see "To use a
vulnerability filter when creating a scan" on page 414).
To create a new vulnerability filter (browsing by category, risk
level, or CVE)
Do one of the following:
To display all vulnerabilities by category (name), in the Display By list, select
Category. All vulnerabilities, grouped by category, are displayed in the
Search Results section.
To display all vulnerabilities by risk level, in the Display By list, select Risk
Level. All vulnerabilities, grouped by risk level category, are displayed in the
Search Results section.
To display all vulnerabilities by CVE number, in the Display By list, select
CVE Number. All vulnerabilities, grouped by major CVE number, are
displayed in the Search Results section.
Expand the categories to see specific vulnerability checks.
Select the vulnerabilities to include in the filter. To do this:
Select a specific vulnerability check by checking the checkbox next to the
Select all of the vulnerabilities in a specific category by checking the
checkbox next to the category. All vulnerability checks with in that category
are selected.
Save the selected vulnerabilities as a Vulnerability Filter by entering the name for
the vulnerability filter in the Save As box.
Specify the type of filter. Do one of the following:
To create an organization filter, select Organization Wide.
To create a personal filter, select User Filter.
Now you are ready to use the vulnerability filter when creating a scan (see "To use a
vulnerability filter when creating a scan" on page 414).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To use a vulnerability filter when creating a scan
Use the vulnerability filters you create to select the vulnerabilities to be checked
when creating a scan (see "Creating New Scans" on page 291). The vulnerability
filters act as a "template" when you create a new scan, so you can quickly create
standard, identical scans for each organization.
In the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, when you create a new scan, the option
to select a vulnerability filter is available in the Settings page for General
Vulnerabilities (page 388), Windows Module, and Wireless Module. To base the
scan on the filter, click the arrow for Display By and select the filter you created.
To get here, click REPORTS > SEARCH. You must be an administrator or user with scan - view
access to use this feature.
Set up your own search criteria for searching the scans that belong to your
Workgroup or Organization. Search on a specific Hostname, Operating System, IP
Address, NetBIOS Name, Service or Port, Banner, Vulnerability name or specific
information that came back from a vulnerability check.
This feature searches through all the scans your account can access, including
workgroups that have been created under your workgroup or organization.
On this page you can perform the following tasks:
Enter search criteria.
Click Submit to begin the search.
Click Reset to clear the search results.
When the search results appear, click an IP Address on the results to see the
Detailed Host Report (on page 126).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Figure 130: Search page - search through scan results
The details shown here are the information on the host from the most current scan
job among all the scan configuration jobs that you have access to, regardless of the
filter criteria.
Note: Because the host data on “Host Discovery Details” page is derived from the
single and most current scan configuration job, there may be cases where the host
data on “Host Discovery Details” page does not correspond to that of the Search
Results page.
Search Categories
Enter a partial hostname to find hosts with matching
Operating System
Enter a partial operating system name to find hosts running
that operating system. For example, searching for "Win"
returns a list of hosts running all flavors of Windows, such
as Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and
so forth.
IP Address
Enter a complete IP Address.
NetBIOS Name
Enter a partial NetBIOS name to find matching systems.
Enter a service name or a port number. Examples include
http, https, snmp, nntp, smpt, ident, and so forth.
Enter a partial banner message that would be returned from
a running service. It could be used to search for specific
service settings, version numbers, or other information.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Enter a partial vulnerability name. For example, searching on
"2000" produces any vulnerability discovered in the scan that
contains the number "2000" in its name.
FSL Output
Enter a partial word or phrase produced by a FSL Script
during the scan. The search results show the script's
request and the host's response.
Working with Compliance Scans
The Foundstone Enterprise Manager Policy Manager allows you to customize your
policy settings. You can adjust the policies to match your corporate compliance
standards or you can reset the policies to a default setting. The Policy Manager does
not turn the scan on or off the scan for each policy that is done when you set up your
scan (see "Creating New Scans" on page 291).
The compliance report, generated from a policy scan, can help identify
compliance/noncompliance with policies on a host level. This allows you to review
and correct policy non-compliance for each scanned host on your network.
Note: A Windows policy scan can take a long time to complete depending upon
the number of hosts being scanned and the amount of information being returned
to the database. McAfee recommends running a policy scan only when necessary.
Windows Policy Settings
To get here, log on to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager as the Global Administrator. Select
The Foundstone Enterprise Manager Policy Manager allows you to customize your
Windows Policy settings, Registry Key permissions, File and Root File permissions,
and your Service settings. Customizing policy settings for Microsoft Windows
requires you to select an Operating System (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista) and customize the policy
settings for that group.
General Policy
Allows you to customize your Windows Policy settings. The Windows policy defaults
are set to Microsoft standards.
When customizing policies, carefully read the policy descriptions.
Selecting a checkbox means the statement in the description is True.
Deselecting a checkbox means the statement is False. For example, if
Administrator Account Password Never Expires. If the checkbox is selected, a
host must never expire an administrator password for that host to be in
compliance; if the checkbox is deselected, a host must force the administrator
password to expire for the host to be in compliance.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Some fields restrict how you can adjust them. For example, some fields require
a value 0 or 1; anything else triggers an error when you try to save your policy
settings, and must be fixed before you can save.
The Set to Default icon resets that one policy setting to the Microsoft Windows
The Set to Defaults button resets all policies in the selected OS group to the
Microsoft Windows default. As a precaution, when you click this button, you are
required to confirm or cancel the action.
Once you are done customizing your policy settings, click Save.
Registry Keys
Set group rights for specified registry keys.
To add a registry key entry, click Add Registry Key. In the Registry Key field, type
the path to the registry key.
To add a group and specify access rights, click the plus sign next to the registry
key. Select a group and a rights level from the drop-down lists.
To delete a group, click the minus sign next to the group setting.
Once you are done adding, editing, or removing your registry key group access
rights, click Save to save your settings.
File Permissions
Set group permissions for root files.
To add a file permission entry, click Add Root File Permission. Select a group
from the drop-down list.
To add a user group, click the plus sign next to User Permissions then select the
user/group and the rights level from the drop-down lists.
When a User/Group Right provides the same function as the file permissions
settings in Windows. The names of these functions correlate to an access rights
macro in Windows. If you need to know the macro name for a file permission
setting, see the table below.
To add a file, click the plus sign next to Files then type the file name.
If you want to set the User permissions to the Directory, add a blank File Name.
When you are done adding, editing, or removing your file permissions, click Save.
Root Drive Permissions
Set group permissions for files within a designated directory path.
To add a file permission entry, click Add File Permission. In the Directory Path
field, you can enter the path to the file folder.
To add rights, click the plus sign next to Rights. Then select a group right from
the drop-down list.
When you are done adding, editing, or removing your file permissions, click Save.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Set service start and state conditions for specified users.
To add a service, click Add Service. In the Service Name field, type the name of
a service.
To add a user, click the plus sign next to Users then type a user name.
When you are done adding, editing, or removing your services, click Save.
Configure Policy Manager
To configure the policy manager, click the Config button at the bottom of the policy
To export your policy to an XML file:
Click Export to XML
Click Save
Save the compressed file
To import your policy (must be an XML file):
Click Browse
Select a policy file to import
Click Open
Click Import from XML
To add Windows user options:
Click Add New Value
Enter a Display Name
Enter an Actual Value
When you are done with your configuration, click Save.
File Permission/Access Rights Macro Names
File Permission
Access Rights Macro(s)
Full Control
Read & Execute
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Traverse Folder/Execute File
List Folder/Read Data
Read Attributes
Read Extended Attributes
Create Files/Write Data
Create Folders/Append Data
Write Attributes
Write Extended Attributes
Read Permissions
Change Permissions
Take Ownership
Delete Subfolders and Files
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Creating a Compliance Scan
These are the steps for setting up a Windows Policy scan. For further information
about scans, see Working with Scans (on page 288).
Log on to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager as the Root Organization
Select Use a Foundstone template.
Select Windows Policy Template Scan.
Click Next.
Type a scan name and IP address(es).
Click Next.
Under the Vuln Selection, expand Windows Vulnerabilities.
Expand Security/Policy Options. All Microsoft Windows policies are selected by
10 Deselect an option for a script you don't want to run with this scan.
11 Select Credentials.
Providing credentials is necessary for a Windows Policy scan to run successfully.
To setup credentials, see Scan Properties - Credentials (see "Managing
Credentials" on page 380).
12 Click Next.
13 Select report options.
14 Click Next.
15 Select schedule options.
16 Click OK to save your scan.
Viewing Compliance Reports
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
select Scan Reports in the Completed Reports area. Click View Report to view a report
generated from a Windows Policy Template Scan.
The Windows Policy Report provides information gathered from a Windows Policy
Template Scan. This report identifies which scanned hosts are compliant and which
are noncompliant. Use this report to help bring your scanned hosts into compliance.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Compliance Summary Report
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
select Scan Reports in the Completed Reports area. Click a report name for the Windows
Policy Template Scan to view a report. Select Report Pages > Compliance Summary.
This report provides an overview of a Windows policy compliance scan. Use it to
quickly identify anomalies or problems in your environment.
Compliance Summary Report Features
Section Heading
Scan specifications
Displays information about the report section, the scan name,
and the generation date/time.
Host Summary
Displays the number of hosts scanned, the number of
Windows host assessment modules (WHAM) scanned, the
number of hosts that are compliant, the number of hosts that
are noncompliant, and the compliance percentage.
Policy Summary
Displays the Windows policy, the number of hosts scanned,
the number of hosts that are compliant with this policy, the
number of hosts that are noncompliant with this policy, the
number of hosts where policy compliance could not be
determined, and the compliance rate for this policy.
(plus image, minus
Clicking a plus icon expands a report section, and clicking a
minus icon hides a report section.
(search image)
Use Search to find a specific policy or host in the compliance
Compliance Policy Details
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
select Scan Reports in the Completed Reports area. Click a report name for the Windows
Policy Template Scan to view a report. Select Report Pages > Compliance Policy Details.
This report displays a Windows policy and the systems affected by this policy. Use it
to identify systems that are noncompliant.
Compliance Policy Details Report Features
Section Heading
Scan Specifications
Displays information about the report section, the scan name,
and the generation date/time.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Compliance Policy
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Displays the policy setting, the system(s) affected by the
policy, the operating system, and the system policy status
Note: You can click the system IP address to view the
system's Compliance Policies by IP report.
(plus image, minus
Clicking a plus icon expands a report section, and clicking a
minus icon hides a report section.
(search image)
Use Search to find a specific policy or host in the compliance
Compliance Hosts
To get here from the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, click REPORTS > VIEW REPORTS and
select Scan Reports in the Completed Reports area. Click a report name for the Windows
Policy Template Scan to view a report. Select Report Pages > Compliance Hosts.
This report provides an overview for each system in your Windows policy compliance
scan. Use it to identify all noncompliance policy settings (marked as Failed) for each
system in your environment.
Compliance Hosts Report Features
Section Heading
Scan Specifications
Displays information about the report section, the scan name,
and the generation date/time.
Compliance Policies
Displays all compliance policies affecting a single IP address.
The list shows the Windows policy name and whether the
system passed or failed compliance.
(plus image, minus
Clicking a plus icon expands a report section, and clicking a
minus icon hides a report section.
(search image)
Use Search to find a specific policy or host in the compliance
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Managing Remediation
To get here, click MANAGE > REMEDIATION. You must be logged in as the Root Organization
Administrator, or Remediation Administrator to use this page.
As the Root Organization Administrator or Remediation Administrator, you have the
ability to manage remediation tickets throughout the organization and its workgroups.
This includes setting up rules to auto-assign remediation tickets.
The Remediation Management page contains two tabs:
Rules (see "Remediation - Rules" on page 423) - lets you set up rules to
automatically assign remediation tickets to your Foundstone 6.5 users.
Global Options (see "Remediation - Global Options" on page 428) - lets you
determine when remediation tickets should be created, enable the auto-close
feature, and set default due dates for tickets--based on their risk level.
The settings on this page affect the entire organization, including all workgroups.
Workgroup administrators cannot make changes to these settings.
Remediation - Rules
Foundstone 6.5 lets you create auto-assignment rules that automatically assign
tickets upon creation to a user. In an auto-assignment rule, you determine the action
that the rule will take, and you specify the criteria that will be used to qualify tickets
for that rule. As soon as a ticket is qualified, the rule performs its action on that
When a ticket is automatically assigned, the details are logged on the ticket details
(on page 445) page for that ticket.
This page contains all of the rules that have been created for Remediation.
The list is empty by default until you add a new rule to it. You can add as many rules
as you need. When tickets run through the assignment process, the first rule that
matches the ticket determines what action to take for that ticket.
The settings on this page affect the entire organization, including all workgroups.
Workgroup administrators cannot make changes to these settings.
On this page you can do the following:
To create a new rule, click New Rule. The Rule Editor page (page 425) appears.
To edit an existing rule, click Edit.
To delete an existing rule, click Delete.
To run a rule on all existing, unassigned tickets, click Run.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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To change the order in which tickets are run, click Up and Down to adjust
tickets in the list. The rules run in order, from the top of the list to the bottom. If
a ticket is evaluated by all of the rules and matches none of them, the ticket
remains unassigned. It then shows up as a new ticket on the REMEDIATION >
NEW TICKETS page (see "New Tickets Page" on page 434) where the
administrator can manually assign it.
To activate or deactivate a rule, click Edit. Choose Inactive from the Status
dropdown box and click Save.
Figure 131: Remediation Rules List
Rules Options
Shows the name for the rule.
Enter a description that quickly identifies the rule's actions.
Active means the rule will be used to check all
generated tickets.
Inactive rules will remain in the system, but are not
used to make ticket assignments.
Click to edit the rule. It opens the Rule Editor page (page
Removes the rule from this list and deletes it from the
system. If you want to keep the rule, make it inactive instead
of deleting it. See To make a rule active or inactive (page
Checks through all unassigned tickets for any that match the
rule's criteria. If any are found, the rule reassigns them
according to its settings.
Up / Down
Click to move the rule up or down through the list.
Foundstone 6.5 runs the rules from the top of the list. If a
ticket is found that matches a rule, it is no longer checked
against subsequent rules.
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Using the Rule Editor
To get here, click REMEDIATION > RULES > New Rule or Edit an existing rule
The Rule Editor lets you specify to whom the tickets will be assigned, the tickets'
due dates, and the criteria that is used to match tickets to rules.
On this page you can do the following:
To create a new line of criteria, click Add Criteria. See To create new criteria
(page 427).
To remove a line of criteria, click Delete on the line you want removed.
To automatically assign, export, or ignore a ticket, choose the appropriate
behavior from the Action dropdown box.
To activate the rule, choose Active from the Status dropdown box.
Figure 132: Remediation Rule Editor
Rule Editor Settings
Rule Name
Enter a name for the rule.
The Rule Name box allows 50 characters, displays 30.
Active means the rule will be used to check all generated
Inactive rules will remain in the system, but are not used to
make ticket assignments.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Enter a description that quickly identifies the rule's actions.
The Description box allows and displays 256 characters.
Assign lets you specify the user and due date to which the
tickets will be assigned.
Export - all tickets that meet the criteria will be exported.
This option is often used with helpdesk systems that create
their own tickets from email messages. See the online help
for more information on exporting tickets.
Ignore - all tickets that meet the criteria will be ignored.
Future scans that discover the same vulnerabilities on the
same hosts will not generate tickets for those vulnerabilities.
Asset Owner - this option assigns the ticket to the user
specified as the action owner* on the Asset Management
page in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
*If the rule is set to assign a ticket to an asset owner and the
asset owner is not assigned, the rule is ignored so that
subsequent rules may be processed. Asset owners are
assigned by the Workgroup Administrator.
[name] - Choose the person to whom the tickets will be
assigned. This list only shows users that have been entered
into the system.
Due Date
Determines how long the user has to fix the vulnerability
described on the ticket. The number of days is determined
from the date that the ticket is discovered.
Add Criteria
Lets you create criteria for the rule. For more information,
see To create new criteria (page 427).
The following table describes the various criteria settings. For each setting, you can
choose whether to find tickets that match (Equals) or that do not match (Not
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Criteria Settings
The risk of the vulnerability identified by the ticket can be
high, medium, low, or informational.
Enter a partial name of the Operating System running on the
host. For example, the entry Win will match all versions of
the Windows Operating System.
The Platform box allows 160 characters, and shows 30.
Asset Name
If you have assigned asset names to any hosts in the Asset
Management module, you can enter it here. Entering a partial
name will apply the rule to any assets that match the partial
The Asset Name box allows 160 characters, and shows 30.
Asset Criticality
If you have assigned asset criticality ratings to any hosts in
the Asset Management module, you can specify the
criticality here.
IP Address Range
Enter an IP Address range in the format "start range"-"end
range". For example, you could enter
The IP Address Range box allows 160 characters and shows
Vulnerability Name
If you are assigning tickets with specific vulnerabilities, you
can enter the partial vulnerability name.
Entering a partial name will apply the rule to any
vulnerabilities that match the partial name.
The Vulnerability Name box allows 160 characters and shows
Scan Name
Choose the scan from the Scan Name dropdown box.
To make a rule active or inactive
On the Rules List page, find the rule you want to change and click Edit.
In the Rule Editor, choose Active or Inactive.
Click Save.
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To create new criteria
Set the criteria for the rule by changing the values on each criterion line.
Click Add Criteria.
A new row appears, allowing you to select the options that will make up a
criterion. You can click Add Criteria again to create as many criteria as you need
for the rule.
Change the values of the criterion as needed.
Click Add Criteria to create another line, or click Save to save the rule.
Click Delete to remove a line if needed.
Figure 133: Remediation rule criteria list
Remediation - Global Options
This page contains the global settings for Remediation.
The settings on this page affect the entire organization, including all workgroups.
Workgroup administrators cannot make changes to these settings.
On this page you can do the following:
Set which level of vulnerability risk will start generating remediation tickets.
Enable or disable the remediation ticket auto-close feature.
Figure 134: Remediation - Global Options
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Global Remediation Settings
Create tickets for all
vulnerabilities with a risk
level higher than or equal
Choose the level of vulnerabilities that should cause a
ticket to be generated.
Enable automatic closure
of tickets whose
vulnerabilities have been
Informational - All vulnerabilities will produce a
Low - Low, medium, and high-risk vulnerabilities will
produce a ticket.
Medium - Only medium and high-risk vulnerabilities
will produce a ticket.
High - Only high-risk vulnerabilities will produce a
This feature is enabled by default. It automatically closes
tickets that are resolved. See Setting up Tickets to be
Automatically Closed.
Tip: Enable this feature to quickly close tickets by
verifying them through your regular scanning process.
Ticket Default Dates
Set the default due date for auto-assigned tickets,
according to the ticket's vulnerability risk. For example,
setting the high vulnerability risk tickets to 15 days means
that if a new high-risk vulnerability is discovered, the
ticket generated for it will have a due date of 15 days
after the ticket was created.
To see the menu, hold the mouse over REMEDIATION.
Figure 135: Remediation Menu - New, Open, Review, Closed, Search Tickets
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Remediation Overview
The REMEDIATION menu can lead you through the process of managing
remediation tickets:
NEW TICKETS (see "New Tickets Page" on page 434) - shows the tickets that
have not been assigned to a user.
Administrators review new tickets and assign them to users. This can be done
using rules that automatically assign tickets (see "Remediation - Rules" on page
423), or by manually assigning them through the New Tickets page.
OPEN TICKETS (see "Remediation > Open Tickets" on page 437) - shows the
tickets that have been assigned, but not resolved.
Users that have tickets assigned to them come to the Open Tickets page to find
their tickets. Users can open the ticket details page (see "Ticket Details" on page
445) for any of their tickets. After resolving the ticket, the user marks it
Complete, or False-Positive, and submits notes on the ticket which sends it
back to the administrator for approval. It is also possible for the user to assign
the ticket to another user or administrator.
REVIEW TICKETS (on page 439) - shows the tickets that have been resolved,
but not approved.
The administrator reviews the resolved tickets on the Review Tickets page. The
administrator can then approve the resolution, send it back to the user, or
reassign it to another user.
CLOSED TICKETS (see "Remediation > Closed Tickets" on page 441) - shows
the tickets that have been approved.
Tickets can be closed by the administrator on the Review Tickets page (see
"Review Tickets" on page 439), or automatically through the auto-close rules (see
"Remediation - Global Options" on page 428).
SEARCH TICKETS (see "Remediation > Search Tickets" on page 442) - lets you
search the database for the tickets you can access.
Remediation Roles and Scope
Foundstone 6.5 supports the following roles in remediation administration.
Remediation Roles - Access Rights
Ticket Rights
Global Administrator
Root Organization
Assign, Review, View
Entire organization and all
Remediation Administrator
Assign, Review, View
Entire organization and all
Workgroup Administrator
Assign, Review, View
Workgroup and child
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
User with Manage Access
(Remediation Manager)
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Assign, Review, View
Scans for which he or she
can view
Remediation User with View View all tickets, View
Scans for which he or she
can view
Remediation User with no
View Own*
* View Own rights pertain to ANY ticket assigned; they are not limited to any
workgroup or scan.
The following rights describe the basic Remediation access privileges for the above
Assign - When a new ticket is created, you can assign them to Foundstone 6.5
Review - When a user has marked a ticket as Complete or False Positive, you
can review it and change it to Closed or False Positive Acknowledged.
View Own - When a ticket is assigned to you, you can view its details and mark
it as Complete or False Positive.
Role Creation
The following descriptions explain how the Foundstone 6.5 roles are created:
Global Administrator - does not pertain to remediation. It is created when
Foundstone 6.5 is installed.
Root Organization Administrator - is created by adding a user to the
Administrator group at the root level of the organization.
Remediation Administrator - is created by adding a user to the Remediation
Administrator group at the root level of the organization.
Remediation Manager - is created by creating a user group with Manage
Tickets by Scan privileges in the Access Rights dialog box.
Workgroup Administrator - is created by adding a user to the Administrator
group of a Workgroup.
The three user roles (Manage, View, and none) are assigned on the User
Properties - Access Rights page (see "User Properties - Access Rights" on page
247). These roles can also be created by adding a user to a group that has been
defined with these rights.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Ticket States
In Foundstone 6.5, remediation tickets can exist in one of nine possible states.
The following diagram shows the possible states for a ticket at any given time.
Manager Action
Final State
Live host found,
vulnerability not
New Ticket
Generated by
Assigned by
Manager or by a
Remediation Rule
User has resolved
the issue
Approved by
User believes the
ticket is erroneous
Approved by
Exported by
Ignored by
Figure 136: Remediation - Ticket States
Unresolved Ticket States
Tickets in these state have not been resolved:
New/Unassigned - the ticket has been generated by Foundstone 6.5 but has
not been assigned. A Remediation Manager can view these tickets on the New
Tickets page (on page 434). The Manager can assign the ticket to a user (see "To
assign tickets to a user" on page 436), export the ticket to a third-party ticketing
system (see "To export tickets to a helpdesk system" on page 436), or ignore the
ticket (see "To ignore a ticket" on page 437).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Open/Assigned - the ticket has been assigned to a user for remediation. The
user reviews his or her list of assigned tickets on the Open Tickets (see
"Remediation > Open Tickets" on page 437) page. The user can view the details
for his or her tickets in the ticket details page (see "Ticket Details" on page 445).
Ticket states Resolved by the User
When a user works on a ticket, the user can change the ticket to one of the following
two states:
Completed - the user has done the required work and verified the ticket. Tickets
in the Completed state must be verified by an administrator.
False-Positive - the user has checked the machine and vulnerability listed by the
ticket, and concluded that the vulnerability was a false alarm or should otherwise
be ignored according to policy guidelines. Tickets in the False-Positive state
must be verified by the administrator.
Ticket States resolved by an Administrator
Administrators and Remediation Managers access can set tickets to one of these
Closed - after a user has marked a ticket as completed the administrator can
verify that the vulnerability no longer exists on the host and set the ticket to the
Closed state. Future tickets can be generated against this vulnerability on this
host if the vulnerability is found by future scans.
False-Positive Acknowledged - if a user marks the ticket as False Positive, the
administrator can verify that it really should be a False Positive condition and set
it to this state. Future scans that find the same vulnerability on the same host
will not generate a new ticket if this ticket is set to False-Positive
Exported - Setting a ticket to Exported causes Foundstone 6.5 to send an email
to a third-party helpdesk system or other system. Future tickets are not
generated for a host/vulnerability when a ticket for that host/vulnerability has
been exported.
The email subject line contains the title "Helpdesk system ticket creation".
The body of the email contains the details:
Ignored - If you determine that a particular host/vulnerability should be ignored,
set the ticket to this state. Future tickets are not generated for a
host/vulnerability when a ticket for that host/vulnerability has been ignored.
System-Resolved State
Foundstone 6.5 can automatically resolve tickets to this state:
Auto-Closed - This state is used when Foundstone 6.5 automatically closes a
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
New Tickets Page
To get here, click REMEDIATION > NEW TICKETS. You must be logged on as an administrator,
remediation administrator, or be able to manage remediation tickets for a specific scan to see
this page.
The New Tickets page shows new tickets that have not been assigned.
This page is available to Remediation Administrators, Root Organization
Administrators, Workgroup Administrators, and Remediation Managers.
Workgroup Administrators and Remediation Managers see tickets for those
workgroups and scans that they can access. See Remediation Roles and Scope
(on page 430) for more information.
On this page you can do the following:
To sort the tickets, click any column heading.
To assign a ticket, select the checkbox(es) by the ticket(s) you want to assign.
Under Due Date, select the date for the ticket completion deadline. Under User,
select the assignee to receive the ticket. In the lower-right corner, make sure the
dropdown box is set to Assign. Click Submit.
To export a ticket, select the checkbox(es) for the ticket(s) you want to export. In
the lower-right corner, change the Assign dropdown box to Export. Click
Submit. Future scans that find this vulnerability on this host will see that this
ticket was exported, and will not generate another ticket for it.
To ignore a ticket, select the checkbox(es) for the ticket(s) you want to ignore. In
the lower-right corner, change the Assign dropdown box to Ignore. Click
Submit. Future scans that find this vulnerability on this host will see that this
ticket was ignored, will not generate another ticket for it, and will not record it on
future scan reports.
To assign multiple tickets, select the checkboxes for each ticket to be assigned.
At the bottom of the page, in the Make all due on box, select the due date for
the tickets. In the Assign all to box, select the assignee to receive the tickets.
Click Submit to make the assignments.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To view the details of any ticket, click
Figure 137: Remediation - New Tickets have not been assigned
"New Tickets" Features
Check the box to select the ticket for an action.
Displays the internal ticket identification number.
Scan Name
Shows the name of the scan configuration that was used to
generate the scan.
Shows the risk icon representing the risk level (high,
medium, low).
Shows the name of the vulnerability that the scan found.
This is the vulnerability that needs to be fixed to close this
ticket. Click the vulnerability title to see vulnerability details.
Shows the IP address of the vulnerable system.
If a criticality level has been assigned to the system on
which the vulnerability was found, the criticality appears
here. 0 is used by default if there no criticality has been
Shows the operating system on the vulnerable system.
Due Date
If you are assigning the ticket, use this field to assign a due
Click to see a calendar. Selecting a date from the calendar
enters it into the Due Date box.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
This list contains the available users throughout the
organization. Selecting a user from the dropdown box
selects the ticket for an action.
Click to see the details for this ticket. This opens the Ticket
Details page (see "Ticket Details" on page 445).
Make all Due on:
If you are assigning multiple tickets, choose the due date
Assign all to:
Select the tickets you want to assign, choose the assignee
from this dropdown box, and click Submit to make the
Select an action: Assign to the user in the User column,
Export to an external helpdesk system, Ignore this
vulnerability on this machine.
Click to perform the action (assign, export, ignore) on the
selected tickets.
To assign tickets to a user
Select the checkbox next to the ticket you want to assign.
To select all displayed tickets, select the checkbox in the column heading.
In the User column, select the user you want to assign to the ticket. This action
automatically selects the ticket's checkbox if it is not already selected.
Make sure the
Click Submit.
dropdown box is set to "assign".
Note: Multiple tickets can be assigned various users when you click Submit. They
do not need to be the same user.
To export tickets to a helpdesk system
When you export a ticket, Foundstone 6.5 generates an email for that ticket. If you
have selected multiple tickets and choose the Export option, it generates one email
for each ticket.
Note: To use this feature you must set up the Helpdesk system.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Select the checkbox next to the ticket(s) you want to export. To select all
displayed tickets, select the checkbox in the column heading.
In the User column, select the user you want to assign to the ticket.
Set the
Click Submit.
dropdown box to Export.
Note: If you select a user from the user dropdown box when you export the ticket,
the user's name is included as one of the values in the email text.
To ignore a ticket
Select the checkbox next to the ticket you want to ignore.
To select all displayed tickets, select the checkbox in the column heading.
In the User column, select the user you want to assign to the ticket.
Set the
Click Submit.
dropdown box to ignore.
Remediation > Open Tickets
To get here, click REMEDIATION > OPEN TICKETS.
This page shows open tickets that have been assigned. Tickets remain on the OPEN
TICKETS page until they have been marked as Completed or False-Positive,
exported, or ignored.
All users and administrators (except for the Global Administrator) can view this
You can see any ticket assigned to you; regardless of your access rights or user
Administrators and Remediation Managers also see tickets for those
workgroups and scans that they can access.
On this page you can do the following:
To sort the tickets, click any column heading.
To assign a ticket, select the checkbox for the ticket. Under Due Date, select the
date for the ticket completion deadline. Under User, select the assignee to
receive the ticket. Click Submit to make the assignment.
To assign multiple tickets, select the checkboxes for each ticket to be assigned.
At the bottom of the page, in the Make all due on box, select the due date for
the tickets. In the Assign all to box, select the assignee to receive the tickets.
Click Submit to make the assignments.
to review the details of any ticket on the list.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Note: The assignment options can only be used by administrators.
Figure 138: Remediation - Open Tickets
Open Tickets Features
Displays the internal ticket identification number.
Scan Name
Shows the name of the scan configuration that was used to
generate the scan.
Shows the risk icon representing the risk level (high,
medium, low).
Shows the name of the vulnerability that the scan found. This
is the vulnerability that needs to be fixed to close this ticket.
Click the vulnerability title to see vulnerability details.
Shows the IP address of the vulnerable system.
If a criticality level has been assigned to the system on which
the vulnerability was found, the criticality appears here. 0 is
used if there is no criticality.
Shows the operating system on the vulnerable system.
Shows the user that was assigned to this ticket.
Due Date
Shows the due date for the ticket.
Click to go to the Ticket Details page.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Make all Due on:
If you are assigning multiple tickets, choose the due date
Assign all to:
Select the tickets you want to assign, choose the assignee
from this dropdown box, and click Submit to make the
Select an action: Assign to the user in the User column,
Export to an external helpdesk system, Ignore this
vulnerability on this machine.
Click to perform the action (assign, export, ignore) on the
selected tickets.
Review Tickets
To get here, click REMEDIATION > REVIEW TICKETS. This option is only available if you have
privileges to manage remediation tickets.
This page shows open tickets that have been marked as Completed or FalsePositive. Review them, verify them, and close them.
This page is available to Remediation Administrators, Root Organization
Administrators, Workgroup Administrators, and Remediation Managers.
Workgroup Administrators and Remediation Managers see tickets for those
workgroups and scans that they can access. See Remediation Roles and Scope
(on page 430) for more information.
On this page you can do the following:
To sort the tickets, click any column heading.
to see the ticket details page (see "Ticket Details" on
To verify a ticket, click
page 445). Click Verify. After giving Foundstone 6.5 enough time to verify that
the ticket has been resolved, return to the Review Tickets page to see the
updated status and acknowledge the ticket.
To close multiple tickets, select the checkbox for each ticket you want to close.
Click Acknowledge Selected Tickets. Tickets that were marked as Completed
are now marked as Closed. Tickets that were marked as False Positive are now
marked as False Positive Acknowledged.
Figure 139: Remediation - Review Tickets
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Open Tickets Features
Displays the internal ticket identification number.
Scan Name
Shows the name of the scan configuration that was used to
generate the scan.
Shows the risk icon representing the risk level (high, medium,
Shows the name of the vulnerability that the scan found. This
is the vulnerability that needs to be fixed to close this ticket.
Click the vulnerability title to see vulnerability details.
Shows the IP address of the vulnerable system.
If a criticality level has been assigned to the system on which
the vulnerability was found, the criticality appears here. 0 is
used if there is no criticality.
Shows the operating system on the vulnerable system.
Shows the user that was assigned to this ticket.
Due Date
Shows the due date for the ticket.
Shows the status of the ticket, as the user marked it.
Complete - the user resolved the vulnerability on the
False-Positive - the ticket was not fixed, but is marked as
a False-Positive. Future scans that find this vulnerability
on this machine will not generate additional tickets.
Ignored - this ticket is to be ignored. Future scans that
find this vulnerability on this machine will not generate
additional tickets.
Exported - this ticket has been forwarded (via email) to a
third-party help desk system. The third-party help desk
system is now responsible for this ticket and a new ticket
will not be generated for this vulnerability on the system
on which it was found.
Shows whether Foundstone 6.5 has verified that the
vulnerability was not found on the host.
Click to go to the Ticket Details page.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Remediation > Closed Tickets
This list contains the tickets that have been closed by the administrator, or that have
been automatically closed by Foundstone.
This page is available to Remediation Administrators, Root Organization
Administrators, Workgroup Administrators, and Remediation Managers.
Workgroup Administrators and Remediation Managers see tickets for those
workgroups and scans that they can access. See Remediation Roles and Scope
(on page 430) for more information.
To see vulnerability details (see "Vulnerability Details List" on page 129), click the
vulnerability name.
to see the details for any closed ticket.
Figure 140: Remediation - Closed Tickets
Closed Ticket Features
Displays the internal ticket identification number.
Scan Name
Shows the name of the scan configuration that was used
to generate the scan.
Shows the risk icon representing the risk level (high,
medium, low).
Shows the name of the vulnerability that the scan found.
This is the vulnerability that needs to be fixed to close this
ticket. Click the vulnerability title to see vulnerability
Shows the IP address of the vulnerable system.
If a criticality level has been assigned to the system on
which the vulnerability was found, the criticality appears
here. 0 is used if there is no criticality assigned.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Shows the operating system on the vulnerable system.
Shows the user that was assigned to the ticket.
Due Date
Shows the due date assigned to the ticket.
Shows the status.
Closed - The vulnerability was marked completed by a
user, and verified by an administrator.
AutoClosed - The vulnerability was tested for by
Foundstone 6.5 and not found.
Shows Passed if the verification showed that the
vulnerability no longer exists on the host.
Shows Failed if the verification showed that the
vulnerability still exists on the host.
Remediation > Search Tickets
This page lets you search the database for tickets that match your search criteria.
When you submit a search, the results appear on the same page so that you can
refine your criteria if needed.
All users have access to search tickets, but the results only show the tickets that the
user can access. Access rights can be granted to users on a scan-by-scan basis.
Administrators can find all tickets that belong to scans in their own workgroup or
Several new features have been added to the Search Tickets page in Foundstone
To search for a specific ticket number, enter it in the Ticket ID box and click
To create search criteria, select the desired ticket status, enter the additional
search criteria, and click Search.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
The results appear on the same page, above your criteria, allowing you to modify it as
Figure 141: Remediation - Search Results
Search Criteria
Ticket ID
Lets you search for a specific ticket by entering the ticket
number here. Type the Enter key to start the search.
Note: The Ticket ID box appears throughout the
Remediation Module, including the New Tickets (see
"New Tickets Page" on page 434), Open Tickets (see
"Remediation > Open Tickets" on page 437), Review
Tickets (on page 439), Search Tickets, and Ticket Details
(on page 445) pages.
Choose the status of the ticket you want to find. You can
select multiple ticket states here, but if left blank the search
will not return any tickets.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Assigned To
Select a user from the dropdown box. The results show the
tickets that have been assigned to this user.
Operating System
Enter a partial OS name like "Win" to limit the search to
specific operating systems.
Choose the vulnerability risk level from the dropdown list.
The results only show those tickets associated with a
vulnerability that has this risk level.
Asset Name
Enter a partial asset name to find a ticket associated with a
labeled asset.
Choose the criticality from the dropdown list. The results will
be limited to tickets associated with assets that have been
assigned this criticality.
IP From
If searching for an IP range, enter the beginning IP in the
range here.
If searching for an IP range, enter the ending IP in the range
Due Date Prior to
Click the icon to choose a date. Results will show the tickets
that are due before this date.
Note Since the due date is unknown until the ticket is
assigned, search results using the Due Date do not show
unassigned tickets.
Scan Name
Enter a partial scan name to get the tickets belonging to a
specific scan.
Sort by
Choose the ticket property to use for the primary sort order.
Choose the ticket property to use for the secondary sort
Click to submit the criteria and begin searching for matching
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Ticket Details
CLOSED TICKETS and click the details icon
This page shows the details for an individual ticket.
Procedures for Administrative Users
On this page you can do the following:
To add a ticket comment, enter the comment in the Additional Comments box
and click Submit.
To resolve the ticket, select the Change ticket status to radio button. Choose
the new status from the Change ticket status to dropdown box. Click Submit.
To reassign the ticket, select the Assign/Reassign vulnerability to radio
button. Choose the assignee from the Assign/Reassign vulnerability to
dropdown box. Choose the due date from the and set the due date to:
dropdown box. Add an optional comment, and click Submit.
To see the next ticket in the list on the page you were on before coming to the
details page, click Next Ticket at the top of the page.
To see the detailed host report for the host, click the System IP address.
To see more details about the vulnerability, click the Vulnerability name.
To verify that a ticket's vulnerability has been resolved, click Verify. This process
runs a single-IP, single-vulnerability check against the host associated with the
ticket to see if the host is still vulnerable. If the vulnerability no longer exists,
Foundstone 6.5 sets the ticket status to closed and moves the ticket to the
Review bucket so that an administrator or remediation manager can review it.
Remediation tickets are tied closely to the FoundScan Engine that found the
vulnerability on the ticket. When you verify a ticket, Foundstone 6.5 searches for the
FoundScan Engine that performed the original scan. It uses that FoundScan Engine
to scan the vulnerable computer, ensuring that the vulnerability no longer exists.
If the FoundScan Engine that originally performed the scan is not available, the
primary scan engine performs the verification scan. The settings for specifying the
primary FoundScan Engine are in the portal/include/config.ini file on the Web Server
running the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
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Administrative Users
Administrators (Root Organization Administrators, Workgroup Administrators, and
Remediation Administrators) see the following page.
Figure 142: Remediation - Ticket Details Page
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Remediation-Only Users
Users that do not have management or administrative privileges see the following
Figure 143: Ticket Details - Remediation-Only Users
The Ticket Details page shows specific information about a single ticket.
Shows the name of the scan configuration that was used to
generate the scan.
Shows the IP address of the vulnerable system.
If a criticality level has been assigned to the system on which
the vulnerability was found, the criticality appears here. 0 is
used if there is no criticality.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Unassigned - the ticket has not been assigned to anyone.
Assigned - the ticket has been assigned to an administrator
or user.
Completed - the ticket has been fixed.
False-Positive - the ticket was not fixed, but is marked as a
False-Positive. Future scans that find this vulnerability on this
machine will not generate additional tickets.
False-Positive Acknowledge - the ticket was acknowledged
by the administrator as being false-positive.
Note: Future scans that find this vulnerability on this
machine will not record this vulnerability for this machine
on future scan reports.
Exported - this ticket has been forwarded (via email) to a
third-party help desk system. The third-party help desk
system is now responsible for this ticket and a new ticket
will not be generated for this vulnerability on the system on
which it was found.
Ignored - this ticket has been set to ignored. Future tickets
are not generated for a host/vulnerability when a ticket for
that host/vulnerability has been ignored.
Note: Future scans that find this vulnerability on this
machine will not record this vulnerability for this machine
on future scan reports.
New - A new ticket that has not been assigned to a user.
Open - A ticket that has been assigned.
Closed - A ticket that is completed.
Assigned to
Shows the name of the user that owns this ticket.
Shows the name of the vulnerability that the scan found. This
is the vulnerability that needs to be fixed to close this ticket.
Click the vulnerability title to see vulnerability details.
Risk Details
Shows the risk level (high, medium, low).
Foundstone 6.5 offers specific recommendations and
instructions on removing and patching vulnerabilities.
Shows the comments entered regarding this ticket. Enter the
comments below in the Ticket Changes section.
Ticket Number
Displays the internal ticket identification number.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Shows the risk icon representing the risk level (high,
medium, low).
Shows the operating system on the vulnerable system.
If this ticket has been verified, shows "Passed" if the
vulnerability no longer exists, "Still vulnerable" if the
vulnerability still exists, or "Error" if the engine did not run the
FSL script. If the ticket has not been verified, this field is
blank. The status shows “In progress” if the final results of
the verification are not yet available.
Due Date
If you are assigning the ticket, use this field to assign a due
To verify that a ticket's vulnerability has been resolved
Open the Ticket Details page for the ticket containing the vulnerability you want
to verify.
Tip: You can enter the ticket number in the search box at the top of any page
under the REMEDIATION menu.
Click Verify.
The system runs a single scan against the host listed on the ticket to check for
the listed vulnerability. This can take up to a few minutes.
Click Refresh.
Watch for the Verification status to change as you click Refresh.
In progress - the test is running; the results are not yet available.
Passed - The host has been scanned; the vulnerability was not found.
Still Vulnerable - The scan found the vulnerability on the host.
Error - Foundstone did not run the script to verify the ticket.
Blank - If the ticket has not been verified, the field is left blank.
Managing Threats
To get here, click THREATS on the global navigation menu.
The Threat Correlation Module serves two major functions: Threat Correlation and
Threat Compliance.
Threat Correlation
Use Threat Correlation (on page 451) to quickly respond to threats when and where it
matters most in your organization. It enhances your ability to respond rapidly and
effectively to critical threats such as coordinated attacks and rampant worms.
The Threat Correlation Module receives Threat Intelligence updates from McAfee
Labs, allowing you to immediately correlate these threats with the known open
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
vulnerabilities on your network. This allows you to respond immediately to breaking
events. It profiles current threats such as worms, wide-scale attacks, and important
new exploits, and correlates these events to your asset and vulnerability information
already gathered by Foundstone 6.5.
Threat Compliance
Use Threat Compliance (see "Threat Response Compliance" on page 453) (in the
lower half of the page) to see how compliant your network is for a given threat. The
lower half of the page shows how compliant your network is for a given threat. The
chart lets you correlate specific threats with specific groups of scans, called Business
Note: (N/A) indicates either no hosts were found matching the noted platform, or
the selected scan did not include the related FSL checks for the threats.
Correlation reports and the settings you choose for Threat Compliance (on this page)
are local; they affect what you see through your browser, but do not affect other
users. However, the settings on the configuration pages affect all users.
On this page you can do the following:
To correlate a threat with vulnerable hosts, find the threat you want and click
Correlate (see "Threat Correlation" on page 451).
To learn more about a specified threat, click Details to display the Threat Details
page, which provides information on how to fix the vulnerability, possible
exploits, and additional correlation information.
To search for a specific threat, click search ( ). Enter the text to search for, and
click Go. Click Close to cancel the search.
To see the compliance for a specified threat, choose the Start Date and End
Date, select the threat to view from the Available Threats list, and select the
Business Unit containing the scans that correlate to the selected threat(s).
To save the Threat Compliance chart and its data to your local computer, click
To refresh the chart with updated settings, click Regraph.
To change the data points in the table to days, weeks, or months, choose from
the Display View list. See Dynamic Time-Scale (on page 455) for more
information on the default display.
To see the data used to create the chart, click Table View.
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To see which scans were included to calculate the percentages in the Table
View, check the box to Include Calculation Data.
Figure 144: Threat Compliance - shows current threats and compliance
Threat Correlation
When you click Correlate, Foundstone 6.5 goes through the results of specific scans
to find out which of your hosts are susceptible to that threat. This page shows those
On this page you can do the following:
To view host details, click an IP address.
The correlation is done by selecting a threat on the Threats page (see "Managing
Threats" on page 449).
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To download the data in CSV format, click the download icon in the upper right
Figure 145: Threat Correlation Details
Correlation Features
Shows the calculated risk level, given the system and the
vulnerability. See How threat risk is calculated (on page
Shows the name of the vulnerable system.
IP Address
Shows the IP address of the vulnerable system. Click the
address to see the host details.
Shows the criticality assigned to this host.
Matched By
Shows how the correlation was matched. See Risk vs.
Matched By (on page 453) for more information.
Operating System
Shows the operating system running on that host.
Lists the vulnerability. Click the vulnerability name to see
the vulnerability details.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
How threat risk is calculated
The Risk calculation displayed under Affected Hosts is a weighted indicator of threat
significance based on the following factors:
Asset Criticality, which is defined for a host in the Asset Management function.
If no asset criticality is entered for the host, risk is calculated based on a
criticality of low (1).
Threat Impact, which is a value assigned by McAfee Labs representing the
significance of a threat event.
Vulnerability Risk, which is included in the Risk calculation when a threat
description includes one or more associated vulnerabilities.
Risk vs. Matched By
The Matched By column under Affected Hosts provides a relative indication of the
confidence of a particular threat match, but this confidence is not factored into the
Risk calculation. Given the same Criticality value, hosts matching four categories
have the same risk as a host that matches one category.
However, if a host matches on the vulnerability category, the Risk calculation
increases because the Vulnerability Risk is included in the final equation. As a result,
the hosts that are affected by the associated vulnerability tend to have the highest
Risk values within their Criticality grouping.
Threat Response Compliance
Threat Compliance View Area
Use the Threat Compliance View to see graphical representations of how threats
affect the organization through the following charts:
Threat Compliance (see "Threat Compliance Over Time" on page 454)
Threats by Business Unit (page 456)
Threats by Platform (page 457)
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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The chart area changes according to the tab selected.
Chart Limits
The number of data points on the chart, and the number of threats allowed on one
chart are both settings in the CONFIG.INI file (see "Setting the View Limits" on page
Threat Compliance Over Time
The main view shows the Threat Compliance Over Time chart. It considers all hosts
discovered within the Business Unit, and shows how many are compliant for each
threat. When a host is compliant, it is not affected by the threat.
On this page you can do the following:
To download this report in a compressed file format, click Download.
To change the data displayed on the chart, choose the threats and business
units you want to display, and click Regraph.
To view the data used to create the chart, click Table View.
Figure 146: Threat Compliance View - Compliance Over Time
Each plotted line in the chart represents a specific threat. The percentage is based on
the number of hosts you can see, based on your access rights.
A lower percentage of compliance indicates that a larger percentage of hosts are
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
The date units are dynamically displayed across the bottom of the chart - see
Dynamic Time-Scale (on page 455).
The user selects specific threats to be displayed - see Changing the Chart
Settings from the View (see "Adjusting the Chart Settings" on page 459).
Administrators can configure the maximum number of threats and dates that can
be shown on a single chart - see Setting the View Limits (on page 465).
The default dates, threats, and regions can be configured by the administrator see Adjusting the Chart Settings (on page 459).
Dynamic Time-Scale
By default, the chart dynamically displays its information by days, weeks, or months.
The time unit is determined by the number of days selected between the start date
and the end date.
Number of Days
Units Displayed
1 - 30
31 - 90
> 91
You can override the default display by selecting an opton from the Display View
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Threats by Business Units
This chart shows threat compliance by individual threat for each selected Business
On this page you can do the following:
To download this report in a compressed file format, click Download.
To change the data displayed on the chart, choose the threats and business
units you want to display, and click Regraph.
To view the data used to create the chart, click Table View.
Figure 147: Threats by Business Units
Clicking Download copies the current page and graph into a .zip file so you can
download it from your Web browser.
Update (shown as Regraph)
Clicking Regraph causes Foundstone 6.5 to read all of the user-specified settings on
this page, and use them to redraw the graph.
Chart View
Holding your mouse over one of the bars in the chart shows the actual value of that
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
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Table View
Clicking Table View displays the same information in a table, using the same values
as those used in the chart. The columns show the selected threats and business
Figure 148: Threats by Business Unit - Table View
To see the details used to calculate the compliance data, check the box to Include
Calculation Data, click Regraph, and then click Table View.
Selectable Options
The selectable options are the same as on the Threat Compliance tab. You can
change the date, choose which threats to include, search for specific threats in the
list, and select specific business units to be included. See Threat Compliance Over
Time (on page 454) for more information.
Note that this page does not show a Start and End date because the bar graph
reflects a specific point in time; it does not reflect a range of dates.
Compliance is grouped by business unit.
Each bar represents a specific threat.
For more information on selecting Threats and Business Units, see Changing the
Chart Settings from the View (see "Adjusting the Chart Settings" on page 459).
Threats by Platform
The Threats by Platform bar chart shows the level of compliance per Operating
System or Platform.
It finds this information by comparing the total number of hosts with the total
number of machines that were compliant for the selected threats.
On this page you can do the following:
To download this report in a compressed file format, click Download.
To change the data displayed on the chart, choose the threats, business units,
and platforms you want to display, and click Regraph.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To view the data used to create the chart, click Table View.
Figure 149: Threats by Platform
Clicking Download copies the current page and graph into a .zip file, and lets you
download it through your Web browser.
Clicking Update Graph causes Foundstone 6.5 to read all of the user-specified
settings on this page, and use them to redraw the graph.
Table View
Clicking Table view displays the same information in a table, using the same values
as those used in the chart.
Figure 150: Threat Compliance by Platform - Table View
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
The date units are dynamic - see Dynamic Time-Scale (on page 455).
The user selects specific threats to be displayed - see Changing the Chart
Settings from the View (see "Adjusting the Chart Settings" on page 459).
Administrators can configure the maximum number of threats and dates that can
be shown on a single chart - see Setting the View Limits (on page 465).
The default platforms and threats can be configured by the administrator - see
Adjusting the Chart Settings (on page 459).
Adjusting the Chart Settings
You can configure the chart, changing the dates, which threats are shown, and which
Business Units are included. These settings are available when the Threat
Compliance tab is selected.
Warning Message
Choosing too many threats causes a warning to appear. The number of threats that
can be included are determined by the limits set in the CONFIG.INI file. See Setting
the View Limits (on page 465) for more information.
Finding Threats
Since the threat list can potentially become very long, the list of threats will be
limited to the number that can fit in the box. However, you can type the first few
letters of the threat to show matching threats.
To set the Start and End dates
The administrator selects the Start Date and End Date to determine the beginning
and ending dates displayed on the chart.
In the Start Date box and End Date box, type the desired date using the format
mm/dd/yyyy. Or, click the calendar icon to choose the date from a calendar.
Once the calendar is open, click the desired date.
Click Regraph to update the graph with the new date.
To choose which threats to include The administrator can choose which threats
appear on the chart.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
In the Available Threats box, double-click a threat to select it. When selected, the
threat appears in the Selected Threats box.
Scroll through the list, or type the first few letters of a specific threat in the Index
Search box to find any matches.
Figure 151: Threat Selection Box
Click Regraph to update the chart.
To search for a specific threat
You can search for a specific Threat using the Index Search box.
In the Index Search box, start typing the name of the threat you want to find.
As you type, the threats listed in the Show Threats to be Included box will show
threats that match your entry.
Click Reset to clear the filter.
To remove a threat from the list
Double-click the threat to be removed from the Selected Threats box.
Click Regraph to update the chart.
To select which Business Units appear
Business units are groups that contain scans. You can select specific business units
to include in the Threat Compliance View from the View itself.
Double-click a business unit in the Show Business Units to be Included list to
select it.
Click Regraph to update the graph with your changes.
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Threat Configuration - User Options
This page lets you set the default options for the Threats page when you first open it.
The settings on this page only affect your login account. They do not affect others on
the system. These options override some of the settings on the Global Options (see
"Threat Configuration - Global Options" on page 463) page.
On this page you can do the following:
To set the default, selected threats on the THREATS page, add the threats from
the Available Threats list to the Selected Threats list. Double-click a threat to
move it between lists.
To include threats that do not necessarily match the operating system specified
in the threat details, check Include O/S Mismatches. This means the
correlation will still match the other selected parameters.
By default, Foundstone 6.5 discards hosts during correlation when the host's
operating system does not match the operating system(s) specified in the
Correlation Parameters under Threat Details threat definition (details), regardless
of a port or service match.
However, if this option is checked, threats that do not match the operating
system specified in the threat details, but match other correlation parameters,
are included under Affected Hosts.
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Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To set which scans will be reviewed when correlating threats, select the
checkbox for the scans in the Threat Correlation Options section.
Figure 152: Threats Configuration - User Options
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Threat Configuration - Global Options
This page sets the default options that all users will see when they open the Threats
(see "Managing Threats" on page 449) page.
The settings on this page affect the entire organization, including all workgroups.
Workgroup administrators cannot make changes to these settings.
To set the defaults, make the changes to this page and click Submit.
Figure 153: Threat Configuration - Global Options
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Threat Global Options
Compliance Percentage The Compliance Over Time chart can contain a line on the
graph showing corporate expectations for compliance. This
allows you to set a gradually improving standard for enforcing
compliance. Use it to measure business units by their
compliance to your standards.
Start Percentage - Enter the beginning percentage value for
the compliance line. This corresponds with the Start Date
End Percentage - Enter the final percentage value for the
compliance line. This corresponds with the End Date below.
Start Date - Enter the beginning date for the compliance line.
End Date - Enter the ending date for the compliance line.
Default Date Options
Shows the default dates that will appear on the Threats
Compliance Over Time (see "Threat Compliance Over Time"
on page 454) chart, Threats by Business Unit Chart (page 456)
and Threats by Platform (page 457) chart.
Default Threats
Specify the default threats that will be displayed in the
Selected Threats list for the three Threat charts. This lets you
keep important threats highly visible to THREAT users.
Default Platforms
Specify the default operating systems that will be selected for
the Threat by Platforms chart.
Default Business Units
Specify the business units that should be selected by default
in all three charts.
Manage Business Units Opens the Business Unit Editor (see "Business Unit Setup" on
page 465) page.
Returns to the Threats (see "Managing Threats" on page 449)
page without saving changes.
Saves changes made on this page and returns to the Threats
(see "Managing Threats" on page 449) page.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Setting the View Limits
System Administrators, or those with physical access to the Foundstone Enterprise
Manager server can determine the limits of the Threat Compliance View by
configuring the Config.ini file.
The CONFIG.INI file is located on the Web server that hosts the Foundstone
Enterprise Manager.
On the Foundstone Enterprise Manager server, navigate to
\Portal\Include\Config.ini. It is located under the folder where you
installed Foundstone 6.5.
The default location is c:\program
Double-click the file to open it.
Edit the file using NOTEPAD.EXE or another text editor.
To change the CONFIG.INI settings for the Threat Compliance
Edit the [Set Max Threats] section in the CONFIG.INI file.
In the CONFIG.INI file, the Threat Compliance View settings are located under the
[Set Max Threats] section.
[Set Max Threats]
Max_threats - the number of threats that can be included in the Threat
Compliance View chart at any given time.
Max_intervals - the number of data points that can be displayed on the
chart on a single page. This determines how quickly the data is broken into
different pages. If you have trouble seeing all the data on the chart, lower
this value to display fewer date intervals per page.
Business Unit Setup
This page lets you create and edit business units. A business unit in this sense refers
to a group of scans that can be saved and called up as needed by the Threat
Correlation Module.
The settings on this page affect admin's workgroup or organization. Changes to the
business units in a workgroup or organization do not filter down to other workgroups.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
On this page you can do the following:
To create a business unit, click New. Enter the name of the new business unit in
the New Business Unit dialog. Click OK. Any scans that were selected when you
created the new business unit are automatically made a part of the new
business unit. Click Save.
To edit which scans belong to an existing business unit, select the business unit
in the Business Units list. Select or de-select the scans that belong to that
business unit in the Select Scans to Include list. Click Update Business Unit.
To delete a business unit, select it from the business unit list and click Delete.
Click Save to make your changes final.
Figure 154: Business Unit Editor
Business Unit Editor Features
Business Units list
Shows the business units that have been created.
Default business units are available (see "Using Default
Business Units" on page 467) if your enterprise has decided
to use them.
Select Scans to Include
Shows the scans that belong to the selected business unit.
Selecting scans before creating
Business Unit Name
The textbox at the top of the Select Scans to Include list
shows the name of the selected business unit. Enter a new
name here and click Create Business Unit to create a new
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
Update Business Unit
Select a business unit, make changes to its scans, and click
this button to update your changes.
Prompts you for the name of a new business unit.
Deletes the selected business unit.
Select All Scans
Selects all of the scans in the Select Scans to Include list.
Clear All Scans
De-selects all of the scans in the Select Scans to Include
Saves all changes and returns to the Global Options (see
"Threat Configuration - Global Options" on page 463) page.
Returns to the Global Options page without saving any
To create a new Business Unit
Click New.
Enter the name of the business unit.
Select the scans to be included.
Click Save.
To delete a Business Unit
Select the business unit to be removed.
Click Delete.
Click Save.
ole_oa>n as a ogged ist be l You mu Units.
Using Default Business Units
Default business units contain all of the scans that you are allowed to see, based on
your role or access rights.
For the Root Organization Administrator, this includes all of the scans throughout
the organization.
For the Workgroup Administrator, this includes all of the scans in the workgroup
and all sub-workgroups under it in the organization hierarchy.
For the Foundstone User, this includes any scans to which the user has been
granted explicit view access (see "User Properties - Access Rights" on page 247).
You can also set up the Threat Correlation Module to automatically select this Default
Business Unit so that it is used each time the user comes to the Threat Correlation
Module page.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To configure default Business Units
On the main Threats page, the following prompt appears and the threat compliance
area is grayed out if there are no default Business Units.
Figure 155: Threat Compliance - set up Business Units to use compliance view
Click Configure. The Threat Configuration - User Options page is displayed.
Click the Global Options tab.
Note: Only a Root Organization Administrator can access the Global
Configuration page.
In the lower half of the Global Configuration page, click Manage Business
Units. The Business Unit Editor page (see "Business Unit Setup" on page 465)
New Users: Business Units are groups of scans. There is no need to set up
business units until you have set up individual scans.
After you have created business units, you can access the Threats page without
receiving an error message.
To enable the Default business unit
When this feature is enabled (set to "1"), a business unit named Default will be
available that contains all of the scans available to the user.
In the CONFIG.INI file, under the [optional] heading, change the following
line to "= 1" instead of "= 0".
tcv_enable_default_bu = 1
To select the Default business unit by "default"
When this feature is enabled (set to "1"), the Default business unit will be selected
whenever users come to the Threat Correlation Module page.
In the CONFIG.INI file, under the [optional] heading, change the following
lines to "= 1" instead of "= 0".
tcv_select_default_bu = 1
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Foundstone 6.5 Reference Guide
To enable the Default business unit for the Root Organization
When this option is enabled (set to "1"), the Root Organization Administrator can also
use the default business unit. This business unit will contain all scans for the entire
In the CONFIG.INI file, under the [optional] heading, change the following
lines to "= 1" instead of "= 0".
tcv_central_admin_default_bu = 1
Warning: This feature may not be appropriate for Root Organization Administrators
in a large organization, due to the number of scans involved.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
In this Appendix
Why does my browser ask me to load JRE?............................470
Why does my browser show a Hostname Mismatch warning?
Why is a Scan Engine missing from the Manage > Engines list?
Why does my LDAP data synchronization fail? .......................472
Uploading reports doesn't work ...............................................472
This section provides information on common questions and issues.
Why does my browser ask me to load JRE?
Foundstone 6.5 requires Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_02 to run portions of the
Foundstone Enterprise Manager on your browser.
If this version of Java is not detected on your system, your browser asks if you want
to install it. You do not need to uninstall other versions of the JRE to install this one.
The installation process is relatively fast, and does not require external Internet
Your browser might ask if you want to load an ActiveX control regarding the Java
Runtime Environment 1.6.0_02. If it does, choose to install it to continue using
Foundstone 6.5.
Why does my browser show a Hostname Mismatch
When entering an area of Foundstone 6.5 that loads a Java application, like the
MANAGE > USERS/GROUPS page, you might see the following message:
The hostname in the server security certificate does not match the name
of the server.
Hostname of the URL:
Hostname from the certificate:
Do you want to proceed?
This happens when you are using SSL and the computer name specified in the
certificate on the Foundstone Enterprise Manager does not match the hostname on
the server itself. It can happen the first time you load a java application during the
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
current browser session. Click Yes to proceed. This error will not appear again during
this browser session.
This happens when Foundstone 6.5 is installed with default certificates. Your
browser checks the certificate on the Web server to make sure it matches the Web
server's host name.
If Foundstone 6.5 was installed with default certificates, the default certificate uses
"Foundstone Enterprise Manager" as the host name.
If you install your own custom certificates on each of the Foundstone 6.5 servers,
the custom certificates will use the fully qualified domain name as the host name.
The browser will be able to match the host name with the name on the certificate
and will not show this warning.
Why is a Scan Engine missing from the Manage > Engines
When you go to the Manage > Engines page, it shows the available engines; but one
or more engines do not appear.
Figure 156: Manage Engines - shows the available engines
The engine(s) in question is not available to your organization or workgroup.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
In the organization or workgroup properties, go to the engines tab and make sure
that the engine(s) in question is available to your organization or workgroup.
Figure 157: Workgroup Properties - Scan Engines Tab
Why does my LDAP data synchronization fail?
When you try to synchronize the data from your LDAP server, the data
synchronization fails.
This happens when the Foundstone Data Synchronization Service and the LDAP
server are not on the same domain.
The Foundstone Data Synchronization Service and the LDAP server should be
installed on the same domain, using the same DNS. If you previously set up your
LDAP server as a Data Source in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, you must
delete it and create a new one after the Foundstone Data Synchronization Service
and LDAP are on the same domain. The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) cannot
be changed once the data source is saved.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Uploading reports doesn't work
This issue can manifest itself in any of the following ways:
No reports appear on the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, but they are correctly
generated on the FoundScan Console.
When HTML and PDF reports are generated, the PDF reports don't appear on
the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
Some reports don't get uploaded to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager, but
others seem fine.
The log on the Remote tab in the FoundScan Console shows "Send End Fail - Files Sending Result = -399, State Sending Result =
0 (0). The log in the Foundstone Enterprise Manager shows [04-21-2005 03:00:40] Client at Content-Length 1004856
exceeded maximum allowed. Request will be rejected. Site
Instance='1', Raw URL='/reports/server/server.exp'.
An application on your network may be limiting the files that get passed through by
their size. By default, the FoundScan Console breaks the reports into 1MB file
segments. Any program that limits files to 1MB or smaller may be preventing reports
from properly uploading.
Check your network for any application that filters files according to their size.
Check the IIS settings to see if you have set up ISAPI filters. If you are, remove
the filter or edit its settings and see if the problem is resolved.
Are you using URLScan on your network? URLScan can limit the size of files that
can be uploaded to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager. You might need to
change the setting in the URLSCAN.INI file. The setting
MaxAllowedContentLength=1000000 is set to 1MB by default. Raise this
limit to 2MB (2000000) to allow reports to be uploaded from the Foundstone
Report Engine to the Foundstone Enterprise Manager.
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
background, database maintenance ...................... 167
bandwidth usage settings...................................... 398
banner grabbing............................................... 379
access...................................................... 16, 247, 255
banner search................................................... 414
activating scans ..................................................... 404
Banners report ........................................................ 70
active assets .......................................................... 365
batch size.............................................................. 398
activity logs ........................................... 227, 239, 249
browsing, assets to add to scans ........................... 364
adding, IP addresses to scans................. 362, 364, 368
bulk assigning, remediation tickets ........................ 434
administering, organizations and workgroups.......... 18
Administrator group .............................................. 259
administrators ................................................. 16, 445
canceling scans ..................................................... 290
alerts ........................................... 15, 25, 29, 125, 130
centralized scan management ............................... 296
allowed scan periods ............................................. 404
centralized scan management, set scan engine to
Asset Discovery scan template ............................... 305
AutoSelect .................................................. 296
Asset Reports .......................................................... 41
create a scan using AutoSelect ......................... 297
Asset Report Template, working with ................. 42
changing.............. See changing, user properties, See
assets ............ 131, 134, 138, 142, 154, 359, 364, 365
changing, user password
asset groups ............................................. 147, 152
changing, user password .............................. 9, 244
asset owners..................................................... 155
changing, user properties ................................. 244
asset properties ................................ 134, 139, 152
CIDR address......................................... 231, 362, 364
assets, adding to scans ..................... 362, 364, 368
closed tickets................................................. 432, 441
assets, clearing attributes from ......................... 139
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
assets, criticality levels............... 134, 150, 152, 154
CVE, displaying vulnerabilities by ...................... 388
assets, defining IP ranges by ............................. 364
completed tickets .................................................. 432
assets, searching for ................................. 142, 143
Compliance Pass/Fail report ..................................... 71
assets, viewing.......................................... 134, 138
Compliance Scan Differences report ........................ 72
assigning tickets ............................................ 430, 434
compliance templates............ 316, 323, 328, 336, 343
assignment rules, automatic .................................. 423
compliance, response to threats ............................ 453
attributes, clearing asset ........................................ 139
CONFIG.INI............................................................ 465
authenticating, to Windows hosts ......................... 386
Configuration History report.................................... 73
auto-close tickets........................................... 428, 432
connection settings ............................................... 170
available address space.......................................... 231
console management options................................ 167
average FoundScore .......................................... 31, 34
creating, new scans .......................................... 291
creating, reports ................................................. 60
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
credentials ..................................................... 115, 380
editing, workgroups ......................................... 230
criticality levels....................................................... 154
CSV reports ............................................................. 60
email, address .................................................. 244
current threat index................................................. 31
email, alerts...................................................... 130
custom community strings..................................... 269
email, setting up server..................................... 173
custom community strings, SNMP settings ........ 269
ending IP address .................................................. 362
custom FoundScore settings .................................. 272
engines ................................................................. 165
engines, assigning ............................................ 237
engines, connecting to new.............................. 175
dashboard ...................... 30, See executive dashboard
engines, default settings................................... 167
database maintenance........................................... 167
engines, logging options .................................. 167
defaults ......................................................... 167, 175
engines, report settings .................................... 167
groups, using.................................................... 259
engines, selecting in scans ................................ 404
engines, setting properties of .. 165, 167, 170, 173,
deleting, asset groups....................................... 150
deleting, groups ............................................... 258
excluding, IP ranges from scans ............................. 359
deleting, old jobs .............................................. 167
executive dashboard 15, 25, 30, 31, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40
deleting, organizations ..................................... 219
exported tickets..................................................... 432
deleting, scan access................................. 247, 255
exporting, tickets to a help desk ............................ 434
deleting, scans.......................................... 240, 293
Exposures Score .................................................... 277
deleting, users .................................................. 249
external FoundScore...................................... 272, 284
deleting, workgroups........................................ 238
DHCP resolution .................................................... 167
Discovered Hosts report..................................... 75, 93
false-positive tickets .............................................. 432
DNS, non-essential service ..................................... 281
FBI/SANS Top 20 ..................................................... 40
downloading reports ............................................. 403
Federal Information Security Management Act ...... See
FISMA compliance scan template
due dates, remediation tickets ............................... 428
fewest vulnerabilities, by platform ........................... 35
dynamic IP resolution.................. See DHCP resolution
first name, of users........................................ 244, 250
FISMA compliance scan template .................. 313, 316
footers, in reports.................................................. 123
editing, asset groups......................................... 150
FoundScore ....................................................... 31, 40
editing, groups ................................................. 253
FoundScore, customizing.................................. 272
editing, IP access....................................... 247, 255
FoundScore, external scan score ....................... 272
editing, organization properties ........................ 219
FoundScore, highest ........................................... 31
editing, scan access .................................. 247, 255
FoundScore, internal scan score........................ 272
editing, scans.................................................... 293
FoundScore, largest change................................ 34
editing, users .................................................... 244
FoundScore, lowest ............................................ 31
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
FoundScore, per scan by month.......................... 34
HIPAA compliance scan template .................. 320, 323
FoundScore, risk level by month.......................... 31
HIPAA compliance scan templates ................. 320, 323
FoundScore Report ............................................ 79, 93
home page........................................................ 25, 29
Foundstone Enterprise Manager overview................ 16
host details, report ................................................ 126
Foundstone Scripting Language..................... 167, 414
host discovery
Foundstone, overview of ......................................... 16
host discovery, default ports ............................. 175
FSL See Foundstone Scripting Language
host discovery, details....................................... 126
FTP, non-essential service....................................... 281
host discovery, settings in scan properties......... 370
full access ...................................................... 247, 255
host name............................................................. 362
Full Vulnerability scan template...................... 318, 346
host name resolution........................................ 375
hosts discovered...................................................... 37
HTML reports .......................................................... 60
General User properties ......................................... 244
HTTP/HTTPS, non-essential service ......................... 281
General Vulnerability settings, scan properties ....... 388
generating reports, from scans ........................ 60, 400
getting started........................................................... 8
ICMP timeout........................................................ 398
ignored tickets ...................................................... 432
global engine settings....................................... 167
ignoring tickets ..................................... 432, 434, 437
global IP pool.................................................... 365
importing, IP addresses.................................. 231, 361
global remediation settings............................... 428
including, IP ranges in scans .................................. 359
Global Administrator ................................. 16, 19, 430
index statistics, updating in database..................... 167
Greenwich Mean Time, in engine logs ................... 167
Internal FoundScore ...................................... 272, 284
groups, working with .................................... 206, 259
International Standards Organization 17799-BS7799...
See ISO 17799-BS7799 compliance scan template
groups, creating new........................................ 253
groups, deleting ............................................... 258
interpacket delay................................................... 398
groups, editing ................................................. 253
intrusive vulnerability checks.................................. 388
groups, managing ............................................ 206
groups, members of ................................. 246, 254
IP pools ...................................................... 19, 231
groups, naming ................................................ 206
IP, adding to scans............................ 362, 364, 368
groups, working with asset............................... 147
IP, limits per scan...................................... 212, 231
IP, range of addresses................................. 15, 359
IP, searching by ................................................ 414
headers, in reports................................................. 123
IP, selecting in scan properties .......................... 359
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act See
ISO 17799-BS7799 compliance scan template325, 328
HIPAA compliance scan template
help, obtaining .................................................. 7, 470
hierarchy, organizational ......................................... 17
Large Network Asset Discovery scan template ....... 330
highest FoundScore ................................................. 31
last name, of users ........................................ 244, 250
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
launching scans ............................................. 240, 293
new ticket state..................................................... 432
LDAP ..................................................................... 156
NIC, selecting ........................................................ 404
LDAP, create data source .................................. 159
non-essential services ............................................ 277
levels, asset criticality ............................................. 154
notification settings............................................... 173
load balancer, detecting ........................................ 379
notifications, SNMP ............................................... 259
locking accounts.................................................... 244
number of passes .................................................. 398
logging.......................................................... 227, 249
logon message, to all users.... See Message of the Day
logs, activity .................................................. 239, 249
old jobs, deleting from database ........................... 167
Long Term Trend report..................................... 93, 97
open tickets .................................................. 432, 437
lowest FoundScore .................................................. 31
operating system
operating system, identification settings ........... 375
operating system, searching for ........................ 414
manage, tickets by scan................................. 247, 255
Operating System report ................................... 85, 93
menus ....................................... 25, 30, 288, 429, 449
optimization settings, scan properties.................... 398
Message of the Day................................................... 8
organizations .............................. 17, 18, 19, 206, 210
metrics, managing................................................. 272
organization administrator.................... 16, 18, 430
most vulnerabilities, by platform .............................. 35
organization tasks ............................ 210, 219, 227
My Account........................................................... 250
organizational hierarchy ..................................... 17
MyFoundScore ................................................ 40, 272
organizations, creating new.............................. 210
organizations, deleting ..................................... 219
organizations, editing properties of .................. 219
name..................... 211, 230, 241, 244, 250, 253, 359
organizations, managing .................................. 206
navigating reports ................................................... 68
organizations, viewing activity logs ................... 227
NetBIOS name search ............................................ 414
OS Identification scan template ............................. 334
overall risk index...................................................... 31
network mapping ............................................. 398
overview ................................................................. 16
network, setting engine connection options ..... 173
Network Map report.......................................... 84, 93
packet interval............................ See interpacket delay
new, administrators .......................................... 243
passwords, working with........................... 9, 244, 250
new, asset groups............................................. 149
pausing, scans....................................................... 290
new, groups ..................................................... 253
Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance template . 336
new, organization............. 210, 211, 212, 216, 217
PCI compliance scan template ........ See Payment Card
Industry (PCI) compliance template
new, scans........................................................ 291
new, users ........................................................ 241
PDF reports ............................................................. 60
new, workgroups ............................................. 228
phone number .............................................. 244, 250
new in this release..................................................... 6
platform, with most/fewest vulnerabilities ............... 35
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Policy Manager, configure ..................................... 272
report generation, engine behavior................... 167
report generation, scan properties settings ....... 400
ports, default.................................................... 175
reports .................................................... 64, 123, 125
ports, searching for........................................... 414
navigating .......................................................... 68
reports, navigating in.......................................... 68
properties, of asset groups................................ 152
reports, overview................................................ 67
properties, of assets................. See asset properties
reports, overview of............................................ 67
properties, of general user ................................ 244
reports, queued.................................................. 62
properties, of groups ................................ 253, 254
reports, settings.................................... 60, 62, 300
properties, of organizations .............................. 219
reports, viewing detailed .................................... 68
properties, of scans.. 295, 359, 370, 377, 388, 393,
reports, generated................................. 15, 25, 29, 64
398, 400, 404, See scan properties
Banners report.................................................... 70
properties, of users ........................................... 244
Compliance Pass/Fail report ................................ 71
properties, of workgroups ................................ 230
Compliance Scan Differences report ................... 72
properties, setting engine ......................... 165, 170
Configuration History report............................... 73
Detailed Host report ......................................... 126
FoundScore ................ 81, 275, 277, 278, 281, 282
Quick Scans, running............................................... 28
Hosts report ..................................... 75, 76, 77, 78
Long-Term Trend report ......... 97, 98, 99, 100, 101
Network Map report........................................... 84
random scan order ................................................ 375
Operating System report..................................... 85
reconciling dynamic IP addresses, engine setting.... 167
Scan Summary report ......................................... 93
remediation................................................... 429, 432
Services report.................................................... 95
remediation access rights.......................... 247, 255
Short-Term Trend report..................................... 73
remediation administrator................................... 16
Smart Guesswork report..................................... 95
remediation administrator group ...................... 259
Source Sifting report........................................... 96
Remediation Manager .............................. 247, 430
SQL Security Analysis report................................ 97
remediation options.......................................... 428
Vulnerabilities by IP report ................................ 109
remediation roles.............................................. 430
Vulnerabilities report ........................................ 106
remediation rules.............................................. 423
Vulnerability Check Configuration report.......... 108
remediation tickets .. 432, 434, 437, 439, 441, 442,
Vulnerability Details report................................ 109
Vulnerable Accounts by Web Server report ....... 105
remediation tickets, turning on or off ............... 400
Web Application Assessment report ................. 110
remediation user............................................... 430
Web Server Inventory report ............................. 111
remediation, SNMP notifications ....................... 259
Web Site Contents report ................................. 111
Remediation menu ................................................ 429
Web Source Disclosure report........................... 113
report directory ..................................................... 167
Windows Access report .................................... 115
report generation .................................................... 60
Windows Assessment report............................. 114
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
Windows Systems by Risk report....................... 118
scan templates, HIPAA compliance scans .. 320, 323
Windows Vulnerabilities by Category report...... 119
scan templates, ISO 17799-BS7799 compliance
Windows Vulnerability Details report ................ 120
scans................................................... 325, 330
resuming, paused scans......................................... 290
scan templates, Large Network Discovery scans 330
scan templates, OS Identification scans............. 334
reviewing, running scans .................................. 290
scan templates, PCI compliance scans............... 336
reviewing, scan properties ........................ 293, 358
scan templates, SANS/FBI Top 20 All Checks scans
reviewing, tickets...................................... 430, 439
................................................................... 339
Risk by Platform, Dashboard .................................... 35
scan templates, SANS/FBI Top 20 Non-Intrusive
Risk by Scan, Dashboard.......................................... 34
scans........................................................... 341
risk level .......................................................... 31, 130
scan templates, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance scans
risk index ............................................................ 31
................................................................... 343
rogue applications ................................................. 277
scan templates, Shell Advanced scans............... 346
role-based access..................................................... 16
scan templates, Single Vulnerability scans ......... 347
root organizations ........................... See organizations
scan templates, Web Server scans..................... 349
rules, remediation.................................................. 423
scan templates, Windows Advanced scans ....... 352
running, scans ................................................. 28, 293
scan templates, Wireless Assessment scans....... 356
scans................. 28, 29, 206, 240, 290, 291, 293, 358
scans, activating ............................................... 404
SANS Top 20 ........................................................... 40
scans, checking status of ............................ 13, 290
SANS/FBI Top 20 scan templates.................... 339, 341
scans, compliance templates.... 316, 323, 328, 336,
Sarbanes-Oxley compliance scan template ............. 343
scan engines, in workgroups ................................. 237
scans, creating new .................................. 291, 414
scan properties .............................................. 240, 358
scans, editing ................................................... 293
General Vulnerability settings............................ 388
scans, granting access to .......................... 247, 255
Host Discovery settings ..................................... 370
scans, limiting window of time for.................... 404
scan properties, asset filters ................................ 48
scans, naming of .............................................. 206
scan properties, optimization settings ............... 398
scans, number of passes ................................... 398
scan properties, Reports tab.............................. 400
scans, optimization settings .............................. 398
scan properties, scheduling............................... 404
scans, pausing .................................................. 290
scan properties, selecting IPs............................. 359
scans, properties of . 358, 359, 370, 377, 393, 398,
Service Discovery settings.................................. 377
400, 404
Web Module settings........................................ 393
scans, randomize order of hosts ....................... 375
Scan Summary report .............................................. 93
scans, results of .................................................. 15
scan templates .............................................. 298, 300
scans, running a Quick Scan ............................... 28
scan templates, Asset Discovery scans............... 305
scans, scheduling.............................................. 404
scan templates, FISMA compliance scans .. 313, 316
scans, selecting in Home page ............................ 29
scan templates, Full Vulnerability scans ............. 318
scans, sorting list of .......................................... 293
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
scans, starting first.............................................. 10
starting, a scan ................................................. 240
scans, templates ....................................... 295, 298
starting, IP address ........................................... 362
scans, types of .................................................. 359
status, checking scan............................................... 13
scans, viewing .................................................... 29
sub scans .............................................................. 398
Scans menu........................................................... 288
sub-organizations........ See workgroups, working with
scheduling scans.................................................... 404
support, obtaining..................................................... 7
scheduling scans, granting access to ......... 247, 255
Systems by Risk report........................................... 118
script, searching FSL output ................................... 414
searching............................................................... 414
searching, adding assets to scans...................... 368
searching, for assets ......... 133, 142, 143, 146, 364
TCP timeout ..................................................... 398
searching, tickets .............................................. 442
TCP, default ports............................................. 175
technical support, obtaining ...................................... 7
selecting, scan engines ..................................... 404
templates, scans.................................... 291, 295, 298
selecting, scans to view....................................... 29
templates, compliance..... 313, 316, 320, 323, 325,
328, 336, 347
service detection details................................... 95, 126
service discovery .................................................... 377
templates, list and descriptions of..................... 298
service discovery, default ports.......................... 175
threads, setting per scanner .................................. 167
service fingerprinting ............................................. 379
threat index............................................................. 31
services.................................................................. 281
threats .......................... 449, 451, 453, 461, 463, 465
services, searching for....................................... 414
Threats menu ........................................................ 449
Services report ................................................... 93, 95
settings ................................. 167, 173, 272, 300, 404
tickets, accessing your own ...................... 247, 255
Short Term Trend report .................................... 73, 93
tickets, assigning remediation........................... 434
Single Vulnerability scan template.......................... 347
tickets, closed................................................... 441
Smart Guesswork report.......................................... 95
tickets, details for administrators ...................... 445
SMTP server, configuring ....................................... 173
tickets, exporting to help desk .......................... 436
SMTP, non-essential service ................................... 281
tickets, ignoring................................ 432, 434, 437
SNMP notifications ................................................ 259
tickets, open..................................................... 437
Source Sifting report................................................ 96
tickets, review .................................................. 439
SOX compliance scan template..... See Sarbanes-Oxley
tickets, searching.............................................. 442
tickets, state of................................................. 432
compliance scan template
SQL Security Analysis report..................................... 97
tickets, verifying fixed vulnerabilities ................. 449
SSH, non-essential service...................................... 281
timeout settings .................................................... 398
toolbars................................................................. 133
SSL, non-essential service.................................. 281
Top 20 Vulnerabilities.............................................. 40
SSL, settings ..................................................... 170
trend reports ..................................................... 73, 97
Trojan and backdoor applications .......................... 277
6.5 Enterprise Manager Administrator Guide
troubleshooting..................................................... 470
Vulnerabilities by Category - Windows ............. 119
Vulnerabilities by Platform .................................. 35
Vulnerabilities by Scan ........................................ 34
Vulnerabilities per Host....................................... 37
UDP timeout..................................................... 398
vulnerabilities, verifying in tickets...................... 445
UDP, default ports ............................................ 175
Vulnerability Details .................. 120, 126, 129, 388
unassigned tickets ................................................. 432
Vulnerability Report .......................................... 106
ungrouped assets .......................... 134, 138, 139, 365
Vulnerability Selection in Scans ......................... 388
unlocking accounts................................................ 244
Vulnerability Updates........................................ 388
updating .... See updating, index statistics in database,
vulnerability checks
See updating, automatically
Vulnerability Checks - General .......................... 388
updating, automatically .................................... 388
updating, index statistics in database ................ 167
user groups ......................... See groups, working with
Web Module settings, in scan properties ............... 393
users ....................................................... 16, 206, 241
Web Server scan template ..................................... 349
users, account properties .................................. 244
Windows Advanced scan template ........................ 352
users, adding to groups ............................ 246, 254
Windows Compliance Scan ................................... 416
users, managing ............................................... 206
Creating a compliance scan .............................. 420
users, naming of............................... 206, 244, 250
Viewing compliance reports.............................. 420
UTC, time in engine logs ....................................... 167
wireless access points ............................................ 277
Wireless Assessment scan template ....................... 356
workgroups, working with ...... 228, See organizations
workgroups, administrator ................... 16, 18, 430
viewing assets........................................... 359, 366
workgroups, contact information ..................... 236
Viewing Scan Properties.................................... 293
workgroups, creating new................................ 228
viewing scans ..................................................... 29
workgroups, deleting ....................................... 238
viewing, activity logs......................... 227, 239, 249
workgroups, editing ......................................... 230
viewing, setting access to scans ................ 247, 255
workgroups, managing .................................... 206
viewing, tickets by scan ............................ 247, 255
workgroups, naming ................................ 206, 230
workgroups, naming of .................................... 206
Average Vulnerabilities per Scan ......................... 37
workgroups, viewing activity logs ..................... 239
Change from Last Period .................................... 37
details, from event notifications ........................ 264
Observation ...................................................... 129
XML reports ............................................................ 60
resolving, recommendations for........................ 129
Search for Hosts with Specific Vulnerabilities..... 414
Search Vulnerabilities by CVE............................ 388
Total Vulnerabilities ............................................ 37