Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality Integrated Management System Manual 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Integrated Management System (IMS) Manual is to give a global view of Clean Energy Systems management system in accordance to the following requirements: IATF 16949 – Quality Management System ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Clean Energy Systems is a worldwide leader in the domain of enhanced energy storage and emissions reduction systems and is part of the Plastic Omnium Group, headquartered in Levallois, France. The Division organization assures that our customers receive the expected quality of services and that their specific requirements are met. This is achieved through our innovation and engineering centers providing technologies and industrial solutions to the plants and SILS centers delivering our products. They comply with the relevant local environmental and safety regulations. Our innovation path to reach zero CO2 emissions: Note: This manual could be compatible with ISO 50001 (Energy Management Systems) and ISO 27001 (Information Security Management Systems) standards if additional requirements are provided in the Local annex IMS (G__F-QUA0012) Clean Energy Systems Page 1 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 2. SCOPE OF APPLICATION & RESPONSIBILITIES SCOPE OF APPLICATION ☐ Fuel Systems ☒ Division HQ ☒ Analysis center ☐ SCR Systems ☒ Plant ☒ Research center ☒ All Products ☒ Technical Center / Antenna ☒ SILS ☐ Others: ……… SCOPE OF DISTRIBUTION ☒ Internal only ☐ Supplier ☐ OEM ☐ Restricted to: ……. RESPONSIBILITIES o o o For application: All associates For the definition and update of the document: Division IMS and QHSE Compliance Manager Local annexes usd to complete this IMS Management System Manual with local specificities are managed by Local Quality Managers. DIVISION SCOPE - HQ: strategic planning and IMS Policy definition, IMS management and leadership over the following Processes: Sales and Marketing, Program Management, R&D, Human Resource, Finance, Information Systems & Services, Purchasing, Industrial, Operational Excellence & Digital Manufacturing, Warranty Management. LOCAL SCOPE Each Manufacturing Site and Remote location have its own specificity that is defined in G__F-QUA-0011 Sites Interfaces Matrix G__F-QUA-0011. Clean Energy Systems Page 2 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CONTENT Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Scope of Application & Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 2 Content ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Reference Documents ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Definitions & Acronyms .................................................................................................................................... 5 Context ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Integrated Management System – Process Approach ..................................................................................... 6 7.1 Clean Energy Systems List Of Process .......................................................................................................... 6 7.2 Processes Management Leadership ............................................................................................................. 7 7.3 Processes Communication............................................................................................................................ 7 7.4 Integrated Management System With Local Specificities ............................................................................ 7 7.5 Processes Interactions .................................................................................................................................. 8 8. Clean Energy Systems - Integrated Management System Policy ..................................................................... 8 9. Roles, Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Authorities ................................................................................. 9 10. Risks & Opportunities Identification ................................................................................................................ 9 11. Legal and Other Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 9 12. Competence, Training and Awareness ........................................................................................................... 10 13. Division Controlled Documents ...................................................................................................................... 10 13.1 Organization Of Clean Energy Systems Integrated Management System Documentation ....................... 10 13.2 Access To Division Controlled Documents ................................................................................................. 10 14. Contractors ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 15. Emergency Preparedness and Response ........................................................................................................ 11 16. Performance Measurement and Monitoring ................................................................................................. 11 17. Internal Audits ................................................................................................................................................ 11 18. Non Conformity, Corrective Actions/Preventive Actions & Incident Investigation ....................................... 12 19. Management Review ...................................................................................................................................... 12 20. Document History........................................................................................................................................... 13 Clean Energy Systems Page 3 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 4. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS EXTERNAL STANDARDS & NORMS IATF16949:2016 ISO14001:2015 ISO45001:2018 RELATED INTERNAL PROCEDURES, INSTRUCTIONS, FORMS Link to Corporate Controlled Documents Database Link to Processes ID Cards Database G__P-IMS-0002 Quality system Process Approach and Continuous Improvement G__F-IMS-0008 CLEAN ENERGY SYSTEMS - LIST OF PROCESSES G__F-IMS-0001 PROCESS MATRIX G__P-IMS-0001 DOCUMENT CONTROL & MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE G__F-IMS-0012 LOCAL ANNEX TO IMS MANUAL G__F-QUA-0080 8D DEVELOPMENT G__F-QUA-0024 8D REPORT G__P-QUA-0012 NON CONFORMITY MANAGEMENT WITH 8D AND GLOBAL DEPLOYEMENT WITH LESSONS LEARNED G__F-QUA-0081 IATF APPLICABILITY AND CSR MATRIX G__F-QUA-0083 MAPPING INTERESTED PARTIES G__F-QUA-0087 RISK ANALYSIS ASSESSMENT G__P-HSE-0002 MANAGEMENT OF HSE EVENTS G__P-HRC-0008 CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE G__P-HRC-0009 DIVISION TRAINING PROCEDURE G__P-MFG-0001 CONTINGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE G__F-MFG-0001 CONTINGENCY PLAN G__F-ITE-0002 CYBERATTACK PROCEDURE AND DRILL TEMPLATE SCPRO-015 FATAL AND SERIOUS INJURIES REPORTING OPUS HR-BOOK Clean Energy Systems Page 4 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 5. DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS DEFINITION Term Definition Controlled Document Interested Parties Management Review OPteam Organization Process Review of Process Performance Risk Based Approach A controlled document is a document which formalizes CES internal organizational rules and practices Person or organization that can affect, be affected by or perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activity In order to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the IMS, the management team shall review at planned intervals the management system (processes performance, processes interactions, risks and opportunities, significant environmental aspects, consultation and participation of workers, etc…) and generate actions to mitigate any identified risk and/or deviation to the target performance. A management review is done at global and local levels. This application is Plastic Omnium's central Human Resources management tool and is shared between employees, managers and the Human Resources departments to manage all aspects of the employee's life within the company from recruitment , the Annual Assessment Review to internal mobility and more. Person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationship to achieve its objectives. A process is a chain of activities or tasks using resources to transform inputs into outputs bringing value added to CES organization. Reviews of Process Performance are key to manage processes improvement and are done at global and local levels. Their objective is to measures process effectiveness and process efficiency which are required inputs of the management review. Risk based approach is something most of us do automatically and often sub-consciously to get the best results. It ensures risk is considered from the beginning and throughout the process. Risk-based approach: Improves governance Establishes a proactive culture of improvement Assists with statutory and regulatory compliance Assures consistency of quality of products and services Improves customer confidence and satisfaction Successful companies intuitively incorporate risk-based approach. ACRONYM Acronym Definition CES CQA CSR HQ HSE IATF IMS ISO KPI Clean Energy Systems Corporate Quality Audit Customer Specific Requirement Headquarter Health, Safety and Environment International Automotive Task Force Integrated Management System International Organization for Standardization Key Performance Indicator Clean Energy Systems Page 5 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality Acronym Definition OEM PO QHSE RPN RPP SILS 6. Original Equipment Manufacturer Plastic Omnium Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Risk Priority Number Review of Process Performance Sequence In Line Supply CONTEXT Our IMS is a key management tool to Clean Energy Systems’ continuous improvement. Clean Energy Systems context involves all our leadership roles in all processes to achieve the expectations and to ensure satisfaction of internal & external interested parties. This is the reason why Clean Energy Systems is committed to: • Work continually to achieve the highest quality requirements set by our customers • Find creative ways to grow our market share, fulfilling shareholders expectations to receive a consistent return on investment. • Provide work environment that guarantees our safety, and where employees can grow in their personal development resulting in an increase in the added value we supply on a daily basis. • Minimize the impact of our activities on the environment. • Use risk based approach analysis to identify risks and opportunities and mitigate the risks in order to comply with the requirements set by our insurer (such as property damage, insurer interruption, customer liability…) • Deliver robust operational performance while complying with Quality & HSE rules, regulations & standards • Ensure adequacy of all statutory and regulatory requirements to be cascaded down to external providers • Require external providers to develop & improve their Quality & HSE Management System with the ultimate objective of becoming IATF16949, ISO14001 and ISO45001 certified. In addition, the specific context for each Clean Energy Systems location is described in the Local Annex of the IMS Manual and includes specificities relative to each location’s interested parties (such as laws & regulations, administration, neighborhood associations, local interests, ,..) as defined in G__F-QUA-0083 Mapping Interested Parties and G__F-QUA0087 Risk Analysis Assessment. Those controlled documents are available in TopNet > Management Responsibility > Integrated Management System (9020) Controlled documents database. 7. INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – PROCESS APPROACH Clean Energy Systems management is committed through the IMS: • To ensure a unique and common system at Division level • To ensure operational local deployment at each location level 7.1 CLEAN ENERGY SYSTEMS LIST OF PROCESS Clean Energy Systems has defined 9 key processes to manage its business. Their sequences are the following: Key processes are divided into sub processes, to ease their operational management. Key processes, sub processes and their applicability to each location is defined in G__F-IMS-0008 Clean Energy Systems - List of Processes. Clean Energy Systems Page 6 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality The applicability of each process and sub process by IATF chapter and the interaction with Customer Specifics Requirements is defined in G__F-QUA-0081 IATF Applicability and CSR Matrix. 7.2 PROCESSES MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP Processes are: • Managed by process owners at global level and by process leaders locally using risk based approach. • Monitored through key process indicators (KPI) common to all locations (if necessary, additional local indicators can be defined and followed in order to support the achievement of the KPIs) • Following the methods described in the Division and local Controlled Documents • Described in the ID cards (process map) which include KPIs and main process information Link to Processes ID Cards Database 7.3 PROCESSES COMMUNICATION TopNet is the Clean Energy Systems intranet. It is organized by processes to ensure consistent communication across the entire organization. Processes information is available in each process home page in the “Process information” section. 7.4 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH LOCAL SPECIFICITIES Clean Energy Systems IMS is global and common to all locations through: • Its processes, their action plan and progress plans • Its Corporate controlled documents And Clean Energy Systems IMS has also local deployments with: • Local leaders, global indicators follow up (if needed, locations can define additional KPIs to support the achievement of the global ones), action plan and progress plan • Local Controlled Documents Clean Energy Systems Page 7 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 7.5 8. PROCESSES INTERACTIONS CLEAN ENERGY SYSTEMS - INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY Integrated Management System Policy is available in TopNet > Management Responsibility > Integrated Management System (9020) – Process Approach tool box – IMS Policy Clean Energy Systems Page 8 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 9. ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES, ACCOUNTABILITIES AND AUTHORITIES Top Management assigns the responsibility and authority to Process Owners and Process Leaders over the following: • Ensuring that the IMS is conform to the requirements of the standards according to G__P-IMS-0002 Integrated Management System Process Approach and Continuous Improvement; • Monitoring objectives achievement through regular reviews and reporting on the performance of the IMS to Top Management Other responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities are defined in the job descriptions and Mission Statement of Process Owners/ Process Leaders. The organization structure is available on OPteam. 10. RISKS & OPPORTUNITIES IDENTIFICATION CES IMS is built on a Risk Based Approach. Templates are available in the Corporate Controlled Document database to help the identification of risks and opportunities within the organization. According to the Risk Analysis Assessment, an action plan shall be documented to mitigate the risks and opportunities identified (even opportunities can have a risk associated). The Quality & HSE risk analysis shall be reviewed as a minimum: Yearly After each significant accident/event After each significant change (e.g. new process, new layout, …) After each significant quality issue (e.g: warranty, special status, …) 11. LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Identification of applicable legal and other requirements: Each site shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure for identifying and accessing the legal and other Quality and HSE requirements that are applicable to their activities (e.g. by updating the risk analysis, environmental assessment, control plan, training plan,…). The identification of applicable requirements can be done internally (using internet or subscription to a legal newsletter) or by an external company. Each site shall keep a list of applicable legal and other requirements up-to-date. Evaluation of compliance: Each site shall complete an evaluation of compliance for all the new applicable regulatory requirements without delay after they are identified. A compliance review program of all applicable regulatory requirements shall be established by each site. This periodical evaluation of compliance can be done internally or by an external company. Each site shall maintain and retain documented information on its regulatory requirements and shall ensure it is updated to reflect any changes. (Including risks and opportunities assessment when applicable) Integration to the Management system: Each time there is a modification or creation of a product, an activity, or an installation, the site needs to verify if there are new requirements (legal or others) which will become applicable, or if there is an evolution of requirements already applicable. Sites shall communicate relevant information on laws and other requirements to the Management, affected employees and other relevant interested parties. The efficiency of the compliance review program and the overall compliance status of the site shall be presented at Management Reviews and reported at Division level through Enablon. Clean Energy Systems Page 9 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 12. COMPETENCE, TRAINING AND AWARENESS CES is regularly launching training initiatives to support the deployment of new standards or to respond to training needs according to G__P-HRC-0009 Division Training Procedure and OPUS HR-Book (Group procedure). New employees who join the Division receive induction training to become familiar with CES organization, internal procedures and standards, etc... In order to keep the awarness of its employees, CES uses several tools. (e.g.: MyLearningPlace, TopNet, PO welcome package, Be Aware Be Alive, Act for All, Topshare…) 13. DIVISION CONTROLLED DOCUMENTS CES publishes and maintains a series of controlled documents and technical standards to control the processes needed to meet the requirements for the provision of products and services. Application of these procedures and standards can be tightened to cover the local specificities for every CES locations. CES management of Controlled Documents is described in G__P-IMS-0001 Document Control & Management Procedure. 13.1 ORGANIZATION OF CLEAN ENERGY SYSTEMS INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION The controlled documents are organized as follows: The IMS Manual and Process ID cards are only defined at Division level and a local annex is completed by each location to add their specificities. The Division Controlled Documents are in place to define the global methods and rules applicable to all CES processes. Local (region, country, mother plant, sites extensions, remote locations...) Controlled Documents may be defined for local implementation. Records are managed by each location. 13.2 ACCESS TO DIVISION CONTROLLED DOCUMENTS The list of the Division Controlled Documents (Manual, Procedures, Instructions and forms) is available in TopNet through the following access: • TopNet > Quality > Controlled Document • Or with the following link: Link to Corporate Controlled Documents Database Clean Energy Systems Page 10 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 14. CONTRACTORS A Specific Method statement evaluation shall be performed for all contractors activities and a Work Permit or Prevention Plan must be signed by all contract personnel prior to undertaking works on site; this acts as a confirmation and agreement to follow the rules and duties defined. All permits must be signed by the lead contractor and authorized by a CES employee authorized to issue permits. CES employees must be trained to deliver and sign Work Permit or Prevention Plan. Specific permits for high risk activities must be time limited. The CES employee responsible for authorizing the work (signing the permit) must be available on-site for the duration of the high risk activity. All permits must be signed as completed by both the Contractor Representative and the Authorizing CES employee, who will review the completed work. A random audit should be performed by PO employee in charge of the activity and the audit result shared with the Purchasing Department It is forbidden to lend equipment to a contractor; we expect contractors to provide equipment required to minimize risk exposure of their employees, as identified in the Work Permit or Prevention Plan. For example, elevated platforms, forklifts etc… 15. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE CES provides the main strategies to deal with crisis and contingency situations through G__P-HRC-0008 Crisis Management and Communication Procedure, G__P-MFG-0001 Contingency Plan Procedure and G__F-MFG-0001 Contingency Plan. Cyberattack contingency plan is also covered by Cyberattack Procedure and Drill Template G__F-ITE0002 . These documents are compulsory and minimum requirement to be included into the Crisis Management Procedure and Contingency plans of all CES locations. All sites should have their own crisis and contingency plans (also called Emergency Preparedness and Response plans) with more detailed action for each of the potential types of risks or crisis identified. The need to update these documents shall be reviewed after any changes (e.g.: layout changes, equipment moves, organizational changes, practical drills…). Each emergency drill or periodical testing of the contingency plan shall have a documented report to point out strenghs and weaknesses. All issues and subsequent action identified in the drill reports shall be tracked until closure. Each site shall define the local crisis team who is responsible for conducting immediate emergency response actions described in the Crisis Management and Contingency plan such as firefighting, rescue, hazardous material management, building evacuation, shutdown procedures, etc. 16. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND MONITORING The CES Division HSE performance is monitored in accordance with G__P-HSE-0002 Management of HSE Events. All sites report a comprehensive set of HSE data in the Corporate database system ENABLON on a monthly basis. These data include lagging indicators (LTA, NLTA, First aid cases, near misses, occupational illness cases, complaints from external parties, energy consumption, environmental events) and leading indicators (Top Safety Visits, training, 5 Pillar score…). An HSE monthly report is issued every month with reported results. The CES Division Quality is monitored through several tools, e.g. Excellence Report performance Indicators, monthly management meetings, process matrix, plant score card, industrial dashboard, IRIS, AIQPS, … 17. INTERNAL AUDITS CES performs internal audits at planned intervals to check the implementation and the effectiveness of the Quality & HSE management systems as described in G__P-IMS-0003 Internal Auditing. This process also defines the audit criteria and scope for each audit, including planning, responsibilities, frequency, methods, reports, verifying effectiveness of corrective/preventive actions and manages the list of the approved internal Quality and HSE auditors. Clean Energy Systems Page 11 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 18. NON CONFORMITY, CORRECTIVE ACTIONS/PREVENTIVE ACTIONS & INCIDENT INVESTIGATION Non-conformities, corrective actions and preventive ations are reported through an escalation process and managed with different tools (e.g.: 8D, iAudit, TopShare…) and tracked till completion of the corrective/preventive actions. 8D templates for HSE and Quality related events are available in the Corporate Controlled Documents database: G__F-HSE-0002 HSE Event 8D Report Form, G__F-QUA-0024 8D Report and G__F-QUA-0080 8D Development. The analysis of non-conformities shall be included in the Management Review, communicated and discussed in order to identify opportunities for preventive actions and shared with technical departments when needed. The incident investigation and reporting process applicable to CES locations is described in: • Quality related topics: G__P-QUA-0012 Non Conformity Management With 8D And Global Deployement With Lessons Learned • HSE related topics: G__P-HSE-0002 Management of HSE Events Procedure Serious accidents, specifications and communications are defined in accordance with the Group procedure (SCPRO-015) in G__P-HRC-0008 Crisis Management and Communication Procedure. 19. MANAGEMENT REVIEW The Management Review and RPP management are described in G__P-IMS-0002 Integrated Management System Process Approach and Continuous Improvement and the relative templates can be found in the Controlled Documents database: G__F-IMS-0006 Management Review Template and G__F-IMS-0007 Review of Process Performance. Other management meetings can also take place to review CES performance on a regular planned basis, such as the following: MACO meetings: processes performance, effectiveness, efficiency & Monitoring and measurement results Gate Review meetings: program management performance POMS meetings: manufacturing excellence performance BOS meetings (Business Operations System) Local monthly management meetings… Clean Energy Systems Page 12 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality 20. DOCUMENT HISTORY Version Revision description Date Contributors Process Owner/Leader Validation V01E01 Creation 19/02/02 J. Cardinal L. Hebenstreit V02E01 Revision for §0 and §5.3 and Quality Policy description. Revision of §5.6 Management Review 29 April 2002 J. Cardinal L. Hebenstreit V03E01 General revision Reformat of chapter 4.0, addition of Knowledge documentation fund 13 June 2003 J. Cardinal Integration of organization changes and reformat of chapter 5.0 Addition of 8D Method for paragraphs 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5 P. Lecocq General revision for ISO/TS 16949:2002 Present List of INERGY Key processes Update Quality planning Changes to paragraphs: 0.2; 4.2; 5.0; 7.1.2; 7.1.3; 22 March 2004 J. Cardinal P. Lecocq V04E02 Correction of chapter 4.0 format. Review misspellings. 30 March 2004 J. Cardinal P. Lecocq V05E01 Update for: - Quality Policy and planning - Organization changes (VP Quality) - List of key processes (10 change to 9) 30 March 2005 J. Cardinal P. Lecocq V06E01 Update for : - Global Organization chart (§6.1.1) - Quality Organization chart (§ - §,, 6.2.1, 6.2.3,,, 8.6.1, 10.0 22 May 2006 B Lecoeur P Lecocq Update for : - Simplification of content - List of processes - Processes interactions matrix 16 March 07 B Lecoeur P Lecocq V08E01 Update for : - roadmap 2007-211 - scope excluding “distribution” (see IATF 5.b) - Process interactions including IVC and processes changes - link to corporate controlled documents new structure 17 March 08 B Lecoeur P Lecocq V09E01 Purpose, processes interaction update, RPP cycle, controlled doc 20 October home page, practical information for any employee 08 B.Lecoeur P.Lecocq V10E01 Update quality roadmap 2008-2012, indication of the mandatory 10 March 09 documented procedure, hyperlinktexts B.Lecoeur P.Lecocq V11E01 Change ISO/TS version 2002 to 2009 Link to Invision. 8 October 09 B.Lecoeur P.Lecocq V12E01 Scope changes to “fluid” to integrate SCR, Quality roadmap update, controlled documents, interaction 9 March 10 B.Lecoeur P.Lecocq V13E01 Quality roadmap update, interaction, main corporate procedures 14 March 11 B.Lecoeur P.Lecocq V14E01 Update of Quality roadmap update, quality policy, JV, interfaces 26 February with 9311, logo – Suppression of hyperlinks 13 B.Lecoeur P.Lecocq V04E01 V07E01 Clean Energy Systems Page 13 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality Version Revision description Date Contributors Process Owner/Leader Validation V15E01 Update of quality policy 12/09/14 B. Lecoeur P. Lecocq V16E01 New AUTO INERGY DIVISION logo and standards formats New scope EHS Policy integrated Quality Policy updated Suppressed quality roadmap Processes list updated ID cards information review Invision pictures updated Process interaction updated 19 January 15 B. Lecoeur V. Dussac I. Polak V17E01 Quality Policy updated 16 March 15 B. Lecoeur I. Polak V17E02 Included into the processes interaction table the processes 9800 12 June 15 and 9900 C. Birnfeld I. Polak V18E01 9440 process suppressed from the processes interaction chart 06 October 15 M. Paolini I.Polak V19E01 Update according to IATF 16949:2016 : - Chap 2 : Context & Interested parties - Chap 7.2 Leadership Update Operational Excellence Chap 7.1 Update Hyperlinks Quality Policy Updated TopNet pictures updated Process Interaction updated 13/02/17 Andreia Santos Sylvain Menseau Jorge Santos V20E01 - Removed references to ISO/TS 16949. - Add reference to mapping Interested Parties (G__F-QUA0083). - Update of the Processes mapping - Quality and HSE and policies updated - Add reference to G__P-HRC-0009 Division training procedure V20E02 -Additions of new Interested parties: External providers. -Reference to Risk Analysis Assessment (G__F-QUA-0087) V21E01 -Template changed for Clean Energy Systems -Division Scope review – added Injection process for SCR -Local Scope definition according to Sites Interfaces G__F-QUA0011 -Added Customer Specifics Requirements versus IATF applicability matrix -Quality Policy and Safety Policy replaced by an Integrated Management System Policy (IMS) V01E01 As part of the Integrated Management System (IMS) implementation the quality manual (G__M-QUA-0001 V21E01) was reviewed to integrate HSE (ISO14001 and ISO45001) topics and replaced by this new IMS Manual: - New Chapters: Roles, responsibility, accountability and authority added Charter Risks & Opportunities identification 17/11/17 Andreia Santos Marine Paolini Sylvain Menseau Thomas Riem Stéphane NOEL 01/02/18 Andreia SANTOS Marine PAOLINI Sylvain MENSEAU Thomas RIEM Rod ALWARD 18/02/19 Andreia SANTOS Marine PAOLINI Sylvain MENSEAU Thomas RIEM José ANDRADE Stéphane NOEL 13/01/20 Clean Energy Systems Andreia SANTOS Marine PAOLINI Sylvain MENSEAU Emilie PALKA José ANDRADE Pierre BOITARD Page 14 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use. Manual G__M-IMS-0001 V03E01 9500 - Total Quality Version Revision description Date Contributors - Legal and other requirements Competence, Training and Awareness Contractors Emergency preparedness and response Performance Measurements and Monitoring Internal Audits Non Conformity, Corrective Actions/Preventive Actions & Incident Investigation - Overall update of the other chapters V02E01 - V03E01 - Chapter 2 – added Warranty Management in the Division Scope Chapter 4 – removed OSHAS18001 as external standards & norms and added G__P-MFG-0001 Contingency Plan Procedure as Internal procedure Chapter 6 – added 16949 Chapter 7.1: update of the 9 key Process name (Program And Development Chapter 7.4 – But replaced by And Chapter 7.5: update of the processes interaction and 9020 process name – now is IMS and Continuous Improvement) Change of documents reference (Management Review and local annex) with new IMS numbering. Chapter 8: New IMS Policy Chapter 10 - G__F-QUA-0087 removed as reference to allow the freedom to use also HSE risk analysis assessment also Chapter 15 - G__P-MFG-0001 Contingency Plan Procedure added Chapter 16 – environmental events added 20/01/2021 Chapter 1 – picture of products changed Chapter 2 – responsibility title change; Local scope according to Sites Interfaces Chapter 4 – added documented information Chapter 6 – Quality Management System and Continuous Improvement replaced by Integrated Management System Chapter 7.1- updated the number of the List of Processes; updated Human Resources to Human Resources and Internal Communication in the house of 28//01/2022 quality Chapter 7.5 - updated Human Resources to Human Resources and Internal Communication in the process map Chapter 8 – added link to IMS Policy Chapter 9 – added Mission Statement of Process Owners/ Process Leaders. Chapter 15 – added Cyberattack Contingency plan Chapter 18 – added G__F-QUA-0024 8D Report All changes are highlighted in yellow Clean Energy Systems Process Owner/Leader Validation M. Paolini A.Santos D.Blanchet C. KOPP A.Santos G.Marginean Page 15 of 15 All printed copies of this controlled document are for “INFORMATION ONLY” and must be verified as being current before use.