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Year 8 Nutrition Test: Nutrients, Diet, and Healthy Eating

Tutor Group…………
The food and drink that we consume (eat and drink) is called our
From our diet we must get all of our NUTRIENTS we need to stay
Nutrients are the part of our food that, if eaten in the correct
amounts, will keep our bodies healthy.
Work through the following test to show how much you have learnt.
1. List the 5 nutrient groups
…………………Vitamins……………………… /5
and what else is needed in a healthy diet?
…………………Water……………………….. /2
2. What are the four healthy eating guidelines recommended by the
government to improve the British diet?
…Eat more fibre…
………Eat less sugar……………………. 5aDay
…Eat less fat……………………………….
………Eat less salt………………………. /4
3. What are supermarkets and manufacturers doing to help people
choose well-balanced products?
…Supermarkets are producing healthy options, FIVEADAY targets etc
And the Traffic Lights
…Manufacturers are putting slogans on packets eg “low in fat”……… /2
4. Give 2 example of wholegrain cereal products.
…Any wholegrain breakfast cereal Wheetabix, Shreddies etc or Brown
rice, wholewheat pasta etc
……………………………………………………. /2
5. Fill in the gaps:
……Protein………………………….… foods help us grow and repair our cells.
……Carbohydrates…………. and ………fatty….………….. foods give us energy.
Minerals and ……Vitamins……………. help protect the body against illness.
………Fibre………………………. helps to keep our digestive system healthy. /5
6. Think about the foods you have eaten in the last week and fill in the
gaps below.
3 protein foods ………Any meat, fish, dairy foods, pulses, cereals, nuts
3 high fibre foods …Any fruit, any vegetable, any wholegrain cereal
3 fatty foods ………Butter, lard, cheese, oily fish, fatty meat, cooking
7. Vitamin A is needed for ……Healthy eyesight.. and is found in All red,
orange and yellow fruit and vegetables, oily fish, cheese, margarine /2
8. Which vitamin protects us from colds? ………Vitamin C.……………………. /1
9. Which vitamin and mineral work together to make strong bones and
teeth? ……Vitamin D……………..
…………Calcium……………………………… /2
10. Why are starchy foods a better source of energy than sugary foods?
…Energy is released more slowly, feeling fuller for
longer.………………………………………………………………………………………………………… /2
11. List 4 foods that supply us with fibre?
………Any fruit, any vegetable, any wholemeal cereal, any wholemeal
flour product……………………………….
……………………………………………………. /4