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PowerShell vs. Bash Cheat Sheet

root directory of C  C:\
Windows subdirs are separated by backslashes (\);
ls –Force -Filter [directory]  to show hidden files
cp [file name] [path where to] -Recurse -Verbose 
copy a file to some directory (recourse for copying files
if we copy the directory)
mv [{path}existing_doc] [{path}desired_doc] 
rename files into specific dirs.
rm [{path}file] –Force –Recurse  removes a file
cat [filename] -Head -Tail show all content; -head =
first 10 lines; -Tail = last 10 lines
more [filename]  one page for a file
start notepad++ [filename]
NOTEPAD++ editor
Select (sls) [string] [filename]
Echo [string] > [filename]  enter a string into a file
Echo [string] >> [filename]  append a string, not a
Cat [filename] | select-string [string] > [new file
name]  see a list of words with a given string and
append them into a new file
Rm [file] 2> [filename]  redirect standard error output
1> = standard output
2> = standard error
$null – nowhere
Linux uses fowrard slashes (/) for subdirs
cp [file name] [path where to] –r  copy, -r = recurse
mv [{path}existing_doc] [{path}desired_doc]  rename
files into specific dirs
rm –r [{path}file]  removes a file
cat [filename]  show contents of a file
head/tail [filename]  10 start/end lines
less [filename]  g start G end /[word_search] q quit from
NANO editor
Nano [filename]
Grep [string] [filename]
Get-LocalUser  shows you a list of local users
Get-LocalGroup  list groups of a local machine
Get-LocalGroupMember %groupname%  see members
of a local group
net user %name% ‘%password%’  changing a password
Or type a * and it will encrypt
net user %name /logonpasswordchng:yes  change a
password by the user on a next log in session
new -LocalUser (check reading)
Net user %name% * /add /logonpasswordchng:yes  add
a local user
net user %name% /del
remove-LocalUser %name%
icacls %directory%  see ACLs for a file
powershell icacls ‘%dir%’ /grant ‘Everyone:(OI)(CI)(R)’
cmd  icacls “%dir%” /grant ‘Everyone:(OI)(CI)(R)
options for grant: ‘Authenticated Users:(OI)(CI)(R)
icacls %dir%  view special permissions for a file
WD – Create&Write; AD – Create&Append; S – synchronize
CREATOR OWNER – an owner of a file has full control of a
Sudo (superuserdo)  run as an admin
Sudo su -  change an account
Cat /etc/group  see the list of groups
Sudo (groupname) :X (password, x – encrypted and stored
somewhere else) : 27 (groupID) : cindy (List of users in the
Cat /etc/passwd  see the users
Root (username): X (password) :0:0: (userID uid)
Passwd %user%  you need then to type your current
password and enter a new one 2 times
Sudo passwd -e %user%  forces to change a password
next time the user logs in
Sudo useradd %name%  add a user
Sudo userdel %name%  delete a user
Changing permissions: u (owner), g (group), o (other users) /
+ or – to add or remove permisions
NUMERICAL EQUIVALENTS: 4 = r, 2 = w, 1 = x, s (set
Chmod u+x %file%  add a permission to an owner for a
file // e.g.: chmod u-x %file% (take the permission away)
Chmod ugo+rx %file%  combining permissions
Chmod 754 %file%  7 (rwx) = user U, 5 (rx) = Group, O
= 4 (r)
Sudo chown %user% %file%  changes the owner of a
Sudo chgrp %groupname% %file%  changes the group
owner of a file
Sticky bit = everyone can change, only owner/root delete
.msi = Microsoft install package file
%dir% name.exe  running an executable file
Compress-Archive -Path %dir% %newdir\name.zip%
Find-Package sysinternals -IncludeDependencies
Register-PackageSource -name chocolatey –ProviderName
Chocolatey -Location http://chocolatey.org/api/v2
Get-Package -Name sysinternals  download a package
Uninstall-Package -Name sysinternals  delete a package
Use process monitoring program to see what changes an
installation makes
Orca  helps to edit, build and explore packages
Driver helps OS to interact with a hardware
Devmgmt.msi – device management app
Dpkg -i (install flag) -r (remove) -l (list) %filename%.deb 
install a Debian executable
Example: dpkg -l | grep atom (find only “atom” file in all the
output stream)
7z e (extract) %name.zip%  extract files from an archive
Sudo apt install %gimp%  download a package
Sudo apt remove %gimp%  delete a package
Cat /ect/apt/sources.list  see the dependencies & repos
PPA – personal package archive is a software repository for
uploading source packages to be built and published as An
APT (advanced packaging tool) repo by Launchpad
Sudo apt update  sudo apt upgrade
When a device is connected, it creates a device file In a /dev
B-block device
C-character devise
Sdb-mass storage devises (disks)
Kernel module – extends the kernel functionality without
reprogramming it
Uname -r  system info
Sudo Apt full-upgrade (NEED APT UPDATE BEFORE
A filesystem is used to keep track of files and storage on a
NTFS – windows default file system (and linux RW)
FAT23 – windows, Linux, Mac OS (filesystem)
Max file size in FAT32 – 4GB, 32GB max file system size
A partition – a manageable part of a disk
A partition table shows the OS how the disk is partitioned
MBR  master boot record (default for win, 2TB max disk
size, uses primary partitions  only 4 (extended partitions
logical partition)
GPT  GUID partition table (unlimited partitions, more than
2TB max disk size, single-type partitions)
UEFI  guid partition table
Disc management utility  THIS PC  MANAGE
Allocation unit size  the default chunk size for partitioning
Discpart  cmd-based tool for partitioning
Discpart  opens a new cmd  list disk
Select disk %name%  Clean  Create partition
primary  Select %partition 1%  Active
Format FS-NTFS label-%name% quick
Mount/unmount  make accessible
Pagefile.sys  where the pages of a memory are stored
Meta-data: info ABOUT a file
Master File table (MFT) 1to1 correspondence between
files and mft entries
Shortcut  reference to a destination
Symbolic links  shortcuts for a filesystem; the OS treats
them as a substitute to a file
EXT4 – ubuntu default file system (wouldn’t be accepted by
Sudo parted -l  lists all the disks available to the PC
Sudo parted %/dev/sdb%  choosing a disk
Print  to see more details
Mklabel gpt  make a label
Mkpart primary ext4 1MiB 5GiB  partitioning the disk
Quit from the prev, sudo mkfs -t update /dev/sdb1
Sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /my_usb/  mounting a partition
Sudo umount /deb/sdb1 OR umount /my_usb/ 
Cat etc/fstab  displays all the mounting info (if we want to
mount our disks permanently, we need to make an entry here,
since all the mounts disappear on a reboot)
Sudo blkid  shows uuid for storage devices
Mkpart primary linux-swap 5GiB 100%  100% the rest
of a memory
Quit  sudo mkswap %/dev/sdb2%
Sudo swapon/dev/sdb2  mounting
Softlinks point to another file in a memory
Hardlinks point to an inode in an inode table
Ln -s %file% %linkname%  create a link; -s for a soft
link, by default it’s a hardlink
Du -h  disk usage of a directory (-h in human form)
Df -h  disk free (how much memory is available)
Sudo fsck /dev/sda/  autorepairing the files
 Mklink /H %filename%  make a link. Symbolic by
default with /H it’s a hard link
 Trim  reclaim unused pages, defragmentation
 Data buffer  moves the data from usb to a hard drive (e.g.)
 Data corruption  not finishing moving the files (e.g.).
Journaling and self-healing in NTFS helps with what to do
 Fsutil repair query %drive%  repairing the drive
 Chkdsk /F %D:%  checking a disk for failures (/F = fix)
Daemon processes = background processes
The first non-system process to start is smss.exe (Session
Manager SubSystem) it’s responsible to start up the logging
 winlogon.exe  Client/Server Runtime SubSystem
(csrss.exe) (GUI & CLI)
Child processes can be independent from their parents
Process ID = PID (taskkill /pid 5856)
Task manager = taskmgr.exe (ctrl shift esc)
Get-process  get overview of the processes
Signal  a way to tell a process that something’s just
Sigint  ctrl+C  signal interrupt
Process explorer  utility to look at running processes
Resource monitoring tool
Get-Process | Sort CPU descending Select First 3 Property
ID.ProcessName.CPU  top 3 processes
Get-Process -Name "*pattern *"  find a word containing
some pattern (word)
taskkill /F /PID [PROCESS ID]  kill a process
Get-Process -Name "name"  find a process with a name
Ps -x (pid – id; tty – terminal; stat – status: r-running, tstopped, s-interruptible sleep; uid – user id; ppid – parent
pid; c – number of children processes;)
Ps -ef  f = full, e = all the processes even from other users
E.g., ps -ef | grep Chrome
Ls -l /proc  everything is a file in Linux, so you can view
all the processes via this dir (e.g., cat /proc/18)
Sigint  ctrl+C
Kill %pid% kill a process and clean resources
Kill -kill (sigkill)  kill a process without cleaning
Kill -tstp %pid% (sigtstop/terminal stop)  process
Kill -cont %pid% (continue)  process continuation
Top  top processes that use most of the resources
Uptime  the system info (current time, up time, how many
users are logged in, avg CPU load)
Lsof  open files and engaged processes
Secure shell = ssh (port 22)
PuTTY program
Private and public keys
VPN = virtual private network
Putty.exe –ssh name@ip %port%  connect as a name to
an ip through ssh port
Remote Desktop Protocol  RDP
Mstsc.exe  Microsoft Terminal Services Client (creates
RDP connections to remote connections)
Remote desktop connections  RDP client
Scp = secure copy
Scp %dir file% name@ip %destination_dir%
Pscp.exe %dir file% name@ip %destination_dir%
Net share %File%=path /grant:everyone.full  share a folder
Event viewer  eventvwr.msc
To clone a drive:
1. Unmount the drive
2. Dd if=/dev/ssd of=%directory%.img bs=100M
openSSH program
/var/log  is where the logs are stored
Kern.log  kernel messages
Dmesg  system startup messages
Auth.log  authorization security messages
Syslog  everything except off events
Log rotation  logrotate utility
Centralized logging
(unix) Epoch time  number of seconds since 1 January
1970 00:00
 Log format  time / host name / service / event
 E.g.  less /var/log/syslog | grep error
 Tail -f /var/log/syslog