The 33rd International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) May 30 - June 3, 2021, Nagoya Full Virtual Conference 2-2 A Bootstrap Voltage Clamping Circuit for Dynamic VTH Characterization in Schottky-Type p-GaN Gate Power HEMT Kailun Zhong, Han Xu, Song Yang, Zheyang Zheng, Junting Chen, and Kevin J. Chen Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Phone: +852-23588530, Email:, G p-GaN S G Passivation D AlGaN GaN Transition layer Si substrate 2DEG p-GaN AlGaN DSch Dpin GaN Fig. 1. Simplified cross-sectional view of the p-GaN gate power HEMT in this work features a Schottky-type gate metal/p-GaN contact. The equivalent circuit model of gate stack includes two back-to-back series-connected metal/p-GaN Schottky diode (DSch) and p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN diode (Dpin). Keywords— p-GaN gate power HEMT, static stress test, dynamic VTH, bootstrap, voltage clamping circuit I. Gate Region FP Abstract— A multi-functional bootstrap voltage clamping circuit is proposed for characterizing the drain-bias-induced dynamic VTH, in which the GaN HEMT serves as the key bootstrapping device. This new testing setup covers a wide range of OFF-state drain bias (VDSQ) up to the voltage rating of GaN power HEMT, a short OFF-to-ON (or stress-to-sense) delay (Tdelay) of 60ns, a high switching frequency (fsw) up to 2MHz, and a wide OFF-state static stress time (Tstress) from 0.5µs to 399s. The dynamics of the threshold voltage (VTH) shift in 650-V Schottky-type p-GaN gate HEMT under short- and long-term static stress conditions and temperature-dependent dynamic VTH characteristics are systematically investigated using the proposed circuit. under continuous high-frequency switching. Apart from obtaining the application-desired dynamic VTH behavior under the practical high-frequency switching process, the bootstrap voltage clamping circuit also shows versatile functionalities such as characterizing the drain-bias-induced dynamic VTH under the short- and long-term static stress conditions. Besides, the recovery property of dynamic VTH in the hundreds of µs scale can also be easily obtained by the proposed testing technique. INTRODUCTION GaN power high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) are promising switches for next-generation high-frequency, highefficiency, and high-power-density switching converters. Currently, the commercial single-chip enhancement-mode (Emode) GaN power HEMTs mainly adopt a p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterojunction gate stack and are predominately manufactured on GaN-on-Si platform after balanced consideration of performance, cost, and reliability [1, 2]. In this work, the dynamic VTH characteristics under both the short-term and long-term static stress conditions (i.e., from 0.5μs to 399s) are evaluated under various high drain biases (e.g., from 10V to 400V). This newly developed testing technique further reveals the temperature-dependent characteristics of dynamic VTH under short-term static stress conditions. The commercial p-GaN gate power HEMTs have two gate metal/p-GaN contact schemes of choice, Ohmic-type and Schottky-type. The latter one delivers voltage-driving property with a much wider gate driving voltage window and smaller gate leakage current. These properties simplify the gate driver design for GaN power HEMTs and facilitate the monolithic integration of gate drive with power devices [3]. However, the Schottky-type p-GaN gate power HEMTs exhibit intrinsic dynamic threshold voltage (VTH) behavior induced by OFFstate drain bias (VDSQ) because of the inherent charge storage effect in the floating p-GaN layer [4-6]. Long-term reversedrain-bias stress has also been found to lead to VTH instability due to ionization of the out-diffused Mg acceptors in the AlGaN barrier layer [7, 8]. The dynamic VTH shift (∆VTH) shows a strong dependence on the duration of OFF-state drain bias stress and quick recovery after removal of VDSQ, indicating that VTH varies dynamically during the device’s ON/OFF switching operations [9]. A bootstrap voltage clamping circuit with short stress-to-sense delay is first proposed in [10] to characterize the dynamics of drain-bias-induced VTH shift II. BOOTSTRAP VOLTAGE CLAMPING CIRCUIT FOR DYNAMIC VTH CHARACTERIZATION A. Lateral Field-Effect Rectifier (LFER) The device under test (DUT) is a commercially available 650-V/15-A Schottky-type p-GaN gate power HEMT (GS66504B). A simplified cross-sectional view of DUT is shown in Fig. 1, featuring two back-to-back series-connected metal/p-GaN Schottky diode (DSch) and p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN pi-n diode (Dpin). The commercial p-GaN gate power HEMT can also be configured into a lateral field-effect rectifier (LFER) in [11], using the drain as cathode and shorted source-gate as anode. As shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), with a drain current in the range of 10~100mA, the reverse conduction curve (with VS=VG=0V) and the transfer curve of DUT show good symmetry. Thus, the DUT’s VTH can be accurately evaluated This work was supported in part by the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund under Grant ITS/412/17FP and in part by the Research Impact Fund under Grant R6008-18. 39 Authorized licensed use limited to: National Taiwan University. Downloaded on December 28,2021 at 06:48:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. |ID| (A) 10 1 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 (a) VF=1.56V VTH=1.56V VF=1.38V VTH=1.38V VGS= 0V -6 -5 -4 Vctrl1 Q1 0 Vctrl2 Q2 10 -1 10 -2 VDS,Q2 -3 10 VXY 1 2 3 4 5 6 VGS (V) t0 Fig. 2. (a) Reverse conduction I-V characteristics of the HEMT (with VS=VG=0 V), and (b) transfer curve of DUT characterized by Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer (Agilent B1505A). DD 1 ctrl1 4 Load 3 1 2 BULK 2 1 2 VDD ΔVTH VCLAMP t2 t3 VDSQ = 400 V (a) t4 0 3 t0 t1 VTH,DUT VF,SBD t2 Time base: 2μs/div 5 4 3 VTH: 0.77 V VDSON,Q2 Tdelay: 60 ns 1 t3 (b) 2 2 CC 1 ctrl2 - GaN LFER SiC SBD VXY (V) DD t1 Tstress Fig. 4. Timing diagram of control signals (Vctrl1 and Vctrl2) and key signals (VDD’, VDS,Q2, and VXY) for drain-bias-induced dynamic VTH evaluation. 5 + VDD VDD’ 10 VDS= 1V -3 -2 -1 0 VDS (V) 1 10 (b) t4 Time base: 10μs/div 0 t3 Zoom-in VXY -1 Time base: 100ns/div Fig. 5. (a) Measured voltage waveforms of the clamping node X (referenced to Y) for functionality verification of the proposed bootstrap voltage clamping circuit. (b) Zoom-in waveforms at t3 to extract the response time. Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the bootstrap voltage clamping circuit for drainbias-induced dynamic VTH characterization. (i.e., 650V/107mΩ IMW65R107M1H) is intentionally used to precisely control the Tstress on DUT. The voltage rating of Q1 should be no smaller than that of DUT, and the current rating should be larger than the maximum load current in the power loop. The low-side power switch (Q2) without dynamic RON issues (e.g., a 650V/214mΩ Si SJ-MOSFET, IPD60R280P7) is used to generate high-voltage pulses on the DUT. A highvoltage DC supply and a large bank capacitor (CBULK=360µF) are used to provide a stable bus voltage (VDD) during the test. by the forward conducting voltage (VF) of the LFER-mode GaN HEMT within such a drain current range. B. Pulse Generating Loop and Voltage Clamping Circuit Previously, the voltage clamping circuits are widely used for dynamic RON evaluation of GaN power HEMTs [12]. The circuit can accurately monitor the ON-state voltage of DUT with a short stress-to-sense delay and effectively clamp the high VDSQ to a much lower voltage level. These properties help clamp the full-scale vertical range of the oscilloscope and thus improve the read-out resolution. A typical control scheme (e.g., Vctr11 and Vctrl2 as control signals for Q1 and Q2) for dynamic VTH evaluation is illustrated in Fig. 4. The timing setups of key signals (i.e., VDD’, VDS,Q2 (drain-to-source voltage of Q2), and VXY (the voltage of clamping node X)) are also depicted for understanding the operating principles. Before t0, the DUT is set to ZERO with both voltage and current close to zero because both Q1 and Q2 are kept in OFF-state. VXY is clamped to a static value (VXY=VCLAMP≈10V), determined by R1, R2, and VCC. During t0t1, only Q2 is turned on, and a small current (e.g., ~ 85mA) flows from VCC and passes through R1, DUT, and Q2. At this current level, the voltage drop over Q2 (VDSON,Q2) is less than 0.02 V, and thus VXY (e.g., 1.5V for LFER-mode GaN HEMT in Fig. 5(a)) is nearly the same as the DUT’s VTH. At t1, both Q1 and Q2 are turned on. The intermediate bus voltage (VDD’) increases to VDD, and thus an extra load current (e.g., 4.1A at VDD=410V with RL=100Ω) is established in the power loop, leading to a larger VDSON,Q2 (~0.9V) and a noticeable rise of VXY at t1-t2 (in Fig. 5(a)). At t2, Q2 is turned off. The output capacitance of Q2 is quickly charged to the bus voltage (i.e., VDS,Q2=VDD), imposing a VDSQ equal to {VDS,Q2-VCLAMP } on DUT. After a precise Tstress at t2-t3, Q2 is turned on again at t3. The drain-bias-induced dynamic VTH can be extracted with Here, as shown in Fig. 3, the LFER-mode GaN HEMT is used as DUT in the voltage clamping circuit. When the isolated power supply (i.e., VCC =10V) provides a low current (e.g., between 10mA and 100mA) flowing through the DUT, the voltage drop across the DUT (VF) can be regarded as the VTH of GaN HEMT. A 100-Ω current limiting resistor (R1) is used to control the current through DUT within the target range. Another 10-kΩ resistor (R2) in combination with R1 forms a voltage divider to establish a static clamping voltage (VCLAMP) at the clamping node X (referenced to Y) when cathode of DUT (or drain of Q2) is at high voltage. Other passive components, i.e., two series-connected diodes (D2 and D3, SMAJ5.0A), are utilized to suppress the transient voltage spikes at the clamping node X during turn-off transient. A Schottky diode (D1, 1N5819) is used to avoid the forward conduction of D2 and D3 during turn-on transient. The power loop is also specially designed to generate the target high-voltage pulse for dynamic VTH characterization. Here, a high-side power switch (Q1) such as a SiC MOSFET 40 Authorized licensed use limited to: National Taiwan University. Downloaded on December 28,2021 at 06:48:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0.8 0.4 0.302V 0.2 0.0 0.8 VDSQ : 400 V Tstress : 0.5 μs, 5 μs, 50 μs, 500 μs 0.716V Tm: 30 s -0.2 0.6 VTH (V) VTH (V) 0.6 0.4 0.286V 0.2 Tm: 90 s 0.0 Time base : 10 µs/div VTH (V) 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 90μs Zoom-in area Time base: 10 μs/div Tstress : 2 μs Fig. 6. The time-resolved waveforms of ∆VTH after short-term static stress test under VDSQ=400V and TC=25℃ with Tstress varying from 0.5µs to 500µs. The spikes in ∆VTH at the beginning of the time scale correspond to Q2’s turn-on and the DUT’s switching to conducting mode. Tm is the time when ∆VTH is extracted after the off-state stress is removed. (a) 0.8 0.6 (a) , , , T : 255075C VDSQ : 400 V 100-, 125-, 150C Tstress : 2 μs (c) Tm : 0.1 μs 0.8 0.6 0.57V 0.4 0.32V 0.28V 0.2 0.0 -0.2 (b) 0.4s 0.12V Time base: 100 ns/div Tstress : 2 μs (d) Tm : 90 μs Tstress : 2 μs VDSQ : 50 V, 100 V, 200 V, 0.566V 0.198V 300 V, 400 V 30 μs 0.188V Fig. 8. (a) The time-resolved waveforms of ∆VTH under VDSQ=400V and Tstress=2µs with TC varying from 25°C to 150°C and (b) zoom-in waveform of ∆VTH at 1-µs range around turn-on transient. Extracted ∆VTH with (c) a Tm of 0.1µs and (d) a Tm of 90µs under various VDSQ and TC. 90 μs Time base : 10 µs/div determination is quantitatively evaluated and found to be negligible with a small measurement error of ~0.23%. (b) 0.8 0.6 Tm : 0.1 s, 10 s, 20s, 30s, 90s 0.38 V 0.4 0.2 0.0 Tstress : 2 s -0.2 0 100 200 300 400 VDSQ (V) VTH (V) III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Short-Term Static Stress Test The dynamic VTH characteristics after a short-term static stress can be obtained by adjusting the Tstress (e.g., from sub-µs to a few seconds), as depicted in Fig. 4. The time-resolved waveforms of ∆VTH under a 400-V VDSQ with different stress time is shown in Fig. 6. Larger ∆VTH was observed with longer Tstress (e.g., from 0.5µs to 500µs). After biasing at 400V off-state for 500µs (or 0.5µs), ∆VTH shows a two-stage recovery behaviour with a quick recovery during the first 30µs with a reduction of 0.41V (or 0.35V) followed by a much slower recovery stage with a decrease of 0.016V (or 0.011V). Thus, it is of critical importance to have the testing circuit proposed in this work that delivers a sufficiently short response time to capture the dynamic ∆VTH that is truly relevant to power switching circuits operating at high frequencies from a few hundreds of kHz to several MHz. Fig. 7. (a) The time-resolved waveforms of ∆VTH after different VDSQ stress with Tstress=2µs at TC=25°C (b) Extracted ∆VTH at various Tm under different VDSQ=400V. high accuracy by comparing the VXY before and after high drain bias stress (e.g., VXY at t1-t2 and t3-t4 in Fig. 5). The functionality of the dynamic VTH characterizing circuit has been verified by comparing the testing results between a GaN-HEMT DUT and a SiC SBD under VDSQ=400V with an RLoad=100Ω. As shown in Fig. 5(a), for a SiC SBD (i.e., 600V/2-A, CSD01060E) without dynamic VF issues, the measured VXY shows no change at two conducting periods (i.e., t1-t2 and t3-t4). However, for LFER-mode GaN HEMT, VXY at the start of the second conducting period (i.e., t3-t4) is 0.77V larger than during the first conducting period (i.e., t1-t2), successfully revealing the drain-bias-induced VTH shift after a 400-V drain bias stress for 1ms. From the magnified waveform at t3 in Fig. 5(b), the proposed testing technique achieves a short stress-tosense delay (i.e., Tdelay=60ns) for fast dynamic VTH monitoring. Owing to the short Tdelay, this new testing setup is capable of characterizing the drain-bias-induced VTH under highfrequency switching, as shown in [10]. In details, the dynamic VTH shift can be accurately extracted when switching frequency varies from 50kHz to 2MHz under VDSQ=400V at 25°C, and the peak ∆VTH value after a 200-µs continuous operation period is independent of the switching frequency. Furthermore, the impact of the DUT’s dynamic RON on dynamic VTH’s The dependence of dynamic VTH on off-state drain bias stress voltage VDSQ is also evaluated. As shown in Fig. 7(a), with a Tstress of 2µs, a higher VDSQ results in a larger ∆VTH, and this property persists during a long recovery period of ~90µs, as shown in Fig. 7(b). However, the dependence of ∆VTH on VDSQ becomes weaker after a lengthy recovery period. B. Temperature-Dependent Dynamic VTH Characteristics The dependence of dynamic VTH on case temperature (TC) is investigated under the short-term static stress condition with a fixed Tstress of 2µs. Fig. 8(a) and (b) show the time-resolved waveforms of VTH under a VDSQ of 400V and various TC. When TC increases from 25°C to 100°C, the dynamic VTH is less severe while its recovery speeds up. The peak ∆VTH becomes lower (e.g., from ~0.57V to ~0.28V), and the duration of the first rapid recovery stage becomes shorter (e.g., from ~30µs to 41 Authorized licensed use limited to: National Taiwan University. Downloaded on December 28,2021 at 06:48:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IV. CONCLUSION A bootstrap voltage clamping circuit is proposed and validated for characterizing the drain-bias-induced dynamic VTH in Schottky-type p-GaN gate power HEMT. The proposed circuit can fulfill different characterization schemes, including short-/long-term static stress and high-speed soft-switching. This testing technique delivers a short stress-to-sense delay of 60ns, enables the high-frequency characterizing functionality up to 2MHz, and presents a wide range of static stress time from 0.5µs to 399s. stress ctrl1 ctrl2 VTH (V) (b) 4 Tstress : 0.5 s, 50 s, 10 ms, 100 ms, 3 2 1 s, 10 s, 50 s, 100 s, 200 s, 399 s Tstress 1 0 VDSQ : 400 V Tm : 2 μs -1 VTH (V) (c) 3 2 VDSQ: 10 V, 20 V, 30 V, 50 V, 100 V, 200 V, 300 V, 400 V After the removal of high drain bias, the dynamic VTH shows a rapid recovery during the first tens of µs and then slows down. A higher VDSQ results in a more positive shift in dynamic VTH under both short- and long-term stress conditions. The dynamic VTH shift saturates after ~100s continuous quasistatic stress under various drain biases from 10V to 400V. A higher TC up to 125°C is beneficial in achieving a faster recovery speed and a less severe ∆VTH. Meanwhile, a TC of 150°C combined with a high VDSQ (i.e., > 200V) results in a larger ∆VTH. Tm : 2 μs 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 REFERENCES stress [1] K. J. Chen, et al., "GaN-on-Si Power Technology: Devices and Applications," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 779-795, Mar. 2017. [2] T. Egawa, "Heteroepitaxial growth and power electronics using AlGaN/GaN HEMT on Si," in IEDM, Tech. Dig., San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 2012, pp. 27.1.1-27.1.4. [3] K. J. Chen, et al., "Planar GaN Power Integration – The World is Flat," in Proc. IEDM, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 2020, pp. 27.1.1-27.1.4. [4] H. Wang, et al., “Maximizing the performance of 650-V p-GaN gate HEMTs: Dynamic RON characterization and circuit design considerations,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 5539– 5549, Jul. 2017. [5] J. 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(c) Extracted ∆VTH at various Tstress under different VDSQ with a fixed Tm=2µs. ~0.4µs), accompanied by a lower ∆VTH at the beginning of the second recovery stage (e.g., from 0.20V to 0.12V). At a higher TC such as 150°C, the first recovery stage could not be observed, but the initial ∆VTH becomes larger (e.g., ~0.32V), as shown in Fig. 8(b). At a lower VDSQ stress, such as 200V and 300V, the temperature-dependent ∆VTH behaviours are similar to that under VDSQ of 400V. As shown in Fig. 8(c) and (d), the peak (or flat) ∆VTH at a measurement delay (Tm) of 0.1µs (or 90µs) decreases with an elevated TC from 25°C to 125°C and then rises when TC increases to 150°C. For a much lower drain bias (e.g., ≤ 100V), the higher TC (up to 150°C) always results in a less severe ∆VTH. C. Long-Term Static Stress Test Fig. 9(a) shows a time-efficient scheme for a long-term static stress test. The dynamic VTH is recorded periodically with a fixed sampling period (e.g., T =1s) and a tiny duty ratio (e.g., D=0.001%). The narrower sampling pulse width during the long-term quasi-static stress is desirable because it ensures a minimal recovery of ∆VTH to resembles a natural long-term static stress. The ∆VTH behaviours under both short- and long-term stress tests (i.e., Tstress from 0.5µs to 399s) with a VDSQ of 400V are collectively shown in Fig. 9(b). A longer Tstress results in a larger ∆VTH, but ∆VTH tends to saturate when Tstress is sustained for more than 100s. This property remains when VDSQ drops down to 10V, as shown in Fig. 9(c). Besides, a larger VDSQ still results in a higher saturated ∆VTH. 42 Authorized licensed use limited to: National Taiwan University. Downloaded on December 28,2021 at 06:48:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.