What are the advantages or disadvantages of studying overseas. Make any recommendations. Studying abroad gives you a chance to discover a whole new culture. You will be experiencing the climate, food and customs of a new country. This is also the basic Association for more being a other language. Self-reliance and personal responsibility is one of the advantages of studying abroad. Shop, cook, clean, and create a sense of responsibility for yourself. These qualities will be useful during your study abroad period, but will follow you for the rest of your life. For many people, the biggest benefit of studying abroad may be a graduate degree. That means proving yourself to be an energetic, industrious person who can adapt well to different environments. Leaving a small room to open a new big world is not easy for many young people. All new and unfamiliar. From food, customs, people, even language, all around you have never experienced. Adaptation is necessary, but it takes a great deal of effort on its own. People from different cultures have different habits. You will have to change many of your habits and embrace new ones in order to socialize. This is certainly not easy. In sumary, there are both advantages and disadvantages to studying abroad, but the disadvantages tend to be worst-case scenarios, or they can be easily overcome. So don’t let the disadvantages of studying abroad put you off making an important life decision that will bring you a wealth of benefits. How importain is a good primary education system for Vietnam’s economy? Nowadays, almost all countries in the world are aware of the importance and role of education in economic development. Therefore, countries around the world attach great importance to education, giving priority to education, especially primary education. Primary education is the foundation level of the national education system, with the task of building and developing children's emotional, moral, intellectual, aesthetic and physical needs, in order to form the initial basis. for the comprehensive development of personality. Therefore, primary education has become an important factor in creating the development of a country's economy. In order to develop the economy, we must first focus all our efforts on developing primary education. In addition, to create high-quality human resources, the role of primary education is irreplaceable. Primary education contribute to providing qualified human resources, meeting the quantity and quality of service for the socioeconomic development of the country. Education is considered as the first prerequisite for the development of each country. Investing in education is always considered the wisest investment. Primary education are necessary and extremely important for all countries.