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Negative Effects of Online Classes Research Paper

San Juan, Batangas
A Research Paper Presented to:
Subject Teacher
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements in
English 10
Submitted by:
St. John the Baptist
April 2022
Table of Contents
CHAPTER I ..................................................................................................................... 2
Background of the Study .............................................................................................. 2
Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................ 3
Significance of the Study ............................................................................................. 3
Definition of Terms ....................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER II .................................................................................................................... 5
Related Literature ........................................................................................................ 5
Foreign Literature ..................................................................................................... 5
Local Literature ......................................................................................................... 6
Other Related Literature .............................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................... 8
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 8
Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 8
Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 9
References ................................................................................................................... 10
Background of the Study
The emergence of the novel coronavirus illness 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan,
China, in December 2019 and a global epidemic of the COVID-19 pandemic in March
2020 resulted in a historic economic and social lockdown, that have far economic,
political, and social consequences (Bretas and Alon, 2020; Nicola et al., 2020) and also
problems in education.
As the pandemic occurs, the education of Filipino youth needed to stop for a few
months. The Department of Education suddenly came to this decision as to the number
of Covid-19 cases increased, and they needed to find a way to prevent the virus from
spreading. After a few months of no classes, the DepEd, along with other significant
sectors, introduced the online class.
Learners felt not only eagerness to study as well as a great deal of negative as this
online class continued amid the pandemic. The technology will constantly be attached to
the online class, and the more the learners do in their online class, the more experience
they will have - good or bad. Learners are sometimes out of their minds when it comes to
using technology in an online class. They tend to do something that isn't good during their
online classes.
The researcher wants to study more about and analyze the negative effects of an
online class on learners therefore that they may give recommendations on how to
minimize or mitigate these effects. It aims to help the students to have a positive learning
environment in an online class without making significant sacrifices.
Statement of the Problem
This study was designed to investigate the negative effects of online classes on
learners. Specifically, the research sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the negative effects of an online class on learners?
2. What impact do these factors have on student education?
3. How to deal with the problem that has been raised?
Significance of the Study
The main purpose of this research is to discuss the problems in distant learning as
expressed by Filipino students in the aftermath of the COVID-19 issue. This study will
help students to have and learn in a comfortable online setting and keep focused on their
Definition of Terms
Pandemic - over a very wide area and usually affecting a large proportion of the
Learners – a person who is still learning something
Mental Health – defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes
his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his
Online Class – a form of learning conducted partly or wholly over the Internet
The literature and studies referenced in this chapter address various concepts,
understandings, and ideas, as well as conclusions and findings, and several
developments connected to the study of the negative effects of an online class on
Related Literature
Foreign Literature
Students' academic struggles in online education are caused by several variables.
Online learning demands a greater degree of student engagement than in-person
classes, which might be difficult for academically challenged students or students with
non-traditional enrollment paths. (Corbeil, 2003; Dabbagh et al., 2019).
People can use e-learning to overcome time and space constraints, both
microcosmic and macrocosmic. Human-computer interaction will replace exploration of
the physical world and face-to-face interpersonal contact. However, the expense of
human-computer interaction will reduce people's options for outside activities, resulting
in a decline in their functional capacity in a reasonable amount of time.
As online courses do not allow for in-person interaction, students may feel isolated
and separated from the learning community (Picciano, 2002). It can also make it more
challenging for students to interact with and learn from their peers and teachers (Friesen
and Kuskis, 2013; Xu and Jaggars, 2014).
E-learning is a type of studying method based on a screen that displays a series
of changing and rolling up and down signals and numbers that are detrimental to the eyes
and can lead to shortsightedness and ciliary spasm in teenagers. If it lasts for a long time,
it can cause eye tiredness, ghost images, and impaired vision, among other symptoms.
Rapid, singular, repeated manipulation and prolonged forced position are all easy
ways to cause musculoskeletal disease. The waist, neck, shoulder, elbow, and wrist are
the most commonly injured areas. According to a survey conducted by Cornell University
in the United States, 41% of primary school pupils are in an incorrect setting posture as
a result of the school's workstation disregarding the students' musculoskeletal growth.
According to the findings, totally online study mode has a negative impact on
students' mental health. Stress, posttraumatic stress disorder, suicidal tendencies, fear,
panic, posttraumatic growth, psychological distress, regulatory emotional self-efficacy,
somatic symptoms, tiredness, sleeplessness, and self-perceived mental health were
among the 12 types of psychological issues or symptoms reported.
Local Literature
Student performance in terms of attitude was connected to the fact that certain
students dislike reading long passages on the internet (Caballero, J. M., 2000).
The negative consequences listed by students in-state colleges and universities in
the Philippines' Caraga region included accessing social media sites such as Facebook
and Twitter during classwork, playing games, listening to music, answering and returning
phone calls, and downloading and using copyrighted material (Gorra, V. & Bhati, S., 2016)
To prevent the enlargement of COVID-19, educational institutions changed from
face-to-face activities to predominantly online learning modes, worsening these impacts.
In the Philippines, children had a higher risk of poor mental health than adults, owing to
their transition to online learning modes during the epidemic (Malolos et al., 2021).
Other Related Literature
Undergraduates had higher rates of depression, anxiety, and discomfort than their
age-matched peers. Mental illness among students is linked to poor academic
performance, poor occupational readiness, and poor future occupational performance
(Winzer, R. et al., 2018).
Those who take online courses typically receive lower grades, are less likely to
succeed in subsequent coursework, and are less likely to graduate than students who
take in-person seminars (Cellini, 2022).
Students who used a computer as a remote learning device had improved their
grades. Those who did not use a smartphone made higher academic advancements.
According to estimations, online education has benefited academically inferior children
the most, while high academic performers' educational outcomes have been unaffected
(Andrew E. et al., 2020).
This chapter contains the summary, discussions, and recommendations. It focuses
on reviews, opinions, and suggestions from the researcher. This chapter will also provide
a discussion of all relevant literature found and the researcher's findings.
This paper investigates the negative effects of an online class on learners. The
findings revealed that students felt isolated from other people and, more critically, had
health issues.
It is necessary to walk a fine line between using digital platforms and other activities
that foster relationships, creativity, and development. Excessive use can have a harmful
impact on a child's physical, mental, emotional, and social development.
As the pandemic occurs, classroom teaching has been limited, and students now
depend only on online information and remote learning tools to study.
The common negative effects brought by the online classes on learners are mental
health issues, physical body pain, and allowing them to isolate themselves. These
impacts also have implications for academic performance. The majority of students who
had these effects had lower grades than those before that were having traditional classes.
After the researcher study about these negative effects that learners encounter in
an online class, the following recommendations are made:
1. All schools, universities, and colleges must have mental health services and
programs to give treatment to those students who are having mental issues, either
brought by online class, family problems, or any specific issues.
2. Both students and instructors must be conscious of communicating with each other
and be polite at all times as mental health issues are unnoticeable by our eyes nor
by conversing.
3. Learners' parents must provide a conducive environment for their children's online
studies and be aware of class schedules to ensure that they are not disrupted.
4. Parents must consistently ask their children how they are going at school; about
what they feel. The connection between parents and children helps the learner in
their academic performance positively.
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