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Colloids: Definition, Types, Properties & Applications

It’s a dispersion system in which material which particle ranges
from molecular size to coarse dispersion
1) Internal phase: (dispersed or discontinuous phase)
2) External phase: (dispersed or continues medium)
Dispersed system can be classified according to particle size of dispersed phase into:
Particle size of dispersed phase
Settle down
Semi-perm membrane
Filter paper
Electron Microscope
Ordinary Microscope
Molecular dispersion
< 1 um
NOT visible
NOT visible
O2 - ions - Glucose
Colloid dispersion
1 um to 500 nm
very slow
By centrifugation
Coarse dispersion
> 500 nm
NO diffusion
By gravity
NOT resolved
o Colloidal silver salt o RBCS
o Polymers (N – S)
o Emulsion , susp
Colloidal types
Pharmaceutical applications of colloids
Colloidal silver iodide , silver chloride & silver protein are effective germicides & not cause irritation
Colloidal copper used in cancer
Colloidal gold diagnostic agent.
Colloidal mercury in syphilis.
Association colloids (SAA) preparations water soluble vitamins A , D and K also essential oils and phenols
colloidal form due to large surface area kaolin in adsorbing toxins from GIT and Al(OH)3 as antacid.
Blood plasma substitutes as dextran, PVP & gelatin ate hydrophilic colloids à maintain volume.
Iron -dextran complex form non- ionic hydrophilic à used for treatment of anemia .
Artificial rain: à aggregation of minute particles of water to form large particles.
Food items: milk, butter and ice creams are colloidal in nature.
Dr. Amr Abdel Azeem
Classification of colloid
Lyophilic colloid (sols)
Effect of
áaffinity (solvent love) chemical
or physical
- Higher stability (not ppt or
coagulate easily)
- Stability occur d.t surface charge
& hydration layer
Ammonium sulfate à fractional
ppt of globulin (low conc) and
albumin (high conc)
Opposite charged à ppt (Ag-Ab
Simple remixing (reconstituation)
reversible or irreversible (after
- á with á conc due to particle
swelling à thixotropy
- Stable in â electrolyte conc
- Desolvation & salt-out in á
electrolyte conc
Hydrophilic colloid: acacia or
gelatin, insulin in water (hydrosol)
Lipophilic colloid: rubber or
polystyrene in org. solvent
Lyophobic colloid
â affinity (solvent hating)
Inorganic (silver – gold - sulfur) in
Lower stability (easily ppt)
Surround by charge (repulsion)
Heat – shaking – low amount of
Tr benzoin + NH4Cl = coagulation
Tr benzoin + NH4Cl + lyophilic
colloid = protection = no coagulation
Need special method (need E)
- â due to unsolvation (conc indep)
Unstable in neutralization of charge à
Gold particle in water
Medium affinity
small organic
molecule or ions
Spontaneous when
conc > cmc
á as conc á d.t á
micelle No
â cmc and salt out
occur at á
electrolyte conc
Dispersion methods
1) Ultrasonic generator:
Ä Dispersion achieved by high intensity UG at frequency more than 20,000 cycles/second
Ä colloidal dispersions containing graphite, mercury, metal oxides and sulphur
2) Electric arc:
Ä 2 Metal Involves production of an electric arc within electrodes, the liquid and dispersion achieved by
intense heat generated by the arc so some metal of the electrodes dispersed as vapor then condense to
colloidal particles
Ä colloidal solutions of metals as copper, gold, mercury, silver.
3) Colloidal mill:
Ä Material sheared between 2 rapidly rotating close plates (in opposite directions
Ä Low efficiency & reduce the size of small proportion of particles only and mix with a dispersing agent
as protective colloids, peptizing agent, soap (act as a colloidal stabilizer)
4) peptization:
Ä achieved by addition of electrolytes to precipitates that carry a small net charge.
Ä negatively charged precipitates may be dispersed by the addition of alkali # Precipitate that contain
large quantity of electrolyte may be peptized by washing with water (dialysis) to remove some
Dr. Amr Abdel Azeem
Condensation methods
1) Change in solvent:
Ä Change in solvent leading to super saturation that will result in formation & growth of nuclei.
(colloidal system formation)
Ä sulfur and alcohol in excess of water, simple tincture of benzoin is poured in water.
2) Oxidation:
Ä Hydrogen sulfide by oxidation result in sulfur atoms that give sulfur sol
Ä Colloidal iodine prepared by oxidizing sod. Iodide with sodium nitrate in acid and glucose.
3) Double decomposition:
Ä Hydrogen sulfide + arsenous acid Double decomp. Arsenous sulfide sol (yellow sol transparent to
transmitted light ang turbid to reflected light).
4) Reduction:
Ä Colloidal silver is prepared by reduction of silver oxide with tannic acid
Ä Ammonia was added drop wise to silver nitrate solution (until 1st precipitate just redissolves) then
dilute water and 2% tannic solution
Ä Colloidal silver is brown solution that is greenish by reflected light, can be stabilized with albumin
Purification of colloids
a) Dialysis
Ä Depend on difference in size between colloidal particles & molecular particles (impurities).
1) use semi-permeable membrane e.g. collodion (nitrocellulose), cellophane.
2) pore size of used semi-permeable membrane prevent passage of colloidal particles & permit
passage of small molecules & ions (impurities) such as urea, glucose, and sodium chloride
Ä A type of dialysis equipment; "Neidle dialyzer" At equilibrium, the colloidal material is retained in one
compartment, while the sub-colloidal material is distributed equally on both sides of the membrane.
B) Electro dialysis
Ä An electric potential may be used to increase the rate of movement of ionic impurities through a membrane
and so provide rapid purification.
Ä Electrodialysis is carried out in a three-compartment vessel with electrodes in the outer compartments
containing water and the sol in the center compartment.
Ä Application of electrical Crystalloids potential causes cations to migrate to the negative electrode
compartment and anions to move to the positive electrode compartment
c) Ultra filtration
Ä Apply pressure (or suction) result in, Solvent & cm particles forced across a membrane while colloidal
particles are retained.
Ä The membrane must be supported on a sintered glass plate to prevent rupture due to high pressure
Ä Pore size of the membrane can be increased by soaking in a solvent that cause swelling
Ä Cellophane swell in zinc chloride solution. And Collodion (nitrocellulose) swell in alcohol.
Artificial kidney machine
Ä patient's blood (arterial) pass through record las cellophane coils (ideal SPM for hemodialysis)
Ä cellophane pass urea, glucose, electrolytes but don't pass plasma proteins & blood cells
Ä pure dialyzed blood enter the body again through a vein à ability to reduce blood urea
Ä Cellophane coils are supported on a drum rotating in electrolyte solution (rinsing fluid).
Importance of the rinsing solution:
(1) Substances present in excess in blood (e.g. urea) diffuse from blood to the rinsing solution
(2) Substances which are deficient in blood (e.g. bicarbonate) diffuse from the rinsing solution to blood
(3) Substances which are present in normal amounts in blood are kept unaltered have the same conc.
Dr. Amr Abdel Azeem
To destroy a colloid (coagulation)
Heat the colloid
Ä heating increases velocities of particles à knock off the ion barriers à aggregate and precipitate out.
Add an electrolyte
Ä the electrolyte will neutralize the ion layers
Ä deposition of clay where a river reaches the ocean. T
Ä he high salt content of the seawater causes the suspension of clay particles to coagulate
Optical properties of colloids
1. Faraday Tendall effect
ý True solution do not scatter the light and appear clear but colloidal dispersion contain opaque
particles that scatter the light and appear turbid (Tendall effect)
ý Light scattering important to estimate and study: size, shape and interactions of the particles
2. Electron microscope
ý Give actual picture of the particles (up to 5A)
ý Used to observe size, shape and structures of the sols
ý High energy electron beams are used (greater resolving power)
ý Disadvantages: used only for dried samples, and not give information for solvation
3. Ultra-microsopic
ý Particles appears as bright spots of light against dark background of the microscope
ý Used as technique of microelectrophoresis for measuring particle charge
Kinetic properties of colloids
Brownian motion
§ 1827: Robert brown see
pollen gran in water
§ It is erratic [zigzag] motion
§ bombardment of particles
[random] with dispersion
medium molecule
§ Called random motion
Motion depend on
particle size and viscosity
o particle diffuse [éconc èêconc]
o Stock Law
until equilibrium
o According to fick’s first law
= − DA
2r ! (ρ − ρ" )g
o This equation for suspension and
§ -ve charge mean that diffusion take
place in direction of ê conc
§ é viscosity è ê diffusion rate
Donnan membrane Effect
§ Linear > spherocolloids
§ Diffusion of small ions through
membrane affected by presence of
Because long molecule form
network within dispersion medium charged macromolecule that’s can’t
penetrate due to its size
§ colloid col up to spherical shape
§ Na.CMC is macromolecular anion +
change è êviscosity
K. benzyl penicillin is small anion
§ viscosity gives allow calculation
of Mwt and information for shape è enhance diffusion of penicillin
due to repulsion
Dr. Amr Abdel Azeem
emulsion only because colloid
particle [< 0.5 um] have Brownian
motion so we need stronger force
to ppt by ultracentrifugation
Osmotic pressure
P = osmotic pressure
T = absolute temperature
C = solute molar conc
M = molecular wt
This equation valid only for true
& very diluted solution è
molecule not interact mutually as
egg albumin and glycogen
Electric properties of colloids
Ä The charger port is a surrounded by an ionic cloud containing a chance of opposite sign to that of the
particle development of a net charge at the bottom surface affect the distribution of irons and the
surrounding interfacial region
Ä As a result concentration of counter ions increase of the surface that's an electrical double layer exist
around each particles
Ä Does not believe may be considered to consist of two parts and in a region which includes iron bound Inn
strong to the surface and an author or did he was region in which the vines distribution is determined by
a balance of electro static forces and random thermal motion
Ä The potential in this region therefore decays with the distance from the surface until a certain distance it
becomes zero
Ä Electrokinetic zeta potential is a difference in potential between the dispersion medium and the surface of
tightly bound portion of the diffuse double layer surrounding the particles
Ä The reduction of zetapotential below certain value result in the attractive force exceeded the repulsive
leading to floculation and precipitation
Ä The movement of colloidal particles under the influence of I electric Geld is called Electrophoresis.
Ä When an electric field is applied across the colloidal solution, the colloidal particles migrate to oppositely
charged electrode where they get neutralized.
Ä colloidal particles move with respect to liquid upon maintaining potential difference across the sol.
Ä Used generally for separation of protein using paper
Ä movement rate of protein is dependent on zeta Potential, Molecular size and Potential gradient where a
mixture of proteins can be resolved into separate of mobilities of individual proteins ore different .
Ä The electrophoretic mobility of a protein at the iso- electric point is Zero .
Dr. Amr Abdel Azeem