N O T E S This is a one size fits all pattern. Seam allowance is included but if you normally fit a larger size please add extra seam allowance where indicated. You’ll need to cut the Headband and Brim template sections on the fold - see explanation in tutorial video. This document has been setup as A4, so make sure to set printer to 100% scale to ensure sizing stays true. Circle measurement has been provided to double check once printed. Required number for each piece has been provided depending on the tutorial version you’re watching (original = single sided / version 2.0 = reversible) Have fun and tag @theessentialsclub with your outcome!! If printed to scale, main circle should measure 170mm (dotted line indicates larger size) L S / / B U C K E T H A S S E lin A e L E P T H T E e a m al l o w a n c e , c u extra s t on dot ted T M nd fi t a ger r a l for T E E N T I A U B C L Circle Top 1x FOR SINGLE SIDED STEPS (ORIGINAL TUTORIAL) 2x FOR REVERSIBLE STEPS (2.0 TUTORIAL) Please note: since filming the first tutorial the headband section has been made to cut on the fold which isn’t reflected in the original video. Continue to cut as the pattern shows below. for l arg e r fi t an d ex tra s eam allow ance , cut on d otte d lin e Headband 2x FOR SINGLE SIDED STEPS (ORIGINAL TUTORIAL) 4x FOR REVERSIBLE STEPS (2.0 TUTORIAL) O N @theessentialsclub T H E F O L D www.theessentialsclub.com fo rl ar ge r fi t an d ex tr a se am al lo w an ce ,c ut on do tt ed lin e Brim 4x FOR EITHER TUTORIAL VERSIONS O N @theessentialsclub T H E F O L D www.theessentialsclub.com