NAME:_______________________Date:____________PD: _____ SUN'S PATH / SEASONS 1. 2. When looking at the celestial sphere diagram: It is basically where a person would stand in the middle of a field and have all directions of the horizon to see North, South, East, & West. There is imagined to be a dome above. Straight up directly overhead is called ___________________ = maximum / minimum ( circle one) angle the Sun can be above the horizon, ever...AND is equal to degrees above that horizon. The higher the angleº, the more overhead the sun is located This makes the intensity of the in-sol-ation become More-intense -or- Less-intense? (circle one) Since New York State is around 40ºN or 20ºN (circle one) Latitude and therefore we 3. always generally need to look toward the northern / southern {circle one)-sky in order to see the noon sun positions, since the most direct sun is always aimed generally at the________________and the Tropics. 4. The Sun generally always appears to rise in the ________ and set in the BUT it only rises due-East, and sets due-West on the Equinoxes that start the _____________________ & _____________________seasons. *****THE ABOVE 4 QUESTIONS ARE PRE-LAB AND NEED TO BE RED-CHECKED IN THE NEXT STEPS YOU WILL BE DRAWING THE SEASONAL PATHS OF THE SUN FROM "RISE" to “NOON” to "SET" for N.Y.S. by following the directions in #’s 5 and beyond below. For this section you are using diagrams like this --- PICK 3 DIFFERENT COLORS: One each for "hot", "medium", & "cold AZIMUTH (AZ)= The 360º of the circle represented by every direction along the horizon; it starts at due-north as zero degrees (0º/360º)………every direction is a different #º. For example, Due-East = 90º Azimuth, while Due-South = 180º AZ) PROCEDURE A: 5—12……………42º North (in N.Y.S.) 5. SPRING/AUTUMN PATH of the SUN: Using your medium color Draw a slightly curved & SOLID line path of the Sun rising from due-east (90º AZimuth along the horizon) moving towards "Noon" at 44º above the southern horizon. Label this “12 Noon” outside the diagram and draw a Sun……………Then continue the Sun Path with a curved & DASHED line towards where it sets due-west. THIS IS THE PATH of the sun TWICE a year: On the start of the Spring and Autumn Equi-Noxes. . 6. WINTER SOLSTICE PATH of the SUN: Using your cold color, Draw a slightly curved & SOLID line path of the Sun rising from120º AZ (generally East Southeast) and only maxes out at 25º above the due-south horizon for “Noon”. Label this “12 Noon” outside the diagram and draw a Sun……………Then continue the Sun Path with a curved & DASHED line towards where it sets at 240º AZ. (near South West)… be sure to also label sunrise & sunset ; QUICK SELF-CHECK: In the N.Hemisphere, this is December 21st a shorter day than before...the shortEST in fact! Noon still needs to be in the Southern Sky, but it must be lower than Noon before....and since the day is shorter in Winter, the PATH must also be shorter....go back to the diagram and confirm that this path is shorter overall and reaches a lower maximum noon position.......................lNITIAL HERE 7. SUMMER SOLSTICE PATH of the SUN: Using your "hot" color, draw sunRISE starting at 65º AZimuth (East-.N.E horizon) and rises to a "Noon" at 68º above the southern horizon....DO this with a SOLID CURVED LINE... be sure to label sunrise, sunset, & noon……………Then continue the Sun Path with a DASHED CURVED LINE towards where it "sets" at 295º AZ (near north western horizon). 8. LABEL THE SEASON OF EACH PATH SOMEWHERE NEAR ITS NOON POSITION OUTSIDE THE DOME…THEN TITLE THE WHOLE PAGE "NEAR NEW YORK ~42ºN" UP ABOVE THE ZENITH OF THE DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................ LABEL POLARIS IN THE CORRECT DIRECTION AND ALTITUDE (Hint: Consider the latitude) 9. 10. LABEL THE 2 FOLLOWING CLOCK TIMES: 10AM on the Winter Sun Path, Then label where 3PM is on the Summer Sun Path GET PROCEDURE “A” RED-CHECKED: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. This diagram i s a si mpl ified version of th e one you just l abeled . B UT I hav e rev ersed North and South . Pl eas e qu ick l y sket ch IN PE NCIL the 3 s eason al paths of the Sun . HINT: first determine where East & West are. 12. This additional simplified diagram has the same orientation such that North (0º/360º AZ) is on the left side, which puts West (270º AZ) in the foreground/bottom of the diagram. EXCEPT THIS TIME, QUICKLY SKETCH the 3 paths of the Sun for a location at 42º SOUTH Q12: EXPLAIN WHY THIS MAKES SENSE: _____________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ GET 11 – 12 RED - CHECKED: ========================================================== PROCEDURE B: 13—15…………..23.5º North (“Tropic of..”) IN THE NEXT STEPS YOU WILL BE DRAWING THE SEASONAL PATHS OF THE SUN FOR A LATITUDE CLOSER TO THE EQUATOR: 23.5 º North. To simplify this you will use the chart below for where to draw the paths 13. Since we are in still in the Northern Hemisphere, we still generally look SOUTHward for Noon Suns and there is still generally Sun "rising" in the EAST, and "setting" in the WEST. USING THE SAME 3 COLORS as before. 14. Based on this new latitude, please LABEL POLARIS in the correct direction and altitude. ................................................................................................ LABEL ALL OF THE OTHER THINGS: The same as you did in Procedure A (sunrises; sunsets; season names; 10am in Winter; 3pm in Summer; etc…) 15. PROCEDURE C: 16……………0º Latitude (The EQUator) 16. You will do a third sun path diagram for a location on the Equator and do ALL THE SAME THINGS/LABELS/COLORS you did on the prior diagrams. Use the data in the chart below the same as how you used the chart above: Sun-“RISE” azimuthº direction NOON altitude angle º Sun-“SET” azimuth º direction EQUINOXES (Spring & Fall) WINTER Solstice SUMMER Solstice 90º AZ (due East) 90º Alt. above all directions 270º AZ (due West) 115º AZ (~E.S.E) 23.5º Alt. above dueSouth 245º AZ (~SW) 65º AZ (N. of E.) 23.5º Alt. above dueNorth 295º AZ (W. of N.W.) The EQuator is just about always balanced, even, symmetrical, and "equal". No matter where an observer on Earth is, the Sun WILL rise DUE-East, and set DUE-West on both equinoxes (Spring & Fall) and the Winter and Summer paths have a kind of equality. 17. Using ALL the same Data as from Q’s 5—7 for N.Y.S at 42ºNorth on the diagram below for the 3 different paths for the 4 seasons. You WILL find a problem with Summer’s path and SunRISE & SunSET…do the best you can. MAKE THE PATHS CURVED! 17A) Why can’t this diagram properly show Sunrise/Sunset on June 21st? ___________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ PROCEDURE D: 18--21…3D Plastic Hemisphere Model near 42ºN. 18. You will be using “The Sun and the Seasons” chart with Seasons A, B, & C with the plastic hemisphere on the “Azimuth Horizon Circle” page. **You will use the external protractor along with a wet-erase marker to plot each point on the outside of the plastic dome. You use the external protractor to measure altitude above the horizon directly up from each Azimuth reading Get this red-checked when you are finished and take at least 4 pictures and send them to yourself in your Google Drive as well. **Don’t clean the plastic sphere yet! 19. Based on #18, determine which Path letter is the start of which season: Season A = _______________________________________ Season B = _______________________________________ Season C = _______________________________________ 19A) We already know that the Equinox (Spring & Fall) seasons show a perfectly EAST sunrise azimuth and a perfectly WEST sunset azimuth. In what direction does the Sun rise and set, with respect to due-east and due-west…. in Summer? ______________________________ In what direction does the Sun rise and set, with respect to due-east and due-west…. in Winter? ____________________________ 20. When the Sun is at position of Azimuth = 220º while the altitude is 65º above the horizon….DRAW a STAR there on the plastic dome, then answer the following 3 Q’s 20A) What season is this? __________________________ 20B) What time of day is that? 8am / 10am / 12pm / 2pm / 4pm (circle one) 20C) In which direction will the shadow go for a person standing on the + in the middle of the azimuth horizon circle? To the . 21. Label where Polaris would be on the Plastic Dome. GET THIS ALL RED CHECKED CONCLUSION QUESTIONS I .........The diagram below shows the Earth in Revolution over the course of a year in four different positions a. Identify each of the four seasons in the Northern Hemisphere represented by letters in the diagram above. A. ___________________________ B. ___________________________ C. ___________________________ D. ___________________________ b. Explain how you identified the seasons in the diagram for I: ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ II……..LOOKING at your 3 separate dome diagrams (Procedures A-B-&-C). DESCRIBE the general relationship between LATittude & general altitude of the Sun at Noon: III............The diagram to the right shows the Earth in Revolution over the course of a year in five different positions a. Identify the season and a possible date(s) Season Possible Date(s) A B C D E b. EXPLAIN how you identified the seasons in the diagram: __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ IV.........The following group of diagrams show Earth in revolution around the Sun from both a profile view as well as a from-Earth view. 1 2 3 a. Match diagrams 1-3 showing te angle of insolation to the diagram showing the Earth’s revolution. b. EXPLAIN scientifically how you determined this: Lettered Position Diagram #1-3 A _______________________________________ B _______________________________________ C D _______________________________________ V…….Looking at the diagram, EXPLAIN how you know this was observed in the Northern Hemisphere? ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ VI……..On the Diagram below, LABEL BOTH THE Season for each position as well as what latitude is experiencing direct from overhead 90º incoming in-sol-ation: VII…….Considering all orbital shapes are ellipses, DESCRIBE what is wrong with the diagram’s placement of the Sun: __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________