Uploaded by Melissa Lock

Catapult Lab: Newton's Laws & Engineering Design

The Catapult Lab
by Biodynamic
Here are links to the lab and a general lesson plan. This lesson is designed for middle grades, but could be used
as early as 5th grade or into H.S.
Pre Lab Reflection
Catapult Lab with Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
Lesson Objectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to build a siege weapon. Students will gather data using
their catapult. Students will make a claim, use evidence, and reason with that evidence. Students will analyze
Newton's Laws and describe how a catapult can relate to each law.
Warm Up: Discuss Newton's three laws of motion.
Class Activity: Watch the youtube video on how to build a popsicle stick catapult (without stopping the video).
Hand out all materials and allow students to build their own catapult using either the video again or using the
images in the instructable below.
Allow students to test their catapults with either marbles or mini marshmallows.
Closure: How does the catapult relate to Newton's three laws of motion?
Extension Activity
Mod 1: Some students decide to tape an extra craft stick to the back "A" frame (horizontally) to influence the
stopping point of the throwing arm for a higher trajectory.
Mod 2: Some students decide to tape two extra craft sticks to the back "A" frame (vertically) on either side of the
throwing arm to prevent it from wiggling to the left or right.
Lab: What all teachers should be striving to get their students to master...
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
My students take one class period to test their catapults in a catapult tournament. We push the lab tables together
(end to end) to make a series of long tables. We set up three cups at the end of the table filled with sand. Students
work in pairs to either hit the cups (one point) or sink the marble into the cups (3 points). First to 10 wins, but they
have to win by 2. The team who shoots second at the start of the game gets the last shot.
The Catapult Lab: Page 1
Winners play winners, losers play losers.
After students have a chance to test their catapults, identify problems, and make adjustments they get to form their
claim. Claim: To launch a catapult 300 cm, students must be aware of ___________________ and
They are allowed to fill in the variables (including distance, but that's the length of our lab tables pushed together).
Possible variables include but are not limited to:
the distance the throwing arm gets pulled back in cm.
the number of rubber bands
the mass of the projectile
the angle the throwing arm gets pulled back
the angle of the throwing arm at it's stopping point
the size of the basket
Evidence: Students then design an experiment to test their claim. They collect data and create a data table.
Reasoning with the collected evidence: Students are then expected to be able to use the evidence they collected
to support their claim. For example: To launch a catapult 300 cm, students must be aware of the distance the
throwing arm gets pulled back in centimeters and the number of rubber bands. First, our team used a metric ruler
to mark centimeters 1-6 on the "A" frame of our catapult. Next, we collected 4 rubber bands. To keep the mass of
the projectile the same, we used the same marble with a mass of 4.5 grams for the entire experiment. According to
our data, using 3 rubber bands and pulling the throwing arm back a distance of 4 cm resulted in a throwing
distance of 300 cm. Our next closest trial was using 2 rubber bands and pulling the throwing arm back 6 cm
because the marble landed 315 cm away. One possible variable we weren't able to account for was...
The Catapult Lab: Page 2
Step 1: Popsicle Stick Catapult
I teach 7th-grade science. During our physics unit, I
have students build craft stick catapults to help
demonstrate Newton's Laws of Motion. They also use
their catapults to create a claim, develop an
experiment to test their claim, and use evidence from
the experiment in their reasoning. For more
information about the catapult lab, you can skip to the
last step. If you're no longer a student, don't let that
stop you!
If you like this Instructable, please consider voting in
the Tape Contest. Thanks! Now let's get building!
The Catapult Lab: Page 3
Step 2: Materials
For this project, you'll need:
craft sticks (8)
duct tape (about 50 cm)0
rubber bands
index card
writing utensil (optional)
The Catapult Lab: Page 4
Step 3: The Base
1. Start with about 24"-30" of duct tape.
4. Add duct tape to each corner to hold the shape.
Double the duct tape to double the strength.
2. Rip the tape into about twenty, 1.5" strips.
3. Create an equilateral triangle. Make sure the craft
stick closest to you is on top of the others. The corner
of the triangle facing away from you should have the
edges of the craft sticks touching.
*The bottom stick is on top because when you pull
back on the throwing arm (after the build is complete),
there will be more tension on those two corners
(compared to the rest of the joints).
The Catapult Lab: Page 5
Step 4: The "A" Frame
1. Lay two craft sticks on top of the equilateral triangle
from the first step. Make sure the ends of the sticks
closest to you are nestled into the groove (created
when we laid the craft stick on top of the other two in
our first step).
keep them in place.
3. Lift the "A" and wrap the tape around the three
corners. The "A" will naturally stay up after the tape is
2. Lay duct tape over the craft sticks at each corner to
The Catapult Lab: Page 6
Step 5: The Front Post
When taping the front post, you will notice the top of
the "A" can be taped in a variety of positions.
Depending on the angle of the front post will influence
the angle in which the throwing arm stops, therefore
impacting the release point of your projectile. A more
vertical front post will result in a lower trajectory. If the
top of the front post is taped to the top of the "A"
(creating a pyramid shape), the catapult will have a
higher trajectory. I tend to tape my catapult
somewhere in the middle.
The Catapult Lab: Page 7
Step 6: The Throwing Arm
Take your two remaining craft sticks and duct tape
them together as shown. The length of the throwing
arm is another variable in the distance, accuracy, and
angle of your projectile trajectory.
Tape the end of the throwing arm where the base
meets the front post. The throwing arm should have
the ability to move freely up and down, without falling
off. I'm sure there is more than one way to affix the
throwing arm, but my picture (and the video) is worth
1000 words.
Make sure to add an extra layer of tape around the
front post, around the throwing arm, and around the
base to keep the throwing arm secure.
The Catapult Lab: Page 8
The Catapult Lab: Page 9
Step 7: Projectile Basket and Rubber Band
1. Create a square on an index card. I usually make it
about 6 lines high.
5. Cut to the crease on the solid lines.
6. Fold up the sides and tape into place.
2. Cut out your square and imagine where your
projectile will need to fit (we launch marbles).
3. I like to draw out the shape of a tic-tac-toe grid with
the center square just the right size for my projectile.
Make sure the bottom of your basket will fit the
projectile snugly. Too much space and the projectile
can roll around and won't be as accurate too little
space and the projectile won't fit. It's okay to go back
and make a new basket if the original isn't working as
you planned.
7. Tape the basket to your throwing arm leaving a
small amount of the craft stick at the top (to pull back
8. Place a rubber band (or two, or three) so that it
stretches behind the throwing arm and over the front
of the front post.
9. Ready... Aim.... FIRE!!!
4. Fold on the dotted lines.
The Catapult Lab: Page 10
Thanks for sharing this great resource! The lesson and student activities are really awesome and I
bet the Catapult Tournament is super exciting. :)
I just edited the link to the lab if you're interested. Thanks for looking!
This is not a catapult - it is a trebuchet...!
I thought a trebuchet used a counterweight to throw a projectile?
It would seem to be a catapult: “The sling is not what makes it a trebuchet instead of a catapult.
Catapults get energy from tension (usually torsion) and the arm hits a stop near the top of its arc to
release the projectile. Trebuchets get their energy from gravity.”
Awesome! Thanks for sharing your lesson plan too :D
No worries! It takes a village to raise a teacher.
The Catapult Lab: Page 11