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Anti-Euthanasia: A Catholic Perspective

Euthansia is the chosen killing of a patient usually due to terminal illness or intense pain.
The procedure is heavily linked to assisted suicide which is the right to end one’s one life
through a physician. Both are seen as morally unacceptable by the Catholic Church, against the
Ten Commandments given to humanity by God.
While euthansia may seem like a choice that only affects that of the one being killed. The
true story is that euthansia affects friends, family, and all who care for that person. Most
importantly it impacts the “patient” recieving euthansia, limiting his or her own chance at going
to heaven and living eternal life with Christ. Legalizing euthansia will the palso have the added
affect of giving those suffering from mental health issues/illnesses potential for killing
themselves thereby increasing the availibility of and potential for suicide. A universally
recognized wrong. Many advocates for euthansia state that quality of life matters more than life
itself, however a priest who speaks in line with the church says, "the so-called 'quality of life' is
interpreted primarily or exclusively as economic efficiency, inordinate consumerism, physical
beauty and pleasure, to the neglect of the more profound dimensions -- interpersonal, spiritual
and religious -- of existence." Thereby saying that we cannot measure quality of life and using it
as a metric as to the validity of life is flawed.
Throughout my article the priest articulated how quality of life has been misinterpreted
particularly by pro abortion adn euthansia movements, who are many times in line with one
another. Euthansia is clearly morally wrong and should remain banned on all levels, federally,
nationally and internationally.
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